Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 18, 1863, Image 2

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    '1 ' i li ill l
I it- V lii'h
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1 1,
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i ' ii
I'jirr jnl f". ftc-nip'
I al,, i ii .' Hi" ij. Ii i in ( i i ' i 1 1 1 1 i
, i 1 1" Mil jtil ( ! r, I it i my nt " I"
' mi ii' t'.'i I I li'i w i it . f I, .'"
,. III'' ' I i! " I Ti'" Inl '
f I ' I V. I f itcf .
ill I
lnHo f"t (batik
I l'j H t f !
J I" I "ini- ' 'h
(f I : i v
:i iii-i
I ' I 'l
M t l I' I I I -'m Mh Ind , 1 r I' II i) rut. I,
I Udiew I'.-Im ! Min Mt I' ii mo,
1,, i ' I ( I , i.rf. ! I f ii, t; .
ihb Ulutlbniunb.
1 1 I H I I'M i il I l t'MHlt m: ,f'f., .....rt I...
k Cl-nfll"1 I (.."My I if A. p , I I
Jim l II , I 'i . If. .iff if i ' .,,
r-i.i . , In tli" i '.'li'i. ' ft "ii llh if I'pmi .tli itila 1 "J 1
Infli i fit ni l Miiinit fr .in t -.,. h it u l; '!. '
,1 Jnfi'i irt. A I' i l"r J. l'' n'h ''- -( .1 in I "r
A l , I1IM. 1 l' ,'iinin - t
t.,,,,,,1 (i.,m ciifMH r--r i;i i ;y ;
.. . I....I...U..., .... ,i tt, 1 . ' '""I ' r. l"
i".' " '. . v ... it. ,t,i r ., ,.
111. .1 j 1 U U -4 . ' '
1.111 III' ' V ' '''I" I I. '"!
ll. Til ..
ili'llll'if V,
:t i.
' i
1 1 mi l.N :
1 "I.
I'll, v
.' .'ll I '
it !l
I'lldof this l.l B 1 VP .a llliltlle to tllY"
tho groat impm Unco of huhd'tig a Kail
t ,iJ -:!i !i(: county !' Cl.'aili-I I. -
Vi'Iicii built ii will 1, i!,,i -ii'-i iiii.l
hii.-t route IV'iik I'hila l.-lj.liji I i I ilk.- I!: !",
iiti.! thct i'('n c c'.uM i'i.iiud.iiiiI ii I'.iir share
ol'tlio l!.luu.'!i tr.i l iiml tiavcliing. We
say the In St, 1'i'ciui mi the grade w ill .o
liirlit, iiml it wi'l l.i! Ii i .it (-i I nil ii r utu
through ft count i y tin1 ciirni lfr ol' whivh
i;:.v :n
lii in-.
f rj in I (H'l'll.i, .,
M.ij il I ll'in v. i
t iiu i "'i u ' ."ii- i r
."I "I !l. Cn .in
. i " i i. : in ii t
' ! .' ! iii . ; : iii I
. 1 'l "I "I talll r.'ll-
, I . mli lit (;.' .
1 i . 1 i In in ll h.:n 0 tw il
.1, iii i n ii.y it: i h'l 1 1 '. , 1 1
ii . i .: l i n 1 1 1 . r . tn : .iii ' n
' i' lit i,l ntt"!! i
T i kih' I I" in inifi ' in'i'l"
T i mil t fr"iii niinii'i' "i
'y i'I, rtlmi 0 I'll'"',
,v Ji,r,.r' wiikih.
l!y Ai.'i".".t' ni!"',
llji CjiiMiil.lrf,' thiu' I..
lly riiiiiiiiuiiivciilili in.i'p,
l:y l'uxi-s nml wllJ cuts,
will ri'inh'i' it
riisily ki:it up.
-it i I I r I ii" 'Uri.'i i.l I'li'Viiini
tiiilii '." ,'i.i! 1 1 ii i of .lliu .,' ,i;r.i -in:
I, n,i i ul IK la r . uii.. i Hit' tn I hi' whit f.
t l lnlH'l, U ii" (Mllll.ll: ii 'I'. V. MiL'lliMJII,
M i . t i,iul,t nil Alii,lui"ii:',l ul tl,.1 "ii'i -t
w .it .'f. iiml i- in ii i I i 1 t i :,;''
I III! tllllt tll'.i ''l.l tu ll.l' Mil l ' !'l
I'l'Uliuti c' t lie ivi.i " Iiiis 1'iiiv
itoiI, mill ili'clin in g thitl "il
.MilIN I, cwrn i;,
1 1, ' 1 1 ! . . us i ' j . ' i'I 1 1 1 "i i h'Ii t . : Allm in ) u! I.;iv nn I Krnl l'i1lt' i'n.
mil i!i'- I. mi I ml iiiimim nn, I I. ml- , ( V il FI I'l.D. l'KXN'A.
i-Mi'l.-fiiM-l rthflli'iii ''I.Im. nut, I 'in pi m f ','( mi .V n'it r.t. '),",.,,;, lirJ,
w-i- lint in m'--iiii. iiii'l tli" (.inn ri'iii'i' of "I ) J-Pi:i'T fH.l.Y nl! - I- I i n ri i' ' in i" 11
t in Ii il Miili- ')!' thill's lint Iiiivim' !( n l inu' I'lnl Li ii". !:it"l" i:i Cli':irlii!l nii'l U.I-
'I'll.' In. ..ii in fiiinir liiiii,. Miltviiialo juitiinst .tinu-s : i.i..J ttb iiti escrn.ii-o oritT Ity r ucl conttnirt,
h ..-l.ilinll I .'I'll limlli, Hurt It. Al liii')i'nr n.i.- ,iTr, ,., u,.-,. ..,i ,.y ,vw ,
,.r , , ,, ... .. ' , , do run rii,l. r fiiil'ji'tiiiti . .in I lly 1' iiriuturo,
l..!K.ino I l!.n I.lo (, ,o country . ()rp for u . I Hy llriili-o cmtrn, t,
li ni.: nl hi.:! it i.i. fatv.l noiTMiiiy ? l, , ! ItC Merrbnn.lUo.
lint v.iii.' in, "..I.- Iiniil.l l,.i tuki'ii lo I'un- umi i"-ri'.' of cuiil nml timlcr l.iiinl, titiiati hi , , ' roUrt.hou bull,
,. , ... . . . .1. ., ......n. I, ,,, I I n rim 1,1 n. nru in i,.r l.l . '
ill". i;i, '.ill. ill, ,,' i, 'iii.i ii-iii liii'ii'.ui . .
S,:ili'. , ,i- t.) J i , i lit tli'Mil Irntii liiiichi
in! inn.- v. I ii'li milit lie inin r:ou,
I.iimI, in ilic iii' iiiiinl rt'ii-c. I t,,i.' t;iiM ; ii,.n , nvn-liin, ('li'iii-lklJ county
r. i ru ni-'l :ir ,'( tin.' cii( tin I'OVci nliii'li t If ' iili-r of furry Hun.
:, n . ,1 to I !i" svt'.-in t f m i ! i ; : 1 1 v ;inv.t" of Hl'i t iito.j in Iwn lot, o-io of 1 12J nnJ the otli-
, r. ...1 -
vii'iiiiicm cuuiii.v, iii mi- i" , nu I, , .. .
yini I'lirrliii-iM lui-aivu ueiir tno jyronr nnu ,;
. j
rii hi i,f i.i i,iiiii,i:in. Hv I'rii'y cuutract
" ,u l -Mim ikti'.i of fir-1 riito farm uml timber liiml j j irot10notnrv'r'
l' I'n'M' ; iiiwn-liiii, CIi'iii-IrIJ county, nituatu o u tbc . '"
flil'll,'l H
J,i".'7 H i
7 1',, i Vi
wi :
42.H .'.rt
I7rt it
ir,'. :i7
3M) Ol)
.'.77 4'J
liill Of
113 4 1
27U 00
tvu 00
1 7 :i 7i
" vn ill .
': i"i l fen.
I' I'i'tli' t Alt' Tin y !, ,,,
I I'.V .l.l'hlul V I,; ,t
j Ly Iti'iun.i i,
i Hjr M 'I'l'Ilniiii.MM,
I 'y l-iH.iK-'b "nl, t,
Hy I'uurl hminn ci;ulrcL
; Vy Komi Viini,
' Hy Au ltti.n' nunc.,
J uii i; ,tk' .
n.. ti
j . vT crninj iu LVIIruluM, 870 V9
l.v l.Xiilirrnii.,.,M ...
U'y l1,l:"''luitatcTrt'iurorl SI 8J
ji.y lri.'.iiiuror'iiici i)i.nt.iivi.,ui'). j
lly .lo d ri-.oivlnK2;n 4 1
link duo oounty by Tri, Ci
1,7 i, .
i n, .
:u ii
i ,-,r
31 It
4 ,'
! f'j
'.'7 . i'
1 1 t:
f,rt t,i
JnO t i
;tn in.'
4 ft 43
Ikl'i Jrl
S.'.O (it)
8.4 L' A 4'i
170 7
l'O 03
K0 (ID
. .- !,ll j l'l l
l-Oll il.ucov i
tli'is I'o'ii- l'''r,, ' iiti'.", nil- iiiniiii); iiurponea, pu-
' ' I,, II .l.l .r.,l !., ... 1,1,, I'll, .l
I'll!' t llltll'll "'r.' ' ' ' , , ",',".
iriij. i -ins I'Ci'iiins. .1 luivii".
i ., l.... :. i... .'
lllllM,",.ii,ii:;i4ii,,l ll, III!" IJiilllli"''. .. , , , , - il.l
, . ,. , , ii.-.;. (.uiMii'ul wnrriintco ilccils fur nil tlm
(,u lini;; iini-ii.iis in n.n ,ii;uv in iuimii. . , .. . )s
K'nl fourid itiori inn.-t ol liio ivuy, it will
Iiiivp i" htr'uuis t( fiicoiiiiti'r, reinloi ing
il liiililc lo iiiunJ.ilioii.4 or iJi.'siui:tioii
from wntor. Ii w ill bo on-ily workcil, he
chiup wood ntnl t'Oul cull l'i' cut uml n.inu'l
nil nl'iij; tho in'.iti'. Wo think Unit the
cl iiiicc for through freight alone biil-t fuir to
iniike it n prcfilnlilt? rontl ; but w hen Iho
l i( :il trnilo i tttkmi into conMilorat ion,
ty ro cm lo no ilouhl of its juoijuot ivo
i. ! 1 1'iom two to thri'O uiillions of ilol
! .in worth of lumber goon to timrkut from
'li'.trfiehl county uloncl rerlmtu nn
i 'I i ll amount from Ji'll'-rson county 1 As
j. on ai the roiid is oju'ntvl, nml in work
in ' order, tin.' tunning bu-ino-6 will fiunl
l ir lumber in both counties, while the
i il 1' jjineu -vill fur exceed cilher. Lot
i how the account would elund with
I, 'tui field ccunly ii'ione,
l,uniLr I'XjinrtoJ,
Jiituiiiiiiui.? Coul,
Leather uiiinufiicture 1,
This CBtimato is not exag'Ttiled, nml
fchows nn export fiom the county of Eight
Millions of Hollm - per unniiin ! The two
Inst itoms would nil puns over Iho r.'iilni;id,
nml nio.-t of the Grst in u very i-hoi t titne. '
'ike eorniilelion of tweuiy miU'i more of'
tho rjad would eecute all of tho loeuli1'
trudc. An exiion lituro of ivil! j Ijuvc alw
complete it. Cm il ho doubted tint lh
toad wiil iiiiv a hii iro dividend o;; tint
pendituro? t only rcijuiros i I . m -i - a .
hleiiliiLion to sho.v. . t
It. I l.e '0 en moil t ol tu;- I r licit M.'ites
;n U ilireellv on, :in ! the Scito
'l 1 been madness lo attempt, n-lii li - liiuV'-xt i.'xi-enlii c htii no authoi il in means to
mtenrre Willi i rre.stn ol :ili2n t t .no L -
nil toil lw0 8troK'
' ' v v- he:
.-i!,'i; lrmi)s, w hat I h ive nucee
tompli.-hed 'villi lilaek one-."
Alolitioni-i:ii ii evidently progressing;,
A ohorl lime n . they only chtimi'd that
the ni'ituiM were I he Cjuw't of the white.-,
liiati fin- :i: ii ii bill !:ow it si'eun tlntil
t ikes two whites to ( . pi:tl one nej;io.--
hat a t.iii'l-.iiviir-ed n;-tiiiniou Soiitliern erly, hij only rcdre-s is
..-.iiml,. iini.t I... I,, ..inw ..."Ii iinmsiiTs liiimis of the ,1 miici.-u y.
Only think o1' it, i, iiv African wurtli two
healthy Women
Libtral coHiien!utioii
I., .l.i irnri.rnl lwinyaArl
niled Slates madu under iho auihorily , wU1 bo ,,ifcn Annlv t.i
of that (.oveiument. I.very citizen of! JUSIA1I W. SMITH,
rennsylvania isalno eitiz il of tho Uni- j cieurfioM, l'n., Feb. IS, ISCS.
ted S nil 's, and owes iilli'iauco to them as
well a-(subject t' Iho prnvisiona o( the I Ol ICC
( 'iiiulitutiou of the United lalesjho Owe. j Thu iiccouut of Win. l'urter, Hecoivr of the
il to IViiii-ylv.'iniu. ' linn nf Uowler i Ake. Into merchants of Now
I!' he be unlawfully 'deprived of his lib- tV.i-hingtnn, L'lcnifiolJ cwunty, remaiui Clod of
be had at the 1 rr"i ru in tins oinoo lor tno inppoction ol nil pnr-
In .-m il tinio.'- in ! intorcsti'd Ihcreiii, nml will bo prcentsd to
present, il u mot e limn ever n-ccsia, : "rur.o iionneiw,
1 ' . i :lm ( inirt Ilmi-n in f ha Unruiii'li of ("lnarfic J.
iv to iire.'iTvo rr-i.'u!;..ntv m ollicial action., , , r m....,i. ,c( ....
., . , ,,, 'lit. '. . . , n.L'uv , i, iim iuiiuj ui, ijui iwi
(.aueii.-iatis : We bad uii idea I lint our ; r,..,i cllm'ts have been uml are ,ei Imps , cuiitinuatiou mid nllmviiiici.
Ameriean soidii'ts we.eetial to tui) lliiiij; Mill being niad..', by pasons bliiided or ill j I). K. E I'ZWKI LKR, Proth'j.
of tl.., human M.ecies, and w. believe n. . i-!'0'.!, to throw us into n state of rovo-1 f'learfield, Feb., 18, 180..
vet Ml ll.' V i, a irood ,' iuse ' . ,Ut;" ! , 'l " ' 'l'l, 7? , ""l '' I 4 1-'IT NOTItT TUo undersigned
)Ct. All lli.J i-.ikihJ .,.u,t ,, (i ,, ultniiMluly to l-nngY Auditor nppcinted ly the Oriihan's Court ol
' " nb out the dosti udam ol 11,' and property (.'lenrOeld county, to dintribute tho balnnco in tho
Jrin.K or tub Si l'KtMi: ' oi iti . In addt aiii'ini: us. Any ii n eulm', much moro il- himds of the Admiuintritor of Ilichnrd Curry do
j.'i.l.uilei fi'ieiin! by yonr loxecutivo wilh Jccimod, wi 11 attend tu tho dutim of bis nppuhit-
IlIiatHI'S 11 liicli li the I Ollsl It 111 loll nre HOI ! "inn. u ui'iirnn pnriuB uuorusieu, III mi oiuro
ill iL'iiruriu iioruuiii i'u lnurauu, Jmruu i,
ISO!), nt 2 oVlock, P. M.
J. 1!. MeUXALLY, Auditor.
Jan. IS, 1SC3.
tn,027 Oi$i7,oi-
Imoioit ' C'itnli, tSUIc and MUiti.i Tax due f mm VollecVn s fur I8f2, uiui preview ...
lion t.i tho Beleclion o!' a cau l id.ito for
'iuvernoi', the It'.'inocratio Slide l.'uiiveii
lion nf next .1 il no will lo Culled Upon to
select a caiidiibitt' for .lu li'o of ll.eSu-
$:t,ihin,fl00 i ,rt.,i)U (.'oui-t, in tho f iom of Hon.
. 3,lH)0,iitiO I , . , , , i ,
i! (mil Ul'O "' l'l'WR";i whu.iO tcl'll) c.,ii'eii in 1'iCetii-
ber noxt.
inli ii.-ited to his ci'.gniznnen, and espeeial
lv any sui'li inlefli-retiee with the action
ol'tlio Kxi'ciitive of t bo Uniti'd (Slates, or
wilh the fuuclioiiM cd' the .ludieiarv, would
i ! a 1 1 L'l'iiiu-
il would
crisis, enij
direct revolt)..
Uno of tho most lorcibie obj.-ci ions to
tin nary tendency in fact, il would be to
commence a iiivniiu ion.
an rlectivo Judiciary, is the ti ndericy to ' The courts of. justice uro opi-n, and t:o
I, :n,.. i. mi ilm i.rin, loir, rd' .-iCut;,," In ol- dolibtiill p.-rsonal W i mms call be properly
redie.-svd in dui- eourso ol liw.
i 1 do not know lioiv in.iny at rem ot tno
", on the prim inle of rotiit in
Under tin) old C nslitutioii. Judges
f Hir ndvieo would bo lo our ow e. people
to t tcure the ttock, build I lie road, w I
oi. il it ! Do not fllloiir fore'y r capitalists
lo take it out of your har.d. Ifit ren'ilres
more money than you tiiu rp:ire out of
your husines", burrovr it on the faith ol
Iho company nd buii J and own the road.
Keep the control and nianagctvont of it.
be'il t loir ollii'es (lining (."i.i.l behaviour ;
opionents of ;in elcclive .1 udicinry
s leal i:d tlid I lie Ui'MVe lor
i ,. ,.. ,,,-, ! ;...i,,,... r... ,..,,,i.. i,, i, ,..!
,,x. Ii liuiig'.'s when tno pu itit'-resis del noi
iieii:.ii; l liiein to bif m id''.
We do iml belicVu thut the Judiciary'
1. ti
Kind In r-'iidii'l,.!!' ii-,-rii"t lo !iale liecn
made in l'i nnsylviuiia. as I h.ivo at no
li -ne been privy to tl.o niiikin;' of !liem;
but 1 beiii.-ve ll:i-y I..1V bl'l II fi'W. I Was
wilder the iinpiession thut lliero would be L,
no in !'- ii v for n'.er
f -y st(m of l h i:i Stiit - 1 1 is siiiVered in
si i t: h ttf-) iiii'l fi from 'his; cau ie-:itn
t!:e firm liiei.d of 6ur present m sIoh), re
ijoico that so excellent c n opportunity is
iimw oilercd to Iho Democrat!!
the State to man ife-t V
.. , . ii
iv. lavor o i:s renomimtioii ana ru ( tec
tnent, with a constantly incrrasinj; trade.'
v .1 . ,'.u-.i a elan is
I rii'-i"'. ere lunik the
i '
I low tub Mom:v (low. Tho i
Senator Grimes, ch'iirman of lh
Cdmmitl"0 of llio United States Senate,
npjinirt'e-l t i itn e-ti ite iilh'ed abu-es in
Iho clinrtertn of vt -.-f-ls for the Ikiiil:"
erpeiiitio'i, ha-iju :t been publi.-heJ. So' h
frauds and peculation tho world never
h. nil of I el'oie ; and if t';e pre-elit Ad
ministration hil l a particle of ic; uli.t i.ui
lv ll.rtcA l.v I
-,t ....v. . j . li'lS, -lid .11 pi 11
thoin it it. ! .... ,i.r..,,i.,,,.
litem, ot lii-ru'isc I
I ic'L'ht n-ivi' ii l.'rir.l totiiein in my .'in
l'i'..'ii lil.'.-ae,.; I,,,) icei i't event . having
.'liuiMl that Ih'm ililjirt-sioh ui:s cri-.',
1 i.ei-ni il my duty i.ow lo invite jour at
tention to III' subject.
Tho contest in nlnch wo arc Mign.ed i.
niic for tho pre-et vatiou ol our ow n liber
0j. ly mid weilare. 1 lie traitors nl tnn oulli
'lt.,1,. ll,n , 'i Ikimi' iil'iiiii' i,rni,ln u Iiu uro
the Aorel lliat 1 i.,,.,,i ,.,i i.,,.,, ,,,,',i ! ,i it n r! ,l,.m,iso tlm
i hat they want is a jm:o and good, f.iih- ' d-w '.vl.o ar? te iily for .-ubtvii-sion. Un-
ful an I honesl Judiciary; and that be-' b'-s the rebellion bo eUecUially Mippn-ss-j
' . .i . , i j. ...... i .
oil we must lo-e oiii p i a it! nl couniiy, inu
larger portion of our lirritoty, and the
dement nut only o! j;reatnesa but ol
i.riistK.-rit v. and evrti ot security to life,
1 i.bertv and property. Notwithslandiiij'
otv.;,) io be huciiit."11 lU'1' u 1 '';ir" "n'1""1'';"1 j11'1",1'
i,,.l -i -..,.i. wr. let. os union. M9. la-e to :i I
in all re-peels, t lie I ii'-uoerac , , ; ... ai. , n ,,,,
no p'ii ti-iiii .ludj.'"5-. 'i'liev only - memory f ll eir fathers and to th? rights
mm ,1.1,-1, li.vei. a ,v,ur,d heart, a line of their children - kino, lo Hie country
' . - . i .... I :.. i. ... .1 i
f I ,..,.-,.1,,. ..v, t. ilm bnvs' '":i- i-'sgivcn iitmi'iitii nun p.o.e, u
11 lie '"-l iiaiiee W illi t
' l.l' hers mid'.' it.
I.nw rie
i ii-ni'ie
lo -x t et,ler thin ; that) t eiio'i' inat-
Agricultural Keeting-.
Mei.tiuj; of tlio Cleiirfirl.l comity Agricul .Witty will bo hold on Monday even
i. of tho Muri'b court, in tho court-bouso, at
lion. li. It. ItAitnurT und Ex-Oov. Bici.r.n, are
i.vpi'i'ti'd to inl'lrecs llio nieetin'j. It is hoped
that there will to n ginoiiil nllundance of the
nn'iiili.jrs, us Lusiuvtu of importance will bo trans
act",!. I. ( im:s nre o.sppcially invited to n't'nd, m well
us nil tiin.-ii who nro favorably dispo-cd U pro
iiiolo tho interests o.' Apricultnro and Ilortieul-
ture. J t is also expected thut there will be ito-
ports made upon llio ii'.ovo r.CK'n'-'es.
By oiikr of tho Tri'sidi'iit,
1). V. KTZWKlLl'iU. .SVc'y.
t'Lariold, 1'ebrti iry Is, lii.i.
oause sucli n nun ins proven himself to be ii .linb'i. is tin, t i-ori ,'i-l .'tii'iniient
i ... i .- . t . - - c - - c- r.---
ana w.ii pay l-per cent, on iuc iniei.-
1 , : j Juiio in nil
"' " ' i want
enterprmo I mid we Hincetclv lioputiiatj
llio oponinp of . sprinir will unswer tl
rpjention in the tiflirmiitive.
T U'I".'i: NDTl (;:. Tlm iollowing nn-
Uinid prrroiis have Iiii'l in tho ofri-o if the
Clerk of tin Court of yuutter Hiffsions of Clear
field county, tlieir 1'i'ti i'iiis ar.d linn, la for Li
c.'n.-i.i ut the Mnreb Se inns lii'Xt, aireeably to
llio A1 of Assembly of March, 2Sth, 1600, uuti
lied "An net to regulate tho pale i f Intoxicating
Lioiiori," il c.
William Scbwcui,
John Shtesor,
Janus Haines,
, I-iiviJ Juhnston,
i. . Andorsoii,
John P. Kndobnch,
Valentino Jlotlinau,
Jacob .Mnuck,
Ailnin Knurr,
Wjliiiiin P.eed,
Holiert Slpwnrt,
lk-iijiiaiin Hloom.
Hrady townthip.
I'njnu township.
ClenrGold bornugh.
Venn township.
Doeatiir township.
Covington tmirnjliip
Hrady townakip.
l.uuiber city,
ilirard !p.
il i - nr I v vlniitiui!' short, of t ie lochia-
(;..n--tiiuti..n "scui-;, (i)U,n(.(.-(lf r,.a-fll i ,1,0 y.-ry rn-i.l-
of Uits'.'lliet lire actively plottm:; to
I). F. KTZWIilLLIt, ( I'k Q. H.
Clearfield, Feb. Ks, lift
an I for
,iey ( an
il n 'i
I'ii.m eMov r mi-.nt--. Vatiou.. movements
in lavi r ol a ,-pet-dy peace nfe I cing made
in the Wrt. The la-m-liUUiOs ol
nibfina . Wl
,. ...... 1,1 , -v
1,1 .- . .... ll"' 1.1.'. ",,.T vv,.,,.,.,
und :nitio nnve nu,'i,ieii n. tite nii'iti-i.., .,. ...,n i ...I
i . ; i , niiieii uni ue iiu...
men v.. nil . ucpine , , , i,iumu-M. i.m
!,,,:,v .; to poison nml mUlea.r.l.e T II lion. SAM U Kb LINX, E,,
,- ' ii,., t ;,J I! l'ro-t lent Jmlge nf tho Court of Cominou
m;,;,l-,,! our people by treac Uavua ti.l'-s ! ( f thi, .llfv.ylfth JmHeinl Diftrint, coin-1
repr.-eiiiidii.its, nii'l lo.'-i Hiu and coin- of tl,., counties of Clenifield, Centre nndj
,,it in- vei'i'ls l nil our tine may up ciliicr , clinfin i.u I t!io Hon. JAS. HLOO.U nnd Hon.
to idamlon tin lice N.Vtli and become :. I. 1). ri iluMi'SON.Associato Judss of Clearfield
ban ,i"'..,-.ii ol' a "over li m en I lout'ded in ! e"iiiilv : have i-uod their preeept, to mo direct-
tii-itelierv iiaiid and in-ane anibidon or ; l'"r tlio Wdiiij, i.f a Court of Cominuu l'lcas, I
at l-t,lo.liolve the Union under w hich I I'ri'h11'8 t-'""1,t' I'o-.rt of (iaiirtcr S-o,,,, Court,
, . i . i i .i l mid ieriiiintr, in 1 t ourt ef l.eiiernl Jailt
nav i pies pereu, ami in oiciiis mis i.ur, ,...,:., , rl,.,.,r!,i l ,.n,l rr il nni-,. !
1 Slit I
l sc.o
l st; i
1 st; i
1 t',2
Ten n
Ten n
Jot dan
Curw cnsvillo
Go. hen
Huw retire
IV nn
Hrndlord i
Clearfield j
Curwensville '
Ferguson j
I i rah n m
II uston
Lumber city
X. V.'a-httigtoii
Wood word
.Tnmes Ken, j I'
ll. Swan
A. Spencer
William Wiley
Thomas Fenton
J. Sunderliii
J. Davia
J. Young
I). William.
J. I. Jiundy '
1. Ivophart
J. Cnld vcll
.1, rattorson
T. K. MuClure
J. Hirmoy
(J. Kephart
Z. McXaul
J. Straw
K R. J.iverguod
Win. Williams
R. J. Wallace
I). X. 1 lentil
K. 1'anveri
J. McClellan
Jamf s A. ( 'am pi -oil
William Wilson
John Mulkina
J. T. Nelson
Wm. T. Thorp
I. . M. I.uinado
John Woolri'lgi
Wm. Hcliwoin
J. W. Cleaver
William Farter
John Irwin
William McGarvey
Tho.'. Miilkins
1'ivid Mcl'owpl!
Matthew Tuti
F. Hewitt
John Thoinp'on
J. J. Kead
M. S Spenr t-r
John McCoy
J. X. McCraekim
J. SniPiil
Thomas Cleaver
John Porter
Samuel Arnol
J. Me. Murray
A. K. Wright
J. S. Gates
H. Snyder
A. Curry
I). Ay res.
A. Ferguson
N. I'l'oekwny
.lonas Montze
K. (ii'-ihain
J. II, Morgan
W. I). Woodward
H JobriFon
II. (itinFftlliri
G. Kihard
K. Ardet v
.'. Kirk '
G. Arderv
C. Nell'
W. F. Johnson
D. M.'irUoi'k
II. Courtnev
J. M. Chaso
couMTir. utaib.
205 51 92 H
V J"i
1 0,'.
2 (V2j
V . 81j
5 00
18 17
4 72
1 12
10 'J I
111 VJ
2 -ll
12 05
2 -15!
11(3 01
2 80
8 OF
4 1)
'7 W
' 00
.2 50
0 III)
0 '.'J
7 HO
l'J y)
7 o4
1 : ';!
i l :,s
23 55' V' z i
31 m
57 (;5, ''i)
0-; oh '!
58 10 !
15 4.1
32 3 4 '-r
I 30 t:7
80 -15 2' '-'
15 ?,S l'1 -."i
00 20 '
7.) 5
0 4 CO i.'i!
4 20'
15 80
37 Oo' "
25 ?7j l'"l 4-'
107 ';5 147 6;
'.if, fi I. 4.'! 5.
77 75 41 f-1 j
T51 Oil l"o
Sit f.C1 152 07 i
'.r:0 4l 145 2(-j
?.V 7 ll 215 57
200 :;ot o:i c,i'
51 2P 10 07
200 5" Fd 70:
l.'i'i 3 l!',i 57
1 40 f-0 57 00
11 03 10 77
t-.S 24 f'O 85
51 13 30 52
108 : 70 47
133 31 05 37
125 55 02 45
02 31 I ; 55
08 04 -H 2.3,
125 05 80 00,
05 20 1 41 84
78 05 41 17
31 Ss ;t2 20,
40V- 08 4lj
208 41 ' 153 151
70 1 1 20 40!
r7 o:; 2-8 (V.ij
1 1 M
it J,i
c' ear:
llltll IrngllK'llts, ( (!.., I lli,.
by perpetual uis- i Third Mohiiau in March. 1803.
ii-ofiis al liotne and by tin) conlempt and , -,. ,
the i
-tates a.. o lo
point ! ill-u-agi! of foreign nations, from which NOTICE 18, tliiTefore, hereby given, to th
,?,ier.,i,ln illlrt fmm Colhvtora.
'.--' c, . , i . i o r.c. nn
" from 0vnors ni unseaien uinua, ..,""i
amount of judgment?, ic, l.U0 22
due from Tren-iiror, 008 uu
$5,130 01 f2,P4) 84 fl'ioJ b4
1! soems ll.ntfi:,,,. two hundred ve-sr Is ' f,r nib-irnci s. to '.met at Lolli.-i i!le, u wc shall tin:) bo too PCaK I) Minucato, Coroner, Justices ( 1 the 1 e.'.eo, , nnu tonstalilos,
tere chat tercd at I'm 1 1 imurr. Neatly ail
Ihofevossolswere furni-hed by a Mr. Ama
ia C 11".!', to t!:5 a.rrt.t r f thi Govern
riM'iit. The Co'.u.nitte hhow the eo-t of
June next.
Many public looking lo the
same puipo-p are bei:i' held ill IhoWe-t-
ei n pirt of t hi' State.
We have read the
fCven.l meetings of this
character lu iii in l'.ulhi- and eslmoriv
1 .up ( oimties. They are nil highly pat-
thesu vessels, and lh- ritus al which they ,,
ivere chartered to tlie tioyernment. tui
instance : Take 13 of theio vessels. Th it
aggregate co-t is shown lo have bei n riotic in lone, in 'nife-lii g a devotion to
?05,283. TiiVir ngirregnto daily pay was t!. eeentty that AboIitionUm
. . .......... . . 'i. ,.
017-sy ftlHWt i I per nion.u. ' ne i,,iv. r knew , bot tit l!i same ttnni do- Ti,:i, wl ll o -ht not In ho
nio-st valunVlo c-f t!i-"M 13 vc-:-id- wtro t a,ar-ding that nur ruh is bhonld try. sonic
hown lo have i;o-l ;i,f1.) clitirlci-C'l t j olln-r means than !) nvi.,l t tnvc us the present tu
250 vcr day : tho h;ast vaiinblo Sl.-OJ. ' fy(,ni mci-ebv nod i onf'i'i..n ; and that if ! urf'":'n
chartered at S , p,.r day. lue"L iit'Ui as il was lati.K l le restored, jjoi)l re,0llt j(, earnestly reiuenlii:g thai
H i? shon that other parties nth red , that whal is now lell ol our cmco lioo.e
vc-scls to tho Goveriiment Agent, but- count ry may bo i-avcd from niter ruin,
they were rpfus"d. "ml directed to Mali! Ii Ih'u trenoti ? According to the ru-
nd ha colleagues Hesidcs enoiVFug of the Jacobins a jt-ar a:;-, il is; but a
i i e f. .. i.i . I
.'im'.f 1 i 111 Itll'I or mi i 1 1 i uuiiiy ji viiut iimimu iii'iViii in ;
Tl nl -uch oficiea - -hoilld be dnlv piiu- tln-ar proper pcrfons, with their holls. Kec-ord?,
i.,,.l a:,.,. ,-,ii ,',ai!,r- ,,n,l lmiuisitioiiF, Hxiiuii nutions. and other lienicui-;
..-,,, ,1 no good c.l.en i. n .."til, I , ''l!,, j,, do those things whk'h to tlieir onieer?, ' pmpi . legislation by I ongre-.s is re-.inJ ,n i.hi,-, pertain U be done. puipe-o can be as lilt!o tllVKN under my hand nt ClenrtU'lil.this 19th
doubted. 'i h'-tiier such legislation should j ,ay f i.u., in tho year of our Lord, ono thous-1
include, a Mi-pension of the W lit of bulicax uud eight hundred and sixty -three. j
' i i ........ r.i 1,-iiU'Aini l'i'i'i.a si..,!,r
') In any and nu n pans oi me coun-j - ....... . ,..M.
trv, is a ,i!''-tioii w hieh .'-!. mg.s exclusive-1 -
.y'totbe l.'gi-lativo .iiithoiiti.-n of iho Uni. SHEEirF'S SALES.
led States, wan) iitnier llio Lotii-tilulion
have a I i ij 1 1 1 lo determine it.
Tint great wi ll ought not
Hitstanding County Orders.
" Court houp,
Couctv Dond,
J.1,573 08 Aggregate duj.K)' I
2,571 74 j
4,324 81 i
10,500 09 ?13,o22 87 Coy lndobtcJnw. jS
if 23,300 55 $23,300 55
JOSETH SHAW, E?n.. Troa-nrer of Cloarficl
county in account with tho different towuihips;!
for Road tux for ISO!) uoal ISOI
To balance duont Inst settlement,
... , . . . r- j ij I'iliaii. U uuu in in.-. r.,,,v,i
, vu tin of sundry writs of 1 e...-.l.on. FuTo. ,o Bluount ro(.oivf(, from owner, of
-C . . - .i -i f - i
no,, issued mil oi tno court oi -oniru..n un-ented lnndi for ISfiO nnd 1SB1, 8,261 08
JOSEPH SHAW, Esq., Trc irerof Clwrl-i''
eountv, in rt'.-aurtt wilh t'u uefovent towo'.pi
for 8ehool tax for IStiO nad
' DK.
i'I 8.". To baliini'o duo nt lt e c'.'leinon, I J'? t.
mnnun ; rci'ctv (M ti nil mvni'rJ 'i
To i
Sus : 1'ieiis of Cleartiold county, nnd to ino directed,
unKOutod land- for ISM nnd 1s- I, D.:.10-'
s to the wisdom of Congress ; ,huro v ho csposod to PIT'LIC SALE, at tho ,,eCf
eei. -.sity shall appear to be Curt house in tho borough of Clearfield, on Mon-'
J 11 .... ,.i .1-.. .r li7.l I 'l....l, (J'LU,
I UiV llio llllll liny Ol .MUIl.ll, uuii, cifc i V ei..v.u,
Therefore I recommend iho parage of a1 ! "','h tM-iug doscribod lUal Estuto, viz : j j!rlfu'ril
t All tl...t .m-i. in in.,, .f lotnl tdunln in I man 1 '
leri.iig thai I 'ru"r-r: . " ,.v :zr "oom,
Congress d.all forUiwith pass laws i.elin-1 )n ,0 ,j;cliC0 Cftft u0 mo,0 or Ic.. to 1 S. . .
ing and punishing ol the vass jmEt theuco toutb M nnd oight-tenth perchon
above refened lo, and pruv iding for the ' (,re or less to a hemlock, thoneo west 100 perch. 1 pov't ,1U
fair and speedy trial by an impartial jury es more or less to a homlock, thence north b4 nnd cicarfiol.l bor
ol iiei sO-isohari'L'l with tuch otlences in eight-tenth j.irchea tuoro or less to place of bo-1 T) ,
mon, profit, exceeding 520 per cent, on ! lemarkablo change ha, conic ever 1 the loyal and undisturbed StiUe,, ,o. that
thecnuital invented, this limn Hallhadan . f-piril of tl.oir ilreams, since the recent i the guilty may pislly sutlei 'and the jnnoi ; wi(h ,g hou(0 ,og Urn ,r,d ! .
intcrct d 12 percent, on tho earrings 'fl retions, and the popular vrcce-so (ear- ''''n '-". ... w. . t( Soiled nnd taken in cxocution and to 0o,h
IttlwJ, fnlto.yrant.-suppresscdforanea-ouaJ Fklk 'I'raI'E. W'e hear much lomplaint . LS O."-!.1 ce rt a'i n Tract o iT 1 an d si taiiUo In Bull ' J j I7i w-11 "
Governtvcnt " tl) raliiJt volume, is just Legmnwig 10 about (be InuH rMv ol toil t tiairu ai me towulujs Clcurfinld county, beginning at a white U(.l0U(
new I'.iKliro ncTOss llehiiit;ia creeK ; uui vi . ..aum, 1"uuvV ja j Jordan,
Ij. U unv ivnrnli-r tlmt nur
fund.s are sixty per cent- below par ? May , T'1'11 4 u
v.e not rnthcr bo sntifhca that me uov t ATIVe !,., Com r,iii.M e. The
crnmcnt han any cicdit at all . , I.e-jisliituro of Illinois have agieod upon I ' ; ,.,, ;., ,.;,. i.,ntr of tolls as thin Prchcsto a fiigar comer, tbenco by enmo land i MorriSi
l,.i,,l. .n,l hIIiaf liimls r,f (. 1.. TtAAil tinrlh 40 do- . ...
with what justice we aro not piepared to ( mttl g65 crc,l0a l0 B whUe in0 comer, n-. '
The linn. ogcrs should be very care thoneo by fiuno land norib 50 degrooi east 130 j,ttBrcIlce(
iTgulnting their taritl
provnlof military orrests, in "i-fS0 etS are among tho lirt umn in tho State.;"
pnt to the Legulature on Thursday !- j Su.phe.i T. I.i.gan, an eminent lawyer ofKV''""
We can trl! "our And' that this "death- slrin .fiol.l.if the liend of :'ne commission. ! aU'R b
bt'd" repfntanco will not answer. "I do Lr .iturc lm. ngned to take a re-! .'f11'
. e . . I. : -I I c 1 Iii
SOU 00
l'J-1 4t
80 DO
Si) P0
S70 nn
ISO 00
HS 51
4 93
;so no
2n no
ltiO Ul)
tA 13
jnn oo
135 OH
l.SaS 29
IU 4 .1
Xf.fl t f)
19.1 57
5B1 f'9
100 09
i? no
100 00
155 P2
' Hal. due tps. f 1,310 23
Ain't p i. Ti. Am'l due.
44 OS
4:t 1)5
38 81
19 S2
21 7,t
5S 45
X2 fill
TU 13
42 5t
21 05
4A 19
10 m
61 02
58 69
160 95
1(1 42
lit) 23
112 74
13 61
II 14.
74 W
112 52
42 72
3,6S5 91
..,.1 ...! II.A rial,ilia,.. niieninlinl r .. r ullll lilllU OIJ 011U jniCllin BOUia 111 uetr.e. 0l ; j,CD
... i v-. . i il.n loiin'h hour I 1 . '. , .,' 1 . n is i nil 1 .kf al 1 ot In r tarills. It id rrvnit,c :tlij p,.ri.i,c to n white pine corner, thence ny , pik
IcoLatk.-Now, atlheiloun.Ii nour, fommisMloncr!, locoMSu with other Slalcn . . J , ....... . ... - !ilIlti f Tlmn,. A..MeHhMA.rf.-Co. nnd other. ! i.'i ''
tiovernor Curiin has expressed Ills (lis-;,, , .0 Ul(f Tj(J cornMnn J, -. l"' sm'u" 11 , .uth 60 doKreeS west 130 perches to tho V of i -Vo0,,;ar,,,
i f :i;,n,u nrrntia in a liiPSsn"e .i , . .i t.. . d iuiiiieiu u tit i i,oitn ,,. .... ,c..o... , oejrinn nc, conuiiiiiug tn uores nun .,..,
provalof military arrests, in s nusr c arc b(U Ul0 Uftl Ul. , tl,o Male.; ...... .....,. ,..i, t , u,n u,0u,u.,l allowance for roids. Ac. -ii bcit
ii uv k i" ' " j , i . r . .. ,.f r.. l rt Itintl
,1 A COIUIHISL'U Ul lirtlie Ul IUIVW init.v.1 .i(.- - ,
1. rMt u i,fwyi,li Mi4 nWlf Ulft ' . 1 ( it . PW!-V in A.
. L-c n iv- - . WHrniiitL'd loj-iifcuvuiy in mo ijuiu ui ...
ri u-m.t il... Iri.ln of our ariffith ami k nown an N o, 5i.09, 9 1 0 and 6U1 3. r :PJ:,...
. . . . ... t;..ifiMlantl taken in execution and to bejolu aa 4i. e i..
no, know how many arrests of tho. kind - ' of m Hradhird fnen s Uey are wxcu lbo f crty yf x , , ;h - 4 the
herdntoloro rcfeired to have been n.ade.", el u c0!)m)i.sioncrs ll0!
U.conlion cfmo6lfaul import. If t ,o .nako a report. The XeW YerU , our town h,o .heir ciist.mindlo
' comnunv uieir von. iov us n-io
1 CK.
Clearfield bor.,
Herat ii r,
$3,585 9Vi
Am'l y I.
257 73
338 35
318 49
125 21
2.1 47
451 12
2"a 85
1.15 28
151 05
5 31
Ctl 83
7 33
19S S3
187 85
810 73
892 31
810 45
761 79
07 38
M7 97
(12 18
329 35
413 5(1
2:i4 50
23H 51
134 10
217 89
.1 n't n'i
3,'S 33
115 37
51 W0
in .-.i
?5 ri
;? ' 83
117 43
31 M0
? 27
M 01
yj 67
V8 24 '
690 83
157 71
78 33
22 77
15 5t
28 5A
ru 12
15 05
Bah duo tps. (2,179 77
(10,019 27
1 1 CMS 1"
of Cloarfild county, WE, tho Auditors of flwirfiold e-nntJ-M
ants of Joteph f haw, examined the account- of Juso-,!. bLaw,
.. tw, 4TI.m,,m a II T.i.iiim p Al alii nliniT. Mil B HrU
MlWtllll l'KUKS.RhX ir'pfl-' iou . .... luojrcw i.u... uUvl,V
nrr, r,.HV.I 18 ,3. ' do cert, y, that wound tne ncconnts oi sa.a do report-ir'. ."J -V" . Irv
(-uciiii c v...vv, -- Treasuror ns followi : ino nmouni ano irom an ine amouni ju uu .v..... , , , ,
- . murcesto be Nine tbou-and Cve hundred nd or is Ono tbeusand three hundred an
IX I' EST ItlCWAItn.A reward of Six ,BreDty.thre dollars and sixty ciKbt cents, dollars and twenty three .ji
duo me pennui x m, M
I r---j - fstx li.s i' ni," i""--- n'" ' ' seventy-three dollars and sixiy ciKiu cents, uoiiurs i
I trade" which means that Iradu should Cents but no chaiges will bo paid fur tbo Wo also find tho amount of outslnndini orders duo the
you ImJ been that faithful guardian of tho . y .Mtmure &n.
. 1.. Il.ol I .r.alOlltinn rCOllireS VOU ... . , . r ,-.,..! .. I... .1 I " .. ,...i.. . r - I l.l .- , .- . . . , . j,.ll..., ulv . v.. . , j 10 i.egisiHlure oi iveuiuchy n - , , . i ., i.pVftI1,i ..!,. ja ahsoi delivery t" m musi-r.iior ui u ecruuu ufiTu , Lo Twenty throo thousand throe hundred nnd ana i""T"j ' '" ," "li ' '
i l-n u.inl.l nal l,f IL'noraill, Ol una I.. .,...., nlr.,1 .r.m ni i'HK III COIliUII. Akl.Afh. hclioo -H'ucnar, wuu o-eion uuui iuu -,(. , T ,l,,llm and lillr.livfi oedls OI w ncn. 1119 iimum n
' . I.' ... i Ml .1.-1.. 1 ,, I . ,1 r.....tfip V,' I il I ,uo 1. V ,AI, son. .i .1.U wnl...,.l llir,iilf,rB nf l.nwrnliilll linn. ... . ..... .. J r .. I I..1 J..II... ... iIiva ItinikKlinil three blini
... . ... i 1. ....... . ...wkGBVt. I,. .... u .ni,.r,B , . .,. Iin,.lr. nl l..w,.niA nvti. ... . .. . . i i - j j ii r. i ll. w. IhnacnnH 1 11 r ftp luaurru nuu .....
in.i nriui.i fu-i W think that the ver- and Indiana and .New Jersey will, uouius iu. ..,... r... f mpioyoi mo 'l",""""" -- hixteen taousana nvo uunurea uumin nro im. .,uc ------- rlih finM."''
JT.r tV5t:... ,1. L;n.. bss. llow throut-d, their o?ga..i,ed gov-i Tho lhidgc ia a f,o s.ructure-ahke .hi,- (employe, at W? f -) about Uielhiust h B d -u our hanij! ,hia 22d day of l.r. ,.d '1 l
1 r . . . A..ntmmic with innnsviviiina. Utiw Mini i ri ,n in 1.1 niinlni n i.iul ri.nmictoi'fi. V. J . "it.- UUU,J " .
neglected tho neare.tand dearot ngl.tso. " ,7 " , ' ,10l,ej. Umiuali . V 1 .... 1... " " ;i....i... ZT . " W"1' i i" " C H WOKBKU.
, . , . . , . . , l. .... - - ' - - - HIKl I Ml 1 11 I fi'.l p.ii'ii in .i.i 1 111 v 1.11 i i" o UVIUH ml'wow. -y dnevii 111 ' I',, 11
ihn iieoiilt in this lluuraul manner, luey ,... ...., i, ,.i,ii. m unmo form. 1 . ... " mii'i-nv in- ... . ..... imimtiDDTr I - not.
. . llion wp"i'. . .1.,,. ,',, nrt u, ka.i luivi .-l'lH 11 win. . eumi .., AU.ejl, uio,!, .oiiilu.., , -
to tuout m 1 l0.b at. nd. XSol iHnxt. Vu. 8. nR.ntr-v, Wk v n- "
wiil put iu ) our plic some nun who u '( ,u comniibsiouers aro
undini orders n 1 ,
.1 -J .liitM.I J
nunureu u
iCourt-HousoHonds. Witnomour hsodi
S.) ? ef January, 1863. H. C. 0WMAM.
i ii t. j ii
1IIH4M tWil'AD.
more mindful of iii duty.
Louisville, Ky., in Match.