il I it v 1 MM Nt !iM, I AVtnf 'i'l . I 1 , ,,, I . i t V A (' 1 V HIT ' 1 T ii i I 'I I .. ...... 4- VI A. T AtA. ('IK A V 111 l.l WMliif8ihy Mcrninrj .It r. C-t HI "i- ' Mo 1. in thai il m iu -ji lompliilion uoiv by our tituoi.s to nieillim woiks, ind hmo our t"wn lighted with Un--f WlHii.iy I'm: otitol ,i V o in l t-rt' 1 1 1 u V I ,, iri'l wot lli tT Dili lifiiity c iMijicr.ill'.in i-l nr jco h'.With llic iirv umlt i in iiU. in- lance, (hero n in) w in on v. hy this J i ouidi hhouldbo behind cii'iUrn towns ! Il i not for want of capital, nor good tide iti thopult of tllO prnjilo, Unit wo havo not :ong since enjoyed it. A highly roiipeela. llo lit in in 1'h'ladelphia, wo learn, luvn tiered to build t lie works, and lay nil tlio rervico Pipe, for about fourteen thousand j.jimr, uiin umu uu ui mu dhu solvM cxcoi'l liv Lhotisani) dollars! Hero wo ,.ro oHercJ Uuh workti, cotU11Iole, built ' 1 . ii u,o best immncr, lor mi invMimciu in ol'?5'X'0, Unruly f.UL'h un ollar bhould ... ...... nt If our rich men u h i havo mado their fortuned oul of tho I n iiicnii of tho county will not contilnito uch for tho pnhlio good, let the poor -o , , lor llio iruui 01 ui.i wo reiur io I'vuiy monlakoit hihomU; il withm liter, , of lhia t.omimj,lily ; ., ou lVi i,.,'li ., , . , , i. V hv Imitate 8w,t it It will sros ThUr'aay ' , i.jt why hcbittup n oii it. ltw.l wns rw .f i'uy n nandnomo divid-id on tho m-,,.,,..,,,,,, r ..,.,.. ' Mijienf, mid Btill tdford a chenper liyht ! wo uro now UB.ngl Jhora :s no 1 r co wucre lias can tio tiianuiaciuroii ai i tuinllor co-tl Coal is now polling', do 'vtMod in tho town, ut about 51,C0 per ton -!'ms (ban tho tiantporlution paid by most of tlio (ilia corn pan ica for tho same irtiolo ! It em bo mined within night of '.ho works, nu'l kad in quantilica even ut a lees prico than wo havo cdimaled. But as tho ontcrpriso hat rcaolvcd itself mlo a question of dollars andctnle, let us (hj if our calculation will itoyU econom ical. It is cutimatod, ani wo think correctly, that about ?."5000 worth ol light: of tbo difforent kinds is brsngbt to thin' borough and consumed annually. This, , lemcnibor, is an importalion, and the inosl ney has to bo Bent away (o pay for it. ow, mppoBO tho town is lighted with (ifs for two thirds of that iimounl say, f 20i0 :n round numbers- it will bo a raving of one-third of tho amount wo now pny, ami that sum ia more (bail il will cqsI. This fLowo n saving ol Silt per cent, to tho pub fie. Tho noxt 'iucstiou is, will it pay tho hs company V After tho works nro com plotod -one man to attend (Ik; works at 1,50 per day during tbo yea:', would Uo nu Ihe raw materi'd, nnd enterpriso must 11)9,50. The stock, fuel, Ac, Tor a year, dovelope it. What would i,ii0 be, -if calculatingono hundred coiiDumer.j, would i thromn f.v.-i-y, compared with the ir.cali-u bo 10,30, mr.kin" tho whole cu t S05o,0J. lablo beiiolits to bo derived ? Hut instead -leaving a nctt earning of UiJrclf bein- l.nt, tho woiking of the roa 1 iu ihil fij' ikltais to be declared f.s a dividend j far as Sandy h'idgo, kIio.vs that it must bo ipO'i tho stock, which would bo D perj a p'olitalilo in veil men t. V.'c are iiifurtn- ocnt., and would bo incroaaod every year lfho oonip'iny wore gatislicd witlui le: s . divi-ieiiJ, the cost of the Cia3 would be so mueh less. Bcsidja the Ciivs world aro I not subject to tnr.a'.ion by tho laws c f tlio .State, and tho revenue would not thereby i Ijniit, cannot he otherwise th m profitable. Le reduvj l. Another con; adoration of pl0 j,,,. , trade nloti", we think, will pay great tno:i"n t U, t!i".t, ir ;tcad of Bending ;Ui,)ro lLim.ti the interest on the capital em uioney out ol tho for light, wo;j,i,,j.wu Then why not at unco build llio would niaiiulacturo it at homo, i.ud that r0;il t,urown capil.d, let our own amount would be kept in circulation a- ' . ol),,i,, 0-.vii and mauac il. Let it bo i.lcu .mon ourselves J Kvou if tho light .cf)st'(ijlMj Uio pisperily of tho cxiutiiy. ltd as inirch, or ir.oio, is it not lo our inter- j j(ore hCieafur. ..fl . r. I - I lirt ,iv .' nl. Ii.ini.. I il uhi,; - - - - . , :1 , nl i , ,:. ,..:iiJi llio raw malei lal so al umlaut in our in Urttf ufu.. : ...i n rtfi t.'lr, iKni I, .urt I,. iiiij iiiiin..iii ..v.w ...... ....... ... Jixat iiliiindancc f i e lliinli on tlm acoro ufecouomv. (uj woik) should ba built ; ,( ibat. tho investment would bo aeoodone : .'.nd that tho growth and pr.xiperity of our beautiful village would bo largely ndviiiioi Mikity :x. ourciy wo uavo cmcrpnso cih o'h to accdirtitliah so tlcurublo n result, . . i , i i .... . . . bolovory un 3 think, and talk, and a;t fa. . voiably upon tho subj.x t, and very sou ..o may Inpo to acc ouralroels, Htorca and shops beautifully lighted with Ua51, in ado (ion: our best bituminoua coal. I'h.v.o who do not fuel ublo to tuib.-wibo stock, !.Uiuld at lotst give their coantenanco tj hundred ihouwand dollars. i ;i.,.kjg to !ix lho tompensalion. Tho next thoebjet. .Nuiio can oppono it, without ; "Green backs," or Government ipt.icj, uay be sent for me, 1 doclinod go i.nnosinu (ho natural nrosnorilv of lho aro ma lo "leral tendon;" by 1ho act ,,i , iu to seo him, but nreed . ho him at . . ...... ,own. no aim give- u oppo3.i.o,i, mui ..111.... l. f.... I..,t.:...l (l.t ;,',..r.M,.,,t. ( vimei uu .... uiuiuu ..... luijiuivutwui v.. ArF.ii's Amebican Alwasac for ItioJ Iu now fevdy lor dolivery f-ralia, al C. D. Walson'it J'rug blore, who will be happy to supply all Jiat call for them. Kery family should haV and keep thin book. -It is worth having- Comprising much general inlormation Ot" great value ; it gives lho bot instruction for tho euro of prevalent complaints that wo cui gel any where. Iti auccdoloB alouo aro north a bubhel of wheat, and lis ruodical advioo is sometimes worth to lho sick tho wheal's weight in gold. Many of tho modical al manacs nro trash, but this is solid moUl. Its calculations aro mado purposoly for this Utitudo, and thercforo correct. Call and got an Ayer's almanac, and when got, kep it. B8L.0ut thMjki are duo Lo Gov. Cvum for a p&ttipbhj eoyf f bis lata annual ihe ago himsell, or desires tuo town lo iio aeprociaieu citrroncy m i:eu oi f pccie. --; in lo.3n man twenty rniniues returueii wun and remain so. Ufcourso no selfish uio- Wo do not think no. It would bo noth-j biin. Cameron then said, "Well, lot'H livo would induce any tU) to retard the infi rW ol repudiation, and unle. uni-: TZl gonoial prosperity of Iho borough. versalTcpudiation is the order of the day, 'Senatorial question ." I then Paid, "1 3i,saff. ! r,,- '! I eh. i ,i. 1 1 t il 1 1 1. i Hi, I ' . I I It' .1-. I I I l ' I" I, II , ml I III I ih il Ih't "l ;. i' 1 1 itt i, v . -i .ii ir.. rv ,i r- V' it i 'i ii . Ii 'n' ' il 'I , u I Vl ',. II 11 r , Il I, -I 1,1 l! - I I ill il ii . I, ur ni.l,. i 1 p.. it I Inl W. .ill IU. I "i I cil ' i In ii Wo ( T r i u-imI tin: fult nt Tynilii'- W o 'llii'il li4 "i hi li, ul. ii " l.'fi linen lo llio ' m.iil . llv it "ni l :. ii ul Tyioiio ' tt."'1 H ,i "i f 'k ' !?." Will this iiiii'lilli 'l uiiiM-'l, iji Ik I'll ,1 niin'.imi'iin contend thai ihe-ie iiiiuIm "are nul . i-h tl J, .fi.w t" But llin I mil ul all our trouble.! in thi.i uiimi'i lion ii nltplii'lfil lo l) ru:,l Ul'ini I ho p','ii,''s i'! i'lnhi'li'li'liia, l'iVl iliur;'li iml I l:in lnUu rg ; :in I wo iin." tnl'l Unit ",U:i!c. Vili llll tflllt VH ll'.'l.'llO'i to Ikivu til'! ii);itluri(.'.y c.7'ii''(i"i', ul llio iitnilni? ollitOrt,ntul llio tnjivi'j irrijlo';'f roiuirlii."!." Tliin in tnily I'l'li'i'liin. Now, il nmy t v, that tho iliMti'ili'Jliiigcloi'lui in tlio nhovo thrro oll'u;i.'rt uic lo lilauio. lint ivo doubt. it. 1! thffy nr hoxuver, tvo cm only kii y t(l(U llin,H invo,iadly.-lmiigi:d within thu . , . VoaM. .III. unc i ( Ul'k nhouhl bo i ,:,i..,. ,.,,,,.,., , M ,i..i.. ):., ... .:,.. ...... ' olloot, Hi it Iho lillio tmio in.u luun l llli i :.:t.l iiii'-i... n ,iniu,..iii o ttvitt, t ,t"w' Uy vmhln Ul0111 , ..i:oni.rrli.Mi.l" ,, w 11,,,,,1.l'i i,,,, ,uv i,.,,th. ulK.(lilll0 luor0 ,i month, und the ,. .... . , ... ,, ... ,, . 'tnllinirrepulantii's inc, H nnytlniiK, growing woieo j,or ,lo (ruU) ofthU WQ fvhr ,Q cvc,.y ' od) (uho a luiij-full of niisiicnt nmttor. Now, wo caro rot whero Iho faull lio.s whoUlul. llt pilipSburK, Tyiono, or with tho ro'pi'ctod "successor" of ono of tho editora of tho Ji-jmUlcuu iho irregulari ties mo too costant and numerous to bn homo, and would disgracu iinydcootit Ad. min intrut ion. " Western Central Haiiroail " H'o desiro (o cull the altontion of our poojilo lo tho prcat cnteipriKO of oxlond ing the rtilroad wot from riiilipsburj;. Cnnnot tho L'roat woik bo accomplished next summer of grading tho rond us fur as Cloariiold? Tho distMco is only U miles, penetrating the yory hourt of the bitumim ous conl basin ! Wo board ono of our cap italists pay llio other day that "it must be completed at once." This io tho right kind of talk. Tho grading is all that stands in the way. Capittd stand ready to lay tho track and crjuip tho road. Ninety thousand dollars will do tlio work nnU givo us I'bo benofitof a ruilwuy.imd op on up lo us ai easttfi n market for our coil. flio day that this is accompliho 1 will : .u I.:.. .. r.r open op u lien ei.t in inu un uii v. 1 1 ' prosperity as a pcoi'le! Xiaime lias given .. , ie,l tlmi tho ei'rnings on that piece of roinj alrLMi'.y reaehca !?7,'iOO per month onfi 1 , 1 1 l..r iho expense:', and j.rooei .! v. ill pay nioru than 10 rcn invustmer.t. Tlio ro: : tV.V-Cno of tlte most important duiiiy . " 1 ti i ci I'd lori.ieu yy our i.ivcitt .. to I 0 pcrlurmed by our pretent I. . , , . , . :i...r.. .1 t v 1 ' ' Ol mtouit on ine.-laie; Jtl,L ',l10 ir- l'Vbruary. The Uu roiuu.v.s lliis '"brwl to 00 paid 111 rpec-.c. inihi the tlatoM Mij'ihon Willi tlio i.C'il'li' C I. i ! i, I tM.ri'l.l ln'ilf Of) iim.'.lli I V...I ui. 1 ri. . iitMr onlo 1 1 a . . 1 -l - - 'p-vmiuu) of iifiy cents, ami in onK-r lo j.ay . . . . . . . . . . i . i tliu intete.:t, I tie Uoaimonweaitii win 1 i . . .i .. ,.ii i i ...! liuvo lo j'.) into I io uiitrket an.l i'liy coin ' I at iti uarkol valuo. 1 h.'.t ih, to t-nablo Lho State to fu 1 1 1 I. or obligations and pay j t!iu intereiit on her debt fay ono million of i , ,, .,, . , .... r iU!.a, will cor.t her o million five1 i.i ..... .i.. ,. . vongrc,, u.m e,c u.c u.os ,, , .,., ll . unit , t tiiirCviltr fl-!.! I.I ftfll.l. H.IK wt.....v cj." - - wo oppose any euch violation of tho faith: of our eood old Commonwealth. 'o lon'Lwant rei.udiulion to roinn,.,.,M rennsylvania. The time may coruo W noil WO Call Lot I I. .11 L VI. help ourselves, lint that tiino is not yet. I Ho then proponed Jim I'urns. I said ho Our banks now havo an abundauco in , would do. llo 1l1e.11 left, btating thnt ho their vaults. They must submit to Ul0' w-s going to rhilado phia to arrange an . ' .other m.utor which ho had in view, and sacrifice of bearing a portion of tho loss, . woui,i rolui.n t, Saturday evening. This and difgorio, ll is not a sutlieiciit excuse was on Wednesday, that lho disbursement of this sum will' On Thursday I met John J. Patterson. tarry spcuio beyond our reach. ciYln corBcqucuccj of the prevalonce of small pox in tVilliamsport, neither jurors " KUlal.' " , J ; or witnesses wero required to attend court .1 - 1 . 1. Htr. aL- in that placo lasv wock. As we havd loar.l somo wnispcrs 01 11ns dreaded dino&se making its appcaranc in ( , . 1. r .1. :.. 1 1, nntiU ;i Kn.i UUIOrOni. pris Ol 1111 wuuiji ww,. it i,ua lA woll that a aanoral vaccination of tho? o T liable to boeinue iw vienn, imc yisce. .. . 1 1 ! Ml I h 11.1 rl i r i in, I i -.1 i n i i t i ill Til I . , ( I O I ;l IM' N I II I I t l' i 1 " I IM 1 1 1 1 I I 1 V I I I fc 1 I l t III 1 III' I ' I , I N' 1 1 ' ' I il, Ml Mt II I I - MI'H I I 'll! I i 1(1 I l.l I i " M , ' Al I , I II II V I 1H1!"I ' I' : " ll'i i nil 'ii' I Li I r I I nil 1 1 hi V I i-ii . lil' '. t, I r n I ii'iiri ul I n' l ull ini'l f - ri il i .i inli" I'l i'V i'l'i i to tl 1. 1 !' li. iu ..'i, mi . , iio i li'i . lion ol I n;li .1 l il."i my ilut y lo in 1 1-' ii -i iiiitiir. 1 think it ('Ihiii unv.irniMii'' Mill "il ul Hi" liii't'i. mi lll.ll lln io IlliiV I'll hi'i i'ii 1 1 ri' bo in:' iiii'liTuliii'l'iiL.' nr tuix li..i".i'ii!iiiun. I'rlii'N in- dial lln'ii' uiiiil'l I"- aMi'i,i l.. to I. ril i iiii inh'-i nfli'i' In ill h'lil tho r'actmii '.'f a I'i'HH). ( i ll, I rnui'i'Wi.'il tho I'ti i tt ol iUm I'lrni'll ill llio w.,v i, I' ll in ral'ir .ni'l Iryini' li'iW I'll' thoy Wi'i'iiiij"i-i"l to I'O ill tlm iiiallrr. ' nro L'lini i ivi'il, I 'lo'.ci nii'i" i'ii to ant uj'iiii il, nii'l rniiiiiiuiiii'.at'"l niy iii 1 1 1, 1 Ii iii in hwrnl tiii'inlrt. 'I io' lil'it "' in--1 ninii tiinity thiil olliroU I I'luhrm: Jino is uio ri . nil : ! hml hcoii In i'liilniliilpliia, iiml on toy I'd ill n. iii. I lni il wri.'lc nv luun hol'oi' tlm '.:!.( ti'iu, I jiM'L Mr Win. Ilroh'jt, . I.IU 1. lliii';;, Willi TI1HII1 1 Wai l'"ill lino -i, hit Iho l'l-niisylviuiia Jlouu.1. in HiiiTi.ihiiiM.', I for llio li!l limn thi.s winter, ainl notic.'il! .rvo.iMi.5 on hi l'rt. J , tiolllo luillimal II. Uunl from hii enn iliK!'. v;w noon h"l to .iiii ' pod that hm lumnoia lo i..irr.b..urS , ., ... ,,i. ,. ,. 1, -racer. In ll..; JU'i noon hooaino to mo and ai-kcl torn, i .j,.,!,;, .,,,,1 w.i ppicodod ut one.. l" , , , , lo "' room, wi.oi o no v.-.y r. .... v.,,,.....!.. co.i .tin iai:i:',.n nio wuhui ' , , ' j j,,. fl,p Djlilc,i states IScniitor, and oonolu.lo.l hy cvirc.s.nn; liii1 ,,ci,M' pruieronco for Hon. iinon Ciiu uocinou proicrouoo ii ' - price, vu : Ciiuioton imscntcil to ll mm. This ..rcnurj,;. l-iftaio no .room o ; jn Wtwue iv.terso,, and my doubt tbeohiool ol bifc visit lo tnu ..uio, j t t) SJO.UOi) 5.r i n'1 l'J rAt ' nt, ?nC fi to'lipaid in' tl, ohjeci ot bin j . i)sjt ju r 1 1,,., hatl(i3 visit. ll0 sni.l it In reply lo my ' :tmi nf. ariion f.ilil.'A i ll I upv i ilW visit. Ilomiiil it viw. in repiy 'u ,u.-(ion, whether . itn. ( iii.ieron aril nor. t tQ ill(ipCc,it. X littlo incident I lnel1- "fU'rall thene tilings, ne, . w oimne-iz-:d him to corvo to mo in 'his w.iy, bo wm(;li oc-urrw herfl it wouI(1 l)0 R .,ity u, rate tho South and di.slienrlo.i tho .North, said he ws aul horizo.l by Cameron to sec ,oso t0 worlJ Aflcr lhfl in WIW has put more of tho bothersome quesuons any leiuocratol tho llouaoorSeaalo.andl ol.luiU,(1 s;inon slrlli j-l.iencd up on his before us that is, to buy tho iggors. enleriutotho pieli.niiiary urraii-oiuents Lh.ljr , rM,j,, l,i, Ws with bis IihihIh, This i the most conleinptiUu proposi to somiio avoto l..r Cameron. I then ask. . Wt; (,,ui(j j, , boSlJ11. tio of all. Now when our nation is al cd him in what manner they expected to ; ' j hl nev r(,, it" (lu J mol ruined by largo tax. and trouble securo tho election of Cuuioron. Jio nn- i..wiri.ii. "ov "eiiiiii! inreo I'i'iiiui'.i" abseiil IhouiL'lves on the day of the elec tion." 1 then asked him what thoy would pay. Mo nai.l bo was authorized hy Cameron lo oiler ',HM. 1 told him Iho figures were loo low, anil desired him to loll me who the other members weia This Uo refused to do at the time, but would try and get permission of hi prin cipal lo do so. Jlo then left, and return ed in a borl titno, and trnid that General Cameron wanted to hoc mo, personally, at his residence oul of the eily that ovening. I told him 1 could not make the engages inent, but would answer him in one hour, and if I could tret clear of another o.-ij-ago-rsant I had made, I would go with him. In tire nieuntimo I consulted with Dr. Karloy. of the Jlauso of Ueresentativos, ray colleague, to whom J related tho fore. coini; lucls, l men .saw r.roun, ui;aiii ,...'i iV.1,1 I, in. " u'n.,1,1 t; i. Me tola mo .......1.1 i.,,.,., ;, ii f-.-.iiit (.f llei-r'a Hotel, at 7 o'clock : that ho wai 1...:....! Z iS,Ar,m in ..el a rnrriai-o ..1.11.11... - e - .-. nm wxi. wm '..ii...h '.n. ..-. "i ...v . . . . ii. 1 ...... .: ii,,l. . ' . 1 . , 0 , , . , . 1 , , 1 .il tin,. I , i.i, h,.i, t l,o 1 1 mo nrrivou IT. I " " J. " . . .. .. 7 .i ,.:..i .i....... , .. ti..,,v r.arii) aii'i injoin ..tium. mini m 1 "-" " i iioo some liejiuiiiicau mcmocr oi inu .-ieu-1 and naw the carriage mi l lirobst there.-1 atfl or n,H, ' ,v)l0 W0UM , s0nt l me, i I thou madoHomo exouso to, audi j iKloi.r;1 im of nly ,villi,w,iess io yr-tol i ,i.i i.i,,, ,..,. l i i.,. iwi i, oi. !n ..n. .M,,..... .- i... ,..n, .?...;.,.. i ; .ut't unit i. t..,..i, ... ..... ..... ... t , deemed it prudent al thU utato or the pr.i . I. ee.'i'.n;i;i nol io ukithk'h ioj mu.... i... .. n.-Sloilil mieht defeat the objecl in view.) Tho next day ho (I'.robV.) railed and baid Cameron H auled to see me at Iho Suite. Capital ll inU. 1 called, and wai very I .iiMiKss-liko question, and Hint it weuld depend very much on circuiu:dans cos. Uo then Mid, " uii'P'iso the cucuiii. stances are all right!" I ad;od him how no meant "an ri; 111. ue an -n. on-u, ua- :..i ;i ;.. ti...,.i ii,,l..l. ui.aiii it.i uj,i.,ii'i,iii"ii , in a..". ... i-'v ..... bus and cents." I mi.nvoi cd him, "et t., i tainly." Do thou rk.-l mo what 1 would ' take. 1 to!. I hi. n 1 had not been in this, ' Lusiuo.i.; long, and did not know c.'i.ioily how to an.'iwer, but n iniol lnm 1 tl lo name ; ihe sum. Jlea.skod what I. ,..,. ... , , ,, ,, HUL'Ilt 0!' ? In in ill ". !. lit tlt.u o alter the ivoik war ,-."'; .iolie." 1 11:011 a: tlii:d him, wuotiier no I wanie.l a or an alw-eutee. He no an ab.-enlee. .. .... Vl.Lo ;Uui i ;,.,t it ou!d be verv j troublenumo lo get tho men away, and bos .snle lie only le. ,uioU ino money pai.t a: the first instalment, and Ih. I be felt d iu:.,. an I io takee ire u!' the uerson titat l'.. i i . i 1 . 1 ! i' 1 . ' 4 i j m.uio imn . vn.iior luiorwur-iti. nnu, n m lia.l oo ijru.y io luku tare of. it womM era . l : . .. i.... .. ... ...... .... a.,,. .., 'a n o ". could do il aoll and prolilably as lonj a.i .. , ,. ., , , t , we lived : and i;akl beside;., there would bo ,,,,,,. .i.... ,,,.;,, v.iiiiii..lir..eilv for him than in beiiu; absi nt, for liiey would iniiko "very provision lor tho protection i of the man that would vote tor him. Ihiaeiids , , ... , my room, io. ij leiuiiyivania uouic. - - , VM who w;l;) 8U , lolhi, limo, ' .... . r. . c!. ... I .. I iii'urniL' ior t-Miimii, wem, uiicr 111111, nnu atientioii mu.-t havo f 15,00li." lie said, "I will iiivo it," and wanted to know who I would pre imerviewa an p . . : . 1 . .. n no itbe financiering of the bu.sinees. 1 told I ibim my limited knnwlcdgo of bin friends' illy 1111111U'. ..' .liii n,-,l ..nuliln i,iii In lullui lhnt ni'rui. 1 llo dt Mired to 8oo me, and abked mo to call nt his room at llerr s Uoiol. W hen I wot Idui, 1 af-ked him where Hums wasf He " !, '111 n . .. v' nr. tlm mniinv will l.n nil rm i " "I nvL-ntl or, the money will be all right." "I askod himi "What money ?" llo then said' "Oh, .11.. 1 1 1 '.T e II f I il know all Bbout it; I saw Cameron," (I must not lorgot to stato horo that, rnor to my meeting Patterson, Brohst told mo iui !.... m... ...... 1 ....... . .i..v. i mmivii ncuvi u l BVO UIO Oil vIlBt UUHl nos,l ftnd. br Qnneron's arrumromont. ho 1 .u ... . . " ' . wevia f uown in ioears ou luoTLOfcimon I.....: l- ,.r iii j ' . v. .. " .7 v wo.,1, i try .,,, i ,.awou for vour trouble . wtt rrra? i mnnc lllm. ltM - - ' i nol nave iirj nuiiuuuiiun nun n uncnuui i . . , m m-.t i-ii ll I I try AUow and found Cameron thero alone, lloa.l-i.,,,, w,.,.!o l.o,,,io s. nf course. 1 1 but tho Ni. is 5l of that disposition, ho 7' 4..J'fV M,V, . f A7kJ' the net (lrofs(,(l Ill0 :iM follows ;-"l;oyer, do yo.i!COM,mitc.,, ....i't!,., votinc price was vol-jn!e high wages ; In w oot wished slti,"01U Flower, per cent, jthiiil-you cnuld hs;vo eoura.i cnoui'h to ; llllt:arHy raised ?.".,Hi) l'allurson said Ihe I forty cents a day, and Jt is M mucii mi ' 1 (.' j Hosiery ( 1 -1 .... lwi , 1 mi l .titwiroi li'iL 1 L V Jt 3 II ...... 1... ...... . r vv t ' W. ll rfi llli'fl I'l'l. .O HULL UU1 niu mm , . - , 1 v I V I 1 IM I "M" 1.1' ' I, f ' I, ., ii,, I ,t .i i.i nt- - ' I . Hi" ' ' .. . i ii , i ii. In I I tin I r t hii I r V". n i'l I ! n ' .i dif I l II. '"itii' M ul-' i "' ( 'i (t. ii' ol ' '' " I'll' I , Mil 'i Iio ..,1. I IVI'lll th ll l,' I'llll I IIH'llll' I '"Hll'l I .. ...u, ht. P'l I ll.ot Hi H fit ' i' l " I ll'l m,il(i. .i. .1 I li'.l ' "'in li' uM l ('" i' I,, the ! I in mi I 'I ' n I lii'Mif y In tl, . . imli df l'li l "ii. I" I " I'ili'l I" la" i . . i , it if, 1 1 1 1 v 'i'i"i i In- cli-ci i'Hi . intt, n, I Tint Hi" Mi tnciul el (with wlinnl I 1 1 (ol "'ii I'li'l ( ';ii no ii 'ii in a I ni in t p'nt ) wli.i ivio in the mrii on thuir ny I" rhi!:i.l.'l '. i I'li'iul I ri'itirn on Salm l iy. We"l tlm I n't thiil, if thoy 'i" HOhl nil', til" 11,'ini.' wollhl IU)l (. inl'i Ml clrntion, mill our ii'-'iicliii iil ouhl mil I o im ii i1-u in" i la! oil. I hi i i'l ut i nu n I "i i'iiio l to ih ii riniii'i his mhi'i in I vur nt' tho n, f.cit 'Him.', rattorsnii wonl ini:no'iiat('ly to i 'iir.ii'i on, vilio wm in tho i in Riul !' tui iH'il in u foiv minutiH, w t rl 1 1 iji N . . i 1...1 ...a.... i.,.. I ho i.niiltl lmv it in or.h r to I'avo illilicr, Ltv.hin., to (ho .ni'r.ibi'n then on ll.,lr r " ." i i'l,i..,l,.)i,l ia nul that they init'lit in in oi .no I ' k IHuir IiniiniT. .urn uny 'n'iiui ': ihon ill-rood uuon m the ftr tho noxt :f, ii' .Vrviow. I itonpo.1 nt Ko,niini.r , n did .......... ri 1'illr.rm-in tvhn riilliincl thill K1IU0 CTOn- i,; !1 . 11 " ;,-fo t Croti n Crni, i.i i I l I oiimo un on Miiuniuy ' ... , w,.H ,.u ni loat nr.o f thff m. .11 who t t(J i'l,,,,.,,,!.-,,, ,10 day boforo, .nd . .... a1, h. . . ... ti 1 will! lv nul 11. ilL luu icoufc :iit 1 iui 1 laiui 1 niol rattorson, who said tho intcrvitMV would boal Hon Cameron's: According- I.. 11.. I I... ...... .....1 ,,,..u.,lr . I ,1 rr.ll I,v ahead of us. I.I invilo.l x up stairs, and, j t', would not be broken up, iho 1 res by a dismal lijrht. wo av.ved upon th, W p vo out l;rocUm u i.ou that tho Cameron assenteil to tlio Uar. 1 invself bv 1 would ;,i m : ,e,Cnco at somo fi.luro interview, nub- (1).0.ssill u,mo( tl) u,o-"l will lo llio urn, . . most powerful man in that Seeate; tho"e uro to iir..... ... en. ire s.ate of ..Hair, of this Government I Nigr and then our children must pay will bo changed; nothing i.i more certain than that the South will gain her inde pendence, (this sounded liku treason, )and then we will bold tho control of the Clsv eminent and 1 will be ablo to servo my friends ;"and ho we parted again, to dream oi Southern Confederacies nd Winnebas goes for Senator. Tatterson and I then airroeil (o nicu( on Monday. We met at 5 o'clock, in l'altorson's rootu ut Ueir s on Monday atiernoon. Here i. , i .i.i t.. i.... i iwi. it.t,i monev locked up in the .,fo down stairs, mt w.nlod mo to see Simon again before i.avini: it over to mo. I insule.1 on Hie hand money. This 1 deemoil nooomry to kaop up (ho delation. We then parted . ....... I ..f lit,, ct.tmn ltlnrtl pnrlv thf next next IU IIHW. i' in'' "' - J Tii.r i nim.,1 nrti' v arier 'jrea Kliinl on Tuohiliy. (the day of iho election, I . .......... 1;... . 1. ....,.., 1 ... ,. ,, ;.- i.i ., resent, lv ina on 1. ,.r .. .1 ,..,!,...' ..f tl.nleel thai wo lire liilhtinj 10 liberate a poo i .1 . 1 i i ,,,.!-, .....I 1 1, nl 1 ,n . . , ,V ' , 7 ,V 7."' i.M i.llMU'Hlil III m-v nu ".'I! tit.i.-',, Ta thi:t in.lll(, som0 pretended objection . . . . . . 1 . , . f . B1,j uemamloil to Knot? mo neeessiiy ior." . , ... , . jt- sitnol, ,,,,, it WU;i Ibis, that unit 1 arc not in. Ihe Nig. is slow to rk his dilUhi(l t)lf.v lni,.lt think he just wanted 'l''. If I was in Wondago I would tight, I ,,,:, ,. ,i V,,!,,,!;,,,, for ft.Veet. l.ich I and even die for liooriy ; mid if you came ' ' a8 ll0t lr.K ,, aeclared that ha would WM Dr, Vuh-r, of tlio Sonate. who would ,0 vrc.lf;ut as coon as 1 wan ready to rc - (C1T lim- 1 .u,i ,llU wa8 & ti).lt but ,UU!il ow !)0 cc,,,vini.,Ki tiiat tiK. Kll)0y ww n,.ii (00. r.uter'iOll tlien hurviuur umn iiumiui "U"""S- , . i ....1 1 ... 1 ; ,. , ni l, m,a hvm nt.t neiiiy siiowc.1 mo a ini -o nunuie o: notes, whii-li bo leprcsenK-d as beiiu: tho amount nll0 i;,,.,) llliynlont. i0 tt.SUrcd mo ihe j . ,icforo lh:,t 1 l.otill have the hand money, and a:;ain on Tuesday inornin-i aid I could havo it. 1 told htm 1 deem- ..! it better, on rellcctiou, not to have it. ,.m,i i..,M-i, i i,..r.. i i. row lifter tho election, and raid 1 would trust it to them, (I'aitornon and Oiiier-j on.) kno, i:u' them to be hmrt. Palter., L,.', j.iu as.iiired mo tho hand money was; mil a;.;..!!! as.uir. ,i ...... ; .i.n R., Und to -ether w t i the ' ,.io.i;,, .. it , ).(.. ia t it rai. n.'i n.iii vivi. iv. (,(;,( ; 1 t il ilid not coire.) i.umeron Uion s.u.Uii.i rnrn;i-o would he nt tho iS!rto . . ... ... . . (.,.. iii.l l'.....l.-"i.fli- ll.n eleelimi. and I should coino rhjht down and go over to) his houso and remain there awhile. Thin, ol course, 1 agreed to do, (but did not.) Now, then, al! (hinp boinr; arranged, !r. Fuller was ushered in by l'attorson. The introduction comploted, I said ; "Uoctor, I presume I understand tho oh - ject of ibis intervie.T." .Mo then said : "I am chairman ol a comiuittto appointed bv the Kepublioan caucus lo wait on you , i,, neo wLet nr vmi wbetln r you would voto for Cams Lr0l, I s.d . ..yw . I HPSlire you ifyou! I . ... .. , I nominate lien, Uainijron tt'Oiniinc io uio ioM Vi lnr.ebaj.'O lynii on tho bod) it will bo all riirht." llotaid: "You nivo mo that aiisuraneoT" I said "Yes." Dr. Fuller ii..,.. ,,;.l . iivt, .,,..,,! l,r.,. ... r , ,.f peiBonsl ibineor, or anything of that Hort.ijfou told me in 3d days, and when 1 told We havo made cverv luovifion to moot all danger." Thus tho last eeeno of tblsl iiitrnni'n fureii rnilil. Simnn nHnnrnil nm that be would bo ever graloful, and I hope, i,0 will. 1 1 ia nnnixr In n llisl .l.irinn lW,u entire adventure wilh Simon and his aenU, roy colleague, Dr. Karley, W; A. Wallaeo, tho .Senator from Clearfield, and KoVrt Vnucbn. thotironrietoroflhorenn svlvania House, in tHis city, wero in tho socrct.and Dr. Barley, cspociully, knew! constantly what was going on. In ono of mv interviews with rattorcon. on tho cari going to Uea.liup, caso there should 00 any grow out of tho transaction the only witness that knew anything about it, and ho would swoar falsely and rut it .1 1 through In rocard lo tho datos civen in tho1 above statement, m I made no monioranda . .. .... 1 timo, I cannot bo certain that they rreel, but I believo they are. ?. JerrEjisox Boiiib. Bl IU0 llmC nrn vrr(( I I I' l I h l"l ..( ti.;i uli n. ii i I ii. I" i I. it il o, i n I i i II :i ,1 I', ' Il il I III t I i io ,, i-. , .1 1 'i i 1 1 y I u i ,i t'llil til l llllll. "I Will Ml" ''I III ' lllfi'il III ll 1,1, ( I'llill ': 'i.l!..' Bll'l 'l""l' 'I H'l J (llto of Ihii mime 'ho. I'aIT nii'l ' vl I Alii' In tun uui)'iii,;li o! I 't. wviuNnTii, :. i '., iva a, i;n)'i Hi.ll. J ol i.n l'A1Tof : .Sni:--1 lake thin liln-rty to ll j-on know huiv 1 U'i'l on tho gn at iiioliiui thai i.i lcniiti; our Kopiililio t" iklonifl. 1 tun ii iiiaii ol nl 'i'i V'llHin, "hen 1 , , ., . . ... I ..,.,i.:. IOOK OVlT HUB Oi.UIIWJ IHM.M v.. t ...... ..I.. - over tho lunoMlion of ? ...... . , i', ,i ...i......l i ,.,i,l iiviul, 1 loul o'Mil'iiKoil in iniiul, ,, , '. , . e ll' iiti.l iii iho muiL'lu limgHnj'o ot ik SiMicr, .itiii.triia, iiniii, t il film i t ml in Ilut 0110 11,11112 11 ( o fvor known, ,.ml h.ute I " irnniiij5 uiuh.i .... n. ct lln trouhlf. tho South w nil ted u buh.U, . f , T, ;,,,-'., I . : r I . . 'I'.... ..,..,... t ta Mitlil ',riioii o mo , o u. ' , ? 'h:" ' l0., r ln, ni', wr uinr inmivj 7,""'" ' r.l I in .Hitin i 1 IlLlIlK IlltHlK dim 1111H . i ,. .;.. 1 tUo or I.I10 j.i-cenfc AOnii ir.iMtrol.ion - Ami " 1 1 1 1' I ,", r, ',r tl' i 1. 1,1 "hi f r 1 ) , , , ..I. " llll I' 111. t !.. 1.-u.....u . ..!..:.' .. ' T." ....I - . . w 'TOTOKii um ouui.i iu " ";' '". c Tl ill ; very in llio 1 itstnrt of Columbia. 1 lim t , , ... , . j' ""1 wie.ouui mm m...,.. . ,.,ol,!,1 M"t Kl. d "iJtHutions ' "I l linsttV HUH Ullimi HII. ! rimiu n .no " , D "."-" : - 111,9 wasaproai mmniKo iu my nimu, iu. !fht wi,h greater energy, and makes them suro that tho policy of this Admin- isiraimn is io aoons.i i..ou . rai.u... ..a. ut t'"3 rro wo ",ro v'1. 10 , r ?f ... . . .... V; i.,.r .1. for the Niggur. I'his policy will notiU, lor il takes th border Stuio from us.andi'piju h,f0. 1 heat towo say thut Ibu thoreby iimkes luo fiouuiern v.onieuerBcj-non1C0rg a iixeil luet. 1 lie Aiiminiiiauoii ougui to do all iu its power to satisfy Iho lrdcr SiHlt-s. If I whs in Congress 1 would take great pains to give to the border SUtot all that tho Conslilurion will admit of.for the majority iu tholaio elections is evidence tlmt Ihepooido o( Ihe North nd iho bor der State nro willing to give all that the boraor Mati cnr. k lor i . ... i f ror if wo can ;ave them, tho Southern Confederacy . rco rf 8roa Hut to lose ihcbi the thing is played cut as the boytsay. I haro sum, unit liotril otliera sv. they would mtber light wilk the j South thBB to pay for the Nigger, or to 11 - I. - . I. ... , , '"V: ." ' ... , , ., ... iwi ii 11,.,,, ..-.n,. 1 mv is all democratic, ant aufuitu ilvwn on f A arui AMUunul3 ; for wo begin lo , 1 1 ...: 1 1 ' u 1 nr.. inn i.xi.ilni.L lo rumo a liaml io PH' 1 ,l,..t.,m ih.n,lvi : and when w lojk tit .- ( il'f4" tbii.s, w6 buvo a wr-ak nerve to go nl !lie for B,lch P' 'o- Tho cnui'o is uniust on our aide for men t - . ' ill .IT ... 1 It , r bondage should sutler an, dm fivi. i l.rtip am 1. 1, or tv. anil not tbOsa thai w free me, or help nio get my libertv t ! properly are lost on a poof Ihii'g as prm-1 ieipal. Tho miy tho Nigs Oi.;'hl lo go , i their liberty is lo toll their iiiasior llmlj ! they won't work without pay, and die ra- j 1 "" ."'" ... I il' wo do liberate the Negro ho will soon bo in bondage again ; lor men that can t 'get their liberty can't keep it when they "avo 11; or at im ....7 . worthy of their boerty. I know this to! bo true, beciuio 1 am a man of observa-l u'u.m. J.ast jiirina. wncn l wm ni rroner ! icksburg 1 eaw lols ot ,Mrger.i mere uii were too lazy to worK ; itiey lay rounu in lho woods like (.wine, and when they got hungry they camo out and gathered the i crusts ouioi uie mop noio nio cooks juki ! to throw tneir dirty water in. Men who lactso are nol lit to dio for ; and i think . i 1 . 1 1 a.h . .a.i Ia .Hi .,ii iy" wuum nvi uu mu nuu iv m J them than lam. ISul you will say I aiu not dyill for lho .N I.e., but for 111 b IU0I1 This ii not plain to my mind, for tho South wiw willing to BU.y in tho Lmon, if tho North had f.ven them tuoir Maioi rights. I think your constituents aro fill, or tho majority, willing lo lot slavery go by lho board, ami put in thy CoiKilitution (that all tho States might havo hivo that I want them. Then C'cqf;reB must leavo i tho stinking and filthy tm alono and j willing to pus the Cnt'4cndon propasition. i and thereby Becuro '.ho bordor Stales. I think the homed bill is enough to Ml- r. .1 1 -1-." . ....1.1 nail is.y mo aueuiu ji lniriy, ior you i" would lwo R cendeucy to run slavery in 0 tho,rcun,K ter, hutvhen you told nio tho oou. u n- .til in I I , ' and once u n'.iltl .. I. ;..,.,! in I'll) ilnvx and once .younl nnout isaviiig my wno ami pnimren to help our mnn in tho batlloa, yooj told Tno thero woulJ bo no more nguis. bind I thoueht entiifl irgimonla would be cut otf at a timo. Hul b 101110 causo or pth cr I havo not been in thoso hard fought ; battles that havo swept oil" thousands of 'our friends. Kiuco you said thero would , bo no inoro fightinR, thoro has been three - 'awful fights: the second T.ull Hun. Antio- tain and this illcontrlvod and bloodv fight at Frcdoritksburg, vhieh has-laid 1 many Dravo sons ol Columbia low in tho dust, nd all the use they havo hoen is to nocent but brave brothers un to the slaughter like a lot of hogs. 'Tis too bad to talk about. Balls Uluff was nol n brul ' ly nianaced a conoern as this late battlo. 1,. . .... .... ! Some of our men think old Abe wants to ' get all th white man killed off to make', 'roon bx tho Niggers. ho said m manuro houthorn soil. How would you ,ne snowing uoncnuea Ktai investigation liho to bo lod up to tho daughter like 1 l. , BU',.,1 ."Tfi ho would bo those noor men were? Tho Oen.iral left ?lcarfi' ?.e"l' ,,UF':T' "'A't, . .! r 1 .11 , ., . V . I inciinuu irari, on mo norm n iudui 1 lho rehPls irct all ready, then led our,.v. k. tk. m,, .a j,h& Rut lit i I i' i - l . in ii f, nil i i Ih i I V i : ' .! ul I i .1' - il I I ( C IV I" " 'Ml." !,-. I'll Ml A '(,, ;, . . try Mi'l I ' li v I i V. 'll' I lUh li. n (i r k n H i hl n 'ill lln ir ,( w n v. -II, j v ii nil li ii Hi ii I. (1 l I'!"' i i'i IM l lli r ( ti . "..ill" I'M llm I t i.-n, .( "I ' ," i" ! I I t ,t f 1 I ',11 i' Mi l I 'll null ,,, "i,l I i. I 'li'J " 'll' ll lnil,'l,(. wm in , ,i, n. I.i l I stli'i 'u l M r i, , I'lll'Ol llM'l tll Ullll 'til llll' I'M l ,,f li , (of nm nl i li "I !t rn ho i'(,t ,- "'It ll ft It I 4 :,l ll, It. !l Mil ni" tn in-, v k liitlo, ill It'll jru ll"' ai my, iiil nil U InuJir SIhU's in-ii It nil tl,,, ,,. utf., me jml oj, t 'i'l I'liliino, mi, I i Uu.y ., (h lm.lor,( wo lo lliKni I ,t um m.v.t ni ryty k our l"inJ(.iB ni I llu ,i t)l(1 robcls -mid thi ir.i n nil Hfi tu (o h oi ih( minii. U thrro i tl ill,. .1 ... ... I ' '""s 'iiiiio soon, mhihi iioiii mi-. , cr f r . 1 i.. .. u ? ""uy an t mi oiiltn. . Uill ""')' S'-'t. " a 'urrVi I '" ..toihii no ll,l,(.i, lUt I llly ,lll(l 1 0 aiviilct, Mulilm xvy t0 Ji- I I lt I', .1.1. la ...... I - ' I . . it..... .. ,.. .. .,, urn- vuuui iu kivu iui u,o nnon i.orv I'ritory lol Ihem mvo l.nlf. h i , coino in irce lttlOS. i.ot mem ,uvo tIlo frt.0 Slates ikn wove. un,l nl,l i J i 1 i iiy mo f xt.eui.fB oi u.m wr. n U JUkt I VlM to Udon Wlth. mo mnu Ullio inu oio;ru(.:i, Bnu totlie will Bboot tbm if thoy con,,' .,l.t,l il.,.n, t,.u r.,,1 li,.. TU. V b ".. . " i ,he Is ier is freo we will imvo to heep lupin Hiirwnra, ami i.y i..r nena. lng l"onl,on- 10" Bm '" ,8M B, nrnund unidin lha lioiioilala n.l nnU p c . , .' .. 7 ttl Ul0 j.oor wounuoa eoiaiors mm men think wlml .1 h fc.r. 1 ben think one of your neighbors say it is all to dopriva tlio Mates ol a Constilulumal right to Uav ilavou or not. There is nothing worthy of going to war for, only our liberty. Now, our liberty is not ( slake and I dou't think the war is just ou our part, but i just ou theirs; for if ynu were in tluj South, and an army was trying to Uke your liberty from, you would fight like damnation anyhow I would. Andifilin South comes up iu our mountains, I will fight, if they wan'l to lake my properly from me. i, Uorf, but I would light, l think 1 could lick about fiv of thcui. But 1 don't feel its if I could tight them now; neither do believe you and oM Abe will go in tho way; for old Abo k afraid to go out of the city without a largt body gad. If you law-mskers were put in frnnj iv time or two, you wouki say enough I enough 1 O God enough I,!. Xu (ton't eveu go to. see llio poof wounded men. fbavo been to nearly all the hospitals, and never saw 0U1 A ho in one, but saw biiu puss surrounded, by a gourd of (.'avalry. Joseph k. m'Mukuay" AND DEALER IN LUMBER New Washington, Clearfield Couuty, l'a. DeoemSer. 3rd, 1862. ly WIH MCl'l.tOirMI, Attohkbt f , Uw, CloarHeld, l'. OOof with L. ls Cram, Kiiq., on Socnud lret MrchS9, 18(12, If. DAN I Efi ((OiUiLA. N D E R, JCHT1CL: uf th pcao Lutborxburg, ClnrtIA Co. P., will attend promptly to all buniooia outivtte . 1 to ram tin March 23, 1SK0. y. pi. J. T. KKATZEIt, DICALKH IN ,-. . , wv . I porc,rm anJ DoillCStlC Dry (lOodl. I V . . 4 Ac., Ac, Jte., Ac., Front Street, Above tins Academy. Han just received a general KB8orV ment of ' ' Cotlonades I'rebs trimialnB lrillings Lacea Jeans Collars Muslins Undersletfss Fittnitols Mi:tillm l.inena lukter Tickings Shawls. Lavullaa litys Honncta ! Cloaks. ' Vl.....-iu 1 Hii-m-iss 1 ( -i.jlltz j ; , V ' ',7 WOj..m hama aif Balmoral t'ki:ti, Keep Skirta, OLsnli, Drenn-TrJuiiiiinR'. IlJ-Nti, Cupii, Nul'i.V, UooK toniags, kcU, dhitk', Cull"". crfts Cemrortt, OreaauiD Veil.", Tbf Coer. CLOTH im, Cnnt", I'snH, ' ' Orer-Onntii, U a n I Ph until, Shirts IlalH, Cur. V'uJor-.s'hirtB ami DrawMi, Bi 1 ml Klii'f", Uuui bhf, UuCbIo Shoe.', crs- 1 Vats, Collar, Cil'ivcn, iJDUsjraDu iood8. OWFKK I'.ACON MACKKRBI. TKA FLOUR RIIAD KlTrtAIt SALT SALMON HICK CANDLES L'OD-KISII MOLASSES WINES HERUIN'O j n;irMVRrc GlaRS-ware, Woolcn-wr Stationary, &c, Ac lCT(niT7.sWrarnilT TTTi ftmfn)TT3, ihlOO .'. .! 'i u UJ tttflUUJJi Carpcti, Oil CUb, Prtipret. lin fl!'flj ,iiock, t'liurnn, Wsfb-Wrilj, Tnim, Baencfc, Irons, Pans, Vin.lnw-llinJ, Wull-iinper, Coll C. ll baini.9. TJoilirpllftS. lln.l-nortU. k'nlTOI Forks, f-:.oyns, P.rock,), ftova Llijking. All nf wliich H'llljjo sol'4 u lb uioct rrfti".nibl Icrwl, nn.1 Hie biphei.t market prlro paij fur Urlo. Uol, Shipping Fur and all kindu of eountrl iro.uu'(i, Nov. IV, iio ORPHANS' COUUT SALK. 1 )y vltlno of uu of tho Orphaus' Coarl J ClearCpId cminty, tio unilereineJ ExmuWI Clmrfipld cminty, tio nnilcnittaed Bxer' i? RAn"l7 dt7C'iBi, "iU "'""9 10 r ' : ,,,,,, uM cwfar.y, ihs 2th day 0 January, ISt 'soil, nd west by Und of Kli Fy, oonuininjW I efe mor or Un, and Liag iri of urey - 687" Ti'.RMS !0d blf In kfh l d.l of m "l"10 b'no iu ckVm lARVIN . V ' Ji MB9 IkVlM I . u, iim. C 1 AfffW IlfHU-ISfotU .. . .. . . ... ..... . !, . A.I 1