Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 17, 1862, Image 1

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    . .w" """
ft ll, -MM
D. V. MOORE. ) VAtnr.
0. B OOODLANDER. rdltor8-
TERUS-$1 25 per Auntim, if paid lr advance
CLKAHKIKLl), iA WDDM'DAY, 1)1. V, 17, lG2.
II . Mm It
T rait
i nr. ihvU'tiim;i
Dm flu era Unit (kirt ttin moiititnin'i' trow.
Tlio hi in hut rl"ti I thiil tliuiv tin- pi. j,
The flurry Iii-hvcii, with lr.lli.inl Lri.w,
i'r.iliiiiii " tali- i'l' myHrry ;
lii- lim lli-iiutil'ul i
Tlj"iliw ilropn l.rijjlit licit 'if.' 'liriil,
'I In i- rfiiii. j t 'i!c tliut rAiT ti J wings,
Tlio cus ml -'j lull, thtf iiiunmiririic. nil,
'llio tiiiiiiiil Li '-'J on Hiry w inert;
eili,y-uj! hw bt'itu:iiuli
Tlio gp'i'ii fond Lie., in, in Itriiuty'i. prime,
'i'lio yi'llnw, t"", t!.mij;li in t mi fur,
LliVI'.i ,l-ii' IC'trS, ill prr lill ill ilnt,
1 lie (Ire :in'i rimr, tlio tt'.-i'i, ilm air,
J'i.ijl:iro llio l.e'iiulilui !
Tin" inf.n.t'i i-ii.ili.. t!:C lu'V'liin f vi-,
't lio i i llml iiit'iirn, tin: t.'itrs lliut lleiw,
Tin1 L.iriiu''s witrh.i e''.-t,'i'-y,
A;!, uil. '.I; M. t: tl iir rhiiriii.- tie'i-tow,
Airl t'.i.-v iiro lltautili. 1.
.i.l "f l iiri .liun i i . '
and llraiil) '.
"iir n,l u'-i'jV.'.
nrili nllnel Vt i'v
ii IN nutifu! ?
C 'Y ' ' X ' ll ----,, , t t(
.. j 1'
ill', tlli'll, Si '
' -V s I .-,..,. ,i,
. ii"t 1 1 r. i -o
V lion nil i!m- i
-Xr'r.'st.-vetic, trom th? IIou.v Coim.iit.i.icr our -".ucaUons a i.ovt secure.
i ,i'Vil mJ M. nnt turn i i I n iillICi d n Wi! .110 IWCn'V-flVC UiilOs flOtll ..."""niOtlU,
l.,il .i'i'Iiii i 'ni' tl.e Si'i-ietni'v i.TiheTi-f as-
to i-stie u t,o:is:ii,J liiilli'i'ie ol Unit' d
Stat';.-bonds, :.imi!nr in Hiiiuuiit and form
to ll, ;e :iuilioii-cd by the act uppiored
I t'. riiiry, .'), 1M'2, with interem payable
-ci; i-:'iiiniKilly m tiie lawful money ot'lhe
1 ni'.cd State.-, i nd the principal payable
in twenty e-in in .'old or silver coin of
the L" lined States ; "idbo to ivsuobf.'al ten.
del notes ol the United States, the ain't
not to exceed, w ith then; already tiuthot-
ized, live bundled milliot s, tc etiablo 1 j i ill
10 call in ail tho hve-tiventv unU seven-
thirty Tie.isurv botnls now in circululion,
n ful I'iiiicil ibem, and him to
f cdccm the United Stn'cs legal lender
Voti.s lie-Id as a loan ami 1 ea' ing interest.
'I be law .lull. Oi uii'g such lorns ii to :
ril l'!:u'i. I
The bill Miv.pal ti c iitual suppression
r f ti e banks 1 y the imposition "f a tax of
ro ,.,,i t, ii il.eir circn an, in over
cne-ha f 'be amoun
it of theii ciipital paid
in, to go into r.pM'atson t:inety uays utter
the 1 a.--:'u'e ( I' the bill and Vnivi.
P.issmohe Wii.i.i.'. jison.- 0 ir readers will
K- ! rei.l!.-e.t what a t-t.r this great
negro liilaulhropi-t created in Atiolitu ti
circles, in l'hil.i ielphin, n f -w year njo.
ile w as the vc'-y h. ftd atnl tioi.t ct ttiat-'
! a,l
pait. l'.v ms pieicii'i.-'i if
. . . . 1.. 1 1. ... r.w
tie-'o tie manageii, siu.i.- un.u .'., tli. nliih 1:1? o! an a; e.l col
on-. 1 woman owner ol muuo property in
West 1 hib'di-lpl.ia. Ilediowawid in his
iwn I..11 I wiitoig and p. r-uadrd tl.e wo
.nun to s'gn i' it. the id ..-en re ol her bus.
land, and friends. The wiil set f or: h
tlott a s-i,'.'.M aii'ount .should g" to In r
husband, nnd the balance, the my-r part
...f ,ei ("late, to Pas-moro V illi.uiison's
vill, 1. had seen th' old woman Of ly
iiv. 'i'l.e neg'O wrniau died recently,
; nd hrr liusbaou cn'-'s'i'd the will. The
jury, befote whem tbe fa 0 wa tiiel
iA.oul three weeks n?r., dec'ftred tl.e will
null and void, it being executed t') sn;l
l.: ili.hnnesi r iirtiosos e.I iini'i"n 11:
i...,l ..''ilie iironer le its. So :.Uc
, li f r
nci-ri nbilanthioov a:id
Passmnre il
,.,m..,n ,,!- .c,',r luhilhio-c-r.
I'iie "i.M) Arwv '. The Union fir
es, consisting now of over seven Ian die I
thon-atid men. are di-tribute l nnd com
nuu.ded as l.!h a-' : lien. Burrisid-'. with
the whole Army .1' the Potomac, lided by
Hem' .elm an and Sige' it t' take care of
i;i"hnrin I :iieii.('..x is making a rapid
march ton .ml tie I'irg.nia and Ten lies
see Pailroad; ticii. Peck and (ii 11. Fuller
a.e to look 1 ut for tiio .Southern com 111 11
nit'.iiioiis ot Ki' hmcnd; Gen. Hanks and
(len. Hunter are to look in at some of tlio
Southern ports now beb by the rebels ;
(ien. lfii-cci ans is mo ing through Central
Teiini's-ce, (i;-n. ''oan""i' t'iroigh Ken
tu. it. ii. n. (ii'.nt nt) Mi-si-si pi ; (ien.
Scho'licld defcii'lii Ml-soui i. and 1 ien. Cur
tis i- lelow him on tho West sidffoftbfi
liver; and (len. 'cClerand will soon be
on his way elo'vn the Misissippi river.
I'n mi 1 Pi ntN 111: coil Eh home. A
Vucii.lo! ours, who bad taken piidofor
K veial yeais in cultivating! a full crop ot
haii on his face, was called away from homo
on business some I, no since. While uh
eflt, an inexp-n ieiiced bai'bcl spoiled his
-tlii-Lers iii niminilic them, which so
-h 'ninned him tliat he directed the bar- j
bernmakc a clean job el it ly maving
wliiBkfrs and mustiudio . Ik.IIi oil. llio
l I ...... ...n fvi. ('.-A WAS
Ian urr ..oe'yt'ii, nun t.tii ....v.
as Hi.ooth and as d. lielo as when in his i
icens. ho returned honi in the nielil. :
10 returned honia in the night.
rni-ig his little girl lil not recog-,
. ot, waking up. Looking over !
.er.ani seeing, as she supposed a I
Next morn
Kr mother, ani seeing, as she supposed a i
urancer in the U'd. fcho remarked in her !
1 the Ud. she rcmarUe.i in her
jnplicitv, "Mister, get out c,f;
U-U 1'a .n he amirj home."
childish s
here; I'll
JIi man Gi.okv. The Parthenon is nor
a total ruin, whe-te bats and owls nest, and
where Yenus is more honored than Min
erva. The Roman Forum has no become
a cow market, urul tho Tarpcrian Hock a
cabbage-garden, tho Palace of theCiesars
a rope walk ; and from Hie seat once held
by Washington, Jefferson and Madison,
there now issue "letters to Horace Gree
ley," propositions lo " Border Stales," and
"jiroc.himatiot.s of abolition."
Hartford Timri.
gr?), v. . 'Imse,"' frct-d lo buy gold t
iw,'n.;irtet.t.ui''"'. Py interest
to theVre.liu.ra t.ill. " tnent within
a fori-niglit. There are one hundred
.1 .! i.iu,. 1,. duv who havo not
t 411 m ruin vi eii iim
seen h dollar
th.-ec, four and six
I am surprised, toy dear, thai I liava
never sn you blush.' The ftvct , bus
hand, I was born to bliuh uniNi!. '
Important Correspondence.
The following ar- tln lipnteho9 which
I naed between Gens. ATi 'lellan and Hals
jleck on i ho ulijcot of leaving the Pct-in-
iiln. ,MH Iclhin s di-natch wits lv tele..
li-iiatch was ly
I graph, and in cipher ; tlmt of Ilallcck, in
reply, was in manuscript :
Ktiiimt No. I. Copy in cipher.
! 1'Frk lev, 'a.. Auir. I. lsT.2.
' Msj. General llallrck. Corinniilider in
I C'li el i our dispatch of Inst cvofiitig is
I i , , .... i nie'iiui intj eiifuiy unu louii'jiitia uuuck
!ed met,,eg.eatest r:ii I .Ver exper.ensvouiM ,-,,, fo,,Vi Jn othf.r words tll0
;ce,l, lr I an. convinced that tho order to oM Ar3 . o) J0 rotoil)ac is F.ilit inU) ,VV()
. raw tins army to Ac...,a . reek will prove , ll t whll tllli ,or(.0 (nf niy
' lllClik 1'MMJ III t !. nvtH..m I . n ... I '
, rei riven, i musi con icsn mat ii lias caus'
IT . ' , ' ,u C,U !,: !
Icar it will bo n fatal blow. .Several dav6
ar? necesii ry to completo th prepara
tions for no important a movement as this,
find while they at? in progress I be;.' that
cnrefiil considci ation bepiven to my htate
iiict't. This army is now in excellent .lis-
I'lphiic an
condition, wo hold n debojche
on uoui oatiK-i oi uie James river, so llnil
vrc are ncc to act in miy direc'.i.ui, anJ,
it'll , I ,i ,.tl,.n0,.ri ,- i
. mt- i4i-t.-itt,t ui nit: uu uutlis, 1 CUII
and are not likely tr, n'e -u the cik d v in1
force fcullicii tit tu lihl a kittle until we
have reached lilt ien or eighteen utiles,
which brings us juacticully within ten
miles of Uichuioi.d.
-hir largest line of land tronspor'.at:.)n
would be from this point twenty-fivo
miles, but w ith the aid of the gunboats we
cm supply the army hy wuter during its
advance, certainly to within twelve miles
of liiclmiond. At Acquiit creek w e wc u'.'i
l"i H'vct.ty-iivc mi lea from liichtnond,
with lana transportation ail the way.
l rom here to l ort Montoe is a mnrcii of
about seventy milei ; for I regard it as inv
racticable to wit hdraw thisatiny and its
material exce t by land. The result A
this moveme nt would then bo lo march
f.n.t I . ll ti 1 1 t'tt t .itid f.-tilt t.-til..a I ft rn.i.'li
.........v. ....j ..,,, ,t. ,t..t.. ..
point now only twenty-five nul.;s distant
And to ilepnve ourselves entirely M th.
now ci i ui am oi i no mi mm
nnd watfi
t ran-poi tation. Add It this the cett.iiu
lernoralization of this annv whi-h won
ensue, tii terribly depressing ellect upon
tl.e people of the Nort h, and the strium
probability that it would iiillucnce foreign
ttoweis ta i e.'oimi.e our adversaries; and
tJies appear to mo suthcient rca-ons to
niake it my imperative duty to urge, in
iH. strongest lenns ol n,ir language, tlia
this order may I f- rescinded, and that far
from recalling this 111 my, it bo piotnptlv
reiiifoicid to enable it to rfoiima the (-fen-ive.
It mav Iv said that theie are 1.0
reinforcements available. 1 point totit ii.
I'.m nside's iorce to that of lien. Pope,
not r.ece-'sary to inrinlain a strirt defence
in front of W&shii.e'.on and Harper's Fer
ryto thoe pm iions of the Aimy i f tli.
V.",l not reipiiic-d fur a stti. t I
thct". II. re elirccMv In front of this, ar
my is the heat I of the rebellion. It is
lute that ali our resources should be col.
letted to strike the blow which will de
torinir.e tl.e fate of the nation. All points
f.f secondary importance tl.-ew here sho.tld
be lib indoneel, and every available man
brought h"te. A decided ioior.- here,
and the military strenglh of the rebellion
is crushed. It mutters not ihat parlial
reier-cs we may me et it ith ebon hero
here is the true defence of Wellington.
Il is hero, on the lank? of tho .lames
river, that the fate f.f the Union fhould
he decided. C lear in my convictions ol
right, siiottg in the consciousness that I
h.u -p ei . 1 I'.-eti. and still am, actuated
solely Ii 'oveol my cum Iry.koov-ing that
1.0 ambitious or selfi-h motives have in flu
enced toe "10111 the commencement ol
this tviu-, I do now, what 1 never did in
my life b. !ore, that this outer may
be rcscir ileel. If my counsel does not pre
vail, I wiil, with a sad heart obey your or
ders to the utmost ef my powers, devo
ting lo the movement, one of the utmost
difficulty, whatever skill I may possess,
vhatever the re-u'.t may be; and may
(iod grunt 1 hat I am mistaken in my fore
boilings. 1 shall at leat havo the inter
mil sutisfactifin that I have written und
spoken frankly, and have sought to do the
best in tny power to arrest disaster from
my cOJi.try
fii.n. 11 ftinior Generul.
Otuciul copy.
Head'iuarters Army, Wasbirgton.Ib C,
November lstli
Exhiuit No. 2 j
ASIIINeiTON, AUgUSt 0, lll.
Msjor General McC.'lellan, Comn.auding,
Ac,, j.erkley, Ya. General : Your dis-
' natch of ye-lcrday was received this meitnt
, t;.i.i iii r
ing ,md I immediately telegraphed a brief
fl'tf. promising 10 w rue you u.010 .u.iy
"T'Ji "s..u.,..,fc n,c JUU m
by mail.
General, certainly could
ni0,e l'""ned t receiv ing
not have
l,ll'n ,J10,e lli,ied el receiving my order
"" 1 w"s -ue necessity ol issuing iC
'" w"s 'ue necessity o. n
I was advised by high officers,
judgment 1 have great confiden
in whose make
the order immediately on my arrival here
1 . t . .1 . .l .:! 1
i.ui 1 aeieruiinea noe 10 uo so unu.
could earn your wishes from a Personal
interview, and even after that interview
I triel every me. ns in my power to avoid
withdrawing your army, and delayed my
decision as long as 1 dared to delay il. 1
assure you, General, il waa not a hasty
aiu' inconsiderate act, but one that caused
me more anxious thought than any other
ofmy life. Hut Hfter full and mature
consideration of all tho proa und cons, I
waa reluctantly fnrrwl . .1 ,'.-
that the order must be issued.' ThS was t
to my mind no alternative, I
Allow rue to allude to a few of the tacts '
of tl.e case.. You and your office... at the;
interview, estimated the enemy' lorce in
and around Kichmond at two hundred
thousand mep. Since then, you and oth
ers report that they have received, and
are receiving, large reinforcements from
the South. Gen. Pope's army, now cover-
ing Washington, if only fotty thousand
men. .
Your eU'ectiveJiorco is only about riine
ty thousand men ; you nro thirty miles
from Kichmond, and ieti. Pope eighty or
ninety, with tin; enemy directly between
yon, leadv to full with I. is Htpui'.or num
bers ii'i:ii one or the other, us ho may se
lect. Neither can reinforce the oth.r in
fuse of such an ul tuck.
1 1 General pope's tirinv be diminished
to reinforce you, Washington, Maryland
and 1'tMi n-iy 1 van in would betleft uncovered
nnd expoicd. f ynur force bu re. uoed to
H'reii).'thei: J'opo you would I'O too weak
to even hold the position you now occupy.
1,1.. ..i i ,i : . i .. i . . . . .1
directly bc-tweon th.
tly bt-iwi'pn them. Thev cannot b.
uniteil by latnl without exposing bnili to
destruction ; (ind yet they must be united.
To send Tope's forces by water to the 1'
niiiNiil.i is, under present circumstances, a
military impossibility. The only alterna
tive lu to kciul Itie toii'i' on the IVnilisnlx
,(1Komo ,,n,n, i,v .1:i:i. kliv l,.,l..rii ks.
burg, where the two armies cno be united
T...I mn rn.( llii,l,i t rt L.rttn .if lliA riliv
;nii,tn. i,i.'i. t,.. ,i v,t.. t I
j v viLt .i ii n. J vii nil t it i i vii C"J
that to withdraw from the present posi- !
I.... ttiit ,..,',. .t.,.n,i.: . L.rt...i;,.r: !
. , i i ... ..... ,
of the auiiv, which is nort' in excellent
i .,(
uiscline nnd condition " 1 c.i ino I uu
der-tandwhy a simple change of ,o,t on
to a rew and by no means disU H b. s.s
will .K-morai,.e an army ... oxcf.Ieni Ji.s .
ion itin in ibU i in i en :m vn v vs
sist in lii it eleiiicralizalion, which I am
satisfied thev will no'.. Your change of
front from your extreme right tit Hanover ;
i i ii,.... i.r..;t;...t u',
Ullllll 11"U-C IU IUUI 1 l t nt 11 h i-.F-1 t; -ii I'u'i i
over thirty miles, hut 1 have not hcurc' i
that it (Icmi-iialii-ed your troops notwith-i
stanttir.g the fevrre losses tliey susmineu:
in ellceling it. i
A new base on the Joippabarinock, ut
I- redei icksburg, brings you w ithin 'ibout!
sixty mi I'd of liichtnond, and a
rcniforccnipnt of forty e'l lii'y tho-:sn J
fresh and dirciplitu'd troops. Tim change
with f-.H'li adviintaees will, I think, 11
reoieacnteel to e.ur iit inv.cncoui -
, .
aire rather than ilemoralize our
.', .. 1 o '
1 iii:t.i till Li ... .til... . uu" n 1
Moreover, vo'ir-clf sugg
1 that juno
1 1 yj 1 ' 1 ' t .
lion might bo e llected at Yoiktown, but
thai a Hank march acto.s the Pen insula
would be more hazardous than to retire
o Fonre-s Monroe. You wiil reuu'inber
that York tow n is t w o or thiee miles fur
therfrom Kichmond than 1-1 edei icksburg ;
besides, the la let-is betne-e'i. Kichmond
at.d Washington, and covets Washington
from any attack by llio enemy. The po
litical etfei'l of the witlidiawal may at first
hn unfavorable; but 1 think lho pubiic
arc baginning to understand its necessity,
and that th-y will have much more con
ii lence m a unit.d army than in its re-pa-rate
Put you will if ply, why not reinforce
me here, so that 1 e'.u viko Kichmond
from my present po-:'.u;:?
'lo to this, you ' iid ut t ur interview
that voj reoiiire.l hllv diou-aml a.lelii.on-
al Irooos. 1 laid YOU il H
L'ive von so uianv. You ti
you would have '-some chance of success"
tvith tivtnty Put y. u after
vv.irJs telcrapheil to me that you would
eiu:rc thirty fiv thousand as the enemy
was being laigely reinforced. If es
timate of ihe t n'em'b sirengih was cor
reel, your reijuisiiion vvas pet icctly roa-on-
.iblc.lul i vva utterly ituio-s. Lie to li'.l it,
until new troops could be enlisied and or
ganized, which would r.i'iii.? several
weeks. To keep ynur army in its present
position until P ould be b3 reinforced
would almost dc-troy it in that 1 limale.
The months of August and September are
aluiesl fatal to whites who live on that
art of .lain.s river, and even after yon
got the teinforccnicnls asked for, you ad
mitted that you tnusl reduce Fort Dats
ling ami the tiv r batteries, bt 'ore you
could advance on Kiehaiond.
It is by no means certain that the re
duct ion of these, fortifications would not
rem re considerable lime, perhaps as
much as those al Yoiktown. This delay
ought not only be fatal to the health of
your ai ray, hiit in the nienn time gen.r
at Pete's forces would bo exposed 10
the heavy blows of the enemy without lho
slightest hop'.) of asi-tance lrom you. In
regard to the demoralizing ellect of a
withdrawal from the Peninsula to the
Kappiihannock, I must remark that a large
number of your highest officers, indeed a
minority of those whose otinions have
been reported to me, are decidedly in fa
vor of the movement, hven sevc
rai of
those whooricinallv advocated the line of
,0S,,Wn; g "'. .1 .,":.: 'r 1
1 I'liiiiHii i iinw nuv itr iia nunii'it'll
advise its abandon
merit. 1 have not inquired, anil an not,
desire to know, by whoso advice or for
what reasonn, the Army af tho Potomac
was seperateel into two parts, 'j' 1 ue en
emy between them. I must take Ui.ngs,
. . ... ,
as 1 find them. 1 find tho force divided,!
and I wih to reunite them. Only one
feasible plan has been presented lor doing 14'vrt.t r,t Itrt V fta flun ItAil t-.r.-sen I Pll
. ' ' , ..(l.inv .i101.: j .ltlV0 a.
j0)lcfi ,t . but all your plans require re.
' , . .. - imp0Sfcii,B t0
give you. It is very easy to aK ior rein
forcements, but il is not so easy to give
thbiii, when you have no disposable troops
at your command.
I have written very plainly, as 1 unders
stand the case, and 1 hope you will give
me credit for having considered the mat
ter. iilthniiffh 1 may have arrived it dil
leront conclusions trom your ow n
. Jl' . Halleck, uenerai in vuiei.
V"'?mTl COpy : . . . . i- . . r
J'C- Kr',T0J'' Assistant Adjutant General.
Tublic applause is even jealoua of its
own verdict, and thus the men who have
been the most abused have been generally
these who have been most praised.
An Iriah lover said : 'It is a great r.leas-
are to be alone, especially when yerswate.
heart is rid ye.'
Fr.iui the N-w Yiirk Horn 1.1, Itcc. 3.
Letter from Judge Gould, on the ar
rests by the Wnr Def nrtment.
Tho lctier following xuMicieiitly ex
plains itself. It was fent to tlie 1'resi
ileiit two days alter j date by a friend ol
his, who iill'orded the first cp oi lui'iiy
that could be relied on to in-nre the de
livery to tho 1'rcsi.lcnt in peiHon. mid it
Wi so delivered. 1 1 vvas read, and a vcr.
bal rebly that thocaie would be invest i
jjated "van given. Itut no pretence was
made Unit the causo for the arrest was
not corietlv fla'.ed in my letter.
Thougu the claim to '-investigate" by
means of an mlii itrary arrest, p. isnnal du
ress, and whatever seeict. appliance a
Cabinet inuisition might see lit to resort
to, was reasserting the right to so arrest
lor such causes, and thus was n claim as
utterly at variance with all law, as would
have peen the similar arrest of a m in who
(in New York) had picked the Secretary's
pocket, still steps were taken I present
the case again to the President and the
Secretary, through their person d tivd po
litical friends (and they m hii,;i po-iiion),
in the hope of obtainu,
redress w llhout
Pu,l"l!"y - .
But as up lo this time after
turee weeks) nothing luu resulted, except
. . ' . f. . ' ..
an infamci'is rigorous imprisonment ol .Mr.
iorxmxrcc has m.ohed its limit,
Umi t!llll h!lul(1
tL ft ,,cinc lMi.llH.nt
lho snn.mily 0-uclUill oppr,:?in
exercised in this case, as a winning to
thojJ and the? adiniiiisl ration. Yours, A
,., v v
(il.O, (jOLLI1.
Dec. 4, IS;'.'...
.., .-, i
jUDOI' fiuUI.I) T(.) Mil. LINCOLN
,'f,v York, Nov. 14, lH'.J
To his Ahaiiam Lincoln, Pres
ident of the United Stales : -
Silt- On my arrival in ibis city, from
mv residence in Trov, X. Y.. 1 iind that
a cousin of miiie, (i. l 'olden '1 racy, a bro
ker of this city, lias been, liist arrc-te-d ;
and sent to Port Ltd'.iyci te ; and iM-condly,
lt..t-l' TMlv l'Il Hr- 11 -il l LIJ It I'.llll.l. t"ll.
. .1 v.-.. 1 .,
J ' . .
ho iienvsnaicis sav ami so as lea
1 . . .. . ..
h'" ul ," '"'y Vl ' ' , " ,l,ls ' K
'" v.oirnu ..u.e-r en.-iae u e e. -
H'C e-t is some d."a,ings ho h ,s h ,1 it.
conlraciois ei:an on uu ci ni;ieiu ohil'. i -
el raft
lor moneys : ami. it i-sai l, scino fraa
were committed in or by l lie drafts, and
he is charged with complicity iheie.wtii.
If this be so. it is a crime cogniz. ible bv
the courts, and only by the courts. And
I am a.nazcei al the fatuity of public otli
cers v. no can take to wattling trom Ji
tinetly uttered voice of a free eoph .
I am, and always have been, an unwa
vering enemy ol this 1 c U'llioii (cursed
in its origin, most accursed in its pro.
gressj and a suppoiler of the admiois-.
liatioti. 1 am a Judge of this highest
court of this State. And if 110 honest
voice has yet reached the cars of our gov.
eminent, I wish to sry.and to be In ai d in
saying, that star Cuaniber process, and
a impossible to Secretary's warrants are dangerous intru
finally thought T'"1' to jll'-v wilh u"'1 U"lt' T?" u'
I.iOliUe, stauncii siippniieis in uie tun
criitni'iit, who would crush treason with
the iron heel, but who know tbe law, are
compelled to bang tn'. ir hen Is in at
tl.e mention t'.f cases which have occur
red .11 euir :.iid.-t.
Spies are hardly i .iuiioned w ucii 1 ie.
are where ihey can do infinite harm ; but
a powerful hand and an oppres-ive one is
bud 011 a person h. ie, w in is nnt in a po
sition lor eioini! mischief, if he would, and
who is suppo.-ed 10 have no triends.
lu this respect, 1 thank God, lucre has
been 3 mistake. It is true that he is a
young man, of not much means or ioil.i
( no: ; il is id o true that lie li is a youi.g
wife (married not long sinc-J : and f r no
assign eu can-.', and lor io assignable
cause ti. ut those in power elate to give
breath to, he is taken away hum home,
without giving to his wile a:i instant's
interview or a e
or a eli.uieo lo sen n:m. is
tins country 1 lie r ranee 01 a cemury u.-o t
. . l- 1
The young man is the gratid-on
Uriah Tracy who lived and eied a Senator
of the United States fiom Conn.-c: i.'Ut,
who was the lir-t man buried in the Con.,
gressional bntying gtoutid at ' : diington,
and whose ashes are in-ultcd by this jtros
cious invasion ol the liberties of the
pie in the person ot his ddicetidaut.
I am not merely speaking my own
opinion of such at rests. 1 know the opin
ion and the leelings of many ol rr.y breth
em of the bench. And if t givtrn-
' men I is really desirous of so proe. e ling as
..!. .1 . ..,' . ... ,..1;.. -,,rl
i lu . ,lVu l,u. f , :
I opinions they w.ll be heat.., n;t merely,
. . i . t
lho iviii ril iiniiiXia iirt.i.c; nt i n i(n
iiiclaration to tlio world
IlaJ I been o i' liours earlier inu'le
n 11' n n t Ii la fi.un I 2 1 1 1 1 nnt. ll '1 VP
, fl T f k I V I tlllU V.UOV 1 I JII.UI'I
troubled you with a word; but I would
Court of this M ile was so execute.!
as to
protect its citizens accused of such offon
ccs lrom any arrest, other thanor.e under
the appropriate process of the 00111 W.
I beg again to assure jou, in all sinceri
ty, that this kind of proceeding lias gone
too fur already, und that, while to the last
of our men and our means wo nro rc-nly
and determined to sus'ain the law, and
the government in enforcing lie law over
this w hole land as otia country, we are ah
so determined to be judged by the law,
and noi by any Secretary or any one who
is not commissioned for that purpose.
We know and acknowledge lho rules of
war, where the necessity of the rase re
quires the existence of martial law. ISut
we know.ilso, the common law of liberty,
and the broad, great charter of tl.e con
stitution. 1 wtite warmly, zealously, because I
cannot bear to think of our cherished
government's taking any course to injure
itself ; at a time, too, when ojr only hope
of en-japing the eternal di -grace and hu
miliation ot letting tl.e cause of human
I borty perish in our hands is to sustain
Ibis government of this VTnion, and to
have it ft government worth sustaining.
With great respect, yours, tve,
liliuliiiK tiCd'Lli.
Gambling at Washington-
A Val ii.gtoii correspondi ii t has ''been
lo see the t igci." ar.d heie H the way lie
mo-ci ilit s li e animal .-
A ring at the door bi ll, and a recoimois
s itieij through ils grated uper half by a
slal.voil negro, t hen up a pair i.l' stair",
through an iir.le-room, and we tand in
tin; carpeted, elegant jungles eil the mod
el n "li''or." Inere are two wide, lofty
rooms, divided by folding do'ii', both
lliizlll.g Willi llglit, tot tly carpetC-d, (tee.)-
rated with eieiiiiiil and vohiptuoiis paints
in-'-, Mini seeming v ni t Hi st ot w lierc
poor tired humanity would come lu et a
loi'clasti' of Lilen, avid id ji;. ralo lor the
stc;n battles of life. In tiie lir-it room
is a sideboard, upon whoso shelves are
rnw.-. of cb'gat.t elccantcis, through which
blushes the purple stain, or Hashes the
crystal extract ol thejuniper .-1 nylic? gin.
In this room is uUo a roulette table,
which as we enter is vacant, 11 round which
is gathered a half dozen men, so ab.-orbed 1 1 is stated in Yankee papers that e.T
in the game that were (bibrial to lock the jSerator Iligler, of Pennsylvania, has writ
cut ii with a blast !iom his t rn.pel, they 1 te n a letter proposing a plan of peice.
would r.ever hear it. We have not eoen it, nor any hints u ti
I won t describe lho game, for what lit.
tie ii'ur.y one is known about il it. Chica
go, i-- not known any where else, even in
this city of inioiiity Va!iirglou.
P.ehind the iabld sils the dealer long
in finger, while it) hand, anel with the in
evitable cluster ol brilliants eparkling
from digit and shirt bosom. He is grey
eyed, pockmarked. 1 1 solute, and yet pleas
ant in appearance, with a breadth of shoul
der and depth cf chest that show him to
be no mean man in cuti cf an exciiangs oi
1 fistic courtesies.
On the tight hand stand a captain,
playing with half-dollar checks, and in-ve.-ligatiiig
one at a lime, evidently a
iosi'r, lor, ii:s his check is raked down, he
follows it wiih a sigh, and I doul t not a
etiisc upon the ei.pi icidii-ness of fortune.
He has hut a hall d"-n checks, in a min
ute they are cone, and aflcl going to a
corner and examining 1111 empty pocket
book, he turns and stands moodily iva'eh
I ing the name.
Next to him is a '.bick-et young man.
' who, with some-thing less than a bushel of
j ten and twenty dollar checks at his sid
i-, ith tho most perlect nonchalance, bet
ting from cue to five hundred do'l.irs upon
, hU cuds, nnd winning and 1 ising without
the slightest change of cr u-itcnance. H i!
j In- m lucky; every card be bets on wim,
Until, UIICI liulf all lieur, Ik. 1"' - - lltvoo "i
I lour times in succes-ion, and then, with
' the remark, "My luck is changed, I guess
' 111 rpiit," he c.suiitsover his chee!;s to the
dealer, who coolly, as if it were a matter
i of live cents, passes over to the lucky iu
' divi lua',, thirty sever, one hundred dollar
iLreo p:r cent, coupon- l United States
, Treasury notes. Thru-tiiig the immcii;.'
p;le of paper in pocket, the g m'
. tletuan rises, takes a segar and a drink at
j tho sideboard and then with a "goxl
night gentlemen" lie walks out.
The dealer proceeds unc. nceriieu'.v,
while 1, dazzled at such resultJ, draw o it
a solitary five and dep. sit on tho kin.:;.
In ju-t three seconds the claws i.f the t:
gti covers 1, iy lonely and lot.g Jrc-n-uri-1
live, aid I s-v it no more nnd I may a id
that I h iv en '. recti il since.
A v Oil iv l 'otlenian, -vi.1 -tttlv a ciei i
in .1 elrv run 1. store sits on my 1. .1, auu 1
belling and lo:in:!- Two or thre
his c iici'Iis r;;n out and then he goeitj.i
friend a:;d tinaiiy letuins wi'.h a ten,
which ho inve-ls in clicks, an 1 loses.
At last he cotiics back lioUl one of hi- side
excur-k.ns with a lowering brnw and no
money, lie situ down, watches the game
a tiioiot-nt, and leave..
About in this stile went the game one
man winning and all the Ulanee losing,
l'.v and by : n elegant supper was serve;
in an upper room, and then the paity
commenced pl iving rouk-lt", and oilicis
R, .iiciro.l to 1
out ol luck, lor here., m
1 less than half an hour. 1 saw a Pede ral
captain 1" ..-e some six liunoif
ty dollats. Fve-i body to-' tii
I n'i'J twen-
jjst before
I left, when th" young geiitieiii.m who
had been borro.ving and be'ling on faro,
returned. Iletrnlclied the spinning of th
ball a short lime, and then took a by
stander aside.
"Hut you owe me fifty now, I heaid
the other sav.
' I'll give 'it all back to morrow," was
the reply.
fi.t-illi- t. cimn back with a "ltreeti
. . ..... .j .... - ... ...
back" to tl.e amount or iwenty. puv
.. fin rn(. . rt)ll won. n,,. -.le
pile ng.
ted Wit"
and bi.ii
Uid his
in event on the red ; and again
winner, lie changed to black.
:k won. In short, everything, he
money on was the winning color
In less :han five minutes from tho time
he began, he quietly cashed his checks
and left with over eighteen hundred dol
lars. So much for luck.
I luring the two hotns that I wns in the
establishment, some live or six thousand
dollars changed hands.
There are some live or six first c.!as es
tablishuients of the kind in Washington,
beside any quantity of others of lesser
note. They are -nll known to the police,
and in fact to everybody else, but are nnt
disturbed. They are as necessary to
Congress as the negro question, and near,
ly or quite as much patronized.
'Pa, didn't I hear you say the other day
thit you wanted a cider press?'
'Yes, daughter, where can I get one?'
Why, you try Zcke Stokes, he hugged
:ne the other evening at the party, anel I
le'.l you he made) me grunt.'
A beggar woman, when questioned if
she were not an Irish woman, dtopped a
courtesy and addod, 'Shure I am, yer
honer, and have bsen ever ainoe I was a
No publication since the beginning 'f
j the war, has had a wider circur.i'oil than
. the bile leller of (iov liig'.er. Its sugges
j lions are universally approved by ilni con
.si'i'valive pL'opIe of the North ; .oid, from
1 the foil iwing 111 tide from the Kioiimaid
UVi.y w liii !i in prc-ume l t utter tlio
sentiments oi tbo Pavis (iovernment it
is not hard to gut ts that it abo expteseoi
j the sentinicnts of the conservative, . ,
ilhoso who ;.i' be Union men in the,
Soul!i. l.rt us stir ; so H al tins paper
s, Ihesentimenls oftliel.ln I rovefn.
i .... .,,,,1 . . i,,, ,w K,,nll,,s,, ......
(ioicrnmeiit at Washington was actuated
by such seiiliincnls as are expressed in
(iov. P:gler's letter, is it not very clear
that neither government would havo to
sacrifice any cardinal principal in order
that they might boil, meet upon a com
mon basis of adjustment ?
Krum the Kii'hnioml Whig, N07. 29
tlio terms lie bi.ggosti;, but as we supposo
he was in earnest, and meant to submit
something practical, we are forced to con
clude that bo advises the North to aban
don the war und let the South ulono.
Nothing less than thi would be practi-
cable, fir havo the appearance of being in
earnest. With his appreciation of the
merits of the controversy and his knowl
edge of Southern character, he can have
no doubt that so lung as the Xottii con
tinues to make wnr the South will con
tinue 10 make resistance, and thore can,
consequently, bu no peace.
Tho first step toward pacification can
come oniy from the North, and it must,
be a suspension of hostilities: and the
pacification can then be completed only
l.y making tho suspension permanent.
This is inevitable from the character of
Ihe war itself; they invade.we resist ; they
assail, we defend ; they seek to subjugate,
we to maintain our liberty. They must
cease to invade, to assail, and to attempt
to suiijugato, for we cannot cecs.i to resist
and defend without ruin. All this must
bo plain to Mr. liigler, and when he talks
about peace, be will talk idly and insin
cerely unless ho calls on tho North to
stop making war on the South. This ii
all we ask, or have ever asked.
In the long controversy that preceded
and bi-iunht "on the war. the cry of the
.South is always "let u.- t.!nr.e." Aggrca--lon
was from the beginning the policy of
the Abolitionists. 'J hey sought by every
possible att of legislation, ly all the influ
ence of popular commotion, by stealing
our skives or tampering with their fidelity,
and through e.-f ry meatu by which they
might ie;- tlie possessioii of su 1. props
ci ty insecure and dantieious, to destroy
t' 0 vi'.lue cf the institution aod to cornnr.l
us, against our wishes, ,jr li.uats, ft. 1 sit-r
interests, to give it up. We protesud and
depr.-c itc-d, and implored i f we attempt
cdVi.o-lation, il was on1' to repair son
wrong of llioin. or guard against some
t in re:i'bng danger. We acted always on
I the defensive, an el with a patienc" and
I foi'uc.ualice that ft -re but litllo -hort of
I pusillanimity. Put nothing c 'Id make
I iher.i i-i-e.
After year-of outrage ;nd endurance,
1 finally ut' qnuring of any rcloi ma. -n, we
re.'. lived that, as we could not enjoy our
light' in the Union, we would separate,
and this we proposed to do pe iceahl" with
no iitr ntion" of 'taking .r claiming -V
thin.' that did not belong to us; willing,
indeed, to relinquish much that d'd oo
long to us. : ::d to hav? an eq-iit cae ,k
oning with our late partners up::, all
questions of --rorortion that were mcV'tii-bl-foal
the a ' 'f separation. In this
p uiiful but unavoi ! :bl step we a, i;n be-smu-lit
them lo let us alone to 1 us go
in peace. Put l':ev would not. Their ion and r:.g br:;ko f i"'- wi'U re
doubled fury, and ihey ; " ate I war
l: on us.
It i.- sl.eer nonsense, too contemptible
even f t a quibble, to talk nbmtonr hav
is;g beiin the war because we Iir the
first gun. The fact is they bad been pres
sing us bae-j. for mirty years. When we
reach .d the wa'.l and could go no 1 'rther.
we struck. It vvas a blo.v of s -M'-' -fence.
Lvery bluw that has bean struck sn.. n has
been prompted ly the f.nrue' imp ilse.
We fight beeuuso we are unwilling to ba
overrun, plundered and en. laved. We
will so coniinr.e to fi?ht so long a ve c,t
lift an arm. The simple question, then,
for Mr. Big! r : nd tho Northern peopleto
consider is,' whether they will cf-asa to
nv.ko war upon us. When they have de
termined on this, the formal stipulation
of peace can easily be arranged. U.itil
they have so resolved, they will pet no
hearing from us for anything they have to
prop jse. Of this they may teel assured.
Geological Wonhlr. About thirty
years ana. somebody made th? discovery
that the ice fields cf Siberia contained
immense numbers of elephants and mas
tadons. Whero they came from, or b
thev gat there, is a problem which, per
liaris, may never bo solved; their exis
tence, however, was no mere chimera,
and as ivory is one of the most valuable
commodities of trade in all nations, soma
utilitarian Englishmen conceived the idea
of turnin ; these vestiges of a former ago
to a profitable acewnt. Accordmgly
about thevear l.Vi Thompson. Konner
A Co., a rich London firm, fitted out an
expedition to seek for ivory in the .Sibe
rian ice. Novel and incredible as it
seemed, the exhibition was crowned with
complete success. The ships returned to
Knglanel richly laden with the choicest,
ivory ; and even to the preseut timo, al
though the world knows little about it,
the ivory market is mainly supplied f;r-m
th ice field of Siberia.
i ,
fc' i
t t