. Mi I. l-.l. I' -.11- r.l, I T Ml"'""!' o , nt in ii p 'i i i i , , i t .. tli I . m i rw r i ' .. . . I. in M f ro mi l li'ii- l.uinrrtin ii'i" , ,. k, 4. . Jny, (to-nuurnw r.) nt i " ' '' foW.ip-'i'f '"",,of ""'' pp,Un,, IVini, t" ra"'"' ''llM""' fi"lrc' to ',0 hi i rovnl br the I i'"i If. I ha floi lion i I ..i I n I lr (.liiiwr ri Fri.litv I! ' II A liem in '"' (. I uil in n prdl of nearly 'J(k) votes, only Jlt wet in fnvnr of tlie new township. J Not Eiaitm "I'oii t'litAP." We leiirn ( that one of our enterpri.ir.g watermen ro' turned from u trip down Iho river f short I titim niro, bringing; with him u very pietty ! liltlo dog. About the same time) a gentle mini in llni rihlmrL' nun minus Iim oor, I :Hi'l netting Mie fiimoui hni lK y Cnmpbell, I liief of poliix-, on llio scent, the liltlo wliitl't't was traccl to our county, nnJ a warrant duly forwarded to hunt liim up. T)m result waH, the dog vai found, Bnd for uugiit wo Know la now with Lis lejjul nniKter, at a co.it ofsonift f-5 lo our raft- ninti for liiM "doggish" jiropensily. Mblamiioi.v Cask or )kownini;. A lit tlo boy, aged about Ihreq yearn, named Thomas McGiiee, con of Kouebt Mimrrr, y.m., of Hull township, was drowned on tins lrtth inst., under the most distressing circumstance. Tho child, and a little girl, a tow years older, a oousin, wero playi ing in the eaw-mill, when Iho liltlo boy fell through into the lorclmy. Tho little gill, in her fright, ran to the house logive I he alarm, wheieas, hud fhe called upon oiue nen, who were at work but a thort distunce below, lie might, in u!l probllbili i!y, have been rescued before tho vital park had fled. Mr. M. had left homo that morning for the east, via Tyrone, and a mesbenger was dicpatched for him ; but he was not reach ed ; and after waiting three duys the re mains of this little houshold idol were committed to mother earth, followed by sm almost heartbroken mother, and many fyuiputhizing friends. Meeting of the Democratic Standing Committee Tlie Gentlemen cuinrnninjf ilio Dctnorrstic flandinK Cominiltt of Clenrlicld ecunty, nrare. qui'Mf d to Inert at the office, of Ilia underiignei) on Monday next (4th May) at 7 o'clock, v. u A innctual ttltondflnc it retuerteit. ISRAEL TEST, CVn. Clearlield, April 29, Ksti3. The fallowing sre Ike name of the Committee: Frederick Shoff, Jacob Wilholin James Buvnge, Hon. James DlooT, ieorgo Dimellng, llaniel Stewart, James T. Hamilton, .Tallies Mcllurrny, Vi. V. Clmmbers, Clierles S. Worrell, F. F. Couteret, C. M. Csdwnllader, Itutnnbns Armstrong, .lumen McClellnn, Fnineis Hupar, - n- rinl. John Jordan, Hirnm V'oodwnrd, U. W. Wise, Jnho Qilliland, Prico A. Howlen, Richard Shaw, jr. Dr. D. A. Ketr.or, John B. Kylor. J. M. Cummings, John II. Howies, Darius 1). Hitter, Horace A. Courtney, Tons. Henderson ri.g Kr.u;iots Intki,i.k.enc8 Bishop Totter bus Miblishod pastoral letter to the clcn 'MI.NIsIV, ' 3"' l'v and conciccalion of tho Diocesn of!et 1'Vnnsylvnnia, relative to tho approaching day of fasting, humiliation nnd prayer as designated by tho President for next Thursiliiy. The Bishop highly cunimands tho strict observance ol the day, and says amongst other tilings in his letter: Phil. "Let us think loss of the sins of those who are arrayed against us, and more ol our own. Let us remember dint the rf.co is not to the twift, nor the battle to the Mrong; and instead of u vain confidence in our own resources, or our own strength, lot us remember thnl unless the Lord go forth with our armies, "defeat awaits the most stupendous ell'.irtsnnd preparations, and that unless He give graco and wisdom to our rulers nnd people, nil our counsels will come to nought." Th Dkmoi iiath Victor v is Ciiicaco. The Abolitionists seom to be entirely diss Appointed in the (net that Sherninn(Dem.) is reelccted Mayor in the city. Ilia ma jority Is small, but they calculated upon a certainty in bculhg him. The poll is an immense one for Chicago 20,.jU(5. The Times ffvs: "At the State and Congressional elec tion last full one of the most exciting vlectionscver held in the city the total tiumix-r of votea polled within tho sumo territory now covered by the city was only 15,77C,including two or three regiments of soldiors now absent. There has been noac. tual material increisoof legal voters since last fall, but here is an apj.nranl increase of 1,530! The simple truth is, that the Abi olitionists. through their secret organize tionshnvo imported two or three thous and men nnd voted them at this election." Upon this importation rf votes, doubt lew the Abolitionists ealculntcdjtipon car rying the city. A.s OriRAci in a Ciiihcu. A UsM-rUrshot at hit ..itcr't Funeral Ay a 'rwrxuri Guard. J.ast Saturday the citizens ol New Berlin, Union county, w?re compelled to witness a ncotie, the iikoof whicli nver happened in this couutry. It appears that one 4m. Hummel a ilesnrter from the Armv. was attending ihe luneral of his deceased is ' ( f'" , bJ 40 rect 20 l (rum ter. Supposing this o ,e a favorsiile op- ""'". J,e? township. Plan to he seen on portunityto capture Huwmel provost j"l,P,cton 0 clcarflcMi April 22d. ISM. cunrd by the name ol (iephart should be - KcpU irt, of Centre county cwiceivmi the' Partncnhip Dlsaolved. Woffdoingfo in the i churrh He en-pE firm pf A. s. Dickin(oa A Bro.( j, ,hi. lerei; w.cj cuu.iu n.i vne real ol the p. ple r isctubled, and after the.sinRinj;efiJe iirst hymn, and 'jffor tbe sermon was commenced, iia dtepped up to HummeJ Mtilh a revolver in his hand and arrested'- him. Unon this Humme lso drew fortk . l a 1 I." f . 1 ' Ik revolver, vrepunri hnappeu uis pisuM, but tho Clips failed the tirsl t-0 sttempts. tft 1 1 - - 1 A . . - 1 t . . i 1. 1 - . ;. . . : 1 I Ccphnrt fired S shot lld Smith, his assis- . 1 i- i . i taot fired ono. HumraeHiredtlireetin.es. He hit Gephari on the breast, but his balls did not penetrate. Hummel was hit twice, i i one ahot in tho arm and the olher through, t tlialungs, Gephart was severely haodleJ 5 by tkc women, who seeniod to have much 1 raor43 pluck than the mon. Re ranto the. ?, mountain and made tale his escape. Tho J atlair produced an aivful excitement and j confusion, and, of course, there a as no fu-1 neral aertnon preached. These aro all the particulan. of tho affair w have yet learued Mmrgrore To ill t A' l. - A 'f ill- Hi Vi' iti'lii i, i ho fiiM I'll ...(,.!-. hm, a.'.'i'i i' ir l , fin C'lnM 11. I 'C, nt i I'liln i t l"i i ii'iiii ht br .1, V . 'I hiil ji t -.in i, tur-nl nt i" renti ir Ion s I.'.nirlit by A. Mi Dmi'ibi. 1 l.iiii of rsr sprint's ?-i cMs. 'I dirty l'n of lint tniU at .rVJ rents per Urn. MVA 5 C'..-m IMl.D-In 1'lk township, nn the I Kill lnsnt, of Consumption, Flniirrtta, daughter of Mum nil M.iry I'assmore, aged I year ami 1 month. I.oroljr babe how lirlof thy stny ! Hlmrl ami ha.ty was llijr day ; Knding soon thy jammcy hers, Pain and griff no more to hear. Itnnl In it for tlieo to purt. For It rendu the aching heart, liut nn heir of plory gone, Let the will ol Hod l. done.. Pilloweil on a Pttflor'i lirenFt, Sweetly fleep end eoftly rct j Fnon the morning nhall reFtore The biiriod bnlie we now depbro. In thin plnce, at anenrl.y hour yntordiiy morn Ing, at her cintor'a, after a linjr rinj i linen, Mim Henrietta, daughter of Major V. 0. Holt, of Bradford townihii, nired ntnut 1 8 years. rPA KI'.WAItl). 'nii tolen,a Park Hay V'! llorec, tilar In the fnce, and a enmll white itrine en the nose, a lump on left hint I knee, reeemhling cpnviu, tho snnie leg while al- moiit to the knee i ruing Ji years. Any por on who will tiiko up the nhove doeerihei home, nnd deliver bim to the undersigned, will reeeire $25. For Uorso nnd Thief both together, $50 reward will bo paid. JOHN S. GRAY, Half Moon, Ccntro etiuuty, Pa. April 2H, 18fi:i.ld. NEW FIRM" IIARTSW1CK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS. MARKET Street CLEARFIELD PA. KEEP constantly on hand a large find and luell selected stock of DRUGS and CHEMICALS PALMS OILS AM) VARNISH l'EIUXMKKY & TOl'l.ET AKTICLES. BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATION A UY. TOBACCO & SKGARS. And a yencrnl nsnortmcnt of VARI AT1ES nnd Fancy ARTICLES. We respectfully Invite a flail, feeling eo nfi. dent that we can supply tbo wants of all, on terms to tbeir satiifnntion. JIAKTSWICK 4 HUSTON. Clearfield April 27th ISC), tf To the School Directors of Clear field County. GKNTI.EMr-'.N : In pursuance of the 4.1rl tection of the Act of 8th May, 1S54, you nro here' y notified to meet la Convention at the Court House, in Clearfield, on the first Mnnday in May, A. I). ISM, beinir tho 4th day of tho Month, ut ono o'clock P. M,, and select, We eorc, by a majority tf tho whole number of Pirectn" present, olio porson or u.., a .cientitie acquirement. " " fki" nd expenenco !n the ... ..i-..ni-iiinL'. an County Suporintendont.for the L..a ancccedinir vnr ; dctoruiino the amuunt of (,tnnn-.iitiiu for ttio same : and ccr'ifT tlin ro suit to tho Htate Piiperintendent at Harri.-burg.iu required by tho .SUM una 4Hth (ectinnn of naid CHAS. I!. SANDFOUU, County Suii't of ClearSeld co. April 15, ISM. Ct.lllTiON'. All persons nro hereby cnution ) ed agninut purchasing, or tntdilling in any wny with tho following described property now in pvfioeeinn of Uurtc n iMunn of Jirady townibip : Ono Cow, Four Steers, Two Hoifters, ono Spring Cnlf, One Sow, Five Shoal, Four ncretiof Wbent and Three acres of Hvo in the ground, as tho same belonga to mo and tmhjcct to my order, nnd left with him on loan only. GEORGE WILSON. Urady township, April 22, ISM, 3t CAIITIOSi. All person! arc hereby caution J vd against meddling in any way with one BAY MARE and new HARNESS for two horses, now in the uso of Burton Munn of lirudy town ship, ai the same belongs to me, nnd Is in hi pos sesion en loan only. JOHN W. HAYS. Brady tp., April 22, "M 3t pd; To the Presidents and Secretaries of the Hoards of School Directors: BY reference to the Pcnnrylvnnia School Journal for March and April, pagee 212 and 2V4, it will be scon that tho Annual Certificates of President and SecrcUriee lire subject each to ten cent tax. But by nn amendment to the law, passed March '.id, last, and now just published, the n'limp required U only a flvo cent ono. It will, therefore, be the duty of the President to attach to each Certificate a fivo cent Geverninent Stamp. Tho officers of the different Boards, will, as ear ly as uiny be convenient, tend to mo the Annual Certificate, that tbe Schools "Have been open nnd in operation according to law," ro that I may forward it to the Department that the war rant be issued at onco for tbe District's share of the appropriation. C. B. SANDFORD, Co. Supt. Clearfield, April 22, 13(53. ."it Five-Twenty U. S. Loan, Draw In); n per cent. Interest, payable ev er' Six months in Clold. T EONARD, FINNEY t-C0., of Clearfield, are subscription Agents to dispose of thin Five Twenty Years U. S. Loan. Amounts cau be had to suit the means of dificrent individuals tho interest being payable and to be accounted for bnlf yearly in Oold- ' April 8, 1S03. 3m. D HOPOSAI.S Will be received fur two l weeks by Rev. J. D. Coai.t, for building d,T dissolved by mutual consent i the bu,i ows wilt be aetlled by A S. Dickinson. Persona knowing themselves indebted will call soon and ik prompt paymenta. A. 8. IjICKIXSON, J() DICKI5S0N " 00 .""P6- M a 'w The bnsines. will hereafter b. conducted by A. I.- , . .. .. ... ' i k. Di.-kin.n. -h . -ir pcicuca of eight year, in the wholesale trade of - . r - utw ui igai years in me wnoiesaie traue oi New York City-Ihat be can sell menhandiso or .ii i... i . . ... i wi kjuoj for cash at New York prices, with the iKi' aJlod, wholesale or retail. Produce of all kinO-, lumber and ahinglea, tought at current April 15 st-pd LEVER FLEG AL, . . - . JUStlCC Ot the peace Luthoraburg, ClcarEeld Co. Pa., will t,",d prompJ to business entrusted to his cri pnl4.' 186,: TjnOTOGRAPII A LP IMS for sale at X HARTSWICK A UfSloS'S. April 29, 1S62. 3L A fMi 01 f. r i I I oiiij ning tlm inml fmhinnnlilrt Myl, C. W. & II, W, SMITHS', r no u !,i t t I lUml rnrofiifl 1 - f jr fiiM'tiiiiin. rati lll. W fnll iitlruinr sttrnlinn lo mil rn I.ndii find ucruicnifti ii i l uin- (i isliin (ioral. V offer to H, the het A No. 1 Drown Mieilingn j lour qimrti'M wide at i!7J ent ier ynfil. All our Hummer Print, the very bent iiility ami j ctylen, mm 20 cenlr tipwnrl'. ! Dark I'rinU rrom 22 to XO ttnto. No one (hull go nwny diin-atii-lieil, Hint will furur uc with an cxamlnaliun of our ttut-k, iirl of which weenumernte below t i iti'Ai nr. Ah 'pry cooua.OIH1KJa!!2.""Ii ! Mo.nmbiiiues, Silk inix'u Ciis'iiieres ! Wool de Liunes l aniy ilo ! Jiopp. do I'.l'k ribbed do J.'uncy do Mottled do ; prenell Mo.nmbiiluesTwillod do I T lUnllnu Catuberteeno . ijlllt. ll .''una Hal.urene8 Lnvella Cloth Fancy I'rinU Wav. (jinghams Man, (iinijlmiua llaroges Tablo Diaper Hird eyo do Flft'inoU Bloiiched Muslins lirown J f- 4 (jr. do Corset Dulls Shirting Stripes Checks Ticking lirown Drill. Kentucky Jeans Wool Tweed Fancy Sutlinelts Me'.ton do Double Twist Rubber Buttons Metal do Carpenters' Pencils Black Cravats Black Silk Ties l'uugo llandkerc'fs Fancy Cassi. Shirts Marsailles do l-'ronts Uniijuo Scarfs Dom, Linen Collars 1 Cord do do Hlk. Thibet Shawles 3 do do do Stella do Linen Chokers etc., etc., etc. I'aper Col Ian Cout Hindings etc , etc., etc. Long cune IIoois Magpie do Hound do do Flowered do Elegant (lord Trail 1 Mantle Hoop Sk iris. ) Ladies Linen Collars Minces Gloves Do I'uillod do Block cotton Gloves Do F'cy edg'd do do Silk do Mens' awsorl'd do Mens' Kid do Ladies' Gauntlets Black Crapes English do Lbildrons' IIoso Ladles' Slate IIoso Do Black do (looks and Eyes Whalebones Buffalo Combs Gum do Do Lace Flutod do Twilled culls to m'tch Mourning Cutfs &, Collar Doublo Muffling Misses Elastic Gurt'rs Ludicfc' do do Fancy Jot Tins Invisible Head Nets Tassel do do Crotchet do do Chenillo do do Braid do do Cotton Fringes for 1 Velvet do do curtains Fancy do do Manilla Ilibbons Narrow Braids Darners Bl'k & white Laces Edgings Bl'k Thibet Shawls Stella do Miilil-nlilf Wil.4 Einbro'.dcring do Elastic Cord Silk do Mourning Dress Btns Fancy i"i Agmtm y.u tve Oilt ... - ,p..t., I. .1. Do JluliaKCre--iaoiepia mi fr. nimlings Aoorn do Skirl Braid, all col'rs Assorted Zephyrs American Kuchcs etc., etc., etc. Paris do l'liine liio Coireo Tolmceoa S: II. Sugar Indigos and all nr C'l'd New Orleans tides to be found in Pure WalerCrnek". ) the Grocery line, ers for invalides f Soda do do 5P.U Feus Young II. Tea Essence Cofl'no Extract Ley 'iround Rio CofTco Cream Tartar A U Spices Pipes Clearfield April ft, (A splendid substi - tuto lor Beans.) Best Quality of Brown Sugar at 12 1 cents, c. w. & ii. w. s- lSfi.i 18C3. FIKST OF tho Season. ft! NEW SPRING GOODS. J. r. KHAT7EU J. P. KKATZER J. P. KRATZER J. V. KRATZER J. P. KRATZER Has just received a general assortment cf DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING Hardware, Queens wore, Tinwnre, Notions Hardware, Qucenswa.ro, Tinware, Notions Hardware, Queenswnre, Tinware, Notions Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Notion irfflSTnss Sinai! Brags, Tea, Coffee, Molas.-es, Suar, Pnlt, Candles, hico, Flour, P.acon, Fi.h, Tolncco, Crackers, Vi negus, Oils, Varnii-b. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Drugget, booking tilasses, j Clocks, Churni. M'asli-bonrdt, Tubs, l'uckots, fltifc Irons, Pans, Window-blinds, Wall-paper, Coal j Oil Lamps, UinbrolHa, Hed-cords, Knives ami Forks, Spoons, Crocks, Stove blacking. All of which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms, and the highest market price paid fur Grain, Wool, Shipping Furs and all kinds of country prouuee. J. V. h KATZr.lv, ront atreet, abavo the Academy, Clearfield, Pa, P"1 J lt6:' EXECUTOK S NOTICIlNotice is here by given that Letters Testamentary, on tho 7'".01 T" l h ' T " lM, a,,P of 11 on doceased. hava been irrun ed lo the All pereon. indebted U. said esUto Ck asja ram j ml fun 1 1 tittilraa l tn IrlAilmlA rar in Ant ti ta 1 1 . , , , : . i V' rf'luirod o make immediate payment, and thnM hitfinff rliimi BrroinKt lh ami. a Mill tiaa.a. ti t those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticate tor settlement WM. F, JOHNSON, Mar. 18, 18(13, At.pd. Exc-utor Ncav Goods ! -. .... ... ... , , , . i ii c attention ot to public (and ol nuyera especially) it respectfully directed to our n stock Just received from the eaaU , ?4VCall and exam ine,lf you don't buy. C. V. i II. W. SMITH. j April 1, ISC:'. nn Ann wncnn lllVJIIUUI J'IUU)U1 I .'in lull l:m,N am. imMi, UV. I.l Kt lt fit f;linl imi '''ti'itiiiii Sen n linn Senntlnn I lee 'Mee I I ei' PH.AIN 1 (( ), ' iii 4 i iu I llel H .Inct roeelvoil nt MdSStM'S'. Ml II A MS nt .Sennit jnn I-rlrec 'CIIIM7. nt At At lit At Ut nt Sl'IIHltioil ti(TS, Senintinn j.iieesi Sencntien prices t. . i : ' l'lll NTS Ol.dVIvS CltAVATS oensnnon price HI MtlSSOl'S' Senrnlion prices .S.'iiMilion prices 1 SH A wi.;i i,ti.NM-.r.s I MUSLINS J Sensation prices All to bo had nt MOSSOrS'. LINEN ut CUASII nt CU UTA I Nf5 nt Sensation Seusalion Helisaliou Sensation Sen sal ion prices prices prices prices FAB LIS CLOTHS at FRINGE ut prices nt MOSSOTS'. LACa nt Sensation prices prices prices HOSlK.ia at Sensation KIBBONS nt Sensation T1MMMIS0S1 okall kinds i at in any nuan'ly I Sensation prices Aiwavson liaml ut ilt);s.tl . CASS! M HUES ut 8 ATT I NETS nt TWEEDS at JEANS nt Sensation Sensation Sensation .Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices I trices VEST1NGS nt S1UHT1NGS at prices at MO.SSOPS" CLOTHING kucIO as Cent', Punts, Vests, Under Shirts, at sensation Flannel Shirts, Boots, Shoos, Hats and Cans, Now for buIo at MOSSOPS' HARDWARE! such as Snws,naiU Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, at sensation prices nt MOSSOPS', LIQUORS, such as Wine, Brandy, (i i n, W h iskey, Cognac, etc., otc, at sensation pricos rii;., uvu., ) , such as Raisins, at erts, Ac, ) FRUI TS, such as Prunes, sensation prices Figs, Filbe at MOSSUPS'. GROCERIES, sny 1 r 1 o u r, Hams, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Ten, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candles, Coal Oil, etc., etc. nt sensntion prices Always nt MOSSors'. BLACKING ROPES POWDER SHOT LEA I) nt at rt at t.t at lonsation sensation sensation sensiuion M-utaiion sensation prices pricos prices p. ices prices prices CAPS At the storo of RICHARD MOSSOP. Always heeps on hand ft lull nssoitmentof all kinds of goods required for tho aoconimodaticn of tho public. Nov. u, is2. JAMES TEST J DF.A LER JN PIIIL1PSBURG, CENTRE COUNTY, KF.F.rS always on hand, a lajgo ns.iortment in his line, such as I Flour I Corn Menl Molasses Vinegar Coal Oil Alcohol Turpentine Tar Fish Oil Sugar Rye Chop Buckwheat Flour Beans Potatoes Apples Butter Cheese CoB'eo Bacon Tea Tallow Crackers Lurd Tallow Mnckernl Spgars White Fish Sail Cod Fish Dried Apples Shad Dried Peaches AZ,.S'0, Wheat, Pyo, Corn and Oats iu the urnin, Liquors of nil kinds, Confectionery, outs X Fruits, Corn Ilrooms, Solo-bentlior, aud a very great va- rioty of iniscellaneoiis articles. His situation and facilities for purchasing, somo of tho articles herein named, are such as pivo him peculiar advantages over many persona in selling nt a small profit. He would therefore respectfully solicit a eall from persona wishing any thing in his lino, suiisfiod that it will prove Kutuilly advantageous . Nov. 19, 'C2-;iin. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! DOULLE EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale nt C. W. A II W SMITH'S, rnnnerlv It w. SMITH AC This flour Is made from the best while wheat in (bo n at, and we warrant entire satisfaction to purchasers. March 4, 18f.3, MEAT MARKET! T r.OPOM MOW BUTCIIERS.-Xow I i 00CUiv the hssement of the Clearfield II III sc. ' on Ihe corner of Mirkot and Front streets Clear- . field, I'a, ! All kinda of meat constantly kept on hand. Tlie public are respectfully invited to cn'I in and aci'n'nr thninolves with our terms mid pi i-e. . ! Ucc. 31, 1SH2. j 1 i I ' ('A IIIM'.T liMI'Dllll'M. 1 Mil M I.M tM ii . ..,. , ' Mir. nr.i f I . tli o lit M" I' nl f, ),.. i a hlli I' i ii I hnr ii"i. i m iii I lliii'ih, s"l fifarlr oi i ntlln id ! i, ..in", "" ' "I i ii hi c. K rnlr, , whf r K IMrn l lo eriy n the rlii.. lunklnii Ihihiii m In lu diCioni l.tunrh . II itim . ivn a rrc-itur teniiri ilnp l.i llir lnKinr", ami .rk. n ,1 iirM tinitn met i Jear,, ,t rnrrying t n I,. . , r Hi ro year, h flnlli-r Minmitf Ihul h nn rrri'li-rrnt llnetinn In llni who iny furnr him wild lliel rnrl i.m. liming limirrl In ( 'IrntfieM In. rough, he filii'lH rhnre el puiroimi;, nml il enr he hit oliji-et to innkn to order Hint and rulmlnn- Imi furniture siisb as French B';Jstfad, Ha will always be and Common nnd French i'onts Cottngo, Jen ny Lind, !' all other kind of BEDSTEADS,) prepnrod to (urninh to outer Honk ing Chairs of I difforent kinds nr.d common 1 I OTI1ER.CTI AIRS Ho will ulsn fiinii.-h i to order Hair, Husk, mid llairdnd Cotton MAT TRtSSKS. The above njined, nnd iiuu.y other articles, will bo mndo to jordnr for customers, on short notice, cheap for Cash, or exchanged for with Teckncr'i Puteut fastenings and (lard ner's Putent Spring lied steads. Ill II LAI S of dilTeient kinds. SI DK HOARDS. Wardrobes, Hook-eases, Parlor nnd Centre Table i, llreak fast nnd Dining tnblei nnd tho latest improved approved country pro- hxtension tables. lliit-iMuco. Don t torgut tho ranks, Was i ataiuUl'oi-l'plHee, as I am dett rmin let nnd Work stands, led to furnish nil articles and every other kind of ut tho most rcnsonnhlo furniture in bis lino. I rates. OrMuple, Cherry, Poplar, Pino, I.lnwoodand every other suitable lumber, will bo Lu ken in ex change for furniture, C.wh will u'.so bo paid for good Lumber- 11. K. SIIOPK. II. Colfinsof tho latest stylo mndo to order ou short notice. Funerals attended whenever desirable. Climnltl, J'a., Feb. 11, 'M. FIRST Great Arrival of Fall and Wiatcr (iSoods at RKIZENSTEIN BliOS. & CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, Inth Mansion Iloutr, oppnnt; the Hank, (Miuw'i Old Stand.) Tllo undersigned tako pleasure in annonncin; to nil mankind that they have juit received a large nnd elegant stock of Fashionable READY-MA DE CLOTHING, Selected with trrent inro, and which will bo sold cheapor than the chnupekU Plenso call, as wo have Clothing to suit the old,younir and guy. Clothing to keep ull comfortable on a Winter day ; Clothing of all colors brown, black and blue Clothing well uiudo, nnd fashionable too ; Clothing ot elegant fit, I declare Clothing ull tuke a pride in to wenr; Clothing the best that can bo bought, Clothing woll sowed ju.st as it omrb Clothing which nny one CiJ ""y Clothing for men j-uina and nil. Cloth'-if tU0 'srgvt nssortment in town, Clothing for Smith, for Jones and for Drown ; Clothing for nil tho rest of mankind, Clothing nnd what belongs in that line Can now bo bought Cli.nper than everboforo At A'EIZEXSTEIN'S great Clothing Storo. In addition to tho foregoing will bo found and kept constantly provided Furni.ihing Goods, Hut.', Caps, Boots, Shoca, Fancy Goods, Notions, fc, Ac. T'T-Wc take this method of returning our thiinks for favora heretofore extended, nnd reas sure the public the confidence with which we hnvo bei-n f.ivorcd, wo will strivo to merit In iho future. C'liKAIN nnd Fl'RS taken in exchnngo nt tho highest market rates. 1! El ZEN STEIN BROS. t CO. Branch of Keizenstein liros., -121 Market St. Philadelphia. Watches, Jewelry iy Silver-Ware. THEundersignoil would respectfully invite your attention to his well selected .tck of Fine (lold and Silver WATCHES, Fine (iold JEWELHV, of every kind nnd variety of styles comj rising all of the revest and most nr.At'Ti rvu iir.sniNs. Also, SOLID SILVER WAKE, ino lo Co!., and the best make of Sirer J'lnlnl H'ore. Each article is warranted to be as represented. ?fr"Vntchos and Jewelry cnrcfnlly rrjmiml and aati.-faction guaranteed. JACOB IIARLEY, S'lirtrssor to fiUwlVrr tit' lliirln,,) No. C22 Market Street, Philadelphia. March 4, 18(13. 3m. pd. Tllll CMIAHI'II.!.!) ACADI.MV will be apened for the reception of pupils (males and female?) on Monday, Feb, Jiih, 1SI13. Termaprr Session' ol" I'.leveii M eek: Orthogrnphy, Keaning, Writing, Primary Arithmetic nnd Oeoprnphy, Higher Arithmetic, English Orninmnr, Uengrnphy nnd History, Algebra, (icometry, Natural Philotioihy, and Hook Keeping, Latin nnd Greek Languages, 12 60 3 00 4 AO fi 00 To students desirous of ncitiiringa thorough English Education, nnd who with to qnul fy themselves for Teachers, this Institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil received fur less than half a session, nnd no deduction n;nde except for protracted sickness Tuition to be paidnt tho close of the term. C. 13. SANDFORD, Piiudjml, Clearfield, Feb. 4, IStil. ly. Dissolution of Partnership. j rill H Co-Purtncrfbip heretofore existing bo- J tween the undersipned in tho cuachiiiiiking business in Iho borough of Curwensville, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts nro desired to he closed with as lit-1 tie delay as possible of which nil jcri-uhs hav-: ing unsettled accounts will Like notice. i Cu.wenfville, Feb. 23d, I H. KERNS. 5L paid. J Ii. y, LA PORTE, j ' W A L T K II" Ji A li 11 E T T , i Attorney at Law, j HAVING resigned his commission in the ar I my, and resumed the practice of Law, mny be consulted on professional business at his oflico ' on Second atreot, Clcnrflcld, Pa. All busiue promptly attended to. Feb. II, 'til. i WILLIAM A. WAI.I.AI t. JOHN G. HALL WALLACE & MALL, Attorneys at Law, CLEARFIELD, PA. For Sale A L,G,,T Ul tJUIb sriUNO-WA-GOK, entirely new, well painted and EniMird.and snbsts.ntial in every particular. For tale at a birgain. C. L. UAH RETT, tiearfleld, Ta. April 16, tf. ( Jas. MrMurray. MatU lrvbi.j DEALERS IN Dry Goods, firoccrics liumber, Ac, j I run hi do, Pa Pee. 2 L 18(52. 1 ORERT J. WALLACE, stroiur ai Law Clearfield, Pa., Office ia f-ka Row, op He the .li.urniil office. i .e. 1, ti.--f J mi; (M:imii til) hi 1 1 iii.l aN wuhkly vavvau n'bLlsllLD AT CLEARFIELD. CLEARFIELD Co , I fl v. v i : u y WEDNESDAYe POLITICS IT I FIRMLY DEMOCRTIC J YKVAl AND INDKI'KNUKNT, Unmoved hy the Hopes of Unright eous Gain, Unshaken by tho Frowns of Unprincipled Dcm ngogucrs, Unintimidalcd by tho Clamors of tho Jl.tbblo and tho Threats of Insolent lobn, and Fearing noilhor tho Unhullowod Procincts ot rrcsidontinl Dudgeons and Tyranls Vaults, nor tho 'Hock-Hound Fortres gps of any Modern Caligula. IT IS IN FAVOK OF FREE PRESS, Free Speech, AND THE EQUAL RIGHTS OF ALL IT IS DEVOTED TO. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE AND LITERATURE, MORALITY, POLITICS, EDUCATION, CIVIL AND RE LIGIOUS FREEDOM, The Union, tho Constitution and the Laws, tho host Interests of ti e whole Country, nnd Cl?arfiold County in particular, nnd opposed to Abolitionism, Disu nion inn nnd all kinds of Fanaticism, whether Political or Koliious, and au uncompromising abvocate of Truth, Juss tic, Llercy and flood Common Sense NOW 13 (ood time to SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "CLEARFIELD RF.PURL1CA N." M O O R E G O O BLAND E II , EDITORS AND Proprietors. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, Terms ot Ktibscription. I.' paid in advance, or within three months, SI 3.) tf paid nny time within the year, - - 1 40 If paid after tbe expiration of the year, - X 0 Terms of AdvertMng. Advertisements arc Inserted in tbe Republican at tbe following rates: 1 Insertion. 2 do. S do. $1 00 2 0( 2 o Ono square, (U Hnesi) $ 60 $ li Two squares, (281ines,) 1 0U 1 11 Three squares, (42 lines.) 1 iO 1 i luenlbs 6 mo's. 12 mo One Square, I I I f 2 .'.0 $4 (10 t" ()( Twosqunrcs.i I I I I 4 00 S 00 Three squares, i i i I i 00 8 00 Four squares, : : : I S 00 10 00 'lalf a column,- : : : it ( 12 on One column. : : : t U 00 20 0 10 Oil 12 0i 14 on 15 0o :j do Over thrco weeks and lc thnn throe mnatliF 2.' contj per a juare lor each inacrtion. 15usli6! netiees not eisjoding Sllnci are in aarted for t2 a yeir. Advertim6nn ntt laarke j witktho aumber or osert.ions desired, rill h CDatinusd until forbid and oburgod aecorditg te these terms. , r An ex tensive stock tf Jobbing liialeii.i! ennbltMi the rublishers rf t!ie"f yiddlfun to annourre to the j ul li j that he U prcpa red to do til hinds of JOB PRINTING.
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