a,,, ft -- f--- li up I m nMm c J JiilUT il iMI -CUt OtflrlKhlo Inform hia old filrmla Slid rus U rne,a thnl, ( ing enlarged Ms ahop and lorreit.fl hie I I 1 1 for in l li u pi ' i r i . lit ia unit rrfnrrl ! mil V Mo miti f Itimlliire ill in 11 T t, desired. In ;,io. stjleand at cheap rntes lir 4 mhIi. II mostly Hm un hand at his "Fiunl I nr. Hi," a mriril as.oitmriit of Urudy -made Faimtnie, among allien art Rumma Mini Sidi'-Ilonnlf, Wardrobes snd lun.k t'ii : Centre, Sofa, Parlor Hrciikfnat ami Dining Extension Tulilnn. Common. French Post, cottage, Jenny Lind and other Bedsteads HOFAS of all KINIS, U 1 iKK-STA NDS t IIAT-KACKS, WASII-STANI'S, Ac. Hocking Jimt Arm Chairs, I spring Ir'ent, Cane Bottom and Parlor Chair i mid Cuiiiiniin nml other Chairs. ( . 0 0 A X 0 - i L A SS ES Of every description on hand and now gliisset ; lur oil rnuui'i, which will to put in on va ry reasonable terms on short notice. Ho also keeps on )i nit,, or furnishes to or der, Hair. Corn-Husk, Huirund Cotton top Muttrosrcs. COFFINS, of every klml, Mudu to ordvr, and fimorii la attended will a Hearse, whenever desired. Also, House I'D lilting done to order. The subscriber alw manufactures, and hut constantly en hand, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, The boot now in lire. Tlioto using thin machine never need bo without olcnn clothea ! He also has greatest battle un record! 15,000 Killed and Wounded, and 30,000 taken Prisoners ! WITH CAMP EQUli'AG K--ANI) 70,000 Contrabands froed from the BONDS OFJLAVERY ! ! I?' VERY man that fi us rend any tiling of the J past history of this YAI must finally come io the conclusion that the Confederate liovtrn uiont would be broken down. It win only a educa tion of time. Hut now wc have tho above Olori- ut soul-stirring news to cheer tia up : and the lily draw-buck to our joy and glorification la the imminent dimmer of the Contrnbiinds coming North to "cat out our tubttanre," and to weiirout Mir sillies i But of ono thing the people of Clear ield county mav be assured, and that in, thut FRANK SHOUT for abort called A'Wi-ee i selling- limits i Miocn as chenp as any oilier man in the county; and If on don't believe ji, just give him a call on court-week, ornt any other time, and tee fur yourselves. He would jiit re mind the publio that his shop is now on Market street, in Shaw's Row where you will And liini jvst aa tihort na uaiial if not a little, itimtur of Cash than be would like to be. All kinda of work on hiinda and made to order on abort notice, and aa wvH'uinde, and aa good flit aa can be "akeered" up here or elsewhere &9-lon'l forgti the slurp on Mmket ftreet, in Shaw's How, dirtctly uppotilo Hev. II. B. pwoope'i office, r. 5H0HT. t'learCeld, June II, 1S62. XATIOSAL C0MMEUCIAL COLLEGES. LOCATED H piiiumarLnA. S. Ei cor. 71 b and Chestnut Slrpc Is, New York city. Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and St, Louis. BOOK-KKK.l'l-NiJ, rr.NMANfuii', Commkiiuai. AitiTiiMF.Tic, CovMi.nriAt. Law. Foknn, Cou hkspondrncr, Ac, praeticiilly taught. Thcae Collage! being under tho inula general and local management, and uniting in each tho advantagca of all, otter greater fnrililiea for im parting inairuction than any other similar initi ation in (ho country. A fcholarekip iasuetl by any ono ia good in all rr au unlimited time. Tho f'liilndelphia Collcgo hoa been recently enlarged and refurnished in a superior manner, and ia now the largest and moat prosperous Com aercinl Inatitution in the State, Dry Hat A Stratton'a serioaof Text Hooka, em bracing Hook-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, od Comuioroial Law, for sale, and acnt by mail. fSF For full pmticutnri tend fur a cirrulur. October 8. 1802. y. JIMRa T, LKO.IAKD WM, A, WAI.LACC. n. a. riitxKT A. c. rixaiv mm anb (Eollcttroit ti LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A R V 1 J, D, CLEARFIELD QOUXTY, PA. illi ol ExcnaaoR, rotbs akd tracts macopKTR IH'OSIT K ECKI Vtitt, 'CelUations made and proceeds promptly remitted ituaiigo on me cities coiiNtaiitly on hand. WT-Oflioe o Second St, nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. JOHN li. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Kcal Ilatate Ajfcnt, .CLEARFIiab, I'EXN'A. )J!ce on Market tt. 0osite the Jail, "E.SI'ECTFULLY offora hia i rvices in fell LV ing and buying lands in Clearfield and ad joining counties j and with an exporieneo of over twenty yenra as a Surveyor, flattcra himself that ihe can render satisfaction. And Offers for Sale lOOO aches of coal and timber Land, situntj in Decatur township, Clearfield county, in lots to sun. purcnaaers, located near tho Tyrom tnd Clearfield Railroad. 'HHH) acres of first rate farm snd limber ln,l In B oil township, Clearrluld county, situateontbel rs of Curry's Run. waters IO!iJ acresin two lots, ok of ll'jand the oth er of 511 acres, suitable fur Farming purposes, ait uate in Highlatd townfhip. Elk county. &-SL.(jcncral -warrantee deeds for all the above nd- Feb. 18. '63. r. OOMT MOOMS, TO II0USEKEEPERS.Tbe aubseribe,l. wat educated in the Pennsylvania Institute for the instruction of the Blind is now uinntifactur-' Ing CORN BROOMS, at Centre Corner, near' Widens', in Lawrence township. I He makes a splendid article, and persnnt want-) ting those indispensable articles to housekeeping, euoum pa mm no mis wormy young man. MMIROOMS will be supplied either Whole, sale and Retail on tbo moat accommodating terms. EMERY LEUUETT. Oet. I,18fi2.-(H. MEAT MARKET! ! Ir,()IM)I,I) ,W I.IOXBUTCHERS. Now; J occupy tha basemrnt of the Clearfield II ouso, ! on the corner of Market and Front streets, Clear, field, Pa. I All kinds of meat constantly kept on hand. The publio are respectfully invited to call in and ' .acquaint themselves with our term I and prices. ( Dee, SI, 1862. A J. PATTERSON, Attorney at Law. Cur- Jt wontville, PaM will attend to all boainast .vru.tsd to bis care. Office op posit, the New WerttdistCharoh. Fab. 4, '3. TIM 'HKI1!I!I,!CAN.M i CI I J N'l V I 1 1 I :c 1 ( ) 1 1 hue nf Holding Cum t, fnrond Monday l2llinf January, Thinl .M.ind.iy lii'll of March, Thltl Monday 1 1 ;U J of Jnnt, Koiirlh Monday psili) nf September, In each year, and continue tww wtekt If ceasary. I County Oillrrra. . Prcs'l J ml K " Samuel Linn. Hellcfonte. Aa'te ludgea, Hon J. D. Thutnpeiin.Curweniv Ills Hon. James llluoin, Forest, Shcr,n Edward Perks, Clearfield Proth.notnrv. Dulvld F.tswilcr " i Kegl.tor Recorder, 1. U, Dargcr, Clearfield, t Dlalriet Att'y Israel Teat, " Trsmurcr, Juii'ph Shaw, C. Surveyor, H, H, Wright, fllen Hope t'uiuiu'rs, H. C, Thompaoo. Morriadal Jacob Ktinli, LutheraburK Thoa, Haugherty, (irampina J i 1 11a. Auditora, H. C.llowmnn, I'hilipsburg C. P. Worrell, N. WaalJngton II. J. Woodward, I'ennfield, Coroner, J. W, l'otter, Leconte.a Mi Hi Co. Supt. J.'hko Hroomiilt, Ciuwenaville. l.M of I'ost OlllrcH. Totcituhinn, Xalttt'il of 0. A'timrt of J1, lUoiuria, (Hon Hope, Win. S. Wright Madeira, Bill, Bower, Cheat, " Cuah, " Oatend, C. J. l'usey. W. MeCrncken T. A. M'l.'hoo J. W.Carr.f!!) ILL Hcnd:raon P. H. Miller J. K Vatsou. It. II. Moore. C" J. Sloppy, John Heberling Jna- Hlooiu Wrn. Feiith. Jas MoMurray J. r-atiliin (I. S. Toror M. A. Frank. I'. A. Onulin. F. W. Schnarr T. II. Fleming. Contre county Miss lladebiicb Kdra. Wllliuma Elk county, l'a. C. Mignot William Carr A. li. Shaw T. H. Forcoe. A. (J. Fox. David Tylrr ' 11. Woodward KliiA Clinse (1. Heckndorn Hogg". Ilradlord, Brady, Clearfield HriifO, t illiama drove, I.utliemburr, Troutvilla, Jcflerion Llna, Koreat, New Washington Ilurnaide, Pntolii 11 v illc, lerd, Clenrflold, Krenchville, Knrthaua, Mourn, Eurnaide, Cheat, Clearfield, Covington, Curwenaville, r urwcnavillc, Deeater, l'hilip burg, AVost Hecatur, Ferguaon, Marron, F)i, Helen l'oat Office, (liranl, Leeounte'i Mills, Hald Hills, (loahen, Shawaville, (Inihain, Orahauiton, flulieh. Smiths Mills, Huston, Tyler, " Pennfleld, Jordan, Ansonville, Kiirlh.iua, Salt Lick, Knox, New Millport, Lawrence, Hreckenridge, Morris, Kylertown, " Morrisdale, l'enn, Lumber City.f " (Jrampiun Hills, I'ike, Curwenavillo, " Hloomiiigvillc, I'nion, Hock Ion, Woodward, Jeffries, M. 0. Stirk. J, V. Thoiiipi'n Jus. Thompson J. C lirenner, JI. W. Spencer, A. C Moore, T. W. Fleming. H. F. l):ilo I). Hm bukcr, Jus. Luikctt. I Thia I'oi-t Office will do for Chest tdwnahip ill anawcr lor rcrgueon townkhiji Shot at ! but Mi;6ed ! ! A GREATJHISTAKEl! '"IMIAT all Ihe nicrchnrts of Curwenavillo were J. wounded. 'Tis true, I wua ".S'Aof ut Init uiiMHcit ;" and since tlien have been at the city and huve procured a very LARGE ASSORTMENT af (iouile of all descriptions, which I am dispo sing of at lower rules tlutu any other house in the county. Head ! Read ! Read ! Best Calico from 15 to 19 cents per yard Best Miiflina from 15 to 30 cents per yard Best Delaines from 20 to 28 cents per yard CLOTHING AT REDl'CRD PUKES Sugar from 12 J to 15 cents. Best Syrup at f 7 cents. And all other groceries at the same rates. Hoots, Shoes and Shoe Findings of all kinds, ClIEVGllEAV. LADIES who wish to make a good Investf meat should cull and examine the assortment o DRESS GOODS, Morinoos, Saxon Fluids, I'laid Brilliants, Ac., fe, Also Cloaks, Shawls, Hoods, Nubias, Soutng" Gloves, 4c, Ac, Ac, Ac. J. D. Ti'OMFSOK. Curwensville, Dee, J, 1882. j mi vm. b: hukivs DENTAL REMEDIES ARK THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INHt'HI-'U FIKE TBKTII AND A SWEET BREATH, AM) CUR1N0 TOOTHACHE AND NKURA LUIA. Do you wish to be hlcaied with and aifmired for I'RAnLr Writb and Sound TEETH J Use Ir. Vm. II. IHud'a Unrivalled Tooth l'owder, warranted free from acid, alkaii.or any injurioua substanco. 1'rico, 25 cents per box. f ir Beware ol the ordinary.choap Tooth l'uw ders, which whiten but dostrey. Do you rviab to he certain that your BREATH is pure, sweet, and agreeable to husband or wife, lover or friends? I so Dr. llNrd'aC'rliibratcd Mouth Wash. Trice 87 cents per bottle This astringent wush is also the lost rcniedv In the world for Canker, Bad Breath, Bleedin Ciuins, Sore Mouth, etc It lias cured hundreds. Do you, or your children suffer from TOOTH ACHE? (Set Dr. llurd's Maslc Toothache Drop, l'rice 15 cents per bottle Aro vou Dr. Vm. nflliclcd with NEURALGIA Oet II llurd's curalcla Planters. I Theniost efloctiveand deliehtful remedy known. ' i f ir paint in the face, chest, shoulders, back, or I r",rtof 11,9 hody- , i"ry d. dhoro nor blitter, but twtho and , charm pain away. Try them. Price, 15 and 87 cents. Mailed on ro'oint of nrice. For sale at all tho boat ttoret throughout tho country. CAt 'no .As there ar8 dcalors who take ad vantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customers Inferior preparations, it It nocet tary to insist upon having what you call for, and j ou w ill (jkt th a brst, thoroughly tested, and preparod by nn experienced and scieutitic Den tist, Trensuror of the New York State Dentist's Association, and Vice-President of the New York City Dontnl Society. Addresi WM. B. 11URD A CO., Tribune Buildingt ew York. Jan. 21, 1SC3. - I. P. KKATZER, MERC II ANT, snd dealer io Boards and Shingles; Orain and Produce. FRONT Street, above the Aeadomy Cltarfie.d Pa Deo. , 1801. L m It Ih a ir c Us u ir g ISilla L II T II E K S U L R G, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, TA. HENRY EVANS, Proprietor. Mama It, 186.2 ly. TIIO.M j. M C lM-OUOII. Attorney at Ltw. OEca ailToiniug tha Bank, formerly occupied by J B. MtKaally, Esq., Markat street, Clearfield, Pa Will Ulead pronef to Oolloetaows, Bale efl.afRltv D.i nf-W. - Q $100.0. vnr.mvn. $1000. Will cause Hair to Orow on Hald Heads ( wll Ilesloro Grey or Diaeased Hair to Ita nniniNAf. t:ot)lTKiJ am rtil.OH: Will prevent the Hair from Fullinj Off, and pro- mote a Xew and Jtenllhy (irowth ; completely cradicatel JJnrul ruiT , will prevont and cure Nervous lleiidnehe will give to the Hair a Clean, (Hossy Ap pearance, and is a Certain Cure for nil Diseases of the Jlead. Price, 7.r) Cents : three Jtattlr for $2.00 For Sal? at 11 A R TWH'K'S Dli U(l STORK, Market St., Clcarjidd, Pa. It is a perfect and complete dresaing for the Hair. Head the following teatiult'olul. V. S. Marshal' Okkick, New York, Nor. P. '9'1 WM. GRAY, Esq. Dear Sir Two moot.'..' ago my head was almost entirely laid and the liu'e hair I hud was ull grry and tailing out very fxst until I feared I ihould lose all, I commenced UMlng your yrti'r Hfttiratict, and It immediately stopped tho hair falling oil', and soon restored the color, and after using two-boltles my head is com pletely covered rith a healthy growth of hair, and of the same color it was Id early manhood. 1 take great pleasure in reconuneuding your ex cellent Jlnir Jtrttwatitie nnd you mny also refer an;i doubting person lo me. ROBERT MURRAY, U. S. Marshal, Southern District, New York. Foraale by the proprietor, (Win.Orey) at the Restorative Depot, 301 Broadway, New York. Also for sale by John 6. l'terce, General Agent 085 Broadway, N. T., aud by all Druggists. J(UX S. PIERCE, General Agont, No. IW5 Ilromlway, N. Y. N. B. Druggists or others sending raah orders for tho Rcstoiativo, will be supplied with circu lars containing certificates from poople of the highest respectability, fjomnll pnrts of the coun try. . March 19, 1SC2. 1 y. K rOLLOCK'S DANDELION CUFFEK This preparation, made from the best Java Cof. foe, is renomiiKniled by physicians on superior M TK111ULS JiK Kn MIL lor tioneral Dcbili. ty, Dy.ipepsiu and all billious disorders. Thous ands w ho have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee will uae this without injurious effects One can contuius the slrengthof two nminds of ordinary coffeo PRICE 25 o.-nts. Kffilll&Ik'fl Lsvaftjim 8 The puiestaud best BAKIXU I'OH'DKR known for making light, sweet nnd nutritious Bread and Cukes. PRICE 15 cents. MAMt'PACTt'HRIl BV M. 11. KOLLOCK, VII i: MIST, Cor. of llroad & L'hcsnttt Streets, 1'ndndelpha. AND aol.n BT ALL KlllOniSTS AID .IKorr.lla. SOLD AT R. MOSSOP'S. Feb. 211 1862, 1 yr. THE MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, The I'crfertloii of .Mechanism. "I )EIN(j a IlraTi.io and Orna Fact, on La or J or Ukntlrmax's Watch Combikd. One of tho prettiest, most convenient, nnd do cidedly the host and chenpest timepiece fur sen eral nnd reliable use, ever offered. It has with in it and connected with its innchinery, its own winding attachment, rendering n key entirc'y unnecessary. The cases of this Watch are coin posed of two met.ils, tho outer ono being Sue 1G carat gold. It has tho improved ruby action le ver movement, and is warranted nn accurate tinicpico. Price, supuibly engraved, per c.no of a half dozen, (204 (10. Sample Watchcs.in neat morocco boxes, for those proposing to buy at wholesale, $Ja, sent by express, with bill paya ble on delivery Soldiers must remit payment in advuncn, ns we cannot collect from thoso in the Army. Address HUBBARD BROS. A CO., Sol. p. Iui'Oiitrrs, Cor. Nassau A John Sis., Now York. Jan. 21, 18(13. Ow. iitiona3 Hotel, MAINE STREET, CURWENSVILLE, PA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. rpiUS long established and well known 110 JL TEL, Mtuntrd in the west end of the town, has bccnromoddlod, enlarged and Improved, and tho proprietor respoctfully announces to his nu merous friend?, nnd to the travelling public, that he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a cnll. Ample, safe and comfortable stabling is at tached to the premises, nnd trusty attendants will ulways be on bund. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, 18fi2.-tf. LEVER FLEGAIi, Justice of the peace Lutliorsburg, Cloa'rfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted la bis care. April 4, 1861. WATCH & JEWELRY rrWIE undersigned respectfully X informs hia customers and the publio generally, that lie has just received from tbe East, and oi on. edatbis establishment in (JRAIAM'S ROW llearfiold. Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks. WaTchrs, and JewtLRr of. differerrt qualities, 'rn single piece to a full sett, which ha will oll nt the most reasonable lirices for raah. or in exchange for old gold and silver. , CLOCKS of evory variety on haod, at tha mtit reona ,4 prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watrhet and Jewelry A continuance of patronaee is solicited. Sept. li), 1860. II. F.NAUvsLE. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE PUTTERv.. Thankful for past favors and tolielllous of fu- ture patronage. I would respectfully announce that I have on hand again, and will oonstantly ; keep at tbo Pottery in this borough, on the eor-; ner a thort distance east of the Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery such as Cream crocks, tiulkpans, Churns, Jugs, Jors, Stovepipe casing rf-c. rfc.j and also an extensive assortment of difforent sites and patterns of brackets and rosettes for comic on houses, and other mouU! dings.' ' i Any mouldings not on hand will be made to' older on short notice. Also fir brick made' iiu aopi tor raie. JC5A liberal reduction on prices m,de U wholesale dealers. F. LEITZINGER. Clearfield, may SS, 1881. ly. Shaving and Halr-Dresslng. JEREMIAH N0RR1S respecUully anooanoet to his rriends of Clearfield and vicinity that hi bat returnod to hit old stand, and ii well pre. pared to render tha most perfect satisfaction lo all Who may desire his professional services. Clearfield. April 9, 'fil ' DANIEL QUUULANIjKR fUSTICE of tVt peace O l'thersburs;,.C,t,riei( Co. Pa., wiU aond promptly, to all buti,.,. ao.ted ra ,Tt,l ltk JMrn-V'sr''4 the HrH Woik for t'nvBMlnir Aguifr it ' MAiu r.K.H ricmriAl, itisiouY , a.rr lilt, iUli I IU'JiIJJ ,IUil 75 ., ,,..,r'!,1 .,.1...,,., 1 Jll'i I IN I 11,11 Ml A I I, S n O 1I EPHRfl ff AtiffcH A llaotnraa have roir.. 1H meiitadlheiaaueln Nuin..raof comid-le MKtiirv ol III- f;rt Kelirlllon In Dm In Ifd wtalta. The woik tiaa been for many tnoiitln In course of prcparatlnn, by a writer every way qualified for the tu.lt. The Inrnoin iTion conliilda a clear anil snc clnct account of the formation or the Confederu- cy of the Stiilca i tho formation and adoption of the Constltuuon or the llnltod States, and the tablishincnt of th Nulional Government: the or Igin, development and progress of the dectrlnei of Nullification and Seecasion, and the various phases which they assumed until thair Dual rul Uiinntlon In tho (rent ,'( ,, on. i The IIisToiir eoiuprisea a full account, drawn trom the most authentic sources, nf all tho F.vonta ,f tha War ; the intrignis of the' Southern leadora lai l,0,a ami abrond j the gradual doieotion olona section J the great I prising of the l'coplo for the mnintenauco uf National Lilo and Kxlstenco: tin) rimiil Prou'ion of un i id niHn. Annv and N.tW "I rf - and the Hnttlei by hind aaxl aca. The IllI'stratioiis compriso I'ortrnils of ull these who have borne a prominent part In tho .i...l , M,m. f it, ,liirnrni lr.utin, pinna of the loading actions : Views of evory sceno of interest, and of the most important Battles. These Illustrations are mostly from drawings taken on the spot by artists deputed fur that purpose to ac company every division of our Army aud Navy. Every facility at the command of the publishers has been employed in the preparation and execu tion of this work ; and they confidently believo that it will form the most trustworthy nnd valua- 'ilo history whi h can he prepared of the Great Sti'.ujfgle lor the American Union. BlOde aud Terms of Publication. Tha work will be Issued in Numbers, each eon- sisting of Twom7-four J'flgea of the size of "7W - per. H'ccU,,," printed from clear typo, upon lino . ... i.i.. i... i ...... i . i . paper, anu win proub."1 " rounusiou in auom Iwenty JS umbers. The numbers will be isyuou f' intervals, if pos sih'o, of about throe or four weeks. mo i rice oi cacu ixumuer. wnicJ ouiiunin matter equivalent to an ordinury volume", will be J?t:Z!L Ineach Number a,, alone worth the price asked. Menoutofoinployuia.it,' especially AICK CR DISABLED SOLDIEJtS, enn find o othir work so sure of ready sale and good profits. For further particulars apply lo the Publishers. HARPER t- jlKOTlIEKS, Franklin Siiunre, New York. D-e. 17, 7SU.I. M FU KN1TU RE ROOMS BENNER & BARRETT Rcspettfulh nnouneTlo thT imblio tllot tbev nave completed and are now occupying their now furniture ware-rooma, fronting ou the Markot . . - Lot and nearly opposite tho Court House. Cabinet making will be carried on in the up per story of the same building in all ita V 1 tr r E 11 JS N T B t :a N (J II E S. All kinds of furniture w ill be kept constantly on hands and sold cheap for cash or exchanire for country rroduce, or Lumber to suit the busi-! ncss ! " CHAIRS. J'ARLOK, I'tOCKIXU, AND A KM CJIAIHS, SITJNfr SI! ATS. CAIN BOTTOMS, ilc, rAllLOU SOFA, V EM THE, CARD. DIXIXV, EXTEWslOX l- BREAKFAST T A II L E S. SOFAS- OF ALL KINDS. VARIETIES AND PATTERNS. BUREAUS, SIDE-BOARDS BOOKCASES WARDROBES, AC. BEDSTEADS JJJXXY LJXD, n I a j.p o s t cot ta a x, ' Hi EX CII J'OSTS, &e. Huir, Hair top, Cotton lop, and Corn llu.k, of the bet inatcrdil. LOOKINtj.t; LASSES ol all aorta and siree, Also, (Has.. fur old Frames. Also, Ten-poys, V'kot-nots, Wash-stands, Work-stands, llnt-rncks, rf-c, Mada to order on thort notice, and hearse lurnished. Poplar. Cherry, and Linwood Lumber, dbii) in exchange for wuirk. Clearfield; Ootober 21, 1801. ly. Going it Alone ! fKOKC.F. XF.WSOV hoving commenced 1 the Manufacture of BOOTS and SHOES wouiu rcspectiuuy gjiicit a ronngo. Without uinkinir share of public pa'- a great tuss, or any rash promises, it shall and will bo lus steady en- deavor to select The very best of Stock, Make the very best o( work, And (at least hopo for) The very best of custom. (If this aint Kicfry It looks very like it but it ts the fral, which ia better. So, wade In" end get Fit. Shaw's Row door next Eenuhli-nm offi...a UKO. Nrwsox. Clenrfield. Jnl o lfic? v SHAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING. Xot by tU Bard Graham't Row. Tti question has often been asked ' vi' v. , 11 . . , H ...... I . j ...nrAnincnil (HIT. BUCIIUU I Thut customers who shava with biov - A benefit must reap, I ween. . He shaves for a "rip," and if you are willing, Will take off your hair in a trice for a "simllimo." S '"ift. 5 jolly boys-so slick. ' For pleMnt i the man to dojt cheap and quick, The reason may readily be seen ' Why bis custom is so large Hi, towels all are cleao-bia razors all are keen And you'll always Bnd lira Ve.,. Ua obareo . J""' S to Pleasant't and you'll ba Like Shcba's Queen of old' . Pleased and delighted, and exolaim Tha n,lf nM ot boe told, SivDon't forget the place in Graham's Rsw, soove n. Diunipn t tuoe snop. SAMUEL TLEASANTS. Clearfield, June 18, 18112. tf. Furs Furs Furs. VE7A5TED all kinds of FURS, such aa T T Mink Cross Fox Otter Muskrat Fisher Coon Ked Fox Gray Fox Black Bear Skin. Also. DEER SKINS,' For which iba highest nrieet will ha riaid .lit... intni, or CASil . RICH' Mni C ' r?,lX j, 17M R'CH D "0li90r' (utionUn'ititnnmrialCilIrn T Vj AYRHB 1 tu:.tifvhx- a..'...v. II IV' (Jutllllllic - Pill, I' II 1 li A I P. li V II 1 A . V A -"-YX tvnn rnAni,.. y , .Mnn,,,, which w ...' 1 li'l'f'l l IMI.and la now innM.a.-htlr In CLCAKf Iff M.O0B AND rtTUft TB tb aiifhleenlh year (if Ita eiiaiene, auialiera lull1( ulnar, Wolhrra, 'hi anions Ita (radiintea, hundreda of the tmmt aue. I'litlam hrnplala, rml Ihflr I a) rea-fiil Men hinta and lluaineae Men ofoiir eun- , i.li Vlrt. Irr. ,' fiM t(l rrF" f) I. Tn OfJirt of tho Inalllutlon Liolely to afford young men facllltlee for Ihorough preiaralion for business. . Tun Hhakchm Ti n? are Ar.7onj, ni applicable tc the variona department! of train i I'KMUA.ieiiir, both plain and ornaineiitiil j Coat, ur.iti iai. Law, MATiiau atics, NaviiiatIoji, Civil a - .ui!KRni.'n, i'iii", """i "'i r.ii Laih'a()ks, This Sr.Tr or TuTRoiirrTin hi peculiar! no classes or act losnona are mitdn usd of, but each atudent is tuiighl indivldimlly, so that ho mny eotniiieneent any time, and attend at whatever hours are most oonvoniiii.t. Catai.oours are Issued annually after the 1Mb of April, con'aining niunes of thestiidonls for the u io oUtlimli' thai li did not rra,mT yw,t to It,',""' rear, nnd lull pnrtieniHra in terms, au., aim uiny , """ ' jiT f Vi il 1 u bo obtained at any lime uy auureasing me j miei-1 - ; K pal. . I .. ,,.' ' .. ' ,,. ""rl In EXTK5CIVK ArroMUnPATK.Wfl, wUo-prona : ' ' ;V'""- w" t . i - j ir, nir.R, mil I inn run Ti miiou Of bin, ' reputation, and tho lengthy expertonoe or the tIihv hnva ilona my w ifr nnn- naat thaa I can t. Principal, this Institution oirura tucillioi superior ii be,,, .irk uml pining ay tr muniii. to nny other in the country, for young men wish-1 oil t.. ''''"B' luff to nrnnnre for buainoss. aud to outalu ni me , " " ',... 1 same time a ihi-i.idia, which win prove a rocoiu ineiiiliition for them to any Mercantile House. drCiiiTTKiinKN'sSories of Treatises on Book Kkkimno, now more widoly circulated than any othorwerk on the subject, aro forsalo ut the Col- US" 8. HODOE3 CRITTENDEN. Attorney . at Law, Philadelphia, Jan., 22 18112 ly. PrtmcirAL. NEW GOODS! af.hesh arrival of ; ti . ' Cr Ssiimtnrr Clnflli ' Opntlff 4.V PUmlllCr LrOOUS i .... ..S ;-. ... ... . ci,r i ? I i II L Oil t Al CASH HV" selected stock of Spring nnd bumtner goods i , i . , . OI ailllOSt CVCry lCSCri)UOIl, OiXIPill & WJ A benuiiful aasortmont of Prints and Dre goods, of the nowest and latent styles. Also great variety of useful otiona. 1 iWl -UUUI'S .M -U11U.. Bonnets, Shawl., Huts and Cap.. Boots oDil She, a hrgo quantity, Hardware, QioenvwHro, lni)!i iidi) Msdicinas, Oil and Fututa, Carpet A Oil Ctotha. GROCERIES, Fish, Bneon ami Flour, Mackerel in J J and jl barrels. ' " U! best qrtjlity, all of which will b. .old at i it, n..-w r.niiv nn, r.rieea. Iho lowest cash or r "dy pay prices. My old friondf nl tho bublic generally, are respectfully invited t call. T-flrN. it. All kinds uf (7?A7.Vontl approved COl XTlir J'HUUt.'CE tuken in eachupge ol (Jooils. ClearBold, Jane.20 lSi 1. WM, P. IRWIN. I $35 00 J ")ATS the entire-cost for TUITION in the most popularand auccasslul I OM M K'lClAl. SCHOOL in the country. Upwards of TwKt.vicf Hi xdrkd young men, from twkstv-kioiit differ i ent States, nave been educated for businass here within the past three years, some of whom have beuu employed as BOOK-KEEPERS at salaries $2000 00 immediately cpon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts w lion they entered the College, fMinister'scius half prico, Students enter at any time, and royiew when they please, without extra charge. For Cutalocucs, Specimens of Penmanship, and View of tho COLLEtiE, enclose five loiter stamps to JENKINS A SMITH. May 15, fil. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. VALUABLE TIMIU-U LANDS Tor iilr. flAJIE attention of persons dofinus of purchus I ing desirable Timber Lands is invited to the following tracts of land situate I in Keating town- ship, Clinton countv. Pennsylvania, known as I the LORAIN LANDS, viz.: I A certain tract, being Na. 3 IBO, warranted in : : the name of Thomas Willing, containing about! HIM) aci'CK. situato on Birch Island Run, at the I I instance oi ,ij tunes troi. the river, being wen tuuliered with Pino and Oak. Also, another suiallor tract of land, situate nt the mouth of Birch llnni. Run, ou the west sTile rf the river, containing 13 acres and allowance, and having a good rafting beach thereon. iFor terms' apply in t . I.. Hfctl', I 1 - JAS. B. ORAIIAM, j Clearfield, July 30, 1S62. Ex'rs. Goods ! Goods ! F. TRVIN list jut received a splen- I I .am assortment or SEASONABLE GOODS at hit old stand on Market street, where he Is! rcr.dy to wait upon his old custoinars and as' mnny.new ones as trant to jet tho very best of goodi Nov. 12, 1SC2. New Goods ! HEED, WEAVl'Ji & Co., Are just open Ing a splendid lot nf the most carefully selected . pcjortej wi,n ever brought to the place which they offer to their customers, and the public generally, at the very lowest figure the markets will afford. Nov. 12, 1862. ctrenius howe. Justice of the Peace. U1... T . . . .. er L : .. I'M ,11 . 1UVUHU II. r,1 11.. ... will nroruntlr .tnd to all business aa.r.lDd ' Clothing all lake a pride in to wear, bis oare. P. O. Address, Philipsburc Pa. Aug. 21st 1861 n. W. SMITH A CO. MERCHANTS, and dealt-ra In Dry Good. Groceries. Hardware, '.Jueenswore, and everything uauallv kevt bv tb ir.d ki n 'SECOND Street, below Judge Lc.nard't, orpo ttit the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. lie. 4, 1801. D, O. Ill'S H. f x. t, n'tlLLOCCU. BUSH k M'CULLOUGII, Collection Office, Clearfield, Pa. tSTl GrunAK'a New Ucildino. Feb. 5, 02.' Dr.. J. w. pottvp 1 PhvalcUn and n i - - - - - - - u ttui I'liuinuciiiij . IruotawsJ i.-:ii. . . r J k. aa.i.i:. ti, will r his pvofMiioDal itrricei to th Mirroundiof hT f rrd, w Jtrtwi flp.mniifiit M.yB. 1861. "- U OBERT J. WALLACE, AtrjaatTAT Law i osita tha Journal ofiea. t '. Branch of Rsittn t-UiO Bret., M J1'1'" t . dea. 1, lg. rf- 'Philadelrhia. riK M.oon anh rtmn tm laihara, Molhera, l'hta(, ' ifSirnpl.ta, rmit thflr I Wmi I'liimninrnpi.ia, rrnu iiii-ir a ar.,. l tx aa nf trirtr Vlrtaae, 'im trt rt'Fo f i'k IInii,ViaiA,pf OiilAtnua. I'iitusi l, ft . la, fir ; f h' l'"ti f-v'H'i . llcmlrrlir, li Ilia mrmt hnt,l.. 1,0 nm lnr eiMi hi.' t i .L -' i'f ,,r I'lll.. Il a,ui. tonriw flofii a (".! t ,fcMl, llipjr ilnanwal o,'. It lli? will tui 01MjV ? aue, Hie li I. wnrtli knowing. 1 Voina Willi nd'at iurl, 1 11 r IT I' 111 of ' Itiliona Diaordrrw nnd I.Ivor Cninniillk I'rriSTai-ir vr ma Immm, , W HI'.ITM, i C' ,7 Ml,.u ' Ria ! I have naed tour Pills In my a'aaml sihI k,Li praoit'-a ever alnr, yon inail tlicni. nud cniio,,( 1M. , ' ey lliev are Ilia beat ratliartlr w. ain,,,., nf 7" ' I liillim lielloii on the li w la ipilck ami ili cUvil. hh,.-,," ly llir) ar an arinitialik. rrinly for ikrampiuenuJi 11 , oiKnii. nm, i, . hb'tw, n ",111,1 a east u( l, I..-.. Il,.,i ,kn liar n u Iv i xiwMliiir liOL-e uimntitlm nf wurnia hImHi k . body. Tliey altei wsrila rurcd br ana ear tvwrl,. of bloody dyaetitory. I ina of our nrlglilion nad it k '" ', uiv wila cured liini Willi two dusi uf your I'm, , others ni-oiind u ld fn-m hva to-twnnty Mut j, bills, and lost much lime, without Wlnj turrj tll, veil then, fuch a invdiciiie a ymirs, aldih atn':ij KoikI aud iKillnat, w ill Ih pi i7e,l here. " ' UKO. J. Ultlr'FIN, AatMu,, Indigcsinn nnd lanpurity of the Blood. Vnai iVer. J. V. Jfimra, iusler nf Atltrrt rmrr, Ha. Arts: I bara urd your I'llli with ntnm. anrcraa In luy family and anions, thow 1 amraty In itt.lreM. To rc(nltite the otvatia ofdis..tlna aMpa ty the lilmul Ihey are Hie very bct niuwly I Un . anonn, and 1 can coulideiitly lecoainiaim tlirmtott, frieuda. Yonra, J. V. IIIMKi ' tVAaw, V'TOMiva To.. N. T., Ort. Jl, ltu Data Rik.- 1 am n.m yro r ratlmrlk I'll la la ti tl. ami find tlim an nrelb A awriraii.. t ilnuiaj ; evsti'in and pnrtfy tin- foonl.-ii" of Id. Wew! i JUIl-A U. JII..M.II.1TI, I f lam just receiving and opcnlnt; a carefully , rvijiplii, Scrofuln, King's F.vil, TmiV l..niA.l f u. ...! u. ...... ...!. 1 I'limnrK. nnil Suit IIKihim. I'liiiiort, nnd Suit Ithoiiin. From a rbrwn Mtrchmt S. limit, hi.i.Kt Us. Atr: Tsnr Fills ' the paisKci, f ,n u,i , stchI in inwllclne. They have cii 1 uij JinL,,iii of nlcenma son'a upon her bunds ami f'f I ilia? tla.iM Inciimlile for years. Her mother had Imsb U.iix iirwv ly aDIIctcd wlih Llotehe. nnd pllngili on licr l.iaui b'T hair. After nnr rhild was nm ska V. rrM tills, aud they have ciirni a. AaA .HvEUXUAIk. It hewmntiam, Nraralgin, irrta? tU. r.m Uir Jirr. I. llaulrt, nf On MilhaliU ftl. Ihn I'l i.tsxi llouaz. SNNn. Oa., Ja. I )it . rloNoaitu bis: I skoiild tw nnxraMml h4 tlrrlil)u' j skill Mai brMiiu-liI ni if 1 did not reixirt any cm W ) j A nlil arltleil in my linil and lirmurht on axeraciul iwaiolrie rn4ns. rhlrh n,lil In chronic rlo uin.iia I Notwithstanding I ami the tnst of (li).lf lain. th.iin,l arew worse and vrure, nntll, Ly lh adl, of youtnej km nirciit in Unlilmorr, in. .viackaexie. I trim yuairc i Vlmlr rltrrts were alow, but sure. By iarwvrrui lathi w of tlicni, 1 am now riiureiy wall. Fiati ra.Miia. Biton Hovel. I .. I Hee.. )Hi lia. Alva: I hnvu Who enlirvly aurrd Ly your rual Rheuai.-ltK- Uoul a aiulul Ul.ui'l Ihnt hail ifflkVNlitil ,r years. V IM t.yi al.lhr.IX For Dropsy, l'tethnrn, or kindred Illnlllla, nipiliHiit an uclllv illl'i:e. Iliey slrsarA'', lent remedy. for CoMivcriess or C'ouMipntion, and xl a llliinri J'lll, lliy are auieeni.ie nn , n-uat. Fit, Suppression, I'nrntyais I n fTiiiiims-l lion. Hint rMMi Isrnfnras. nnd I'aiMal lllludd am, liaiu bvru ruied l) I lie allrraliie auion nf tt.l I'll Is. V(-l rf Dm Mils iw Biarket contain Mercury. kkV4 tlieii:li n Tnltiiildc remedy In salllul aanda. la iI.hkhuJ In a I'ul'lic till, fiulu tba dreMdUil rc'nne,nrtic ll.il h4 qiiciiin ii'il, w it. nieanlHins mv. 1 nrw cviitnia an ai. eory ur mioeial snlatuucc whakvrr. iriFi.i niinnmr nn j in,ri i r I ton tub r.Ant cvkk or , voroiis, t orn. iiOAitF5i na, mm-i Illll.iVC ll l l is, niioarm fOl 'till, ORIJIP, AHTI1JIIA, IH' .ciriKKT t orsi jip'i ion, and fo ll r'll. f of con.ulu) tl pnllculs In .J.u I atniJiw ol .eaae. Tl'a lu-rsl hot speak to Ilia piiVlit nf hi i)J Thronrlioiit arcry t"n. and alm,t errry I'.aJ jj tn.Li i. Hii Hlnlea. il. woiolei till l ines ul i-i.I..-it J pltiinta hae mail II i ll'ady kiu.a y.tw anild rnmillcs in anv rivllced country in ilii. r,.i,iln.,,tn.i, ent.oiue permlnal exie.ieu " of ita rtleri. ; anil tin, rn inunillei any h."e vblcb liaia nl annua; in ,n. li, on- lionliv of Ita TltlnrVI'ier llie .nMIe .nl A.. i-otoiik .li.caea of the throat a. d Iuiil.. V hi!. h ;.J ino.1 Kiwrfiil anlidote yet known In man i i U.raJ rtalMr unit KJlifi'Mil ncM asea ni in. imnui'iini.. , I ia alx, the plcasanteat and aufo.t icttk 1) lnt iaa l likuril f,,r Inianl. ami yuma: mw.r. imeni. hare It in alnre aifniii.t Hie in.iillona . fw my Ibai uron Ihem niipn'parrd. Ve have abundant .iiai,i," Irlieve the fmm VXoiut .n'ca more tiMH t; ia aniiMitioii.il nrrv'i'iita than llioe it ciir.. K' ,1 H Ton. and cure vnnr r.l,l while I Iaa V aic rural l ear ai lerl llo-lii until no tiliiuli akill ran maater Ih In-anral.H ranker that, fastened on the vitala. el ynai ! All know Ihe drradful fatality of !uiii dii."' they k now too tha virtue of this remedy. w " it..., I,. ,l..n, II I. a. Ill maJe lli he. w e .pare no roel, no rare, no toll to mio M . . , - i.i. -..A , V, .. ff..nl tlioar WBO Twt J tl the heal aijent which our akill can ftirnish fur Iti-U PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AlER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, towell, W AXP SOLD BT Jter-Soldby C. D.Watson. Clearfield; B. Irwin. Curwi naville: F. Arnoid, Lctha'sbor, Monleoinorv A Co., New Suloin : J. C. brann.r Mnmstliile ; C. T.. Fosler, Philipaburg ; R: Chaso, Ansonville ; and by demurs verywsiil Msy.7tli.16M 1 FIRST (Jrcat Arrival of Tall and Wintcd (oodsat TREIZENS TEIN RHOS. Cheap Clothing Store, 7t Ike Mam.iim Ifnuse, opptt'tt: th (S,aiD' OlJS'uml.) fllle undersigned tuko pleasure ia ausstfV I to all mankind Hint tliev have iu.t , a larg and elegant stock of Farbioualtlt , ! REAUY-iMADECEOnilNC great Hire, and which w HI kin cheaper than the cheapest Please call, as we have -Clothing to suit the old.younir at.d cay, Clothing tn keep all comfortable ot. a M'intrOT Clothing of all colors brown, black snd MtH Clothing well made, and fashionable too; j Clothing of elegant fit, I declare- Clothing tbe heat that can be bought. Clothing well sewed just at il ought" Clothing which any one Ciiij may ' Clothing fur men, youtht and all. Clothing, the largest assortment in M, Clothing for Smith, fo r Jones and lot Bra" Clothing for all tha, rest of matil'iwk Clothine and what belourt ia that Ho Can now be bought Chiapet '.! ettr sl" At tfEIZENSTKIN'S great f ljthig Stott Io addition to tho foregoing will be ft11 1 kept constantly provided rjroishisj feeds, Hats, Caps, Boots, PVoes, Iay 6- tirVf take this i.iaod f Mt"vJ thanks for favors horetofeM easea-l"1) skirt - j'friiririin ma f - ; 'iltl . 1. a . - J , the highest market r wlas. . r- I KEIZF.N.TF.INBKn