,(-V1D If If i t). W. MOORE, Ufnr. '0. B. OOODLANDER, f a"0' PRINCIPLES, not MEN. TERMS $1 25 per Annum, if paid in advance VOL. XXXIII. WHOLE NO 17-3 CLEAKFIELI), V WEDNESDAY, 'AFK1L 1, 1863 NEW S F.K 1 KS V01 Jl I. NO 38. I 4 clrct octrn. r- (Published by ro'iuoiit of a returned Volunteer.) .in , is kphii.i: touncmi ahi; I have a message, l'ncl Abo, Fur your own private (ar j At I can't go to Washington, And a( you wont come here,. I'm forced tu put it into type, With circumspection meek I As bashful members often print A spcoch they dure not tpeuk. It. My head is nigh to bursting, Abs, Aly very eyeballs throb, To see what pesky work you make About that little job, .Which you end Hill, and llorace 0., 'Agreed o nice to do, In lean tliun sixty days from date ooino twenty inontbs ago ! III. Via pave you hoaps of soldiers, Abo, To help yuu suiito tbo foe; A mring of warriors Unit would reach Vroui hero to .Mexico. V. e packed tlicui off with spades to dig, Andtruty guns to aiioot, H-iihlui-vcmicks to gruoe tbeir backs, oil Dki and drums to toot. V. You saw t,o?c mighty legions, Abe, And beard tluir manly tread ; You counted hosts of h'rmy men, Tray can you count the UaU I l.o'i.k o';r the broad Vutoutuc, Abe, Virginia' hills alonj?, Their wakeful gWu aro beck'nieg you Two bundrcd.iboue::tidltrung ! We gave you several i-hiU'ngs, Abe, To pay your little due ; Enough to buy a dozen phirts, And sundry pairs of shoe! ! V'e gave you c:ttle, hc(Vfei, iiiule., And wagons full a sciro ; nd several cannon with a voice .Loud ai a bull could roar ! "Sow, what I'nl fcf'i'f, l'"1'1" Aus- Is limply to find put, What you have done with all fh'u ere, Ami what you've been about! If, unlo('ac-iir you have given, ,ll that is his conoern, Ths-u Mil Ctmar waiita to know What you have done with heru '. vir 1 know you're young and bandiom9, Ate" f And funny an our l'ul, A pecr-exUltd, great and high, A ruler seven foot tall ; Yni're hix enough, if only einart, To manage all the gimg ; And thouib a little green, you'll rise When you havo got the nmy .' Till. Yon told in that the Looon, Abe, AVrre morals to the core, Because they rnndeso free a u.is Of I nile i-anniel's ktore. FulltiVy militant in a year .' Now niu'nt it a sin J'or Pemocrala tosiiiaider thus The darling pouplc's tin ! And aro you hot deserving, Abe, Ilolh gratitudo and grub, For having stopped this wicked leak In I'ucle Samuel'i tub t The rage who did this wondrout deed, Ii lit withsiiuts tu sup ; It only CO.'ts 7ir Uilliont mart To plug the vessel up ! Y'oa said the South bad ruled us. Abe, Pome fifty years in pence. And that the time had fully come When their vile reign nboild cease j That you were to take the bclin The sinking ihipto save, And put her on another taok And rrny think yon Anre Vou'ro out of luck entiiely, Abe, The engine's off the track; The biler's burst, and there you are, A sprawling on your back I The exeifcmiin is at the door, Contractors cry for pelf ; You're blind and stupid, deaf and luino, T' I riv well yourself. XII. fTour Cabinet Is feeble, Abe, .And dull as any dunee : And if yo. have an ounce of brains, You'll ship thom off at once Fend Stantun to the Fec.ioe Isles, (lire Welles and Chase the sack, Pwap llalleek for a Hottentot, And lend for Litth Mac. XIIU I hnow you'll tell us, Uncle Abo. This js a mighty war j And that the job is rather more Than wh&t you bargained for ! That you have done the best you eonld To make the rebels rue itj, And if yon knew what next to do. You'd ge right off and do It ! Now thrt's the very thing, Abe, That makes this din and clatter ; Y'ou don't appear to "nee it," Abe, And fAif it rWi Iht mamr The nigger's on the wood pilo, Abe, And shy as any trout ; Se you think the lRnci,AATto5, Abe, Will smoke the weasel out ! Y'ou want to free the darkies, Abe, At leasl, so construe it Ihe difficulty resn to b To find nut how to do it. The way, dear Abe, is mighty dark, And bothersome to see ; I fear you'll have to give it up, And let the darkey be. XVI. I tell yon what it is, Abe. The folks begin ts think This colored sop is rather stale For victuals or for drink, Our mothers love their absent sons, Our wives their husbands true, But no one cares a mouldy tg For Cnffy or for yon. HckT-It isassetted that oneof theeditors enrollnleflt lists; to require stated re of the N. Y. Evening Post is making fSO,' potts of all proceeding on the part of his OOO per annum as navy aient. Hi frWfy subordinate ; to nudit all accounts con- rrofilable. THE CONSCRIPTION ACT. Amendments in I Alterations Complete Full Particulars of the Enrollment An net for enrolling anil culling out tho national forces, and for other purposes : Wimir.AS, There now exists in I ho Uni ted .States on insurrection ami rebellion against tho authority thereof, and it is, un der the Constitution of tho United States, the duty of the government to suppress insurrection rind rebellion, to guarantee to each Stnto a republican form of govern, went, and to preserve the public tran quility ; whereas, for these high purposes, a military force is indispensable, to raise and support which all persons ought to willingly contribute; and, whereas, no service can be more praiseworthy and hot orublu than that which is rendered for I he maintenance of tho Constitution and the Union, and the consequent pres eivntion of Iree government, therefore,' lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Heps resentatives of the United States nf America in Vowrress 'assembled, That all able-bodied male citizens of the United States, nnd persons of foreign birth who shall have declared ou oath their intention to become citizens untior end in pursuance of the laws thereof, between tho ages of tw enty and forty-five years, except ns uereinaf excepted, ate hereby declared to consti tute I lie national forces, and blin.ll bo lia ble to tier form military duty in tho ser vice ol the United .States when called out by the President for 1'iat purpose. Section 2. And be U further enacted, That the following persons be, and they ore hereby, excepted pdJ exempt from the provisions ol this net, rtnd shall not be liable to mi'.itary duty under the same', to wit; Such as are rejected as physically or mentally unfit for Ihe service ; also, first, the Vice President of the United States, the judges of tho various courts of the United States, the heads of lho,various departments oT '.he government, and the governors of the fevernl States. l i .i.- i:. i i :i: .-ec"ii'i. uie omy t-un jiulmu , to iimi- Uiry duty t,f a widow dependant upon j his hit or for support. Third, tho only ; mm of aged or inlirmo parent or parents I doi-endarU upon liis labor for support. Fourth, where thero are two or mora sons of need or infirm parents subject to draft, i the father, or if he be do.vl, the mother ni.iv el.Tt w hich one shall be exempt filth, the ovly brother of children not twelve vears of die dependant upon his 1,. Kj-iW fill a. tWfVt. Sixth, the father of I .i.u ;.t,ii.i nnner twelve vears of i uae dependant upon Iii9 labor for support. sever Hi, where t here are a fjther anl sons in h Rm family and houinhoIJ. and two of then, are in the military service of the United States ns non-commissioned oOi . .i - st eers, musicians or privates, ii-e resume ui luch family and household, not exceeding two, shall 'be exempt. And no persons but such as herein excepted shail be ex empt ; Prowled, however, mm no person lelonv : who has been convicted oi any shall bo enrolled or permitted to serve ill said forces I Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That the national forces of the United States not in ilia militnev sen ice. enrolled tin- . v v ' - ; .i. ii.; -i,,,!!!. .livhleil into tao classes, the first of which shall comprise tho required number, and fifty percrntutn all persons subject to do military duty be- i addition, and-shall make an exact and tween the ages of twenty and thirty-five complete roll ol tho names of the persons years and all unmarried persons subject . o drawn, and of tho order in which they to do mi itaiy duty above the ago of thir- . were drawn, so that the first drawn may ty five and above the ago of forty five ;- tattd &rl upon the said roll, and tho see ii, !, .boll nnu.risn ull other ond may stand second, and so on. And nersons subject to do military duty ; and they shall not, in an) district.be called the same within ten day thereafter, by a into the service of the United States uib ' written or printed notice, to be served pcr lil those of the first class have been ex- sonilly, or by leaving a copy at the last hausted. I place of residenco, requiring them to ap- SEC. 4. And be il farther eUu-led, I lint, lor I greater convenience in enrolling, calling out, nnd organizing the national forces, and for tho arrest of deserters and spies of tho enemy, tho United Slates shnil bo divided into districts, of which the District of Col umbia shall constitute ono, each territory of the United Slates snail constitute one Of more, as the President shall direct.and eac'Ij corgressioni.l district of the respec tive Since, ns fixed by a law of tho State next preceding the enrollment, shall con stitute one ; Provided, That in States w;lieh havo not I'y their laws been divided into two or iturd congressional districts, the President of Ihe United Statoi shall JiviJe the same into so many enrollment districts as lie ranv deem lit and conve nient Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That for each of said districts there snail be ap pointed by the Presided t a provost mar shal, with the rank. iav. ana emoluments of a captain of cavalry, or an . officer ;of nid rank shall be detailed by ihe Presi- ident, who shall be under the direction and subject to the orders of ihe provost marshal general, appointed or detailed by the President of the United States, whose otfice shall be at the seat of government, forming a separate bureau of the War De partment, whose rank, pay, and wmoiu meet shall be the same as those of a colo nel ofcavalry. . .... Sec. G. AU be it further enacted, Thai it snnti be the duty" or the provost marshal general, with the approval of theSocretary w iui.iv njiu n-guNO lulls IUI ilia government of his subordinates' to furnish them with the names and residen ces of all deserters from the rirmy. or any nf the land forces in the service of the .1 nited Slates including the militia when repotted to him by the comoiandine offi cer. ; to communicate to them all orders of lire President in reference to Culling odt the national forces ; to ftirn sh proper blanks and Instructions for enrolling and drafting : to file'aiul preserve copies of all nee led with the service under hi direo tiont nnd to perform such other duties as the President may prescribe, in carrying out, me provisions ui mis net. r.c. i. jina be ujurvur enaeiea, mot it uaoto ming, or ngree.suirectly or iddircct" shall be tho duty of the provost marshal ly, to receive the same to his own or an -to arrest all deserters, wliether regulars, ! other's use for tnakin" an imperfect In volunteers, militiamen, or persons called ( (.pection or"a false of incorrect report, or into the service under this or any other who shall willfully neglect to make a act of Congress, wherever they may bo ' faithful insncctiou and trtie renort. hill found, and to send them to tho nearest i military commander or nHlilary post, to detect, seize and confine Fpics of the eno my, wiio Hliall, ailiiout iinreaspnuble my, De delivered to tno custody ot tne general commanding the department in which they may be arrested, to be tried us scon as the exigencies of the service permit to obey all lawful orders and regulations of the provost marshal general, and such as may bs prescribed by lav, con cerning the enrollment and calling into service the national forces. Skc 8. And be it further enacted, That in each of said districts, there shall be a board of enrollment, to be composed ofthe provost-marshal, as president, aqd two other persons to bo appointed by the President of tho United Slates, one of whom shall bo a licensed and practicing physician and surgeon. Seo -U. And butt further enacted, That it tball be the. duty of the said board to di vide the dtricl into subsditlticts of oon. venient size, if they shall deem it neces-; sary, not exceeding two, without tho 'di rection of the Secretary of War, and to appoint, on or before the 10th day of Miudi next, nnd in each alternate .year thereafter, an enrolling officer for each sub district, and to furnish him with prop er blanks nnd instruction ; and he bhall immediately proceed to enroll all persons subject to military duty, noting their re- spective places of residence, ages on 4he first day of ptly folowing, and their occu pat ion, and fthnll on or before the first day of April report the same 16 the board ol enrollment, to be consolidated into one list, a copy of which shall be transmitted to the provost-murshal general on or be fore the first day of May succeeding the enrollment, l'rov'ulcd nevertheless, That if, from any cause, li,e duties prescribed by this necl on cannot be performed tvithln the time specified, then the samesh.dl be performed as seen thereafter as praetirnplp Skc. 10. And be Ufurthtr enacted. That thi enrollment of each clats shall be made separately, and they shall only embrace Ihoso whose age? shall be on the first day of July thereafter between twenty and fori ly-fivo yeais. Sec, II. And be it further enacted, That all persvm thusenrolleu shall bo subject, lor two years after the first of July succeed n ihe enrollment to be cal ed into the military service of ihe United States, and I? continue ii. service for three years or (during t lie war ; ami when called into ser vies shall bo placed on thosamo footing jn all respects, as vi luntecr- during tbe present rebellion not however, exceeding th 9 term of three years, including advance pny aud bounty ua now provided by law. Sue. 12. And be itfurtlur erutcled. That whenever it may be nes.sary to call ont the . i . i c : . i. - lf,e national mrccs ior lummy eervice., me I''dent is hereby authorized to assign to each district the number of men to be furnished by said district ; and there upon the enrollment board shall, under the di- rcction of tho President, make a draft of tue persons so drawn shall bo notified of pear ai a ueuguaieu ,cuW,,Uu.,u lcru for duty. In assigning to the districts the number ol men to be luinisbed iherelrom, the President Bhall take into consideration the number of volunteers and militia fur- niabed bv and from the several States in which said distticts are situated, and the period of their service since the commence mentof the present rebellion, and shall so make said assignment as to equalize the numbers among the districts of the sever al .States, considering und allowing for the number already lurnmhed us aforesaid ami' the lime of their service. Sec' 13. And be it further enacted, That any person drafted and notified lit appear as aforesaid, may on or. before the day fixed for his appearance, urnish an ac ceptable substitute to take his iil.ice in the draft) or he may pay to suchpers'onsas tne secretary ot war may authorize to re cetve it, such sum, not exceeding three huudred dollars, as theSocretary may de termine, for tho procuration of such sub stitute, which sum shall be fixed at a uni form rate by a general order made nt the time of ordering a draft for any state or territory ; and thereupon such person so furnishing the substitute, or paying' the money, shall be discharged from further liability under the draff. Add any person failing to report afurdue service oi' notice, as herein prescribed, without furnishing a substitute, pr paying tho required sum therefor, shall be deemed a deserter, and shall bo arrested by' the Provost. marshal and sent (a the Deafest mititeiry . post .or trial by court-martial, unless, upon prop er showing that he is not (iable lo military duty, the toard of enrollment shall re- any right, title or interest therein, but lieve him from the draft. - . , thesama may be seized and- taken where- Stc. 14. AjuIUH fnrther enacted, ..That ver found by any otlioer of the L'nitod all drafted persons hall, on arriving at Sute,. civil or military, an.4 shall thcre the rendezvous, be carefully intpectsd by: upon be delivered to any quartsi piaster, the surgepn of the Board, wl o shall truly ' or other officer authorized In 'receive -the report to tho Hoard the physical cdndi- I f l. - . 1.11 - . 1 vi -m;u vva , snu itii urui.v urais.eu i viwiic, -i", -.n-ij vuiuin, ut acoou i and claiming exemption :from , niilitnry j tremenls, by any person not a soldier or ) iUl?VrUnt'Oldiililr!0rW,l'0ffi-rer ,'f1,he t''ed States shall be rnm,j cause, snail present their claims to be ex-'facte evidence of such a sale, barter, ex- emptel to the board, whose decision shall change, pledge1, loan, or gift, as aforesaid. I be final. ., -i , . ., .. i Sec., U. And be U further tnar.tcl. That ! Sic. 15, AndUtifMrtcrend(il, Thai any 'surgeon charged with the duty of nuch ins epectton, who shall receive frouf any per-, ui, umuBVer any money or otner ai- bo' tried by a rourt-martial, and, on con viction thereof, be punished by fino not exceeding live hundred dollars nor less uo-fjltian two httndrf d, and be imprisoned at the discretion of the court, and be cash- lered and dismissed from the service. Skc. 10. And be it further enacted. That as soon as the required number of able bod- led men liable to do military duty shall be obtained from tho list of those drafted the remainder shall be discharired. And 11 drafted persons reportine at the place of lendezvous shall be allowed travellinc pay lrom their places of lesidence ; and all persons-discharged at the place of rendez vous shall be allowed travelling pay to their places of residence; and all expenses connected with the enrollment and draft, including subsistence wnile at Uio rendez vous, shall be paid from the appropriation for eurolling and drafting, under such regulations as the President of the United Stales shall prescribe ;' and ' all expenses connected with the arrest ond return of deserters to their regiments', or such oth er duties as the Provost marshals shall be ci lied upon to perform, shall be paid from the approprmtior. for arresting" do sellers, under such 'regulations as-the President of the Uoitod States shall pre scribe : ' ovided, Tbs Provost marshals shall in no'enwe receive commutation for transpoitation or for'fue'1. and quartersbut only ibr forhge.whert not furnished"by the government, together with' actual expeti ses nf poattigei, statiotnry, and clerk hire authorized by the provosl-marshal-gener-al. Sec. 17. And If. it further enacted, That any person enrolled nnd drafted according to the provisions or this net who shall fur nieh nn acceptable substitute, shall there upon receive from the -board of enroll ment a certificate of discharge from such draft, which shall exempt him from mili tary-duty during Ihe time for which bo was drafted ; an 4 such substitute shall be entitled to the sime pay and allowances provided by law as if he had been origins ally drafted into the service oflhe United States. v " . Sue. IS. And be if Orlhsr enacttd, That such of tho volunteers and militia now in the service of the United States as may I lo-enhet to serve one year, unless sooner ael ovi(,e,, lho 8ame ghall bo ukpn discharged, after tho expiration of the,, Unable notice' to Ihe opposite present term of service, shall be 'entitled . ' ad lu, authenticated, ton bounty of fifty dollars, one-half ol i 1 ., ni! , . , -., . which to be paid upon suchre enlistment, ,. ' St.(:' h axaclal 11,1,1 and the balance at. the expiration of tUe , the judge advocate shall have power to term of enlistment. And such as may re- I'PO" reporter, whoso duty it shall bo enlist to servo for two years, unless sooner , 10 r.Trd ? Procc in8" of nnd. ttirrio discharged, after the expiration or their ! 7 ?kf n be ore m,l,,a,y r0U,''1 lns,M,1.of present term ofenlistthent shall receive, !'lboJuJK "lvocato1; n"d B,uch ,ep,0,lcr upon such re-enlistment, twenty-five dol- i lak.e ' aud, proceedings and tes lars of Ihe one hundred dollars bounty for : .I,"10" m the lirat instance in shorthand enlistment provided by the fifth section I ' w-po"" '" "formed of tho act approved 22d of July, 1801, en- p"hfu"y 10 pertorm his duly before en tilled "An act to authorize tho employ- ler'n T"i ', t . , -v, , ment of volunteers to aid in enforcing tho ! ,. hEC' 2?' bcf ll w W ' llut laws and protecting public property. ' the court shall, for a leasonable cause, Sec. lo! And be U further enacted ' That - nl,,.u,an? c' ?nri f?r whenever a regiment of volunteers- of tho .f,'c.h t'nio d as o e.i as shall appear to same arm, from the same Slate, is' redu-: b6J',,sl J 'l 'l H'al if the prisoner be ced to one- half of the maximum number ,n ,closc. ;"''"unt tnal shall not be prescribed by law, tho President may di-eli,0'1 ,or' a lOI,er l'er,od UlHn Slx'y rect the consolidation of the companies' of such regiment: J roeuted,- 1 hat 'no eola- pany so formed shall exceed tho maxi mum number prescribod by luiv. WirVn ' such consolidation is made,' tho regimen lal oflicers shll be reduced iit 'proportion to the reduction in the number of conipfr nies. V?ec. 20. And It it furthet enacted, That whenever a regiment is rer'ueed below the maximum number allowed by law.no offi cer shell be appointed to such regiment be- i .i . . i ,u,.u ,..-,,.. . . , , .- - sec. n. Anaoe ajunier enactea, iiiaisp much of lho filth section of the acl appro- ved 17 th July, 1802, entitled "An act amend nn act calling foi tli the niihtia to any 0nlucr aent from duty with leave, execute the laws or tho Union," aud so except for sickness or wounds, shall, da forth. nsrbuirestheapfrovalorthePres'jyingjjignijsen receive half of the pp.y ideut to carry into execution thesottence and allowanco.T prescribed by law, and no of a court-martial, be, and lho same is nlore . ftIui aliy ollicer absent without hereby repealed, as far as relates to enrrys iftvfi hiill in addition to the nennhies ing into execution the sentence of any I court-martial against any person convict ou iu s rpj ur uenerier, or oi uiuiiny ui murder;-and hereafler sentences iu pun ishment of ,lliesa -titftsnses ' . may -be carried into execution upon the approval of Ihe commanding general in tho field. Sec. '22. Ami be it furVier enacted. That courts marshal aliall' have power to sen tence ofhetra who shall absent themselves from their commands w ithout leave, to belg00d conduct in the line of duty, d a, and reduced to the ranks lo serve three years subject to the approval of the commander or during the war. . ! of the forces ol which such non-commis- Skc. 2.1. And be it further enacted, That the sioned oflicers and privates form a part, clothes, arms, military outfits nnd booou-J Sue. 33. And b if further enacted. That trementr furnished by the United ,Stales the President of the United States is here to any .soldier, shall not be sold, bartered, ' by authorized and empowered, during the exchanged, pledged, . loaned, . or given ! present rebellion, locall forth tho nalitm away ; and no person not a soldier, or du al fonce, by draft, in the manner provided lyiuthorized officer of theUnited States for in this act. who has possession of nny ' such clothes, Stc. 34. And be Ufurthtr enacted. That all arms, military outfits, or accoutrements, J persons drafted under the provisions of furnished as aforesaid, which have been this ant shall be assigned by the President the subjects oi any sue. sale, barter, ex. change, pledge, loan or gift, shall have same! 'and tue possessirm' of any such ! . 1 . mi ;,..h .. every person rot subject lo the rule and articles of war, who shall procure or en-1 lice, or attempt to procure or entice, a 1 soiaior in Hie service ol the United States to desert ; or who shall harbor, conceal, or give employment to a uesorter j or carry mm away, Knowing inm to be such; or who fcliall purchase from any Boldier his arms, equipments, ammunition, uniform, clothing, or any part thereof; nnd any captain commanding of any ship or vessel, or any superintendent or conductor of any rnnroati, or any otner puuno conveyance, ' carrying .away any such toldier ns of his crew or otherwise, knowing him to havo deserted, or shall refuse to deliver ihim up to tho orders of his commnndina I officer, (hall, upon legal conviction, be ; fined, at the discretion ol any .court hav ing cognizance oi tiie same, in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and he shall be imprisoned not exceeding t'-vo years nor less than six months. Skc. 25. And be it further enacted, That if any person' shull resist nny draft of men enrolled under this act into the service of the United States, or shall counsel or aid any poison (o resist any such draft; or shall assault or obstruct any cTiccr in ma king such draft or in tho performance of any service in relation thereto ; or shall counsel any person to assault or obstruct any ollicer, or shall counsel any drafted man not lo nppenr al the place of rendez vous, or wilfully dissuade them from the 'performance cf military duty us required by law, such persons shall be subjected to summitry nfresl by tho provost marshal, and shall be forthwith delivered to the civil iiiithniitivs, nnd, upon conviction thereof be punched by afineiiotoxceeding $5tHI, or by imprisonment not .exceeding two yen r or by both of said punishments. Sr.c -!'), Aud Lv it f .rthcr enacted. That immediately after tho pa-safe of this act, tho President sh;i!l i-suu his proclamation declaring thai nil scldiers now absent from their r nents without leave 'may return within a time specified to such place or pliioua as ho nuly indicato in his proclamation, and be restored to tl.cir re spective regiments Mithotit, punishment, except the fin Icit tire ol I heir pay and al lowance dtirittj; th'ii absence; and all deserters whi shall not return within the time so specified by the 1'recident shall, upon being arrested-be punished as the law provides. SlC. 7. A nd be it further enacted, That deposition of witnesses rn-iding beyond the limits of the State, territory, or din irict, irr which tuilitiny courts shall be or dered lo pit, may be taken in cases not capita, by eiliier party, und read in ovi das. I Sec. 30. Jnd be it further enacted, That in tirce-of war, insurrection, or rebellion, , murder, assault ami battery with an in tent to kill, manslaughter, mayhem, wounding by shooting or stubbing with an intent to commit murder, robbery, arson, .burgl-jry, rape ami larceny, shall be pun ishable by the sentence of a general court martial . or military commission, when committed by persons who are in the mil itary service of the United Slalom, and subject to the articles of wur ; and tho 'v.,unishmulUs of ,,,, nfTences shall never o ue iiiiiij niwrjij i o loss tlinn those inrt cled by the laws of the fctaio, lenilorv, or district in which tiey mi'V have be'en committed. toi Sec. 31. And be it further ena I prescribed by law or a court-martial, for- fell all pay or allowance! during such ab sence. - Sec. 32. And be it further enteted, 'lhalj tlio comiuanucrs oi regiments ami n.iite rios in tho field are hereby authorized and empowed lo grant furloughs for a pe riod of not exceeding thirty -lays at any cne timo to five per centum of tho non commissioned ollicers and privates, for to military duty in such corps, reeunenlB, or other branches of the service as the ex igencies of the. service may require. Six. 3j. And be it further enacted, That hereafter details to special service shall uiuy oa iiihuo wiui consent oi wie con" manding officer of forcci in the field ; and en listed mm, now or hereafter detailed lo special service, shall not leceivo ny I . . r i : 1 .1 , t. I ., 1 extra pay ior oUCD ser view oey tun m-i . lo vol to other enlisted men. &ajrAn exchange, in speaking of Sec. 36. Ami be U Mlher cnaUd Tbt;d ; k he once hlll t . d , general orders from the A ar Department, 1 fc numbered one hundred and fifty-four and "n: he oould not tell whether it wi one hundred and sixtv-two. in reference biandyora torth-licht procession minr lo enlistments from tho vpluutocrs into' the regular service, be, nnd the satuu is hereby rescinded ; nnd hereafter no such enlistments shall bo allowed, Sec. Si. And bt it further enacted, That the grades created in the cavalry forces of J o United Stutes by socliori eleven of the act approved 17th of July, 1802, and for which no rate of compensation has been provided, shall be paid as follows, to wit; Kegimeutal commissary the same as regi mental quartermaster; chief trumpeter the same as chief bugler; the saddle ser geant the snme as regimental commissary sergeant; company commissary sergeant the same as company quartermasters ser geant. Jrovided, That ihe grade of supet -umerary second lieutenant, and two teamster- for each company, and one chief far rier and blacksmith for each regiment, as allowed by said section of that act, be.and they are hereby abolished ; and each cuv alry company may have two trumpeters, to be paid as buglers ; nnd each regiment shall have one veterinary surgeon, with the rank of a regimental sergeant-major, whose compensation shall be seventy-five dollars per month. Kr.c. 28. And be it futther enacted. That all persons who, in time of war or of rebul lion against the supreme authority of the United States, shall re found lurking or acting as spies in or about any of the for tifications, posts, quarters, or encampments of any of the armies of the United States, or elsewhere, shall bo triable by a general court martial or military commission, and shall, upon conviction, suffer death. Letter from Fernando Wood. To the Editor i of the N. T, Eve. Post: At a meeting hold atSlamford, Connec ticut, on Thursday evening last, I said "that propositions for an armistice or peaco had been submitted to the President on tho 12th December last, which, had they been accepted, would havo termiuai ted the war by tbo first of April, upon a basis satisfactory to tho people North aud South." In leforring lo this statement you k -"vVhomade these 'propositions for au armistice or poace,' Ihe adoption of which Mr. Wood pretends lo believe, 'would havo settled the matter' by All-fool's day T Were they made by Davis and his fellow rebels ? If so, how does Mr. Wood know, anything about them! Has he been in secret correspondence with the enemy r Or were they mado by somo of the nuti war men here? If bo, who authorized; them? And what are the terms oflhe propositions from which Mr. Wood hopca so much? If they aro honorable lo the nntion if they nro such ns patriotic Am. cricans ouriit to lavor why not make Ihem public at once V' To which 1 say iu reply, that tho stale men I referred to was made by mo doliber ntely, with a full and personal knowledge of the facts, und that 1 am constrained from the publicity of thom only by the request of one of tho principal officers of lho government. When this interdiction shall bo withdrawn, I shall cheerfully sat isfy your curiosity. Very respectfully, Ac, Fek.nanpo Wood. March 11, 1803. Tiilrlow Webu o.v the CoNaCBirno. Law. Tho following, from the pen of Tlnirlow Weed, appeared in the Albany Evening Journul of the 8th. It will attract general attention. ''Congress has armed the government with all the powers that its exigencies re quired. The administration is clothed with extraordinary financial ami mililaay authority. The federal governmont is now its own banker, and its armies are to. be levied independent of Siato agencies. In the first year of the a nr our young men, rushed voluntarily to the fiield, and our banks os volunlurily supplied the wayi and means. Mark the chunje and read not th lesson it teachei carelessly. Onerous laws can only be carried into efiect ''with the consent of the governed." Sinco congress war chosen by which the conscription law was enated, there hat been a revolution in four of the largest Stales of the Union. There are.cauo for such reaction. Let those who ore responsible for the country's welfare seek and profit by them, The compulsory laws of the lust con gress, if beneficially executed, must have the concurrence of the popular will. The public sentiment must approve theoi. This approval cannot be obtained by pro scription and denunciation. Half a mil lion of men "will nut again go to their graves like beds,", under the threats of political hyenas who remain at home howling." tSty'Thc man who did not think it re spectable lo bring up his children to work, has just heard from his three sons. Ono of thrm was a driver on a cainl, another i . . ukcn UP a vagrant, and lbs- I third had gone to a public institution h li,.nrii tho shoe business under a iceAnsr. I 4 down his tlnout. i -.