it Til 0. B UOODLANDER. ( tJltrs- PKIITCirLLS. not MIX TERKS Cl 25 prr Annum, ff pp.itl tnndTirn NKW SKHIKs V0L1II. NO 31. (01.. XXXIII. WHOLE NO 1.17 CLLAUKiFj.i), j wi:dm;sday, it.h. in, inns PI on tsii: A IJ' 'n tlio nrm.n l, tVih in v Mr.-ikot lightened sriiun-t V: neiiry mil wic-trd frmno ; I.i.w n r.t 1,1 1 I'ei-t tlio I!' t'ul ln(lil Hi . iiinn; ei'iil, in tin- fri-erin oif,lil. Iell im ino'lieiy m tli e unlit, A beurllttM, f iir !o lljino. II .try lone, with tun bciivjr lon.l, II ti'ij nnd M'te, i n tho iiiountiila road, .Aim! ovvr tl.e netolnto nlHin ; All 'ii y tl.r.i'itli liir ci-jvi r.. mill, Our .':,' H. ;W ;.i.'l t!nl.:!i tho i'. i. I, A!m'. 'i r v,i'-" w'111 n 11,11 k I'f hleull, In: lul'rOYi'.t ihe iviiulu,; t.-.tiu.. 1 vg to flit lit irvnii.'ir, 11 In 71'n cru: '. iu Lis ' vernck, I. Hit hall' of u cnie 11 '. '. sturt' A cruM, tl.ut n:tiT ului..r fart, hm.r ) nml-vrod iulitct ii.tflit lave p.-isiKtl, Kimwif K I'm' ihimi'I I'11 th'J la t Ulml lay ut his i.ja.-tcra's il"tr. No other muinl on les Mumlmr Ml. Tina the h'li'.'.iomo trcml nf lln) sintinrl, Th.Lt i'i". I, iiii'V'.irrtl pin-. :.. .1 1 ........... .. r i,nn 1 .........--.... Ann in " ft i' ii., 111111 pi. 111111 . in., In uia.iy 11 Wiioy. wr:o line, T'jtro's liulloir faco. P.ut llicimlJi' reLpl.nti'l (be drea 111s wora liright As ti i' ' sy fi'ew ol his Lri'lul iiighl, With tho Hnpol on hi" breast; Vor ho pi-Mal nn.v from tho wintry rIooiii 'i'o the nk-iiriiiit li;titol'a chi-iifu! room, Where 11 cut tut iurrinfr upon the loom, Al.ii his weary henrt wns lilest. lliii children ertre- two hluo eyed f;irl, With hiUKhin lips Had i-utioy carls, Ami flunks of rinii'y glmT Au the uioilier pule, hai lovely now, An v.-he 11 iimn her virgin hrox Jlu proml.y fealed hin ca-ly vow, Iu thj uniiiuer, lung :ig ). Hut the reveille wihl, in tbo uiortiii.g ary, bteitl' I ti.e b'.viut ful u.ioii a.r', l.iku a friirhli'iied hiril of the iiili'. ; And It rovuifil to tho holJier's inity l.ruiu j rut t:.o Mil HI l..:om unit soi.niiea u.iin, AaJ he lurnid with n 'lull, urieapy pio, To tli 0 earn ;-li 1 e'o 'l.un lijrht. I THE AFFAIR CF THE TURKEYS. r.'.t L t'KETON. The w;i nev r probably a Letter maidi'd couple that) r. Solomon Par, ins r.n l his wie'. ilr. Soloiiion J'arsons as bad been ptedie'.ed in his boyhood. made a vcrv e titplary indulgent Sn.Miaii'1. vvhilo .-Irs. Silnuii'ii i arsons, nil sveryb'niy ie-jied Imfro they were mar ried, mad" a vet v :enipl:n y, fronl and ..bedivt.t w.l'e. They agreed in nil tilings; .and us they weio never ku nvn 1 lind mJ lions fault '.villi each oilier except on one tior-nsioti, it may be a matter of interest with t.ic .dcr 10 know what this ocen- niori wa. I bis w.h l!iei.l!iir of lb-? lurkey?. You inul k iiiov 1 h it Xr. ami Jin. Solomon Parson.- iivi on .1 farm iu New llainpsliiie, and priiie tliet -( Ivei mil al-ing llio Lest turnips, cna ns ami o'ce, (.ii-i ni.iou.iig th; ..,, f.e len.iercst culvei) nnd ,1111. .).-;. 1 miiu uit: ni'' imiii i i 1 oe 1 1 u 11 1 01 " i- : llio tin .-1 a. Yhc Puisoiifi s neve r kept lu 01 thai. :-;x i a time, with perhaps an 'x!i ;. olio ('..tlciiing for 'i''.i:ig or '"'lni-lti,as. liut l.ieso they wire particu larly 1 of; and next to tho children, iP-no key were eaied l'or by Mr. an 1 Mr. I'm -ot . (hie d.'iy l'a;s"tis found ibid iotnibody hud pour'd 'be contents of a certain jug iio kepi in Ihc liniise (lor c isp of siek tiess only ) -nti a pei k-i leasuro half full cfslu-ll"d . ivi M.ich was inlee. led lor tli" 1'ii.iyf. A' i or ni-i!iin: particular no '.hps (it bis vi!t ns to ill's pertietriitor ol ;. J n: which h: lii. a' !,,- ,li iiiw-.l nlVtlw. linnor d sii'ollen ahuiidaully ibe corn, ana tliougntn-s: ly thr-'W tno soaked grain In (lie foi'vti. This done he rodo lo town on Lie it.! .-s. ,'ivitigMr. Parsons nloiio with i no eiiilui on r.ud ll.c turkeys. Nol nnrv minutes hel elapsed after Mr. Par (; ' dep nrtui e, w lien nnu of tho boys l ie', i d int" the house crying out, lo bis moll, or that "i ll tho tin keys bnd got lits. .,nl were djin' ni if they had I lie eliolei .1 '." firs. 1 i.rsons was knitting in litr ens s'h.v.r t she si rnrii lo her loci in an iu Haiil. lnagaing thu bull of Vi-rn, hiuii had lallen ui'on the lloor, more loan a lallen upon the floor, more than a I n rods, she .-cached ll.c spot f Urn iblo turkey tragedy! Awful .ight ! : doi tcrril. lalal ealastiophe: .vol one ol tho six lat , cu:-Keys was on us leci. une. or two werei making vain atlotr pts to walk, apparent-1 ly without any definite object in viow, while the i t.'-1 lay ns lifeless as though I llieir heads had been chopped off, tnd carefully re; 'i.eed after death. "litar t:e :" cxolnitned Mis. rarsons, ! lifting her hands in dismay. '-Wliat ni 1 be tbo milter " ;h 'em f What mu hnvo .oisoned c.n ea? O, my poor turkeys!" i As shehnished siieaking, the only fowl that hm' appaient!)' retained a spark or! two oMUe in its body till ihon, quietly pave il up, nnd making a very restiecla bio ttiruble for a lurkey, laid itself down with its companion. Mis. Parsons called it a wonderful judgment a terrible de- e;ee of rrovldenc? -and reolved to make - Ul'l freely isiuedshinphisters icdetni llio best of the atlliotion, ordered the boys i UN Ht the Havana l'ank. "I see, sir, you to drag the turkeys to I he house. 've net nlloat shinplnsters navible at our 'The feathers are good," said she, "1 1 must uavatiicm. i Accordingly the frugal housewife Pltip-! pod the defunct foal of their feathers, , ono afu-r another, nrd made a pile of tbeir carcwes, fir Part-Tn to look at on ' ki return. Ii was a fid fpeot -cl to bo- I'okl them in tlieir fallen Elali.l.cnpccl up1 Without cither life or fealhers But ecarco ' P1 Mrs. Tarsons gone, into the houso "ith the featbci, hen the voungest ond I least resp-ctablr ;owl in the heap cavo l lvenie l , unlrot.sly Lke lifo for ?a dead j I'Tkey, , ; ecd ils eyes, raised iti head, ad nnnl y, (ier making many indecisive ' iiorts raiuod M foet. This pnisfw.TT- ' l).'- i'XAtllplo W;IH fnlloWfld ,y nnOt lltT.ltr.ll so tin until von might hnvo witnessed the nim-ual nnd laughter provoking specta- CO 01 SIX I WO-loTi't I f tl II II I lilt. I .-). ilU.I,CI . ....ii i i I with neither hair nor feathers, walking j and staggering about, in if they wem ' ol t licinselvos nt:d til each oilier. 1 1 on iviiiilil Ij.tvo c;iiJ tint tlu-y novor fi ll so runny in nil tlu ir Lives ; Hint tiny were : r. I'll.. . ,11111 l-j n-ui. miiu! oi ni'iriiiiortilflil., nol J knowing how to account f r tiioir od.J up- 1 1 en ; tlint liicy ial Leon in n Irani i3 ', till llieif feather IihiI rolUvl oil', anrl that on ri-wivt-rttif! thei.' consciousness, iil'ewa" jit iu:w iii,.l Bimiipu tljirif lo them, mnJ I they eoiihl net creilit their senses, l'oor, : Lew iluercil, .sillllillS, lilisL'lliile'J tlllkevs! The fur rn h Kiinc urchin who had run to in- l.i tt.ltt tho turkVA Wcro'i 'lead, t ow preeipitaled hini'-ull' into t ho kitchen lo tell her that "they hntl I'orne i iv i.iu uji.uui .ur. isirsons run out, u-s Lefoie; Lul shn wits more unrpriseil llian eer. She declared il was n miracle. Who ever heard of dead tuikevs ivalkini? Lf fore? The mir.'ieln nf tlin nun ivlw. ' " " . .' look iii Uv ,-jti,-r v.iaiid wallied, wasn't innrn Hli'iti,."! Iliiin ll.'il tiv iln.i.l l in . .. . n ... .... ... .... '.ttiioui'i ariso nna wiuk without llieir leatli ers. i ou would have said .Mrs. rnr.-cm I :y. H founteiiiinees thn li.-.r. re-pe,.l tin was bewildered us tho turkfv. Wide! nnd esti ems the bl isphi tne:-. It vi- Mailers sloi.-d thus when Mr. rnrsrns alatej obligation, l'rai;d returned. JuiIl'o of his sin 01 ise. vdien h 1 hon ns inlan.v It .1. rir,.,.j I. i,.-.i beheld his (me turkeys, sad and crest lul len, travelling about us naked as so U.any eel" ! "What on 'urili doca this mean ?" lie dematn'ed. "O;" sobbed Mrs. Parson?, "it's th tliinj: ; I never beard of tho l;ko never ! The turkeys all died" 'Ibedl" "Yes nnd 1 picked 'em." "ied utid you jiiek'al 'em !'' cxcl.iirnod Parsons angrily, "t.l, you good for r.oth in' I'1 Jl was the fir-t unkind word rassons bad eve;-; poken to bis wife, nnd tsho 1'oli it. "O ! O ! )" she criedr bitterly. 'O.O! U. echoed Parsons through bis as bo looked first at liis wil'o '.I . 1. 1 .. iiieii ai. nis 1 uraevs. "Parsons 1'' "You foo!.'" You l'u;e!" replied thn wretched wo, uian,nl.le to beat no more; r,:;d she sivelled up before Purs- ns ns Iho turkeys hail cdlou done, belotn stripped of their feathers ' llr. .Solomon Par-en,-, I ani not a fool !'' Vrti ti. I ..... fi., ....! I, iavn.t ,lt ,(.r,., J 3 "',erline tiirkeys! I picked my tur keys because they were dead !" "They wore not dead I" exclmtued Tar, sons. "As den I B3 dried herrings i" cried Mrs. Parsons. "Ynu nro.i fool.ns I told yen I" shouted Tai-sons. "1'he tuikeys were drunk." "lirunk, yes !" thundered Parsons :"for I gave 'em that com that had Leeu soaked in w hiskey." '(, Parsons! ynu eave 'cm Ibal corn '," j cried Mis. Parsons, hysterically. " r ; 1 hose line 1 11 1 kevn 'O'O'O Vous f, iu-nvl He feared that bii faitblul wife might soon be in a woi-e ..r,,. ,1 , ; , 1, ,, , 1 . , . , , 1. . vs. if ho did nol soothe, her, r-.nd in he el- ti,,i iho origin al fanll was bis, ho readily mndo endcav ors lo oiler her consolation. "Don't cry," said he. "I will I'' said she "V,.,. '!. 1 foul ! You L-ave the tnrk- ti,.,t You- you you are a brute!'' "1 know it," replied Parsons, hunibly. 1 plead guilty to tho cnarge. 1 am fully rnin ineed thni I nni a bruie. I'm a moro .i . ii i . . ni'grnaen niiimat ihan these Itn f.'athei lesi as they are. lint 1 ak keys 1 vour j forgiveness." "Parsons!" sighed tbo poor woman. "My dear," said Parsons "(.)!" And Mrs. Pnisons threw herself on Lis neck, as if f lie hud not seen him for a yiar. "You forgivo me V i es. Andibnt exceedinclv well-matched pair msm" tl"'"1 ot' your conseiences, in or embraced, to tlio great surprise of tho six (irr l!,flt ,1C-V reI"'r;liert il inf'ssanl. fcatherless turkeys, that had witnessed '' t" thoughts. Repeat them in tbo (he who'.e fcene in perlect bewilderment. niorT1'"g; repeat them in the evening, Then thev Imth fell to nnd hoeim .n'andintl.e assemblies of fashion let each , butcher tho turkey, ns if (hoy (tho tur. ' Keysj were aitogetiier in fault, and as if,"' 18 anny. ' , ' " ' :. (V1'',!i l C. ' Wowl " Wl ' -r muvr iney (.Mr. nud Mrs. I'.iisons) wished I,. ' , :,.,,; xt' ,.i"l' ' W , ,r ci,i,lt ' t ' ' , , , '""' , . fra Suhm.nn i'.c. t...... i ... . ,. ' other nnd laughed. " They're a'.l dead now," sai 1 Mrs. Par sor.g. "And picked." saiJ Solomon. And they embraced again. "It was foolish in me, "observed Parsons afterward, "very foolish, to givo the tur keys that torn .'" "And foolish," added Mrs. Tarsons, "very foolish in the turkeys to eel cm--,.'" b Tug War Power. Senator who i banker at Havana Seim . . , I.1.UII1I, I,, : , undertook to rebnt a n lm.,1 n,,.,.. 1,11,1 k i you know you have not n dollar of jj lucre. -iiiut is true, Senator ; ',t Wls" 'o heaven I had!" "Hut it is ""'b'1', Hien. to issue iho-e hills." "How can von Bay o, Senator, when our leoplo need currency so much?" "But ?0a nave no pa' or moral right to isiue ',lcm- ,,ow you do it?" -Doit, senator do il under the War IWcr.Als ia"!i -l''y P.-T.v,!nr,".7ir-I'V "n , f ou"g nn should set ond ex- l'' hem JUn" " 'ay f1,0W' ,ng ,hem' - - Br-Why is a bird a greedy creature f Becau - it never cats less than a peek. A Temperance Lecture. "Ho thfit cytr tf tcrt'l, lot Mm r .1 Iip Unit li.ts fan In ln'.ir let liim In -: ." Iliti!iiicr;iHii' nits il.nvn yuislli i" i'-i vium'i ina'ilioo'l in ils tiniiiii, ,'iii 1 :il'" in .vrakni'sH. Il lrcak.i the fn t ii -'i ' - h ,u t. i li.-n itvcs tiic doling motiiiT, vx t iou tuU.nil nfleclion, CniM'.s nminnl low, : . , ..... . . . tio(s ou t II. Hi. il ! T( Ji miMi t J, I, I : s mli'l s nnl Iiojio, noil brings il.nvn iiioui iiiii' iifjo ; in hoi row to llio jjr.ive. Jl j i .nhiei s j weakness not Hrenth. sieklicn not : hnaltli, lieutli nol. lil... J, :naki8 wives widows, chiMn n m ,ih.ins, lthers liemls, I anil All of them p-i.ij-ers uml I i vs-. It 1 lemls rhen inn I i-- rn i..iv... mnl w..i..,.ni.w epiiieinicK, inviti.s cholera, imports pnti' leneo nnl etnl im.-os I'linviimni i.n. Ii.eov. , cru the latni itlt i lleno , p.V. ortv, ili'c .- imd crime. H filh .:r iail--' sui ol.i s your aims-ilioiisoi, ami aejiiiiuls your duuisi. 1 1 ui.gcnili! cent i ovcrnies, lo-t rs j quarrels, and cherishes riots. It crouds i vour !oriii.'nioiiM, r.tnl inrlJun n... . :..iii.w l., ,...o..l ' I, : n... i;i'. I ...i..ini.'l-.niri.flliw.-.. 1113 IIIU I I ' Llood ol the gambler, tho ailment of tin; ' ... i .... I'... nH ii.n ... ..r!... l : .1. s... .... ,,, IIIK1.., j,,.;,, at'.u .tie t' nio n 01 1 ne 1011 11 ie'. inivis 14. httlea lovf, srionu virtue, luinl-'id iniei- reiifo. 11 incites the l.ule r lo 1 I' incites the !',u!e r lo l;uie.ier his helpless o T-pting, bi-ips the iuid ao'l ; to massacre hi.- v ile, and helps the i iiren to f-riml tor. jmrrie, .i;d axe. Iibtn1,- up nian ,ii cou nines, .ictc-.ts life, eiir.-et (iod and despises IWavcn. It Mdoiii! wilnc'M'S i.ui-es pe'jnry, defiles iiiU ja.-y-1 box nnd stains tin- jmiieial e'tnine. il Lribes volt s, di-ip,;;iiii,, vnlers, corrupt elentions, pollutes oer iintitnlioos, u ,il emlniicos etir liovernmi-nt. It de 'ao J iho U;: pi.,i 1 1 . 1 . .. the ;'! -iair,r, - inns ( I . in, or, t ! Iliis.'l v 1; ill- ; ors tie Malosnian ,m,,i i: j It l)iii:r's thatiio no! , safely, despair boK p. tn lor led it ii'.;,' eo of a ll d'S'ls ', i: oi. oen.iU I lUfn, And ni;h t! nmlevoicf liend, it oaliiny Bimn Us I ri':.,i , h;ior.s, ami, il.uiuted with h.tvo .soli lelicily, kiils 1 eace, ruins ononis eoninitnce, slays irpnta'.'.en, 1 1 1. . . , 1 . aiiii lie nij.'esi-ui inuionai nonor. tiien uuisf: woric; I nnd 1 us at its ruin. 1 here, it docs all that, and more, murders the soul. It is tho sum of Hi ri!I in.4iiiit3 , mo cniso ni curses ; me ilevii s best Iriend. Vanity of Vanities. In a magnificent oration of Chrysostoui, sound Ihoui-iits ;ue suggested, in tho contemplation of thut transitory glory which is the gilt of wealth and fortune and power, nil which is des tined to perish. "It is nt ih;.s moment," says the illustrious patiiaich of Constan tinople, nddre.--ii g the court of Ids day, ns corrupt as it was splendid, "it is at 1 moment, more than mw, we are jusi ilied dn f-ayir-g wiih tlio w ino man. ' Vanity ol jvauilie-; nil is vaniiy.' Yiie-e is i- , ; the splendor of tl..' eon; ula'.e '; Where ti e ; oi 1 1 oa u cy ot lam ps ami tni'. ' .'s . m te.i t : of joyous i.s-i'ini.lit-V Wncc i-iv tin ; crowns a;.d i..-.gnilii cut - i iiaun nls j Where the ibnttnng r, pt-vi- i.f the eltv i the aeclnntal ions of the cii i.".i'- I he a hi lntiiKis of t' ou-.-.t. 's of -pet ulatnts .' Ail have pas.-cj aw.y! The wind by one j blast has swept the leaves, and now they I show lo us a (lead tree, torn from its roots, I so violent has been tho tetnnest. It hep 11 I'roken ruin. Whfreare the rre'ended friends the swarnm of pata-ites the tai l'a cljnr"'ou . ,v" " I'isiiry Hin wtno cir- , , . i ... ;iuiuieii iiuring emtio clays wneic. tne various refineinenls of f a.-ting the sup- ,,lp l.iTli.iinfTr, -.I' tl.urn 9 lfl.1,1 ,n. l..,hn,.,. 1 "'o"'r-v - v - ii ii,i inn iii-uiiim l'f l'!f'"1 a"- A dream of llio light, which vanishes with tho day ! A flower of spring, winch fades in tho summer! a iha-lo which pncrs! a vapor which scatters! abubLle of water which bums! a -pL der's web which is leru down! 'Vanity of vanities, ull is vanity.' Inscribe the-e words on jour walls, on your vestments, on your palaces, on your streets, on your houses, on your wind'j'.vs, on your doors; j rpl'0;lt to Ilis neighbor, ' Vanity of var.i- . x-,.... 7. A Nk e irEsTto, 4 of Wb.., cm .. .i. n '(ic. iiv,.! lr.l 1, l llP-I I. (Ills iscussion n to when the nrnoot nee. and tho Lord Chief 13aron stepped forward to docid the Mosiior. neisccrtcu, legally, the riucslior. lie i sorted Prince o( Wales was of age. say (it might re) -li hours 60 minutes hnforo he had completed his 21st year. That is, the law rero-ii.o the slightest fraction of a day ; and il a nmn Lo horn half a minute before twelve o'clock at night, Im is of legal ntre lor any pin j ,si at the half minute or tui'n of tho eloei. v.ier twelve one day lo?s than (he full i ri.i ono years afterward.. Av Eikvi't. A veiy robust, healthv lookinc iiiHti, ei"h!:ij nboul ono hun- dred nnd ninety pound, entered n dor- ' h tlerol the lid in.-c, nuys that ihu iron tor's office to jje-t a certificate of exemp-1 ci.ul ster-mcr Moinank had lioeu eogag-d lion. On being questioned if he was id lri ! end d vi n at'eckicg an iron ei id init io do a day's work, he sai l he could do lery on the Ogechne viver. The rebel more than any other man in tho place ! I (.'an you carry a musket and knapsack all day T Y'es, he could, and kiswwsht. too ! i Can you wnlkt.ll day j Yos further limn any rnco horse can run! Well, nl,t js ' iiiomaueri "I m a a d lool aim 1 : . . .... . . . . canprovoitl 1 voted lor Ahianam bin. 1 coin l"llarlord Timet. j r . . pnJAn Irishman just from tne sod was eutmg some old cueso, when ,f, found o his uismny that it coi.tai.itd living iiihrtb-; nnnia i,.i.nna i... ,....,.... .i your chaie in this couatry have childer V I . . . ' , i.An alllicted husband ' from the funorslofhii wife, when a frierid asked him how ho was. "Well " he said ! i..a,.i: ii.. ,.t ...,'. . .. ' . t, I " ""?"!- 1 0K 1 letl tflO b0llr Ol itis litfj walk." THE PROTEST OF 1U2 STATES. i 'J'laro Hie hventy ihu-e Sial. s, ai, eleven Slati s 111 nr.; a ily of the twent ,'Mhii d 11 l-.-Ki 11 ; re Iio.iiih' in the p hev ol'iiie Adiniiii---' 1,011 a d.'V.'h'pi'd in ilii. f..o hot pm, liia'ion. of l'lc-iili'iil Lincoln. Wi-i'.'ii 111 ha f.'U'cn a ( . j . m ! m r m.. ptdtc.y. So ha-. I Iho'ii., Iowa is lu ,1 rl , ( v. ioy ipii .lion. : ! ii'luui 1 hai tnilofs to 1 1 lo 'a-ii ii'MJi'-t i', Tli" pe 1 : 1 1 levocaLly cniii 1 . i 1 1 I 1 invert' 0' 1 i Ken IIH'1. cond.-e .is il . J'eo 11-; 1 j n ily aaio 1 I out So' has 1 ).iio. Lilaiieed on the ju-t clrc'.ed tw.i ior'i'ni and proteit ol M i.ntiiiri are ir ii!aiiii i'. 'llio tin oil e .1 rni'-l ! uuiia h:i". inn i-lce- I oil a :!. al 0 Ul u:',u.p. (' o pii.r I i'.l liiiiyiriiy nl he,' V1 'le.t lo it, a; .! r. I .1 "r-ey lo voh' ware .1 ilo. rs o ! r . 11 .i. I'lH 1 recent Mute election. . 1 w 'it a deleial ion to t'onre- si it. JL.rv land and JJeJa ily pieadnii: mi'iint it,' on the a'Te.s. Noiv York denounced It thunder ti.i('S at tho noils, titid her whole Si,;; Aiitiitiirt rat ion is soliiindy ecoimilteu .ir; oit il. i.hil.-.i.le of New l.i, ! id. I nl; t l.i ! ' l '.' Mlttes ' IU Hi ! if tho Union, Miiiiieola .ii,y c.o'i, urn i,,., t ptcl. iinalions t lii- tiii- T,. li.' to. ii;:o, eve everv '.i 1 h '.I I he I 1' i v ti.;: L;!i i thii .ert.iern 'c i"d l.r : '.i'd ' lei clii 1,1. Wi. it 1. Sl.u,. .,1 .i 1 ' 1 .ru- 0, cv.ilii! ion 't al( i.f the II i.v c Hue the heir 1 oulliei 11 tj'.'iU'eder.! iiciiiiil out ol tin Union a l.iri tnajoi.ty iv 1 1 1 1 -i 1 1 , 0 years ar " : of their pi oj e vole 1 la lOtni's it that Mu; N'.i'i'cu sii.-t ? I low Adoiinls.r.i'ion 11 ! t to i !: t .1" suppo.! ,.,.'ly t,i New 1.0 two l.oeii Suites in the ? Aini Le v h'lig ran a M ar be "' 1 In' alcliiimi of slavery lailiive: .rrl.'d .11, n t!.. v. 1 t.iiio telilln all tile- I:'. 111 I. n i 1 1 . II I I. li-inei, CoiilMi , and tin- K-'pn' con-; i-u : j to 11 .p; .;; j 01' I !i" Si a1 ' 1 e 'Sou to . fi ; p U'ly have no 1 o-pcol l.-r .:.:.! oath-', tliov oughl al !ea-t til .' ii'-.o ly tin. in iiii'itls 1 I "!e-l es nf ! '.c I tlinll. 'I'm v i 1 . 1 v 1 tl" inj i-,r in lig'ding for a ; r-pud.'.it il platlni 01. Tney UiiiVel -ally have 1,0 1 1 t lo mi-ivpi e-ei.t. the real 1' t ::o 11. r ion. J I' I be North I nvid.-d, it is be-a'l tin- AdininUlra- ' ; i ,1. -..I, i-.l 1 , , I...,. 1 I.n .,.!.,- ,: ... 1 1 ' ll ie e.lui 1" to resioi o I ae I. nmn l.til, it i- bcv.iu.-e the inrdiau liieieji of that Ad lninuUun -ire liele. l.oned lo destroy tho old Ltd' n that th.-y may ei-'-ct r. new govei nment upon lhf pluiiorni of u parly. If Iho prrph- of the great ','i slein and Central Stales, North and Smith, could be heard al Wii-hington, (he war would end and trie Union Lo rostoied. Put while the foolish and luriouv attempt pies on lo stibioet the whole land to (he rule of N- w Ki.-!a Lie a- id, di-feat and f iilure ate as ioevila tin. d v'y revoiution of ihc sun. iiri'70SY AND EMANCIPATION. T!ie I.egish.tuio of !en;ue!;y s-tron.-.dy iiieline io I ho views lately udvane. 1 !v ciov. Ii. ,,'iinon r f that ."- ute, in his me.;, .-age, relative to the Pie-iin,--t's h.-h-nie o! ouiiincii-a!io;i- In the .S-jinle, on tho'jth inslant, joint resolutions were introduced, as follow? : veii. That Kentucky I"iv'v en ters bersoletuu lo the Lmanci; :.. t.ion J'roelaniaiioo of Abraham Lincoln, issued on the 1-t Jay of .lanuary, lii l,he-eau-ie tine institutional, mid, if designed as a war men-ure, both unwise and impolitic; That the President of l he United States. ;ts ConitiiMiider-in Chief of the Army an 1 Navy, I; -is n i ; ov.vr by th Const m: ion, eiilmr by piO'.-iatnusion, manifest,) or edict, or any other way, to emancipate or hi i-r-a" Hie slaves of any one ; nnd Biieh power when a--siiiin d is without any right what ever, nnd therefore null nnd void. hai the people of liie United Slates intend to put down Ibis wicked ichellion al luo cost nt whatsoever blood and tie i sure it mighl rc nue, but, ut the same. tnne.lhev inlend to preserve, ioviolulp that snored instrument, 1 ho I mistii ut mil of tlx- i United Stales, and bn o no i.r.'eedeiit for 1 ... 1 - 1 any one, in idter lite to lako from them any of their ri::hls .1. lliat sl.ivety in tne United States is 1 pendent sources, it is probably nor with peculiatly nnd , t his-vcb, ..State mslilii-j out f.iun Jutini. If true, il is in el'ect ons lion, the conti..; of which Im never la-en ily a proposition to belligeienls to settle given to the Cfn.-ral ( lovernmeut ; and ! t heir controversy by a Con.-res of iheir nny Stale, now 01 nficr this rebellion shall jown. If rejecled, or necepti' l and felloiv- liave l-een t t a. in n. t.-.-l line heretofore etinnoiinit.' organ:.'' law and aga:l I let- -Liven, n.Hy ngain, in her ti'- .1 pora'e said institution, "r an I protect ulavery -vilh- out M10 consent titer '. 4. That liia iiiti'. t and rli.ili I ot ton ijeneral Govern- Uni-m nnd o ina'iulaiiii -. Cp-rp'io-s of enr Troa Clads As-aList the I't."cc.-s of Sivpr-Ralj. TW ' ' ''.!'' biu nv V'i I.. A Port ltovrd '1!ll' P1' ""'fh heavier gun than tliey ljavfl cL'r i'-ed before. They also ti.-e elp0' T-c'i-tPd mlid shot, out although the Memtatik's turir-t had been si; nek sixteen time, tney have nil glaneed off. Captain i 1 1 .1..' .l-i.i. . . " "" ';")".v ......m.i..i.-u iu-mioi me ra"1!''-1' 1 1 '"' "' "'' i"i , iina expeois soon r-.plure il.i l i.tteiy, h.mmd wbicn lies , thjjkieamer .V liiMde. I he iron clad I ii' ,s said to be no ars.iv -Sound, and heiivyiring .a-l been heard ll.ere on the "i.l. fhe rebel ram i. : . . i . .... si. . . : . . 'ihe il'ill-clacis Palni'-co and Wechaiv-' .-1 Tllni'Zr VX . . ! r J" ?f V.PM,.ls 1 1 11 ro'ivr arrived, . '" ' " i j. Ip wiitii, two snimals iio you go 6.W th What two .nimul. .t.i r.. 1 MKETINJ Uf M I.CIMSIC.i IS N'i.vv Yoiik. A Very l:li';'o in i.s niei l 1 n :: 1 I mechanics w ill lipid no l'i d ivm ii'i.ii,; at Ti.tsimany Hail, lo in!,e in 1 o-e- teprevenl the new nioveiin nt i 1 .':niio:; tirinii licturei s ill, '.New York city lo im pm t i ibor i'roni l'.ii' iMpe in onier 10 I ever tin- current prices ol labi'i Icre, nnd to 1 licet n common or-: eani Uion ol al I t h nt liiuis and laborers 1 ; I lioruglioiit the country ng iitvt the ic." i put d inundati 111 of coiitrnbaudK in not" , I thorn eitiea. Snvernl upeeches wt rn made, , luioiiir thuin one by llornce tlioclv, who-n j remarks 'vere net very highly nppteeiaied. Pro: 11 the p: earn liio and r "soiui ions a lo p- j lid. w n ouoli: tho I'olloMiug: Halt. A'ei. I Whereas certain men in ibis ciuitiiuui. I ; ty have I'O'i. i'ived I he idea that capital i- 1 jibe poieiil power in thiihorl, and nv? p. i i bout to bring bordns ol bl iel;s f'-oni the ' Souih, as well 11- ivlnles liot'l Puiope.toj I lill ( ho tjnips, y ai ds ami other planes o.' , j labor, nnd ly that means'el v I" 1 j enmi'eie with tl.nei for the ni oort of our' bi'iidies, ir.en who are not bo:i,,d bv obll i J gallon or birlh to this eoaniry : ni.d 'iVheri'iis e.iich iinpnt ln.'ioi of Inbor will I have a t'-ndenrv to impove'rh. tb grnde, ' as ;. ell us deiiee "i!ie our.slve- and tami. I lii' ; therefo' o v I lie laboi 1.. ; men of the 1 cily of civ 01 k and vio.ii i . do ,-ob ni 11 t agairn: this vantuii 1 Hack upon 01;' 11 , . -ri'.-1 s. I herofote, be it ''.'',"(, 'I'iiai Midi n t; : . eomniiilee ap pointed to draft a petii.on to Congves;, thruigii our iei slat ive 1;. embers at Alba ny, to pi'nt".t arainst this wanton attack upon us in our ever:il occupation. Tlii-. I'l.Ypre-. iitys ; 1 1 upi-i ins IVnrii ii-lormai ion farnisbed our ri'iiorti-r by t he seer-:.-! ing, that proiiiiii.-i'.l iron ;y of (he meet v. orl.s of liii ."ty bad I'Cntcly sol.le liiTi.-iIty with led in I lie pro- tin ir mi', 1 1 1 i e 1 1 1 1 s O en il h ' .'!l ell port in from ".'ii;ee. Cii. Ittirope Ihirtv m 01. a, all. ir-il. hi erlo 1 e nub' ' w m- 1 ; '. r tve hero for I ivelve month- ,t or ;.-' 1 1 n- i' w, ok, an . lifter an i .mi ia tli i ni: v, i j er week was de ducted IV en ili is am ai r.t to p.y for llndr .:.-fcag-, b-'ing pt'.i.';ii aily working I'oi only .- 1 I 'Of V.'Cl h. 'fur. Ivi'i1);;: Tax. Sonn- mis.ipprelien. sion having ari-on in relation lo the lime nnd niannei of paving the income tax lev. ied by tin-act of Congress approved July 1, P-'iiJ. it is useful to show the exact pro-vis-nus of Iho law. No ta.X upon in.-omos can Ii" levied or collected until tho first day of May, IM",,?. Section S'J of t.lie net ot .July l.i-l ivpi.ili section -J'.l, ;V) and jl ol the net ol' Aiigu-t j. iSel, (except ihc I'irt relating In the appoint ment nf de-po-itaries,) and make? (he following reg ulations; nn mo nr-i oi .nay iti.i, tne assessors will levy a tux nf tim e pc-r cent upon ill incomes which shah have exceed ed the sum of six hundred dollars during the year ending I leeember .'!, 1 -'12. Iftln liieiune) lor the year lxb2 exceeded the sum often thousand dollars, tho tax shall be tive per emit, upon all above ,-i hen Ir -.i -i illa-s. Tl i-lax of ihree or Iivi ! or emit, is due and pay a bio on or beloi-i '.tie ...nil ,iay oi.iur.e. l.Vi,;. rei!i;-liiir,;.- unpaid for tinny days after Juno i penalty will i impost"!. A poison, there fun, whose income in 1 li'2 tva- one t inius and d-illars, v. ill be leses-ed ;lt .'! je-r cent on iour 11 11 ic 1 1 ... i noil irs ol i, nil sum on the l.rst of .'day next, t.n l will have it t !eal sixty days iu which to pae bis 1 1. : I hat is lo s:tv. a m-ui w ho rec-.ived last vcar a salary of one thou-ain! dollais mirt pay an income tax ol twehij d jilar- on ft- Ijc foro the 3 1 ' 1 1 1 day of June no I , witii tin privili'ite of delay for an addit ional thirty divs. Iheinitinue tax is toct-a-e absolute iy at (he end of tho year IS Vo. i'.e.'. Tiih l'i:;:.cii Kvi-erob's Lst Proio.-i-ti .'N. The New York Times commenting on the l;,!e news from I'.uropn, giving ru mors of n prnpo-ii ion from Iho Ivnperor Napoleon ho i!;e North ni.d iho South to scud deleg ates to a convention, says : As md tary operations tiro not to C', pending the proposed conven tion, wo can see no Imr n from com missioners North and South meuting in Montreal w Mexico, and discussim.' t lie liolo sulijrct in the livrhlof tho existing sittmlim. - Tlio Now Vork Tribune remarks : As the rumor comes from several inde- ed le; no sett lomenl. there is utill Infi to iho Hmperor the Bbernatiyo of offering ins own luondiy oiuoes in eillier case that will probably be the ne::t step, unless cur government shall sei- this o-eision I to assure tin. Kmpovor that no otli-r of mo Comtilution diation Tb.itever ivill bo ae cptai'lc. Tho J oin nal o! Ci)inr,'erco sivs ; The practical wo. king ofsiu-h a com- mi? -un Uiight bo a matter of inbt. It cou i nol l .i clothed with am- iiowers. ... I 11 . . i . 1 , . , . ' w hllf t might puvelh. way to nioi cons I ' l,;'. 7l,7r''''l'';-lwnii..i,inirt, ever get tho po.verinto thei: 'i i ,, ' , ?' ,, , '"'"i1 l!,0,t' .!"etio hands, thev will override ; -e co.i.stitulion. w Inch titt'ii li to all phi,. of mpd,-,;ion.and ' b0t t10 Supreme Court nt -leli ir ce, change posvssep tho good Icturo of leaving to Hnd make laws to suitl I.o-n-elves. lay vio - --v uwwn iik (i I III r OA II . f . """IT, " ii I tr ii in I in mi. I bus far the win- I . . . .... ter in anad.i has 1,-on of tho same dev. enptton as in this bilaudo. For two months says - Montreal rrr. t Iw morcu- ry Ims been below freviing only o few days, whi-o most of the lime it has iiia.keda temppratum when outdoor operaiions coul - 1 bo e.i-ily ootidncted. easily oomlncted. I . - - t Liti-Kua n. Thn eon-tliiilionul nnieml. T'l f U'VT' ""'t .-"''' lvhlch r.Ps,rn,", f"rpl!-'n born citizens iro.n vonng mr two years atior naitiraiia tion. tins tieen rptcidt.d. ho fur &. loi,,-U. ; live action can do il, and will I - ' ., ": . c "r " I beiubmit- ted to the people in Mv. Mariels. a;-.d of roe.nrnniid ,ng t.-osj to j0 thi, opinions or daro .jt.e-t, ;i ll.elrin try as well as fighting. r...:..:!!,.1 ftnd fina'Iv b.inh-i nt the conns A Wisconsin r.??n'olieaa i'.wsptrer forencc. Tin1 i'.,x I.a'Ai! (.','.- .v the iViloit'injf signilicm t nri ie!e Th" still s-ii; II voice of pearei is slowly but surely finding its way into the hearts of lhor who h".ve bel l to the opinion that nothing hut powder and bail would soltlo the diilici hie Oi the nation. Kveu our soldier. on I he tinted hell rre listen ing to the syren v nil! o. and becomiug con vinced Ihnt liglitmg will not sellh) our present distin bnne.-s and restore peaco tuid ti.i!nuil;ly lo tbo iionble I waters. A friead writes u- from the nrn-y that tho main thing they nre fi,;bting for in liia los eality, i J, to see w hich can burn and hin der iho most from out Southern neighbor.-. We judge that he i b.'coining ni. gusted with tiie policy pursued, nnd has made up bis mind sometiiifo.; besides fighting P. neee-iarv t ) brinn iiboi.t u peneo be tween t!ie belligerent armies. Jn hi let ter lie asks us, "C'ei u-r. nut seHh tiix mattrr ui:i-tr -vi'l l.-Utr i.j Convention" than '7 I'huitTl.:'; 1" .n l further say, "so t.nk tU fiili-sr? a k .m.,i'T. n'.'-r." Now -this i n tjuos'.ion which wo Injvo long thought of but never spoken our thoughts above a whispor. Put us llio iltiibtion is brought before our min i, iu a mannri .and from a sotci we never di earned o!', wo are forced to speak our thoughts "rigbtontin meeting,." This gigantic rebellion hiia been ir vogue nearly two years' and wo arc-, soetn. ingly, no rienrer tho en-l of our troubles (ban when it commenced. 'A Lit unnatu ral war has caused the loss of thousands of lives nnd valuable, propei ly and uiths out either parly eaini"g any particular advantage over Iho other. M my a iioartli-sti-po hi" been madu tad l y the ravages nf way u iihout ai c.miplv-'.iing tho great '!. ;;,! reult. Many of cur oUtoers liave I 1 "ti '.vei.led nnd found wviting, and poi t fin - of our army have hec.vud no bet ter than roLbeij nu JL mm de: ors. Hardly 1 slay passes but we rea l of somo rwindi ling operation in conned ion with tho ar my. With those f ids before us, IniiTcnn iw bill cxpre-s ihc Into feelingi and s'enli ii.ients we e ntertain that till this might Lj stopped al once without any more sheds ding of Llood, An Honorable Peace. Gov. rn kor, of New Jersey, in his mes sago just delivered to tho Legislature of New Jersey, thus decrib-: tbo UinJ f the people "vunt: Fellow Citizens, i thero nny way cons sistentw it! tho hotior and interests of all to bring to an end this unnatural strife. which is shedding tho be.-l l.-tood of the land, (Hid eating out our su! : There is not a good citizen in tho whole country, w ho does not, in his heart, desire peace. There is not a Clui.-tian family in the land, who, when tho sh:.Jos of cms ing cla-o around, do nol, in their devo tions at t he fami'y nllar, puny for pence, and tho 1 nte and speedy velum of l he !":.g absent on ?. 'I here is not a soldier in tho noriheri) or southern ai'icics. who, as ho pics i,t night Ids Vi i-Hty round, or hys his In :nl njion tho nnlc camp p iio'i'. lnc.-r.oi in imagination vh-ii tin: lire;ide at home., and sigh l r pcre. Wo should not bft afraid e I peace - an hi imlablo and pcrnia 1.011 L peace, w-ii. iher il ome l y tho oxer-ci-o if power cr I.v Iho exeri'i-o of corollia'inn. It should bo a pea.' 1, on the ba ds of "iho L'nion as it was," nut a Union oT States where part nt o h-dd in s'l! jugatioii us eompii red province?, ad ding iioihing lo the material interests and pro-perily of iho nation, and only fur. niMnm: a tiieaire 01 action lor fwnrms ol !;':iry cpici.ii. b'.n a union ol all iho !.':!es Willi their "1 11 ll a, 1. v iiikI r: "I, ! s nn. impaired. it mould no a pence Ijud Jed 011 the submission of all to tbo rightful iiith nity of t im government, and tho guarantee to all ot their cDiislitutinnrd righls by iho i.-oyorniiiei.t. Il sliould Lo 1 poaeo, bringing with it, siu.-li uuity u an cbjdience to law its eorrer slnnn. Pkick Conventions, Thero mo two propositions for tho holding of peice con vention t before the f.ogisl duro of Indiana. One is for a meeting ol the Legislatures ol Indiana, Um'ucky, Ohio i.n i Illinois, at Frankfort, Kentucky, on tho !2J l of Feb ruary, nnd tne oilier is, I I1.1t ll L.ui:os shali fail to cr.ll a national convention, Urn State of Indiana shall inviti every Stalo in the l ederal l.nion, including tho go- callod flonfederatc St. trs, to meol dolo yatos from the State of Indiana in eonvrn- lion nt Nashville, 'IVnnesspo, on the hrsl Monday in Juno.lSiVj. F.ach of said Stitei lo sond us manv delegates to sni-i conven tion as shall cipud the n-imbc. of Senators an 1 liepiescnt' tivei to e Inch such Stato is entitled in tho Congress of iho United States. A PitF.niiTioN or Daviki, WtasTtR Tho Hon. Iiiiiiiel Websle.r, i f MaKnch-isctts,m a speech delivered in Washinglon, just ii.;in..n . o ... i... inn ivi ii ir,ii3 nt", L'iio ll HI ilia ll illllilH that "if lh( infernal funalio. and 1 . i.di.. lul'.n. .. ill. ll.AIA try, and deluge it wit!i I'looi." j IM. Ihu U.J. linwKixn.i o.- tub Puocl. nov. Tho Danville ( Ky.,) Kevioiv f jr De, c-mber couiaina mi article r...eiiir -1' panes on " Slaverv and (ho C'ivil War." In tins article Dr. Jrr0kinrid ,,rm. s.'h agiiinH tho proelamatior. poli of tho r.e.ident. declarin - it;.,, . 'liiinnl llneiillml fn,' nml .1 i tf. --..-. ,,ts, - i i,i-o, fii.ii Lis i,n.,lir.i.u',l...l.: lllllllll. IJIHIlllI'll Mil llllll ll:l h, "f ' Am"rl,-,r' h'n' " laiili ;n tho overthrow of the robe-llion. L-iyWhv are tlic 'Greenback ' I.L il.- Jews? They are tho iisuo of AhtahnTk and know not their I'lidoetnor. n -.