m " in .Mi i, 1 . iii.iii,iiw.bc , , , ., 1 1 .., , , ( wH f..Wni.iWi... ,..,,.., mL,l r r "I r AYllH'fl lrlii(icii5 MUf'((li.ii)ii. n:r ".mtit.i.icw t ),;,,,,, n, mho, ,,', A., ...1' i ' I . , i - i ;, 1mi 111 AM I. . i'J'tnliv ", :. i ' Hi- 1 'ii't , iui'I :i; : , I I 1 1 'l llln 'fill. V I . i IV Hi ri M HI ! . .. , ! If rV. t In l mice, " I'I' m th-. tn' nth "' " ,'",hf,ln-..M.l witMi, llieicer, - i I '! II i J'!!' I, ll'' livin ' ,,, f!t ho e J'ir it i.,t . I tli tear, 1 1 I.'1 il l - ; ;iii'l ill H i' I f (in-it, f.r liiiifi ll i ,'1'I.MlH'li :lt In' Malii or t ii I x . Mrili K ll il;i!M i vin;.', iiii'l c'!i'i'tiriitly ciiiin.il nMft lii" 1 1 "(.'Hit. y. Jlc thilil;. I"l' lii Mi ni!'. el.oorH.. 1 ! I iiihI for liitn- m'.I In iii t. M:i:i ia Miuve.l I'V inllii uuvf ; hut no liter It. '.v tr i ik l tlit-M-influent o- limy I f w li'ili roii. t liiin 'ethic, ever a nl iini.ii tin no nets :iiv ' , !l d il !l!S li 11. illl I t'ul' til" 111 ho ai .. ii : ii ' .lo i-i Alinility i" I Ev il luMIi his ilulir- t -.2 perform ; In' v. ' ;i.it !-!iii!'!.' tlum oil' iiii)ii another, t r'.,;ii.'i' they urc his d-d it's ; noil'it-r l all t ht l'' I .' il I l','Ulfoi' Ol CMIM-il'lICO, tor 1 1 ml lidl'l.-. him individually rcs":i k!i!v. tor their ili-cli:iru'o . i;is s; iri'. uiid i ! ' .-iiiru oi i.i.s i hi. i, ii-i 1 I lllill, Mil V, I, (I ).. nhii::.."-. M:.n .!! ' ii II US-lll till! l'.-iH'll- hin-t l"dii vt' !i.r liiiii UitiM'lt', iniist It i . -r!.', !i::'.i f'.'l- !.;i:iril 3V.'!., iV'-elit. !-.-r vti lc ; ,'ir liiin wii! l o ::iYed (.1' b-'cain i jial P. to rc.isiiu villi prove iir d x ! t 1. ' 'H'.x .i - Wo Ulllil our lii'ii: it, and to I :ic-i itli fiji'idusiw iU'j;uiiK'i:ts ; iind ii'( m.'ivly to ioldri'.-- their iiinurinatioii:. mrl iiii.'c'.iuns : bui our iv;iso;ii nr.- should ho ih duci'd J'iiii. cr t'.)Uii'!rd on, the Word of (i id; olh crwino wosliitll lis..' oiirsi-lvcs in viuji ty Hpoi uliitioiK-jOr o ln't-'inl ..i:inU jt!i, by allci.ij.tiii diseusMOiis l'.r which weiiro lolally iiH'inii.'lcnt. 1'at '.vln'ii wo cU-iii'ly cj)'-vi and .-x j 1 : i i n tlo: ri j turoH. and support our ciii' lu-ions ly t.'.stiiiioi'.ics ut Holy Writ ; when we thus cvidonlly lay ho'.'orc men those truths1, that, relate to the person. Mil-icrii:-;:'. resurrei iioi), ami kingdom of Jcsir 'JiirUt ; and then applv such suh- jeets to their heart h and "onsoiuni-cs : i i i i.iy luuiieue ii'iuref --en : we use llie proper meaiis of lrinv:iii'' them to the ohedienec of faith niul may expect to ecu ourlahors hlets.'d to many souls. r. T. ,9,-ott. A Salutary Thought. When I was a yoiiuif niiin there lived in our neighborhood a fari.ier who Mas usu ally reported to he a very lihoral man, and unconunoiil)' upright in liis deal iugs. AVhen he had any of the pry. 'lueo of his farm to dispose, of, he made it an invariable rulo to ivc o-ood mea Hiirc rather more than could bo te quired of him. One of'liis friends oh Bei ving him frequently doing so, ques tioned him as to why he did it tld him ho gave too much, and said it would bo to his disadvantage. Now mark the answer of this excellent man. "tiod Almighty has permitted me but one journey through the world; and when 1 am gone, 1 cannot return to rectify mistakes." Think of this. Uut on' journry through the. world ! A Pakuon r.N'u (ion. Show mc one, if you can: there is no biii-nardoninir God besides our (iod. '-Who is a God ' Goshen, like unto thee, that pardoneth '!'' Uruhaui, Xone can pardon as thou dost None Oulich, can pardon no freely, nono bo full)', Hu'ftun none so continiiiilly, none so eteriiiillv, ' " none so indifferently, impartially, J.or,,nn' whether in respect of fiinners or sin, 1 "'i'"' as Thou dost. It is sill one to theehvnox, what ' lie sins are, so they conic to ask ! Lawrence, ihv tiaidun. And 1 l:i t uliif-1, !k ..i i - - , suiva'-.iage to ask pard jn of man, is an j- encouragement to ask it ot (iod the greatness of our sins. Tho 1'salinist did. and ar.y man may nuko this his dea : "Lord, pardon mine iniquity, for it is great." laru any bo a com petitor with (j'od in this work 1 Caryl. Bil.i i.vk and I.ovt:. Believe and you tihall love. Believe niiicli and you shall love much. Labor for stv liirand deep persuasion of the deep and glo- i rious things which r.re spoken of! Christ, i'iid this will comii. and love, j Certainly, did men indeed believe his. wo: th, they would artordii.r ly love liiia ; for the reason bo cannot but love that vvhi'.h he lirmlv believes to be worthiest of ali.'Ctioll. Oh I this mis. j rpilE nilif-rit.er respectfully iiil'oru the Farm ChieVo'.IS llllbeiief is that which makes I ert. '.f (;ieari:el.l e..i.nly-an.: all otherper- the Ik.ivI cold and dead towards (Iod oeeiv, men, 10 lU'lieve l nriSl S excel- C t , I , I 1 . , I ... 1 lency in himsi lt, aim Ins love to us, nud our interest in him, i.nd this will kindle such n fire in the heart as will make it ascend in a sacrifice of love to lii tn . Tiik Shining Oxls -It is n:vA that ft pure diamond may bo easily recoo nizedby putting it under water, whtn it retains all its luilliancy, while all other precious stones lose their peeii! iar appcai-anee. Thus it is with the 1 os in who is made pure in the blood ofJcKiis. However deep the wa'er ure. which overflow his soul, still his light shines, showing tho peculiar ex cellency of the (.'liridliau'b hope, and tho power of divine grace. Of such it may he truly ndirmed, -'Ye, shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life." Kki nion in JlKAvr.x. "I am fully persuaded," says Baxter, "that I shall love my friends in heaven, and there fore know them; and this principally hinds mc to thorn on earth. If 1 thoi that I bhotild never know Ihcm more, nor love them after death, I should love them comparatively little now, as I do ull other transitory things." SrirAn Indian philosopher, being nskod what wero, according to his opinion, the most beautiful things in the universe, answered, "Tho 6tarry heuvens above our headri, nnd the feel ings of duty in our hearts." tar Death comes to all.and the world does not need your presence so much it needs your moral heroism. Trtt'H of rtrillnliiK A'liirilntnent nre In'i'Mcit in Ike K 'ihlli-nri il iht PiMmting rut. c : I nnrlinn. l niil:iri, ( 1 I lilii'f,) ''H Twn ,imri'ii, ( 2-liiM n.l I "'I rim- 'in.if, i'J ln.' . I I ;'n ,1 tun iilli 3 il". 7 I Ml i i'i mo . 1 1 no da no 10 nn 12 no JO HO S .1... l 0(1 till 2 M 12 inn 17 I'll III on 12 mi 14 mi is no t: on ire ?iiiuii'i ' ' l' i ''inn'f, : i Thru. i n ii r- : Four iiiirir(, i i '(ulf ar.ilumn, i ! : One I'lihunn. : : : 4 I'll : 4 00 HO I s im 14 no Ovit tl.r.-( w.-.'l niul l' Hun. iliri iii'.Mlm 25 .oi.ln prr pnnru .r .'!"li i' "Tlii'ii. Huiiss Bet. not ciloJing S'.inoi ftre in srlJ fur $2 a yit r. A.lv.Tii.i 'in. nl u; t xtrtr t i'.!t':i niimhiT "f -i rtiiMii. (tn.viroil, "ill ccatinufi until furli.1 ml iliur'ii inv.ir.tirK Id til.'.-'.' Urnn. JOB pm,MTIi!C. Aii (.i('iisi',c j-'.i.di of .1 1 1 .in lt niut. r.t i-ntil. the l'nir. i.i-r till" " .''.! '.''(" thiil h; ii J.l.'l.i 'li.H.ltA.'IMl-i'lKI'I'I.AIl'-. , i I I Mllil I.l -', n.Z UMi.'i'.lv d.ine ti ii. iiinii.ee t "i '. he ii J ivd it Ij .r. iii.U of Povrtus, rit.'ji:;.:j. I'l. ANTS, Pifl Eovi'l La!w.I.. P.M.i. T'l iT:- :ir. i i'vr:y ind cf piir.li: :t; b eoiiiitry on o:.; A il . den ivii! In in -.-- :i:i 1 lilMi.V' il. exf'i'llt! "il i.i-'i i Ii. II. O'TDI.ANDER . CO. COUNTY l)IIU:CTOIlY. j Time uf llnlilins 'oui-t. ' '.., ni,, I .Moinliiy of .Iiiniiiiiy, i 1'liir.l .M.jikI ly of M.io Ii, 'I'liii'l .Monilny of .1 ii!., I'liiinli Mn:i l iy n'' St'i.lCiiW, In oai'li yuiir, ami I'jutiuuc lwi weLki if U.-t.-;:iry. Ciiiinly (2-iriccri. 'r' -i't ..'ii'lt.'.ll'.n. Siiinn. l I.inn. IU'lU'l.mto. ..-'to lu'ijji'.'. II. mi .1. i. '1 lii'ni..in,f'iiiHi'inville. Hon. J inn's lllnuni, Kort. iier.T, 1'ihviir 1 Torle, CloavDeld l'rotl:iiotiirv..l.i!"i I.. Cuttle, 1UV-ll .'am. Wi i-l,M V",rict Ms VV' Iroimurer, Joseph .'-liaw. surveyor, 11. 11. Wrichl, Glen IInp Clcnrfiilil Murririlnle Luthersliurj Vhilipsburg Clenrtielil N. Wa-hiiijlnn Leconte,! .MilLj Cujireosvillo. Commi u rs, in. Alerrell, s. C, Thntiips'.n, Jacob IvnntJ . Auditor II. C. Uownian, J. 1!. Shaw, C. !-'. Worrell, J. W.l' .tter, Jes-o lironuil, Coroner, Co. sSujit. List of PostOfliccs. .VdlllO! Of J. U. A'OW I'f P. J' liluii Hope, (i. V. ( iiL.ll Uower, W. MeCrai ki n ' Im.i, T. A. M iil.ee fusil, J. 17. C-.V.S.1;. i' tit-tend, ILL Ilrnil.T.sou Clearl'ielil i;riJ3, 1'. II. .Miller William-' ilruve, J. E Vtlsnn. Liitli'T.-lnirg, H. 11. .Moore. Troutvil'.e, (.' J. Sloppy, Jell'iTiou Lir.i, John U .-1 icri i n c Cores!, Jus- Hloom lU-.vuiii, f..:;, llriiilloril, llrn.tr, I'loam, HtrEride, " rhe-t. cieartieM, Cuvin-ton. New Wiirliinjti.n Win. Kealh. Huri' side, Jas Mc.Murray J. l'aMiiii 11. S. Tiller M. A. I'Miik. 1'. A. (Jaiilin. V. W. iehnrr T. II. I-'leminK. Centre enmity Miss Iladehach Kiliu. IVilliaui-i Y.'k county, fa. C. Minuet William Carr I'litihiaviile, Herd, Clearl'ielil, Fren.-hville, KarthiiUH, Ciirwrusville, cu r wens vi lie, Deeater, l'biliii- bur; West llecmur, Mnrrun, Helen l'ost OlTiee, Lecounte'g Mills, llald Hills, Phawsville, (Irahaiiit.-in, Sinilhs .MillH, Madeira, Tylrr, 1'en n field, Anson.-ille, Salt Lic, Kar:li:i'i ', J New Millport, llreckenridge, Ivylertow :i, MorrisJale. Lumber C'ily.t llraitipian Hills, Ciirwensville, Illooiniiigville, l'.ockton, Keri-uson, Fv, (iirard, A. II, Shaw ! T. II. Forcee. A. (1. Fox. j C. J. l'usey. 1 I'arid Tyler 1 II. Woodward 1-ilizu Chase ; 0. lleekadurn ; , F. W. Sciiiiiiri .s I M. O, S't'.rk. i J, V. Thoinps'n J ai, Ti:oinpson J. C. TJieinier, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, 1 T. W. Fleming. ' 1!. i . Halo ; I), llrubaker. j Jos. Lofkclt. ' M"m". Pike, t'nion, Wood war J e 11 ri e s , a Tl i , .. -ni r ,, . . , . J Una Post (ilhce w ill do for ( host township ,1 . . 1. , . 1 Will answer lor Ferguson tuwinhip KH September Sil, I LIi'l2cn.m 2 I -ons mti restil, Hi, it lie is now tu :i n u t'o-1 in i 11 GliLY 1. IMF of a su-crior ouaiilv. ivbieh I... .... I, , , . , . . . " .. i 'ii nu ine mo-i rensonani ' n r...- ir cA, or exchanged for ut.v k'nd ofOoiutrv Produce. jusKiii fiovix. I.awrrnce township, May 21, 1i12. i n 51 TT FOR SALE- T IIK Eiibscriber is niiihorijed to Make milt of the following Timber Lands, which ho will sell on rcasoiialilo mrui-, viz: One Tract ciintaiiiinx KIO acres, in Deca tur town-hip, known as tho ,.; 7V.ii(, locale. 1 about two miles from Clcnrlicl.l ereek. One Tract in Chest township, containing about t.OO III ri , known in tho Tmkrr Vrtvt, locaUd one ami a fourth miles fn tn Chest creek. Also, one undivided half part of tho H'ooin ifr lliirntt TYm-f in Chesl townshin- it... ,i - . - . i- ! it. ., . . icA, Wrii ri- f n. 7 1 or ', in Pradlor.l township, together wiih thre or lour other tracts. ! Theuboio Land, ..t.. ul) in Clearfield county, i and are rcpreMiiled lo bo well timbered nnd of easy access, and convenient to good uavigablo AT VTZEirS. ; tr. 1 1 "n ,M""' cver.Mlnnh' u..m..ly keyt by the I rude. Sturo nn Persons wishing to purchase fuch lnndi SKCOND Street, below Judj;o Lennard's, oppo woiild do well to apply soon, oilher personally or uto the Presbyterian Church, t'ltarlic1 Pa. by letter to tho tubscriber in Clenrlield borough. W.U. 1UKII-.K, Aj,'l, May 21, HC2. tf. Th m 4 ti i& ir b h n v & EL s 4 a B , Ll'TIIERSBCRG, CLKAHFIKLI) COUNTY, PA. HENRY EVANS, Proprietor. March 19, 1S6.2 ly. VJ. PATTIIKSON, Attorney at Law, Cur- , wensriile, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to hit care. Office opposite the New Atethodist Church. Feb. 6, '62. i J. P. KRATZE R. MI'.HC'll ANT, and dealer in Boards and Shingles; Grain and Produce. FKON'T Street, bore the Aeadomy Clearfield Pa., ( Dee . . lUni .V II 1 1. I) i. i, r ii i I I,.!... I I., IMl.Mll. , ,;,. . in nini'im H" riii'lin.lr-, linn lr.-l .. lh,. ni"l Tim i'h.mh "I On. liiHiuii n.nl.'v in nil'.nl 1 rtnriff iii''H In' ililii't i"f rli.ruii;li r Hrti'i.ni lor l'iiiii.'.. TllP. III! IM III! tll.iMT Kt f. l.rijiii'J. II" n'il. hIiIi1 t. ll;.1 vniii.'n .1. p iMinciii. nf ire I.' : l't:!iM AJOMir, Ii. Ill pl.ilii mi l . riiiiiiirnl.il ; t'M vmrui, 1, 1 . M Ariit tii . N a ii; Mini, I i vil. FVIISI:IIINII, llllAMlNli. I'll' 'HI ha I'll . nii'J M"l' Kiit I.iMirAiii.K. Tiik Svstkm ur Intiiiiih rTin in i i-i'iilinr; nn elni'i if m l Irroini. nrt- inii.lt. u,i nf. uut cin ll tu.lrnt ij luii-lil. iiiilivi.lunllv, nn Hint lie inii.v riuiiinciii'i. ul liny liiin1, i.i.il mi. il l ni wliuti'vrr lmiim urn in.l i i.i.v.'iiii nl. riT.ii.niii kh nrc ii-.-ne I iinniiaiiv nfl.Tllio 15III nf April, en lain id c nn nn i .l' tin. luil.-nin f.x l''' your, nn. I lull iniilirnliirx ..I l.'iniH. .to, m.'l limy In1 i.l.liiini.'J at any tlmu by tt'lilrcssing t' l'lim i pal. In l'xri'N.ivi! Acri.MM'.i. iti..n, wi.l. -f.ri'n l r. '1.1111111.111, niul I lin Irn'lliv e x i.i-riiio-o of tli" I'n' i,. al. 'In- in.-liiiili. n .n.-i l.ii'iliim Mii'.Tinr I., u ij oila i' in il... I'.iiintry, f.iry..''i turn wixh ii l in pri'i'iin.' f.ir lj ii .-i ii . .mil t., ..I.tnin nl t ti o niiin. I i in v a inri.iMA, wlii.li ivill prow, n ri'i'oui uii'ii l.ilii.n inr llirni In liny M. r.-imlilo Ilnu-i'. 7 '(.' HI I ti.n l.i.N'.-.-.'n.'f 1. 1' rr. ntiM'in.n IJ i K -K KKi'iNii, row nn. in H-i. Ii.lv i r--ti ! :i t t-.l limn imy ulhor wuli on tbu Mil'j.il. mi' f"i (-..lout the (ul- t.'flC B. none i:s nuTTi' xrE. A ll 'in.'V -nl l.uw, I ri.iia.Mj hi:' . jiui., Ii'.2 ly. I'ltiM li-AI.. NEW COODS! A ,S RES II ARRIVAL OF & Su nun cr (a on (I a pnrns THECIIllAl' CAsil STi ;!:. I am ju.-t receiving niol opeiiinK u enrefiilly uelecled stoili of Spring und i-uiiiuier puoil' ol iilttitist every description, A l.aauutiil iisMirtnion' of l'lints and iJres (jii.i.l-, ol the newest mi. I lair-t styles. Also j;reat variel v nf useful notions. ii;y..;ot)i)s and notions. lioiinels, Hhiiivls, iluls ii nd Cap.", Uootn and Shoes, a I :irf quantity, llarilwiir , yieensware, Urns and Midieinef, Oil and I'uints, Carpet ,t oil Cloth-. G ROC J 11 I ES, !'i..ii, Sacon mid l'lour, Vin-kerel in J i and f liarrels. of tli o Lest quality, all of which w ill bo 6o..l ul 'lie lowe.-t ensh or ready pay prices. My old fri. 'ii.lt and the uublie generally, ure rcspectliilly invited to call JstVX. I!. All kinds of ''AM .V and approved C0r.7K 1' 1'HODCCE taken in e.eliaiiru ol (jonds. Clearliel.l, June 2(1 ISfil. W.M, f 111 WIN. Trrnox mosl iioiiuli.r and su.'ces-lul COM M CI AL SCHOOL in (ho couiili v. I t. war. Is of Tiviii.vf Hrsiiiiiiii vonn.' men. from iwKXTV.i:ilir .liller ; cut Slates, nave been educated for business here 1 within the pn-t three years, son f whom ham been employed us Kdoiv-KLKl'HKs at fuliu ics 0r l .. I $35 00 IAYS the entire cost lor 1 I immcdiatclv i-pon irraduaiiii", who knew nothinc "!'' ,u! ,, Vl',1'' ,'"'"' !,,re, ,.,'uiL .1 ,i... i'ii ''.Latin r.-.d G:eok I.nnuage.", ! T..V.M-:i.t,-',,.; l,,,ll'i-iP,,' " I i;,,,, '. , ,.' , .. ... I they please, will, nut extra chnrfo. For Cutul" l!iie S pciiin iis of l'ciiinaii.liip, and View of the COLLKi to Mav 1'., dl. lr. 1., i'iiclo.-e live letmr stauipt JKNKINS A SMITH. l'itt.sl.ur-h, l'a. VALUAllLK TIMUKIJ LANDS 'I "III: a tieiiiion ol person- iiosircuof purclias- intf ilesirul.le Timber Lands id invited to the 1'. ill. win;? ti.iets of Inud siliiate-l in Keatini? town ship, Clint. in eoiintv, Peiinsilvauia, known as the L01IA1N LAN lis, via: A certain tract, beinir No. 3 If !', warranted in t,a ......... ..C ?. . li-:o: .1 ... ' ,nt' .i x in.nias i. iii, i-oni I iho ill i , .,..,. ; , , ., ... i i i . .1 1 mil u I cs, situate 011 llm-li I dand Itun. at the distance of tniics from timbered witli Pino 1111.I On Iho river, beinir well :. A l.-o, ntiollier siniiller tract of himl, tituuto nt the mouth of Liri h Islam, Kun, on (lie west side (f the river, r'liitniiiiiijr "il iii.-re- nml allowance, and bavin,; a 'ood ru fling beach ihemiiti, 'i.-ii,For teiuis iipnly to g. L. ui:i:ii. 1 .. . JAS. 11, GKAUAM.i 1'xr"' i':...,r. .1 1 t..!.. 1 v il'dl 1, 1. I'I , 1, 11 ! V Goods ! Goods ! AVTM. F. IKYIN hi 5 just received a fplen I T 'li'l assoilincr.t of SKASoN A BLE COODS at his old eland on Mailtet flrm-t, whero he ia retdy to Wait upon bis old ciml.niiers--nr.d us many new ones as want to (j.-t tho very best of good?. Nor. 12, 1S62. New Good JMiHD, WKAVKI k Co., Are iiift nnen- ing a rplendid lot of the most, carefully selected ever broucbt l.i the place -which thev offer to their cm turners, ,,,! ,a, public peneraily, nt llie very lowest figun he inaikcls will uU'ord, Nuv. 12, 1SI12. j CYKKNirs Howe. ! JUSTICE OF TIIK PkACK. 1 For IlpiiATi-n Township, will i,r.,ut,tiu .11....1 iii... .i. - -. i ... r "'v .."" iv n "..isnicsn en 1 1 usie.i 10 , Auif. 21st 1S61 -- - - . - ll. W. S.'ilTH i CO. Mi: Ht'1 1. 1. - l, nnd (lea Ion ill I)I J Goods, l.ro. ,-ie , i...rdware, Qttecnsware, nnd 1 Dec. 4, I biil. D, a. ni.su. t. j. si 'ft i.i-OUGii. BUSH !c M'CULLOUGII, Collection Office, Cl.KARriEI.P, Ta. teSlN GitAUAa's New Hciliuno. ! Feb. o, '02. riIIF, subscribers hllVA A iiuiitiiim r o rl FIRE JL PU00F SAFE, nearly new, which thoy will dispose cf very cheap, HEED, WEAVER it CO. ClcarDeld, June 25, 1.SC2. DR. J. W. POTTEIl. I'liyalclau and fturgcoii, baa permanently locaUd at Frenchrille, Covington township, o!f en hit profeaiional terricei loth mrrounding totnmunltT. May 8, 1861. . ft Wllf t. 1 If C in f 81 ()()() SI 000. Will p:iii.jo llnir to ilr.iw . n I'.al I llr'inV will lti'.-l'i-c lirri or Mum-el Jlair to lln nlfliMV ll. l( i'V hll'l l AND ''Ol.l IK: ., , , , ,i, ii,,,. f.,,m p.n,,, Oil. ami nr., niulon .Now iui'I ll.'ullliy (Irnwll. : i'(.in.. t!y cnuli.'iili r I u ml r u IT , will jirc .en I nrnJ euro Norvnin Hi'ailin'liP will Rivo tu the llnir a C!"iin, (ilofsy Ap I'l'iiiftin'c, anil in ti Ci-rtain Cure for nil I)ii.i'ii-e( i f t li e 11 i' a .1. IYu'e TWenls; lln'.c Hullleil f..r S-2 .00 'or S.il,' at HA R TS YI' 'A" S I Hi I (! STUlih', M.nk. t St., Clcanhll. hi. It i a pi'ff. .'t ntnl u.ir.pU'te ilr..'.'ing !'nr the Hair. Iti'iol i'u following utiuiooiula. V. S. Maiiidal's Otm r, New York, N.v. 6, ISf 1. WM. (iKAV, Kf. I ar Sir Two iiiutli nf,n my li.'ii.l was iilMoj-t i.'itir.'ly Imlil it n d the link, li.iir t l:;nl mis nl! .. i.nj falling nut Tvrj fa-. t imlil I finii'il I ;.ii.iili li.fe all, 1 nn: ni.-i cr.l u-ini; y.mr .ir l!tt'irntre, an-1 it inimn'ii,it"ly tti.ppi'.l llio liiiil' fallini; .ill', mill m.nn r't.ir? .1 ll. rolnr, mi l alter iiiij two hottloa my lieai ii enin- leirly c.iivi.rnl v illi ii healthy growth nl' l.nir, n'i'l ol' the 'finieeotor it wan in eatly nmnhi'i'i'l. I tal.o rrrat ItuMiro in ii'.'uinni"i.iliiii; ymr ex ru Hi nl linir -(u'-(rii'c nnd jou may ulnu rru r uii-i limn lini; por-.m lo ixe. i;ni:t:i:-i MriuiAY, r. Marai, SoutUern I i s t r i -I, Jfi'w V u lc. I'. r f ale I.y (lie jiroptiot'ir, (Wiu.lirey) ut tie lli'itoralive Depul, .'il' I IJrondivav, N' w Yorlt, . , .. , , ti. Also lor sale by John h. 1'ierce, General Acer.t fij-j llnnidiviiv, N. Y., and bv all Iru--ists. JOHN S. J ii-.Ki.i-:. (Jeni'ial Aent, , Jict. Ii"i I'rimdivny, N. V. N. II. llrtipcists orutliers scLdit'S 'ash orders for the I'i itorative, w ill be supplied w ith ei.'eu. lam containiiij" certilicute." from people of iho liiliet rcspectabilitv, fiomull parts of the ruun try. March 1.1, ls(l2. 1 y. OI-LOCK'S L)A'Pi:LIUN COt'FCiv Tli if preparation, made from the best Jara Oof- ' fee, is reeniiitnnded bv phvsieiuns mi superior ! I Nl TU1T10US LKVKH Al'iE for (lenerul Hebili- : ' ty. Dyspepsia ntnt all billions disorders. Tbous- i lands wlui ti live been compelled to abandon tho ! use of coffee -i!l use this withont injurious effects ! One enti eontaius the lreni?thof two pounds uf ordinarv cuiVee l'ltC.'r. Ij c.'nti. i.' 11 The iiuii-taiid l.e-t IJAKINii l'UWDER known for making li;ht; tweet and nutrilious liread und ; Cukes. l'UK'E 1 j cenls. i mam i aitchkd b y I .V. If. KULUX'K, cm: MIST, : for. ot y.'.'.,i-i!'' (. 'f .'.nul .V,-,-i'., Pnilmlclphu. AM) f .in 11 V A I.I. MltlifilTS AND illtOcKt'.tl. S')l.l AT K. MOSSUP'S. Feb. I,; Uii2, I yr. ( l l. llll llil I) ACADMMY will J be pe:n i tor ine reception nt pupils (males and loiiinlcf ) . n Monduv, Nov, 10th, l'-i'.2. . 'mitVP "Ossli)ll )! I .ICU'll r CCKS j Orlh-.frrapliy. liwi'lniR. W ruing, l'rimsry I AJ" a::.l t'eo-rapliy, f: ! "'"-r i In u . t o. Fniisli Grammar, i Go j-riitdiy and Hislorv, I. 41.... l .. .' V, .I.i.il riun V 10 ; I 00 1 Ti, st. .M.s,,.Mrlf e,uiriiiK 'i.nirli.'h l.'lin'ni ton, and who wish in'niion, ar.d who wish to qniil ly thel is ii iimiin.,, nn. ii.riuuiiun uaem u-irable ii lvantiici. i No puj.il received for le tlisn half a fes.-ion, j and no deduction ilu Io except for protracted sickness Tuition to be paid at the close nf the trm. C. P. SAMlt-Olttl, I'rvKijH.!, Clearileld, Nov. ISt2. ly. ::.(snaii !iS ore 2, MA1NF. STItKET, CfKMICNSVILLK, PA., WM. A. MASON. ProDrietor. T II IS bin j cflal.lii,lii'il and well known 110- TFL, titmitid in th.) west md of the town. has been rcltiiiil lled, cnlurend and itniiroved. nn.l the propricl-T rcspe, iluliy iinnniitircs to bin nil incioiis frionds, and to the truvellinj; public, lU.it he is low nr. pared to iiecutntuodatB nil who tn.-iv fc.vor him wiili a call. Ample, sale mc eotnf..rtnS'e r'ublini; is nt tached to the p;-iui:es, mil tnisty .illcii'lant.s will always be nn hand. Charges niod. ral.-. Feb. 12, l:-f,.'. .(,, LEV El I ELEf I L, . ... .itisiit e 01 ine peace I.uihcrsbiir?, Clearfield Co, Pa., wi'i, intend promptly to all business i rtrtiMed to his cure. April -I, ISCI. 5? WATCH & JEVELHY J . -r l r I. I, Ulliri-if,'lit'il re.- 11 I ;..'-,., hi I,r P.M'tfllllv r,,", l.li.. r.i.r..lU. 1, ,. , I. I : .. . 1 "- W Y ''ll'- ir iihij, i I t! I (IV nil." jll.-l I roct-ivoil lr'i)i r.nst, nnd oi tn( ' clnthis ot:il lis!i;nci,t in til A U 1 MS HQ Y j ('lonrfioM, I;i., u fino nssorttin nt of CuirK, VaKjhks. Hnd .Ikuk.i itY nf difii-rnt miniiii..c froi.i a f'ui fM piic tu ft lull f?"U, wbicli lit? ii! ....ii . . i . , , n u ni mo inosi rensnnnnie price? lor cash, or III ex. biinjre for old ftold nud silvur. CL'"'KS of every variety on hand, at the nn it reasonable price.. ALL kinds of Clocks, Wntche amlJcwelrv cnn.rullv rAliiiirnil uriil l!'ni-riiir.l A cin'tiniiuiic.) of patron ago is solicited, ,s,;pi, hi, ISiiO. 11. F. N U0LE fl-EARFIEJi) STONE WARE PDTTERy.. Tbankfnl lorrnst favors and solicitious of fu. 'I'f0 i"',r(,n"Sp Iw''hl re-poclfully announce that I have on hand nznin. and will constuntlv korii at tli 0 Pottery in Ibis borour-b. on tlm cor . . . - j nera short distenco rusluf the Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery, such us Cream crocks. milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, More pipe casing . - -r, --- r-r ..-...,, rf e. it e. ; and also an extensive nsiortnunt of different sites sad patterns of brackets and rosettoe for cornice on houses, and other moul dings. Any mouldings not on hand will ho made to older on short notice. Also fire brick made aud kept for nile. ,W"A liberal reduction on prices mvle l wholesale- dealers. F. LEIfZINGER. Clearfield, may 23, 1801. ly. Shaving; and Hair-Dressing. TEPEMIAIIN'OURIS respeetlully announcei I to hi. friends of ClearQcbl and vicinity that hj has returned to hia old itand, and la well pre- i pared to render the most perfect satisfaction to all . who una, de.ir. hi. P'"; ' ' ' m r 7 Mossheim s. j D M)i;l.ION COFFEU. A fresh and large supply of tbia oelebrated Coffee just reeoired aaJ for al hj D. F. ETZWBTLER MTi 11. Olnt. I I ... i . . i... .i I.:. ..i.l .. I i - I... ..i .!. ! l .i ol.l In II... ' ... ... Iii'll lllf il lltl lll'i'l Pur.'iunj H'lfi'I'.l Itmitl. ItHtlM I'f Sinn in cr (loads I'.i.'f .to.r.l,l I i lln- r. nnliT, liiiil wlilh In' will i II nl . i'Miiiii"l.v .iw U nt inifU -in v I m.Iv. II i flnrk i nilioi. p LiUIs iii mils, IW!lt HUM MINOS, (ii Mill A. MS. IxiMKS- 'I'll' (ilMii HAMS, I V. I. A I XS, lUioWN A Itl.KACH Kl) MI'SUSS, I'I! I S I S OP A I rATTKKNS. Sl'MMI'li .'AN- (SIM I'.KKS, (l.i ITIIS A N 1 1 V I-XI'IN'IS, Tofji'thcr l.ilh every artieln in the IK lioiin.i line. AImi, HiKSli tAMII.Y UIHi:UIM t'f the liel .iialily. Hie frieniln iiii l (he j u j 1 1 o rcni'ra'.ly are lhie f,.ro ir.f.iiineil lluit if limy Hie in want of 1 1 (! (;OOIMut low r S for Ca-h or Count i y l'ro- duce, thev mii.'t not fnit tn rail lit iTzwKii.iars sToai: At the-1'1 tnnil ol Moorn 1 Ktiweiler, mi ced.nil pirnot, Cleaili.'l.I.ra. June 1. linpoitiuit In'onnation Louilrn's Indiiiii i:xpector.iu) fIIIS KUMKllY is cllereil o the eor.iiiiuniiy 1 wnli the eonl'id.nco we feel in an article! wtiieli teld.'iii fail to reulie Cue h.-piiesf efleols that can he desired. ,So wide Is die iii'ld of lln I iist'l'ulncM, mid so ii n me roils the rmi'H of its cuies, ! that niinost every sonioiiof llie country iilmun.U : with per-ons pul.Ii'!y li'iowr, who have been res-j tored l.v its use. Here is '. r.c c.i.e of nn ' ASTON IS ll I. Mi cikk: I Tii.s miv CmiTirv, That my roil lay .si oV for twclf, u'.intlis, under tiie doctor's care, with the ; dis. use ,.f the Lun ,', and every none ly prescrib ed by the Iloctor failed lo (rive r.'lief. 1 t;;ne up ii. 1 hope; ol Ins recovery ; so diil the rl'vsicin . ai mi- tuiKu a ori.v-.. UM0I1 ull0 t ,ry uottia '.I L'il'IUN A CO S. INDIAN KXl'ECTOUA:; j, !!.a ll result wa most liunpv, in the use of ,, , ,,, it i i . i l I i ree bott.e eileeted a Tier man cut cure, nnd hi m . - - now n heartv bov. JAMKSI.AYTOV iei ry Tow n.-hip, Indiatia Co., I'a. Nu family -hould bo without it; nnd those whu have used it, never will. ! keep all of LCU - Ur.N'.S TA.MAHD FAMILY 11 KIII'J'N ES for i.ilo. Call a n J too the li-d. A. IL S1IAW, Shawsville. IX-ftFortalo ly other Merchants in Clearliold county. Apiil 2, '61. 6iu. JlAJMsWICIvS img? 2 '1 ir css 8 xllarkct Street,' Clearfield, Pa. C10NSTANTLY en lund a l.rgo nnd wtll M leeted Mock of hnvr.fi k (iiHMiCALs, Taints, Oils, Varnishes nnd Hyc-Stuffii, Puint llrushes, and llrtishe, of all kiudu, Perfumery and Fu cy Articlen,. Tobacco nnd Segal's, Statioi-ery, Liquors fur Medicinal pin-puses, (inelud'nj Drandy, whiskey, Gin, Port, Sherry nnd iladciiu Wines, Ac, ii., V;. A largo etoek const mdy M, h.i'.d, of iho most nppn.ved make lor l-.ir.ibiiiy an j c-nufort. vi-u'lhe Jiocii-r w.Il perj-inaiiy tuierintcnd this ui'i-aiiui'.nil of tho bu.-iii'-ss. Cl'.-arCtiM, May H. Cm. Gloiii": it Alone! i . "I l'.()I?(;i: MiWMIV hninc Minii.n! 4 on V J the manufacture of HOOTS nn.l SllOliS 6 CO j would respectfully solicit a th:tj of public pa ihc.ruUKh 1 rona'-c. Without mukinir a ereal lss, or anv , rash i,rnmises. it nlmll nn.l will !. !; iin,!...,. ' (leavur 10 ee eet The very best of Stock. Make the very bs; o( work. And (at leutt hope for) j The very best of custom. ilf ll.. ai 11 1 f. or t,-y it looks very like it but It i i the (i-uta, which is better. i So, '-wa-le in" riid pit Fit: Shaw'11 lUir .door next ,y.;io,'( ,iu otiice Gfo. Nkwaux. - Cieariicli), July , 1S82. y jSieain Eiioinetiiul l;ic Saw-Mili nil comjilL'to, lor sale. STKA.M KXGINF, folliwin (iimensiuns .- Cylinder III inches in diameter of h ire, with ( 2i leet stroke: dido valves wiih east iron bed ; plates, ,,r shear, with force pump, liourtmr and ! fly wheel, ,IC co i, 'i.b, to ; with c.. per and other j pipes; Til'u lioILi-il'iS L'i inches in diameter, il .ul.le lined, It', i'.-et bn: ,.r d ni.iteti.il Ju i tiiala Iiuii.j I',- H-hei-1 I.' f-.l in ilie'ii.-tor, nbmjt j I' lHI 11. s w.-iiil. wiih oil glob. s, n. id :.li ne. e.-sary , cocks niol wrenches; with extra sl .iit t-. .-i'i...'h to Gr;;t Hill The Lnino has I... u n-e,l f r . :u,-it-.ii:g b-. lli G.-i..: and Saw-mill f...-oefnl'y. SAW-MILL, --PAOP'? Kt'.ST PATENT- c-.it pl.t.. with Kr.trlmt Head ri. . !.-, Two Circular saws, Strap, and n',1 neee.ss.iry ni.i,-!iii,...-y (',.; r-iv. in Lumber. The nl "ivo Eiigi.iennd S.nv-miil cm bo seen nl Gri.liaint.iii, Cha'ti.-ld eoiittty. For particular.-, please nj-ply to the pro- rrotnr, nt CK-ui-fii-M. 1 1 rieior, in i, leal l!c!i. l'a. J AS. P. G HA II AM. June 2j, 1?(12. SIJAVfNG AM) IlAIi:-I)m-'SINT.. Tbo question hns often !con nfkcl M b V I'l.r.AsAST cm h:,re sorlcnn ' That cu'lotners who shave with hin A benefit must reap, I ween. Me ? haves for a "nr." nnd if ynu nro willinp, Will take off your hair in a trice for a "siiillisg." So cniiie nlong, yo jolly boys so slick, For Plensnu'.s is the man to do it cheap and quick. The ronton mnrroadily bo seen Why his eti-toiu U co largo : His towels all aro clean his razors all nrc ketn, And you'll alwnys find him I'Uuinnt in charge. Justjroln Pleasant's and you'll bo Like Shebn's Queen of old' Pleased and delighted, nnd exclaim Tho half has ant been told. "Sttuhon't forget the place in Gratam's Row. , C1 i ... i "u, "'". """" "' . Clearfield, June IS, 1RC2. tf. ivr.n t. inojiARn. WM, A, WAIXACR. t. A. rissiT A. C. JMNHKT gitnltiiiii aub Collection- Mtc or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A lt F 1 L D, CLEARFIELD C0UXTV, PA. ,..-ITrA.. . iotK'IASiddraftbiiiscoi'wti " iWITS Hl;CI-:iVr:i), Collations mwh andprocf,Js promrt'v rtmitttii Kichange ou f l,o CUln c.LLlly on liand. S0ffic on Second St., nearly opposite the !L DANIEL fiOODLANDER " t UST1C10 of the neaea J . Luthersbu Luthersburr. Clesrfl,,i,i r p. -in ... i .. . -----.--., -"I Uliena CTOmriiy to ail DUnneai untrmtiut t r. n Mareli 19 1W.-1;, pd. A im v i i to -tt .f nn 1 V n t lln t mn . llin. iiuhii;. .'"' ...ruin lllVWll.ll, I MllK, M.ttlllH. t'llB. Ml I In 11 1 1 r l l . rrn.l lliiti I fl,n,( i miti j.utr in nifir iriitt, ' inn mi: i i iih er llrnilnHirlcti Hi: mini ti f, Ciiil totnnrk I'l'.-i 1 1 ... i' ii i. In .'. I' Aim. n i I lino I .'.. 1. 1 ,', m, rm,t . II.,' mnt-l I.-mI , Iih mil lK..lr , nt. l. up ., n , f til l.ll I'llll.. I I Ktl'lli- In tl. ll" I.l I, . .,1 -l..,.m, , M ll,. . 1.1.1...' ill imw I r ll' -y n Mi i lip i, th. la ,, ll.r, llii' In I I- r nt Hi ii ii .o i, f. ' ' v 'nn iiii i-i.iii ic.i, l.n m". ii viu it ; c.',. o;c ,v. ,,,,;, llilintm DiKiinlrm imil l.ivi r 'm plmtita . I'li'iiiiii.-r 'if in, hiiii,. , l-MIM.t., I l , T , I. . J,A I rlu: 1 Inive in"-! ."'l I'til-in mi ii.'ii. t.'l hi..i i,,, ( prio li,'. .-.i'i .ii.rp . n mi lr tli- ni. nii-l - i,i,ii,, . '( ,1,1, mi mi i ti- iw i.,.ii. li M..I.I. i.i.'.i III.'. I."' i'i" ." ". .........ii' n i-ni !.. it,.,, , '".it.-. It llo . in.- nn iiiniilial.li' mini . lv i .ie:.m ..j, ,,.,,(. I," .!!!. Ill l.'.'.l. I l.-o e ,'t I-. in I. Ill.l 11 .:.. , f .ii,.., t . i,r .1 -llosl- ll.ul il .lei i... I i .whir u I.l lo ll ,, (ml. in li'y jro'iis Al.n.'i HALL. M. e Vl'.'.-C-Olll ! t',t ,T :i'o, J I Pyticiitcry, Iteliu, nml Wniim, ; 1' .ii i ii k. II un . on, I 'v M I' ll.. Nov. o, V li.n, 'urti i',;i. :., tli, pi'iii..ti,.ii ot ,,,, 1 1 ... I, .iv,. .' ii in will' tiu.ie n"oi linn 1 ,-nn ., si. I. -..I I n si. I, niol . ii.ni Huuy for ini.iiii,.. . 1 ii' I . , ! ',' .1, 'i' 1 1 -It'll lit Ul'enl ' X "'ll-'. I'll! T"t llo I 'Hi i ' : ll-.t ll . oln II. I'll er. 1 l:il.illi , .11 I'i 1 1-. Will' ll li etl ''i . ,, ,'lil'ii llil .' .ll.Hl.ltll' - ol Woillli I'l.'H.I 1e ; :,...l. 1 del iitii-rwiitil- oii-'l l.ir an. I em imo(: . , ,'t 1.1. " .l (t.'-.'llt''f.V. on.- .1 ..ir u. i Ills. IH ll;.ll it . ; ( ii. v v. in ( i:l ,''l 111 ill Willi l.'o il.-s.-s 't J oar I )' - . j . i:,i-i- .o.'lin.l lis i':ii,l ti-'to I.vm n. tw. nty il,.li 'i- i I 1,1!-. s. , I l -i in:.. Ii tin. . ill'. 'ul I i i , r .-I.., - , I evi-n I' 'I. Ml' ll II I'l.'il i'.'' "s V'lllR, W hi' ii I. 1 '(l..i, ' e -..vt u:'..i I. l.est, W III I ' o: ' .1 I""'', j l.i, .1. .1. liKIITIN. (I.,,-, i...'. I Inilitrc-Hou nml I tit iu i il y nl the lilond. .c.i Air. .. I . Ilimrt. lUU'ir "J ..(cf ' ''... ';, ftum. l'r. tin: V lin U-.'il yonr I'iIUwIiIi . t.-vri!iiiiirj fiir,-, . in e..' I', lull..' n.il Hiii'.HL' lli"si. I an it.i!,,l l,.vi.ir in !'!. I'n i. y.ii .le llie .'i r.n.s "I .In; 'i .Tri :,'iri v ll." l.i. ol tlo'Vn..- the ur. r n,r,. I lnv, n, i ... ii. el, .Is. llll I 1 CUM ''.'ll Vciir-' i.l.-litlv l. u.l'iinei.il ll,- ,i (,, .1. V. Ul.ll" IV in fir. lln owi c, :;. v . . ,. , r r.r. .'ik . I inn iisini: "iu I'-' i-n ' .mi lin.i ii..-ni n ' , i "'V' i r i"lll fl ; Ml ! til I ..iIli., I ,. -t'-ilinnill'luJ"-.,, ,;,,;.,:.!-. "- l J'.Hi.N .:. M1M-. i'.'.1:. v. b ZrysineliiN, Scmfiita. Kinc's Lii!. Tpi'il uiiiiirs, una .-via iiiienui. ! t'-' """"!) -,'"- V-i'u i. H.. l.K. t'-."!!: i ur I'ills ,.m tl.e pn.-co., of !l tt,.,t i, criiit in mt"li in e. 1 Lev l.nte i'ine.1 lov lull,-il;.k tr, . , - , , , ii iiir,'n,us ...rus oi.,.!! r'er iinini. s lei if. i i.'Mi nun i4-,,ifj i, i.i., i. n.., ...... i,.,i .i i .,i iv ntii,-i.J witli l,l.,(ilii.s i.r. l j iint'li's on bf-r slim and ia lir le.ir. Afl. r ot.r . lii,,! .vas rnr.-'l. she aKo (ri,(J Twir ' "'"'""" ""' ""eoim I l.or. ASA Ml'Il'iiaMiK. Jkiieiiiiiiiusni, ' t iu iilpiu, anil Gout. f'.i'iii Uf V-'ic. Ih: li t,. r f tjLt X,i.iHlt jas. (7u.rcl Pi u: ki I! ! -ir. s i an.va:i. O a., .bin. i1. l-1!'''. Hon. m Sill : I sli'.ol i l Uliirralefiil ic l '.lie 11 !if f l"Ut ' ill lin- 1'ioui.lit me if I lu! not report n.y ci.kc to mil. A eoi'l h. lll. .1 111 uiy lie ,ln 1111. 1 biou-ilit en (-x.-rii.'ii'tinK i.cnti. ii. piiins, wliii-li eii.leil in iliior.ic 1 It.-iiii'Hlisui. Nolwil:. lai.ililiii 1 liait llie l .'st of ( l.si.-iilhs. till' .hs.ni n-w wor-inl r-.u-s... until. I y ll.f mi. 0 .-1 f lour r .' I.'i.l h,:, nt in li!'.iiiuni, l'r. Ain. K. H7.i. 1 lti.il oin- l'ii!. Ho-il rifi-clJ wen-alow, flit I me. l'.j petal eripg ill '.i I. llav of Ibrin, I am now tliliiely well. SSATf. rilAUlir.n, llAT' N li.U(;K. T.A.. ft t'f., l-J.V 1)K. Ann: I Iikvc lie,-11 t-utivt-ly sure.l t 011r 1'ilU ,4 lilie.tnuillc llyii; & painful il.scio.' il m lM-.i ,,ri:i,.i,,i ut tor ysius. I IM I N I SI It't.l.!., l'or Iliopsy, I'll tin. 1 11, f r Itii.ilri il ( um il in Ik. i,-.iili .l-i; tin u.iee 1 u:.:', II. 1 j nu 311 t x.-il-I. i.l ii'iui ily. I'nr ( ot-i; 1 Hess or Ceti'-tipiilioii, nnd n-. n liilkltei- I'll I , tin 3 lit" si 11 1 ,.l I . 1.1 ,! 1 1 i t,..,, l'its, Suppipsslon, I'm nl) ;.-, Iiiflr.st'mn-. (loll, no. 1 iMeii lnf IM'kM. K I ..I I'llltlHl tlitlllU in-., lane Uvu culv.1 I . the allciiuLe in (i. l OT '.1.'- i'ills. X k of tl,n Pi,!, ,1, Wi'vlu l rotitiilt, Moirnrv, wliirli. f. 5 .lioiigh ll lain. .I'le l. lin-iiy 111 sl.illul lisiuls. is ili.iitcr. u, i '.'.i a i i;l !! ( .il. 1 mm tin' livemlfnl o iise ii.i-i.r. i. if a ru-. i'.. ul'. f1 i i' V its ii.rnc.lt, us o-.-. 'I !,...'c tel.i'.ili ,'.' Il ir- i "'i-y '1 i. ill1 1 . ! , :;' '.;"!; i- w hnKi.;, win'c iin:irv rr 'rvinu I :n jilt j viu.iiai ir.tjvHtiiii lor. nn-: KAi'in rri.i: . : cox tin?, t oi.t'.s. ::oai:m. yt i.mi.i1- l.iZA, liliO.M 111 liS, t lillliflM. tOK. II, CttOt P, ASTH. l- irir.vr osmjii'i ids. ml f. r tl..' n-'i.-t ot c n-tiii-T :u- il.,;.ll It, M.lrntiiH liHf'iV el (lie li.-iiis.-. Vie 11., J 11. t Oii-k tn llm ; ol ! " r' ill Clin.- I'I ,"h .'..i.: : v t. ,ti. i.i,,i h'I.i.M . nl-t 1 :1k . 1,1.. I H'l,i"M I ,,..if. 1 II, , 1 '..'iv I. I.l I'. Kv.'.f, ii rili i v i' i" in r iiiil tw lie U'-m'i i! ft i t Ciil! i H U'k hi hii c i i i;, '1 tin out lnr- j nal ' pel 'fine i '.Lo i'"li,l.itii.ilics ;n v Li to 1 v ,1, li :- 1. 1 :n . i I sua- .1 'lis . I'i . I. ; S1.1l 'in I ti. li l,.v. e i."i 1. 11 . 11)1 t!.i-::i h f'lr.c h iTi h ij.li y ni In riiti.t v otr lb, en fin ilm-;-' i I ! i. i . : t cni I ti w i,, it r !ul j'l ';! , i- Kl,' w il ! V.-t l.'iMt Mi.l ti:il I"- !i-: u', el' t'(' I'l'h' nici- tl:n J Irii'itit.vt m m t-i.i-M m bn -i Lnl Ii r iiiiniil- nii-1 -m tr jt.ci.i. hn't 1 ID Btolf Bt'-i'i.-t i! .-;!; ii i ' p I I'J 'I' VT,. II ; :i(-"li Ih'-in Ditj.fi in . .1. Mr it! iii...-H.i t. in.-' if ; in-;P llll' ( t I'i'.l I-C'- rfl -:t ' IH' ' I lin ! V' Ct, iMli;,itiin tf p?rii'S 'Lnh K.i-t- il tn". h-ij ll t) jou. rtini I'm' ''"jf c h 1 1 1 ! i" 1 1 . i n i i' i . i 1 1 i . i t y.t Uv tli.-in uir it no lr-n. hi nl mm in.-.sif - iLr ii. i ri:li ; .BiiViT tlmt. ImsStim1 en il:c i ii:i'v t'ft .-tr l;f-w' ' AH Mu'W tin i!r'-jti! ii1 ;:.t:..!U - t lunu iL-i-r-'ri ni l tin y l.n. t ( tin liituc ot tiii- iiitif ly- w 1 iitmr fl.fiii t.. Hnm iIkmh it is Mill n.'"1'' iLt-1 il HM f l e. V i" vpniu no rtM. no mic, no loil to yr tl'i.- it il . u-t jH-if.'.-t i neil lf. iui'I lln. Mill nl W.i f litM!v h I U tiie lwt a ."nl wliStb-'Ui' kill rnii nur.Wi Ci tl.tit crn, & rr.Li'AriLD nv !;i!. j. r. ayek, Practical ir.d Analyticni Clemist, Lowell, K AXI so ll Ji ' JVT-Soldby C I). Wat- n, Cli arf..'. I ; F.. A : Tr-v in. Cur-v. n-i iii-: F. Aru.ii.l, l.ei',','.l..ir;. j Moiitcoinerv ,f-Co., Now S-il.ia: .1. I . lire . -in a Morri.-il.ilo; C. H, Foster. P Cba.-e, Aiijonvill" ; an 1 bv nip.- ; me I Liijl al.-rs ev.-rv. hsie. M.iy.7lli,l -t.2 ly F E II IT U Ii E ROOMS:' BENNER BAERE'H lie. p.-ctfiilly annnuncn to the '' il' it tiiot have completed nnrt nre now i.e.-tipi ;: ; ;!i"'rr. furniture w ire-rnout.,, Iri.ii t i a on the Miirkil Lot and il u ii 1 1 y opposite tho Cou'l House. Cabinet making will he ciriied on in the uf. per story of lh; Mime l.uil.lii'g in. ill its HI FF Kill; NT III rt N (11 KS. All kinds ..I furniture, will be k.pt con-lantl, on l'.iindi und sold cheap for cash or excli.ingt for country produce, or Lumber to suit the buii ness ! CHAIRS. PAKLOi:, IlOCKINd A KM CHAIRS, SPIIINii SEATS. CAIN BOTTOMS, &c, T'A lil.t)ll .vov-'i, cr.STliE, ( A Ill, DIXIXG, LXTEXSWX (t- III! i:ah FAST TA11L SOFAS- OF ALL KINDS, VA l!l EiihS AND I'ATTKRXS. I5VHEAI';;, S10K-U0AP.I-:. BOOKCASES WAftlilloHKS, tC. bi:dstT':ads jj:xxy uxp, n 1 1! (() ST COTTAGE, ini:xcu po.sts, &c. lla'i, Hair top, Co'.'.on 1 s and Com llusk, of ''ue be.r u,U-ruu L00hl.NO GLA-.oK.s of all eorW and lii nro, Glasses fir old Frame. Alio, Aa-r.oy, What n..ts, Vii stand, " nrk-stands, .'ful-rick', i-e, COFFINS. Made to order on ihort notice, hearse lurni.bej. Poplar. Cherry, ao l Lln wood Lumber, aT "r ; In erehanir for work ! Olearfleld, Ocloht-T 2S, im