j , :. u m i.i.w, r in wii i i in to n 1 1 u r AHIVS (MIKIUtY I V t" I i -1. t . nnuiitit ' ' ... - r mm i i: i, i' ii i.v n : Wit : rsii) I I in I in. wnur i IM I I ! FIN t TILTH ft A BW H.T HHtAl II. CutinR Toothntho rihI Neumlgia I., j, n w .1, t , ', , , ,,!,, d frl'.ntlv Win,. n,J S,,, 1H-' 1 .J DU. . M II 111 Kr t N H I V I 1 I T001II ,n Ur.V. Hmr.ihl.tl I,,.,, i, "' RH.hIi, tir .-icy in; u r ii u k nil, finite". Price, 'j i-rlita n r ti ,, fv I t wine of llif culinary cheap Toulh I'll lIlTH, I it'll wl.lloll t'tlt llptl'luV. I o v i' Ii I'C - -rt i at ihHt mur llrc.ilh ir pu'f. mi. it, nn. I KKrot'itl.i lu hii'ltninl ur wif lo o r or f i jt'ttt! ? I'm- Ml. II I li D'S CKI.K- liil.ill.li Mill III n ,n. i'n.'.', per Outlll', c-nsi, T.i! .ilrin.'..?il n i.-i- is al.'ti III best remedy ii i'.o Wji ill tin r im. kii, Had Muiitii, Hi urn imi -li m, Sour Mt i.;, ot,-. Ii ,.Uie. hun di -It T1-- ti n, or .u ii );? i i, m i'i' drop.-. A'0 Vull i(V,i ' v. v. lie iiu mi-.- fr..i-. T''iT!l s M Auic nxrni. I'l'lil ' lilT I'l'ltll'. II' l:l I'll. .', I. ,'i v'.ii N-, miilitia ? Lit! I'. m:: it.w.' ii i'i,.sn:!:,.- T1 .i u' l ollvrlit ,. in:J ,. 'i -li fill ri'iui'.lv kiiui. a. 'Jill ' ifiin.'p n r i i;.-t'i'. I.ut MM.tli mi,l ...i.v. tvv i'i. in. 1'iii'i., IS mi 1 ;;7 .It J .,i ri'i i'ipt of in i,.... eba !! j ;i Cf I..'. .V l;.-r.u -I. i. cv i.'t M'U.f liK.NT.VL RKM Ul''.. j'.-la Ti.'i'ii 'uii J'rviTii. Xcn-tU ? Lli! ' . . ti. iui Dfiitnl 1 reaviuj . tin" r.,.i.- i...; i-i t , ,:..ml,li. .riM'iil tlint nnu I'rit'inl .ui: uui.-o i' .'iiiiiilii'i', J'rict) $1. S.'iit by K. t ' j i.. i j. 1't.ijit tl' iniff. y r ,. ui nil tin.' In' t ftiiTi'S Iht'uiigliuut llm . .ii f CaI'H n. As tlit-ro ure il-.-aK rx xih t.-iko aJ-v.mtu-t 1 our t.lvi.rti-.-:n -uts t 1 iinp.i-j ii;iuu ti .. - r ci..-t. ,v .nfi-riiir 1 r. i':ir.itiui:.j. it ii noi-.'v iar.v tn iiii'in upini Inn in;; whut ytu cull fur, a:,,l j T. 'l 1.1.. 1 i:r ; ti: ni-'T. tht.ronhly tosteil. unU - J ' : ..i-iivii.'i'. utul m-i.-ntilio lieu- tikf. ".ijurer r llie New YoK; i'no llMiti.i 't ' - ikn, i' ! 1 : 1 f il .',.', 1 , .'ro l're-i I0.1t t..r Iho New mk Ail'1-f...s , 1H';C: .1 '.". N". Vnvk. .!. .r. liurj'i llcital Heiut'-tli.'.' urn inr ! in thik r, nv 1 h J. .. liAlll'SH lCIv. 'I UK IIOUSKKKKPKK'S NEW rUHMTUKK I'OMSII. Pr-'pared from an improved reeipo ly the pro- plil-tt.r Of t .il "llHUIHKK JCMATIMH PliLISIt," it certillcd by :ul the leading New Vnrk Kunnturo lleaii-r-: ar.J Piauo-Korte .Makers to ho the best in the world lor temovidi? ricr.-itelie, Slurks, and lilt.an 1 restorini; a hi'li and Listing if!" to u!l kin Js id Vai iiished work.froni Turniturt) to Leiith r. ft it ihiapi r n.;d belter thuo Varniuli, drief iuirae,.,.itely, and U oiuily applied. With 11 pieeo t f ( a 'ten Kiuniiel nnd a l-jtilo or two of thi New Furnituro l'oli.-h, a Uumekueper en work um,'ic in the furnitin. of a Inuso and keep it lookiuR like new. Now is the time to "shine up" your 'i'aii'es, Wl,i.ir., Dosks, l'ianos, fi-turu Kramer, t'uriiui;of, eti-., and make thn-n i,,,k 1,0 tier cent belter, 'i'hi.' is true ci-unoir.y. l-'or saie ly 1'iirnitiiro liealersand Stort keepers peLerally. Price 25 a:.J ill cut? a bottle. Depot No. 1 Kpruea l ireet, Xeiv rk. Si-kcui, Acknts WtvTL'. Add.-eM, Box ly-72. Neir York P. 0. The II.it'jiiKKKi'BM New I'lhmii ur. l'.n.i-n is for flc hero tv J. O. II A li vs w irif O R EAT Jl O 0 R'S I X P Ii E. $ TIIKILLINC I.N'CI UKNT.S OF THK Great Rebellion; OB, The Heroism of our Soldiers and Sailors. 1LLUSTRAT K I), i ret'., lnr::c Vlmo. Price 51 .25. The critics aud tho public are right in predict ing that this will surpai?, in graphic narrative, exciting interest, nnd extensive popularity, nil other histories of the Wat f..r he 1'nion In theme will be the heroic daring, patient suffering, I on luiir-nrea iiii escape..) 01 our sol.liers and sail ors, and its incidents will form tho lliome of con versation at innumerable lire.i.Ls lor years tu couio. It will oontuin, in ad liiion to its stirring details, the philosophical Analysis of the Causes ofthoWnr, by .Iuun L01 tutor Moti.kv, l.L. D Author of "Tae Rise of the D i',-h Kepullic," etc! tho datif A ail the impii.unt eients from tie l.n .'.- -in ruitl, ami -in accurate ami revised account of tbe principal l aities, with engravings One-thir.l ,.f th pr u-ee.h of all subscriptions ? r,t 1. 1 reel t i us w ili bo given f,.r the Lelief ol Disi-.l led .-'..li-'-r-. nnd nil persons who wish a Ci ! ' s!f '. '.. t-'..-i:. nnd n!s0 to benefit tho so'diois, J seii ' rriauic and 11 -id-ess at once. Also, 3'c." or ; i -.iite, or 1 ,-r.--.,ii in nny seetiini of 'ml ;,' ',ai.ig kiii,n:ed;.-.5 if n hoiuicaetor r : ,' ;a-:iii, will oL.i-e Ui by BeLiling us an :. 1 "I it. "..:-. j.;.a'.-:t.-r.. and Canvassing A " w,il 1 Ik-J iili a tubsirlpt'un Pro- on ni-'f lir.uion to the Publisher. A A w :,, , . ... -' 'lu in liiiuiy luhcrijitivn: II THE IHSTO!: i' KACTrp ; AMI-.Hlf'AN M.',. r iM 1803 TO 13G0 By I. n- ! . o ,-i,i. . Vol. kublr liishot . 2 vis.. S vo. Vol. . n.'ar.v r-ta ly. I" iaig.'St at,d uin.-t 'uqiurtant 'lu ao pr-. ? W. tVs - " the A u .in' o kUo j. pllol.e.10 1 i.e 'lltiolii i f tllllo-AIUf i .,,,,,1 ... i p .p'.l .r bt.i v r. iA.V S I.hliAL AD- i. r ;or How to S- e Money, I.v Conducting But ncss a cording to Law, ase.p.,uil,.,l hv the J-''j Authorities. 4n,.p., .h,.,,.,,. OITu'.Tl-IClTirs FOR TNMC.sTRY oi n '1 !ii,ii!.r.il rii.iiioob to Mnko Mon'ov f loih. jl. This has been republished "in Ewry business mnn and clerk should have tVs books. They will pny the buver a hundred tulu. Every parent should get them fur tin ir funs. All thesj l-oks are mailed, postpaid, on re ceipto: ( ice. We pay particular attention to manins l.oks, wrapping them earefulU, and with proiure and tend, po .piid, any book ' nay whoro on roctipt (,( publishers' fries and six stamps. AdJrcts FRliEDf. EV &. CO., Tribune Buildings, Kew York IM A Win -.Persons who wish to buy a Piano of the be-tiuukorswillhe shows bow they ran sai. a l.uv.-rnnesumin llie purchase if t' oy ed- Duv 2'M.Jy. chd. 2a3t jiily 61. Hi I 1 1 1 ti I In t I nt . 'i i. i ii. : t mi ;s 1 1 i'.i I lid I Ml '.' .'In " '' ,1 it ...i,ili f ii, n . I li" fl ,v nil 7 i n : 4 mi A on 1 1 i n J mi M mi I ? I II A mi I H no 1 1 I'll : I'll I? ml I1 mi : 14 I'll Vii I'O 3.'i i ll 1 1 1. it i j tun a ,i. r , , , ' (In imi nnit i V , I hri-e f n ti it , i 12 1 1 hi I ln Hiint.., I T I. f.lHn , : I riirnt square?, . I Konr squares, '(nil r milium, : i On e column, I : : Over three week? n ml ! Hum flirt." in'Mh- Ilk cents per ?i)iiaa lor earn i r t i ti . I'likico net.ivs n it f s se.lmg Vines are in- rtii I . r 5 r vii". A lviTtin '.r.Mlta III t Cirif I wi'.b if tllllllliiT i f e,-f. in d.nlrc.l. will hj i Hinii I until fml.i l r.il "linrg n sei-nrdir. g to th' lirm-. JOD PUINTINC. An extrusive ntin-U of .Itil.hini' innttM'i.'i iiiililcs I Im I'tiMi-licr ol'llio "H-vl''ii-to iiiiiioiii cp l t!.e Unit lm is yrc rr l t h !1 litis ol rus'.-f.K?, i'hoi;r.v mmks I'ntri L.MiS, 1.MHIII.I., usually tliiiio I'.I.ASX', l.r,F.iN ;ir. 1 i vi l y k .ii a I'oim'.iy Ail nitit'n tii'.s nnd K's r?n Btif'H, Pall Ti:it.-, oil r"...-: wiil In- c.xrout? 1 wii!i iicit- Ii. (! O 0 I. A N D E K f- CO. COUNTY J)IKi:CT()RV. Tlnu' ill' liuUH.'i ( iiiil t. S,.,inil .M' li.l.iv nf .InnunrVi Thir-.l M I tnf M:r, I,, ' Tiiir I Miiniluv nf .1 n ti p . !' mrih M.in l.iy 0 Sfptc iitlmr, in fiicli yo.ir, nnil coiuinu.) lo uevkn if tie cc.ijary. ( mi nly Oiilccrs. 'ro't Ju(l?e,llt.n. r'iiin 11 t-l I. inn. Ki'llcf.nito. As'tO urlj;,.'?, Ill, I, J. I).TIl(iIll,flin,L'ui'rtl'lbvillo. Hun. Jjih.'S niijoin, ri.rcsl. Slier. IT. Ivlwar l l'erlir, l,ri.tlit.ii.itarvIi,lin I.. Cuttle. ClonrDi'l J II. .V lt..o 1. ...... , :..i.... district Att'y Israel Xt-M, Truanurer, Joseph Shun-, (.'. .Surveyor. H. II. Wrii-hl. (ilen Hope l'lenrfal.1 Morris. I.ilo l.uthersliur HhilipM-ur" CU-nrli. Ill N. WHfl.ii, .-ion Leoonte.ii Mill Ciuvrenivillx. C miiuUtfVr. Wm. Merrxll. S. f. Thompson, .M.f'.l. Kunt.. II. '. Ilon inan, J. 11. Shniv, C. Worrell, J. W. Hotter, Jesse llroiunl. Auilitor.", Coroner, Co. Supt. List ot roxtonicfu. To-rnch iji". .Viniti of I'. 0. IlKJiria, OU-ii Hope, Eill, IioHer, ' Che.!, " Cush, 1. W. Calwell 1 W. McCraekeii 1 T. A. M iihee1 J. i'.csV.b..r, ILL HemLrson I Ostend, ("lenrlioM liriJf 5, Williams' Uruvo, I.uthorshurg, Tmutville, J.'fferioii Lin, Forest, New Wnshir jfton l'.nniside, Pati'hiuville, Herd, t'learfiel.l, Freni'hville, Knrtliaun, Hojjps, Ilradfonl, llrady, P. H. Miller J. K Watson. K. H. Moore. C- J. Slu,py, John Heberiing J.13- lilooui Win. Fenth. Jus Mi-Murray J. Puti hin (I. S. Tutor M. A. FniLk. P. A. ilnniin. K. W. fc.-hnarr T. II. Fleming. C'eutre county- Iiloum, Ei.r Dsiiic, Chest, Cliart-i-ll Curiutui riirwfnville, i iirwensvillo, Deeater, l'hilin- burc, West Decatur, Marron, llulon Pont Office, I.ecminto'g Mills, Paid Hills, Sliawsvillc, lirnh.nnton. Smiths Mil!.', Madeira, Tylor, Per.tifioll, Ansoni'ille, Salt Lick. Miss Itndibaili : Ferguson, tiirurd, .i (Josh in, : Oraham, i tiulieh, I ' Huston, 1 " 1 Jordan, I Kurtli.ntj, Ki.rtl.aus. I Knox, j Lawrence, MnrriJ, ! " , Penn, I Pike, I..". 1 I mon, Kiim. Willinius Elk county, l'u C. Mignot William Carr A. I!, Shaw T. H. Furcce. A. il. Fox. C. J. Pusey. Dari.l Tyler II. Woodward Klia Chase (i. Ileekadorn J. F. W. Sihnurrs M. O. Stirk. J. W. Thomps'n .las, Thompson J. C. lironner, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, T W. Fleming. H. 1. Dale P.Eriibiilier. Joj. Loskett. Karth ins, New Millport, lircckenridge, Kylnrtown, Morrisdalo, Lumber City.f llrampian Hills, Curwensville, Dloomingville, Hock ton, JelTrioa. I Woodward, J This Post Office will do fur Chest townsbii. Will answer lor Ferguson township. i BfJ ( imATZEirs. September 31, 13f,2 tf. PJIllE suhscriher respectfully informs the Fartu .L crs of ClenrficM county and all other per- interested, that ho is now manufacturing HitEY LIME of a ?urcri..r quality, which he ' will sell on the most reasonable lnro. f.,r r-.... i or exchanged for any k;nd of Country Produce ' .JOSKl'JJ IRWIN, Lawrence township, May 21, 1SC2. 1 lOIIMSTII.Vl'OK'S NOTIClL- Letters 2. of Administration hi vina been trranted this I day to tho undersigned on tbe e-t.nte of Simon i CAT.i:i;)UN,lii'e of (iiiihai, i township. ilee.'iiseil all i p. r . '-i s indebted to said estate are requested to make iminidiato inijment, nnd those having i -.no , allium ine s.-iiiio win present til km iiuihchtk-jtcd for si'ttienieiit uuly SARAH (A II I Eli MAX" Adin'x. AMOS lIi nLER, Adiu r. Oct. 2!, 1Sf2. Ilf M. M H I I.OI ; Attomnrv II . LAW, l learlielil, l'u. ( itiioo Cran, Esq., on Second street. with L. .March 2li, 1SC2, tf. - i U t h a IF M h Ul IT Iwj. tl cj j lithi:hsuirg, 'LL.VHHKI,I) COUNTY, PA. HENRY EVANS, Profit for. March 111. 16.2 ly. 4 J. IATTi:iM)X, Attorney,,! Law, Cur V''"il.lle' 1'"'' nUcn(1 to "11 businosi eiitiusiod to his care. sinesa Odiee ofposite the New Feb. 5, '62. .Mcthouist Church. DR. J. W. POTTER: , IWZ" a!",.,!,"rK1". has permanently locatid at Ft. uchvillo, Covington township, off ers his professional services to the eurroundin community. May 8, mi .1. F. K R AT 7. Eli. ni.HCll I, and liia'.cr In Hoards nnd Shingles; flrainnnd Produce. FRONT Street, love the Academy Clearfiold Ta., i Dec. 18(11. DANIEL UOODLANDER I i TUSTICK of the peaco Lutherebu Luthersburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., ! will attend promptly to all business entrusted l srq Naix'll Z, lcV0. ly, pd. I m il W4 h?MM i. vi'V '.',;;,! h j' 'V-j, : Sinn hut (ioiuh roM., chik mm4 Inn if I. 1 ..liVii In. Hi., I, , I. . n i I V, ,f. V 1 f (!''' ' l. ' " I " ''' Mlf' M In .t-.i.W t", , till t, IM ' ' " I' " ' I " " ' I I '! I ii, I I i i ii i'"i' '' I ' t'Vili f it "1 . Hi" 'I Miil.ini't-t T'J J II Mlil h,iOi(iilirt.f JJ ' I ' ' ' " ' '"'' mi it, l ' l ii u I . v I i 'lhl IMIVI I 4. I'imii' iiir, l '.''i ilmn mi l i tn ni . nl il I'llilll I. V w , V 1 III l tn, N . in i Hi'', run. I m:im i iiimi, Piun imi, I'ii.i ...mi nr. nn l M m 1 1 1 I. I Slit M.I J. 'I hp. Mm n i'P Imi'iin rum i. ..',iilir; ti" i lii.i... ur n I I lit nri- m n . I .. uo f, l ul I'lit h rlmlfiit i Inn-lit lnlnl,iinllv, m li nt tin inn jr rt'iiiiiii in i' lit .i.' Y linn', mill nth ml ( w li.it. i . r h"iirK a t o tiiHft t'liiivfiiiiirit. I'itihhii r.t on- trriip.) nnniiiiUv nftirilif I'uli l'f AlHll, l.MilililMlir llflllllH ul llll'illl It III? f k tin) i"ir, ii n, I lull hi tu Ilium I li'tMii., ,t .' , nil niii.v I", tilitaiiiitl Hi uiiy llitiu I.) tt.lJriMiiuj llif I'riiii'i nl. Im t'xn vivt: At mm ,p ti..n. n i ll -piriii l I r.'i'iiliilii'ii, im, I tlio li'iiiliy i'n rii nrt) ul tlio I ' r 1 1 1- i i 1 . iIhk iriftiiuti, u u,.. iliim r ti j n r 'I'i in.,) ullivr III Hut ciitiiilry, lur y mir ;t null lli , ii I" Ti' :in lur Imriiifii, iin.l t, uliluin nl llm .-.line 1 1 ui.- i l'11't..nn, il,i, h tiiVO h ri'O.HU 1 in i ml iliuii lur iln'iii t.i niiv Miti'ii n i i Ik Ii.hi. J . ti-l'liim Mtri'nSi'rit'i cf Trjiitnti'i on UK- I Kl I I INd, iimv nitiri" wiilvly til culnleil 11111111111). hiIht n rk uu tlio ful.ject, tiro lur ul t llm Col- S. IIOlMil.'S CKITrKXl'EX. A It'.rnr v -11 1 1. 111 riiilmli-lpliiik, jnti., 2U USII2 ly. Fhimi'H'AI.. NEW (iOODS! A? OSH ARRIVAL OF Sprintr Sc Summer Goods AT fllECIIKAl' CASH STOKI. I am just receiving nnil opening n. rarefully 'leieoled i"tii-'.f of .-pring and tuiiuner good" : ol aliiiost eery description, I A Lvautilul a sort me nt of Prints und l.res iro. ids, of tho newest nnd latest mylos. Also great variety of useful notion?. I DJIV-UUUD.S A.D MOTIONS. Hornets, Shawl, Hats nnd Cups, Hoots auJ Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, tjieeuswnre, Drugs and Mtdiciues, Oil and l'aiuts, Carpet .1 Oil Cloths, a it o c e ii 1 1: s , Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in J 1 nnd g barrels, uftlie best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My ol.l friends ami the public generally, are respectfully invited ta call. ;rrX. It. All kind? of (i II A l.V ami approved COCXTHY PllOOCCE taken in exchange ol (f'lOil.l. Clearfield, Jane 2 18(51. WM. F, IRWIN. $35 00 1)A'S the entire cost b r TLlTItiX in the most pnpuliir nnd succi-.-lul CO MM L'RCIAI. st.'HOuL in the country. I'pwards of Twm.t Hi NDiiKti young men, from twkstv EinitT dider ent States, nave been educated lor business bore .Wi'lliu ll10 tlire0 years, sotno of whom have ..--m i"ii iin-ij ii iit-uii.-Kiiiit-L;HS t salaries of $2000 00 iimnedintely t pon graduating, w ho knew nothing of accounts when they entered the College. y.r .Minister's sons half price. Students enter nt any time, and review wheu they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues. Snecimens of Peninnnibin. ami 1 lew 01 mo i.ui,i.r,iji'., enclose live letter slumps l" J l'..M. n X S.M I I II, May 15, (il. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa, VALUAULK TIMBER LANDS r'lHE attention of person? dusinusof purchas- ; X ing desirable Timber Lands is invited to the b.llt.wing tracts of land situated in Ki-ating town j ship, Clinton county, Pennsylvania, known as j the I.OKAIN LANDS, vi: A i..p,iiii, 1... . 1...:...- x-.. .,,.. . . . v..,...,i 1..,. 1, ociujr on,),, warranted in '. . n,""c "' H'Obirs Willing, containing about ,.' ar,'l's situate on Hircb Island Kun, ntthe (li.-tnnce of .'ij miies from the river, tilllher..,) unlit Pi. A ...! 11..I- being well , Als"' an",1PI' fuinller tract of land, situate at ...... . tt.w HIIU IUK. 1 ,"'"ou.1" ul "'"h Islon" Hun. on the west side i me riier, continuing 7.1 nrres and alluwaucc, .on urn mg a good ratting beach thereon, For terms apply to (i. L. HEED, . JAS. II. OKAIIAM, 1 Ex" Clearfield, July an, 1862. Goods! Goods ! TIM. F. IRYIN hns just received a splcn I T did assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS at his old stand on Market street, nhero he is ref.dy to Wait upon his old cu.-tomers and as 1 "'n7 DVW 0I1(!8- "ant to get the very best of ie01"!' - . I 'uv. 12, 1S62. JVew Goods ! HKE I) Wr-MYPI! t- r " Are 1 lint nnnn. ing a splendid lot of tho most carefully selected Vll 1,1- mnl.l n tl... .1 a- t .1 ... ....... loepaie-wnicn Itie.V Oiler tn their customers, and tho public generail v, at the very lowest figuro tho uiurkots will afford, Nov. 12, 1S62. CYRENH'S HOWE. i J i s'Mce of thf. Peace. For Dkcati-r Township, will promptly attend to nil business entrusted to bis fare. P. O. Address, Philipshurg Pa. Aug. 21st 1S61 II. W. SMITH ,t CO. MI.KC HANTS, anil dealers In (touds, Groceries. Hnrdwarc, Qneenswnre, and V K-nJ, 7 fJrt,bJ, "' ,tr,d0- ,.Klore nj"?'tci forcornica on houses, and other moul . . ti-ip unu. uuuge i.enaru s, silo tho Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. iiv. i, looi. wb'fii. t. j. m cl-li.olt.it. BUSH it M-CULLOU(iII, Collection Office, C'LEAP.riELD, Ta. iaTlN GitAnAii's New lini niNG. Feb. 5, '02. fPIIE subscribers have a medium sited FlRE'ri,r"' 10 r'n(,,,,' ,ne 0)0,1 pcrfeot saiisfaction to all L PROOF SAFE, nenrlv new hinh .h.. .in who may desire his professional services. ''"P068 of Tery cheap. , . REED, WEAVER rf- CO. , Clearfield, June 25, 182. Ksjiteg Hals. ' 4 LAOK LOT of Th IV. NAILfor sals cheap for rh It. . r. s.KH March P., mi. . l',.y KTi y - . il. I, U II. ' $()()(). IMII.MTM .S1000. ill rmi-i' llnlr In llmw nn Knl'l ll. uilit; mil Hinin-K (I try nr 1 1 i n 0 1 lliir In li uliHil.NAlii'oNDirioN ANH U ,11 I ..'trill llm Iluir frmn l-'ullinf Off, uml pro 111, ,1, 'n Nrn ini'l lli'iilllir llri.w III ; cmipli'lrly crinliiiiti'i Iiiunlruir, will pri'viiit mil euro .Ni rvniM llrrnliii'lii) will give lu tliu Hair a I I. an, i l'.h-y Ay pt'iiiiiti. i', hihI ,i n Ci.rtnin lure fur all Iii.i.HM' of I li e Hon .1. T.Winln; iln-we Iloltl.-s for ?L'.0ll TriiT, For S.ilr at J.l HTSH'K'CS lUU'd STO IN-:, Mirht St., Ch'tirful.l, J'.i. It ia a p.'rf.M't mi.l r,mi li'ti) drumiing fur the ur K. ml tliu fiilliiwiiiir tontiiuuiiiulK. i v. s. Maiisii ti.'s Omcit, New York, Nov. ft, ISM. WM. (IK AY, Es.. Dear Sir Two months ngo my hen.) wan nlniit entirely bnlii and the little Ii 11 i r I had whs all irry anil lulling out very last until I lenred I shouid lose nil, I commenced using jour n llmtoratirr, and it immediately stopped the hair fulling oil, nnd soon restored the color, a i.-i after using two bottles 111 v head is cnui- fletely covered villi a healthy growth of tin ir, nnil ol the same color It was lu early iiiiiiihood. I take great pleasure in rooiunincii.lihg your ex- i.i'iii, 'nn' iir-iu'iiuiT uuu yuu upy uisu rt'll - an . d.oii.i,,,, ro . ,. ' 3 ,.,.11.... 11.. : i-. 1 - 1.. ... JiOHLIlT MI'KKAY, V. S. Marshal, Southeru District, New Yoik. For sale by tho proprieti.r, (Wm. drey) at the Itestorative Depot, HOI Hrondwuy, New "ork. Also for sale by John H. I'it-rco, Oeneral Agent f.S5 Hrondwuy, N. Y.,and by all Druggists. "'UN o. i'lliliCE. CJonertirAer.f, No. CiM Kromlway, N. Y. N. I). Druggists or others sendi-ir rnsh or,li.rs for tho Historative, will bo supplied with circu lars containing certificates from people of the highist respectability, fjoinall parts of the ouun-"7- March l'J, 1SC.2. I y. K ULLUCK'S DANDELION COFFJ-ii This preparation, made from the best Java Oof. fee. is recoiniiunde'l by physicians us a superior NI THITIOL'.S IJKV I'll Al K Tor (leneral Debili. ty, Dyspepsia nnd all l.illious tlisortlors. TIioiis ands who have bveu euinpelled to abandon the 'iso of eolfoo will use this without injurious effects. Olio can i-ontnius the strength of two pounds of ordinary coflee PRICE 2.) cents. Thetuirestand bestliAKIXU POWDElt known for making light, sweet nnd nutritious lircad und Cukes. PKK1-: 13 cents. MAsrr.M-Ti-iii-.i) bv M. H. KOI, LOCK, CHEMIST, Lor. of liroad 'tp Vhcmut Ulrci tn, Pnuaih'lphia. AND SOLD BV A I.I. nilt-OfllSTS AMIl rtHoCltltS. SOLD AT K. iIOSSOl"s. Feb. 20 lbf.2, 1 yr. 1 Illi: CI.I'.AItl'll'.I.II ACAI)i:IY will be upened for the rceeptio-. of pupils (males ami leinales) on IMomlny, Nov, llHh, 1Mi2. Ttrtnuper !fssliiii of I'.k'vi-n Vcrks; Orllngraphy, Heading. Writing, Primary Arithmetic and tieography, Higher Ariibineti.., I'ngli.ti Grauunar, tieography and History, Algebra, (ieoinetry, Natural Philosophy, $2 50 J 00 una booK Keeping, 4 00 Lul in nnd Hreck Languages, 6 (Ml To ptudfiits desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, nnd who wish to qual fy thi-inselTos (or Teachers, this Institution oilers desirable ml vantages. No pupil received for less thv.n half a session, and no deduction tado except for protruded sickness Tuition to he paid at the close of the term. C. II. SANDFOKD, ViaciW, Clearfield, Nov. 5, lSf2. ly. iafioiiiil Iflofcl, MAINE STREET, CI'RWENSVILLE, TA., WM. A. MASON. Proprietor. rlllUS lung established and well known II 0 I TEL, situnted in the west end nf Iho town has been reuiotldleil, enlarted and imnroved. n,l tho proprietor respectfully announces to his nu merous lriends, and to tne travelling public, that no is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Ample, safe and comfortable stabling is at tached to the premises, nnd trusty attendants will always be on haud. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, lS62.-tf. liL V Lli V LKU.M,, c,i Justice ol (he peace Lulhersburg, Clearfield Co. Ta., will Rttend promptly to all business entrusted to his April 4, Iff I, WATCH & JEWELRY rpiIE undersigned respectfully I informs his customors and the public generally, that he has just received from the East, ami m r.n. ed at his establishment in UKAIIAM'S ttnW ("learfiold, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, Watchks, and Jkwelry uf different minliiina. from a single pioce to a full sett, which he will sell nt the most reasonable prices for cash, or in cai-nange lor oiu goltl ami silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, ntthe mist ' . ".'"UV " '"ees. ... of clocks, Watches and Jewelry .arofullv rennir. and Warranto!. A continuance of natronn Sept. ID, I860. II. F. NAUOLE. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE PUTTERy.. Thankful for past favors and solicitious of fu Hire pntronage. 1 would respectfully announce that I have on hand again, and will constantly keep at the Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distance oast of the Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery , such as Cream crocks, milk nans. Churn?. Ju. 1... U1....1 :. '"li"'1".. ana aiso an extensive assortment of difforent sites and patterns of brackets and oppo-.dings, Any mouldings not on hand ill he made to order on short notice. Also fire brick uinde and kept for sale. .TffA liberal reduction on tirieea mad t. wholesale dealors. F. LEITZINQKR. I Clearfield, tuny 2.1, Igfll. ly, Mi a ine; and Ilalr-Dresslng. JEREMIAH NORRIS respectfully announces to bis friends of Clearfield and vicinity that ns ins reiurneu to nis old stand, and is well pre- Cleurfield. April 9, '62. If,.,, . 9 IfLUSXIlVlJil if, DA lELIO COKIKIi A fresh and larga supply of this celebrated Coffee) just received and for sal by D. P. ETIWBILER. Mireh , IS!. I M ' UINU, II. VMS. I K I, A INS. MfoWN ,V IH.K.M I! Kit MINUS'S, I KIN IS ol' A I.I. PA II MiSS, M'MMKIt f:AS MMIKIS, (l.ollis AND VIM'INCs,, Toif.-l ii.r v. i I li fv.'tv HrtiilK in llm I It V liuillis j - lino. Alun. KKDSII FAMILY i H'X K It 1 1:.- if Hi" lnl uiiiility. Ilia fin-lulu nnil fho pulilli" (roni-rally Rto tliDl- fr Inl.iriiii il llmt if llii-y r in mint i f (i JUL" I.OOIIS ut i,w r.il .' l,.r l'iil' ..r I'.iinilry Tru- .1 UCO, lll.'T nillt nut lull to CHI Ht i;Tzvi:iLKirs sroiu: At llie 1 I I utiiinl t.i Muiir A li ,..il..i, "li Si.f..jJ t-tntit, I'lt'iiifivltM'ii. Jui.-t 1, 'C2 Important In!oriM.itiin Loudon's Indian Ex iffto raii'j rpillS KKMLDYis olTer. .It. Hi- cu'-iinunity I wilh the ronlidt nee we ti-el in an article which seldom tails li real in. ' lu biipniost etl'itels that can bo desire. 1. Sd wide ! 'he n. ld ol its usefulness, and so numerous lii ' .-n.es of its cures, that almost every section i f me country iib.ninds with persons publicly known, b-. h ue been re lured by its use. Here is one n 0 of an ASTONISHING C f kl; This may CKHTtFT. That my hun lay sick P. twelve months, under the Do...,i s care, with r ,i;.rt r ,1 i 1 , d -ease of the Lungs, and every fine I.V pie-enb ed by the Doctor failed ti) give r. lief. I gave up nil ht.pes of his recovery; so did .he jhysician. At this stage I prevailed upon him to try a bottlo of Ltil'DON A CO S. INDIAN EXl'LCTOKANT, and tho result was most happy, as the use d tho result was most nappy, as the use rce bottles effecU'd upertnnt., Ll'cure, und he 1 . 1 !, 1. 1 a.., k. w a hearty boy, JAM l I.AU'ON, now Derry Township, Indiana Co., P.i. No Family should be without it ; nnd those who have used it, never will. ! keep all of LOU DKN'jj STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINES, for sale. Call aud sue the list. A. li. SHAW, shawsville. SL-Foreale ly other Merchants in Clearfield county. April 2, 'o.(. Cm. ilAHTSWICK'S Market Slreet,Clearficll, Pa. C10NSTANTLY en Und a largo and well ta lucted stock of DliUCiS k CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye-Stiiffs, Paint Hrushes, nnd lirushol of all kinds, Perfumery nnd Faocy Articles, J Tobucco and Segurs, Stationsry, I.lqiioi-N for Mcilicliial PurposcT. (includinj Uraii ly, whiskey, Uin, Port, Sherry aud Madeira Wines, Ac, Ac, i". CQ1 Tl SS 3 C; A large stock constantly on ha.-.d. of the must approved tusk tor d 11 nihility ami comfort. iSTbc Doctor will personally superintend ibis dopnrtiLiji.t of the business. Cleurfield, May 11. Urn. Going-it Alone! :)!!(; I '. MAVWIX having commenced ii ti the manufacture of COOTS an.i SHOE? . 1,1 ....... I.. It- -i . . ... u, r-s.,i , u.iv soMcita snare ot pubne pat- . " ....-in uummx n rvill IU-J, tir BUT rash promises, it shall aud will Le hit sieaut en- deavur to select Tho very bent of Stock, Make iho very best ot woik, And (at lean hopo for) Tho very best of custom. (If this niut porlru it looks very like It but I 1 the truth, which is better. So, "wnilu in" sin) get Fit: Shnw's Rw door next HrpuhUrtm office lino. Nkwioh. Clearlieli', July , 1862. y Steam Engine and Pago Saw-Mill all complete, for sale. STEAM EXUIXE, following dimensions.- Cylinder 10 inches in diameter o! bore, with I , i (trnke ; slido valves with t iron bed.1 plates, or shear, w ith force pump, liovernt.r and fly wheel, d-c, complete! with copper nnd other pipes; TWO UOILERS 31 inches in diameter, double fluod, 18 feet long, of good material Ju - niata Iron,) fly wheel 12 feet in diameter, about If.UI) His weight, with oil globes, nnd all necessary Cocks and ivrel.rboa, with ertra khuft In nttiieh t0 "''-ill The Engine has bo n used furl running both Oriat aud Saw-mill aii.vi-s.ifully. caw mii i OnVV"iYllLL ' -P A 0 V. ' S P. E ST PATENT--con.plole with i Ratchet Hend-Iilucks, Two Circular Saw?, Strap. nnd nil necessary machinery for sawing Lumber. tne nnove i-ngine nnd bnw-mill cau bo seen at Urahnmlon, Cleurfield county. f-if-For particular?, please apply to the pro prietor, at Clearfield, Pa. JAS. B. ORAHAM. June 25, 1862. SHAVING AND II.MR-DKIvSSING. Kot hylhe Hard if (Jraham't How. The question hns often been asked Why Pi.kasasits, can shave soclenn That customers who shnve with hiin A benefit must reap, I ween. . ,),v.f.. .,.. ... . ; "l Zl: are willing, "or a "sitiLLisin, c .,. .,.. . ,..., ,, So come nli.nts i li.llv l...... .111. .' lor Pleasants is tbe man to do it cheap and quick. ! The renson may readily be seen I Why his custom is so hirgo : His towels all are clean h is razors all are keen, And you'll always find him 'leamnt in a charge. , Justgoto Plensnnt's and you'll be j Like Sheba's Queen of old' Pleased and delighted, and exclaim ' The half has not been told. I iiSi. Don't forget tho place in flraLam's Row, abovo 11. Stumph's shoo shop. I SAML'KL PLEASANT3. ! Clearfield, June IS, 1862. tf. AMCS T. LROMARD. WM, A, WAI.LACK. . A. f'IKNKT A. c. rismiT, ganhinj anb CoIIttlion (Oitt! LEONARD. FINNEY &Co. i 0 L E A li F 11, I), ' CLEARFIF.LD COUNTY, P IMhti Ol EICHASOI, ROTES AND DKArTS lltSCOUBTB ,' IH'OSITS KICCKIVKI), I (lolUtttifin made and procct.lt promptly remitted . mange ou me t ltics rouNtaiitly om baud. jaf-Office on Second Su, nearly apposite thai COURT HOUSE. i - i THOMAS J. M'Cl'LLOUUII, Attorney at Law, Oflicson Market straet, opposite Motion's 8 tort Clrtrleld, Pa. Will attend promptly to Collar tlcni 6il of Laj1s( , nevM 1 . . 111 annai 1 uf in v "i I" i. an. mt fkmlir f th l. , l-n vr. hu h,.wn II In n ! (VJlt , "i i..t.i. ( n ,r,tIM, , Wg, 1 'MII'lM.iU. HIKN KMtillf kl 11 i M,"'TI.K. Ki M 'r, N. X., .rltH, . ..U, K7!5.";'n" ' I0,", ,h-dJ . , " IIII H Ti l l Pil 1,1 I Bit, t ronp, Whooplo, c:0.iRh, lnriPn. Ittn Arm 1 .11V " "'Vr.VD- 'V I. Hi. I., r,m.i f.;ra 'J,L,,,H your rrarrrnliy In llm s,ii, ,,,,." " . eomiatDil jour lur iictin 0 .., y, ,., ' I . HI II AM CONHLIV V 1, ; AMOS I.KR, E.a., MnsriMT. U , w, i,M m j u. . li WM-ki: i.k oniiiT iiiiin,,.. ' "'Hit triwl ymir tiJ Ut tin ,llf r our i..rJ..L rint A,-rllvr I I'n Kironm In .1 1 I I... II1M O11. Ii.lf th. bottle oi.d. mro..,Z "l,"?! - I Vcur nuiUclnri r Hit ih.-iiat w,. M th. i . j cm buy. and w. ntwn you, Dm,or ,n4 J0 a th. poor mu's (nenj . ' ' ur """wn. I A .1 k n. n r. m T I. L ' I uiiiisic, hiiu iiroui . ii. ... . w" ".-, r.,: rsa Pir: mim. In (I... .K..,i..a. III......:.'... ? w.ll.4. lliir I .7tn-y ,r-"r,4 III 'oriiiui. ... .. v-..". ... ... ... .r-ur.j Hloim iru Idr irmptoiin of com.iniplljn, uid U uuw curiuirI. wno dm unoraii under an -rf,vtn of tl, hm,., ' :' II f.irt. ...r. II KM II V I II I u lp a . . I"4 ' ' "nn.-. .lltrilniit A. A. nAMStEf, M. D., Aim,,, Mf.Tn.it Co. , write., Nipt. 0, ibm : nurline my ,cti, e uf , , , pivlnnwnJ relief to cousuiiipili pitls n ta, , f(1,, o h sre curablt." ' ' W nilRlit aJd TohimM of ni.l.iifH, kut th mow f r luclnn proof of the vlitnesuf this rinly Is fouml tu the: uecui upon iriai. I onttiiinntion. . ""'"""J' n0 on f"1' been knnwn whlet J cur!J " """'J' '"J ,"'h nr.mu rase. .. tl,,. Su " "- "m w lom im r m, ncta' nl comfort. of I Astor Hoist, Ntw Vosk Citt, Murcb 5, lb'tl. of I Astor Hoist, Ntw osk Citt, Murcb 5, lb'tl. is ! to Al"", 1lL,-'-,l " fiwinn W diiorra tmi wlutt T'ur Cherry lictorat mis dou f rn ! wlf,. nh fhad t.e,.n fl. n.i.nth. Isls.hnin.WtlmdS rriiim nvinjiiuilip 01 uonllli;:prinn. Irolll W lilcll DO ft! J t roulj pnwiire gave her murL relief. Khe km ilsnlil, Wi inn, until Ir. f iron, of the. city, wheru we tisvtimm.'t, ajviie, reiouiniendi'ii a triul of your niPilicine. lln tlaii liii kinilnnm, as we do your skill ; for slie has rr.io.rl fruui tint duv. t-l.o is not vet tu ttnin? mm ariA itdal 1. tVO, WUi (O alPr 1IU1U IKT CVUII, HIIU CHIlfl liIkll well, Vuuri with gratitude ami rai.l, OltLAM0 tUi:LUVfvr fiucLiilviLU. Omitimndrfl, do not deplr till you bnve tried Atm'i Cuiikav I'lctoral. It Is uimle by one or II, s heat nieilial ihfiiiiiK in the world. Red its riiren all an.oiid n Intiptal t:i liish uieitts of lis viitues. l'l,Uaili!p:,a Ltitgn: Ayer's Cathartic Pills. rlllK sriciicei of Chemistry and Medtiiun Imre l.ij X taxed thvlr utmost to .rodure this t est, most oir-rt purKatn whii-li is kiiooo to nun. lnnnmenililit prwa are ilmwn thut ths I'li w hTe Tlrtiios whii h mrpiui it riri-llence Ibi ordniRiy Dindkints, tid that tliey win nn lirrcwlriitnlly upon the Mlwui of all men. Thur ire ftml pli-ftiuiut to Uk, tut Kiwerful to nre. Tla-lr p, d. tiMingpr.'lrtb-tlmulii!tb. viul activities of llm lm,lj, reunite Ilia ul-.tructions rf Its cik"ih. puiify the UooJ, nnl sxptl disease. Theypur?e cut the foul humors whir, l.rewl au.l row distemper, stimulate slusgish or di. derd.iig:uiluto their nslurnl artinn, ami iuipsillimltht tone wilh clii uicth to the whole, sj.tem. Nu only , they cum the erery-dny cuiaplslnta of oiimt tidy, tart '.mj fm iiiI1rI.1v mid daiiKi-rout diseim that Lsve tfli tin ,.t of h-jnian skill, fl tills tliey prmlm-o powerful eT ct. t'i"i are at th? ssne lime, in ibiiiiiiihe.ldnrs.ilie .Jrt Hli l ti'nl hjli- that Clin he en, 1. 1, .veil foi rliildrrii. Ht-iiiK URRr-.-ol.-.. Ili-y art pleasunt to Inks; mid lYi,g puielj 't k'i'tal'1". rib fieu ftuin any il 1. el harin. t mm ban bwii made whirh turpass U-lli f nere they imt ,u' slsntiKlo'l Lv n.en cf such exalted r.'tii.u anil iliuiacf-r as lu firl.lt the suspicion nf tnifalb. .Many raunent cl .rfryiii'-n an, I ,.li.ii.,iiiah. h ut their nan.rs In ceriifr tu the pul, lie the reliability of uijr it n,,- lit, while othi ia bnt siut mo llm asuiuuee of 1h:,r eonii-'lii u that nij l'r"j ar.illons contribute immensely u the relief of u.y afllicleii, snffeiiii;: fellow-men. .1 "- llie Agent In-iow lianitd is p'.rWil tu fiirni.li itratls my , Aii,r..n Alinnimc.c,.i1i;ninR,lir,Tti..ti.frll,., cei'lil'iatrs of Uieir cin-.-s, of the following con., ...uiitu: C.."iiiMiess. Hilioii, (VmipUint?. Hlo-iini-ilnn. lat.r?, Henrllairii. HiH.liieh arising fioin a tnul sl,,rn.rli, Imii. sen, Imluirttion. Moroni Inaetiou of the IIoh i-.s ,u,.l Pain aiiaiiur tlieiefi. in, HatuK'iiey, l..i-sof Appetite, all t ii-.T-on? niol I utaneoui IHm. whi.h rr.i.iie eis-inn, me li. uie. tierefitla r Kin;:'. t:il. 'Jl.ej also. I t iimr liiK the hl..t and stimulating- the system, cure mart rouipuiiiit which It would nut 1... snj p -d they cwiM reach. 'h Ol i-ato.-s, Paitji.l lllai Ii.i m. N. ni a -ia a,J herreiu Iriilal illly, firRiifrniuts of the Lire-rand Kid neya. Oolll. and other kindled eolMplniots ai-l-iiic fnmi I luw state of the Iwdy or ohsti ui'tiuii ot its fnnrtiona. Pi nit he put off by unprincipled dealers with stunt niher pill thiy n i ike ni ne profit eu. Ask fur Ayii.'i I'llis, and lake nothlnir else, ho other they ran gin yon ci.inparns wilh Ibis in its Intrinsic vsluu or rnrativi powers. The sick want the best aid there is for th and they should bare It. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mail i Tales HJ Cts. na Box. Fivs Cox us roa f I. BOLD BY .IfSo'd by C. D. Watson, Clearfield; F. A 1 Irwin. Curwi nsvllle : F. Arnoid, Lethc-hurg. Montgomery if- Co., Now Salem: J. C. Hrenner, j Morrisdale; C. H. Foster. Philipshurg ; and Elias Chase. AnsnnrUle t anil hr tli.nl May,Vth,lfti2 ly. ,, ., ,.mw, ., - ,x t U U N I T U U K II O O M S. ..---.. I li V W W L ' U Vf UAUU i- i I I UilllliiJlv jU JJililiVil 1 1 Respectfully nnnounco to tho public that they hare completed and arc now occupying their new furniture ware-rooms, fronting on tho Market Lot nn i nearly opposite the Court House. Cabinet making will bo carried on in the up per story of the same building in all its I) I F F K R E NT V I- " K CUES. All kinds of furnitnru will be kept constantly on bands and si.IJ cheap fur cash or exebangs lor country rroduoe, or Lumber to fuit the bui uess ! CHAfRS. I'ARLOIi, HOCKING, AND A RAT CITAIKS, SDIUNfi SEATS. CAIN BOTTOMS, ic, PA li LOU SOFA. CFiXTJiF, CARD, 1)1X1 X(j, EXTKXSIOX d- HHEAKFAST TA 11 IKS. SOFAS- OF ALL KINDS, VARIETIES AND PATTERNS. BUREAUS, SIDE-U0AK5S, ItOOKCASEb WARDROBES, 0- BEDSTEADS JENNY L1NI), HIGH-POST COTTAGE. FliEXCH POSTS, &e. Hair, Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn Husk, nf the best material. LOOKING ULASSES of all sorts and siiea, Also, Glasses far old Frames. Also, Tea poys, Wkat-nots, Wash-standl, Work-stands, Hat-rncks, rf o, COFFINS. ' Made order oa short notice, aad . hearse furnished. Poplar, Cherry, and Lin wood Lumber, ' in exchange for work. Cleartsld, October 12, 1141. ly.