Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 15, 1863, Image 1

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i vR 1 1 F : 1
M VIA A'Ul ii (I it
D. W. KOOr.E. I r
. B. GOODLANDER, "'r3-
r- ...... -
- t r-
TERMS-$1 25 per Annum, if raid in edvai;c
NKWSKinKSV()Mll.o H.
rieime to lot me po to n:y sent - I uin't nnJ lieml IkiwimI in Ins nrnin prBcinolv
A National Democratic Newspaper,
To U ; i U'.hnl '' V nJ 'tVc-h'v 'n M d'y
a. j.;iA.s.siuu.NNr.i: .1 c. 1
4. j, bl snKM'r.n--r. j. oiir."n w n.
"THE AfiK' will mltt'cat.i tlio principle, aud
polirjr of tho ieiu"cmlto party, null will, thora
fore neccisnri'v fuvor tho rc.torntion rf tlttt Union
. itwn, .ml .Wend tlie t .mntilution ol tlio L'ui
Ui Fis'r-, r 'J tht f Ouimouweoltlt.
Jt will frcly nd faille dipej nil Inpitims's (
iu.joti of uewfp'.piT ci', inoluiiiiiR, 'if I
nur,e, nurl f reeiv.lnon'.'.y it i.ii tin 0, ail i;ue-ti.-tn
ct.-ir.e.ieH with Ike exi-tiu unlitqfy con
dition of i-uv;'.
It v. 11! f.nrVs'iW cr.'ir!.- the pt.Vie i-.'t' of pub-h-
lorrtnti, .ml "I'ef'-nd the le','l end c..tiMlu
tian.l r i j.; 1 1 1 of iuaivblual eilUcn. mid 'f f-ver-i,;u
flute, n'ntinlt. frn fuy )ii.trt"C.
It will fck to nvtiitu'n tilt nibi'ln of bin pooi'le
to a pr-ipor tif.f "f the a,'iii:.I i-on-l'tiMi of tl-e
atH.Hi.:--t" !'. t- them, t! it-lifu i!y. the
I'fir.'i.l j cri' in iriivh n.n I s nt' 1
exh'.lit tl. u.iiH'i:i'u l.' of i'..- '.n.k 1'iiit It-I'i")
tri.-iu, iflluj 1 rh..-.-k il 'iT, iifl J rojrr.'i-s
t.J t ' io-piri) ll m itl. putHoti" rtetcritiiiiR
tivu ( n p j. I y tiic. hrvi tr "(ir imii'! ill!1.
In Lritff, it wi'.i. i nil ll.iujc. t" l- tl.e
fiiikhfiil H"'l.nt of lieaj'ii-rnl-.'.' priocii'I', inl
faJxr iueli' wi-rtiiy t" I- nr. tif;;;m of tlia
lir:nw!rtio IMrlv, liioicr ftliosu RU.'C'ppfl "ur
eniniry pio'poied b-a a'"1 J
.flora'.iun of luut pnrtv tin- p my "f tb Cox-
;,, Md the rw. !.n tbc hxi. ;
a'lvo sna ni'uuv is ..ii,i,in.-..L, u, ...v...0 ...
.be miiiii unu vi iu -v, . . I
... . . . 1 .11... I ....... un I.lilr,,,..,!trt
. ..- t.i avert iitiarcliv.
:ii!..( Uio luiur rmno'
win nijut-l'ie. Ti" uni'i.te !!! rt".ii.
will b our Viigl'"-. it iia.
T!,.,.mrv. (. attiliu ! ,il n;li
a i
iLMifcrtirorit', ""I rk-uiic 'bic n:"Ti,iii'r n i l will
U to comtuii.U lo innk''l Hn Auu" fcy ,
of tie upi"trt of tti g
. ii rc i
a 'lie tasnv ili'S:utti ro" tnr it'..1i':2 a i .
r,i' ririao of t'h'i li.;' ilj i.f l in i. l.i. !. ll.o '
M U r. i;;ti("l sro er,rft".'', '.iijlro then 1 J a;. petit '
t-j lh!
lor a eiaicr.'Ui' . 1 1 1 1 1 . i r t
mirl to n6k
tir "Tin A ob'
clrculuti' a.
Th prf(r.t lle f the prt. jrnt'.i v iin.i.', ;,'
tt .'titd rrit tl.a onoitation. th:.t t . o fi.'it
Lumber of the Dully iU diaiU'r bef ri the i-1'.n)
.ftl, pitvut month, ( Feb: unry, I
Wckl iiil If iiaoJ aoon tl: jrvu.ti'i .
I 'i
I i'.i;K;a.Y
1'rr uiinmit, t"i oO
Klx M.'ndi. 3 00
TVc! Mi:titii. 1 Ml
t ,.pi.-s ilf'ivro 1 a.
ti, ro st 'I
Ant A Ciirri J'H
Pi r miiiuiu,
Six months:
i; oO !
I no !
Ibtco Mo.iibj, 0
10 ("ifit'l ono nil's 1? i'O
CO ''" " 32 0(1
30 " " 115 01)
efrl'iiyinrnt rooinrril in'' nnalilv in auvcucr.
r; A. J. (LOS-rtUs.XNI.K i
4. CO.
r.. 2. i"'''1
450 Clif! in;.t
'.ii'.l u'.jiU i n.
tl. t a .i us 3
(VVi! M'.T-,1 AK 1 .11 V.'onl ' rtv i t ctftiHy
' t i' to 'be public that l' li:"s i 1 1 . I op
t KItt'l' on t'b'tr; ,,fre,t, n-:ir tbn Fpi-.-cin.l
l.b'jri'b, o'i 1 utsrly t.j.po'iiit t!:i re.-ilc.-e i f i;.
V'n t7t'r, r'-'O) . vlmro I. -s, I utenii ft r.irry on ln
r.,.;ie t ii'iikine I'liiinofs in ik" itilfor-iit brnneh - '
f. lint lot, nf'.'iil rt'.;oijr ii; rtnll. e !.i to
tie bii-MKf. nntl w akcl nn !i Jeurncyimn orar
m Tin', i wi'ii"' i-.iii ye tu iv Biiuj' iiT in rcu
.'r. hf (l.'t'ora LiMfe.f tlmt tin rnn rrndorsnt
. union I" tli' so hu n y 1
Okitt-ui. Hiointt l'luiitiin
'i'.r bin; ttiih tbeir
Ciiii in "1 I t ruun,
t a fl'.iro ofputronnge, kna it flis l vrr own.
bo l.:s t l,f .t i'l'bo lo order nriit mid unb.Uii-i .0 impudence!' exclaimed tho tench
tirl luri.,liir -uli " ' i 1 l
Tv.n,.h T.rfi-UAi.?r:n will ftUcavn er, I'as-.ioiu te'y, a. ho g.asjed a longand
n-i-i C' l'.'fDon wnl j prtfjn:(.1 lo furr.i-.h
, v.v.ia F f n ai lii !?. I.- L-.
to oi ler Keek-
i I Mill 11 T"
C lingo, Jew
ry L.ti'i, ifr
ki o'liir
km l cf
inp Chairs of
different .
kinds ar.u
il OTH lift CIIAinS
l.:i itl-hl'lTH 1 -ai.-ri no ll. ll :m I", man
fa,vi r.'i nd (itr.l
! In or ltT lljir, lliif K, nml ;
ner't Fait Sr -in.t He' l llmr uml . otnn: MAI-
IVat MnU FllSanH JoXVod the plunder, and bad en accomplice to
l OAKl i". Vitli'...f.' articles, will bo innile to do tho more danuerotis part of tho job?',- t'ui'.T und .trior for rust -room, on j , because it, is on my
Centre .al n, break treirt tint we. rrmpfori
f .-.t m a IHrir t ii.'nj ; fasti, t.r cxtbiinol lor road home. I was there again afterward
..i.n ut i 't i-n.iovcn. t.pjro.t ci oiitiy pro
Ktou'"r 1ac!.;i. iluct'. Don't f-.rjret tho
rgeii", H:.i p.niuis.Toi ''t'.,! I nin ileteriiiin.
li,t nrt.l Vr'i.ri. stpn b. ;"'i fi.rui-h ftll urtietoa
.ii ! rvery r.thjr kinl f.f.iut ll ! ni""t rejsnnnbio.
inriiiiiii'it ill l'i liatt. I
0finpie, t'bt'rry, Fuilnr, Fin", L'nwooil ami
.. -,'ry othi-r ji'n'.it luiubnr, "ill bo tnkon in ex--hn,'"
fir furniture, Cn.-ti i'la'.,i b" ni'u! for
fool bimilifr- B. K. BiHH'b.
N ll. I'.'iTitiH of die litet nylo made to order
-j uli-Tl i .aici'. l unerals nlteinleil nrhpnevot
ifsimole. ( it'ntiit, Ji., Fib. 11, 'C3.
i.. 1. 1 IV l. .1 At lAf.
jous o. it ALL
Attorneys at Law, '
".Waiclivs, Jewclrv Silver-Ware.
r riUE nu.leri(!ned would respectfully invite
; Ml your Mlei.tiu ii In l.i. well rvlerted stock of
. Hn Gold Silier W ATCH KS, Fine Gold
I1V ELKY, ol evnrykintl nd vuricty of .Ivies
rnuv rising ill of Ilie sr.itr.sT and lnont skaiti-
, rci. BSI1IC!'".
Ali-o, HUL1D S'l.Vt'R WAUK.ripiof lo Coin
nd the be.t ni.i -.e "f .s.i'icr J'luird H ire.
article i curruii.V.( to lie a" ropretented.
fSrW ut;bo nd Jewelry carefnlly rrpnirtd
tea mtiifvlino guarnnli'eil.
(Auc.Vi.wr to .StivJ'iV d' .ir.Vv.)
Xo.X-2'2 Miirkxt yireet, FbiUdelphi..
Much 4, ise3.-3ui. pd.
Di?8olction of Partnership.
mm.' rfl i.,,..i:. Lm..,!.,. nv;.iin.
I twoen tba tnderciened in the c lehmnkinc
buninei! in tbe berough of Curwentvilli-, la thu
dsT diitoUcd bv mutual Tbe book
tc4 iceount. art dusired lo bo closed with is lit
tle delay u possible of which .11 f crsoni hay
ing ttoitttled ..irounli will b ke noii'-e.
Cuiwoiill, Feb. J-J, I H. KERNS,
1803, it. pia. L. M. LA FORTE,
pilK iubucriberii a medium i.oJ FIKE
X I'BOOF PAFK.oeftrly new, which Uioy will
iipn of verj cbftp.
....rltt-.b .Ttii. iSjlSd.
a Fact. tliu l.ttlo
Wl on the teacher', tletk oi a vilhto
school ono rnomin;;, when the sluoies f
tho enrlier part of .he day tvere about
iiiiii u'uupiuitru. i . n in .veil uuiiriaiuuu
!.... !..,.. i t ii i i i
ttiat Una was n command tor .nonce ami
ittenti.n. ; nnfl when (hone had been ol-s l l""f? " "" 0,1 ,l1' i"ryci. l Bliall ll.o nnibier spoke. Ho was a low ! lIl0 CH" up aaii. ; and if you d'in't
lhii k-sH man, ,uid his nam.; was I,ng;ro. I11 t,ie " ,ruU' llcf, 1 pivo you
liojs,' said he, 'I have hud a complaint ; fonicthing that will inako you remember
i nlend, tlmt 1 -si iiifht some of you were! iIr. Nichol'h melon f.r tv.nny a month, to
ttenliiij? fmit lioin Mr.'N chol's garden. l ,(o your neat.'
i raih..'f think Iknmv thaiiiief. i'iin filiid euouf h of the un-iai iotn pirm'n
l'uikti. fcicp uu hue. tir.' t1"'1 ntisMCiin- nvt a found, the
1 he ci id lo honi lie spoke w.uv; tor.
nurd, tie was a blight, fair looking boy
ofalMut tourtvf-t; ; mid his lace had n
l,iugliing.j;ood hunioiod exf '.region, which
even tho charge now preferred nninst
!iim, and the stern toco utrl threatening
look of tho teacher, 'hud Dot entirely (lis
sipiutd. I'he countenance gf the Loy,
how'Vct,w.n too ui'eurtliiy fair for health;
it had, not w i t !i s t nii'V. its ileshv, cheer,
.. , . , . - .
u "'"T cist as if oine ..iwnrd
tu - cann Dii'i liiat a jem iui ono, were seat-
, .1 - i i ;n
As the sttippling stood before
that ti ace ol luilcmelil. that onice. so o!
' U n made the scene of heartless andco.u e
brutality, of tiaiid innocence cor.l'ti.-ed,
, , ,, outr.iueit. and gentle
fe. iftigs crushed-I. n;;aro looked on linn
.illi a i'iowii u iiieh pi linly t .-hl that ho
. l ..... . i it .... ..
' H !" l' vt'r t'lea.ari nioou. Ji.i;'pn. u
o I - l.ilost i liicul system
H t Hiving to men that school cm bo be I
er 't ern- d, ! 1 u it l-y hi.hes aud'l
sighs, Wc ..i.' tiaxin towaul that
tonskininiutiou wheo one of the hl-fi.-h.
i HohooUni.'n' ct , with his coAhide,
i hij l.eavv birch rotl, and his many in'"
tiiotis me
, , i ., i ,, , -n i i
h'i; ill cliiid-to.'.nnt, will L''l
, , .
... .I iii.iti nti ; cerirni'.i n,emei lo ol ail'
i.'tn .luut cruel, and exnloded iloctrine. !
"rt ' ' t
May propitious jfalca speed that day !
'Were you ly Mr. Nichi.l's jjardeti fence
hist tiiuh' V sni'A l.tigsre.
'Yi's, sir,' aijiweicd ihe boy : 'I was.'
'Weil, sir. I'm glad lo find you io ready
i i:h o'lf con f'efsioti. Ami to you tho't
jcii ci iihi do a ii'.llo robbing, and
yottrn'lf in a manner you ouht to be
titliamed to jwn, without being rutiished,
liitl J O'J '.''
I hue not be n lebbinj,' icplicl the
tiuicklv. lii fieo wa-i suiluud,
jiewlcr with resentment or fright, it WHS
'difiieult to tell. 'Audi didn't do any
5 last ..ieht, that I'm a hauied to
heavy rat tin ; 'give ine none of jour shaip
.fpeechett, or I'll thrash you tid you leg
l;ke a do;'.'
, file youngstet's face l-aied a liltlo ; iiis
i . . , , ,. , , ,
;l'l' i''Vered, but he did nottpeak.-
'. . . , . ' .: it ....
A"'1 f ay, u, cnnuiiue'i i.uyiut;, ns
I the outward feigns of wrath disappeared
, ..!.
noil! ins iciiiuics , ..ui JUU..U't
i i:e L'artien lor ? I oihaps you only roceiv-
to meet nn acquaintance; and and
but 1 did not go into the garden, nor take
anything away from it. I would not steu!, to cavil myself fiom surving.'
W'ou had better have jluck to that la4
., v r... ,
evening. ou were si en, T im lUrker, to
comer.omund,r Mr. Niehol'. garden -
fence, a little afler nine o'clock, with ft
bag full of something or other, over your
shculclers. The Ima had every appear-1
ance of being fill.! with fruit, and this
morning tho melon-beds aro found to j
have been completely cleared. Now, sir,
what was thera in tho bug?' j
Like tire itself glowed the face of the,
delected lad. lie spoke not a word. All :
tho school had their eyes directed at him.
The 'Ol-s; iration inn down his ahito fore-i
head like rain-drops
'Speak, sir !' exclaimed Lugare, with a
loud strike of bis ratal, on the desk
The boy looked as though lie would
faint. But the unmerciful tsacher, con
fider. t of having brought to light a crimi
nal, and exulting in the idea of the severe
chastisement he sho'ild now bo justified
in mulcting, kept working himself up to;
a still higher degree of passion. la tho -
meantime, the child seemed hardly to 1
know what to i'o with himself. His '
tongue cleaved to the roof of his mouth,
Kither ho was mrt- n-tn..V, f,.J..l.. , ..1 -
, ' '"i"ic..uu or turtive fiance at Tim, sometimes in pity,
he was actually unwell. . ' sometimes in indifference or inquiry.-
t-penk.I say 1 again thundered Lugare;' They knew that he would have no mercy
and Ins hand graspmg his ralan, towered .hown him, and though most of them
above Ins head in a very significant man- loved him, whipping was too common
ner' ' , i Ul"- to exact much sympathy. Every
'I hardly can, sir said the poor fallow inquiring glance, however, remained un
fairly. His voice was husky and thick, satisfied, for at the end tif the hour, Tim
I will tell you .m,e -some oilier time.- remained w,;h his faC9 bidd-n I
l i vc. m'. s vrv liki'lv : niul Ir
I-i'K'iro 1 ulycl out lui nose ami checUs
contctnx.t. 'I.' ) utt think to tnnko
me bcliuvo your li, s ? I've fo:-nl yci out,
, plainly e0i,Sh; i''l I .'".l s'lliitlled
mat vou tire as t-recious n i ttu- vi am r.s
ll.l., !. ill it.U l.ll.l P., I I 'll tt . . A
"""'' i'"-.jiwv7
cleI'l tfinMinijIy U uu bench, lie
; very strangely, Urn.
Iy more as
ii ue
was ina dream llian in re ,1 l.. . on.l l
Lharm.ODhisd, l,o.,ed' down his:
face between them. Tin
., ,
lo tli.j
II I' n 1. jlilin. I .1 li.d I.,, .Ill," llllf
i no reiirn ii i at earn in tiitt viunnn aennni.
' nc
rJ r , ' ' I veined. Tl.:.t minute, pas,ed ... death. ,onsU,s ulto.ther of a hundred puns, in
leucu and. severe chasl-e:er.t, that. such, like silence, was a fern ful one to some of'clua.n - .J. 'hrll
thinp mnde but little interruption in the' Ul(J c,liI(, " for ,vhiteued ! , , , ? uah shell
.',.. , ., UiQ c'"1(llen. lor tlll-ir ''rc'a gun,. I'.esules the one. hut. die. and four
tenor of their way. i r,.;,,,,, r,t.r,..i s Li,..i ,,.. e ... . .
rsn.v. tv ii ,i in in rrt'rn i in r it fi!.
' a i
nnSf v,o ,.i.cie:,; u:e ni) sicry t.nne
. .. -ii ..i .i.- . . , . i .
i ag, unci in jouiig iai kit ueing uuc,er uio
gudensfeneeon ihepiecedinomirht. Tho
boy's mother w;h n widow, nn I they both
had to live in tho narrowest limits. His
father had died when he w.i3 six yenr-i
old, and little Tim was left, a sickly, etna
eiated infant whom no ono expected to
livo many months. To tho ; prise ol'r.'.l,
lio vever, the poor littlo child kept alive,
ard seemed to recover his ht'altii, its 1."
certainly did his izo and pood link.1. -Tit
is w;:s owing to the kind olli-vs !' an
. ..... .mil i'li.tMit ...ei mtiuiiiij-"'"
: .1 :..:,... .. i. l... 1
m the ncigliboi liooil, an.l v.ho I. ml L.-en
i ti it i es i ei t in i n e wi'iows utin lauiuy.
. t. ,i . .-i ..., ,....i..
I un, Uie piivsician saia, .tiiignt pussioly
' 1 1 c i j
his disease ; but eve," thing was
(uncertain. It nas a mysterious and baf-
fling malady ; and it would not he wons
- , , .. . 1 .
-icriui nnesnouia in some moryeni oi
appa.ent healthfo suddenly taken atrny.
' , , ' ilk(, muKmg the ot o mi c:ise, boy..j channel and the Swash channel. The
state of unenstne,,: but several years had , Tim, hcre, U determined not to l.o worried ,.,,, of Fort Mould ie and those of B.-ttte-now
passed and none cf the. impending , hj ,,is min(, n,)0U. ft litU,. (logging, for tho I fv No. o fiIs0 00,maml l0 orm,M,U
evils hi'dTallen iT'Ori tlv; boj- s i'1'''- 'j'!' J thought or it can't even keep the little 1 0i(ruc.ions thai are placed in the main
mother seemed o e,cl co,ltde,it tout he fCwM nnaUe channel, betirceu Fort Sumter and
nuuit. Ill', null "t: lit:' ' .11.11 an i.i'iivii
to her oltl age, and the two struggled on
."U,i:i mi , 111 i-t i.ti.i 1 1 r 'e'ri'T "' t .ti 11 win..:,' , . tic 1 , ti , T- I .
, , . l. , ,. and descended from bis seal. Wr.h light
and enduring much ot poverty and dm-; . , ,., , ,
.... . . , . , ana stealthy steps ho crossed the room,
comfort without repining, each for tho i , , , , 4 . , , . .
4 , and stood by tho unlucky slef tier. 1 ho
other s sako. , ..... .
, , ! boy wa4 still as uncouscious of his impend
lims pleasant disposition nid m .do . . , . . ,. .
' . 1 nng punishment as evo. lie mi?tit be
Into many friends in thn vi lag", ami u-1 , ' , . , ,,
mongst the rest a young farmer miuted
Jones, who with his eldjr brother, woik' d
a large farm in the neighborhood onshar vs.
Jones very fiepiently niado'fim a pre.-ent
ot a bag ot potatoes or corn, or some car- i
den vegetables, which he took from his
own stock , but as his partner was a parit
monious, higli temv ersd man, and had
often said that Tim was an idle f'clhnv,
andougbt to bo helped because 1
did not work, Jon-s generally made hit
gifts in iuch a that no one knew
anything about them, except himself and
tho grateful objects of his kindness. It
might be, too, that tl.e wiuow was loath to
, . , ,, ,. . ., . j
have it understood bv lha nemhboi - that1
fooJ fjom ono fop lhcpe wo or throe minutes from very weariness,
. o v . . . . ..But still 1 ,m showed no signs ofmot.on;
hprcoraition whin!l ma-iC8 thrnk
... . ....
from being considered as ol jects of 'char-.
'... ,, , .
, ,ty' u, t;tey vniuid tiom tho sovoi est pains.
j On the night in question, Tun hud been
told ,k Jne, would fCnd them a bag of
potatoes, and the ,-laceat which they were
in !... uiti.,'.i.r i,;, n.a.i . r,.
Nii.-I-o! gad. n fence. It win this bag
tl,ai Tj, i,,,.) been seen staggering under,
acd w Inch caused the unlucky boy to be
acci. rd and ciivieled by hi teacher lis a
thief. That leaeher .vas one little fitted
for his impoi tnnt ami responsible oflico.
Hasty to decide, and inflexibly sevtie, ho
was the terror .of 1 ho little woild he ruled
bo dcgpoticully. runishment he seemed
to delight in. Knowing lit t lo cf those
sweet fountains. i hich in childrens' breasts
over open quickly at the call of geutleness
and kind nor Is, he was feared by all for
liis sternness, and loved by none. I would
that ho were an isolated instance in his
Tbe hour of grace had drawn to its
close, and the time approached at which
it was usual for Lugare lo give his school
a iovfullv received dismi.Mi.n.' Now ,,d
then one of the scholars would dirccL a i
' went 1c Ins 5-cii . Linmi-n ,i.,i .,( ii... will, B ww Wln,:h Hnenicl
to Lmdo veiifona, for his Kullnnne-?. At
, length tho la, t class had Lwn lieartl, and
the last lo.sf.on recited, and Lugiue seated
i,imse Mum ,i,,..k i,.,,,
- - - . i-v . ,.w j'iiiui in,
Ttl. 1! 1. . .. , . . n
Uu nr. longesi unu stouie.ii raian ueioro
,r 1) , 1 ! , ,, , , ,,
'Nmv. ISariter he f.v.,1, WU scttlo that
;U! 1.u..neM of your. Just Hen up
Tin; did not move. The rchool-room
w" ,tiU ll, Uie ravo- Not B0U,ul was
jio.hoarj, except occasionally a long-
I drawn breath.
'Mind me, sir, or it will bo tin- worse
for you. Step un ucro. and talto oil' vour
': .,, '
rlin'u n,
" 1 ' v ...... ; ."".v ..ii. "
--no mm neen nni ieoi whou. l.uaro suook
u . t I 111 J'll )i I'Ji:, 11 '. il w S
: ., .
a rau.uio, as u
' r t . , . .
'"SUio oo,t w.y towreac .n..tio. Tho nimament ef theso live forts
' with fright. It teemed, in T.t slowly drop.
. ... . i
ii. a mvitf. Ii ce in ininnto iv He n itreeeeile
cliul:lX of 0 0X(1i, performed
L'eiiy. Mier: fonio niinliiv luaater o tlio
. , V- ' , .. .,..,
yon :.r.d the nmllilu.Io around your aro
waiiin,:, wjtl: stretched nerves and sus
ponded bmi! I.,in ejpectt lion ef the ter.-i-
bio catastrophe.
tan is a-lcep, nr, at teng" li s.iul ono '
cf the bt'js wlio sat near him. j
I., j no, at this intt'lligenco, allowed Li j '
f. :ui i, lo relax fr,itn their expression of i
s.n ..gc iitper into a smile, but that smile'
looked more mii'-innt. if nossildo. than
... 1
Uh former seowh. It might bo that In'
foU amustJa a, tilQ l,oiror aonictcd on the
faced of those abcul him; or it might be
Unit he was glowing in pleasuro on tho Xo. 10, a sand hr,i tery on Sullivan's Is
way in which he intended to wake U'C and, 4 gun.i, of w.iieh tu o are eightsineh
poor li tlo sh.mberer. 'cohmibiad s and '2 ait rilled caiinon.
mn.t.'. oil'JUU, ll'J JfUUjj jj. iiiitiiiu.
j(,t , S(.a jf Wfl cm,t fin,, ,omctIl;ng t0
I lick, ur notUlnc
. ., . , , .. ,
I.ngire smiled again as ho made the last
'observation. lie grasped his ralan firmly,
iiki'iiiiii rviuv ,,...11, Ullllll, J , JVIM.t.
and pleasure; pi-rhnps he was far oway in
the world of fancy, seeing scenes, and
feeling delights, which cold reality never
Cjin bestow. Lugaro lifted his ratan high
over his head, and with the true and ex
pert aim which he had acquired by long
tract ice, brought it down on Tim's back
with a force and w hacking sound which
seemed juflieienl to awake a freezing man
in his last lethargy; (juick and fast, blow
followed blow. Without waiting to see
t lie effect of the first cut, tho brutal wretch
died his instrument of torture first on
one side of the boy's back, and then on
,, . ,' , , . ., , ,
the other, and only stopped nt tho en; ol
. '
and as I.tigare, provoked at his topidily,
jerked away one of tlio child's arms, on
i winen no nan oeen leai ina over on ine
. . , .7 . . -.
,luS hd ''-yiT on ho bor.r,l
' """'l' h 'f IftVlurncd .ul'
which he had been leai ing over on the
"" "V0"" " h'
i "c """""'u l'J
lisk. His oountonanco turnel to h loudon
wliitoneP! tlio raf-m flroi ppd from hif
grasp : and his eves stretched wide open,
glared ns at some monstrous speotaelo of
horror and death. The sweat started in
great globules seemingly from every pore
in his face; his skinny li ns contracted
and showed his teeth; and when he at
length stretched forth his nrm, and with
the end of one cf his fingers touched the
child's cheek, each limb quivered like the
tongue of a snake - and his strength seem
ed ns though it would momentarily fail
kini. Tho boy was ilea J. Ho had proba
bly been so for come time, for his eyos
weio turned jp, and his body was quite
cold. Tha widow was now childless too.
Death was in the school room, and Lugare
had been flogging a coRr.'K. V. V.
Union Victorv in Kentitkt. An ofii-
eial dispatch from Somerset, Kentucky,
says Geueral Odmore's furces attacked i
the Rebels under General Fegram in
strong position, near Somerset, jesteiday,
and fought them for five or fixhours
The rebels, ere badly whipped SI Mr.
.... llcunu,,rv.
en towari's the r.ver. Tho onemy out
numbered our strength t o to one. )ur
loss did not exceed thirty.. Th Rebel '
lo.s is not stated
io-s is noi 9M.e i. i
. , ,
ton commence, I about (ho 'M inMnnt hy
the lutuUinl mtvU forei-s of tlio United '
Stntes eomliue.l, we transfer to our col-'
tiftms the following! description of th for.
: ....! ... . . : .
i n irii ( il r, s preparett l')r ilH iloionee '
I .... ' ' 1
The cannon f.m n , I t
h.lVe Cant OVer I IVil bllmlrn,) friitio I.H
I fc""
Wlnn alone, in addition to those
that vore already - (here , r.d anion -
' llwu,. iviln ..I,,!, l.. . I
;0f which we hme heard from
.... , , ,, .. , i, o.-c- ii iuii. iri ii.iig i
timfl lo
. time sut li wonderful report.
There are five large forts .handing each cub are iktuin,; n-lts, m,.de of hoavy
; Charleston on tho land tide, wlOh wo j timber, securely l.i-i.ed to-e, her by cable
ghmihl huh.,.. f,.nm il. il..i..ii;n tAKn'cb .liw r,,,,i ii,.. i,.,!..i -1..,.,..
' :.. .
i""' """ eonsiruci.m, ui inn
i,!frl n.Wml ,,m- ',u'ii'i'ore,'l'hey
: cannot navo, nowever, tho auvanhigo injture. At a given pouii tlji.baror boom
! position which the
latter possesses, as
tl)p.. ftre ,)0t U)iU elevated a rosi
(.'iit.s ot rort Sumter, the li'ty guns at t ort
itiuuiuiu a ii u uie iwenivnvo cons oi iai
i nr ...i...: i ,i c... . p c. .
tlo Pinckney, there are tweniy-sevcn
i i . : ....
"".'"'- ''''""
i n r; v 1 1 ii i j i v. i ii 1 1 vi n i : ti.ii.ucs 1 1 yj ill LUl'
j80lf ni011ntedwith guna as follows :
Fnttcrv No. 1. on the end of Sulli
van.g !,., 4f,
Xo. C, on Sullivan's Ish.nd, 18 guns.
No. 4,
No. fi.
No. 0,
No. 7,
No. s,
ID "
8 "
0 '
4 "
4 guns, two
1 of I hem (VI i.ntmilrm nn.l
i '
No. 0, on Sullivan's Islind, 4 litled can
non of tho largest calibre.
Tho above guns together with those in
Fort Moultrie, eotninnnd tho main ship
channel leading t") fnarlusicii, ll..f!lt'a
Fort Moultrie.
Battery No. 11, at the mouth of
poo creek, 4 rifled guns, which carry a
ball with accuracy as far as Casllo Finch
ney. Battery No. V2, on the. Battery, at tho
south end of Charleston, . 4 elevcnsiiich
.shell guiis.
Batteries No. 13 and No. 14, near tho
n'OJth of Jsmes Island creek, 2 guns
. An iron -clad buttery, three-rpiarteis of
a niilo south of Castle l'inckncv, 8 puns,
of which '2 are large Columbials '2 ine
eleven-incl. shell gum. 2 nio tl.e largest
noristcr guns, and 'J are rilled cannon of
the longest range.
An iron 'clad floating battery, usually
archored between Fort John-on and the
last named work, mounting 4 guns, o!
which 2 carry long s'.eel projectiles, and"!!
are lOO-ponnder "smashers."
Fort Johnson, 4 very heavy giitts.
Battery No. 15, 4 seaconst nwtars.
The alTiivc guns, t"gether with t-iio e in
Castle Finck ney, command the cntnun'o
lo the Ashley river and the South channel.
Battery No. 10, at the riio of ihem
creek, 4 guns.
Batteries Nns. 17 and 13, no'ilhc.ial of
Maudrell's Point, 4 guns each.
The above guns command th Flog Is
land channel, leading to Cofip.'i riitr.
An iron-clad baitcry on f'umniing's
I Boint 3 of tho monster guns vrl.irh
ommand tho ol.structions in the rnin
ship channel.
Batterea Nos. 10, 20, 21, 22, ami 2:!, on
Morris Island 3 guns each command.
ing the entrance to tho rnnin ship chan
nel. There lire also at Charleston two iron
rams, mctinl ir.g in all 9 guns. At five
ditl'eront daces, to.i, torpeodecs aro sub
merged, so arranged as to explode when
vessel passes over them.
The ibovo enumeration shows that
Charleston is defended by no less than
37ti gun?.
At breach inlet thero is a very heavy
work, containing, with its outworks and
auxiliaries, about foity Cl,ns, many ofl1"';1' H'"uf:--".- "J")-. !'r,',,,r -i
t, i . i. i n lea I and elective. It l Iuik that thf.
them being the e.ghty-pvunder rifle of ( Llfln(, ,, l,111,.nil0 pcoplo are fi'.,
I ll A T-fw1a.f ill W rti r t. ... I I HM ll . 1 -il I I. . .
a, T , ' , ' ' I 1 . . V ":'uu',!,"-w
, tive gun, but liable to burst- These bat- sentlemnnly to keep a :.nt.i in siiapcipe f,,r
,crips (;oraxand MjflU. rmwvl I10I.;I)) i days and porhnps weeks Merely be,,.w
' i .... , , , . you do out choose ti. put hun nut of it bv
' , V" f ' ""'if ' a raightforw.rd docira, ion ? Ueontyfs
wine, now carrier deeper water than thu a gentleman who tieats his fellow-mer. in
'old main ship channel, which, owing to'a manly, str iightf ,nu:rd way. N,.',(,r
' the sinking of the old whalchip, and in ; com lT ambiguous words to vi-i.-tiou
i,lr.l c.u-es, has rented to be a channel of '1' youdo not intend to Pranrv. ffv0
nL e .-c i .1 1 'UlMn Nn, i"W wi h i.r ,rx .. ,.. ,
piefr.rrnee. T hus firlihe'l.tli" rwi r end fr '
' se " r"1-''
, , lk
Tl i. 1 it '
of tho old' h -l'.?''" T'' e,U'M
heavy U ulZ TTLT.
t : .... i. . . , ... ,
" "
fi i i.-i'ii, Kipi incro v n;i u view topis
vent our kockuders from enterinc the hsr-
t.rr n,..l u-l..l,l.. , !!.... .. .. - . i. .
, " '"'"""li "'I'll I''. HOI K U I lll
: obstbcciioss.
Thu obstructions conbil vi ivoodon cub.
filled with slorc. t.Wcd t vni.n..nt
distance f. orn each oiLor, kilo between
' c.:...i... ...i ... . .....
, "i muuci , nui oiiij covers uie cnain,
but ad lb a bracing btrength to the .true.
is provided with a movable gate, which i
opened to allow their otvn vessels to pass
in and out. This place of ingress is direct
ly uudor the guiii of Foil Sumter, and so
close I hut it seems almost iuimossiblc that
any vessel can pass them. Fata would
seem to decree her certain destruction.
On either side, and at a sufo distance fioai
tho boom, aio placed infernal machines
ami torpedoes, vhieh arc to be fired eith
er by corcussion or by means of a gal van
iu battery located in cither fort ranges
bein prepared so, when the vessel 'u
directly over them, they are tired. Dut
tho tide has washed a number of thieoobs
structioin avay, and rotted nculy all the
remainder, and they are now not very form
vl Mc olj' i -'is lo tr.onhkr and overcome. A
chain and a connecting series of obstrucs
lions exist between torts Sumter and
lloultric ILfuld.
How the Elections aro Regarded by
the Umon Men of the South.
That old staunch Union organ of Kens
tueky, the Louisville Jnrnn1-. thus com
ments upon tho flection of New Hamp
shire: "The New Ham ismr.E Election. The
result of th Nelv Hampshire election is
innoiher cheering evidence of tho over
whelming change in public sentimentf
and a sail-nu-tinj a--nrr. nr time ibo n
servativu feelings of the Eastern iStaiswill
soon crush out tbo radicalism which has
brought our count i y to the verge of ruin
If the. netvs of this important victory
could. be scattered throiif h the ai liiies of
the tebels, and they would calmly reflect
upon its signilieme.", it would do more to tin in tuielnrn lo law an i order
and the mi ay of a .oveini.ient wl:i;:h en
peacefully and eil'e "tualiy corrects lha vi
olenee of pai ly or tho ultniism of fiction,
by tho operation of its elective system,
than any wonis of kindiy exhortation or
any coustrainc 1 appliances of gover mental
power. In oontt mplatirg thi-i sp'.ondift
triump'tf. which shows the re:d innjiirity
of conservatism in New "amoshiro to he
over seven thousand, which but bjr tho
unfoituna'e hniiiuatinii ed tLacJliiiitiit-nt
parly elements in tho Gi unite Siate would
have elected a con'crvative Ciovernor, the
true friend- -f the Vninn have vmndsnt
reiisons p i' congiaiiii jiior.. tr. Lincoln
received neailv lll.t'i"! ,n..j"iity t'icrd tl)
l.sU'l; the lb'pul lit ans pulled MT.-jI'I t'-??,
the T'.'ii'.'b's Iieu.oerals l,' r. ..'! tlie
Bieckinvi'L-o ineu:;.112: but nnv.' East
man, bomiierat, has receive 1 over 32,003
votes, mid I i ilino'v, Kjiublican, le.-j than
2',b0'l, but, for !' ' thi'iivlng of some) 4,
100 voles tor a third candidate, II irrlman,
as a "Union", a niajn ily n nil the
voles cast was not seeliied, find tho final
election goes to tho LegiIatuie. in which
the Kep'tbl'.cain predv'ininate, ti'O.igh .ixi
ty iiien.b.r.- cf tlio I! "ise were chosen by
veiy close votci, ve. ' t'ig from five to
I inline nil le victcrica a. what iho Union
men of th' S.iulh desire. hull they not
be accommodated?
Ii You mean, Ho, . . y No I
When a man has made nn his m;rd to
do or not tti do a thing, b "h.Tild havfc
I ho I'luek tofay so plainly 1 dt ci-ively.
It is a mi-t iken kindness if mivit as
kiniinets to men a remiest which, you
have determined not to, with "I'll
seo about it," or, "I'll think th-j matter
over," or," 1 cannot give yon a po,itive ans
river now ; call in a lew iys n'ld I'd let
you know." ft may ba snid, perhaps, that
Ihe object of these ambiguous expressions
is lo "let tho applicant down ensy hat
tin ir tend -icy is to (.ive. him useless tronbt
le and an.'o!y,and pos-ihly to prevent his
seeking what he requires ina more pro-,it-ous
quaiter until ufter tile golden opp'or
luniiyhas passed. Moreover, it is qua
t'onal.le weilier the motives lo; such equiv
ocation are as rhihnthropic .is some
pie htippo-e. tienerully spo.ikinp, Ihoin
dnidual who avoids a direct refusal, doei
so to ateit himself pain. Men ivit'ioot dr-ci.-ion
of chi racler have and indosivitalile
Bvcriion tosay"No," Th 'y can Mont "No"
omeliines when it would bo p.ore
c edible to their courtesy r.od benev
olenco to say "Vca" hut thoy dulikn
In litter tli e bOI i word (nat r pre oi. t.