hi mn jWWi'i'Hi"wii"iHT- mi I I l T " "v' fMi inpii'iiii i ,, wiiiiip it imptm im '"ipi1 1" (. -wwti.mi wp-w-i'T'"!' "wwnrV yw,"-ir ..' miiiimiH" Piiinrnwi,trli.iiifPiiiiiiiii(ipM'lU pimwiinwiiT'""l'"-WM""-l"l,t,w" "p"" - 1 111 "' 'm- l" ' "" " ' f If if f'. '"" E Suir, Ul r tiima it tl I to If z3 J A A- 1 I N 5 i D. W. MOORE, ) ... 0. B. GOODLANEF.R, ( Eors VOL. XXXIII. WHOM'. NO l?Ui PRINCIPLES, not MLN. HOW I TURNED TIGER DT I'tni'T B. ST. J'ip.S. CLKAKKIKLI), WT:i)NKs)AY, FI115. 05, mC3 TERMS-fll 25 per Anraiin, if paid tn idvntic ni:wskhii:,s voLiu. no ( Tho speaker fell l, beside II. Toil. 0.1 , I 0 pistol thoU lollowod, 1111. 1 in lllllo, IlIKJIll'T 1 IM'l.ar I , . ..i-i . ,. ;i gull. III ' IV, I, ill r I , n . r... .. I . I . .' ! I ! . -. ' ""I I"1 1 "j mi miii. wns Hi TI10 fellow (Utnmr.liimry i Mrptiv.' ..f Am rrUan life l nlin.v t in tln I'.vnls of tin. )'(T ..... in. 1-uij inn.rii'iin; i : (Mrtvi'l, Ull.l irili' sn lower in every .It mil." while li It, idiots (old, thi-ils were in year IM.J, I resided tn W Into ., nern.i stormed with lage, and amidst, Arkansas, situated about IrtclilV luil.iH ' '''"I'llOllKiUi oiUli.i. bade 'his men hi,,. if. lending iiiinscJI r i; f 1 1 -t id,. fh,nas. They lli'V.' lo COViT llllii Hi-.'. In 'in.,' 1 1, .:- till ..' , r, ... . . . . . . . lit Kiim ii l.i M ().)',( mi, 1. iniK'-i. Toil.- o.l hh Imr worthy father. She ln'iinl my AMERICAN AFFAIRS TTJ 1'TrrnPP a Phnrt nurnilivo with intenco hcrror.amj l.ocmo I wivo m UlvUfi. Tho civil war in tlm Unitt.l fHntw is ogiiin hocouiingiiii imj.oitant tupicof dia- so rnuiiMl in to cxprpMH n iiopo tlint tho Ilyi'ims would porno find m:civo h h'H.-on. 'i tin f'Vi'llili.r vv.im uitnlil in ,,p r.,li,i. I.-. the urdillnyand for ilolVneo. The houso i tl,HS1"n 111 '"'"rupt CNj..(;i,4!y in Krnnro w iw liupi und well t'ujml-lo of dufeiico.- - 1'iifiliuid. Rorofiiition of thu Souths Scouts ion, wcro i.tMod rn wood j.ilos, fern Confederacy U lol.lly mrod upon ue:ir l!io river Liink, to civo iioticu of tho ' i. i ... . ..P., oad, ofthocnemv. wl, ,l.l ,bl ' Kvrrnmciai. "opvc two i ...vo iionivniirry h n.iiil, n c-ultiv:iti;. , i-'" noo'.u:i:ir io..r opni. 1 wo ndviuiccd I.lerlu's ruft on Kivu.iv l...l I1"!" IS on suK'ctl. Tho first is un ex ':;;!or,,,r;:: ::l;...vv;:, - nn.M o( -cent nu o! r K.,ert . im I i . r . 1 1 . . t . i u,.v ii . V . , 1 "in i'. vi, .. I ..l i ?. I '". l,l; I'nc ol nil onr inimedi-Uc t " ' "M ' hi "IPi v. n in,,, i in; om ijoi ol und liked hy i II tin, im-i; : li I . lioo 1. ! I'Cr und Ins wile were, prisoners was nuniii lour hum twenty, niei I want fd to make me tiipi.'iiifiy huppy win to become posses-ted ol ' t'lat idol ol'ii JOUHi,' rnan'd lieait, u "ood mid pretty wi:i. I had no ilillieully in llnUin..' i'.mon;Mhe im noph'.iiiciited ilaii'seli ol White' county ntnplc choice; hut pv eye were, periup moie elevitte.l in their aim than tny means, for I Bclected ns the future purl ne'e of my Jienie the only daughter und heiress of exceneni .luoiro I. . Forl.niat. e v.m una cpctkmi ot uie world, forluno i not an ftlMlutO necewty. I was considered in dustri'jus, honest, and likely to make my vv and the J ud-n readily received my ujiiieises, and even aeefpled ineiwu son-in-law, on tho contingency of my winning tho aflecliotisi of Lucy. i.ucy wat a very peculiar girl. Fair IiaiioJ r ii'.l Lluo eyed, (piiel and una-sum-ii';, lec rii) ij the ehui-.teier .l'one who mid eiv little. TLore W'.'" a ra: e l'jnd of en ergy in her diposiiioii. To lo.,k une would lifive .'u eivoe'l her ii.e: (ipposinp the tl'diUal evidence ol a-ill in otlici'i. J soon s.cv, lnV.v'Wr, that il would take lime to win lier iillectioli',but meo won, Ihey would ln uneiiat.c ahie. I discovered ul'ier a while that I had a ri. val, one Herod, w ho lived on lie oi,poit,j Iwukoflho Mississippi, in 'a-liin;;ton county, Missouri. This tmiri waxuhout i ) e!iop II, .i-n.l j:rinni d ;i hr.ri i.l hiinie. unj had the three ue.el llyenu.s ami the In e wounded carried into the inn, m (, rool j vv hif-l, 1 tl0w Mood. The landlord und I nuhtnittcd lo I e searched, hut as no counleri'eil money was kuunl on either him or me, we were not iuoluded nru'in.; Hie prisoners. Jler- u.i oaue inn, n; n n,.eo toiei Slav lo llut Irial, in order tint 1 mhrht report to the iie..., now, properly to revtilato Hie country. J.ols were drawn, and LyncL's jury of innieen were scon chosen, Herod hem.' the Jii.l;.v. and the trial at once commenc ed. 'Old I'.roini, of Sixtywix l-lam! ' ns no war, termed, was thu lirst j)riso:;er sum rnoned, his R ile beinj; put up at Ihu har beside him The bturdy old woodcut'er boldly told Ihem that, they were a set of brigands and Ihivves woitn than Merle.the Watno pimte, and (hat no had every rijjht t defend Lis h-u-'o sii-iim.-.l Iht inva-ion. lit her .'be wile ic'u -ed to m:. .wr a wold. The f jury brought in a verdietel ''iiiliv.and li.- rod ordered them to be handed. A tree stood near the ,im duor, und over the lou-hs oUln's several ropes had been Ihio.vn. The lilil irtnnate cenpie made tin resistance, and ten in;nnl-.-- u!tT tlioy had ceased to exist. Then took place oiie ol the mo.-t I'eai fill ,-ee:ii .l ever wii r., s-ed or heard of. The. errvmliek under Her od s, orders, took a . i' : .. i . l .. j i " J vl" ' "' l 1 " i.nou an. I e. i re. I, v.. ., t n .-k a !;a i 1'.'' i a hoard 111 Ho hud originally been a wood chopper, ill".' centre, and on ton lasieue I Ihesevc. but, by some unaecouetal le menra, he 1 od .ids of the luisb:;nd And wile their na.i (jnjwii weaitny, ana dealt, largely m negroes. The. Judge never said a word against him before his daughter or before me. I knew, however, he did not like him. At length, in theppringpf 11;?, he proposed formally, and ts Judo referred tor answer to hia daughter, who took a day lo consider, hi the aHernoon of tho Fame day, I rode up to dino n idi I ho. lies hen, g (-trapped to the extreniit of the lo.:'. J he whole was the u set afloat must Iriend'i, I und Miev were married. It was a serious niarri.,ge,' bce.au.- e we all know what tumble events tin, day iniuht l.ri nu? forth. A blind of inhuman ruihans, tho scum of the Mississippi, wcro coming on an errand of murder and robbery to out peaceable homos, and a happy and do li,"htl'ul event perhaps, to bo stained by dreadful seeneai. bucy and J sat in tho Judge's parlor, near an open window, about one o'clock, watching tho Tigers collecting. They were farmer." and wood choppers, laoorers ami niinicr;, an iturdy men, tic voutly attached lo .J.jif-e I,. 'Lucy,' said I, taking her hand in mine, anu guin at tier soli Line eves. '1 turn Tied- for ore da v.' . , , , . . . ... .nunc-, Hie upi'.ed ijinckly, 'you Musi. out do careiui ami wise. Mv l,!u now hangs un your.-. ei... i .i i . i to IU..K M.o giive mo, as siio spoke, proved lhat, (juiet us she was, i.he could leel uei ply.und I loll my ui:'eclioh iedot-b. lotl. 'James ' sudden'v cried the father ns tho Tigers stood in good order under the window, 'tell tho T gcrs why 1 called the m out.' 1 rose, mid leaning again-1 the bar of me open window, aduressed the assem bly. 1 was reckoned a good hand at a speech, and my feelings weio deeply reus, ed. A dozen groans cMinrroi- ie.terrupled me, and wl J ended bv oli', ling to vel- untver wiih the Tig.-iv, a H":eut ol' up plaiise greyed me. L then made in c.-m-.o d.iv. n ,,n,i ucl .veretaiy el Ireland, and the other bom a leading Tarhian journal: l'ruai llio JIiiiK'lie t..-r (imnlian, Jan. 30. In the course of a lecture deiiven d on TuesJay evening by Sir Kohert lVel, i'art., M. 1'., iu connection with u lateiu'y so. ciety i-t Fazdcy, the Right Hon. Tarunet made allusion to tho product ot Atneii cu. He said that he could not leave Hie suljeet of Ameiica wilhout lel'crir.gto the btrugglo whieh was going on there, because tho mind of every Kngli.-hmaii was turned to that frr tricidal, stupendous and most unfortunate war, and Ihey would gladly, u-kkwt iitl,-rf:rinj jvnvimHn, see tLo t rmiiia'ion of that strueelo. He was one Lniperor Napoleon and the French Cabi net to that step. A toijuestious of right, or principles, urnl of the future, thev arc little thouehtof; the interests of lhe r -Bout moineiit only mo tittenc'cd to. The French government comprehends tho sit ualiou iu a (bllerent loanncr, and we unn gratulato it on so do ng. ! t deplores the disasters of tlu Aineiican war, o.xpresRC:' w ishes lor the n vestal, lishinenl ot peace, imd gives counsel to tho Washington (.'ubinct which will, we hope, be lavoiably received. The French government thinks that a recoil i se to the fiiemllv ollice.se! onr cr more neulinl l'owers has nothiiiL' incompatdile with llm legitimate pride ol a great n iiion. It does" not dispute the right of the federal government to ieel'iic the co-operalioii of (ho great maralimc Powers of Kuropo. It only asks whether, in setting aside anv forci-n inlei veiition. THE TRIVATLIR ALABAMA the Washington (.;, linet may not 'lmiioi- ,1.1., . , : i .. . c ,. .....r .ivi jri, un: ui. -a oi uireia con lerences wiili the authorities who repietent Hie Southern Slate -.' " GIRLS ON KUf" Ion't imagino for an instant, gii h, (ha! t lie if only ciiine being their incapacity to distinguish bad from good pa; er moiiy. i wa? gritelul when Herod IjL me go with a nie.sago for Judge , lo the ef- feci that, if next dav, he ,!i,l not turn out with the Tigers and regulate White conn the ly, the Hyenas would come over and d,, il for him. 'Vou jist may tell the old badger,' he said, "that we'll pay him a i.-it "to-morrow, and I will thar my score agiin-t him, his daughter, and tlm liritisher who wants to marry her. lie had better rai.-e a good Btake to Imv me oil." Though con-idi'i- 'l ly slailied, 1 intioia' tod my readiness to entry his me;'s,i;.'e.iii.d live niinult"! later 1 tas on mv mad and moving mih.s oif. J who told me what had happened and gave nie a sliong hint to do likewise. I d d so. After dinner, when the blacks had retired the old man addressed his child, spoke of the two oilers sho bad received, tr r: I in formed her of Herod's real chancier. 'And now, girl, cpeuk up,' said Judge, 'winch wnl ye have If James is pie i-ed with soslupid a girl, there is my hand.' Herod had been ,i member of (he celebra ted piralo band, headed by Meile, and, when this was broker: up, .started in busi ness on his own accou.it. He would go to a negro, jueten to he a hot abolitionist, and ask the poor devil to run away to I ho .Norlh. J!ut iho money was wautiio' for Hie journey ; so at a short distance from .mounted on a good hor.-e, (he first start, Herod would sell the negro, i along towards a ferry tome wim ins own consent, au-i plan to meet nad n-I c ,! very lar aw iy n hen 1 heard him outside the plantution, and l:.. el ml ' the giiieeing of horses bi-hind me. and I with the pi ice received. I'aik i i.mois ' inline ly saw 'I lerod and kali asd.v.e'n I !y were iilloat as to wht beo.imo of the tie- loi.as in ;iiuso o! me. I.,.u'.,tless o.uo one groes iilienvards. j ,,.j 0, ,;, , Wi.s j t0 my A kind and nflectionnle smile nccouipu- - horse, which wa-' frr-.-h and stion.', I nio nied these words, ami I was a happy ram. ved at Milling pa.e, but yd I heard 'ho A note was at once sent over to Herod, va . 'anion. Is behind mo, Uio i di I could ;iolitc!ydecliiiingthohonortd'hisaliiance. t.ll they were not -lihiii ..'r'otiti d My No answer was cvor received. Isole elian.-e of . safety was tho'lerry b'or.t There were in thofo days, us in nil new If that was on (he other side I was lost -locutions, bunds of men styling ihemselve ' Vet, I resolved to sell my life de ir' Kegulators, who ruled the land by Lynch I Awav 1 tlcw. keeping mv go xl r'teed up law, composed sometimes of just men.and to tho mink, an I soon n.uii-. si ditof the sometimes ol rulliuns. The Ib gul.itors of ferry. The boat was about t-j shirt will, Washington county went by tho name of sevtrul pnsseiig, is and one h.nse' 1 now Hyenas, and those of White countv l.v : knew lhat if old .W.i.-v cu, rr,...i : t I. .i . i "l: . . in . i si, "J '"" enase i,.,ii, oi i ij:e.3. ii en ever liit, inilig went , lie. would be al raid to lake m- 1 nei.l.. .. reforo, down to the ferry man write out no iii c.'.s.'ii e iv.i-r .n'a r. ii... in the stream, to be picked up next day all arrest of II, rod and his gun-, 'which he .Montgomery s point, and make the whole world rnrg with horrcr agaii:s Americal ly had we done so.whenji horsemuu da-h-generally, because of the inhuman act efa-ed up, with Iho news that ,.,.0,j iin,j ilis band ol monsters j men wero dose nt j,,, fts jf J need only add that twenty -seven men ing toell'eet a surprise, ivcio i.itind guilty ihiu day and hanged,! 1 lie Tigers fell in, Judg., , heal- wrong, when gamblers became noisy and desverato dash ihe .....,,.,,-in, mien eoiiiir.-, goi uiio a coin- IokI, cnieied the boat, drew mv horn af- iouiiuv, w in n any sei oi men uecame dis- ler me, and then bade iho agrccnble, or when persons expressed sen strike out. linumts disf.greeuble to tho settlement! 'uick ! for vour life, man! I am these bauds would turn out und regulate .friend ol ,)u due I. ir..,.,,.l n'.i i blood on their say, rlranger, I I couldn't take iho country. Tho Hyenas note bended i gang are after nie, by llcioil ; the Ticcu l 1.; nnd hands '.' tho lirst boro as infamous a character as ' The Rcgul.,le,-b I I Iho latter bore a good. In there vas can't conveno to (ids vat quantity ol counterfeit money nflo it. .you f r u cord of money I' snaiu uaiik uoie, and others, since called j J usli baek et (he peril of your FT- !' 1 -diinplasteis. Much inconveni, nco w:m . replied, drawing my pi-tol, and aided by expel ienee l on the banks of Hie Missis, the three otbei men, 1 forced th'e unwil- 110111 inoijuaiiiity passed in the wood ling; ferryman la s hove oil. Two ol these past:eri;;cm were Fngh.shiuen, and catered heartily into my interests. S.ftr(H,v -(.ro we twenty yards old', when Herod and his gang rushed up, reining in, however. n I. BrkllM . I 'Ut A 1',,,,, ll n - . 0 ....... v. . . v. .... w. , I.vill ,IU D U U, UL 1 llO kl.efttnr.ra n,, rt ........ I .1 ...,? ., . ,. ' . ", , t"'"c "l' ,iowu iooiv in iiu sight, oi our leveled rifles. their wood here, aud paid in notes. The Jerry was terribly alarmed and did all wood yard men were ignorant and wera he could to gel out of .each, and v, h" .asily nnposcl up,,,,. Tll0 steamboat 1 (ho baulked II, ,,,, ;-...! It I ' ,L . atlvantni'o of thi. I,-, 1..' i .!... ,i i ..... i :l ,. . , . " K" men luni Iliv UOl I IOIU SLO V. IV11II!'I IO ull present, soemed almo-t incredible though Herod's namn had asu.'licieut rt p. utntion torendet anv atreeiiy within (he bounds of beliol. When n r,..,,.!,...! yar,n, All alon:.' the shores o the .Teal. river, both in White county and Washing, tan county, there wcremen improving the cypress swamps. Thev cut down tho .... 1 .11 .1 . . . . i..ivB, ...e. u i ii cnnii i uion iho shore mg aoout a hundred of lh m, they took up a position iu front of the house, while I, with as many more, bid ourselves iu thocypre-i giove. no; her pai t, ei,ual ly as strong, were conceided in a lanta tion. About ten minuter later, tho Hyena cam,! in sight, with Herod a', their "lo ad. I'hey laini-d up within (vveoiy y.il'J ol Judgo I. anil t!ie li'io of Tiger. ' Wi ll.Jiiuge,' cried I !nod, '1 see you've eb")e orders. Yell arc going to legiikde 1'ie C'lunty.' M cm goiiis; lo rejiuhite a niui'dcnuis Hi'el, tailed Herod,' thundered the Judge. At the s.u.io instant v.e spi.ui.: firwar 1, and tho aslounde 1 I'.yo.ia-. .-.i,v lhat they weie surrounded t.y six ti.nes their own nurnU'i'. Not u m,. i ventured looder i,!-.u-timce, .avo Ilei o. : I,;;: t.j, p,-op,,. kill upon him and tl,o g:,i:g of iuhi.it o ,v,.i c our ii isonei s. oiiigj Li tuade l.iepiekeut the tbiru-i-u i : : i . . T e ; oi Lvnch's jury, who ware heavily iron,,!. and marched -under a strong ,-scorl to Iho '...... , :.,.. 'im. . e o.oii) jmisoii. i oe ii-si, weie at once well th'gge-l with hiekery svvitchei, mid turned lurifl, without hor.-tv or arms o,' any kind ; and th; n all exciicineiit and (ei;r being ove r, we thought only of the uioro happy events ofthwday. 'i'he jirius cipai i igt is remaiiiod. and a merry tune we had of it. I can only add, that this marring, was the commencement of a lor.g series of hi , pjiy davs, unshaded i s yet by one cloud. I had found a good, noble, excellent gil 1 for a wife, and I strove to be happy, so I was. Herod and his associie.s wcro condemn- ol tho.-o who bored, usun individual to n ' " , ' ;" 1 ' 1 see .he States i,',, i- , Xll , . , " '111"'' ,0 ihe least bit eahuiluted inJ.Tc.J.,t, lMU vtur -(eheers)-fo C '';i'''o.you wit , tiry ph a- .,,g .'motion.-, wascenvii.ced thai such a eon so, voj ,1 ! V"r U' ! t-lyet. how n will be. I vv e en w 'How jL-kate.' : John He: ry w i 't'eVl lil.iy, lay I The m .t lino II,: will say- ' I ci. morrow cvcnii! to John lloi,rv u!d like to know t"iid lo i'ui ther the cuiaticij. alien ol tlio slaves, ((.'heel's.) Foi t his skepl... . .eon : If they saw tho cmilinenl ta.in united they would see aeain eoi.l'crmr.l il.. ti..i.. r,f i !.;... ...i. . i. ' i , , ., , '. 't i-!'l ni.iy, lav i.ee. n ... ,,i,.,i, vAismi ucjiurcj uiu 1,1'c.ak Tl,r,., i i'., 1 iiisoutof I bo wr Tl,.. . .1 .!.- Hie ma lino i .u.i'.u o.l,ous and U,;.V -,,-.,. ,;. ' ' i J'. 11 1 i'"' Cmover ,- W dent Lincoln, in which ho said, ''You mo rf.?n-lv tn,,,- ..1...M 1... ... . j oi;oil on e-IIl,'lhClh;,.IC'i, ,,o i; but vou XI ill hk . ,.,; ; , .. i . i . . 1 1 ' 1 I , ' '" -...'.,. i.iiia-i Mi.ia keen your slaves." Cheers. , II,, nd.i that if they follcvved the cour.,c of the I atllci which had laken place, thev mieht aliiKtt Irncy ihnt 4! ly'iiAi Jy.oy f r the S th. At ali. events, the courage, vi 'or and paf.ioti.-.ni wilh which the South had u -ht vvcic: certainly a dlong picif of the e.i,ienee of a ieeluie on toe pail of the South that they were!, M..-noj; in ii (,'ium ami true c.'iu.-e. He could wish very much that thorn was a patriot in the Noil hern Ku!eof Ameiica who would address President Lincoln, and press upon h,m Ihe folly of persevering in tho war which bo had commenced, lie hail been readmit j,,. c ( . o. ij t,, ing to Ihe meeting a speech of Lord Chat ham, which ho made in the House, of Lords, and which might now. in I si;:! 1,0 most :, t'y placed in the mouth of some .Northern luitnot. In 177b Ainei iei h, . elarwd its independence of (lic it I'.rilain. and in 1777 un address of .onei aiulation w u brought un in the llouso of l ords in, tended to be presented to his Majc.sly up on the progress of tho war, and to show how icedy the people of Knghtnd were lo back up; und on I ho o, ',"'. ion Lord Cha'.c h tm, although infirm,' went down to the I'ru.-.o Mm sail: "Let i:s open our r es to (he di-aster which threatens us. That people whom we lileiy spumed as. rebels is now our avowed enemy. We havo not I to wiige, war against bandits' and a".iiii-l. bng'-inds, but tig.iih.-l undaunted and vir- i.iiciij .airiois. um ,;anui;l ii.i. l,-;.e,.t )0U Y'oU Cllll lb, 1 1 vSiuit.'ce t io-y rebels for V .Si,v 'yi-wf t!:lr UHiju,thnnl ', r! trade languishes, vour tax. . ineie, Parl'cuhtrs of tin: .' 1 , wilh tir ,(,: r '.;--( HunJi- .l uJS;.,t;fjh. f then-mo (; Mi,' lLiltr-ras Said l-'url-ihrcc Ih'uwn cl. It was stateti yesterday that theConled-, cate privateer Alabama had at rived at Fort Loyal, Jamaica, and landed tho ofli cers and crew (l(i5 in iniuiber) of the U. S. gunbent Ilaltera:-, recently r.uiik by her oil (iidveston, Trxas, during, an engage ment. The crew of the Jlatteras are to be sd;t home on board the American vice Consul for that jinrpe.se. 'i'he Kings ton (Jamaica) papers, have the details of the oiig.'K'eiueiit between the Alabama und Hattcras. They give a (..'oiii'eilerat..'. version of the allair, as will be ecli by iho follow ing : 'lllli tNUAOL.VIKNT hl.ni U S '111 U ALAUAV.V AM) lI.VTl'Lll.VS. (I'roiujtlic kiiigsien Jouruul, Jan. 22.) l'Jii.H famous rover is now at Fori Loyal,' having ariived thorn iu gallant btyle, wo are iulorm, ,1, at eight o'clock on Tuesda y night. No lilile surprise was felt by (ho good folks of the tow u w hen vdiat Ihey legarde.l a French ide.unei' turned out to be the famous ".e. ZHI." '1 he objeci. of nor vi.-it ivas roon made known, ltaps pe;.;.s li::-t she was hard pressed by the l'eel st ntoul for her cupture, anil when oil Uulu'stoti ('ommociLie Seuoiiei con .l ived the idea of making one of the in tended deselator.s desolate, The gunboat 1 lultuas was in lull chase, and the Ma- l. im.i then turned head and pirtended to be running away, un, 1 Ihuo tlehided ber piii.sut r in following up tiie corse. At la-1 she turned lound and prepared I'm biit;l -. (lending into th-j Haiieras a binad side, which sunk her in thirteen minutes, .-he look oil the oll'icei s and crow and came, into Fort Uo) al tor the purpose of landing the in. 'i hey were handed over to the American Con mil, and Seuimes then pro ceeded to Spanish Town to obtain tho Lie iiienaut Oov, rnor'o peruii.ision to relit his ship before leaving. Another statement is that she cariied French color.srand or.ly made known who sho really was w hen she came up with the llatteras and was prepared to give her a broad. -ido, Ihe Alabama bus certainly been severely riddled. Forly-llnee of t he ClCW or llllj ilatto-aia ncra .Uovrnod, The Alabama is a rakish looking vessel. She was built at the F.irkeiihead Works al Iverpoid.by a oubscriplion ol 2'JO iucm ch'inls of that place and oilier ports hold ing business 1 i-lal ions vviih Ihe Soolberii lumige into ,lohn Jlenry'siSialet, and wtw picsenled us a gift to ITess I. .-ill..!. ... 1, .,. . . . V how lo Fir: "our-e. he wii! Ik 1 1 be in:; at .If- 1 o-morrow ev enmg jouwiil g, t your slfatc bout hi.ll-;a- '. six, wiih timg ib'teriiiiuation t show John Ik.ny v, hi.!, a g-a.vful litlb' f.diy you are 'on i.;.' He le ads you from 'term firm i' lo 'terra ieeu,' which jou at once t liscover to be a thil'erent kind of 't, rra' ulloLether. You bow to John Henry, and liii your right loot, w hieli causes you to bow seventeen Jiilerent ways nt once. John Henry tells you to do as he docs. You try to do so, and immediately -some one falls. You look around to nco who it is, unci the thought ktrikes yo; 'perhaps it i3 myself 1' You are picked up, and fall down eleven times without sion Your skates are Jon-e. Of cour.se they are, or you could s'.i ike out. John Henry loosens an lightens your straps in the usu al way. Vou strike our with hands and met, with energy anu enthusiasm. The former you countenance, and with (he (vile r vou suc- eerd in laving him out aioneside of your self You rise, und he rues pari ially tiji, und you throw yourself into Lis breadbas ket in an inhuman way. You hoarsely whisper: 'John Henry I ? hall faint if you dish me now ii ugiiin.- blent I )av is, who appointed t'ommo loro homilies to be commander, lhat officer and his lieutenants Jolt Liverpool iu tho Alabiima, equipped as a iloreship, and were in a leu days alter joined ut an ap poir.led lende.vous in li e placid waters of the Azoic.-,, to h.ewatd of Te.-ecira, 1 y e iin-iehmil i-e.r,.l l.,',., ....... T..t II. i. -i. . . " .. . .n.i 'ran in iHipu jou ut,, and you Mine:: him equipment in men, guns and ammunition do.vn ive time:, wilhout stopping. At last , The Alubama is a screw iU amer, built oi ,; )' u lee i.im u i u ne per-uades you to wood and .Tipi-ei..!, is two hundred and Release him whilo he wipes I he siv eat IV, m ten hot iu length, mi. row, pali.lcd black I us lieblo brow. ,m nobly it ml the oul.-ide ami brown in-l,!.. I. ,, ,.,,,,: oi'i : ami, afti r sune :i II f , I . , t r, 1 , .... 1 I .1 I 1 ( J,eni ' 1 i..',,a iu r" 1 ", iiiio mm seoj'i. m, il. a Oi, i, j """" I i ,'..1:11, ou i it. ii . ' VV .settle sltntii'e.lieuhrlv itilo.l'ihu 1 V''tsle.-ve. A lo .k of,!.-,.,,, tionsav.,;.,. 1 onr I'laiulv a a look an. Mbn n,.i,vv I, your ,i , ,,. i, .i , i , : '.,.-' levcnu.'s dimmish ; gold at this tnotr.ent 1 ' ' , u,0,,"u 1,1 u-'-is at forty -tvVo pteminni. And why? Fes W!1.y e.mse vou wish to continue (!.: ,".( '"'"'t bis watch . " . . . . ' . ' Is It . ., ' . . I. 1 l..t. .. 1 .. ... ... ......... , I.,..,,,, , i ,.eu , ami your lush, dtetive ami s.ll-JcMroyinj w-,r. Their suhjeclion is not to be acquired by force of aim--; their affection may be ac'piired by conciliation and ju: tic;-." ('heeis.) Those very wor,F, eoeiinaed Sir b'.J.ert, and they were spoken iu 1777 by Lord Chatham, wcro applicable to the w ar in America at Ihe present moment. He be lieved, as lie luui saiu, leal em uici nation i . ,. . ......... ... 1: l. I.. , .. I ll . , I ' W . " moie uieiv iu loiio,,' s -par Uiou t. an union, and he should, as a lueinhei ofFui i,.,.,,i i i .. i i . . .. i i . i nuii-ii i., iiu j;i.iu lo lie note io I'lOK. on,:a i lo ISfiJ, mid say that ha belonged o a gov-1 e-rr.inelit f,nntcd vn a mii v-ho tr-i tin with a lirnliio fo; ward: is ii'.na.d wilh tl.u e ice; SU pound, r caivoiia.ies r.t, e ach i i'e , and one 0 j'-i,'ider pivot gun, and i - picj aicd to moiiii' a 1 i.w-cl-n.-. r and stun ciia.-er. Sho ia bar!: tu.i.-ted, wilii a great part of her rigging of wire rope-; ho, .--aik are in every lospecV adapted lor j, ve Ssel oft ho ut.'iio. t spied ; tinder ealiva-s she runs thirleeii knots an hour, and Ji I' ll en knots, under .steam ; l.er steam is got :r.t mi in (iw.lv i,,Im,,i, ... l o l, . I vou. .on go nomo, ami nnotvery juous, i . sorts loihe um of U unless in clce.c, on yon iniiiK a lew very mil. I had words about exceptional euu r-c ncie. n,oi ner sum you lit Li 1 lo ;:t home id nine. i ,,.o 1'i.iii.is nave i e. ll an-Weivd : ,'1,'H it is he lhat :'i',ts lo go mil' mid iron on f i . , ... r-ll.ilL(l. 11 M ll'll 1,1 ft, lit ;'i" Lit i-nit. jtinan tU.it. n;-r r,. . , .. ,..:,.:. o . . '"s, ',. ,-7.: . , n-i . n :-aio un, s ',,,iia took clerks them 1 was over in Washington county ar ranging somo i usiness connected with mv inul riage wilh Lucy, when 1 board that tiou ot this little ,,1'l.n, 1.U.I lUUlCll UULWIIIl LI1H inh.id t n ... I II .. -'"- IU , U HI l (111 llwl f.,,.r.. .. . . : I rn..ii a Ilia ,-if,.., II . I. . j .ii.!, iiiii, n;iie,I ills . . ., i. Hiuiouiicea nileiition of not rcturniinr to his nost J ""s ver 10 'our I''ayr, or ,lo you only re. hut every man found with counterfeit j some days, while ll o o fers ,11. e i lwat tL a of dux J uo.ioy in hi, posscoien should be tried by ! join i th, defence of Judee f , ,L !f'0!' a,.i.'-''1' 'ill answer, yes : J" T 7, 1 V "u ""'ad tiieiu uj., bouliean and all to tho I,id.. 101 Me laH bnHl ,n 1118 l,ol ord,"Ask,and nti cue right near a wood yard. The hut and at once gave , ,' ', J' J'Y ? ye ohull receive." 0 tho woo. vnr,l ituillil,, il,:,i .. i . 1 .i,...i..... .- ,T-'1"'1 ""J liles-agj ot his " u tho taveru 1 tiept in. About ,1" bie.ik 1 Was avvako ovJ creat noiso. ntnl lonl.-in.. , . - mpr mitini' lie shall bo nell Judge, altor heannir mu -i ,.i.. i . t . - o j .. ..i,,o ciorv : oui n.il I. ..'ii..':... ' ., P, -' . ..v niu jiyonas were upou us. j.aili us no uiuu can lay vt hat will I,, .;,". J -nnvja-s mounted and well armed, will, and Lucy thull 0 ma d no.H "orod in a Krcen blanket at their head. 1 morning.' -wir.o.i to-moirow l'oepod cautiouslv tl iiU discovered about fifty prisoners, their ban .li tied with cords bel e'no o of the The active and energetic Judgo then sent out mcKcngers in every direction ed lo deal h : hut the iai or Li-iiic . . . iij-r- i i i-ii , ,. ihey Ultimately escaped lo lexao where "J -"..''"''.- '' hi '.'""! ;v,j t'cc m,;, nmler anoiher name, I fear ho has e-oiitiii ,'"''"' ""ft.' y t.'w V hd .tLo , , : . ... ... I t ... . r . I - . I I M I U"U nis ntrocilies. citm iu.i.r n i.,,.. h " '. ivneeis. I lie v woo wards troubled with such fearful scenes '')' "-oognition, put un end lo"lhemosl. and thu check to tho Uyenas was a heavv 'ked lllM1 rnr'st ah,.iiiinab!e trallic, which blow to Lvnch's law; which is thank lie 'lolu-vcd " hiihei.it, the eounei's ii, i. .n:. I-,.. . ... 1 1 , . .1 1 i r i, . i . .. , , i iciven, l.llllllj. daily UIIO L'teatel' .lisle- v- . uti ; ,,1 .1 ,,,0 ;,):i 01 u 'ppect. As education, rnlighteiiment, and litr;'0 I'01 Uul1 ' the human race. (Loud eivilialion. progress 111 the .Slates it tiiiist ,'"t'UI entirely disappear, and liyemis and 'J'i- t lie Fans ,',,, A',,'.n'( Tho nreaii cers will 00 rpokefi ol as thinns that were, of Frinen ',,r.len.,u.... Wnr .vu..lf I ..,...n..l :. : ...jo. . ... ,.,.,., ..uij.ijr OiHISUOU Will Up. ... t, ,,,.,,, 1 . . 1 pouring in the character unco ; sod 1. y r 1', ' ,' : ? M'l''l in vrk.,n wife (ells me, that i m.ow to much great- , ' 1 ro,:Vh )m,r"!lls t0 ,v,,il" U eriidvnntago inn milder p.rt ?J " , ,oH V uUl!,,or'- Tl"'1' -r 1 l-'"1 prophesy lo Kin-ope :, ma-iuiacloi in:- Ijin Jesus Anshek Yks 'Mamma is e'i"W infii.ilcly moie s.-i i,,Us than iho.-eof talking to Jesus," said little Wary to her- Unca-hire. and of Iho Seine Inferieuro, self, as she heard her mother nt, prayer in all(1 10 lvising ihu means of v, aiding off the adjoining room. As .Mrs. II. left tho that scourge they crehem, 'Tho eau of placo e if prayer, Mary ran to ber mother, 'bo evil is in Amirica, run it is from (hat and asked very innocently, "Hid Jesus 1111- '"initiy f hat the infVdible remedv must sweryes, Mulher?" . j be demanded. Cause the bloekad'o to be. When you ki.eel ihwn bv vour bedside Irar-ed, and oil will soon have the three to pray, elear ehildreti.nhinu of the iu-;- nnilions of bah. s of eoiton whieh are piled 1 . up 111 Uie wanh.itises Slates. I,e esiabks.i peace, and this very ye;.r the slave .''tuies will furnish you w ith ti.eii annual tribute o," I f xtile m:.tei ia!.' liii-leu, (hey add--and this is the churac . teii-tie point, the vital kiut of their re.,s ,...;.,.r h.ui..., ;r- 01 .0 r. .,... . . . . . 1 1 j . " ,l 110, 1,1(.,, v o u r ...,EA. VKAroav.-A mnny story is to;dsriv,s to ovcrwlielmed bv tho ns,,,.. at Wush.ng ou. Two member, of Ihe U(Wl, ofdislress. The preparation of tl,; v, -v. I ".".---v. m nil, iiicir cotton plants take place in the I . . t-Kating in general, and le.irmi g to skat j in particular. four ,las aft, r, when vou are bt able iround the hous,. without lio n ing il' you aie n el.le-s e f life and liuii. regardless of spi..i;.e, a-ikles- , r maiiiod 1 feller that your p., Lke- ai.ilynii d m'l w 11! go alien ti.ore to leain 11s urn 10 one, thou h. t li much on ico. t ij , . - 1 rei'ii at -.' ..vi iiai you i.e. .So N IN 1 o..-.. the sr. 11 , of whieh biief :,i. of mir 1 ii - ,:ini a very firei,.:, inc'iinphte Do you expect ail . :.. .1 . 1. -.. 1 1 ,1 1 . , c . Onon'Jho, iro..;. 1 '" "': 1 iiviouuiiy u summon the 'Ji- .(,.. --j-.i.. Ruoeivou ut me uo.vr 1 geia lor me next ,iay. ut live v.i .,'. r,is . , v0..DWTiU,uri..,fj iiiym i im.u nna on tho lin y or U11 n'TiciiIiunl diir;.; . ,::t z 'crr:r::: runr m ai."" ineof ; r:r;:r i" , " ri ?ur nomcnt is there- , . "'"".' - '' nsoiiiisiiiiieiu. ()l0 to ll0 losti j (J f.u, net l.t W -is him. ' ho inference : Unit 1 1.1 ''iimihiI,.,.iii,,,i . , . . . "v . ' "'"f! , , , ..k.-.,.. 1 ion must oe itcieu 011 at ..i'iu B IlllblUKe. aijv" tUICe. lieni'o 1 . : 1 ... .1 1 . ' .1 1 1 iusl 0,1 1110 lose. 1 , ,1 1 1111 in on ion ..i ,. T;!!,,iTK)l1 cl,0Pler'g hut, and cried out, ! while- ho took caro t'o ..00 thai Hovorai ! .STTlle ff-owe-11 ueiui t e.f inuuiiy ut i t!' r at division must b9 Hbrtcd' 'Loot. t ' j Magistrates i-liould also be present 1 V ""'""e "as cont-nided us labors, but even wci o yvrierica a'l. rivardE topetish vs tlm n? 1 ' VU rei5ulHtl11-' scDUiiurtils 1' 1 then joined Lucy, and told hoi of iJOr I UiC ruiiult' ls ot yet known. , in tonsc.uen, e. Lmkivois uro Ihen lote .otilyBswW.ucceodoJ Ly a rille f;llior Vision. The dear girl made no ' Vhv i- a m.clle inTTT"Tt - 1 ',,HV V'"0 ,L",1,Juljlud ciiuy to , ebjecliou. She h.is firm aud deloimm 1 lJVul v. 1, , . V'V, t'110 '""' -Uul :'" ""'"'o and energetic ' ' " t'-U'i )oU M ..ius.lv Imd it-,., j l,n ' li.tuveutiou, ai:d .t in wished to lo I thv Tiu: I.v-Tiii ri ti land h:., be-: .ir.v.ir.g rntbreal of ,oori,t!s gi.-e only la icf m. I repot I--. It see.tl: , h.lA'.-vei, to h. ,.,: eiri"- ih.de I iu con , ;:, i;e, of l!m ihi .'-i .n ):.,. ,h:vy i:)!isr."ii '!,;. , r :r, !t. A g. n.e: 1 inn s:t,'-e . f :!,' Uie I:.:.-, i n hoops 'in th cei.niry iv.s phucu-.-l ( ,r the t , I (lie ! -'.'( of . I .in:.:', y, and iii C'l'der to 1 led it aitack.t weie ovny i Iio:e ia;.d' uj .1-5 ti'e ,letllcliri:Cnts i.f fi;!iii, I'.-, SCp 0',.l, i f CMT itoie.l. 'J he Foi, s ki!!,"! ail Hl0 ..l,);, 'liieg f' 10 ol i:, tho hi.n--es where they wore j billeted. The telegraph who. iu Iho 1 neighborhood oT Wai 1 .v wej o do-1 rove 1. j I wo thou-and , nisei ipts lately oii'-olb-.J jdcscited. and usst nibled rl dilieri Dt points. Three c, uties of insui reel ion j were in this way formed by bauds, e ich , about one I bousand shun:'; (.no in (he nc lion ol liii-:;.ei.:i.t ver-tsf. om W:o-. ....... 1. ... , 1.1.." ... . . . r 1 1 v . , 1 i . ii..- -eeoiio 1 1,. 1 1 ... .an n t -, of Iho S.iiitln 1 hi. p ,1, , 1 ,, . , ' i,. 1.. 1 I ...... .1.1-... ' 'Oil 01 li:i-e I- Oils V. I I ll)-- , pel ,,,'d ; llse eihei al,..r I -.vie ero, ,1 me vistip.i, .-::, led a junc; troops of insurgents I'ni, had ;i 111 me I'.rett,- ,, .'.a.-., .. - ( ',,,,.1 I'.iken j.iace in woii.h a j iti was won....... j und a general killed, uul tlu whole kingdom of l'oland wa, ,!,, 1 1 i',i in a stale 01 siege. '1 ;10 garrison ol W'aro.i' was iiiereu,.. to hudy' thou-arol men. ami the l.ilct dispatch from St. I'cs lersburij says "Worsavv is .piict'" it wue by 110 means certain. i.otwil hstanil'ngd hat any decided impression Und been made on tho iusUiTi.'Ctinu. p..!' :tbout ha!' io:.l.-ol- bin:' a. ai'l, vvhiel 'pring, u vviih :-:u! !,d nr...'- L:..l n eol, in S, iuu;.s T'eaiii. lion. J. M. Rodgcrs, a Hemocralic member of the Illinois Senate, died suddenly last vveek. II is deal h leave the Seiiulo eipially .Lv ided beiwocu the two iiartios, with a rei.uhl.u u as iircaiaiii:- oihecr. FurtLer Pnrtijuhri;. Kruii tin- Kliig-'vn iati bird, Jan. 1, About midday se;.;er,!;,y I he ohi, ers anu crew of Mm Ui.i'.i'd ciat- Heamcr llaiier as wero left on shore iu thiseil. on u-nol. i lhai they w ill uoi pd.o u(. Mt'ns or fi; hi 1 1'.-1 1 no on 1 ,-, le rate .'.Aeiioiw i-t 1, .o .1 han-ti'd by the Foiled Si -it ,- ."overmiKHit 11s ! 'i.-hhik of the Conlede' et) States. Vc gather Iho fiillo.ving ad lition.J ticnl ii'-: : ( 'ii Sund iv, die 1 Ith iiisk, :it pa-1 t wo o'clock, Ihe lhooklyu i. tr, i guns, 1, 01,11110,1,1:0 I '.,.-! I ( di e ton, Texas, di-covci ed a : she suppo-ed (o be a men -haul m.-.n i tn iiieg bo: bloi-k'.d,., und 1;i1,k. ; ,lL.y sh; n.di.id the Ilat'enu to give eiifiso. Tie 1,'itteras pi,r,ued her un'il d.::k. Tie Aiab-'.t.ia then hove to and nw:.:!ed thei: .'PI'ro."."h The Ha'.t, ras was prepan-r 'i:d ad the men went to uititeig. Sh, be.- poke tho .stranger who replied she wa-. "Fit M.tj.j-ty's steamship Fetrel." Caj.l !'! ik ol ihe Haib.ias, le ponded, li Ihe meantime, the Al ibam.i aiiempte 1 . , mate, ante to (he :;, m (,f h0 lei as. U bile oh'tiie poi I. ijii.-uter ( ' ipt. Flak said ho would sen 1 his I ,j.it on b,,.,r 1 ; ai d while in iheaet (flo'ver.ng '.he bou! Ihe Alal.a:i-.a sent a blank lildge .isU-r: !! thu I-U'.i.'.ru.s. She hailed her e.nd : .h-: t.i.e r.. . f, ml no boat, as sou w is lii ' 'o;,ie lt.r Me l !,aiieT Alabayn. Caplaii i i ike t,,e,i '. ve lh.' mdi r U til o, en I in. ei '.;: 1 ,e;:i,ut ei.aiied. Iiiabcut ten min uli- a hole w :e, F -cov, red I ! v. ,-n win., end w.ii !' in the Ik. tie. as. File nl-: hrok out in thu fore peak in the lower d k.bie w m in(. out. A shot wa i S'. nt t hi ei lib, .-le.'iM che-k Sho 1 hen sin rend. -red. Loin iaiiiilelelv di-al.l 1. 'I'lie .,l-imi sen' nil her bo il - to (a'o I he ci w o,!, and in . few in: nut, s a'':er this .-he lank. 1 ii.ly t),, nhi.i's paper's wero savd. Tut: (iK OK (ifS. MeKlNSTRV. --'I Ii general order embracing (be fin-lir)."s'nii't -'iil'mces of Ihe court, m ii i i d in thee .i ofdeii. M.-K'in.lry, fit St. Lnuis, cover V. pagfs of f,.oF, ip, the o-nt.'iii:o U that lo be demisted I'roi.i the sei . ie.,. Cu'' Tho r. -signal mn ,.f (i,n Ot.,,1, ,.i Noith Caioiina ia saui Ui h.Uo Uoi.. .u.'c i, Ud ey Ue Ficidcht.