.T 4 v i I! 1 liU Eli llicil III k i t ty. f 0 W. TIOORu. J, B. GOODLANDEIt, Editors. PRINCIPLES, not JilELT. TEST'S fl ;rr Ai.'n n if r-vJ m urtvnrf -r n r.w s ki ; 1 l-- VO 1 .1 n N vOL. XXXIII. WIlOLi: NO HiO CLKAKFIKU), l' WEDNESDAY, MARCH II, I CM 'if t i ? .11 v I! v i i ii i iv- . : is r lit ilciiijKU'j i;l!5(i!I;t:i!i. i- M '.I I M.I 27, lu for ii" lo know it I present. Wo have, as it is, liirlfl enouuh to make faith reasonn. bio and unbelief inexcusable. There is i n i -rl i revealed in which to exercise the . vi, tied powers of the most gifted niiiul, .1. ,.s (.f til sunn V of a -"! I.i"; .i. ; I, l-li J o If i.. ' J,,'. i.e., ol the I, i. In 1 . We ,-.,, ou ol li.l. Si anc '. Il l t 1:1- I It llllcl j .- t.i y ol lilt me lis: proportions, I: II ! ! I : . ii. I : oli' ill I ! i- coot ' 1 1 1 Ic. el. id only uions column IU''' ' lt rewarded ii. its Invcs ? . ligations. "Tho entinnce of tho wort i n:n. ,n i:, F, a .. i,.- -I.i '.he icli " ' ,,:,w' "'l"r"" u'l"ifrnoilJ light, it giveth understanding to '.- ' I , fl"! i''r.'"y apjune i tlio simple." Him both sail nnd bikllast to iitiwi ol t!,t I .ii ii' ai'pioniiitil (o ; tl.o son I tnsspd on tho hillotvs of nerplex o l n il His r.'-iilliiw t.iittu-i'. 1 lul- .1 Ij, V.,,n, si.T.I'ii ".I. V. : o I'.i ity. 'Hiivn mo tho Jiililo, nid oiii, "nnd tlit.ii may t J. o Ixnd give mo faith to fix or il, or mv lioad will 'rcv iliz.y w ith nnnuei yru u ,., :i,' iM'i' r. !'' , ..u-nt, coiiluioii atiJ cttead," (.otit.,il ll., .-out illlC-r.t 4 '-Wait tlio To-lit. nor ns- with frnntiorneo jj"o. i , I I . i -1 j 1 1 i i.,i,;.-in of our Vj: L.t"JV IN PAST. .i t 1 1 1 .i i iioVi.t 'olVioiont ly coin i;i I. 'Mi 'ill 'I.I' il.i i lii-.l all t r W li v (iii'l n Tin il s pucli tilings ; Ilia ways tho' DOW ' 'nt 'ilvcl in i IimiiIh nn.l darknopn, w ill appear A II ri;;lil. tt lu n lie-m tliinc eyes the mint in cleared ; . i!n ii, Iriirn ' -ii . i --ioii to his wi'l, I .Mum' r on. .in .-liBtt.i, ill. in viiiuly thus to uttompt . Kvpli'i'ipy vluit llmu ruii.-t not cniuiri'lRTiil, An. I liu.i, tor wi-fst omls, thinks tit to bide." j Wl.oii instructed l.y lLo Holy Spirit, we id H'o'i'oss iii what we Know, whether litllnor iinu'li, with ii n peji Iv a li !o satisfac tion. Our uiidcr'.aiidinii may hot he citlii ; or mi lull i r m, clear ns we w ould wish, but 1 ( no'i :h fur invent duty, nnd more fully 1. 1 c. Ill I .or I . 'i 1 ."iiiir -io Ji ini i I ; Iiros ii ii ( oi'i.iU Mo 1; .Hill Ol!-0 I !io k if .i i our i r n -in i .'me ; .on. w,! lint o ,.f I,,.' liclil of find cioarly as -ve advance. In the darks ... . n'v a . in; o.-t titu-. wo will linve iie ligh t, uml when i 1 nt ;t midday beams are withhold there is reus- i.iii.l i noun or ; on 'lU' '' which leaving with (iod wo can . ! .... 1 1. . i . i., : 1 1. .. i ... : ; t : i .a I til 1 'O i ii i 1 1 ii 1 1 v 1 1 1 i ii u iiv 1 1 1: ii l. , i tit ii at any liirenvlule wearo hcie, perfect day wi.'h ti i, liio enliro dan of God would ho clitmjjwl, nnd our present sl'Uo no longer on" ol' discipline and fu ith. Hut disciplino is nceiioii, ami laiiii. wtien tneu, will irrowr unl con tier ni. M o! t , ',. ;i ,i l ' , 1 ;. 1 I'l.'o !". ! oil' In... let' hill- i.y o r : I 1 I ... I , ii lino in e ' i .'.'!; i ; i.ii.J .looii'.h 1 1 '.ii ii.ii i.nd t ' llllll i u l-i ad '. ol i ve The Condition of the Freed Negroes. Oil Hi I cum in I , die ! ic lof .il i.j'. i i i i i i i I i,i-, in (;rr.i;e.i lilllll .-t 1 tt , -I., ii t lit- ins i. t!i- I I'M e e.i- . ic Ht, f it ion of : r.'.iolij'.ii trans ; .. tvovor, is mily ; i :; "i-ieil in a i 1 ;.'. I" liO iiivs i I he at let'sl o j ii 1 divine. i in .i. r oi' I lie iioel ll tal. le than ' i i-l o.tl ol lieiii..: U reiiMin to j li j. ct, w n.'. l be iiddiMoiiiil 1. e. us o! iod, and a it ent ' . .it i' itii, cent ' tidv : beennso 'IV in (.:. i , .i.'-io' . w. w ','11 -1 ri t . 1 bind 1 ' V, 1 1 . I re I ie i i I t w l' ii ! I i' lot I' i : i ; ' ' it :! I. ;. t! .1' I io v ;.!'o t i i v ' i r'.;r ol li- 1 1. at 111'' t. I. -n iil.'i I. 1 1? 1 vc. c:.,' l'.r I .-!... .0,- ! I :i ;'. r, .1 c! V c: ",!.'. 1: h i.' i.i 1 .'.- 1 1 ' i nil i.. .t 'V. 1 U I' III. I I il 1 HOI Ol - ;i,. . lo ,,',. ,!,.! I i lit 1 , " o, ii l.e tav:i ; 1 1 itf.i (i,.'l.;' ' In II O. Ol IV.M lllU'd e i,, ii.. won! and 1. 1 , ii wii'ilii 1'ko- ii i.l.c 1 mi, ami V ('.'. -ct, 'I', io.' do I ,i tin it U. ..'.-t,,"; i ln.i.i Iiem 1" III' Mill.'. be i- b'.i j.iv I,.', ll ! !' .-"I .li.i.r a- lie ple'ise-. nci.:i. until) lo 1,: , H'.t i, i I ni nil, and io all, ,t 1 is lu'l't, lot" and ti 'atli, iod nnd iii'i-l iiiii'i'iiuiiy .:i.t-i- I.'. -' I ' a" .liable that we loi,i ii m.d be fiiby pel -lU.ide;! that be ', . d !'i-l n h.'.t "a.- uci i ' vijry, and ., - nn.'." -::rj, f.'l' fa'pli and ir.ii! i,:i! no! fiiveii it licit wo loay sit r. in !' o'.n,..acenV .s.it;-.!'.iction, i 1 1 tt i .ii, mhii':i it ;s c nitiii ti in , , ...ft '.olfi.-tii..' li lo It ." , Jreisi H lis w ell ' (if F.iiva'iion, ... j. i.; i . .t. its ii use (icj'tmii- .i,.;,n,l ,'li! dca foinetinus i;1'Ui.;i.,iiii.t'..s 'lash upon the in ,,, ir'ii'e st;ti'l!:ng bri-hiness , . ,; , .'iciidiin fir.i le.i.'ir.i: ; 1 1. , . -i. U t"i m c'.ouil- nced Hinl when nil that binds to en Ih is ready to be looked, tho moorings ol i ho soul v il! i'O cast oil', and it will soar away to legions of eternal light and per fect knowli .Ijio. Theie we shall no loneer .iiid - see in i'1'l, but seo as wc aro seen, nnd ihcii-' l.notv is no .iro know n. J W, S. ! 'fur. I iM;i:rs. The liev. Emnuuol Sl'u for. a ::ii:.i.-lei' id this set!t (which is 6ome- 'iii, civ ..nii'c'l as Dunkors and '1'uuks i-j w ri.ii soniu tirno fiinio to tho jVi i ':,'. Ol ,.,'( in correction of some mis ! pU.iiTiioiits an to Iheir doctrines and racs lici -. a- follows : "You in; y bo desirous (o know u hut we do believe. Well, in brevity, we bap- tux none but believer.-, by a triune im meision, ! a lunging way, ll:o candi d.iie .ii i kneeling i-isture. And while v.e lioi.eve h;i j'!i-m is initiatory to the church, '.vo al.-o bciicvo it washes away .-in pieviously coinuiitled, when preceded I y true p'.T'ileno) and faith. Wo believe liiat when wo coniinur.e, or have the cm b!i ;n', bread and wine, distributed among us, i , preM'iiting the sufferings of our Sn t ii ur, it shoulil I e done in tho evening, pii i eilod li rst by the wa-hing ofthe meiii' in i 's let t ; next in older, tho ptrlaking of meal by all of tho members, w hich v. e de nominate the Lord's .Supper, then follows the i ''.iiiimunien. These arc perhaps, all J !;-' iru live leal tires ul our lai.n. We hold much in common with other, profe-i-riii.; christians ; our habits aro gen-; i rally 1 lain, in many lo.-peo's roFemtliliff j the I'ncii'.s, j arlieulai ly as regards dre.-s; opposed to all Mipeilluiiy in everything,' yiwoaivi.nl always successful in our1 i p . -iii, m. Cur people are generally in- ibisti inus, and frugal us n consequence, 1 ivaltii aeimuuiatcs, .lido follows almost j as a iieres.,uy cons(uenco. Then is ver ;li' 1 the d in. er of riche, as the Saviour : d i l ued. History assigned our origin in 1 Seiiivart.enaii (iennany, to the year lH.'-, t'ur Iii t minister's name, the Batn- nil -' thru ity savs, was Alexander MacK. The I word 'i'unkrr,' or 'lmnker.' by which we! are kron n in historv, we issuine by way I . ', i ul convenience; vet we iun our-soives German rntists,' or 'Hrothren.' ' is that ! .1 --t on aim .1 . pi.. i 'i ! li." ,.l ti i-- ii.. f the :, 1 m, I'.il l.i. m-ital vi: tn.it I i a',! bo id,.' it, it r'r to the minutii.-f ol hi palti aduWlMhe - ,i ,i.'i. s ..! !'!', and prep: .'lier. liii'I nod ai i'iec-iatir ; i? i"i!'U 1. d.i-.vV lot i il C'lllrl more I'l '.ii nnd -ivrlio ib'.e. Onn pi men . ..i i ,,. I-.- iiniii'.i.ibnble niTiin i,',.., it. is. ll. u'iii.iii since the lull is treated ' ('"tnhri.l, ns lo.o 'll diet Hi - "lie -li'iuld. wli 1 i.- being ,1 Conscientious Scruples The following is a statement of tho number of men in each county in Fenn. sylvnnia exempted from military servico on the ground of conscientious scruples: Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, I'-cavrr, bed foi 1, Hoi ks, blair, I'riidforil, i'.ucks, rutiV'r. t ameron, Carbon t. he.-tcr, Centre, , i i i ' i.i-i i : noil. M" fl I o i. Ill il iioit ii, .i i.' i in !,!'( tu so k a:.d e ulii ie t nil oil'-rc t vet suvoieii'u i.il..t:i( n. Along m Io ofihii-.it is i i .lly ( vi'bnt that ihoie wio: a nattir. :d i.ii 1 oi"!.i'in.e ,1 ni'i'i ti ii bi-t'.veen the kii.i.'ii! r.i e and A'l u.i in bis full 'The ic ei.ifn ii of t'lt iue ci.i. c and deeds i f ins crut:ib;e j-r-i'b.'iie. are ba ,'d on this, .vl.,1.. (P., V I-.. mil plan ol i.o.ii n i'.,,. i,,,t. (IceasiMiially j jJanl'"ni tin i e iniiv l o I i us w hat hCi ius me mgru-; -J.'dawaie, ous, but, ii i- owing to I'll- excoeiliiigly ; limited ci'iiipi, '.leieion, I'm it cannot be rr'?i in this otlu i w i-e .',.;;n in all His vvoi ks, FavettO, that then is lie iii.i-t adm.i ibli- In-auty, l"rest, order nnd eon", lei ei'iss. Our vliurt-i to' Kratiklin, peer into the i loud- v. l.irh miitiHii.iI Him r ullon, iiv conn li'iice. or in ''teiu), 831-Juniata, 17 1 Lancaster, not rte'd. Ll Lawrence, 18 5 Lebanon, 90 11' Lehigh, 13 '.'i! Lu.erne, nono. 7-j Lycoming, t) 2 fiercer, 15 3G'.i MHllin, 117 10 Monroe, 8 S'.iMcKean, 1 raft M'Tiilgomcry, 105 1 Mon'our, cone. C'leiirt eld, Clinton, Columbia, Cnwford, ble fiom (i1ocier-l-UI1'lj('r"ln,, iZOn N'0."th.-mf .n. 3 ll' Northi..'nb'1'J, none. C! ii'ion, not received Peny, IMilMiiiau'elplm, i-U o' Pike, not rec'.i. 2is I'ot ter, not ree'd. 8;; 102 is Schuylkill, SnyJer, Somerset, Sullivan. '2,Sijsi-u0ianiia, l'l'Tioga, 22'1'nion, none. 1 3 10 1.1 1 8 10S 10 4 3 30 5 Venango, arren, ( Washington, 11 Wayne, not rec'U. Westmoreland, 4 Wyoming, not recM. York, 150 According to tho accounts generally ros ceivod, the Lincoln Abolition policy of enticing slaves away from, and refusing to return them to their homes and musters, ' in proving very disastrous nnd destructive! to uitf negro, tuoioiiowmg is ironi a correspondent of tho Milvvauicie j:ws, writing from Helena, Arknnsns.l'eb. 5th: liack oftien. Wushhurn's headquarters but ft fchort UistiMiee, is a p?ach orchard, the little grove in rows io close that o:io can hardly step btwoen them. Here, about two feel under ground, are over a thousand dead negroes, and day after day others who have starved to death aro be ing ndded to tho nameless list. And there nrea dozen negro graveyards in He lena, each rapidly bomg tilled with ne groes who Hero once happy and content ed in health, and cared for, of uso to themselves and to the world. Yesterday, in company with Cupt. Sher man of tho '2d Wisconsin cavalry, we rodo by tho lirst named negro "plant." Four darkies had just deposited on tlio promid a stout negro, dead as a door nail. Ilia woolly head and dirty feet protruded from under the worn out horso blanket which served as a winding sheet. Ono of the living km slowly digging a trench, the others stood watching. lielloo boys, what, s tho matter with him )"' "lle'se dun gono dead massa 1" and they chuckled to think we could not guess why he was there. "What's the mat tor o! him?" "Too much hard times, nnibsal Do ni gord can't stand obory ting." "Nit'qors dio pretty ea-y hero don't they'" "Yes massa, dey get shut of themselves right smurt now deui's hard times for niggers' - And so thought wo as they wore left behind lo conduct their funeral to a ter mination. In half an hour some thous and dollar chap will be left to rot and add Holiness to the soil which will hertalter grow larger pouches than ever before. In the house of Ir. Grunt, where I board, is an intelligent African girl about 24 years old, owned ly tho Dr. The other morning while she was sweeping up tho hearth, said I "Millie, aro you a slave?" 'Course I is, why V "Why don't you run away and be free ?" "Umjih uiiiph dis rhile is too smart lor dal. Dero is no fun in sleopiu' in de mud, starvin' to death, and gettin' no medicine when you ara sick." "There are lots and lots of niggers in town who have run away, ain't there,Mil- lie?" "Umph umph right smart lot ol 'em." "Well, Millie, ain't they better olf thpn before they run away ?" "Now wat's do use of foolen, yr.u know better. Would you be better oil' without clothes, nnd a bed, ami a house to sleep in, and somebody to look out foryuu.lban it you had 'em all t De time was herr when us niggers bad our portiei, and heaps of fun ; and we had good clothes, and nnsjis as good as anybody. l!efore dis war begun a wagon load of niggers didn't dun gone dead every day aj dem does now. Dis chile knows froniefing yet, and tilt is to stick to missus." "Well. Millie, cannot the niggers take CM'o of t hemselvub V "Lord help you, no ! About one in a hu:idi ed is smart enough to livo and di odilors would dnn gone dexd riht smart. Wat-wat-wat-wal do niggers know abocit buying stuil, and taking care ofdein.'elve-! dey never done 'em 1 De massa always buys for do niggers just like as if dey was his ow n family, and when dem is sick he has 'cm doctored up. Umph umph ! de white Yankee folks skin de last chicken out of the nigger 'fore il were hatched if de nigger took care of demsclves! Deed dey would 1" "Well. Millie you area very sensible girl, Btick to your home, and yoa will he better of." "Deed I will. We'vo all dun gon got sick of Yaukees long ago. Nebbr had euch thieves in town afore. Dey leat tie niggers stealin', and eomo of de nigger steal right smart too, 1 reckon. "What do they Heal, Millie T" "Golly, dey steal nil day ee, don't watch it all de time. We had white folks in de jail here till the ar iijv come, and now doy is dar all do timo.' "Don't you look ou the vhito folks wi':o come with the army as your friends?" "CtJ'h uniph 1 ot now ; dey is too wicked. Wat-wat-vi at-wat dey care for niggers vt hen tie' lets deiu die heio and won't give dom nOt!in? Nigger don't know much, but dey learn tings who nm dar friends right smart." Aud there is a world of truth in her ider.3. The army, with its ugly eye, care little for tho rights of any one. Niggers ro'tov'.'!'. i ! 'so, 1 lo gather tho rem yet Ntnidin-rin tho fold,' or tj pit k tho cot ton hr-npnj lleeeo.lik.i fivm the pod It is an actual fact, .S hundreds know from itrsctia! knowledge.. What will bo don, with the poor wretches, God in His great tvitdom only knows. . TEE WAYS AND KEAN3 BILL. -V'- KM, I.II K. '"''' The ' 'hio:';'0 nn'' ol ni " we lire I ol I to . ,H lo.-i'iio' w ith i i i- lioi er l laoii and eon-1 Huntingdon, duci, which isln i'.'ii'V tvhat'vei hedoes Indiana. 10 is both w iso in u jn-t, and will, in the end, Jefferson, 1' nrove for ii-i tin' s if st and be-1. Ami no. ' ,, " .. , c. . ,, i . i-i ,-. ;., -,;,' -oNumssioxAi. Li ections. The Mates i v wi 1 cue h o" i i.ieiioe. in overcoming .. , - . . , , , , , , .. . . ,, :....,,. 1 1 i , which are to hold elections for members dit lieu ties o herwiso msui'inountiible be tf,. ., , ,, i ol Congress this year are as follows : rtnvnrd0'1- L I N "v Ilatnp-hiie (3 members,) lecond 'Whi n t '.-is'iri fuil.-i wuli oil h er nwrs, 'l'usd.iv in March Ih.-ii :iib I'levnil,, mi love a,l,.r..s." j I;,oiio island (2.) first Wednesday in We nie persii i led that all nuinan w is- A pi ll, don-., in i'-ii! upi-l limits, can comi'rehend, . Connecticut (4,) first Wednesday in me these on'v w hich lie nt the entrance April. to theiibi "! of infinite goodness urd truth.' Kentucky (9,) first Monday in August. A iii-e ..n i v iivi'le, or secret li-v!osrd, Vermont (3.) first Tuesday in Sept. nvrcly mil ..I n , s t- t- -I' -i b .-s t Lrrs : Cn'.ifoi nia ('!,) first Thursday in Sept. but tin i! "i -i e; 'V lie hid ti the 'el Virginia will elect three members, 'iini'i. Mii'lili lUpthxi , in livini mind and tin-re may be Applicants for seats from and procedure ure far Iroiu usoless. Thev . the old State of Virginia, on member; arn doubtless answering wiser ends than ;from Louit-iana, two members ; from Ten- ' i-iMcaivil, nil JUIISV nicy UIO UUl liecco-JUlj' u-.dsi.-u, V" v mvi.--., a if two robber Tho Congre.'sionnl conferenco commit tee on the Ways uml Means bill luive agreed upon all points but ono the tax ation ujion Kank circulation to settle which a new committee has probably been appointed. Tho poh,ts ngteed upon by the committee put the bill it) this shape. The Secreluiy of tlio Treasury shall lo authoiueJ to borrow from liiuo lo time, on tho credit of the United Mates, a sum not o.vceeiiing iOil.l.Otl, 11(10 for tho cur-! rent tiscitl yeur, and jitjOO.llUO.O'JO for tho : next fiscal jour, and lo issuo therefor coupon or registered bonds, payable at the i pleasure of the governnient, after aurh ' periods as may be lixed by the Secret ;ir ! not less than ton ncr more then fully1 years from date in coin, and of fuicli do nominations, rot lcrS thnu i-.."i(), as ho may 1 deem e:;pf dient, hearing; interest at a rate ! not exceeding h j or cent., payable in bonds not exceeding 100 annually, end on all other bon.lj temi-iinnuiilly, in coin; and ho may in his Ui-iciulion u;skmi;, of s-jcIi bonds at any lime upon fucIi terns ns he may deem most advisable for lawful mon ey of tho United States, or for nnv of tho certificates of imiebtediicss or depa-it, or I I - !".! -1. . . . . ior mij ui U.C nuasuiy notes lieieloloro ' issued or w hieh may be issued under the! provisions cf this act ; aiid all bo'ols or Treasury nob-.s, or I'. States ntos, issiudj under ti.e provit-icnn of this net, fhall be exempt from taxation by or under State, or municipal authority; provided lie.'.' shall bo outstaii ling or bunds, Trea oy' uotes and U. St.i los notes, ul any tiuie i.- ' sued undi r the irovisi -ms of this net, no grenlcremount nitoi'O'.Lcr than tiio sum of s'J'jC.i b il.'OO. The .Secretary of the Treasury is tiutl.ori.o-J to ii tie on tho creilitol the tinted .States f i;'.VW.IH)tl in Treasury notes, piivaV'lv at the I'lenfun.' of the United States, or nt such timo or times, not exceeding three years lioiil date, as no'.y bo found mo.U bt nclieinl to the .ublic interest.-;, and bearing in tero.-t at a rate not exceeding six percent., j n y-' able at the periods expressed on tho iaco of said notes, and the iniere-t on taid notes and on cei tilieaii s cf indebtedness and deposit thtrcal'lor i'sucd shall bo paid in lawful money ; the Treasury notes thus issued to be of such denoininaticn as tho Secretf.ry iiiny direct, not less than slit, and may bo disposed of on the best terms that can bo obtained, or may bo paid to any creditor cf tho United State willing to receive the same at j ;;r. These Treasury notes may bo made a legd ten dor to tho 6i.mo extent as thif Unili'il Slate notes for their face va'.ie,ec!udin;; itilerext, or they may be mr.J-j exehnn .-e-ablo under the regulations jrcen! e I by tho Seci clary, by tho holder thereof, at i ho Treasury in Washington, i t at the oliice of any assistant treasurer or deposi tory dcsigimltd for tin t purpose, for Uni ted .States notes eip.al in amount to tho Treasury notes offered for exchange, to gether v.itli the interest nccrueJ and duo thereon at tiio date of interest payment next preceding such exchange ; nnd in lieu of any amount of said Treasury notes thus exchanged, or redeomed, cr mid r.t maturity, tlio Secretary m y issue an equal amount of other Tiaaury notes, n-.d tuo Irt.is-v.ry rotes so exchanged, icderuied, or 'aid, shall Lo eanccLd and destroyed as the Jtceictary may di-( icc't, in order to K-cure certain and prompt exchange-) of United .States notes when required as above provided, the. Secretary shall have power to isciio Uni" ted Stales notes to the amount of ?Li!l, 000,000 which may be ns'ul, if necessary, for such exchanges, but no part of tho United Slates notes authori.ed by this section shall l.c issued f'.r, or applied to, any other purposes than said exchanges; urnl whenever any amount ahull have been so issued aud applied, the f .u,:ei hill be replaced as soon is r.iclieablo b om the sales of tho Treasury notei for tho United States t.olcs. .Secretarv is author ized, if required by tho exigencies of the public service far tho payment of the at , my and tho navy and other creditors of tho government, to issue on tho credit of the government ono hundred nnd li.ty million dollms of United States notes, in cluding tho amount of such note- be i do lore nuthorui d by a joint reso! jt:o:i pas sod January last, not bearing interest and of denomination? not less than one d )V,.i . The seventh section of thoTor.iiiid ''ill i stricken out. It provided thai ou a i l :if ter Maicu 1, next, tho coupons on all bondj find Tmasury notes of the United States heretofore issued, and which may bj ismed, tiall at any time within ihiily da) 5 before they rom? re)ieclivoiy due;, and at nnv time after tbev beconiP due.be are goou to kick anu cuu niounu. a re(.eiVnMo lor customs ns co:n. Jho sec drunken offioer in tho northern army i tion reodifvin tho lndeien,iciit '1'ie.i.sury tlio most aiiuive to ineni, mree times have we within a week interfered to pro tect some poor "toy," as tho male niggers are called, from their cruelty and tyranny. A good mulo is hern worth a hundred dol lars a nigger is hot worth a cent, present or prospective, A ILoM INCH IN li.i'i in A rovi Y,rl Cm,,- It.- tho lStlisavs: In v-'.ord.iv's 'avo mi necouPt of a coroner's inqu'-'. held i-.cin tho body of Aug. C. l'.l od hi ie 1, who died Monday night with epiloplio eonvul iiom. A fe'.v y. ars ngo, llrodhe.-id, tlieu in the trime of vigorous manhooil, and weaving upon tho dn-liin.-: inlilleiy iiniloini ol the lirilislrio-rvice sevei a 1 loy al medals, whii.h he Icul earncl by htavp ry nnd s-.i'-ee-.i, f.iin;. I the a'-.pi.iintim''. of a wealthy baronc-s ofthe l'.igt-t family one of the most m i?'-cratio bousi s o Lngland. 'That ucqiiuintanec iiniiiiolia'e ly be itr o a love match, nnd the u n if leiiting oi'i osilion ot lit'.' lannly oiily set1 7Tn""TJl I - -1 1 ' 1 ' I -(jUAi'l.DN i.-.'i-ili C.-.i''.'.irrl by ved to rem a runaway niitcl 'h. hai py couple? spent iheir li'ipoymron u on too Continent, visit. -d Italy, ."'.viUers lanJ, and the Jigypli.-n pyrcmids.iirn! two j years ago came to Illinois r.:i ! purchasod ' a farm near Clifton, in Iroqnoi , county, j J',rodheail was iw i';tionint of .o;i'iiilt;i-; r:d seienco as he was ,rt!iciei)t "in thai ul j ginn ery and pri-jeoUle-. And when to' this - lino., iuipiiiiment i:', add'''! a '' sealed -hubit of dissipation an inordinate ! foiidnes.s for th't wine cup which his Iree, i.nd easy lit',, had engendered, and v,hi..h nic.sl unioi t uuutcly was shai ed by h.s w ife, we have the sum total of c.iiis.' ; Mifs j ficienl. to bl.'c t any man s irospect in Ino. His failure in an agricultural lino only confirmed hiai ns a drunkard, and lia-. teiied the doiiouenior.t'. An nnlont le -er of field sirti, his. !.) ,ind giuv were i'i constant reqiii-.ii.iou, and his heavy liba tions on moil occasions iaoio than once laid bint out for a night's lodg:ni; on the prairiei". His wife.oncc :i pet of Lrilish aiMoorat ic circles, and at one tiaie r.iai bul l. oio. In the (Jueon, though n highly aey iui-I'lir-hed lady, and an excrib. nL tniui. sail, audsi-cakii.g with littcney s- von 'l:li': nt languiigis, soon bi.i.a..m uioi''' '" ' ic-i than even himsell. She died ilruuk, a year rig.", and liroa.llic'i! wa ; in such a stale i'i' beastly inloi, iliun ns in i... u;... bie t- CJinpieiitiid the. tael. "Si'ico t'.. I time ho has been rapidly "g"in;; iii'ii' r." 11 ij property dwiiollin.-j atvav for year.--soon vnnirlio'l, and tit, the time f hi (b ath wc iind th,.t he bad been drivey to tho extremity of niwning his goh.l.n mod nls. Isst'E of TAi-Eit AIoNi'.v. A careful ex amination ofthe financial bills pas-ed by tho l ! cent Congress, says tite Nov York World, shows that Secii.:a:y Cbn-o has i.-s fued and has tho nuthoiity to i.s-u? the following legal tender no'.oi, treasury notes, bonds ami certificates of indebted r eijs : Fh'st iisno oi l.e.al tender note.?, - ?1o0,0ihi,000 c'ecor.d issu of legal tenikr Fliny '1 ill! Mil' Th? Gui.r,o'.'.t ' L' llol .l.bt.i. v.'. -niN'.i v. Much ?. The following di-o. ill h h:n bei n receiv. od by the Navy i h ; .iilnn nl : Um'ikii Si.ci'.s Si,'i.ii.o1.', l'"e!i. 27, ) via Mi. urn is, Mai eh, 1. J 7. ) i. (.'. M'. 'iv, ,;-;-.m, .-u: Sm: I to 'i el to inform von that tho I 1 ndi'inol-i ha- a'so (alien into the bunds of 1 I the e'l 'tv. 'Tlio rams Webb un-i Queen of tlie West n! 'aiiked her twenty-fivo miles ' from hero an i lunrued her iiu.il slie sur ' j retidend ; ell t tv'iieh can l. tr iced to a i tion ri .in ili.ioce wi'h mv instructions. I 'I'lono' know the p u' icuh'rs. ! KcM'-etfullv, .lK n'K'TKi:, A'-'.i'ig re ir Ail.uirid. C.i''i, March 2. 'flic report of tho cap t '.ire of t In I ii'liano'.i creates much disii i ' oinniont and gloom hire. She was ono of tho new iron cl.nN I'.-oui which sin ii gnr.d l e nl,. We' ,! ON'', ' led. We have no p n t'c i! .is or Iho n flair ca c-r,; rumor' tvr Jainj.hii, whioli state that tlf" I ii'liiuiola was at tacked by l"0 rami tbieon of tho Wet, Wbb. nnd a I il 111 . 'Ci of ol'ier vessels, when the sho'n battel io. oH tied oi) h"i. (-lie was board ed iiioil'v a'i 1 I ik'."l t"i Toit llud.-iii. if i f aid 1 1'.,' I. t li"1 IP el will Mum bo pu t in '.I'l'vic ivuiiist u5. Iiebi.1 do. -oi lers ar riving nt Jl-'itipbis. in-i.-t that this new r I., 1 ll.-ct of ir .n'.Ti'ls will i roceod down the liver a! nm . , nod take part in an ill tack upon li.it'in I'ougv and New Orle.n-. The r be! : ha I o,i v:: ready, and a doni 'ii- av I -' louke'l lor at an m u'ieii! ! st rat ion darl'S, ! e. p. ci.:'.) c.pli.':'i ol i ben di-re: ! IV-'leiis j iriMisela i- i ! ticipa'i i ; ' Nat t i ' r O'l'l :i io dels ll'de i'tr ' ! . , .IP . h .' s. l l lit le'o 1 lll'i't JlU III i 1 ill ' illg, ..f the laet that the most A'l'ivril J'-irler have !' I I'I leC'lptnri) til''.!' n 1 -, and at o ieo all I ! i 1 1 c h-ct from tlio Wo o ive not iii'iu on .h" Mus'.--ppi to c ) c witli tho "1 ndiano. la." ;;icpi the ".Neosho," and she is not ipii'.u re idy yet. I-".' ''IS'H Iii TT' M. N'i:w YoiiK, March "..A special Mem phis dispatch t i ih". y'i;i'.f says that tin'1 iii'linnoia it'll' nttackeit by U.ree rebel boat;; ou Tuesday tl;o '2Uh ult. Vho light win cliDiinate, lasting sev-ral hours, nnd rho was o.i ly f ;ir, -ndcrcd when in a tick ing condition, .'-ho was iun ashore; and the captorcd ollicei 'i aud crew are lorv iu 'ickbur:'. J i ills,. IV, ! 0 (I Dili i P. il I n l-i. not . .s, Fir j'.'ivnioiil of tlio army, b"1.!1 , i .'ui iiheiiieii of indi-btodncs, l ."',oo i.' i'.i i'tacii'tial cuu "tic;', .Vi.iMiii.tiiai L.in.i.-i ism cd to dale, 47-j,U0tt,UUi) 1 nterrst-bcarin : tieas'v noli'..) THi" WAR IN TENNESSEE. 1 A Su-irii ri:-,t;i r. ;:r r.Ii'rti'csboroujh - Tho i-.-.o,!:. su'ut.d v;iUi b-j Cincinnati, March .'. -p'-ci-d dispatch (('. the (.',-. ,. '', .:. !,'.' llili'lVot-boi'.I.Igh, .it an ..-.:. i 'U ol i i c iv, iiv , i i :ii i '. i '.f ii i ' i :i'' i I ' ii U at. ino 1-1 I ll .11, l: converti'oh.. ..t J t( n-Mr. der notes at will of I h.ie, ;00,0'.iO,OpO Senate's- nmendinerit to con ference bill, CO,! Moduli Lends umbel i.:"d by confer enco cotmiiittee, (20 a:i I 10 years) biiii.iiil.l.iiini ,ii t 1. . i ; Ot i'.i ; . . ,n nl -O'Jl t'e i l.ie I ' II I III 11 d of a H'lio, li ft Mur ' I. in:', ami eil-lyn.l.-. A ft oi i 1 1 tv or 'l.'if' , f.-so,' ei-i,t Total To this may I der the banic bill, making a grand total ol ;'2,12j,00ii,iiiii). Sl.s2"i,l'iM,,iiii iid'h'd i ln,i,(iiin,,ii,l im- he ,o..'' CULii) il l ' ,1 bevel e e.n .'. eui ; !i t i en fioiu tin1 I : vn, t.i: , killed and Itve.v rum-led. Nme ..ili..rs an 1 e:i.'.. pio i.ij t,-,-, j i t: , . 'ire I, w p.li three ni'.ii hel i;.. ...fll-i ;,.'id ii Mii,r.; ic.e.ils, and a i,.: ; . i'o..'i.fi of o.'licial order.-, jap,.- and rrv.'.'o l."igg:i-.. The e:io:uy c-ngag.'iit Was a portion ol .lohn M )i' an's di -,:- :oi. I ) ir 1 i n killed and 'toiiiide-1 was ii'm'.; Iiuil ih.it of the cneinv. ANGLO-KKHEL I' latv is also omitted. pSoine young ladies fo-.ling theiin relvos Bggiieved by tho severity with which so: ie of their friends ariiinadvert ed on th irjgay -Iumes, crinolines, scarlet iinltieonts and flounce", went to Iheir past Inonovcar from now, wherever the tor to learn ins opinion. Federal army gains a foothold, the negro 'Do yon think,' snid they, 'that there population will bo reduced ODO-half. can bo any impropriety in our wca.ir g This is not alone my opinion, but of j things.' scores of oflioers I have lately convened "By no means,' wns tho prompt reply, with, irrespective of party. And as they 'when the heart is full of ridiculous no die oft, po will the land be impoverished. ' tions, it is porfeetly proper to haug out a As a general thing, they will not work for sign,' wages. ne d iy hist week w-s came upon i a plantation which numbered sixty four! C-jTA newspaper advertises for coninos negron. The were slaves once, Hat on j itors "wh don't get drunk!" and adds, the first of Janua-y were told they wcrel"The editor does all tho getting drunk froo, and must mpport themselves. Of , necessary to suiq.ott the dignity of tho this number only five would work the establishment J" ' Suniocs Atcinr.xT. A serious aeoidynt occurred to the Express train Westward, yesterday morr.ing. at th-: end of the mountain between Mexico and I'crryville station, in Juniata county. A portion of the end of the mountain slid down upon the track, 'dter the watchman had pa--od and bef iio tiie ti.iin camo along. The consiquonco wns, that the engine, c:; piess cur, '.aggago car and ono p:vsen';er car were tLiown ovef tho rnibankmoiit anil into the river, leaving them perfect wrecks. Slr.mge as it appears, the ex press messenger and baggage master .. caj ed uninjured. One passenger by the name of John SI.earor. from Green-bur;;. ' 1'ii., was killed, and some ten others in ne or lots injutcd, none d ingornudy we bo licve. The Engineer, Jacob Elder. -vs badly i-colded about the legs, but th" lin.. man escaped uninjtare-1. i C Jy Did yon ever kiiinr a young wi 1,, v who woti'dn't ge' Tiiuriioii the sci;i.! j time - il ! could ? ' I1' you ever know a w ido verto .-t ;;. ' gi' 1 , alone liH "a year of d-c. n y" w.v over? ' 'id you ever know a man to !,. u!:e-tila-Iy hai l on one vice without ii iving a ' ic-t tIco of his own ? I nl you ever kno.va tobacco cuowing (T.ris'ian to f"cl any compunction I r b I cci alinj the lion 'o of liod with tin vile I juic; ol the w eed ? Did you ever knoiv a man to gwtv in j;r ic.! by feeding i.n sl ind-'r? Did you oyer know a topi-r who wan't c nee a modf rale dt inktr '.' Did jon ever know a griimb'.cr to os sess energy enough to eon ect or mm nd whatever lie grumbled nl? Did you ever know it toady who wasn't a hypocrite ? DMo .Tacob2.il Les'rcv"! iuj, -jjdss v i.i0 J.003 IVAIEEIl. ' v :-'io Flor. 1 I Mi, , ll'-. .'I ll e, :. Thomas, at th. j'ort 'Tiie steamer Dolt I'.ei'niii'l.ioii the 21: to-day. She ropoit; tl- .t on the h"h of I'ebru nry, in latitude 2 I, 1 -i i t i l-.i i"i. the ate Florida captured and burnt I he-shin Jacob i l.'hotv O :!uli.-r i. '. Tell I'.ld i. Tlir- p. .--"ii nod to a 1 1. ui- bell, wluc.i u.i.lcl li,i;i , ii' h for New' Vol !.. ' . 1,1.1 ' iln.-ls ol' te l oi b .. g is and ci'etv t. c: e 1 1 in l-h V" .l tv tho i 'i :i ol F M.s. Wi'.i..... lie! arri .-i-d at St. T, ni is on in., y . I i.O '.'i - - :: g' Is aro Mr. John- n, and two Mr. r,.l'.-. I'io'V hiivo an i jo I l.ero in tin l.Vl;a. 'The oarL" of iho ,1 ,(.-.!, I'.e'.l was chieil, f a' Engliil. nc unit, and valued .it -''111' I.P. I She w as i:i.-iiiv i in Km;:) .".d ; i; 1 X. York . The ves-i'l jii.d ft. it was valued at n, iniUioii an I a half d .ll .1 :. ( i;ir 'i'-V' i nmeiit is a lu-avy l.n r, as liie d'jtit would have an,, noted lo : I7"i (l1." Tho ;,.',;( , ii CI l t'Spl li I c r, u in.- r follow im; o fair L- I a. in 7rri-;i ll, I, ni.i . i . '., ',,,., i. .. ;i rc'i 1 i ii- Win.;, n' r,!' t h-? V.'hei'lin 1 utedi Into of lhe,th ni;., give .1' i'-'i I.n -, of a di gr.irelii I our tr '.e.s tlo ( a ioi iii 1' ni. , i t'. o v.. l.V ;, t nnr i. I. oil pi fl'. i roa 1, i.n Dif tru te, III... af iti 1 . 1 1 I !i.e 2 'itii , i v ;. ie i i oi'i is on t'ee M i ..-lull g 1' iv sh w ill. the in i y on i:( I ', 1. A ' l': I.I t ! e, th' kt- ie'i t o were . "ik.d v ictircd e qeu.ii, g I I iv. !.! men. Co.nusi ATioN i.n New Ori r.iss. It is ttated that Gen, I'-utlcr has charged l.iin fcelf.in account with the War Department, with ono million and eighty-eight thous and dollars, ns having been received by him frofti wililaiy nsse-suients anl con fiswitioiis. ffil Tivn hundred and fifty deserters n; e now awaiting trial in tho Aiiny of the b tl,--ht of tw- ntv mile-. Our men mad I'oloiunc. Ills uudcrslcol that most of no Ktand, though outnumbering the tn. them will 1o seiitiinced to doath. J tny. I o d OU! il'l'.ll. I ve hi. n l; d men "I the I .th ivn n -viva:. i.i i : 1st .-'w Yoik Cai' iiiy w-re sen', in pur-oil, and 1 1 1 i j o u i c 1, l-etond . tun bin ', in..-t "I !' is. iieis i.fol burs -es. Thev ,'il-" tool; n number ol pij-.,n-crs. l'-ut the con.inaiiih r of our d.-taeh-liieiit transi!! dod his orders and pursued the en, i. iv beyond Womb-lock, where, nf li r ill i, ic:' in tho r-hel 'icketi, they .to. el , -1 . i - v i ' ' T in tho ro.nl, without go. irdic, ej.uiol a surprise. 'I'lm ouemv s io;i r. turned in f iree, charged upon mi 1 threw our men into ermfuiion, killing. wounding and enpt urine two hundred ir.