'Mil' II'. 5 A It. liliM (I'Kx'I'iti. V,' I, '. 1, r n 1 1"' ill'1' I 1 L i M ' v in -iin h V.'(.- .;f::'"f, !' I ' ful I be I f III I', 1.1 I'm, t-t I'm 1 1 t 1 1 t i 1 f - i li II I-.'T, ,.'., ((-., (if It f tl. f.f I- .I'M.- Cnli imp-li I li Mi' i M ft) I -Mil re'' ii i i I i fi 1HBM;tVfl Out a it i m ft em N Mli i ill", I mm , m" !'i tlm '-Mi. 'I li" 'ii' mt , under an 1 r 1 1 , fin I li f. I. rl fun c, t..i l t.rnf I infiKlin, on llm lid, r.li' n ft limp riitr :." tiif fl mm in-. I, t he t l" l 1'i'iin! nl."iit l"o ii"ti r-TMlft, f,, ' lift (r L mI i, 'i kill". 'I. 'lIlP 1 In I nt 'fight Yim tf-tirn -l the tiiHdav, t.tii tio lll( r to IM I f.r (..rlilltlt hnS feil'licd m. lowfifttitr A finr.fjt'oiinnicrnn Ui"M1 nt 1 li Ml' II I I '.. Jipl In. II II. ,Mlir. f h'M, J M POill. .- Il n I I. 1 1 ii . Hi ll I.-. I '! II. ..... -, Ml '.!, - M l I I, r i- Ii 1 I A , I I I it' i I Mil I II 1 r .1 l.ii . 1:1, l'. .1. ri.i.Ai;, II l.H, v Icduci la Morai i,'. Mar. I Ml.. 1303. Whnt the I allien said. The Now Yei I. "' r.'.t . "T'-i.' Ii.is- en i xluiti'ing Mini" ill' llm " i ings f'l lln' ii ItfiH 1. 1 llm i,'(.i',l l;c, mi. I j'lfU'Mt inn if l n fur I In1 ci in -.i. li-r.it in n of tlmir ib'sceu ."hi'l'l Ml"", S' 'I I Mel'nt, (tie Willi Will '. ' lilt ) I ii l'.t "I 1'. ir, Ji l' William. Aii'lit'.r, H K II l' nt, K H llnmahrr. Ilr't In. f'iHtillji', John II " K I, Miller. Iii.'r!"r, .'n.-.li -i v Jiini'n It'-il'llf. epem-or. W I' I liiiimin I'mrl. School I'ni ct ir", in lliiitlpri'il". ( "I i ii ton I lirttit .-'n. i hi r-.'i i'i ' I.' I I I , I i ,VM.i. '.'. ! I I .i .In er nr. I' I ii I' m! l-.i... l'ii. C :iiititnii.iii (.1 lh" I'l'i'c I S' ili . .t 11,1-1 ihotimnd icLel ciralry wi re repot t. it nvnvuMiy Ir.'-t'e, i.-vlul imrny pti'I r. in lli" vicinity of llnrpelh Shoils, on liriiirii j l,. ; t ut ni. iloiil t iv In tlicr I Ji'-ir tlm CitrM irbind, awaiting t lip hi rnrniiro , nr.- I'i'irc oi.'iv. vn of llmt inll H- of ii lid t of MmitiilionU 1u1cl willi itorrfi ofl'iior. Jo Piivi'Uin, I lm .mid i.m 1,hi.I. ... r .i p ,i,i i; 1,'r.v i.i. Ail'lil"!". .1 oil li M I!' f . A-vor, l'i ;uni mriit llr.ii in my of tliosn of Hint wliiMi fur nslivil. (in Ht'll l.i jnit idiiiiiiiti'il ili i-iiul.lii rarcrr nt UoMM-runs wris r( J nrtcl lo l)i linl ml' n,,m p i,hiI,1o, Lrvi I irmicUir. in L't on. WliiKt .riifi.sing ul!i,i.nr,n vfiiicin.linvint; p'nrhrl Tiipfiniiliiii wli'uh ,tUil!, Win I.im". Inspi-clnrs, W II. mf, to ilmt ('.in-litntiuii, inu.y of its vH nro yhxnc nns cuptunnl, with two Iiumlrcil (loo I.omcIi. Sut.orvinurn, .liu oli .:lhox, .mit.MH rdolulion,,y,H any tliingev.tr ,.ri9one. (tio Ih.Iw..,. J,i, I ! loom .,.! U.I .Mi.H'.n.) I , , ... . , ... ..'School Liirnrio'i, A. W r.ivcr, J MM-iilyre. siii.olimicil ..y tlm foinii.r. rrom Vnkbhur our latit accounts ( )V(,rMipr, o(- yoor (1 v (MlXi .a i;i()1,in. M' tin ir m is um ciiriii il into cllict, our tnto tlial tho work on tho rnn.il in t-till ! Auilil'T , Uimo H Wood. Awssor, I W nit of tlio ici'-t'iu il iy It' Miuiiiioii mid I lovcrnnicnt in ns completely elmnged prugref-ning, aiid that two dredging mas I 'CliiNon. i iimiltr.ii--J(Jt li i,i..:nW" ofllm Coiivui'- from nmloclivo licpullic, to u Military ' chine Imd univod lo Msit in the opera-, , IV'tp- Cotutal.le,.Terrv SmciiU u.lf. , , .,, ' . . . , A 1 in litiun. In.-pco'tors, I'll Miller, h .in tin I Irani. 'il nur miti n;il to.ii-luu- IicKpotimn. iu if they hinlluirnt tlm ton tion. 1 lio river wrh jttill rismg, mid ncl (jWut Supti visoih, .Iim Shiiw, Sol.n'n -iiion, niul the fui'.ncr o-leai'.-d im its ' glitution, invested Mr. Al irlinm Lincoln lnoken through the levee, overllowiog ;i0op. School Directors, S Lmnl.ert, A alior- were living now, uml wouid M'ita with regal poweri, nnd placed n crown the eumps at the head of Inland 95. A Croi.a. Overseers of I'oor, CUm Sloan, A id speuk as limy di 1 lhe:i, I.ii.cok', S.'w-i u)0ii hi. head. All power is vested in rUmor prevailed that Toner'n lleet lmI all Cioas. Auditor, L'has Sloan. A..sor, ....... r . i . . I Snniuel Ardoiy. ' . . i, .i a ii ion a i o,, wcauti inivo nan inrui : im a!4 coiiiniainler-in ci.imi oi mo unuj pflea aown ins river uui n iiueno tuii Urwifard ;. Constahle, Jno M Stowi.rt i uiiMjiivi l niatni uiiiiiU'S long ago. Ilainilton, llm world kiio'v, v us i'.i his .I" ( f a sli;mj,r (iovernmeiit than ours is tin ii biippoi-i.'d to I.e. under the Con ;lulion ; and .roponed to take Mio 1'rit. !i 'oust it ii t io:: in a niuvl. -1 . Had he liv ! to tin. i,r, s, .1. iv. In. wnnlil discover ;iu ,K.t!., lu ...nlv; i.,!r,ml.il a disoliiv v.iil. lif.tln ininred. nnd is alreadv in' liradu lv. Constable, John Hoover. : i. o i,., i.r;i. ..,'.fc.i'.:i: .i.' r .- iu.. Tl. fi..l.i ;! Judge, O W Long. JiiKpeeloiH, It Uialiol uui uvuimium, ... i. v- , oiiiiuiraiiuimiii; r.uL.iiSniUi vuv.-w.. , me lena'D vi -b I .John N older. Supt-rvinors, Geo 1'eiilz, .1 -.nit "i.iiinngeiv," liiu inoro slrthjih j tl.yi and that tho Adminihtration has no which 8ho vas captured laHted hut twenty j Mjes School MirecloiH, jc Harrolt.'ll . ii Im ivor dreamed of. I thought of putting it in force. If bo, bo- minutes. Including the (ueen of the Uoodlander. Auditor, Mavid lieams. A ' i speaking of tlnit clause of the Con-, j j.01,d the Lad precedent of Congiecs thus West and tho In..iiar,o!a, Loth of wLich ' (essor, Fretl Korli. . utioii which bw thr.t tho l'reiident : i,mri, In a r.v.-rv ventiiM of StatuSoveieintv, ' u,n,- o I 1, .Ik rolittln thev now ! . lrntlJe . JuMiee of tlio I'eaei), S V ... ., . ,.r r"7""' " ' -.,..-. j - iratehm. J;intatle, 1) llnekley. Judiv, . ,1! ho (.otiitiinii'h'r.in-ehiel ol tho niil-po,.,,,,, no particular harui may result ; llHV0 x gunLoats to operate W.ith on the ,j j Myers. lnspuRtoM, ( ) Smead, John i ol tho hevena Males i'V,. n e.u.en iiuo : i)Ut if, cm Hih contrary, an altonipl oe m wsissinni I'.I.. Mo I .l-i.l I iU ii. Si'. mi. .III. v. I'll. A" . Y,..-. , i; I l . I-....' ". .'! i i I I i ' , V , i: i t i -. w i; i I I . Ml. 1.1 , .1 II .1 I.M !' l., i M II.. I! I'.i. . i M Hit... ir .,(,,. Mullen. S I lender W'itlmioi' l'atrhcn. 'I. ' . A ' I .le 'IV. . i 1 I. T, .1 Nil I I . , t as ; . ; i ! A i, II ,.l 1 1. -1 .1 (. I'o;'' ,t ,i ;..,', M op. Il; - i i.ti 1 . Supi.-viir. S.-oowl I'lf. '. I A .1 i'. 'H.I in . . i. . , i , ''. . t'ln 1. 1 ! '.' I '. Mri n L ' I. hi tw. t, . " l ". rn in,, ' - I ", in. ! il.,. I hi ti ! i c t I., ,n . r id. ' , M ' l.l I: a. r . i II. kl I'tllllf,, "' .v., II T' ' Aw i ' "" i: , i. i' i , ii-. I, ... I ir (i ., ".I ai :.l I. ii ii r -.i i r iiuin, .1 W'oll. I Hit -.-i -. '.! 1 . deiioii,r li Aicx.'iti'li r. i.h; demon. Avm-o'or. I' Alt .::! ( vrirthtvli'e ..-..' il ; 1'ratiekcr. .hi.l-i'. )'.. A. II.; ; 1 lorn, .1 lii.l'insiin,.! A Vv.h J I' I'ale,P, 1 1 mi t il.orn I ... l ii i.- 1 'l... .1 McN.iul. in M.'liri.i.'. ami nnvv. Tlm nnlv (iiiOKtionrt BTO, Will fi rinut ion. i .mlita .Ii .t.ii.l lMif Itwiini-lnra. I'nin. M oor. .'Milan, J' (. iiiiol .1 ' . ho n solvo t y u it ? Or, if he make l"1 Tho reports rejecting the condition of ;c'ih i'enroe, Daniel Stewart. Supervisors, M'N'-1. A 'i-so:- V, i' i I, i attempt, will the people mihniit their; 10 gu.il.oat Indi.xnola, which the rohols j K DMe, Joseph Shirey. S,,hool liee'ors, rs W p . ,,n, , , , , ,,h ,, 1 ' . , . . .,.,.,' A Livingston, 1 homns Juicy. Overseers 1 a' '"'i. . .m e i.i e io i. t .i . . neck to the yoke ? , c.turcd.are yar.ooS-.onie accounts reps . j,,,,, livfa ilcho,(j A ,- II',,, r.-t ' Wo have a hope that tho tVnseript'.on I TMvnt her as se much injured as to te ; Auditor. E Williams. Assessor. Vincent ton. .Iml:'", 1 Ii M m' 1 : ( ', . i A i. I" I ... I I I J Il- 'li, .r res . I tors, u ri :nv tot s ( i 1 1 N . . of r.H.r, J 11 ,1 1" Feat',1. )! 1 Li...-'.. 7.-I,.-.'.'.- i .'.. .Itld.e. A II :i. l-.,i... Kiik. I'ivitl. lli,"h School M.rt ct , actual servicu of tho I'niled Slates,'' I mn(? ( enferce it without the r.anetion, nil. on treats as the "i avinc:s oflana 0r again -t the will of the fovereign States j on ,i,e plno 0f tho Ka;)pahannock the cxpres.-iou-; utti red, at that any, ji1(j ,nost leilul conte.)ijences may ho mis .1 this power tould Lo o l'..Morted a ticii.uteI. i-anclioii Mich 'exce . eJ ai that tho Who made this law ? A Congress eho Knutz. Supervisors, 1!. SM.ring, Jo.-p ,'irginia iv.ililia are to L..i dr;ij;:ei from . if holiHs live or fix l-undrod lailes to r.ie tho Kepul.liean cont tiiimcy of Mie-5. husetts, and thu militia of M;o-smhu-Us to Lo traii.-imrted an e.pial dislanee i suLdtio tho lclVaclury haiihtiiies-s of io aristocratic Viiiniaii.'." This is uet iM'ly what vc aro ikiw, and vc been doing, fui the l.wt t'.vo year.-s, ider tho newly di.-rcvcied "power of .tlitary neccssit)" lL.it pawer which .adison, Ilainilton, ml their fellow pa! its, nover dieatned of. C i.i'.enipla'.ing ;eh an atte:npL on llm pail of tho l"ed ral Governnmnt, liaiui'.'.on exclaims ; "TI7n7.tT would the niililia, ir.it:. led nt oing recpiired to iindei'lakt? a distant and tistressin;i expedition, f-r .'c i-.irp.i-' -J 'itinjth' cl t'ois if s'liver; on a y-urt of their intrimcn, direjt their mmtIi, hut t Un it fV the ',i-ai..'j who hi 1 mditate-l -o jlish, as well tu fo wickd u project sen (some of the members) three years a,n). The. condition of the country po litically, nnd in many other respects was very diU'erfcUt then compared to what it is now. A vat chaugo bai taken place in tho minds of their constituents ainee thi'ti, and a largo number of these very Congressmen who are the authors of this and kindred revolutionary acts have Urn repudiated by their constituents, and their places filiod by uvn entertain in;! cntiiciy different HentimenU. They aro like an Agent whose authority hap been revoked by Lis l'rincipal ; and their arts, especially when they amount to ilu. Ctanl ti? tirpations, may Le held lo Le no more LiniJing than would Lo the act ol such Agent after his l'rii:cipul had legally i revoked the authority given him. I )ver-eers of I'. ..... ,. ... .... .. Wl . .tl ...I', There is no new movement ot any noto .witencii. nenooi 1 -neeiors, joim aioat ., rcii. nuaa.., ,), lotin. uverseers ol t ov, jiimes l ot- iaie i.emoii. mun Pol r.p 1,' ii I li An.li.i.r I nn M ..hiiir..v. ! I iV. tr h,iiil..v. - It was reported that iort McAll.hte.", I Avfcstor, A W Fry. - r one of tho defences of ho citv of Savan. I Chtsl li Conslable. .1 is vVorrell. Judire. ! M A H I!I J II --Oi nah had been captured. This turns out I It G AtcMasiers. Inspectors, C J litirnlon. incorrect, but the rcb,l Meamer Kash-i Moulfomcry. Supervisors, T F Dun. ... ' . . . , i bur, Jesse yVilson. School directors, ville grounded near tii (ort, and w"1 ; k needier, Jv S Montgomery. Overseers blown up by a bhot from one of our gun- 0f Toor, J Wentovfct", A Curry. Auditor, boala. iLJlIurd. Assessor, Jonathan Westover. LATEH. A dispatch fioni Kashvillo, ! Cvvinjton tj. Constable, A S lluey. dated tho Cth, najs the fight on the 5th, 'Mk- Tl'omus Maurer. Jns,.tor Ars ,.; .. . ... noldSchnarrs, John iiergev. nujiervisors, at Spring Hill, 13 miles irom Franklin, . L yw G ,!i;rmot St.f1(J0, Di.o.s, S resulted disastrously to tho Union forces, i y iicknrd . M M Kralzor. Overseers el r. Win ; IM tii. U -..e.:, . ,, - ' '. Ilei t I i'l;if: I'on-lM.le, ,1 Il yai I ."r, Wm " 1 1 i:. ; -I 'J, " 'iir.jr h'-.'i.i. I.., Aj. I 1 13 -. Ii. "i 1 n,n: I iii'l (.:'., nntu ! '"!".-..y ( f W,m. ''.; i f Fn-ri f ; ';i "I 1'oim.i.j, i:i'i''i ..;;;i:i'.. i Ru,l9 J i .' ).;ii, ' . "f t i"'Hfl,l, A 1. hi;s, i il.-ci.t.J r-.v" ".'i in Unvuiii ii''-"l as fuilnwi ''V IS K I' tj .ti i.uiui ,'.-. tl!" 2 'I I 1' II. Hint'en. Mr. ii.ii ii ! V.'. da iv a i toi, i.i. Mi i r -.. On the '.'th tilt., 1-v .1. II. In ti ,lirr ...! i.l N.'vv Vn.-l.in jturvt IViminVm '.iTii .t ', el til il M U!, , i..i ! j i ' 'j i, . III.- to Tin Uoi.i'EV ExriTriiF.NT. Gold, which h ;'(7i U their im-unncd c-lrencMiitnl nt sold at a premium of .4 conts in rs . lorn itvr, aud make them an example of tiie ;at ,J0 D,,,,;ning 0f ast week, fellto 50 cents at tho close, with indications of a still farther decline. This is mainly at. ti ihtited to an amendment to tho internal it vengomico of an almtd and indignant ! pplet" Thusc extracts, snys the Freeman, with .i r .. ,.i ....... i r..,,,, M ull. , , ,, j ,.., uitax aw passed during the expiring hours on, are taken frcm the lederalut, number e , . ?i - ... ,, .. v ,tt... of the U o Congress, rondermg all con- vXVI II. Wc may the i wiidHcall up- fc , Ul ,.,: .,, tracts and loans upon gold liable to a ... r a,.. ,i,iii.i nn lim. -"amp tax, or duty. It ,s thought that lure them, with their other trophies, in ;'ort Lafayette." Talrino Shsss.- Al the lale anniver'a- under this system tliQ premium will fall to conts. But it is not likely to remain ! 60 long. The valuo of spucie is measured by the amount of paper in circu.alion. life. Tl bavs in. 1 to 16. h. consisting of five regimentB of infantry, : l'oor, F' F' Walliniot, (jermaine Larmot . 18lh Ohio battery and the 9th l'er.nsyl- Auditor, John Keiter, or, Assessor, Arnold ( vania and 2d Michigan cavalry. The fight Scl;""""; . , i....:.- nf ,.10 pcnc... n-vid ! lasted all day. A large part of the Hid (j0arhart. Constable, Levi Goss. Judg", j j ;;"' and 85th Indiana, 19th Michigan and 22d jThomas Waring. Inspectors. Jesse Goss,i w: ...til. .l.olr li,.oj A S Hoalich. Sunervisors. Kichard IlilL'h'- 1'1'II.A i ... i . i r... i ,j ' es. I'avidUoss. School Directors, G W were killed or captured. J ho cavalry and . , . , ,. , ,, ,. ' , , Kline. A F.ei.hart. Overseers ol J' .-, artillery escaped. an Horn commanded ..stPphen Test, Geo Shule. Auditor, SoL the rebels, and Col. Celum, or C'olum, the i omou IJammerscley. Afflcsor, Jiavid federel forces. jAyres. Advices from 1'ort Hudson, via Rich- -C.jnMftl, Wm .Newcom- . 'er. Judge, D S MeCraeken, J nspeclors, rnond, aro to the 27th ult. Tho L nion Jolin . D) jj sniii h. Saper.'ii...ib. advance had reached within 12 miles of ' John Campbell, John MeCi acken. School that place, when they were driven Lack, j Directors, W W Hell, Geo MelJraeken, I. i ! i.i: I McCrncken. Overseers ol i'oor, W mW ise, II...IJ u.oi.B...,u .i-u.. M(!(Wkn Auditor. AG Jamo.i. 1)1 1'.)-.Uii ti.r I '-in ii! ui;.' 1 2 1 cm ... li in.ei: '. In the mi.i-t "i iile . j.rfsse.i ii ct rolls !'., ' -f lr.fi..; ui'! ; l.l -'kM ii.'i 1 ttiu na il 1 rut,, I (' ii'i; r.-; .. it i- ; ii.1.. :.:!. 1 1 in. I i:m. .IV ll: l 1 ' I :niv.; In. in Mn.-i i Yn I;. 1 I ii.iVv i I'rein .- I. t'ilii i.i lu J l)i i.-i.ia. r I . iA l" tie- 1... L', I 7 -I ill '. 'l'i i. f i.t i:nr.- Assessor, Wiu Keel. ;l...i.-. Fux lp. lujlico of tho I'eace, J Heath,! -Vn I. W Clinton tio. Countable, llarlev " ted nt Baton Kouge, and tho attack upon F'ort Hudson was daily expected, li'rnm l'ort McAllister our advices are 1. . ,. 'I'lfA... ..... to the 4th inst. Three iron-clad gunLoats; '" . ' ' TX 1 l:','-"'t " v a I. iva, .i -j r:.i:i I.I.U. w and two mortar Loats hijd been playing on; Bors, J Limingligcr, John Hyat and J I .. a r i ri . n! 1 tu i n 1. :i -. t ,vt t n.r. t!. run !. 1. 1 1 m : tr.iiiiH l ..; .v.- a mid V. twi.'ii l'.i:;; i.t j.ir.i t'.ir s - I rf,'. ii ;i!n.-.l ui'.r... aa.l i fhe F'ort all day of tho 3d, without doing Heath tio. School Directors, J MeClel-' l- r ii.;.m.:i..i. i. material iniury. One gun had been disojltin, C A Wilcox. Overseers of Poor, U A ap.!j r.t iU- 1.. c . .J . . ... lw;i. .1 f..rl..l-.,. An.litoi- (' A Wi!.! Ami hu- 1 r. il.t mounted, but it was again in position on ' " ,, ' ' Aonts. .:. I!, i: tho 4lh. and aeain fell into the hands of the Union V t. an riegHi. .-scnooi i;ireeiurs, jno r men. On the contrary, a . ' 1 . - mpins, unuer usm in iu.uiai on, raj o , Assessor , 1 homiison Uiriira tp. Justice ol Hie l eiiec y of Washington's birth day, by tho Dun-1 pv VVll, Jackson's idea, and we guess our I crati of rhiladniphia, in Concert 1L'1, m(;nt "manacrj" will, sooner or Inter, Much was filled to overwhelming, ltiol.- ,.:;,Cover thatOU Hickory was about right ; .rd O'C.oi mail, lv-q., of "ew York, was ; n),i jcclor arrn.. fiH mu.,h as they please, ! w ; he orat. r on the occasion, Mid his i tLsy will find that gold, like wumr, n ill . tilftt ,iJC indianola and Queen of the W'e-t IrcfB was jronounceil a miu.ier.y '"", find its own level. .hroughout. In alluding to the present var, he said ho win often asked if 1.6; Kentitkv Leih.atcre- -Iletolution on would Heal with rebels, and aims in their Xulimat Afairi. Tho House of Represens hands. Ho replied that he would. Malives of Kentucky ha3 adopted a aeries i.t,, ;,,,',, ., ;., f:,h'- not the nrmt of refolulions on national affairs : v J. . , -. ., out of their Ana.M, h.uyr,ll treat wun ttum This is talking nense. Auditor, C A Wil cox. Assessor, u ft nines. , , , , , T , ' 'J l-'O '11 II I'. .1 HI.- XV V , . . Accounts regarding the gunioai imi.an-, Liverf,00(i ConUe, William tiruham. ola are extremely contradictory. One is, .lu.jg I w Graham. Inspectors, K V Ihateho was aLandoned by her captors, Shaw, J Morrison. Supervisors, Abm Ky- (is oi i ne i mun ; -- p- - , dispatch from K',t0' I G S1'aw- Uv01'M,rs of Voor A 15 1 UlPl,alcl1 lrom Shaw, Wm L Shaw. Auditor, J L Fiogal. ' March 3d, frays , Assessor, Thompson Ke.H. PIS., l'i.i! : !!; ' J. W. lv VII' J. M. I'nli. . V.. Il- i -I.. Ii.. J 1 K I'v . i were both anchored tinder the rebel guns i.t YVartenton (just below VieksLurg) ap parently in good condition. lIoRnmt.s Kiotat Detroit, Michigan. Detroit Mieh., March (i, 10 P. M. As a ne- n-L , . r. . .- . il . l.'r....1. ic 'KrO, WHO COniOlllien nil Wlinfil Uliuii n 1 ho hist after staling that Jventucky is fe; . r,; ft,n f,nm it. u ,.o assailed by armed rebellion on one side! J," B. " "B . 2Z JZ . n,l ,.r..,i!l,.linnl nsuriiHtion on the "' ' J "'"'; more than what any o'.nor nation is recommend, calmness and inv lone, aud dono frcquenlly. But our gov-, t)l0 atj 0f ,ntriotic men. Tho second res 'S01 ; other, recommends calmness and invoke, . - ' - . ' ' X ooncauauonene-i.e....). . , t ;0 alU ot patrioi.c men. i no seco.u. res - . Two of them were li- ernmont has acted Horn the beginning a, a hrms her loj ally to tho governrnen t - t b kily auJ 60Ver. i! under the influence of passion-not rea. 'Jhe thud reccgou.s a marked d.lle enco o'njed eon. TI,o Southern people were told that "L' foiled, in their attempt to get tho only term, upon which they could Rp . t tbo eman(.iration proclamation, lcsnon o rthe negro he m Y"V have 1W would Lo Ly laying down ,Ui,, uncontitutioini. and voi-L th'eo, S S ''Ub .... .... ,.r.i 1.1 .1 - I . U UWUU lUU CUIUI OH I'CU no . i... : .iiLm n, tin I imr rai ril I lie mill ueciuies mo tuMiaimuu vi em .... iiivii miiwi i.u ui.l......(, ..:, ;.,,i:..i Tl.. I"" VlCinilV OI I ie lu. Jiuusos eri for execution. Human ingonui, could;- ; inmates nvd .......... - ,nnr.o nf i ... Irpfllr.H n...l in mnnv instances, li llleu. notinienta more succfssltil consolidating and btrenglhening Lellion, aud driving the whole Southern people to declaration. Had sound com mon u-nse, spell as oven fourth rate states men ought to possesi, and fucIi as all other nations exercise, prevailed in the Cabinet, not one drop of blood would have been shed, nnd peace and prosperity would now bles cur land. kr-'ult is ascertained that the lale iessi of treated, and in many instances, killed. ; the re- c . ij:L0 "ny manifestation of desireon the . or iifleen lives Lavo already been .t. ' .....fcr... q..- . .,.. . lost, and as many Louses burned. All lU available military hero and a regimont in the interior of the Stato Lave been ncnt for, and a vigorous attempt will cow bo made to quell tho riot. B??luThe Stalo Central Committee lias tuAn altrwl fnttAlllpr for 1 ll A TllirTlOSOOf balloNbox. 'Ihe ninth hails with pleas- ,, :, r urabia hope the recent manifestation! of, ' conservative nentiincnt in tbo free States, j changing the time for the meotiug of the Tho tenth recommends n call of a Nation' . next Democratic Stalo Convention. We al Convention for the purpose of T10!'0' I would have preferred an early organi.a. part "of trie seceded States to return to their allegiance. Jhooighih naneres io li e constitution and to the Union as the last hope of freedom, and will seek re dress lor all wrongs under the constitu tion and the Union, by a resort to the ncnceful but nowerful ncencics of the l.ll... I '11.. I.n.lo .-t. : .. p ,... r.....M..1 C-,r i . inpi-cnti. nt . .t. im ui vuiitm 'H.n.iu .u. .... ... vine nmeniinienia 10 wie uonsiuunou. . , .. ,- n., .v..i.M.l.. in nnd .bout Tl.PrWon.h recommends a Mississippi tion, and consequently an earlier meeting Wadiincton including heads of Depart Valley Slate Convention, with a view of , of the Convention than tho LthofJuno, .7., l vrcnK 0rp,k &r do insulting how to preserve tho whole ji)Ut ng the day was deliberately chosen, mei.ls ami I'ureauB le k c (iOV01niu,ntl and preventing one or more i. unker,av acouJclced in. we t.rcfcr amounting to about ono thousand, li e .Smtet, from teizing the mouth of tho Miss number created at the two foi nu r tensions tiisippi river. Tho twelfth declares that . . . . . .. . r . ...... . . . ....... of this same Cengrcss weto certainly not mo laws oi u.e .iato must ue maiuiuiueo lets than half that number ay five hun dred -making in all 1-1 To this army nnd cnfoieed. may be added at least four times as many scattered over the country. When it is remembered thai at the exs pirnlion of Mr. Buchanan's aJmihiMiation the whole number of Government officers in and about Washington was only about stack worse. UliiO. some idea mav be formed as to what (-'r0t;. tho AbolilioniKepubli -an parly has been doing for theV li iends. An 1 N.Sl liORDIN'ATE I.T Et'T EN ANT. -Fil'ft Lt. Gilberts. Lawrence, 7th New York Vol unteers, was brought to court, martial on the Rappahannock, for saying in the presence of olllcers and civilians, "I have no confidence in Gen. Hooker, .Burnside was stuck in the m 1 ; and he will Le Ami when told by Major II. Vols., that he would Lo lishonorably discharged if his lancuaue was known al headquarters, said : "i 11 be d d if I care; that's what I want." And uls: for l uLlielv declaring. "1 want to cet Verv AiTKOTitiAir:. The Dcmoc ats of out of tho tei vice. I don't believe we will Trenton, X. .1., iired thirty-four, find the succeed. 1 nm dissatisfied generally. . r v r. iNobodv but MeClellan can command this i'l' lUK 'ill3 Ul lllllUHII, A. .., V.4,V ...... . . .. . . . . ... ' .... armv. Found euiltv. He was dishons dred guns, on ll.o -ilh List., in mannesta- ,;, .,:,,,,,.,,., ,Vom ,t)e scrvio,, flnc lion of ll.o national joy that the lale Jaeo- Pentenced to forfeit all hit pay and cmols bin Congress had lermmated iuexmencw. uqumiIi A. i. J)in. and universally aequieced in, we prefer no change at this time. Let there be no cauo for dissatisfaction, New Colntv. A new county, tobo calN cd "Lackawana," hi'8 been erected out of the upper part of Luzorno, the county seat to Le at Reran ton. Ex'Oovernor Big ler, f'xGovernor Tollook, and Col. II. S. Mott, aro named as Ihe Commissioneri to fix tho boundaries, An. N ieiio Lis Koussolot. Constable, Jno Siiackman. ' Judge, A Mignot. Inspectors, F llugarb, T Leonard. Supervisors, J Spuckman, C Koussolot. .'iehool Directors, Jnstiee Tea, M Shopo. Overseers of I'oer, T Leonard, M Lawrence, Auditor, A Murray. Abesor W Murray. G'rjh im tp. Constable, Peter Koppl... Judge, J C Pace. Inspectors, A ilul.i'-r, .1 Khinehart. Suerviso!, M C l-.an-, M Fink, S. !., A Dale, J l'luller, S Sniael all the sttiie vote. Overseers of IV.or, . M C Lvar.s, A Hoover. Auditor, J Holt.. Assessor, J. Mont.. Gulieh tp. Justice of the Peace, J S Mc Kiernan, Constable, H Smith. Judge, li. Miller. Inspector, J l'urley, M Koh iiuon. Supervisors, A J Glatgow, C Co penhavcr. School Directors, W A Nov ling, II Alderman. Overseers of Poor, I.. MeUully, J Morgan. Auditor, W A Nev-1 ling. Asseasor, S Whitenido. Jluston tp. Justiro ol the Peace, Thos. Pond. Constable, Wm Bumly. Julje. A Young. Inspector.', F. 11. Brown, Win liundy. Supervisors, S Hundy, II Wood, waid, School Directors, T llewit.Ii P.urns. (jverscrs of boor, A Bliss, P llevener. Auditor, W llewit. Assessor, W D Wood ward. Jordan tp. Justice of the Tcace, II F' Schoening. Constable, W" T Bloom. Judge, S Weimcr. Inspectors, M McCully, Jas. McNeil, Supervisors, li Algers, ,) Pat terson. School Directors, ll. Lid. lei, M: Gibson. Overseers ol Poor, J Glasgow, J. Williams. Auditor, K Liddel. Assessor, 11 Johnston. Knox tp- Constable, II Sloppy. Judge, II Shupurt. Inspectors, .1 F". McCr.icken, J Haley. Supervisors, D Bosnian, 1 Wise. School Directors, 1) li Mokel, Wm Cox. Overseers of Poor, Wm Slots, J Witherow. Auditor, P A Kowlcs. As sessor, m. Mckee O ;' If.: O 'iv r : i.-n: !. i,nvh! .-). I"' .1' -. r .'; :i! ',-, l'i: i"; .' I .1 I'l il. -. , s. r.t-v im.. nr 1 1' ;,. ilal i. i'K 1 : N'.'.' Due Ilu,' Ii.ti-re.-t an I ' 1'--a f. .11. .5 III. l.ll II . 1 ! l!. 1'it-i.s . r ci.-aic : i ' i. ; thsiv wl-l le- -' l . i fjnrt ll"l!.' ill :, I . - ' '., .lav the 1 '.:!i iy ''.'' . .. in., i lie r..ilv i- :'!''. r: AIM. tl,!.' i".;..:i: in.-; ..-e 'i.;.. i ' .. .1 "ie:'; lnr.f 'e tli di.-f i-n-t 1 1' 1 . i ).nl, tliPM i .".i .l. I . 11 "IO ur i. t'i K I'' !!'' Cii ir.. re ur 1. .- I., n h. a.i " cifil.t tinlii -i.'l. iii'.r ii.nii'H, -. ii i j 1 'I ' ) In.'!, tniiiin o.'t iH'I'C-. n-'-t.' olcnri 'l. willl li",' l oo -e thi rci. e. '. Kil l Ii.i 1.l f.'l'l II-- the ).o . M v ALSO, a crtiiin tr-.et " tioviiship, Cleertii lii cinii v iin ci.n.cr i.f li.ml "t 1 Un.ls nnd other hi;.. Is '.I li. irrecs w"t '.'il'.'i l" ti lie.- t.i I . !- k . I : ' . I - I.n in '. t 11 v- .. i -, I i" n v.l, Karilunn in. Const'e, J Michaels, Judge, i'f" ''y ""'"' ''"' II Yothers. Inspectors, H Gunsalis, A lhcs to yiir e ,. .r , , , ' . ' iii ., inn 1 Ian. 1 fa Ji tin 1 ul i,i i '.W.b porches tu a !iite ii" . lnnd i.f Th'iiiias A. M.-CI A. pnath .Ml (Icrees wL. t I "a j ' i.' bepiiiiiin, e.iiiiiiii'.iii V I n.r. wilh the uiii,l .'!"V. .'lir e !. r n B5uTho accident on the Pennsylvania railroad noticed in our last, was nothing like so serious ts then reported.. The En cineer wai severely acalded. but all the A C Tate other employees of tho company wero un injured. Ono passenger was several moro or lets injured. (KS"We aro son once a sojourner of Mehirhis papers. X Rrown, Afscssor, J U Ihllen. Bumardner. Supervisors, Geo. Ileckcn dorn.H. Y others. School Directors, li Pyle, li McGurvey. Overseers of Poor, G Emerick.O. Moore. Auditor, G llecken dorn. Assessor. J GilliUnd, iAtwrevrf. tp. Constable, Taylor Bowles. , cmpusod nf n i- ef thr e Judge, Win. Ogden. Inspectors, M F' W!irri"'tl''1 '---j''-tiv..-: v in it. Wallace. T D Peoples. Supervises, John J?1.'1"" ,i:V1, ""y.n ..... , , , i . r . ti fcciteil in'l tii hen in tx.-u;.i. Orr, T Kowlcs. School Directors, J Irwin, ,,, ,.., rlv , r t i- .,. ,. , Overseers oi Poor, A II Shaw, ALSO, a certain l ia.n M Nichols. Auditor, J 1J Shaw. Asses- tviiU iteam i..un-r utia.-li.-'l, a . . b-' I! I i'l" . ... . , sor. William Wallace. township, Cli-m h.M killed, ana ; 3wT- , c0nstable,J. Dillon. Judge, " f'''t. t A Brown- Inspectors. D Tale.M J Brown. 1 I"'' U-ll. -t.aii th :iii . ,i..i ei'e v.. I .rev I r. i. ry huh. -. . . r Supervisors, Wm. Weight. J Troy. School ''" . b",ilcr 18 ''n i indebted to GeoruE A. Cab- , ,,'.. r Mauck L Kvlor Overseers n-,,,ot't ',r"n ' !"""'5 ' ' '", ' . . J uirectors, j MaucK., ii ivi mr. v rseors ine tui ,nnP1jI, r,tlui lnt;. i i m ojournep tier-tbr late files. of roori A irown, J n Jones. Auditor, . iti, circle ,; Ac, and h.n li. (' -.Til I' I i erociiv f. the nee nf rho mmc l.y an f' t, . i i.nrt. Mint neroMin to ' 1, linn . 1". I Feb i.u'LiLr. is 1 -r.:: ntr'l... , t -v ;,i i...r.'" ,n ti "'