Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 24, 1862, Image 1
V If . t ... ' WVi??m?T)'-Ti t Editor. r.L:i.c;ri.;:3. not rr.:;. TEPtriS- Cl 25 rcr .Hir. r.!, if ri.l in r r.i c;i;ii:s-V(ii . ui.-no i,i VOL. XXXIll. WIIOI.K NO 173L cu:.u;i i;.n vr.i.T,-iy. ni;c. n, i:rj. Oil i " j THE WAB HEWS. DETAII S OF THE D TTL3 OF Tin: hattu: uf sa'iThday. Fitriismi khdi::.,;. Ya., Pit 1! 1 -02. Th" occuj ..lion ni' Fi edd cksbin " li : v -Sup In fii milti'j-s ful'y nconnip!ii-hcl, llie next ninvi' wax 1" drive lh" rebels Iroui Iticir ! i-frittliulil4 in the rear of !',e ei'y. iiii'-s o tlm rebels, ivtiieli i-xte'idcd in tho form of am ine circle from Fort It v U1 lO II J'llllll llboi.ll hix Utile llbl'V" fled- ei ii-ksl:lJ:,, w eie Mronply fortified und jit in . c '! I v 'a i ill i fit "oT i.'.yh Slum' wiill .! a. k on rriMijiii ii l..ei!"hl w i ' i . x i i.-.iinj: port I.ojul l'i 'luiuncy's Sn. I, i ii ( :i h '.Ml inn u tiiO Ilicli'uolid and Fredericksburg I, ill road) ; Gen. jLuhl! x'rcei lhe comic, ex'-endm;; to tin- t t . pruph read, uml (ii'iii"'iiU I.eo i ml Smart I'll' liTl, e-l cil' MiisMipnuex crock, Willi" Gen. A. P. Ili'Ta cur; aote.l us a ivi-rve i.i'i ' ri-av.iii l'i."' 'k:c-.:;i.vhi lln- U'U ivus bcc.iii-o li" ouiM he mi liH l'imiiI ni;ii!;s: Si.'I. li' I iiri'ii I cm wttv '( Ci!j('i'?. ,1 l1,n:ll.1.,lr .,. t 'PI .-. .-... I . r . I t 4 . .... ' " ' 1 iihik.i: ni ..LU men and ii"im- i"l Aiiiiiiltif noi !.- ili:ui U't'D'.y i.::t' ' ". llf I'lmjis Wei" !'i)7' llfl".il in t nil Vl'tC- iii:i avIiii-IiihI 1'i'iij.lit l litduli uli (hi-' I'lllli.ijJII, uliiit? tlit (lII)Cl'l i V.'eltf t:.i-iii.ii'.-t Uiv .Si'utl:' C'liiil j; li. i.l J cc. it :in iki iiii'jii Miii ruy w: ImJ to cjdU'iiJ i;!i, I firs-mi j uu. 'J lx" iln-iiiiioii of id" Union f.rf"t no ciipied llic wliol ot'Fiiiliv fiiyli. Mini Sit it i lay inoi niiijf, ni:d. an ("mi.'ihI lluiti k b : i:imh In rifiiiiiii'iii'n lli mi"k at n I'uiiv hii hour iiTi-KihU', tlirrei- not miH'h Lliaiioti lor tl." ti.0 to rel ll rin-i'K'i-,. A (t"V ft rn'.n.W s, it in Inn, tit iYi:i"il to mi.' ;k HWjy 1 'r th" UU nir ol Jii'.liifriiig ; lint llif fii-fiit Inttsfc oi I he Moid ii-rs wt'i'i' cuii.laotiy uinlrr rtns. !i.t) l!ui n-idi' w .i in I !. cily "uii niht, (leisoti Ri!y'riin'cli !li Uoi.r; iind ili.ooliti tlu'ir inovt'iut nii. It wj uirn"d that Giii.m.iI l'i iiiiklin's oorjii whoiilj croMi llie river two mi It's bh the city, hiiIi tln v'u'w of luriiinj: tlio i iin'iiyV po-iiinn on I'-aionux creek, while Hooker would viigivjie the i'"h"is ncurrr tin- cuntm, and Snuiot-r would turn th"ir riplil. My llii. uiruiigiMiii'iil it will h" i-reii tlmt Frniiklin wts ojipoMt'd to .Sioncvvidl Ja'ksOii, wliile llookt-r mid Sunnier attacked th ecu ire and lo! t of the rebels undir Longistreet hnd Leo. The even'.ful morning Chiu", nd with it a dense lo, winch obscured the move nienNot the eneiuy. 1 lio Imltoo uot' nil l'.i-t lu tore u nvliiiil, bet, in con-ij queue" of Iho log no (ilj-erHtioo could be hid. However, the di-poMtion ( f the U liioii loices hd been tuikdu, and (Je'imal Jlurn-id" di'terniined to CJiUUieuca ojicr ion, f j or no f.g. the t.trT. Frnnkli.) moved h:? column, consistinj; ! of the i iit and ixth rorps, jitst belore 'ii rixc, hi riyht rcsiiuc on ihe outskirts , of the his centie Hdvimccd a niilc or, no from tlio river, and bis hi ft res'itn: on j the Kappaliar.ncck about three miles be- 1 iiv. ...kiiiiii'ltitii.' cammenred a few ules alter davlmhl on the cxtit'tii" lef'. i A rebel l-attcry ripened on our 1 r jisj.s. ai d the fire became po at.nov" iiit't!o't the Ninth irimcnt is'cw York Stale Militia weie ordered to charge and take the CHiinnr. at i lie point of the bayou'.. Th cider was obeyed .villi alacrity, but hfier a liercn FlriiY'le th" chin jtini: party were compii led i, i hill bark. At this critical moment (b nolid Tvh'f, perceii ire the disorder into w hich li.e N'.n'li New York were thrown, cinie lo their aid with a bri .ide. The N mill w i e (pin. k ry rallied, and, hs ri-!e(i by Tvb r's bri" ide, lino' her id lempt whs made to storm t .ie i el.d batlv i"s, but n ii I. out Euc.v.s-. The ti. lit ?.. becamo ,r- nei'ii on the extreme left, and another dcfpi inie elb" t was tuitdi. to capture ll.o iebt-1 ba'.liiry by (ieiieral TylrV briuade ; bi.t tin- tin- of the rebels r.i.s -o withering in i'.d elii't'l that our brave lellovvs were to ci. in any iKivanti.L'e. cbrt-e thinned tiie ranks at a tearful rale, r.i.d the elomee of nnij! that tniieii coveted h.'ie y appea'ed no better I Inn. at fir-l. 1,'y noon the whole nf F.-iukliii's corps was cnaiod viih Ihe enemy, and a d-sppiat olbiil was mad'! in tun. Ihe en- emy's poMiion ,o: t c M.issaponax and ). ive hpo bej end ihe la-eek. ien. Frank- lin eoir.ieiiioie I the luoveiiieiit in person, tun) handled hit iiaofw with leni.u xul Ie iudmnenl. 'i he rebels mutnlai'ie 1 pus- n ol MimeM'iiail hiljsuilh Iheirii-ilal st ul jblaw lilies, but TH lindly fill back at the' Union traop" en ,ced a d.eei ni.i at ion firt d. I 'in inr :hc ;ilicnoou the rebel j ciine to n siain.l. tin', lor a lime a- .imed-tlie fl'ei.Kive ; iutaslt.ey advan ci'.U to .mi'..t, o" (bey ." ere brm.-lv niet and',1 wilh heavy loss. It was at this tune (nut ..ii- thre hundred of Hill's command lei! into our hands and wete conducted in the. rear im iui,nuers. Null the oneiiiy caiitest..-d evere foot of tho proaitd. and it ws by dint of (he erv s ep. Tin ie;n;oroem.)iiii bavins hardest kind of fichtinj' tha' be could be arrived, und the line of aauit beir.i caioja-lie . ' leliiii "'. hisposiUoti. ai:ain iormed. the o d-r "iMuble. .rpiuk, It was duiinu the hiat of thus enniiL'n. i with lixed bavon.-ls ! ' wu. piven.-nnd once mcnt thai the ' illimt U.iyard was motpd. ; iu re Hip co'lumu advi'iiccd to di;hid,!e ly ! .vr.'uiided. J!e was couvcr-ing wilh , the arlillerv. i , ,,-, Franklin, when a cannon ball struck . From l.e lim.i the jlovnliiif! parly lef biiu in Ihe hip und threw him clean out the ravine up lo the time ihey reached of the saddle. Poor iiayaid, lie never the foot of the hills they were exposed lo dreamt of (Tinner in the thickest of the the hottest fire of tho eneinv. 'Ihe co.n buttle, mi'l never lot. his courage, even ceniraied lite ol LeeV artillery and infant when hii. leg was aopulnted. The Rurs ' ry ra'uid'. upon I heir devoted" beads in, ft peiiu fay that b cannot survive ninny manner truly ttrrifid No troops, howev days, and that the operation they have er disciplined and brave, oouhl w'lthstiuid I'lu'foniHiJ can only ju olong hi ng-itiy a the hock, and after surlerinit terr.blv our short while. Inl 1 am digresiin; from soldiers were thrown into "(linr pr rod tuiiin fuel. ; brought to a sudden halt. At this junci. ' Tim obstinacy with which tho rebels ure the centra ef the column give way held possession of their ground rendered and fled in distuay, but they were aficr ( Franklin's task very difficult wards rallied and brought back. A fee one indued. He had to cope wilh Stono-; end aud third attempt . made to lis llJackson und the veteran of Cedar lodge the rebel artilloi isi, but in rain, -Mountain, Bull run and Antietaui troopj. and at Mch atlooipt Ihe ranks of the ii ho!)-! :h h'i' i h"i o Iv. hi id weie not lo l" m i i f 1 1 1 1 -Hence the tn-U ol iilioiii tlie ici . i-' io ilion on lii" M s -iij.i ,n.-i. ivn no ,,, i,in,i . one. Si 1 1 1 tlie L' 1 1 i i : t"':i. .'iiidcr rt.ii in; di;.:fiurii;;i"l ; I..- i.uil dnve i Ihn oiieiny b'jek M'lclid I'.imk ill.d Wis il" crminrd t' drive lheiii bnilur. Old Slone'.' ull had met bin mutch thin tiu.e, and, notwith .tiiiiding his tvo'iim iviilj llieir u?U;d bravery, they ivero fiadually ,u, li ed sout li win d. At nin low n K'ji n Mm liud flueceedeii in ilrivinjr llie enemy niirly n loile, oild li:-" lro.)() oci:ii.ud the lield du rii'lhe reiiiHiiiih'i' of the ii.l.l. The i.iovenient mi the iWt was u oinnletv stu: cu,. iillhoiili lo-iiiorrow i. reijuii cd lo tiiiirliinu uj ihe joh. Tlo casualiiies on bo,; li i-ides were ery nuiijeroux, n-. .tiie li.t ol ilie killed li it 1 wnundid which ! 1 i Inive liiiavi-rih-d lo von will show. Jieynohis' coriH u ivanci cl ere the uerfe eit- .inn ii.ieu ii-. i, .idiii !i,o iivi r li;.in, and abi ut hl!:e o elm w ihe cnen y i n faiilry ivi re ciU'ae'Ml. 1 l,e r.i .jii.-: till cl Inn! !'in !v ' t to Husk when 111 rebel 11 r i Uma' c: )Mitiif'ii"i'il niacin- ni.,..i i U- llnou'di (he f"L'. 'I lie. shots were nil ! ""'" '"' mm .,"eicr, ami pu ncca JUL I1.1JC .l'C .1111 tl llM-UrillU LH" Vlt n i.C.otiru. II e.l til" l ob.' lilt i tl t-i t -1 s kept : '. i 1 !. II' I.L. i Ml . . C I .'1 i'. VI ... . i :U )".. 1 ::ter J '.'.'i nil I'.ilO.ijh tn 1 he. flh'C'. Viti leili' .'y f.lbliint. Ti ai.'. t . ii t j , ,e 1 clui tied by cur bil t"i r -a in '.illaii t !ile,aini for bouis ii',ib,iis; hill lnu r-.uf i .1 iribiorv coui i be heard on i II i i lcs l p to iio.m, when lb" in ; i le I -;1 aid l be I all-ioi lis', k v. ci e i n ibb.'-l to j;.'! a jjh.f; e il ilia t i.eii.v's work.-,, tho iiiht h.imi tilleiy one, .'iivl pi.-i'l'ii't! i'e ot 11." V"i'.' nil- pt'l tuut rexu. I on either S.l'Je. As soon s I tl.esuiisbine Mi iyicd itstlf, howevrr. lie j li.fnilrv wine br.ieaht into p! n uml tho 1 vim i k coii'tnenci I,. io,.l ......... t i :.,....p. i ni Mend Htnl (Jibbon's diviiotn ericoini- lered the ricbt of' iiL'iii.'...l"A. V. ldl' c niiniainl and IaniMre.-k's venruin. The iuht r.tjied lu' iim-lv ilurini; th en- i tiri dav, and our liojps siilleie l teiribly I iv,.... ii... ..i.ib..,, 'l'i... lll'UI lull 111.., w ... I..' ... . II" " ....'..J wire healed beliind hillj of "rent t.;reni!ll.. and nt onetime it seem, d impo-Mble t'o : 'H .ndvni'ft d fot t he ptirpo-e ,, -ofifiri; li.-Kvlyf Ihetn. About noun (Jen. (Jlbhon J Ibe oneinv' pnsinon on tbe hill wui relieved by jfii, Foubleilay'b iotu' r'enj ol ieioi , the t roono maicbed M.-ad-intuid. tien. Mc.d, who was figiaili;': V- ' i'.V ln "i'hiii inn ket k o of ihe bio pii'iorodds. was al-o citd". ioed by iieil. ' : but u innidi ioux liii from ','ne .'.tonem..n's c.'unniaiid, which bud "lii" :'-' rebel riflemen, added lo lb" fury nfib" feet ol check in-.' tbe .'ibe.s and di .vintf ; caii.ioiia,b, rompclli- it our ti,n to f ill them baek i. short diMi.nco. 1 iwx in l he ( back w il li Iieaiy b -, , 'f'ii? Alter :pt lo tiiidft of this strirele tliat'lei or!iibb' n carry ihe rebel bi:t,ii,- wis !e;...'iien was wouiidc l and pni lially di'.iphnl. lie ! ir. in the iif;enonii. and the nnaekinir kept tho field, imwever, dut itii! tin) re-'party. i-t'"r,lv reinfi'ieed, stinted nntbe mainder of the day, and won inmiv Uur- Jul by his btilliiin. cond.iit. lien. Met I.l . ' r I Lin' .'ndoi'xtMiirnt, ol 1 1 . fibril 's d i!-h and u- ! bililv bus been In Iv oihh out bv tb" re null of th" dayV fighting. Durirgtli nt'- I. .run ,11 1 n NeuKiiiV (bvixoim :ll IIIOVI il upt) the left of tin cei.tie, ivhen the hni'L'. which had cease 1 in th il a t of thn held, bioke out nif.ii n wilh redoubled ! t 1 r - Uur troop, w;. ik here ex."'."l t a ,!mi,,;np (jro from 'the eneinv's uiinieiy, wllt,n wu s .,ost,., on the iu hdiborinj; hills, c,,. .. Sl, r. ,:,,. ,). l.'iiiiir hldie.s WP1-,, .,.,j-e'l to a d-sti uctivo lire. "Our M ., ji,.,y returned tbe fire ith d.-udly ef j;. U1(( imlUorbili.ed I iicuix'e'iv'ei I y their uccuritcy of aim ai.'l unavniijf'couig. . . .. . . Consist in of thcSeiet.lh mid Ninth cm p?, uni'cr Hen Sumiit r, eni nod imperishable honors, mid, as the ll-t of the kiiledand wounded will testify, lie htiire'i) were .von at a fearful co-l. Tbe action on the l iidit commeni'isd ahom ten o'clock and , e I lunnusly all .lay. lun". , l HQ enemy "ccupie'l Ihe woo.l-ami. hills in tneuetr (d ihe ei'y. and in point, ol ndi'aulic!" the bild- er" d"Cid"d!viin' favor. Jh" r.iur.irre .f the Union trnp wa- i.ili'.in.iN cl, however, and avery iueii of t u" li o and u us hnl Iv oonie.-ted , It e.i b"C i"ie e i- dent lln.i the lir-t rtd:"of lii U on which 1 he e'i"mv were po-'.-d h 'hind fin thworks Could not be can ied except at toe tni..t,oi' the I'ay.iiKt, and ucci dinj;!v; tieneriil Sumner oiih-uod F.oiich's divixioi to eh ircH upon lae leu le. ies. U."iieral ll".v ar.l's divtsi ui ae;e I a- a nupport, and tho 'loops .plan? forward, to ahoy the order with niucli ent!ii:si,-iii. ' this Hni" 'he alui'.sphere wis clear, except Iron. Ihe nnnk. ot urtil'.eivi and ,i ood virwv 0"ul'H be hid of t ht. rebels po-ition and the conn-I liy iidj..iinni.'. 1 1 was .a grand night to sen I the dooied I'ol.tmu . ' Stckiiii tin. Imlililo rcieu.itioa e'i n t tho can- uim's nvrjih. . , j i'1 St fail fly ' l uey marched rcro.x.s ll.O plain, and iiev. r t In red uni il tiiey w ere w il bin iidoieui.- d-ol l!i rid.!", when ip1. leu ly they w.teuiet by a L'aliing lire f""in I be rebel',. , w!i weie po-b- 1 beiiiud More nalb I'm a few ni.mienls tbcli-ipll of lb:- c. tl c.'.hibi ed conl'.i but, (.ilv faiiiiin-' into Jn.e, . tin y i.c lire iioa liivir.e ivninii inaisi.pi midi i i 'le'iCMiiy, 11 :v the Ul:h it lioo .etc.) ltiu!o:vid by a 1' bo I.V ol infiiuiy, who. nd v'titu e I :. I tie ; of 1 heir ( .).'.- 1 1 - . .a..- .... 1 , . 1 .. 1 . . . I" . lad sph i,a,j htyie; not'.vitInt..:i.iina hueo lhos were made in ihotr liUiJ.s at i" i nil I 1 1 1 1 ii Ilis iv,,,l i II! j I iil"!- in;r j iily l.i j .: i.j ll.j: I. -1 e.l l! I. ii. N line li ill 1 1 en !. lb" . c'.ii. an.. !:. m 'lli. I icar ol r-: 1 1 1 1 1 . j 1 1 v: ini'i-'inl Ihe l"l i-m, who h.vl bi-eii iiiivic Imi'k a idioi I ill--! rtiei' ch.i in;f t !,e (i'H , I I'lurni'i I lo 1 1 I r oiiiinl iu-ilimi w iii'ii nielli c line,, we ere imali!" lo n-inin e liu l" ilejiil i Several uiicuipts I' cie m i.l." to. r.t nlnve llio bodien (luring the nii-'lit but tlnl enc. nil 0iened uhiii lis with their inial.try and cciilielleil us t:) ile-i-,1. All our. woili.ile 1 were removed, however, and .Mich of the h ad lis w c i e iml ivii b 'ti musk cl l anj'P oi l lie rebels iveip bin ried. Ainonjlllie ivnuiideu is (i'nen.l M ?Hi;ll er, df Ihe 1 1 i -li bi i;' id", inivl Colonel Nu i ( nt, of t lie Si.M v on: I h New York Yi.lun l'M'18. 'I'ho I n l.-r is said lo be badly in hired, but w ill Iv rccovet. A ill:'" j'lunnher of tiie oili.-ers 'of Mcnelid'a hi i;'- ,le ,vero wouiidi.'d und many of them killed. tiif. CK.Mr.r. ThcThiid and Filth iimiiv corti". under i"'eiiil lion formed the centre and . I...! i, 1 1 . fin lllllll (III- v -"i - imi' Ihe I'iilli". lieniiai' wat tti'Xious n uiovemclit shoulil in- inane .aseailv li.s po--;b!e, mo in col iJ 1 1 1 1: V lit the I,, 1,1 d iv tbe '.H "pi' ci'imi.i'i (to ti'.oVfi (iiv.iihi i in.' err ;ii ', t l'-U Ul ( . 1 ,.il;x. . . , ... Ill" men M I'O oi ii'iiP nm. i"':i"."m of si,ee.".x. and thev file I not of be cii v in i-plclehd oi tier. l iroiixi, ; n;; c in' i i-hoilly nl'I'T d:,ybr'b'. anil in n -!i"i (' time iifiirnaul- iheiidiel arlillery i'mi.ti em ed .bijii:; upon ux liii'.nili the ,r I '1" liricj! wax . iit,ice;ij:iile, hewe-vei, ll'.al our H""' p" "in in . m ni o-ui em o. K( l'1 U'--ll.j!(iii,lo;.li. "I ihedea.iiy m-mU- "JhcIi were t)y:i j! through th- air. 1 bill llltlo Hlletltion to I'V mi'l bv.our ail.iler.v ropcndcii. .'.nn tol hours t he u in-1 lerl ilif canni.t1 J.ib' w 'keptlipou in. ill udes. li e cnoiiiy po- .iitioliWi. Olieol i xeeciiini: l M llf!'. ll, l."d I Hppeaicd to be i:!viilnei.,ble to cur ai :il ; lery.' iins wi re c. e. J. ilcntly handled. About noon tbe mf-mlry, who li'i'l been wnitini; f.-r tiie !':! lo eb-ar ' dmibn; otn At : l"it tbe neinv. w bo wis xi. st rteiely rejn'' r .-ed. pr.oe I !" m i'b fol'U". A! !'! lb" tt." : ill" r :-,! ; will, .it.ii-nal im: nml when n;".i ,'c nu" it wus hard to .y w bo w ere the vie . I of. O II." hlllC'l Mil' I WmUHO-O li'-re weie lis nianv on be Mde nt ihe rebels lis on our. , No. coircct e"im ite, can be, formed of tbe loss in llo ij-er's up hilt it was pre'tv benvv. 1 lie firini.f- miisketiv ce.i'e.) In'f.-p: ' fivn o'clock. but the t el-Ms coniiem d, citiinonnd" Ihe c'ny till Ion ' t.fter I bn'!.-past to ( 'I'bey evidently Intended to shell u" nut nf ' otir Voiti" i" Ftrilericl- .luir" ; but thus far they livc been upsncecsrdul. , , .. .' tf. pf.-ti.t . . . , , - , . . . , j ol ! (,f, . 1 I V s II 1. 1 f -1 .. . .. ,i i. a. - .-. i ' enriu"h thai tbe enemy V osi-i..n is one .,f jtreat ptreiiivh. atd Ibnt. it will ipipmo a de-sperite . IV"i I on the pnrr of (iitf-m Ibn to id" to drive him fnon bis strmin hold. Co n. Frinklui ftppce's (o have been the only on", who b is c llec'd any importani ic-iin. nun o' o ei ...;. . ne i.i.n s'ie-e"iin Tiirnni-' ov" " .'"i-'iix po'iin on lh" .'.Tipon;. X. , ' i-.i'.i ai 11 n nside is e "il'deot i'f -i '". nod i- b i:v cne.iaf.d in , t;.:;)--. i u tr ni-i iini'einenls fa'i-.i he.-r-'iibAal the Jiatl'n m-iiio. row . Ji n iio' I be .o.l nol Inn 1 w:" i"'n o! 1 1 "il. I. II. 1 1 i'l's command find pinch at; N " wax ctca'ed us to ils vln"enb'i"l. Il is ; sappo-rd bv.matiy, that 11.11 has pone to iii'teccej", S;jt'l . w ho is prrdmblv, on hi.s wiiv o ('ii.l,.e,p,cr, und, by ol,er,s that 1.0 1 iniiv be woi km" around to our tear. , . EvaCUdtioil of Krcdcrickhburtr. .., Full FnrtiClll.ltS Of the AITair- T,,Ar,l-AinrR.s AuMVnrTnr Fotom ic, ) ... . I e;-einber 1 7. 1m,2. !' Y" 'ipr'd ay mot ni n when .bnl'iuM np- penn ) the eni-niv veirne'l to l e, as they no doubt ivere. ).prfecilv nstoni-lied that 0'ir a-mv hud Mnv-efltlitil.' in returning lo fl' ,,. ;,.,,j,(i,.irinor'k. We rein D'-d . wil hunt . los in" a- Mti"b man f r p in in-'l." i-Ptrnpiade uiovffmeni, ' a few vitlier' ".'n I had-' Klra.d" 1 off mi.dd i heie ni " 'imve nn fj.e river buik ;j(,f.1.r the ponto!. 1 riders hid been renin. ved; h it Ihi'v wi le brouajit. ever in Miiall ,..(i few ravalrv men w ho were .'i.sni'na inliiibited bv a private family were ,,( duriiiL. liiP idiil.t a are r.' oni , i i.-sin. i but in the 111011,111" they t-afely .swam the 1 P'er. The ipV'f or the ermt, ndh'ii nrmies heitoy KPpa'i.'e.l by only a few ,'."1-, ren deled it iii-ces-ary hit -even '.Ipn,; o" oi.r part should be conduct cl w it h I he id inojl caution. Those on ib" ii,H.o.t ivere. uiue w nt'e of the nnvemeiit until ju-t ('ivliyht. when an efiicer wer.l lo H"h individiinl tnan and in a lew tone ordered him lo fall Lack. Alterthoy po! auffinientlv far off fo be nut of ilanper I hey wet e nt (eted lo qoick en their pnee and reach the brid"p. A I about nine o'clock eten:iy UVfrn in;!, tbeeneiiiy advance.i tbeir fkirmi-'i ei s nloi.j; the entire lice, nnd by noon had p'lablixhe'l Mieir pickets near, tha rivei brink. ' . . We had a large niitiihe: of ,(!enVoi. whni vas ipaard.' I .is iirt'iua! . (tr.'.n'd. in.l .1 soon p.- ii i" is known thai i.'P- farfp bad evao.taip.l ii, the jo'i'iprs, of llie enemy commerced robbing the lifeless bodies. This was plainly seen through a fieH plass'llllll;: -ll. tv "iciv I b S' ti' w Li i'. i 1.1 .- a w.-d iis iii'li. linclly W illi I hu naked ;' Al.o.H ten,,.,!- j-lcvcn. o'clock female 1 1 -; - 1 iliiM-cd weio fcen lb" !. t:. of Fie k.i;ll in '. ,' had , hail. lie s bi le s I, ecu concealed in 1 1 i 1 1 hni,.'.- u.U...!;.:t.ti.e,i.y wh O-!.;!..,...-,! l.y oiU'i'irfds. and, hi.d avail, d tin ms.lwsol ti.cln.-l oi'i'oilun;!;,' lo nn.BI' then- iciip- in in auco. . !.. Monday the -,cl,eN in fioi l of the h ll wing uiecd upon un iirinislice bailing, theil (lead eoin.adc- who lay on s mi" iii'i', - lieiilraU'lound Unl in- tins time. A fen - '( .,..,. ul0( , J'.al,i-.r., eailed ! n,!,k,'s ,N '''''l1'1 10 Vi,,:' ' 1 "H cial if our.irmy r,,h; by and put an .-ml,,,,,. ),,.,;,',.,., uu, v.-as . ?v,,t u. I'm t , "l'IO"':l "'' t".cvi'....;i of lb, c to pc-rli ,. .... , v ,-,.,. n'11110 than ;v ve.u- a"o, or, ile ''V ''"' ('" ''''" "'-'l i'' re.-b: 'II," re. tilt wax il,, it both tiavlies iinitu- iliuielv t- .icncc.l liinii;, when nine of our v.ce kilb-d. , ' ' , ,, ,, ,,,. . ,v j j,,.. Al'b'i -the bi. 'i,oi al I ad h-lt, the ; V. ,. -rk 'jhii'u .hat ncf ' "!"" 'i'"' !,,l;,'lk v""' I'ei'ved nhdj (;!,;ir;(., ii.m.linen:i..ncd'i.l .-ve, am! butiernul an I blue uiuliiiins Ireclv mill' !,( w,.jj u,,..v ,,, ' ; ,, ,,., H ,) ,. v), ,," ,. :c,!.,li.lii:,'M H.o.a-!.' i':;,' i..Moef:be Aboc.t this l.en. I-r: i.ktin iUs l,t.u.l..'ior.M'V l.".!.le ottow i l-.v , Vj hcn lialeheii a of t in .', w Iiich the i-ncniy ,,;, ,,.:,. ,,',. r ' ,,,, ,i ' ., ', ,..... i 1 1 1 in.-. ! i . . . I . ..... 7i . I ., 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 r- v r "i f)f dclld b'lllil , . ..... ... r was texuuiCU Iliiil Cdlltliix tied tit.l ll coii.plelv.-d. Vt-teidav aliei iio in (irti.Lee xent a fl ol Hue .' to (.-ii. lii 1 1 n-.ih-, u-k him lo , , . . , , - I . , . , i l ii' oienio ouiy nix il.-iia in n-mi ,,,'u" 1,1 ':"nl v' MM"... l..,s v...- . o'li. .Mini jer s-!.'i-ani ui tlnii... 'I'l... ... 1...I il... .., .ii .il tb.ix'' whom lln.i ct'emv obtained, have all been i inobl to ihi.x hiile ol tb" lb.ppa-h'lnlYit'cK.-iiiid a- I'apidlv ex jiox--'ibb' nrc beinjr'senl lo Wa-ii infll lhir'i'ij; llietliu'i'f tn:e". len. Sliiurt ol t he rebel in ;i.v, in ansWL'i' lo a ijiie-i.ea, t.ta.ed tm.l loe ha; Us' e.pei:iii.,n bad j;one si. .db, but he di( not .-vein to knew e.iiel ly w bei .-. I ' The entile ai my is nr.iv cm -".mpi'd mi ibexatiie inni'd vhie!i they ptevioinsi) ocriipied. Tlj'Oy a.rt 'as irwiiil'ii'tiib!' fun I iie pi esi-tit lis 1 tin y c oi be in shel.e: b'lils. i ' " Our ani'y has been eon .idernhly lein fo' ceil Mtice 1 be buttle, ami l:o (iaii't I whatever is uitached lo llieir pus- i. po h..l:oii. ' " 1 Ii i- lb" cpici m of tn:!:tMrv men Mud had wo i v." Mn-ceiiieil in taking ill-' li.'1 Il'i;'" ol winks, llie I'.iitun'ly l"l Miaija inc;. by i he ci."'ii '. v ..1.1 havebie: hi!' la uler I bun pi v i"i.- iy .' U.if meii. ll !:'ay be tepeated, bebavei .iib. I'i'i-ti! ,l ill nit i-y , but nn Hoop in ll" it lii " Mild w iili-t iiol Mien a c .ec'iitia t' u lire of bilavy oi 'hi ine." Kiid .oUskcliy Uii'b'i i ovei 'il'lhelV i n liii i.l 'ii-. HtAI-VI Alt'iKii- - VV '.'- i.l:. 1 '!"''' I b'.. 1- : ..'..I...-K-. p. n-. .1,;, (f.-nrrit li.tUrt;. - 1 111' III '.IV I'.l- wit.onaan lo I hi :aie of iba'liv 1 Cat-" I lu-1i tin pf.-lli m in Iron' l.o'il t H"M b.-ca 1 1 in..' irbl I! was a iinn'lu y 1 1 ((-'-1 1 .. e.thw to-aitaek or to tctlic. A irpub.i w.'iiid Kia've been dl-u-trons o lis. Tin Hiiny WHK wilhdi :ivn at ibuiit W.'.ilOi.t lb. k now lod" of to" ('i.ciny and uul. cut .'e Lllhcr cl ploper'.V ..r num. . a, i,u UN's! ,;:. Jfa or (ier.eral '..'oiuinatidli!)!. An Agt;d CouiilB Ihe Giiiid Iv.) Union gives the fol lowing iniei e.-i ing account oi ii couple of old cat; cs, thc:r trouble, till I their ooti i sbincy. It .-ays: ,. .'. 5i.vly ye'.ilfs.iijio, when the tow nship was lii .-t M'U'eJ, . a pa r . of. eagles, tin- w bitch ("i.l. d or b;i td specie., ha ! U lies I on li.e f ii,u :.f Mr. Keijy. They were nol di :nibed. ' 'for t v nty .cars liny orcu pi.'O. iby ni si annually ."iii ini; innl send in.; .1,1 1 h a biood of cKjr'....x, when a violent ni'i'in ov ' i ' ii i in '1 : b " ii cc, and of iniir-. ib'-Mi.'.cd t.iicn li.ibibili.ul. Then they In ;i I t i.i 1 1 nv-t on a lo!: j and inaccex.j ', ( (.umol.e, on., the bum of Kich li'd I'et'. b"i.e..i..ijoininc Ml". Kelly's, end oejoye.: ha, pi .ei-s i.'i fa; ';,' years iwr fr, rai-ina t. ea a , eii. led liv.i ni tin cc eh id: - e: rly. 'A lew' weeks n'.i a tiii'ti wind wtcich , ,,. .. ,, , , ed ..fl :c bu'.'i coiiiaunn" h" pes , and u . ""' , . . . t dew.-.tontbep'o..,,.! w ith ,uel. e..eW t!...;,twas tma al ..atoms, and ' veil -"'!' a,, " (,'-v : next was erv at "e. bem if made of ah. ml next w as cry till busbils of niclis and leiue-. Jl iijn'd and pi sevei int' (:ouile are now i.i,.- I 1. ii"ii thud lieM on another s,v c.iin n e .'nei a ,!ll ' . . ... i ... i . i .... i i I.e. .1 II. .i .me nil l ...-',...,.... , ' ... , ., theyme I be ,1,11, pair Ui,w I he. c b ... ctiinos M'tilers. here i- no doubt 1 ... y are nnU' Mini bar '-villi Hie presence :'.! men. that', bev can I,. iiProa.Jicd w ill, in i te.v IV e. ; and their jo eat a"", cons iiney at d fin ndline-s have civen tin 1.1 the re- .eet of Itn" in ii'hborx, who would turn out ci )! innli the unlucky Vporl who .should a'lempt to bl.oot or Ue 'pod this royal lumily." liiexe 1. i.i- me. i.s no inn iii'i j - . ri.r'.MX". I'ltis Ilrsns ami Fki-t. A cor ' respondent of 'he V.fir,' JVin-t ii s :' l'erillit 'tie to .fl yo.i, .. rH'.,e l'r elyan; m;? p!f.'s' heels and leet, "w hieli I have I nevr .-Cell in pi i'.l, "lei have ptoicl ti ' be an'exc'.'llenl one. saviu at Iea-l bad llholitiK! ii'siii.liy occupied in cli'i.nii . 1 1-eiii. and " 1 ioi'P.pi " lh". wo, k i i .1 in. ie j ,i'rie," m iinier t'iioj, oil' fioin ' lb" hV"l. li'id divide it. , into four p."ee-, I a-ier c..ttii.'i oil' the cheek's to salt saiving to wilh beans; wa-h ill llioi. 1, am! .ut ,' into a , M.iiable ves-ci, eovcinip.lJH'iii ' .p.U' .'i'tor in' hic'i a lit- 1 lie salt has open .dixxolve.l. iii'mcIv t!lii- cienl to draw out Ihe blood, let tlu-n oak t .!"'". ehnnaii')! Hie wut.-r caul. day.- Tiie thud day lake them iroui hii valor x.u ii.e theni'w. II, I..H wiihunt i,'.- n plini: 1 leuioie llio bli-tles; i Ibey. dopoiM-em prc.iy dry !. r ,crp,.,p. wipet be.kinsi.h.. the., I,"i,l a M..t b,rpp(l. nean Miup.y ..Jl,,,. J, n,,,. !, ,,,!,...l in ... ..... Mi,",, of ,he bn-tlcs .11 ihe fi .tiie : it. will ta!e,lh"ni'fr.xo coin- 1 leir'y Jeavin" litem wl.iln and smooth aft. r a Mihl si!r.ipin,L', licit you ill not be able to find a resuce of theaj. ' I n in lie N'v Vu-l J'n.-iiinuV Ju nl. 1 Deafh cf A L'altimoro Ltit'j. A lovely an I a-. ,.u. 1... ,1 l..i,d,i. r .f r,,,, ,i,'. ',' M,.t o ! , , , , . , . r 1 1, :e. Ocii. .1 'Iml i.'S llow.ii .1. one of I li.. u i.- ; in .Mli.ll.l.l .i'i,.'l.w ,ll Ul I I ! 1,1. ,1 I. .'il' I r.-l-l'tll ., :.i',i ,.i .;', ,,,,.,';. I r-,-,.i, I . i., 1 1 , ,. ,..i,,. 1M .,iii, 1; ; . ,, 0 .,, i or t? ,,i,i,," ihe iyo, oi Art.) mob, ..nd was cnnM.o.icr.tlv . t Sl1,(, ,,yl., (-, I'm; Warvcn r.h.-i.. I. l.a- been b-ieie!.- ,.vl bv ...eeuf ,-crn.i. ;o. t- ,,,,vo , piJ p,,,;,;, ,',.,,,, .,nv, Minin;: ,,. n . Iiui'i lo .-I e 1 1 1 .( I a i '. 1 1 . c i' 'be. 11c:' brum ,.'.. j.-,..,,,,. J .v.v'ai .ff (N.j ., "lio 'was editor i , ', , t , i;,, ',,,,1.. , . , a, ,..;,,.,' ,,, .. j, ..,., ,;.. , ;. ., ,. 1H ;l halfmienl. (.hu.'.-s H-ux i ..... i 1 ,i I,.. '. ,.1 I , , I ,i.,v law, but be he'd lh"e ,,.:., i S;al" o!' Mat viand. No H i; ! I, .b. b, en ..inol.-il lii", I ). I eii I be ,i and:""." ""'" i. ' ' : 'Cl lae.nnM law. Son," d",;ree of f :peet, it l;iV K. ..,;..,, ua, ,..,;,.- boil, lor h'i - f;.lh.'M :.!.'.., will a. tor bi' own 1 .:! t bienn - t I i . ' ' . (- .:: 1' 1 ''. . ' ! I. 111.' "I I 1 "''.I i m' lii.-l '.. of lii- iMival :t l'oit'Vite.j with I'.d'aU'i,;.'.'., t.lci. und -dr. Uj. 1 1 e, hail ceul.i ii. po: I; '. ;e . -ei.l lo ll-eir I .di in a dirty. r..-.t. n-l on.,!!' 1 Tb.-o j '.-ntb iii'iii, diti.-j' d a'vav Iron, tie ii hoim - , oid tui-ili'-s, nwiiIio'iI v. Iran: of b.w, ! wi-U" thus t.rri'od. Ti.CV '.-ele !Ul'jecH'd i .. ...... :. C i.e." u, ...... ,. .. r"""(. .,'.,,. ..o-.-llii". I"'i".', bi i.e hof In d. !h"-"i J -,),.-;, Ml iieu-tutth:. bands of m(. tbat i In it fat bds Kould not have ti tistcl iiinoiif! the ibn's i.f his ti ick." l'iiink Key lloAai'u, above liientiom-i i- .iio; I'd untied to vi-it bis ds ii.f; ' i-b r li.ipp ii b I e. lb" jrr.ind-.oii at once cl .1 . 1 1 tl K'.-er m.d of th? :ui'b"r of tho. .'S'l-i-Sp-iiiel "d ll.H.tH i'" 1 rani: ,.vy. -i- ' I'.... 1. i. .. . ..... ......:, in.: I lei III.. 1.1 III l. iH'.l.ill. V.I.II.CS ll-Ol.-.'l, . ,, I'd. I. en which l'l.o.l; F.-V Howard v..,s; irro-lcl wis tl." :itiij;ei-.a".y ofth" e T i'':ri't on )ihir). l.i-' yramll. ; b".'. i'ri': "i ha'.'e cba-iy,.l my opinion cnr-.n-ivhab Key. detained on boatd the Hi .tit!, man--, Miiee ;! i .v U.e i'l ii.y ic l oaiir. .1 war ir; tb" b iy belo Jibiimor', 'vrote.d w n i.i'.o Y..y.t. a vh'-t io". cr - .. ill., that pa'.i ii'lic ode. That w.t- I be 1 ',''.: u' '. h'iw.' T i' . . ;n 't v.-b ' i::' ! . ban a 'b.i.l.Hh or I ';!: 'f ; !:i - j -t '. !:.:-;! 'A"1 ." ' .me .... o in oaf ,-.i ... ii.'v .. ' tbe:"il!";, on t he ; time : o .u' p .i i , .-bo, .:. ,t. :.!.-. l '.a- ::, : i : L' b I i f I i ; . ev r ti !: d lii'Vil':, h.?..:r. n'l j .''": t:i- '..' ; '. : .: s vj'i' T I so 1 1 uml name- ko w ii-, w i .no . ' i i i, I ! . . on : .i-. ii-1" .en. C'.n-ei'ais ot -'ok i . n lav, invaii" ! in . to.'t t." e di- a mail's I'.is'.b', ami 1 t:d. ly tal I i ltl bis bi I! 'ul I "PI b.'M 1" C . '. " III'!' iv do. U'e leave tip:." "laelil"'.' . far ii;e irtotnctt, c. iihntit ecih.U.eti'., Il t'!'s us ow l;. Mpiy. I' thee th'tv'-' aF. 1." w i:tc'i :r: : '(. 1.1 here nil r. Tb" p.N.p!" W !,o I'l " i c poiiMlile f' r sucii ti'in.irs, s.t.'l tiifh ( h is d.eti's li'iili'en, i-l.ail be i.ui'.lc a iii. 1 in;' ami a ivpicicb, so I Ho y t i. -1 lly tV :(.!n.tiy lo citapr the i'ju .i':..y v? tb. :: n inios. I )r? ... IX. ' cin.' lb .t I .' i- on of t'i ' ibr.'.e (ii'iKuujb "''u.'d ..s pafte.n e.".":i - in I be b'l lei' of i".l. Scott, jn-;! a:.(,i Ir, j.uhlie, we r"pr."i .ce Napoc'i'tiV e. li e.' t" o! li at eelebripuj ( t'i : 'II1' a1 I In' (it'll. 1 a's I ever b : 1 u :i f'l' II x-.. ..i,.,.. . iir,,..., c . H.a -"r'-' ,".'.l,', " .' " " - II. "ilX and ll"brri ssi :u,.i t-iie l' .'": !"-l , ii i. . !- i i ii im : eneci..llv Jienu, a Ku-l.-er only , ii ' ii ' bi.a d ::!.:rv, p. i ui'.i" . as ii '.. .. , ine me. in. - , i i l pri.iiilit.i. him rich' j .pal p. '".-ap . , ' i , . ,. w beieris Jh-aiX loved ;;hirv e,l' IP.. .!, I.. a! dexpis"d ev ry thill""!-)". 1 a: x wa w lu. I Iv w i 'pi np in w ar ai.d :rh.i y. To him t ich jn.d p;e.'ixtire v :Jiii a. ---liar ipf ive tbcm a moniei.i: s lb t. .!!. w as a h!t!" black laakipa man, about en inch ihoftet than I a:.-, 'always b idly ; wav;' t v 1 1 - h.-;- ;::. A diesxed. .ometiiiipj j-.ien i;!s.''"l, and d"- I ni;;'.t b" j n : '.-lpi-om; . t ar I musiin.' co i. o n .iiu-i cji ven imv. a p. .' . , , , , , in l." pi. I him a i rc.-ent o! a c m- , , . . rV('la. ,ill)cs , ... 1 1 . , jn (h ,.Mi;x ii,,,,, .bitn.-lf nti'l.t a... u;1( and , , ,. i i . unisnn; t'on.iort and oiivcn .-nee. . i.. p. t'Uhie... 1 ul' n:i. In.,' iv Jiiu. 1" e.iiirins. ''l'1 b-''1 i""""'"1,1'' 1:1 "'' !" i"''),'""'! '".-5. 1"' waai; (allc'l by ll," Al.'. , tl." -It:-! l,, . In i. n. "l,..l,,. .I' I l i.- ... ... ..i . ... pren (oii.erai. ,. 1 net " 1.1 e pu ... ps n 11. p : p. j. , . ,, , f . uJ ;, . . , u ,,,, j JJn ' Ve ..L e ' " l ..,! ! , f( , uh,.; ., , 'm,,,,.,.'' . v, .,,,,.,,-, . 1. It ifael tiial .u. .Mon... . ....1-. i irer-, j I O'1' ' " ' j j.- m--l ,.,n ju.t a, im i-a.t Im., ad tho l.ia.t 1 tJ' As lb". - ar dr.'."- oil. I be hi : 11 1 Iie'iM- , ,.,! K..j 1,1 fear tluit it will be in I . 1.1 in a 1 , 'fK I, , r,,it ., ;jrr.f. in rur V.'.vi: h 1 ii" ,h-v I'hey ' uyet that tb" eieii's .,f a bit.:,;' Ibnel. m -t I, ,,;': 'Ji,',; h-!,j 1 ii',JI'll- day often dceid" 1 b" f ile of nut iom , ;, , iH. j ., i'l,," w ,',,'.; 1 ii'is','! . 9h ,vell lis the V-'t'inv '..f indiv ,.,m ,,;,.( h!'ei'"ht "stoi ies , c"i:V'' j History abounds in ( ininles. 1'.,,,, ...j . ;',:, ,-. ,,11S, ,,..enty one t.'irior I'.vei.t v-. a- 1 lh" toi.M. 1; 01 iPii,,.."- wonn ... e pna-aat ' mo iiinjr. w:,x a p.mlinL' '.i.' ere fvi- lipids b ues f. dad 111 1 he ;:',.. w :i,,; ve-t 1 ,. Inifl'l;est ol l.Viei.Ul po- len'lates. .-pen : I he cm I v h' ul .- ol ,i mepi . t ;i !'e 1; ii b I in leveiiv. Iioi.i ul.ieo : e V h'r. u'-cl by a bu I die 'Wirii'ma b. Iind ' ' " ' ' v' pirn f ii.i'.ch-d from' his "...-p. Nap. lean's dream oT a fpcal ea-i.un em- pi"' iaded speedily as mm i '.n" ' . b rio.'. .-. b.'e.oi-e bis au.bil udniii al fouchtlbe bai lie of N la cmlr iry I.) bis ordei s. At- tor .iie.-eediiig in 11 I ili.di ed,. nn miiterx-. lie slaked and lo.-l T i c 1 hi'vpr al Wi.ipiloo. The 1 uler1 ol tin-cent men :. -eiii-l.d on mH inlio.pilablo iio, tj whii !. ho was livai'h. i.,p-iv car.-ipi.e:!. A-t n .'.h l'"i ous scene' i-o!ipii rjnicklv Miececi 'il I'V Hoinbrouii lliti'liiwx, (all miflitiekt monarchies. ' y.j;0, n,.to (,MllUailt eonten.ment lian l.c , I,,,,,,,,, J mc,.'e expcctatiui,. fio-v filslor lS) ,n their fortunes. - , - - - - ; ' T"I t 's a siiaui" liu.hiie.d. tnnt I hate to'-.i In. re meuduii; tour, old cioihen.'' J.Ini'i . .y 1. iv;: 1 'ibout i.,' wife, the hut t .e ce,i ri.e'ided." men nave rumin 'i' v more mz v:all;:d la:;i;. . i.' won le, bd a!,.'-l I alio , - .,( i,,,le, m tncceiiti. I'i.i! cl r..;!.t t '.i.-.. v, i.n' tt. The I,! !h. I.-k-' i: .-Va!.. 1: 1- .-.I, .11 1 i t wo l'i i,lc. in r u;." 1 1 : ';i I ot:' I'. I , In tl.u v.l.b-1. t, coh;,.-..-!:,.! it., lirei ... .-.vno 'J:n'" " 1 " ;l 1 0f ,lU''k li01lVfls '":" ' ici.."!;, at-d i; .,r ,'"111!'" ' 1-x '"' build 'I , l.i Ili'g I O S Wl'inht lb: ".11 10 i nn. I pi bbl., fiid i- iniermixe.i wilh e: I I I lie (Oi) ( !' I I.l- wall l li".. i .III ill heiht al j'.c tb" wat' r i' in ail an w i n il .0 siuo C.IU li lt. I lb" bi-'lie. t luiit lb wall ti!e:"uri'i fnn.i : bn lo i v. .-, o b-el t h..:k all l.o bus.1, md jlr:m f.-u.- lo M.x ut tne t..,,;- 1 w-'.v culwatd i'lid ir.tianl. ibe.c l' no : " '' l"t- lu ; l,'ll;i" ,;.'''': !'-'"v '7 i.i,-J "O'-vs owr the w ill. I he !. b" "t the lie. - I t i, :,b. a, t U n livt it, lie;,; li, and : "'.;""' " "l', ''I''1" '.""! .I'"'1' 1 --." . pi'.'l-' eiul, b:i -, p. : i.., A I ;:o v. J '.''V 1 --'"';"' " '-' I 1 -I. I.l ..v I" l;'r ' "" I'-'i"' Ml H all M'.'...H l' l''V"'.v ; Ib'u "tb bo-om. .! ' - iionn i , d .1 I . I. ' e..c... . : j.c.t ...e... . n . I"''"''' l";'"' "f nay, n- w.ub-d ' 'v "1J,,Ii'!1 "lU.'d'.i and bn.k ).' a hoao ,i 1 1 -... i t t ei a. e i. . ro.::..! ill t iiat Vi- ':l ". i ' . b 1 1 li. . :.: . ' lu, . . : li- . e i,r a n. ' !".-l.'.'.i. ; ;il '.'.. 1. ike tin' rci llt f Viii'.ii'i" i.'-t,,.ir : the I -.,) I v,: :.' ;..,! -..!., Iv s:,. ll. an '!,!': bold.'.;' tl .-.,'.' it f'T.i.. li.e !;.k is .' (' I. o-eil . 1.1:1. M brm.i,.".;! :i i'.' mi liin we..-. i, ie',.', ;rie.s 1 r .! t..n I i iv. i i i t p.- ea -. I, a-'.; ti . i.i . ... !i ;. i . ) I '.'l!"x I.' i'l . i-'i.i; '..lies f. 'oiii t 'e'l.o ::.i...d. I is (.ni- of Ill," e.-at".t ivo.elH- "f be- We-I l.nd bi.H f , . . . . . , j ' ";- ' V;'! ViMleJ by handier oi tus I j A 'V-jj. "i tTi.:: , e; :i:n- I'sittt t:ia5 vVuiti.'. S'v.uiriis. A me'iil :' of ''.rp.ln'.ii I'.r vi.'.s (,'.i;ii;. i-y, in tbe Tnirty ti:ii'd Y. It'.'ir.iivi:;, has writ'f u i: l:!t"r !'..):! camp, near Aqoi. t'ro'-K, c.i-.mI the Lt instant, to tho clirv.or i"."'"-, f'.'ini winch r.'l- ta.v llio I i-vi'i" iruei'i"'.'"..; est raeij ; .-...' k . ,- -. i .. . . .. . . : l" .,.''.' ' ' I I'.n t'.i ir 'vt'i.'tiy v-iiii tun st ' xj,.r.;d..l 1 ..ii i . i v i.P'll T'i" :-'.:.r : u.-r ovc,' In :i t !.:.!.. N.i'.v th.-,' .ii a I o wO ' a. 'ti, , fb, .. . ..;iau;a'. bo. m i ; '...,. j no'. . fmi :n I; a:: old m! : is :.'. I n;; 10 en,!; . aira.a wi.e i . t t,-,i ;.'-, ' h !" 1 i'l t ', : (." ,;j j ' " V! ! te'I ;-.! tl i! , ih. i eii, 'e.-', ill ' N 'v Yi.rit wo i d noi. ai b l p!:.c ' I 'e.i m ii o-k 1 :i u iicr e l o u ed v. . : e t ban Iha j ni:.'. l'.:. ' j V ' wnl t ". the in u!ii of Aooia Cre.d: jllcn I c- i.l iy ... v. -.: .-, ''",:; ,r re - a ,- ,n :,s' '.. -r. r..o ;. .;; I, .- t (( ! ''aV: ",- i, ... (, ;.!,,',' ir;,,t .)', ,. '' . ;' .er't. (), - o a' ',..,'. ':. I I , f ,'', r. c I . '. am r il ::'". '." T,,"' : id ai,, - . :::r A '.d .'.i'.T il; ci' "I'i'ii, atvJ I'eaiiti.'T b.'.r l ,'T. tc'b.r .i.K.iiliv.'t. ib-ii. i-i.d., li. -.ric. .-..; , I . , i i, . , ' ,, ', . .... ' ' b!(.,.j b:n A era,. ll I 1.1 1 M-1 ' : .. : ,, . . , ...... , , :s v. ni" lb bii ' liu.' !.d v h r ii r, el : f , , , . r , ,Otl !! ! .'i-i! .-1 I I" lii.':''"', end i it ,. . ,, ' , ' is kept a.!-n:iT t,:C I.l : r-' .-! ! comooul , i;,,,,, ' v ' ' ! ... A'.- Kimt ph.- - It i.i .f-i1 1'-d ' ttntt Tom ; .vuo:e, one li.a.'it whllo i io;iin r.t nil pin :n d. iv I!' ltlb'o.i i ''' Hi" I. A. F.idy r'.lU :'w ie pu.-i that h; '-.i."iy a: w -: 1 ' '-ii ua Sh '-' !:i i .u,i - ! ai-.. n y-?' -. , , ArriwJ ..; !.. t -.a .,.. ..:-:- .sr. ! atJl s,, ,e,, . ',. v, , t. e, nl 1 6 A ,.;,...,. ,. ,,','., riV '., .. ', ....iio in.. ..i .nr. 1 i he iniii; i,,. u ,ts abimt buviu when t lu. ! ely remind. 'd him that he in I: a i -':..! 1 1 1 a e a i ' a p! ' 'i,U( Vs."" j ad not pi'ap. .1 he, .P 1 I bail : v . ti acu s oi, in".,' v .'en ' aer.-1 '1 V , M ... . hi; tv I wo mi... ,',' :,. ; . , 'V;' ,,).., r; 1 ,. . !..'.' l.'Vnel.e m'iles ol l' is, sta'a'n ;,. ,J .. a , ,, . ..; ; 1 1. , , ',.,: p,,'.. .,,,,,.. f' j... r i' w in ! ai -, :,i .1 i j :ih ; ',.(.'i ,,, ; ,, ,',.',., iim'l .11 j.',)', of o,ri;;i p Tbe ' prnbr V: b-icl. s uei.l in 'jp hruhi:,.;: i.. ..... i'. (j J ,,. b.-e nei.t t ;1" 1 nii 10 .. 1 .11, ; i,;h(. ,. ,.,,.,. 1,,,,,., n,, ,,. . ( ion 1 .f b"a w wi'l i. ie"s. and lib'..'" i.:v'-.v f team elevainis f.-r hlii, .p f-i, I and b.ia, gnpo fi . mi lh" "i mid lo 1 110 11 Dr, ;,b . " ; f.-Vlb U i, i b.t li.e bm nii!" our of n inM.'ii which 11 ' a mi nnmo, ;..! iam , the exliti.'iiixbu.i; . i a ii 'id o.i t.nth, li be le.-umcd in II. :.v?:i. , - , rrrV'mebody wi'.'.cn fi h-!: '-Tlirj .,..1 . 1 . . .: r. on; p.i - ,, v.' - ' " J" 1 ':"!'"J' '"' 'l '"'SJj T'. j trhM n.i-c.". ' is .leflnoil,'a ei-.r, and iio.h'nt. lo lu-ht , v.-i:h" ' . ' fhc f f i;l ti.ou;;hts in-" be 1 ; rran p.,, fj v.l's firt liioi.;:lit wot..i'i ioori4 t -.jr::i