1 I fv n ' 4 ... ,7 1. I ,,. ,. .if,!.'liH . A l.'.N I. I' W, till) fill' ii i i l.i-1 . I ( ri- Til K II ' M i;.nsi:. 1; i V ton n -hip. I , I'm township. Hi ri nua tow nship. CI. arlicld borough. lon township. Decatur townnliip. Covington township K ylcrtown. Itrady township. Lumber city. William 'i I" J. lin ?!.-" .Tanr" ,,.ol,M-nt... W. M.'.ff ., ho S. riadebach, Valentino Hollnan, Je..b Miiuck, Ailain Knarr, William Kied, Robert Stewart Ilenjninia Bloom, .Margaret Lanio, George Albert, Kli ly, V. M. Wester, W. A. Maacn, Jiariil F. Smith, Henry Goml lander, H. J. llniuea, Benjamin Snyder, Andrew Cross, Edward Albert, Menry Post, F. Koueeolot, John Selfridge, Leopold Hrouoe', V.li liloiim, W. W. Worrell, MERCANTILE Richard Museop, Claudius Rarinoy, (lirard tp. Curwcnavllle. Clearfield borough. Bradford Intonship. Jefferson Line, Curwenaville boro', do do New Millport. Itrady township. Karthaua towoahip. Covington township. Hoggs township Hoggs township. Ieeatur township. (iirard township Goshen township. Covington township, 1'ike townaliip. Cheat township. LICENSE. Clearfield borough. Covington lownabip, Sisr,n,.K 'I'll UN per Storm. Laut Sab l.tli evening, in the in'ul.st of a blight snow . I... .... .1 i... . i: I.. : aioriii, uiiiin iiimmn i liea'li III tllll place. ; A gpnilemnn from the southern t.art of e , ' ' the cotli.ty, informs us that the bulk of thfi Bloi nt was in iliut section, ud lire- I aetilnl many very rtniiukable feuiureb. Tho tltnn wan about 5 V. M., the snow ih ;;( ndud thick tun f.ist, rendering the attuos.hire tn ilark that each fcuccesbive flaiili ol lightning taimeJ u brilliant illomi nation, folloivoJ by loud and continuous peals of lliumlnr. The i ranged, tmrt of it tvft that there was not a particleof rain, and the ihermouieU'r stood at ten degrees bvov the freezing point. . VBt liiK War Wit t. Em. TLo fol owing reKlutiyn npr oara among loose r-i-Jnr led at a lioeting of lh inenibets of Guii'-any A, JOtLh repimenl. 1'. V., nt or tioif N eop n t Ne', Vn. '1 he dalo of the roof.ting is not gim. " Iiwlvol, That there is no other means nnn- nt our dii-po.-al. lor uppreafing tho l cbeUion and u-atoring tet.ee to ourcauh- try. ejconM in at. active an.l determined ,, wy ij I. ov.. o . proseeut.cn of I he war, until rvery et-jre -f lienaon, W acoirscd eavte, Shall Le Haci'd orww." Hero shveiyh no doubt referifd 10 MS ihe ''rocursed .caute" ol the war. aud nt y one can toll .how long it vriil tftko to ' efrcce'' rt thnt is, 4o wipe it out jhey enn app;oxinialo ttie iLinte ivhen the var will end Uni'ABAitoK Cau.hu ron The reader tv ill rrtucmber our notice a few vt eekf-ao, of the indivJiitv olleiol to tho Coliun ie- aioiH t s of Cli-HtSokl county in the. mime if the OntnliiiPsioiicrs of Vettnne.o county. III referring t this afjiiir, the Verango F , . , Sy.ef.M'ir, in Iho name ol the pcpleol, that county iiuis calls unon their County, Commissi'ji.eis either to . clioavcw the 'gro iiibuli," or "iisi-nmo (l:e reM'cnsi hility." "The trcpcnfibilily of ll.is gto?s insult to the Coniiiiie.-ioiiei's of (.'lemlield ctn'tity is i;i be decitred by ihe. jction ol'eurCom-niik.-.ioii'Mf. We know nothing o( the enke, except n slated above; yet ihe acr c- inpl.iiiicd of nitiat meet the condi inna tinn of every man who regards the aniens ii ics of life. If tome unatit hoi i.ed per a.m has done this, the Cominissinnt-ra o( he county owe it to themselves and to 'the people of Venango to disavow Ihe act ;y removing the peraon who did it from iitjr employ, (ttherw ise they assume the Mfponsibility." COPPERHEADS" w. REPUBLICANS. TUB DKMOCRATIC IiOCTItlNE. I an fir gi'l ting buck theSotithem States r,;r nnd lionorable means, il sticli a .thing be rwS'blo; and I will hopo for the ''The Union 1 desiro is a union of hentts and of i.i'rtds-.fUfh. as our lathers pave u. Nothing I. t,at!B,'y nie ll)n the -.holeSoutheru SLtti-a. I 1IONAS II. tiEYKOI R. inr. Rtpi-niicax i:.0, Ttsr. I will not Btultily myself b)' '.supposing that we have any w arrant in the ConstiiV't' tion for this proceeding. This talk of restoring the Union as it wai, uuder the Constitution rta il is, ia or.e of the absurdities w hich I have heard re. peated until 1 have become about sick of ,!, The Union can never be restored aa it was. There are uiuuy things which ren der such an event impossible. Thia Un ion never shail, with my consent, be res tored un ler Ihe Constitution as it is. with eWvtry to be protected by it. Hon. Thaddkls Stktens, the Administration leader in Congress. STATr.M V.VT of the CLEARFIELD COUN TY BANK, for tho month ending Feb. 28, lr3 : ASSETS. Bills discounted -Pennsylvania Slate Stock $46,194 73 47,04.1 11 Specie - - - ... Duo from other Banks Bank Notes of olhor Hanks . T'. S. Treasury legal tender A demand Checks. Dralls, to. - - . Over dralta, -Furniture Cost of Plates, rfe., I". S. Revenue Siampe - - Lois and Expenses, ?! ... . '"" I .3 ill V 1 ' ' 764 7i' j.g I 368 43 ' I am an ,0 ! ' " Li DiMTtra, Capital Stock paid ia . $.iO,6(iO 00 Note in circulation -Due Dcpsitors. Due on certif of Deposit, Interest and Exchange, 25.V40 00 50,260 37 12,746 OS 2,664 79 $141.611 19 JAMES D. 0 RAUAM, Cashier. OlesrEdld, March 11 , 1863. 12M.&CJ anil Pifiits WANTED by the subscriber. 8. MOs?90f, riearteld, Dec". I, 1S. I I I Mil III l ( U)l Ml will ITi"! f..r the race f.1 Inn i f pupil I malsa and f. m I s I in V iti. Int. r eh, Pih, 1 'I i ni prr ""loti of I Jr t ii H rrkst OiHi t hy, Ite-dlng. n rtirif(. Primary A i rl n.etie and r n . k y. Higher Arithinot'c, I.ugllab, Grammar, (".graphy an J llitnry, Algebra, Gemnatry, Natural l'hlloso hj, 1 to I to ml llork hrepirfg, 4 " Lai'.n and Greek Languages, 0 Oil To students desirous of acquiring a thnrntigh r.iiKiian r.oniiin. anu woo wikii in i "ii ij i , , . , ., . ... ., llitiiM1vna lip TaMr.liitra llna Inatlliiniin nflera t ' 1 V. I.' I .1 l L ' L 1 . . - 1 . 1 df-lr')U advanlanoa. i No pupil rvoeivtd for leat than half acaaion, ami no deduction made except for protractod irknoaa Tuition to be paid at the cloe of the term. ' C. C. BANDKORD, Principal, I Clearfield, Feb. 4, 18M.ly. TIIECOMMtRCIAL LIST LETTER-SHEET "t'RICE CURRENT" ARE I'lIlMSIIKU EVERY BATt'RDAY, SIKPIIEN WINSLOW, Ko. ill f;oi.n m it i :i: I, iiiii.Ai)i:i.iiiiA. BIOOKArUICAL RKF.TC'UKH 01 The Merchants and Manufacturers of Philadelphia, THE OPULENT AND THE IEDIGENT, Secret of Their Success and Adversity, WILL BE CONTINUED. Feb. 25, 1S6.1. pd rrn HE BOARD OF RELIEF for the county of i J. Clearfltdd, will meet nt the Couimiaaionera' A ' oflicc, on W cdne.dny and Thuradi.y, tlio 25th and Zftili Uaya ol March, A. V., lMtl.t. J1"-jf0"1. .f liBlil',f hnve -irected that the wile of the eolilior must appear before the board Hod produce her iworn atntcuicnt detailing name of '"Idicr, regiment and eompuny; when enliatcd ; the number ot children, with agii and aex of each ; ,h townaliip in which tbey roaided nt the time of euliainicut, and tteir ireacnt residence ; and that ake i without the meant of aupport for her- aclf and children, who are dependont upon her. Two witneaaea of credibility, from the township in ahicb she reaidea, must alan lo pnduoed, whoje certificate, aworn to before the Hoard, must act forth (but tho applicant la the persoa he ren reaeuta herself to be; that tho auttciuont of the uumbcr and age of her family is true ; that she ia in destitute circumatancca, and her family in ac tual want; Mud that all the facta act forth in her application are juat and true. Forma containing thoao requisitions can he ob tained at the office of the Hoard of Relief, when app.icaiiou ia made and the witneascs appear. llliieas of the applicant, properly proren, will excuse personal attendance. W.M. S. BRADLEY. Cl k. March 11. IS63. 1803. 1863. rnil.ADEI.rillA k ERIE RAILROAD. rpillS great line traverse the Northern and -L North weatern counties of Pennaylviibia to y f Laku Erie. ! u, be'u ll" !1 b h"' ' "hV"" ?' i ronij lonnjioiu, mid under their tufpiccs is he- , jnf. rB)ii,ly t.BcJ ,hr,.nUollt itJ rt3 Ifn,f , lt i Uow in uae for Purscriger ar.d Freight bu- . aineas from lliirricburg to Sinndimhnning, (1st ' "r- 1 n" f'l "n the til -tern Jlivialon, nnd c.n. ii,..n,ni.i i,. I"-;- i-u...;i... ,u n ..... Tirrr of Fiitnrntjrr 7'rai'na (it Driliruoil. Expres Train arrives at 2 10 P. M. Lxjiri ss Train leaves west 12 45 P. iM. ' Cars ma through withoi t ciuMna both ways en these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Daren, and between Baltimore nnd Lock Haven. Kleynut Sleeping Cars accompany the Express Train hoth ways between V illiamport and liulti nioie, and Williamsport nnd Phi'mlclphia. Foi" information terpectiiig Fassengir business "iW "lf - n ""' , And lor Freight businefS of t ie Cmnnui'i Agents, ti. li. Kingston, jr., Cor. l.Jth and Market '",. PhiUdelphia ; ' J. U . Reynolds' trie ; J. M. 1'rill. Agent N. C. R. R. Haltimsre ; n.w. iioi-stox. ,cn i j-reigi.t Ag t, l'biia I.kwih L. Hoi i'T. Ci'sn'l Ticket Ag't. Phila. Jos. D. I'orTS, tien'l ilnnagcr, Williams port. Jan. 21, 18113. IHE CONSTITUTIONAL UNION NEW PROSPECTUS. Ttie Largest and Cheapest Weekly In the state. INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. A New and Powerfully Written Polit ical fctory. NOW IS THE TIME TO SURSCK1RE. flIIE ovcrwclming evidence of the detertninn- X lion of tho people to rescue the Government from the desperate and reckleaa purposes of Abol itionism, that have so nearly wrecked our once glorious Uniin and destroyed sll Constitutional guarantees, indicate nn immediate future full of events of the most momentous interest. Ceatral iiatian, Terrorism, and Robbery, will not submit to dethronement without a atruggle. The con tett, therefore, has but juat begun I nnd for the year to ce me, the aotion of Congreeaes, Cabinet., and Legislatures, will be regarded with scarcely res interest than the moroments of opposing ar mies in the field. The object of the war will be made again whatsit was before Abolition fanati eismperverted it simply to crush the rebellion and restore the Federal authority. There will also at the eame time be in progress the Groat Duttlo of the People with the mioiona of Dospnt lun. and in thia battle the Press, no longer thack led, no longer threatened with Abolition mobs and frowning baatilcs, will lake a ready and con spicuous part. It ia one of the best results of the recent elec tions that their positive rebuke of the gross and maJiifc-1 abuse of power by the Administration, has given 'be people the privilege of light and e ..l.-u. lirivilecea that will art utiin kaj Umelv vieMoil. These changei circumstances 'J ' . . r . i .i - will bring the aci." iu cignesi. in iuo Government to i fihunal of public opinion, aid tha Preaa will a'ain become the medium of the free tuuughta of the pe.'ole, and the fearleaa i . . r . ' llni'irnm.nl md (.. auvociiie oi voueiiiuouuai ttitiitional Liberty. The Proprietors of the CoxsnrrfrrnnAL Umo, in isauiDg their now prospectus, ae.' before tbem a field of enlarged usefulness, and it Is their par. pose to spars no effort to make their paper of no equal acceptability as a medium of intelligence, andareeordof events that must absorb publi.s thought. It will contain full summaries of the proceedings of Congress and the Suite Legisla ture, full accounts of the movements of the army, foreign and uomestte news, literary intelligence, commercial anl agricultural news, 4c, Ac, In consequence of the enormous advance in the price of paper, amounting in three months to nearly filly per cent, the Proprietors have found oeceesery to advance the price ol the paper to Clubs to $1.50 per annum ; but even at this price, w ff,'rd mnr' reading for the earns money than any other paper printed In the State. The ad- Tanc S in, "f6"' 0,,0- Among olhor aumctioos ia contemplation, we shall eommence, ia the first timber ia January, a new and tHiwerfulW written Politiea.1 8torv. founded on ths eveuts immediately preceding the! aivuouiiiB. ... . "i. . I'' 01 U " i Hit interior in raising and forwarding Clubs, I'L-U I13 . Single copies, one year, J so Two oopioa, ( one address,) 1 50 Ten oopiea, 17 Twenty copies, so to TJT'All eafcacn'-Kioae to ht paid inmriably fa Vance. Address TH03. B. FLORENCE k CO., Publishers of CossTITfTloHal Umos, K'o. ISO Snath THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Dte. 3, i.3t fii.il I y 1 1 1 I 1 Offlre f I M I INIHI'., rl f!.-'i ItM'tln A0f.1T, li J tt (oiiki; k to., nnUr, 111 BOl TH THIRD PI ItEK.T, Philadelphia, Not. 1, W2. 1 1 Ml H nndei signed, hating een ip olntrl ft: a. 1 ariirTin ytuaar ly lh S.irelnry of the lrrauy, la now prepared ti furniah, atnce, Ilia NfwTwfnty Tear 6 prr cent. Iiouds of tin United Slnles, dealinati-d as "'ire-7W. , . . . . . . , - lie", fcdffinab at tin pleat lire of tba Ijnvarn . inent, after Ave years, and auihoriied by Act of Congress, approved February !.', 1 f fia. The Ctd l"t.N 1IOXD8 are Issued In sum of $.'n, $mo, liiio, f moo. The HrnisTna IIoniib In suuia of $j0, $100, $500, f 1000, and $6000. Intereat at Six per cent, per annum will oum tnence from dale of purchase, and ii t PAYA11LK IN GOLD, Retnl-Annually, which ii equal, at the preaen promiutn on gold, to about Kioar rta cunt, rita ADNIH. Farmers, Merchant!, Mechanics, Capitalista, nnd all who have any money to irvest, should know and remember that these Honda are, la , effect, a rill.Sl' SIOHTGAdE upou, all Rail-i roads, Canals, Hank Stocks and Securities, and the Immense produot of all the Manufacture, d el Ac, in the country ; and that the full and ample proviaion made for the payment of the Intereat, and liquidation of the principal, by Custouia Du-1 tioa, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves . to make these Honda the I Sest, Most Available and Most Popular Investment in the Market. Subscriptions received at J' Ail in Lepnl Ten i der Notes, or notes and elm ks of Hanks at par in rbllndolphia. riuoscrihers by mail will re ceive prompt attention, and every taoility and explanation will be afforded on application at 111 i office. A full supply of Honda will bo kept on hand fur immediate delivery, JAY COUKE, tSulicrijitlon Ayent. , Nov. 12, 18(12. 3ia 1 ADMINISTHATOirs Notice is hereby given tjmt Letters of Administra tion have been granlod to the subscribers on the estate of Joshua Armstrong, lato of Lawrence township, ClearDeld county, deo'd. All persona indebted to aaid e.-dato, are requested t make immediate- payment,' and thoao having clniinn against tho smite will present thorn duly authen ticated for settlement. SOPHIA AHMSTUON'H, 1 HAHNABAS AHM3TR0XQ, J Clearfield, January 2B, WS.l. pd. . Adin'ra. Dissolution of Part nership. rfll II Co partnership horotoforo existing he J rwecn the undersigned in the cnachmuking buainess in the borough of Curwensvillo, is llusi day dissolved by mutual enscut. The books and accounts are dcaircd to lie closed with aa lit tle delay as poaaible of which all torso us hav-' ing unsettled accounts will take notice. I Cuiwenavillo, Fub. 2:id, II. KERNS, 1863,51. paid. J h. ,M, LAI ORTK, V.I IMAM A. WAl.l.At'It. JOHN U. II A I.I, WALLAOIS & HALL, Attorneys at Law, CLEARFIELD. PA. iir .1 i if c,-l T Watches, Jewelry tySilvcr-NV are. T HE nndorsigned would rcspoctfnllT invito vnur attention lo bis well selected stock ol Fine Cold and Silver WATCHES, Fin (lold J EWELR Y, of every kind and variety of styles com: rining all of tho atWKST and must hjaiti rti. nr.sic.Ns. Also, SOLID SILVER WARE. 7ao to Coo. and the best make of Silver J'ulnl It'nre. Each article ia irnrraultd to bo aa represented. I flrWatchea and Jewelry carefully repaired ana saliatacuon guaranteed. JACOH HARLEY, (Siicretsor In tStmiffW if- J'irn,,) No. 622 Market Sircet, Philadelphia March J, 1863. 3m. pd. rilOSl'KCTUS OF A National Democratic Newspaper, To he jiulfiafidl uifi nnd Weekly in the City af Philadelphia, by A. J. GI.OSSItREXNKU .1 CO. A. J. ei.ossBi'.KSHr.ii F. J. rini Nn w n. wim.sii. "THE A(iE" will advocate, the principles snd policy of the Democratic party, snd w ill, there fore necessarily favor tho restoration of the Union as it nss, and defend the Constitution of the Uni ted States, and that of this Commonwealth. It will freely and fairly discuss all lifgilimnto subjects of newspaper comment, including, of course, and pre-eminently ut this time, all idea tions connected with tho oxlstitii unhappy con- Idition of our countrr. It will learlcssly criticise Ihe public acts of pub-'Just give mm a call on court-week, orut nny other lie ser'-aius, and defend the legal nnd constitu-, time, and see for yourselves. lie would just ra tional rights of individual citincns and af sover-1 'nind the public that his shop is now on Market eign States, against assaults from any quarter, i street, in Shaw's Row where you will find him it will seek to awaken the minds or the people jui aa aaon as usual n noi a tittle thorttr of to a proper aense of the actual condition of thejCAaii than he would like to be. Republic to present to them, truthfully, the' All kinda of work on hands and made to order fcurful perils ia which we stand aa a nation to i a ahort notiec, and aa wcll'made, and as good fits exhibit the magnitudo of the teak that is bofore j as con be "skoered" up here or elsewhere, them, if thoy would check our downward trogresa ' 'ift-Don't forgot the shop on Msiket street, and to inspire them with patriotic dctermina- tioa to apply Tiir. behmy for our national ills. In brief, it will, in all things, aim to be the faithful exponent ef Democratic principles, and to render itself worthy to bo an organ of the Dcmocratio party, under whose auspices our country prospered so long and ro wel'. The restoration of that party the party of the Com STiri'Tioa and the Uniur to power, In the legis lative and executive governmental branches of the States and of tho Union, we believe to be no cessa ry to avert anarchy, and tho utter ruin of the Republic. To contribute to that restoration : will bo our highest aim. I The News, Literary, Commercial, and other departments, will recoive due attention, and will I be an conducted at to make "Tan Aoe" worthy I Vi.'&.lhe "iny Uitt.eii Ilea now surroiiml.ng an Tu.-.,... v. .... u. ..... U ...u v,, ( undersigned are engaged, require thorn toappcal to Iha tiuhlia for a o-ennrnna aitlinorl. anil toftalr undersigned are engaged, require thom toappcal to the public for a gonorons aupport. and to ask for "The Agk" a liberal putrunugo and extended circulation. The proeent llate of the preparatory arrange M.n,. ..nam. .h. .mMtnlin. . , lias r... mum. nnii..Mia .uw v"v w ..ut. , .ur. .liw llll.. number of the Daily will appear before the close of the present month, (February. 1863.) The Weekly will be issued loon thereafter. TI.IU1S. DAILY. WEEKLY. Per annum, $2 00 Six months 1 00 Three Mouths, 50 10 copiea ono ad's 17 50 20 " .'12 00 30 " ' ii 00 Per annum, $6 Six Month, 3 Three Montna. 1 Copied delivered at tho coui.ter and to Agents & Curriers 2cts jr-rt Payment required invariably in advance, ... . ... rtflCMI pv v-rii . r.r Address, A. l. itiiu.5cnivr...i ci a Feb. 2, 1863. 430 Chestnut at Philadelphia. WnTiai IS"?"", T . r Illr""Jj- ' ...A v, rt HB eiihecriber havo a modium eued FIRB TROOF SAFE, nearly new, which they will dispose of very cheap. REED, WEAVER A CO. Clearfield, June 25, 1842. DK. M. WOODS, w-tanACTrclNfl Pkvsician. and Kiamininz eur I t geon for Penaioia. Office Sonthwo.t corner ! Second and Cherrv streets, Clearfield, Pa. ( , January 21, 1863. ly. WM. M'C'lLIiOlJfiH, Attobssv at , Law, Clearfield, Pa. Office with L.J.. ( Crana, Esq., 00 Seeond etroot. March 26, 162, tf. VJ. PATTUKSON, Attorney at Law, Cur- weosvillo. Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to his care. Office oiposite the New Methodist Cuarch. F . ,2. C lintt I ui iiMiiit I u bw.n c 'a y, vl 'B in DKaiRM In Inarm his old frlrnda ami es I mrs that, hating enlarged lis ahnp and liMiea-ad hn fi' lHHi-a for maiiiirai-t'irlnp, h Is now fcsrel to maksto nnler lurni'nre as may I,. d ired, In ood style an d at cheap rstos fur I nh. lie u o'tly hn. on lund at hie "Fuml lore It'ioma," a Varied asnrtiiient of llcaily niaile Furniture, amotin ahirhari lliirr.'in nml Slil-Ibinnlu Wardrobes and IIOoV Cases: Centre, Pnfa, Parlor I'.rcakriint and Jlnlng Extension Tables. Common. French Post, cottage. Jenny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS (.fall KIN1W. WOUK-STANDS ' 1IAT-RACK.S, WASH-STANDS, Ao. Hocking nnd Arm Cliairs, Spring-Beat, Cane-Iluttora and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. . O O KIX O-GLA .y.S KS Of every description on hand -, and new rIiisoi for old frainea, which will bo put in nn re- ry reaaouablo torma on ahort notice. IIo alsokeepa on ham", or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattressoa. COFFINS, of every kind, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desired. Alan, lloiihe I'alntlnjr i),i;e to order. The subscriber also manufactures, and has constuntly on hand, Clement's Patent Washing; Machine, The beat now in uso, Thoao ittn( thia machine never need he without clean clothes I lie nlaohai Flyer's 1'utcnt Churn, A suporior art clo. A family using thia Churn never need bo without butter ! All tho above and many other articles are fur nished to customers cheap for C'akh or exchanged for approved country produeo. '.'lieiry, Muplc, Poplar, I.inwoiul and other Lumber auilnble fur Cabinet work, taken in exchange for furniture. .MT-Honicmber tho lhp is on Market atroot, Cloardeld, l'a..an l nearly opposite the "Old Jow Stora." JOHN UULICI1. Nov. 20, 1 Sfi2. y ! WALTEK JiAKKETT, 1 Attorney at Law, HAVING resigned his commission In the ar my, and resumed (ho practice of Law, may I be connoted on prolossinnnl business at hia olhce on Second street, Clearfield, Po. All tiuainest promptly attended to. Feb. 11, '63. JOHN L. CUTTLK, Attorney at Law and Ileal Instate A jent, CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. OTc'ou Mttrtrttt. (tyjmnite the Jail, "1 EbPICCTFL'LLY oflera his a rviccsin scll LV ing nnd buying lands in Clearfield and ad joining counties i nnd with an experience of over twenty years as a Purveyor, Hatters hiiuaolf that he can rendrr satisfaction. And O I l'c r s for Sale KKH) acrei of coal and timber Lund, siluat in Decatur ton iul.ip, Clearfield county, in luta to u" purcliaaera, incatuu near Tlio lyruui and cier!ieid ltuiiroad. 'M0 acres of first rate farm i.nd timber land I n Jicll township, I leal n.,1,1 county, situate o n the waters of Curry's Run. lll'ij acres in two Kits, one of 112) und the oili er of in ncrs, siritnble for Farming purposes, sit uate in Highlaiid township, Elk countv. i-y..lieiifral warrantee dci-ds for all the above lands. Feb. IS. 'C.I. y GREATEST P-ATTI.E ON RECORD 1 . 15,000 Killed and Wounded, and j 30,000 taken Prisoners ! j WITH CAMP EQUIPAOE AND 70,000 Contrabands freed from the BONDS OFJLAVERY ! ! INVERT man thnt hns read any thing of tho j past history of this WAIl must finally come to tho conclusion that the Confcdcralo Govern ment would bo broken down. It was only a ques tion of time. But now we have tho above (jlori ou soul-stirring news to cheer us up j and the only dnnv-baok to our joy and glorification is the iiuiiiiucnt danger of the Conirnhanda coming North to "ent out our auhstunce," and to wear out ur aliocN S But of one thing the people of Clear 'leld countv mav bo assured, nnd that ia, that FRANK SHORT for abort called Sliort-te ia selling Itoota & shoes ss cheap as any other man in the county; and if you tlon t believe it, in fhaw s How, directly opposite Rev. II. u ewoope a ottice. jr. SHORT. ' StrnnrtA'a nftie. .1 ('!..nrfi..l,l .In 11 lSST FIRST Great Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods at RE1ZENSTEIN BROS. & CO'S Cheap Clothing Store, In ihe Mansion Jfnu.ie,, oppotit; lb Bank, (Shan't Old Stand.) mlfft UniArifTrsr1 tlr A nlnnaitfA In inniinM,n ; J ,0 ,(, mankind that they have just received! r anil e ceant stock of Faahionali a ' TJ V. A flY-M A FP T'T HT1 TIVH ! ' ' i fiolecterl with great Jarc, and which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest riease call, as wo have ' I ' Clothing to suit the old, young and gay. j j Cluthingte keep all comfortable on a Winter day ; ' Clothing of all colon brown, black and blue -I Clothing well made, and fashionable too ; Clothing of elegant fit, I declare Clothing all take a pride in to wear; Clothing the best that can bo bought, Clothing well sewed just as it ought Clothing which any one Clathinj may call, Clothing far men, youths and all. j Clothing, tho largest assortment in town, Clothing for Smith, for Jones and for Brow a ; Clothing for all the rest of mankind, ' Clothing-nnd what belongs In that line " , Can now be bought Cheaper than evet before ' At A'EIZENSTEIX'd great Clothing Store. ) : In additica to the luregolng will be found and ' kept contnntly provided Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caos. Boots. Shoeaj Fancy Geeds, Notiona, .frc, Ac. -We lake this method of returaing our tlianKS tor ia Tors neretoiore exien.lcl, and reas- sure iuo puuuv me coHuuence wun wnica we have bon favored, we will strive to merit in the future. rey-URAIN and FURS taken ineiabange at the highest market rntts. , RE1ZENSTEIN BROS. &, CO. l.i:- . 1. . 0.1 .t . . . "f,"..' I'",ie,r Branch ef Rcixenatein Bros., 421 Market St. CA lit Nl:T IliMlMHtlUM. c tniM.r.M ki h-.acm re nnnca to the piiMie (hat ha I i f 'l i a Ml'il" on t harry stieel, linr Hie l.p-- ; i hiinh, and nesrly o poslle the re-l l" n. e i f (' i kiimr, tan., ahare be Intcn.N curry on lh Cal iBi t irakinj I tiinns In Its different I mrch I : es. lis Ina: s, rted a resular apprt ntlr.al.fp In the hu'lneaa, and worked aa a Journeyrr m oi ar . 'ait years, healdes earrylnj cn a shop for Ihiso ' vesrs. he fliiltcri Mm.elf thai ha ran render sat- ialaclii.n to those who In mav Isvnr him with thalr rust i in. Kevins; located In Clrarfleld boronch, he solicits a share olpslroiisce, and it shall evr be hia bbject to make to order nest and suhitun t in i furniture auch as French Bedsttads, and Common ami French IVats Cottnpn. Jpn- He will always he prepared to furni.Oi to older Rock ing I'hairs of diffcrenl kindiiar.d py Unit, t all other kind of IlEDSTK A DS, common A OTHERCIIAILS IIo will also furniah to order Hair, Husk, a'nd with Teckner'a Fatniit fastenings and (lard ner't PatentSprinc Itcd-liHnlr and Cotton MAT steada. BUREAUS ..rlTKEKSKS. The above diflcient kinds. glHF. Pnanied, and many other BOARDS. Wardrobes.! nrtiolos, will be made to It fin lr -rn it'll. Parlor amlllorder for customers, on Centre Table i, Broak- short uotioe, cheap lor fast and Dining Uiblai I Caah, or exchanged for nnd the latest improved approved country pro vince. Don't forget Iho Kxtenamn Tublca. Hat racks. Was stnnds.Toi place, aa I am rlctcrmin let and Work stnnda.jjod to furniah all article! and every other kind ofi at tho most reasonable furniture in his line. 'in tel. j?fr Maple, Cherry. Poplar, Pine, Linwood and ererv other suitable lumber, will bo taken In ex change for furniture, (,ii.-n win a.ao ne pain iur ood Lumber- H- K. SI10PE. N. 1). ColTma of tho lntcft style made to order on abort nutico. Funerals attended whenever deeiniblo. CUarfitlii, J'a., Feb. 11, '63. " FLOUR ! FLOUR ! " DOUBLK EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale nt C. W. 4 II. W. SMITH'S, fofmerly U. W. FMITII A Co. Thia flour is made from the best white wheat in tho West, and wo warrant tnlirc fati.'faciion to purchaser. ' March 4, 1SC3, New Jersey Lands for Sale, A .SO, jiff do a oir FffTJiti If1 jiffies, CiUITAUI.E for 11 rapes. Peaches, Pears, Rasp ICJ berries, Strawberries, Illackberries, Currants, ifc, of I, 21, 5, 10 or 2U acres each, nt tho follon- ing prices for the present, vir : 20 acrci i for $ 2(10. 10 acres fur fllO, 5 acres for if 60, 2J acres for $40, 1 acre for $20. Payaldo by one dollar per week. Also, good Cranberrv land., nnd villago lots in CHETWOOD, 25 by lilO feet, at $10 each, paya b!e by one dollar a week. Tho above land nnd farina are situa ed at Chctwood, Washington township, Burlington county. New Jorsey. Tor lurther inlurination, apply, witb a 1'. V. eta:-ip,i for a circular, to 11. FRANKLIN CLARK. No. 90 Cedar street, New York, N. X. Jan. 21,11)63. ly. J. P. KKATZER, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Ac., etc., lie, &C, Front Street, Above the Academy. Has just received a goncrnl assort ment of WINTER GOODS. Lnwns Poplins Cloths Satinwlts Cassimeroj Tweeds Cotlonades Drillings Jeans Muslins Flannola Linens Tickings Lavellas Ribbons Flowers Hosiery IleadNetts Dress trimmings Luces Collars Undersleeves Mantillas Dusters Shaw la. Shnllies Cashmeres Larellas PucaU Silks Prints Valenciiis Chintz (iinghanis Mchnir Furs ! Reps Donncts ' Cloaks Dalmnrnl Skirts, Hoop Skirta, Shawls, Dress-Trimmings, Head Nets, Caps, Nubias, Roods, Sontags, Cor sets, t!lovcs, Collars, Scarfa, Cutnforts, Urcnndine Veils, Table Covers. clot mm. Coats, Pants, Over-Coats, (i e n t a Shawls, Shirts Hats, Caps, Ender-Shirts and Drawers, UooU and Shoos, (um Shoes, Huffulo Shoes, era vats, Collars, Oloves, IBIsiirs-lwxirj vmTdKiCfSiira, itfusical Goods. tj tH, ' , si U aali COFFEE TEA SUGAR RICE MOLASSES BACON FLOUR SALT CANDLES WINES MACKEREL SHAD SALMON COD-FISH II ERRING 1 iin-waro, uiaps-wnri'. i.jden- aro, t Stationary, Ac., Af. i HOITSJIISIOLD QOODnS- Carpets, Oil Cloth, Drugget, Looking (ilas-e. Clocks. Churni. Wash-bonrdw. Tubs. Ruckota, flat Irons, Pans, Window-blinds, Well-paper. Coal Oil Lamps, L-'mbrellts, Red-eords, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, Stove blacking. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable term -, and the highest marked price paid for Grain, Wool, Shipping Furs si j sll kinds of country produc. . Nav. 19, H2. laaSl E f i a- V) c l. Ilf ' 1 i f . DENTAL nENEDIb'S nif; i'i:u IN I UK V't '1(11' M(ar,i- i fi:U: IHE I II AND" A f-.Wl XT linSAltl, AMI (UtlVil MorillAf PF. AM) NH, HAIHIA p., ,. w aS to I I'lesrad willi and e liaird for Prin r Whits and Hound TLI'III ? la )r. Win. llaril'a l lilltallid Toelli I'n'wiler, wir in cd (f- from add, alkail.or say illjU'ii H Ull '" I'll"-. ' "' l"T t'OV rfr Bi wate of the ordinary ehenp ioolh Pew dcrs. which whiten but dftrr. Do you wish lo be c. ..! .. 'hat yonr llRKATU la run- sweet, and ngreUo to husband or wire, 'lover or fienla? I "urd'a Celohraled 1 Mnulli H ash. Prieo V "" pr h .' o. ' This a'tiing-nt iali i' n,u h bf Ht remedy ia I tlio w irld fur C.u.l.rr, Had iti oiith. Bl.iding 'tluins. Ki to M.utli. etc. It lai cured liun.lreds. Do vju, or your children suiier Irmn TOOTH ACHE? (let Dr. llurd'a MaRlu iwMl.atlie IXHipn. l'licc 15 cuiita por bottlo. Are uu afflicted wilh N El' P. AI.fi I A ' Oel Dr. Hin. llurd's Xcqralla I'lu 'ft. The moat effective and delightful remedy tv u. for pains in the face, cheai, shoulders, biit't, r sry ; art i f the body. They tin not adheie nor blister, but soothe c- i ..lib ni i n io iiaav. Trv Ihoiu. Price, 15 aoi sT oeoia. Muiiod on r:eiptuf price. V. . i isle at i'l the best si ires throughout llu CjU.'-I;. ; 'Ai'Tiox .As there aro dealers who teko id vnnti'KO of our advertisement to impcae upou th.ir tuslouicrs inferior preparntlons, it is neoea sai t to insist upun having what you call for, am j oil will iif.t thu uir, thoroughly tested, ant prepared by an t jpcriciicoa auu scienuuc n tiat, Trcosuier of t! e New York rotate Dentist's Assi oalicu and Vice Prsidcut of the New York UJ Dental .Society. Address WM. E. flURD A CO., Tribune Bai.'dlr-s ew YorU. Jaa. 21, lHCj. RICHARD MOSSOP, I'OUKIGX and DOMESTIC COOLS, Uearfitld, J'J. MUSLINS DELAINES COHURGS at at at at Set million Sutisation Sensutinij Sensation price prices prices ALPACAS price Just received nt MOSS-OPS'. GIXOHAMS at Sensation prices CHINTZ at PRINTS at U LOVES a I SoiiBiition Sensation Serisiitien SensRtion prices piices prices price CRAVATS ai ISHAWLS at I HON NETS at, J COLO RED I , ! MUSLINS f ! All to be 1 1. IN EN at (CRASH ut CURTAIN.'! at at MOSSUPS' .Sensation prirs-ia Sensation price Suination pricey uid at MOSSOPS. Sennution Setit-'.ition en,!,'it ion Siti'.;.tiij;i SiT.'i-.liotl price prieea prices prion I'AP.LE CLOTHS ai i FRINGE tit pncM nt MOSSIU'S. LACiS at fiensanon price IIOSIERY at Sensation pricoa RIBBON'S at Sensation prices .TRIMMINGS lot' ;vll kinds & at Sensation priaes. in anv Qtinn'ty Aiwavson hand nt MOSSOPo CASS1 MERES at S ATT I NETS at Sensation S?n.sation Sensation Sensation Sen.':.! ion Sensation pnaea prices prices jirices price" TWEEDS JEANS VESTINGS at at at at .S II I KIT NOS prices at MOSSOPf? j fJLOTHI NO such "1 j ',,. i,, , ! lyonts, rants, esls, Under Mnrls, Vat sensation pnoon l-'lannel Shirts, Boots, Shooa, Hats and Ckp', Now for ealo at MO.nSOPS ir i n n m i ti V such as Saws.nails Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, at sensatiou pricea at MOSSOPS'. LIQUORS, such as Wine, Brandy, O i n, W h i.skey, Cog-nac, elc, etc., FRUITS, such ns Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, &c, GROCERIES, say Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Supar, Molase, Coffee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, at sensation prices at sensation pric at MOiSOW at sensation pric. Spices. Candles., Coal Oil, etc., etc. Always at MOSSOPS'. BLACK I NO ROPES POWDER SHOT LEAD nt at at at ..t at nonnation price prices prices prices prices prices sensation sensation sensation sensation sensation CAPS At tho storo of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP Alwavs heeps on hand a fult lassottment of all kinds of goods required ifor the accommodation of the public. ' Nov. 12, 1862. i JAMES TEST, I DEALER IX ! Pr&vSsSeics, Lr3jaffi5a?, & a,, j nilLlPSBURC, CENTRE COUNTY, ' i TEEPS always on hand, a large aaeorttaen. ! J in his line, such aa Flour Co.'n Meal Rye Chop Buckwheat I'lour Beans Molasses Vine!ar Coal Oil Alcohol Turpentine. Tnr Fish ir'i! -ALSO Sugar Cotic Tea Cracker. Tnllovf Segats Suit Dried Apple Dii'?d Peinhes Potatoes Apples Butter jn Bacein ;T,illiw ; Lard I Market al I Wh'tio Fish ("nd Fi-h t m..i 1 1 At.SO, Wheat. Rye, C rn and Oats in the gr.m.. Limiors of nl! kinds, Confec'.i ini ty, nuts A Fruit' Corn I!room, Sole-Leather, and a very great t Iricty of mi.-cellancous articles. Ilia situation and faoilitioe f ir pnrchaaiiig, aoini. of the avticlct herein named, are nichai rive, j him peculiar advan'sges over many persona ir, I selling at a small profit. He would therefor., respectfully solicit a cull from persons wishing : nny thing in bis line, aaiished that It will preTv ! a ntually sdranngaoiu. , Not. IS, 'AZ-tu Mi M