Ay.. Ih m) rni'lllllllTl 7t.IUT '0 V!T.UiVt It fTlfM In lit' rm Ii "I I fi'-ida and ens. I . h i ll'ii, I at ln n'rirf r ,t uli'ifi dn-t 14 (t. d blS I niri'i ("I maniilai-lntlng , ha. la n na ! m drr tlimtlots mum y i fill OlM'SIfd I" ( dialrrd, In t "id ',He and at I limp ra'ea I' f 1 II" ti.t t !y haa in hand el hie I'm ril - are Pooais," tmUil naiirintnl f Heady. made I'ltni'ir, atioiig Bhlihara Ittn cans nuij tSiilc-Ilon M'irdrolcaand funk, '"aa-st Centre, f-'ofa, I r Breakfast and ..lining Extension Tables. I Common. French Tost, cottarff, Jenny Lind and other PecUteadu i HOFAS i.l utl hlNPS, Wt'KK-sl'ANDS MAT-KACKf. WAS 11 -Si" 'AN PS, do. ; Hocking and Arm Chain, ? Bring Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common aud other Chairs. LOO KJ X 0-0 L .1 .SVV ES Of every description on bund; and Hair (laiwi fur old frames, which will be put in on ry reasonable terms un short nonce, lie also keeps on ham", or furnishes t) or. der, iluir. Corn-Husk, Hair aud , IV.toa top Mattresses. COFFIN'S, of every kind, Made to c-dcr, and funerals attended with a Hearse, wbunever desired. . Alto, House l'alntliifr done tuorder. The subscriber alwi manufactures, anil bn constantly en bund, Clement's Patent Washing Hachiu. Th. bent now in use. Those using tbii machine ti.ver need be without clean elothea I U also baa 6REATKT HA'ITLE ON RECOKP! 15,000 Killed nnd Wounded, nnd S(',U00 taken Prisoners! WITJJ CAMP HJUirAQE AX! 70,000 Contrabands freed from the BONDS OFJLAVERY"! ! EVERT man tbnt has rnd any lliinjj of Oac pint bistory ol tbis YAt must finall y come p lb roi flusion that the Cunfi;Ui'mt (Jovtro nieot won! Jb broken down. It whb only a quvi Iion of tiio. But now we havo the above Ulori o eonl-nirring nrwi to cbeor us up j and the only draw -lack to cur joy and glwrification is tb imminent danger of tba Contrubandn couiing Korth to "eat out our subntan ," and to wear out arthoe 1 Uut of ouo thins thopeople of Cloar 4eld counly nmv be aaured, and that is, that FRANK SHORT for short called Hhort-teU celling nM)t ib khoea as cbenp as any other man in tbe county; and if you don't believe i', Jostgire him a call on court-week, or at any oilier lime, aad see for yoursclvn.a. Tie wuuld jnet re mind tbe publio that his shop Is now on Market street, in Sbaw'e Row whtre you will find him jmet as Short as usual if not a little thorltr of Cam than be would like to be. All kinds of work on bands and made to ordor tn short notice, and as well niado, and as good its a ean le "tkeered" up here or elsewhere. S,Don't furget tbe shop on Market street, hi Bbaw'i Row, directly opposite Rev. II, Ii. woope'i office. I". IJIOIiT. Clearfield, June 11, 1?6J. KAT10SAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. LOCATEn in PHILADELPHIA, S. E. cor. 7th and (hestuul Streets, yew York city, Brooklyn, Alhany, Troy, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, . Chicago and St. Louis. BOOK-KEEPING, Pekmahshif, Comveiicial AKiranKTic, Comukrcial Law, Fuims, Con usrOKDKHce, ic, practically taught. These Collsges being under tbe same general and local management, and uniting in each tbe advantages of all, offer greater facilities for iiu partijg instruction than any other similar insti tution in tbe country. A Scholarship issued by Any one is good in all ler an nnlimited time. Th Philadelphia College has been recently enlarged and nfurnished in a superior manner, and is now the larger! and most prosperous Com mercial Institution ia the State. Bryaat k fctrntton's sriesof Text Bocks, etn- avraeing Uook-keepmg, Commercial Arithmetic, aad Commercial Law, for sale, and sent by mail. p"i'r JM particular! eeitd for a circular, October 8. 1S62. y. aais T. LEOSAKO. Wat, A, WAI.LACi. d. a. riNKir A. C. riNVIT anliinjj anb CoIIettion (Qficc IE02TARJ,, FINNEY &Co. CLEAHF1L D, CLEA B FIELD COUNTY, PA. SlILW LBXCBAK0C, ROTES AXD CRAFTS DIKCODKTI I) PO!IT RECKIVKD, j Cl!tttioni matU and firocud promptly rrmitttd f, '"""J on timid. 5-Oaoe on fiecend f-'U, nearly opposite the COULT HOUSE. , JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney kt Law and Real Estate Agent, CLEARFIELD. PEX'A. Ofieeon Marhrtst. Oj'jite Uie JaL EtriirrTif rr v . . i ! ill. aI i r,' T'Vi1' ini and buyini lands in Cloarfie d an! ad. joining counties j ai d with an experience of over ! ... j " .?urvrrvor' Dru:" I"Bueu 1 A. ii.,.. l.:.... ..ir . a rruutr aauoiacuou. api I i f . , . ,. . . v. ....... m h..v iimiuaiuD OJlerS IOr bale jUmps. Price IS cents per bottle. lOOO acres of eoal and timber Land, situati in ' , At J"011 fl1ic,e' ith MiL RALOIAf Get I'eoatur townahip, Clearfield county, in lots to W m ,l. ""rtt'" Ncuraljfla INastora. uit purchasers, located near the Tyrone and The most effective and djligbtl'nl remedy known, Clearfield Railroad. fir pains in the face, chest, shoulders, back, or 'iiKHt acres ul first rate farm and timber land ' ''rv 'mrt ef th I ia Bell township, Clearfield eounty. situate on tbe I Dot B(,ucre nor blister, but soothe and waters of Curry ' Run. charm pain away. Try them. Puce, 14 aud 37 , 10 acreein two lots, oae of 112J and. tbeolh-1 ""!" M''d on receipt of price. , rof 50 acres, suitable for Farming purposes, sit-' I ' at all the test stores throughout the' ale in Highland township. Elk county. 'country. . tt-S-General worranue deeds for all tbe bnv! Caiiiow . Ai there are dealers who take ad-! . Feb. IS. 'C3. s, . . j 'OOHIT BJoLOiFiM. TO HOUSEKEEPERS.. .Tb. .k,;i. -i.. was educated in th. Pennsylvta.!. Institute for i' J.rf V""" "f lhe Vork bthte Dentist's p av wie ro uery in in., oorongn ontn.cor the instruction of the Biind-is now manuflwor! Ataoc.aliun.and Vic. President of tbe Sew York 'hort distance eastofth. Methodist Cburcb, log CORN BROOMS, at Centr. Corner, near rYelohe. in Lawreoea tivnahin II. makes a splendid article, and persona rant-' Ing those indispensable articles to housekeeping oboald patronise this worthy young man. M-BROOiYS will be supplied either Whole Je and F.eU.l on the most accommodating terms. EMERY LKGtiETT. Oet. I,1862.-et. " HEAT MARKET I LEOPOLD A LIONEUTCntrlS. N6"w ooeupy th. basement of tbe Clearfield II ouse. en th. corner of Market and Front streets, Clear ' Beld, Pa. i All kinds of meat constantly kept on hand. j Th. publie ar. respectfully invited to call ia and Ooqaaint themselves with our terms and prices. ' Dtwj.31, 162. j Asia PATTERSON, Attorney at Law, Cur- . wens.ille, Pa., will attend to oil buaiuew LUa tab.. Mr. ..r.i.K -ar.il. a. . s.z. I'M' MI HUlt.K'ANV' UM!NTY IMUlriOUV, 1 lif of lli'lilfntj t'ntti I, Wond M .ii'lny 1"ih of .tammy I "I'll iMnrwii lli'ih (,r HI a nli, llilrl Monday IMh tf ,lnM, fourth M"in,iy (i'sib) of P)'trwSr, In aach )r, and rnnilnii t wtkh If rarjr, Cmiht) Olllrria. Tron'l JiidK(i,1ln. rnmuail l.inn. II-IIrfnif. Ai'to I ti I l ll"M .'. P. 1 1" ii''f fi.l'iHUfnii H! lion. Jj"ir !lumn, I' lra-I, bor.ir, KcUntd I'irka, - t'l'ntflalil Prolbaiiolnry, llalvid liltwilrr " lleglilir A Itppoirli-r, I. II. l'nrgcr, Clcirl1ilJ. J'iairh'l Alf Imi-I Trat, Imiuiir, J, pih Hut, " Ct. Purveyor, H, H. AVtIkH, Won Hop t C'uuim'ri, H. t, Thnmpaon, Murriad.il Jai-b kiinta, liiillii-ralmr Thoi. Iiwii;irty, (immpbin llillii. Ii. I'. Ilowinun, i'biiipbnrit ('. t. Wurrull, N. adiiiiglon II. .1. W'oovUurd, lVimllol l, J. W, l'u'.tor, I..ooiit, Mi Hi Jon.io Uriiooiall, CuJwvnavilU. I. KI of I'lihtOUIcri. iVuiMi of V, 0. ,nmr. of P. I Anditrr.', Coroner, Co, Kupt.' r.irai, Bfio.ria, dlon llupv, Win. S. Wrlbt; ('. J. 1'usey. ! W. McCrni'keu Madeira, E,U, Rower, ('host, Cush, Ostend, Cleitrlleld Briijs, Williams' Urove, l.uthorsburg, Trmitville, Jollcraon Llns, Korcut, iew Washington Rurnside, Patcbinville, JI.nl. Clearfield, Frenehville, Kartbuus, T. A. M'llhee J. V,', Car.pUl U.I. Hend.-rHon Bogfrs, llrmlford, Brady, P. II. -Miller J. K V'stson. R. II. Moore. V' J. Sloppy, John Hcheiiing .'m- lllooin Win. i entb. Jas V -Murray J. ralchln (I. S. 'J'ii7er M. A. Frank. i a iinii;,, Rloam, turnvide, Chost, Clearfield, Covington, F. W. b'ebnarr T. 11. Fleming. C'cntre county Mia Radobach l' dm Wi.Uams ! Elk county, Pa. t'a Migiiot Curwens ville, (.'urwcnsville, - Decatcr, Philipi bur; i. Ferguson, Fvt, Ciirard, Goshen, tlrrihv.n, (iuliih. Iltiblon, West Decatur, Marron, Helen Post OtTice, l.eoountn'a Mills, Raid Hills, Shawnville, tlrahamtou, Smiths Millr, Tyler, TecnUol d, Aniionville, Suit Lick, New Millport, Lreckenriilge, Kylertowu, elorrikdale, Lumber City ,f Grampian Hills, Curwensville, lllooiuingvillo, Rockton, William Carr A. II, Miuw T. II. Forcee. A.(l. Fot. Uavid Tj ler II. Woodward Klira Chime (I. lleckndurn M. 0. r'tirk. . J, W. Tboinps'n Jus. Thompson Ja C lireniier, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, T. W. Fleming. Jordan, Kartbaus. Knox, Lawrence, Morris, a l'enn, i Pike, II. 1'. Ialo D.Rrubuker. Union, Woodward, Jeffries, Jos. Lokelt. rpi . ' .., . riv,. -ul,'n win . v . V: """ ti ill sn swer lor J erguson township. . " " " j OlIOI at ! UUt J.M15SCU I ! i I GREAT MISTAKE.! !,s.kin,isht'"TR,;r lir"daDd rpiIAT all the rnrrrr.arts of Curwencville were. wounded, 'lis true, I was "Hhol at but mmrd;" and since then have been at the city and have procured a very LA UG K AS.SORTM EXT ef Goods of all descriptions, which I am dispo ning of at lower rates than auy other bouse in the county. Read! Read! Read! Ron Culico from 15 to 19 cents per yard Rest Muslins from I j to SO cents per yurd Rest Delaines from 20 to 28 cents per yard CLOTHING AT KEDUCUD LUKES Sugar from 12 to 15 cents. Best Pyrup at 87 cents. And all other groceries at tho same rates. t cm i f.i i-i- t UOOtS, bllOCS ailU NlOe rindlllgS r nil 1-int- ZrPIJ fllT? AT Ol ail KinUs, Uiiiii JllLiAl . LADIKS who wish to make a good inveatf meut should call and examine the assortment o-1 DRESS GOODS, Iderinnea, Baxon Plaids Plaid Brilliants, Jo., f e Also Cloaks, Shawls, Hoods, Nubias, feontags Gloves, Ae., Ao., Ac.. Ae. J. D. TFOJiTSOX Curwensville, Deo. S, lSli. y DR. AVM, B. nURD'aS DENTAL REMEDIES ARC THE BEST IN THE VORI.D, FIXB TEETn AND A SWEET BREATH, AND CCRINO TOOTHACHE AND NFXUAI.GIA. I Do you wish to be blessed wiih and admired fc. r;....W.,.a .n,l R..,H TI'PTIt I" . . .... ...nn... ,. n, . - .m.in i Lav and bou Dr. m. Ik Ilurd'i I nrhalled Tootlil I'ovt drr, warranted free from acid, alkad.or any injurious substance. Price, 25 cents per box. Beware ol the ordinary cheap Tooth Pow-1 i dcrs, which whilen but destrey. I Do you with to beierlain that your l.REATH ', is pure, sweet, and agreeable to huabnr:d or wife, I lover or friends?' Vso Dr. Hurd's Cclobratod ' t....l. a. -. .. a. . a . . i ... ,M""i " i nco ct rraii per Dottio. This astringent wash is also thebest remedy in .l. u r ... .. . .. uio aioriu nir vnnHer, jis uream, iieeainr (,orn. Ko, Mn.th. t. Tt hi. erJ K.,. il?5 . ' ' 1 .vou, or your, children suffer from TOOTH- 'lrilKS n.i It- 11, u.i- i..(hk.' TRn,llg of our advertisement to impose upon their customers inferior preparations, it is neees- .ryto insist upon having what yos call for, and i you will get the F.kT. thorouchlv te.ted. and r.TPred by an experienced and sciantitio Pen- , City Dental Societv. Address WM. B. 1IURD 'ew York. Jan. 21, ISO). , A CO, Tribune Buildings at. P. KRATZER, I MERCHANT, and dealer. In Boards and jEhingloi; drain and Produce." FRONT Street . above the Academy Clearfie.d Pa., j iee. 4,- lsfll. ! Ll TH ERSBC RC, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. HENRY EVANS, Proprietor. March 19, lfce.1 ly. THOMAS T. MCL'I.LOirCIl, Attorney at Law, Ofiie. adjoining th. Rank, formerly ooeapied by J B. McSnaJly, Esq., Market street, Clearfield, P. lx ZALlZ " ,,Z.Z"Z a.r! aflaanli, aVas. , ; JT, W. P. .Si ()()(). pkmiiJ5. .si 000. Will finn' ITnlr t,l Prow on Ttnld Heads; wil Healore llrey tt lleurd J I ni r to lu ( ' 1 i 1G I N A !, ( '( N 1 ) ' ' .' AND '.'ul.OK; Will prevent the Hair f;om lVUn Off, nnd pn, U'otna New and Ileuhhy (irowth ! 0ii'l'l"tely eradiralen Ilandnift", will preveni "J cure Nervouii Hendaebe will give to (be lluir a Clean, (Hoaay Ap peuraliee, and i. a Coiuiu Cur for all liienos u 1' Ii . II I rrl.'i . .. .""'. . ii V'i'iiia ; mreo HoltlPH or .uu l'ur Sllc (d II A RTS Y C K' S 1) 1( ( (r u 77 ).' ,t v, I I . 'N v u ' Al"' f - ICCrtH'M, 1 l- 1 1. is a penci l nnu eoinniete oressiuir lor the riuir. Read the Inlloiwna loatimouuls. J C0U1I,any cvery diviflon of our A'uiy and Navy. L. b. .Maiuhal s Oi Kii i;, ve,., fjoiii y nt the comunind of the-onblishere a , Rew york.Xuv. 8, 13ri. I i,a been cmpoyed in tbe preparation and weu MM. GRAVE.-!,. Dear bir-lwo mumbs k" tioa of this work; and they confidently belie'vp tny bead was alwost entirely h-,1,1 and tho little llmt it wU, flirm tb( Ull)8t ,fuitwortijy nl)d ralua hair I bad wasall jrew and lulling out Tory fet hi ..., wlli ..... bo ... f tl,0 tircat until I feared I should lose all. t commenced using your Hair .Varum ft re, and it immediately etopped tbe hair falling oil, and soon rueturcd the color, nud after using two botUea my head is com pletely covered villi a neullhy grontu or hair, ' nme color WH ,n r'T manlioed, Frt'a' Tdcusure in recommending your ex- c"out Vm'r JitHo'uliot and you may also refer B"' lou,it'l l'Cison to me. R 0 1! L R T M U R II A Y, U. S. M.rsbitl, , . &umhern District, New oik. Jorsulo by tho proprietor, ( in.lirey) at the . .iri.i.iniiir l'i.,Ul, , 31)1 llroudway, iN'ew York. ' Also for sale by John 8. Pierce, General Agent CSS Rrouilwav, N. Y., and bv all Lrupiatj. j .IPJI.N S. I'lEKCE.'deneial Aent. i No. 08.) I'lrontlwnv. N. Y. B. Druggists or others sending r' h orders f..r the Rcttoiutive, will bo supplied nidi circu j lars eoutainiiig certitieates fioin people of tbe bighsat respccsbility, fioinull parts of the cuun- tty. March ii, 18C2. 1 y, K OLLOCK'S LANDKLION COFFKB i This preparation, niado from the bent Java Cof j foe, is roeouim..ndcd by physicians as a superior KUTlUnUCS JIKV li KA(JK for lieneral Debili- l. i .i i mi: IT- mt lJ UTPyepmm huu an uuiinun u.Boruern, 1 nous auds who have been compelled to abandon the of cofloe lUU' wi(h(m. injrrlull( eccts 0n can contuius the ntn-n'thof two i-ftuaila of ordinary cotlee 1'KJL K o.-ntl. ft" 1. . . a 1 1 ll a t . lll-lllf HIM) MrrArTrnrnur . 1 .V. . h'OLLOVK. CHEMIST,. Cor. of JroJt(- Chesnut iStuc(, I'niloddphia and sot n ar ai.i nnrncisTS vn .ntorEits. SOLD AT It. Motors. Feb. 10 1SG2, 1 yr. THE MAGIC TIME OU.SEUVER, Hie IVrfpction of MeclianUm. DEIXft A HrxTiNO axdOpi!" Face, on Ladt'i 1 ) or (Ikxtlemam's Watch Coiibi En. j One of tbe prettiest, meat convenient, and do Icidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for gen ' cral and reliable use, ever offered. It has with in it and connected with ill machinery, its own i winding attachment, rendering a key entirely ! unnecessary. The cases of this WnteU aro com 1 posed of two metal?, tbe euti r ope being Sue 1C icaralgold. It has tbe improved ruby action le ! vcr movement, and is warranted an accurate ... . i h timepi'co. iTice, supui oiy engraven, per caso oi half doicn, m 00. Sample WaUbes.in nt-at morocco boxes, for those proposing to buy at .wholesale ib, sent ty express, win, bill paya- ble on delivery, r-oldiors mu d remit payment in advance, as we cannot collect from those in tbe ' Arm Aililrntia HLBBARD IIR03. A CO., Soi.R InronTEn, Cor. NaSfau A John tits., New York. Jan. 21, 1S63.-C.T. MAINE STRFET, CURWrNSVILLE, TA., WM. A. MASON. Proprietor. f Mil: long established and well known 110 L TLL, pitjinted in the west end of the town, has been rcmodiiled, enlnrred and improved, and I tbe proprietor respectfully announces to his ou t tnerous frienda, and to the travelling public, that ' be is now prepared to accomtuoJate all who may j favor him with a call. Ample, safe and comfortable 'tabling is at- I lacbed to tbe premises, nai trusty attendants will alwavs b on hand. Charges moderate. I Feb. 12, 1862. -If. LEVEll FLKGAIs, I..-.. f .1.. .llisilla ill nil lip: rn r . ''' vo. i, a ., w... altDd P! " bnnnesi entrusted to hl8 APnl ' lu6U . j. i . f. i t n T mi WATCH & JEWELRY CD 232 S3, rflHE nndersigncJ respectfully I informs hi customers and tbe publio generally, that he has just received from the Fast, and open, j v . ..... t. . njirsw, ... on ri bis eiaunanineui in u n jj ji ju & ju u ll Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Ciocsa, Watches, and Jiwelut of different qualities, from a single piece to a full sett, w hich be will sell at the most reasonable pricee for cath, or in exchange fur old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every Tarioty on hand, at the oust reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Cloflis, Watches and Jewelry earefully repaired and H'arroHferf. . A continuance pi patronage is solicited, 8ept. 1, 1660. H.F.NAUJLE. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE PUTTLRy.. Thankful for past favors and aolicitioui of fu- l?r TS- I would respectfully announce !hM 1 h".V6 "n hn1. ?. nd constantly largo stock of Crockery, such aj Cream crocks. milk pans, Churns, Jogs. Jars, Stove pipe casing f-e. i and also an extensive assortment of .different iirei and patterns of brackets and ; rosettes for cornice on houses, and other moul- i dines. Any mouldings not on hand will be mad. t. 0,itT short notice. Also fire brick mad. and kept for sale. B-A liberal reduction on prices made U wholesale dealers. F. Clearfield, may 23, SCI. LKITZINGER. Shaving: and Hair-Dressing-. TEREMIAII N0RR1S respectfully announces ' tf to his friends of Clearfield and vicinity that ne nas returned ut bis old stand, and is well pre-1 pared to render th. moat perfect satisfaction to all I a-k.M.. . -; l : r . ' 1 . w uniia uia proiesaionai services. Clearfield, AprU 9, '61. DANIEL OOODLANDER. i TUSTICEof the peaee '" aft 1 a.tt...k.aaa. afl m 1 1 W- ta pyoiapily to all business entrusted rew. trn MMh.MM0.-t,,s. II Mi'llV I'm: ;hi:a 'hi iti;i.i,toN in r. t::,m.i) .tatia . I ' IIS lUriii a A II Hoi n I,re porr. nu n-,! I1, i.aoe in N hh.Vm ia i. a enini i.n kiloinry l I lie I. teat Mi In lllnii lii tin- I ol. ted MtHr. 'I be woik bni bun l"r imiiiit inonihe In rourae of pn alnlii ti, I y a riier i cry w ny qi alilie'l for the lata. lbs Iktiiom i tii.aj r nlnina a rleef ImI aur cllirt ai iiiont of tbe formniion ol tbe lVnlv,ein ey of the Stales t tbe formation nnd ad" In n of Ibe Conatilution of the I niteit h Intra, niitl tbe Inblbhtiipnt ut the Nnilonitl tlm eminent ; the or igin, development end progress of Ibe ducirinra ol Nullitiealioii and Hveernon, and the various limits abiib they assumed until tbuir ttiial cul mination In the (irrnt Ul I'tlhun. 'Ihe HifcToHT coinpri.'cs a full nceount, drawn trnm the most authentic aeurres, of all ibe Events II AM I 11 -H I'M' I i'tl Al. ol Hie ar ; tne lntnguesol tlio tuutheru leuilors ,,f April, ooiifuiiiiiiBT names of the stm-' Ms for the at home nnd abrand ; the gradual deletion ntune Veur, and lull particulars of terms, Ac, and iny section ; the Trent I'pridiujr of the l'ecpie for ibo 'ue obtained at any time by addreaeintf the Princi luaintcnance of Nutiomtl Lite and J-.iialence ; trie ' j,,,, ' rnpid crea'.lou of an im nienne Aiuiy and avy j i' E1Tr.ntTit ArcoimonATion, wlde-si-rend H 1, 7 me iwiin oy lauu aim sea. Xhe itU'STiunoiu comprise Portraits of all iheitK who ''Kvo borne a prominent part in tbe . - . a slrn?L'ie ; i"r" "'cui luuimrj , j umi event lorn hliea riitna of the leading aei?-l. ; Views of every scene of ' interest, and ul'tbe nW iuiport-mt Uultles. Ttiese ninBtrntionai un mostly lm di.iwinKs taken on ,i. ;....,; ,i. .',,,i,inH fnf that curnone to au- M.rupie lortiieAiuericun union. Mode and Terms of Publication. The work will be issued in Numbers, each con. sifting of Twenty-four Pages of tho size of 'ynr ptr's W'ecklii," printed from clear type, upon fine paper, and will probably be completed in about Twenty Numbers. The numbers will be issued at intervals, ifpoj aib'e, of about three or four weeks. The Price of each Number, which contains matter equivalent to an ordinary Volume, will be 'lweuty.fivo Cents. Tbe Illustrations in e:u'h Number are alono worth the price n.-.bed. Men out of employment, ceuvcially .VA'AT 0U DISAULEl) SOI.IHEUS. eon f nd bo otlur work so sure of ready sale and i good prufiU. For furlhor particulars apply to the Publisher', I JIARPEIi rf- jiROTIIKRf. Franklin bouare, 'ew York. D--c. 17, 7883. rt V iVN l T U It K ROOMS BENNER & BARRETT Respectfully announco to the publio that they hnve completed and are cow occupying their new furniture ware-rooms, fronting on the Market Lot and uearly opposite tbe Court House. Cabinet making will be carried on in the up per story of tbe same building in all its D I F F E 11 1 N T BF.aN f II E B. All kinds of furnilnre will be kept constantly on hands and sold cheap for cash or exchange for country rroducc, or Lumber to suit the busi ness ! CHAIRS. PARLOR, ROCKING, AND ARM CHAIRS, SI'RINC. SEATS. CAIN BOTTOMS, 'Ac, PAliLOR SOFA. VEX THE, fvlf7, JUXIXQ, FX TE XS1 OX it- I! It FA h' FAST T AB L ES. SOFAS- OF ALL KINDS. VARIETIES AND PATTERNS. BUREAUS, SIDE-BOARD'', BOOKCASES WARDROBES, AO. BEDSTEADS JENNY LIND. HI G H-P OUT COTTAGE. IltEXCll POSTS, Hair, Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn Husk, of the bent material. ' LOOKINU-0 LASSES or all sorts, and sites, Also, Glasses for old Frames. Also, Tea-poys, What-nots, Waah-stands, Work-stands, Hat-rucks, rf-c, COFFINS. Mad. to order on. short noti.e, and hearse lurnisbed. Poplar. Cherry, and Lfuwood. Luirber, oi(n in exchange for work. Clearfield, October 27, ISfll, ly. Going- it Alone ! (1EORGE NinvsON having commenced 1 th. manufacture cf BOOTS and P110E3 would respectfully folic it a share cf public pat ronage. Without mnVdng a great fuss, or ojy rash promises, it, shall and will be his steady en deavor to select Tho very test of .Stock, Make '.he very beat of work, And (at least hope for) Th. twit best of custom. (If this lint pnttry it looks very like it but it is me rm, which ia better. Po, "wade in" snd get Fit: Fhaw'i Row door next iiyiuWt'rait office Gao. N wsew. LlearUelC, July 9, 1S62. y SIIAVINO AND HAIR-DRESSING. - Sot ly ihe Pard Grafum't Jiote. The qtieMion. haa often been asked Wh j Pit. asasts can shave so clean ? That ntoiLrs who shave with him A bt neut mutt reap, I ween. He abavssfora "rtp," and if you ar willing, Will take off your hair in a trie, for a "aHaLino." So come along, ye jolly boys so slick, For Plesasants is tbe man to do it cheap and quick. The reason may readily be aeen AVhy his custom is so large : His to-aels all are clean his razor, all are keen And you'll always find bin I'Uatnat in a charge Just go to Pleasant'a and yon'll be Likj. Kbeba'a Queen of old' Fleaeed and delighted, and exolaioa The half has aot been told. f.Don't forget th. place in Graham's Rew, above B. ftumph's shoe shop. FAMUEL TLKASANT8. Clearfield, Jan. 18, 162. tf. Furs Furs Furs. f f TANTED-all kinds of FURS, such at f Mink Croas Fox Oiter Muskrat Coon Red Fox Gray Fox Fisher Black Pear Skin. Alao, DEER SKINS, . - ia - , . ror w.. to. 01 gnoa, rnee. w ,. o. pa,, ., ,B,r ia trade or CASH. Rl''H'r M9AMP. 1 fHenreld. De.. I, 1TJ ( loV? ml hi f. A. .1 l I. ' ,.i v v ii i i. v n i, i, r ii i , , i rniiH iiin ii.i,..,ui r, ( I li-lid In Pit. and la r e-..i.e.,.4. i'T t the ei ;M' , n'h lear-llta n:i,.,,, ,., ,,, ,.).,,, Uhl'-oe II 1 1 I ! 'i l.-s. I-i n'l I e. "I the UK,. a..,.. i ofoor e'nin- I n 1 .Met, hviia and )'niiie try. lli P in t of t ho 1 n at il.it . n I" a. del v to n J r,l J enii if men 1,1' ilitits for ihor. oh pr- aiutlon for bn-iii.a. I 'I'n a l!nM!ii tit our ate .' I Aa;,n,.i, as S p'n-'ihle t I lie mi i un il"'iiitoirit of fe lie ; l'i nm AiMiir, I'Ml, i lain and i rnuini' iimi'iiul I fow. IliATIOM, I VII. II II T, Slid Moll- XKHI'tAI. l.Alt, Maimkmath ft, Nav HsillMI 1 : 1 M 11 , I'BABINU, P ll'i.NOU II A I i;hi iiAiiniiuri. i TltK M M km or IiTHont'i'Tloa la peeuli.ir; no cla"( or S"t l.'aons ure uul'lo uae of, but eai li atuih nt is IhiiIiI individuiilly, so that be may 1 commence nt any tiinn, and udend at whatever hours aro most convenient. j (,'ATAl.ocrr.s are leaned Bnnuully n.Urtlie 16lb of tlm priueii.ul, this intitntiv.n utXrn faciitios superior',1 l" '7lus lunneiisn. whi.-i, n,nn m, C2l to any other in tbeoountry, loryoun men wish . . , to any otl in ir to pre ............ r. .. ... .v....:- ....i. ,1)t toprtM.are lor tmsnwas, amt to obuin atthe game nun a Dir. mendalion for tt -CiiiTrK.ai i cCTiircsa. wiiii iu vumiu aii'.i LUMA, which will prove a recoui- for tbeiu to uny Mercantile Ilouao. iTrKMDKx'sSeriud of Trouiii.es on Ruok- KtteiNo, now more widely circulated Ibanany other work on the subject, are !cr tali nt the Col lege. . 8. IIODOES CRITTENDEN. Attorney -at-Law, Philadelphia, jaii., 22 16G2 ly. Principal. " N"V GOODS! AFRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Sl Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Iain just receiving and opening a carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer goods ol almost every description, A beautiful assortment cf Prints and Dre goods, of tbe newest and latest styles. Also eient vsriotv of useful notions. JRV-(iOOD,t; AND NOTIONS. Iluiinctt', Kliawl, ilats aud Caps. Uoots and Shoes, a In rye quantity, Hardware, Qt eennwaro, Drugs and Msdieines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths. GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and I'lonr, Mackerel in J i and i barrels, of the best quality, all of wbioh will be sold at ibe lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call. .r-tf-N. B. All binds of 67MA"and approved lUVSTKY PKODCCE Ukon in exchange (Hoods. Clearflold, Jane 26 ISf.l. WM.. F. JRW1N. $35 00 entire cost (or fAYS the i 1V.11J.... iui.it, TUITION iu most popular and sueocsfful CO MM fcftClAL faCIIOOL in the country. L'pwaide of Twn.va Ilc.NnnKn vouns men, from TwFMT-r.iciiT diC'or enl States, Have been edacntcd for biiMiics here within the past three years, some of whu'ui hne been emdoyed as BOOK-KEEPEHS at salaries of $2000 00 immediately rpon graduating, who know nothing of accounts when they enlorud the College. TO"-Minis tor a sons ball price, Students enter at any time, and royiewwua n they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues. ?pociinens of Penmanship, and View of the COLLEti E. eneloe five letter stnmps to JEN KINS' A SMITH, May IS, CI. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. VALUABLE TIMKER LANDS I? or talr. fpiIE attenliou of persons desinusof purehas I ingdesiruble Timber Lands is invited to Ibe foili.wing tracts of land situated in Keating town hip, Clinton coanfv. Pennsvlvania, kuoivn as the LORAIN LANDS, viz A certain tract) beine No. ZIM. warranted in tbe name of 1 human Willing, cnn'iiiuirig nonl IKXI acres, ctuate on 1 irch Island Run, at the distance of 3J miles from tbe river, btin well timbered with Pine and Ouk. Also, another smaller tract of land, situ1 te at I lb. mouth of Birch Iien'. Run, on the west side i.f the river, containing U acrca and ul!owanc, and having a good rafting beach thrccn, a4kFor Ut:iis apjdy to li. L. REED, ) JAS. B. GRAHAM, j ,'x" Clearfield, July SO, Idf,2. Goods ! Goods ! WM. F. IRVIN has just received a splen did assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS at his old stand on Market street, where he is rerdytoWait upon his old cc-tomers- and as many new cnes--es want to get the very best of goods Nov. 1SG2. New Goods REED, "WEAVER k Co., Ara tiiat nnan Ing a splendid lot of the most carefully selected CD" IZi CEi rSU ever brought to the place which fhey offer to noir customers, ana toe pnoiio generally, at me very lowest figure the markets will afford. Nov. II, 1562. CYRENII'S HOWE. JCST1CE OF THE I'EACE. For DacATca Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his cure. P. O. Address, Philipeburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1S1 H.vTMifTf cVra MERCHANTS, and dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qucensware, and everjthing usually keyt by the trade. Store on SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo site the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. Dee. 4, 1861. P. 0. BTSH. T. j. m'ci-lmvgh. BUSH k M CULLOU(.n, CoIIfction Office, Ci.fasfibi,d, Pa. Jrl Graham's Niw Bi'ildino. Feb. 5, X2. I I TIH . J W PflTTrT? Phvalrlan and Huin-i.n.t 1. . . ..M.,,,u locaUd at Frenehville, Covington township, off rs his prof.saional services to th. enrroundiDgi eomoiunity. May 8, letll . 1 I Tb OBERT J. WALLACt. AVTasjcv it Law Clearfield, Pa., Office in f l aw'. Row, op oatte the Journal office. -t -..,.. ...... " AYEIV3 CI! Kit UY viiiitiv .i PK( 1T( ) l? V I - i J I ' ' I V i I Ii, arjf v rR THN Kal Id iTM Ot ( l! iV" C'oM , Coiitrlin, nml lloirarnca, flaiamam. V .a ( $oih ;i , l. Tin J t; Ara - I ..pm In tn,r. i..af thala-ai r.n li I, a' firr fi.nnit . C'Mnrha. ll.oa'.oi.ui. I nll,i..nf i. nn, )v in".iil'i.i vp.( iai,i I ii'-.i I. iar,,r ('OlhKT I "7 ni. i. r , ( q n "'' I""'"'""' 1 " ""K' ' l ie la. -.CJ ,,,,IM ,.r r..,l,!1,( , 1 i.iii'lniiili. I. HI V KMUII1, ,M. ,l. jVa n VjltTl.l.V, t!u.,i, t'Tj, , U'l Vour Viforj nn.ilf a.wl ., " v., i lil,: a , oi,I, ji n iiiTeiin-ii iv nrilev l ;, , , '." piirrie err put out. V- ul, a r..M I ,, , ,,T ' .y tw.uty ftie .l,.lmia lr a Untie u n lis ,u. take any uUot remedy." "e 1"u,J1"l ,, Croup, vVlioo,iin CouKh, lnfllfni., flMii.ldi.i.u. im l.i 7 ' IlsoTiir.a Atrs: f will ..ln, f; ; c ., nf.', '-''St r, the beat remedy ,v-,ea. f, "liT' eonnli. eroup, ami Ihe eheal ttiarnar, f ri, " your fn.t-.ruHy Hi the mrnib a;,,.,,,,, ,utttm,J,l eojmneud your imnlicius to our iwi ni, ' "'i ( 11 11! AM C0NR t,TS Vlt AM0SIEK, Ksq. Mosrsatr. Ii.wri,.. ,!:,MD - nied",? tri,.avolll - . . i . . .. ' " ntU'Viim. ... nrai il-'e relievi',1 iiiw aoioneM In iiiy iii,..'" . ' ' ' than one half lha buttle made nie rnm.,t, ,,i flrat due reliev Minn. ti cr.oip,cty " xnur iHtiicni mo tiia ciirusHul u w .' "t- cu by, auU wo iiwin tou, titUT, kud m,p 1 f til, , as Uie poor man', fi lend." ' ""'W m, Aithnw or rhthisic, nnd nronchiii. HsUIT MANeHEIlH.R, l',l,l, ? gia: Tnur CT.ny Mmd ia iwnurwi,,, etifes lu tins wviinn. It has relieved scion, t , " littr vinntoms of eunauinntlon. anil la .....r1 rtw'i' who kas labored uudor an aff. rtion of ti it,.- , but fmtv veuia. KKMIV I. pa no a ..."" A. A. HAMSET, IMSET, M. D Auioh, Meaaoi Oo i ; .,tbM: DurhiK my practice oln,.,C L id noUilii!! e-iual tovour C.w,u .'"t t writes. Dept. i I Iiuva r.ililifl loillilitrr .iiinI In .,. ft .. ' ''aV (rivinjeSBe and relief to contumrtlve putlctila, ur ZZ. such as are curable." Wo uil.'ht add volnmes of evi.len', but Uumw.a, vlu.jinn proof of tbe Tirtuesoftbia remedy li roans' Ii i ' effeeu upon trial. C'oiiKttmptioQ. Probably no one remedy bus ever hen iac.ua wi.4 -. cured so many and snob dangerous cum as this, tit ' no human aid can reach; but stub tothostU Vet tUvreti affords rellof and comfort. ABTfia llm-sc, Nr.w Yoi.x Crri."Ur..h J, 5H; PoiTCX rmi. Iikeix: I fwl it a dntv aiH ai.inna, to tniorin yufi wioit your Cltrrry ftWoiul'lou dma fura. wlfa. Hhs had been flva iiionthf laborlnfr tJudar th ,1 aerona innpioiui of Consumption, from which noaiu n oonhl procure (rave hermiirb relief. Klisarsi lUmlinfc" inir, uulll Lr. Ktmii, of this ettr, when wa bivowmftf advice, rm-ommended a tritfl of your medlclns. Wabaat his klndnraa. ai we do yuur skill; for alia Inn rtrtim, from tnat day. al.e ia not yet as atruns as alio ussta ' oe, mil is line noui uer egnn, and calls litmit triU, 1 Xoain with e-ratitu.Je and reerd, OrtLANliO HlibHl',er fisstSTTiui ! Omiunyitrj, do not dipnlr till you have tried atu) i Cuwilt l'imiiAt.. Jt la hikiI.. by one of ll.e iti roadia j ehemlsta in the world, nnd lis nirea all annnd na a4ia4 ilia uiiii iuariui of lis viriues. -.mm'j)ia L-'fa. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. nHK arlencM of Chemlrlry and lledidns havs baa X Uxe-t tlo'lr aiscuat to piojuru '.'.il.a Ut. ts isi parts ajitrntifs iihich Is known to cian, Iniiniscral.M preA ere sbowa tbut thi-.e Tau bavs viitues wht h sn-puia exciriencs Ibe larfiuury u.sdhiLi-s, and tbnt they uric rr.-rdeotfdlv upn tin- eieem of all nfn. l,a - ol i r.t 1,1,'MMil to tsSe. bill riw'j-f'ul lurma TI..I. Irsting rreierlieaatnni',atr ihe vital ai'tivrtHtef iswaclt, re.k,..-M ti' obrtivilct'oBa of ill M5JOS 1 Ulify tka tlsti!. and rtH Ulfaa". T'teypanjreiit thi'ToulliuinorawbH lriil ,oii i,ro rtiumpcr, kiioin'ats sluj(;i or dliw d.ifdo.i;nii.ii.le tbvir n.it ural actjon, siul imj'art faaalta; lone fiib strength to the while vitrai. jtrt erlj. Ihy cure Uie every-day r,ni;iNhits tA ery tr. It iiiao f.Ymld.il,le and o.i.iK'rnai i;i.is" that lis'a ijjtVs Ihe beat cf bum.tn skUl. V btle they rr4u.a rvaiV effrL-ts, thrr ai eiu Ihe wins Uiuo. in ihanijlat'rddraaa.tt, sjl'eat red Ism: i'h; j1' llmt ran be eTj.pl'.vnl f; rbiljis!, lli init iiifnr rmtid, tbT nrspitasout le liVs; ai d Wnt , pun l.v Vivts' le, ar f ee from any ttrt if barm. rr ,..,..,. ..,u,,l l..:i.r .....i . .,..,' ,, h .., ..,,. 'i'., , . . . : ... ,. .... m to forbid Ihe m-i-k'iKi of nntruth. lant mir, clet:aiic RiiJ ; h)aicbini have lent tht ijirtiai lassnJ, to the piiUir the relial.lltty ef my remedies, while ail-.n haie a nt uie tl.e aaeurancf of tlerir eviirlill, n Ut t ; t'repiuntlona contiil uta lioinciisely ( Ibe ralii jf a111!rt.-.l. tv.ll.'iiiii; tilluw uK-a. T o A;',.-nl U! named Is r.lee"l I" lore,.', Aio.ii 'nn .iIm;in.i,C"utainliig dirctlnn forilHr amis) eai:il'K(.'S i f theii cues, (f lha fo)l.ii-, cii'i !:..:;!.:- Cl-(pei.iia.. llhions Cooio'.nlnts. r.beun'Vi.m. b.tsvi, ItoaribMi-ii, If. .i be ailsioi; bom a f'.ol Mens, b, .i ain, ln.tipe"'i.m. Meibtd luactlon cf tba rHi.'i ain' Vi ariaiOK tlienlrom, 1 latul.-u.'.V, I of Apjiiis, r11 Ci.i r-iis and ('111:1111,1 l,inv,sa whlrb i' -juoa an e.s-a.iM inedi'-iiis, Scrofula .i' K'eir a Kil. Itiey alio, l-a rnri log the l.l' rsl n'i siiunil'itiliR the S) tel.i. c.lif U ipi CMiuplalnts whleh It inld mjt it Mir-v.,! liny nvt ri'ai'ii, mi h as l'.adirss, I'nrlial ri.n.ti., Nn.-..',U .H Nervniia Irritability. I'-ran.'inieiita if Hie I !vei sr'! Kk' neva. (iont. and otlu-r knnhid ixonpl.ainta arlnt-r fima low sutc of tbe body er otti M.'ti,.ii 01 Hi fai.;;:-o. lo not be put ofT by unprincipled dosliriai'Ji ; other pill liny niaka more x". on. A.k I r Altai rn.1.1, and tut e n,,tl,i, ,,t. j.-0 t, thi;ma g"t - you compares with this In lu Inttlnsic talsa or err I powera. Iha akk want the beat aid th Vt UUa. aoa nicy soouiq uttva iu Prepared by Dr. J. O. AYER,' Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lovell, Hut . Paici MS Ore, rxa Box. livi Usui roa 1. i SOLD BT fy-Sotdby C I'. iui.uh, CDiroell; B. Irwin, Curwi nst ille ; F. Arnold, 1 1 .!:e-.1s( Montgomery .1 Co., N"W a!m ; C. Bronrsr, Mortisdile ; C. R. roa'r, Philipibiv; ; E.lu Chase, Ansonvill. ; ai.d by deners stertwbfP Ma;.',7lh,lQ lv Dflire of JAY CoOK.I si;bscriptio.v Aiirxr. At JAY fOOKG 6i CO., Binkfri, 111 SOUTH T1ILRD S'lREKT, rhiliidclptia, Not, 1, ' 'U H un leiai ;nr d, bavinf: 1 n 11 spp.ia'.e.? Sr L acKi'Tloi tot:sT by il.e Secretary of Ireasii'y, is 'now prepared .. furniali, atcr.M.tsi XcwTvifHly Vear G icrrcDt. Eon(!i lot (Hi) I nitvaMairi, ucignntei H "wirs , (tea, redeeinable at the pl"aaineof tne uovart inent, alter five years, and authorised by Aol a' Conpress, approved February 2i, 1S'2. Tho Ct'l l'O.V BOXDd are ism.d la sulus" Jill, J1"0, $5iK), JltlMO. Tbe RegiTk Boins in sums of l.'.t. l( j t jOO, tllloU. and JiOOO. Interest ai rix percent per annum ii menee from date of purchase, and is j PAYABLE IN Ct O I Dt J ficmi-Annually, which is equal, at iba ar.niium on gold, to about Kiohi rta Ctt. aixrit Farmeta, Mctchants, Mochi.ii.es, CapltS4liu. aud all who have any money to Inrast, sb1 1 know and remember that ttieo Houtii ar, Is effect, a ".'.Sr MORTGAGE up..a all Un loads, Canals, Bank Murk and IjceeriliM, 'J . the immense product of all lb. Manufacture., Ae., in Ihe con o try; and that tbe full nndaml'i pmvision made for the paymett of tbe inten1 tij liquidatltn of tho principal, by ( uftotrs D ties, Excise Humps and Internal Revenue, Mt to make these Bonds the Best, Most Available and Most Popalvr Investment in the Market. fiuhacriptions received at PAH in Legal T" der Notes, or notes and checks of Banks el f in Philadelphia. Hu.iscribors by trnil ceivo prompt MtentiT, and every facility"' explanation will be afforded oc spplirstioa si l oflice. . A fullsnpplyof Bonds will be keetooha" I for immtdiale delivery. .IA V COOKE, St'tt-rwt' Agw Nov. 12, 1SC2. 3m " AIMIM-lKATOtja laUTICK-.V" is hereby uiven that L'.i:r f Adu"u"' linn k.v. Ln (.ranted In Lha si'bjCribotS OS tt naLiitA of Jnhnia ArmatrnAir. U.US 01 U'9U 1 township, Clesrfiold couiiy, do.'u- All f" u 'indebted to said e.u-.le, are re'iuc'led W immediate payment, aad ti.oe ki"iZ c' 0. agaibst tno same win fitraui i" -v . tieale.l fur etilnmenl. tor. I IA ARMSTRONG. Ada . BAH N ABAS AKMSTRONO. id dee. 1, l5.if Clearfield. Jannary 1. I' pd.