s ou n u s , v ! r.i:n ;im:i:(-i in" t ', t .1,1 I, r ' 1 , -.1 I) I ( i in' r, i i in.' i ' - ' '. I I ' ' i i I I'm ., an :i , i I i!i i in:: ''i.U!;i'ir.i.D, v VcdiiCsdny Moruin;: Tec .11-1 ibG J, 'Hie Tyrone Post Oilico-A Ch-iui;e To mantled f I' ll1 : be fir d in :il I. Hi.' cn.-ft1'! A( ! .o t oy iiKiulitnin, vt e run ''.lite Mi' ' thr j i r ; !' i;f this CHiiluunity never sillli'ird IimII'iIhj iiuonv oir,o:ieo fioni ,o irroirii In U v in tlm itc-ipt of their mail mutter, l!'..t they do nl ji c.-i'iit, hint have for i'iN t r.il iiioiitlu. We do not ij.rii!v nt rm dv.i. wl.cu y .'''.' i (,';', ;,. r.v. r, ?'i(i...ii.'. S. I'-i-.'pu-i.t mo lii l.iil- Ul'i", llt.il ly l rit ivo u I'-lli r or i 1 -i "'. tllity I O -ai'l ID 1-0 I in- e.'.i'. ptl'Ui In l.'.o : ule - p:.i lii uiai ! wit !i l!. : I'm H : J.. I killed, v,,,rnd. j i.i ill i ll In I ii It. I Ii Ml.-. ! In. II.: ill : 1 1 1 i m I V, i"H ! a I '.I,.. l,i':.o. r f j 1 r f. !n - w hi. h :ii I. j 'v I lu- afli-t ll'-oli Sl.ii! trait: ri-.e at Tv fro::l li:i: 1:1 t. Hut I'm ....r:i v.. t.'.l p.a lo el lin ''u leal it from t!ii f :ll l i'!y !'. in. ul an ii .; Ii mil tl (ices ii.jt eonta in lu : ii u: lo V.li hi II . I . I I ut,.. I II II. lliri M.ve'ii' i'lon tin' other d ., .1 lUUn fg : 111 1 1 0. I our lit sl'pii'i I hiti i el. In- 1 1 II I ill.' t'lt.il ut :i little over I I.Klhi ; 1... lie tin: ii.vi i til t,oti,lni: c, a .1, y or lu j I.itn be put iho nunibt r ul l.l.nii.i ;iii.i finally, in i i-lill luU i' i'l n nidi I..: tuiinmii-o.':-, vii ill.-' iiut'i'iri'y f'l'l.ii niriluVi hi.. I IC-. U'I K'i.1 it l-L'll':ll ' UK.l il;'.'., uiM.ll ,', 'iiliuut "iH'-hiil t' t l" ih.w.i ,'ni' I'tcn i.i 1 1' ; 1 1 1 1 r1 : i L in t.'io hufjiiLi'-'." Tl'.i.i il:-.-i':ilrli is il'i'cl tli '.!.)'!- niii'.' ;l.iy.s ul'li r tl h:iui.' 1 'I.i l.ii', li.'.'i'. l .tf, lii;. i nil I i.. i ''Yi 'i.? ilil'i;'. u'.:il ir n tin- j ul.t'.o i.i.'lu v .-.it'll wiili, ri fjn'clit: ili.it T'linul i' r n. il nil ; 1 1 t . i ; 1 1 1 1 :i M'l'f in it u n:n ii. 1 i'. rl. 'i!i' i ' mi I. !: 'i- il, '. i i nil.- II: i' 1 1 1 :i 1. ' . t . III' tl'. 'i . 'i ! i I . .ii 'tl' i ; ' i ! I ! Ml J I I !:! I i ' lllll :! --'- i in . ' I ' I ' I ' 't i . I ' It'll f it. I ,i ,t. I . ! I'M., I ' ' .' , I I, . , , I t ' I ' ( , i -.1 I it I 1 ! , i In',. ', I il' !! I r. mi'iii! In. I It- I i n ,i ,. f, i rn j 1 . ' I. . w 'I 1 1 'it ' i ;.it I,..! .U : t I'.'l ir i'l w I ) lii;llM 11 1 ! I it ti iti'i ' --il ilil; , ru.'l m'! 11,.- .'i ll. I l, ,.tl, in.,l I'illl l.'l Ii" lllllii If 1,. Ii . ,'!!.i ! o rn' , ii I m ti.'l t-M itii iti i l ii .ti li . ;,, j i i Wi t.i' ti r I. c i lint, i ( ti l. flii hi . i r it lit i'iiiit'1 iiii ii.! in ii ti . i tin ii n ii .I i .. M ii H-- I, 1 lit r.i pli li.lVl. 1 'I I'jMiti-l ll:t fxprsMi nr.liTM dfllii I'll i-i'l' ut hihI (in), lliillt rk. TliH is Uli ".. :,.'ii'i' ; i'UiM'fi'.t;u c.f I hd ttiir.'' I I .i 1 1. iirl :,1 ill lliii ti.'M cm (lioli' V nr. U i of Ir siij.critMi. untl ioitinut! til . i ti "..i il. ti'il'' l y n ft Unit-, mi - il ii! litHf t.i ri n , til I l'illi, t In in t i i t t f lli" I ( ii l nl I n i i n i til l.i il l lint it In t no null . it y in in ' Wirnt'i'! rt liiiii i-tl Hi.ti in I. 'l tttkiMf ,.i i i i il rifi.-i '., no I in i t i H i'i iii .'m nlin I'niiin I I i' I'lii.t'ii1., i '., ii j ; ; n (,f tlii' ,lcl 'fin t' ti' I ' " i " . 1 .' 1 1 1 1 : rr.Ai i-: ! u.. . (V. i II,,. Holy Nu' i' i'l' Hun Ii" 'tl ll'i 1 Iii i'l-niii-. I: mo. f ih ), i., , l. 'l l y Am" ! in I t inin - "I'1 ,:! '' '" " ' j."-'"! "ill " Oli st-i;i i lti Inn i i'l ' i.i 1 l.' i v 'I Att ' i - il'iltltl'V I t.'-'llt ! Ntni lint Ili O'l III' tvnfWltl'l ill Stl it ifll, h.V "IlK'll llti-l Inll'l i H i rntiliriB ritut ifrrt '.i'c .' Htnn y u i" ' ' in ' I'lMictl imvtliin-'I i'i l t' lint l.-r. " ... n V lltt l. I'i 'I . . '), , .i , I , I , r -j -, i; ''i. Mi iii'lii 1 1 , n m, i , t , , . , i I n i i. i -I, , 1 1 1. ,.(,, i.i I'll 1 1... ..il. ' , '.I ll.t. '1. . Ii. . i,., M i , i : I..-. fn . M . in I-. ,M m I Ii mi. up, ,., 1 1, nl l lrult . 1,1. f-n Nit .i 1 1 Kr. I nl n 1 1, in i,n i f , i, ,., ., , ,,. IMiit ii.h imi t li I il I- p"..r 1'ilnl. r I t il... In, I1) i '."I Ir. !'1 'I 1 '' J'.iii'i1 v llir- n.jli 1:1. i l. vf i lili in 'III,' i ',.,(. m,. mil (rn-niiy : I. i li'i t. lit-1 :u II llllliiflli' I '.- mw ittmrwm'H'1'wiiKM.WBPni vw HI 1 .1). Cn tl i 1 I ih i rt ml, .1 mt". J...Imii, .-ii i ( JnM i !i .Ii rih n if I !' ii' . tnniiflii,., n m. ii 1 . r I II " 1 llli I'ii. !f -;"l, it -"1 J A iii.'i, I. n iiii'i I tin t ft I ! r nil ji 1 1 i f t In- uli.tr mn n ),unj; niNii uf '. n.ii-iii),- uLi'lty, l' a.lirir.l iili l'it. I ' li il imtl I II llr I'liu o i ii llit- Mh ilii' uf S i- S 1 1 A IV LS t, ti,l'rlii,l. l' IN NT. IS lu r.rtiuii.t It.niitluj mi I tic IMsl iimt., Km nk I Ol, I lit II) I l.linl nl., w Ir ..I ii....;-,. V. II .tlull, itK-f'l Ml' SI. INS 1 RICHARD MOSSOP. a -ill l i'lllihiN ii lioM '. !ciii)u, J I. I ti. I" i in, Hit, Ml'Sl I N - I'l. I. I S M ( i Uil ' i;i is .M.r f . Nl III III III lil-t in I,',- Si Ii- nt i' Il SftlMll 'I'll Sl l U l "M II' II ' tl 'UMHIAMS 'Il IN I. l'l.'IN l i,i ovn 'KAN A IS .ll 1 1 III il '. ft i.t ill i in .in i -1 H'n ""It II'.. I ni'( 1'iifft I'lllty I'll' "t ll-ii' Hill m l,f,lt,,, - -l.ll I. N-ii-,1 . , ill . Si'tl-itl i t'iii,:ili..ii U 1 . I t ... 1 ....... - 1.. I I h , t, . 1.1 ..I, I I, A 7 1 Ml lt ...,.! I . I .1 .1 It 1.1, I ytni I 1 1 y" hi f -ir iiiiiin h inn i" ri-, .- ...,.....,..,... - - , ; .ji M :t i.vtt I" tl'ti'l tli.'-i' who tin lOVt'tl llii-'l'"'.v '''' Sl'.' ll'H "Hi ! Ukhnl urn! funli'-li itii'ti, you int id iit'Spiur ni iimi 1.....1 l..,l' ,, . ..ii iiti.l f.1 t on ilnr,A ni t I, I 1 1. r. tl Ii. .t.t IH ' f, , 1 ...i .f IV.n n. I. ill. I., 11(1 l( l. '. .,.!! tll.i 111 I wilt- 1. I 1,1, OX- ' : f I'.. It.. .l,l I.. I 1 . ,l,itt,nt, l.-v t',,rT r '-,-, I I W II , I , t V 11, ., 1 1 1, u oil I. lull lllt I K 1 A I N ....I 1 f ., ill . -... I !.. l.f. I 1. 1"-. I ...... 1.1 in. I ,.. .In I...r li.tiil'l I. Tul... I. ...I .1... .l".l VI' .(..I.II.....'A.:t lll'I't-IHI.II'-'... I I 1 t',1, "Itll. .', .i . HI.'.V i iw.i, v 'H. '..'..'......'... k - lllllt) .tl.s.-Ui'.V " I'llt'fl i'l"' stii.'i! ion Yt'lll.1, .1 UK, hill) III,. I -,' it J jr"'! lie ili'.'t.'i-til tnn I Ii o ttmipliti r tf'I'lio'. . Wurliliiii n n ri'-ii. It-lit i.f tlii limniili i'. mi l in I'l HV4 I.INKX CUASII Ml '.0 he !iml ut ,'( iss il'.s' Hi Ml I! tit-ii : ..- .iiiil limn. . Ci'it v iit-i-riiihit't' ot a t-rv nut till : tl'iv I'Diiiiiinn-it-i -iii-iliit l of i!iu urtnv H)ltit'.i nl"' ' '"'"" ;' ' ' . , , , ' . Cull ii inn-.-! I. "t ih ;nit nil th" ri'ni'tv. ' ' ' , l of tlio , titt -t . if it rm J lui ronowrd. till N i ii iii. r. lli.il -bi rr i-xittml or. Oil's ; Kl, j.,)n,v u.u , lijihtin;1. l.cl n u, i'i .-!. 1, tti.-r.t'r mi I'lHrn'i'-oiibly huui'.jj iit it nil' till tlm v i I runs.; of it. tlio . ... ..... nl i. .!.! Il.il... X,,., r,,.l..r,,l Inltuli. :-.- IH. I I'l-'.l-" " " IHifHH-" HUH Hi., ""' -' ... T . , u,.l,l,.-- .,nlv lill,,,., .,,,,,,11,. ,.1. 1. .,! ii ni t .,( Liml I'l-lll 111 UlO llllllllllltlon Ol .Nl'IV ttf . . , m".ik'. hut lin'ii lMit out of tho tvnv - .m tear r. nun t-.i.) mo .rn n. r iiniiu oiy uo: in I ill II. 111! i i m i : r r io iti i'. ullitTKiiip, fur iitiuut tii ;nirj . tiur tn 1:1 I .!t .lib, tl III llilfflll lliM'n.'C t'i,l.lllll,li.lll ill itn j l(. K rril ih;; nntl H it'll .'Cl'i'l H u iir:' nrt', tiriio ( ,S K1J Y .,!,, I; iimi i n, liin l:v In I. -n l h r r tluttu .1 I'liiiiltil ; ' ',( I , S pit lli iiiln tint ni o. .-'ho Itm.M ii liiij-lnml, 'I II I M M 1 NliS at ut nt "f iini ; inn Sfiisati-jii 'll'ill ioi-St-Dsiuioi) Sf';itirtii I'liittl I'Hi.'i I'lii'i-i I'lIWi rices nt MdsSi ii'j ... .i-.iii..,n j,,.,,,, M'lllllii.'Il instil. in ,r,ci,j i'i,'-i -"o i i in. I r. nfiiit il to ilitllii-iliiltt1 vii ilii: .'.-I'n-!lll:i '..l' licic, li.:U cu t lll lt llli-'Mi lit n.:i!lor ; utiil on l.u-1 S ur h t:o '-V-i thiiu trcntyzf.c 1','U- ;. ,i: 1 I t t I -'. I ... in. lul.' . N't' i"t i -i Ii. in, nl ''! :;l'h i"! I !! !. ; hi. ,1 'i'l .'I tl.i .'.I: .ii ill . l.'--i il.'llfill ) I 'J.' i ii :: 1 1 !:.i! :iv r i'l ol I"--.--; I V J' .,' ,; . r i ml l"t'il of il l:Ml" 1.'. ( 'ilii i' oiTrMion 1 MH- :l t.i o.it i ; il," trt-!!VJ ii.ilio!, V, ( 11 M.iln, :i i-'.'t i.f I i i . !,.-i m-ri . -, I,, in riilci.", i.:i unr Am.-rit an 1: c .in in. l i .j 't'li i 1 1 r cy i's h. ti., M Senuion pri,. j ly . v 1 1 n only, c liuiV luivo.tiot ii Inicc .She sulfi ii-il giviil nn-iii.-ti iliinn;; Imr lllii'j-.j. A in HOY MH"' 'V I A!w:i)sou li.iml at Ji SSi "s' 'i.'i i ' Cul' .l.M.lil II V i.l''i 111, fM I ri-ft'i Ol i I Us I ,.; ml- th ft'. i'i-ii I 'liiV l, it n'jiv. .Yri" York I'm ,-t U , el t: ;ll! . in l i )!.! .-,.. . :!.. A 1 f, il H! In u ; i . t) l!, :l.- 1 !. in 1.1:1 IIIM iiit iils, viii:r;' nil il." way liom I'J,' 'i:i. J'.ut lin. i. jrul.tiy nnuy nt ol tin- .c'.v . oi-j. j,:'.'"..-, 'Oil' ,v;is i 111 th. til' l Ml i.'VO Wtlr-iv-i 01 llli' 1 : j 1 1 -1 ox'r;iv;ii;:iiit o'.ioi in;! I'Xlriirt ; 1 -J t II , two 1:H i II U III l'f ffltll III- 1 i ail iii', i any. V- t:,U. hi.-i lt-'.U'i- of .) htrttli hi 'f institnt',', '.1 Si. , of t!ii, i ivi-iu lettor i,it;k;i;;o.i--iv..-i o rt.t'ii. in tiur.l tlliit I t'l itl;:i''l !-t tli(! (il.-n II jf rout'. Mo-st of tliCiO li;i.:u.l.'i'l willthim hr ilclnyi'il at least one istn.. TI.;s is iMUueil by the ino-.i unjiiii-'loUii-. hie iimi ner.iistor.t carclcicnt'-.-j urtd noth 10 j; t'lM-, This wan not tho cast- ivhon M i.-.-s .Sikh -jk; WHS I'. M. at Two M?. im was ooiiit j'Otc-iit, tuitl JaitLl'ul to hir tru-t, !in.l tin ic.l. Tlui lo-.i "1 tin; I'l't'iny in ecu mti wilii our own i:n.:i in in-i::in; Mmo thim h.ill' th- tl.vi-"ii ''I lii-ii. 1 v.iis nl.iivil Ave,- . i': tiU: hi'l'iii- tin' ro lion, .a'.ioii upon imucm iioiuiiiuuon ( tho J t .ij.le ( thnt (li-iti'i-i. ha-) tin gjuil HiMii; ( jait I lifir tv.'', - i-I.t) w.n turn '! out, : nJ the pii'Stn.t '.liMi.lorin oil'ii'itil put in . tr pi:ici. In lii.it tin Fc innibt.T i i.'ii t iul inn the uuthoi tinintfciitii'.n.iily, r.n doubt of a ;-,rieV'iH wrong to u nohlo i',!.. 0 !, fl'l'c.-. '. ho W.'-uil: to :l I'.u :..t.T. Ho lui" !,lw:i; hud .n .it & !c ('. i. ilii ti.'i ", I ili'fi-.'i U i i I i -1 1 1 of All-ii-ar) ih' ; i l:t"- It iiin rly t .. ! ii i;i'l-i-. In f.it l hi. !.it hio.'mih "in oxi lii.-ivf'y i'cvoU u to tli:it t'la-i of tli in 'I. A nil t i li.i, o n; if 11 1.-: In IIV.VO lllll'lllOIO.ili'lv ill lilt im; r:o toiiou-1 lolin !! it kin. in, of Cli'.-ii)- oouii-i public wcio liiithfiilly bori ill. But to i.it il'y Collar . niiin 1i..uk, and mciii.; him u this S.'.lll.' li' ; in it1 v. it tiovt ! und ii i-lituiK'(ul outi-iiLjo .inl i i n ,os "i tiou upon tjio ivholp ooriiiiiu'iiiy nippliod iiiiiugh that ollit-o 'vh'u'h friibtao.s jiCurly the wholo of Olearliold and nlnr-'ti .mtinn of Contitt county. But 1 in his power to ropair tho wron, and ho uliouhl lobe no tlHio ii) d.iing it. Mr. j'-LAiu ii now, or will ,n nfior tint Ith of Mnrt.-h, dead rock in tho pit. Ilv wiil re of no fuitht-r ;i-rvice to the A hninis. Irption, ami r.ftd n.it lorg. rstai ci in tho way of im r'jual mid cxaot ilispriisaiioii (f jiutici.'. o ilificforo cull upon the To.-tn rniutor Geuvml to reappoint Mies .Stew art, and thus, n far as it is possiMo, ic pHir the gro.it wrong ho wi s niadn to in fliet upon her, nml 'ilso rt-lic-vo tho puolic o.' a v.ry sei-iou,i ino )nvt-nioi)..-o. It is not u-iiir' to ) slronj; nu ox v- to say that in this l.atiio o M'ri! Iiu.i'h- ,:il I 1 "ii:t. mil IiimI It-tl a i-:i -it. il.'iMi.g oiut-r.t I'Jni.'ii'ii'i llit ir lii't, chaiVf bayonets, and rush upon tl.oir inliirH,liiiu:iiti, tl,.", im lioipat. ti im ijb-.la, !i ntilii thoy blnii.U moot in a hand Iwoii.l iho f. t ideations t . t . . p . . to liaiul Iiiriil on Uio crost (.1 u;o nit.i ran.-.-n ol loli-i. l'-ut iio.v liulo thoy know tho It.o thoy had to dual wiih. I. vim: ' io-'o upon the s,t oarlh, boliiud a 1'iw i-looow.iil ..tid hull ilo-troyoil Ioihc, which wo Inn I not taken in our cal''ul:i tion.t us o'.'-l ii'lo-, l ho i i , . ' ! 1 1 y Uiilohod t.'io ;:i,'ii ..oil ofiii-ii. l-"rT.v-h until etory man ly, I ho --.iuio fojl'itv (ii it tin o.ili:i.'! it A. I'.ivis A l.'o. thro,' years iio, if itiov would sooodo, Il at lu; would co:io (loivn on! t'uoiii I'. iih cililocti jniiliui) of iiiTi! ( in l iVfcmon and thri.di thorn out of thoit ' boot , in rd out tliiity days. Tho "rnifi. ('i.il" oxt ili'iio-til iilolii; Iho l'o!o!v.:i'; hit- hovli k 't ll ;i .flino t'votity I. mi) 1 1 ; -4, y -1 i tT'l.l'lll,, ! f V-ishiti!ton. hut has iiitrodiwid .'i I,;'." in '.'en 'c-.-i to or;::iiii:.o n niilitury foroo '.1' 1 ' '1 t o" ii'10 p r.-, lo iloivn SoutJi nod thia-ii I'uvis .V. Co. Tho piivaios to liayo tiio i-ai'i,.' irv nun of ajinv. in tho Initio liio- t'.un.. ui'.iiri' th. ... ,1 tho Lost i:l..i.,-li.'0'..r- ill tin- re'-"' lu uil iiittiiiit, almost t-!ore ino leno-it i-covorvii to no an I'l'-iii' "', :t-. Willi. ' MildiOI's, but tjio ollii-et'.-i to h:V' .en.- the i,ay id u hitn rllir-i . Tho bill is likely lo I'ii-", and tin" n yi'n lmvo 110 ti!it d "l'.ilin-r Abraham" Ilia! Ih.-r will not li'.'n. i.iii. 1 li.-y th iii iiiiv war tli it h hill ol'i , , . Th ho .r.::ii:s.-s 1 1 1 - -; ;i :! :it i tho i-amo 1 ii'iils '': r the 1 p.'oph.' liav..vo!", hold) t I'l iti:;. up tlii; ":) pili'..' ei'iu! n.ov liiil. little itmi r, ss d ''or.dm ijii forr,." in a ; will havo to loll 11 lew 10 i.o 0:111 :ii:iver thom. wa-iii-covorvii to no an loiij.', ihick line of ll.ttno and Miioke stitaiut d ubovo ih.t liioo and wall; mid iit tin' moment llv- liisl voliey icn lired si.vlv 1 ioeos of artill.-i y, elm '.villi ci'.ipo uii.l "ciiiii-tter. i-oot tlo-ir mil inn! O'llilenn strail t. lln-oiiti'u our :ulvaiieiiii' iiti.-s, I'.'tkini: llieni in front and upon Imh Hanks. 1 - -t ) u.'tio:: so lei : i'. If never h-.v foto Ims ho.-n oon timing ihi" war. (Jen. l'leiieli wetit into iu'l.on witii ,,('.im nien. lotiil.t, to days unci i"V 1 1 -s :il.ilMy ii. , , t n 1 - tin-1 ueeeptin,.' of I. utile, but. l.Lli'l men Iihm. heen topoi led ,,,.,, j, ., ,m-!iic.-,l niiu. at i .M. tl to mm. Il'i'.f many ol tint loiuiO. 1 wore , -' ., ,,1 s,,;. ,,,'d's twr wtv. tlotu- i.j-. takvn pi i-oiiert it is iiimoti im ji.--ihlo to 1 1 ,, ,.", , i,lfi j., i-,., I and univilluia; ron- ti-ll. I'.ut his ilea. 1 n:nl ounu.'T pi 0-0111 , vio, ;,, Unru aiKl hii -.. i- ( Win.-: I a K iirlul lint, as vmi liao niroatiy '." , u-re mili"i",le.-. lie went on 1, ir,. in ' I'he I'olle.vine sut.i.lifn tho Ai ions, to tho same rurio. , rooiiv 110 lo dale . ni (I Southern Iuclepoadence. i I " M'i.: ' u .: 1 fi o-ii i.e tin' ii',ii( "..i" of 1 '.In.- Sou ilv r:: Males?" That wm tl.oi , iliii'.-ti.OI put t .1 U, ll Ii W (i.iV-I lipi. I V Ui pi 1 tin: I. 11 1 I.i . yer of 1 !i is city, and a r-hio- j in.' ILh! i'i I he l.'iaek Keiiuleiciii vartv.l OUK VOLUXriliR ARMY. The Army lxirislr iven, in a tal ol: 1 ft mi, the oi-('.'iiii..tioii of tho Miiuii!'i r ..:',.', c-f tho I 'uil oil Siati 1 as ii t xi'tl 1 11 1 1 . 1st of AiijjUHl, i.-O'J. The r.f.y : a .-:,lo : , :.i ht s tl.i- ell' I'.'IIOIIS number "f l.'.'.'J,. tO'.! rtliceiii in.'i rnon. The-c li noes, tvhieh inivv been much all rod sin- o the i-:ue of ll.t: Keiiter, vjoio thou uiadi-up as lelioivs : Major griipiulrf. llrij-'U'lior jn'riernl-'. A.-s't in'j. f!Pncriils. A?t't iiu.iiiuniin.st"i s. Sureeons. Assitiiiiu surioor-. t.'liapliiiis. Adtliiior.ul puyniiiMcrs. l'olotin'B. l.ieuU'iiatit eloneU. Miljol'S. tVplaiofi. aid -I-de-cainp. Adjutants. lie'.'iiuTid nunr ' or u ins lei . lieji'ie iiUil coiilliiiSH. l',it ii'-nloiiiiill-s. Si-ooinl lioiit.eiinnts. Snpei nu'y Ht'coml lieutonaiits Si reeioit lnnjors. tliiart. i in oler herd's. Conn. li-'t y serivjiriti. Saddl"r sei.-r.iiis, (Ihiet trumpeter''. Chief farrier" or hhioki'inii h. Keilill" li ' ill hospital s'.ewnid.- 1'ir.-1 i-ei (-.inl.s. .' . 1 pi. '11 i tiiiistt rs .lorgnmits. Co. oiiiiiii'i.-'y t-eflf. : t r je in 1 1 Corp' fin. Jliir i' i", tis. 1'i.rtier' itul h'l'kamTVs, Saddlers. An ilieors. Wi'.yniK :. Tea'js'.eis. I'l ii :i!t Total connn-iioned. To: nl i.'.iik ami (ilo. CAS-lMlibbS ( .'wtoiiiioti SA'I'TlN'r.TS it. .S-.-ri'.-Miou l''I.KIS at SdiMlioii .1 h A N at St ii-nUoii YITlNliS ;il. Seii-alion Sll I IMT N'liS iit Seii-alion m.!ii. ,eur . few iiiii'ait, d boloui !ur .ltiilli fl.o mlli-il lirr frit'iel. Uj In r licl.-i le anil n.i'1, "l ill W in liemtu la-luri' iwn ,, .'i,ii'K. Inlei' u lift 11 11 iti ilit nt tlaiilil.'r, 101 iilicct iu ti.t! j .-: t, r, ;i kind nil') mil It i.iIit im, 1I11.1. IV'ioi' In In r 1 1. ma in.-.. i'c t iinno 1 :i ' i.' will ploi.-o ct.j.y tlu , Ci.' I I'i! I .U nieh 1.I1. vo, lit Coal 4, l'aii 1 , I ! Po:-. IS, Ipfll'. i j 1 Vrsn:. IhiiTia.,. : - - l li .1. i in.-i i t tki- folic it iii- , I 'ndel Sh ii ts, - at Honsalioli ii in tlin ; .'alien in Iu Lit t'.iit leur: M 111 'rnn-t ,' J'lniltiel Shirit. I 1 Klli'ii, H'-il II rimiillit i-liil.lri-ii el' Martin tunlj JlintlS, Shoes, ' I'tinil.'.iu 'ti Inn. of Jt,il:iu tminsliilt. II!.,,., ,,,,! r-.,,.u Natv for idle at MO. SOI'S H A Ii Ii U' A K K I pi ll'tSJ pricos 'iiei' prieci I'l iv.- 11 ice j in M'j.s-wrx. I" 1011 40 j I C111111 'l j;. - ttit' ilenae 11 n.uuo with ttliii-li 1 lit Hi llif .litil. i'lit'y were tnkin sick urnl .lieil with- i Mil 1 in .1 iienk. Thur si. IK-rinirH tvi'iu iiii.i..:i.. Mur- i j lilii-utiwi took .iiii'i) en tlio tliinl liny, willi tho jsueh us Snw.--.iiai I j ulilt'rl. nit' jiuctor i-ay s it tins .' t.'u lut it'er mnl 1 o 1 i s, r. tints. I1 i I iilii riu. lliu i'CiL. iliflttr it'.i 10 111. 'lht cl.ii- Sjn ke-, il 1 e . s, dii-u ri'pinililo J tliDM) 1 li it t 'lie willi t iimi. I Vimrs, ic, M 1.1 J.d.iil fl.'.ll ; .rilJI I ' 1.1. 'OO j l.tiou 1.2. -0 hr.ht I oLO I 1,1'UII 1 1,1101) 1 T.i I 10, 2vo 1 M.ls.i ! al .'onsiiiiou I'l it. AC ut MUSSIHV. MEAT IMRKET! " T -.0M)l.lti I.IOX UfTC'liKllS.- Xov I J ooiiii'V li e I'lisdni nl 'f llit'Ci.-uifu'l'l lliiii.-i', lih'" I'.Kil ' hlyl'Ml.'S, seeh j ii Win-, lliiindy, ' !i i 11, V h i-key, i ! I Yin.li), etc., ru , j it: r rfs. huoh s-s 1 I'l-unes, Paitiie, i 1 l-'is, bilberts, k; ) 1 . on iho on 111 r uf Mnrli' t ami trout .-tr.ji'.t, Cli'iir All 1. 1 H :1 S l'f 111 1 il t I'Ol. llilltlv kia't mi lisn-i.-- "i'l, Hii' I'tillit i.rt' r. -,.it Iul!;, iiititi-j to cull in un I ! li.O 11 c 11;. i r. t 1 1 1 '.' 1 1 1 ! 1 .' 1 ii willi uiii trials uiel ; . r i c e f . lli!..; I 1;. ' I, 1 02. 1 .'! " ' ' , 1 t s i n ..( 1 : i i- )... , -.. . 1 tin- ni..-i-i:t,.r 01 1. at. i t: " 1',-v :-!ui', ',111... .lit tlio firo N.iv.ui'ixT !i-!,:i Sprhi-s Ca'.' l.'l I , :l I' I 0 u r, ll a v.. .s!i-. uider i, :'.:i.ar, M.;!..v., CoUeo, 'I'.-a. '.' r a c k t i s. Spi.-, ' '.'itldles, ' mi 1 '.!, ft;., eto. To 1 f tw a r.l , i;;.iiiii; ( 1 ,- a . 'it ll 1 V-' l'.LA.".:iMi n; i; iid'.t :i . 1 I'i r,v 1 1 1' ' : Mt ,,i ,,vc 'i. I'l.m. ;,:iv fl,.ai;i-i una , ,i- ,h,. iii I.i. .;.i,'.,.-,l ,.f i-,-i .1 Sll'ir at, MA L l III.W L' iiil'N'. hKA I ' at ii,r. il. is,:.'.- ;. . I A I .i l : , -1... -1. ,. ,. aa jpi-iai:- .in f.i-ic.j can 1 .07' ' ', full Jll -Ja) 1 t n U e !.,T :i I r.s. 1 i in J It- la'' 1 . Sim l..li I1' t 1.l'TIO nl Ki-u.-iitk.-li a! tll.-:ill.)ll 1.1. Mi '.'v-O M .: 1, v.! i,;ll I Abijiys ..l Mi i.'. s. a ..ti'in K n:-:it ion .'ell' -III. HI S . 1 1 s n I i, .-, Hl-:l !oll en '.l-a-n ICfiAiili Mh. plliil'S prn.4 lit i Oft A'. I - -0" ho 1 a la'l ..i. i lint Giiin l .'ig::regotc- In, iu"t .i'-.iii-t t air.i,a. iu- u I- r..i:ii init IS,.'-;, 11 I III l.M 1 ;-'U 11 l.,!l:irs iiiel .- I . I 1 fint..j.ii- , l.C'-'ioVT " T, i, VM ''a-oilifielit of i.i , iii. i'lfi. Jiiv 111.t1wr1i.11t 1 up 0) Lou 1 ir 1 ; 1,1 11 . , . ' lUIll IIU i i'l i."l UtV .-iii..C Ulltvrs lill pi IH U . I'V .In,; (,i,..,-.. ol I.o.-. ! l"i0 1.1,.,.. M. 1MJ2. Al'lU'.sTr5 W1-I1MAN. I i,'',iu; - - S7i.'iK'j Beard cf School Directors 1 .V.l.'.lli. ' 4 T 11 ni i-etiiiir ( f the IlonM ..f s-Vl.i-.i.l Iircfo ' I.t i'i 2,-l ,'.) , f nrnrtieiii iiinoiih Hie -Oti., itt, n.o , '"orciti and Domestic Di v (Joctls , li'liOW IN i rO't'llllMi'l WRflililC 'I'M ; J. T. iUATZ'KIt, 1 'KA 1.1.1! IN 1,(V.i'2,Hi'j ic. n' liiia I.cpii Horiuii.il v iriun-il 111 Iho c'i"il ol ; ii on l .'I ii't 1 , vi'iivo tnu l e:uu 111 y li.'-Oe.j'r', pivo.1 'y Ihou-lllld-i Of niltlUS Sent OVOf 1.10 ,,,(,,. ojv,, .i,..n;.. r..,.i. i.t 1,.ii,... 1.. il. i lv'r( 6 10 "igm. Ion'' HiM. o .10011 ns lliey :,,, ,( 1:. ivo s- ws..,v -v... -.,..., ...1 t ,1 1 1,,. , 1,.,-n v ' r, 1. 1 .,. 1 ,. ii... l-,..l..,,i :.. V,-.l Hal.. I 'I 1. ir IJI-II, lllllii'llt, itliunip'.ft ' .. .... j - " "''-"'I '-,"' -iviili.-lliDi.vuiun-i--iJiin.il. IV . ... .... 1 t, I,. ll,.U v ..,.,,.,.,, IA I,..,. Ir.l MILITARY ('iKOi-.lt.U'lllC.ll, r'KlAKTMr.NTj. ici-rlnin of lla Si-liolm s to i-xi-l-i.li) t!i tuii'ti, r.-t ('..lit rurv to conc-rnl ouslonithc tuilitary 1 V"1 nJ ''' l,il;li'S un'' .ol!l, r l,",l,r'v l.""n . .1 .. .,, n rr A.I ,.n .trln.r ..n,...v,,..w .1...1 w rrit. i! , -. jor'tui nients im. mit irivtn. ; .,' . . , ., , '. ' ,., . ,, , ,,: - .... 1, in 1 , 1. . v nr., 1 :i,,i I nr 1 11 11 1,111 111 1 1 r ,.' r.l 111 i.i- e I'l-v- iceiori. la prolfrt tlio ?clioul prni irl nliJ 'iiii.-li tliit.-i ivlio u.juri) ur destroy u. lil.O. TIIOKN, l'.tjidi-nL J. P. JleKvAi.l.r, Siv'v. .11. 1SC2, I I'PKi'l 'Tl.IliCi I- ..r ... . ... ..1 . . . ,11:. 1 .. t ...... I . .... .,r.. I ...... . . ' (... r ' rAU.IMi FlllIU UR C. .V COI T''S .Ollllellt Of tho Western Christian I lctiarin,tn ij th'. .11 .'--urt I load, ifiar- , lie it tlierrtt.ro Hesol ve.l . That th schuliir. tors ut St. I.oui t. JIo. M.iior L it ina nl i cmiimitlin-' null cfTnici . i-liiill l,o rrnmiilly pnn- : li. I ..i- iii I Ii e rial' . and foiiiihl U'lOIl IH-ailv t-l ntnilit. U lion llii-V trit-d ,. i.w . wo mid S-iiiiiiel 1,' I 'm I is ri.iitr.vim ii i. , I Midi ir. (1 tli.-ir rn.rrnl-t held ncA('i.iilaklu foi the 'Oriliefortjr-eig.ituniiu.il (onrei-i-r.ee i liL samw iiroui'nl. lost hu'. littlu losi than ' I hoy rould not iiiaiia.LV the w a. ""ATien ' MuiJ.'c. Jl.nntmnU lloud'iuarli rt 1 1 1 ' l;""-'Ke to tlm lniilJiiiirt or tlm i'rit-r'y all but six repot t n loti of ir.r rnborship ' (.ion. lTeimh. Will) a division ipnto iu iho win U-j-.m t j slunv sijiiiso: exlmus lion, P.altinioiv, Md -Major (ioi.wiul Kobort C. ' rantine from o to ..172. An filial air- ' l'tr-ic, he was not Mv to call totli r to wo kai.l th,-j could not l.ring ahout )-.m.-', Sohru ok. ' j " -s ' ' c : i . .1. o, .. n . .1 . i ... .l.M, 1 ,1 I i j .. . I i t A . I r. ...r.l ..I tr i , . irrr.-Bi,. nnniKil lnm fnrtlm nrtt I in tit i- "'c?1' 1 m"rl 'man mi much, no i i f ,A,r.. .... , v ,.o., ... ,,i in uis- i i.pant.cn or ov- ir.io- 1 1 eao. tuar:er-l hi e n , , . , , ,. " Iul whether ho hiu that numlier. eti. 1 ffi-iicelui lor our on liei n .states to iicO'pt. i ( inciniia' i, ( Miio Mnior Ct-rii'ial Horn yt-nrs will exuau.sl l0 entire cnuicii. Howard, who wits ordered to tiie support; VVImt was, last your, im urti-n, is r.o.v ,:(i. Wriohl. Wo linve not exumincd the roneclne-? 0 (it n. M.uicook, nml wont into iho battle j(er- ; l.i,-p.irtn,nt i l!-t S.mk H end pun -torn nt ' of this coiroitpon dent's flnlotiient, ltit four l't n fal-oi-t ti'uo l.el'ore dark, lostlilot'.j Are we in favor of r.vmiclnj the "indo- Ililicn Lend. S. C. -M.ijor Cen.i il .ivid thnt it '1(ml, Ino Iruo Wo must roroot. ! TIlO fill ire lo.-, t herelol e. ill I ho ool .s .or, ilenoo of t im Soul ht-i ti S-aes.'" V.Vj IIqiiIci-. Aotin,',' 'otiiliiai;dt'r ; 1'ri'iidiir; thnt it .1 only too Hue. Wc.mist rf.ccol, nf ('olu.h, 0(1I1,isti. of tho divisions , we,.?, ,m infanov, fas.ua 7V.-..-ru(. .Geiieial .lame, N" Hr.-in-an. Vr lect tbat large nuil.rof tie Clcr meu. w(- (;Knfrfll-i lioivatd, Frenoh nn.l Han- Wc lire, '.lioivlore, in favor ol tho indo- ; lr.pr(mv,t j tlu fn-V Head.piarteM nt of this denomination, C8 well fis most of ; cock, and which, on tho moriiin of tlie j j?inien:t. of U Siitcs. Wo nro lor the N'cw Ui leans, I. a. M ajor (ieuoral Honju- : the other deiioniimmons, have cpent the ' battle, cuiitainod forty roi'iriioins, old nml . ititirpendoiK of Irol ui. I, ol Scnihind. of mm F. I'.utlt r, has 1 - on sopi'ru-di-d by! r,astfmv vo-iri T,rincu.allv in iireflehiin I now, iimountini. to ut least IKUMMI in A, is roland. of Hungry, of I.oml.ardy , uf Xn- (Ieuoral N. 1'. I'.-ui !. " i pan i-ew je.irs I'rinuj.aii) in jireflenin . . , . , ... ., . ,. t..ua.. J n , ., .,.,,, . ti..i,., i;.;..o ti. i..i,.n.i r-t. - ,.(" .-;: ; '., ,l ..: , .. . "'-'' .- . -i.. . - ... .--..i,....,...i ....j .a-.t-.. .... -r,,,,, " i will not vary Irtitu tins ostiinalo nioro lliaii v e are e.luc.'Ho.l to laliove Ui.it ail tlio tors at Nmv-.ui-u years to uplit tho church in twain, which : ouil, nloi o or In-low the number. i States of the old I'nion. wire I'-ce and in-. John (J. Fos-ur. they iiccompli.-hed rather easily, from j Tho losses in (loncral K.'jnobl s corps ( jdipi'inlont State?. I lie Knglili HoviTiit, Jh-jirtmn,! l; ' .Y.t.-.'.i. ..,- lii-;Hiui.ir tho Atlantic to the rne'lic. -Uter this, fr"ik''s rand Iivi.si..n, vhioli wcro al j ment, nt the dose of the war of lmK-p-M). ' tors at St. r.iul, ilin Major (lincr-il o.'ii.-e, rev. .u ll i r.'t i too: ot me ii, Jolitlti. J 0iC Thirteen, severally and by name, a-i an P,jar!tn, -at of Xnr M, ii r--Ilen'iijiiarteis lti'iepetiilenl .tt.-ito. j.iieJi one ol Uh lit so at Sunt a If. New MfMcii Irij .Uitrtirn. otisiiieretl K--i !' thoii'.ii J',.-,.,-, in 0 too oral J.-iiiu-- J I. Carh lon. Above Shu A t-:ui i iasjui rci oiTon :i ocncral iissort nctit. of WINTER GOODS. l.a w n i l'opliia, Shalliv.i Cu-inrH i.atvil..s line i.t Silk- r.jn ts I O.. i . ... was done the sumo class ol men tl .e-ped ' ' t 'lo j WW.p.cila y, jlh Decfinbcr.' v.mui.n OI'KNIXCi AT W. SMITH 5 OG'S ' j i 1 1 1 1 a li.i M hair ii rs ! Clolhf Satiiiio l C.'is:liiei o I Tw cU CoIi'-iimIch I'ril!iiij:s .I.-.-im Muslins Kl.inncls Linens T id: ' ti l'4 I II t l llrn Hciiiivls l,lai,i.- "li i r.i i r i : Kil,l.o: KloWMS III.' ill V lload-.Vi.lt A I'i os-- tt iu niincs Ll.CCH 'ol'.MI 1 l.'n.let'.-l' elf Mal'lil; i- i,i.-lt ri Siiawls. luyt ' L'loitlsis 1. 1 'I. K. C --Major (ii iiei.il 1 to bo but .f UlO, are to niyht I bv sunn; of Con. 1'iariklin'n tnll'ollioors i,eai ly l.i'Oil. 1 iic seveiitv ol I Ii o Oattie may oe itner riands with such men as Wendell Philips, GeorL'o II. I heavoi. llerirv Ward I'.eecher. who"we.ir the liverv of Heaven lofom- ' ro-l I'-'-m the lael Unit wiui,. I .i.tio, lain .g-orant ot He iu ory, .von oi IIk-ii- own ., , " , ,. . , . : wht f-ivaited l ot I a.f an hour in; !o-t near-! country, to hnoiv thai sneh win tli.- laet the Dci'il in, nn.l Mich political pioM,-jv in.t; lUnltKWll ,. ! Tho V,i,a Cat iva. pioj.-ctcd, in l,s,,w.n tutr9tuJo.hu H. GllUn', Charles Sum-; " ,:(imor!. .uurt Killed and ! '" ' "i-"' ''J' ''"'o M.K- s a ry:.,,. In Ilk to'.! .,s embrac--: '' -aitiif: aim tciici nini; c.-rt:i!!i :.e u ner, I'.en. u into and Win. l.iciyd ' on : i-, ou u outnlod i son, Ptr3ti;ly assisted by the "irtrpreis : lil'ty per hltf corilVel" teachers, A. Lincoln, it Co., to make American citizens out of por-on of African iii'c-nt, and in their ttcodly ntlfmpl to imj rove tho works of the Al mighty, they have mcceclod in pplittiiv; the I tiii'tl, riiin latter work ha, how ever, lei n of ctnbraco-i i !'Il,"f-' ''i1'1 o( net limj; eer'.a elit. of his divi-i-.n. His c,i, r.itny o. liti.-l f-ovcieimi 0-.ttis lo ',!.,) duel, iindtlii'ti. fllumi'lirevsatd .-oward,; ""'" 1 ' ''oi.e ;.- rociivo si ec.iil oouimtviid.-rioii ; but whu o , " ' "'d'. and to Ks poopu-.tlio who!" all did f.i wo'.l it is, poi'lo'i , invidious til ro-iunc of undelinca and ur,f:i anted -. ,,; individualize. Though Hooker was nri,:- ' '' 'oil i.:-iity. 7V,.j is our atisw.i i inallv oppo.t-d to cro-iim: i.t this w int. ' " l ll'vo "'v''r '"li"-'"1 tho A'. holed his troopn in per.-on. -.Stales or tlio A-r. ... Mates, or any one M'lll, in Er lUiU'l H 1st' I 1 : 1 II at San ( tf t'Oi": ion t ."a omvort ii, Kansas. i-ripadir-i Gciu l il .li'iiieii ( !. I'lunl. Now in tholield. .'?i''' the 7'W Hoaieiuai tela FiuneiM'o, Culil, ruin. Hrigtulicr (iei'ic Wrialit. iii r.j ,' l,mf " -l'c.nloiiri-lrr., ut ('t-'i'lerls houlit I ytar nzo.Ut tali A cen.pliio .5Cr!iii( nt uf liiJici Kio'liii'iiul'l? goo.-, al,itil,g of Zf-,nyr Slt-cvcs Kaiprini IInuiU, I'e-.iblo Nul. ins, Cloth C:il, KcJ MiihiIh, IV I.nn Slianl,, l-'ancy Ki,i;iiriil Pi l.iinr -., m. G Different Styles c.f Coats. I'oii'l Jflny in piii.fliii-.in;; ih ;ht uT?r i ,iir rh ntc CIIOICH g.'-O'lj ii" r.iro. 11. V. .SMITH A CV. Isii.i r'n.i urlirlo '.I' Wuel llcfa 'i't ctn. Army Miitcn.i.llic ino.-t -. -m foi i.il.ic article il :;o t :! n icoL 1). c. 21, ISC2. Ci.,-,, Nill.r.-, ll rtN, tii,, if., I'tijif u l , Veil,, C.. CLOTHiM. l':i-r. . O.-.T t ..III. Sli.ll. S'j I'li ler Siiii it m ;!.( S:i r.t, I.i..i.:- IV, , 'i . I TV , j.:. ,; . i i ." : '. ' -1 J'ra,-..---lli,iiipirirt"is rfMtl.Vl, l.lsr. f.ir Jifnuary Ti-nn, s6.1, coin liow ;u (no li.-Ul. Mnior (roiioral l..'v.'.s(.5 .1. iiK'ticiinj 1 1: al; l. Tin' iopotN that (''!. (':o---, of llll'.':!l.,'n Ni-tv 11 inn ii'h i re- is ino)l:,Iii- on n lie 1 ' . '. ' .. , . -t . .. i ..ail nioi prove tun nu', no is iionii; tve, i, n i . i n i i . ..;,; MW.-r'Mi' Cuvlnhmi -lloadoin: s .'",n . rs in the bild.Ma.'-,r(.e.i.ral Willma w, rMlthi, . r i : i i I t .. .1 . - . .v uio..- iiootiiM, m.'i moony nature, m i r,.,;vor -u this iMl.e tontli wo n,. 1 , cjtrpanison with tho former, and 1 ut ft w : ,r. has reoeivid " duiin- the war of tho cla's named hive cnc.ii'ol rr.-ioti-. i Iho renels will have to t.io.-,t liiin a I le-ist Iho I .: wii-, a viuytavi . Suit had to lonlinue. or else it In no chanced into sc in. v i md '':ul' i' r'"' '" '' changed into sc mo ', . . 'oih.-r thin-: ii"' the 1'i.ion, and not provi ', , ' : (iod fur bv i ho Constitution tiiat ,.''.: and Trcjisou in Congress j '1 had. Stevens, in the debate on the ad-, nii-sion of the proposed new State of K.iD.-uviia, said .- I mi 2J Meinlnr. M in. A D, K i-rll a Ti. liihwir.l Mi-irnrvo-. Ji'lin Ilt,liurn v. l-iuin lilnfiin. tj. h. V. W..1.1. V.-. J. hll T1k.i1.-:I1. FiU-b it litivhlcn is. Al.r.-iliBin (inf. (joi.5 use ,1. Keilrr vs. W Intromit .tr .""'. D. F. KTZWK1LKH, I'r.tli'r. Deo. 21, lsC2, cally in their utiholy teachings, they coldoiu Been further south than behind !. onoo more before they kill linn. His vol- enn resiment went into Iho battle with WESTERN CENTRAL RAILROA D. 1 "I niv, thin, lhat we may admit West-' A nieeiitiR of dm ftooklieMrii of tho culeni e-wtitnt.-U Uio l.'nijii. W arirufil. a voir em Yin in in as a new State, mt Im virtue nf enlral rnilnnnl Ccuipany and n hall un, that ,s,v(-..,., was ,,( .tl.vi tn,i j-nfim- n y (hr :n i. .. t. . a a ... .1. - . e it new Stiuo, W l, virtue icmr"' rn"u, "n --' "l '" CWcki, Ci-Ztm V, n h boial7i il , I'u, kots til . .- i. I.. , i , nro of t he i-ccrdiiiv i.i tho liornnirti ef ClenrfieM, ir, ,, ' "' Ll" " '";''fw.f'Wt '"'!'' on Mnnrlny, Juiinary l.llh, 1sf,:l. heten Iho ''"'' '". Wjo...w..li,,. W.ll-P...er, Cm vtr whi.ui the iaw. of war hmir, (lf j Mn,, fi0.t.,,ck)1.. Mii fur thn r,a nilUrur". I itihri'llv, IloiU-crrl-., Knivoi iw tlio fortifications of Washington; yet j ;"0 nu P, and oamo out w ith To. II ti i n,,l f. I i'illl t i ! ii I I itn. 1 1 ..... I ., t, , 1 1 nil r n I ,w, it n I r. , " " ' " '" '"''( . . l . ' " .-y "" hour. of I Mml B o'lleck, l'. iM lur thn f'Urp U-.i i .i . .t- t , ' , -. ,"- " .'. ....... ,, ,.1, ,,vt , ... ri,,,..i i.u (nfitci nc one rirn'm i'i ii.-i as I'rc'-.rittnt nnd Will la; seen I oil I us rot ivtiKini on t . . i ... . i . i t... n .i-, . . . . i . . i t . t. ........ . .i . " ... . . ' ' 1 ll,ir Ktron.' nrins idnlhletiefi-iiiiu.s n-o , . . , p'riii:iii"ii i , nun ) ei oe i '.nuuii'M. i noro-, ai e i.i.-en. j ma.i voie lor lllln Dill upon twelve pprsons In act as inrrtors .f mid m- Wien hiron, arm., .jn(iiiiiiiiwi,iiiiiiii , n,eonl tvU,. ,(, c(uiUni,1s ,i,,,t too c Coin n- fM.osc.l it. unl with a f..rco that.1 that ihcoiv. and nw.n thutfih.ne: lor Pny fur the cnnniiur vver. . K. llAItltKTT. much needed on the "on to Kichmaod'' loutc 'I his unnatural allianco of light with dakness is now bein; realized by the pro' plo of tho United State.. Tho over-zealous an I radical rosW Christian graKps the hiinJ of theavowed Abolition Infidel, anil have devoted their time nml talents pl.-i'X) in three of tho grand corps while no l'.l.tok K Ulilil'llll tho iper ovei' eijuallci 7 n4 tthttifu .7' I'U sunni'mq that '-c i ' -l'As, l'reiitleiit. - ' ; .- . . n... i lur.i there were nine con.s ,;n"i"-d It, is to n e op;.o-'.i ti... r.rr N-ee.fion. Acv .-; t.--,if r.na the i,.-Mtn jor . i ii.., , , ; 1 liatik (tod, vvo did so. V o nuw 1 hen , as ' pr,'m-d;i:.j. , -r fri'.St'. N'tnil'l' T!, i.un.,-,. be pretunied that heso wero i-iniiied out. i i ,, , ii . . ..'; , ; . , -,;- -, I ' " 1 1 - rh"1 lollnninp na- 1 lo.ulv a-i now, lhat 107 could rot ;)r,t, -tC "J his till; or rro.,r the I nhjr n.i t tin.s- Jj mcd ppri-ons havo filed in the offi.-o f the oecause of the excessive seventy of their St.Cos(.ion but that it would, to the ox lent 1 11W.T the Cmslitut.rn at it i, u one 0 the n't-: CloA of tlw Court of Quartci- S.s-ioni of cienr- loss- Yet Gen. iTurnside's evidence is " which itroubl va.rerretmite JHsvtvon. ltHrJUifs u-hich I have httird ttyeuted until I, fil,l county, (ht-ir l'oli ions ninl HudiIh for Li .ihiml U o at m. ' i. ''' ';, if .1 vi1 k.V J J- ..- u ; Xt :C(i'T''l-;i; L.'itUN MACKKKKL TI-.A l-l.OCU SHAD 'M'UAU SALT SALMON KICK CANIiLKS COnT'lSK i.MuLAS.sr.s WINDS II I'd! IM NO iTin-waro, Ciluss-wiwo, Yoj(ll'n-tv.n(,, i Statiuiimy, At1., i:f. irpei., ou v. Iir,.,..ti I.n-iliinj ()l, 1, nu CmI Kcrks, Si.oon. Crooks. Stuvo l.tie-l.-iiL'. All of wbidi will bo sold on the mint rt ii.tciuil'l-) tcrrai, nd the Mlie-it mnrket priia p. .id f- r Orin. Wool, Shipiiinj; Pura uui ull Vinil.t of counirj produce, jft'T. l'.l, lSl'J- JOsKiTl ""li. M'il Tl! li'lT- LT- 'Ja t5i Iti '1 B AM) DKMJ'Al IX IJ'MVJJ, that "everv man" mas under artillerv fire lno ''oak, t'ld ineniiiers ol Lincoln's Ca'i-Wkk; ( com,-o'car -. M. inn inton can : ' "rj " " '7 .-oi"ions next, Bfrrcouuia to , . T 1 11 1 . , , m T Zn ,? , ' inet ci!li.r .w Iho naiiio, rr ol0 tLey never be restored m it t'i. There ro h; f of ASl,l.r of M.rcb IS.h. ISM, en.i--N ew VaMlUigtoa. - .c:u field ( cm, ly, I nnd ull but one corps enRa-.od with tho ,. j , J manv thin which render f...eh an event ' .' . At .0 regulate , ho fal. of In.xic,.ting IVcemler. 3rd. 1n'- ly infantry. Hut if wo como nearer homo,. What is to ba dono then ? Are we k.,. impossible,." Tu -Union shall never with my )' ' ' TAVEBX LICPN-sp ' rtiVsri . i. ir a7 rv s, ' 7t nnd sinclo vout a rartioular regiment, or to recounizo tho indi-i eio euro of the . berettondMrnier tht LfinsUMtnnasiti. t.i.- n-n.. .. ' ' ., , ...t.cri . . .... .,, , Mr Unnrpm ltwn.l.;h k J It F r T UPM 11 P tiD 10 ,11 M'! H 111" l"' " iM making a common cfl'ort to destroy, ivhilo tiioy fo cn:;ei ly seek to build up Ke-1 poin.,n!,y whose number it accurately oulhem .Sistca ? Thoy are independent, j ki.oivn, and the statements c r whoso loss. " , "'" ; " "- ."'. . i ' , ,. , , , are so ltWii', by tho very (i.nMitiition oi e are known to t.e iciianie, wc naie sun the old Union. They are so, in fact-all stronger corohorntive proof that the olli- except (la( Mary lund, Icy,, I Missouri, end cial reports arc deceptive-that they do 'w Kentucky. If the- ' JVritii.li iicro to , , . ,, lake and hold New oi k ei'y, it would not not tell Hi 9 holo truth. ,,.t,nv ,i. c.,.t ,.r ,i. ;., i' . .... i r ' '- " " in I't-uu.-'lici' o: ho &ite of Ne v York. IVv aro liar- lig ion and liberty. Tcnsiu Ur. The great novel expedi tion filled out under that retreating hero, Geo. Hunks, hi.s turnod up ul New Or loins, without injury toanvono in partic- ulur, exwpt ric-kujune Hutler, untlhis! nlunilorer. lUulcr hat beon telievod of ! Lis oomutitl, und m otdered to rrport lo Wafch'i'iyton to tiva iti-wariUhip. fctsTho I.egisliluro of lVnniylvanin rjssed. 7 hv niilTi.p in toll- riK'a bt.ila P..,t ti ,, . Il. L . ...-I'. ... ' v l i in. A' . . Mt nccontit of Iii)!111 iwivinuip i nairmourj; on luesua they are mde pendent .V;'-m-thos Sutes n?xt. , of the South. t .1 t ) u itn shivery ro oe prot, cm uy u. fleorjre KDarr, Jr., This is undisguised Abolitionism. 'John Kline, Thad. Stevens is what may bo termed hd 1 1ao P. Camnn, honest traitor. Ilo studies no eoncealnpent Jm" Ulontu, of liis or i osil inn to t ho Cnmi i. m i inn owl : T. 1 . llualich ih.. rni.m. but linldlv nn,l niit,l Ianlol IJil.lu, ? Union, but boldly and operdy ta ZXZ! Uk ,.;"""."' ' " mo Oeorge N. Colhurn, leader ol the ad lui'.nist ration in Ihe Houso Iraao Riekett, w T , 01 MERCANTl I.K LICENSE. a ooii Or KOKRi lownnrnp. Brndy townnhip. Uurntiide tnwRjIn'p. IVoodward towniliij. Plooiu toisi.nUip. Di eatur tcwni-ltip. Ileeatnr townsbip. Jordan towimhip. Clearfield hor. ui'li. liercsria tnvriifhip. i t i , . . iin.itt.i.iiii,r, i.iui-..sr.. ys nrl Mt a.is, who it supposed to bn .. . mfidontial fri.id of tie Vr.,dent. A ' F, h y, her in Lawrence townhiii , iihnut the ITt'i ,'0T, 1 emher nl. Tlio owni't ia ri'iiictti'd to e"mc ' ward in, vo pi',perly fay cliiirea and l'-' I1" 'away or bo ill be rlifpoiud of iiceonliui; to l"1 Die. 10, l6t.12-.St. AMOS LA. S rit AY HLill' KliH.-Came to fue pri-mii-eatif the mltiirrilcr in liriiliam lowiwlap-1 Sopteiuber hint, a YOTNU HEIrl'IiK. in" ' to he about IS month", old. The ottiwr it ed to roLi.e forward, prove property, 1 nY '",r? 1 ic, Muepvi.e rite, will be di-ro.-d of '"' ilu"l. Jt'll. "" flrahnm ip., Dee, IT,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers