' V - A ! tf i fir h f i mil T Lv . . '. .. V"-, w W. M0011E. B GOODLANDEIt. j Editor. PRINCIPLES, not HEX". TERMS-SI 25 per Auntim, if pid in dvnnc. n i:v s f. u 1 1 :x vo i ,i i i. no 37. VOL. XXXIII. WHOM-'. )() 1? 'J CLKAI.F1F.LI), JU AVl-DXKSDAY, MARCH 25, I JO ft. r rant 7 (Orijjiual o.tui, 1. im;s Win lint ir 1 Mt Mid 11 i.r I' .Mi i.sv K, 1 I Urn l;i UIHI'M ". V ., Al ;IH1.I T'l III! l h. I'm h'IIiiirIi) Hi" 1 i -1; 4 t firo, 'I li 11 in nl J nt iiiwrn, Willi tii) lu'iirl iiii'i snnl ilhi'lt'k Ah stiro ns I mil Imrii M.v linart'i. tn-'ii.-if i wiiliiti t'.ii friuno, lint i..v tloiiu-il" mo l o h w.-iv With ion, mr ohp tlriir. fi.itlilul J into, Win.,!) J spout, i'ii, ninny 11 h -ippy day. Of CIIUM- Jim Kfcow 11 tuMierr oik t i.huty-a e.'y iliit'i. : 7 tir 11. 'M wo ilu ;- liui! imri ml, A in I lirilili-n up "nr t;un. Si wldlo I'm riiliii,: lu-i , m v liivo, M.v p. rk i.- nearly li'iu AmI ili 1 11 y Mne. ik 1-1.1 t" Hulk A I'lt'iiLing mil Ins i'ii. Yi-iir Irt.llu r (lot rgo is m w en ;:'iar,, M'ii!l.iii; )i n- li.i-i-lv Wlli'n: ll.C ili-hllil I : in-.. mill llie l.llllp A porh ot tiutii lor Kim p. T!h 11 l iiilu r iiiivv 1 l-'-iiiiii:i.l Alnirli i-jipi. in j i I - 11 1. 111 Ami ii h lnn i'ii it r-nii.iiii -1 C.iir We'll clu erf ii1 v tv 1 1. I .r ' ,-iim." iB.t niirlit, v liil ,'iii'. in mv lout, Mil'!. i.ji ol i-i !:tr 1m 11 !;, My iii-i;'l 1 r :',, 11 v ..mlh - 1 ill- Ul' I I tin' wm lil HI 1 ci ; I lui'T my Aila n my '.h"i . My .Inn;' n:i ; ' y mi fi !-' ; Our !'tlli t'l.yn in 1 1' ' ivi.!1 ron:'i, A !l lilltJ ! ill j"i i... . 1 1' if. No iln'i.xlit 'if '"if uiituil c ! my i' ' ; My li.'iut with jny i; t; '..'il : 1 lii'.il my l."iiil"ii .l'i'nii'''. Iiri' i't ; In peui'v my miinl im- -1 ". 1 1 . 1 . llut'iin t!ii'i-ii:T I.i'-utfii i li t .- i ii'-o Cuili'il "Tl.;i-'l Ki'li-'l'. ii r i " I pliniik tli e Kinpor Iruiii my miii'l. Tbiij;li hnuy (ic my i'y.. lint nlmtn i -'iiii; liiil 1 l.-!i.iM! liu ten tl ( t'l'.-.- in, -I i.t.me ! In li-y lil.'iiil.'-'. '.it Mi,, fr.iui.il I Pi' 1 LrriiJt' ii. y tuiiliiiil in. My dru'iu mi'ii li i-Mi'liiii.tnii nt K'-t, A f. i ill i: V "nc l" I rii-n. Anlmlliil liy r.irnu llm 'tiinl lU'Hof Xunt uniT gi t mi their ili tlinn . My ilciir, it tlm ne pufs tl.i' time. At l.i(;lit, IU ilu'.llu tf In. mi ; J!y 'la, ut ili iil t.i leu: n lu kill ; Or, M.n;:l piiiii-t t.iii-l iiluiRi, I'm, wo nil iho I'.'.'ii ii,.)-! iiu.;-'ii 'y Li'ii tnr ri'lurn of po:n-5 I I nl Kill m ''i.re ilic liln'ily 'f i.'.r ni.l'..pi y i.u k. M.incii i.'C.;. 'rni;cr;i;.vi' Ah v'anck in un'n- 'I liif i.i lif'.e lui- I eaeliod n li,'" in lii" Vcv, York mai Uel n liieli It I .-io 1 1 f 1 "i e '.oliiiv -uie" ;l h.i I, ei n kll"M it .1- :l M:i'le. ; i ,.'i' n e yi'SUM' 1 IV il - ltd lei i llv j in", .e. ',, , ,i'.l fi uts lit tilt' loi en i'i il, and in I lie n I .iioidii s.'!t. uciv icj"iiled at ill'1 fi.ti.i .ndiiiJiry jivice nl '.Ki r.-i.!- per i'1'ur.'i' A 'ill IV W I.i i pin viia-ed ill I Im f.n. 'li .mil re old 111 tiif aUei inon I t a p.''-!d i ! J; 1 i Jn I I. ..1','. Al D-'i rent- n-r pound a !..iV ol cl- -,'H is wortli Y.V1. I'.e!' ifo I he iv-.r il nod i, l 1 J l') l.Venis j.er ji'iiiu I, or a! j.'i u, I : i'l' lull', i'liun pre.-cnt ;ip e.i' ;i :if s :l is ;'0-.sililc lliat it nifty ImrdiSl .! Jnr per 1!'.. I'ljljO pi'r Lair. Tin' pi e el piirf is ii toiler tliiui it Was Lelot Uie iuv'i n 'ion ol tiic cnlleti gin, and w hen the invii'i-s til ilio .South picked il wilh tlien li "-. lirvanl I'.uw.'iid, in liisiorj tl'ilieU'ist !u l:e, fpioled inlton (.'iiiwn in tin. IV, t. a .n, ud oilier West I iidia hlaii'i- in K. lnl Lin liliillinjis null hi X pent e .-lei -lii,.; -i '""Hid av uLoiit m.!)-livn titiii a l.ai: i' i. -a- -i lijeh iv rti Jiii ked ul I 'l ait': I .iiti ; .ii- ;inc"'rs. In ITr'a tlx' lust (ii"' I .ii''i "'ft' 'fli'M weir i. "ii din J.iverpooi fioin ll.t,' Sunt In in a 'is, ami ii ii ili w ci v set,. i.',i ast on 1 1 a i i:.n I. -i- ilu- ynoitid 1 1. :,l 1 1,; Ion " -i - I : ' in i , -',id not Lej'iown in A nn'i in' 1 1. '.-' !.. '.i de t i i e cle. .in d Li li.iiid. Ina low ts iiltei'ii ai ds Willi lie) 's notion in uie into o -. , w 1 1 ieli v. i h nu t a-id All i in. lali. r, iiii.u (",1 in un' n-o. mi t vi: y lo i't culiivtilion and ii(.-iint nuK-j-e in itpin duel mil. 'I'lie .--i l ii.-l i' n of All i"in 1 dmr V ( in. il i ip a: am r,h i ii i-e' u til l e its '.'it I Ii row as a -t -t pi. I iii-c'v i oiil 1 1! iilid Not Inn Iro liioi e to ti'.' oil i'i:'.. it en of t iiO I'cnll'c foods. The I'll-1 palh o! ci-. ili iti' mil enut'. s with a t nan i lie -p col ion p wilh a -av.'o'c in Ine has i"ou tti cm or hi i toi; -I, in, matin Iroai oiicnp raw colli ii. TLo I.ilim inu :" I it mlo.s have dot ivco from cliriip ctillcn 1 class i f lemtiles J i ; 1 1 ' lfl calie.'), ri vn !inu I ; eostlv ftil'i ic-, while nil Lei u iiiiL'Lti ,i to it fo, in t he l."')-er i' ! o l.tnoli-.' ml . f!'t -oils. 'Ihe po(-u-i ; o led IU ;.':iV pi Ul I'ti'-s of i iie n 1 1 1 -1 t;. s and see- l.ai e clean and 'o.i.!',i' tahlc cloil.inu, .'.lid 'or n vt:-l luiuihe:' of household u si s. Thi. tiin-l. now nil lie cli.'inuod. Colliin nt lieirly S 1 per pound nill soon make a cotton sin-' on.-1 us much fthii silk One. and i eali" i li . rl; ns in ioi, n a lik en ii. S;h unaleol ildn-s -nil ins hard uptm th,. ,,- U,( ii,, c;;.--es, What will !;-ur:ivaio tiie mi .it,! he lite li of paper money with !,,,.;, th. y w.ii hv to luiivhii-o dear t. s (f,,,- t ltl ll.ivo ndviutood iviih eoltnn,) iv.,rii h-s thnn half ils vnljc of M,,n, aid ciitrenev Leftiie.lho War. All I .is tli, j.' opU. w,,u,, willingly h.-ar, find intu-h mote wcu-lhe HUT ClUldllCle l I 'I' tllO I t'-io; .uio'i ol'llie Const llii : ion mi I I l.e 1 ' o mIii. and not I n I'tnir.eipation, lliro'.tonmu tin' permaiu nt ruin und tvcau iil nf llie whit, s, .V.Y. , . d.l II .t i Fi.ax. Kvory larmer, says nn ex change, fihould lint, his attention mis iiring to I hp e, owin:of a ,'ew ncrcsf of flax. T he exhoi bi'.ant price of ivttoii (roods, u:nl tWeiinpoHi;ijiliiy of nVpoody ilt:cli:.f in pi i. cps, rendori it iiupoi Unt that tve turn our ttentioti lo Ilia rowin j oflhecrop. The priws of cotton pooi'.s hive Iy no menu eachetl their highest sltinilarJ yet, mid cvou ir Iho war wore ini iii'ilialely closed, it Oium La ,onie time eiv ill South w ill ''Uunpi 'cuie full crop of cot .mi. Tho-n Jiro tacU Unit li i.l bd h.itnc in itiimi by tht' producing cUiw, and uclcil upon belor the tre cvniaken bv ruinou rii . ' r i Ti.'in.'ljti il ti on) tl.i! florin..!) Inr trio CloiirfiolJ Itopnliliotin. A GOOD CHANCE FOTl WIDE AWAKES GUI OF BUSINESS l ui Hidst! l,Miii- 'in iii vilni, in tin' l i t I'li-iidi mini (aiiiiiiij;!i, diii!Y''l t litiir t: in' liclii l in Kmlii'i Aliralitini llite is ii cniitul cli n n imw olleiiil, mil. only 1 to n, di 'i.,i iliut lo to try tiicir (kil! in K'bbciy. J'rcsidi'iil Li tw 1 n sctki u j;n'iit n i J ti 1 1 ) ft- (it'yuuiif; i('l.iill- t li.tt lio- lien-in liini, In cuiiy out Ii is onniifiiris 0 Kin lVi.cliim.'itiiiu in llie Jot Inn Miili-s, ' 1 1 ii v i IiIl'Ii uiii'i'c.liul revi-r ruin milots tin' 6.1,'l'lJ III Ilu- .l'lllll M'lll I ! '1'l.inl cii.'iii'.i'f nl llii' iy tnai lio'o!' Dolt Oi I'liiniiii'li's. 1st. Ami it 0'imo In i,i fllllHUI H'llt llii- U' t urn all tin1 j'lov iiii'. - ii' 1. 1- -tliiit ICinj; A I. iiiin (Alls ( i. !i rim-, kiliviloill to l i t- iin v . lin t nil In- il'ii- mli 1 1 And i',:i'H- .v.i'v ii Kill oiisni '...U lllQUld iilli'W. ... illusion i . m; ..'. and t It. in: lliou in;: innnnt.' lii- 1 1 ui lull i ' In- liio .mi. c!i i- ' ii in l; . I i " ID. 'T'n o K in" i!"i i'i in ' ' lillijf" llll-i l'.':i!. llllll'IIU'l" '! j In1 f.i id i.iitn t t'l y one, n,.; I tlilllC fill- IN'' '.' i 4lli. And liis iiorviintu crioii will) inio 1 V O'l'l', i ,".th. Tlio fii-i-l Kn il : Lord, lii'iir mi', 1 i v;is on." of i i iy 1 1 in- li.li.i.vcr.i li urn t In- In' f . i 1 1 f. ; i i'"-:U"l l J i v luni" t lm..'.:.!li tin' ; -I ri-i-'s nt' ! in' i'ii it-' o! t ti y n oi'iina-j, lo J I I'V ii'in r i i I l.iit d. ! ijt;i. i in' K in r iili-Mi'li'd ti i Ml Mini xaid, ' '.i.il lii'iii !.! ( '1'itrt hi-ivjiil nii-ivi'i I'd .lull -!i;d, jr.i. I.iir.l, my nbinty iIkmtiii i- 1 i .'.id i.'W-r nil t i j v iiKivini'i'S. rvi-n s-o jrn ii hi iii.it .f yiuir fjecteiuiy of War, j .Suii'in. i to. I. a-i. ! I I, . i'i - I'; c Kinu iiiiiwi'icil nil 1 said utilo till? t - an o ill I fiilliful mm vuu t, 1 ili I I .-II,. j W.I- Oil'. I'linr i-.i in I cam s- ! ileis, 1,1 -, :l'l' I ill- - t and said, Lord I , and f.i.ijtil fir tu t I'd iiimi in , i I i: m wound wit! thou, O laird, i I t-ir 'Mil' III l .-' livid, rtiem,.:.,, c.ln-: M,h. I no !,,ne. H,,,ive,ed In.., and a,J How uniny ol my lit u A met ,,.aii pvop e ol Uiii'..u lio-tciit h i-i I nun Ii " ol from hou d IU" m llo 'l.'.od (d htx.e, tout Ll'OUjtht lio iii inin my provin -o- ? liiil.'. 'i'lie .-ul Jier ftii-weie l the Kinu ami .-aiil. I. old I jj'ivu to the Kinu i ii.it wha-ii l'...onu.'d to llie kn I hale ti '1,1 II. v I' .itle-V Um.u I'") uiMii'i' llil' i.v,l out fitli. rs tunoou Uie J 1"C 1" j Hi, lie. I 1 1 if ,n, t'l il 1 1" I'll t ialo I I ICil'U an-vviT. ,1 him and stiid, " ci. i of my -iiil , 1 1, "I un -,ri :ti?t ; k no '.vest I Inrj not -iiiii'niti and laws of our I i too stl'.tuuei s lo ii-; Ihll Lilt -n' iv'.t. u at i.' iiiiiU'it to jjive free- y in t:l oi mi of A I'i i'.'.iu d.'.-t'eiit , in eMail!;-!! nuain the nngl'i!1)' I", i , I tilt!' to; olal lie!.- '.' d -l-l-l In t'on-t,:' IJtti And the soldier went lus w.iy l)i li 1 y iind he n y hear. etl. lii. flieii ( Hiue ihe third nnto iho King nit! si!. Lord luive compiu -ion u;;ol me, 1 am a lie a- c un CI t lo I l-.V c u.-e ; 1 I onu; lliee, (I K'U il- iv''h "hole hemt, Lody ,t:i i M.ni; I ha', e li'a-j'hi'ined and eitr i-d li--,il ivlio ivai.t to i e- o-,l ii ti! I-1 1 til" lav, s if jilt' ialhers: I.biii not wt.iihy lo unitici.' : no slimi ti U.us ol 'thy h'llo.v c. It., lis of IM - t:l .h'-' oi I . II h I I," K oil' answered hi-u and -nid. '.'an-i t It in -le,; i Liui. lit' au-.M-rt'l iind sttid, Vca.I.'Jid, It mi my j i u a p. I i;h. I ..en t'ii' iv i 'i i '. 1 him ll, Kinunml -aid', hi I on v.-'.o for tiic 'lint I ailouhl L'J lv ii',' and i tiler over tlit'-o pi-oplo? iilll. llfrtll-weietl i, hd said, Via, Lord, whin 1 nc.. d oiii' miuhly dei'ds uf litii'lm and i I -ejinu w lu-key unto tlio i.iolit'ti ol men in, nli' (ail "f i ed-pepper and lain wider, I miw thy slur it.-in Ml t lio east. lull. Kinu A 1 1 i'ii 1 1 ! 1 1 il nn-weit'tl lii ,1 and .-aid, '.'.ili.i'l lliou deliver l.i!.-o Mil lie ? l'.hli. lie un voted nil, 1' said. Kinu ALiahnm, my i ility ihetein is spread 1 over I h v w h j -.illli.' The I ami lailhl'ul nl.o'e ; lake I 1 St. II" ' '' klnudoiii. Jv i no -aid to linn Liai r, (;uod rvaiil. llniii sli ,.i I ... w ti an .. ill' 1- n ! 1 a I ue i -. u. itsu i 1 1 d Un' K in U und "il l, Tl.V ivi'l hr d; lie wit h ;i, -.; ; lo 1 un malt. I '-JJ. And I came n ,"i oat I pa-.- '. nut tticre . tic. .1,1 H i I'.pled. j -.'.'id. And II c li, ' i ' t hud v at of Kin' i ' is en' idli i1 w is jiw i n : ' s!i uppers. Idol WnrMiipi I i i iho i,, ; i it - W il I' ll spli IIS. , I -.iim a ; I'u I ilican- and siiuiet -. i S l'.h. ttd in i tt'i-e day- it c ime to pa-A that .he people Lou in ! - n . IL w nm wo 'r j.iicn in lue inn l-l if n linuil u lio-o I w hole ol j.'i l it I- to de-Hoy III" land mid : lawn ot our I'm t fa; lo in. illlADY. ! AN IXCIPtNT IN I 'I K CA KS. I In ! i'ii on a i.i;, road wired nun into Ni-w V.itK, u few iii'un-nus auo, iisicnn occurred v. hick will not mum U loruolleii Ly Hi win, e!,-fs ot it. A person dressed a- u ui ntlcm..!!, .sjieakingto a Irioii'' acioss j Uie car. utid : Well. 1 Impe ihe war may l ikt six ilioriths j muer. It :, , hcs I fhali luive lle enough lo n iir e from b-.isiiot - In the t '! six nloiuhs I've iinti.Ta htindretl j tnuti,l dollars six IIIOIiUiS hloie-amt ; l sii.id ll.ll o ei ii-'' A 'ady -ul heiuud 'Le speaker. All J ne-c-"ssi--i: hoaid is r." nrk but when Lt was done -ho tupped Li n on to olmuldor, nn.l anl lo ti i in ; -Sir. 1 h ad two oim one ofihcm was killed at t tio battle of Fred prieksb urix; the cllii't iva4 killed ftb tbe b.Ulle of .Mut hVt sboro'." She was silenl u moment, and m were all around who heard her. Then, over come by her iiidiumuinn, - Ihe cuddenly flapped' l ho upociilaior. trL on one cheek, thou on the other, an 1 before the fellow could say n worn, the piissonaern sitting tio'ir. wlii had witnessed the whole affair S.'i.-d hi, n, and pu-ly I him hurriedly out of ihe cm, us one not fU tor'donith de cent pcopls.-'ff I'crk Vi REMARKS OF MR. WALLACE IN J'ie Mute S nail', on the Of- w.it., 'hr jm s tii Mil' on tin1 iiilc'li'ii ol' Mr. L M ittn Ton's nmrn-hnfiit rml'nirin; M JnH (iKNUti riiAl, McCl.LiLAN in the r('lntmn prcci 0 '.' 'j'fl, U'tiltrini tu'. ILiUdJ l'C lit na'.C tn Ouv.Jiii.vuN', i y!-t-j'.v,a' l;-( i"V r.iiMUt WidctlT, "f Lnluiiiiu Air. U'ALIACK. I Imvc li-ined witli treal inlri'fri to t Ii o (liliuin!iuliiiiH, ppi uieis unu iiiveo.ivf, u,u iiin c lain-u uj'ini us li mo S'liatoi's IJ I mil tin' ollii'i' mil t lii- cli.KiiLi'i . Tlic fi'ini'i (i! hiu'Ii it Ik) nfU-iiij!u 1 iinocr.it, I sliull iifitlfi- in tor.5't 10 ihIUhI -iui' -ii4y in i-mi iii llial 1 tun a Drirooi al, 1 to k i I l myM.ll i,d li'i.'l.nj; ol t-lniuit', liut I'.illit i' lei'l ailiiiil of I i n lu unu id' l"i l , 1 ii'u 1 . 1 1 it ' I to la' it rt I liiiinliln tm'iiilitT ol ilnil imlilii j :n-l y Hull ! lop tliroo touri hi ol fiL'liiy yoais litis con ducted llii" (ioi ct iiiiifi't. tli 'I I- 1 run a tow i.i li!e colonies eievali'ti 10 1)1! il freal ttlid tnili iy tin i n hi, a liu-e c-iiii'iici wli iioiu'd vveiy sea IiciumiIi t lie a. jm tiuill of lien veil ; "ilm li;:i'l itriics u'lid liriji.i' -l.n.i" of whose national einir:il llul ' '-re 1 in tiu biee.e.s of every el line in tin' kiiu.wi w hi ;d. Sir, I Liini Id inyM'lf iiotlniil id' .-i.aiuo ili.it 1 tuna I Viiiiim a; ; I ti ry in in--ini'iie in (lie pa t ; 1 fin iimiu ol il in (lie incsiiil; ami - it 1 vet fa n. ;ui lu llio lui'iie. And in ti UiVi-cll'.e, d uu'ici.i li ui iind Liiiler ivoid-i tu e llunnii u, on hip Inn p. I hurl iIipmi huck i.cli.tniiv in t lie etll of SeiuUol'M lllii.ll till,- ll'luf. -Sli , vij tire a-Im al h) l ii im (juve, nineii I mi iiiiv Ouvnt iiuient hs any .N'liiilors we iiave fcUst.itue.J tun tsiil .-ut la;ii the U.ive. iiuient ami tin-U-uslilu- pv piove tjiat -cf ioti.,1 ..,il,liraiiUm Im tion. Ihe iiciplti um the SoviMfi-ns ol eiven i,e env.'ted opportunity section;, this renulilic ; 1 m oi. of the people : Mo.s,i..n. Hut ..its. h i ,.e a-i Vou wlmt und asu.icli. I. t lie iiuuOlrtst eipiiliy w.tii ,is y.-,r coiidil ion (hen mid what i-il Ihe lol.ii' ., have the lijtht lo ik'liiiti.'l ,m ' U'lu t. s- c's-iot, was ncompli-iied lhattu iiueis bI. UI not he my lyraius. tint! 1,1 io(1-!.,. A'as i i.ti -i m i r , I o . even l'.y v . Hue of law, the M.vetei-n peojile biaiu-it ( I tlm N'.u ioiml (iin'ernmetit iva hnse chosen thou' puhlic i v.i.iis and uiuiei j our undi-puied coin ml the Kx phu'i'l them in hiyh plucfS to udminiMei' ; i-eutive mid lei-hitivu ilipaitui'ml oral the Uovciuiiietit uccoidtng to law. I'hey ! must every liouhen, Slme iv, ie l,solnteh demand that their tuleis chad ol.cy the; your ; l.'j.ul,li.!.,ni riote.l it, powe-r Nu'.v !uiv. 'Iheyluve K. wntten t ous llulion. nir. il, ii,..4 ,.,. i,,.,..i v ' on tho lnond pedelal of which llie lluhts o( ,ws(J1,ul i.Wrty. l.i-:edo.,i ofopeecl. und ,yt.olloi.i of the press , piHinly gmven. - ... iney ueinunu uie mesiiuiaoii' privi. cue. ot Iho uriuonlioilh'd exetoise of nil lliffis l iiihtp, siduect only lo ihe penalty ihe-iaw I h"h aliixod for the r almae. When the I .ili'l' of the tci vant deiuands ol 'dl- ence to Uie la v, il i- our duly la vie!"l it, and it is our iullt lo di'lll Hid at his hand.. implicit oliedlenc lo the law n hic.li he has snoi n to pi otect Sir, let us come ilircclly to liin (ue.-iion lit j.-Miit This i-esnlut ion liuideii In An drew .lohnson, of Tennessee, and Joseph L. Wriuht, of I ndinmi. liiousoot llitsh ill ; the niiioiiiltneiil ul tin? Si nator fiotn Chit ion extend- ihe -a.it imih-o-v lo I'l-nu-,s U at; la'.- ju-il) I'.t M..0, ,!. i'i. .d'- 'o l I.iii. Sei alors spe.. k 1 1 i.-p.t! .it .nu'l "I t lie iino its uf lion. M il'n ! I. in, and plaii Iy indicate li.etr ih termill.lliotl to lOte down Hie ,i liieuilt;)enl. huniis! this d.-cu inn. t he virtues, t .10 loyally ..nil patriot t-tn 1 1 Unv. John-oil have Li'i'U Xto!l"il; h;s I'.mI t i Hid ( iovc i iitiu't.t ami ins iiersi-u. il expo sui out hiui-i !l in its M ivic; iu Tennessee i.iivp heel, llaliot i 1 1 iu ! y coulrni'iiteti i-pon. Is t:i"i u lound in him otdv? .u ii ,ck w ii li me lo .1 uly and An uu-i, l'v'.l. I. t n- el.'iii-e at the pn-tta I) of llie relic! a- i p' ( i; , i ftiem-il ivii'tln lii'iiru. o l he I. npi ; a i, ( lur tinny ct'iifidoiit und luavn, 'uit im -peiieiteed, under iho uuid.inco ol llie vol cran Scoll, i as inip"tiniiisy driven fur ward Lv Hi.- macliuialions of political Ian at im. It was tuad'y dashing flgtiinst the ha'tlcmcnts nt Mai:ns-as : H did all that a Li ave and loyal soldiery cnuld do, hut was thrown Lack, Lenicn.di-uirii ed and Llcetl li'U. upon Washington, i'li army do moralized the ('ipiial del,'nc!'less - I ln Administiation dismayed and well tiki, I'e-piiil iiiU Kep resent ut ;ves ii;'.d Soiintoi.-. uiitnivcii and powerless, 1 1 i-m ! led ill 'l.e well uiounded mitictpiilini; ul iuiirt'iiijle liangt-r, and ' Willi liv'ul lipf they oriotl, "The P.,) ! tho f je I thy uoinn." All ivtis dism:')-. all were in tropidii'ioti ; ntul with nut.' t retched Lands hev -ou-'.'it relief. U'hetico -hull it f.iir.e ?- is it from fl "i vet in.. .IoIiii: oi;. llieu.i Senator ' of the I'nilcd State, Why ho piirtooli ' of the uelieral '.'rontl. I To the. voiinfj an 1. vigorous McCIelltin i t'..o eye of l ho uaiiou involuri tat ily liu ini l, ! an 1 tlio nriny of iho liovernuient wero at onoe plaoctl under his control. lie wto 1 brought to Warhinuloti .vhen c.infosiim j ard di-oidt i u ; ;iic 1 ii,i: i ;iie. lull under ' hio inauic loucll u now siaiej t f tliinus ;;r,isijp; confidence and ot L r folloii'.'d 'chaoi; the army dtsoioniii.'.od i, icoiuim i.'.ed for viotoiy ; and when u,p oider to n,ov l'lrwtitd comes, the flrouuuuld of ihe cneinv is nciiiire.l Ly I h il ' ui ealosl ' fif nil vietm ies a LfHidle- one. I'iu doi.ee .irul catilioii, love for Lis mildipoy land devotion to his country, I inu; -.ullers I ui(( and pui iciico imdor repeal.; 4 injuii,', : Uielotl bted bri4V4'i'r niitl ceo iim n m i p, . t lllv J1Wlje t'h:rf mI.ii;.tjeoigtf B.Mc Jcl. .,n ,ie j,i ,, i,o tmiion. , )lir,Mtf ,,;) ihe existence of lluj rebellion. where i- Andrew . lohnson ? I,, ihoS.o, a; ,f llC '',,,.,.,1 s,,,,.,. fc,.,'ki,o' moteo. ( ir.,, for hiul-clf lifJiis lei lows u n.ieo iho bayonet o ihe soliors of Ms CloHtin . r, ..! , :s (, , ,n nn , , . lf i.i , fmnt of lmllUT In hi li plaeea ' as l!io niilitiuy (iov'ernor of hisown people, a liieir (licliior we find him ; he is t.evrr found in-arms In defence ofliin Suite, or vahnnily tiphfinp in defence of m eimeriy ot ins people, Mtfuiist Uie arm I .ti . . - . . ed cohorts m . uie i-eoeiiion. 4ever never ! ... Sir, it is'liut proper that the represens ta iven of the people of Pennsylvania, should place upon record their desue that man who has done )eoninn nervice in behalf of the .-Government should be e ual!y lionorc with ihe man who h d li the podtion of military Governor j.tulep the Government of the United .Stales. The Lepublican party of the New York Legi. lature refuseil to accoid to Gen. Model Ian tLe honor of public reception. Ha wl.rt !H(I 'tn pnn t,.n imynlli.'r toniinl ivliii'li ri-lull imr n 1 i I i I u. It wan Frum t!i. Mctnipulitii n iloonnl. .Orgnu of Aroh cnifinri: onl itir? iti.-itt i r.'i't i'Hi, is ir-fnvcd to n e-crvi- t In-e t li.n tin' I '.o.. itnl innw im Lidniji Uupln-n i ' I "''","' i,-i'iiin. '"" "" """ 'OMIMIIIIIIV PIKMIIIIltclCll lli ji.'nU id II, l.utl',. li-ld find tin. on- yiilioiiH of I lie caiiip. .I.ii.mmi, ih- civil- l n, lui- ronirnni'd in iii-tri,m P.,o im n Si ii uof (ind a (invri inn-. ti'mln' inn im .iini'ii-n-n, (.liic-i il,,,,,, ,, t, S.U1) li-vti, Mini Kiiii-iy (,ov, Jt.lmri.in cmt'ot (hiiiiIiimi or dim. 1' or lliii m ili-t'i'iilcst inr eMiieismi; o.ir tiiilitii')tel ri.flit to iiniliin'iti'd nii'ii. f i i cj iii,',-e till .nI,lio? men. for (.lainly cs. )ii("-ini! our opinions mid onviet intu, v.o i.t-'VrVrlv r"iiounrcd, S!r, oti tunv t-dU ns you will. W'imii'o yniir I'i'ei's .Sen nlors of l i i is ''oiimiriinveiilii-u-t:iinetl 1 , y n piilile imd ti loyal enn-ti; nr-nry ; wo nrc Fiislaii.inif tlio do.'i i iiH'B rM' (lie f'oiistitu-li-.ii, iind di'iniind imd will Ikivp tlio ri'dit Il-i'ly ul Mr. in e.iiosd tlioopiiiiuna th;i ncttiaU' S'Tnki i', it htn h"rn paid tl.nt everv ni'in nil "lis a I lo im ifl'ti! j.; Sen ilnr Ol' liepii'-onii;yp in ('.ingress, finit e",ry ' Pi'iti'ifi' fi" (iovcrm.i' at, ti' inrei 'i. li of! 1 1, . ..I...H : : i , ., .... t.-.i ,,...v in nt nie'l reneittoi' ii'piiiist the (oiverii in-rit. In ii- Lrotil Slilloinciit, litis . IrieortPi'l ;t!,:,i it H p'u'. Iially 'rue l-Jlo-vi ui'.'.nalh IV.vu lie Inots, that li-j"i;oe .ni-ill w e eu'ially fee liomd, t hut t he South 'vu in titily i eprri' denied L l'eiiiot i-,,:, and tl.nl Soittlioi'n m.'iiil"is mid .Seiiuti'i's fnil'.'v d the for tunes of Lheir Stiites. I'.ur tlmf ihe-p fauis in. ve ilip ! Iutoenli.. ,.r rl... v. ... ' li'uint:r.ii-v is nitrrlt'' ti' ' - -' v ..,,," -, t.. . I ihsHii-away ; the iipopfe nre w res tin a : no,,, yu the eptre' of dominion ,. d men .vho, hke Andrew J,,l,..-o.i are wil img lo it ample t he ( 'nnitii ul ion u'idc f.i"l 'are n trunsnion ; they will in Ihe carlv fuinre. , hurietl ,., ,i L n.v,..;n i: uien who ivill sii,,i mm., il.n ...ri l,i Wt.lks o liui lli,tiu,in (he l.oliln mil. -ailo'i- o! w he, ir Is beat in ,-y m at Int - 10 uui-oii Willi .iiirty four States, win) wil! hoar ahill Ihu banner of our uoiintry iviii, not a situ ci a-e,' they tiro tho men win are tiampliujt u pun your heels ami will .-""li luil.nv in i in. phieou you imu, ocruipy Sus, llns is the pa-l and the re-en I o me iciiciiiiiii, llieso mo tho I hues. signs ol l!.. I am opposed to the reception ofli iver irai" .lohmnti h.r no persona! ic.i-on ; hm sir, I am uii'.Villinu tu rec-i'iiie his pre. ( nt. oilici ,1 pofiiiuu. Ho i- not tin (iov ei'imr uf TeniiOiseo in my vp-iv of l ie law I inn oppu'Oil lo tlm re-obninn beoau-, lii't - uLlican So not or s ai-.i nnuiliin.i t., ! tho lame com lesv lo llm. Mel ih llan I am oppusetl to tho lesol ition because 1 am unwilling to count ?ri.i. ee any o tho.-,-men who have rendered aid and comfi.it toward ibis Adiuiuistrnl nm m il k me towards bU-t.iiiiinu llns Adiuini-i i al ion in its nnoonstiiutioiiMl, unwiirrnntod and tins necessary inea-iu es. Andrew .lolnson is ouu "!' 1.,0-e w ho has gone farthest, who L i- heon i liu mot! ultra of tho ultra in s islaintni; Iho violent men. urea uf the .'I'lminis- r.il:tin at Washington. Mr. rT LLF.lt. Wil the gontlomen al- 10 v uie lo a-k hi m a (:iotiou ? Mr. WALLAi'i;. .cilamly. .Mr. I'TLLKlf. hoes I ho gentleman re fer to t ho war measure of iho Adiuini-s- 11 at ion ? Mr. "WALLA" iv 1 .1 . To those an-1 to till oilier 11 iii'ii.IM II u l li 1 1 measures. r ri.LKit. It is fur di'niii hun '.' that you con M--. WALLACi',. No sir, not for that a!"ii' . but bei.iusp he has boon n con-is lent and warm friend of all their radical inea-ures. . Mr. FL'LL F.!J. I do-iic trnsk Ihe Sen ator v, lo'thor Audrow .Joluison has su tained I lus .Ailuiimstratioii in nny othet IlieaSntes except llio o uoot'ssiry lor tiilU d I'tn ihe rebellion 'I piu- Mr. WaLLU'1-; lie has stistninod t!ie A ' 1 1 il i n I t at I'm in i's cm uioipalioii men. sure-, iu ils suspension ol the wiil of ha beas corpus, i i till it. pio.ii'.nont measures. Sir, ihoSt nut, ir cannot point out 'I sinule im istiie llial was 0.poei by the lojal people ufllie north, that I,,.,-,, t iistniiicd by Aiiiliew I iniiMin. It is for this I -hall vote ag.iili.-l hi this hall. occupy; Mr. I'l'LLl-h.. Oo I !itid,."-l;.i,.l Iho Scii.iioi 1. 1 -ay ti ,' iho I "id ; o.'pl" of the north are uupo-ed to Andrew Johnson b"i'ue he ha -u- lam etl t he in oi n men l '! Mi. WaLLACD. ! ilo not say any such lliitljj. Mid i suppose Hint th it stilli.'iently covers the iti(Uiry of the g.'tilleman. I -li-ill proceed. In in niinnci jnit;on policy in it.conlro. and .b..a!iite upen sion of the 1 ight.of 'reo speecii mid il tree press iu its iopoMte.1 aibitiaiy a"iests ihu Adniiiiisti'.itiun has gone coulraiy 'o I he Cioi ei iiment. The (jovei i.mcnt of t hp United Slates cm "lo nono of i liesii things. "rgiuiic law ol (behind, it i pi un- ly wi illen thai the light or personal lib . er,V. freedom of speech nnd of tho pre are l ight upon whioh no man dare lay ' ,,ani'- YeHhe liglu of per-mial libtrr- . . i... Uam .... I . j . i 'J " t ...,,l.e.. . "i ,ne, -' s - The com l were open; the law of the land wit in full foic" ; none were in!er. fering to stop il execution ; (he people loyal Hid lubmissive j oi me.i have been taken lyihi Administration from their homes m l families, depiived of theii con Mitutional rii'hi of trial Lv jury, and inn' mured in ui-t iiil furls and pri.-ons. . TliAAloruul rrinpiitl.,. runl.,l;n,t : al l Rill ofliiulK of PpiinHvlvuni,. ..,) .-,,.;.. ed in tho Amendment of the (.institution of the United States are the strati upon iiii'ii.'d. ii was in ti,,-,. jiri'M ivf iliatil.f ICKllUtmil VMli Inllj'ilt ; (ill Ihc Ollll'f IHO vinim.s oi' tl,.- n riiton law w.tb .l.'-.n-il in tln ontrr l.-n rwis for tint .i it .-ct ion o iIicm'. TIici. hli, ,,i ini'ipK s inci hi. tnlili' inl cm iii-vcr laj undviM li'd unu our IiIumIU's Im jim'-. i veil. .Tht.-c un: , 0'iii' (rnmcnl. Toirolei t lliem in I Im liilienL t m o yeni s litis n t lt-iigt Ii udjoui lied. It cx iluiy ol'nny Ailniiu;Kliiitinu called into irreil on tlio 4li ins'innl, cavin; Iioliind exi-teinii under tin provisions of tlio it a memory Unit limn run never ell'.iru. IJonstiiuli.iii. No Ailuiiiiistiiiiion can strike out of cxi-lence these uttf.it piinci- le wit hout ih'stroy itig tho veiy institu I ions they life pworn d, mppoi t. And. mr, there i- another lliini: to Lo said in this coiiiict t on. Vacillation of purpiiso a coiitinued vai'iiltilion of pol li'V mid put po-o has cliarat'li i i.etl Ihis ' Ailiniiiistialioii from it, inception ; it has had thi pi.l.cy lo d iy mid that lo timirow; it has Waudei etl I. ere lo ihiv nod I ln-i ' 10 -U'Ol t oiv : it hit iuooommI I his tl.ii. m a war inen-ure lu "lay and ihil ihiitu't' - morrow, ut.iil. lii tie l,v litlle.il has ciu-h. i.i..., . , en oui tite i nioti u ntitiielil ol the Soul 11 ,ind ijliiin-t xliausted Iho loval neonle of ! the .X'lilh, l y ;ttoti.. pri'lieii -itu, lt;r the liberties tnai atiti.cd a tletiib ..... ng up- pre.-civalion of the iv tno Lon-litiiti ui. ini.. iii-n i.i 1 1 .in iu purpii-o on t.'ie ji.it I ol liio Adiiiin i-lut ion has knitted touol her ihe people of ihe South ns ono in igli ty tiia-s in m ti;s ;iL-aiiist us ; Mi.od ha. Il owed .ike mm r ; and treasure., by the thousand millions, ha, i.licao'v Iccii ex I'l'lidi "1 ill the no Iruitli c.s cllorls to cotioner n penc: mi I i tu h llie iu-UPii cl inn. I'll le.-a ii';,;.;'.i .l.a!l itsurne i,i throne North and S.i, 1 1 ! i --1,1,1, -.ft the olive I ranch uc coii t i iho p '.vo 1 1 1 u , loss honesty (if ut ",-i- mi l Sully to our oir t it u t iomd ol'ligalions .-hall gain llie H-eemlaiit tier,.' is no i-iy of hope Im' tho future. In speaking as f hi.ve spoken' of the t'oii-iiiuii ui, i i i ii nt wish lo be under -loud a. iitici po-ing jis j revisions ns a protection to it bell in in ins. If they have violate) the 1 ,w, 1 I them L.i trie. Ly the iaw iind In piiui-hcd Lv Ihe law, I do not ui.-h my pnsinmi Upon lii'..- niio.-tion lo he iiit-uieli r-'ood. The Li-'yiry of the woild sh'i'.vs lis that necn. jons .,(' public ooiiiniotiun .ue K'ted upon by ile-igniir; men tn sweep iinay the libefiie ot Iho people. ! nm solieitou- I'm tlio ircscrva - tion ii'ihe('i.iiti'uii"n. because it is tin' ujeat pi.'.i'ctii'g owe:- f't my liboitie.s uid li.o .il'i I lie-.1 il.e pooplo I repio -ent. Mr. lii i) 1 WAV. J woiiltl n-k Ilio gon- man lUii'ilii'rlitt is sli unoi 1 1 liu t he d ri . ;iiu;ioii for tin put i o-o ol pi olei ; t'l' 1 nm support ing t be r -iavoi v or li1 ci : v '; Mr.' wallah: ' 'on si it ul i. n for tlio pir jio-e of protect uig ny-ell ami my po-tinly. I am unwilLn- in entrust t no -til uenis, my i right to conl ml my eon. hddieti and myself lo tun I . oe nriii I'Oivor. Wo have iiuv.aiidbvtli.il written law it.il.'. a writ ten o inu.-t Sir, 1 again indignantly repel the a-ser. ion ol Senators upon thi II .inr, thut Ihe Jl'inociacy nro dislnyil. Thon-nnds of .lie noble Democracy of l'epni'ylviinai are now in the army; they pr ..;pilv re-poits ded lo the call for troops; they have no Llv sacriliceil their p; unto inteto-ts and pi r-uits a;id liave di-voii'd themselves lo t he support of the (1 ivernmenl, ami are now engiged in vindici.tirg by luti.s tho power of I he Uovei n m out . When gentlemen undertake to make a distinction between Iho lea, lets of llie Demoei icy and Ilu- Democratic ma. mo, I hey lali into u g'. v.,i;. cirof, So... J lejl you th" limb r.s ate behind the pen, ph' on this ipaeslioii. I n il Senators Unit ihe pc"plo of l'eiinsvli an i.i u i' 1 it- in al- Vance ot ll.eir leader .n lli"ir ze d ',,r tho uiainieiiaiice ot I no .tui-tu ul ion, I hoy -ay ' stand by every lino, cling lo everv letter, plant your.-elios uji in in elernul doi'i ri lacs ami lei Ilo po.'ir 'novo you I bet fro li ;" they reproa.'l, th"ir leii'L :. I Ittit they do not more deliailt ly tin 1 oui' piialienliy denounce these continued and repeated u urp il i.pis ut' iho llils uf tho pi'O'ih'. Sir, wo nro for the Con.-tiiulion and the law ; and when Senators call us-'di-loyal," I a-k I hem in what hue vo di-..boxed the law 1 Obedience lo Iho la v is I lie true lo-t of loyalty. Ilo law is the Inyxil umn, a ling iindcr any It", - tu a of 'ici.e.-ity to iramplo I 11 9 I ilierl its 4ii' the Ucoti! ivho cbevs tho ho w even ui i.. wil- the plea I't-ll'Mlh Ills eel ttl.d the 1 i,v ul llie land i tl ill lovn! iiitit). I Appi.ltl-e. I hull I 'ie.' I; ii n such men the iniputa V. We nro the loj ul iiumi lor the I.i .v. Lei ill i-o iveit i he l.nv receive to eh I lion of di: h.y heenuso we arc w ho seek to -u themselves tho ,1 mining itvoid ,o didoy. tiltx. The Dcriiooi.i.'y of 1'e.iii-x, ivania and of the whole Nnrih arc loyal; tlio people of Trims) lvtmiti are loyal; liny deire to iiiniutain this iuv orn men I nii imp'iiii il and nsit has Jescehdt d luthi in from their f.i'hois. In behalf of this Ouvei n mi n t and in support of the law, to huielio I thousand nt our noble iieniile baie u uie forth to 'ilo Iieniile baie u Hie follh li. bailie. Of I hone two Ii jiulred iboiisand. I lurry thousand hue bi.ueiv 'lied with Ih nr loot to the foe imd ti.e r lae.x to it'll i ripiii nrui i mii v i, Nixmt.M nii. - - ' 7;' . ;'V'" " . : .i .. . . ' i:i"Utlli so '1 eraj H P nini ha voienl will imprecations upon the heads of ibo-e who have so cruelly mismanaued Ihi war Their corpses Knrk nnd uliirwill riao in judumei.t nuniust the men who ttiixe (o wrest from a free people (he plainest i teachings of that li v; in dpfene of w hich ! those brave soldiers noblv died. I ucSoc i e t iu y fseward gave a dtplotn-ido . dinner to the llaylien minister et en dir. Heaven. Are tlu-e the evidences of di,. u Hiilitaty dt-pot,sin, then wo tdouM like lovnltv ? Is this the conduct of u dislmil to ll"ow ,,,e "l,u ""';ll,i,,S (,r ll'e noids. people? No! im! sirs. Those niim u e ha. o no he.-ilat nn m imtever in saying have noblv died in the defence of the ' llmt l"v ' ""eonsiiiuiior.al, ami of (ioverntnent lhat bad fostered ami nrotec !"u,Ptl pl r mciitir upon any on izen of tin The United States Converted into Ilihtary Despotism -The Coiscpp- noii ju.ci uie juasi ueaaiy iiiow Airuca at tho Popular Liberty. 'J'lie Conp-e-s uliicli )iu.s so fal.illy ini.s. retill'-l'liled III ii Keiuililid dut'iliL' tins last nnd fasteniii; indelihly upon tho hislory of the iialioii, the lum-kcul record tho ; win hi Inn ever teen . Il f.uiii'l tlm Uni. j led .Sta'cs n friie cuiinliy, and il has lei t it n laud ol hluves. J (, mis denied lo di) tli" lichestH of the iooie,iiiiiJ jt has coiiVortf"l j our (ict iauls lulu our musters-, and our l'resld 'lit into an nulncial. with nower m ' creiit over the ljl'elties of the people us ! ihal In.'li the ( Vif of nil the Kusiias no e o- in Iii.nliin lu A II ihi- ii I,, . ilium mill ii,,,'o ! 1 1 iias rendered a uitiju of fi ulcrnity mi I imno-sihilitv il has iumIi. and ..i:.n lew. . . p . o i - Sell cliaiM llietlts violnt III u Iho sujiieoio law I the lai, I ; il has perstoten tly ioliis(d l i pel mil any itiiUiiy to bo mtlibi into iho ni Liliaiy miosis oi' loyal ciliclM ; it h is broiicu down Su'.e limiti, mid admit led j imgus ineiiiliurei us representatives who ' u eteiui to have been cbiisiimii.ma'.ly elected ; and im Us last measure, the Cons , senptum Act, it has put the lii erlios of Inu people in the hands ol u ma;i whoso ! li onden I inl career has liroved thut Le never wauled the will to become the nr Liirnry master of this so-called KepubHc. With ii persistence tliAt the dread cri sis through which the nation is passing could not idiom or ul.ar, it lias (leveled all i os ciii'i fiica iu uie uenii ueiioii oi an nisii. lution uarnnleed by the Constitution it' self; it ous made (he libel ty of the white man only id'sccondary import nice to that of the negro ; it Iks knt its t,id to the suppression of ihe liberty of tho press by silently sanctioning Ihe action of in sub iiidiiinies in suspending the pulihe ijion of several of tiii now.-ptiners thru.ighout the countiy. It has (juieily looked on while our eiiucna have i.eeji draguod from their j homes ut the o'eud hour ol i.ighl and flunu into Ciovernment Lti-lilca ; it Inu pi efelTed i the permanent disruption of Ihe Union , lo ils pet peluity with the institution of slaicty pre crved ; it has kno'Vuiyly and wilfully sot ul naught the (Icsitos and in. (clitions (if the gi oat coiisei valivc tuiijolis ty at I he Not lii, und in the piissno ot the I'on-cription Ac! ti ha boi n guifty of a in. is I ci Iinina! violation ol Ihe .oveieinnl v i- - j ol ihe people us involvud in the liu.hu of liu Mules. d ins i- i ho record loft to us Ly a Con, gi .-.., which has done mine lo lender iho ie-ou' iiioti '.f the I 'ninn impossihlo than ail the aids of lllenio.sl hit tcr und (lo U i in. ii ll secessionists. When thoeiun. d have been t-aved bv the: donlion i try con ot uie iiiuen'len cotiijiromise a coins proud -e intended lo secure to the South nothing but what il wjs justly entitled to --the loiulu g member? of both the Soiiuto and Hoii Otd K''pie..eiit.r.iVcs employed al! Ihe I ". yc of their oliicial character and position to secure tho defo.it of thi tneas ore. In ils almost every act it proved to the Sunn, i;., it jt would be siti-tiod with no, ti: nt' h... than i's uncondiiional sub in ;-i.Mi i,n I tl.e exli'iction ol slavery. It Uisiiied its pledges made at the com-meni-eiiienl of llm war, that ihe immense military and naval resources of the eotin. try should be employed only in tho rosin, ration ol the I.'iiiof, and the re-est.iLlisli-uien I of the Constitution us tho supremo h.w oi ill" land. llul, as we have intimated, the crowning act ol desuotisni, Iho most atrocious piece 'ol n'e-potisiii which it has perpetrated, is iho boiisi'i iption Ji'i.v, w Inch h luudly le... intuitu ahle than lhat which has drivs en l'liland Into wido ?p!"ad inui rcction. In this measure Iho radical and lUtiatic.d poln y of Congress has i cached ils climax. 1 mil boily, in its hut "lays, ultainod Ihe "hud eminence'1 to wlncli il was so lung, a-pii ing: ami its hi! art is the most dead. in u has yet been aimed at the liberties j ol the pei.ph i1 is iho nio-l oiivoii'ii'K'd slit it tu.it i.as j ei been hurled at the. heart of the hepuoiie, and if the people are mis ' :'" '" Iheiti-cl i es in this dir e einoigenoy, ' the leetlom of l!,c natio : xvill be buried in the same giaxo iu which Cotigio has u.ti'iiiii all that remained of the Union". ( hie of iho most l ittii.ii k ibit' I 'ulir'os o lilts lasl ill )l I tj convei I iho Hepubiic il, to it military de-po'.i.-m is the entire ahnc ij.ilion of Si tiic Sovcreigntv in tho process ol which Ihe conscription is to lie our ied lino i llt'c". State limit- and Stnte Sovcv. eignty uie i ill. len over ruuii shod, and our do. ei noi s, t h 1 1 e ny ( i,.. c'l In.o-ll'iiU-s ot 4 ti-'-u people, nt,; Ki ba ire , led a? in ue i-yj h is Ly ihe (j.-titrul Uovfi-n-an n'. In a ivoul, nil the citizens of Xe"v York lul.i'o tomiliti iy duly under llns law enn be cubed upon Ly Ike rresidet.t xvlietievcr he knud dee. n it tie( osiary. and ojn the I, s t is,,, ol ny one uf these lo obey the c i'l " shull ho ileeeiiifU a He-erler, l.n liv- lie ' shall Im i "'"''I '') ihe l'rovosl Marshal, mil s.nt lo u" '"arent niilttary post for court m.r- t mi. 1 1 i hia is not the establishment of I a,. , t ... I .l.ll.u nil. kIIIOI) Ihi) tl.l.M, n,l ! X.-itional Leui-bitme has to far exccedc l U HHVM I'lmii", uti omi.1 iiii-11111117'l ' iis i,.i,r. Ihe i, . , ' must, lindi.'i' (ituli I ' a . ' dtm: lances, i" tor piotec'imi to tin. . 0,"' huh can pn.nt it Mm Uoxornors ul ineir respecuve s,!ntps, t. nvo alh ijinnoe to lou Slnti- of New York, to (he Constitution of llial St.n'e. and in l'ie exercise of his lanlul unthorily ivo are solchiiily bound by I hut oblig-it inn torus, tain ;;iid upoik its duel LI n gist, a to, whom that CuiiHtitniion doolaies U iho ,iiiii,der in Chied of the n.iLlary ,ind iihvh! toii'e nt il.e Stal?. It allcftianca t ctopu tu that ttgiiUrly conti.xj;u'l jinwi a