m s'iV If if If V Q'd VIA I ! D W. DT00?,E. I - ,., 0. B. CO'JPLA MDER. J v on. PrvINCIPLES. not MEN. VIA.. -XXIII.WI10I.l- NO 17-1 CLKAKFIKLI), i WHDMvSDAY, MAT.CH A LULL VIEW OF SLAVERY. K5, I MM I I lllir I i II II l r.li l'. , I ..!- il . I i tu ..r, ,i. , i :, : ; ; ' .. r- 1 . nnt C,?u:l y TEItiMS$l OS irr A J:mt in, if pnid in au N I : v s k i ; i r.s cm in. io r,c, . nv Ui'N- aj:os kenimu.. him-elf authorize, t!,o bnyln, f slaves" ( Z " r S),OUI'C',ll''l,yl11 V.c take .i.e following frun, the A.imm- 'r.osM-,o i hinisolf dc lures ,1, t more 1 w , ' ' ,,fe,,,r,M.,h.ch paper ,i -pp-aicd they M,!l l, inhcriHnee . ,! 1 , ,, J'. " K''''l "ur the "" ' ' 'l 'l-"in r. to tin, Presi- Iro.n fa her lo o ; hirmolf ecl.inS t "n tho, , lv -1 , f" "" '? "!,,r1 tl,..,. ,.:, ,,.,,,,, - " "': T lArnA,,) LthCv'.it, I'rulJiiit ' ihi Viikol Jlnii.orii Vih: I-fy "tjicl in Ihco lfll.Th Ij il dir-lii ,rt!y 1 1 ri ' I f t rr f . in not to i-' en inor.il cry us n I - i f;i t ,1 1 i 1 1 I i . ; :)!), ii"r to initi i:n in i!h .nt tin .'in. r il.i- i !,, nf t!.t) s'.u'Ji'': u io bilii' ii ; Imi Jt is, l' I !n li.'-Iit ut'ti'.iili, to Jixni in. in 'an' licjccu, a bl ul lui uiltii t 1'iAtii'M. w l,(,-c iii'-iiiir Imlrril of hiuvi'iV . iik' ilii in 1'ijTi'lv ho-' ill' !o "ir j'lorio'ns CotistitiiiiMi. It U to ,-hiv.v tin. Iioiiryt f. ' 1 nl' tic !i-(: S':.t,-s ti.ii!, a : jx.'iti k il ti i, i';. y i:i'i i.oi 1 1 -i .ii.-fur i.i'.i Law no iir;!i'.!"l ctn.li.il in tr it, ; in) th.'.l, ii" .1 riioi.il q h iti'it), thon; is tins i liiofr in it whii:!i jnsi ill s Hnir in'oi lVr- nee liy v.rt'io u! tiny 'l.i.'liir l.nv' than i i.f ' ut i'.n . 1 tlji-ir ( Diiiitiy. Ilih, ! linn ! . i .- in. iv !.': il;vr'itf-il nl' ll'( il' rihl to the l.i'j 'i'o! tin ir !:ivi'i u .i l'liiiiil.i.ii'iit Jo- IllIM' tli'M'-ll'. jo-t ; if id i . ici oil, i r in IK' l..i ili -i tloit buying ;n. n nii'l n-oninn for moncv U n,l vm. ,..,.r.-. .i in.Ml,rs ,. sin ; tlintliol,)!,,. .(., , , '1 rU ;,,.,'P. r. SU' C:Sd t0 ""MOts " . i t v: i ii 1 1 ".flit. Iriiiwmii I ... I n I'V our fiih.-ii', ilii))ily li.'ca i. o lh.it Ooyptnmriit Hvofni:, jr.-: itufion whi.h Co 1 L isHiiiciinnvt, a.,,l tln rh.'litu ot iiiH.stc r a i iI ll.o tint ics of scrvnrit'T fis pvc-i rihcl ,y t ho n.o,th'i f ( '!irit. In h lie 'ft . ,011 urn twil u;il:tn Ir. V,..., .. ',i ..,..!.! ...... ' r "; '"""i I,, l,'.l ,1,1,11V i... . , . M. ' ' ' ,U W' ' " ; '" ii iiiiiii' irsnvnn vs, n nt 'nn ins ht-t iUiHf' from hitlicf Iii.mi I'l n -.in; nnil t'nit J-ol.lir.R tlifoi in hoinl.To 'fmcvnr' ; ':h nni ( f nil vill.uiio.' Mat is tlo, iiilWrnn' ) u do tint hclioi c ihr i;,j to l ovp it onlv i- n rnrk i'itlu'r thnt niul n;Mii)ni ..i ,..u o.-ii.-vc i rim m .(1 lnnv-ill U' ;mii,", s:n .iriioii- hiH rn.-... irrih) Thho hii h horn of the 1 1 1 1 tM-.i in -v you I'lcn-io: ypiicnnnot wmic hofh, l.t iim now rf-vicv t!io fuljcct in lite lii'hl of ihf Tcitrunoiit. HM tvfrv ho the sum ()f nil villainies,' ninrr' M'i sir. is it not slriin-n tli.nl .Iphk lll'll ffOK'i'lK sl.ivcholiliM tlmui'h il lim n not kti'ov thi'm in thnt chn: ,n 'for, nn J lms no nower ovor the ins s t i t u i r ti . ' I ,voi,.,r flint ou flo not nprnlv rebel n;-.iin.t the gnrcrnment of (ioJ tprauso ho spiiiloth his ruin on tho just nml on iho r.r i t Illf V III IV - rii'ht.", ami .1 h.ltoM to To ho consiMlent von oiurM lo nhi..rt to Chr-i- tili.l not.hM, i. ' . l"u nl under tho vwiAMrufljjiiflCK. ,i,( r..,1,ouuuiii1nti,i..wM.ir,,To Enjoyiarn'3 rf the Cnmn-- Inifrr 'mm i'l" ' ' , "" 10 ,vll,. fl0'" ,1" ""linn iiko a so , , ...... i CAKRcf thnT-'Ifh. A friend hi n iurtiidird us with n Ion letter from this .rouio,,,,,,,, .l,.s.-.I "In 1'ront, n tin, Kn , , ,;, i(Jl,, t)()r-.i . -t 10(53," hum which tve m.Mhe the f .,wii'U' pttmots. After (lieriliirin their t ii j . IVoin Wn-1 i.-ntcn to JVlhi J-Jniiw. t-.o , i.'iiHrd chou! 2 i. m.- 1 m 'tut'd ivoi-U'7 Si verid ol thun rei o eu doi, n n ili. v,... .in,! ',;;. .1 ..... 1 fi t "" oKi., u souiier. no ivus niori" ttie 4sne win; thnt everything win in its ,lac'. lie lohl M t ,nv ,( let them edino ehjso, then jrivo iliein h 1 J'V . I! w is a hully follow, umUlie' ooyi lire nil in love ,,i!h l,i,. V, 1 ver, Iv ! , on!', n t, :!' t!P il O.lJvIr I v, -mi U ; ...i. '! ' . ' , ,.i ... ; i ! ii f ioti I, ( i ;.. I he i -h. 1 1 i :i"ti 's n i", n liom 'Mi l '1 I'l e.ii .i.i ,'tu, iiulividt.i . v i ii M L o.-j-iii .'u I . ii -1 ii- C.'ir .f ii : r:ir; i.tj I nil llioiMnl Ji l ill ? Is il not ili-nn tleit liis Apostles insle.iil of des iK.iinem it ns a mi, iecp';ni.eil it ns a laivlu! roliitu.it, involving caiuln christbn ilj'i"'.' l.et us ox, iniine )),,. Iitr.ruco I :v. o.'ii. the iior.el wiii. h tiiey preauhr4 lilol the (io.,,ol ivlii. ii yotl iix'ii- ii. 'I'll,.' Ci. .ie ilitir'it hv I'.'inl nnil l',,n- 1 1 ( x ; -1 ( ot Mill y with slivehohlers. to he!n wnrmed hv the sntlio sun urn', hrenthing the onnie nir. And surely you will j.ruv lor n heaven hy yotnselvo. ; "f..f those who think that n shivoholilor tiannot he a lit nsi rrin'o for them in n , hi isiian church cannot hehuppy inuhnven j'eo !o, with such shivi holders hs Ahrnhnm, Isaac :md ,1.1, 'oh, Moses, llavid iii,d Solomon nrd (in, 1 To ll tue iroi .i ,i Vi'i , r i id'.v .! . . e t ,.iu to llid inimis ol .... I,. I will. .. A, w. ........... , . . j .,i" .ii . , , ..imi ,ii ni. eoi ieni in ... i . ,. . ! the. r.rn, where IV, ,1 h, ,, Uc . M-'very , l'a . " " . v " . rer. 1 1 mv on m von i, I, i. .. . i.t . . " ""I'I'.V llllM-ll I1PII- von where thnt 0n, jj ,v;1() e.fiTs,,' no. r, ;li I Ml! lis !,i I .' , i ,'i,,i h i. 1 iy Ul il.i n l or ii.o,i i, N on h s n r. ins ii ", . l ". : wl.'i d.i .:nc! i: u ret i .-ill, ' i ih'i'el', pi)' in 1 n it lo a ii nun. -u i in. hi riiiini l ciiiff (isei vnni . (' ire not I'of it,' s: vs l'.uil. Cniiiithiatm 1. Your lin,j'el te-cli,- l-l or,;, iu UIHI I I lyellu.n, i'lif- (.i-nel tae 'ht hvl'.ol n n ,11 '..t it oi,j"l:i-si-rv.iiits Ui he nho.lieiit to iheir !H.'n!r;?, i!.cll er I.ii.J ol'dud. 'Sei vnnts, he,ii. ,.l lo iliosi. who are your :nnstors a',:o;iliii- t i ll.u ilesh,' S'vs i'mh hrili. 0- endu.ts ol ll.ini to i. 'hei us uianv sei vanls us are under t ho JI". thi'ii lo'e sln-e- V"'.e e. .imi ilie.r oivn ma.-ters n worthy Is o is ivpi'il fail h"li !,' K.-iy I'muI, 1 liui. 0-1. 'I'".X- c i'or Ii ; w4 v. iom juu itito'.ni.t "ii th.t' hci t so- vmiiIs it, he el rdieiil to their o'vu in , Hi i"l to ri -oho tne A I. ii uu !;' jaitl.iV.' it, , ini-lei s and t lo it them Well ill nil v", ii.-iime 'o he in )i'i.- ie niul jut li.an 1 hin-,' s us l'ii:il to hit u, l! II. 'Servants, s tin. si it ant I . I ii : i .. i i . iiH'i .i'.u ii .1- i co'io in out to t.uv slave 11,1.1.'.. ' i , ai:u no"i ninn in m-nu.i"e lorevor n tli ' H'.Hh mid l.ituli rei'ir.ients -and then cauie Iho pull, We inaichoil iihoutivvo iiiilesovcr the tiiiiddyosl toad I c, er ..,. ' TI ore tip r.n (,o tip of hlul'.s and lidj 's hnnlly wide onon .di for a :. hi read, t he mud ims tioaily knee (ieop. We piuh'd j our tunls in u r,t.:,, hut the ooniitiy was.j mi hilly that we cinill not sooIjj i'i,,l f.l ourrnnri, n";t Ik the c.i.ipiiiiiov woro ' moiuiipid in eohitiin. h was tln hillvest ' luii'l loorHBt, . AVb tixed up our sinn 1 nier sho'tcr touts in ood sij Id f,.rthui Jir.-t liui. Ceo, J iii.ii r was dotaiiod lor , i'iiiii d iib,1 C. I ,,;,., .,.,. i ii . . . l bhinkels together for shel'.i r. The rvri)., 1 w; ',. nij; uas naiin liui puiiisiliit. I ( 15 ut soon ot mviiku u?.in, hi.i1 iiv.i.s.jj -sleutiug, mi l uiy hvl wi;ie out in t.ie eohi. j ... 1 Cut up nml tucked in tiie hlaiikci and i tried to tc, p m;,iin. Lut il w.i, no i,.-e.-- ' Vi My le. t ivi u: '.oo ou'.d ; so 1 lay t lil n U i f ' . '' , l.iy light, ami then oi t up ui;d l.iund nUiut ' ' tlu'i o inches of sno'.v. (, (ioil, wliai en . joynionll .-'iiur.iK-r-cIad soldi. ns a, a ivin. tor campaign: I loiko-J arom.d. pot my hoots on, ei owed, !r.-t;ivd my self, nml tiied to :t Bomoihiig ;o ut. J.i t thelc. UiiiliO lire ty l.o had. I.,l il, ui i Miiji, ii,;'. ii iy i.isl, ui.ii llioio .jt l.o emu then k line i ..... i . i-. "'ii no ,'u u i ii ;i I'. 1 - ii.'.nii 1 1 i to he ti;;'iin set upon and cruc ii:s'iuiiihilit v. 'J'ho uonos uliicli f .ii, nved werr r ,i Himilar iiiiiuro. Uld in, m, o.giily jeiis of n ,70, weie in. j,. , l,,.. ., I i... id' tktioi-lfp,' il.iu i, ;.,, it... i- i ter we retired, WO united for dnvli.ht. i V indie, iveness W,h., ehni'iieti.V l ,"',' l.,,l. -n, , ,! nt mime no mo cot. tl.o.u... , , oiios i.i u,e , , f,,. f.o, nn.l !i,l iho li .,C our hard l.iek.", the (itsPLtiilU.il- h.d I ,,,'n'f'd lo 1 he in I,. oaine lelievn us iihout o' u ho, the .ippelil.. for iir-.,ii had on I, 1 i ( eck. itnd we n-tehed cauij) nhr ut noon, whtdted, i.tnl not fit. nil appoiis-d. As "vs i io irit.n to hen r iron) ntir lust liiL'lit niiiiroi elie, thev .n iv In .1.1 T,,i I diu not m:i tiple to cm i i u.ii tin, i,,.irs! i.i : U nil tlie o.'.leu ,r v Ho j , iieot Hl.iniu f i rkoliii!?. THE GREAT EIOT 117 I'ETEOIX. Terrible and Bloody Scenes TI o Di'iivi: (Mich.) prtpol's eotilaiu loll iii'i'ouiils ol li e diraool',iI u'ot iu iha'tl city h-l we.-K. It ori;'iiuuod in eoiis. ipienee o j, mulatto, nmiu'd V. in. Fuulksl ' n. i.t i M ? - Ii a, I'M,' of If. I I he hivi-e-. ,,n I. !ri"i!lv ,rkf d of tin i uiiriiiiir., pnoii in u,,. t.n Ml,; of if.- i Mid hui'tu d. ' Hiring iho i i..;t t.,,; city HMii-c: ,n ahotil in only pla.'c-, to d 'tl.ii lv V ..; eonMimefi. tho hiiriiiuie h"Ii..j pr.. i !y I ., I. i.n ..i . 1 1 . A . I. . . . ..... 1 ' nir, kieidol a si.luon, commit tin-- an ' Sevora! of t he 1,B, ' ., ,i..',',,.. l ' ... .. ' " i'l' mi Ihr li'isun of ii III lie or-.. han ; j i.. .. .... . ','... I ------ ;i..i n ,.l oy JMIOl Uilill) pI'I'.'.OIH', IV'holo an .' Ol , ,,.v .,. ,1 I ,., , V!,. . . , , ' J"l'u "il ii ir , i,, in, ii .,..7. 'ii the pel sun cf u In lie I, named M.uy i ,n, n, io I'd .'d n in the i,,r n . p.! i v i i. i , i pin, i a common w , li In i-ti,ili t'aehel'-, ree l,.' il.'.' i; ,li -t oi i rod h i .nke l.y ' I I Ml. II ivns ( in. I hitU-li I' t'.n ,h- : ; n in.. , d iu t ! ti, d! ,"ht. limn a .-; !.v h. iui '.. I, il t,o .'. i.t;,':. !:) h l :.,i'i.i v. i.t i . 1 had i. '.' lie v.u i,.,.J, u i.o n: in I I'l;, ''.:.' eho- I I .-on' i ' people, and I in- Xivi-ir o! I i . i ' i h ; : i I . V, j ii i.o'.i !(, the l-iyii-.j '.inoi. , i i !j inor. . ) as s n.l'u I i i .J ,"i; In iiiir i oa llrj in' 'a . ii.' , hieii ha-, h; nij 'h fervntits i, ill rods 'Pom jn his cITial f'ivoritt- with cd !!.-. io-s up .1) ho the In! her 1.1 hi.. l.o sui'lei I to v.mr maslc-ri, tvilli .11 f....i' if. inn oniy 1 1 1 -.oou mi. I .'-n;le, tml r.lso Il.tul ,f men a t . -1 niid iu t,., vil n I'.iou.il ! ,nr'u "tit ol i Mini;' l!iin., ai : I I' ll I, hoi li upon u t liu I '.ivi'ii. Ai.i ..i',;i did Iho ai ll.'iHi-n showered Hiss. . . ( Mir I'll 'ni r. Kiel hrol h 'l's thin;', mid neie I ! d die ,n,.' Ahi.il, i n -,'.' 1 1 t uioi.il I rv, I v !li.-ir i ili-tm h, d i; e i i .'i' of the I'Oitidty, and i. do i in I.i ii.,:. i:i: d, i.t ti up; n il the cat : until - in ii.-i i, Ma li ii now Dioiii os. V.. u d' l.'.Miu , -laci v its a sin. lit. 1 lo the lioiv.il,),' . ,vs l'ci-:', 1 1', tor, IMS. t ur;'ospel louche liiat servant owe no i. ho hence tu iheir in, is i or.s, whelher the,' ho fniiviii d' or 'ood und (.'cntlo.' fthej TI,? (i i. pel taught hy J'a'il nnd reler. I,. ,. iii.i.ii M-imnts ri Ferve irn ir liia-lers nidi 'ond will,' lijili. 0-7. Wol with eye -ervl,'.-,' C.il. J-'J '. 'Toph-a-O thotii well in all thines, not ainoeriiij: (tf.".rn, n. .1 puiloiniii).', hut shouin;.' ad o. ,l luledty,' Tuns, LU. In. 'To en duie in iei, sidlonn-r wrongfully,' I 1 etor, 2-l'.. uui i.'nsiiel tenches servants tint it is "--cd as in.t tin ir' duly to seric tin n- ina-toi s at all, that Chi I t, mi osnti tia i : ..: !. ,. -n . .. i . i.uo ,o- on-,, ,,, oi;(..ti.....ee ol the iho woo.i na. aii yvune piich pine. We u. ,..s ,u: -lor, iuhno i,o weni ii. nhoui hard 'leMnyi.ur ihting til.pot tirstlitt.? f-tld 'are, the Lieut t.'nloi.el te.,1 (,.,hi- f rf li., Mil,,'. wntds you not only proniotoi men out of cell company v.ilh ;,.,., ,. revolution rod hloml.hed in your country, i cienr oil' u hcuh "nu tcs lr hun. 'j'hi. h,jt you. are Slipping tlieforindalion of, our inade us iinid, and I i, en ti.e d.-tad . countiT s religion. When you ,rove thiil omiduia (he s.jtud, ai d woil.ed nnav till slavery is in Hsell - sinful relation, you ahcrp. m, in the si on v I i udi' ;n:i prove th.u the lH!o i false, that the Cto, .,. u!,, ,ut it ,Vll, ua,l. " tt,.s v.vl nl the p,!,,-. h t ( i i.i of sin, ntid that a rat. Christiani-y, astaurrht hy ih,; dimples of j While warnln; o..vU 'lhcC.,1.. ( hnd, l hut n clonk J'nr tho 'sum nf all , el sent order for two -cii,, loin Vi.lanies. liuly lian il been said on nn Co poi nls und ten piiv.ile. lo lopcnlt other ocousicm, 'It ,s hard to holieve such him for lutiotu und amiiiui.uioti for pick, men sincere. Il not, inlidvls already, they o! dutv, to Mart at 1 o'clock .,M!:,... n are t on Hie In-lnvny to lh it hojrne.' inf,, ',! 1 u.ii on ti e. del il, heiii 'l.t Sow many wenk mimhi, having hefii 1 ro-oonil. We went lo !dl ni lwi,.i 1I1.-.1 luiinie I n un ll, .Ii.yma tl.i tl.ivny 1 , U opunr JI !eet V. ( I .-. Id aid is in ii.eT a fin and a crime, when t In: siii,v lav" nmnnd in o n ici I i 1 .1 . l. . . .- . . . , - 1 . . : . . . . ...-r . .'in.: m. inoi mai irom oene.-is to , wet nnd cold, invl ( he m . i.t i, as in i.sl d -. I Revelations it is recognized as a l.m fid ; cold and wet. I slept hot h lie. nnd g .t and not un hrisiiin itintituiion, will 1 e op tit il a. m. lo wmiii. and u iiabfii"; induced to rejeol the whole Bible as a fable, !-storminL' sleet, nun. ami snow mixed, i and the (jod id the Bible ns nn imii-innry ', wr.rmcd nivsell'at tl ehioiind f,.und Unit ing. AMU.S KliNll.VLL. jnonoof the fallows done much belter thru part of ,v,r..-p re ( tt0(),l m'U hail, theii.dd had, no lenee. am a I,, nee t ai. ( t; . !. 2 ) -if lio n buy u Hi x o.irs ho sl,,'l .ervo.' ',,. .V'V,''.. .'.'. .l'..' Wiio km. ie M II ol O. d .' o iii -, h ciiie free a! the end of '.-i.i - .' but il h ciio.'iso, h may be iii-ido : ''' ,. '.' by trie. Ii3 nf a ceremony , i d in !' m lus ' J, 1 1, nnd 1),-, Heron I ',. 17. He ha 1 n i fjt titer op'ii r. on Col, he shall bo thy I. I -unci-o. i.o,( s nr to tdeii-o ihnui in anvil, ine . fn be iocs as-urnptions, meiecve scrvan Is. and biiibliif iiTiioi him, . v ............. - - , r- , lo pur.oin t heir n no tors property, nnd i uu a.v.iy i, hen they can, an I to tut ihnir n.:i-t -i s thio.iis ,f iicuo.b.u y to gain their oa n li'. ci ry. What nioii.eoi oi,,) does the gospel, ti'ijht by I'.vrlaml 1'ct or h ) d hu t lo sor- vanis as tiiibiee'iieii . to ho obedient and 1 did. At ,) o clock J got the con, puny up, and inri'le some o lie,' to .vnt in inn iinide fl !irliiici,t. This b:in;ius lothe lSlh iii.-l. After wo nil r,t ready ihei. woro L'liM uf this regiitioiit. Wo l. li lb. headqnar.ers of the 1 I'Mh and went to iln ldlh, i, heio we pot L7rt inen. unking .".IV but ut I r : . i i ! : n ; and i.'i y s.-.t this is u.hint tv ceiiar.ily lot th. fir i - ri"- to Vour priii.'iii l.ia liber! V. If ..! i-.IMt.il nb.-.l in- v.iic.ii I. ii y l4V, idler ho has " , .Ini.'.ii iiv. may eluiigo iiis mind and - a -I .- P.- n. .in ; bu: lied mys ho Il I c a sei vioi' J.fcvr,' li ti ul a sii.- I ru il iiu iicee, t.s his fioedom at the 'i . I -i yeais, his sons and daughters, i-ern ' a wd'o yivon him by Ins master, el i.e soil" : sine, 'rhi'l '.,' h:r '', a, 1 i r sii'i'.l y ' orit by hiui.-idf. i "!:,, a' '.. .ids i., sli ill ti.il be f'-ee ojj 1,'in'ii, ii.ir, but shrdl remain slnves .i.,'. l ins is (jod's ti .li'i'. it a siu, . l on t ."dr II 'ioiitv, tin io erriiuo: bo owili-rship in ,. i t,i, j t in viomen nm m-ni ni.4 . ' i in 1 1, ' s j. ? ': '! I, ,- In t!.- -l-l i i, ;p;er i,f I'.v,., lus, after .ii i el irg 1 liat if n niat! oi Lout his slaie lo detilii in oJinll bo unished, liod savs. iei-e'.!: '.Nol i, i'.h. landing, if lie cont i li lies u day or t ivn he ('he ica'toi.) shall not be puni.ihid, j.ir ('.ho lave,j ii l,'.s ',. .' 1- i' ,! j ji. an's money his prop erly : Y,iu, Kevcrond Sir, Vav (hat n i- m,t h h The Eevolution Complete. ! The New York E:pmt, alluding to tiro notion of the late Congress, sav, Congress has now enacted three act', which utterly subvert the whole foi m nr.d frame of this ixnernnient. i 1st. The delegation to I I.e President, ut ' in all, and mnrieiHor iho picket line will, authority to suspend the wnt ol Li lo:' mr;is in States not in rebellion, jior invaded. 2d. The Comicrption not, which nuts I (i .d an I has d c. t me be lint bl.is- U tnler Ins commimil, at Will, 10 bike any 1.' I Timothy (',-1 ; i'li nt ihev may " here any man, and to put him under any coiiinitimi, om oi me ,iaie no lives in. .'id. The I'aiikund I,onn Hill which eives him supreme command oor millions and pole on top, nnd Ibcn piled bru-h on l, , millions of money. I tor a root, inetrusii was all hent iioivn These acts are nil revolutioncry, nnd nil 'lh- mow, anil the lent v.ot.c .l l ami utterly Pubyert the whole name and form lwky. 'o piled mi about a ton ol bru-h of our government. No mnn liasuny ii.,';l) 1,lln built a lire in-id.', which mi,,q Violatii all fie unties si i-cui v oi.ii.in. d H'ichi rights cr liherlies under tnni, nor ""llli"' "'e ,-as si,; so, tiiiou i.iiu l v ihci-i-u. nei ol ( 'hri.-t ? You imy seenrilv for nny th'uiL'. Tho liiul i ""I," uti eiir loot wore cold and freezing eoiime prc)iiil.e h iu oVy, not the liberty of 'the lie ceases lo exist, and in its stead is sul - while our bodies '.v. re buining. nnd tin siiiuici a cenir.il, z n it spoti..n), ine nua-i - mnr. i.. n ,: .,..m . ,,,, ,, M n , of which is in Washington. cheeks, while liiesh et :.a.- peliiu on our Vih;t Aggravates tliiB, is, that the , i., hrush K'nco and only kept Irom wotiing mrim. or "indemnitv Act. as il is called. u W the heat, nnd sin., ke. Mayl-i.v.n was juggled llitour'h the Semite when Ietnocfiti( Senators were spesking upon '-l v.1. it in l.urlii.il to then masters '! Th.il it is 'iln Hi ' liie i,i 1 pflio h' li'.h. 0 (5: Thai the II ime u pinMUi" n l TH Ine .looirines ol li.ul imr Nivioui,' '1 H us, M) , ' i dial it is iici.ji.nLlo lo tied,' I Peter, ii -:.. . Ayd t bat moiiva does Iho gospel y t. .ich liohl mil to the poor hi ick ui.in lor V eiling lo e-c.ipe Iri.iu ths ,u.iliou n--. MgtieJ to lu.n Oy g"d ihrougli Mo.ih, nnd- inineU all .lav. J he road was ,,o! ami sloppy, thie place I ivei.t in I u lire knee" every stop. what road..' Well, we reached our pi.uro at last, nnd found thnt we wore to act as a reserve ii. thereat of the line, nnd wont to pitching our tents ; and what do you think kv l i d i q 1 1 ' i . . . . io fiicii i ii iiv, we cm lot.r toi ks, am scr- l "i.V e.-. a j.uni s i.e mnii, wn.cu i iuas to oreiiniy u.in Chijsl's gispil, but tho groveling l.beity iVliich looks only to time a., in you;' g .. pel ; a liberty I, hieii knows no e.puli- iy, not oven v.iih jour.-fif; lihcrly to ox- -....iii- isi a .leeraueu oi'ing among ".n-Jther race of men v ho excludu lu.n fiuui uli uiiil, The outrage is nne of thoso revolulion social an. i djiiusiio mixtions; liln i :y io ary acts which ever folio siieli usurpation live and d o a tui-ei ;h'.e oute.ijL on e.it ih of j orvcr. Th( flct, therefore, is not even u.rbuui I .in, ciiociing hope, ct eiorn.il 11,1 :ir'. 1,s II i-tory now stands, tt t ho hour ".ibei .v and c-nualiiv 'in llevn u-i.i..1i we write this, for it is declared "carried". Paul and Petri- p omtoe tu ilm obedient iheSennle, without being carried : and, j writ Virgin in dewelling, (.he lower t an I i iilhiul servant. Si, Paul was a good painter of ciiar, icier '.-.I 1 none", hit prophctiL'. Ho ts.'U'iij lo have lull -ecu the anti slavery crusade of this day and dL.soi ibcd its lend,-;-. Af,or haiin euipl, alien. Iy Jirei.ted Tiuiothy to leu: i s.l va its io honor an I freive tlieir tnasleis, 1 Timothy, li-li. ho adus, in vers - u, 4, iihe foiliiiviiig picture of uiui. sUieiy teueaers, viz: 'If any nut ti uli i ;.. nci-i and t ..,.(' iwt to u IwUumt vnrJs. n lu the w.-i nil vlour Jah1 ,csus t'i,i,(,j,i, therefore, ii has not even the form of a la. 1 Lo lLil't-ni Cerent act was p"s.ed thro' the Sentile Mnrcb 3, at live o'clock in the mirning, Ponieroy, of Kansas, iu the chair. Tho nuestion wns surrerl!tiouslv j'tit, while a J'emn, radic Senator was oil the door siionkinj. and dechu-ed cairied against the remonst ranee of thnt Senator i lve croiv.ied the house to ovei dlo-, in Chink we ilid'i.l c n j y oui selves .' Ii grow linjt nnd swearing is i njoytneiit v e had enough of it. Souio of iLe bovs wish, ed that Old Abe was in I: -I. und the h. y lost. This was the afl' t norn's exm lieuee. We had a little nil, erjurii woii a enp Jier head tiigiror that lived iu a leagndi- , v win diviuwi into two iin.ins, one ii h.-i i , 12 anil the other 4 by While iho oi- (icets wore lin king ni raugeui uits to s'a lion us, we -went lo tho Miihio to get ,. :l of the H'ot, nml there w i,. only tnom f, r a few of us, so 1 led a lot to ine limiM- ami opened it without knock ng. 'i he idg. and his ni'e wore ma, as the d - 1. Aj'-n i''i ai-o ( ii the per-, n .-t '"in-, n I-, Inctl nn . li,, t , ..nij ii ,... P . 1 1 " iudiicou, on a cold day, lo eu l.t I .-,;. in n's pimo'o ivurni Ihe'insulve.-, ,C. n : I,, y eie forcibly s. ized, looked in r ' ii' ' ii'l v ' h ted. The outrage took ! ou ( '' ' h uli. n the Tnli inn. iho ifi i! ol i-.iu.l.iirr comn:eii,-ed b.dorc the Ci in.iniil Court. On the adjoiirntnent, iii'' ; i- .i'l i' v,;is being cotiviyod hack lo j- I-'. v-1.- :i :.n i-xeiii'l (nob nit. ui pled lo i- ' ' e i ' i !'fl.. lie) custody ol the ( lli i i I- ' i' i. i' voii.cn, nlot'g ihestici'ta ' a i ii.c nidi, . s . I Jm Slings, it i !' ' . . ei d i h mo i. :r t.; living li'iur I, 'ii :. - , tar niiiii in en them tit m i d i is, I i Hung, thooi, buti hat, I,..i h.i.i :-i an.y mi mis in their potior. i'mi- i-m n.oi, tii H.ver, ai'i-r '.neia ildli e.,I iy, u .s siiielv 1,. I..,'. in i id. I d. m. III.! , y the evcilelaetll .1 ioo. n. d ,i hij the r; ii-, , i . r v. ..- c:.. l ire nl a uari of . soldiers, a d.s ; ,v.i!. r.iii ni I tiiis made to le-ene h!:n "i , 'der to e.'.i cute hni; on th 'iint. A' Ill's l.ioiiu'til li.e t!Uaicl, wilhonl" oi ,', ii In cd r.n (lie liinh, killing ime man, a ijtf. a, ,i . i ii,-'.aiiti , and wounding Severn! oiiieis. The I'reo Pre.-s tluu rolaies tin. U'lliLiie ro-.r.CS that lni!o,e 1 I j'i.'.'.'ii, , ." 'I ii,- r . y i'f .1, iii n.i-t i vrnee ;ali tiii'oiodi li.o oiou'd l.l.e a i electric shock. Iho l,,!ii(l li.e Liiod ng coi'j. O ol the la. d man, in 1 iho gior i,.- of a ,;f ,, I,-, vui' vonnded, I. in, Med atn iv ll.o h, ice-: ..f ins'.ihoidin ilion ,:id ftoi'i-v. The leruiaiis, cspoiiinily, ore. m.iddci cd Lc nnd iii'.'i 1 lt liui-, because, iheir cuuntl'v nirni had i eon sue; ili, i d, as ihey thought am! expresi-cd it. to protect a ircrrro ,rim as desci v ing of torure and denth. -' oMciteincnt nntong ail cla.si s, hoivevu, ivns inlelisie living b.dile.ii in their al triuj.t to rose iu: the criminal, they sought other channels io g:vo ven: to their ma lice. 'li.e lirrd house where a in-gio fatuilv lesi.ted, one end ( whioh .n, ns.d a, 'u i"i"j,el shop, w is n-.-roiltid with la ick.-, pa, ing stones and clubs About a d. zi ti negroes wore nl wmk in I he sle'p or stopo ping in tlie houbo ..i tho time. 'I he nio.t ..f them v. i io armed, aid lirel sewi-:-l !,,.!., inlo the ooAil finm the win h.',,-. inlrin t ehect :n several instances, but lint fatally injuiing fir.y ,.o. As each shut bom (h,.-i,egi'oiioi.'l i evi iln-inti'd Ihrourrh the vi. i'itl',', liie Iii iRii. lilie-s i, I the nnd. I , cam.' ::i.. c niaiiil'o.t. and tin ir th .-pcra tiou more dt.ad ul. The iirearin.s in o-,. -.e.,i..o hi nir nogi iio in terred mem entering, , ui it iv, uiPi havele-ii al !v, Cod ' nev ir d. : he c, hn, ,i i ;.. r. i... .1.. i 1 , ... nun o . i.s, i nn ii i no en,-, many i ' i riir' ; over io i iiiih'I.'I nml o'ltois living to the woons. Sew nil Uvea are sa (1 to have h .eti 10- t. The moli.ra a I.i'.l' hour of Iii" iiiahi, Oppiyciitiy e.'Jim t"d, dlsp, fed. r..,d on the rt'Mt tunri'ing a s:,, ng inililr ry una' reached the city nnd retort-. I order. WiMi to 'ii:: I'm, ,n.-The Abolilicn pnpet'M say tha1. tin- attempts ,,f N.n ,, 1 'oniocratK to secure the i .turn of n.u SOUthem .'dales to I he L'nioii.cre lau-hcd at ami i iJi .'i.I d. Ti.aUuch i-, tne "011-0 rvi-ii s me of lb,. fii; -, atn g jornnal.. H 11- m"-bt,t wiio b:!i -ves thrt -ueh i. tK,-. general leeiing in the (Vrtf...! rate : ? ao-i .1 ii is s ,, u hat but tut! (oiiiso el (Ire Al't.Iitioli.it-, h.t.. pi oi,, iced iicii a leeho:-? The it II us',:...-' the .-' .in L 1- d-'ermiiied not t , f t'll'l: to lim riii' i! Hid Iii ,t j i ocrats are wa bn-r I i.r-if l-.i-eath in .rTn i tn iiah.w l,, in lo d i s , I 1 he t , ; Uli been ,'ai. iy II, i. ie, Illl l I. ill ,(, j.,, m:.d.', j.; y' ..! ;;, nn!,l dm JVj. oral ic p.' is ty, h.-tvitig ti'" "nv( !-, ,!, .,11 in:, l-.e an oat "1 e,t ellor- in Unit din etion. It, it if thrsu lh-ptii'li Jim editors are so confident th it the seceded oMto ii,l i,,a r, turn, f r what are we k.-oi ii,ir i p u ii . n u:i..y At.... ,11. .,, ' " l" ' i m'.'i i-..'. " ti. oi ii,-; . ll."v ' on't viva Ih. Ir in I, io u j I ition, e ; ..ok by fnire,.' if ti,,. if their , ahuilaiiom, cn'a-.iig tj. liui, ol Ul'.' lu'ii in a l:niile-u. ...ng is to I..,- -.iiricd ? l..".-e tiion oi liie Vof'h lt.be-ld-s? Il i" I..-:i:oii :.,r l,,Vt. they ba 1.; ought b ridrc.ii.s am n'-Pi whn'.Js :, ti -e id's a. iv more of our U.il', ill '.'. ill, Jl In io, , I l II. i .: ;cl 1 lis It W.l- d,. ;,- i:0 II. .t rt.ll.t ike Ci.:: rf.stufd or tiiey w o n I t t.o! rea-on t.'.fv pi ei.dsc,. They hnve not .'i,, to pet tut 1 - 1 ' t.itvo hack but they aje trying b vwd,.n ll.eginf, ai.d i.mko ti imj.as-abl. or an r iri.nd of mercy. I VmnomU have no bim; n'hy it!i ibis fe diug -nor wih they b.dreve ti e , !.(, ,t a' em ufdho Cnion iiiipn.'-.sdde, mini evfry avu.lahlu uieaii ';,v 1)l'1'" ' -.'""' ''-i to . ,. tied purpose. "''" '"I it a. iho r.illrf, - :,...!, i! -,:ol r slur en.od, no! a rght 1 . t to any f ,t. meml ers. When thiH.- lour.d iiv.possille. 1 y propir iip),"als lothc r loveofoountri it Wlli Li to.) la.'.- I. il- . . .. , .... . :.. " ' j ,...i i uiieii , . '. .1 ' irom luiost li lt la 'I e I ! in '1' I i. i-10-1 eruM i, ,n, and I f"om utdit kin j 1 S I 1 I ) 1 1" a u en land i- .','. nnd others. The act was infamous, and lias elicited ine lotiowing obituary : "DIED, of the Negro. Mureh ?,. r, a. m to :he il-tfrir.t whkh i according to ntHUincs.ht. the (Ireatest Ketuiblie in (lie World ' " !'w ; i'lMptTiy. Godsnys is kna rij .ccinii, ini Uttoy,i,nt Twenty Millions of White People, in a l? : "hieii hall a Ch'I lian believe . I f- ,.. un7 strifes of v-M;i,fh,rrf'cnn,r(h fit ,, ' ain elrort to Kipc Four Mil'ions of .W ' u ,u I ki lo hear o.i i e icii A sei yy !rifc, r,i, 'ihj, . ril x rrwiys, jn ;-r,r.r j;.jut'. ' gfoe, Perished in the attempt. Nic Iran iom l nee fc.'-is oi toilptuio, '.. V ut uj fmen if i-i'm',! r.niti a,J dis'ilu'x t'i the ti'j''orii muwli ."' V-v. . . ,i , , , . ! '-A. .,"; "', ll.U yj,i tievJlii,cU : trvm ' ... " , i .li X.) 'tt :i,f J..r.L in 1.. , i ,..i ". .11 .. .) ... ... ' . i W ottl.ni.v .Vivirr-iw f?n. a Tl. 'h :i.t I. .rd. in 1.. , ii iin ''I .11 ,..; ....;. '' '.; ' i Woiil.nLV Vamtv iw Ciiapi.vst.-.v Tl, .11. t ti v I' .million nnd Ihv h, l,ni b Ti "i... :. , .... i r ,i ....,.-.1 .!... r.. .. s,;i-l. il .... i.iti i i j.jo'.ij;.-, uo ii leiuoiiiueio.i, ion )s .-f-.i-.ii i,iii,-i'.iiinii oi me nonnon , , , ' v -i me -Jirectlv l,eui.,eti tint a-e r,-m,d rbrut vi,,,..,-,, '. ...-7..':H-i,.vi... ,vd a 7,;.,;. .... . r .. ' ," . , T .,ai-; follows.- idler l'uui'is liilLnnrliuil lu Timothv '1'inies s rites (',-,. m ClmrliwlAn (' . r..i;,.n nf I i ...i-1- ,i , c ... 1. ............ 1 . i. . ... ' ... " ' ' i e-ii ii ji.nnj . I .1... ,.( i- i i i.i. j.. ,.,i us ., rei.nnn on this fu uUo. nnd trine l-e not blasphemed 'thrsc things haii . n 'l'it of my arrival hero large .ln whoir a. i, ,Mcl. Oial ixpres-ly an, ,-rW,' ..-,v he. and then Pf4e U o " piv-n l.y the members of General a., horuos can he M - ,,,,, ya,, ,,', feJ,. J??1? ' I'-onni e,ratd' stall', and il would have been i n,is i.iuii me i. oru, in lire net vei.-e. l.mu.l t t.:. - . , ,. . 'diiln'ii t lor n strnrm.r u,iil,l..nl., , ... ' ' " '"is luillllti;. O.C. lli'lli:!. II ' . r- "."'"".ii- appiais that tins description of character ' PCl ,nt0 t,u :oom u "edit tho asser was Jesi -nod for imi .,,.,1, i 1 1 ion llrit the eou nlrv which could r, x hihit v - .i - - - ...v.i n ii 1 1 ' nil rv . . .' ,.i ... .. il.. ... .1 i . i . . . . . ' oo, ri ui l ,if en ii n en Oi tue 1 1 rangers thnt do sojourn ri:-.i m.g you, of them -hull ye buy and ot the.r bundles Ihut are with ,' ii. which they Lg. t in your land, mid sliu A tit ci. noe.s not rnean ur ;.ei lv.' non of r nne b... r.-.f - . .-,-i . ., , ,.' , i ,, ,., .,. .iiiLui aiiura. 1 ui8-uih the Lonl, in the next verse, thios; ivlm excitement 'and eommoiions. Aiuye. lull take them .s an inheritanee, and, iinally, uhat desolation, bloodshed fi your children after you, lo inherit and mourning hae your unchristian tea- em for a pos,(..,ar, . (ll.r fluin )p V0Mr Hljn j( t rin in , , . l'lni Umen forever ' y. .h, . . . -J ng. find ho clidn t tuniei itand il. 1 mid 1 didn't cure v. hot her he '.iu or nol. lie said the soldiers nenr u-ed hiiii lh il w ay before. 1 told hi n I didii'l cue lor ili.n': :i' i. I.- I. . ii iik 1 1 ii 1 1 1 i i -:i ; ii il.iu ireu, h to Ul icrlarn deat ii h'l' any man lo attempt ii. Any in!.--!!.' that could ho ol hili.ed iv,-.-I, ru led at 1 lie rendezvous of the negioes liie window- nnd doors hurst open, nml t U'l'.Mliing tio-li'iyed which could bo-sei u lyihi.-o oiilsid'. Finally, linding thai M.cy'eo.ril not be foic d out of their hi ding plitoe iu any other n,nr,n.r, tie niateli ol the incendiary was placed more e'i'1 "I the I "hiding, and in a ,iy shot t i nm- i..o. 1. one, f pi I -or,- tv eliVt nn- : li.e i mire hni! In-'. 'I he -eel.- a! litis J .,!- wis one t h"l n ' terly liihl.s (h-s.-rip:ii,i. V nb Hie build mg a pi-i lect -In el o hvid ll.iuie, and "Jll: I ... i a. , i ' " " ' .siiin.i, i li'ls, so.,., j , , . ' " I "Un w le -t.tnd.n- ai the doci v ui.lr ',,' j ti, ,'l revnlvci. in t;;.'ir b iinls, r'uiiin , '.r the,,- ,, a ", ;:, I.i a ii,, 1 1 ii,. ii i I ., .;.:.,!' I , j , a . . . . . , ' . . . . ' 1 ' niii.inn, i .ui-. sickening .sight. -Iho pour v.i.i.u., cunvutt, iu-,i, e .Vli.' .iiiim.sl l.ai,,i,' wall !n,;;.t, i;.;. i M r . decide d w I,-' Imr lo i . 1 1 1 r i ! ! i nul .I.e (,.'... i .!.' ' A I.-i.wi-i.v ma Smm.i. P.,.-- I.cG, ro.ar h- i'.l-Uled Me- ('1 g I ha M COlU d ll leu, , ''" i!.-nd in : i , u ..... . , . '-''; "ted !., J.-l'.o 1mj. I, lec.'lit a mi ..-ii nf !!' K;.f-::.h an,)', I the ur.V ol at, c', i-ind ou; .'. I lie im.-uo oj l.'.'.iiuient i - ''' '' - td" j i ,-i i.,n . I', i .t ;. ,i ; , . i...: -i. , . . i . " i. il.. ilf-l ' .1 1 no. i , , , , , lpnears. Ia ,.; ', j : ,( I , , ml ami 'ai Ian-: i iuM.ieti r . the u hohj o, ii,,- ci it! linn I ur'. ,'t'tl.e L d... tu ,i, ( r snial a- f .l .,, I, I e in in t c-ti dt is ' th.. w r, in l. hi int i i I'll Jit toi r "i'li Ci-.jloi Thi-i ci i-o l app: 'ir or u .i,,. relief of lh ' -.. i.i.d ci'impioi , T"!l", ti. ) d,-,"l' . ri al nr viiH. d'i.i t,.oi!.-il,'.d in i le n h i'l'.uy in Chin!,. I', SII '. e-S. A N, find u mi e til e l A Nis .1. -1 irii.g', i.':-. I ll.) V I ''ci t;an i. it. , not n. 0 biindr,' '1. in at oi s, -d'i.i '" dr. I ami id,,, i limy have f.,,1, ,J t j oi cr i ivo ti, ui.,, in. . -of tl. ,!, mt: r- t, the im-nt, or S'.lier i adi blU'-l Cfii.-tti tr'iiibi Idle nl a'.Mii en uieiiim ine miniisol I tie ineic,. j I. -s not', d. I hen ii us tio more int'f v 1 I i. !... ...-, ' soldier warn, he might v., t, hb ine I I !(;o ,,.',. . ' i'T .l !:' -'. I ii'n ( ti s o ruld eeuld move, no tip,!j,-A. ' I lions n uag- '.he aw l il Ironzy and demoi,. i..i.i sj-iuv ol luieiig.i whi,)) ,J tukci) I .- : n oi , n,ii ,,a , ( ; ..(, last words were md somen n,. o.nph.i' He (-aid he would report u lo (h u'. ii ison (ihe eouiiniindef of ll,u no u e-t in, nde ) I suid b might r .pon u, to , iJivis if he wished, ilrfsaiv ilm imn up and at in the corner and pouuni. Co c ',.' lit , 1 'I" the left h(Td 119 yOiJrtv'lf Unil vnur iinnin,. .I it s diiuchters in such env and brilliant - , . J '" i..eu Ul .... ... . mi- .a i-., in Ami i.mv !,i,n,i, .:. "I'-fse-, nun ihtii ior i earir iwn veurs s nil l OS your pesfOSSIOII, , tare What Vlsif.. . ' Olll bv bloekn h. (mm l,i. un,l I?, ......a . . . . . . i "iiiii t'i vv. u da " " " v ' "T J w i 'a. I U Ml., It,. ill, HI. y.-,.nn. ..n ....I l 1, i , ' i.i , , , , 'uruiisings, what, j . . . i. ouni-iueu . io ll I s bi'lHil 1' re to lien von iliwlnen t-...--n ,1 ,...,,!., ... i ... ..ni it... .. . , . .. ... . I, -,,,,,-., nave your te.ichini, ' v 1,1 " 1 lclr l'r ,eni "o-c'''-0d Y '-uiidu-rot, not only that buying these of other doctrines produced T Nay more M '"stitute eondiiion. such Staleg as South tidren wis a .'in, l.tit Unit 'liOi-ession' what hritred itiinni- Cbai'ttnno j ' , lina and r.-or,.i .11 il.o j ow erful, piospcious and happy land f uiin many oi ine luxuries ol die lo an extent unsurpassed in the richest eouii. tries of the old world. . VVT-ie lievil is no "fool, and yet tliouc who play tho deril nr neccss.irv njjvin" the fool. . i ,, I - e l'i '.).! I. Last night just after thtee o'Unck uoin, one of the pickets on the rigid ol our j ar ly saw somebody n'.tompiiiig to oro.s his l,ent and he (irod upon him. i ho nhuin was given nnd, nnd the i esei a .juui .d up in a minute nr.d sei.red our guns, nnd rushed up the hill thiough liie woods to the d line, where we e,,i down in a dm ii . !"ld lippe. rick., stoic " trs, M i f , -,- j, ,: , Ml UdO.VS ijf :. I. I'l A N.,, .'ii, i ui',, u I. .! I l.ri.-, .1,1 : l . - , , :.',-'. '.Vl-ii.i, ti.i ? J' ili.-ill p C, j, i: i d a la e. nl d,-" -, wpf 1 1, f( ferrd- . ,. , " r.Iow !ro ,i i n- tmi bi n g n, t ;. .. love! l',l,.v ... , h 1. -.'id t a-f , I. , ! l.'J ,'(;. ii Il I. .Oil , I ,.! ', "I J". il" 'diiti. C A - a 1 1 - nn. ii iiiu'i.) her ii,.n...ir. oor w itii a little child 'i,', I.,.,- v nn, and Hpnenir C t t.'i limb for nioicy. '"' ""'!. tl, Us l.,C' Hi. .t I,,, I .1,1 t,, " a-ie in et in;!, ,,,,, ,,( terni'y an 1 p. : mil cli.b, drivim, I s..l c roll .,'mi, , t, . ,.t, . i ai.dhei child b.k into iho burning I, unco :mme iho sun ing- At CdMunotura one tnnn moveii I,, l.'mi.-r the , ! nerjyaltlii, inhuman act, rush, d to ',tr ' nss stiint e, nn i protected lo t- p,.r-.oo fii.M no , imeiieu viuicii li.iea'ened her. I'.it , lexldes lounl Tl iii-i I : i ! , . ti del I., .) i- I , ,r in ,-i lr ii. th. n t t, in i. n vrnd-. , : .. j'.. i i. .1 !'-. I I br tho rosd Sid. Tln rewe wail.rl (.., ;,: ' " '-"'-"-" 't.reetirn.- ....... v , I ll.,llll'll a I llar ,,.. .,. I' ., .... . .. ...... ....... .. h. ,,,,,, ;,, . , 'n.ivs and doors, where Ihey were mur l-.-ouslT iu--itiled wnli every species of ivc.,r. ,i-a including nxes, upaib g andelul,, and everyibing wi.icii could be used as a in u,s nf a, tack. The high tilled creature- ,'cre i!-i;.ist .;. insure with Irighl their p.T-cr"i-os were with niadm-s". Ai the enn-e . ni ll.cv weie bealeu hu'I bioicd in i lerrild.) tnaiincr, Iheir tin n k and gi Oiin. only i-. citing the mob lo further oxoru'osu ,n tho enemy lo drive in our pickets, to we could jtive (hem a warm r j'.eplicn 1 laid there ami listened for iho rehs. I, ilh ,',Ii,is ny" iwioss my lap. I had full conlidnm o in her dning her duty, and I w a, nni,,t i lo have a litile biuh in the dirk. Put to my reerel the elnrui proved I ,n false. The figety I'.uoktails on our right liom Jl company were more cautious than pru, dent and had fired w thout proper cause After waiting awhile for them our TJeut- I'O'it! t .. ..IVIitl l r p .1 li'-iLin bin e I e.'U s .!,.;',. -t f, a .id .': .:, oral - 1.1 e in g.,u ...ni,' N -i. ,v ,,:!, ,i.i!'ji..a v . .. I I '.. . la , . Il.i. - . 1.1 IT'- the ..a V, I IV W.',;!; ' . d .i ; - i- la n. 1 ong Ige J 11) II .. .d .ii pi.... .. ui; li",, tl i I ... eat. U"'. ! t u v. ' v i u I'l r; i . p it 's of l.ihro. I'm cud and it is i.oi hai I I ) l.. ', ill Le. i O.J '.. u- l''p i- Sadie, nr.. .o "..s ln-.t UtiiVllllDg to S.l ill tho l-,p of I'l ii rv. II'' In- lh" l i t' OK II)