Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 18, 1863, Image 2

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    A rr
'it.fff til i.
roil or nofioR
that tnfi Mt I r.nlmnls nrn in-
" ".1sV ' ''i.f(iii"ii r,at rnfi Mt I r.nlmnH nrn m- ; g Ihe to rt-'lirigs n oViri mrt'inff
-. X i''Viiwli. H'r- ' rr..-l ! iiijkm1"ii fof I i.rt ii, fiml the wete
tlA4V tii." JV i t"a" l ).! ami Miitul Hint ruty . - t-l q'.tr-s Ir-oinp'-ei eiitindy f I lit .B ;ri
lh Voir of tb Army.
Hi Hirll,nrn Tftup.ih ,M If mi pub-
)ft I to rt-difffS t, t ,jlxtl nrt'fw
(M,i f .,,;,,,.. i
ff W.,,.,fW( Ham, h !".
If ... . I . . . . I.
mstfibs 1 1 (it inM
Wednesday Morning, Mar. ImIi, 1803.
Know tiotl.ingism secured in strength
by practicing the most wicked deception,
treachery and falsehood- drawing tho
thoughtless into its embrace, whose self
pride forbid their renunciation of its wick
ed aiid anti-republican dogmas until after
I lio harm was done. 1 1 came upon the
country stealthily, likoa thief in the night,
and thousands of young men wereensnai
ted by its wiles without n moment's
thought' They had no vaniing and this
was '.littir omy eju-unr.
We now tell them that another Order
has been instituted and is spreading thro'
out the country under the specious name
of Lnion Leagues, of vs-itly more dangorous
purposes than worn ever contemplated by
Knownothingism, Under the name of
"t 'iiivn"- which is used as a cloak they
lope to entrap the unwary. But let no
inun permit himself to be deceived. Let
n man hereafter say that he was entrap
I I lhat he was not warned in time.
i'hure is but one way that a loyal and
; uiriotic citizen can support his country- -(..-.:
be a Union man and that is, by yield
ing a cordial and undivided support to the
I'unstitution and all laws made iu pursu
ance thereof, at all times and under all
. ireumstances. To enable him to do this
neither secret signs, badgcf , passwords or
places of meeting, nor extra-judicial oaths
"r pledges are required. Those who desire
to do what is right, and that only, do not
desire to hide their works from the pub
lic eye; they are willing that the whole
world should know what they are doing.
It is only those whose aims are evil that
fear tho public scrutiny.
The man, therefore, who wants to be a
friend of tho Union, who wants to serve
his country now in the midst of her sore
trial, has only (, unite himself with
the Democratic Party that good old Na
tional party of .Jeflerson and Jackson, and
which has always maintained the honor
and glory of our national banner - buckle
on the armor cf the Constitution as our
fathers made it, and proclaim it from tbe
housetops, that, though slander may . '
loiv his footsteps, though triui sire and
perplexing may have to be encounteredf
tnn has two slile. This sevens rspet ially j i it, having no j ml nor I it ther in. Tim
to bo the ca in reference O an nrtii lu , resolutions are highly Inudntory of the
publinhfd on the 10th Inst., In the liar- powers that be," and no Uss doiiuhcia
rlsburg Tr'rpmj.h, entitled "lloll of Infa-1 tory of the Democratic patty,
my." In that roll ore the tinnier of the 1 Now, to our mind this Is miliar a JunlI
follow ing S'Hie Senators : expression of the Hrmy. 'When jM"!)
Wiu, A. WAI.I.A'.'K, t'leai field county, m hie dvnt, a good deal deiiends oiion tho
1 ! If II. ...I 1 ...I 1 .. 1 1
vim, it. Duciit-r, ' uiiiiie. iiiii'I,
Hoister Clymer, iWrks, "
(', M. Donovan, Philadelphia "
t A. If. Ulatz, York
1 C. L. l.ambcrton, t'iarion "
H. S. Mott, Monroe "
.lohr. C. .Smith, Montgomery "
(J. V. Stein, Northampton "
J. 1). Slink, Luzerne "
These men may well be proud of the
voles they cant for wldcb they are stigma
tized an members of a "IJoll of Infamy."
The Hi-man of the Ttttgraph, intentionally
Till! WM NEWS.
t 'rem tfif A rtny ( tin: Cutttbci Intnl. J
,, . . t tliHl ptsrd In llin ll'ifiji tn'$ Jvnnel
i'nhinn Jlna It I he l.ofii- d'sonxts lioni tl c(ir,r if (V,fn(.m,y y.
I CtitituHiti ,! Ihiflnnj Af. Il'ilil' V. I kimvt rmt whq Jnniie''
jMMin s n rw itli..-!f ,..4i j
O 1 '-!, iii wl f it,, C,V,
In. S t it ( mill. U, it a kin L
Knou-Junmw," lnr..rfnfotoa ht-Uc 'f h ''' M''
Li. im tirti, iii 11,4 hii-rrai f , ii . J
lnibln nf Oicaols. I. It '
. . , .... a.
b, but tesiiine I Is S'iriie rnwnr
ImiDmH fot,Diy,iH.rn tha nii:,H.l ,V
llla.Ml,. I.a..a4. .1 .-J A ,1 1 ?. '"1,1
Jusliei. HI., Hr,ii,(ng0,l.,,,atkb,,i " JJ;K
Imii-i'ir l ! nf Anlf n i i,.. i .1 u... .T
rank and file. They uro of somo rnnses
ipji'iico then. Without these, tho oMlceri
wuiild Lave u pior chatico for com mend i
lion in ofbVbil reports; and well they
knov it
give toy
vales are
use. The officers cun do that much
ter without them than ailli them.
Iif tire
The JlHi
of (U
it aw
fiiir nt t 'n innmllt. if r
.. 1 1. , 1 1 ... tihani wlio is atrMiil to L'O lit wsr l,,n, ...H U- ! i,t n. n 1 - u . "
n e nave some biiiii onai pn'iirumrs 01 1 - . r. , ; n,,. ..ji Ti ' '""i,iiik
' ' lint run I pii I Ii imaol I K 11 It al 1 in .r 1 I....... Mala hd ltavl.1 I Ii.... "
tbabnuli at Hnrintf Hill. Tpiiik Tho r....i. '. . r) 1 k,.a il. i 1' . '. .! " . 7 H
- hii'i ini'iiii) inun ni'ii iii'iu nun ntiif 1 iiff . "" m wii'inn anil 10 Ih.l.
Philadelphia l'res bus tho following t eoinnue to leovo their homes ami l eril , " t,'l ,rlr "f ih tnlil i. 3 . I.huel.
Vnw17iM. Tonn., Marrh 9 The attak their liven unon the field of buttle, lode,
upon our forces stationed near Spring Hill f"d tho ,iri.le of this same chickens
was led by tho rebel (len. Korret in per- bi-aitt-d "Juice." He has not the niau-
son, under orders from (lens. Krarg ami lmes to sign hm real iinmo, nor oven givo
Von Porn. The rebel force were belter bis residence, much les tho mito of his
.i I il,. ...... .1 -...I cownrdlv Attack uiion llm I'niiliin nf Co
""t' ' 11 "i m" m,u unu..,, .... . : , ox abolition. jum .
were variously estimated at from IU,(hmi ' ppramug oi mo nuvers ms. cxva
mil I l at riiiiiu rt n nmi iins I tin ni n h
1 n w a ii r i.l ii i- Bl,.
HON. C. L. VAf.LA.IHNullAM'o'"-
,6 lo poliMcl sentiments, tho rri ! with the utmost fury during Thursday. Jwwlors, J receiving the bounty ?" : Tn0';; j " W rRK.Sfl AN
v ,. .... rlndnur troops exhibited the zroutnst If that is the cuse, says "Justice, the A t(JU'1 J'tRFAn). it contains (
renot countcljn. 1 bey aie of no ' I i C t in ,, niore of b miiany who . ZLZla. .MJ; V"!"'li
Kvery body knows tliHv every soldier is
sworn to "obey his superior oilmen."
ommittcd to inform his readers cf the 'Theretore, if the oflicors read it Jot of res-
full fucts in this case. Ho omitted to'olulione at the hoad of their regim)".
men voting 'and demand their udoption, w premli?io
Put when it is necessary to 1 to 20.MiO in numbers. Tho baltlo rnged . tibement. "is it Uone on account of them
l: i .
,. . aiiaiiiiiuraaal
j ' n . ' . ... i . . . in nil iihii Fi''iifia oil tna i.l.lai. .i.
Tl.oMtiiirk was not a surrr mo. and was lv "e i-nuniy unu never leu me , .,. ,; f ,v . " nasi.,,
, . ... ,t.A . i1.... Slate, lint drew n anil nf imuirnmnia . j...... t... . n., '
TlOl BllOIJfllur u llt'a li.l. cil. a innv ni. . .' ...... -- ft urui. imv., .c in
i with lulten, Intl.
against granting the use of the Senate , tl'is oath requires acquiescence i .traiii. If
Chambei of the State to such political as
pirants as Andy Johnson and ex-Gov.
Wright, the 4lolition majority of tho State
Senate rtfustd to grant the taint privilege to
Gen. Gio. B., the greatest Cap
tain of the age ; and for this renson these
Senators voted against the resolution.
But citizens of Pennsylvania it is your
duty to probo this thing fully. Look to
the men who roted against granting the
use of that chamber to the muD who ha
twice saved the National Capitol, who has
reorganized two defeated armies, who
stands to day, first in the hearts of his
counlrjnien ; and then calmly paa your
verdict upon their action.
Here are their names. Head them.
Obsei ve them carefully :
Amos It. Houghter, Lebanon county.
Franklin Bound, Northumborl'd "
George Connell, Philadulpaia "
Smith Fuller, Fuyette "
Wm. Hamilton, Lancaater ' "
John A. Heistand, " "
Hnry Johnston, Lycoming "
Vm. Kinsey, Itucks
M. B. Lowry, Erie "
Chas. McCundless, Butler, "
Jeremiah Nichols, PhilaiLOp'iia "
John P. Penney, Allegheny
Jucob E Pidgway, I'uiladelphia "
J. II. Uobiiton, Mercer "
Jacob S. Serrill, Delawaro "
Alex. Stutztnan, Somerset "
W. J. Turrell, Sufquehanna "
Harry While, Indiana "
S. F. Wilson, Tioga
O. V, Lawrence, Speaker, Wat-hington
Soldiers of the Army of tho Potomac!
Hiiything were wanting to breed demoral
ization in tho army, we think this prac
tice will surely supply it. It cud sot pos
sibly be otherwise, for all mon kaow that
these pretended meetings do not express
the sentiments of the army. In proof of
this, wo take the liberty of girhg the fol
lowing extract from a letter from a sol
dier, now in the service, ond who is well
known in this community. Wo shall
withhold his name insuring tho public
that he was one of the most ardent sup
porters cf the Republican party in 1800 :
"There is a man living hero just on our
picket line, who siiys ho was a Union man
until the President issued his last procla
mation. He now declores he is a secush !
This is the way the proclamatiun puis the
rebellion down. It has confirmed the
South in their enmity to the fnion, and
divided tho North in their enmity to se
cession. While our Governiuer.t contin
ues to rutih blindly on to tho destructive
rocks of Abolition, we may expect to see
the South triumphant. Tho poor, pitia
ble, contemptible attempt of President
Lincoln to abolish slavery by Proclama
tion will find its result in an establish,
tnent of the Southern Confederacy.
"It is imposnible for us to get uny news
here, but what the Government luckie
chose to let us have. The New York 7Vi
Lune comes here semi -occasionally, and
then they charge ten cents for it. I don't
think enough of the Abolition organ to
spend my money for it. I ho Cleat hela
lit-pullican finds out our camp once in a
while, and it is cheering to read so fatuiU
tar a tiaper. Our officers call it a seres b
paper; but it speaks my views pretty cor
rect on the policy of our Government."
p.. o. Tl.t ,), hM Un t,MfoU
(I ii believed to vrrtnx. j '
. " up
l,en ner feet ed for the total destruction clothos, and put the bounty in the new e.tucil,
.r it.. fnn. I.n. nwinir to ttia tnrris pockets and kept it there." I know of rt'i'tlj, tlie rwliti.Tl ntniwmA .
bio condition of the roads, ond the lack none such, unless ho refer to a brother of " le" wUiij. k, th. cu. of.nrKi,
ofehrne..ncss of purpose ond per-eve-
e part of some of our ollicers uy mo Mumming surgeon, auu ptisseu as . - pooiii
n vs. A nn ItiA tmft
biuh in command, who should have hur- ? 80u"d man, and thereupon received the
nod forward roinforcoments, tho day was bounty, n nil the rest did who passed the
Ins to l?8. in this connection, Uen. Uil- uniem , uui wnen lie cam up
a aa xxinn i n ia!v, 1 at aatlOWA lw fur examination nt IlHrriHtmrif. was relet-
censured. Tor some reasons, he has ever "'. ond n,ter t'Vff ol government
been unfortunate tn this war. as well ps clothea," he camo home, still expressing
unpopular among tho otiicers ana soi m s u icepveu. una
.1; vo nm i:n.ifj reierreu 10, -.j ustice lens an
uiers. . ir. 1.1 i i ... .
There U no questiorl tero about mo uiuiii misenooii as 10 -growing
behaviour of our troops, -nicy lougm b""-",,,,-:,. vlulug.-, .u uisgmces
splendidly during Thursday, and acted the name ho assumes,
with tho steadiness of veteran, but wore Again "Justice say, I suppose the
finally overpowered ond driven back by valiant Captain (who tried twice before to
the rebel host. The rebel cavalry came go, but the third time went for tear of
lown upon Col. Cobnrn's brigade jn-t ue-. '" " B" '.' i l" ,B' l"?
fore dark and routed it completely, iv-1 .m nojomi ig coumi-s .ic
. hon for rallvinc at tlirat ate hour. v8 - : rv.". n' couii.ry u u.r
. he lirjt, timo here
: l.nA r.w ..nll.Tlnrf ..I I 1 1 '1 I 1 l I A l.rillH
I II IIU ..Ull-T I 'I. I.,, I 1 ( p , v p VI'
ptiiprintlv ii h nmmunition trains had been tairt o. Co. a,,
, ----- - -
turned back toward franklin, ana many
of our men were entirely out of amrauni-
:he CaVtain went to Harris
.... . r I.., ..,.:.... nA,..isioii ns 1st
i . p ... e. . . j
there are the names of the Abolition Voice of an Old Democrat Letter to
n hclpa, frbo rafuacJ y ou, gftllanl Cam
moitder, Gio. B. McC'lki.lan, a heating in
though persecutions, and torlurer, firoUhe .Senate Chamber of the Keystone
and fpgot, ami even death itselfwith nil
the devilish appliances that fanaticism can
invent, may bo his portion, yet ho will
defend lhat Constitution, and that miier.
tt which it guaranties.
The objects to be accomplished by these
Leagues are perhaps two-fold. If any
thing like as successful iu gaining prose
lytes as knownothingitm whs, it will be a
u!u;.ole adjunct to tho Abolition party
next fall. But aside from this, it is to
have a military character, its members to
be .provided with armt, and ready at a mo
ment's call to light the torch of citil war
iu every pari of the country. That we
do not misrepresent its object is proven
by the admission of tho ilarrisburg Tele
graph, cne of its chief organs, when it
says "the Union Leagues are to take the
place of the ai mcl patrols, and the provost
guurd, In enj'orting ll&dwjl."
is not this plain enough f Can any one
bo deceived now ns to tho real lurpo.e of
this new order ? No no they cannot.
Therefore, let Pemocrats take warning
the Editors.
I Salt Lick, March f, im.
Sir .' V nrn hIai til Hnl tlip.
Stale! that Sttue which gave him Lirtli, ; cVmrf.Y.i .Vju4iean with nearly all our
and a Stale which can proudly boast to Iremocratic presses-speaking out boldly
own "the noblest Boman of them all." d fearlessly as becomes freemen of a Be-
..., . . .,. . . public achieved by tho blood and treasure
t hen you return to your homes, and foref-ien,; I vain lived a Wswl..
erciso once again tho elective franchise, jjgl0l)i JtUcrson, and tho whole host of
Wo well know you will mete out to these revolutionary worthies, if wo are wrong,
Abolition hounds their just dues.and ever and the present rulers of our once happy
The loss of the rebels in tho action, as
near as could bo ascertained, was two
hundred and ten killed ond five hundred
wounded. There is but little doubt that
tho rebel loss is much creater than this. as
during tho skirmishing early in the day
our troops held a decided advantage over
tho rebels, and the latter carried back
their killed and wounded.
None of our officers wero killed, a!
thoush ouito a number were wounded.
Our loss in noncommissioned otiicers and
enlisted men foots up as follows: Killed,
100 ; wounded, 210; taken prisoners by
Gen. Forrest, about 1.000.
During Thursday night tho rebels res
treated. Our forces left to us after the
battle wero not sufficient here to follow
thorn up. If this could have been done,
this dearly won rebel sueeea might have
been turned into a decided Union vie
The late Defeat at Franklin, Tenn.
f inrinnati. March 9. Tho Gazette has
received a f I ecial dispatch slating that, in
the recent ficht at Thompson's Station,
nenr Franklin, Tenn.,tbete is no evidence
that Col. Coburn omitted onv precaution
to guard fifininal. urpriso. On the con
trary, there was no surprise or ambus
cade. The rebel Gen. Van Dorn m knnwn
to be in force in front, and the Evig.ide of
Union forces was tlowly advancing when
the rebels nppeared in overwhelming nuun-j,, u))011 (lie
of He "Washington," (now lour
pany C, 5th P. It.) and retailed o
. I. . .i - . .. Von
The work ir n good, m1iutiiil pupr, JOS
I'RlL' K Purxtr rnvari is Pi-it. .
ltlivirfl hv mitil nr trifnss .if lh nri,. ' ' K" .
f-eiid nnleis, with tlio nionev npuir4 u r i
....I.... ni.;.. ..i.i. ... i ii '"Xl
to Uovernor Mediiry, (fioe of tin "CitlSlo,"1 i
larpe mt is upectod. '
Kvtry lu'Wiipoper thai gives tb tbai
inri-rtiom. 'i this notice, sud tendi DirlM
cnjiii'", sdilreimed 6l), Columbui, 0hi,' n
roceirs tbres cj)iri uf the nork. (
l ?l?l1.ebl 'il-Wvr af Zt.'Z
vyjH v.itiiiiu iiittui tv tllUlllI
Forty-four Columns of Keatlin?
take command of another com ran'; li.uI ATnfi,. 1"!. I
almost raised. In connection wilh L. )i-1 ' -- "'
Merrell. and others of Clearfield, he sucsAr i-8 I0W IRICE NB lUt Alt
ceeded in raising tho nutuber of nuine., ! jIVi) ;!ENTS WUKN SllHCRimu
and offered their services to Gov. Curtin, i0R r clT'UB ok not lessrtlKX '
who refused to accept them at that time,
Itius it will be seen, lie did not try .'tnrt
before to go, and all I have to sty in re
ply to llun tlutitj is, there is no danger of
"Justice" trying twice nor oiiee to go to
war; and as very few "citizens of the ad
joining counties" are acquainted with the
Captain ol to. ij, mid those ot Clenrtield
ahoid be bin gor.e to war, this could not
have been his motive, i presume his
motive was the same as that of Lieut. Mci
(inugbey, who hist summer offered ii sim.
itur reward for some deserters from Co. C,
5th P. It. that they miL'ht bo held
tip (as they should be idler voluutrtring and
deserting.) to tho scoi n and contempt of
V ins nub lurrriuun prirs iu ouo umui ,
au l fifty cent! iu order to nil iiurelc frm, I.... Imf li-an. tlii-luiliair Ufti ?
about tvBUtT tlvo iiOrrfin., Mid ii still rl.inj;
nnd wlira toll mir Dainurratio I'rii'tiili, nmlU
ly, that wo can nolo' per altnril to fell the "Wtil
I .. II. Ih... .f- I ul rt.iliur a vu. .1
Ijr i .111", h v uivh W V..W " J m ' I -
mutt add 5f'T 'fntj or .lop llm publicaiioo, i,
truit they nill Mpprvciate uur pnailiua, lull, ii
tli.'ud ul fHlrlraw i their lub.criptioui, ui,t
work Willi a will tn inertsn war lift h tw!
county iu l!ie I t.Mi- Ws timo ii'.lgT'ired,
rhall continue uur rlliti, to nmko the impim!
ful as -apivi'V i-r-nri. anil welcomt aim.
They encjnged us in fror t and on both
flanks. The 121th Ohio, with tho wagon
train, was in the rear. They wero cut off
uphold the fair fame of "Little Mac," the reilct hven J W the rebel flink moverncut and escajicd
1 ' thought of or deemed necessary to our The 12lh Wisconsin, C9th Michigan ant
iiiuioijuui unu). suffering country by a Kepublican Con-
War is if lioxii v Necessity is the gross. They have adjourned, deserving
mother of invention-" The truth of th'n
33d and 85th Indiana were completely
surrounded and compelled to surrender.
On the following tiny, under a ling or
m,..Ki.iu-Hr iv: PC fainilv. Vl 0 B.l tt 0 r l.uiialtu
every Ameiican citizen. The offering of ,1Bt j1BI n 1 1,' iiwuut ine iufluenti I.
that reward did lint excite the sympathies) producing tho jl"Tiuu revolution in tin politia -'
of "Justice" or the 'fei'lins of Ihfir of tho flat adutvl n: tho lut,- olvetion ; Mil
friend but these deset ters Ajtiy to some harlsssncss in h- .'i.vWx. duty, ftdtliij
relation to him. If so they all lhel!" I'risiciple. of U.a v-y . JW
couragothat boloneed to the connexion, :f J.,uCZ"l
- . . , ' .uil . iiiuimr.iw i'-,iiiiw ,
but are now currying out Hie principles ,rvi,?BUlo hras!ir, lh "V.e.kiy fatriut r
of inherent cowardice of tUir illustrious ' iju'mn'' will not L !! at'ui w tin tmrii
kindred. i lets wclonma to the UI circ'.e in Ut fata-
l-muk.! iheo remarks, IfVfi-is. I'd'i'.ors. jtlug in tliopm:. vcwnidfi.t! h"k frltn.
in ,lrl..i il'nnn I,IUA .. ou IV d lieilll fll tl'IUUIlt 111 tbiS Kre Merj.r,
. "... ..:i., ' i.'....;.. i -.. , ... ' tn vrv in'jcmJ' imoert in ibt StJ
I'M l I 4,11- lie ill llll.K U I 'I; I Ilia --mil III. v . , . ,. . . .,,W.,,,iKi;n ' I
.... , ,,. . i it I . : ! l" l-.d kilns aid in runut'K O1"
niilr ui i im unuuiM, urina
Justiec" iiiu.ilets courncc to si-art tivouii
U'iih respects to Mr. "Justice," I ro
main, Yours trulv.
The NoiiTHWEST. In speaking of tho
probability of thp Nortwestm n States
axiom can in no inslanee,be more fully ver"
ifiod than in tho case of (ho present a'.oli
lionized Republican party of the llnitel
States. Under the plea of necessity, the
devil gainod a certaiti point, nud the Abo
litionists of to day are endeavoring, by
the contempt and execration of every lov.
erof bis country, llieir repeated acls truce. Co,. Opdyke learned from the icbel j0ir,-n iheir fortunes with the su-culled diminution of our iUiIy tui-uUti-.n, vt,
uu.. 'i"i w . - ...v. ... I r-itiii i, i-niiw itiey uu-u uurnrn himiuv iri.-nijr
tuch iiidividunl it lnflin;r. tlu' srii.f.t W lbf.!
ty runy hi Kril. lllievit-- tt. i" Uuaatm
o'f the Statu feci uece,.ty oi au-tniiiiiiis
fonrlm i'ciitii'1 orxn, wo lu.ko ltHK
thtiu with tho fullci-t cournlencii "
The fHtus rii.ion which iu li e us l ' 1,l'"f;
iticB of Ui e Weekly, optrsto ia rejju '
fniily pni.ur, which has liljo inrrwad.
fiiti'imi! cart to each subscriU'i wi'.l b bntli. s
anil, bilo we cannot pnruiJ oumcUhi':
t li e change ncecurhrily undo Mil', ru.uilim!.
of the Constitution, remain in United states privates, killed outright,
ving the 1'iesidont clothed with nd that some twent'- bad died of the;r
connecting the plea of necessity with ihe!meni is to be destroyed.
force, leav
tyrannical power over tue people, is sig-i wounds. The United Slates loss was
nificant of w hat is to follo.v. The dearest fr0m two hundred and fifty to three bun
rights of the people aro to be trampled dred wounded. No United States officers
linucr loot, nnu .ur i'iuocraiic uovern-
loictderate Stoles, a Mobilo p,.per cfft i crriuin th.t .uuh would bo tl.s w,.
' 1 l should fit I bo n.mi nellod tu mnkr. u. ur .uff I.
. . . . . . r M . . : u' - 1. . . .
late uat 3 gives me lo.iowing. e uuiu-ii j ruinous um
idea of i'ii'rnn'i, to accmnplii-h politically
wbat Satan did morally.
Fhe timo has now come when every
man, true to his country and tho I'emo.
cratio teachings of our fathers, should
I t.ilcr thci i-irruiustnncel I
but little reliance to this statement, vet it I "'u'1 ",r"" "r-olv upon tha goiirii;,(
. ,. , j rului'r the ju.tica of the public, and aluii. lil
sufficiently indicates tlio subject lias ,r,jft, ir t0vir it mny ha.
I The acri-iil fur nhich iiiuny of uur nkiMi
; bnre paid fi.r their paper bi io on tin mi
cxpirinj;, we lule the liberty ol uun,j li.ii u
For itistanoe : it was iiecessary fora stu-ppeak w ith tt voico loud enough to bo
bee.i urder consideration :
"Wo hftjo iirivaio in'ormation from
Itichinond to the effect that the question tir. ri-iiiiii'tine thorn of tho w. in oriir lb
admit having had a forco of f ' l''e .Northwest engages a Inre share ol ;thcy mnv
to 20.000 men, belonging to'attei.tion in high quarters at the seat of j HliNEW 'HIKIR CLUBS.
pid und venal Administration to upj.ress
certain presses, which exposed its weak-
heard throughout this once happy land,
that Democrats don t bend the knee to tyrant
The enemies of a Democratic Govern
together to accomplish tho object. Ne-
in time. Lotus havo no secret, or steal-jcessity upon the part of a weak and tot
thy movements. Our aim is to sustain itering administration, was tho cause of
tho Constitution and vindicate the laws, tho suspension of tho writ otlhUas Cor-
nos,aiii necessity and it.vent ion worked ment ,mvo cxisUfl in u,!, country from
tho beifinninir. They opiosetl our lathers
of the Revolution in their struggle for In.
dependence, and were called Tories. They
opiosed the peode in the formation of a
Democratic uovernnient, ami opposed the
were killed, and but ore Colonel, .7. P.
,l!uird, of the Eightieth Indiana, was
wounded, and hit injury was srgnr.
Tho rebels
frnm 1 .1 000
f.fnprnl Yn !nrn' division. Tli.iv sv ' Kvernment. 1 1 is believed that overtures
sixteen rebel flrigado-Generals w-re on 1 bave leen nmde by leading men of both
the field. The actual rebel fotro was parties of the States named, accompanied
twelve thousand engaged. They acknow- ' assurances that if Hiey could bo receiv
lodge a loss or ono Colonel, together with ed into the Southern league iheir
several lino oflicers. Their loss was ISO troops would bo recalled and the war
killed ond a porportionatc number wound- stooped in twenty four hours. The prop.
e,j 'osition, it is further said. ha many friends
rv.lnn.l ,V,),nrn anrrem erd Ii s commad amonc puoiio men in uictimonii, anu is
Ws shall al.o tskt it in itciul fi'
our t inWriliera will urj) upot is
lUMgliliom the fact that tb j 'Tutrinl A L'nioi'
the only Deni'jcratie paper publirln-d in llm
burg, snd connidcrinK tha Urge amount tt
ing matter, einbrsciug all the currant n
the day, and
Tclcpraphic Dispatrhcs
From BTerywhura up to the moment tbufS
t iAianni rtir Tl,.T..i.iv the subject ol debate in secret session of , ' Pr". political, uiincclia.eou.. p
and whatever we do let us do openly and put, and invention brought about the or. ' aposllo of Democracy, Thomas Jefferson, I iccond Wisconsin lost 150 privates corns Congress. The army of Gen. Lee is said ; Bw'' rcI'Pr',, " ,,TS,
tor Tresident, calling themselves Federal-1 missiond officers. Tho Nineteenth Mich- to be decidedly in favor of the measure, as 1p-. iicvi4H.i iu.
above board. If in defending our rights rest of loyal citizens without law or war
it becomes necessary to defend our lives, i rant.
be it s" ; the order of our enemies to their Invention circulated Helper' t Book and
adherents "to arm," will bo notice to all other incendiary works. Invention is
loyal men of the country lo go and do like-1 now forming Loyal Leagues : isstigiuatu-
ing all as traitors who do not worship at
Ne HtmpT'Eiection-Abolition- the hnne of Abralia". ntl keeping up a
ism L bv'ied I fi'b'em ' upon their ueighbor's
Tim nl....!;n.. r.,r,.,.. n.M .ord nd acts.
v-1 n'.i aw. mii mivi i inn r nn ui"
bers of Congress, and State Legislature,
ists. .Since that day they have assumed
many and various names, and by vtricus
devices to get power, have always opposed
the masses the people tho Democratic
pnrty and a Democratic Government, un-
lost 200 privates and commisioned officers,
including Colonel Baird, slightly wound
til at lat thev have succeeded to rower
and the control of the Government by an
unfortunate division of the Democratic ed. Adiuiant If. B. Adams, ol Col. Co-
party. burn's staff, was in tho rear urging forward
This control and exercise of the power, the ammunition wagons, and was cut oil
Tho latest invention, however, of the of the Government they have had for the by the rebels and escaped capture.
last iwo years. L,ei meir violations oi
Cincinnati, March 12.
in favor of the measure,
iinr.d.;iaaanrl-f.mmittinne.lnf. tho rriceof iieste and of venueunco on' in tlir Si:itr '
ficers. including Col. Gilbert. The thirty- the Kaatern Yankees. There is scsrccly . Tillago or town in thih
Third Indiana lost 440 privates ond corn "these statements come to us from ain which a dub cuunot he railed if thi
misoned ofCcrs including Lieutenant Col-, most reliable source, and we give them at t exertion be made, and rurely there are f.i
onel Henderson. Tho Eighty fifth Indiana tbeir value, for the information of our ;in which one or more eneri'io men
was held it- New Hamt.sbir on Li,dnv frieiid of this modern Belshawar, is s.nd- ?" 4 . ,n.e,r ions oi
"s lltivt Us new IlUUl Dllire Oil VCSlOranV ' tU I Vntlilnl inn nml rlioparrol rit ha
week. There were three candidates for ng men through tho country, ostensibly richts tf tho peordo in the exercise of
lioven i -tiilmrre Tlpiml.tinan v. engaged in honest and honorable callings, their power during this time, answer I A rumor has reached hero from Memphis IMICD Atber residence, near Glen H'T
uoicn i uiimcie, uepuuncan , hastn . , . ..... .i... .u .1,-5. r... r.. .. ..j ii,.i v o:.. .u- v-, .;-. V. I Thnrada. Kh. iih. in th ihtv.first ic
rnn.l.ri " foui d who are in favor of the lin-f eiimi"
' ' su nd Democratic doctrinal, t ' weulJ to '
..... ' I linir to make the iffort to raiae a -'.ub.
MAKKIED On the &th day of March, by W. .
A. Kead, R.q., Mr. John M. Ilirkok, of Pike t R 11 S I
tp., to Mill Martha Mc Ice, of Knox tp. DAILY FATKIliT AND V0.V
On the Uth init., ty . W. Shnirart, Eq., Mr. Single copies for one year, la adrat-e- $
W. F. Shaw to Mine Sarah J. Trump, both nfi do do during . of Leg'r
Lnwrence township. . Copies (applied to agents althe r-'tlHU
aBaaaaBaBBBrnaanaBrBBBalaaaaaBiaarr i Prr bundretl.
. -. . aiuiri ls iaart si it rn o i nuimo rt tc i nonii iiiml l i v nrn iiit uum. a mil n ittii nmunpii iiihl h,iiii IjIlv. uii inn a n auu i uri . hub
hist iiutes, hastmn was 4,000 iiheud """iwuu.itu.j, m,,, uui fuwo have orten heard our Democrat Tathers, in J tie reports are still conflicting at to ice
ol tiilmoie, but Ilammon hud received a objett is to endeavor to abolitionino tho our boyhood days, say "If ever this old i Indianolasome slating that she was blown
little over 4 00H thus defeatinc ar deo- Peor1J- In somo parts of tho State, this Tory Party, by whatever namo they assume, up by the rebels to save her from Admiral
lion bv thepeo'tde reouii inn the I eeisla ylem is being practised to some ex tout, get the ,er and reigns of government, , Porter 's bogus gunboats, and others that
ikui uy me peopie, requnitig mo j.egisia. lt i , , ,. , our liberties will bo taken awnv the pcox.she is still afloat and sorvioeable,
turo which will iiave a republican ma but wo ll"nk nor hero- our f"ends, win no loner h(,ve roice ja jhe g0f el-Bs LATEtt.
jority to Dwlie tho election. , bowever, look out for them, as thero is no ment, and tho Democratic government,1 Cincinnati, March 13.
This shows thst the republicans are in now'nE wnal frenzied set of men may which the wisdom ofour fathers las found A special dispatch from Memphis, to the
. .., nfn,., ,, , do nd established will bo destroyed." Gazette, gives a report of a fight on tho Ya-
minority of 4,000 on the popular"0' , i Now, sirs, in view of the teachings aodsoo river and the capture of 7,000 prisoners
vole, yet retain complete control of tho MEETING OF TUE 11, V. CS. ; predictions of cur fathers aud the verifiiland eight transports. No particulars of
State. Lincoln carried tho Stale by over In accordance with previous notice, the cations thereof taking place every day by the affair are given. A Florance, Ala. let
11 000 in 1SG0. ' r- C's. met at tho house of the G. M. 'powers that bo, a Hcjnddican Adminiitr'ation ler, to the Mobilo Register, says that Wayne
ti n i tr, (.ofO. After the calling of the roll, the lu.i (the ancient enemies or a Democratic county, in that State, is full of renagades
ilio Dimoc.ats gain one memner ot spection of the mombers took place, when goverment.) it is alarming to the people styling themselves Uuion men, who bad
Congress certain, which is perhaps of on motion of the K. W. a vote was taken and it becomes the duty of every Demos j been joined by deserters from tho South,
greater importance than that of the Govs on tho following resolution, whLii .fler tratic citizen to vindicate and dofend his ern army. I'hey have become more for
ernor : somo discussion by tho S. S. and others Constitutional rights and privileges,peace- mldable than ever.
! was unanimi.uslj adopted. 'able if he can, forc.blo if he must and so I Much excitement occurred in Cairo yes-
Kk!iarijabi.k;Coimcidencb. Lawyer Mc: ltctolved. That "ye great OrDabe'" be, I hoi p hiin God never (0 surrender one' terday by reports of the capture of Forts
Lnally wos at home last week, and 'ho nd is hereby voted a "DampkonT' by this right or privilege guaranteed to him by Henry and D.molson by rebels. Thoracis
Xiggerhtad organ Lad a great deal to say ""mblogo. Signed , by thefficers. ; the Constrtution your friend in haste, j r.o news from Vicksburg of interest. .
about "Copperheaui," "Butlornuts," Sen.! t&- The Abolitionists now callthe Dem. j ,readori if y0u want a mild purgai
ator Wallace, and ourseles particularly, oorats "Copperhtads." Well, whe, cares ? i No Cbanub. Tha Democratic State ' live for children, or one powerful for ad-
Week before last Lawyer McEnally was ; Ve would rather be called a Copperhead Central Committee, at Its called meeting : ulls, take Ayer's Pills. They are sognr-
way Horn home, and the Mggcrhcad or than a A iggerieatt, as copper, just now, m Philadelphia last week, decided not to coated aod pleasant to use and are well
gan had never a word fo say to any body '. commands a high premium over the lat- change the time of holding tb text Dcm' enough known to ha good without our re-
good, bad, or indiffereut. ' te 4reeu -backs and all. ocratio State Comroittoe. This is wise. commendation.
Thursdny, Keb. 19th, in the eighty-first ir of;
her age, Mrs. Anna Wright, in ronseiiion oi
a lieiv and slroni faiih in tha Kedeemer,
ISillirhed every Thursday
inRl copy one year, in advance
v ri i-r ..w. ninncopiciio ooi aaarons -
so, on the SSth ul'.,in tho eighty-third year of Subicriptioni mar commence at any W,"
his aire, wi h entire rei(rnatioa U his approach- ; ALWATS IN ADVANCE. W are oklipj
ing dis.nlution, and firm reliance in the atone- fhaks this Imperative, in every InitaoM '
tnent, William Wright, Sr., consort of the first j must accompany the subscription. AT P
named lubject of thie notice. i fending u. a elub of twenty euhieriberi
At Jane,rile, Clearfield county, on the 10th Inst., I weklT "i e entitled to a copy for hin
of whooping ceugh, Ada, oaly daughter of Capt ' ht Pri,e ' the advanced rate,
J.B. and Sarah McKiornan, aged ? years and 8 thllt Pnnnt greater ioducemw"
aaonthi. ti,, Additions may be made at isj
.. , . . . , ,, elub ef subieribers by remitting ene l'lU
At his lata residence in , Carw.nw.lle, Daniel M. Lf, u f k ,5diUunil gn.m,.
Weaver, aged about 45 years. nectary to send ut th. nsmei of tboM
fcrThe deceased was born in Centre oounty ; ting a club, as wa cannot undertake W r
but resided fur many years in Clearfield, to most ' eaclTpspcr to elub sobicribert leparateij' .
f whose eitiicni he was favorably known si the '
obliging landlord of the Mansion House in this 1
place, and latterly of the Susquehanna House In
i.. r .v.. U-..I.I. -ill k. .nt l "
desire it. 0. BABEETT
Maroh 18,18 J. Uariih
s. i
Dcto bbcrtiscmcnts.
Kew Watch and Jewelry Stor
SII. LALXHI.IX. having psrohss
Interest of hii late partner, u do f" I
mm k;. lift.k in tha ahoD former' .s;.
i. .k c j .....i f.k.ra hiiiPJ
nXECUTOR'll ut..,. 'to keen an his reputation at a eomple" J
an . . . . . - . . . ...... , v no
IJ by given that Letters Tcitameotary, on the 7 a.ungau wora mu... .v
eetate of John lalrde, late of the townthin tic, in the best manner, and on
of Ualon deceaned, have been jrramed to the onahl. terms. Derymg the ""V'.-rl
underlined. All persons indebted to said estate is a fair trial, and M",1.nn'1"" Lujisfl
are required to make Immediate payment, and heretofore sitei nde A. Loo konw i
tbosa having claims against lbs same will presint1 1HL Bl "A . '
them duly authenticated for settlement. ; r. JJ lae vato wm o r ,g
WM. F, JOHNPOK, when the work it fienverea.
Mar. 18, 18J, fil.pd. Etecutor. i aarfield, March i, W-- 7