Wr.l'NLM'AY. V' I l.i 'nam ii ' ' ' liiiv SPRING GOODS. I (l.i:il on 'I n ,d .wh.K""' 7' ., .nt- ;rt!rr miJ f r- " ..f.oitl.er. re."-"' " ,1 .'I . 1' I 11 I II ! in il I 1 ih, 1.1 .j. r. 1 r. utll 'III, ".' h , I' 1 I, . 1 ,1 I . ,, l.i i. t tie 11. V : w I. .1 I ' ff ec . 1. 1 .s " . tl; nt tlif li ,1 I IL' IIHIIIC i. i-lril : . r .... .1. . t). Bill r ! 1 1 1 , " 1 1 .. . ,(,, (-.well' H '"" I' "' ' ' (" f efilirtrn'u'. fit 1 1 r-s r Kim-nt r-H'l.- ml that iK i' 'tlim tin' 'i"''H' ' fttppori fur hi r r, ;f iiii 1 1 i'l' '' '''''' 'T"" her. Two ni.ip-' ' I f""lil"ii;. , !n 11 tin' luir i, nil ii In which ihu nubs, 1 1 1 --1 also In' vr' ili'C"'"!. wiifi. '0 r!i!iti". i'Mi I 1 li. I'. - tilt li 'iml, must i-t foT'.h '.hut III" I'l'tilii'iuit if t'-c 1 c rV. flip rt-n-,,-enls herself ft l.- ; llml the Mutt im'.i "' the r.mnlier n ml nn'i of her family in I rue i tl"it nhu if In d ti".ito riituii.f'at.ei: nnd In 1 I m : iv in ') ttnl wi.M. nnd tlixt facts ' I'"1'1 i I'f r.ilii n'.i'.n nr.' Ju-t nut) trie. ' Form rnntuinnig these requisitions ran be nit Uiiuol tit tho n'ticc nf ttio llnnnl nf hi'lii'f, when Htlli It :tt!.,n Ik lll.'l'lc UH I'lO wnimssuf appear lllnfn of tiitj i..j.hriir.!, properly proven eicueo ter .tou al atler.iiniieti. W.M. h. BKADLEY. Cl'k Aril , 13. ( CH'NTT PrrfRI.NTF.VDENT. Mr. l'.riRKOIVS, tho !f.to S;alo So) oni:l'niJuiit of Common 1 Ssncoli", has conferred tho appoint nnnt j if t"'otiiiiy Superintendent, to till ilii' place1 u;a ni M'nilb (lift (I' ltth nf Mr. Hk , i'I Mr. Cul:t.rs !'. S an rirtitt Opal of i!ie Clcrti'lit lii Ai'.i.,.;my. Nt I I -to;- selection could liriv: '..;(. ti u.ai'.i 'I uf.j-.oiiitaK-nt ir.!v l.t-U until a ,lc. .( i- I'Kcimliy tin. .Vi-;. lull I:rctui al l'..v.r I'M Cdtiieitti" on tin' 4ih ri May 1, jit -u in.'ti.-'- ior vviiu'li nitttii'g t.'c:-. .r!i'd ii iioilicr ooiutnti. ' A '11 11 . k 1 1 ;'i r r. KiiA'ivri: j. l'. u;vm .1. 1'. Jv K M AM 1 r. .al ii . i tuiTit 1 KY 'it 11 1! is LMtV tititUH I K Y i.OODH Ji a J nt rvt t-ivtij 'II! ttf'll t Ull-I'l Mnfif I fU i., Ixai'it Mil 'il till ottrl ef fMin. I , I.- . I 1 1 iitte f ' in !, Iiri hf tt.f. ).i (tlic up, mi Ilk ifU, !, nil "ittif'U, lb I " I. ilm ni Ai,l! m t, , 1 I. Ilii t'ftlit. tit tf tid Inlftrst nf .t. ), Urg't Ititltf. t "r ni ti'M In, kituHtr In I. ttiiir Ip , t I nif M i .iu.ti , I). Iik tlif n imtliililfil lhtt nti ft il., l.i.ntrlt i) m il tlt rlli" I la ft lliwu. In "iii 1 l.iKiriMnit i n 1. f nth l y llm Hig M"'h nnn m t"i t k , m.tl mi thf in!, t r'h it 11 'I wtft I y Intl. In el Aiitlrt li. I ttt't ill, I'lliit'l M'lllf, Jln M. Ilnln nii.i D'tvi l I. I'runpr, tiMitiiitiini; lioul iprts. SiiMtl, IkVod in Mi'f'tmn inl to boiold an tli J rti t'rtT cl tlif ''till J. l.ingli". tliWAKU ThliKS, Mr. ISfill, .It. HmritT. RICIIA11D HOSSOP, FOliri'iN AM) lH)Mi;S'110(J()()IH, TIIK Tlinco.MMI lit lAt, IM' 1 n CI.KAUI ll.Ikl) Itl'.rUllMCAN, M nrn-Mitn . 1 a nr. f iM.nnwi 1 YUOt.L.S Bnmicts and Slnwls Ijonr.ct.H and Sli.iwlrt Bonnets nml SMmwIa Iomi(jis and Sl.al.' CLOTH IN r. Cl.OTJlLNG CLOTHING CLOTHING Hardware, (jueetifware, Tintvaie, Notions llartlwitie. Utiet'iihWitre, '1'inwnre, .Notiorm ! llnidwnre, (ueeiisivnre, 'l ipwnre, Notions ! Iljrdw.ire, (n'enswnro, Tinware, Notiot.". In, ( offei, Wol.imtiti, Hiiirnr, r:ilt. i.'nnillii!, lUct', l'liiur. Iliraon, i'ifb, T.ilf.cio, Crucli er, Vinran, Oilf, Virnlkh, . ('iirpi'tk, Oil Clttth, Drufgut, Looking (ilasfBi,1 i-I'l U'ul.l IB 1'..l.a l..bHl . . . i.i'ii HP, I'liin im, im-i- unni a, ui.ci, i.uvnvM., uw ' 1 lr'ii.8, I'nti it, VVwuiuw-blinJk, Wull-iinner, Co&l 1 l.uii.i , I'lii'irnlUk, Iloil c onlj. Knive anil ! HON. C. 1.. V AU AN'l lMlllAM H M.I.AINIM ll (i)i;i;i:us m Al-l'ACAS nt Ju it rnet niMHIAMS nt CIIIN'IZ riUNT.S t (iLOVlv l CKAVATS ( Hentintien . fired .'it'iMitlioii triei-d Hciisnlion iiieyt Senntion priwn dviMl ht Ml.KSSOl'.S'. HmiHfttion iStiiHiil ion SeiiHntion Senntien t'ktniiation prieen lificn pi iif prirvn piiert t v V l.'1M OV APOI.ITION, SLAVERT AND THE CIVIL ()RKl 1 W-K- MUSLINS ( j J POON UK IlEAljy. It cuntHiiK eomilit8 ami affurnte rotm'i til .Vr. BiHiuuinRiiura at MUSSOl'S' lit SenitRtirin Hantiutiun Sciisitioo f ! too pr'ce price wi:i:klv vAWAt, VMnUHUV.D AT I CLEARFIELD. CLEARFIELD Co.. Pft R V K II Y WEDNESDAY id.', I 'IN KTKPHHN )V Vl No 91 e mi ti 4i Mill A. 'I.J I , (I li I! M 1 1 n! ! ' t ' 1 1. 1 !n LINEN CKAS1I All to ba IjRtI nt IlOStSOI'S'. ' at princir:il fpi't'cht's on the Hultjectn above nmiea. ,..r J . v.-j i Alto, rrta of otl.or mfolni, vith IMian, lntii- CL 1 A ' ' Idi'iitn, Vtittm. Ac TI10 work ha lipen camrully FA I I.I' Ol.'J I nt 1 filitcd, ami in bflitivid to prt'itent, fnirly and cor- J.'1'I NOK Ht , will rfctly, the political rticorl and itoiition of s inau, ivliom" viowk in re ution to 1110 cuue 01 ur 1 tionnl troulilfs, and tho riht rtini'idien for them '.' .. y rdinnrp fliaro of.J'Ubllc '-pt,.,vt. t t Hrnsation StMisatiott Sensntiou Snnsalion SorsBtion tSensHtion Sunsntion Sotnation prtcf prieei . prices ' prieos j prtcu's ; IN POLITIC" IT I.H FIRMLY DE1I0CRTIC 5 IUrriFIAI IIII.'AI. hr 1 It I 1 I Tho IIcrcLnrti nnd T'.ii. .". iv.ivi cf ihilndi.ip'u:; Til I'. OIL! I.KNT ANI Till. U ... .I'.'l. Secret cf Their Succors an.i Ai'-r ni' . will rr. conitnu :;. Fb. ti, tHC.3. J .i THE CONSTlf VTICB AL "irh irf. nlw rr.oerrcTLs. ITjC I-nrjTht uji.I Chrmpist WfCLJy 1 1 Ox. Htnte. ixiiccr.MK.NTa to ot.un.-,. A Hew aad Towerfally Written Pg!U ioal t torv ore attracting an cxtraordinnrp aitfiiuoii. ... .,.,., vna v 1 The work if on good, lubntantUl paper, 20B p. 1 l 1 N Hi 1 1 lRr?e hvo. of nil kinds ft V at j I'illCK Pnpcr coTern, HO ct ; Cloth, 7S rta. in any QUan'ty ) Delivered by mail or etproaa, prepaid, on tU Alwavt On hand at MOSSOPS', Sentation price price in t. i' I 1 II .1 1 L " I III. I I J It,.' on mii'ilii" '"tiiier ftt r tint1 ln-t '-i.':"'iv 1 t.t r 11 : tip, fc:. 1 ,'ji.i:-.' 11 iul;i.iirr ol ."..! j.v,!o tJu Jiajsed tit ;. 01, !! eir .'? 1 1 m::1 ;!:! . K."i'i't ln fii iii btilotv are voi i" tuicai'i- i'.'. Ti'ie tiniLm' i t ll f , -'I'l I-ill ll "lll ji 1 1 1 1 x '-" ' 'it.-. .o lieLe.c, If 1 11 receipt ar tho pnc. 'CASSlMKlUi? fcend ordt'ra, with the money encloiod, to Col- , T..., .1y.1v utr lnii, Ohio, addroaeed to J. li. Kile? 4 Co., or to (iovernor Medary, office of the "CitlSlS." A ' ' " Kjla larpe anlo ii expected. ( JEANS pif-Kvery newrpaper that givei the above J VESTINOS 1 il..., p'.t.t.', Cuiukf, Kuivo blitckin?. All of , insertion, bIbo thm notice, ana tcnua marKea SHIKTINOiS iiiiit'li will lt- s.iitl 011 tho moat reasoiniblo tornn, copief, addressed 'Ilox C!I9, Colnmbuf, Ohio,' will j 111.fl tli 1' 1. 'lust mutkot price paid for drain, receive tbtee copioi of the work. iliir.it,t ,itii,).i at at at at at at W0.1l, .S!i;;;i:ii(,- l'-ij tttid all kintlii of omnKcy i.i.i iu. f. J. V. KRATZKU, I rt nt .io t. ab no the Academy, Clcarfiold, Po. April 1, I : . i. Opening of Spring Goodd! .niijiri'ii'' the ino"t iatliionablo etyles, . AT vijjcalvcliln )alriot k Pinion T1JE CHEAPEST PAPER PUB LISHED in PENNSYLVANIA! AND THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC TATER PRINTED AT TI1E cli AT OF GOVERNMENT I CLOTHING iticlil ns Oontg, I'utiU, Vests, Under Sliirts, at donsalion Flnniifl Shirt, Hoott), Shoed, Ilaiu nnd tain, Now Cor sale al MOiSOPS U A R P VV A Ii PUKE AND INDEPENDENT, prices prices Unmoved by tho lLpos of Unright- oous Gain, UnHliakeu by the Frowna of Unprinciplod Doni ugogues, UnintiniidAted by the Clamors of tho itabblo and tho Threats of Insolent Mobs, and Fearing prices! mtithcr tho Unlinllowcd Proo'tnets of "satw,",r''iceB,PreNidentiaI Durgeoau and TyrantM' tSensalioii 8;iisation tSensatioH Sensation Sencntion Smisation prices priies j price pries I j Vaults, nor tho Pock-Bound Fortres. jbes of any Modorn Caligula. I llil, ei fnmi 15 ii (! ' ' 30- I 1 ij.iii t S. W. 8 H. W. SMITHS X urn .na'io at the ui!ittvi lit".irtv' I'.i'.tH .1. r,' . :i.. l..- ni'1. el lite J. . ef . 11.fr '.1 ' I uv. ':::' t: 111,1 C'liil'tiiltce mhh tnr.do tot;i' Hou-'? r-.i Tii'jr Iny l ui. ll in nai 1 to I t- j very "Ih.miiii.'iis, only j .-.rt of H hich l .iv yet been publikbed. Il iiil l.e jjialifvni j to the mitiifrou frioii'U of Vr. Ii'iyti- in : this cftiit'y atiii I.e jtiflaii district, t-j 1 learn I hit' bi Ft.iifinont. at publi.diei in January l.vt, 1, :i l et' 11 fully curioboiAU-d j -"ii,(j-w. ' '' tkr, aeea'd tktwAelrtt. V.'cbliall 1 !.!)!, di tl,,) inair. j'.irts of lldi I report l.erralti r. ' 1?. . men ni.U'.uti a :i I 1 ':i i..ei'.t tri tin) ctitl !ti fr.ini tbf ILn foJ"Mleii hv 0 le fold at pticos that defy eompetilinn. l'.i'iiJ niiil'uiiy our f.'.(iruto liptk. Mo cull I'.i. 'ic ii In r uiiu.it. 011 to our kiiju'r.or .stock or Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furn j?liiiig (iuods. offer t" nil, lln be.-t A l"o. 1 llrown Siuetir.gi lour tjtiai huh ivido at reut" piT yard. Aii our i.j,iiiu..r I'riul.i, lUc Viry ben! iiu.ility and rlj.i.'i). ll 1,111 -D I'tllln upVI lll'dk. i 111. i" t'u, 11 Ti tu iu coutb. No ii ti . r r .f 11 1 d iroriy-iour vyoiunms 01 neaumg j! Matter Each Week! . AT HE LOW riUCE Of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CF.NTH WHEN FCBSC'IURKD FOR IN CLCHR OF Vot I CCS THAN 10 copira t"one addreks such as San'S.nails Forks, Knives, Hpikes, Hittgen, LIQUORS, such as Wine, I'ranJy, 1 i n, Yi' b iakej', ('uytiao, etc., etc., FUUI I S, HtK-li hi 1'rnnes, Kai.tin lit sensation liee.-t at MO.iSOI'S' at sunUiioii prices i ITE IIAYKllF.ENCOMrEU.KDTC liAIPE I"i!l'ertP, A w an 1 fifty cmitu in urdi r tti mvii t'ur.'c'.vos from nrtunl ion. 1'iiper ha." rifen, inrludin" tnxes, ' about twenty live per com., in1' 's "i'l ri:'itvr ; hlia.i j;o ' iiinktitistieil, that will favor h' i when e tell our Deimcralti: fri.-n '!h, o:.titfil 1,:. t x,iii;ii.iLti i.i of our mock, i.art of . Iv. ll..'!' no can no leu rcr atl'ord to re!l tho "Week. at sensation prices IT IS IN FAVOR 01' FRE ll P II E S8, F reeSpe o e li , AND THE KQCAL IllVHTS OF ALLh i ) nut need tept'alt li-t to .1'ie-it i!iu,f r.t'o 11 '' lisbnii; yVV'jivpA. f"nn I'niod Lenities ? 1 sllir- tt !..!, M, KIO- Htiicti if I.-en 11 i-iatti boiuw ; lilwlli ar.Aii DRY uot)DSKN;;SS11- M".aiiilit.i!e, ,ilk uiix'u Cus'ineres W'oi 1 Ub Luii.es Fancy do l!i'pi. ilo Ll'k 1 ibbcii do Fiiiicy dij Mottled do Froneh MozamliiqueSi'l'ii ilk'd do (iiiOCr.Kli:-;., eay V 1 0 n r, 11 n n b, .Sliotiltleri, Stpjar, Mol.tfv".. t otlt e, f nt ! en, (. r it e k 0 n, Spices, Candlei-, Coal Oil, etc., oto. at MU.SSOP.S". EOinn'.ioti prices " W iir n a 11 m 1 1 i I'loflaiit I y :"-.evci mi .11;: .!?.!' he i iih ir'tod a Union man at anybo'j iy, we f iiij 1 hi" loyultj ."Al. bV,rieci-'ly u, AimI this is tlievetyi reajor. n iiy the .iihi universally au i)eel I t im 1 jy aliy el 1 In- I'lii in I.t-a'ieis. I Linen Poplins Ualzui''nis l.aiethi Cloth Fancy Prints Wav. Oir.t.dinmi Mr.n. f in ; I. a nis !l.lll'g8 Table Piaper l.ii il eye ii 1 Fiaiiiie'.i i.. ached Mn l,ns liffivvit f 1 qr. do (,'or.iei Pulls "'hirting Stripes iiit eksi 1 ic K 1 11 tr Ilrrif.T r.t.f.ci to:.. Matt? elt ctions M ere held la.M Het'k in t.'otitieciicjt and Wis. cniin. In C'onneetirut, the Kfpnhlienns ; III own Prill. . ifcted tlieirdovernor by 2,S0 mttjoritj , l'lk. Thibol .Shai les 3 do le.ia uo i. men ami throe oi,t nf the fnur ii'.etnbei s of Con rreM. J.ni ear the lU-publieans carrietl tJte Stnm by ovei y,000. A -Uiilgo of the Supreme C.mrt was el cf''i in Vieotit:. Th? lVmorrRiic .at d.doie U lepoi ted f uccefbfnl. Jc- Watch and Jewelry Store. iTfi II 1..VIXIIMN, having purclinneil I inleicft ol bm Into partuer, k now 'a in bet teeno Kentucky Jeans NVool Tw eed Funey .Sattinelts Melton do Pouble Twist Kubber Buttons Metal do Carpenters' Pencils Mack Cravats Mack Silk Tien Puiij'o llatidketc'fii Fancy Oassi. Shii ta Marmillt'S do Fronts Utiiijue .Scarfs Putn, Linen Collura 1 Cord do do ilo t! Chokers BLACKING HOP US POVVPKK '.SHOT Li:A!) CAPS Ab'Vayf nt MOSSOPS'. I ly 1'iilriot & V''i"u" ut "ne 'lobar a year, and luiu-t ii'U fifty ci'it: or atop tho publication, we I truu they will appreciate our position, and, in- mead of illiirawin IhoiV tub criptionf, goto (work with a vr UI to inerca?o ?m lift ii every i roiinly in the ttte. We Lave ende.Tvyred, and nholl enntiniio oar eiloits, to muko the pajlT une fat (10 apr.ity oran, and neleouie OS a dCI mesi-ener ia every faintly. Wo flatter ourselvei j thut it hut. not hcL'ii without somo influence in ( prol-ueill llie giorioui! ret oiuuoii mine poilli'-K 1 i of tl.o State achieve.! at the late election : and if Icarlestnt'its in ine-uieonarpe 01 uuty, uitt'li'y to I I(JVSI )IJ the principles of the party, and an anxtout desire ; ' . , , , , t.) promote its interests, with somo experience 1 Alwayd heepS in lianU lulj SCIENCJK and a iiioilernto desn'o of fbility, can be made" ' r.isot tment of all kinds of frodda required nervieeiiblo berealter, the "Woekly i'atriot ami , for the a'X"OrflUiodaWon of the pulu:i V w fiaifM w mm aaf" drt. mh awa w i nt at tl nt ..t Ht denvatinn aensation ensation sensation sensation sensation pr;cd j prices prices prices priced price IT IS DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENliRAL MEWri. At the i-trwe of RICH A UP MOSSOP. Vnioit'' will not be Icaa uaeful to the parly t welcome to tl.o tainily circle in the futur" 1 tran in tho past. Woconfidently look fir inoroat- i ! ed encnuriigeiiietit in this great enterprine, and I I appeal to every inflai'iitial Democrat in tho Ktato j to lend uabia aitl in runuing onr nulncrihtion lift', up to twenty or thirty thousand. Th eipiiun tin 1 eut'li tiKiivuinai ih iriuiii;, me ueneui 10 ine iar- Nov. 12, 1362. AGRICULTURE, ART, AND LITERATURE, MORALITY, POLITICS, etc , etc., eto. L.ii.; ti'.e I M iti'OF (I loves I'.'ock col ton (i hives .1 . i.':ii. .1 , Koiiik li ' en n. ' I'TJhl'iiwn hook m tho n'lop lonm-Hy oeeiipinl .vletis assiu L u il l r-y llien. mi Second uret t, where lie in prepared ; Mens' Kid do in aet-p ui 111s rt uiuiiuii af a coinpleto ivoiKintin (j;uililietd "y tioiugMii iiik eiittUFten to til 1:1 011 unort no-l.r-i. ... t. n...t .- n.i .. i.u ... v.a. u.a .. uuu ou mc iiiv-i i-itn-i . . "Ciilili t ruf. Delving tho count v. till he n.-W 11 a fair trial, and a eontinuntit n of tliu piitrt.n age heretofore exti'iidml. Look mil I'm the rign of tin hi a w a n. E'-TUe Cuh will be poitivcly exp"ctrd when the work is delivirci. fi. H. L. CleurScM, Mnrch 4, y Paper ( '.iilfrs Coat Jiindingd elc , eto., etc. f ir,e Iloitis Miiirnie do Round d tio Floaerei do Lie'Mnt (itt'd Ti ail I Mantljs ' Hoo. Skins. J Ladies Linfn Collars Do Ktillied do Pi FVy ed-'d do Po I.nce Fluted do Twilled rxill's to tti'trb Moiiruit'g Cull's .I ) Collara J DouLIo Pufilinp Mi .-es Elastic U;:rl'i Lndie' do do Fancy Jet Tins Invisible Head Nets lilack Crapes 1SC3. 1803 piiiLM'r.LniiA a kimk raii.i, mi riMUS Rivnt I t-icltiiwt : line tr.iven a Ilia Northern tern countiea ol 1'entiM lvahu to li" city of Lrnt, mi Lu!m Ilrio. It bin 1. .'t-ii leaned by the 'itniKvi'iiiiiu Unit, mod Cor -wiiy, ntnl uiiiler their 1. Ufpiees ir I10 tnjr rr.pldly tij.iTie l ti.r'inl.oiV itf entirt. length. r It row in tut" lor 1 .if.-enri"- and Freight hii r.. fr t o Jlarrii.lit:r,r l'1 DrU'twooil (2.1 r'otk, 1 7 V llli'i -1 f 11 I ll A li.-i-ilftrn tWvl.lnn. uilil from fhefflt-M to Erie, (7s niilef) ua the Wcttern ! 1"'1 I'-inibliKS hlldltilis' IIokO ; Ladies' Slate Jloso Po Hlack do onks atnl Kyes I U'lle.it-b'illfS I P jil'alo Combs ;ootii tlo ' (. "lloi. Fringes for i Curtains Mnnilla Ribbons 1 P.irnt is j l'.t'rt A white Lacss j Kilg.ngs i I'i k I nibe't Slinwls Melhl h) . 1 T.'ikkcI do do Orofrhet ilo do Chen itlo do do Braid do do elvet do do ancy do do Narrow Braid Lrubroidering do F.luslio Cord Silk do Mourning Pie.s lltns Fancy coi'ti Apnto Zouwe Gilt Moiirninu Veils 1)0 lluniikeichie(sSleenl3 do Acorn tlo l'liirion. if-kirt Bi nd, nil ool'raAssot ted Zenhvrs Tint of raittn;tr Troini nt Prilu-nnd. , American Kuchet . elc, etc , etc, Knpreiif Train leavei eas'ward 2 10 P. M. j ' Lxprcn Irnio ariiven wertwnrd 12 45 P. M. ('rf i.m through wiram T rHAOR boih w.iya en thf'O trains l.elwien l'hilii.lelphia ard Lock llnien, and between Ii'niltin.oie ami Lock Haven. Kl'KMil Sleeping Ori neeninpany the Exprena Tratubi.th wayr between Willininaport nml Italti- jeer., ana inmnntnrt nni! Pbl'iitlelphi ty may be creiit. Iitlieving that the Democracy of tliu tftato feel tho necessity of iii!t.iiniii(r n fearless central organ, we make this appeal to thein with the fulloft confidence of sncceff. The sumo reasons whieh indi.ee us to raite tho price of tho Weekly, opernto la rejrnrd to the Daily paper, which hue al.-o increnfed. The ad liitioinil cost to each subscriber wi'l bo but trilling atid, wbilo we cannot persuade oursclvei thnt tho flange neeesfarily made will result in any iliinination of oar daily ciiculation, yet, were we , certain that tueli would bo tho coiuetjuouco, wo hhould still be compi'lled li make it, or nulljr a ruinous loss. L'ndir tlio?e circumstauct 1 we : must throw ourselves upon the genorosity, or, rather the justice of tho public, an t abide their t Ar.-liel. uli-lever il mnv be. , The period for w hich many of our subscribers Mtcon l.avo pi.id for their papur buing on tho eve of Tallow expiring, we take the liberty of issuing Ibis no-! Lai d tice, reiniudiug them of the same, in order that they may "UENEW TIIKIU CLUI5S. We rhall alro take it at an especial favor If our presea t subscribers will urge upon their neighbors the fact thut tl. 9 "Patriot if- I'nion ' is the only Democratic paper publish ed in llarrta burg, and cuiisiiloriug the Jnrge amount of read ing matter, eniUraeing all the current news of the day, and JAMES TEST, PII1L1PSBURG, CENTRE COUNTY, ! T.rEKPS always on hand, a laiye assortment! j El'Lt'ATIOy, CIVIL AND RE i LI G 10 US FREEDOM, in his line, such ti Flour j Corn Meid I Ryn Chop 1 1'ucku heat Flonr r I 'eon s Potntoed A p des Butter Cheeso Molnsses N'inegnr Coal Oil Alcohol Turpentine Tht Fmh Od Supar CofJee Tea CrackoM Tallow Sepats Sail Pried Apples Pried Peaches ALSO, Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oat in the Liquors of al! kinds, Confectionery, nuts 4 Corn lirooms, Solo-Leather, ami a Tory great va riety nf miscellaneous articles. His situation and facilities for purchasing, somo : ot tne articled nerein namou, are tuca as give The Union, tho Constitution and tho Laws, tho best Interests of tl e whole Country, and CT.ai field County in particular, nml opposed to Abolitioni.-m, Pisu iiioni'in and ail kiudi cl Fanaticism, whether Political or Religious, nnd an uncompromising abvocule of Truth, Jus--tice, Uorcy unci Oocd Common Sense. now is the timi: to sui;; ii".::. ' I 'jio oTerwoimtr.jr iviat nee ia tim tioi. ru .ru i tion of tho peopla w resnse the tio- 1. nenl from tin tlnsj.ei ute and reokless purpuaos ni .I. .i ttionlsm. that Lave so limily wrockil OU' -M e glorious Uni n and destrojed all Constiluuni al guarantees, Indicate an runu".linte luturo full of events of tho most momf ntous Interest. Cein.ol lisllttn, Terrorliin, nnd Robbery, will not si l -tiit to dethronement without a struggle. The cm test, Ikerefore. bac but just begun ; and for th. y.tar to come, tooautiui of Coiiref sen, Cab!:." 1. and La,lliituie, will bo regorJed with aearcc.y esa intorct than tho movements nf oppofiDg 10 inies in tao field. The object ot the war wil, bo made agaia whatl' was betoro Abolition faniil. cisinpervertodit r -iply to oru.-U thr rttbelimn nnd rrstnro tho IV-ral authority. 'Ibern will also at tho same I. n be in ptogress the Otoci I Iitt tlo of I hit Keopio CL tie minions of Do.p . ism. tnd in this bnttli. U a Press, no longer thsck led, ro longer threatet.it wiih Abuhiiou ir.olv' and frownirj bnatiies, w'.il take ready and ui apicuoui part. 1 1 Is one of the best rosuits tf tho recent uh.a lions that their positive robukeof tho gross an. maiiilest ebuso of power by t'to Aduiiuitlratio-. )hns given the peoplo tho privilege ol light Bf : tree iticusioii pili Ilexes that w ill ni t again tamely yielded. These change 1 cireumttanc .: will bring the acts of even the highest in tie Oovernment to the tribunal uf public opiniui... axd tho Press will ngain become the uiodium n. the free thoughts of the poopie, and the feorlo ,1 advocate uf Constitutional Government and Co. ftittitional Liberty. The Proprietors of the CossmonoifAL Cio - , iii.its'iin ititir nt pro-ip'jcius, see Deiore tuftii. a bold ot enlarged usei-lnuM, and it is their pur poso to spore noeff.irt to make their paper of un equal acceptability as a ueilium of ictellVnoe ami a record of events that tnuH absorb piio.l thought. It will cou'ain full ai'uiiuariei of ti" proceedings of CongresJ nnd the .s,t LncisU. j lure, full accounts of tho tnovemeuts of the arity. lorcign una uoinesiic news, literal iutsllijent. cotniiioreial an 1 agricultural new s, Ac, Ac. In consequoni'e of the tocrmeas advanoe in tho j rlee cf peper, amounting In three tnui.tbii to m arly fifty per cent, the Frrprletors have found it nocess iry to advance the price ii the pxper to Clubs to fl.it) per annum ; but eu attiiis prioc, wo affi rd more rending for tho same money than any othor paper printed in tho 61.V.0. The ai, vauce will Into effect ot onco. Among other attractions in contemplation, iro shall commence, in the first nus her In January, a tew and powerfully written Political Story, founded on th? oyents immediately preceding Ue Rebellion. We solicit tho aid cf our Dutnoeratlc friends la tht intitricr in laieing and forwarding Clubs. TERMS 1 Single copies, one year, $2 M Two co;iiei, (o on addreoc,; Sty Ten copies, 17 jj Twonty copies, 311 00 jiT'AU luWrijitiw to U paid invarial'.g in aJvanc. A drlress UIOS. II. FLORENCB A CUu, Publishers of Cosstttctioal I'-iiolf, Xo. lit) South THIUD Street, Philadelphia. Dec. 3. '(12, .'It New Jersey Lands for Sulc, aLSO, St.'ITAEI.E for tlrpis. Porchos, I'oars, Rasp berries, Ftri'wberries, L'lail. berries, Curnuus, I l ite, of 1, 2j. i, U rr 2'i ncros each, at the folluw- ing prices lor the prercnl, vit : 20 acre lor $J'n'', Hi acres for 1 1 0. Snores (or fiJU. i), nerei fur 1 aero for t JO. Payablo bv NOW IS Mnekend Wlilie Fish ('otl Fish Shnd (-()!. tisfie (o : SUB SCll I HE FOR THE Telegraphic Dispatches him peculiar advantages over many persons in soiling at a small profit. II. would therefore. UARFIELD REPUBLICAN. respectfully solicit a call from persons wishing; from everywhere up to the moment the paper any thing in hit line, lausfied that it will prove . goes 10 press, political, miscellaneous, general R tuly advantageous. Not. 10, 'G2-3m. ami local news, market reports, is aociueiiiy toe $10, week. Aim, gooi Crr.ubrrT lauds, and viihijo lots la C1IWW OOD. 24 bv U'U feet, m e.ich. rn-.-A. j Mc by one dullnr a week. Tbo above bind acd j farms are titaa ed n: Ch uivood, asbiojton ! Uwiishlp, Purlin gton cout':y, .New .Tersev, ior j furlher information, npply, 'with a P. 0.Sta3p, J for a circular, to i I-. FHANKI IN CLAtlv. No. 00 Cedar street, elv V'ork, N, f j Jan. 21, li03. ly. I WA L T E "ll "il A R jTkYt I Attorney at I-arr, I L1 rtslgtuil his c "unr.isin In tl u I 1-1. rny, nnd resuuied the pr-icOae of Lnw, may ' 1.. ..H ... I. .1 - .. i- - ' - I I - . . ' ' "linn", on irtiiosseiuiu niisioecs nt bis oaloi Llcurl.ottl, la. Ail husind t eb. il, '43. on hecnptl PLtti.!, promptly atUnsf! to. Clicapcst Newspaper Published in the Si ate ! i i ir 1111.1r111n.11nn respeeimg l'aKn,'.'r husinenf ' S, ppiy it. 1.10 n. i.. Lor. Iltli and Market sts. b;ht I'tminers of the Cnnirianv's ' 1. Kxtract Loy Ju iiikI Rio Ci (.'1 en tn Tartur .1 U Spices bl do do And for Fr-Mit ,..:,,. ,.f lK. f, ; .. I "? ; Aii'tits. H. H. Kiii7nn ir r I't.i. ..a xt...: .. l'.s-eii'e l,nllee ' . .. ) J"l n.vi, i.MU Blltl illKIKft Piime Rio Colled Tobiucus S: II. Suj;Rr lridijiiis and nil ar CIM New (('leans tides to bo found in Pure aiei'Ciiu'kK the Grocery line. e:s fur mvidides I its , i l l mii'innia t J. W. P.'Mi. M,. Krlej J M. I'nli, A.'siit N.C. R. K. rtnlilm-roj II. li. lit l' ST'. 1, (idii'I Freight Ag't, Phils J.Ttwu L. Hut rr. Htn'l Ticket Ae't. Phila. j Jo. D. Pons, Gen'l .Msunper, Wiliioinsptrt. Jua.21, lso.1. (A splendid nibstt title tor Bean'.)' IM'Sl ytlillllT ()I mut nrcnn.piiny T) l . . , fi'iuling us a rlub jii;iill .iini nt l'i.e 1' C. Clearfield April II, 16M 1 i?i cents. V. & II. W. 8- v. r. M 111 Cl I.I.OiU;!!. Attornrt at AW. IMeilllinbl. I'll. (Iilins with I. J.. Clans, K,q., on .'ec.ind rtmet. March 2ii, 1.T.2, tf. lyAMll) by the subscriber Clci field, Dee. J, isr.j. K. MOSSOP, b epenel fir the reieptioj of pupils ( malei and females) on .Monday, Feb. Dili, lti;t. Ttruia per Mt-aaluii of I'.leien eekst j Orth tgrnphy, Iteauitig. Writing, Priu. iry ' Arithmetic and Geography, J2 50 Higher Arithmetic. English Grammar, '. Geography and llulmy, 3 00 Algebra, Geometry Natural Philosophy, 1 and Uook Keeping. 4 Oil Latin and Greek Languages, 8 00 To itudents desirous of acquiring a thoronrjh Eighth Edocatinn, and who wfrh to qualfy! Ihem.elvei tor Teachers, th,s InHilutioa "fi. rs' desirable advatitnirc. "pnpil rcecivoj fur less than half a tension, especially) ii respectfully directed to our new and no deduction t ad eieept for protracted .'lock jurt received from the east. kncfi n..tl i . . . .. . t,,!, , t s1! imi auu examine, 11 yea o"o 1 ouy. Iuiilnn to bo paid at the elne nf the term. ' ..... . .. : 1' n i:ivr.r.nr. ....... , I. W . .V II. IV. N al I III. Th"re is foarcely a village or town In the State '. in wl.irh a nlub cannot be raised if the proper exortion be niuile, and surely there are lew places in which nnu or uioto energetio men cannot be fuu.ni i.o are in favor of the diaceinination of sound Democratic doctrines, who would be wil-l ling to make the effort to raise a club. j t e rc rvi s : PAII V lAllIMT AND CNION. I Hingle copies for eneyenr, in advance - - $S,00 do on during less, of Ltg'ro - - - 2,00 C' piet Fkppliod to nrnli at tho rate of 1 1,50 per iiiinili--it, W K K K I. , I'ATJ'. I (JT A N I) UI' ION, ! j 't.V'i.v,,7 rt-try 7'fn.rxljy Single rri y cue year, In nd'. suee . . - $2,00 Ten copies t'i one address 15,00 Pnb'ciiptiiitif mar ctimenre at any time PAY ALWAYS IN AliVANCK. We me obliged to make this iniprnlivc, i:i every intanc the ensh I llie siib.rription. Any person t.l tW'Tt. hubii'iibers t the. j Weekly wtii be entitled to n'oopy for bis terv ires 1 The ptito 1'iiu nt tl.e a.lvunced rule, is no low; that we cunn it olur greater iniluceuients tl.an 1 'this. Addilions may b' in'tlo nt nny time to si i club of sal n'ribers by remitting one dollar and ' Cfty cents f'-reiu'li mlditionitl name. It is not ', , noees ary to send ns the nnuics of those constitu-1 ting a club, as we cannot undcrtaki to address j each paper to club subscribers separately, cipoc . imen copies of the Weekly will be sent toull wboj desire It. O. "llAKRKTT 4 CO., 1 March IS, 1883. Harrisburg, Pa. ' IJIOOilKA GOD DLAND K U EDITORS AND I Pr opr i ct o rs . Great A nival of Fall and Winter : RE 1ZKNS TI-1 ltKOS. & CCS ! Cheap Clothing Store, 1: A ' Munt'tn Ih:..i mW'i'(: the PuJi 1 toAuuj j ' .if Mmd. 1 MARKET .STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. I 1 One ftquare, Two squares, : , Three squnres, Knur squares, Half a column. I'UUliLf. bA I RA FAMILY FLOUR , Ul" column, Terms ot Kuftscripiion. I,' psid in advance, or within three ic.on'.hti, $ I lb i If paid any time within the year, . - . I f0 ! If paid after the expiration of the year, I DO Term nf .AdverllMiiiir. Advertisements aroinsorted in the ItepublcD dl the following ratos i ' I Insertion. One square, (1 1 linos,) $ 50 Two fiuiiros, (2lines,) 1 00 Ihree squares, ( 12 tiut i.) I 50 ' 3 rrenlhs ! ! $2 50 FLOUR ! FLOUR ! mi 00 00 00 3 il". 75 1 50 J ft" 0 mo'e. $4 (10 6 00 8 110 10 0(1 12 00 20 00 ! do. ti no 2 (ill 2 5! 12 mo J7 00 mlio u!,,i..r..iTcd take ) ,i-asurs in &r,n..o.ncinf JL to all mankind that ;i "y bsve Ju.t rixwiMvi a Ijrgj nnd eli'jiiot ftoelt c . Vashii, liable R LA l)Y-y I A 1 )i: CLOU 1 1 XG, ."fleeted witii great re, ar.i'. l.i' h irl',1 Lf fol 1 flp'tipcr tbsti tho chenpist. l'l"n.-e call, lis wo lim e Untliing to ,u:t 1 lie 0ltl, ynurg t Etl gir. f 'lull -ingin ktrp nil ci:ntorl'.t.e on a Win(ertly ; I'lo'hlng ef all color- brew p, black at 1 blue t lo'l,ii;t; well made, nnd .riibintinblo but ; f'lolhing o' eli aiit fit, I dccla.e Cl't'liing all take a pride in to wjnr; Clotbini,- the bust thnt em bo bought. Clothing woil sewed jurt as it ought--f'lotking w'uiili nir- eno Clathmj aj iH, Clothing for men, youtbr nn t all. Cio'.hin', the large-.t n-rotiirenl la loo. 10 00 Clothing f..-r t-'uiit'j, fui J ,:. s anJ fit Prjwa; New Goods ! THE atlentieu of the public (and of Layers 0. D. 6ANDFOUD. '1er(l"lJ. F.b. 4, lf, !r. Principal, V iil I, ls.l. iniw cflnnc ' AT KUA'rzKirs. i for said at C. W. n. W. SMITH'S, formerly IT. W.SMITH A Co. This flour id uuvle from the best white wheat in the Wast, and we warrant entire ratisfavtion to purchasers, llorch 4, 186.1, ( li.'liing for ail lbs re-t cf mankind. Clothing Bud what t etoiiv'j ia that lins Can now bo bought ( h.aperll.in e- rlt"ft At EIZEXiTKIX'gr.at Clolhlrg 5;tr. 12 00 14 (10 18 CO 14 00 20 00 85 00 1 Over three weeks and es than brei niil.i ir. cents tier square fnr each insertion. HuslEdid oohces nut disieding 6 lined aro In-, In addition m Iho Ibrevoing wHi be foer.4 sn4 d .rted for t J a year. kffIl PoI,,mtlt? rrvi,le AdTdrtissminU not daarkdl wttataa nuinbtr of r,iirt.ishiu,' Ct'-U, Oiertions desired, wiU be toatlnuei onltl forbid, JL.ts, f'p, Pools, dad charged aecordiLg td these terms. ' tihors. Kan-y tso-li, i Notions, tt-c. lo. ... - - 1 ( Inks this no'tlio'l of retorrln. imr lb auks fur favors herulofore exti'p.led, and r An eatenaivo stock of Jobbine material ura the publie the eontidnoe with which KCUT4)R'H NO Tl t r,.N0iie. I. h. ; lli by gin that Letters Tdstamontary, on the estate otjunn i.anorae. lata or ih t. ...... ni- . v..i... a a k ' 1. .. .. .. '"-" i- All eKtonslVfl dlOCk Of Jo DbinnnatPrin re me nuniie wis eni,Unnoa wun wnich w. 01 1 ui'in ,,tr.nmu, mi v uien aranteatn th " 1 i...r -..I . ill ...... - , undeteigued. All person, indebted to .aid .stat. ! enablet tha Pllblidherd of tho"(VJ.tin' ",,.'" " ' ' ' " 'U1 ru!-:v'.n!"".;"??l"l,Py.nl n'1 loatinout.cetatheroUiotlmlhoidrroi.a Tf-urtAlN end HftstsK-n (n .tchatnr, .: .tLI-l.-.. 1... ... thshdTlngelalrrd agsinrttbe same will present' them duly authenticated fur tetilemeut. WM. r, JOHNS' IN, )(..r. lM6;i,tw.rd. Laecutor. ! red to dd tU kinds of lb highest market rntrf. ; liFirNsriTv I'.ro. . l'rnrh if rii-n tni pp.f , t't tstk' t iTiiladlphla. t: ; JOB PRINTING.