( limit I m ilium I 0 'tf 1. cm II Mill I 0 i l' ' I, -1 1 ft I. III. I I I.I- .!: .( I. ..I till' 'MtH. 1 'i r lii r i-tf m e a ' i HI t.iili ft'"' t i it ti r full' f l-i I 1. 1 ' i If a t'V tin !M nn 'I t'.i' .. I hi. ' I If l ri 'I I I " ilt titt I. In I -ll. II" In" '(tin llo'tns. ' II I . Iirtirl nt l'. f nr ri I llll'lll of ll'S li Mil'l t'liriliHrr, BhitiHK hli li llurniti ninl u ) Siilr III ii rl, W arilrcttr mi l ;n.-k t'n-i- : nun, ..fn, parlor Himkf.nl nn. I )iiiiii( Fs ii'ii.i..n T.iili". Common. French Pout. rottnp;. Jenny Lind nd other Bdtpadi KOKAs i.l nil KIM'S, HIHKM AMiS llAI-KAt K-", WAII-M AM, Ac. Hocking and A nn Chair?, Spring Friil, t'niif llollom and I'.n Inr ( limn nnil Common and other Chairs. I O 0 K I X O-d I, A SS l.S Of every ileiriiiinn on hand; aid new glasses fur oht frames, which will bo put in mi ve ry rrumnuliln terms on short notice. Ho nlr.t livoi nn limn', nr luruihi ! In or der, Hair. Corn. Husk, ll iiroml 1'otlnn top Mattresses. COFFINS, of firry kind, Mud lo o-tliT, uml finioi ii In attended with n lltnrm, whenever l f. t rcil. Also, Holme Fainting dune tooroVr. The stiiscrihcr also manufactures, and lipi constantly en Iuit.i1, Clement's Patent Washing Mahini The bs.it now in use. Thoio using this machine never need lo without clean clothes ! lie also has GREATEST I'.ATTT.K ON lflX'OKD! 15,000 Killed nnd Wounded, and 3i',000 takonTrisoners! WITH CAM l' EQUIPAGK--and 70,000 Contrabands freed from the BONDS OF SLAVERY ! ! ITVI'nV mnn t tint lins rcml nny tliini; of the i pu t liisiory ol Ibis 1IMW miut linaily come to the ci.iiclusion tlmt the Cunfeilernto (iovtrn ment m tiMbe broken down. It onl y n nuen- lion of Mine. Hut now we have the nbove Glori oui oiil-clirring newt to oboer in up ; nrd the only ilruir-back to our j.iy and plorifii'ntion is the! iiumincnl dnnm'r of tlie Conlriibnnilii coming ' North to ' eat out our mb.-tnnoe," nnd to weiir out ur fcliocn S Jlut of ono thine the people of C'cnr- J wiu eoiintv in ii v do asuuroa, iiiki unit in, tlmt FKAMv SHOUT for elioit onlleil Shurt-rt h tu'llini; Hunts .t sIloi'N nn rlienp n nny nthor mnn in the rountv; nnd if mhi don't lielii've i', juntgive him a call on court-week, ornt nny other time, nad si e for yourcr-lve. lie would jn't ro mind the publii' llmt hie rliop j now on Alnrket reot, in Muiw'a How where you will find him just u Short uf imiinl if not it little thnvltr of Cash tli nn lie would like to be. All kind of work on hnndji nnd nimle to order nn sltiirt notifc, nnd n. well iniirle, nnd an good fits as c:in l.e ".-ki'cred" up here or elsewhere. iiit-llon't forget the fhoii on Jlniket ftrect. in Minw's Row. directly opposite liev. II, II. ! Swnopo's offico. F. fllOUT. Clearfield, Juno II, 1SR2. X AllO.S AL C0MMEUCIAL COLLEGES. LOCATED IN riiiLADiariiiX. S. E. cor. 7th and ( lies! nut Streets, New York city. Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and St. Louis. B0OK-KKKPl.t, l'KNMANf imp, Commercial AuiTnuBTic, CoMMKitrtAL Law. Fohus, Cob BKsroNDK.icK, ,tc, pmcticuiiy taught. These Collages being under the same general and local management, and uniting in etch tho advantages of a li. offer greater facilities for im parting instruction than any oilier similar insti tution in the country. A Scholarship issued by nny ono is good in all fer mi unlimited time. The Philadelphia, College has been recently enlarged and refurnished in n superior ninnncr, and is now (ho largest and most pro.-pcroua Com mercial Institution in tho Stat3. Prjnat i Stratum's ricsof Text LSooks, em bracing Look-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Commercial Law, lor sole, and sent by mail. -T 1'ur fttlt intiticulara tvtid fur n circular. October 8, 1S02. v. AMES T. LF.ONAKD. WM, A, WALLACE. D. A. KINNEY A. C. F1N.1KT anhiim anb Callcctioir (Oftt OP LE0XARJ), FINNEY &Co. C J. !; A li f 1 1. D, CLEARFIELD COVXTV, rA. I BILLS OLKXCHAMUE, NOTtS ANb I)RAS'TS DI8COCKTK Collection! na'c ami vmrrtJs p "v remitted l'.xchaiige on the Cities: con-taiitly on I and. LfT-Oflice cn Seccnu St,, nenrly opposite the COUET HOUSE. '""JOHN L7'cmiLY,, Attorney at I.awan4 ltcal I'.state Agent, CIiAR FIELD, PL.NX'A. Ofi.-eon Mtrlulsl. Opwite the Jail, Y ESPECTFULLY oflers his s rviccs in selt J.V ingand buying lands in Clearfield and ad joining counties ; nnd with an experience of over twenty yen -a. a Surveyor, flatters himself thnt bo cun ! .(. r satUftiction. And Oilers for S a 1 e IOOO ncresofconl and tiiuber I.nnd. itnni !,, 1'ccntur township, Clenrfiold county, in lots to 1 suit purihnpers, located near tho Tvront nnd1 CIcnrliMd Knilrund. " i 2K acres of first rate fnrm nnd timber lnnd j in Hell township, Clearfield counly, Mtuuteon tho1 waters of Curry's Hun. Hl'JJ seres in toMs, oeof 112J und thootli-1 crof 60 acres, suitable for Farming purposes, sit-' unto in Highland township, Elk county. S iUOcneral warrantee deeds for all tho above ' ""I"- Feb. 18. 'fill. s. I TO H0USEKF.ErERS.-Tho fubscriber-who ! waa educated in the Pennsylvania Institute for' tlio instruction of the lllitid ia now iiinmifactur-' ing CORN I) ROOMS, at Centre Corner, near Welchs', in Lawrence township. j He niakea a splendid article, and persons want ing those indispensable articles to housekeeping,! should pnlrniiiie this worthy young mnn. 'j OrUROO.YS will be supplied either Whole.' sale and Retail on tho most acoommo.lnting.terms ' EMERY LEUUKTT, ' Oct. 1, 1SC2.-6U MEAT MARKET .' LF.OPOM b LIONBUTCHERS. Now occupy the basement of the Clearfield House, vii the ennior of Market and Front streets, Clear-1 field, Pa. All kinds of meat Constantly kept on hand. 1 The publie are respectfully invited to call in and acquaint themselres with our terms and prices. Ie. 31. 102. I AJ. I'ATTI'.KSOX, Attorney at Law, Cur . wenavillc, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to his care. Office Opposite the New UsthedlstCkarch. Feb. i, 2. j mi ' hi ri'in.ii'AN.' nilMl iMiuriim'i 1 1mft til lliillii t "in I I ''Hi) i f Uo'l-tf, lii'I.J if Mil' d, ' II Mill i.f ,t it r . !,'l V'lr. ihifi r.i..iit I .iiilh M .in-Ill 7llil li r nitflnliff, In r m h jm'i s'i'i ri'ii lui'f two mnV r i i r t I tniiil) Orflri-M. pre I Jinljrn, linn. Mmm I I. Inn. Ilftlrfun A t" ludj;'-., II. n ,1. i,1 : i '., I'MMrnsvtll lion. .1 . !,! Hlniiin, Form, fir r.rT. Fd.iurd IVtk', I'lmrlWl-l Vnllinoliir, Daii-il .mirr " Iti-Ki.n-r A llf. i.rrliT, I. II. Fsrger, Clearfield. iiirl-l All lrr,i. Tct, " 'Treasurer, Jo.rph Minic, V. HiirreTnr. II. H. Wrlifhl, 'lien Hop Morrimlnle lntlierlmr; (irniiiplno II lit. I'bilip'hurK N. Vi.:iii((lon rennlleld, ' C'nmm'rt, H. C. Thoinion, Jiirob Kunlf, 1lio. tnii((lii'rly, H. O. Iltiwinnlti ('. H. Worrell, II. J. M ooilnnril, J. W. I'nlter, Jon-. Itrooimill. Audit. im, Toroiic r, Co. 6nii. Diocirin, Bill, Leronte.t Mi 111 Cuiwemville. 1. 1st of rontOlllcrn. VimiM nf I', O. Snmrt Glen Hope, Madeira, llower, Cheat, CujIi, , Oslcnd, Clourlicld Hrldf?, Williams' drove, Itiitliernliurg, Trout v i! lo, JcfiVrjun Llns, Foret, New W imliington Win. . Wright I. J. 1'imey W. McCnicken T. A. M Ohee J. W.Ca3.r-rv.l) H.I, Ili'iid rson P. 11. Miller J. E V'atMon. K. H- Moore O J. Sloppy, llrnillunl, tlrsdjr, John Hcbcrling lilouir, I Eornkiile, Jus- lllooin Wm. Fenth. Jim McMurray J. Pntchin tl. S. Toner M. A. Frank. P. A. (liiulin. F. W. Pebnar; T. 11. Fleming. Contro county Mii-a Kflilebnth lurn.ide, 1'iiteliiuvillo, Cheit, llenl, Clenrfiold, Clenrflold, Covington, Frenohville, Kiirthnui, Curwentville, i;urwenville, Uecnter, Forgmon, F)x, Girnrd, (lophen, (irnham, (liilich. Philips burg, West Pooatur, Mnrron, Uelon Post Office, Lecounto'H Mils, liald Hills, Shflwsvillo, firnhaniton, Smiths Mills, Tyler, l'ennlicld, Anson Wllo, "alt Lick, New Millport, Hreckenridge, Kylertown, Morrisdale, Lumber City.t Urnmpiiiii Hills, Cnrwensville, Jtlooiiiingvillo, Kockton, Kdm. Willimns Klk county, Pa. C. Mignot William Cnrr A. II. Hhnw T. II. Forcce. A.H. Fox. Darid Tyler II. Woodward Eliin ChiiBO G. Hockadorn M. 0. Stirk. J, W. Tbouipn'n Jn., Thompson J. C Ilronnor, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Mooro, T. W. Fleming. . F. Pale D. P.rubnker. Jos. Loskctt. I Huston, Jordnn, Kiirthaus, Knox, Lnwrenee, Morris, , Pcnn, it Pike, Union, Woodwnrd, Jeffrie, This PostOfliee will do for Chest township Will nnnver lor Ferguson townthip. Shot at ! but Miiscd! ! A GREAT" MISTAKE!! rrMIATall the nicrchnrts of Curwonsville were j. wounded. 'Tis true, I was ".V( llnit ,,,! " 3nd since then have been at the city nud have procured a very LARGE ASSORTMENT of Goods of all descriptions, which I am dispo sing nl at lower rules than any other house in the enmity. Read ! Read ! . Read ! Best Calico from 15 to IB cents per yard Rest Muslins from 15 to !0 cents por yard Uesl Delaines from SO to 23 cents per yard CLOTLI1NU AT UEDUCKD TRICKS Sugar from 12J to 15 cents. Best Syrup at 87 cei.ts. And all other groceries nt the same rates. Boots, Shoes nnd Shoe Findings of all kinds, CHEP CHEAP. LADIES who wish to make a good investf ment should call and examine the assortment o- D 11 ESS GOODS, Merinoes, Saxon Plaids, Plaid l'rillinnts, Xc., if c Also Cloaks, Shawls, Hoods, Nubias, Sontags Wove?, ic , a:c., Ac. Ac. J. P. THOMPSON. Curwonsville, Deo. S, 1SSJ. y UK. VTM. II. lllT.D'S DENTAL REMEDIES ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. iNstniyu FIXE TEETH AND A SWEET BREATH, AND CURING TOOTHACHE AND NEURALGIA. Do vou wish to be Vilossed with and admired for I'KAiii.r WntTE nnd Sound TEETH 7 Use Dr. Win. It. Hind's Unrivalled Tooth Powder, warranted free from acid, alkaii.orany injurious substance. Price, 25 cents per box. .if Rcwaro of the ordinary cheap Tooth Pow ders, which whiten but destrey. Do you wuh to be certain that your DREATH is pure, sweet, nnd ngroenble to husband or wife, lover or n-iendsr te nn iiiilfl'8 1 elotirateu ; Mouth Wash. Price 37 cents por bottle. This astringent wash is also the best remedy in : tho world for Canker, lind liroath, Isleedinj ! Gums, Soro Mouth, etc. It has cured hundreds, j Do vou, or your children suffer from TOOTH ACHE? Get Dr. Ilurd'a M a rlc Toothache Drops, Price 15 cents per bottle, I Are you , Dr. Vim. iifllicted with NEURALGIA? Get II Hiird'n Neiii alla I'lnsters. ! Tliemost effective nnd dolichtful remedy known f.T pains in the face, chest, shoulders, back, or ar.y part of the body. Tl.ey donotndhero nor blister, but soothe and chnrm pain nwoy. Try them. Price, 15 and 37 cents. .Moiled on roreipt of price. For salo at all tho bot-t stores throughout the country. CtTioN . As there are dealers who take ad vantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customers inferior preparations, it is neces sary to insist upon having what you call for, and you ill get Tim best, thoroughly tented, and prepared by an experienced and ncientifio Den tist, Trt usurer of the New York State Dentist's Association, and Vice President of the Hew York City Deatal Society, Address WM. B. IIURD A CO., Tribune Buildings ew York. 6 New York. Jan.21,18C3. , .1. T K1UTZEE, MERC II A XT, and dealer In Boards and Shingles; Grain and Produce. FR0JIT Street, above the Academy w'learfie.d Pa., Deo. 4. 1861. lkmfclhfflffofemffglBiDit LCTUEH8BCRG, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. HENRY EVANS, ftoprictor. March 19, ISt.Z ly. THOMAS S. M ft'LLOuTTlI, Attorney at Law. Office adjoining the Bank, formerly occupied by J B. aloCnally, Esq., Majixel street, Clearfield. Fa Wil sXtBd prosftr H QollreiojpSar, ntw mr, via wf T III i' . L W A. i. ' I If tin- r, III r- t V -i l I .SI ()()(). IMU.MM,M. ,S1()00. Will caiife Ilnlr In (Irnw on Paid Hernia wil Rcloro Orey or llened llrtir to Ha OHl'UNAI, (ONDl'I'loN AND ',Ol,0!ti Will tirevent the Hair fmm Fallin; OfT, and pro mote a New ami llenlihy Growth completely railiratei UnndrutT, .will prevent and cure Nervotia HcndnVliS' will give to the Hair a Clean, Glonsy Ap pearanee, and la a Certain Cure for all Disciisos of the Head. Price, "5 ConM throo IIoiiIpb for $2.00 For S,ile at JfA li T,S I VICE'S I) I UG STOKE, Market St., ClrarJirU, I'.t. It ia a perfect and eompleta dresi'liig for tbu Hair. Keud the following testimonluls. U. 8. MAnniAL a Okkicr, New York, Nov. 6, 1st I. WM. OKAY, Esq. Pour Sir Two mi n Inn ago my head waa almost entirely Imld and the litllo bnir I hud whs all irr, and tailing out very fust until I feared I abouid lose all, I commenced using jour Hair Jtrttonttire, and it immediately topped the hair falling off, nnd soon restored tho color, and after using two bottlea tny head ia com pletely covered rith a healthy growth of hair, and of the same color it waa in early manhood. I take grent pleasure in recommending your ex cellent Unit Jtentwnlii't nnd you may also refer an doubling person to me. K0BERT MURRAY, U. S. Murshal, Southern Pistriet, Now York. For rale by the proprietor, (Wui.Groy) at the Restorative Pepot, 3U1 llrondwny, New York. Also for sale by John S. Pierre, General Agent IIS4 ltmmlwuy, N. Y., and by all Druggists.. JPilN S. J'lEKCK. tieniMul Agent, Ko. (i85 Uromiway, N. Y. N. B. Prtiggists or others (ending rash orders for the Restorative, will bo supplied with circu lars containing ecrtilientes from people of the highest respectability, fjoui all parts of tho coun try. March IV, ISol!. 1 y. K OLl,OCKS DANDKLI0N CO K FEE This preparation, mndo from the host Java Oof- fee, is recomiiunded by physicians ns a -superior MJTKH1UUS llKYfcUAlJK tor General Debili- tv. Dyspepsia and ull billious disorders. Thous ands w ho have boon compelled to abandon the use of coffee will use this without injurious effects One can rontnius the strength of two pounds of ordinnr.vco.ee PRIrJE 25 cnts. IK.! Hulk's IkliVSlKHA 8 Tho purest and bestllAKINU POWDER known for milking light, sweet ami nutritious Dread and Cakea. PRICE 15 cents. MAN! KACTUHKI) II r M. H. KOLLOCK, CHEMIST, Cm: of broatl il'- Chesitut iStrects, I'niadepliia. AND SOLD Br ALL Dlll'ur.lsTS AND OHOCKIIS. SOLD AT It. MOSSOr'S. Feb. 28 1S02, 1 yr. THE MACIC TIME OBSERVER, The Perfection of lecliaiilni. BEING a Hpntino and Opfn Face, or Lady's on Gkntleman's Watch Combkkd. One of the prettiest, most convenient, and do cidedly the best nnd cheapest timepiece for gcu erul nnd reliable use, ever offered. It hits with in it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attnchiiicnr, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this Watch are com posed of two mettils, the outer one being Eno 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action le ver movement, nnd is warranted nn accurate tiincpi.'cc. Price, supuibly engraved, per caso or a half dur.cn, $-'04 UU. Sample Wutthcs, in neat morocco boxos, for those proposing to buy at wholesale, 'ib, sent by express, with bill paya ble on delivery Soldiers must remit payment in advance, as we cannot collect from those in the Armv. Address llL'RRARD BROS. 4 CO., Sol Importers, Cor. Nassau A John Sts., New York. Jan. 21, 1SH3. 6w. National Hotel, MAINE STREET, CURWEXSVILLE, PA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. Tt II IS long established and well known II 0 X TEL, situated In tha west end of the town, has been retnoddled, enlarged and improved, and the proprietor respectfully announces to his nu merous friends, and to the travelling public, that he is now prepared to accommodate all who may fiivor him with a call. Ample, safe and comfortable stabling Is at tached to the premises, and trusty attendants will alwnvsbe on hand. Charges modornte. Feb. 12, 1862.-tf. LEVEIt FLKGALi Justice of the peace Luthcrsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. April -I, IbCI. WATCH & JEWELRY THE nndersigned respectfully informs bis customers and the publ ic generally, that he has just received from the East, and 01 en. edathis establishment in VR AMAH'S HOW Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry of different qualities, from a iinle iiicco to a full sett, which he will sell at the moat reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the most reasonable prices. I ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry I carefully repaired and H'orraiitco'. . A continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept. 19, 1860. H. F.NAUGLE. j CLEARFIELD STONE WIRE PUTTERy.. I Thankful for past favors and solicitious of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully announce that I have on hand again, and will constancy keep at the Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distance east of the Methodist Cnuroh, . a larce stock of Crockery, such as Cream crocks. milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing f"' 'eV .different and also an extensive assortment of .different su.es and patterns of brackets and rosettes ror cornice on bouses, and other nioul- dines. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to older on short notice. Also fire brick mad and kept for sale. TA liberal reduction on prices mde U wholesale dealers. F. LEITZINGER. Clearfield, may 23, 1S61. ly Sharing and IlalrUress.ng. TEREMIAH N0RR1S respectlull announces U to his friends of Clearfield and vicinity that hs has returned to hit old tta . 1, and is well pre- j pared to render the most perfect satisfaction to all wheaiay desire his professional services. I Clearfield. April 9, '62. i DANIEL GOODLAHDER, 1 ft STICK of the peace J Lutherebnre. Clearield Co. Pa.. jTUlatvaa traaytlr U all bnsi Btrxsted jtvre wiaw aurea at, isjtjs, -TyrC. Weill fr ('nUi(f Afit IIAIHUrl I ' in Ii At. Ill 'inliV iiiK (.!.r.,vr.ti llll.l.lON TIIK UM II'H M I'M ,S H lUnrr.a A ttnr.,ni m firr. ajieni "I li e liis In N an r nf I mm p let Is l-tnt y nl tli f;irnl Itrlirlltmi lit tin t nU Ird Ktttra. 1 ba funk has bei-n fur many iinmiha In cnor.e of pr, piirniUn, by nrllct tery wfit qiinlllii-d for the lak. 1h I sithoih i tins) rimlnlns a rlesr and me eini t ai'C'itml of lb formation of Ilia ('onredi-ra-ry of tin Stiitea the formation and adoption of i the Constitution of Ilia United Htntea, ami the ts- tnliliidiintiil of tin Niillmial (loi erntnsiit , tlnor- l.rtn. itftvliililnpdl ami tifttifpitka (if I Its, ilatitl r 1 nm j "-t - ,-. . - v ... ... ...vn of Nullificntion and heresslon, and the Various 1 rbasea which they assumed until their final cul mination In tho l"i Itrbtlliun. The lltKTonr comprisna a full account, drawn trom Ih" must authentic auurces, of all the Kvents of the War the intrigues of the Huuthern leadora at home and abroad the gradual detection olons section ; the great Uprising of the People for the maintenance of National Life and Fxistonco; the rapid creation of an im mense Army end Navy and the i'nttlea by land and sea. The li.i.i'iTiUTions comprise Portralta of ull those who have borne a prominent part In the atrugirle ; Maps of the different localities : Plans of the lending actions; Views of every scene of interest, and of the most important Unities. Those Illustrations are mostly I nun drawings taken on the anot ii . urti is detiuted for that nurnose to c. (company every division of our Army and Navy. Every facility at the command of tho publishers bus been employed in the preparation and execu tion cf this work ; and they confidently boliovo that it will form the must trustworthy and valua ble hlstury whi h can be prcpnrea of the) trent xtriifjgle for the American Union. Mode and Terms of Publication. The work will be issued in Numbers, each con sisting of Twonty-four Pages of the siio of "llttr. cr' Week;," printed from clear type, upon fino paper, nnd will probubly be completed in ubout Twenty Numbers. The numbers will be issuodat intervals, if pos stb'e, of about three or four weeks. The Price of each Number, which contains matter equivalent to an ordinary Volume, will bo Twniily tivo Cents. The Illustrations in each Number are alone worth the price asked. Men out of empluyino.il, especially SICK OR VISA UL El) SO 1.1)1 EUS, can find no otlur work so stirs of ready sale and good profit. For further particulars apply to the Publisher;, HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Sipiare, New York. D o. 17, 7863. Xt F U NIT Ull E RO O M S BENNER & BARRETT i Respectfully announco to the nubile that they hava en,,,l,ll,l n,l r ,,n- n m-in, Ihnirna. furniture waro-rooms. frontinir on the Market' Lot and nearly opposite tho Court House. Cabinet iiiukinir will be carried on in the up per story of the same building in all. its DIFFERENT il r A N C 11 fc S. All kinds of furniture will be kopt constantly on hand and sold chonp for cash or exchange foicountry produce, or Lumber to suit tlie busi ness ! CHA'RS. I'AKLOlt, KOCKINO, NJ) A KM CilAIIlS, SPJUXG SEATS. CAIN BOTTOMS, &c, Q JA. 1x3 Ha 2li r A 11 LOR NO FA, V EX THE, CARD. DIX1XU, EXTEXXIOX t- HREAEFAST T A R 1. E S. S 0 J g. OF A I.L KINDS. VARIETIES AND PATTERNS. BUREAUS, SIDE-ROARD-i, BOOKCASES WARDROBES, AC. M'DSTEADS JEXSY LIXD, HICII-rOST COTTAGE, FREXCll J'O.S'LS, &c. AIATTIHSSI.'S Hair, Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn Husk, of the best material. LOOKING-GLASSES of all sorts and sir.es, Also, Glasses for old Frames. Also, Tea poys, What-nots, Wash-stands, Work-stands, Ilii t rucks, rf-c, COFFINS. Made to order on short notice, nnd bearse furnished. Poplar, Cherry, and Linwood Lumber, aajrn) in exchange for work. Clearfield, October 2o, tint. ly. Going- it Alone ! G'l 'ORGE XEWhON having commenced the manufacture of BOOTS and SHOES would respectfully solicit a share of public pat ronage. Without making a great fuv, or any rash promises, it shull and will be his steady en deavor to select The very beat of Stock, Make the Tory best of work, And (at least hope for) The very best of custom. (If this aint poetry it looks very like it but it is the truth, which is better. So, "wade in end get Fitt. Shaw s Row 1 door next imhi'caN nfiin.a Geo. Newso.n. I Clearfield. J ul v f). 1 Sfi2. v SHAVING AND HAITI-DRESSING. A of ly the Bard Graham't Row. The question has often been asked Why Pleasants ean shave so clean F . That customers who shave with him A benefit must reap, I ween. I!eshnvesfora"F!P," and if you are willing, Will take off your bair in a trice fora "rbii.lino." Fo come along, ye Jolly boys so slick, For Pleasants is the man to do it cheap and quick. The reason may readily be seen Why his custom is so large : His towels ail are clean his razors all are keen And you'll always find him 'eos.int in a charge Just go lo Pleasant's nnd you'll be Like Sheba's Quocn cf old' Pleased and delighted, fend exclaim The half has sot been told. i-feDon't forget the place in Graham't Row, above B. Stumph'i shoe shop. SAMUEL PLEASANTS. Clearfield, June IS, 1862. tf. Furs Fu rs Fu rs. ITTANTED all kinda of FURS, such TT Mink Cross Fox Oiler Muskrat Coon Red Fox Gray Fox Fisher Black Bear Skin. Also, DZLR SKINS, t, . . . . , . . , , .... .... in wnicn mi oiiDwipnniviii at ttiai uiir in Ind. n, (.ASH. Ttlftf'Tk MOKSAl lUCB'D liOSSOr. OWnrleli, Dee. i, 17M T'lVf 1iirf(i vntnrinf, i , r h. i ?A,f I I V II I t, A I' V. . ! II I A, I' A riHi iMim iiiiv I ll-li-d In MM, and I. tv f, p,.,, ta slghiern'ri i-ar nf lt f ..(. ,,, m,,I Ilin",, lt ia.inli-, bin.r , ,,( ,a n,,( res.lul M'nhanta od lluiin-aa M-n ofi.ut rum I try. Ilia Onif'l nflbo Instltiilli.ti l.n.lily In ar7'.r young tnsn fm-llllif for thorough in t ariij.in for tn Iiii.liir.s I nn iiiui nr tt nnr era jfm.,,, a nppllcnble t the vatlnnn d"piirtinent nf trsanj rnaM4iiir, hnlh plnin an t nrnamental ( m . urnrtii. ,w, MTtirTn a, N'AVintioa, I'mi. KsuiMMiisn, DnAwinn, Piinniitiiurnr, and Mnn tna LAiitiAdits. ; T ii m SvsTnn or latnoni rTini Is peculiar; no HON. elnssea or set lessons are made use of, but each student ia taught Individually, so Hint ha limy commence at any lime, and attend at whatever hours are most convenient. Catai.uuI'KS are issued annually after the 1.1th I of April, containing names of tho students for the I HON, yenr, and full particulars of terms, Ac , ami may ! be olitnineu at any time by addressing the Princi pal, I.l Kxtknsivb Accommodations, wide-sprond raiiiiliktinn. anil th lunirthv stnitriitni.. nf lit Principal, this institution oners lauiltioa superior nwxn. x. v . Liiu UUliN, Jr, 1 ' " 1 TtATlT Tt nf -w -r -r to any other I irg to preiuiro for business, and to obtain nt the same time A nirt.nMA, which will prove a recum mendation fur tlicin to any Mercantile House. -Sr-ClilTTKNliKN'sSeries of Treatises on IlooK Kkki'INO, now more widuly circulated than any other work on tho subject, are forsulo at the Col logo. S. HODGES CRITTEN'DE.V. Attorney -ut-La iv, Philadelphia, Jan., 22 ISfiJ ly. Principal. NEW GOODS! AFRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Sc Summer Goods AT Til E CHEAP CASH STOKE. j Iain just receiving nnd opening a carefully solocted stock of Spring and Hummer goods of almost every description, 1 0'jJAiPiLia & iPAYfarir 1 A beautiful assortmont of Prints and Pre I goods, of tho newest and latest styles. Also great variety of useful notions. UliV-CUODS AND NOTIONS. llonnots, Sbnwls, Huts and Cups, Pouts and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, yi eonsware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fiuh, 'facon and Flour, Mackerel in 4 1 and a barrels. 'f"' best quality, all of which will be so.d at . 10we" Or reniiy pay prices. "V generally, respectfully invited to call ;Mt-N. It All kinds of ffMA'and annrovod 1 CdlXTHr 1'HOUCCE taken in exchange of I Tj)N. Goods. I Clearfield, Jane 20 1801. WM. F, IRWIN. ; $35 00 PAYS the entire cost for TUITION in the I most populurand successful CO.M.M EftC'lAl.' ! SCHOOL in the country. Upwards of Twelve' jllt NiiiiED young men, from t Kn r-Ei;iiT dilli-r lent States, have beeu educated for business here j within the pusl three yenrs, some of whom have beeu employed as BOOK-KEEPERS at salaries ! !of ! I $2000 00 . I I immediately tpon graduating, who knew nothing'. 'of accounts when they entcn- l tho Collego, Jftr .Minuter s sons hall pi ice. Students enter nt any time, and review when they please, without oxtr.'i tVarge. For Catalogues, Specinu ns of Penmnns'iip. nnd View of the COLLEGE, enclose five letter slumps :tO JL" KINS A SMITH. May 15, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. VALUABLE TIM1JKK LANDS For Salt, TIMIE attention of persons dosinus of purrhaa J. Ing desirable Timber Lands is imitcd tothe following tracts of land situated in Kenling town ship, Clinton county, Pennsylvania, known ns the LORAIN' LANDS, vi: A certain tract, being' Nh. ZUiO, warranted in the name of Thomas Willing, containing about 1 KM) acres, situate on Birch I.-land Hun, nt t lie distance of ."1 niiics from tha river, being w ell timbered with Pino nnd Oak. Also, another smnller trnct of lnnd, situate at the mouth ef Birch Islam. Bun, on the west side rf the river, containing 73 acres und allowance, and having a good railing beach thereon. 4;SFor terms apply to G. I.. KEKD, 1 JAS. II. GRAHAM,) Clearfield, July M, 1SH2. F.x'rs. Goods ! Goods YV 7"M. F. TRYIN has just received a splen did assortment of SKASONA ',!.!: GOODS at his old etand on MaArt sir t, whero he ready to Wait upon his old rji tomers and many, new ones es waut to get the goods Nov. 12, 1SC2. New Goods ! iEEED, WEAVER & Co., I Are just open ing a splendid lot of the most carefully selected ever brought to tho place which they offer te thoir customers, and the publie generally, at the very lowest figure the markets will afford , Not. 12, 1SC2. CYRENIUS HOWE. Justice of the Peace. For DscATta Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to bis eare. P. O. Address, Pbilipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1861 H. W. SMITH & CO. MERCHANTS, and dealers in fhyi noons, urocerins, Jiaraware, yucensware. and ! (even thing usually keyt by the trade. Store on! ' SECOND Stroet, below Judge Leonard's, oppo- sue mo i resnyvenan t uurcn, iiearrjela l a. . Dee. 4, 1S61. 0. 0. Dt'BH. T. J. a CILI.OC0I1. BUSH & M'CULLOUGU, Collection Ofiice, Clearfield, Pa. ISTIn Geahah's New Bl'ildino. Feb. 5, 'C2. SR. J. W. POTTER. ! Pbyalrian and fturfreoii, bat permanently locaU d at Frenchville, Covington township, oft ! era his professional services tothe turroundinj eomsaunity. May 8, 1861. T OP.FHT J.WIIT.iri l ... . i.l ' r - - , . i i ii uaw II. C uri.H. P. nsiui. ci... it.. , . . ' ' . eiite tbt Journal offio.. dT. 1, Uf-l.-tf- MAV0IISUF (UVMt Uillos, i . ., ,.. il li,, t'.n Mm- : 1 n i ' S. I ., t . i I" j "' tn 1 f.l r, l, aitvc -a i" .- i r r n . i -n u n t nAIMAPAUIIiU'V bai t a cni'ity rf f.rrif at o 1 tM confl'lon-;! t f tlif ocii -i Hi , ti-1 "tl f HinJ . " i-'U.n'j. JAMR1 coot:, May,r r-r I.OWELt, H,, HON. ALtllN JJ13.AIID, Mayor of NASHUA, H n E. W. HARRINGTON Mnyor of MAfCE3';,r, j.' JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of COJJCOSD, J7, 4 A. II. BULLOCK-. ,noN. ! M iyor of WORCK3TEa, Mlj jilON. NATIT'L SILSBEH, ; Mayor of SAt.BM. MA in the country, fur young men wish-1 ilayor of BOSTON nON. VM. W. RODMAN, Woyor of V.KO VIDEUCiJ. rt HON. AM03 W. PRENTIC3 1 Mayor of NOUWICH, CO.'?!, nON. J. N. HARRIS, ! Mayor of NEW I.OSDO.V, COA'T nON. CHAS. S. RODim Mayor of MONTHjJaL, 0, 3! HON. D. F. TIEWANN, Mayor of Nil W YOHil CTT; IION. n. M. IilNSTEEY, UT A TT UTTf snM HON. ADAM WILSON, xasyor ot xu.tu:;TO, C. TON. II. M. BI3HOP, Mayor of CIXCISXA.TI, 0:;i HON. I. II. Cr.AWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILL2, H HON. JOHN SLOAN, or T.vnvi tnwi HON. JAMES IIcFEETEItS, Mayor of i;ovv;j:a.t.tvilli:. c. :iON. JAME3 W. NORTn. U.iyor of Airausr.v, if HON. HENRStf COOPER, J; Mayer of II AIiLO WJ3I.I.-, V HON. JAI.IE3 G. liEETC, Miyor cf IT.r.aEMOTOII. are HON. WILLARD I7YE. Mayor ir i'W BnDS'O. UaJ J. BLAISDELI, Mayor of TALI, K1VE3, K, ;eq:t. V7. II. CRANSTON, Mayor of IIEWPOB?, El HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor cf QAL2KA, 3 HC-T. JOHN IIODGDEN, Mayer tf DUI3UQUJ3, 101 ! H02L THOMAS CRUTCHFIELJ Mayor of CJATTAIIOOSA, HON, T'OEERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, HON. K. D. BATJGn. Mayer of MEMPE.3, TL3 HON. GERARD STITH, Muyjr cf HEW ORLEANS, HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Muyvr of KOCiiKSTKE, IS HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayer of UTICA, S. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, HON. C. II. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MJ HON. 17.EMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, ' HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of HACUO:, I HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, HON. M. J. A. IIEATn, Mayor of SELMA, HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, J HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, DON ESPARTERO MANUEL Mayor of VEBA. C3 DON PIETRE DE CABALLC. Moy-- of Certify thut tha resident Druggist assured tho;n "rvbestof; Ayer's Sarsapari It r.a excellent remedy, and worthy ll I tiuence cf iho community. Kor Spring Diseases. i For Purifying the Blood. t or Scrofula or King's F.vll. For Tumors, Ulcers, and Sores, j For F.ruptlons and Flmples. I Far Illntthrs, IUatna, and Bolls. 1 For t-'t. Anthony Fire, Rose, St I For Tetter or Salt Rheum. M For Siald Head anil Ringworm, For Cam er and Caucrrous Sorts. For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and Bant For Female Diseases. For Suppression and Irre gularltr- For fj pliIU or Venereal DlseaKW For Elver Complaints. For Discat.cs of the Heart. The Mayon. of the chief eitiet of C tea Stftton. Canarlaa. and British Trol Chili. Peru. BrazQ. Mexico, and in H moat all tha citien on thin oontiner. igned thin document, to ensure their j what remedies they may uae witB ta. confidence. But our epace will onli a portion of them. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pills, vii j Ayer's Ague Ci rnerAneo r Dr. J. C. Aycr A Ci LOWELL, MASS Aud sold tar Dnuvuti every whesa, Msy.Tti.lM