I I ,1 j .' 1 JitWI 11, I II MA I I I t,M!l I) n I I A jol A' rli'i V I I It I I (Mi 1 11 K n. t ( I VM I- A t f r I'H I H I HI s I Mi A t I 111. f Mt I'f" l.l: JIM I ! I'orlv-foiir (.'nliimin of lr;idm M itli r I'm li WVi k ! AT 111 r. I.mv I ni' V. of nw: lnl I ui AM liirv nxT--iuin mh-miiumi IOH IN i 1.1 l!H M r i' lm.- 1 II . ID IhMW t X'ltf AI'I'H KM nil ' in n p.! k N." ioi, n Hlilrinin, 1 Itnf I I ln,ll,a "til I ..hi M l l.t ; I 'i', I , I Nr., us, 1 I.. i I V ... I , I ' I M ,, . , 1 ' if I M I f I I ' i f Jim... I .,n"h Mot, I ,i m.i, ' j-.. ,.,, In em li t fur, and n n i in ii Inn rk a If I V. , I . ' I r t. . b It i ' " S 1 ' I ' " I 1 ' t mLinn iiiil) trnllf(!icii i'iiit II- J' ! M, ' (V f' r C ( f -If f PHM HAM I li I I ' I"'- M III l"li I'oinui'rt, Aaditori, rr. it.'.' i: i s v. T n umi'I t tc iiaisk J tl,. I i .1' .'i i c it n , ,ce In d'dl.ir Hi fifty CrlltS I I I I 'id' ! MIC ollf.clu'S InMII actual lo... ptiprr bus liseti, ttii-ltnliug tines, ibout tviei.f) llie pcrecm., nnd i still r sing : -Art ri wln"i Kit tell "i.r lii'ini oriHn' Inoiiils mild ly, thai we etui Lo lm j -t il'ord (,. !! the " ceh ly l'niriiit ( I i n ' at oi. i' il.,!liit ;k jour. ni,,l must add fifty rent nr stop tho I'lililioniiun, wo trust they will appreciate our position, and, in tied nf withdf.iw'i g their subscriptions, go lo or1 with a wdllo Inort-n uur li-l i-i rvi ty f'lwty in the Fti.tr. We have ftidciiv .id. and 1 all toitliiiuc our ilft'ilr, to make tliu ,i,p'r use fulr) arm') iiifiin, nnd wclcomo as n news B iMrpjirr In i'Vt ty l. u ilv. We flutter mil selves tint it I ur l ul In i li ill ""I r'ini in II hit, r,. in rti' U(ii)( tl.r iili i i i'f if) i li tii'i, in tlit p. lliii'i ot tl: Mult) in l itvul hi tin' luif 1 1 ciiiMi : ,,i il f frlinncM in t!io ilif -li tirj e t' 1 1 1 . tt i m I v tho prinri,li'i of the purtv, mi l mi ni,v.,,ii i(,.-iih to proun'to itn inu.ifn'y, fun.) o p iwh'o nd inmlor.itti d 'r ) nf iiliiiii.v, iviii i . i. -i Jc tn ii'eudlc liLTiikltcr, llio "Wu"kiy I'.itri it ai.l Union'' will imt lio li's iiiil i' to ttu puny or lens woloom to tt.u fuunlv rinMn in (lm I'utiiiti than in tilt) p.i?t. W o ;"nl ri 1 1 Jf lnuk fur iinni'if. fd fncdiinin'intnt iu llii irre it piitvrpiirv, iiml apprwl to every inflii, nti.il Di'iuni'int in iho Muie to loud u I la ni l in running onr t,il,iTil,ii,,n li-t Dptot.iniv nr thirty tliiiimiiinl. Tin xpvnit to fni'b iluti I'lnul in Uillini;, llm l-t-i, e ti t tntlie pur ty uiuy bo f'riMil. Urlie ving tlmt llm Diiirurrnry of The Stiii fi i'l iiin tiooc-.ity of no luiiriiir u fearlt'ns i-ui'nil nr'au, vn niaki) tliin uppfiil to llinn i'l" full os 1 ootifiiliMifo uf sncce- Xho ri.initi leiiMiii.H k'liiti imli oti ii4 to r,i-. ll,o prico nt i o U'ti.kiy, upt'r.ilo n'i;,iril to tliu ltily I iii'i. r, lii.-h Liih uImi :, i:-n':i -i'.l. M" 1 1 u i - tiitioiml i'o.t tovir.'ti m'ji-i-i .tier HI no Imt trillini; tiniliinu ami. i,iii' v t' m 1 1 1 1 ' i- pi'i'suHJt' uiirM'UtH unit the i'l-atvi' in .-'(ts-M' i i: j inuJi' will result in uuj diniiniitii'ii of our Jaily riioul itiou, yet, wi re we ecrtain tlmt n, h wnu lm tlio rmiri'iiui'tu o, o tin u.il lie I'liiiipflloil la uinkv it, or ."iill'jr li ruiiti lu.-s. U' Kr thoo I'iri'tinufiun'i ne Biust throw onrM'Ui'S upon tl,u irotu'rosity, oi . rather tlii' juMiue of tho pul'lio, mill ubido their Ttrmct, h li-vcr it nniy be. Xu period for bieli mauy nf our ul,.-riibf u have piiid for thuir pnn'r bein on tlio eve of jpiinipi o tako the liberty ol ihmi i ; this no. lice, r minding tbeiu of the same, in order tl,nt tby niay RENEW TUEIK CLUBS. Ae Null aluo tuka it at mi epeciul fuvor if onr preneQtsuoaci.u.r, ,, urga U(HM1 ,l(.jr DflllOlirn w v ian ,uii, kn x avi,,( . t j 1 , , 1 the only lleiu jerutic paper puuli.-ni' I in ur-i,. burg, and cuundcnnx the Inrge uuimuit of lend ing matter, eaibruciug ml the current t own of lb day, and ( (illllt tMfli in. I'm l .linl.r,ll,,t,. H.. I, inn. :, tie! Ai'te il . I r i . Pi.n .1 . l. I i mhi n. ( m m i,ill II. hi. -I t i i ! I' lii'i in , I on. '. Mir.lf, I .i,-. l'..k, I Ir 'il li. M I'n.llmiii.lary, i.n . ,,l ,ii. r lli'k-i I' f . II i'l. ', I. tl. I iiiKi'f, ( i.mlM i.l lijurirt Atl'j lnel li"t, lit iiinrer, ,li,i-ph Miriw, t'i. Sui veviir. II. II. M riiiht. U ON ATI!) 1 I1M.Y Co ' I I A II I l 1 1, i M.I I lb i ni i j ( IM M, H' H t ,,tr , i , . , , ,,t, j l H ft I I .( C"..f 'l II, I I r:,-,, h iiir.iiidiM m i:i,i,i,ioN 'J III; I'M I Mi - I A l l; : A fiO'lr 7 i, tin I I .' i I . ' h .. 'ill' .-I'll t 1 1 ' ati l. i imme mi I lie I ill), inl,-! ntly ml li ii ml. IU'1.1' !Hl' of tt i r. ( , I h p'on, Jiiei.b Kunt:, Ulr-i I' ,M,irri.-. i i. LlltlllT'liilll! I'n'iijhfiri , liininpiiiu II. 1! I'lul si,,. lb II. V lii.H iinin, C. S. Worrell, II. .1 Wo.idmiril, J. W. Poller, Ji'S-e lliMOiniill, l.Nt ol'INlht CHliccs. Aitwrf o ', 0. .V (lien Hope, M.iili'iru, lioM er, Ohe.t, I imh, ()ileiiil, ( loiiriield liridjs, At iiliuin' tirove, I. ill in'l .inurg, Trmit villo, Ji'tlrium Lim, 1'iliM, Nnw Wimlihitoa llm riKiile, I'nteliiiiViile, li.r.l. CleiirHeld, l-'reneh ) ille, Ki.rlli.,,,.. i iirv,.ivillr, I'lillifi tmvi;, We.-i II. . i.inr, .M.. rr. II. II. ion P...-! 1 iTn-e, 1.(.oiiii:iU''k Mali., l'n II Hi.'-, .hurti-vilie, ti''llll;llnt..l', S:lll!llj .Mills, Tyler, l'cnnlioij, A nsoii illo, S ilt I,ick, Mew Millport, lsrerkenriilgr, KyU'ilown, Morris 'l.iU, Lumber C'iiy.f (irauipiiui Ilillf, Cnrwenn ille, lilooiningvillo, Ito.'kt.in, JetVrii'J 'i Tliin Pont Hl'Ieo ill do for Cheat towm hip W ill iinswir lor t'erguion tminliii. Shot at ! but Missed ! ! A GREAT MISTAKE ! ! v t' it M'l ii i: t; it i) o.Ms BENHER & liAllESf i Co. uu. dli, I'l'irt:--1. l;rn,llord, Knul", Il'oom, tt.rusitle, t'lmit, Cle.irl.el. I, t'oviin'ton, Turn inv ill Din'itti r, Ferguson, I ;., tiirard, tlnslien, iliiliib. IhlKtllll, .Torilnli, U.irt'.inu., K mi x. T.i- wrtnee, M ;iris, Pjoii, Pi',, 14 I'mon, Wooi I mini, X. Vi:M,i,,il"ll Penlilie! I, l.i'Conlo.t MilU Ctu wens) ille. oiiic. of I, Win. S. Wright C. J. Pimey. W. MtCniekvi, T. A. M tihie J. . . C'..r..f.i. J 11.1. Henri. raon 1". II. .Miller J. V tsoll. 11 II. .Moore. C- J. Sloppy, Jonn iii'oi'ilmg Jm I'.liioin Win. I'entll. Jhm MrMurrny J. I'llll'lilU 0. S. I nor M. . Km nk. 1'. A. (illlllill. '. W. Svhncrr T. II. Fl. mil,-. Criiire e'lunty .Mi:s Kml.'.ineii Kiiin. VVilliiii,iH( Klk . oiii,:v, l':i. I f. Vnriii.t j )) ii. ...... ( nrr I A. II. Sinut ! T. 11. V'on-co. I A. 0. Fox. Iiiiviil T) ler 11. W inard Klin ("I, use (1. Iluckinl'irn , iM. tl. ''lirk. i J.W.lhom it'll .las, 'J'lininpfon J. C ilrenner, II. W. Spencer, A. f. Monro. T. W. I'li'ining. '. 1 . Hale 1). I:rn bnkcr. Jus. I.oihett. .71 1 i -'I'cuuiiy iinnouni-o i,, n,,, ,,,,m. (imi H:. y li.ue con; !i '.i 1 u',1 nr.- mm uc, up) in 15 their new (nrtiitiii,. wnr, r 1,., Irnlin- oii t!,., .Vaikcl I.0M111.I ranrlv i.ppn.i;,. li (, I,,,,. 0. t'lilor 't iitnMiijr will l,,i ennied on in t!;e up per utory ol the umio l.uililimf in nil in I) ' i'KKliNT U a NC KS. All ki ., fornitiiro will be kept ( . 1 1 -1 . : . 1 1 y ou 11,111 ... ..,,.! foineUeap l,,r enh " i" country itoJuio, nr Lnmbi-r to unit ttm buxi. 11,' s ! I'AKi.oi;, i;ocKiNt;, and A KM CHAIRS, Sl'JMNH Sli.VTS. CAIN BOTTOMS, '.to.. r.n:i.: sok-i. ( i-.xi jij-:, ( a ,. xrx;. XXTKXSIOX ! I'.lih.liiFAST 1 a n 1, 1: s. s 0 7a s- !' A!.l, KINDS. v.!!ii;rii:s and pattkuns. lunKAr.s, .iuL'-r.0Ai:i)-, JiiHiKtv.M's av tiinittiiir.s, ic. LKRSTEAI)S JJLX.X ) LI Mi, 11 1 a U P 11 sr i) T t a 0 E, H;i.Cl POSTS, 1 ; -' l -1 1 1 n K I 1 I . . 1 v If i ' l l 1 ill .'. . i.' f ,' 1 , HI. tm . I I 11. 1 1. 11 ft l' I, " I I'.'l il, tic I ill. 1 1 d 1 1 Irs, 'I '. v. , , k I 1 . I" 11 t r n. i I t i, n'l in t I' 1 f I r.- i rntirn, lv j nil. t ni' 111J inlii il for il k ln-l . 'I hi I ' moi't ' rn 1 f .iiii.'in a .r a 1.. I .iic citn 1 m i.i,nnt i f the ! rinitio,, ol lit.. I n-.rtn i f 1 f tb State" 1 tho Imtiiati 0 mi l .,.pi i i f the 'ol,tltlilion of t'"i I liilr.l Stale", and I ho en t,, 1 i' -1, nit nt ol I ha i, at' on ni tm) t r 1, in, 01 1 ; 1 01 -i in, (l.felopinf Lt tind pioxre'H o tli I. itrnrs ni Nuliili Dtion and f. ci.-n,,n, 11 11 I the imiwn phi, ,1 whitb they anniril until llnlr ft tl it I ul II, 1 .1 1 i,. 11 ill lie li 1 1 't tt belt inn. 'I he Hlsl'iliY cinnpri-i's n foil ft.'rouii', dninn trim the tiionl nut hi lit 111 M.111 tr-, of ali I he I.) ct.t i,l the Wur i the inlnnt of ll,o .-oiilbern laodnrs at li . ino and ubr nnl ; 111,' Kr" 1 1 1 o I ilcleetion ot on . ticcti'in i the Ricnt lH i-iiiy ol the l'coilo for Iho in.iinlcnnni'u of Nutioiiul l.ilo an I Fxifi nee : Ilia rapid creation of an inimenM Army und .S'uiy and the i little l y lmid und sea. I lia 1 1. 1 1 Mil Hons loiinniso Portniitfl of u',1 cClal 0 I 1 iti,, l,i,vn tonne 11 in oliiinei.l. rut in III.. s!iuii;'iu ; Mapi of the d;!lcr.. nt lm ahuea ; l'lun ! of Itit leading aftioiis; Vit-na of cv eiy s.v ;m ot I interest, nud of the tun .1 iinp.n tini 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 f -. 'I '!n:..u j lilnsirati.jin n;o mo'tly Iron dra i 1 k : - - ti!:en 011 , tiin spot h) ai lists ilf piiied lor ibnt pnrpo e 'o nc j ciin,. iny I'VCiy divisiou nt 1 ar Arniy an 1 Nitfy. j I. very iucili y nt tlio coiwuniu'l nt 1: 0 iubimher.s ) I .is bciu cliip 11) pj ill tl i' i 'l':, m illion ..11 I exeru , ti in of thin woik ; uud tin y cm. 110011. ly believo tl. it it illf,.,ii the uio.-t iiistvoiu.y mid v.iliu , 1.1. history will 11 can be prenarou ol I II C ,Tiat I . .1 ci. (it Silt '. n 1 I, II I I - 1 nt: vm. ' t'i -it ..('. p.iii.' t 1. 1 t l' in" n ' 1,' I of 1 re 1. ii . .-'li i'y I 1 1 -r I he r ! at il w. and i!'. - I !',, ' 1 ," ,.. f . ,1.., in, I tl,nl nl l,i C li will fi ly nn l In 1 i y ! lbs,. 1 , and .,-t,t. ..' 1,1, IIm.,11 tl Ili'l ll'l II' t..M III tl I 1,1 in-i,' n a 1 -iltl 1)11 UtT'lin, ,t, 1 I'll i-l -.Is, I 1,11 ..I a ii 1 1 1 ml 11 li t . 1 . I 11 1,1 , I A Y t.ll'M 1 tl 1 I I ' I I I I . II f.l.llllll. I I . 1 M I n 1 nl,, 1 I.. 1 i 'i Air ( t ( r, ,'i ,' .. 1 . 1, il. I. t ,. , win- k Id ml i li 1 t I 1 .1 "0, II , I' 'I . fnnj. , 1 1 Of l I'ona diltor: Il v lie .ci tn.i 111 '0 ! of I, I I 'C . r, nc ti- I nt Mil' I'., il ti' llli 1 1 nt-, end r.-i ts f In 'nt''. iiu' i i 11 I 1 j 1 r 1 , 1 1, . i, , n ' , 1 nc ml 1 1 , . f 1: lm :l7 nt ll ; t 11 , "II ') 11 i'i (tin i xI'Iiiik 11 1. ti 1 t'V i m ')' y fill i. lsl til" pili''i' ,nt. ( f pub . 1, li-l, I the h pi! in I cn-lini-ii,. i i Innl ci ' i' iik -imi il 01 1 1 - t '1 inlti fr-.m m, v niiiirii-r. I'MHt. ' lliiloo. Di.mili , n ti il liur I 11 m 1,1.. . -. 'i i' 1 .iii, ; 11 1 32 ATT ::::IM Hair, Hair t ,I . Cotton Inl), nnd Corn Husk, of tlm be: t 1nuiori.1l, I.OOlvlNti-fil.AS.i'i:.1' f a!! sens and Also, iMhssw for old Frames. Also, Ten p'.y., What-nots, ' Wa.li-Mitiil, Wm k-slatids, llut-rnck.s, c, COFFIKS. Made to nrdur on thort notice, unj l:c:ti.; Inriti.-hed. Podiir, Cherry, nnd I.itnvou.l Lumber, ua)(ii in cvhiiiiiio for work. Clearfield, October 23, l.vil. ly. triit;Ji' lor tlio tuici ican lftilou. Kode and Terms of Publico-tiou. Tb w ork w ill L i.siiiil iu 1 uinber.s, emdi con sisting of Twenty-four l'attca of tho sie of --liar i.t' H'o.'y," printed from clear typo, upon line paper, find will probably he toiupKlo t in nbout iivontv Number. 'i'ho niinibors will I 0 issued nt interval.), if po iiih'c, of about ttireo or l,.ur wee',;.:. Tli) Price if each .Number, which contain? mutter equivalent, to un unlinary voluuie, will he Twenty-five Cents, Tho lllusiratinns in : oli Number tire nlnnt worth tho prico Baked. Jle:i out of emiiloj tiut, t -iti'i'lally sici: or iis.ini.r.i soldi r.n a, ran fin, I no othr worii en sure c!' r;dy sttlo and i;no, prolits. For further particulars apply to the Publisher.'. HARl'l'ii ,1' uLuTIlKKS, Franklin Square, Saw York. Pel 7, 7 'SCI!. It NEW G O ODS! I ATEESn A I-iP.IVAL OF Spr 'nirr Sc Summer Goods . AT THE CHEAP CASH STOIiC. Iam iust roceivin ' electeil stock of Sn Tclegrapliic Dispatclics from everywhere up to the momont ttm paper ritlfAT all the iperchitru of Cnrw,nvilla were (oea to tc... foliticn . inisco lutioous. "I'lnTiu and local news, inuiket rijorts, is decidedly iho Cheapest New-paper I'ublihhed in the State ! Tbera ia icarccly 1 village or town in tlio Htnto In which a club cannot be raised if the proper exertion be made, and surely there lira lew pltn'i in which one or morn energetic men cam, it bo fju (1 who are 111 i ivor of iiio dis-eiiiimifinii of H'UBfl Dcaiocr itio (1001 rim's, w ho wonM bj w il linj tontako il.o effort to rm.eu club. TERMS : DAILY r A IIMOT AND I T XT ON. filngle cnoei for onoyur, in advance $.00 de do ilurinj? sc.-s. of Leir're - - - -.I'D Copies mppliod to agrnta uttho tato of $l,iO per nunilied, 1 citv wounded, 'lis truo, 1 win -Sliot at .:" iitd since then have been at th and Lave rr .1 u.ed 11 very I.AUijK ass(i;tmi:nt of il, mils of all d.'.-crlplions, rriii.h I it'll dispu- j situ; of ct lower rat, a than uuy other house in the coimt'. . i Read! Read! Read! , P, st ' .iiii.-i rri.m li to f.i cot. is per yard j l;..-i M'hns from I j to 30 cent per yard J'.est ijeiiiini'.s from 20 t.) 1'S ei nta per yard 1 CI.OTHlXti AT KEDl'CTil) TiHC KS ! Till; MAiilC TIME oli,:;VEIi, The PerfiTtiuii of .Alccliaiilsiii. I r.in.i ) mi ili " lATINf! (Ml 0''KH I i;nti KUAN l IT.. ..il k 1 , rn. i t ne i f i!,p prettiest, must c.nivom. i, sru2 j J cidedly the te.-t and cheapest titnepicce ,,r n jcr .l and reliable u-e, ever oH'cred. it bus wui. in it and c'.iini'r.'ed with i; iiii chiitery, itK own I winding atttu'litiient, ri nd oin a k.y entire" y j uiinccessary. 'J he cusen of this Walcli ore coui ' T,c.-e 1 of two iiict.il, the initei one hein. Hue lti 1 cariil ;i',Id. Itliio- tiie itupn i ct rii'ty i , li-.n le ver un. Venn lit, and is lianin'til an accuia'D I tiun pi ;ce. I'clc, t:i uihly enuiri .i.per case of a halt dorcti, f I'll 1 I'll. Saiuile Wn'.i.hcs,in "cat nioroccj 1, ixis, i'i if those proposing to boy ut v. hnl,s.tle, $v j, i nt bv cvi re.sa.. wi.li bill pav.i- WEEKLY rATUIOT AND UNION, !of'a Uintl.-, C1IKP- IUlthc'i even Thursday. Flngle copy one j'car. in iidviince . . - $J,(!f1 fen eopiea to one address ..... 15,00 Rnbcriptioi, may com, nonce at tiny time PAY AMVAYS IN ADA'ANt K. We me ob'ed to Biakotbis impsrntive, in every hi.-'auee t.10 cash Biut ikccotrtpuny the subsrrip'ion. Any j.eron icndini; us a rl.ib nl twer.tjr piibscrilieia t tho Week'y will be. eoiitied to nVnpy fir hisnmicis The price ever, -,t the advanced rat.-, is tu low tbnt we cattnt oner j;tc:fer indnccnient- than tills. Additions mav bo mule 11' any time to a club of tit'.rril by icmitiiiij one dollar and fifty ccuts for each iidlitioiifil nuiio. It is 11, it uecea .try to npi 11s the nuin.'S of ihoso c m-iitit-tint; a club, as we ci.no t und.'i ! ,!.t) to ad'ire-.s each pa par to club Fitb.s ri', era separately. Sj ic linen cotuca of the Weeklv wiil be sent to nil who Si:,"nr from l?i to I'i cenlit. Te-t Syni,- at f 7 cc In. And nil o'hiT (,;roccrie.s ut the fimo rate". Hoots, Sliocs and Shoe Findings CHEAP. good investf l.-sortmeuf 0- l.ist UMitit j 'tya-int In ct 1 10 in tl:o.-e iu the desire it. March IS, ISM. 0. llAi'.llKTT .t CO., Iliirri.sburi, P:i. 1 m 1 mi AT KHATZEirS. 11 : !-. 'i.u-l. w! I lni mui v. i-!i !is,.,'. - .-, rl , no , r i.r ii ..'no LAI1KS who wish to nuikn iiieiit should cni! and exit, inn t't DliE.s.S lil ODS. Jlcrir .'CS, Saxni, Pi lids, I'l. lid Ji iUian I.- , .1 c . ( A1-0 Cloaks, Sliawi.-, H jciU', Nubias, Sontuiis tjll'V i, c , .At , ill.'. J. D. TJ'OMPSO.V. i.'urw'.'ri.s) ii'.', Djc. I, l'?6.', y Dii. v:.i. r,. nu 1:1 s mm REMEDIES ASK THE BEST IN THE VtjIM.fj, IS1 lilMl F1XK TKKTU AND A SWEET LRL'ATU, an r Cl'HIN'J TOOTIlAt UK AM) NF.I UAI.OIA. Iio vou w'.-h to be blessed w ith innl ml mired for Pi.Ain.v iV in r nnd Sound TKKTU '! I'so IT. A ui. I. Hind'., I lil'iv alitil Tooth 'OH tier, w arr mted In Iron, uenl, alk.i.i.or any 11, ..us sulistti, i'c. 1', ice. l!.i ct-nls per box ...ivaic ni I he ordinaiy cheap looth Pow- llcll lm' ilcs'i ;y. n, I t , ri. mi tiiat your lll'.K W'H .nnl ,,i;ri aldo to hosb.n.d .,r w il'c, l -i. In. Ilitrii'sCi'luLiHti'il I'i i.'c :'." cM.s pei b.'t'ie. I bltf oil deli cry f-'i.l li tidvnncu, as we cannot coll i Armv. Ad-lrcss 1 111 UUAUD lino?. A CO., S ,t,B Importkik, Cor. Nassau A John bts., New York. Jan. 21, 1SIU.- tliv. MA INK STHKI'T, CUUWKNaVlLLK, PA., WM A. MASON, Proprietor- rit!ili lohi establislii-.t und wi ll k.inwn ilO I ' lil situated in th) west end of the town In been ri'f)l"ddlei, enlarged and improved, und j llio I ri rietor respoi tfully unu"iiii:eK I" liisnu-l in,.,', u.- li icnd-. ami t ) tl:" travelling public, that ( I is rvn.v pr.',ar"d to nt 'omnioilato nil who tuny 1 fu .n.r hi rn w lib a call. and opening a carefully iiring und buinmer gooui ol almost every description, A bouutiful nssortmeiit of Trints and lire gnodti, of the lie west nnd lnt"t atyli-s. Also gicat variety of useful nntlnna. JHJY-(iOODS AM) NOTIONS. buimi ts, iShnwln, llal i nnd I'apf, lioot? imi Shoos, a large quantity, Hardware, . cen.warc, "rue and Mt diciuc.", CrM IDil Clo.""41'"1"' (J 11 0 C i: Jt I E S , ri:!i, 7,1,'on and 1 lour, Mtickerel in J and J barrels, oT 1 1: e best quality, I'll "f i)l. icii will be soij al the lowest cash or ready pay p risen. .My old frii':id.- and the jm-mo KCUfrally, are re. pcctl'uli v Invited to call. f-N. f!. All kinds of tl.'A .V and approved CUCXTHY I'KOlJl Ci: taken in excbn-o of (ioods. C;earfi..ld, Jane 2ll ISO!. WM, F, IRAV1N. lt will se.-k In Bwnkeii the tuiiid. of I he people In ,1 pr.ip.'r fi 11 f 0 of the ncliinl condition i f Iho lti .uhlic to I'l .'si nl In Ih. ni, liiithlul'y, .be fcirliil n-rils in whiih w,. si.itid as a n tt I i . n --to cxhili.l tl.e in,ikii,iiii.l.. '( I li ' h'h that il bifor flu-111, If they would check nor ilnwoward ro'j-ctn and 10 iosiiri. il'i ni w ih patriotic di'trrini'ia ti.ni to apply 1 il K 1 1 MHiV for our nutionnl Ills. In bi'nt. il v ill. i'i nl tliii't;''. aim to be 11, e faithful exponent i-f lleineerntic ii;-ti""f nod to leinlti li.-ilt' wi.rtl) to In. mi i.rvrn .1 of tho I'i ii), 'tatic patty, under iv,oo I'll" : r country pro-peied so long and to .H'!'. Tlio le. toi iilinii of lh"t purl) - the party "I tlio Cofi Mill tion und the I'NioS ID power, in tl.e legie. Inl 1 u ut ,1 execiiiive .Vi 11,11,1 nlnl l.ttmelies of the Stat, s and "I the l u ll, we Pnlieiu lo ho 11 e eesssryti avert nnnrcliy, and I in, ulter ruin of tlio ltcpublic. To coiitribme to tba- restoriition will be our lligl est aim, Tho News, l.itiriiry, Conitnercint, and other depar'inents, w i li rccciv e due ntti.ni ion, end will be to condiii't,cd a ' to mil;... "Tut: Ar;:," uoitl.y of the Eiitqioi t of the ktennr.il reader. .i. Tlii' 111 it 11 v difl.i ollies now Mirrouniliiig un enterprise of the mauiliidb ol that in which the utidnisitii'i'd lire eiU'igcl, require them to appeal to the pub 1 for a gciicr. us support, nnd 10 tislt for " I HE Alls." a libt ml putionae und extendi d circulation. The present state of the preparatory arrange lnents wtiitiiiit the cxiecUiiion, titnt the lir-t nu ir. tor nf the U.iilv will upn.ur bel'ic theilo-o I I.. P'.' 1 1 1 . ti.'t 10 llillif H' ,o, nil l III. I ,'' HI' ,1 fll .lllt. 1 1 1 l.stl, r.,,i .1 ..I 11 io I I, . '11. I' - "I 1.1 I ' ' )- 1.,. "'"" It,-, 1 ti- t'H ,t r. "I H.. 1 wmi, ot, I... ' 11, of 110 1 resnit 111. mlh, February, 1 C : 1 Weekly will bo issued soon thereafter. J Tho DAILY. Per atitiuin, Six Mont!', Three Montns, Copies delivered a, the counter nnd tu Agents .1 Carri era 2cts TIIMIS. I WKKKLV. il 00 j Per ii'iniiui, DO ll till I Six in, mills- 1 DO 1 50 1 '1 lireo Mo.iths, ,r,0 10 copies one ad's 17 ,'ifl Lit ' " .'12 00 :10 ' " .:, no i I i V I YH ? $33 00 , Won' It A ash CYH EN ICS ncnvK. Justice op the Pf.ace. For ln xi i' Ton iihip, will proniilly attend to ail bnsines. entrusted to t. .'are. P. O. Addreiis, l'han sbuig Pa. Awe. 21ct 1 iOl IT. W.' SMITH it Oi. Ml.ltClllMS, ami ilt-ulcn. in l)i Oooili, (troceries. Ilnrdwrir. l,'ii. en-wai e, ami ever thing u-ually key t by the fade. Smrc on 1-Ki'liNl) Street, heluw Juduo Lei'iiard's. opi-o-rite tiie Prcsbviertun Chuich, L'leurtield Pa. Ueo 4, IM11 V. O, IH MI. T. J. M'f'l I t.Ot.'till. BUSJI fi M'CUI. 1,01 Till, I olleciion tiHiff, Ci.r.AS' 11:1. ti, Pa. PSfAs fir aii ill's Nkw Mvii.iiiNG. I ft-. 0, '01'. DS. J. W. POTTER. Physii'Un and huri'iiii, has prrmanently lockt. li at t'rci'cheille, ( oviagton township, off rs bla professional services to the sur'oiiinlirg community. May 8, 1S1I. i-, iii' 1 the In reined)' in I. nd liieitth, Mci'iling It h,t t nu ,1 hon Iri-d-. -1 n MiiLr Iroiti 1 1 n) I li d's .'lit.'ic Too'liJC'ltc 1 ei b me. 1 1. .M l, l; 1 Mil ? tjet . ui le:.-, ..! I l. k'n Wll, l ii.'h, or Tl.ic i...:rio.. l u .1- h the w ... il ( r 1 ni.i.rr, ti.in s, S "le .ti uiii. . 1. i o . ,.. ,.1 1 ..r 1 III:. I . ; l.'i. I III Dl.. . 1' I I 'l. An- ' d 111'. in. .1 1... :'. 1:11: 1 lie III. -I 1 ll. 1 ., , , , . I ir p mis in tt t'.i'i , ar; pai l ol Co- 1 n.ly They do 1,1 I tiiii.i'ii' 11.. 1 hi:,-;, r. but si iolie and chin 111 pa 1 11 11 a ay. Try iii.tn. liice, Ijiii.di" cents. M.iiK.i .ni 11 ftpi I i.e For sulu at ail the '.. si M res tl.indgb.i.il tho Coontry. t'At ri ,n . As there are dealer. who tiike ad-1 vnot.iyc of our ndvei lis nnienls lo iinpnte upon ( their customers interior prcpur.iHun., It is tieces-fiii-y to i: -it upon having w hat you rail for, and 0:1 . ill ,:T 111 K hot, thoinuhly tc.-ted, nnd I n pored tiv tin evpsrien 'inl nud seisijlilic lett list, i ri 1 urer of tlie Ne York State Dentist' j Assocln 1 'mn nnd Vice President of tlio New York j Cil Denial Sucotv. Addrc.-s ' I W.M. li. HLRD Si CO., Tribune Buildings j iiew 01 k. Jim. il. I "1)3. ' 11 n ii cotaf irtunle stitblinrr is at- tlio premise, and mi-t,.' attendant) 1 be on baud. Ch'tr,;,'s iii'vL'ritto. Feb. 12, lS(i2.-tf. WATCH & JEWELRY S'JD '-11 riMlE uniK'rsigned respectfully l informs his cu-t uners and the pii I, lie getu "ally, that he bus just received from the, Last, and 10 en. ed at hia -tablislimeul iu 0 'It A HA M'S HO II Clearfield, Pa., a lino assortment of Cloiks, Watciiks, und .1 kwhlry of (Liferent quuiities, troin a -itiie picco to a full sett, which lie will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or in cxi bnni;'. for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on bund, at the innl re.tt "iial le p rices. A LL kinds of Clocks, Wati l cs and Jewelry Biiref'il'y repaired nnd Wnn -aut--l. A con'iniinn, e of patronage is aolicitetl, Sept. Ill, IMiU. II. F.NAU0LE. Amnio, -nl tll.'l.ed t , w ill nl'Vit) s 1")AYS tho entire cost for Il'llTON in tho most popular nnd successful ( O.M.M L'ftClAL SCHOOL in the country. I pwarls of Twi.lvk j Hi .NniiKi) young men, from twkniv i.K;DT differ out States, have been educated for bii-ines.s here ! nii'iiiii the past tin') years, some of whom have beon employed ai U00K-KEEPFI1S at salaries of 1 $2000 00 j Immciliiitcly i pon graduating, who knew nothing 'of accounts when they entered tbe College. T" .11 inislcr . suns hall pi ice. h r.r 1 1 .'l r .' ) n 1: 1 11. , i .'.t . nl, rn, 1 l,r to. I l l,, I ',. i ll :. t'li . .I, i , ,:, I 1 in. ...I.:, si f, in,. 1 a it..., 1 , . 1. l. 11. ..... . ' o Pyst ntt ri, Helm, ,ml Mntm, T ' il'"M. I'l ' l... V ' . llli. Alts - -t 1 1 I'.lis nlf llit 't.i'1,,,,, rJ . Tt i I ., , it.,.,, nu Mil. , , ,, , Mn- L.,1 l-'.'ti i' k io.. .n,. .. f. ,,."' "1 " l- l's ', l.'lt 1 1,1.1.1, ,,,..'. .-'.,wl,.," II I . (11111 III 1 I 1,11 i V"lll I'llM ' , . Ki'Min; i....- i ..-.1,1 Il 1.1 1 ' Mi . 1 11 l.t W i a 1 ti. ,1 I., . ... 1 . . 0 ''',""' l'l,..,..-.ll LH'I . , ! r ,... In:,' 1;, . ,., , i.ili-li. .,,li. 11, ..ti I , 1,1 fn,. tu tti.titi .li.ll,., la' s -n l "l 1 it l.-'c .lb-ill U nite ,-M , ""I 'In ' ."if ll s le. li. hie ., ii.in , 111,1,1 '' ' t,."l HI, .I ll 'lll.t, will l...ii.. ler.. ""' "':" 1 ""'I'tS.IW In.lig'O ion Mini Inipiiiity of thr ntnnj F-;i I,:,: I t. Iln-'t. Ihil-rnt (Hh M . ,.'.., 'I o, in,., .ini'M IMItlHtaiuf. ill ,lislt,-s 'I.. i.tiiil'Oi- Itir (11..0111. uf J,ttM(, t ,' n. :,. ni.,, I tl,,.. 1, l.-t i,.,.,..i.. 1 . "' "''l kooi' tt. un, I t ci'i ' otiliin ally i..'nviin.tii 11.,.., (in if i'iit, J. V. Illit'k, Wir-Mi.. W h.wim Cs v. n.t at 1,,, l . . c. 1 ,,, .,,, . , n, ,',.,i,.,,..-i..i, '..'. . ., ' , ,.; , ,- : """ s ....I ,.,. .!'. 11... f...... ,.r,i...n ...1 w JOHN (I. Mi.M llA, t, rryaiii'lrts, Scrofnlii, King's I'til, Tfttltl 11 till. 1 s, i.iiii ,-.1111 iiiii'itin From a r -i tro , in ",( .itiv.,oif tj .v. .i..,,j, t.i, i Da. Ar.in: V u.r I'll! ere th 1 -,s.-n f aieitl ia rip.lt 'in. 'Ilievlisve c -I rtiv 1,11 1. 't4ci,u Ot ll. .'I'l'1 '1,1 ,,.,,'. llplll I .I'l IlllCts HI, I ','t'l -i.Ht S'ttins II..l''fil ie lor veT., ll'T icetf.er t 'ui i'li t. '.; i W1, IV lilt,, ti it "ill, lilol lo s Ulil I'llllt 1' J'l I.' f slut, Btii ii't' 1, ilr. A !'!. r nr ii,i'IV'i' (,tr, !,l... .'n1.s,yl Pills, n. t l It;, ! v , ,11 1. AHA MUHOaiU'i ItllCllltlllliMn, NflllrtlglH, llUtl t.Plit. F-mn ''.. i-r. 11 .. (',.' .ii'i... .ni ;.;.i. a.tt, I'l 1 1 .1:1 It. i-sr. Sci'mh. tl v. .l.iin S, luM. Ilovnitcri sin : 1 .lionlil tic ttnfcttil.ltll fol tlir tnllif jn, ,Kll tins In till tl.e II I il .1 not I I Ut rtlT OKI to ti, A nl,l S' tkleit ill ii i v iitni'S sod lnoivht la cx'ttKucli, ti. tniilci,' i ;tin.. fliirb cmli'tl Iii ilironic rli.tnmii NotwiilistiitKliUi; 1 Innl llu- liest ol phy.i'.iatifl.lti.iliMi. tl'i w Hot se :itl I iv..i -e. til, til, li) t if It'll l''P el 10111 fit. I'-til fitri-tit iu I'lilti'ttia... ,r. Mn'keaTti.,1 1 1 li-it i itw I'll 'I ii.'it i 'T". ts , i,' .lew. t.ut sure. It) pui-fiomuf Id ll. ue i l (n.'iin 1 nni tuov tiitui ly weii. i kx ati: CitAtni.ra. Ilirost ltoicn. I. a., 6 I'Wi.lltj Ptt. A'.ir : 1 lull.' U'll entiie'i .nt'i' l t,v vnne till, l(l,, ,,iiii,tli' limit s I'Kitttnl Jisi p.sp tl,t Inid sfll rtl lor i.iii.. MM Y. H.lliKU lor Diopt-y, l li tboin, or kitidrrtl '. ilniiils, t. unli it ;; tiu urtue i:if..'. tui.' Miliatiti l. nl l i ti.i il) . I'i r t'ti vr urns ot f itiiMit nlion, and tt I) tu it ci- 1'iH, lit,.! in iu .-.'.il 1 t -I - it-. l..ii. I lit., Sui.picksion, I'tirnlysi.s I it (In m mi i Itott. in,,.! 1.. .1 licHfticaa, tin t ratltl I Dug. Itrse, liaic t-e' tl rmcc ly ttie .iltvilnc anlluL bl tl. I', 1 1 1 V. "t of the Wll. hi tfnik'.t r .ntaln Meriurj'. vltt.lt. i ll,,'i'i:ti ii vinn.iulM i. niiily in stiillul h.ili'ls, ii.'ihi. in u j nl.'.ii n-J!. fi . .ui th.- dr.-ntl:'. .1 C"t esinn-.-f tt.i' ft. lVar.lrt.hi.si.ml I It r'a.i..'. u.,ra 'I'" ' ' 'l'' It mcitlf I. Us. 1 hi sr cnilfli an at, i r . i ." ' ,'. ' ... . "'J'J n iniiii'i'iil siii'suiice wl.ut, ver. Lteukla: t uud Jiuir.g Lxunston Juhles. Common Frcn Cj-RRV VECTORA i ror Tiif Haiti tt tin uoi t.'ir, f oi.ns, iiOAitsi;M'.s, ism I knz v, i:no.( inns, wiinnnxo j L'DM-ll, t'ltOI I', ASTIIfliA, l. I CII'IK.NT t()M Wl'llll, 1 ..wl r... II i .'..-1 er rnli.i'llil'l'.v ;HH..it. i T. v tient :i"t s .. to tl.e unit ' c, i,,i., ,.tl,. tit i ,. t v loan. ,.i .1 nlnnsu riny l ihVh iran Mutes, lls wniulctliil ivi.s in utiti, nun c Is In,).' n.s.irt il iihiiuly siii-wi. .,i.i,m s ii. in tinv "ivilii.-fl cottittiy in ll,.. ritiiit .-il .ic ,nt .i no. pet sons) esisi'isni'e nl its . nV-da : si ri lvti Il.o i uiiin.,11 out s nt, v it lit l a vl.li ll linti, t.j: sti n l!,. 'et'.e lit ill llopl.) nf it. Vl tit,)' ol i-i tl,,- 1'. -it s 1, c.-t ais iliM'.-ts.'S -.1 tin. Ihinat ami Into:.. lW,.,lli. n, .i poi.."'tiil until, ic yl known i, ti..n. .,rii,4s, a.-.bif a, ni ulutii-ti lis ittsi'i'swi ni in I- i.inu . t,sy crfse. is al-u Ibi' olensautest .11. 1 Satr.t let it'll I i-MI rsa b.s4 ptuit't 1 ,r tiifitnt, at., I ii ex I'.'i-s!. I'sti'iiii "Itw, lane ll ii, store rhit..l Hi' iniali' n fur l tl.stw.. i in on liit-to iiiiiiii t..n . ii. "f baif sl'iitnl.tt t p-itik I'.lieic tits C'.l.v I'c'i-w! suit's Dietr Iim-s tu IW I son l lion- ll .:i"et,t: tiitui O.' -s it ni ts, hifl' il I inn. anil riti-e vuor rol.l. v l,i!s llti'l tot '1 1 I (I S 1 le-t tl, nt c.ntli no hniniin stilltsn ma-in u.'ltts, rs IrimtiT llmt. fiis'eneil on It . i iials. C i tirHh tt a. . All l.niiw Ilia ilTvm'fnl laltilltl of llllo: ill'i'l in Sltll He alsohns tlnytnew lis, the vittuea ol t'lus imiihii. iw' s" I oioieU sn to a.stue ttii-m tt 1 still ll'"'" " ' I be. f .i.sre tin rwt. no rare, t o ton ! l.niluff II '-w ,. pcifi t po.il.ll. Slttl tlili" nttoT'l tl.' tl" f'i yft- Pa vm cut required invnrinblv in advance, Address'. A. J 0 LOS -LKKNN I-i ll A CO. Feb. 2, l!s,;:t. 4'.'A) Cliestntit st. Philtid.dpliin. m IltL i to inform his old friends tint! cus- Uniers tiiat, having cnliirxcd hie shop and increased Irs facilities for manufacturing, ho is now prepared to make to order furniture nstiiny bo disiied, in good stylo and ol cheep rates lor Cash. Ho mostly lias on band at his Furni ture lioom," a. varied assortment of liendy-trnde Furniture, ntuon,'; ahicbar Bureaus and .Side-Coard.-!, lind and other Bcdsleads. SOFAS ,.(' all KINDS, 'A'uliM-STA X;S U AT-RACKS, WASH-STANDS, c. Nocking ana Arm Chair?, j Spring-Seal. Cuie-Untloni and i,,r:r Chairs 1 and Coininoti and oilier Chairs. ' J. O O K J X O- i I. A .v , A L .V j Of crery di .eriptiun on lininl ; und new glasses lor old liamos, which will b" p-it in on ve ry rciisonabie terms on shirt notice, lie nlsol.cepv on lintu'. nrliirnisiies tu or dvr, 11.,,.'. Col n-11 u-k, ilairnud Cotton top Mattiiis.-cs. COFFINS, of f very kind, Mtido to O' der, nud funera.'.s atti tided with a II "arse, whenever desired. Also, Mouse l'alntiiitf done toordcr. The sntecriber ulsj nianulaclure.s, nud hut constantly en baud, Clement's Patent Vashinrj Ma 'hine, The boit now in use. Those iisinc; this tnachietc never need bo without e'enu clothes A in' loon . S. -t ' J. Ml. GREATEST DAVIT E ON RECORD.' 15,000 Killed and Wounded, and 30,000 Ui ken Prisoners! WITH CAMP lOUIPAOK AND Students enter at any timo, and review when j 70,000 Contrabands fi f ed from the .my please, without extra charge. siBoiras of slavery F or Culnlngtics, Specimens of i'eiinianship, nnd It tb Ivt unit 1-1,1. h onr skill csn ftirii'-li ft""'" i rni:r,.RED bt dr. j. r. viv ( Practical itr.d Analytical Chtmiit. Lotu,ii AJSV SOLD B J -0"o'd by C I). Watson. ! ir'ioM ! t-Ir-ein, Curwi no'illr t F. Aran: ., J.i'tl.S'ilni Mor.tir merv ,1 tlo.. New Saluin ; . C. llm rf Moriisdnlo j C. Ti. FoM. r, Pit,... .'our-i EI Chuse, Ansonville ; and by dsne-. .vervail .V tv.-- .1 1-. t. May li, 01. lv. JKNK1NS A SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1863. 18( IVEr.Y nir. it th:, .1 j rn-t bi-tory .! ti.C rl ( I.EARI'U;i,0 STONE Sm PUTTLRy . Tiun .i,i ui fur past favors and aolicitious of fn- tore pa tronage. I would respectl ully nniiouiice that I linvo on linnd ng:, in, aud will cunstimtly keep at the Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short dislitnce c.i.t of the Motliodist O.nrrb, a lnri. Muck ol t'rookory, f uch asCieamcrocks, . i i ii nuns. Ch n rns. .1 nes. .1 n rs. Stove Dino eusinc; ii-'. ilc; and also an extensive asiortmcnt of di!lcr,t sirca nnd patterns of bracket nnd I rosettes for cornice on houses, and othor mouldings. Any nioulJingR not on bund will bo made to oi ler on ehort notice. AUo fire brick made ami kept for sale. "I-A liberal reduction on price made t wliolesalo dealers. F. LKITZIN0LK. Clearfield, may 23, 1 SCI. ly. SHAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING. X'jl ly the Bard Graham' t lloto. YALTA H1.K TTMJSKU LANDS IlE attention of persona ,l.i-ir. ns of purchas ing desirable Timber Lards is invited t 1 1 following trnefs nf land situated in Ki'ittin,' town sltip, Clinton coontv. Pcnitsylvaiiiii , known as the LOKA1N LANDS, vi.; : A certain tract, being No. 31'!?, warranted in the name of Thomas Willing, containing about I MM) acres, situate on Hindi Island Knit, at the distance of :ij unics frun tlio river, being well timbered with Pino and Oak. Also, ntiii'bor smaller tract of land, ,-itu ito nt .1 1. . , I,:. I. , , . . 1, .. :J- ioi utouiti . ti,,, ,, t.-u.n . nun. on t ic wm m..o llinJ le ,,,,,, (ll hv t ( -y . , . f .rpa ,n - IL c 4 h o i? e h u ;? h ii-v u t o Ll THLKSItl CI.EAKF1KLD COUNTY, PA. HENRY EVANS, Proj.rutor. March 19, 1SC.2 ly. 1'IIO.AI tvt J. M C L'I.I Ol ". i Altorney at Law. j OiSee adjoining tin Bank, formerly occupied by J B. McCnalH, Ksq., Market streot. Clearfield, ,rf tbi aint tint, u it looks very lik. Itb,.i ll I. itm, .1 r itA. i.-..t '. . . . ------ - . . to Collections, Sale Deo. IT, 'f.2. r Will aitend prutupUjr iftiMda, Ac. Shading and Hall- Dressing. JEREMIAH NORUIS respectlully uudouiico to Ml friend of Clearfield and vicinity that n: hat tat.irnen Ut bis old aland, and ia well pre-p.-. red to render 'hi mot perfe"t eatisfaetinn to k. 1 "T...7 d"-ire l.is profosinptj ervice. Cle.irfield. April 9, '(!2. (IfO. KtWBOM. the truth, which is better. tfo, "wiule in" and get 'its. door next Rrpuhlirnn oflic.e Clearfield, July V, ISM. y AII'.IU'HIM, and dealer in Hoard and Shingles; tlrain and rrodttcn. I' B0 NT Street, alve the Academy Clenrfi-.d Pa., Pec. t. ti. The question hna often been asked Why Pi.EA.sAsrs can sbnye o clean ? That customers who shave with him A benefit must reap, I wtten. He shaves for a "kip," and if you are willing, ing commenced ; Wi" ',k" f V"" '.'"jf '? 8 tricp f'.'r ""--" .-ii ei, nit, lining, ""J. .'lift, For 1'lcasanta is the man to do it cheap and quick. The reason may readily be seen Why bis custom is so largo : His towels all are clean his rniors all are keen Aud you'll always find hira Vcnsnnf in a charge Just go to Pleasant' and you'll be Like Sheba'a Queen of old' Pleased and delighted, and exclaim I The half has not been told. Going it Alouc! I'OItfil'. l'. VillV tin VI the manufacture of BOOTS and SHOES I f," c"'"e l,lonf: j""? ' slick, would respectfully solicit a share of public pnt . ronnge. Without making a groat fuss, or any .rash promise., it shall and will be his steady en deavor to select ' The very best of Stock, Muko the very best of work, I Ami (ut least hope for) The very best of custom. aw 'a Bow j iDon't forgot the place in GraLara'a Bow, above ii. ctumph I llino shop. F AM I' EL PLEASANTS. Clearfield, June 11, 1862. tf. VJ. P ATT MR SON, Attorney at Law, Cur a wens t ille, Pa., will attend to all business entrui4 to hi enre. Office opposite tbe New Metit V..- Chrch. Feb. 5, 'ill. and having a good rafting leach thereon 1'uT terms a). ply to ii i' in-i.. i, i . 14. I' 1. I, IS, In. JAS. 11. UHAIIAM, j "' Clearfield, July ol), 1 tlG2. JOHN I;. (T'TTLF. Attorney at Law and Ileal KMate Acnt, CLEAUFI EI.D, I'ENN'A. CijTicenn M,nl,rt st poxitt- lie Jail,' 1) ESPECTFFLLY i.tlera bis a rvict s in sell V ing nnd buying lands in Clcarticld und ad joining counties ; nnd with an experience of oier twenty years as a Surveyor, flatten himself that he can reniUr sati.-factiou. Aud . Offers for Sale IfMMI acres of coi l nnd timber Land, iilutits in Docatur township, Clearfield county, in lota to suit pir chasers, located near tho Tyront nnd Clc.nield Batlroad. WHHi acres of first rate farm and timber land in Bell township, Clearfield county, situate on tbe wafers ot i urry nun rnn.Dni.rn!A n erif. i; a ilium inal'y come rAilIS j;i eat lino Invers i the Nur lo ra itctiii "ii- JL. Norl.i western counties nf IVi.njl.al the citv of Frio, on Lu!.o trio H lies been li nied by the Pcnni'h :n'n Hi ro'tti ('oi)io.iiit. nnil tittdcr t'ueir t n.'pii'cj ii ing rapidly opened throughout its cut' re l?rn,"l ll i now iu UV lor rn-seitger ai d lrsti;j'. sinus, front Hart ibii.-g to Drift'tooti ii 177 mi'i") on the Kn-tnrn Divi.lnii, ami lit Sheffiebl to Erie, (7S milisl vB the r, Division. riate nf Pnimifr Tm'-u at En'uni Express Train leaves ens want 2 10 1, Lxprcsa Train nrtives wrstwnrd 1! ti f, Curs run tlirmih wiut t'T en vi,t bntb on tbtsc trains between I'hiludclnliia U Haven, and between llaltiumre and Lock H1 Klcgiu.t sleeping Cat riceouip'iiiy llwA'J j rain boih wnvf between ii illitinispert SBHi I -i. -il i. ,i.l.. ,,n.l ,..i nt. more, anil illuiuisiiort and rln aileirn led" up here or elscvhtite. For iiiforiintliou re-pecting Has-i-njer ,t bis ri nd any thin, of li:i.- ll'.l ,' imi-l lio:i to the conc'ii:..ii ti nt tl. C, l.t'i il t m. nt c 0:11,1 oc nn lien .i.iwn. it w ,f oii!y u ,ticj. ti .n of time. Lul iio.v wi l,:ue 'he aliovo (il.,-1-ou. foirl stirring ;,cs t ehcer u up ; .lt d .ho ntily tlriiw bni k t t our joy nnd g'orif,,. alio:) !s the imminent danger of the t.'nntiubniid. coning North to "cut out o.ir snb,-!i,nce," iindto near nut sur sillies 1 But of one thing tin- people of C't :tr ield cntintv m:iv bo ns-ured, nnd that i?, that F11ANK SHOUT-lo, , hott called .S'ioW-.e-ia selling Ut'iits tS; sliue-s rs chiapas uuy other ; mau in tlio coiin'v: and if ion don't believe it, 1 1 juslgive hiiu a call on court. wen's, oral nny otht r time, ami see for vi.nr-.' vcs. lie would iu-t ie. now nt-io you will It ml turn is usual - if not a little ilim-ttrut ia-t as Slmrt ! Cash than bo won!, I like to bo. ) All kind, of work on hands and made to order : on short notie I as can be "sk 'iiD.in't forift t the shnii ,,i, M,i,L,t ir,.t apply nt the S. L. Cor. 1 llli itii.t Maract l. in biiaw'a iiuw, unuctly upimsite Bcv. 11. 15. '"r 1 leight bueiuets of the Com :H i Ewoope's oftii Clcai held, June 11, IS62, F. i H0P.T. Clcai held, June 11, IS62. ' i XATIOXAI. COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. I.OL.VTKD 1.1 PHILADELPHIA. S E. cor. Till and (hestnut Slrfcts, ,T, v, ., n ... 1 C?UITABLE for yr.tpes. Poaches, l'fr i New York City. Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, berries, Strawberries, l.l:,ckberr.e.. Curf BllttalO, Detroit. Clweland, Uc.ot 1, ii, 5,10 r 20 acres tach, Bill" 1 tnicafo ana st. Louis Agents, S. 11. Kingston, jr., Cor. LUli atn.Vj ta., I'hilailelpliis ; J. IV. Bcvnolds' Erie; J. M. Drill, A-enl N. ('. H. P. Balsimere H. H. Hot sToM. Uen l Freii'ht Ait't, P"M ,Lewi L. Hoi tt, tlon'l Ticket Ag't, 1'tiM Joe. i. J'ons, (iou l Manager, HllliaO'H Jan New Jersey Lands At .sn, Ga.iriiT.i3in air Jirx'l for Salts Hfl acres in two lots, one of 1 121 and theoth-' 1 1 0"k-h fchPlNH, rrxNAtinip, Coviir.R, ial erof .',0 acres, suitable for Farming purposes, ait- AniTnMF.Tic, CoiivrnriAi. Law, Foiims, Cott ante in Ifighlatd township, Klk county. aKsfoiiRnrn, Ac, ptB".t!.;nlly tanght. jL.Ueueral warrantee deeds for all tho abova i nese l oiitge lictng under Iho snma general and. Fib. 19. '03. x. Goods ! Goods ! Tl 7" M. F. IB.VJN ha just received a splen yy did assortment of SEASOXABLK GOODS al his old stand on Market etroet, whera ha ia mercial Institution In the State ready to wait upon hi old customer and aa Bryant A Stratton' aries of Text Book, em many new one--i want to get th very best of fcr"f'n Book-kecpiug, Commercial Arithmetic. I , i-ouiuierciai uw, lor aie, ana sent by mail, gootja, f&rrfnll (tisri.'ou'iir tt.nd for ciccttfi-. ( "'- , October I, antl local management, nnd uniting in each the i auvanuigoH ot ail, onor greater facilities for im. parting instruction thati any other similar insli t tittlnn in the country. i A Scholarship issued by any one is good in all for an unlimited time. i The Philadelphia College haa boon recenl'y I enlarged and refurnished iu a superior manner, nnu i now tno largest and most prosperous C'oin- r -I urn t.ricos for the rresent. viz : ill seres i"r 1 0 acres for JII0. 5 acres fur $f.0. U If -10, 1 acre for $20. Payable by one d' 1 ...o.L- Also. LTin.d Cranberry lands, and rillagel C1IKTW Odll 35 by lid) feet, at $10 "H bio by one dollar a week. Tbe bo N furitiA nr.. kilon in 1 at Chetwood, VU1N tewnsbip, Burlington Coauty, New J'- furtlitr iuformalion, upl'ly, with a P.0.1 for a circular, lo . B. FBANKLIN CtAM " No. (0 Cedar siwet, New n' Jan. 21, l.C. ly. DR. Al. WOODS, w-fcRACTiriVrt Phvicia,o.aud Exun JL gaon for Pennon-. Otic S"ub i- J .4 ii..., rirtle! J. I inum RUM 11.11 vvm-i - .- .isaimrrJl, l"