Mil's (ill nit it v I'KUTOHAIi. .-a 1f.a ft. Woitt JV-r Cnwl).?iriiU j llll ' II! h lil li AN." " I MMf iMfW A'. A Tiii:(;iu:AMtllii;U.ioN It I in: I NM T.l STATIC l I n ft" "I lbs ' In Niitnki nf n rn-rplplK Hl-lor, "I )r (-not Vt l llh ii In llir I nl-It-drt ! Theorl I a n fir ninny month. In rdiit'K nf pri pn'rttiit-. I y n wrl'rr every any qualified f"T I tie Ink. Tim InTitohl t Tli'n roMaini a tlref ami sue -tlhrt .''mint '1 the f. rmnti n of the Conledcra IV of lie Mn( the formation Mid adoption or tin Co, .'itutlon i.f liie I i.i'nl Slates, and thees ml nf till Nntiootl llnwriiiiicnt! llie or igin, id 'Ti.fimif nt ml -rngrrm .' lti H-lrinr t.f Niiliil' ntimi mill S .-ces-ion, nnd Iho vinious pliar s vhiih Ihry asmmed n il Iholr final cul minitih n In tho i' ." '.ri' it. 'i lie lliiiTiiRY coupti.-os a fail account, drawn troin llic most authentic f iM'fi, nf nil llio Events nf the Yi nr : tlie intrijrnre ti the Southern leolcrs nt homo unci iihroml ; tin t'rediul defection of una iocllnn i tliu great t ' i toi i: w: "f ' Peop'e for 'I'0 maintenance of National Life ii'i l Knisit'ni c ; tb rapid rrention of en limncnii Aimy iiml Suiy oil lliu J'.utiln I'V lnnd nnd r. T'.:o Ii.l.t iTiUTioNH n.ii)'iiio I'drtruiln rT nil ll;. l.o hiivo hnrno a "i i-iinoi.t pin t in tin1 ftriifglo; MnioflK different oru!ili ; Plum I ine itninrR iruwi i a--.'. '".7 v,i lnlr.t r,h.. imimf ti.llt l!;ltlloe. lhl0 Uln.tiulioin nro montly Iroiu draitinRS tekcu n the pot i.y nrtiitr di pulfd for ihnt purponi) to no coror.uny tvery itivlnma of our Army und Nary. livery facility nt the onuimand ol the piillitlii ra lint tein emp'oyed in the privurnlion mid cxccii- j tinu of this work ; und llicy cooluktilly hciiove that it Bill form llie nmsl 'niftworll.y end vnluii hlo history whi h enn ho propiireu of tliu (Jrvat' 1 ...... .. .... i !"iriij;ic ior me inn i iimi ni" Mode and Terms of Publication. The work will be i.-iMiod in Niinilwr. , each con lining of Twenty four I'iiro" of tho "ie of "Ilnr pu t W'ckty," printod from clcur type, upon lino or, and will prubnbly bo completed in about 'i'xeiity Numbers. Ihu numberii irill bo issued at intcrvnls, if pos lil. , uf nboul three or four weeks. I no Price if each Numlier. which contains U Kll.requivaicniioan unum.ry ,o.umU) n,., uu Itt.nty.llre Cents. , . n. I Iho Illoe rntioris in cn,l, .Number aro .lone ( v ,.,th the price asked. Meu out ol omployme .., cepeiin ly ' . 1. . ..1 .. :n i. sine 01: nisALLED sniuiKiis, .11 find no otlur work so sure of roaily sule and Pr .V' 1 1.. Pt,llsl.r, 'Treasurer, Joseph Slmw, ror luiuiui U"" " "I l"J ; ' Cj. JIAIU'KK A- ilKOTHEIU I ' I. K it ttllll I IIP, ' , Frunklin Square, Now York. 17, 7S6X Yt THE CONSTITUTIONAL UNION. NEW PROSPECTUS. Tliej Largest and t'henpfst Meekly lit llie State. INDUCEMENT.') TO CLUBS. A New and Powerfully Written Polit ical Story. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE orerwolming evidence of the dotermiDa- tion of thcpooplo to rercuo the tjovernment trout the desperate and rocklcse purposes of Abol- Itionism. that lave so nearly wrecked our once ; glorious Unbn and destroyed nil Constitutiimal I gnaranlees, indicate an itnrucdiato future full of : ereuta of tho most moiiif ntons interest. Ceetral-; liati'n, Terrorism, snil Hobbcry, will nt submit 1 to dethronement wiihoiita tlrugglo. Tho con-1 tilt, therefore, has but just begun ; and for tho f van, inAnm. in, n.ii.m ni I'nn.ani. I :ii iiiH:n. and Legislatures, will be rognrded with scarcoly less interest than tho movements of oppoting ar mies in tho Held. The object of the war will bo made again what it was before Abolition fanati cism perverted it simply to crush the rebellion sod rcttoro tbo Federal authority. There will also nt tho same tiino bo in progress the Oreat Battle of tho l'eople with Ihe minions of Dospot-' icm, aud lu this batllo tho Press, no longor shack led, no longer threatened with Abolition mobs 1 r 1 . : 1 - :n ...1 - I.. I n..r, apicuous part. I It is ore of the best results of llio recent elee- tiona that their positive rebuke of tbo gross and manifest abuso of power by tho Administration, bos given the jeople the privilege of light an 1 freo discussion privileges tbnt will nit again bo tamely yielded. These change I circumstances will bring the actB of even the higbett in the Government to the tribunal of rublio opinion, aid the Presa will again become tho medium of we iree tnougnts nt tne people, ana ine nun ess advocate of Constitntionai QoTcrntncnt and Con stitutional Liberty. Tho Proprietors of tho ConSTiTrnoXAt, Uvton, In issuing ibeir new prospectus, seo beforo them afield of enlarged usi fulness, and it U their pur pose to ppare no effort to mako their paper of un equal acceptability a a medium of intelligence, and a record of events that mu?t absorb public tin jzhu It will ntnin full summaries of the proceedings of Congresi and tho Slate Legisla ture, full at'comtts of tho inurements of the army, foreign und domestic news, literary intslligenio, commercial an 1 agricultural news, Ac., &e. In cons quence of the enormous advance in the price of paper, amounting in thrco months to nenrly liily per cent, tho Proprietors have found it necessary to advance tho price ol the paper to Clubs to $ I. fill per annum but even at this price, we affrrd more reading It r tho same money than uny other paper printed in tho t-tato. Tho ad vanco vill go into effect nt once. Among other attractions In contemplation, we shall commence, in Iho first iiutrber in January, a now and powerfully written Political Story, fo' titled on tbn events immediately preceding the Ittuiellion. We solicit Iho aid of our Democratic friends in the interior in ruisinc and forwarding Clubs. V TEltMS: Single copies, one yenr, f 2 00 Two copies, (10 one addrosr,) 3 AO Ten copies, 17 AO Twenty copies, -IO 00 ?ttAU inWrf I'tiunt to be pitid iiiin. iiil'y in ndcante. Address T1103. Tl. FLORENCE A CO , Publishers of CoNsTiTi TinAr, limns, No. 130 South T1UUD Streot, Philndolphin. Dec. 3, T2. Shot at ! luil Missed ! ! A GREAT" MISTAKE !! T I Ml AT all llie merebarta of Curwensville wore wotindod. 'Tia true, I waa "Shut ut but Hour '; and ainoe thon have been at the ci'y and have frocured a very LARGE ASSORTMENT of Goods of all descriptions, which I am dispo sing of at lower rates than any oilier boue in the onuuty. Redd! Read! Read! Meet Calico from 15 to 10 cents per yard Best Muslins front IS to 30 cents per yard Best Delaines from 20 to 2S cents per yard CLOTHING AT KEDUCUD PKICES. Sugar from 12 to 15 cents. Best Syrup at 87 cent. And all other groeerlel at tbo fame rates. Roots, Shoes and Shoe Findings of nil kinds, CHEPQIIEAP. LAVll'S wno wisu io innac m got.u tine..., a .1 . . . , . al l ... - f nuaianouu can nnu exainui. tuo nrsurtiueu: vt DRESS COCD3, Merlnoea, Saxon Plaids, PIaI I BrillianU.Ao,, to. Als-v Cloaks, Sliawli, Hoods, Nubias, Soutaga, Glotes, Ao., Ac., Ao.. Ao. J. D. THOMPSON. CnrwtAiivill, Dec. S, 1862. j im.mimi ,,i.M.,imiM fK..i.Uf.ttm !,'. !, -., t ' tf ai4 al'.f th Hp M"' " H' Jav, 1rtni of AiUeitlltiE At. fliiTti n' 't In'orleJ in the Hf'MlfM it the following fltt I tnrlii.n. I no. One dnniire.lHlIni-,) t two qdiir.-. (ISIInee.) 1 " Three i'iire, (11 line.) I J "A I u it ha 1 inn'. I nV II no t on 1 t9 It tnn 7 no 10 no 12 U0 11 (10 11 CO 85 P0 One Stuart, Twn squares, : Throe H')iiurr, Four squares, 'Ulf column, i 11 SO ft 00 i 4 CO A 00 : t 6 Oil R 00 i 6 io no t i ii oi 12 no On column, 14 d 20 00 Hintr thrue woe .sand ! tl.nn three uioath' 25 cents per square for e; h ir-tortion. I'lmisrs nlt'.e.'i not ic.'Jing 8 line) aro In- eertml fur J a year. .ilvertis)m)i.t nrt rariei wi'.li tlio nnmber nf Bikrtiona tlesirod, will i r satinuai uolil forbiJ L.t ohiirjod aecord'c? to Hi esc terms. JOD PRINTING. n cxtrtihivo lr.' k of .1 .l.lina nnt(ria ..,'.L.J il,A I'. rrif tho .W,(7.W to to '. red t9 do nil xitiiU of lint he is urotii- Ti,,.,, llt3 I KOGR A M M Krf, 1 T.t.ANXS, TiPIX TOOH, l IKClM.AItS, Labels, PjaT.ciw, lANtnn.i.s, nr. ! every itind cf pj' usuully ilone in a country ob offi:e, Ail order v.iil lie pxccuts-l h ilh ncnt noss nntl (.locnnUtli. 0. II. GOODLAKDER f- CO. COUNTY DlIxECTOIiY. Time of Holiliiir; Court. Povond Monday 12th of January, Third Monday lfnh of March, Third Monday 15th of June, Fourth Monday ilStli ' yeptcmber, In each your, und contiuuo two weeks if uo ccsf ary. 4 otiiity t'nlrers. Juil?efI,on Samuel I.inn. liellefonto. As'to Jiidgee, linn J.lJ.Thi.inpfon.Ciirwensvilla Hun.Jamn. Dluuiu, Kure.l. Edward l'erke. Clearfield I'rothenotary. Duivid Ktnviler Kee;iyter a Recorder, I. (J. Uarifcr, Cloirficld. District Atl y jMrnol Test, SlirVCT or, II, li, M' right, Olcn Hope Counu'rn, .S. C, T hoinpson, MorrifJnle Jacob Kunti, Luthersliar Thus. lMu);liurty, (irauipiaa II ills, li. C. It 11 w 11111 n , V" b ili ()stnirj P. p. Vorrell, N. Washington H. J. Woodward, l'cnnlleld, J. W. I'u'.tor, L(contv,s Millj liroonuill, Ciuireuav illo. LM of FosttUliccB. Auditors, Coroner, Co. Supt. Toun'hipn I)nc4ria, it 1 An aire nf P. 0. tfnmr 0 P. (ilcn Hope, Win. S. Wright Madeira, C. J. Pusoy. llowcr. W. McCracken Chest, T. A. M'Olme Cush, J. W. Carr.ptL' Ostend, II. I. llendtrson Clearfield Bridjs, P. It. Miller Williams' drove, J. E V'ttson. Lutlierslmrg, 11. 11. Mooro. Troutville, C- J. Sloppy, Jefferson Line, John Heberling Forest, Jas- Llootn New Washington Wu, Feath. liurnnido, Jas McMurray Pntchinville, J. Putchin Herd, O. S. Toior Clearfield, M. A. Frank. Frenehville, P. A. (laulin. Karthoat, F. W. Scbntrr Bopgs, i',ra,i(,rd, !ra(ly( 11 nottm, Br.rnfi.le, iic:.t, Clearfield, Covington, Curwensviile, curwensville, T. II. Fleming. Decatcr, Philips bur, 4 entro county West Decatur, Miss liadebnch t Ferguson, Fix, Oirard, Marron, Kdui. Williams (Jir ' Ilelon Post Office, Klk county, Pa Lccounto'a Mills, C. Mignot Bald Hills, William Carr Shawsville, A.U.Shaw (inihauiton, T. II. Foroee. Binitha Mills, A. 11. Fox. Tyler, David Tyler Pennflold, II. Woodward Ansonville, Kli7.11 Chase Qoshcn, Oojich. jjustl)n, j 'j,)riin , Karllia'uai. 1 ivnox Lnvrre'nc'0 rrj!) ' I ' I pelmi Salt I.iek, . Heckadorn Now Millport, M. O. Stirk. Breekenridgo, J. W. Thomps'n Kylertown, Jas. Thompson Morrisditle, J. C. Iironncr, Lumber City.f H. W. Spencer, (irainpian Hills, A. C. Mooro, Curwensville, T.W.Fleming. Blonmingvillo, IS. V. Dalo Kockton, D.Brubaktr. Jetfries. Jos. Loskett. Pike, 11 Union, Woodwnrd, i This Post Office will do for ChcEt township Will answer ior Ferguson tottnthip. KliATZEll'S. 6cptombcr 3d, ISC2 tf. riHE riibscribcr respectfully, informs the Fnriu I ere of Clenrf.rl 1 county and all oilier per sons interested, that bo is now luanuritcturing li KEY LIME of a fit, cnor quality, which he will soli on the urnst reasonable tonus for Cash, or e.v.:hnngod for any k:nd of Country Produce .lOSEIMI IRWIN. Lawrence (ownship, May 21, U'02. SAT10XAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, LOCATED IX Til I LA DELT'H I A. S. K. ror. 7th and liirstuat Streets, New York city. Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, ! Hu.ialo, Detroit, ueveiana, Chicago and St. Louis. 1)OOK-RKi;i'i.N'iJ, PENMANSHIP, CotinsnriAA ) AuiTHMKrir, CoMMitRriAb Law, Fonai, Cost RKSi'oxnrNi'K, Ac, practically UugliU These Collages being under the earn general and management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities for Im porting instruction thnu any other similar insti tution in the country. A Scholarship issued by auy one ii good in all nr nn unlimited tiino. n.. , , t II t 1 . The I hiladelphia College has boea recently enlarged and rlurnished iu a superior manner,; (and i. nnw tl.. lr.ra.atat .,..1 nn.,1 t.p.....AM.. . f.. . j . '--' .....r.vTolvm. u.ariv.iai III IliUtl 'll IU UC rHllttS, ' Ilryaat A Strnlton's snries of Text Books, em-' baatoiiig Book keeping, Commerniul A rithmetie, 1 and Commercittl Law, for aide, and sent by mail.! f3l Fur full parltWart mind fur a cirotUar. October 8, ISC2. j. J. P. K.RATZER. ! MI.KC II4.NT, end dealer in Board and' Mngloe; Oraln aad rrorlire. PHOrTT Ptrotrt, Above tba Academy Claartcld Pa.,' i Dee. 4, 19411. , I , II MA r.A,Ha. WanMM L'. 4. a kA ui yu n u m u a tj iwu. iv a w . Ll THLESDl RC, CLKAItriEI.D CQUNTT, PA. HENRY EVNS, Proprietor-. March J, 18.J ly. AT I' in i. a i r. t, i' ii i a , t'A mill1 IS'IIII IMlV ,j,h '" J It.!,! In la .. j-M'J I" the elliln'nlh ymii.fl" M''.h'-, mim1'" Unrnm r'lnte, himdrf li tf (ho t"t fMtfnl Wtt' nintl ami liuitini M..n rrfoiif emm- try. In a Hunt nf the 1 mtiintl .n hiy In ff""l lonnir n fm illll-t I' f llirii((h pr. rntiofi fi-f Tnn r.atatnra are ' l"ffr, ' rtill"Meti ihe ur!"u ili'i ertmenn of lidt'l--- l'l.4Rlr, hi'lh I'lnin ami .riimnMtn1 ) '"- HI-lll'ML I.4W, M4THKMtTH'K, Nino', l'llfc aincritiiq, 1aw lau, 1'u .viuniriir, ud M if- trt I. Illiil ttirt. I 'J im ISruTi -Ti n cr tsTiionrc-rioa I. pccullBri no s. I le..nn are made . of, but eneh rliwscii or rtu.lent in tn i.'lit iiidividinilly, en that he may 1 coumieni c at nny time, and aticKil at wlialoref i heurs nie nnl ruitvciiieiit. . I ('ATAj,i(iir.s am Ittue J annually after the IStii 1 nf April, eundiiniiiK n nines of the students fm the . jenr, and full purticulnre of lt.rm, ic.and uiey j be olilaiued at any time by addressing tho I'rinei- I 1 FxTKNf ivk A'i.nMMnnATi'.i.. wide-fpread 'reputation, ami iholi ni-thy expi'tienee of tha , I'nncittal, line inelitulin offers U-llti... i-t y uinry, loryuuc men I I - : I. 1 mendatinn lor tbem to any Mcrenulile IloUfe X-t?CiilTTi!SiiK.t sseries of TroiitiHes on U00K Kkki'ino, now more widely circulated than any other wirk on the subject, are for talc nt the Col lego. 8. 110KOH3 CRITTESl'EN. Attorney -nt- Law, hilndelphia, jail., 22 IM'i ly. Trinch'M.. NEW GOODS! AFRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring 8c Summer Goods A T T 1 i i: C 1 1 E A L' CA .t 1 1 STO UE. lam just receiving and opening u carefully; selected stock of Spring and fcuiuimir goods; Ot allllOSt CVCry description, 3"-J?4ilPlilia & WAVtVW A bmiutilui ustortinoni ot i'riuls una i'res goods, of the newest nnd latest stylos. Also great variety of useful notions. JJKY-fjOODS AM) SOTJONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots nnd Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, (Ji censware, Drugs nnd Msdieinos, Oil and Paints, Carpft A Oil Cloths, (, It O C E RIES, Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel In J nnd h barrels, of tho best quality, all of which will bo sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices, My old friends and the nubiio cenerally, aro ' respectlully invitcl to can. ff-fr-ti. II. All kinds of illtAIS and approved COVXTH Y I'WOOL'Ct: taken in cxcbanire o( Ilooils Clearfield, Jane 2 ISfil. WM. F. IRWIN. )ATS the entire cost lor TUITION In the most popular and stiecessiui tu.11 .vi tut. 1 ai .-CIIOOL in the country. Upwards of Twki.vb Ili'HiRF.n young men, from twk.vty-kioht dillor ent States, have been educated for business hero within the past three years, some of whom have been employed as HOOK-KEEPERS at salaries of $2000 00 immediately rpon craduating, w ho knew nothing of accounts when they entered the College. rMiuirter's aons hulf price, Studonts enter at any time, and review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues, Specimens of Penmanship, and v low of tlio (JOLLbtit, em lose uve le'ter srampa JENKINS A SMITH, May 15, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. V ALU AT. Lit TIMBKIt LANDS For Sale. riIIE attention ol persons d"sinus of purchns .JL ing desirable Timber Lands is invited to Ihe following tracts of land situated in Keating town ship, Clinton coiintv. Pennsylvania, known as the LORAIN LANDS, Tin; A certain tract, beinr; N. 3109, warranted in the name of Thomas i'.ling, containing about I KM) acres, situate on Birch Island Run, at the distance of .'ti miics from the river, being Well timbered with Pino nnd Oak. Also, another smaller tract of land, situate at um itiiMiiu vi uireii tsi init tvuti, on in nest snto , .... ... .. i ii i ..i 1 ) : I. I I . 1 . and having a good rafting bench thereon, i-it, lt terms njiply to U. L. HEED, ) . JAS. I!, (iRAHAM, J Lx" Clearfield, July 30, 1Sii2. "Goods ! Goods ! W.M. F. IRY1N has just received a sjilen did assortment nf SKASO-NABIiH (iOUDS nt his tdd stand ou Market street, whero be ia rttdy to Wait upon his old rustoitiers and as many new ones as want to get tho very best of goods. Nov. 12, 16B2. New Goods ililvKD, WKAVKR k Co., Ar just open- iing a aplendid lot of tbo most carefully selected ( evor brought tn tho place which they odor to their customers, and tbo public generally, nt lbs : very lowest figure the markets will afford. Nov. 12, l?f2. cyhenius howe. Justice of the I'kace. For Decatur Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to bts care. V. V. Address, t'bilipsburg fa. Auj. Jlst 1861 H. W. aSMITU CO. MlrUIHNTS. and dealer. In Drv 'Goods, (iroccrif. Hardware. Queenswure, and cvcrMhing usually keyt by the trado. Store on ! c enn v it i...i... 1...i..n r v a At.nn. l?liV V.lf iimui, "u,u " .uaw uo.uaiu a, vlt jlt0 tho Presbvtcriun Church, Clearfield Pa, j, 18ul ' ' . . T. 1. nVlLLOUQiI. "' "Lb"' BUSH k M'CUIiLOUGII, Collectioa OHice, Cl.EARFIKI.D, i pA,i UcTIn Craham'b New Bcildino. Fob. 5, '02. milR subacribcra have a medium sited FIRE I nr.. r.r.r. U.l til 1 1.' o t oa r r., nearly new, wuioa iuu win dispose of tery cheap. REED, WEAVER fc CO. aearlleld, June 25, 1SC2. I DR. J. W. POTTER. Phyilrlan and feurgeou, baa parmamntly loraUd at Frencbviile, Coviagtoo township, off 'ail hia proleaal (aeeMM to tba. ansToajllnx ) m ii ...f i Waaf-S. UlL $3500 JL Wf'ft" i 'V 1T ljS tflix) V . T 'h Villi Cjl'WVV imii'MILM Q 1 000 .1UUU 1 " , " V I UUWi Will mtiea Ilnir Id Grow on Held lleoile) wn Kvpt irc (IrcT nr IliheeKed Heir to Its ORHIINAI, CONDITION AND 'A'l.OK; Will pren nl the lluir f.-oru FalKnc Off, and pro mntoa New and Hcullhy lirowth completely eradicate! lnnlritff , will prevent anil eura Nerroua Headache- will give to the Hair a Cleon, bUny Ap pearnncc, and Is Certain Cure fr.r M UUinicf ofthelied. . . . ... . . r, irre, 70 . t-nla ; tlirw Hntiira ior STOItE, Market St., Ckarjicl l, 'j. ! It is a perfect and cnmpleto dreaaing for Die I Hair. Head the following testimonials. U. .S, Marsbal'o Orrire, ! New York, Nov. 0, 1S1. I WM. CHAT, Esq. Dear Sir Two months ngo ' my bead was almost entirely tmlj und the lit tlo bair I had was all yrtij and falling out very fast until I feared I should lose all, I comuieoord using your Hair .Vttoralirf, and it iinmediutely 1 ' stonio'il the hair fulling oiT, and soon restored tbo . ' color, und after using two bottles my bond is com pletely covored a itlt a healthy growth of hair, and of the sumo color it was in early inanhoud. 1 1 take great pleasure in recommending your eic icolloiit Hitir lieiUfntivt and jou may also rofer an,r doubting person to me. S. Marshal, Southern Distiitt. New York. ;E..rsale by the proprietor, (Wui.Orey) at tHe "odS New York. Also lor sale bv John S. Pierce. Oenoral A iront 6S5 Broadway, N. Y., and by nil Druggists. JOHN S. I'lEltCK, (ioiiciul Asront, No. 08j l',uinlivay, N. Y. N. B. Druggists or others sending rash orders for the Restorative, will ho aiipplicd with circu lars coutniiiiug certificates from pooplo of the highest respvetubilitv, lijuiall .tits of tho coun try. " Murvli li, 1SC2. ly. K OLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE This prcpariilion, made from tho best Java Cof. fee, is reeoinm. ndml bv physicians t.s a superior NUTRITIOUS liKVER AiiE for (leneral Uebili tv. Dys.iensia m.d all billions disorders. Tbous- nnJs who have been compelled to abandon the uso or c.ftee will uso this wiliion: injurious ctiects One cun contniua the etreuj;ih of two imunda of ordiuarv coffee Pr.I JE 25 o.uU. I The purest and host B A K I X tl PO W D E It kn own for making light, sweet and nutritious Broad aud Cakes. Pit ICE 1 j cents. K a xt'FAtTr itKn nr M. Jl. KOLLOCK, CHEMIST, Cor. of IhoaJ t(- Vhcsnut Hirer!, I'n'da l- !phia. AMD SOI.H BV Al t Pill (.(ilslS n tiUOCKUS. sold a r u. iiossors. Feb. 28 13C.2, I yr. THE MAOIC TIME OliSEKV EH, The l'trlrctlon of Itlecliaiiiaut. "IJEINd A llrNariNn AMuOrna Fara, or Lapt's J) on tiKNTi.KMAM'a Watch Combi r.n. Ono i f tbo prettiest, must convenient, nnd de cidedly the best and cbeapeat timepieco for gen eral and reliable use, over offered. It has with in it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key cntirv'y unnrccssnrr. The cases of this Wateli aro coin posed of two metals, tho euter one boing fine IS caralgold. It bus the improved ruby action lc- ver movement, and is warranted nn aecuruto I timepiece. Price, supuibly engraved, per caso of a hnlf dozen, $201 Uo. Sample noat morocco boxes, fur thoso to buy at wholesale. $5. sent by express, with bill paya Lie un delivery Soldiers must remit payment in advance, as wa cannot collect from time in the Arniv. Address HUBBARD BROS. A CO.. Sou? IaroirrERs. Cor. Nassau A John Sts., New York. Jan. 21, 1S63. Ow. ialsoEts.I EEolcB, MAINE STREET, CURWENSVILLE, PA., WM. A. I.IAS0N, Proprietor. riIUSIong established and well known nO X. TEL, situated iu the west end of the town, hns been remod died, enlarped and improved, and tho proprietor respectfully announces to his nu merous friends, and to Ihe travelling public, thnt . . , ,A i . he is Bow prepared to accommodate all ho tuny favor him with a call. Ample, sufe and comfortable stabling is at tached to the premises, nnd trusty attendants will always be on hand. Chargee moderate. Fob. 12, lS2.-tf. LEVEK l;LEGA!M Justice of llie )cace Ltitlmraburg, Olrnrflold Co, Ta., will attend promptly to oil business entrusted to bit care. April 4, ISC I. WATCK JEWELRY rpilE undersigned rcpeetfuily I informs his customers and the public generally, tbnt bo bas just received from tho bast, nndoi en edatbis establishment in GRAHAM'S liU W Clear field, Pa., a Cue assortment of Clocks, Watch ra, ami Jewelry of different qualities, from a single pleco to a full aett, which be will sell nt the most reasonable prices for cash, or in oiehnnge for old gold aud silver, CLOCKS of every variety on band, attbe milt reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and U nrrnnfcrf. A contluuanoa of patronage is solicited, Fept. 19, 18(10. H. F. NAUOLB. CLEARFIELD FTOSE WARE POTTCRy.. Thankful for past favors and iolicitioui of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully announce that I havo on hand again, and will constantly keep at tbo Pottory in this borough, on the cor ner a short dlstanco east of the Methodist Church, a large Btork of Crockery , iach as Cream crocks, milk pnns, Churns, Jugs, Jars, btove pip casing tf-e. ( Hraal nlan an .viAnsiv. Assortment of , ' dilTorent aiica and patlerne of brackets and rosettes for c mice on houses, arid other tuoul- .. 'dings. A"? mou -inga not on hand win ne .,. h,ph lhi kip. ... . ... ... . older on snort notice Also nre erica n""1,.,..,. ,,.,, '' . ; . : .. '.''"' and kept for sale. Ptr-A liberal reduction on prices made U wholesale dealers. F. LKITZINGEK. Ulearueld, may z.i, isttl. ly. Sharing and Hair-Dressing. TEREMIAD NORR1S respeotlull, announces J to lis friends of Clearfield and vicinity that k. t... ii hi. atainft .nd !. -.11 .... uw - w. 1 rared to render the most perfect aaiisfatctien to all j Who may desire his professional services, Cleurlicld. April , DANIEL GOODLANDER, f USTIt'K of the peace U Lutheraburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will alsend promptly to all busineaa entrusted 'ana.MRO March 18. I860. In, ml. l 1". n rvnlnd M b' etnr.4 In ( lw I"1'' ''"'""J " " nui of Sum mcr ( 11) VI Is t, anil ahb h he Brrt te'il'l t r',"t', it sell el trice" st ntrcmni mw as i a-iomn e n l.d'tr. Ill" M'l'-li einbfnere l.iii.H-4 iiHilH. DHi; TUIMMINUH, Ml.'Sl.lN I'KI.AINM. KIO'NClt lilMHI A MS. IOMK.t. TIC 0 1 M' . II A MS, D K I. A I N S . RKOWS .1 UI.KACII. KD MUSl.lN.s, nil NTS OK At.M'A ITKKNS, SUMMKR CA SIMKHKS, CI.OIIIS AND Vl.sil.Mtr Toaetlier vilh crrry article in the DUY (IHODH line. Also, l'I'.LSU FAMILY 0 HOCK III L.S uf the best quality. I Ills friends and (be rml'lio gmcMlly , fore informed that if they aro In went cf Q JOD !(i(MIIMnl low ra lea for Cash or Country I ro- Uuce, ther numt not fail to call at LTZWKILLU'S STOJU2 At the old stand nf Moere k litsweiler, en Second btrctf, Clourfleld.ra. J I3. 61 Important Itirorrnation ! Louden's Indian rrrecto ran-j rpiUS HEM ED Y in offered to lit v.'muu""y X with the confidence we feci In an arlicie which seldom fails to roaliie the happiest effects that can bo desired. So wido Is the field of its usefulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every soi'tinu of tho country abounds with persons publie'y known, who have becu res tored by its uso. Hero is one cste of nn ASTONISH IN (1 CUKE! Tnis u av Cbutipv, That my son lay sick for twolvc months, under tho Doctor's cure, with the diseaso of the Lunirs. and every reinody proscrib ed by the Doctor failed to give relief. I gave up it 1 luitina nf h a racuverv : so am tne iiysieiuu. At this atage I prevailed upon him tu try a kotilo of LOUDON A CO'S. INDIAlx lS.Vfllt 1 uii.u 1 , and the result wan most happy, as the uso of; Uireo hotllos cfi'ectod a ooruiiineiit cure, una ue is now a hearty boy. JAM ICS LAYT0N. Dorry Township, Indiaun Co., Pa. No Family should bo without it; and thope who have nsod it, never will. I keep all of LOU DEN'S STANDARD FAMILY. HLD lt-UM lor salo. Call aud see the list. A. li- SHAW, Shawsville. -a.For salo by other Merchants in Clearfield county. April 2, '61. 6ui. Going it Alone! , Cl KORCr. xnW'SON haei? commenced 7 the manufacture of BOOTS and SHOES would rospeetfully solicit a f ham of public pat ronage. Without making a great fuss, or any 1 rial) " rom.iM, it aliai. aui wiu be bit etady eu 1 Ul,' ,u .u The very best of Stock, Make vhe very beift f work. And (at least hope for) The very best oj custom, (If this aint poftry it looks Vtry like it tn II la the frlHA, which Is better. So, "wado in" rnd get FiU. Ehaw's Rew door next 11'jinUiran office Geo. Nr.wnoa Clearfield, July 9, ISO:, y i.i.Aj Sicam Engine and Page Saw-Mill all complete, fir snlc, STEAM ENOINE, following dimensions : Cylinder 10 Inches in dial ii'ter of bore, with 2ft feet btroko ; slide valves with east iron be 1 plater, or shear, with force pump, liovemitr and By wheel, ifc, compliSte ; with cojper and other pipes: TWO BislLERS 34 inches in diameter, doublo flued, 14 feet long, of good material Ju niata Iron,) fly wheel 12 feet in diameter, about lfOO Pjs weitrht. with oil clobes. and all iveces.iry cocks und wrenches; with extra Shaft toutta -fi, to (triat-Mill The Engine bas been used fur runnina both Griat and t'aw-mi'.I successful'. SAW-MLL, P AGE'S BEST P ATENT coBtpleto with Ratchet Head-Blocks. Two Circular Saws, Strap, j and all ueccssary mnchiuory for sawing Lumber, j Tho above Epginoand Saw mill can be eocu at , (jmhaintou, Clearfield county. J r For particulars, pleaso aj ply U tae pro pnotur, at Cknrfie'id, Px JAS. B. GRAHAM. Jumo 25, 1S82. SHAVING AND II A IR-DRESSING. Not by the lUrdif Grahjm't Uo. The eiucstirjo lit. a often been asked Why 1'leasa.vts can hare so clean I That customers who shave with biia A benefit must reap, I ween. ne shaves fur a "nr," anJ if you are willing. Will Luke off your bnir in a trice for a "smi.Lisc." So come along, ye jolly beys so flick, For PlctiMinls is the man to do it cbcup and quick. The ren:;on may readily be seen Why bis custom ia so large : His towels all are clean his rniori all are keon And you'll always find him Pleniuint in a charge Just go to Pleasant'a an 1 yon'U bo Like Shcba's Queen of old' Tleased and delighted, and exclalra The half has Hot been toil. &5l.Don't forget the place in Ornham's Row, abort II. Btumph'a shoe shop. SAMUEL PLEASANTS. ClearCeld, June 18, 1862. tf. AMR T. 1.E0KAHB. WW. A, WAIXACB. . A. NSNKT A. C. rutHEY :!JJanhtnnatti deflection LEONABT), FIHKET tCo. C Ja E A H F I L D, CLEARFIELD COUXTY, TA. jbillj ol r.xcn Attic, otes a an nn afts Discoran I) POf-lTS HKtlilV I.I), C.Uttions made and prncfr-h promptly rtm'Mtd i:xchange ou lUc Cities coustaiitly om Ii and. r-OOo on Second St., nearly opposite lU fvi'r.T vinrKK Purs l'urr. Furs. ANTED all kipda of FURS, sue w Mink CXIH Red Fox Crota Fox Otter Muskrat F isli or Gray Fox Blak Baj Sk Also, .i jr.Lik i.-a DEER 8KI53, in trade or CASH. B1CU D M0SS0P. Clearfio'.d, Dec. 3, 1763 THOM AS J. M CUM.OUCII, Attorney at l aw. 0ffi( adj oinlng the Bank, formerly oceupied by J B. Metaally, Esq., Market Street, Cloarfield. ' 7 1 .-j. Z. 1 ' t B ' 1 Will atUad prowany to Oallectlona, Pule a . ... fCTJ. If, Oat. A 4. PATTr.RSON, Attorney at Law, Cur . wens rille, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to bli car. Ofiice jposit the New I Methodist Chart. Feb. J, '6?. 1 "II i OBERT J. WALLACE, Attdhwit at Law J. Clearfield, Pa., Offica in bkaw't Row, op oette The J cars al e9c. I A- I 1S&n. tf tut tut Mi'tn i 1 1: or i eliln, Coitulia, tlttlt lloiil at in a. ttninrtun, 4f i.4.. f'th I' ' , I l' .1 r i : I - tt-4 l. Hi inmf tt, la f. T,,, I, I ,,,a fr.o, 4 ( t ili. II awtnM. iiW-te4. ar I II. m n .wll It ajaa,.,,, , , ( .. I, lr 'r Inint l'tn.,,,1 lis n n mt in 'it "iy n. I. ttnlmf Iwikt l r the lust I'll J' n ht tinh t In .MM .if. t.rln. f,4 h., of tl m J'Hil'kint. UNI'lllT, M. U. A M MiiHTLr.T,r-., l ic4, N. T. writes: - IK. r.n Int.ntM t. k, I Unt t , wl t.,. t, , s ""!--' v rt ...,t. v.ih a I. I r.l.l I ih.M -r- ' J'"ir ftrf.nntr Irta. f Im m- fia.. i'a Mfta Uke any uluer iioly. H Croup, Whooplof Congh, IntinpnM. . UsaiNitmui, iik, t'. 1 Is A BsoTMini Arts t t w. ill ftw-tf,,!!, r.,,,, w rf I. His best M'1 ," eonl. rn.op, n,f II,. ,U HI.,., of f en. W . , T..,.r, In il,. ,, l n,m " c.nuweuil year uttsiMiue lu Z,, ' Ml RAM OOSKUN.M tj. AMiW tEB. Kso,, MfinrraiT, la, writ.., 3.1 .Inn. n. " I Im.l a Iflimia Intln.ut4u which r.,nlliio,i ,. Ix Weeks! took nun, nieillclnri wltlimtt Mrfi fa.T, tried voitf Itctimtl ti, Ilia ail!' nf of ttrruj in.a, riv hriH iV rcliovi'd tli anranrat la ra, Hire al aiirl Inin Ivas limn oun half the tsntls uisila ni c-i npWlil. Vour mvdlcinea are the chraHwt aa wi ll u lU Uat ran bn,, and we mtwin Tea, Doctor, anil ,uur n-awiic aa the poor mau'a fileud." Asthma or Phthisic, nnd nrcmrlntU. Wsst MANt'Httmaa, Pi., Kvh,, ft flla; Vour Cl.nrt 7rfT..I Ii rsrVirimiw matrii,,,,, cur. lu sn.-tk.ii. It has rcll.sod mnmi ft,,, Int. svuiploia. of t;.-uuirtien. and la now cart,,,. M who ha. lwred under au ..i".r ut '""IP Jut U luat forty yearl. HKNUY I. I'AKKS, A. A. HAM SKY, M. D., AtHos, Moaaot Co., ig,, writes, Sept. 8, ldii.'i : " Din ing at, practice of titan r ,rui I bava found nothint; equal to your (Ver, W.ol t Kit inn ease mi l rcll. t to couaujnriUte sUiuiUt or outing siii h as aro comMe." Wu mislit add vvlumea of evidence, but Ilia nmt mo tliidiiK priuf of ihe virtueaof this rcuiwlj la fuund lu In effects tip.jn Ulot, Consumption. Probably no one reuieily has ever l"n knofo ahkb curtsl so inm.y am! an li dannnoni rn' i u ll.ii. Sum ao buinu'i nl.1 ran r a.h; tut oi.a t-. bos lbs B.snj i lte;OTS1i n!rnU nr Hd comfjrt, m mr yKyl v ,.ITV, .,Urch S, IBM. p,.ctir a via, l.owi.u; I f.wl It a drty unJ a .lwura to mtinn you wnut your 1 i,t-iy nus ootis lot n,t wife. Hhe had heen fi.e months' nmUr the thin. Koroiis syniptoiiis nf Consinnpti m. fr.,111 vthili noatditt ix.uU procure puve luTunit-h re ItiT. o. .amttwililjui. It. rx, until Dr. Hrnnp. of ftiis oily, hero we Ua.en.Tu'afca advice, renini inrnd,.d a trial of your tiifili-iua. Vty Vm Ins MikIiu'sii, us ku do our sltitl: tor slio has recotn-aj fnnii tliut drtt. Kin; is not y..t as si.t' its she tiaiai tt he, but is fee from httr coii;.'i. and calls heraoU t-!l. Yuuis .villi ariKilludoaiid ri Kntd, OJtiSV.NDJ K11EL1IY, or Susucivnxa. fntatnf'i,. dorr 1 despair till you lire tiled Atis'i I'SfTimAL. It Is made 1 one of the Ut iu-di,-a chcntlHU in thew.rld.aiid its cures :'.!! nriiund us ImikiU She high uioi ite of Us virlutis. 1'l.iii.udjjiim Ijulgti. Aver's Cathartic Pills. B' riVUK eaiuiic. of Chemistry aud Mullrlno hvo rw X titled lt Ir nllmsit to prudurs this ln turavl puifltt tiiirinitlve which Is known to man. lunumamUa rwa .rr ahowit Unit thni I'lUS hate tirlni'i wliH, iurituila rxovllfii' e Ihe 11, dimiry inediriiiwi. and that th)T win un l.iTudt'iit.'diy iimii tlieaeUK-m of all msn. Tliptmrei,u Hit.l pleasmit to tnt. I at s.wtrful toenia. 'Itielriirai t rutins; pmi'i'ri its t iin ulato the vlt H aelh litis, of bnj, vriunve Dm ohstrurtloiia of Its oivos. I'm if the Uwt, mid eiM.1 dtseau'. Th..yp.itgeoutti4eR.iniuTii.rfc ittii.b '".! and arow distenijuT, stinaUl. slunith w uW drsd 01 trivial into their nnturul set loo, aed itnmtt heiUtlr, ion,, willi to the whole eyatoni. N , onlr 4i tli.-j cute tl'b t'Twy-ilay ii iupUiiils of .vary tsajy, UA also'l-' and dauronais disstis,. that Lttvt taflUJ the h't ot human k:J. While they urndii.. pswAil eir.M u, utvi nt the same Um. In diialniati. dilasttthf .ifut and best uh)rlr that can b,. emt hnid f chiMm. Ikin jr-nnCcJ. liny are l.sisiu,t U tkp; and Mat inirn'V Vivtnl.Tv. fn froi 1 uov r,-V of liain. 0n tii.ti' i,u lutvie wiihii at.:,iM bviif w. te Mis, not tivf s'i.tiati-.! l, men or sona exalted 'sniti.m nnd ciietw tu to frrfti'l the misiaUjou f untruth. IVltui, enaiatf, clfrv. iiti'ti and i-litsU iatm have Itsnt thtJr nattiM lunrtilj tu tlu ptblic lbs reliability of a., r.nuailna. while suw. h.vti sent me shit stssiij-tuir. of ttuv eotivleUait tthttmi Prrpai ntioiia ,utilbut. lauuieusely to tba iriW uf ; aJIicltiJ. min-riiifc ftllo.-nisn. T!io 4(i.iit uuiiid Is l.Med te font I nlb as Atm-ilcan Aliainar,coiiWiiinKdiicWriutV.t their urn. eertiiiraUn of their tun, of the f.ftlowusjr o uipUiiitis- cNvrt,i.a. luitmia uonimints. iiiisiitusiibnt, utw.. J fi.. .1... .. 11.. I ., t.d fmrn . f,Til alii.a.l soa. loHit,ii n. J',.il,iJ Ina.tien of c i.f llo.,ii,,l la., at hoik liifn-from. abitiilenry, 1 of Apivtlia. ail I m out Mid Clltulivr.ui l.lsauwa r.iilir at! .vara. onslK-int). nr K lair's Kt il. "i he, aim, f unfi Ilia.- ili l.loisl and atiuiulalini; lira asTm, cut. li r.jiui'htluti whl, -I, It would nut l iino si tli. o i.l nvli. aai li ni ir,.sf.nMi. I'.rtml blindnoatk iri4i.- Kit votia i'y. nrranuenssuta of thai t.l?ttu,j jjk nets, tioul. and oilier kindrod eontpUilnUi anaP'f nam i low sum of the body or olssliurtion of " funciiintc Do nut be pui t'fl by niipiinclplat drtilita with otlier (.ill tin, msjia mor. proljt on. Afk Or Atn, 1'iu.S and take m thlnj else. No uthr tUj tn ri' ,ou et.n.Mtrea with this In 'is Iriirmsfc vrjue ot cani' pnwiit. Tho kk want tba besi aid latere Is trtltnJ uj the, should bare It. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES, Practical and Analytical Choia'ut, LoTe'J, Kw raid i Cw. ria Box. Fiva toi fja 1 1. 60LD DY T-T-SoldlyC T). Watson, Cle.trC.ld; B 1 Irwin. Curwensville: F. Arnnid, Li'lhes.har.i M ttitgomcry A Co.. New Suleu l J. C. Brens. Morrisdalo ; C. R. Foster, Philipsburg ; Eli Chase, Anin.uvillo and by Jeairs cverywhir Msy.Tili.UOJ 1. E U UNIT U IiE II O O M i Rcsi ectlullv annoum o to the tmhlin that lb have completed uud are now occupying tbe!rnr f'lrnituro ware-rooms, fronting ou the Marl Lot nnd nearly oppi.s'te the tou.i House. Cabiuot making i'l be curried on in tin'! per atory of the anine btiiliiing in nil its DIFFERENT BLANCHES. All kinds if furniture vilbe kept ronstaw. on bands and sold chean for casli or ei'lir,l S: r country rroducc, or uuniber to iiess ; CHAIRS. rAIM.OL', JKK'KINf., A.Yi A JIM Cir AI UN, .SlT.LNCi SKATS. CAIN BOTTOMS, &c, VAlilSiU .' UFA. CFMICE, ( Af,l. JuMMi, ex rzss'o:; . ' an ka isfast 1 A L L K u. S 0 F A S- OF ALL KINDS. .ARIETIHS AND PAT'i ERNS. BUREAUS, SII 5?-ri0HD'i, BOOKCASES WARDRUL-K.-, 4C. U1UH.PO S T (' T TA 0 A fj; excu rows, MATTUiCS:-.' nair, l.'air top, Cotton lop, ...t !-.. ir.,.ir r materUk LOOKMNO-OLASSES of all sorU M H Also, Olasaea fir old Frames. What-nots. Wash-saai Work-stand. Ilat-ra-ka, . COFFINS.- Made to order on inert notice, bears, furnished, , Poptnr. Cherry, and Linwood iAimkeT, In tnhanira for orV Wcrfifld, Ocktbar W, lf61. If- 6( h R V 0