U ft , . .'. r , rV i D. W. MOORE. I p,i4n 0. B OOODLANDER. J Kait0" vol. xxxiii. whom: no mj PRINCIPLES, not MEN. TERMS-SI 23 per Annum, if paid in advance NT.WSKMKSV()L III. NO Stt CLKAKKIKM), 1'A WKDXFJSDAY, DKC. 31, I HG'i. 7w ,tf(( oeirn. urn-:, i m.r.Mi'.v iui:! lrinn th CrUia, Ohio. Krd.iiicn, urine, if ill j n n drop Of palrintie Llufl flown in ,T'"" veini j It mill nun .purk of frocil'iia'a in, I'piin y.iur trim yet muiiin. V ill yp uliiinl lionoly by itnii to V.jur 'hrnil ' ' ' nr tyrant's chain ? II tut-.h tt. in in ojr Und may bu Tlcn liuvu ' ur I .lii'Tj iliii'l tu viu! Ahm ! fi.r frQ'lun 'jj her oi,s M iir-t lin'Cr in u Icl'i.i'n cell. '.r during tu u-n-tt the righu Fur xhirh imr father!' f.njrlit ami Ml. And have, they luiiM "ur Ka::l.i' winus To imerp llim'li.'iivni's brmul arch in vain, llrt'i.ro xiHiin iiiiuhty puwerlo bruiR Tlio.i) hi'tors I'rnui their gruvui iijjiiin? Tiny wmil.t on h trnit'.r's spirit grieve, ll.iw wnul.l t-.-ifh cowir'tV eye prow dim, If cnlioin on Hit' mdlen gid'. Thr" cn 'iii the living voi"e ef 1'iin V.'lii. I, miner wavd o'er Hunker's height ! W Irate voire raiiKlreu nil Moimn'tith pliiin--. ; Hint los fpirif, power Mid might. Might guidd uur u;i tim 'f helm again 1.4 this the nnl.le 01U'. n ar l. I tli's the gunl.'ii of the free, mi.titli." 1' weiiry aileat toil, A hie i.flvpK'i"! luwry ? Jtonetilli I'm- ttnuntiy's llutf t f light, If such lull I ho the pntrint'd ibmin, Hint nut fin J ?'nr ofjlurv br'gb', AnJ chuin her Knle t tho tuiub. If frnm 'he Detr.i.i'mt'i fair miika. llir u 'le.-t imift thin ho tirn, nnnhull tho luM do.-p:iri" cry (If I'ri'eil'.m (ill Iho wiuila he hiirno. Ami wo (.hull cei a 'lefr ntV fla, M ir iligah: vo nur father's I mes. Ami Heel a reviiluliuu'f fire, Tn iui ily nur l'allun '.hmueS A Il.tri v Woman. Is she not the very sparkle ut'.d suruhine of lil'e? A woman who is happy Xm-ri-C she can't help it whose tmiles even the coldest sj rinkle of misfortune cannot darn pen. Men make a terrible tnistako when thfy marry for beauty, for talenla, or style. Tim sweet est w ives pre those ho posscps the magic secret of being contented under soy cir eumstai'ces. Jiieh or poor, high or low, it makes no difference ; tho bright little fountain of joy bubbles up just as musi cally in their hearts. Do they live in a log cabin, the lire letips Up on its humble hearth becomes brighter than the gilded chandeliers in n Alladin pahce. Were tb" bleum of life fo datk and unpropiv t ious t! at thu mnshine of a happy fare f d'tte; on the tui bin tide would not awa k. nun answering gleam. Why, these joj oils temj ered people don't kt-ow half tho good the) do. fca7"A con nl ry girl desirous cf rant l imony received l'r u her inistresH a J0 bill as her marriage gift. Jlcr mistress desired to see the object cd Susan's favor. and a dimu.iitive fellow, swai'lhy ti1 a .Moor and us uly u an ape, niadii' liis :ipcaaix.e. " ( h, Susan '."said her niiMrcss.-'how small l' av hat a slrungo choice you have innde !" "La, ma'am !" answered Sue, "in Pilch hard times as these, when all the tall and handsome fellows are oil to the war, what more than this could, you expect f r twenty dollars." ffrtf-A wretched editor, who hasn't a wife to take care of him, went the other night to a ladicR' fair, lie says he saw there 'an article which he fain would call i is own hut it was not for sale.' Jle declares thnt since that liieht ho has been 'wrapturously wretched.' .s the article was bound be,, iv tho suni.osition is that it was cither a girl or a keg of whiskey. B-v-V.oan Swift was once called up rin to dolivcr a charity sermon. Ta- kini? tho lmhiit, he delivered the fol lowini, and sat down : "Jle that giv- cth to the poor lendeth to the Lord. "Ifyou like Iho sccurit-, down with the dust." The result was an unpre cedented subscription. St-A ublin journal observes that a htu.dhill announcing a puUio meet- mil; in nun i 1 1 t l;lH.,, Willi .'Viiiu -alitv tl,.,t 1 1,., ,.;.l,o. less liot.. iMit,inu invinn ii niu. '1 I "aro invited to 'at-1 distinction of spa, tend. jetf-What a good lesson the oid ma tron t.nieht to children, when she sain -"t'hi'.'ren. vou may have anythir.c you want, but you inusn I want any thing yu can't have.''' 'j"Sninc ardent uevoieis u iruue would go to hell itself if they could gel bargains there There rirst salu- i tation 'on meeting with tho devil would ho, "Well old boy, how f ml-. pher t" ri?-An ld sailor nnding a corKcu r. I. I. . I hnttlo flnnfinrr on MiO Sen. Opened it, with the soliloquy, 'Hum I hope ; gin time a doien ca or more mil have pas I think ; tracts, by jiugo I' and threw ed into the. other wor'.d for examination ! it back into tho wat'tT. I They were probably off to Washington , .. c ii n having a good time; they never work terlf every word men niter fell to """'fe fc 1 tho ground and grew up a blade of hut three or four hours a day. 1 heard a grass, most public speeches would be gentleman telling a momher of Congress M-crth ten timeb as much an they now from Ohio who was there, that ho had arc. ijust found Iwo men from that Slate who kirrroiuissory notes Tuning tho wer never mustered in! They enlisted, fiddle beforo the performance begins, but were rejected cn exumination and Cnrrcpoti'lenco of tho Philadelphia Hullotin. Horrors of the Convalescent Camp. Wasiiinuton, Siilunlay Tap, Dec. l.'i. I have just rotumoil from tho no-railed jConvalm'ont Camp at Aloxandrin, Imviri" njipnttbo day in prnirli of sick lVnn.syl vnnin eoldicrs. Aloro than cvrr do I rr aliza somolliing of 'inun'tt inhtitnnnity to niaii.' Yon may have h'nrd u gnoil diil abuui the ulniM's In thai camp ; but the half lm.i not lieon told you. The lrc.it i merit and condition of some of its inmates nonio of its iot ims is positively shock-, inc. (ining- cut from Alexandria, I passed tho notrinus slave pen of Trice, liiroh & Co., dealers in Slaves.' 1 conjured up all sorU of horrot". inside) of those liiph brick walls in dnv pi!ie by. 1 imagined, or tried tn, soniothiii of tho crushed spirit? and bleed, in" heart and the physical torture of tho thousandsof human beings, oldaiid young, j be Ind. a dozen examining boauls. ct knocked off to the highest bidder in the , slow as they are, the papcu will bu gona souls and bodies of men, women und ehiK I tivo or three weeks to Washington for apN 'lien in lhat dtrk, dirty prison place. Hut iproval. They should examino every iuaii coming I ack bv it after one day's visit to at once ; il he is down sick, send him to a that camp in tho mud, after looking int.) j hospital : if well, to his regiment ; if in tho wan, fpiritlcss, pitiful faces of tho j curable, discharge him. Send them oil thousands there, who have hoped again st somewhere, anyv here, but for God's sake, hope, till a'l coui igf is lost, :md seeing , don't keep them there to die by inches. where they eat, mm si ep, ami live, or ras , ther die by inches, in the filth, t nd ver. min, and mire of that hue provokingly ( nicknamed a 'frmWl Canp, 1 con-1 eluded that tho old slave pen of io many ;c'.ual and imaginary horror?, wouid be a iv voted luxury to many of tho leave, j good-hearted fellows on the hill And so' it would. I n the first place, the whole bleak, bar- re n hill on which the camp is located is this day covered in many places with sticky mud, when wo have had no nwn for a week. In stormy times one can't atl 10 go ill HiiMe iim-, ui cini r,ri, . ... ....l.l.. .!... ... f.f.n I'he S.bh-v tents arf huddled 'ogether without floors or straw. I 'itch the soil its you wiil and it is damp if not soaking wet. This is the convalescent's bed. If ho lias a blanket, which isn't always the ca c, that i- nis coveneg. (lis luel he luings on his back two or threw miles, having to I tike the limbs cut last winter at that point. I saw at least a dozen cariying their bun- dies of slicks thus to day, like ihoold nun in the child story, who was met oy Uca Mi on the way. And yet I saw at least twcn ty cords of good dry wood piled up in camp! I asked one in charge why they did this, and he thought they didn't thought it wasn't necessary yet 1 saw it, and it is doiio every dry. Iho papers have said that several men froze to death in one cold night while thus engaged. lie said but o tie had died by his pile of sticks, and they thought he was murder ed ; one was found in the privy, but they didn't think he froze to death ! Heaven ly consolation to his friends that will be, won't it ? I asked the boys why they hud to biuk wood when there was wood in camp", They said they got part of a slick from some under oflir.cr tocook their food sometimes, and sometimes they did'nt never half enoncdi for cold weather. I asked why Ihey dil'nteuia f''U1 timber standing half a mile or mote from camp. They said thr.t it was guarded, and al(1 j,I3(urjc,( ftnd all the heart calls a ' tlli(.k. At riht angles nith this coui-e the guards bad orders to fire on a tresptm- hom,t wUh a fc,iovvitlg enthusiasm to carry j is other id six similar stom-s about the ser-lhata few of them got some rails one the M fl,lg i,lav.t,ly through the battlo 1 Sk,ne iU0 fts tbo former, and on these six cold night and a guard of soldinrs cocked Morn,( or flie i.t.neatU its starry folds, he I 5tonc,s yui ti,0 three great monoliths of an their guns and (ompelled us to abandon i,rcolll05 ,i10 fpi,-iiless, dejected, ruined , cionl workmanship. ' Th. -so three stones tlie'"' ! objects of pity, caring little, whether he1 ult.:lsU'.e in gross 1 -,i feci in leiiL'th each I saw two mer washing their shirts in a;,ivM or (llos. sir it is one of the sad.b-t 1 i.i,,. ,t.tV 0g, 1-J feet lii-h and about creek two mib-s away-the nearest good sighti of my ife. ,nd the remedy is with ' tIl,, "stnic thickness. No man knows who wasmi.g pi i.e. TisKeii ineiii l"l'J 1 .l ... .' ....1. 1 s.s nun' longed lo tho convalescent camp num.. uimliKiai.iui1'. rep.'ie.i 'no; we l.elong to.ttio vM camp i and I believe him! I heard an assists ant ttirgecn soy that a young soldier of his ward was then lying in his tent on tho ground, with a raging fever and had been L twen y hncim(i h(J hfti )0 vacant, ecu in u.e nos,.,...,. - t i . .i i :! I remarked that EUch a s,,,le f Mue 0UB,,t t0 '' eXS p0"d. ho replied, "you ran I say too much painsl the abuses here, or make them s h.vl a.s they are. Hut tve (the AwManli.) tre to oiamo ; , u ... ,, . j n we can ; wo ImvP ncJ J'ower. I tried to haveps itued t.J fee' friends who have been there sinco July, lo lC exanun, couldn't do it-siid uioro ?aswi wero out then than could le examined in three days, lie and oilier Assistants had been prohibited from examining and a spe- cial board ol three had lieer. appointed. On their door was written. '.No business done tosday nor till Monday' by which wont home. Subsequently they were tr- retted us deserters, put in there and can't get out. Col. Mclknnp, who wnn in conitimud, seemed willing and unxioua to mend tnat- lets. Ilo said bo would .shrink from no rcHponsibility or duty, but he hud not f'ull control; ho was interfered with ; ho could not compel tho surgeons to act ; mid two of them wero at lopgerliendu, each claiming to bo chief. Ilu requi-itiotis wure not promptly tilled, and if ho sent to the Quartermaster tieneral for teams, ho was told ihey hail such a nuinbcr and that was enough ; while the fact was, many cf those charged to him had been captured t'y the rebels Bomo time ago. The trouble, I think, begins with Iho doctors. .Nothing can bo dene without an oiliciul examination.and they don't exam- ine n quarter fust, enough. There should liuintred. - oi lives, i itoiun not, nave o. . n , uselessly, reckle-sly sacrificed there aire;.- j dy, and hundreds more udll bo, unle.-s CongroiS .ipplies the letaedy, for the Med cal Department won't, or it could ha e ! done so lorg ago, Then, I niistiusf, there are a set oi thieving, shiftless middlo men and under ollicialn, who oppress the soldier by their petty power and filch his food. If he wants to sell sotno articles for others his sickly appetite will relish, hieh is aceors ding to army regulations the rations ate stopped. The presumption ri that when souiiei o ai a mo. i , 1:1 t ucn a jnace us A lex" i l: . . I. - . :. . . .1. . . l . t . .. . andtia, there is a gio-s neglect of offieiid duty or thieving officials soniewhete, for : tho Government is not at fault. No sol-; jjes vvere eV(,r more bountifully furnish eJ as out s aro now. And tlo re is noto-.io j sl t-1 it: 1 o of necessity or excuse for suffer- jn(r, or even hard fare in this or any other canip so easy cf access, if el'.icials do their juty nj t10 lnPn , theirs. jt ;s j.iiit,,! rnough to see so many poor, bre-keiisspirited, crippled fellow, gather nrounj a ,))ul, who comes in to look up a f,.;,,,,, limi plead .vith tears and oilers of u tbeir four, or six, or eight months back for m,my of t)ein ,.ivll-t H cont jn ejx monlIlSi ;fl)0 woui,; ony hcp ,iiem ou( Thov iave asked, and looked and .:.., m ' th nfiel. month to he examined. They think if they have some member of Congress, or influential friend, to give in their names, they will reoeivo attention ; ' diameter and nearly ninety feet high and so they will- But alone and unaided mud of sections of stones piled one on they look upon all effort as useless. If, ihe other. they make complaint of abuses, I hoy say ; 'phe great stones of ancient art ate they are gruffly repulsed and told to mind ( f0 n o -1 at IViiilbeck in yaria. The Roman their own business'. This for men living1 ru'm there overlie the remains of a (',, -perhaps in luxury at homo, and quite sus c'.opcan age. History and tradition are perior ir. position and worth to many of sj;,-.,t as to the men w ho hewed those their petty tyrants, conies a little lough an,it!,t, remaining memories of the days on tni(. froeborn American cilizi'lis. AnJinfnl,ta Ten stones in one course, side thus t)l0 b,ave, high spirited, enthusiastic ; , ,rir)tlcniIv i0rt fnends ! the press and the people. let Iho fa set - ... I their Congressmen at work, for the can ; rcform these abuses if thev will. Remakable Works of Human Lobor Ninevah was 11 miles long, 8 wide and 4'i miles round, with a wall 100 feet high, and thick enough for three chariots ablest. Babylon "was 50 miles w iihin the walls, which were 75 feet thick and 100 feet high, with brazen gates. Tho temple , of Diannh at Hphcsus was feet lo support tho roof. It was 100 years in ' building. The largest or Ihe pyramid? was 481 feet high, and C53 feet on the sides; the base covered eleven acres. The stones are about CO feet in length and i the layers ori 20, '.t employed 3?,0,fHH; men in building. The labyrinth in Egypt : presents ruins 17 miles round, and 100 patet. Carthage was 2'J miles round. j Athens was 25 rntlos round, and contained j 359,000 citizens and 400,000 slaves. Iho temple of Delphos wa o rich in . dona- j tions that it was plundered of oO.OOO.OOd, nd Nero carried away from it two hun- dred statue. Tho walls of Rome were 13 miles round." ' - r , , , . Ve find the above paragraph going the rounds of the papers, and stop it for the purpose of correcting some or its errors It i an unfortunate fact that a vt deal cf the history and information which isgiv en to general readers who do not study authorities N of the cl.ivn contained in this paragraph pi ovsly untrue, nd nvid" up l y i-'.'nio Peit atiiMi lrcturcr ur j -1 . n i litter. I'erlnps no better illtil r :il i n can ,f iivrn than 'ny it-ten ir:: to a i ntuition or ror tauybt in nnny books And :no-t Sun- day School-, that Til us, the Koynl Impi- rial ennipioror of Jerusalem, plowed tip C fjf tbe city and sowed it. with mil. Tiiis iff.1,.l,u- ct.iy originate 1 uitliiu t!. present century, and is without Ihc s!ib'.e-t foundation intact. The stones i ,l,.rus.ileiii that n-m.iin in lhcirinici.nl ' h,t,.s to-day tdiow the utter imposibdiiy id the oreurrenee, whieh -.'as ncser be n d nl ,,y n;-.y hi-t uiau . r wi iter of earli-r titties, e lind rcpcaK d in the above para. ,,1, ;l v,,rj. ,.(u;u ainy u'.'.nit lit.- 0r i!,c , tones of tho pvami-ls of lv;vl. -j-j,,,.. ..0 c . :i, : tl) i j 1 v reported to to el ignai si.e. The writer above named j make, then! sixty feel long Tho si.e. of the stones forms no pait of the wonder i I the ;.vt .i.ii !-' There 'ire many mi c.elnrr.' in the win Id containing much I.ifg 'i ni'.n oliths, ulid modern nichilH'K Ireq'ietilly use stones larger and heavier than :my in llio pyramids. Tho larjet course ot . I.. r. N..t,r C,.,l. r..-l In,, SMOll'S III '.-ll'-"'3 "K- UIJ l'vt . . inclies in lliic.iiiess, aim me. ktotus vai ,ri ,,M ), (ro n fjur to ei rht C el. Theie . ft srny n siotlCj ;,, ti, ii. , roofing the i(S!..,.H UM J , .ha'.nler s, which aro larger, lut (ljcse ,llf. nnl ,Ml)cll ,eavier than Uie i,4 fienucntly see carried along l'.rO'.id.vny und placed (in the sidewalks iti front of new buildings as pavement, and i.l.-o roofing for the vaults under the street. Thcwond-r of the- great pyra mids is that such a vast mass of stones should bo idled up, but it is t ot to be doubted if any cue cat cd to ser.l a tew million dollars in America, a tac-sitnile o! the p) rui.iid of Cheops could be cr-cted lu,-t. tO-d.l)' jr., ,.1, eretitcr wonders are found in 'he Monolithic statues f F.gypt, ;.ud in the t.uimi,s f tho great hall of Kama!;. still the paragraph thai w hc-io is again in .moss erior when it desci d ;-s tin; imti- of Thebes as twenty, seven miles in cir cumference, and the story of a hundred gates but a passage from ancient poetry. Tne ruins of Thebes are but few in nunibci and lio in detached places two miles or so apart on one side of tho hill and about the satve on iho other side. I he mono li'.hio statues, one of which lives in tradis tion ns the vocal Memnon, ate indeed wonderful remains of tho grandeur of an. dent art, and so are nearly all tho'fhcbnn ruins. No architect of modern times would undertake to build one column ot the tweive great columns of Karnak. Ktch of these is a column tw eve feet in v'si,U.iaro each about thirty feet long, ...-. , f,.... l.i-l, and tor feet six inches bewed them and laid lh-i there. A . fvjrth stouo of the same general dituens Uirt. lies i a ouarrv a mill. distant. sions, quarry I whence it never 'vas remove doub I . . , ., ... 1 1 !.,. ,1,.,,,:. I it lias lain lucre more mini cnee niuu-- and years. ! We might con cot other crr as in the 'paragraph we have copied. Thu siego ol Ninevah and that of Babylon are merely conjectural. The story of the Mj.yptia:i labtynth is from the f'a.her of hi-lotian and some piolane people liavo n-giroe i Herodotus a a father ot talschood too, tlmcgh, it is not to be denied that modern d.scveries are doing much to establish the credit of the -.Id Greek. 'v- Jwml Commerce. gj.j- am glad this colfee dont owe aie anything," sai l Brown, a boarder at the breaklast table. ..Y,y ?'' said Smith. "Because," said Brown, "I dont believe it would ever settle 1" o iTTT.-e ,.,ed in ma- Wwf, ( JolI1 al) Jcry n!lmely, hen's cgg ftrKi nutm etgs. rfi.Vhy is a lady who bus bought a sable enpe at half price, liko nu ojli- trot her fur-low traTWhv is a kiss like a formon? 1l 4... A as A n s AY-,t.lo.. 4u l'l ,,on' (From the New lhunpshiro I'atri.-i. I BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURO. How Richmond was not Token. PFS!', Trr rimM ciix. DWSSIDE When (ten. McClellau went to York-: TO (i7.'.. 2IM.I.F.CK. town last sprine: b had ihu piomiso of, Particulars of the Engagement, ceitain fnrces for I ho capture, of Kichmnnd. I II k.m.oi aui i s Aiun- or niu 1'otomac, rpon bis all ivnl 1 efote Hie rcl i I works, December 19. J at 'oI!.lolvl be v. as inforuicd by tbu ; J'" Mijr (1,-nfTal J. If. ILiUick, General Washington mil bet it 1,-s that it large por- oi-( ' ,', I'. S. A ir.vnV.'.Vi : lion of 1 1 1 c -o to; , a-i Mi -Dowt We. corj s nml (m int!; I have tho honor to offer I'r.mMi'i't 1 1 v i -i. i . sumo I'U,''1'1, ) uould the following reasons f,,r moving the Ar not be l. , v I in j-.iti hi;, i : bat, MeDow- 1 my of the I'oioniar! across the liappahan- ell's in.i-i.-t1 weio m i,t to ic I in idleness at I-1 e.lci i, k-iiiu n. "l in- inlei ,'eri-iice w ith t l'rcsider.t, Secretary of War or yourself, his plans and diminution of his force., not j and lor crossing at a point di lb-re n t from only pn vi uie 1 l.isu li'.tu "bag:;ii:,:'' the , the one indicated to you u our lad ineet rebel army ,.t Vm l.l"wu. and liius s,-i u I ing lit t lie 1'res: lent s : ting the capture of Richmond, but e.ui-ed j During my pre par tl ion s for cro.in at all thu teri ibl.' loi-e, and Mill' l in-- jf the the place I had lir-!. . -A ' ed, I di c . red subsequent c ttiipaign. J that the enemy had thriwn a .rge portion Aitei '. at ils, in .M':y, wdien Gen. Voit- r' ' r,f his force u,i-.mi tho rive r and elsewhere, cor s marched to II. n over Court i b ai-e, ' l bus weakening his defences in front ; ami jo miles iirith ol Richmond towaiiis' l also thought I discovered timt ho did l-'i'c ii'i it ks'.is -.', if McDowell then had ! not anticipate the cro-sini; of our vho! been pel in it (oil to join him there, Rich mond could liavu been taken, and all tin I.m.-cs aii'l suiJ -i ings ol 1'ope's rctieat and the, Mar l.-.r. 1 campaign would have be:ti hvo: Ic 1. 'I iic-e are n.ie,- facts i t history, sub-lau- tia'.cd as conclti ve'y as -lull lac's can ever be ni oved . ' ien. Mct'leliau, 1 itch is the I'-limoiiy (;! cciitly given in a 'out i M artial hi W.i-iiintoti in tho case of Gen, McDowidl. In t ii.it testimony lie .-aid: "1 havi! iio doubt -aid. f r it has Cvcr been my opinion, lint '! Aran ?f 'he I'v i. -.' ,.v th ,'.V,.'ho- -. t Ihi f-r.i ,.f (,'.'!. .V-l '! v i,'-tr:itMf-n it. It is also my opinion that bad liie com mand of Hen. Mi I'of ell joined the Army of Ihc r,.:oniac i:i M.iv, by wav of Haiv vcr Court If .use It-o in I'lvdi'it -hxburj.', w.v ;-.. ,.,- h.t.l A'-VA !.... "'da .! ,-. k i'j'ia !,' j. (.;, ,,n. not bold lo-n. McDoW' eil re? pen -iVl.', in my t.iind. tor tho fail ure to, join me on t ittier oeoa-ion-" lie id-o testified that the troops for the defense of V.Viiiigton numbeic l about r-,r "i, exclusive ot Mci'o'.vi U's corps. -f t - -1. . M ! 'ii Han, in i.tw.r to certain . -n.-l i e- o. Icoi jiirt, (.--'.ve iiis npoic i; 'let I ."!; -.ui' - nun ontctit araiii.-'., 1 ettci al 'an. s was 'o, few.iU reitiforccinenl.; be-it-;: -eiit to Ihe army of the Potomac, and be c ;p.ossed that opinion to the I're-U dent in : ti legrain witLm a day of the time lie (Moi.li'lltii)) received inliiruiation of Jackson's movement. If McDowell had moved direct upon Hanover Cour'. Iloii.-c iiiotead ol in the dirrclion of Front Royal, Inck.-on would have rapidly rev traced his steps lo join the main rebel ar my ct Richmond. With a strong army of our o n in the vicinity, ond threatening it, Mci'b-Ran did not think tho rebels wocld have detached a siitiicictit force to seriously endanger the safety of Washing ton." Here is the opinion of the r.blcst mili tary commander ol the country, that but lor the withdrawal of McDowell's corp.-, Richmond would have been taken. Here is ulso his opinion thai il McDowell had been permitted to join him in May, Rich mond would have been taken within a week. 1'tit this docs not rest up n bis opinion opinion alone. Mien was .;eiowen s it.d that of the ablest command- or ol the Army ot the l oto-iiac. ucli is the ie or. led opinion of th I'l'ino de Joinviib- wlr) was with tl..- army and 'l.'.'M I l!,: li. -hni !' (' ; .'. is staled by Mr. W. II. IK then a prisoner there and I'his latter fact belt, who was had favorable opportunities o artim-' tneir vi'-ws ano fears, Now it is an e-!a'oc.-iie.l and admitted fact that Abraham Lincoln alone is re.-,, pon-ible for th!- wicked iiilerlV'ren"! with Gen. McClcllati's .1 in and for defeating Ills success; um! it is thereby prove ! that the en-l-re ,.' ;,',', n,.., I " is (:, ,A ", '.. in the space of two months, by him, This cannot now be denied. It was Abraham Lincoln v ho divided the Army of the Potomac, i.itd gave Gen. McDr.vcll a tep- tuate coinm-nd. ltw.a- ho who H-lu-edl to allow Mc I Kiwell to join McClellin, af. j terwards, when Mcl'owcil v.iola to l,im that Little Mac had reached Hanover Court House, Mid added, "For Go IV wake, Mr. President, let me join him at thij ,-iiiicai moment. it was no who ru.:r ed Mcl'oweil s leireiiT, even inter secret a - rv Stanton, bitter 's be was hptnnst Mcs CI ... I ..1 LO,, or..- In ...I. in. i,ii' t . i. ...... - i i . -, l .'. . ' .... the force in and Hrotmd Washington," saysMcCle'dati. "as double that deemed neecsar- by the oifieors." Tt ;.!'. I'rrsi- J.-nl who'liHS.in every itis'an yielded to( the political p-sure for interlerenee with, McCiellan's plans. And why did ho thus willuUy, as u .-ci nis, defeat I ts great pur. pose? As the Brovi denco V-t says, "we had K chniond at our fingers' end. W the vri-c matched away h Ahraham J.iic'n ! Wiis McDowell reeded to defend Wash- ington" N'G! Nobody believes it. We ,1,,,1't .:. A'-roh im TA-le.An k'i.rcJ at the ;' Tho truth is, it was leemed better that e should lose a thousand chances of, capturing Richmond, than that fieorg B. ' McCkllan should capture il !" ' Vance, ill Ills nsinii"ia oce'ie uc- eaiuil ' Mail a!. Gen. Mc'.'leil, in aid--' T:,e V.-j-; ed about "". our prisoners about 00'' '!, ..-; ihc n .mx'fi '. (.'' ,:l,.u"j.' U ,c.h have 1. paioleii nsd rxcunng" ' Mel), irrhl't tt.-ffimii'm." He wanted Mc-' j-,,,. fl,0t the acie nunibcr taken byu Dnwell to defend Washington, 'although' , j ...... .11 ran,n.aA ,n (u; nock sooner than was anticipated by thu foice at 1'ic'ei-icl: burg, and hoped by rapidly throwing the whole command over at that pi. ice to separate, by u igo: -ous .attack, the forces of the. eiiorr." on the i rivet- below from the forces behind and on too ciest, und ill the rear of th" town, in which case we c:rA 1 fight him with i toat a.ivtir.lat'o in our favor. To do I Lis wo had to gain a height on the "xtrctne right jl the crest, which height conic-.tided a new ro'td lady tnado by the "iieiny lor the purpos... ' ' more rapid comnunictt;-"n along his lines., uLicli point fjair .d, his position along the crest v. ould have been -cuccly fetiable, end he could It ivo been d'-iven from tiicfl -.. ily h n. .ttack ori b; front in connection i..i.u u movement in the i r of the crest. !lnv ic ir we came to nec-.midishingonr i'b;cct future reports wi'l saow. But for tho foiand CM-it.ocled and unavoidable deiaV of b.ol llttg 'be bridges, which gave) the enemy twentysf.-ur ho-n-s moro to c .t-.C'titr.'.' bis f'-rcej in his strong jiosi t:er . we ouM certainly have succeeded, in which ' a--r t)p battlo -.-'.'ill I have br-ia, in my opinion, far rjor- decMve than if we had crosred at the plac .'eotod ; as it -a, we canto very near succ. . Failing in accotnt hshing thti main ob ject, wo lemained in order ol ij.i'.tlo two days, long enough to dec'de that the one--my would not come out of his strongholds to fight us with his infc.ntiy, after which we rccro'scd to this side cf he river tin. mole.ded, without tho los3 of men or property. As tho day broke our long linea of troops weie seen launching to their dif ferent positions as it' going on parade. Not the least demoralization or disorgani ization exist".. To tho brave ofli vrs and soldiers who accomplish! d the feat of thus recrossing in Ihe face of tho enemy, I owo everything. For the failure in tiio attack I am respon sible, as the extreme gallantry, courage and endurance shuwn by them was never excelled, and would have carried the points bad it been po.--iblo. T.i the families and friends of thu dead lean only offer my heartfelt sympathy, but for the wounded I can olfer my earn est pray eis for their comfort and final re covery. Tho fact that I de tided to move from Wa.-hington on to litis line ralh.'r ajains! the opinion of i ho President, S. .tary. and yourself, and tint you have 1 i the whoh) li!ovetn"ni. in t;;y hands .about giving me orders, makes mo the .io;e re s onsiblo. I will visit yon very sici) an I i:lv, you more definite inl'ortnati r , an 1 fioih wil send i on my di't.dlud iij ' rt, in 1 i. o s pecial ackiiuw ledgiiH lit ivdl be m ide u'. the c-ervVc-of the t.'iffercnt gt.o: I divi ions, corps, and my general and pacsona' stall' depai tments of tho Army of tho Bo : ton, tic, (o whom I am much ir. 1 htod f.v t'leir s'ippoit and hearty c i-o-.-; dim. I will a libera thai ihu movement w., made carii'T than yon oype.'ted , and a! tcr the l'resident, S.!.-t-ctaiy and yourse' requested me not to bo In haste, fir th. ( ,.,,..,, t,.l( we wore supplied much soon 1 pj. the dill'erent btafl'departmenis tliai. was auticii .led when I last taw ' 'UI K lo I anionill, lo 1.IJ-, in.: . I . . . 1 I W .... .. ;nd . , , ' tho river bfor- tb - .acuatioi' mid are being w ell car'"' Ihodea. vcre !t'l l.iticd under a flag of truco. jr.,Hi,l)!, ,ciort a much more lar lorlion of w-ounds 1(C.- h I i f . , ' ""'.V bcins trealc I in the I- i-piu s. I am g'-d tc -.ep-es-nt the army at th present torn t.i ; oo.i condition, t'ur.ki" the governn "ul for that entire suppon and cot-'i ' r.ce which i br. i 'ways e (eivedl. :u them. I rem u, General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, A. E. BURNSIDE. Msj. Gen. Com'g. Army cf (berotoma