Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 25, 1863, Image 2

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,...1. t .i'.., In f fn 111,-1 i M I OM. II.' II
a Y Mlil't l I Hi noni ntlv il'i" l
Mi Plain ni'i tuinnl. A 1 l I ho I "l' ' i
lotion of 'lie United Mure, that limni-
,i,l!,,r,lJ Mil. il'r.l M tH
mil v
I hul Hio 1'rcM in m;t l.v llm
lhr,liiiMr.tiiiin-l in tliii unrmiMitutioiiMl
. a,. I .1 l.,li .n
... . ... .1 ........ i . I.t.ith' tl- h 1 .f if ( lift fii in r.i iM a Am Af ' . V 1 SV
,.,.o,T ami tlm eon-olidmed ,.,,r ola vi,e,l, was (h.ina; icm!,,,,,,.,, (o T ' : T i iff .. rn l-ll 1,1m. fof.Ui.l,, en h.
. inl-iilm-il ipi.-itim m Viliiii(uti, in M of the lucko-t ciimr. tui p.nol,! h.mI .m r W th dMtion f -T ' is' ' ;' v V r inl ion of tut li n frr anUt m iillm
ih.-.'v,.,i'nlY nril...M.iir. ! '"'" '.""' ' "") '" 'i'il " ..f (m, (Minion, :Iir7Vv t L M 'cnnie iin Iniini ilnctn, from it In
lf I n iim niii.iiB iiniii ii win rerun! n i i . c , - '., I '''i ! ' T I... If ,l I,. ,,,.L . -l,.il.
i.. 1 .. i Iml inn mi'l I li" il.'M I ! i,f n.-ntiV. n. M'l Hi nilllu.l lit to kp tlx Kin uuro witMA IH C :.,,; X'K-.Z,'- .. .. ' VVT T -irll'd. if not 111 I'lirk mill, Pllilh
U HtMin-t nil lin inlorfrro with it ope-1"""
TRli'in. Wi linvo loo llUH-ll litltll ill lllfi
Fxprutivp T tl n Kmpiif Smtc to Mippmo
ihtti bo will ever nilm mi niinj ntiinw
ficn wl.!i h ll.ov,..y fnnn-Ulions ,'
.f c.nMi.uliona'l 'ino.u lu U upo,
" r . .7 1 . I
f.. !' I'ltlfPim ll, I li' KiMKIHil ,111 nrillL inn .
Httotiiptod to do H uh llm ill-raled Viotitn.i , I"t coiitodiM-ucy. with a tlnronglily oi- lire ntucemonu to cm-h iiilinininrniion to pru tj.hfiviitg fnilod in tlio late Stnte -leclionc,
of h'n ftomliiili rul' in PoUnd. Tim 1110 j fiimifd Govern ni.Mil, with nil nnny whoso mre iiiiid mi J Incite rmi"l t luw, ,10tvitliiiliiding the niiproct'dented np
nirnt nucli in as-milt U inndu Upon citizou-1 bmvety und heroism cu.not be doubled. . ly .l. clKrinj? that il.o cuuJiilan .f r riaori . , ., Adniinwtration .id fear-
.othor will bo,o,M ,,.!.- I-Ly poMtiomn. t "IJ i ,n "" " U. "! V". T!'' "
lu-iit. mo ut iiiiKu i nil ii li. h li is :uei , '"""-.I
rolmch-. Tin. mln.ini.trntio.i will tl.on rigmiM in compiiro i. i no peopio uo l0 KrMify ,rRric. ur .mbi.ieo, ,r p7ru(.l or Pu- sorting to ono oi meir oia ihokh, nop.i.g
rind, wl.oti it in too lino, thai it ii tli t 'ofje', that it wu tlironli (ho ooinpul. uucal ro.cntmont.. Tliii thoory mukon the - lUeiobv to reiteuo their waning cLanccs.
8tftte that coimlitutrt the KopuUie, tlmt !OfJ itiMuonoe Mproweii by tins Congress ,i ll( ambition of n aJioiiil.triition nUgo-t. A Knownothinm or Kniiililn of tlio
. i . . . . .1 . . r . .1 - . .. 'nr.nn ha i itiinulrnlinii t li -i f linn I r M ; . M 1 1. . ... t...u.i .1 1 : - r .1. - . I ----- - 0 - j
n vv n a mvarniirn i imi 11 in i nu nnuura uir'iitu 'iniiii.iii.i n iiv hvii. iiv uiint: in iiip luiuicninuu un i iu
wh'wh thev hfivo cleleiulHl tlint mako hi.
M lint 1 ouleu Ine irriit;r:il Lovernineut
thai th.-v are .Hthn uillar, .id. u,ii,o, t
a prnnd dome, und llml the moment, their
mii'iiou is nlthdi'Mivn. that pmt of theed
lioe muxt fail to the ground.
Ol'oours.' tho enforcomiMit nf muh m
not, with fill Iho rtglits i the dnMpoticjf
po-ver for tho liirtheraneo of whoso poli-
oy it was iNMK'ooU u, roulij not lie ueootn
p'ished (vi t li on t providing forth.? punishs
i.ient of all olleiidin nitiii.-t. its provis.
. Thio ia fully t.i.deilud bv tho
men nlio framed Uiik nirtsl tyrannical nf i
.ill ll.e tytiiimumi of thht iiotoriously
' mimical bixlv tlio last Cotigretm and
. . Ihoy inner ted the following impotent
'ireal' ' j
Sea. 2i. .(.! In it urthtr tnncltJ, Thai if any
pM5on nhtll roit any (Jruft of men enrulloil iin-a-.
r thii art into tlio nerviuo ef tlio L'uilcii States,
r fimll e0un.. -r aid any .erou or ttrirt any
"iR'h oraft ; or lnil n?niult or obt'.ruct any officer
i making iuo'i rtmft, or in tlio pon.rm.iuce of
ci j lorvici' in rcUlion lliiTtto ; or i-liull couimul
aoy person to aniHult or obftruct uny cuch officur,
'T ihiill cminsol tiny (irnfiml iiiod tut tjapi't urut
lha pile of roll Jt zruiM, nr icilfnliy .ti..U'i t (Arm
raw tht ptrftirnnutt of mi't'Miy duly, ci yu'rcH
y Uiw, turK pemnn gfinit lr tu'jcft tv imhii.icihii--
by l ;'rrj(, nun (4'ii( fir i -ihKilh
mmiirtrtu to Iht tfcil authortttui, ami, i.fjun iwn ., bo f .mr.u.i 6y a flu not wncJiir, fir uwo1' 1,10 1'OOpiO. rsucil I11C.1
kuidrid dollurt, or bif iuxpri'toumtnt not wfeili'i; linslim" to be the mouthpieces ol tlio CHI
tvo year; or Jy both vf r,iiU punithm m, servativo masses ; but they will find, when
If this wore ready u war lor tho Cou.'.i-' too late, that tho trickery ol" the dema
lution and tim Union, and n,t far lue g igue to which they have resorted will
niilitu'-y hubjug .(ion of a portion of our not save them from the judgment of an
lullow ooontrynien, lhro wjuld bo no , incensed uud outraged people. .Such men
ooc'iniun for h consrrijilion ; but ivo tcil j may imagine thai Ike liberty of the nation
llii) Chief Kxective iH Washington that is u thing of trilling value ; but us long as
the txnscriptitir will Ciil, miserably fail, (he great heart of the people is right,
nd that its failure w ill be produced hy their intrigues in the interests of Ameri
the very influences evoked by his emails can auto, racy w ill prove a wretched fail
eipation policy-, und his other uiioonstilu- I ure. Tlioso uie the enemies against
tioual gets. iiich the great ctaiesmen of the Kepub.
Wo do not think no ninanly of the Am. I lie have warned us again und again ; it is1
erioun people, despite of their long pas j they who are ready to assist in undoing;
tience and forbearance, as to imagine that the woik of tho patriots of the revolution
Ihey'avc yet ready to tolerate a militaiylby ignoring tho Constilutiou.itiid liaadit.g
despotism; neither do we beliovo that jover the rights of the people to a mililiiry
they aro in favor of the still further pros- 'dictator to put under bolt una bar. Such
ecution of this war, to carry out the do-', men can see no harm in tho suspension of
iigtiB of a radical (ibclition minority. For ! the lu.beas corpus, in the suppression of
our oho part, wo never could convince 'the liberty ot ihe press, in tlio overthrow
ourselves that tho Union would ever be 1 of State sovereignty, in the arbitrary arrest
restored through such an ordeal, We aU land incarceration ingovernmeuVduiigoons
ways regarded it us a union of fieo will j of loyal citizens, in proclamations placing
and not of force ; ami we have never 'n-j loyal and sovereign Slates under martial
tcrtainpd any oilier belief lliau tliit which i law, nnd iu investing tho so called l'resi,
wo now exprpes, when -a ny thai the 'dant of tho United States with supreme
aword will inoviUbly prove the cause of
its disintegration.
That tho Conscription Act iB unoonst!s
lutioiial is eviflent from a perusal ol its pro-,
visions ; but the manner of its passage is
no less unconstitutional If the reports of
the closing hours of Congress bo, it
was curried in the S"iiate by a triok.a vilo
fraud noo the people. This is arm uent
in tkefoHowmg extract, which wa make
from the report;
Mr. l'owll 8pokon-t.T half jiust throe o'clock
in fl.o muni'.ng, wkeo k novti that lha Soti&tu
Jiotinu rojeotei by yeas 4, nys S2.
Mr. Bayard eommom ed spcakinfr ar.nUjt tho
J UL, and ticko until half past four o'alvcL, whoa
bo yitUiad the liour f Mr, I'oieclt, who ar! nio
vod that tho llouno adjourn.'iK'ttd by yeas A, nayi 3J.
The fiupgii6n fhon lemrrcl on agree'ug e xKt
ivportftf the ('vtiftrtnrt t'umiivittn.
Tho vote i cn'.led nml the Chairiaaa, Mr.
romoruy, dcl ired tkt report tiyrttd to,
Mr. Trumbull moved tu take up the act relative
to the validity of the deedi of public iipitirn to
the city of Washington.
Motion agreed to.
Mr. Powoll I hope the Senate will procoel
Willi tt eontidtration pf tht report of iht Vunftr
c Consult.
Mr. Uriinoi Tbat bill id rAsann.
Mr Powell Ob. no. Tho Senator f.oia Dola
waro (Mr. Bayard) i f-ntitlod to the floor.
Mr. Trumbull, eiifi lite .Sta.ilor from A'riirarJt y
Mr. PowU) ( order. nm on Iht Hmr. and I
rwirru ic. .nt .y, u,lver nu, m: i e, n,.,n ""'IJolOur OI'tJ.eru lamt wall Poor houses
btcn enrrird
Mr. Jlnyiird Neither the mnnnor nor the Ian
KHe of the Sror from Illinois (Mr. Tru nbiill)
will cnuee in ta yitli my riyht tv thv jluur,to uk 'ck
I an tnl.'llrJ.
Mr. I'nwell l)o I umhriiu tke Choirruan
(Vomerov) lu liiv Unit tho bill if fas.'od f
Tim, r- yit hilt ,'. p.i,d.
.Mr. Vowtrli ll v what kind nf iockevin
Mr. Truml'iill I rail the S.'iialor from Keu-i
lurkv t" r. '
Mr Kavnr'l Lni. the CImir doriilo the report
of ihe Cuiilt'i' iice C'.nimiltuo to have been adjtit.
i d by liny vote nf the Hen.ito f
Tho Chair I iiiilikiasi. tint ,', report hm '
. i . .
iff. ni.'iiirfit. , , .... , ,
Mr.Pi.nvll-Hid I not u,0,t distinctly stat. ! W0,'J "i',,e T"fr. " T" . J'l
ihnt thcPeratortionil)tuarc(Mr.nayard)on?yiul,l,1ov'; xt"! "tl 01 Congress t,y wliicli I
yuM.-ri (At 'floor i t wi..(tri ia udiaaru 1 nearly two Oillton three hundred millions
The Chair- d,d ,,t htarthf.ZLr roj of doilars a.e put at the disposal of tho
Afiraety -fj, Huf !. .Vra-wr ,, AWincarcy.c-,
a c r . .navcar pu.-pott. dolitol linglaud. Ihlhctl
il tl', V "'MUn1 Mm lh' 1 ' "t',l,", " rP-t to U p.nd a portion qf U for their support
'The' Chair- Iht Stnator rom JUii. iTrnm- f'f'f'V'
bull) iitntitUd oth jioor un,.. ht y .'. ((. ' 1,1 tins State, liowevcr, we need have no
Mr. PohoiI I dtiidre to a.k the i'ba ' fear of the result, so far as the tights of
Mr. Trumbull - do not yirlJ t 0,r. Stiatvt the citiztiii aro concornod, for we have a
from KtHincii t .nt my our Cos. 1 Chief Magistrate who has pledged himself
Mr l!ayard-Idcf:re toappeiirrou.iho.l...ii.:l0(leir defbiice, und whoio inaugural
l.m nf Llm I li&ir. nrgtrt tu itarrTtm n trhrth :-r f
- ...
? y-r:.,r'.' ".rr'.r: ':?:?.":..
ir. jiii.mrui.un iiiuti iu H't'iiiMui'i tun mu
don by whioli tho bill was claimed to b. pas. ,
r .. ' r- r I
i,., .. r- . ... .
(Richardson) rote withtho "majority f If he uid '
ii.t, heco.ildnotinToefi.raro.oiisiih.ration. i
At a quarter to & A. M., the Hrnnte adjourned.
It appears from llm foregoing thai Mr.
liavard ftfler aneakinir ni some lenmh '
... . .., . ,. v.. i .
against the bill, yielded tho floor to a mo.
Hon of adjournment made by Mr. Powell,
ns bui:ii uiuiioiis ni n ui iv Bj i in oiuer. J il ' ns a uue luey were uuiumg iur wi uutioua. in- government win prooaiuy oe to can an e, ,, ., , - OUr UOXl
theavpntof the rejeclion or tho motion, I toron in a distant field of duty." ! tra session or Congiesa Immediately on I Butm our candid, judgment these pom-. , ' !
the right to the floor reverted to Mr. Hay-! ihe following extracts from the same the departure of the next pirate from a, pous demonatratioDs are a miserable piece Debociatic Victorii The late char
ard. according to tho rules of debato. limporUnt document are particularly ap British port, and recommend that vessels (,f party machinery ; nothinr more nolh- tr wt,. .kmn-K.i' n,'
But M.,r. Mr. Bavard could resume plicuble lo the present time, and in view under the British flag ahull either be in- Z1. and Lhlunl S TJLZ Tl v I .hroughoul ha Stale of New
therighlwhicliliohau' only temporarily of the uuoonstituiioual course in Cotigress, lerdicled entirely from loading in Ainer. ,n leM nn lue imon mej are inten.leii "iork, are claimed by the Democrats as
ylolded, a vote was takeu oil the bill as and thu violation of the supreme law of ican porta or subjected to a tonnago duty.1 promote is a uuiou ef tbo eueuics of showing an aggregate Democratic ifojoii
ref orltd by the CouforeucVUotnmittoo, thelaoil bj the sg oalled President W ef atoui tiuaa.dyllar par ioa. .Iho Tomooraticj)artyfortJiejeUV a Heaaai hundred thousand !
'l ll " c M'i m'"i J' ' ' Iti i M-h.
f( h It".l. H-M,. l,,f, , l-mr
J 1 1 ' ' I nt ! M li I ' n 1 1 juntos H 11 I, mi
I ''"I " n p ' " t 1 ' "'
Imtiulfy -it lifld'l m filcl.f'l nj ty n
C"I!'.IM l.i'tful Itlltrt, flrtlflff tlti"rr Mm l-
,IU wil1' "I""'1' li'-t 'itiKtcm wim
Jthm-iiIi-I ; IniuiMlvnit ol UMhh Hi 1'mvei
ndhM-tu e m llio loini cl miKI un
. rontumioiy inriivnrg iu in uiuk hic hup
i' s,,, Lnrn pjplo in tim
- ,a fvi'tyiiim in im power in minor me
vrry ntma cl L'nl.m hatolnl to tl.Hn l.y
-'option of , policy which 1,:,h r,,nlt-
1 ;.. . .1.- ...i.i . u i. :.. . ....
"I Ulllllliu ilirn iiiml- .-vuiu III nnr uuiil-
ll US JJO 1(1 10 W 110 HI
"i.' .... .
CU'lUn wa lemovea. nml that it was also
inrougn us UTiiuum mm iiwuiiuimi i-'isjh-
tior tint k wtdiirend disc.t.tont mn
It I f . I f .
t"''"" oreaied in tlio Union iiiiiiy. They
kniik', also, that it us in couiiiliunca with
its domantU the I'l'usiileiit issued IiU lust
proelaiiiiUion, am! ho think they uro by
illis time convinced that they will bo :il
islied with no oilier KiibmiiiMon on tne
part of the South than that which would
lay her pro.tnitii and bleeding at the feet
of tho ne.vly created Auieriean despot.
II lliu ii llic Union in w hich this war is
to let niinaie, met) u rewc.i to tnu tiuertie
of the people. The onco free, happy mid
prosperom nation known as tlio United
States will pass anay im did tiio republics
of ancient reece Hashing like n meteor
aoro tlio sky of time, and lighting up
with dazling brilliancy the tiH'rounding
notions that u'lzeu win wondor on Uie
s H,rt ill r plienotcetioti. Is this to bo the
fate of Uie Ureal Keiniblio ? Tho people
alone cm answer that .uesiion, nnd upon
their answer duponds the future dominy
of tho New World.
We know thero are men in our oiidsl,
for we have lately had disgraceful evidence
of the fact, w ho would aid the newly con.
stitutfd tyranny at Washington in riveting
po ver above the Constitution, above Slate
rights, above nil law, over tlio persnm I
liberty ol tho ci'izen. Sunli Uiiugs, in
their esliuia'.ion, ate a mare bagatelle.
The liberty lVr whioli iho infant K.-pub-lie
wagod a seven years' war against Ureal
Britain is to bo bart?ro'd away, and for
what T A military despotism not even
such a despotism as luey Lave in some
parts of lv.irope -but a despotism directed
by men who have proved tnomsulves woalc
in i.i.i' iIkih the n ill Lo (li'-,lrnv. 'I'll 1 v !
ure ready to carry out the conscription ;
but so lone as they are the owners of
three hundred dollars, not u siugle ofle of
t hem, we venture tosay, ill take to the field.
They will leave that for the poor man,
whoso lii ui!y is dependAiii upjn him for
support. 1 tiey are the heroes oi ihe ros
trum, and not of the ballle-field, whose
dangeia they arc salUlio J to vie.v al a sale
distance. Iliey are the men who A illl
"look into Calk licity when slavery is!
disposed of," for to them religious free,
dom is of still less importance than civil
But they ni'isi bu blind to the evidence,
which is growing stronger day ""by day,
that tho people are opposed toe war wag
ed for emancipation to a war which, if
Hiicces fu! in that object, w:ll flaod the la
bor maikcls ol tho Niwtli with black com
nptimrs ni the while ilidiihU i:il i:I.ksp nr I
lor the suppon ul nn indigent negro pop
illation eiltier unwilling or unable to work.
Despite of iill this, however, their voice
is still lor war, but whil-0 they talk of iho
battle tl .'c n't They uii:o others in
totl.otield, bulf,.- aro content to Mae at :
home, that ll.ev mav add new lo'tho
, , i . : i , . , i i , . r .i
i i ... .i... i ii... i, i. ..r.i...
tlOll 11. It IS tl Illll.VI 111 till.- I I l.'l I I HI tU IHt
, .... , .ii, ,.
ocoiile. Ihoy ueeuso Ihe ndvocatcs of:
ij'iwie with treison, whiie M.j.ic,
! d -eUni'ia l tit. They can See n
, . , i
HO da
to opuhir liberty by enlru.-tirg llie Plus"
n '
i,tu. t lt
i supreme control over tlie
C'hiel lixeciiiive-a sum more than half
tug.iinsi tho encroachment of arbitrary
mnamro o.-tiiiiiiiw n t.. .imu
wer-.- ' .
. - -
, " hilc our s. ldi.r. (say. he) are periling their
)v. ... 1. 1. 1. ..I. I ti,. i'..n.ti....i..- . ... .1..
live to uphold the Cnntitution and to restore the
ri,.,n am ntta i.. lUm i. i...... .i
and patriotiaia uonurpas.ed iu the Ui.toi '
ry of the wor.d, that we oiuulato thoir devotion in
,u'.0 ' . 'u.:u" luey f8"
im, aired, tliul lliojr man not and when they re
turn 10 meir uutit. tu vi ii uitj nmw 1110 eocuruy
uf tncir vtnon$, the iano:ity of their home., or
,ti,0 protection of their property,have been lot by
Submit tliflit Intlr. irl rlrrntUih tl Mir ,
li lulil I
.., tli.Hirf-Mnl tM, hat S
"" " ' '' r l f"' I'" at 'T lifilt'il
I ' -I lha -e..'iw Ih (heir m-tn,. j.r, ( rriy,
'" " OS' trt dill rmi
rtotrniuM, llirr ll ritnin Htntui will. ill
Hilt I nimi. Tim.' who hold llint t h r r ll no
Miiiiitv iu Iht ('nnmiiulliin, mul eiiuull r liulJ
" Hint tlirr it c Riiilt in llm n-lmHiiiii.
v, e tit not lu ulent urnl allow lbf prucl Iff I
i im-nmp yttn&tnu. ibry nre murb in io.
,M 11 ' l"'"m n-wiiiim ihu,
""VlViS,?" bM
"' " ,v
,,. ,.. ... ,. ti...
""i"i""ii" ri'BuaiuM. J UCJ cnil HUOUl mm i
..... . . "..
an hi liib iiDuu Oi
it uiukes the rentorution ol paca the abdication
- .
govurnmeui oi iao
Alter perusing the foregoing, our road,
ers will, we think agree with u thut-Jibs
erty of speoch and of the press are secure
under tho Governor, who uiiprecietes his
poMtion. and is determined to maintain
the sovereignty f tho great States at tlio
head of which ho bus been placed n t by a
mmordv, but by a majvrtt; of Us citizon. u,e CHptivating significanco of the name to
W o believe that our right as ujourmdist, r i i
to utter, and print, aud circulate freely gain for them the fas ov of verdant and
und without danger tt" arbitrary arrcat unwary Democrut.-.
and inearceratioii, whatever wo fiird to j This is tho ostimato they usually pluco
criticise in the acts of ihe Administration Q)1 p0.)ul,,r iMielligence. "liut they have
we beliovo that our right to do ibis will r ,. .
bo maintained by the Chief Executive of tlle(1 "'"" ,r,ck ttoolten. iheir real
the Kmpiru State, and it is in this belief object will bo too readily discovered. Ike
that we now oxerciso that (Jon.ititutioHtl with tho lion's skin over- bis shoul
riyhl, despite of the threat ot" u military de S(.m.R ,0 on his firiJlapiienr.
despotism and its base and venul adhe- ' ' '
re)'ls Alice ; but should he attempt to repent
Jf the people are not (ully aroased to
v uiuikvio vty iiiuii mii svwt
tofipcakol'thdr aovereignly, me tosot,
thov muy soon Ioho both ihe opportunity
iimi Ilia itntviii' tn iiinittM'VA tim nii.-lMfl
boons for which such great Bacrifices WiVe
... o cj c
East 11ai7iioreCo';s. Tho East! of WiJu Awakes, are not likely to lie
Haltimore Conference of the M. E. Church, entrapped again.
commenced its annual Session in York, i Jmt we aie aakad to believe that these
Pu., on the 4th instant. Bishop Scott jorniizatious aro necessary to save the
presidiiiB. Tlw Conference adiomiKcl on Union ! 1 What impudence nd wh:t
Wednesday moiniog last, in great har
mony. We give a, list of the appoint
ments for tlm Hellefonte District, which
includes this place, and aleo the places as
signed lo a nu
mbor of the ministers
whose oaines urell' to our readers ;
Presiding Elder 11. b. HAML1W.
Ilellefonte S. L. Bowman.
Jlelb'fonte Circuit H. Wilson,
Howard J. Ii. L'olstjrove.
Port Matilda II. M. Ash.
Warrior's.Mark J. A. DeMoyer, S. If,
Penn's Valley Oeorgo Warron, J. W.
Lock Hsven D. S. Monroe.
Salona James Hunter.
Clinton J. (J. Rothrock.
(ireat Island J. P. Swanjyv.
Jersey Shore T. Sherlock.
' Nippenose J. B. Mann.
Liberty Valloy J. T. Wilson.
Newberry M K. Foster, C. 11. Kitchen.
English Centre P. B. Kuch.
.Siiiiiemahor ing John Uuis,
Shippen W.C. Ilesser.
('ale. Ionia To be supplied.
Karthnus- r . Ilrown.
Philipsburi; T. H. Switzer, 0
Curwensville Jc Clearfield I. M. (ird -
Kew V ashmgton JI. L. l'rum, J. r.
rR P.
Glen Hope IL Lr
nu.C A. Uanu.
W. 12. Stevens. Chaplain U. S. Army,
member of Purl MatiJda Ciuarterly Con
fereire. W. Earnshaw, Chaplain U. S. Army,
neiulier of Warrior Mark Quarterly con-
l Urvllttttout AipolntlMtMtt.
Not tli Ibtlwwore Richard Kankle.
Ficdiirick City Willard Downs.
Sraithsburg John Lloyd.
Carlisle Circuit Alam Dritlain.
Chaplain (J. S. Aruay Dan'l. Ilarttnan.
Altonna Wm. It. Mills.
McVeytowu John Anderson.
Williamsburg Justus A. Melick.
Birmingham 4oh Vtin.
Williamsiwt W. L. Spottswood, T. D.
Lewisbarg lie ward J. Gray.
Ashland W. M. Showalters.
.leansvilie U. P. Cing.
Beaver Jfeadows Joseph It. King.
Missionary lo India W. W. Hick.
British Yksskls iok tiik Conkedkrate
v... i, .i.,..i ,1... ,i l:..i .r.r.l.
- ;A""r. " " ."V5 ' J .
'W ';'-' Buish-built jinvateers
u'0i uie camm'rfo oi mo i niioa states
. ., ,' ,1 f .1
is attracting the attention of the govern
, .! . . , . fc
Ult'llt, itlHI llll-HSUl L't Ul
retaliation aro on -
.1 :.,!..;.. .
tit I V .in -it vi ui it'll, i ii vi . i ill; till t'Ailu ,-tn'
miin nl t .tin irrp.4. llm ikIi in irl nn nnr.
: respondent of the New York World says
djw'inti'i r .ii,
The govei nmer.t has definate informal
fiye d(itionul . pirate steamers
...,, r, ,:-, :- , ' n;.:i,
"?-.f' 1 X ' 'i0 , ' ' P"r's:
e ,' i l iu 1
of-li inches in thickrie.'a. The govern-r."
meut has been assured Hint, if these issue
forth from the British ports, American
. l,!..i.!nif iinnn.vl Lniin lliA ti!.U enns in
niii..ini; inline, nt.p ic .i.jjii nt... reoeia win rever get iiCKeu uy iho l.e ig,
competiiion with British shipping, hsthelU(jrg e do not say, if occasion tnsy re-
lJUlHllt.C nuuin nvrv ur iv-id mail ,Icihi . .t 4. . , , , - ,
lernanL And il is understood that the!lulrc ,l. ''.tng themselves safeljf ,
commilleeon the subject appointed by
the Chamber of Commerce of New York
l'."v I M, "l"U rpI,r.ntat.ons to i
i'wmwn.01 me ne.iy.i
!,.,. ..,..... in mnrp pf 11 Al I If iirolrct
, !.0m0 l(! m fe' " V"frlm M J 1
1 American shinnine. if not from tho doplo-
American Shipping, it not lrorn tlio aepi o-
ilu i inn. nf i d a nn nt ps. at least from the
ruinour competition of tritish shipping,
taking adyanlago of the violation of na -
permitting these pirate, lo be filled out.
and .,! tTom Bri isl, noria
------- ---- . ----- . .
11 underlood, and indeed aemi ofh
cially announced, that the course of the
flit O'lm'if.db Jlffnlliian.
Wednesday Morning. Mar. 25tli, 1863.
A new Device of an Old Enemy.
The old cnetnien of tlio Democratic pnr-
' .......
1 -I..V- .,.f n i mini i
"". ...... Mvwf.
jngiuriuun ?i:rimniii.7 . jtuj.u'iM our,
or Wiue Awnke-. they elected Mr. Lin
coin Tresiaent; but it is opparenl nireauy
t)ial t loy can elect nobody, in tuture, ei
ther os oue or the other, and hence we
, , , ,. , , .
blltl ll'"'u dtl.geully engaged in gelling
upinw organization, which they cull
fniun Lcamtcs" doubtlessly ulying on
ti e joke his protruuing ears and urwKill-
U , jtll ( usil J VHf, ut uiv
' thHnicler . wben a gooU lamlling, on all
. . ... , m , r , . tM
1 ' '
l"l'ose caught by the duplicity of the
' lvnowr.otkiiiL'.s. or bv tho cliltcriox show
nonsense! '. Why. Horace Greely is for
the Union Leagues with all his mighl.and
he was a Uisuniouisl before the wm began,
and insisted that our "wayward .So'tlhem
sisicrs ahoulil be allowed to depart in
'peace." Thai. Stevens is a stout Union
j Leaguer, nd oily a few week since, as
every one remotnl'prs, oi: the floor of the
1 House of neurespirjativr!. announced in
the most inebrious iotics, thai," f
'm it a should never lie restored with hisj'elves with a sound national, and ulv
consent." The Philadelphia Ertninif Huh
jaiy advocating "Hnion League,"
n Iaui .l-ii-a uic.d it rfKVA llltomtlOA
jlllU J I . II IC
to the following infamous sen'iment in
; reference to the present Const intlion and
j Union :
"Now, some ray, e ate for Iho Union
li ...... ' 111. ..I ,f ,,. ' i-ftn f-.itlllitl
its 11 n ill, ii mi. ii i.iu v'....,v.
l..v H: the K.utrihat was in it is loo rot-
ten, nnd would not stand the prouu if
you oonld put it back, l'ou could not
trust it; nobody but Secessionists, Coppers
heads and Traitors would go lo sea in the
old htiik.
J '-'l0 "ext lliing 'mil see, in all pr'
' ability, will bo.that Wendell Phillips, who
i has derided the Constitution nnd Union
for twenty years, has joined a League.
The truth i., these Leagues are already
full of men of his scntinienia. who scout
the idea of rostorii.? ihe old Union
Democrats are to be stigmatized as traitors
unless they make the unholy association. I
What then, is Ihe real design of thescl
associations? We have heard it said tint
it is to assist the Administration to carry
ont a new rfivn rmr,shoull it be deem
ed policy to inaugurate one. Tho Lea
guers say it it to aid the Administration
with tho war, and Ihe Conscription. This
may be so, or it may not. The best way,
however, to aid the war, i to go into the j
army ! the very thing which tho Leaguers ,
are determined not lo do. Not them. I
Thov are to be the l.e.ocsof the rostrum;'"' "c "a" 1 I" ;u m
not of the field! Tho aid they itt...d
to extend, is to themselves. They Unowj
the Conscription may come
is well as
anybody else, nnd they intend in "time of
n. ... f. .,... ti, tn
i 1 '"l
' )ler3 wiu ,.,, conVenionl association of
joint credit, on w loch to rinse tho necessa-
' ry amount of Urrenbar,'; lo lescue the con -
i : ... .i t r l. i.. 1. r .t.
BUI I jit fit J.t tt!it:i B 1 1 uiit inn uiiijiiui ui iiic
' i battle-field. That much Ihey intend
do, and do well. Not one of their pro.
cioua lives are to be hazarded. lighting
! is not Iheir way of expending their vein
' goanco on the rebels ;or the form ofde-
" lul" r
i votion lo country. Grcmlaeh are their
"ic.u u'ir anuiu. u.ry n w
lick the rebels will, greenbacks, then tl ,e
L.I .1. .11 I L.. lb. 1 ..
'deemed from the draft, and ensconced at
' home, that they could not bo induced to
joi1 in bounding dowu, for the Adminis-
lr-.,n in,.MnPmnu i-.n.;.
tralioo, some poor man who, being tnuli.
A . ,. . .
v ivuocu. ...u-.t,.. ... v.. ,
arttentioua against leavinu lus family to
' glarve, if not against the -wac might at
i . i.;a
i . i r ..- ...
iu " " 7 r
mock: soldiers anu niorcK.i'Binoti. wco'. "..
I .
knows but this is to bf, the field of gloiy
on(j ren0Tn reserved for the Leocuers f
lliff pin. rnl pi it. trlfit. m, .,i
dnii'iu i.i j"ln tl Lon.ut nig-itiiwil in
tliU ptn-on H-iluid.y tiil.l, nnd Kirr.
nriln toll ll.e 1K'in 11ml lis ((m rrnl
i ... i i ... . ii,i. ..... .i i. . .
minm "J ""I -' "i-ir 'wi'ii.ini" ii.r
out ill
' i"
on m
if.uTOll nun flllH i nu n i hi'i mm rmili-ll
llioti in liiliicr, not imvinp on n wrd.iniii
Uftrinent ? Hind liitti Imnd and foot.nnd
lluke him nwiiy, nnd nut him into outer
Philidelnhia Eveninrf Jotirnal.
Uur rrniler will remember llml Sir
HoileHtt, the proprietor of thin puper, wns
somoiime nonrrehti d and tiikon to Fort
Mellenry for Rlloged troisonitble publica
lioiii. The rn ,11, hit in wliicli Mr, Hoilouu
procured bis release so incensed his piit
loim that ho ivns lorced to rll out.
'I'I.a t.,...n. 1. wur I.. ..1.......1. r.1' f V
be deemed a traitor
Thai such conduct count it uie treason,
uccordin lo llie decision of llm adminis
tration itiit) its friends, he is well aware,
tw.d he cillery into the business of ediliug
and publishing this paer witVi tho full
knovledge of the risks incurred t-y
iourniilit who ventures, in iiir-s likr.
ibtfe, o demand fur tho people what is
right, to condemn what is wrung, and lo!
imblish liolitirnl truth. Hot li intemls lu
fi i unci, to niimr; k l Ii I If n lr-
ljuences. CHAUklvS N. KXL
l'bilaillfhi. Mmxli 111, lfKt.
iJaJ'-The best Iiytil
J , l
.eague (hut ever,
Mn, a HIU M'x iIIWi i n I IV j's'.I
Under its
iiuspiro, tho oount ry has attained a dpgvee
of power and prosperity unsurpassed in
the history of the world. To lo i-jdi? to
the Dcnsocrati? piul, i to be lut,ul to the
Union and tlio Constitution; uud friwHi
to the oop, if Irrasm to tJv other. lfK
mnn does not cl it tobebb highest du
ly (i;-t to hi (Jod) to miiintn'm and de
feini UlU Ihe Union and IheCotutitulion,
he is unlniihl'ul to that party, and com
prehend neither its history, i'a princi
ples, nor its leaching.
To thoio men of thu late 1,'epnbliiaii
parly, w hohaveno Htoimnjli for A Milieu-
uiiism, ami wno reel like uleniiliying iheiiv
loyal, nrsorir.tiim, wo say row vitfi tn, md
unite your politi-al. influence arid fovrume
witb tbat p.rty w'lieh has over lei Jjui
lo the whole count. y, mid the evid. m e o!
j whoso loyally is inscribed upon every page
if our country's history.
tsaJflhe I emocrals of 11a. risbjr.' won
. ,
! a n victory over the Ni
"oiiic ids
on Friday lasl-. h'ct inir their Mireeir. nmll
nil tlm nllivr oiif r , I .,(,.-..'
The most ilea pernio etlorls wenf etude
r' I11 "un "' vu.Mfcu in v.. ... .-nr v,i , ivnsuiirg ny Iliiiins i, im Jrj(j
Pine, who avow himself the writer of t ho ciul cuiiiil to the wateia of t:u- Yainorirer
article for which Mr. Boiloan wasarresled, The gunboat Clullinnhe et. omiterod '
We know him well, and whrr, he declares, luilorr at Ihe junction of dm Tallalu
himself In liingunge inch in the following, and Tallvliftlchie rivi ia. 1 l,e fight ;Ui(fkj
the public may just count upon it thru he'nli day, ami oneslmt fiom the biitvJ4n,
will be as good u his woul : tered n port hide of Ihe Chillicotlie killial
If it bo treason for a publir jni'malint to' four und wnuni.iug fo'irteen. Tee C'W
insist upon f. strict obsorvance of the fun. r,.roivo,, fif shcis s,., J
Uamenhil iiihI supreme law ot t''i land by ! . . it.,.
men in ofliee, nnd to eom.'nmn all officials ! " J'"''"'" . J,u,,"e h yain
who violate that ainl their nuths to olrt'ar 'ir Vicktlui; the t x edition La tv
serve it, then 1 he undersigned ilesires to1 puss lormiii.v.le V.m' vri' s at Uumweml
.a .i.i.... . .i... i. ...- ... .-I .
a man of their own pu-ty, but like
selected lis their cilidldale a limn w ho has
heretofore been identified iili tho l)em-!
ocralic party. But it did nut avail them,
iu tiLi-Hi mo i-cmoiTiuc c wait in u- !iiiarean in liigii guo. Ihe T.-fr is rnir i'l
Mayor. 1'he niggerhunds didn't dire In' jod railing order, and tho limlx'r lsit;
ri. k a fair and open figh!. Ky noiuiii'iting! pretty g rhi1y "rafted in," wo exp.i-i r.
Y0(jand they are most wholesomely wUjiwL
' hor.mglily ar ihe peojde liisgiistiHl
w-lu -'pl7 thing belonging li lha Lite
Abolition-Kopuliiiciiu uMv. tai they
! tinle "ol pro"t .mndiilaleol tl.:. svwn.i
Em-AMir of tim; Kacm.- -.WTstig to
. . . , ,
Mr. Lincoln s Hai.darJ, thr.t ltrr, dol
lars is tho price no are now pay inn for
negroef. Under the Con.-criptioii law,
whilo men are -rated nt ti e sair- jjrice
failing to fork .cr which sum thov most
enter the ranks, of that aj my wL'u lt lhad
Stevens tolli not lo "restore i lit Un-
n. 1 1 l'l l. . ! ... I
"Ul 108 01 ,,,e "'''l"iy m.- race.-,
e l.or o to be able lo pnbli.h tho Con-
" enure in aur in.t, ien
may tako ocrnsion ta say something more
on tho su eject.
" "
NwXAt.-.No mors fore i r a: c our
politic iL opponents to know I heiii-elvts i
las tho Jtrpuuriean party. Tin r have now
i ... . .. .
i u A I bl 0eil 1 11 r lllsl'l V OS
as Iytval Union Lew
toUm. and we may soon expect to hear them
sw jir that they never were Kopublioans
J '
o, not one of them.
A furl her change
w ould be still more appropriate. Instead .
if using the word "Loyal." lot them wrilol
U "Koyal." I wou.d c.r.espor.u mucu,pxKCi;iTrt' N XTIC Ti Nii 6l?
better with Uie r;at aspect .. pulilic at
fuir, about Washington.
B3ulf, in our remark hst week in ref
crenceto eolporlcura. map pedlars, d-c..
we accidentally fnl upon any hotly' toes,
, we cannot help it. When we tell
Iruth-which our nim al al) tiu.ea-we
aro in the b'abil of slicking to it ; and if it'
I U V.J.. :. :. .1 r .... . I
"J " ""r noi oura.
- '. Awosi.-.J'he Hevenue Uoard.which
! " been in scssiji: at llarrisburc for a
.i IDOCth. adiourned
.T. IWr. ,.f lun.fM..-
, i i . . .
juuiciai uiainoi. vvo mail endeavor
somethiug of their proceedings
IHF. fttWfl 1
llio nr I U nin Ii-tc,. J
!nl. Al. ul Iff II . imr'! Hi.l,,,, r,ri
ty liml m I tnl Ihr. ntlioi .In , ii1,i
. . .. ; ' n
omy on IHil IIiti plllHiinoi k . ,.l.,l
t .. i, , r, ,1 , . .... I . I . .. I . , S
r. o ' i rn i-i iiM i iiitt pii 1 1 inf'Hfi..h, i
- "it imo inM of kotoml kill. il, wim,,,
. . . . . ..... '' '
Hhd iiicitn.,.
H Id r. . v .ii
" ! Jin i" 1'iifiin", vm
', ") iiuii iin:iimloro rninom
...,.. ...M 1 1 u 'I - (i 1 1 . tl I II f I IIP W'lth hit
" "' Mrnini r M inriHiipl nni
l''"'d butni, m,d rotoml Dibora injin
w '" 11 H ft iou,i nfd down th rlin
V"v HU'diimt w, .,.j,r.( to linvn ps
1 "U.r,i,1, 11,0 "'
n uiKiiiins nt,(,,.Dl t0 j(V
. . i . . , i
111 U1K ill I Ht.U.
All appears rp.h.t iw , rimthniVi
Vivkbburg, thehh wui,r probablv pr..
ventmij Ihe inoveinont. o( iroopi ' lurid,
Unfavorable report are reeeitpj fronJ
ihe rf epi d uoii, whi.-h h fi
,....nrr ,,r ,,.nr iij-i v reRni. ji..
V...I. 1 1
I.i!m fi nm Fortrr.-s Monrec c n ll.( i; f
stuteH that n kaitlc v. us ili- n in progrrnf
on ilit Wnekwivter. ilut (t'drral fyrcn
luad itlikri liif friTi'v in I heir
lieiiiinmratii ni'nr FrnnUl i. Ti ses.
mny ciiargM iia t fp u'.v rn
I be tirbet 5ti!'iristion without iueeei,
Tk. fi,.i, i
j i . 1 1 ' f i 1
Ue ve-MwlrcoiutfTeflomk
1 Thr- ri .rlji.l a..lnt rt il.A m V.:..
.in ,i i u. .... in ..Kir .. ll.e II'IIUUI,!
, J
ago for a socoi d expdilion inlo (loorji
and Florida, is cor.iradictpd. iVt last it-f
counts it was Florida, having made wvw- ;
al imporl.iiit cnptnro, and driring i
enoiriy l-el'or them.
Kichmond j'nporapeak i.onCdeutly "f;,'
un early battle on tho K:ippiikannOik. I
is mot probable, that Gen. L) "will not -risk
another battle at Frc-dei ickrbi;r& nut
fallback towards lliuhraorul, in order li
draw our army farther from its hare. . I
I'ki it. Tho i endor's alteutioti Is res- j
pooi fully :v ked to tho nrtielc commencing i
on oor outside, t;ikei from tho i.e'v York
.'.fet.-r-fWiijH ,Vwi-ih. orgnn of ArA. i
Dishop li'uii. j. Wo havr iiepi) no ' j
I '"l"1 to a'iswrr its jioworfnl blows at the
nionstrouA wri iv'i of the l.iie Conre.-s;-
- no? ,i:e w-oeii thnf any nUe,iiptis toil.?-
,U,U 'O'"'"'"1' ' Arr.l.-l'.id) p, or ar;
boity e:-e, for this juibhonl icn. oi Mr. Wai.i.acf. fo fV IS
ten: nltontion c I nur r voter lo Die f
I r-v " "'- floisus-rii and patriotic pyoth f .
-0i,t"r M ''l'u-, I
i lishs'l on our fltk
PfK"-'. Head it.
A Fioon
A Fi.oon ! Oi.r hinihprmfs
i ., .. . . ....
will nearly nil boon its vv lo ihai kct..
TLreafened InTasion of Keatvtkf.
.eyr lork. irarcn 'JO. A apeewl
p.V eh lolhe Herald from MurfreesW
yeslor.lav. y the rumors hi-ri'lnfw
I'.vi-n iriino ).ropse(i rcoei inni in n
KeniiM-ky are not croundha. Tliffnt'
resp.ijs.lenl learns from a Soothem mm
w'n le-fc Chi.tlaTioogiifi Sundi) ilisl thi
rorxd rwof known to huve loft N ircinn
Idi.lnot ro'rnforco t'ten. l'ong''. but ts)ii"eii'
j V'r1 " KnrviH Ye-ler.l.iy four hum
ored rerieli-crrKsetHbe uiimwrlanu nm
nt K.v,.,m Ky.. and it was reported thai
! a lame force was followim.
M AltltU'D On Die 1 ,'ih in-l..l).v J. ak
(rert, Kq., Win. Kvioi' .Mct'nllouijli to Sfla
Hannah TliOni:ie, t-ot-i r.l' Ilurton tp.
fa Ida IVth iiifl., bv tbc I4in, M. V. P. (
lo Mim Margaret K'.Ie.i, Ki'.b is" U
rcnei tp.
o-ilhr lSn! , by Wm. M :.", , L.... Mr l-'.'
l'.iiamnn H Min llanr. h r'w.iiiintilh.
I)li:l) At hi residence in lirsdford
t.f paralytic liscM4, J h n PUirey, a, 'I
(1 yenr. 1 mrnlli uii'J 2'i -tare.
J.Tlhe ilcrejioJ was tia mj th' cirri
j tleri" of tin" county, onJ ono of our uiJ't'"-'
i BnJ ,I..ftBj oi,wl,.. ,
JUfo 3lbb(rtiscmtnts,
.trriO.--Au"ror'son irTwhy owilw
I V J "camit uioddlinj in oa wy
I.i. 1IAV MAUI.- . .-. .t. . . .e M
rrowoll of liralu, nrU ). M o , MlU
to uio, an J i in hu jnsM.tiai w. loan only
0r'th'lm ' Mr m
- M maw"" M
ST.',! tliii ed.
1 . . ' V. .a.oaH
nil..rierl. All person indebted Mi
- i' wH'fa an.aka iremediai pTit i
.... .: : lr!f
UeiD ,hi), Taiheatica.ed for aciiVm-ti.
the' Mr' 8' 6M' t't"
Flyer's' Patent Churn,
A aujmnor art cfe. A fninily uelog low l"
,6v,r e,a be without butter !
. .. .. . .. ...1.. .fii
ul.ked to tuntomors cheap f..r Cass w'1
Jr awrved country reduce, lerry , i
AH me atove anj many ciner itu -- i
R."-.":, Tkasfco; UoaMarkei.
..u. ike "'"
lo 6ior." JOUN" Qvw
vn i uvmi i ilu auu a it it . n
in! Nor. V, ISM. y
Attorney at law,
w m A t'TVIJ hi. nnmmirlir iS
II njv, and rr.umed the pracUs of !' ?
i ".. i...j . . : i I....I..U .1 til "
DO fWCUIKU UU l'tOHlVl t-U..-.- - ..M!
oa Sc-opd elrcet. Cleatllcld Ts. u , i-y
.,.,0 .llnn.a 111. fl.