Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 11, 1863, Image 2

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'oniint. Feb llili 160?,
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i,m rem-.; I ti,,? i'n
'.rtiiii .on.' i c r n 1 1 in
, ,. w ii 'i .-! : Id.
To ralv this army of i,eg;o
:!h; '.ovi fitment mu. c i 1 i t .
itrgrnes ii'nv fr.'c in t'ifl !rv:
.i those posts that th--y may
;o ti-:io ol :. ,';!! j o ,.- c f
tales. ! f a! tint negro -s
jtl.U.s !,t ! 1 1 r ir.ilil;.; V iluiv wi
Il'i e
d li,.
I i , - i ii i ,.,. .. 1 1 i'M i 'I i
' 1 ' . f I I- I
l 1 . I le 't .t l ,' 'i '. l Um I. ;
i I ' ' i, t'l v Ii I lit C i'Ii Hit i ,
i i ''It'li'l, "ill "' m! I " Ii i ' I in el t
ii. I! ' in I .1. hi .f (.i'M l'i il.ini,"
IM'l H H lIlO Ull.l'.. (HI'S it l't.i I "
I l'i I l"IIIJ'll, l'i iMM'l. I l"f lint p1 thill
I ii j c ii h ii,; i mi r n it (.! ii I.I w ,. Ii-h
til II ' ll'I'l III' I lilhll IIH. Put it i il
tl.o hole liuili, lli intnist (he PiiU
i ll !' j I pay on their national h l,i h
lo. tluin lime per cent., whilst I ho pen
I'lo of llic 1'iiiii l Mnlci . n y ji t r'l nml ovr
i Ii r t l Hi' u I. Hi', il' tin l ull uii'l 'Ii 1,1 cf (Irrui
luin'iiiil !'! ilaiti h lour Ili'iiMiinil million ofdol
' 11,.11-c, 1 ii.i, tin J tli iiiitiuniil lt)l)t tif 1 1 1 o I'nitoil
I'l.r I 1 1 l l Mm i,l II ,1 ,
In I in Met fin 111 Mini I. .1 .h tl,.l I hi .1 !" 1 1 ' II I' ' i , i I'
1 m t i ' K rni'l r-lDin iTMrlnntr (itin
Ii ii ;i t n
In, I. in. I I i-f I f, (I n '. ,
(mil !'. 'il. li'' I
cing tlic nil
il.'t. i"ti'
lini I i i i. ,f mil i i
Inn!, ni ti i ul i ii I i m .,
In- 'I i l, II "t Il II i'
til l till- I l.lll . 11' T
!. I,
I . , Ii' . '
n"i I.-. It it
I .' I i i I, .1,
I. ul. I I, .
' l I l
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', I i I I . , I - .
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I I .'I
'I k
ivl, I ' . I '.
i Dim I ft- tn '. II' I..M f t I
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, uni t If' "i I'li il' I I'.),
ftln'l lt 'II l .i "n I,. . fit'
I I M ! I !l I ITifM.
I , Wr. ,h .1
' ' t
t i .i .
n. i!'1 mi 1 In S.aW'M is io !ho'i:'!in f m i 1 1 io.ih of iIdIIuh,
! ;i' i' ! , ' il i
tii, n llio lilirlln ll ix idioill Oijil.ll. N'n ft):;
rcTims Ihnt llu yriitrit,il tf t lt.i I'.i ili.-
('. i t v ill i tvi' In J i ! s 1 1 1 ; I ut unl.r tlio in.
', I hci'i'i'iirt., Ii ii'il, :ukI il ia lln;.-uiao ivilh tlfal of tlio
itself to ilin rnilci.1 Slotu.'. t'iuis( iiii'iilly to my the
S::iiu-i, interest mi our luti'inM ilcbt, Lrouglit nns
ii I'm ;,
ill iilO ll't'O
ro oni'iilli'il,
' !u V V. ii'.:! t oil !y
.'.: : j ru
lini;i'"'f nl"j;it L'S,(Hi ;
::i :. tin'!t,i
uu a.cij 01 UK) many i'vj
H.'.; (. vy f.. ',v tli!4b.ili?;! negrj ttii'ii
' lo irj ; I - llii-y h.ivii
: . ' tlio i;i i i i 'l' Lof.n o
on us by loo than two yi'i.n of Aliolilii.n
rul.., will r(vjiiir') (jiiite u tuuul' l.i.x, ilnn;
;;ci.l from tho Inud t-jtrnir.s oi our jioojilo,
si i iuit fo 1 )ti;; t'Uilu;',l by out' cousins
iiri'in i t!:i.' w ulrr.
lint, tiiiis iml n'l Tlio inl il n'KiMil
Viilnali'iii of tho priijini'ty nf the l'niti;il
.Sicks- tli:it i.--, l!a i'.vr.-i'i.Mti3 wealth oflhu
;. bivn scnl I'll" u holc cjunlry iU'tor.lin to tlio ce:i
arfU ,l of "in' ' puj rciut-Dd, m a littlo over si.', thousand si.
1 1 1 ii
l'i t Im l. Inn fctiiwmti- I,,,. tll inii't. II ("i-f irM. l iwi 11..I1, ,. ,.!
HI "ii fill I Ii 1 kn lini! ' t I ' 'il i f III" I I' It i l.., i n I im l 1 I 1 1
II tlml I "It Iv I Mo I 'niifi run l.iftl', 'l'i'"!"!"" tni'V M i"i I ) I Ik- i. - n ibili.
1 ..1..". 1 . 1 . 1 .1 h 1 1 tn 11 ' I n I , ut, 1 Ii l' I In, I 1 w n I I V .1,1..
,11. 1 i.i.iiui 1,1 lini m.i,... ii r 1 . 1 , 1 . .
'" ' 1 1 1 1 1 ti inn "l num.- I lio Kotf'lliliirlil, im I I, mil, l.m ,,, j,l 1 .( .In" r, r ( ,. ,
'I'M. re CI fil "lliiiitl n. ii'p iif tliit Bll'iir. l'i ' fnc'i
u P:ve lb ,.-o, ,, rni, ,i,M'M,h 1 11 1- i""1 ;" ;- ';, '7' vZ!:!':'.,
vnoM, im,,,, I 47,," fcH..rol.ytl,o ,'.,m.I I....'K. , ,.,,,,,,,,,..;
. , 1 it'lnij! f'H'lr In iii'iitnil i'iit(ini or ): uu oirii
( ii.iYi K n .In.,. . , lsii.",.Tltln tiio:i ,l,.rrtiMK from Ihn jorl i hnt 1t.t-., im j y ft,-. ,i (',n.rT,
ili: 111" utilioaN I aliiiclto Mutu, Cii,ti.iii im (,.0 ,,,,, ri,0 .i,.,. li, rM,iir.,
i,uii...u. im. 1 1 lnciirn, Cn,i. Tui-kpr, o- nml f,)roij;n jinwrr. It ii not iinprobul.lo ? l'li'ltrn c""irt,
O'liniMinii'il I y tl.roo miihII mr nnicre lli' Mint ilm ( Vnil,.,l,.iiiin l,..,vi. , tl,iu i,mI,, ''7 Mvrilmmlif),
lii'il, litiiVH.iiinilClicht.'ili.-l'l- tlio nUoMion by n- ti'lir." cut utiwiinil vi-h- !'y !!""rt h"u"'
ii.- ,
i I
H l
n, i
1 .
1 i'
1 .
1 1 r
' 1 " I"
)l. :
I an
ill iimlrr I ho (iiin;ii.iii. oft'oiniiiiiiloro lis-'utl to bo cnilurt'l.
i iiiiiiiui, iiin'in an uuiicu on 1110 MiiCKii
Icis, nml riiccoimIimI in binkinjj tmo uiul
crijj,linj; u Ihinl.
1 1
'.v, tlit'ii, is
o.iiiiiicij :it. jii 1 1 i o v-1 1 1 1 : : x
1 l'i 1 the l:i vv-i our ;;ni-.
:i''h, nr. il left in
n'h':;i,itie". Hit
cilitr-ictor ' tn.Lid :l:'!:.oi.3 cit'l tr?, wllil'.t 111 jj;'i'rt.
glli' u i .ill U o tlio j',1', li.,a n;it,,'H 1.1 11 lil tin
over ii-., thviiUH-l viUil'mt . (.- ir.', sny
iibuut it.-. !cc linn's as i;ro;ii m Unit of tho
L'uiuvl Si.'itos. It wutilil, lln'rafori', bo
one v; hoc I
1 a
. .- .1. 'i :
1 u I.i;ii,'li ';;
j. I;i!;ci.m
.im-iit v.-r.'.ii! n-.-t r
' liio. !' u:v't r in
" !''''!' '" 1 :'" ' ii''c'rojs nhii iii'o ju-t us easy for tho ;i''o;.'.o r.ritain
j i'.'iu our ri'iicir J5ut porlnitu llto Ab- to pay tiiuc us ttntcli l.i:: ut limy
"loniiij nre roil:;; inio llu bjijioi t inj; tiun th', m il will bf for llto 'coiilo of tlio
I'iio: 0 ill cur nationul iK-bt after next July. All t!,o blockailoru have tlwjiriiotireil
(ami if il is
ti., ii. 1 ..1 in. :i.. ii. 1 ... ' 1
,, . . r 4,J I'll) llllliui lib 1 llli:i4!lill!l Ull .Ull
no I'lii'a.'cniciit rommrticoil t four ........ .
eVlncI;. unlay, ot tlio I rnictma lloyul, in iron
Tho Palmetto Stato, with ('otnnoiloro Btriunor ciiturod in tho attoiiipt to enter
inj.'ialmm on board, ojkmioiI fire ui'on tlm the harbor u (.'hnrleston on tho 2'Jlh ult.,
Fe.lornl citphont Morcodila, carrying 1 1 ,liKnl.i,u, 0f (iVO (Jr our cun boAts is adi
l' ii ii i oim huiulrcl ami tif yoiiihl i ... , , . . ' , ... .. . .
mm, whioh Wa. noon sunk in live fLlho.n J ,mlt "l'"Sf HockU
of water. Her rommamlor, dipt. Ktell- j hl 1,10 onredorutos ia doniml.
wnrrn, with a boat's crew, cumo on board j Another itltack wan niado by tho Con"
and surrondorrd. ( Lie i-hot ;iuiTol lnr j rderntc;s on Korl lHinclfon on tho Cih,
boiKpoi,,, clear llirouKl. Cuj.t. StclU, , , fo
ai;oii und ( rev,' ncro puivlcd by Coiniiio- . ,,,.,. ,' , . ,
.i.-inM.,ii,iin, - i loss or 100 killed nud 300 woundod. Our
'.'apt. Tufikor, of tho Chioora, rrpovti lomj but trilling.
siiikii.i another unhout and ll,o j Tho makir.:: and finiBhine of Iho out-olf
UMaiiiin oi ttiu .steams tin I'uakor t;ity. ',r ,.t ,, -; i,i ... i , ., ,
Tim Litter was set on tiro by tho Chieora. !c,ir,nI uks,,ur8 llU3 ,,cen dtiM UI'
and down hor ling to surrf nder,but.on' "nla hcav)' 'orcu ' cot.lrtibitnih nre
afterward.! Managed to escape, using oiilv!0' work.
.She w.ia very ncrioubly dsiujij Wo soo no nowa of importance from any
other quarter.
! 1 j I'niitiiirf,
ljr I rivjr ciintrnnt,
hy rrotbnuutury'a ff ,
t.I'd ?1
5,0 ? V,
m ia
lit i
v t
Uii ;,t
11)1 M
170 .1
Sill (K
("7 40
143 4.1
2 7 U HO
mo o
17J 74
V r
' I c i
fit f
n im
: 1 1 im
. n ii(i
l'l t1
Vrj h
;,n mi
a.ts-i u
no n
l m in
a w,;r, nil 00
n I., O.i 1 1...,,.... I.n
. .. , ,'i in
' ' "ni'rii,,,1,i 4.r
llT Hwlunili,. ,ii TrcMrr, .14 M
j w.iiii, t...l..9"ll .4l
it r, fld flj
I ; .1 ,
li f r.
' 1 l'i
i i i:
l:'v l.i
I y I-
I I ' .
ill h. n
' , i Kti , ,
ii i t . f. , ., I..,
' ,.!,l'.'. I,
'Il": l Il i r li '
url In,,,., i ,.,..,1,
lt'"l 1 , .,
"J rtii.lili.r.
J . "" riitk'.
7 tf runt
Ul; it
lini. dito cuttt7 1,; Ti
17,027 O4i7,0ar J
Amount cf County, tS'Me unJ MilitU Ta t dnerum .Mtdinior lhC2, mid
' ir-. A':v i:tu!tb"r can I.
- ;.'. at a i at n 1 uf una anieoe
v.i me:.h:'. Ht.iulo supply. V oiiid not
Tho number of tho blockading fieul out
sid at thu linioof Ihoattack was tliirloei),
with U (iriit.olaw frii'.iloi. tho .Susuues
lian n:t a,,.. Canandaiua. (Ion. Joseph J looker in a native of
I li'.-federal loss, was very Hovero. It, ; MmsaehuHiitu, and wit born in isiO. lie
was r. cojnploto nueeosa on our part, with I entered West l'tiio in 11, his or points
tin!, ii timi, nirl Ilm. ..i,,.1.,..,Ij i I -.11 , , . . , 1 !
obtained in' United States to r,.,v the iut.iMst on ,i, I " " 7 Z T b "ww "ul , uo"M euargoa to tnal Mate, in'6,,
, H, 1 , I
,!' 1 I I ..III ,,1,1 i I ...iv..,...!
li-1 pin pe;:e to ii huiiuitto one ?
. l:al oa-l'j a-: i j the r.tean ; ;
, f.u'!i L.m lm t!,is fir.
oeeehij!' iico tho jieint '.' V.
Ill l.i.-c I Ionian s ti conn
nuidiir mil' foreiall.ors ?
i I
..u i eiy J '.i'. '.
'.') liy ean' t
ni'l iieon:o
ov'ir hero to
Purely .;.'
v. ronj. ) nmy not the tanily cf our rulers
hi' .'.-!!! .piestioucil, when t hey siill
t in Mnkhii.' th': nation sliil ilceper in
; tir.TTix.1 TJiKii Kvi t iri:.v --Holh IIou:i"s
of tho 1
ho received Ins appointment of nceoml
lieutenant of artilicrv. in Fehrimrv I s:t.-i
I . . 1 : . I : .. . t . - . ' '
.,. -1.1 i.-. ii.j,iihi iu uu seen hhii;ii live mi was itppoiuteil assistant eo:nnnaary of
niil.'s Willi the (itron;:est kind of j'.I.Wf e.s. iHiibnUlence, and proniotod to h liist lieu.
Our fjats aro now returning to Chariot), teuanev. From July lo October, 1S41, lie
ton .
The following 1h the edicial diapalch :
KKlir.l. OlFIfiAl. Kni'OltT.
Jlll'Il III 1!!' II! I' I .-.', A I ,..l,.,,,..l.i in ..... .... .r,1 .. 11 ... .1 . T , i . '
i. j j ci i n i.i in, ; ciii,.. i iRii.-i i.i.i'ii.'iiii-ii I, tun , ...I ... .
, , " ' . ...,iii.,.hh, 1 HQ Ulllll, 1 fllll'. il t l
.ii). to A.rR'aior negroes to come over hero te.l ieneluiioin iimtt uetmg our .Sctiator? "ere puiMled. Cajit. Tucker thinks ha
'iid help to liberate iheir cousins and rloi land rc'iur-Min:' our member of l'oi:ero--s f:lnl' 0,ld vesel and Bet another on fire,
.ut- tUein to an equality with tug white '' I" favor t!,. Ivdueti.,n nf the .l ily tmv ",'.Lo,, h" ?tn,'ck hr Tl,e Wock-
nee. ' , . i , t -i . i uni.i; Heel hud (rono to southward und
,, , , . . repine , to be paid upon imported prml. ctward oulol sieht. pa-sa ol tins net is a cer fusion lo inP paper. The legislature,. of Not Yerl:, ' li. N. IxcRAwij,, Flat; Oflloor Cim'g.
die world, lint, that the object oflhu war j New .Jmoy, and several other States hit; e ' the i atkst wsmcn-oi'vicuL iroclama
:i not . for tho enforcement of the lawts.and taken fcitnilar action, und it is reported : Tiox.
acted us adjutant to the military academy,
ami irom 111 to le-H he rankul ns regi.
mental adjutant. When tho war with
On Hoard Gunhnnt PJnt.-tl.t Sut,- T wont ! "(.'.xieo iiro.ioout ho was appointed nid to
out hut night, This vessel struck tho'0'1" lla'--r, i.ti'J tiisphiycl so much ;oN
M(!reo,lit.i.' ivl,..ii wha c ml. lii nn ,r.,.. Tallin' thai he ws brevetled as captain.
no jiurueuiariy uisunguinneii tiiiifeil at
restoration of the Ui.jon ; und hence, fee! that tli9 I'liiaiice aonunillees in both llou' Headquarters Land and Xaval Forcc4,
ind,that,r this rcM-iia white soldiers to fill'ses of i.Wrcs will reiiart favorably 9,nrl"n S c'- JiWl- 31,1803. At about
'he i.hi-is i,f cl.o i hi re l,.,.lrr.l ti.:.. :.. t ' , f've o'clock this mot ning tho Confederate
vho e tor,,,, omh rev r,y n , , ," 1 ' , !,4,M Ui: l 01 M ultackeJ j immediately oltereU his .err ice. to the
iivi.L 11 III 0 liOX. t 2tl f 111 1 1 .1 i mr ( . mnn f nifAt--l iiu sm, n nu (l,n 'i ... I', 'i.. i iii.i . it i i . ... . J . . ...
1 - rmfllPW..i .amu juu ciiiwHiiMaics uiocKUijing liot't oil t lio (vcr n men t, wJi o, a w Are or hi nt
l-V,,U ,11V,. J&
Monterey. In the early part of lf47 he
was made assistant adjutant enerid, with
the rank of captain. For his Mgaeiiy nnd
courage at I'm National liriiio ho tvim
brevetted ui'ijor, nnd soon after, at Chu
pultepee, roudered himself ro conspieuous
tliat hj vvits bievotl(d lieutorant'euliiiel.
The war ended, lie withdrew from the
service and emigrated lo California, where
ho engaged in touimerco with but moder.
ate Micoebs.
rt tho breaking out of tbi rebellion he
ongas there was per manufacturers now eniov. The dutv d'arbor of tho city of Charleston nnd flunk.
no doubt in to what was tho purpose r on paper ii no.v 3D per cent. Tho conc ,fl o)e:lwovo " an'1 out of Eight
ihe Ht'iii"le ther . w,ir in,, i o ' ,i , i . , l01' ll tme the entire hostile fleet.
.e. i. "t J-. '0iv warm trouble iu get. quenee u (hero is none imported, and tho ; Therefore wo, tho undersigned, com-
Ji.j t.l.ite sohitera ; .but niw thut that ; (iovcrntnent derives no rcvonue at all j manders, respectively of thj Confederate
purpose has been virtually abandoned tho and our pnper-makers. by combining to- .Mates iitivul mul lun,J forces in this qutii
thito innn wi.U Lnel.-, 1 -kt. the, can fix their own prico. Tiicy do hereby formall declare the lilock..
IrowuMie m in eitchine nt it iv., it v. f i ,v . ju,'e oy Hie Lulled States of tho said city
igmati catch. nj,, it flia-vs, w0 call have no competition. Such is the ellect of Charleston, 8. C-, t o bo. raised by a su
upon mo negroes. iof n ; ,.(,i.(.,;.Vit:1! iff. L)t,riol. fj,ce oftllc L Onre,lerto States from
A. as, Morotit uusgoveined country , fix the duly at, say 5 cr 10 per cent.- ui'tor tho JUt day of January, A. ).
Too Late to iTrnpn .The article will tbon lo imported. The!U;GX O. T. Be.u recjaru,
. -ti .1 . General Commanding.
If the (.ulject v:is not tucii a mrlans i (jovernmorit will then get some revetino. 1. N. I.nobaiiam,
ehoV vne, in all its aspects und attending ' i1u''li,;1,crs w i" not c imrn,(V' i'lrjI1. Flag Officer commanding Naval Forces in
cl.-Ciimtances.M he r,,nfec;,, ,,r I),,,, ,., enean leaning uo nirnistieU to (lio peoiuo. I '""mi, v.uioiiun.
crat:c cditora a', this l.ti,- dy, that tho "war ' Shinnev os yoi-r ow.v Stint. Wo pro
is fur tho liberation ef thotl.ivcs, uitd il,c:test, solemnly protest, against our neigh
t'leva'ion of tlio negro," would be rather d'or f I'10 Jj'.muil ottempting to paddle
aiiuii itig than other A'iMi. Wero these ''is rot ten ond l iekcty old burk by pub
geniierutn'Pp for the ten or twelve hshing such Democratic documents as
yours preceding IS jJ 1 Wire they 'Wright's speech and Frank Hughes' let
uiaf to the ominous declarations of both i 'era. .Neither cf thenl paver of Abolition.
Mr. Lincoln nnd Mr. Seward, that this imi in the slightest degree, and to Httempt
country could not exist "half slave and l'ass any Ihing either would say in nips
half free?" Did !hey forget that the r0,t !''al party, ii sailing under falsa
Chicago Convention lad to choose. be- 'l01'3-
twc"n these two men, and that the elec-' C'omo out boldly, nnd give us a f . w
lion ijlled in placing them both ut the fh.iptera from Garrison, Wendel l'hilipps,
head ol iiilnir;? Surely men wero very or 'had. Stevens, if you want to tell youi
Hind wlio could not then fee what was to 'readers what your parly h aiming at.
follow ; and those nho now (onfess their 've man extract from tho late speech of
furpiisoor di-aj lointmer.l ut what has tlio latter on the nigger ioldier bid, wheie
tinee recurred," cuinyt claim rjucli credit in llP deelnrod Hiat.volunteering rn? ilsy
for their powers of pr.iciration. r'' plJt. :ln'' another attempt to draft white
Let us lefcr to a tingle declaration soldiers w as too dancous. to lo thought
r.nd 111 n t a ".-tandnr l" one the "Helper
i-.ook." On pit-. ortliAt work will lo', Tor. .Soi.her'j Love roc tiie Nkoro
round the following declination cf the We clip the following item from the local
purpo.Ci of Ihe Kcpublic;, party; (columns of the llaltimoro -Sua ofthoTth
"Thus, letior er.gen b ten of the Sjuth. ' i,t. jt shows the nlToel ion our soldiers r,e fully find Iranklv defined our no. i . . ....
I!! r-': .s' .'.-).? ei Cd-irrd lW.ii n?.A
i-i!i"n : we liavo no mo!ilicatioiu lo ito
po-c, ro compromise tj oiler, nothing to
retract. Fro'vn, fir.-:, fret, foinn, pre ate
your wef-pon. liiroii , hinke. hhool, unl.,
biieg " 'ivil war, dii--olve ihe Union.niy
nntitiiilato the -olar system if you tv !,
do n'l this '..lore, le--, letter, wur-e, iinv
tl'iii': i what yon will, sirs, you can
iK'i'.l: 'i' foil iv ir bitiiii; bite ui; our pur-
. . j; .! hi ::ily iiv.-.l ,u the eternal p'l. 1. 1' ilea veil ; we Jimvo detci mined lo
A !" iLI.-ll SLAVKnV, AND. SO HlvhP
!'.-.;',)!); AF.OhlSlI IT tVr.WlLb: Take
tins In bed wuli you Ij-nig'i.l, sirs, and
fijipoiuted him brigad er pmeml of volun
teers, on the 17th ol April, ISfd. JIo wns
placed in eonimand of a brigade, which
formed part of tho army of tho I'otomae.
Subsequently ho was put ut Mio head of &
division and station I in Western Mmy
land, where ho remained till February
la. t. lie was now placed in command of
tho fighting division ;,ar (rcdlrnre of tho
army, including Sickles' splendid Kxcelsh
or Brigade, and nt Williamsburg, Seven
Fines und Fair Oaks idiowed how worthy
he was cf that proud position. He next
distinguished himself during the seven
days' contests, and afterwards under Gen.
Pope before Washington and tinder Mo
Clellau in Maryland, lie fought bravely
at South Mountain and Antietam. at
which latter place ho w:is wounded in the
foot. When ho had recovered from his
wound sufficiently to take the field in a
litter he did so, and was commnnding
fcnertd of the .Silt nrtny corps. On tho
1 1th of November, ISG2, ho was placed in
command of, tho centre grand division of
ijcn. l.urnsnJe a army in irgtma. His
promotion have thus taken place. On
July 4th, 1SG2, he wms promoted to a Mas
jor'ien. of volunteers, and on tho 10th of
Sept. lsG'J, wasnppointeda Iirigadier (Jon.
of tho regular army, in tho jduco of (Jen.
Manelield, deceased.
The Pennsylvania Conscripts.
Tho correspondent of the New York
Timet, in desciibir.g tho Into enragemont
on tho Flackwater, near Suffolk, Va.,tbusl
refers to the rtmd uct of the 107th Kogi
menl, I'enna., (drafted men.)
The Timet correspondent, after descri
bing tho light, adds : Tho regiments of the
expedition were mostly new, and behaved
well under their lirst serious fire, with Iho
exception ofthe 107th IVniisyWania.coin-
poseit or (JraUcU men. When ordered
forward with the rest, at 0 o'clock, thev
large number cf com'.-.!"-. 'cut ;,.)!. Hers, un
der u:i iniied :;u.ird, wore placed in cais
e.-tertiay morning at Iho Camden r-t ,
di'p ,l, and the cats attached ,r. the fcight
train leaves tho depot for Washing
ton, just nTter tho ten o'clucl: pa-Fen'ger
train. While the scldiern were awaiting
the dep.u ture of the train, many "f (hem
eot Oil t otliveat' and!:"l f verv
colored person will. in their reach. They
i'.'.so provided ihemi-elves with briukb-ats
and threw al every color?'! person they
could sei ; s uae of the; -e last were in their
house.; nlong the lino ()f the track, and
(,'noi-i U'io broken nnd windows snnshed
Oflicial Thomas Jourdan, Chief of ElafT.
'Ihe results of tho naval engagements
yestcrdi.y aro two vessels sur.k, fouraet on
lire and the remainder driven aHey.
Tho foreign consuls here held a meet
ing last night, and were unanimously of
(ho opinion that tbo blockudo had been
legally raised.
Tweniy bleekaders are ofr the bar toi
Other very important movements are iu
progress hero
It will bo ol s'Tvcd thai theso rejiorts
ar through rebel sources. That they are
exaggerated, is moro than probable, from
the fact thnt the blockading fleet was at
ils pot the licit day, largely reinforced,'
and advancing as if intending to attack
tho city. JUit that the attack was made,1
the Heel driven ofr for the limo being, the
visit of (ho foteipn Consuls to Iho coast,
and their action declaring the port legal
ly opined, i generally credited.
Here, then, is nnolher complication for
our Government tosettle with neutral run
lions. It is announced that our Govern
menl takos high grouud, denying that
ino u.oci.nuo nas neon legally raised, nnu . , .,' , 7 -' tiorcanii,
- ' l'i Ill, I ,1,1 1 1' imr I I, I h vr.t. I 1 ., ,. ...I I 1. a i .
. , .,. . ,1 ll.L 1.1 nil, ,,,1111, II, ... l', 11,11 I",,
Will act nccni'f ilit'lv' On this nmr.l. iv i .,, ... .. , ., . . i1'1.
- J ' ! Mieiu pacing over uieni, ana reluseu to 1 7
ciinnol do belter than to give tho follow- stir. Gen. Corcoran, on hearing tbis.rodo r.mili'urJ,
ing letter of "Ion" tho Washington cor-: uf 10 'beni, accompanied by Col. Spear, Hlooru,
inii'i cuilcit tor the ".oh un l. Ho was lan l,r"".v'
Igeroiifly wounded, and did not reply. l',un"'ul1'--
i'l'i. 1 : .... .-1 , ir .... rhe-t.
1 11 14 1.11111. 1 1, m, ".1 ,, r,. n, ,,, iitii '
.,1, uimti, 1,1
1 S 47 Jordan i Jnmea lien, jr' 2i. 511 92 14
1S-H Jordan 11. Swan . .
J:CS I'enn . A.Spencer I : J
Jordan William Wiley 1 , if,"
181.1 Fenn ! Thomns Fonton j I
LsiO Pell J.Sundcrlin ,S
lSfill Penn J. Davis ! , IX
LCI I r.umsido J J. Young
s)l I Jordan I). Willium ) 13' g n ii
Fox 1 J. I. Kuadv 1 1 ny. ; '
ls,i3 Pike I J. C.ddwidl 4 72 7
154 .lordan j J. Pattenon 1 y
M51 Fi'i-o j T. II. MeCluro 1 C2 ? Pi
1M55 Covington J. i.-irmoy 15 H U ts
fsoD Decatur , C Kephart , C'i Ul&'.i SiJ fj
s;,7 (''.irwcnsvilla Z. McNaul I ' H
ls.rj7 Ferguson , J. Straw 211 iiOj 2 41
lS-,7 (hwhen , jl. U. biverg md . 12 fil 12 d', 4 V,
l!C)7 I Jordan j Win. Wililatui 2 4.V
Clearfield U. J. Wallace ' 2(1 Ct'
1;,:,S Fox J D. N. HeMh S (X) j
Is 5 4 ' Penn ' II. I'anver.-i ! 24 40
1359 Fox J. MeClellun , i M "4 10
1-00 F;ell Jami A. Ciirnpbei! 1 ; M CI
1n',0 1'oggn William ilsou ', d. 88!
1;C0 Fox John Muikin? 23 ...') !5 2ft 18;
1SG0 C'rahain J. P. N. Ison j 1 d'i' Xt g!) 4 85
150 1 l'eli Wm.T. Thorp j 57 r,f,l T 77 80
lSijl I Hogg- L. M. Lumado ! f,n 2,,: la 117 pj
1 s; 1 lirielford, John Woolridjj ' - Prf p)l ' Jtj j(;
1 ,:(, I Pratly W'm. Schwem i !) 4;; fj
1S,',1 Uoom J. W, Cleaver 1.2 ' 8 Ro H;
lsi; ("learlit-ld William Darter 1 ; KO K7
. 1S:)1 flurwenavillo John Iiwin I 5 f j
lm;i Chest William McOurvry 1 eft 4 21 92 JO HO
l-,;i Fox Tbw. Mu'.kina V., 3"j l'j 47 10 67
1,-1 (iraham ! David McDowell ' ',10 e.i: 47 32 B 77
lsi',1 Goshen Matthew Totn ' 7'.'! f, (si
1,-1 Huston F. Hewitt f,. H 44. i
lSiU Jordan John Thompson j 4 20:
JSOi Pawrence J. J. ; 15 41; t' HP 3 10
Iiit Fenn M. S. Spencer J ,"7 MM IV'.'ii 4 0.)
js'2 Pecearia John Mc'Vy 2. 87' P'l 4fi M 35
ls.;.2 '''c11 J. N. MeCiickcn V.'l ?d, 1-J7 f,4i r 15
I.m',2 I'ogi'.i J.Xmioil V . ("jl 41 b IS Ul
l,si",2 Plooiii Tlioi.ia-! Cleaver 77 7j J r,;;l U (s
j.soi I'.radfoi'd J hn I'm ti-r ril 0D P'O 1'i! 4 ffj
bno P.rudy JNitmiel A tn. -l Jll S." P12 P7 yft S7
1502 P.urnside J. Mcfurruy itoti -J7i .r, 20 ?,ll 4"
HO" Clearfield A. K. Wright j b:;7 74 215 .',7 i"0
st-,2 Curweiisi'iHo J.S. fiuti 31,'. 23 0; jo Jo
1ST,2 ', Covington j It. Snyd.-r i 51 29 j p.) S'T' 12 5
s;G2 Chest A. Curry ; 2'':0 iJ, 0l 7(ij 2 77
bs(',2 Decatur f. Ayres 1 :i,2 231 0i 17' il 45
lSt'.2 Fi rguson A. Fergus! n : 51', m 57 f,'.'l IS 1,1
lir,2 Yox I Is'- P'i"ckway I 44 Oo I 77! 0 02
pSf,-2 Grahnm Jonas Moiitze M 24' M) sr.! 23 27
S02 Goshen ! 11. Oraham I f, ;;;; ;) IS Ju
G'llich I J. If. Morg.;n j J,', 2'j'i 7'. 47 11 ((!
l,si;o H'jiton . I W. D. Wo.dwuril F,;;"i! f0 S7I 13 SO
1.4C2 ! J"'-dan 11. Johnsm, - 125 oSI 02 4V 19 C2
1 C2 ILarthauK P.. GujiMtllx f.2 :;.Jj !.(. 14 5S
S02 ; Knox G. Mriinrd s ,', 4s 21V 17 11
sr,o I Pu'.vroiieo K. Ardery -- (i; n,i; ( J,v
Sr,2 Lumber city J. I'-irk ; f.. 2;i: 44 r4: 5 70
1S02 i Morris j G. Ardery 1 V,-' t.,V , 41 17j 17 SJ
l;,,;o j N. Wa.'-hington C. Neil' : ;.i k' 82 2!! 1.1 77
IVitn 1 W. F. Join, -on . 4i o-J AV 15 47
!S,,o Pike I D. llartrock I 2'.'S pj ;: JS" JJ &
1SG2 Union 1 1. (Yurmey ! 7(1 h1 2'.t 4S, 8 71
1SC2 Woodward J.M.Chase 1 57 20'.'' 1 1 "87
Aggregate due from Collectors, $:.VM !l ?2,'.U' W-flO: t4
" from owners of unseated, 2,0' " 'HI
a-nioutit of judgmeiiti', Ac.,
duo from Treumirer,
Ouli;landing County Orders.
" Court houfe,
" Coutty Bondu,
12,571 71
4.32 I M
pi.r.ou t'O
.loo 22
C0H 05
fi.573 f'f" Aggref 'lnon'y.
n:i,22 7 CoV rndebt'diifw.
i 23,390 55 ?2,.'V.I0 f:5
JOSUPII PIIAW, Ksq., Trnurrr of CUiirtli-l - J0ii:iH SHA'.V, K-.p, Tr,urer nf CnrtoM
futility in necount with trie UilVon-tit towiieuia A c.uii.l.v. in ,',.! w.-'u tl.n ihiTcmnt town-ulpi
11 ty
fur liuuii tux fur ll-iiil iw.d IsOl
Ta l-nliince Jno nt lint foUli'im-nt,
To Kinoiirit n-.'oivi'il from ewm-i's of
imatctl liiiuls fur lsT.O timl ISf
i.ul f,,r l'-r.n Mid l.n'l.
fur f-'
JtT.l F". To linlsiii'C iluo at lii-t tilrtiiin!.
Iu ninimtit rcoi-ivcil Iruiii mm ur
tiiiiit-iitcJ ln,niJn fr Mull nr.d lslU, P,7l
respondent of tho lialtlmore
V.-niNoT"V, Iv C" Feb. 4, 1-503.
Has t he I leckade of Charleston harbor
been "legally raised ?" That is
! anv Cal tain, were Rue.ei-(.ivi-lv fnlln.1 tnv ... f , , '.
isi-rle,! -."i . .. . V ' i I'.nuiit, uu
- - -. ..,0 1,1-1,1 1 ..1 liii'u m,ii li.'i'atur.
think about it, dieam oCi' it, Htid let us
f r.o ; hu.v you l',.tl tovmurro-.v m u'nr'.''
i.,., . ni;,uiii.i) me ueciaiatmii c! by i!,c onic, but no one wns Porieusly
the aiit'.io, of ihnt infamotiH wetk ? Hut it hart. The gtfiud apuiied unable to coii-li-ceivc
1 the un-piLllfic l riHl .nemenL cf '!:c riotous soldiers.
ta'H'jkc llepuUieau mcmlers ofthe Z:.h t'-'l'he AloIitionisU aro continually
Cotigiesi, and was iuite as much a decla. ; harping about tho Democracy of tho North
latiori t)f tho purpose of the Kepublicini being in sympathy will, Jcir. Paris and
parly as were l!io reoluiiotis of tho Chi his f- How secessionists, ami at the same
ci'o Ci.ivct.tien ; ani il was the text book lime quoting extracts from Richmond pa
of tlie putty throiighout the camjiaign of per- bhowinj how all peace suggestions by
10 ., Let no man, therefore say that lie this Northern Democracy aro spurned by
wi.s " b'ceivad. ;tl,e rebel leaders. This ii 0110 of tho
NVi.smxj oi'T. It is finnouneed from strongest reasons why theso effort for
WiisVnjtori that tho Adtniniuralion peace should be rodoulled. The leading
about lo dismiss from tho military servioo rebels who are opposing peace, misrepre
evt ty ofli.:or who doeu uot cordially cn sujit tho Couthei 11 people jut ai much ns
dur.-.u the policy of tho Administration in . do tho Abolitionists tha people of
the conduct of tho rrur negro cmaiicipK-' tho North ; and if the leaders on boll,
lion nml u'.l. Thi is h new way of mu- .siuos could be driven from power, we
kiii,; Aww.liuuLtli out of Democrats. Jlut, , won! J have peace at once, followe . I ly a
i,tn th(y do U t W't aii.ill no.
jWtyi. Tptt.
3t',fi 311
Fi",l) t'O
13 4t
t o on
so 00
R70 00
I s.O HO
SlH 41
i.ia :,i
1 !i;s
20 no
! 2
1 r,o 00
lllti 12
2(1:1 Oil
i:ti on
. l.MAS 2'.)
lso no.
in- 4:1
Jtr.-. ro
r:i v.j
li'ni t fi
lsf CO
I'.IO 00
ir,'i 112
t li oril (ia f li Mf ikorn Tlirt 1 i. 1 Ti 1 .1... ... 01 'Jin O"
I m r n ( 1 j-tn 11 liiur nPiinnrf am lim -Kino.' 11 .n . 1 11.1 1
l,.i ,.,!. iM l,s. 1 1 vim-l
'Y lllJ U'. ILH IVHIflUlO III V. Hill 1 1 r. L 1 111. IIIMI I I,,., .1 .. ' .1
.1 . ii 11 1 1 1 , ' u'11 11 ""J ouiiimissionei, oilu'er was ItH-ie l-t-nrup-.n.
tho eommnndere ol tho land and naval 1 ,,,,,1 1,1 ,,,1, .. . , ....... '
'V r f . 1 ' r 1 . , .. .. i.iti.1 mil r' i! IIII'I I. 1)11 . . a ,
, f;' 0 . 1C. V.0,ll.0!,,:s l CI,arestor.,h,lou,i ,,e recommended for il.e Colruiel.'
. ! 7 y LmU" i'T- A Lieutenant, name unknown, then cn'
Males of .he satd ha.bor has been raised mo aMj endevored to comply, but with- lT'
S Tn.Z uZr,fn '"J t'11'" T1' General then appealed to ,IUU J;
S totes ft on, .ud after tho .list of January." lLeM, lor tl)6 honor of PennsylvHnia.when , ,
hi:, naval ra.d upon the Federal block-ot(icrly F0 t tlT. 'hU,
dm..' 6inndrou was, of course ma.lo with,. Vou Cllll ,lriVn but'vet, can1 make us Knox,
av.ew to",a.satliol.loekado'under nns f,,,lt.M j,, Wll8 imm(.;liB,olv ftruok p I,Wrcnco,
l... Il... ,UI.I :.,....1..I,J? . ........ .,n.i.. M
i..., .. ,,, vi. Uje 1Pull .), (1:0 hn,.k f)f Co) Sp0(ir's '"""
iiec.implisli the ehjeet legally, if not nrae- Bn,nr,i r,,li.i 11 v. .i:-L.i .. ;IV:l,:i
lieally, and the declarations of tho result ' cll,irp(. lhcm willl" a c,;,lliiny of cavairy, , .'l'
wine 1 nre effectually put forth have prob-but t)lo (jPI1(,rai thouglit il beder to leave w!,L
amy neon mane unuei leeni irivieo.
Aint fluv.
4 03
4.'! OS
A tii
U S3
21 73
fiS 4."i
r2 co
to 12
42 (
11 e.i
4rt 10
in :t
f,l f:2
it t,:t
Kin a?
in 42
till 21
112 71
in oi
11 tn
112 62
43 72
6,201 08
H 41
lliirn 'i.l'i.
Clrariiel'l '"T.
j Hi-c-itiir.
I l''orti'oTi(
j .;r..rcl,
t,'i. Knon,
! 1 r.iham,
I llu ,t',n,
I K'nrtliMH,
I Knox.
Woinli. unl.
Avt't f'i. ',.
ii.:.! v.i
rts 4 a
:.) 5i
Ptn 47
JiS 12
ins 2s
Clt M
7 SI
1US S3
S7 P2
10 7." .
f&2 :4
K i 0 41
Ml 7I
S07 as
Irt7 87
642 IS
" ti: 3.1
in in
214 AO
arts 6i
l.-.i 10
247 SB
Av.'t iIm'
?.;.s as
Hi S7
13 :
,iS A A
70 tiJ
117 i
4 i
i ST
1.1 01
A 67
19 II
Ss 2i
WO s
lit T4
tJ 7"
n 6
2S At
Oil 12
1A Oi
(ion is explicit. Accordinglo Chancellor ' iiaj,S( fought
Kent, "NVhen a blockade is raised volutin
fs,.'.s5 Hi
He'iSA 111.!
)!al. du tp:-. ?2,t7t, 77
?. 10,049
10,P v
tarilyorbya Bttperior forco,
TnE A ItliEsT of DciERTERS IS Ps'niAV.V. ' NVK, tho Cnnimi.'.-i ji, .n t.f Cli-iirrit'ld cuunty, V,T., tin) Auditor of CI nnr!1)! " ""nty.
it ititi an
end to it absolutely, ami ii it be resumed, Indiana papers reler to the recent JilT.cul- r'"vlK """'i11 "'""" -""''i n "aw, oxnrunci inni-mnni. "i .".- 'pa - . --i-- .(
neutrals must be cha-ged with notice ,rV ly bet ween a s.pmd of eavalrv, sent from , TronM,r,r ., ..,1 rnnniy fr tha year A. 1 Tren:,i,r-r o: m.d county, fur 1 1,, yr A. i -l
-.1. i r i .1 r t v . r i, ...i i . i -.- 1 1SH2, do cortifv, Hint we find tl e npcuiinls of pni du roi.urt tlint tlio iici-nunts aro b lnT fi'"
not'e, and without refereiteo to tho former; Indianopohs to arrest d9..erters, and fill- Trra;urir np r;,nWfl :Tho n,1K,mil frm nll The 8moullt Ullc ,0 ipma Flln,, ny Mid W
state of thinas. before thev can bo mvolv- z.ciis of J-iortati county. I hey deny that .., i k-n,,.,,,. r,,- ,,.,,,i .,. i i, ii.,,,n.i ,hr..n humtruJ and "
'ui ccdjr re-union.
ed in the guilt of a violation of tho block" thero wiw any organized resistance, but al- f0vi-iity-tlireo dollnrs and sixty. eight ccnis, i (Inlhirs und twenty-three contu; and tlio nro L;'
ade." ' logo that tho cavalry grossly imposed up- NVe also find tlio iimount of imtMnnding ordors duo tlio Scliu'.l Fund Two ilmuiutnd fmr
Tn tlin nrnannl r.nt,n ll,A TT..:a,1 l'lnnJ , in,..-,,,.,.! n,..l lin,iir,uiilinff r,ri:Au. I,. 1,A I'n-Ari 1 v . 1 li run 11 niinil lltrnn Inn,. Irn.l ami an ,1 unvnr, inn ill, Hum find SV(!nty-M"''D
... i,.'j .'iioi.i.i, iitnu 1 IIU UMIlUll OH 113 11 II 1 ' ' .l'.. miv-hw...,.. ,'W1. .- n - ... j - - - ..
I . 1- . . . . . ft-. . ' . i ... I . . ,1.1 !...!, I II.. . ,;rtlv.ei ,1,, 11,. r. n i,, I f,f I v.f,, .n.lla ..f hi..l. Tl.n ,nnl,l i.T linlKtliml ini'' Older 18 lm V"'
iiuuioi uies
tcr of fact.
Iho block
Alio,!. TUOfi. HOfCiIlEKTY. 3' AMnsl. f,r
gilt when it rises. W. fi. r.Am.Ey, (Y
may conirauici 1110 laci. 1110 mat mey runnessiy umu uv t-it 1110 itoii-. - - i-.,.,u, ... - - r
Is bound only to look at the mat- crty al, I seuod the hornes end insulted ''cn tl.ousund fiv. lmndrod .l'.lli.r nrn Court- fliroo;int I t .foo iv .r.
ir 1. .,.. . 1 .1 . r. .'.i r ! r , . 1 1- . ti iiuufo uonus. 1 nets our nanus tain iisu any 0 mm nu unj-uve iui ,. i ,
It ho can outer the rort after thu families ot iicacoahlo eiliaoni. The , . ,.... ' , i ,i..,,. iru,,....,,, iin:,, i th.'--
,. . . . , r . 11 1 , 1 1 oanuiuy, n. 11., irrn.i. 1 uniri iwu-c i.....
ailing squadron is removed, eis faots will bo investigated. bai-t tiimmhihi- 1 . '.r trtrnj. n. ('. 'inffMAM. 11
of tho enemy, ho is not uuswojaiblo for a BguThy ii tlio sun like good loaf ?
nreacn 01 1110 DtocKauo. Hooeupe it s In
WSi. i. Ptinirr,