a " " ' " ' . ' it rrl ! . b. H-. hi 1, 4 i. id f i. m ai:AKiim kipusmcan, A WKFKLY PAPER, I'UlM.'.vll.D AT CIEAJIFIILD. CLEAR FIELD Co., Ta. i: v i; u y WE DNESJJ A Y IN I'Ol.lTIC'tt IT H FIRMLY DEHOORTIC, FIF,K AMI IN DKPLN DIDN'T, t'nnunod ibe Hnjms of Unriglit ron.s Cain, I 'iistiiteii I'V tli Frowns nf Unprincipled lciu ''if'", Unintiniidah d ly tlio . Clamors of the Itihhle and the Tl.rea'.s of Ir.froletit Aids, nii-i Fearing neither tliv l.'r.'uiillowetl Precincts of Prohideiuinl Din guorifi and Tyrants' Vaults, nor t lie Hock-Wnimd F'urt ret. of any Modwn Caligula. IT I.S IN FA TOR OF FRE : ' RE SS, "Freo'Spnceli, AND I THE E Q UA L 1UGU TS OF A I L IT 13 DKVCTTTD TO LOCAL AND GKNEllAL NKW?. AGKICUL1UKE, AUT, SCIENCE AND LITEJUTTRE, MORALITY, rOLITICS, EDUCATION, CIVIL AND LIGIOUS FIE.E7X)M, Tlie Union, tho C'nr.blitiilioii and the Litvis, llio bfbt Intoie.-iU of il i h liolo Country, nnd (';.! liol'l Conniy in pru ticulnr, Mnl oj -tist'il lo Abriliiionii-iii, I'i-iti-liiinis-in ami !l kindi ol Funuticism, ulifllirr JV.l'lica! o;- Kliuiui, nnd un uno'mijiiviiiitiiii abvonnle) ol Truth, .Iun" tr!, Mcif.v iid lid Coniinon Sermo. svxr is SUBSCRIBE ion THE 'CLF.A li FIELD REPCULICA .V " M O O H E A G O O DEAN D K EDJTOIiS AND V r o p r j e t o r s . y.Ksmj'RiiKr, ciuakkikld, ia. 'lermaol Mtbbcriptlon. If paid In advauce.or within three mcnihs, (I 25 If paid any timo wid,!:, the year 1 iO If paid aflur the expiration uf iho year, - 2 00 Teruiiol Advertising. AdTertisemontt areinserud in tbe Republican at tha following rates : I Insertion. ; do. S do.1 tl 00 2 Ut) 2 50 12 mo 17 00 10 00 Cue square, (14 Hntis,) $ 5u $75 Two squares, (Solutes.) 100 160 Three squares, (42 lines,) I 50 S mealhi A n.o a. One Square, i : : f 2 50 $4 Ufl Twosquares, : .1 : 4 00 6 00 Three squares, f i t I 4 00 8 00 Foursquares, i : t t 0 00 10 00 Half ecolumn, t i I . I 8 00 12 00 One column, t t t : 14 00 20 00 io nn! 14 fifli 15 on " , 15 00 ! Over tbroo weeks and less than three months 25 cents per square for ea;n Insertion. Buaiatu rjt:e,' mt srisejuig (lines are In. i ted for $2 a year. Advartisimsnts act mxrxsJ wltlitae cumber of, rtlont desired, will bi ccstinuei until forbid, nd ehargsd aeoordicf to tbss terms. . . i i fill III An 6X tensive stock of Jobbing material lic' in ,n beel u"nor, and on the most reas onable, tha l'..Wi.l,.r. r ,!.-. t!M..U:,...' 1 1!9 x": D?'iu lU oty. U he a.kl n announce to the tublio that ho ii prer , to do .11 kind, of , I JOR DDIMTUir JOB PRINTING. Clll I I II I Ml l..-ty ,tf. f a writ ,J iff,. I ,,., .,ii ll I It I I f . . it r t ,f C.fii. Ii. ii )' in- if f i i In' i t lift, line Um,im t" 1 i.l I'. nli , i.fi ill ii u.iti , nn rmi.f'l.y, flit ' j I I , m t, .M.I, tl.f I lil. liili. m l Inti r, .1 nf .f. ,!, ,.vg III ll. (I ti II it ( r -'!. si'lllltc III I lr' still lp i f Ii HI I I.I , I II It , ., it t !) i.ii. i r! it nil i ll.nr- linn i. ll.,, 1 1 m.tli ai d rii-.i i il-i d ai ii!n,tn till: I1' g ll l-il ,.' l,l the south by llm H' ,M"li li. I" II il.'ik, 'i i ll Mi 1 ! cmt, l.i.t'h Hli'l l.t by In l i- i,f An. in (I. ( nifiii, li, in, I s-tmie, Jnu M. 1 1 it It iiihI I'nviil I l'i niii-i , inn", lning a I ii t t-0 m i . M ii d, inki'ii ill cm i -ii ' : i n m il to besuld Hi lli o ptupenv i ll'" mI J. .1. l.iui;li. i.dwaI(D l ks, Mir. Iff, l.-ii.l, lit. blinriff. llflN C. I,. V . 1. 1. A . ! I M" II A M S If OV AIIOLITIOX, SLAVKHY AXUTIIK CIVIL V. II. T MILS WOKK IS IX I'RKSS AXDWIM, t-CGN ill; 1! HA 1)V. It oniilaiim ciiiiiiUih uii'l hi rniaio ti'i'U'K nf .Mr. 'u 1 In ! iiK ' " " 1 ll itiei n J j-j i-i-c-lit-h mi I'm Mlljci'U uliuvc llllllli'il ; AImi, inirt il nt!.cr e i.-wlii't, wiili Lotttr.", liu-i- ,' , rt 11 1 -. V'oii'.-, An. Tin- wn'k lia-n liwu rtrl ulljr , ciilc.l, nml if hnlii'Vi'il In ( t lit. Inn !' mnl vol- lei'lly, tin' miiii'nl rwnri nml jumiLou of n iniiii j vtliiite t ii-w-i in rWnfimi tn llio riium'ti ol'nur Na- In. mil tmiiliii', nml flic ri'lit roint-tjicii for tiitmi , tiro nf luuHiug in i'iiiiiiilinui- klmro ol I'ublii' ! utlrlllii'll, I,. 'I ln' ttiril ii" m guMl, ."ultiuili! J(M'r, L'Oj p. Uirn t-t ii. I'lllt i. r,nn-i' t-ovftn, Ml ctt : Clutli, 7j ct.". llili.ir-i ly ni.iil or (-tiii'ti, ,rr) nlil, oil too itiirifit l tlio I'riio. iSiiU (. 1. 1 h, uiili tlio m ii no y en.'l., !',!, tu Cul- UU.Lui.. Ollin. llililri'SMHit In .1. II. lllfnv .1 f'n nr , , - - J . In Uwv. iiiim Mi-Jury, oaioo ul tlio "IVtlSlS." A In i H t rulu i.i cxiCi:U'il. pT at cry i.. ,u cr tliat give iho nbovo 3 I iii.rrtH'ii., nUo lliis lu.lu't, Hiid nenda murkud ti''ie, uiidriiifi d Itx ti'Jll, Cuhiinbiif, Ohio,' will j ruitivo three i-ojiinn of tl,n ttoik, Mr.lS, Mttkb hiki ' eliiion Tin: cjii;ai'i;st i'ai'kii vvu- ! I.1SHKD i. I'KNN.SVJ.VANIA ! AM) Tlli;CIM.T HKMOCKATIC I'AI'KIt l'UI.N'TUD A f Till; .- KAT OK UOVKltXMIiNX ! I Forty-lour Coluiims of Heading j Matter Kach Week! IA7 VIIK I.W 111 If K tK OXK DOI.I.AIt AM) j FIFTV f'f.NT.-i AVI! KN rT IJ snt 1 1 i I.IJ tVK IN I LL JIS OK Dot I'.TIIAN ID rorirs toonr aihuikss ATT K HAVE UPEX CO.Ml'KLI.EL) TC liAISK tho rluh kiibi-crii'tiou price lu one dollar ' titt'l fifty eer.t in order to rave ourtelve from ' in-tu ii I bur. I'apcr lni limi, iinludiaj taxr.i, I nl. mil twenty five per rem., and it mill rising ; und when wo tell our Dt-in-ieratic 1'rionds, cmutid ' ly, thnt w can no loi ger alVoril tn noil the "Wrek ' ly l'utri'it .f l iiioii" nt one d iliirn your, and j mutt add filly cents or stop tho pul'lieatimi, we trurt they will appreciate our pnidtinu, nud, in I fiend of w ith Jruw 'ng (lair Mitircriptioim, gn tn worl. wit li a will tn inerenra our lit li every j comity in tho Mite Wo have endeavored, und J 1:b1I continue our rtfnits, to niukc tho pnper u.-e-j ful an a , Aity tirirn n, and welenmo lis u neivi Uittfenfier iu every family. Wo flatter oursolvei 'that il ha not been without smile influence in j proeueius the glorious revolution in the polilit-s of the i-tiite in iiii veil ul tlio late cleetinn ; and if fenrlcs.-ncfs in tho difchnre of duty, n.leti'y to i the rriui iple. nl the party, ni. it an anxious UcMie to pro:ii..te itj interest, with rjiiio experienco and a inudornto decree of iilnliiv, can ho unido crviri able hercnller, the '"Weekiy I'utiiot aid I iii-Hi ' w ill not no i'-"s uselul to tho i urlv or less welcnino tu tl.o luunl.y circle In li.o future I Tiaiti both wnvt between WiJIiuiitsport and llulti t' an in tbopn.t. Wc confidently, l iuk for inetenf- I luoro, and Williamsport and Philadelphia, nl eni'iiUMgi inei.t in this. Kre.il cnli-rpii.-n, and I Kor inlnrmntion respecting Passenger business appeal to every iiiflacutial Democrat iu the bin to ! upply nl tho S. E. Cor. 1 1th and Market ts. to lend ue uid iu l , inning onr subicribtimi list j And Inr Freight l.lisinifs of tho Coin ;inn v' up li, twenty or thirty ihniicaud. Tho expvtiso to Agents, B. Kingstou, jr., Cor. Elth and Market raih iinln idiml is trifling, the benefit to tho uir ty uiav he (.r ut. Believing ibut (ho Democracy of the Slate feel llio necessity of nuslniniiig a fcarloss crntrul oignu, we tnuke thia ii'penl tu tl.iln with tlio fulled c.iufidcnco ufsucees. The fume rensoiia which iinl-. ee us to rai.- the prico ofthe Week ly, operate i:; rog.rd t' tho Daily paper, whieh has also increased. The od liiliniuil cost to eiieb subscriber will be but trilling and, while wo cuiiiiot persuade ourselvua thai the ibni ge neeussnrily miulo will result in uny diiuiium n of our djily elivulatlon, yet, were we i eeiiniu that such would bo the courrtjiience, wo , sin, old still be C'linpellcd tat muku it, or suir.-r a j ruim.ua lots. Uoilor these eirouiu.-taucea wo must throw ourselves upon the gctiorosity, or, 1 lnihtT llie justice of the public, and abide their teMict, wh lever ituiuy be. The period fur w Lich many of out- sulueribera j br.vo paid for their paper being on the eve ol I expiring, we lake the liberty ol issuing this t:o- j lice, n miniiiug ln 'iu ol the same, ui i.riler Hull ; tl ov miiy lil't-litir 'I'llinn -it ttltir IklJLiiN flj VY I 111,1 Ii UljLio. We si. all aisn take il ut an i -.n,eeial fa tut if - i.itr pnicjt mbscribcm will uigo upon their i neiglibnif the fact Unit tin Patriot if- liiinii'' is' tlii niilv Deiii ieiiilii' i nner mibli.hcd in Har.-i.-i. I blirr. and cnliMtlerillir the larcil iniinlliif of rnail. int maid r. euibraciiiL' nil the current news nf ' the iii an.l I 'J cler.T)l)ic DiimtcllCS I j i.l I CIlCo From evert w here up to the innmuut the ptiper I . .. i- - , i, ii I l'ne la l.r.l... Until ll"i I . IllUl... Unmill, l-.niiril and 1-H7.il news, iniiiket reports, is decidedly tho I r'U. iv' 11. i I- I. X-liCitpiM iCV Mil PCT 1 lIUllallLHI . ' , ' . ill t in l:il i Hiero is ieorcclv a viiliico or town in the State ill which a dub caiiont be rstiacd if t he proper! -i iiinii i o ininie, ann surely tliero arc lew places in which one or inoic entrgetio men cannot be found who are in favor of the dissemination of sou nd Dcittn'intic ductriuiM. win, would ba w il ling to make the ellort to raise a club. TERMS: DAILY 1 AIK1DT AND UNION. Singlo copies fir cue year, in aduiuce .. - $5,00 dn do dm ing tcss. of Li'L-'ro ... 2.00 1'..,.:. .... ...11. ..I .....,. u. .1. . .... ., r ' .-l',ifi-jniii.6iiii, at u,u i am oi (i,jii , per nundre.f. WF.LKLY PATRIOT AND UNION, evert Ttm.'lii. j Single iC'i'y otio your, in advance ... $2,00 Ten ei'iiiis to one ndditsi 15,00 Siibsciiplintii tnnv cotnineDCt ul any tiir.e.PAY ALi A l IX ADVAXCE. We an- obliged to make Ibis imueratiie. io everv instance tho carl' i i ' tllllllt 1-11,1,111. II till, .11 , ,ll.li.,n in.. - ,. . ,. i j .,....,. j, ,ii,-i.i, sendii.gusuelub of Iwenty subscribers t tho H eekly w , be ciitttlcd to a.copy fur his services lbe pr.ve even t the advanced rate, is so low hvt w i cifinot mlor grcafer .nilucemiml. than uns. A.Jilitii.iis .i,,-v l, iii nl,, ui uu , Uiis. A.J.litiLiis un:y be iu idi at uny timo to a club of i u)scril.c by ri,niit;i;.g one dollar and liny ceuu fur each additional name. It IS UOt '"r" f me inline oi mose consuiu tll'1'P..Ql-u .... .1. ..... r.i f ' 8C""ot uudertukj to address f ' t,l-rI0'10 subscribers separately. Spec mtn rm.i.. nf il. ii'...n. -mi . ..' . ' . . "i wl uv " wchiy win oe sent loan wuo acstre it. o. BARRETT A CO., ch,m3. ?JaV;!burg,Pa. New Watch and Jewtlry Store. Ci II I II f ill IV i....: , - - : , ,g rurciiaieu me interest of kia lale Partner, is nn i. on hi. own hook In the shop funnorlT occun'ed by them oa iecoud street, where he "is prepared io Keep np on reputation as a complete workman ' hy doing ail work entrusted lo him on abort nn. fa a fnir trinl nttA st ,niii I i n t .t, r ll.. -t heretofore extended. Look out for the sign of TUP HI O WATCH. i N. B The Cash will be positively exrtHed whe0,h. w0rk i.d.livore4T I - Clearfield. Maich 1, Is! niii'. t r.iiti it i ti and fi intlui) i,n M iii'lnt, lib, th, I l I III" per i'i aluii nf I'Im i n l ll Ilk I (Mh igrit,li, It i ,t -1 i 1 1 , Wrtitig, Primary A i ittmislin mi, I (lKi.iri. -by, I? Ml Ilii'liT Arlilni'i t-c, l,i!,!ish llrariiiniir, fl u' r rn i . !i jr mi l II isinty, J 09 Al,(t' ,i, tlnniiinirr Natural Pbilosopt ,, mnl lliii.lt K oping, ' I'll Latin nml fiii'i k Languages, 8 till In Mn l nit delimit of u i-it i r in j( llmrtnifh hliglisli Y,in, a'mn, mnl who wish In iiil If tin ni-i'lrui i r T"aibei. this Institution ofli'is tli-firnSle advantage. I Nil pupil received for leu than half a session, ml uu doduulion caile nc't Inr protritrli'd fie kiir hk Tuition la lie pat I il at th rlmn of tho term. C. IJ. SANDKOKD, friHcipnT, riourllolil, Feb. 4, Mr . ly. 1 1 IE COAI jilt IJCI a"l list" I , LK.TTEH-.SIJ KKT "l'KICK Cl'KUNT" AHK I'l UI.ISIlKl) KVKKY NATL' HI' AY, nr STKPJfKX N. WINSLOW, So. tuti n MTiir.in, I'illl.ADI.I.IMII V. HIOIIIIArillCAI, SKETCH KH or The Merchants and Manufacturers of Philadelphia, r ii i: ortif.KNT and tii k i cdigent. Secret of Their Success and Adversity, ! VVII.I, liliCONTIXUKD. 1 Fob, 2.i, 1 SC.;i.pd I HIE llOAUI) OF RELIEF for the county of Clmrfluld, will mcft nt llio CKiiiiuiraiuiiprt'ii oliice, on V cdncpitny nnd Tlinrsdav. tho 2j!li and 28lh dnys ol Mnrrh, A. 1)., lfttU. Ubo Donrd of Kuliuf luivo dirocli'd tlint (lie wito of I li c nuldior must appear hofnro tho bourd and produce Iut orn liiitiin'iit di-tuilinK niinie ofmliliiT, rtiiui'iil und conipiiiiy ; when eiillelcd ; tlic uiiiiilipr of children, w illi ngo nnd rex of I'arh ; llio toivnabip in whiili liny rcsi lril nt the time nf tnlitineiil, and tl t'ir prcnont ronidvnre ; and Unit che if withouMlio liitmii of mijiport fur bur relf nnd I'bildrun, who lire dependent upnli her. Two tvitiii'fm of eredihilily, from the towniihip in whieh he reside, niut uln bp pndueed, wbiuo certificiile, cworu to before the Hoard, munt net forth llmt tho njipliciiiit in the pero fhe reu reroiit brriiolf to bo : llmt tiio i-Uitemeiit nl llio number nnd njfo of her fuiuily in Into j that fho in lu destitute dreuiiiFtiinceii, nnd jer family iu ae tiuil wonl, ii nd thnt nil tho fiiitu et forth iu her n,,li( iiiiun are jUft and true. 1 onui cmituiiiin tlmne rf. ii i. il iiR rnn be ob- t:l""."1 Nt "i "l,u'" "f "" Uur'- "f ''''"f. "''on fipp n ation is made and the witnesses appear. j iniiess or me applicant, properly proven, Will ccnru pcrruuai aiuMiiiituue. W iM. S. BRADLEY. CTk. Murch II, ISM. U)G3. 1UG3. 11 1 1 LADKLITIIA k Kit IK KAIL HO A I). T 'HIS ijieut line travem a the Norihern aind Nurthweslorn eon n ties of Finn svlvalii.i to tlie cily ul l'.rie, on l.itke J'.ne. It has been leased by the 1'ennmjlrnnitt J'ni'l rmiif Cnwiiiiiiy, and undor their f uspleca it be inp rapidly opened tliruiipliuut lis entire lenth. It Ii now in u for l'nseiifrer and Freight bu ainosi from llarrisburp to '.Sinnciuahunini;, ( lat l'ik, 174 nii'es) on tlio Eastern Hivishin, nnd from r-'hcllield to Erie, (7S miles) oa tlio Western Division. . . Vi'mc nf 1'iitnrinjrr Truint n( Drifhnuid. l'xtresa Train arrivea at 2 10 I'. M. Lxj.re.is Train leiire.i west VI 45 1', JJ. , Cars run through withoi t riu.xop: both ways i n tbese ttiiins between I'lillndelphiu and Luck Ilnven. and betivoen llukiuiore nnd Lock Haven. Elegant SieepiuK Cjrs sccomuanr the Exnrest sis., l'hiliiilelplua ; J. W. Hnynnlds' Erie; .1. M. Drill, Agtnt X. C. It. R. Bnltim-re II. II. IIoi.stom, tlen'l Freight Ag't, Phila.; l.rwia L. HorjfT, (kn'l Ticket Apr'l, Phila.; J i. D. I'otts, Uen'l Malinger, Williitmspnrt. Jan. 21, lrlG3. IHE CONSTITUTIONAL VX10X XEW PKOSPECTUS. Tlie I,rpmt and Cheapest Weekly In the State. IXDUCE.MENT3 TO CLUBS. ! A New and Powerfully Written Polit ical Mory. NOW IS THE Ti'MK TO SUIi.SCP.I BF.. fMIE overwclming evidence of the deteruiiiia X tinn of the pee pie to rcjr-je the Government from Iho desperufc and reckless puiposea of Abol- ilioniain. that hnve ro iiturly wrecked our oueo rlriw I'ni n and dettroyed all Conslitiitionnl guarantees, indicate nn iniiin-iliato future full of ercnts ol llio most momtntnus interest. Centnil- lotion, Terrorism, -rid Robbery, will not submit to ilethronetiietit without a strugzlo. Tho con- I" iletlirunetiietit without a Btrtigglo. I ho con I test, tkcrelnro. hav. Iut just begun ; and for tbe test, therefore, hnt' 1 ut just begun ; and for tbe i'i C-T: I " ,T !" t0Dr7'c.';.tab,Be-'' nd Legislatures; wjll be regarded with scarcely ess intetost than tho innvemoiits of otiposinc nr. . . ,i .... .. ., .,, , i.n.ia in tliM Cnl.l 'Mm i.l.i...', i.f ll.u u-. will lin made again what 'it was before Abolition fannti- .ii. .i. ,i i...in.. , I : , . 1 1 '"""f" ""': find restore tho federal authority. Thoro will also at tbe snino time bo in progress the Ureal Battle of tho People with the minions of Dospot isin. and in this buttle the Press, no longer shuck led, no longer threatened with Abolition mobs and frowning hostile?, will take a ready and con spicuous part. It i one of the best results of tho recent clcc- lions that their positive rebuke of the gross and . h . T'.- . . . . 1 i r . i ha. given tha peoplo tho pnnleg. of Itgb anl fieo d,,euskion-pntileges that w.ll net again bo ta nely yie ded. Tbive cuango i c.reum.tanee. will bring tho acts of even tho l igbcst in tho t.ilVCrrtlii-tit In th trihliiiiil nl tinl.t:. I - . v,niiuii i ard tho Press will again become tho medium of ucrce u nugnts oMno .enp,e, a l.io tcurless advocate of Cnnsl.tutmnal Oovcrnment and Con- atiiutumal Ltbor.y The l'ropnelors of tho Cohstiti tuiNai. I xio. , in issuing Ihcir new prospectus, see before them : a tie lil ol enlarged usefulness, and it is their pur-. IIOSC tO SllSrfi HO ffllirf 111 l.l.lll tlwiir nnn ,.r n. ! ..iniiii acceptability a m,liii.n r i,,t.lli. ' nn.l n.n. ..I ,.f ........i. ,!,, , .i i in. M w. m - . v.. iiiw ,un, iiiun RUI.U1U IIUUI1U .i I , 1. .'tl . e t. luougiu. ii win coniuin mil sutninanea ol (no proceedings of C:"crcss and tbe Slate Legislt - )urP( fui ..ecnunta of the itnvements of the army, fort.igri ttm, dulntlo nf w, ,iternrT ini,Higeme, commercial an 1 agricultural netvs,-Ac, Ac . .. ' . . . . , - , , i ! .i-i...ii iii iii.mtMiiii.. price ol paper, amounting in three month tu n.nrlr fifti , , ., ,!. ....- I..... ,..,H,l I ;i peccssary to advance Iho price ol tbe paper to' Clubs to j( 1.67) per Sjinum ; llut eyrff V t ll,i price, 1 ye afford mure rcadjng for the ,,u ni o money lhan J l V I " - iu iviui st llI H'UM4 any other oanor Pnnfed In the State, The ad. vance will eo info effect at once. Among other attractions io contemplation, we ' shall commence, in the first nun: her in January, 1 a new aod powerfully written Political 6tory, founded oa tbe events immediately preceding tbe Rebellion. n " 'ul.'c,tItl) f'.d ' D""oertie fneni J lattiot raising and forwarding Clubs. W'e solicit the aid ol our Democratic friends la o- , - """" eingle copies, ous year. $2 AO 3 50 17 60 Two copies, (to one addreai,) Ten conies. Twenty copies, 3(1 0(1 a'?TU '."''rri''Uun " te f'J "'"''. tioTb FtOREsrmrn Pubir.w." ?V - B v, ably Ko. U0 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Use. 3, e2..3t tin, 1 1 r.iiti ii i ii ai di m in I l .rni"l f' f lh SnrM.ti'.i i f i npili (mains Htlifi4 liMIKI'., Ht ffrtf ntl TIO.t AOK.tf, K JU 00K; k (o Ihnkrr. III KMfTH TlllltU llirKr, 1 liilii.li-li.dln, Snt, I, Mr, J. flMIK Miiiloiil)!nM,l,Mli,),Vp,.ni,,.,ntc,p, . I :MI'mi AviT l.j, tl, ftcirrnlir; or Iht 1 rrlUU'Jr, ll Bow ri'ircj In fiuulnh, tun(.,lb e TMfuly lar 0 ffrcen(. IIond9 nf tlio l.'nitcil hftf. iloietit(il ti ".',.-fVi.. tin," nuli-finnlilt at the plutAure of tlifj Uoin- inrnl, mttir llv Jtiira, nd nuthoriird by Act of J"'" '"''"' ''MH't m 1m.. Inr llir. ' LonL-mni. mlin,lJ him.,. im:i ' ) rnt. Ii ll.'l. in Inn. vlf tlmlliu fnn rrr.'l r -n I .M'. 1 1 1'rt. $'.00, J I dim. The linu.tTKit ll'idni t'jVO, tlW, nml $5tl". In umiof i0, $100, Inti n-ntnt hit Imrrnnt. r nnntiin will mi-nro lioui dnti of iitirrliin-f, nn J it I'AVA hm: in gold, ' ?iipI Ariitmlly, whui, c,Ni( Hl tin fresen I'mmimn mi .il.l, lo uli mt ;,niiT i-mi ch.vt. rmi itr.w. KuriMm, Alcrcbntitn. Merlmnlrn, Capilnlinln. nnd fill wlin huvo any money to Intern, should know and ri-inemlipr Unit theno llnnd mo, in I'Beet, n t'lltST MOH7V.WK upon nil Hail mail, Cnnnlf, Hunk Stoekii and rWnrilira. nml the iiniiirrnac produet ofnll llio Mniinlnrfiire'. rf-et Ac., in mo rotiniry ; iiftil ihat the full nnd ample priiviniiin made fur (ho Mir inert of tho interest find IiiiiiJtnn ofthe piineipul, by Uimloina I- tie, Kxio Stiimpii and Internal Kevcnuo. acrvc tn make lliene llund.i the iJCSt, WOSl Available and KOSt Popular Investment i t.h Mflrkpt. Investment in the Market. Pnlneriptiona roecived at J'Alt in Legal Ten der Nofiv, or note and cheekn of liaiiku at par in Philadelphia. . Suacrihera by mail will re ceive prompt attention, and every facility and explanation w ill beuflorded or application at 111 i olliiiu. A full fupply of Ilundi-will be kept on band for iuiiiHidiulo delivery. JAY CUUKE, SuLtf.-'iniitiii AyM, . 12, lSC2.-iin Kov A DMIMSTKATOIf! NOTICI'. .Xolit-o1 XX if beroby given that Letters of Adiuiuinlni lion huvo been grunted to tho subseribeia on the estato of .1 ik li ii t4 Armstrong, late of I.awrenoo towimhip, Clenrlield county, dee'd. All pcraona indebled to iid estate, are requested t make iiiimediutu p.iymtnt. and those having claims against tliii m mo will present tbem duly authen ticated (,ir settlement. MJl'HIA AllMSTROXfl, ) HAHXABAS AHMSTUOXO. . Adiu'rs. I Clearfield, Juimury S, Js3. pd. I Dissolution of Partnership. I rrMIM Co-rurlnertliip bcretofure existing be JL tween tho undersigned In tho eoaehinuking business In the borough of Curnentville, is Una day dissolved by mutual consent. The bunks nnd aecuiints are d -aircd to be clnsid with as lit- tie delay as possible of which all c rson hav ing unsi tiled n.-coiint will tike nolir. ' Ch wcosville, Feb. "nil, I II. KEKXS, I 1S63, St. paid. L..M, LAl'ORTE, I 11 1 I t 11 .1. tV.VI I.At J. JOHN U. II A I.L WALL AO IS & HALL, Attorneys at Law, CLEARFIELD. PA. Watches, Jewelry ty Silver-Ware. THK undersigned would respectfully invito your attention tu his well selocted stm k of Fine Molt) and Silver WATCHES, Fine (iold J Ett'EIJfY, nfe very kind and variety of tylci enm: rising nil nf tho niiwkit and must bkaiti- I I I, MEMOX. Also, SOLID SILVER WAKK,T,iI tn O.!;,--and the best make nf Silrrr I'hltd ll'iirc Each article is trnrrnnttd lo be as represenlud. CrW atchu and Jeweliy carofnlly rrpalrrj and saticfaction guarnnteed. JACOIt HAKI.KV, (SWv.t.?or la V.'ui r tt' Hariri, ) Xo. 622 Market Stroet, Philadelphia. March 4, ISM. .tin. pd. " i'llbsi'EC'TUS OF A National Democratic Newspaper, To lie jiullisltcd Jhiifi and WirJi in (fie tV'y o f l t)iivlfltiit, Ly A 1 f'liKMiiii'vvni t t'n I-U.S.5ISKLN N Ul ,1 CO. x. J. ci.oSBniu:Rr,K v. j. niti tu w n. wki.sh. "THE AGE" will advocate tho principles and policy of llio Democratic partv, and will, there fore necessarily favor the restoration of tho I'nhin aa it was, and defend tho Constitution ofthe Uni ted States, and thutof thia Commonwealth. It will freely and fairly discuss all legitimate subjects of newspaper comment, including, of course, and pre eminently nt this time, nil quea tiona cunnected with tho existing unhappy con dition of our country. It will feailessly criticise the public acts of pub-' lie servants, nnd defend tbe legal and constitu tional rights of individual eitiieui and jf sovcr-J cign Slntea, ogiiin.-t nisaults from uny quarter. ' - It will seek to awaken the mind of Iho people to a proper sense of tlio acluul condition of iho Republic to present to them, truthfully, Iho fearful peril in which we stund as n nation to exhibit tho magnitude of the tusk Unit is before i),i,i,i iru,,.. ...... ia ni.n..L. ..... .i i . I uml , tl,m ,, ,ttlri(jtio itZM. ,:, 1.i'-,. ,,.,. ,.. f.' .,...,:... .1 ni Jn brie. u wjl, . - , , .'. ifilhrul exponent ef Democratio ptinciplca, and , ri.n,, , f ,b , , 1 ' ' , I i, ,.. ' .. . i " i aiiu .,, uiiui:, liliui.li sutii i-r nur I 1 . 1 ) . n,!.'t .T", ,t!!.,.0n?i """""'a of that party tl und ft) wel'. Tlio luciuiit.i.j i,, lull. I'llllJ tin, I'll, IJ I'l nig vo.t- SriTFTnai and the I'mox tu power, in the legis I lutive and executive govern uionil branches of ! Hit Slntva and of the I'nion, we belicvs lu be ne joessaryto avert anarchy, and the uttor rtlin of j the Reptiblic To contribute to that restoration i will be our higVeat aim. The News, Literary, Commercial, and other departments, will receireduo attention, and will be so con. lui ied lo ioke "Thk Auk" worthy f , , (f rPnter. ne get, oral rentier. ""y diflnmlliei now aurrounding an rnlcrpri (lf th."7 magni.udb of that in which th. ulldl.riKnf a ar, , j, r , lflu , , , th, pilblio for . Vrouauppurt, and to ask f, i.Tns An." . nu..t ...,i ......i. i . .. .i.u.itl (ircmailon. Tbe prfnt ato of ,h prrl),rI1,orJ tTnnee. ,cnl, WBrrun le pw ,;, tbut ,he flr9l numWrof the Daily will appear bofnro tboelns. ul the prce.tt month ( February, , 1HD3.) The f,.cl.!y will he issued aoon thereafter, . TI'.HMX. "AILT, WEEKLY1. Per annum, $2 0(1 Six months 1 00 ( Three Mouths, 50 10 copies one ad's 17 50 20 " - 32 00 leraunum, $(, oo Six Mouths, 3 00 Three Montns. 1 il) V 1 ,Z" a,? 1, T.i I Acns A Carrier I ivtrmZ Z I j uieiii rer Carriers 2cta I 30 " 45 00 P. . ...... i 1 : : I L. t. I I j u,r ivijuiii-ii iiiTiiiuuir in BuiniRV, . Addrca. A. J. li LOSSBREXX Elt A CO. i - .t. ""' '"'..um ,u l u..au,,,..,a. ?V - IIE subscribers have a medium sited FIRE I PROOF SAFE, nearly new, which they will dirEoie of rery ehear REED, WEAVER it- ClearSeld, June 25, 182. CO. DH. M. WOODS, PttACTICIXH Physician, and Examining Sur - goon for Tenaion OBice Southwest Jorner Haiiiniit anil Chnrrv atrsnt. ClMnrAAliI P. January 21,' 1S63. ly. ill. M-tULLOir;il, ATToRNrAT , Law, Clearfield, Pa, Office with L. Crans, Esq., on Second itreet. March 28, ISC:, it. f tTAMKD by the .ubjc.-tlcr. P., MOaOr, OcJ Held, Dec leoj. ("A IttNMT 'HMI'OltlU M. B. it:. CJr.ww, (1 A III 1 ,1M , KIM- V, u., ft.,.rtf.l',! nii(.utir In H p .,l,in t ,, ia, ,i(.,i ,, Mltr i n l Ik try nr.ft. iinr tli l f.ini p' ( Initili, nml Hi nrljr t.i'iniffM it n .,. nee 4 ('. Iimirei, K.i l.i if l.d it ti Hi in mrrjr nn (lir ( hi n 1 1 D Liiif I iimIii ill l ilit! i rri i I rnn i r. Hut ii. g mril a rui.l ir r r. ni; i to the t,uiiii'M, Hi (1 i,rKrd u Jnuriirnuin i vi i.lmlii li In llinrr Kim limy I v i r l,nii xnli ll ci.tl.lii. 1 1 tt i n n li run. llli i ii-ii ! ii 1. 1 iinroi'xii, l,c M'liuif it -imp ul nu "iiHK"i n'"' K rli'il if be In i hji i't In lintf.o to urdfr ncril ri.J Mihjlan tini liiTiiifiuc hui li u i French B?dstfads ;He will alwnvi be mnl Omnium nun and I'usts I irp)iir-il to ftildtli lo ouicr IiOi'k inp 'liniis ol' il i f fii runt killllaHl ll I'OllltllOII A frUKlU'lIAlHH I'l ('llfll (..' 1 1 n ;. .If 1 1 li V I. lint, iV; a!i ntlii'i' kinil nf r. I) ST I- A IS, with Tri-kner'a I'atonl lie will nliio furni.sli funteiiiiis una tinril nei "s l'uti nt Siirinir lied 'in order Hnir, Hii.ik, and 1 1. 'fir find Cotlnn 11 AT- (lends. Ill HKAl I S orjiltl'SKS. The obovci 1 1'lvMuiiied, and uiat.y olhor diri'ii-nt kinds. KIM IIOAKDS. Vrdrotf,l artielen, will be made tn l'0ik-ca.-tfi, l-Hrmr annjinuor lorfummneiii, on Centre J.Moi, lireuK - .-nun annuo, cneni fiiet and HiniiiK t.-tltle I tnsli, or cxchnnReil Inr and tho Intent improved approved country prn K.xtenai'in Tabloa. Hat- liluee. Don't forget tho rack, Wan tnrtd,Toi jplitce, an I am detormin lei unit ttorK innu,i vu io iiirnini nn iii huvo und every oilier kiud fi at tlm u.t rul,"""l-, furniture in hi linp. irntoi. .WiMxplu, t'lierry, I'oplnr, l'iue, Lliiwoud nnd i-v?o "tln'1 anil l. 1 luiiiber, will bo taken in ex- ehnnge f,r furniture Cash will a. so lie pant lor 15. K. HlIOl'E. . nod Lumber '' B. ''ulniisof llio liitf st stylo made to ordor on snort notice, runrrais luicnueu nin-iuu-i desirable,. L'lwrjictd, J'ti., Feb. 11, 'Oil. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! j DOL'HI.K rXTH A FAMILY FLOUK fortnliMit C. W. A II. W. SMITH'S, formerly II. W. SMITH A Co. Tlila flour Is madp from the best white wheal In tho Wat, and wo warrant enliie satii '; etioii to purehiiscrj. March 4. lsf.::, New Jersey Lands for Sale, I Sl'ITABLE for Orapea, I'enclies, Pears, Rasp, berriea, Strawberries, liluckberries, Currants, J c. of 1, 2j, 5, lfl or 21) ncron each, nt the follow. ing priec for the preaeht, vii : 211 acrea for $200, 1H aerca for S 1 10, 5 ncrea lor tlil), 2J acres for j l0i , Bcre fur jnn, y,KyMv hy VDe doI)ar p week. Alto, good Cranberry land', and village, lote in CH ETW OOD, 2j by 100 feet, at $10 ouch, r nva file liy one dollar a week, the above land and farms are silua ed at Chetwood, Washington township, Burlington county, Xew Jersey. For further information, apply, with a P. O. St-i-ip, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN Cf.AFK. N'o. 00 Codur treet, Xew York, K, Y. Jnu. 21, 10j. ly. J. P. KKATZER, DKALKIt IN Foreign nnd Domestic Dry Goods Ac, i(c, Ac., Ao, Front Street, Above the Academy. Has just received 11 general assort ment of WINTER GOODS. I.uu li.i Cloths Ribbons Sntinoits Flowers Cusninieim Hosiery Tweetls llt'ii'l-NfUs Poplilia Shtillies - Cashmeres Luvellns Dncftli Silks I'tiiils Viilent'.ins Chintx Oinjihnms Molinir Furs ! (aottonitdps Dress trimmings Drillings IiRCCS Cnllttla Unilfi'sleevps Mutrlillus Dusters Sllliwla. Rcjis ' Cloaks denns Muslins Finn nels Linens Tickings Lavelhis 13onnct3 Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Shawls, Dress-Trimmings, Head -Nets, Clips, Nubins, H'mds, Sulitags, Cofr setd, Gloves, Collnrs, Scurfs, Couiforta, Grenadine Veils, Table Covers. CLOTH 1M, Coat', Punts, Oi cr-Cnnls, ll e n t s Shl", Shirts Hals, Caps, Under-Shirts and Drawers, Boole and. Shaes, Gum Shoes, Buffalo Shoes, era yuls, Collnrs, Gloves, HaircljifftJi, Q'z - ansiyaariS, lliisical Good s, COFFKK HACON MACKCRLL SHAD SALMON COD-FISH HLRRINO TEA SUGAR ; KICK 'MOLASSLS FLOUR SALT CANDLi: WINES T; i'l. ai- i T,n-W,trt' l'Ia-v.rtf, A Oodell-M lli e, Matioiiury, tVc, Ac. HOU2IEHOLB dOODS- Carpets Oil Cloth, Drugget, Looking (Masses. Clocks, Churns, Wash board, Tubs, Bucket, fl it Irons, Pans, M'iudew-blinds, Wall pa,.er, Cunl Lamps, Umbreiiss, Bed-cords, Knives and i Fork, Spoons, Crock, Move lilucxtng. All ol ' which will be eold un tho most rensonabl'i tcnni, ai J the bigna.'l market price paid f ir (train, WnoJ, sbiuping purs and ul! Viud.i of emnirv Vl'ro'dnif. ' N'ov'. 19, 1st.;. ' JT?f dA : 1 i- " a f li; iin:i),s DENTAL REMEDIES till; in nir wni.i.n, INt I li I INK 11.I.TH ,M A si;i'T I'llKATII, UI'IMI K uUIArni. N I LIIAI.Kl V 1 u you nl.ii t,i I t id iod wii i nut ,inirei'( and .-'eii'id I ; ' l I r i r r l'i:m.i n hum )r a im'( I nil... ii-ii 'I'm. Hi jTUVflrr, wnrrnntcd II I' fr 'i'i a-., ka I nr an my ; ii, .in ii '-. iil'tni.m. I'i i i ri r I. 'r lii'ur i f t i. i.vlu.m v eli. ,n ' , , , '. diitj, utiiih irhifiii l,u ' il, m : i y . j ll.iy n ril to be corn-lui:l ;,nr i'MviTTi Jin lire, ip, t, and a-n-'nb'.o l. l.'i-bnp 1 ,r wife, h'teror Incndi Cue Hi'. m it's ('(.lulu ott 1 il.nilli A ash. JMee i: nut per futile. Thin niij-in(.'i.it wa-h I- ' ilieo.'-i rn'mMl'- in 'tlia world f. r CnnVtr, I'.td I'i. mil, Me.ninig Itlmni, ,wi'in Ai'jiith, tile. 1' 1ms currd lieii Inid-. Do ynu, or ymir el'IMrrii mifli r lift n 'lO'il'll ;t'IIi;? (fet Dr. lluid'H IIukIc 'l'notSacfip I imps. l't-ioi- 15 oeiitii rr ti..f I In. i Ai e tow nfllieted with M f : A i.i, I 4 n. Dr. U in. lunfH 111 Mltln ahU m The moat eflVntire nnd delluliitnl i u iin.il ,,. f.,r pitinsin tho fiioe. elni, sboiil.tvr-., ' bit, U, or i,rv nnrt of I he Lodv- Thev do not adhere nur 1,11. i-r l.ni U,M,. ...i charm pain aKt)). Try them. Pike, 13 nud 117 nincenw. Slaileil .m ro-elpl of ii-i.-n. 1 or sale at all the beit tori' thtonghocl tho oountiy. Cai'Tion. Ai there are denim who t.iUo aj vnntiice of our advcrtiHoiiuntB in im li ...il nr.nn : men cusiomcrs tnicrmr prrpiiralioi., I', is nece,. lary to insist upon huviiiK w hat yuu cull fur, nu I J ou w ill okt tiik m:n, thoroit;li!v te.ted, an t prepared by nn experienced and niiuuiilio Jen tint, Trcomitor of llio N Yoik ttnm entii.i'a Asuocmimn, nnd ico President of tho Now Yt i Cily Dental Society. Address W4I. Ii. III.HD A tu., itow York. Jan. 21, mi. Tiibune lii.ildiii-ji RICHARD MOSSOP, DJALHSJ.S m I OKI- 1(JN and DOMESTIC CUODri, UcarfieU, Pit. MUSLIN'S at Spiisalion I KL A I N VA Sonsalion COHUHUS nt Sr-nsntint, ALPACAS fit Sriintition price jtrienfi iriuea laic Jml reeeivi nt MOSSf)l'.-i'. niVUIIAMS at Spiisiition i.ttoca CHINTZ PlilNTS GLOVKS rjKAVA I S SHAU'LS liONNKTS i:oi.o;ki i MUSLINS ) Nl at nt nt Ml at At SpiiNfttiot) Sonsntion Sensntii'ti Stjrwalioti ).ii'ICC 1'iice.i price prico nt MOSSOP: Snnatioti prices Soiisiition jirices, SoDnttion price aii o b !m'i nt Mossors. UN E.N lit CltASH at CURTAINS at l'AHLK CLOTHS ol .Sensation pilCM prit' price ptiuoA price Sensaiinn Sfnsatroii Sf tiHniion iSopsatinn KKlNfJK at MOSSOPS'. LACS at Sensation IIOSIKRY ut Sensation KIIUSONS at Sonsntion priiui I'liije prktis ITilMMINOS of all kinds & nt Sctiattlion price, in any qimn'ty J Always on Iiand ul JUOSvlPS', CASS1MKUKS at SATTINKTS at TWF.KDS hi scnsHlioii prior K?usatioti Sonsatiun Hnnsation Sonaliott Soii-ut ion pricns price pricei price .1 KAN'S at VKST1NOS ai SHIRTINGS al pile nl MO-WOl'S CLOTH I NO such ns Oonti, Paula, VpttH, Under Shirls, Flnntipl Shirls, Buols, Shoos, Huts nnd Cups. at sot'iMtion pncea Now for sale tu NluSSOPS II A R D W A H . such ax Sav.s,nnils Forks, Knives, y;';l;es, ilingea, at sensuiioii pr.ce. I j Lh,ruRS, s'jch I i us U'in, I'nui.ly, , i i n, V li iskey, j iCpjmuc, etc., etc., J at MOSSOPS'. nt seusntion price-s. 1 1 lil, I I s, Mich ns i I'runes, RiiiMtis, I I'igs, lilbnti, Jfco. (iltOCFRUvS, say : Flour, ljnms, Slioulileis, Siij!Hr, iMohiss.'s, Coli'ee, Ten, Crnekers, 1 Spices, Candles nl scnsnlion prices, at MOSSOTS'. til seii-.t'.ljti prions Uonl Oil, etc., etc. Alwavs ut MOSSOPS', slacking roffs POWDKR SHUT LKA1) CAPS at at at ut ut nt onsfttion fcctisut jon aetifntion tensiuion sensation price; prices prices, pricos pricei price sensation At the More of RICHARD MOSSOP, Always Iieeps on hand a lull asset tmont of all kinds of poods reiu'ue for the aecominodiition ol the pul'lic. Kov. 2, MS. JAMES TEST, DEALER IN PHILIPSIJUKG, CKXTRE COUNTY. Ky.A'. always on hnpd, a hugo OssorluJuo, In hi. line, such ad Flour Corn Meal" Rye Chop Buckwheat Flour Btntis Molasses Vinegar Coal Oil A!coko Turtientitta Potatoes Tnr At.ples Fisih OIJ ALSO Butter Sugar Cheese) I'ofteir Uacon Tea Tallow,' Crstkeri Lard Tnlloty Muckeial Separs White Fial) Salt Cod Fi'' Dried Apple Shad Dried Paarfhe ALMll Vht, pyu, frn and Oalain the grant Liquors, qf al: fii)il,. CunfciiUqnery, outs 4 Kruiwt. Corn Bsooiiy, .Sole-Lealher. aqd a vefj t real yt ' riety of miscellnnrous arliclos. Hi situation and facilities fur Purchasing, 0in: ofthe articles heri)n, ptiDiaij, Jre ucj as gi. him p.culiar n,4vj"Uigci orcf i)nii persons i t selliuj ift taereatl rrulit. lie w -tubl theretwru repei'tl'aiiy olir! a call (rum pursuns wlluM any thing iu bi lint, sailsdod that It will pre srufiislly advsn'sgsnii!. Nov. !, 'rVC4n 1. H I' i i- i . . ' ; t, . i "TWI