tilt O'Imi frill ,iifiiMii,ut, ( I I Al. i ll l,l, VA Wrdnenday Mot iiinc. April 8th. 1803 i . . 1 . V'r"in t Ii o IIiiirMuig I'ii 1 1 Lit mil I'nii.n.J Anraunm Luicoiiioii i no lumpnffo- inn A 1 imaf iifitiAH Mam hnAfft 1 1 1 I n 1 1 1 f . Anm nisuniion irwocraTeiy insuii- ,i.., ...i :.., , ,i.,, .1,1,, ....., 1 1... i.;L,,. inp the Dnnocrary of the Loyal,0" ' H' tHa ..u. i ..l' StatCS. Hliirl not, rr:iili-r, lit Il o nt i nrc-r. t linr.-h- it's of the explosion. Ui'tiJ tlm follow-. injj, ntil tlit'ti, wliilo your chocks urn tin;' linifwilh Kliniiie-ii 'ours wlion -vol rem 1 it, nn-l ilo still, llmt tU man um It ncli'i it si'i in tlu- Presidential cluiir of the .c Ird SUiti-i, the Chi I- Mi:iSr;tle v ikit yn;U , .lion tell us whether it is not viin;initl l.y tko oc(Msioi) : The following oil'iciul 'jrJcr'' i lu' lishedintlie Coi coi J (New IIiiiiir.iirt ) Iknivarul, mt Abolition r.iioer: War 1I l MRIHCNT, AjI'TANT tiENERAl.'s ) On n k, Wiishiiiion, Muron 13, J Speciid Onlers No- I I'.l. (Kxtruct.) Hi Hji iUriii of the fr-xident, the follow ing ottioi me hereby dismissed tho ser vice of llic b'niled Slules. I.ieuteiinnt A. J. I'Algei 'y, -Hli New Hamiisliiro A'olun tcc:;, .. circulatiiuj ( ayrhiutl Ticket," andilvii,;i nil in his prvrr to promote the t,neecsi (f the ritil muse in hi", iStute. By ti'.l. r of the Secretary of W'ur. L. Thomas, Adjutant (ienerft!. To the (iovenior of New llntnpshirc. Think of it, fellow-citizens of nil politi cal creels think of the President of the United States, tho War department, the Ajutant tier.eral, descending hi to the very miro and filth of low partisan slang, to in sult and slander, in nn ollieial 'Order," a largo nnd powctful parly, that comprises within its iank3ns much intellectual abil ity, respectability, moral worth, genuine patriotism, honor and ivealth as nny party of e.jual numbers that ever existed. 0, is it not pitiful ! To hat base uses have we eonio at last! Can it be possible that there is a tingle American citizen w-hocan read it without blushing at the degrada tion into which his country has fallen ? Can it bo possible that there is ono base enough to attempt to justify or even apol ogize for thooflenive, inciting, disgrace ful act? II there- be, we must look upon li i :il as less lliuu man, as ignorant of the dignity and umvnilhy of tho enjoyment of citizenship, :inl excellently well Jilted to bo the abject slavo of a master such us he serves. In our judgment, that 'Older' is a deep, dishonorable, damning stuih upon him who directed, tho.e ho counselled, and those who performed, which no sophistry can hide, no ait wash away. Let it re main where it is, a lilting mark to distin guish those whom the fjiiaiicism of Abo litionism lias honored and elevated to dis. grace tho nation and finally dannfiiself to everla? ting infamy. But opart from tho disgrace to tho na tion nnd the int-ult to tho Democratiis par ty, thcrj is still, in Ibis "Order," tho great injuslico inflated upon a gullant nnd pa triotic ollicer. Licit. A. J. Kdgerly was disaiisseJ the service." What for? The official "Order" sajs "or circulating 'Cops fwhead Tickets,' and doing all inliisiow cr to promote the cuccess of the rebel causo in his Stale." 'Iho "Order" is a falsehood. The President and all concern1 cd were guilty of falsehood when thoy iss ued it. Just piior toijlie New Hampshire election a vholo regiment of Abolition troops wcro sent homo from the Army ol the Tolomnc to volo Uio Abolition ticket, for the purpose of carrying Ine Slalo for I he admicislration, They voted thev circulated tickets', ofliciis and men they exercised their political rghts, and the ndm.mstrat.on papers applauded them for it, ns no doubt ulso did the admistration. i King- like celerity, and when cur squadron That was all well enough. Rut no;v comes j l,roke bo pursued and hacked theni so Hie case of Lt. Edgcrly. Always a Dotno-! ve,'t!y- 'l.e cnplured over fifty equip , , ...... , , rnepts. 1 he guerilla chief received a aes -rflt. ho exercised his pol.t.cal right and , yere sabre cut on tho Torehesd. .oted tho Democratic ticket, ForMslic' We learn that tho Vermont carbine it umi.W. Tho offence was. neither companies delivered their lire upon the more-, nor less than wo have stated, for in 'tnc!"y Vlh goo,i t',,'e'1. "t1 Hien opened v it i- .i .r. to the rtcht and left to a'.low the sabto New ampshiro here are no "Copper, '-epani,, to charge, but they did not Leans, neither is there a "cebel cause to come up to the work, promote," and if the administration were I'1'" bodies of Capt. Flint and Lieut, j ofsesFcd of any sens?, decerwy, honor orl'rout ,'f,t'1 remarkably fine looking men, luanhood.u would blu.h at the infamous 1 ''"O'l 'o day, to be forwarded J't itlia oeinmitted. Put we care not to j . nigue thecase for Lieut. Fdgcrly let him' ''ho lest Democratic document peak for himself, nnd let truth and honor I damn tho violators of truth and honor. Then follows a letter from Lieut. Edgor- ing upon President Lincoln to lock up ly, to the Boston 7V', in which hocorrob- i" his Rastiles, Vallandingham nnd other orates tho above facts-stating that he'''Cilce nlvocatM. "J showing that thru had not yet received tho ordr, but saw it'"0 1,10 rsl er,emie9 tte rebe,s lmvc 10 fear. and read jt himself in the oflico of the ti,:. .: i. ... I his simply proves, what we have often Secretary of Stato at Concord, nnd that told our readers, that the AboKtionists Iho copy given nbovc Is genuino and ivr- npc' Secessionists are both united, in their latlm "Copperhead" nnd all. ' i cirrU t0 ro) tho U nion and Hint tho The card of Jas. 0. Adam. Moderator of 1 the Oil, Ward, Manchestor, corroborating, the fads set forth by Lieut L. in Ins let-. ter, is also appended. , aiftj wo not now ask il mere uany oth- . . .... . . evidence wantinc to i.rove that tho have resolved to 'Tdiraco alall . usurpers at Washington reU'ii tho plants they no i.f Ti.. i .... ii , . . h.i.-a.ds? 1 hoy know well that no parly Cn stand up before Hie Aueric-.ii pople, i 'll 'I '''' .t f-'iil I t I I It .l, III I . i t 1,1, l,o M i V i I i. Hi-' f. ii I mi tii ' il' III (I, 1 1 '. V V if n i f l,r l.,,i, I l I M M Ill' fill -.1 VI t , , " i r ii ii h i- I In- I nil I ' I' 1 M " !" n 1 1 nil! r l i ir ngii. HIE NEWS In i I 1 11 1' tt K ll , - ! h" ill-1 Mm Jr ' nil iiii I on I'm llnj pits llllltl.,. K, I i ! .ii n . t, , t ,D positively n"itr. (lint II. n. Hnikcr mil, ii'iiiciliiiti ly nliiM llm Mill imt., nmii li Jlinl'lly Int., llio rnriiiy c, ill try with Iii j i linlii ni iny. l'Vvlnj no jrnr unril, iiTli r tlip timiuu'i' i.f 1 1 1 o lirnl ciniiii.'ior of lv i ico, It ii . roily :,i'ttuin lluit 1 lie Imiif ll.rr.it n,.,i Bl,ni. Vl,m ( ml..tn , tnn.l,t ! .... ... i rr oil nun (i iy nun on liny on. it .my in tl'" 'rar' ''"(, wrilflrr juoiuirt mi.voss "oit coiifl.l.-ntly. We Imvo no rp(-oi-ts of roMiilt. Tlio Kcoomiti fion Kentucky imli.iile Hint thn rehi'l invii'lcrs nro nynin driven hitck with loss ol some .r00 killed, wound oil nml ju isoners. The Confederate nro still hovering in the, neighborhood of Nashville, threaten inj; the reiir of Uoseernns, '. ho, wo bcliove, '' oorujuc Murlieeslorouj.'li. ' I'll., t.j.u-i. fi-..(,! 1' o iinvnt o vniwl it i.,na and operations, on the Missippi, are by no means Haltering. The first expedition to the Yazoo river, for the purpose of gain ing the rear of Vicksburg, by means of a cantl cut from the Mississippi to a bnyou leading to the Tidhihatcliio river, down which it was to descend to tins Yazoo, was repulsed at Fort fireonwood, situated tit the junction of the Tallehatchio and Till lahoma, anil has not been hoard from for several days. A second expedition lo accomplish the same object by way of tho Sunflower and l'aek bnyou, was also unsuccessful, and re turned to Young's Point. In addition to nil this, we have it un nouncod that the Cut-oil' canal nt Yicki. burg has been finally ubundored tho en emies guns covering two thirds of its ler.gth. The detailed account of tho attack on Port Hudson on the 11th nit., are receivs od. Tho land forces did not reach the scene of action, and relumed to I'.alon Kouge. Six vessels attempted to pass the battene?, Coinmodoro F.mngut leading the way in the Hartford, followed by the Albatross which were the only ones that succeeded. The Mississippi, ono of our best naval steamers, was totally lost, w;th some sixty of her crew. Tho other ves sels were so ni'H'h injured as to be unman, ageable, and floated down stream out of danger. This all took place after night presenting a sight grand beyond cicscrip' tion. Serious fears aro entertained for" the sal'vty of Com. Farragut and his two vessels, the Ilattford nnd Albitross, as it is no.v positively known that tho Indian' ola was not destroyed cither by fo 'crals or oon federates, but was taken up tho Hod River to Alexandria, Lh., by tho latter, and thoroughly repaired and which, to gether with the Queen of the West, ami the W. II. rt'ebb, coniitituto a fleet of no ordinary pretensions, and quite too pow erful for Farragut to contend wiili. In deed, a ruiuor prevailed at New Orleans that Com. F. had been captured. Quite a spirited little Rkiruiuli took ! place at Drainesvillo, Va., on tho 1st inst., between some sixty rebel cavalry, under Moseby, and part of the First Vermont i cavalry, resulting in what looks like a disgraceful rout ot the Vermontcrs. Tl,a ' c "u , Washington Jtejiublicm says : ' Monuby's men wcro dismounted, and j received our cavalry with a tiro from be hind fences, which stvmpeded soino of the raw soldiers. Ilielieht soon tecame desperate. Moseby threatened his men I 11 nn uu.mi 11 uii.j iiuiciieo, aim nimseii wounded Captain Flint 11 vo times with j his revolver, killing him. Lieut. Grout, of the Vet mont cavnlry, and seven men were also killed. Our loss wasabout sixty in killed, wounded and prisoners. Moseby was in the house upon the plcn- I f t irr wYtnn 1. a irna i.Mt,i.L.A.l I ... ... . 1 . . r. . 1 . . . 1. .... ii : ... 1 1 t 1 . ii. learn that he rallied his men with li.hN puoiisiiou is llial going tho rounds of tho Abolition papers, headed "Pkace," coined from the Rinlininml '.,.,-.- n. 1 1 u "llu luc democratic i'ui iyt The Conspirate,, of lie South are op, p090(J t0 m beCnU8(J wou j troy the prospects of (heir Southern Con- e.i ...... .. .... ... icueracy ; anu me Abolition Conspirators ' l"c-'K " hkcwiso opposed to peace, ' fr 'ar t,,nl rMC0 wou1,1 rcsuU 11 "ress loraUonif 11,0 nion as il was." Thus' n coo I I, o I v I r,,,,,a. An .nM.n. !.n. 1 m , . I . (;0 , ou a,o Lel,.ing us uma- ...... v.u ..iiiiiuhj iiirci. zinjrly ! i ! I l h ' .S I ,, ' I ' ' I I l '! If It. I. ( (III ( 'If f i f 1 1 n I "'"' I itHli I lllliM, III." 'III' 1 1 ' I I , " I I i 1 1 , I I , I i I I ( .'liil HI r f I 1 1 I I M Ii I IliN 1 1 'Hi i, jf I I' V. ' I In i r i f in mi ! jr fill 1 1 mi tin ,ri' iiil't, nil I nt', I il ai.. la, ntiil 1 Mi"n lirc. llii'V 'if, nl li'iuysii'l fires, I HiM inn I 'ml llimr , imMi .. i II I II . l,Pt, (i,.,t ,,. ,r t,,,,, . . " i nion. ini'T now l. nr Hint tin I lo loiV-crllio tnil .iii.i.i, nn.l tliry fil tint r..i. lo ,o. tliclr f,. , , ' , , , ir.oliilioim mini to linvol.ocn mlo.li)il l.y Ihi rrjinnont. Tlip munmr In uliicli lln j tin I nvoro niloi.lcil .u rnllicl-iitlv rxi luinoil 1 ' I v vli r,,)in ono of vWnt!U. n0w n . , , ... ., , .... ,. n..:..l,.r .f ( ,Mrny I,., ni' ,..,l.l.,l.ea In our llicr Ol lill W i ck. If ti ,hiriMl ilo- sires to deal faiily with olliceis ai d men alike, its manager will now pnblih these resolutions, anil undoeeivo its rentiers as to what r.ro tho sentiment of tho nrniv not of tho oflieers only, but of the army it. ..'. "All word hoiiliilv ilieorod . . I.VlllO. men," ssys the JkutmI, What an insult to tho common soldior, who has lo bear iho brunt of tho fierco Kittle ! WllV ATIKMITTO Dr.CKIVgOLRSEI.VKS? While we are tending in utmost every oflU eiul dispatch, that starvation threntens tho vholo Southern people; tint tho so culled Confederate Uovernment was with' , r . i ... . . out funds and without credit ; -that gold was in u premium ot tour ana nveiiun - died per cent, in Richmond; nnd that anarchy and conlusion reigns through - out tho rebel States wo are at the samo no informed that this same Con federate Ciovcmniont h;is just fecureil t loan in England of JC15.00H.000 or ?7"),fH)0,(KH) which lot-n tho next day commanded a I premium of from 3 to 41 per cent. This. loan, we believe, is secured by the pledge of cotton, to bo delivered at Southern sea- ports nt about 11 cents per pound (Ac. Jlritiih to tome and Uikc it. ' lli l I 'l l"l Ikijrll is said Hint ft singlj firm in the Specie . . . . city of New York has a Government con- I,uo from other Bnnks ..... r . rAn c an in- r .1 . i Ihink Koter of other liunki -triictfor ..OO.frtM) uandcufls, of tho most f; s Xrimmiry Icul lender A dciunnd approved pnttern perfect W'auties to Checks, bml'ts, Ac - facilitate the execution of tho Coiwcrip i tion law. I Com ofl'lutes, rfc, --"." .. .. . . J I. a KrrnmiA Rinmn. - . fT.l-TY- ii , . ,' iuo union as n was w no are Against itT We yesterday gave some reasons for )x lievinir (snvs the Pbilndnlnbia Jm: nf Fri. day hist) that th3 Itadicnls do not del ire to rcslcre the Federal Union. Facts crowd upon us lo confirm that belief j nay, in the .i,;i I.V.. . nr ..r.i .... :..- .1 nuiiu lie. 11 i..iibi.t.l 'llf.3lt.il.-, BUIIJU VI their hader. actually confess il in public The evidence of their treasonable disunion purposo is accumulating each day, nnd no hypocritical profession of "loyally" can ex pungc the damning record, Tho Union which the Radicals want is not the Union as il wa?, with the Constitution made by our forofathers,; il is the Union of all the win, beginning with Ridienlitm and ending in l)espotam. It is a Union of which the fanatics dream, and which would require tho presence of .1 standing army of half k million of men to preserve it if it could ever bo eslablidied. Tho following resolution of the serios proposed in tho Legislature of Pennsylva n!a upon "the stato of tho country," cer tainly expresses the sentiment of nine tenths of those w ho honestly desire to have the Union rci-toml : Uennleed, That this General Assembly deem it propel further to declare, Hint it, 0;-'H't'r fith all the truly loyal people of V'r i i ' , r I'i? n"1' i o til. t nnu in it n i litii it f mm rt n lfttn n ,,e t of theseoedud Slatei. to ro"tur'n to their tllegiance to the Government ol the Union, and would, in such event, cordial ly and earnestly co-operate with them in tho restoration of peace and Iho procure ment of such proper guaranties as would give security to all their interests. Against the above resolution, tho follow ing Ropublicnn Representatives recorded their votes. Benedict, Bowman, (of Lancaster,) Row man, )of Tioga.) Krown, ol Wurren,)Cliamp neys, Cochran, Coleman, Freeland, GilfiN Ian, Grant, Gross, Henry, Huston, Hutrh nian, Johnson, Kerns, (of Philmlelt hiii ) -niirte, Lee Lilly, Maclay, McClellan, ihvjji.ji luciuunic, .uiiiiiii, luusseiman, Olmstead, Panconsi, Kilter, Shannon, Slack, Smith, (of Chester,)Smilh (of Phil adelphia.) Strouse, Sutphin, Twite-hell, Vincent, Warner, While. We ask tho poople ol Fennsylvania whother, in their opinion, these men are honestly and loyally for tho Union ; they evidently do- not want "the eceded Stat, to return lo their allegiance;" or I hey would have voted for the resolution. MEDtctNEs that CiRt.-One of the spe cial peculiarities ol Dr. Ayre's preparations is, that they accomplish what is promised for them. Who, in this community, does not know that of all the cough remedies tho Cherry Tectorai, is by far the best? Who Hint ever fines- pills but will tell you Aver's Fuls are nt once the mildest and most searching, most effectual of nil? Did nnvhndv ever hoar nf bi l.,.. r.. r.ll an uoay ever near ot his Acts Clre fail-,by tng 111 astngio C8S0 7 JNOt an instance has tico, in the host manner, and on the most reas becn found where icrcr and AmifihM ro, i b' Defying the eounty, all he n.ks siblea ttio tur.htul trial of it. TI lis mny' seem a bold nssertion, but wo are assured assured ! llial p., a in, .ill : .,o,.uw niic,iu .nut u iiiinurinni Hre the cfl'octs of his alterative called Extract op Sarsaparill. One after another, pa- IICIIIS Come lorltl IrOQl their lenrosv. . donned and purified into health l jhig .. . v .-Mfi ..... medico - chemical skill, Saturmod nith tho accumulated rottenness of years, and poisoned by the corruption of their own ' 1 I 1 ,1.... I 1 - ... ' ' iw iuuit, mis muster combir..Uion, purging out tho foul uiwu, iuey uun only live 10 lUUer. 1U1S tmpuiities, has instilled the vigoi of, H , ,., - 1 1, ii:, fi, s 1 1 ii I Ii ', i d M V li'.w ll I f ). I i If it ' il l .-,l ..'if f i ii " .it. I Ml I M ' ( r .In I'f Ulmt I'lh t ilnl tn n, I in I iii,.i i"i,, ly ) Ii Hi. III? ' '" I I'.f i, fir .Hi ott M tin Iv. o. Tir - It I L I lll II. .. tl.,,.1 1 ... l.l. . . . i . ".' ' " " . ' . ". f ii' i 'n ill" Ii I ni II. tt 1 1 l I ,i A .AM i,t !...,,.. - ... .... i ..I "- . " . " . .. 1. 1- '.in., in .hi i, in pni fit V M rl tpliif.l I.lllllpnnnl (liMfrit. Iln 1'H'i liU ( luirii lo ftrn,f...it-i.M dir. fn Lioi til clfiint lo rtfiiiploitt.n til" fnct Hint llir Inw r j.rcirt ll,nl lif Mmll not ;ni; n.,y rr;lr.l ,n ,,, r.i.,,. or ,t. n',,w',fotliof,.ol Ion rni.oi'.nflirm Hint l. x U In no wny roil net inn of fy. riil.iilincn or iiHownnro. Imt i n tnx: nn nko orcnlon to intimnlo Hint if rrtiro.t r,IV,..r. .. !.. . 1 i .... i ni,:., fin, I in il.o... ..i , . : V J'.' l"r-." . ox. nn.r ougin nn, iniM unwiiiine msilhm.l lo, Ihi tnoilornle chnrgn who aresllll allowed , to draw full pny. " . M AltKir.D-.Yr.lcr.lu mnrnlnif, hf Kor, .t. I l omiy, illintn llollinnn to iMlM I.iJilo Kiirel, l"'1'1 of ri-,- gnHBBBamnaRKBBWW'&trVUnuKWm .in.,, ...... h, ..I iM.iiiiiniiii., nil IIIU J,,,! IniL. AllITI. inn nf I'll,. ..,,. nun r... ill rili. Pi,ii;n.i..,. f i ...i. .i.. of Tyrone, geJ nbont 1 yosn, Tho doroiueil was young min of (Treat prom- Ue j reinurkalilo for a filinl roverorro nnd docile ohoillonco to Ms parents, who Instilled Into his youthful mind Irssoni of Chriitian piety, rognrd ln; tlumo beautiful liner of tho poet, "Youth's impressions to old ngt deseoml." And wull did ho loom. A fact no d.mbt, which now, under the trying nfllirtinn, will nmtain thoro w..vo iiu nam 11m uuiiiiiu, ny a vuuuon 0UI rroTiJoj do,lh 7 f..n,l Ann nnl. .. 1 ..I". I. -.1. I - .1 L ,1 . i A irt a inAri Ernt Dnmine Animnm ejn. ' A FitrBn. In Urady (p., on M'eilnosdny tho 1st instnnt, ! t " V ' K ' Ul 70 . . i ilintlY lOfTIlfcUI.). 1 , Seta Sbbtrtisnncnts. STATHMKXTof tho CLEARFIELD COUN TY BANK, for tho month ciidinir Wiirch 3L IsilJ: ASfKTS. Hills dincimntcd $03,919 92 47,043 11 5,3:12 13 6,107 OH lnmvlvnnln C..,nL 4.24S 00 3,6110 90 :i,5L'C 93 2:12 17 315 71 "fit 75 821 82 39!) OR ua expenses, - ... 1 $135,S10 79 LIAtlLITIRS. ! Cnpilnl Slock paid in .io,nno do 27,770 00 4:1,(115 23 12, us o: 3,2L'2 53 fl."5,SI9 78 j DuDeiJuor"!1'00 - " , I'uo on coriif of Deposit, J InUM"1 antl '"'"S0' 1 JAMES D. ORAIIAM, Cnnhier. Clenrfii-M, April S, ISft.l. Coal! Cottl! rilflE subscriber respectfully announces to tho JL citiien of Clsarlield nnd vicinily that he is now prepared to supply tho very best quality of COAL nl the shortest notice. The trrnns?nipnt is designed to bo permanent, ami a full nupply will ulwars be kepi on hand. I'lUCF,, ft rtnW at the Dunk. 7 rents delivered. jO'For tho p.iblic convenience, Orders for Cual will be given al Krulzor'e sli.ro. JOHN FEENEY. CIcwDcld, April 9, I Sf.t. dm. 0,000 .Men, YUln9 ncJ IJ0YS tnn u "TplirJ ilh CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS ' at REIZENSTKIN BROS. & CO., where it is TO BE Sold at prices that will induct all Ui bo 2D 02 SOaODa Ry dovoted interest to tho CLOTHING ESTAB LISHMENT the universal satisfaction which has been given has induced them to enlarge their STOCK, which la quality and (oloction, is low Inferior to none IN PENNSYLVANIA. Coino, and you enn Laro j All kinds and styles of Clothing at nearly one of Ch bulf or THE Prices usually asked at other 6tores. Clothing good enough to sail lbs GOYEltNOlt, Or nny other man. Remember the placo, in tho MANSION HOI'S E, opposite the Rank. HE17.EXSTKIN BROS, i CO. Cloarfield, April 8, 1863, 3m. New Watch and Jewelry Store. O II. I.Al'CIII.IX, having purchased the kje interest of hit Into partner, is now going it on his own hook in the shop formerly occupied I. .h. nn s.n,.n i k. i.. i." ij by them on Second street, where he is prepared ' 10 K",') Bn 't'l""ion ai a complete workman doing all work ciftmsted to him on short no- 1 is a fair trial, and a continuation of the pntron ago heretofore extended. Look out for tho rign of T " K B 1 G W A T C II . .- vmb win oo positively exp-eiea N. D Tho Cash will . . mhun tha work ia riliv.r a n i '- . -. ....... w. H. H. iver Llcaruoia, March 4, 1803. y Flj'Cf's Patent CllUm, A aunerior art'cle. A fnnilW usinir thim rhnrn "ever need bo without butter! .-."a "Z." tor approved'. Sbt-twrl? Jlll W VUruiUIDII VUCHU j Am UI V A cheap for Cash or oxchantred country Produce. Cherrv. Manlo. - , . . I.inwood and other Lumber suitable for taken in exchange for furniture. '"v u u niwtiii street, ''D', W'''1' "01 -?-Remember tha (hop is on Market street, Stors.' I i -.'ii' ii, I i. . i-1 1 l ... . i .,f P, ,., c.. Iri, ISHj. t I1.'., I, HI, iiii it ii i ii i iii. I II. iiii , 1 1 n h If I I 1 1 i in. mi,, . t M " PI' I I I r fin 1 1 ' I . -I "I "A . ' l-i 'I . If II l III" i f MM lid Ii' I litl .. : ii f I r i J ).., , , .n A ml... In in I lb Ni.llil i.f ilifT.tinl (,: Itil.rn.l I, lit ),,. Iiitif jfnl.r In ii'.i'l '. l In M i. . nn i r r Alril , t'-T -.1m. . ' ii n ii- nc uv i.., t l"tfl.l l. will inn i t 11,1. (-.nirnU'tnnxrp nn w "'"'"'"T ri. ll.tn-lr., it, J'Jih TJ uS. Ua nl,, ,,r,.,r t,rr m-rn mni.inrnt .l.illin ni.m ol r...ll..r, rrKln-nt nnl rm.nnyi l onli.l.il , nmi'i,r l i-lill.lrrn,iih c ami p of n. h i t..wn-r,ir in m-n ir.rr rr-i i i t.t rre iirt.. i.f rri Mrnf nt. nDtl ll. vir i.rwi.-n t r .l. tir i mi l ! "ml fn ! fltliiint tli 0 iitpnns of niipnrt fur niT- ,,r Bnt c,,,(rcn wll0 Bre ,1,..,,,,,,,.,,, IIP ,,,r, J,, Wilnr of rrclil.llily, from Hit tnrn.hip In wlilch rim rmlilcs, must nUn Ir tn ilnrnl, h., rertiflciilK, iworn to t.i'fur Ilia lloanl, iniiM ii't forth llml t It o nrpliinnt in the prmo "lie n-e- r"n, hrrolf U lie : thut the rtntrtnent nf tho ' I ,,u","" r inmuj i" tru ; mm in i.u .,1'iiMiiu ..ir.-uiiii.iniH''M, anil hit minuj in ne "B,"i un.l nil uio 1IICT8 lui KTlll ill livr (i'.iirnilun sra Jimt urn! true. Forms conlaiuinu thee reimisilioni can l.t ob tained at the ollii-e of tho Hoard of Relief, when Bp ieation in made, and the witne"ii appear. Illness of the applicant, properly proven, will cxcuii personal attendance. WM. 8. ISRADLF.Y. Cl'k. Aril 8, lSfi3. Opening of Spring (loods 'Xlb.a vsjry IL Jits at Aririv&n Comprising tho most fashionable styles, C. W. & H. W. SMITHS', T 110 ho sold at prices that defy competition. JL Read carefully our separate lists. We gall particulur ntloalion to our superior stock of Ladies' unci Gentlemen's Furn ishinrj (ioods. T i iih We ..ffer to all, the bet A No. 1 Brown She.tinc. 1 ' , "''" " J",' n","t r" 1,1 four quarter, wide at J74 oenU per yard SV w' 'S. !";he"'."mrkt' '" H'' r All our bummer Prints, the very bos ,a.i y and I proaLe ' " "'V r All pi vies, from 20 oinls upwards. Dark 1'rinls froia 22 to JO ceuts. Noooe shall go away dissatisfied, that will favor us with an examination of our stock, part of which we enuinernto bolow : READ ukad DRY GOODS.GKNS; Mozambiques, Silk nnx'u Cas'nicres Wool do Iiines Fancy 1I0 Repp. do lil'k ribbed do Fancy do Mottled do rrcncli Mozumhnjues 1 willed do Linen Putins Ciuulwrtreno ISalzarencs Lurella Cloth Fiinry Prints Wav. Oinghams Man, Oinghams Iinreges Table Diaper Ilird eye d ) Flanno!s lib ached Miulins Kentucky Jeans Wool 'Fwee.l Fancy Sattinelts . Mellon do IIomIiIo Twist I.'ubber Buttons Metal do Carpenters' Pencils Mack Cravats Mack Silk Ties Hrown J C 4 qr. do Fungo Ilundkeic'."8 Corset Dtills Fancy Cassi. Sb'nts Shirting Stupes Mnrsailles do Fronts Checks Unique Scarfs Ticking Dotn. Linen Collars Mown Drill. 1 Cord do do Mx. Thibet Shawh s 3 do do do Stella do Linen Chokers etc., etc., etc. Paper Collar Coat Rinding etc , etc.; etc. Long cane Hoops Magpie do Round do do Floivere 1 do Elegant Grd Trail M,inlLs Hoop Skirls, j Ladies Linen Collars Misses (.loves Do Hn fried do B'nck cotton Gloves Do FVv cd "M lr do Silk do Mens' nssort'il !- Mens' Kid do Ladies' Gauntlet Muck Crapes English ,do I liildrens' lloso Do Lace Fluted do Twilled cull's to m'trlt Mourning Cuffs A j Collars j Doublo Rnllling Misses Elastic Garl'rs Ladiet' d do Frtiicy Jet Tins Invisible Head Nets Tassel tlo do Crotchet i'o ilo Chenille do do Ladle' Slate lloso Do Mack do ! ook nnd Eyes I Whalebones I Buffalo Combs Gum do I'll Vo J Fai Braid do do Cotton Fiinges for lvet do do luilnins ancy tlo do (Manilla Ribbons Darners IP.I'k .v, while- Lacis Narrow Braids Embroidering do Elusiio Cuid Si!k do Mourning Dress Bins Fancy col d Agate Edgings Bi'k Thibot Shawls Stella do Mourning Veils Aou we (nil I'o IlandkercliuTsSleeidj lo Carpet Rinding Acorn do Skirt Hriid, nil c'll'rsAssoi led Zepbvr. Americnn Ruche etc., ele , etc. Paris do Prime Rio Coll'e Tobaccos S: II. Sugar Indigos ami all nr CTd New Oilcans tides lo be found in Pure Waler Cracks ) the Grocery lino, ers for invalides Soda do do Young II. 'feu Essence Coll'eo Extrnct Ley Ground Rio Cofleo Crenm Tartar AH Spices Pipes Split rcas (A splendid substr tute lor P.cnnF.) liCSt Quality Brdwn .Stiar nt l'.'J cents. v. k ii. w. s- c. Clearfield April fi, ISM VALUABLE FAIIM At Qirjp LiiSi'fl 0uirt Sailb. Y virtue of in order of the Orphan's Cenrt of XJ Clearfiebl roimty, the nnderstgned 1 for 11 1 rl'BLIC SALE at Lulhershurg. on Clearfield rnn nty, the nndersigned will of Thnrarlnw tVi 7tri Aav nf lWair navt . ,, 7. . . .. . All those ceitam rrcmises. late the estate of Phil ip hrmer, deceased, situate in Itrady township, -Uo.S..I.I nn'- l 1. :.: f TiYYoTe J J- r ' L .."-" u. A w TRACTS, one flhetn beginning at the corner oil tracts Nos. 1431 nnd 14.i ', thonce west 1R6 perch- e to a hornbeams, thonce by lnnd of Frederick ""T' I , , u' .1"" 1,w ""l',x ,ont Ueates, tract IS o. B.iH, north L17 and six tonths JT. . . u " rcrcn". v .H ivv, iiviiiD aiiniii in u viKiiin linn nr-.ij ,,., v-. un .. " 17 v v uuiio tiiru in uiviMinn line oi .... .....v.. u . ,,la the niorenaid trtoU o. 14 il nnd 14.12 nouth 137 . n ,1 V .nn.Hu r. n . I n .... r .. . . -v i , - . and six tenths perches to plaoo of begiuaing. oonU,n"1S 10U ACreS and 15 Fercheg. The other tract, conUining 2 ACRES AlfD !8 PERCHES commencing at a sugar tree, ad - ininir other and, of I'...., in l .-.:. 1 128 PERCHES commencing at a sugar tree ad beinir tha m. nmi... i .u. "77 "M Krin " W'.I.V.VU u, , I , II , 1 1 i uiiip -.riner, oeceasoa, by ISathan B. Peoples TERMS-Onn lliir.l rA.VIl .k. . r . Tu:i:.. ; j . TERMS-Ono third CASH at the tim. nf ..In and the romaindor in ono and two years thoreaf ' tor wiia- tntererti the tiurchasa nion cured by Judgment KcnPd pn th. pre ter with- interest) the purchase money to be so- ELIAS RISHKI.. Kii .. Tr.i, Now ( mmhIs j 1 1I I I," 1 1 .., , f It , . :,, I, , ,, , .1 I III. I f". ii r (, ' ' I ! I ni. I mi i ; A(..il I, I". V 'I I-, ll. -! II,, J II riiHi in itio Mi'iinii. iHliij SPRING GOODS. .1. P. KUATKH .1. P. Kit t.i;h J. P. KIJAT.KU J. P. K l A r .KIi J. 1'. KltATIll; general as'orlinent 1 f PRY ClOO S 1)11 Y (ioi'His HllY (i()Ol)st DRY (idODS '""otsnntLSha Hornets aiui simws ! Ilomicts nnd Sliawls ' Honncts and Shawk cr.OTlllNt; UI.OTIIINC, CLOTHING CLOTHING Hardware, (.'iieonsware. Tii...... . - i llordwnre, tiieensware, Tinwflr'i lmn'I Haul ware, iueenrwre, Tinwut otA 11 .rdware, liueenswnre, Tinwnr QyjiasTijsia fiaJ. IQ)n?s Ten, Coffee, Molasses, Hiiar, Suit. " Cnndlcs, Rice. Flour, Hncon, l'i',h Tuhiceo, Crackers, Vinega., (Jill V. HOlDTSIgEIOLD (30 u?' CurpeU Oil Cloth, Dro.-tt, Looking 01.1' Clocks, fhnrnj. Wash-hoards, Tub,. liu,-k Irons, 1'nns, Window-Lliiids Wull ,,.,,,',, I Oil Lamps, Cml.rcllv.. IlL',l-ror,l, Vi:.'" Fork,, Spoons, Crocks, btove blnckii. i" which will be iold on the most n.i,.i,..i.i. . 1 Uni, produce. J. V. KRAT7.HI; rrwit s'.ro t, nbve the Acailemv. t'lenrti. .1 ' April I, ISftJ. CAUTION. All persons aro hereby ouiug oil against nieil lling in niH' war with i. tain RAY .MAR it, now in the use of Curn.i., ( rowell of (irali mi township, as the sumo i.jl0r. to me, and is in hit p3ession on loan onjr. (Irabaiu tp., Mar. 25, 3t. JOHN U0I.T. caIunkt i: mvo r i ui US', SJfU-D'iS C. III N UT-M A K I'.H Wonbl respflMt. announro tu llio public that he has tin.,i, a SHOP on Cherry street, nesr the Kiiie., Church, and nearly opposite the re-l'Iiace oil irai7.cr, r.sq., unvreiie lnicnus to carry wi, Cabinet it'iikiiig Ijiisincss iiv. its different hma es. IIh vine rervell a reziilnr iipi,rciilin..l.. the business, and worked a .lournejman ct- six j cars, ocuiics cnrrving cn a sbop Ur Iti- jf ars, ne iiiiiiits niinsen mat ne cm rvbru islaclion to those who omj (:. w,r him wiik ii, cust.m. Having located in I'leai fielil Imr,... he solicits a sburo of patronage, ami it er be his ol.jort to make to order neat a ml yth.ls, tini furniture rnnh ns T? U T)..J. .TT- :,. . iicutu aauit H-us. ;xiu will always 6. nn.l Common ami ( prepai ud lofumisL irencli .osts to i,i,,.r i;,. Cltago, Jen. in Chiiirj of ny Lin. I, .(- I1 d i ffoi t nt nil other I kinds 111..I kind of S roniriTiin r.EHSTEA n.S.j. A O'l IIFR.t II All with Tcckncr's Patent 1 lie will also fiirniili Instrnlngs nnd tl.int. lo older llnir, ,,. ners Patent Spring Red j, Hiiir t.il l'.,ii.n MAT sieniis. in ur.rtl M nilrRE!PES. Tlinh, Uilleient Kiii.ls. MI'L nnnel, nnd man; Ml- ROAKDS. Wnrdrobff, articles, niil be .nslt' Hook-cases, Parlor and order for euHiissr.,. Centre Table", Rreuk- -bnrt. notice, cheap r fust and Dining tubu, ' xu , r ,.x, hnnj;d !. and iho Inl.'st itnpioved approved counlrj ff, Lxtensioii Tnbles. llat- tine. Don'l firwlik racks, n ns slm,.l, I 0 pi ,ce. as 1 tun ilflrriui let and Woik stands, .-d ti fiirni li 11 silirl an.l erer.T other kind t.r at the most riitiit, furailnre in his line. .into. ff-.M-tplc, Cherry. I'n .lnr. Pino. l.init.m.ljL every other fuilnl.le lumb'-r. will l ,.ik. ins. change f ir fiirnitiire, Cash will a!... be i.'J f. 4001I Lumber- 11 v. SiDI'li. . I.. t olbtis of the lnlesl slrle m4 lt unlet on snori none, httnern s allcm eil V.t.( (IcMrablo. f Urn fluid, Fi b. 11,15. Oflirc of 4 AY ( (M)Ki; SVPSCRITTION AGENT At JAV fflOKR &i fO.. BaiikrYs, 11 1 SOUTH THIRD STREET, riiiLi.liTj l in, Nov. 1, l-'T. rilHE undci signed, bav ing e.-n nppoinlo.lSn X. si'iirTio -torST by the Surslnrjr uf i Treasury, t now prep.ind (.. tnruih, nt mott.C Xew Twenly Vear C prrrrnl. Boa! of the United Stntss, designnled a I'in-Tm' lift," redeemable al the plea.reof llm li.n-rit ment, niter tire jear, mi.t siiih..ri,-,l I,, Art Congress, appn.red February 2.'., Is:'. TheCM I1 htiXDS UTB .ued Is tan ' $jft, (i no, $ .1)0, fiono. The RKi.urii nsn in sums of $ iff, lf $500, Jlfliin. and $:lli)il. Interest nt Six per cent, per annum lllc mence from da lo of puicbnse, nnd is i . 11 Ii I-, 1 N U OLIi, f Seini-Anniially, which is e'inil, at theirs"; premium on gold, to nboot I'ioiit its crsr. tr Am. Farmers, Merchnnts, Aleehaiiies, Csi.ilNi' nnd all who havo any inoucv to in i si, sAwsi I Ofiknow md reinember llial Tenii.er lliat thi'c Hoe"-" - . : .. . efl'eet, a I'ltST MOKTWAVK upon wit loads, Cniiiils, Ruuk Stocks and Seciititif."1 tho immense product of all the Muiiiiraeiw!,' Ac., in Ihe rountry ; and thn! the full i'l ,"T' provision iniidn lor tho pnynieit of the isf"" and liquiilulii n of the .riucipnl, 1 y Culns ties, Excise Stamp and Internal Re.-emw.''"" to mnke theso R.ijd, thn Best, Most Available and Most Pop' Investment in the Market Stibscriiitions received al I'M! in Legal Tf - ! der Notes, or notes and chucks i.( liwnk, ft( V in Pbila.lolnhin. Su.iseril.Ars hv mail "i11" ceivs prompt nttentina, and every fufilitJM explanation will be aflorded or. appliralif"' office. a f.,n ..,..,.. ..r i) i . :nv. v.,l ,.n kn "-.',;!. " "TI".' " i.UIIO. ,.111.1, . for immediiile delivery. l.y -i,,,icr t,r,.;M;j(l. , t,n -. 'V ' 1 "m t l)ll li I K tllill Ml ! I( l.N"' il is htreby given that Letters of Admiaisu nt t . i. . i . . . . i ...ii.aii nn .. .- s..,u,r,u i,. ,,,r - - e " .,r i..nt i mi r)iiurt ti riufii unu, iio va " township, ClesrHold county, dee d. All pe , Indebted to said estate, arc requested k ,liniodmlo paymrnl. and those Iiawng ci- T,n'lJ "le ""!, Pr'ent il"m A"' 1 ,tlC'l,H Va AliwkOVC I I SOPHIA AitM.sTKONd, ijBr RAUNARAS ARMSTRONt. , Clearfield, January 2S, lsCi.l. pd. ' Jaa. McMurrat. Mali. Ir"1 - DFAI FIN IN I)ry (Ioods, (rroceries I.unvher. r.ui ns,iiK, l';t Poa. 2(, i"j. i Lulhertburg, April 8 ltf3.