Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 08, 1863, Image 1

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n. ur. MOor.E. Ir.iifnM
U. B. GOCiyLANl'EIl. f L,lilors'
TERMS $1 25 per Annum, if aid m rdvance
VOL. XX Ml'. WIIOI.K NO 1 7c; 1
'magnificent resources of the country, in vrldrh will be secured to our cause by ra
Tin- iiunin iviiiy i t Washington' bit tli- men and money, were put at the disposal versing the policy of the Administration
day was celebrated in tiiU city on the of the Administration, for tlio prosecution by establishing other and truer dictrins
evening of ihe0:ii) of Fel rti.itj, in an up- f the war in accordance therewith, and it than those just examined the Deoiocra
propriutu manner, by the "Democratic has hud comimud of those resources un- cy can take into account B9 one of tho
Central Club." Mr, Biicka'en was in vi- opposed and almost unquestioned down to agencies for restoring the Union, tho pows
ted to be present, but not being able to lliiahour. j erful and invaluable aid of allies in the
join in the ceremonies, ho sent the followi Hut the tlmo came when this ground Border nnd Confederate States men who
ing admirable letter. Wo take pleasure of n contest for the supremacy of the Com have gone into revolt reluctantly, or who
in presenting this letter to our readers, Miturion and the preservation of the U ' tiow stand witli divided inclinations un
even ut this lute day, as tho position ; t. ion- became, in tho policy of tho Ads certa-m 0f Ibe position thev shall ans'ume.
which Mr. Bucknlew no.v occupies as the (
representative 01 cnnsyivania tn wio onunniea to, another uitterent otiject.
Senate of tho 1' nitcd Stutes, adds nddi- I The tituel rhetoric of Sumner, tho dicta
tioiial interest to any emanation ftoni bis torial utterance of Greely, and the rabid
I x.-. i'hiladelpht.i Ai-:.
Jj I'. Metal!,',1 hnrmao ni ( hnmt'it'i
Ih-ar Snt !it. i espouse to your friendiy XUv v,ews 01 llie G,e,lt majority o ttiepeo
invitation, I have to express some views I-'e, and the pledged faith of tho rution.
upon public topics, which ninv be submit- A l'ollt'y ol emancipation wus announced,
led to your meeting on tho -ild And 1 l,vo!vi"B i'oi uious expcnse.doubling the
I do lhi very ehc m fully, although I can- ,''!li of the contest, and in flat con
not Itnoivthj!. nuy words of mine will j liadieiion of the solemn declaration upon
deepen popular conviction upon the ,JC. j 'be olject of the war just recited. And
co-iMty ofcli.-nging our rulers, and oer- tlus VVU3 llou" hV rrei-lent ial decree the
tbioAinj th.ii present policv, or quicken j llut of a Bin?le man without authority,
popular . id for th nccemplisl inent ol and ot the instance of men who would be
i lio-e nnpoi liint oi jeels.
A emu i, I ion that the country is mis.
ovt'inod, tlio war inism-maged, And libei
i y itself in peril, i- gr-wmg tip in the pub
In: niii-d , fn:'l tl''!s aro alert, inquis
itive, : nl ei itieitl, who gave to govern
ment uitcalciilaiing nnd enthusiastic mp
poit, (oumled upon complete confidence,
twelve tronths ngo. The day of blint1,
lieu-Hong pus-ion, and of eonlidunt, un
(juettioning trust in our rulers has passed,
iiml the electoral duties of the citizens
will now he discharged with more intelli
gent comprehension than was possible in
the e trli'T months of the war.
The sure result of this will be to peifect
the political revolution of the Norih and
West, begun l.y the lale election?, and to
exclude thfl Republican party, with its
sectional pnsior.s, its fanaticism, its cor
rtiptinii, and its incapacity, permanently
lioin power.
I'uL can this be accomplished in lime
t- save tin-country ? to preserve its unity
iil.d it liberty? And if these vital objects
vim be secured, .sooner or Inter, by the
lestoralion of 'be Democratic parly to
power, upon nhal policy shiill that party
net in theii at lainiiii'iit ? These ijitos' ioi.s
:n c timely, ami impnitanl enough to oc
copy the space uinl leisure now at my
Complete control in the Slate gnvel
inent Ciin l estnned to our parly in Octo
ber next. Control of the Federal govern
nit tit can be obtained by it a year lal-r, in
l!i3 election of I'le-i-Ioiil, assuming thai
the it novation oi Congress, tiotr begun,
shall go t n ami be consummated by that
The lime here menf.oncd must elapse
before power cuu bo completely lodged in
sale h:u, tl. ; before, the nork of reci-n-stun
ting the L'nton, i ml thoroughly re
forming the government can be perform
ed. In the meantime, how much of cal
amily must we undergo? To wlnt meas
ure of evil must we be subjected? 'The
public debt B ill be swollen enormously;
a financial crc-h may come, sweeping
away private fm tunes, nnd crippling pubs
lie credit and power ; ar.d it is not impos
sible that, in an hour of desperation, out
l tilers may abandon the war, ami place
the barrier of a bad tienty, ot the impeiti
iianee ol a foreign mediation, in the way
of reunion. Unquestionably, there arc
great danger in the immediate ful'ire.and
Bppiehetisi-jii of evil is timely, ami justi
fied by the events of the past two years.
But oiui ing this period of danger- of trial
and peril- this interval which separates
us from the day cf relief nnd security
what shall be the altitude of our partv to
ward the Admit.Ntration and tho war ?
This qt;et ion may reasonably bea ked by
the ihou-ands in this State, ami by tho
thousands in other Sutes, who ore willing
to join us, nnd assist in the redemption of
the country.
The queaiion may I answered, in part,
by refer) ing to the past. lh0 object, of
the war, was announced in the outset, by
g resolution (I Congress, hid, went out ( lie applied and confined toils appro
North and South and to foreign countries, iriate uses ; that there shall be no invk.
asthepla.form oflLe government in U ,ion upon liberty by it ; in .tort, that it
prosecution. hat resolution announced shall ho subjected to the dominatiou of
tne object of the nr to be the defence established laws. And we are perfectly
and maintenance or the supremacy of the persuaded that government will be all the
Constitution, and the preservation of the stronger, all the more successful by fol
Union, with all the dignity, equality, and lowing this policy and sternly refusing to
rights of the several States unimpaired, yield to the temptations which assail those
nd explicitly denied that it was waged in entrusted with authority in revolutionary
ny spirit or oppression, or for any pur- times. Let our rulers carefully imitate
pose of conquest or subjugation, or pur- the example of Washington, who exercb
pose of overthrowing or interfering with set! military powers in the Revolution
the rights or established institutions of with constaut respect for the '.awi and the
the Southern States. j authority of the Continental Congress, tin-
J his clear and emphatic resolution was
-v-icti nu approviaby u.e democracy,
by the Border Stales.
xnen generally, and thereupon, nil the
ministration, connected with, if not sub I
; violence of Phillips and Garrison, became
'of more consequence at Washington than
among tiie very last selected uy mo Amer
ican people to advise their rulers.
To this and to all like departures from
the Constitution, and from good faith and
sound policy, we are, and must remain
unalterably opposed. I say like departures,
lor the pretence of military necessity, up
on which emancipation bas been announ
ced, has been extended to other subjects
beside the slufui of the negro, as the t'e
ba'es of the day abundantly testify. The
seizure of citizens in Slates untouched by
revolt, nnd their incarceration in distant
prisons, rrmo'.e from citizens who might
testify in their Javor, and from friends
who migl t intercede Tor them, is one ol 1 Proclamations ? No concession, noconcil
the most prominent of these, and deserves j Ktion, but only sheer f'trce to compel corn
all the condemnation it is receiving Aomi pkte submission 1 This policy, at ence
the people. j ineulculating and impassioned, was per-
I he father of his Country, tho
versary ol whose birth you celebrate, had
no coticcj tion of a doctrine of military
necessity as a substitute for the Constitu
tion and laws of the 1. nd ; nor of those
undefined, unlimited powers, now assort
ed to exist in the President, as Command
ei -in Chief t f the army and navy cf the
I "nited States, and of the militia of the
Mates when called iiitoactual service, nor
tun we recognize them except as baseless
preien-i ins, to be put dea n with strong
public disapprobation, at tho earliest pos
sit le moment. Washington's Views of
military jurisdiction and conduct in in
time of insurrection were given ts the ar
my sent by him to quell the revolt in Wes
tern Pennsylvania in 17'.U, when he ad
moni-bed them, "that every ollicer and
soldier will constantly bear in uiind that
he comes to support the laws, nr.d that it
would be iieeuliai ly unbecoming in him
io be in tiny way the infractor of them ;
that the essential principles of a free gov
ernment confine the province of the mili
tary when called forth on such occasions,
ip the?o two objects : first, to combat and
subdue all who may be found in arms in
opposition to the national will and au
thority ; secondly, to aid and support the
civil magistrates in bringing offender to
jjstice. The dispensation of this justice
belong? to the civil magistrates, and let it
ever be our pride nnd our glory to leave
the sacred deposit their inviolate."
In the spirit of this admonition, of the
constitutional doctrine that "the military
shall, in all cises, and at all timci. be in
strict subordination to the civil power,"
we must stand opposed to the abuse of
the military power in applying it toother
purposes than those appointed und regus
lated by law ; as tho seizure of private
properly of nort-combatants not legally
liable to confiscation j the seizure of
hordes of negroes, and their support, in
struction, transportation, drill and pays
uient, as allies; the suppression of news
papers, or the closing of the mails against
them, and the encroachment upon State
jurisdiction by the appointment of sundry
police ofllcials to exercise powers untie
fined by, nnd unknown to the laws. What
is asked is, that the military power shall
settled as the times were, and fruitful of
'pretexts tor tleparture from regular and
In addition to the signal advantage '
The issue of war htm always depended
as much on the determination and union
of the Confederate States as, upon the
mnimitude of the cllorts rut forth br us
sgainst them. Manifestly, therefore, our
lrue policy has been to divide them; to
conciliate a part oi their population, and
to dampen the ardor of the revolutionary
spirit by subjecting it ti conservative op
position in the very communities where
it arose. The r ubjuguiion cf the South
by the mere exertion of physical force
against it, assuming it to really united and
in earnest, is a work of extreme dilliculty,
and requires an amount of wiidoin nnl vig
or which our administration has failed to
exhibit. In a war of invasion upon the
South, most formidable natural obstacles
are to be encountered, and also the pow
ers of the enemy, and our strength must
be, or be made tn be, adequate to over
come both. In short, ullia, in the enemy's
country were necessary to certain or prompt
success, and to secure them all the arts of
policy and the means of conciliation with,
inour lower, should have teen exerted.
But what has been the policy of our ru
lers? Is it not written in the history of
the Crittenden Compromise and of the
Peace Conference ltetolves ? in Congress
ional enactments and in Presidential
anni-iSSted in until repeated disasters came to
exhibit its folly r.nd impotejicy. Yes!
the neeessity of allies, utterly scouted in
the outset, became demonstrated on the
plains of Manassas and in the swamps of
tho Chickahominy. The course of events
taught us that assistance would be useful,
if not indispensable, to the great work of
subduing rebellion and restoring (he in-.
tegrity of the Union.
Recognizing this truth, the men in pow
er have turned their attention to the ne-
groes -the euhjeet race of the South ami , submit to outrages that the people of Eng
propose to arm and employ them as allies j K,unJ would spurn if attempted by their
in the war. This experiment is likely to Sovereign. Hear him :
be curried out, to be fully tested, nnd to "y 10rt,i 1 n touch a bell on my
produce results which, to sav the )cas,J hand, and order the arrest of a citi
. , . . . ' ;zen in Ohio. I can touch tho bell again,
will be instructive to future times. nl)(, order ie jalnr jSOnnient of a citizen
In marked contrast to this desperate ex in Ne York; AND NU ON
periment, conservative men look for reli-1 EAHT1I BUT THAT OF Tlli-l PR MS I.
aoco arid aid to the white race- our own J.A Mvv'i Jv'.PKr
. i,.- ,. i i . 1 IIK QUMKN 01- ENGLAND, IN II ER
ct-tn. riiimcu-.uupui luatuic
their co-operation in restoring the In ion
by a policy of cor.cilaition and by the ex-
ample of a return by our own government 0'iio havo petitioned the General Asseru
to a true constitutional rule, uninfluenced bly to pass a law excluding, in the future,
by fanatiacl passion, and regardful of all
Slate and individual rights as established
by our fathers. In their policy, the eon-
eervative element along the border and in
the South is to be encouraged and devel-
oped, not repelled, spumed and insulted 1
( r-AQ t o 1 1 a vr a iv ra ia si mi Kl I ocs 1 1 1m itiail.i
, , , . . . ,. . , ... . , i
for an Administration charged w:th the1
, . r . ,r, ..
conduct of a great war. The difficulties -
. , , 1
to be surmounted are great and often the
, , . , , . , ,
course to be persued is but a choice bes
., , , . !
iween evns. Atiucna time, a uenerous
...., , r ,
mind will not seek occasion for offence ami :
can overiouK s.nau points or otjection in
, , f ,. . . i
reviewing public affairs.
But the subject now brought into debate ing to n circulating item, has 'cut up her
by the policy of government are funda-' wedding dress and made a flog, which has
mental and vital ; it is impossible to be been pretented to the Twentieth Tennei
indiflerent to them, and it would be un- see Regiment, in her husband's brigade,
manly to evade them. Frank, full, open for distinguished services.
i- , , I , o f A Hnnn 1 1, ... ... i 1 1 I . ,n . 1 , . . I . . I I
, . .1
. , ,.. ,
forts as citizens ot a uroken and afllicted
, . , 1
It result from what has been said, that
me aaminisirauon now in power may ex-'
juvt nt-Lu tut? gieu. luitss ui muse politi
cally opposed to it, acquioscene in a logi
timate exercise of (he powers with which
it is invested, whether felatinir to the war i
or to internal administration. But thev
will claim and exercise the rmht o di.
cussing the wisdom and constitutionality
of its policy, and will resist by all lawful and troublssorae piece of furniture a man
means any attempt to pervert the war! can have." If she knows nothing obout
from its true object, or use the war power 'domestic duties she is not a help-mate,
as an instrument for introducing arbitrary but an encumbrance.
rule amoncst us. . 7 , ,,
j .l nit , B.In a hot summer, when there is
Aud they will labor to prepare the way .... , ,, f . . ,
, ,. ' . . . c most thirst, there are fewest brooks. So
for the complete re-union of th States . . , . ... .,
,, . r ., ,. of many people's channel ; they are ra
upon their accession to power ; or, if (in , ' m . . , '
, . .. , . rest when most needed,
contradiction of their fearsjsuch re-union ; .
hould previously be established by arms, 1 ?-Write your name by kindness, love
then to confirm it and Nnder it real, cor.
dial and perpetual, I
-v it um.iuutiy uaaenooa iitav iu
great mass or the Pemonrntic party and
the conservative men or the country have
nover agreed, do not now ngroo, and have
no inleritio n of agreeing in future to a dis
solution of tho American Union founded
by Washington and hi compatriots, and
that they will not cease in their efforts for
its complete restoration in its origual.pris
tine vigor. Tut to accomplish this, thoy,
unlike their opponents, will use all legiti
mate means of restoring and not physical
force aloiie- This may be boldly anil coon-
ly anounced everywhere, and ought to bo
accepted everywhere as the only reasona
ble and patriotic ground upon which n
parly can stand that desires and intends to
save the country.
The Admiriistaation has deliberately
cast awuy all meuns of restoration except
physical force, nnd has called intoexis
tence great and unnecessry obstacles to
success, until, notwithstanding the inn
incuse difference of apparent strength be
tween the purties to the war, its issue
uangs trembling in the bulance-
"Out of this nettle danger" we may yet
"pluck the flower safety." We mpy hope
thnt the remaining months of Mr. Lin
coln's term will he got past without corn
plete exhaustion, and the point of time
arrived at when a vigorous and truly greut
party, clean-handed from the past, thor
oughly Union, upright, just, patriotic and
brave, will assume possession of tho pow
ers of government. And then this parly,
with old history.indentified with the glo
ries of the country binding to it sympathy
nnd affection in every quuvler.wilh no self
ish, local or fanatical passion to weaken or
mislead it; with a genorus, even-handed,
impartial, titne-tried creed, conformed to
the Constitution, and springing naturally
from its principles this party, thus qual
ified to speak to the w hole land, and be
heard with affection and reverence, can
and will command these wild waves of hui
man passion to be still, and, rejecting alike
the funaticism of Boston and of Charles
ton, will re-bind these great Stales logeths
er in enduring bor.ds of sympathy and
I am, dear sir, very truly yours,
C. It Bitkai.ew.
r.i.oo.Msni'Rc, Feb. 2l), IStiM.
1es.otissi, Itis manifest that Mr. Sew
ard tliinks the American peoplo have lost
their reason1 In a recent letter to Lord
l.yomho boasts that his countrymen will
J;(J31 1 N ION S, DO AS MUCH ?
BigLOver eighty thousand laborers of
negro and mulatto immigration into the
Just think of it ever eighty thousand
"copperheads"among tho laborers of Ohio.
Shouldn't wonder if Ibey all had votes
too. What an awful thought
I "
JiiyThe Logan Conner, printed at Lin-
, . , , , T1
coin, III., says that the use of the Baptist
,, .. . , . ., , ,
Church tti thnt place for the funeral of a
, , , , , ,.
soldier whoso remains had beer, brought
, , , . , , f,
from Tennessee, was denied because the
, ,. , ,, , ,
soldier was a democrat 1 "God help such
... ,,, , . .,
till, latiuitg , lAViitiiua viio v,vi. If f i
feifMrs. John C. Breckinridgo, accord-
teirThe recent draft in Michigan caus-
ed quite a lively emigration to Canada.
, T ,
From Clinton county, the St. Johns 7&
publican slatec, out forty-one who were
,rafted( nol om w are ffUhin lbe
.sheriff's crasp.
tuGen. Pillow stated in a speech in
Alabama, that Gun. Sherman recently
wrole to 'im C""ing to return to him all
m's slaves, ir he would abandon the Conn
federate service.
BrX.A lazy woman is the most worthless
;and mercy, on the hearts of the people
you come in contact with year by year
ana you ma ucrer uo lorgotten
ttrsoliitluiis lte)irfseiitln: the Itea I Senti
ments it 'Company V., I liltli HtK't I. V.
Cami nkar Bf.i.i.e 1'i.vink, Va., 1
March 'S2, INC.".. j
IViiTia.!, An cflort has be?n made by a
certain pnily in the North to obtain the
moral inrliienee of tho Army in the field
in support of a political principle which
should, and can only be, decided by the
people in their sovereign capacity ni the
ballot-box. And Whereas, The command
ing officer of tie I4!)th P. V. hits, without
due notice und process, imposed a set of
resolutions upon us, the principles of
which we cannot endorse and sustain : '
Therefore llesulecd, That wo are in favor
of a vigorous prosecution of the war, for a
restoration of the Union, tho Constitution,
and.tho authority of the Iups aso ton
IicsolvcJ, That we consider tho attempt
to accomplish any thing further by force
of arms as n dangerous precedent, subver
sive of the rights of the people, and con
trary to the letter and spirit of the Cons
stitution ; and thnt we consider it ourdus
ty to frown upon every attempt to intim
idate the free action ot the peoplo of the
loyal Slates on any subject pertaining to
the political condition of the country.
Resolved, That we are opposed to the
Emancipation Proclamation of the first of
January, ISO:!, asan uncalled for unit ille
gitimiite proceeding; which has proved
disastrous') our cause, as well us subver-
sive of the principles of a republican form
of government.
Reso'eed, Tint thet doits of certain per
sons in the Nortl. to obtain the real sen
timents of the people North and South,
in a General Convention, are conciliatory
in their influence ; and ure destined to
produce beneficial results, if properly res
pected by the Administration.
Resolved, That while we earnestly and
anxiously desire a return of peace, yet -teea "Ke luc-v wcrs- wUn ttl0 Abolition lac
are not so slavishly at Inched to it as to be1 lion- 1 wo"1,1 llflvo Kl out of patience too.
willing to accept it on any terms; nor in -
deed can we accept any thing short of a
restoration of (he Union and a recognition
of the supremacy of tho Constitution and
the laws.
These being our real sentiments, we
hereunto nflix our mimes.
I William Ctirr, George V. Luzier,
Charles Larrimer, Henry Hummel,
Jus. If. Dougherty,
Abcdnego Crsin,
John R. Ball,
William Tierce,
Edward Goss,
D. Breen Bernard,
Hiram II. Hawk,
Frank Freel,
Christian Lariich,
John W. Do Haas,
David Ciamer,
William F. Krise,
John II. Mason,
Peter Curley,
Nailian Wa'ing,
James Lupus,
Daniel S. Keplmrt,
James W, 'joss,
Milton S. Lawhead,
John Marumbcr.
I William II. Ike,
' .fames II. Bush,
Win. L. Taylor,
! John II. Ogden,
1 Oliver Smith,
; B. B. Mcl'hcrson,
Jus. A. Rhinehart,
I Chas. H. Garrison,
I B. F. Carr,
Win. II. Philips,
George W. Ardrey,
Messrs. Editors: The foregoing resolu
lions were gotten up by our Company to
let the friends at home know tint we nre
not altogether bamboozled out of -,ur lib
erty of speech, and compelled, nolens votenx,
to bear the cross of Abolitionism. We
nre in favor of servin;, our country as long
as such service tends to support constitu
tional liberty ; but when tho Government
sinks into a m man power, (if such event
should ever happen, and we are feaiful
that it may be close upon us,) we will then
be in favor of that one man do the fighting
to support his Government. We are here
to fight for a restoration of the Union,
and ir the President will be good enough
to us to let us finish the job before he
makes another contract, we will very
cheerfully give bim the tools and let him
fight the irrepressible conglomerated Abs
olilion humbug till he's sick of it. And if
our"shoulder strap"patiiots wih to assist,
they shall have the privilege grunted most
willingly, with this proviso : that they pay
thoir own expenses, for we would not like
lobe taxed to suppo:t an army of such
extravagant proclivitios. But Mows. Ed
itor, while we make these resolutions to
place ourselves fairly on the record, it
must be borne in mind, thnt v. o do not
wish to influence thereby any per1
son, let him bo of what party he may, for
we hold that the Army is the servant ol
the Tooplo, and instead of us compelling
them by force to obey our dicta, we are
subject to their direction and control.
You may think the list of names to the
resolutions are few for a Company. But
you must remember that our Company ir
small only mustering in all 45 men so
you see we have an overwhelming major!,
ty ; and what is still more, every private,
except 3, signed them. This shows where
Abolilionism is in the army. Other Com
panies in tho regiment are with us iu sen
timent, but not so bold in action.
(for the lU'ptlilii n )
Messrs. Editors: beg we in thc.-e.
few lines to give you some of my views on
iho L'reat question that i- bef : tho poo
pie of this war-smitten country. We have
a prci.t political question to s- tllo. Tho
Abolitionists all think that flat -y mubt
go down, because itis the solo cause tf
this righteous war; nnd the Democr.n-'
throughout the country think that Aboli
tionism is tho sole cause of this unholy
war, and that it must go down. Now let
us bo careful, and draw our conclusions
fairly that we may "give unto Cie.sar tho
things that are Ctrsar'a." I, for one, am
opposed to the forcible abolishment of tho
institutions of tho South rrotwtihsiand
ing our Colonel's speech. 1 think it has
a ba-l inlluence on the principles of free,
goterninciitf and will havo a tendency to
blast the hopes ot the liberty. loving peo
plo throughout tho world. The sud intel
ligence will fly to foreign lands, that in
America one State must bo a slave to ano'
ther, nnd liberty to enjoy their constitu
tional rights is played out.
Now I think the Abolition party is the
sole cause of t li s hellish w,ir ; for before
tho Abolitionists were, slavery was, nnd
we enjoyed peace ; but ns soon as the cra zy
Abolitionists came on tho stae trouble
'commenced, and now, if Abolitionism wm
dead, peaco would again return to bless
our unhappy land.
So you can readily Foe what my views
j nl' aljotlt fearing up the institutions cf the
South. I think each Stato has a nerfect
right to rcgulatesueh things, ami the peo
ple of other States have no right to trou
ble themselves about it. The whole c.mso
of this war was tho constant slang, and
continual meddling of the rrary beaded
Abolitionists. They went into the South,
nnd caused trouble among the servants of
Southern men : and if 1 had been pester
i , , , . . .....
! Bllt 1,1,1 Soial1 WB3 rot ''fbt t't all times;
they were too fast in plunging us into this
war; they miht have -.'.lited one j ejr,
ami if the present Adm'mMr.ition hud ties
prlved Uieni of thoir rights, then I would
have thrown my life with them. But,
says ore. tho Abolitionists would have got,
every thing, nnd they could havo done
nothing. There appears to be moro truth
than fit '. ion in this, since we kno'v what
the Ab.-liti-itiists have done. Beforo (li;s
war they sent thousands t- Kansas to ; est
it from the South ; and sent old John
Brown to Virginia (oget up an insurrec
tion; nnd since that they have forcibly
freed the slaves in the District of Colum
bia ; and finally, to show their real design,
they abolished slavery throughout the
South by prot-.'-mation-a'tl verifying tho
Southern expectation. 1 once ventured
to say, that the party now in power, would
not violate the Constitution but, 1 said
what was not true. I came here to sustain
our Government s it; and it r.o'v
appears that the institutions of the South
are more liko what we came to fight for,
than the forcibly abolishing of slavery,
ami paying for a lot of worthless black?.
I am satisfied that the party ir. power
don't want this war to close till they break
up the good old Government, and make
a one man power or something similar.
The idea of calling us "Copperheads" is
a novel one. I am willing to be mlle-l by
thnt name, for the copperhead is the tin-it
dangerous snake there is. vVhoti J.l'i'e
Mac one of iho copperhead species (as
the cowardly Blacksnukcs call him) got
after the Rattlesnake he soon made the
Rattlesnake "git." The South call them.
selves Rattlesnake ; we are the dan serous
ami deadly Cjpperhends ; nnd tho Black
Republicans aro the Blacksnakes, whose
character it is to get among the toad spe
cies and devour them. A boy, with a
switch, can chase it nil through tin men I-
ow. But all hands off tho Copperhead
It is not to be trilled with. "'Null' sed"
about snakes.
The ollicers of this regiment say thero
should be no peaco poty but nil war
meetings. They thus evidence that they
nnt the war to Inst. I am a private, nnd
want the South back without more blood
shed, 1 can't see how it will bo easior to
settle this trouble after killing off hun
dredt ami thousands mnie of the poor
privates, than now. If we were killing the
leaders U might do some good. But the
men that make tho trotiblo stand aloof.
If I could kill such men as Horace Oreely
and Jeff Davis, I would think 1 wns d-Miitr
good; but to kill poor innocent privates
is not according to justice and mercy. I,
for ono, am in favor of bringing the States
together on equal terms ; arid the plans of
Gov, Seymoro nnd Ynllnndighnm are bet
ter and iiafer thnn the Abolition plan of
whipping them in. It would le bettor to
givo them their constitutional rights, and
thereby save all the lives of the innocent
Company V. Ih-i teg't r. V.