Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 10, 1862, Image 3

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I', e
l-t''.'. '
,! 'l " ' 1
I 1 5 ii n i '
I o nli v. Lo 'I
Lalest News.
1nitn a i. !. l -StMlie".
: ... ,....!.! C..l Ii nil v lio .l.-lic
O i.ff il hi ;'" Hinuiinn e my !..!
!(ni I """" If 11 UnilT'lI l I'll
iii if i oruiu uo uui
I lit tip i in ii it m o !
nt -lltl S to I I. M
t lll"t ll' ft , I. I '. Hi,' I ' II I
... i
. . . i i . . .
.l.rnl -t t. ami HOl mo 'pectin nuvnnin
g. i of their college" over all rotnpstilii no.
'ci'ir inf' itni'd that Mudciiti Mill l.i re
tcivcd at 'T cent, discount fro ft i the
t ornlnal rates until .'itnunry 1-t.
FH.tVL r.iilJV. member of ('.'tigress
from tin Sreoinl District, will accept our
kiii'lcol regards ftv a copy of Kennedy's,
Prcli mill hi V Report of the F.ip'hth Census ! I" t wo tspooiully Invito your Htt.-nliot to
.... (iiirlul stvlcs of Cloaks imported frtn the East ;
H nmsi uiuimii- uncutueui. !h1j 11
C.Tho grcui (.'tight of th FrrviJent'a
l ti
I l.i
l . I . o . I Ii I i. ill i i" f-t mum i - I Ii
linn prt'pnti I (u looks In iir.l-i I it . M I n f o ti-los.
I . .1. nr. .1. in . ...I stile mil nt .'l,r ,p i n.. ..r
I H lis Mi. ."lit ha nil linn I ill Inn "I'linl
till.' lt.i.ii," 1 V 111 I'll il .""flnoiit 'i' I., idy inn. I"
I 'II tilllll r, nltintig II Ml ll 111 I
llureaus and Side-Hoards,
W ar In. Irs and Look Cao : Centre, S In. I'imI.T,
I'riaklatt nml i)ihmg Extension 'in t.l" .
Hi. ir ui i iiiM.Hii' m iiin.i Common. French Tost, cottnp, Jenny
Llnd and other Beilstiaus
Hocking and Arm Chairs,
Hiring Hnil, ('aiic-linltoni nml I'.n !r 'linir
and ('nihil. ii and other t Imirs.
. ) OKI L .1 .v.s .'.V
.1. W KUATZmu
i'j i.i. ii i
)' MIMV 1 1- ) y ( innil J
ui( i:.ii nml
A ,
I I "Ml Mil l
i c. a
A ' ,
I.I II A V s nil ,
l Nlitil'iMr I'muI-.I'
M t I II I l
l . r . I ll
p IH'l;i
ll Hi S .
:i- H't-
,i i
1 I i
I '
. l :
I', .. .
l " I I:
WINTER ;)) I )S.
I I N 'II ' . I 1 1 1. 1 . I I,
T'K-vlay h cf Jununry. 100?
"I It I' :'. 'i i' .!.... nl.. .1 I . n I ....
I I I ' I'M 1 , 1 , i
Ann :il i ! I' I I i"
m.ii ns 1 1 1 n; -
( 'Ik up ( 7i 'i i
I W. i'. ,
HK n-ri'iuiiir lln-ir I'.tll nti l W int." ilimll H
hii Ii l' nil. r i ii'.i w Ml: I in. 1 1 in; tho nf
dv iii'-r-n.!' ct lui.'i i) I
thr (.ul.lii- H'ThtiiIIj-)
At Pi ices that defy Competition.
Cull i-nrly, wliiln tlii ii'Mirlniilt y in ulTurt'il f"T
ui!ikii:i! ili'virnlile 'iirrliu.-ii. Nuti4 hut tin. hml
iiiul i.i .l f'tthimmhlt t!i ki'i t Ih t h .'t iro.
i i ri
1. 1 Ni lis
-H 1 1 illUllillJ'S
if, N'liliin.t nml Wuulun c Is criu'rullv
Tn tlir (ii'litlcincil, niir ft' i'k nl 'l lin nml f in.y Of every il.'i.'riitii.n "n li.nnl ; mil n.'w lrr
I't.'hul OHHiiniTi'., Kre fpi'i-uilly H'l il'ti'1'. I'RI'lii" Cur nlil Iriniici', lin li will l.i' imt in mi
meisHo prcvi'tii iii jjivinj; our jimtii vtiri-. ! will (u well i,i r. ml ilmi we nre Htlliri!? "In'i-l
ety of r-.'Iin liiitii.T ; Imt wv (.rcsiimo k Rt 3 I'"r "li-'"'''"' thm-iy.
there will I... ., Wn thiTi-l.y. 'in hliorc- isj l;ir,rC Blol;k of CarpCt-CLaill
no newts of Ky iiHKirluiii- whntfvcr from j r
just received.
Host Kip Hoots 3& $.
t'i K.ui
I'll' i.r-lt-v.'
)l-l. u
SilllU In.
' Cloak-, !
.any quart .
J8CIIik:h.v M iiv - K..r our n ijt 1kt to
H(.-cucc us of vioUling tin1 Snlilmlh "junt
lx'ftiro tli( cliM iifin," oftrti Imvinj; done
lio very phiiio liick liintM-If. It is ticldoiu
mo follow ii fxiniii.IcK, j'(inj or l.iul, (mt in
that cane Iii l'iilflioiids (ft us
no otlirr idtrrintive. It no a moral "no
wcity" Ilmi ttonld justify pvon mi "inli
li'T'ln frtHtnitini; llio work of nhyjtccriit.
N.v Yonh CiMUTiB Ki.tuTioN. At the
election on tho "d inst., J'.ivtintui, (Iem.)
wiik flcotod t'ily (.'amitrollor 1 y b major
y of 13,000 over 11b, (Koji.:) nml Dev
t'liue, (Di'iu.) wiis elected Cororntion
'otmcil I v ft liiujoriiy of about l.'i.WI.) ov-.
r J'.radfurd, (lij' ) N'cur'y oil tbo CVun
cilnx n, AlJuuien, ifc, ure Deir.ocriiU.
'J'lic vole uns very mull,
Our advice from ticn. Uuruxklu'f limy
Ix'foro rredcricks'nirg ure to the 5ib.
'riicj.-riutli.ltle I hat ! iirinouncoii lo
eonic ( IV on the Uh it tccmc, did not take
I !c. Ti.tre was no now niovsinriit in
1 list qunrtor.
(.ii. ljiik milcd from Now York on
the 4lb int., with a large and well equip
1 ed floot aud urtny for tome unknown
oint in rflx'ldom lo U Uich
inond, Cbnrl.-aton, M biU, vr some or
iuTexin Tbif pxpeditioN, it ii Bnnoun
cd, s to Li(nk the hucklione of the rt Lei.
J ion.
Tnt "Maciiisi " akr Cnmu. The
London Jlerall report thnt tvenU'ftmr
French ftuil I'.inoit wore reoenily shipped
to A confidential friend of IVemdent
-oln iti New York. Tint" number propnr
ly distributid ought lo cupply ouroiintty
Vir? well. Il iti not quite oim toa.Strtlc
But thi n, a eomo ot I ho .Stato are very
cniftll, nd a thoreare but fmr "Iraitom"
in the Now F.nbind Staler live Abo
lilionitn fet'lini; themolvc itH-iirp
there ono of the machino will mpply
tl;re fix Slhl, wbiib will afl'ord tbo
lmlanoo of the Stfitoi n'xnjt one cb.
Where the od for IVnifylvnnin in to be
loented, in not yet decided. If al Fbihi
delplii, Forney would niott likely bo
chief executioner which would Ixi rer
linps not iiltOficther fe, considering hi
"side door" wokrn'i".e. M.nho mako
their living I y "lying," are Kenerally
ready lo ' kJI" po thai Fortif y Is not to
bt Iru.ile l, If at Hmrinliuiit, a driving'
blicinew viuld no doubt folloT ; but lhi
would not be nlingethrr pafo eithor frt
ba-it we think "our Andy" old be de
oidedly of this opinion. As thin region
hsHthua fur had no profit whtttfTer from
the ivnr but all less wo khink here is a
chance for Clenrfleld. 1 1 may be proper
thnt Ibis institution ought to eoniiuenee its
ipeftionin an out of the way phici--some
fecluileil part of tho country, and as we
Hro almost as far frnni railroudu an you can
get in Pennsylvania, e think our claims
tdiouM l. duly eoncidered. Why don't
eotne of our enterpriiing, intensified "i at
riot s' move in this matter. A committee
ought to lie oil' to head quartet at once,
Hytho-by linco we cotnn to think, never--il
are now absent. Who known but this
m tho very chus? of their ubseace ! j
One guilotine wus enough to supply all
Tnris in the French revolution- Hut if
this istory is coirecl, it will take 2 1 to sup
ply the L niteil States. I!ut perltnpa tltey
tlon I cost as much now tin they uui then
nml Lesnlen this our country is some
twenty linien larger than France.
ry ri'ni.niilili' leriiii' i.n th .it n
lio lo ki'.'i'i mi Imiii', in '. t'i or
der, llnir, Cum-llii.-li. linir in. d
C.itton t"i Muttrefri..
COFFINS, of every klntl,
Maita tu ii'ili'r, unil lum ruN atteinli'il willi
llonrn", ivhi'iii'ViT tl.'ire l.
Alt", Hiium' I'uiiillng; 'lunu tnord'T.
nj.,.-,, ti o(i or. -,,,a p.nni. i7 j n a inn niimcii ner iuu iiianiiiueiureii, an l iiiu
171 rent... All lleliiine 45, 50, 2 cetitj.. , '" t ly en hiui,
1 (iiiiirtiRiin 15. t'fl. 25 rents. Ovef haul taiiteriul , Clf Bjent's Patent Washinf? TiTft hine.
. , , .
lio.U nun- in inn'.
using tl.i iniicliiiie
never need lie willmut elciin elutln's ! lie u!u linn
river's Patent Clitirn,
A superior arliclc of
WHEAT and best UK) COFFF.E,
Heady fur iminediiite use, Kt 1.1 renin per 111. A fitperinr Hrt i le. A fninily using this Oliuru
v e ran treely reromrnoiid riii.i urtiele in beliiR ' never need tie without butter !
ailMited to all iiernotn a h ii healthy nml nutrieioim j All the above mil many other nrtieles ore I'ur
ilritik, linvii.g had It (ipeeiully prepared below. I ni.-lied to cii' toiner.s elieup 1'nr Cash or eXi-hniie l
We H re Helling pounds ol' it daily, ami tliu."j liav-' for approred emintrv prodnee. t'lieiry, Mapb1, ,
iii(( tried it protiouneo it all unreeuble Rl well hi ' Poplar, biiiwond and other Lumber "iiilahl j ..r
eeuuuuiical di ink.
To tlume. having minor dine.iep,
Our "IXnuleliou Coflce,
(The ouly pure nrtielo in the country) will bo of
great benefit. It in an excellent remedy, and
are cure fur all nervoun uffeetious, heiidueln,
liver complaint, Ac,
fKt" Forget not to call, where you will
gel full value for your invcatmcnls at
greatly reilucel prices.
At the "one Jrice,, Cash Store of
Oppnuite the I'resbylerian Church, ClearfielJ, I'u.
Nov. 26, ISC2.
l.itiMtl I li,,
I'nplills Satin. Mis
Sl.lllln" ( ll-1 1 1 ! I
( 'ii -1 1 iii re T pi i Is
1.,'iVelbia Cotlnli.ideH
Dtl.-.iN Dfillin;--;
Si!-k. .leans
l'rinli M ti-1 1 us
Valencia Flannels
Chintz Linens
liin;:ha.iis Tickings
M' hair I.nv( ll:
Furs ! Uonnets
Ibilinotul Skirt,
Hoop Mtiriii, Sl.aivls
i I'ri-Hn-Trimniiii-, Head Sr.
Clip?, Nul.ii.!., llo.i.l-, r-.mni,-., (g
ot. (i.,ve, Coilu,.. M-rft,
! Comfort , Un imiUii
Veils, TmI,Io
Cwat.-i, l'uiit".
Over ( iiiiIh, Ii e n t a
Shaw Is, M.irt Hats, ('.'i)",
L'uder-Sli ins and liniwers, 11 j. 1
and Shoes, lima Shu. 'a,
iiiillul.i Shot's, era
Vats, Collars,
(' . ..rl
l'u. v. ,
in .till. lull tM. ti. h p
the topi it . ,
A i i i lain trai l , , , j,., ,. ; ,, ,, , ., i, , ,.),
llroM ," MitHM'd on niriii t In J. in limnm. .y.
Li giiiiiing at a p..-t ,, uu i , , ', ,. :,,,i;,
fiiney aiel tins tun I. the.ic.. in ,. f,,,.. ,.;,.i
;.'s j , r.-b.v Ii. .o., i,. ,,, ,,,1,11, .,o ,,.tfr, ,4
i.i and l.i.' trod, peti li,. to I,,,, i,. ,, y
lllplllt I), in nil. ill ,i pees ... ,s rrell. I .
p. i-l i.n trai t l;iii', th.'iii'.. I y tia. t Inn- notili ;.it
.lc,-re.' t ast L'5 and In e I. oih .,-r. hi . to .,M i.i.d
I" (iinnini.', ei.hl iuinK ItMlaerr-. an.) Hp. u-l,. s.
'1 he mid full luot.- nit ! par) .n t t' , : 'I.
i nl '. il and allotti I in the purl ,t i I the I u cy
Lands, n- mad in li e Court i I Cum,,,:, pi,-:,. ,,
t loin Iii !d I'l ohty.
'J hi - h.l .1 In ii. i- I i ,, :' , i :, i.l.e i e 1 with a 'v.,,
trowili of ll te I'luo 1 1 ni he i-.,., ito a ..n i,.
I.ty of IIUI'N. nod ll,,. ll'ioo- l.,!l,i.' i ll
111., in. h
,-i t . . . ,u. ; v. .. v ill I e ,
l' p. ,ty
ii it.
iii. J. V.l .'J 1,11 .
liTi:ifS XOTICI'Xotiee, l.i lure-
v given that the fullawing account.! havo
been oXHiuined and pasied by me, am remaili
tiled of record in thin office for tho in-pei tiun of
heir, legatee., creditors.aiid all others in any
oilmr way ititerested, and will bo prt';oitcd to
tht next Orphiin'B Court of Cletutield eanntv, to
he held at the COl'KT lKU'SK, in (ho borough
of Cluaillold, cuiiiuieiieing ou the '.'lid Monday
of Jununry, lsti;j, for cotiliriuation and ullow
ance :
1. The Pinal Adtu'u.iiitriitii.n account of
W'el 1, A lm inistrator of Ueor-re li!l?n, lute of
lie.-raria township, Cleurlieid eountv, di'eeascd,
ef nhotu John Meld, jr., was. the lirt adminis
tnttor. 2. The Filial Account of Theodore Weld, Execu
tor of the last will and ti . turnout of John Weld,
lato of 1'iecariu towimhip, ClearlMd ooumy,
3. The Filial account of X. C. MeCloskey. Admin
V.lrtor of all and einiriilar the i;oods and ehat
tel light and credits which wore of Nmhun
MeCloskey, lato of J'ike tuinifhtp, Cioailiold
county, iliiceased.
4. Tho l'inal account of Jcmo Ilutton and Mary
1.. Kolloy, Aduiinistratori of all and lingular
the goods and chatleln, rivals and ereitlts,
a Uich wore of James M. Kelley, late id" Ueeca
ria towiiship, Cleurlieid coauty, doeeusod.
5. TUe Final aeeouutol William MeC'ru ken, Ad
niiiiatraloT of all ami lingular iho goods and
ehattidLs rights uud credius which woro of Wil
liam JleCiackoii, h.:U., late of lloll township.
Cloarllold county, deceased.
i. The Final Account of Jeremiah Hoover and
Jacob lieainp, Kltfeutors of the last will a' d
Uytatictit of Henry Homos, lair of M .rrU tottn
fhip, Clearticld county, doeeusod.
7. The Filial account of John Weld, (deeeaaeil,)
Uuardliui of llnunah Hoover, one of the chil
dren of Abb Hoover, lato of I'leeuria towmditp.
Clearoeld eountv, dneeased.
'JAM li.S WRKJLEY, Uog'r.
Re)(liiter' office, Nov. 12, l8i., the following account which havo been
filed in this office since the firt day of Decem
ber, 1MI2.
1. The partial aceount of Juineii A. aud
John Uluoin Executors of the last will ond
teatainent of Isaac lilooin, Jr., of tho township
of Pike, ClearDeht county, deceased.
J. Tho account of liubert Lcigey, Administrator
of all and lingular the good and chattels,
rights and crcditi which were of Francis Lei
gey, lato of tho township of Covington, Clear
field county, dreeaeed.
J. The final account of C.eorge Knurr, Jr., Ad
in iaistrator of all and singular tho goods and
ehattlo', right and credits which were of (Joi.
Weaver, luto of Iirady township, Clearfield
county, deceased.
i. The ti n ul account of floorgo Kntrr, Jr., Ad
tuinistrator of all and singular the goods ami
chatties, rights and credits which were of
Charlotte Weaver, Into of Brady township,
Clearfield county, deceased.
December 10, 1902.
Cabinet worH, taken in I'xchnnjre lor I'u. niture. the .-hop is on Market Ftroot,
Cleurlieid, l'a., and nearly opposite tho "Old Jew
Storj." JOHN (il.: Lien.
Nov. 2, ISfiJ. y
if 1 Jlk t u
: . . . .
0" !i
ft iFFKE
U J a.
F I.t.) UK
vJ- J j m h .v p. o tT-i j j ;
T",,"' n-.rr i! " n t ?i fri
WUUW' l W. VV J. ll-l A j
i'HiLii'si;ui:a, cfntki-: ciunty,
KEFiFS ulwuya on hand, a lajgo assortment
in his lino, such us
r .our
Corn Meal
Kye Chop
Uuckwhcat Flour
Fish Oil
A InS')
Dried Apples
Dried l'oa.'hes
Tin-ware, (il:iss-v;ire,
Stnt ioiiary, .Vi
,,-r ; v-r rr,-
Carpets, Oil Cloth, I)iU'.";ot,
( locks, Churn.. Va.-h-li.';irds,
Irons, l'aus. Window-blinds,
Oil Lumps, I'tuhri His, tlod-i
Ti .Us, Spoons, Crocks. Stove
Wooden ware.
loll. 'a o CI. mlield I'm "1,, I . 11 .lesirili.
. ' fl
ioi liatjlll flpct-nTiil-. C ... 1 I:.' tit!
; 'll plll
'I i:i:.V,.;, - on.- sua ui.-ii at ... .1 . , ti
' I'l of-rtv ; ..p.. tilth ul -- t ri i . .: ... ;,!,
aad lliv lo.l.iucc in tin- si,... ...I v(. :.
Ii om the ilu!, i of vi, e, will, i l,t. i , -l . to 1... j, ,-,
jby b'.ii.l mi. I lino e, u on tie- pi.i.n.cj it
J a elaue r.-.-ttiviit.x tlie; oil limber exec,
j in ropoi lion tu p iyuients. made.
) Fy order of iho ( our,,
C1IAKI I'S J..1T-F.Y,'r of
Nov. ID, :t,'.o ts,. p.,. . ,,, y,p
i Ii I'A 'F F.ST LATH.!: nN RLCdIID:
lo.OOO Killed n ik! Wounded, and
.5(1.000 taken rrisoncrs!
WITH OA MI' i:'.)UI!'A(i:--ANl)
70,000 Contrabands freed from the
.''old t, l v
i hciipi i !h
I'lcso .
I ' ihih:; I
Clo-I i'll't
i-.t!,",i ; .
I 'l. 'in: ;
I'i.ilhilV '
' ! :h- j
II lid
1 ,,,
i i r i
. I do
, I h:
.1: .i
Looking (ila-se,
Tubs, I.U'.-kets, I! it
Wall paper, Coal
or. I.-, Knives mid
blii.'kiii-. Ail o!
w h: h w ill he sold on the most r. a.-oi.iil.ln to i
no I ,h-.' l'i.-i cst 1 1 1 u i i -1 price paid for drain,
1 Wool, Shipping Fuis and all kinds of country
'produce, Nov. I.i, lit'.J.
1 '.-::.: : , til .1., n. . Ii I .- i., '.II.
i I'.iiiiii,;, the hi, ',.- ; a - r nl in I " r
( l"ih:i.- lor, for .1 i ".- .1 !' -r I.
( i "I ; 1 ' r r.'l i or i ot ,n uilini'l,
ch t : . i 1 1 l.- nur : oloi i., ti,,
Can now ho houht clioiip.-r than
ai i;v.y.v.siy.i- ;.,rt i '.oil,;
i In addili .ii to th i
kcjit constantly j ' ,
Hut.-, Cup-, I. i
f r" :oiti'.' . ill I"
la- r
1 -fir-
T ViT.nV u,nn hit
.1 A past history ol this It .1 ll must r.nullv
ri ad
I V. L A 1 N F.S
( 'lieesi)
M ickeral
While Fish
Cud Fish
ALSO, Wheat, Ilyo, Corn and O.ils in the (train,.
Ll i mors of ul. kinds. Confectionery, nuts ,t Fruits.
Corn liro mis, Solo 1, 'atlicr, and a very grout u- filN'lillAM.S
riety of inisoePatioou.s nrtides. ('Ill NT
His situation and faeililie? for purc'hiising, some 1' K I N I S
of tho uiticlcH heroin named, aie such as give ( j y y j.-
him peculiar advantages over many persons in 1 ( ..." . - C r
selling at asiuull proliL lio would theroforoi A 1
ruspe.'lfully solimt a call from persona wishing '
any thing in hi line, saiistied that it will prove H AN LS
a utifally udvatitueous. N.iv. ID, '('. !-:jm. l'.( JN N i". I'S
Cii:ll-ANIAI. miUJIKXT of tho1 MUSLINS i'
k3 Cleurlieid County Hank, Nov. .'i, lsf.2-
ASSKTn, 1.1 Allll.lTllts,
C.vpital Stock paid In,
Notes in lu-calalion
l'OIiKKLN ami I'O.M KSTJC (iooDs.
Swiisal ion
Seiisnt ion
Si n.-atinn
Just receive.l al M'JS
al Si'lls.Hinll
al Seit.sation
u; Sfntat inn
ut .Scnaiioii
ul Sensation
nt .di.iSsoI'S
at Sensation jiricea
al .Seiisatiuii j.riepa
at Sensation prices
pi ll Cs
pi tees
of the
lo the conclusion that the Confederate (lovc-m-teem
would be broken dow n. It was only u ijin-s-
' f lime. Hut l.oiv in have tho nhove (Mori
oie soul siirriii.r laws lo choir us up; cml hr
only draw-Inn k 1 1 our jgy and glorilicilion is tho
imminent ihniiter of the Coiitrabiind.i coming
North lo "cat i ut i iir substance," nml to w ear out
"iirsliiil'S ! lint of one thiin; tho people ,,f
'j'ld i nty noiv be a.-Mired, and that is, that
Fit ANN SIKUT lor sli.ut culied ,SI,rt-i:U
'' '""lis W t-li.ies as elieup as any . ihor
man in the cunt;,' ; and if you don't believe it,
just give him n cull on e iiirl-Kee'i, oral any other
tiin.', and set for yourselves. Jic w. uld ju-t re
luiii. I the public that 1 i- stiop is riow on '.Mark.-t
-treet, in Shaw's How where y.m will lind liim
just as Slmrl as usiia! if not a little Ao;-f. r ol
t'.isrt l.e would lilv to ho.
Ail kinds of work on hands nml inad. to order
on short notice, and as well n.ado, an I a, goo 1 lit.,
as can he ".-kecred" up here or cl.-ow Inn ...
Hoti't loitrot the shoo- on Mai hot ftrcet,
in Slum's liow, iliruetly oppuj.ite l!ev. II, 1!.
.-ivoope's oilioo. '. J i t i' .
Cleurlieid, June i 1, Wl.
Noli ms, .f j Ac.
,T. "'' 'e lake this meio:- i i.i
thanks fo; favors her. tolore t.vti u 1
sine the puhlie the confidence wilt.
ha e ben 1'.. vor. d, wo
,-,--SHAIN" and l l
the 1,'ijhe t tnaikei rati s.
JthlK.N.VtEI.V i'.if
ltratich of KeictL-tetn I!r-s., 4JI
li.l in,
;, an,! reus
v. inch we
w ill 1 1 live to tir rit in U.o
tu'.. i :ri
'..1 y at
S. ,i l .'l ).
-Market M.
Jas. Mi'Mi.iiit.vy,
Mat. In in
Having piirehsisod our stocit ot'Suioiu.r t,ls
in l'l.iladelpliia, l'lttabur? nod F i Uinoiu on
Iho most favorable terms', cxeli.. v-ly lor Cj-Ii ,we
; now invite our Iriends at.d the ao'i- f i at. mm -
iiriliun of oi r luru") St jck itnd Low l'ricos. V:
w ill e as cheap i:t r;'tai! us a:;y hotisu in the
, IlKS,
I Lawns,
I Liel.aefs,
1 liingh.iias,
! Oo'tona.tes,
, Faney NutiutlP,
; lush Litieti,
Shot at ! but Missed ! !
10s, t U.sJU
5s, 12.770
Is, 2.707
This being the greatest
ain't since la.-t statement.
Total liabilities Sept. Sit
V.2, JlilJI.lfll 05 thi
being the greatest ain't ,
since last stsiement. j
(iohl, a,7l2 50
Silver, ;IS5 55 )
I'ersoiuil property,
It nil Estate,
In. do takon for dsbts,
Hills diso'led $tlll,255 1.1 I
Ilo under pro. l.Sitl (III
l'enn'a 5 per cent, loan,
par value ?5!,0H
Due fr in bn'ks A bn'krs.
Notes ol other barks,
Checks, drafts, Ac,
Over drafts,
Cost of plates. Ac,
Duo depositors,
" on torlif. of dcpoiito
Interest and Exehango,
T V V ul
t&Cvuo ou C,,AS nt
,2S7 00 i i'AI',LK CLOTHS at
All to bo bad at MUSSOI'S'.
'l io. -a
at M ISSCU'S'.
ami, )
4,12s OS
30'.) 71
no no
61,005 1,1
d7,nn 11
12,2:t3 3
17,755 00
2,7SS s7
lo5 52
7t1 75
)fl g,S
; l Ul'.t NS nt Seiisaiiuu
ioi all kinds i v at Sensation
j in any quan'ty j
j A'. a s on hand at M ).'
j CAS-I M Li; i;.S at ."cnwition
SATTINKl'S at S-nsation
jTWLKDS ut Sensation
HANS at Sensation
VI'S'I'INCS at SYnsalion
iSIIIKTINGS al Sensation
57.1o8 OS
ln.i'it.'l 2:!
J.lijl 07
'l ices
pi ices
rl.F.AUVll.LU (olJA y, : '
8N the tna't, r of the .-late -J Etios ;
Siiatl'. r, lato of llrady town. hip, '
Clcarfiel 1 eountv. deco.-u'.'d.
"&yJ' I the' Curt ..f ("ear-'
jj--? field county, ul September term, A.
I2. reii.cling the appraise,
mentof the K,al Estnte, v 17 : nil that e..n,iin
pvco or parcel of land bounded nn.l deserihe 1 as
follows. I!, finning ut a post on tii S..11.I1 nbt .
"floe I.'rto turnpike at coiner . f I of Jacob
lleberliii'-, thenee by faid turnpike cast .-i.xt.'.M
porches to c itn.-r "I Elius SiiufTcr, theiif. I.v '-a
...... 1. 01 .1 . ...
.."..11. no-roes easi tinny seven porch, s .
I post on lirnd of tigdeii, thrnee'ii e-t 1 1 perch, s to
j wliito ouk and laud of llohoriing, thence by said '
lleborliiig's land north HtJ perches u, pike iin-l
j place of beginniii-, situate in low hhip. '
( l.'.irtield count;. , aod i.j.j iaod i.t Tw o hundred j
j and ninny-three dollars. Tho Court ma le the
I i jlh.wiii Li'der: 1
i September 2.", ls2. Confirmed, unless cxeep-!
I ,k' "" "r 1'H""' the first .Lay of nut term. '
1 1 ir'iieauon to lie lea. I" in ..i.c
; uttieii in ( kar.'uid county, for
I wei KS. j;y tlie t 01rt.
Oct. 2;t, 1S2.
.-paper pub-
toree tu ce.sivo
O. C.
Cloths, llit.hii
Satinet.'', Flower.-.
Cassiuiers Felts,
Tweeds, (llovcs,
Vestings, Lt.rcj,
Whiie (ioods. Collars,
Drillings, Mantillas,
Muslit.s, Shawl,,,
JIats, Caps, liuots :ir d fihocs.
Tin-Ware, (iiass-War.. Hrus, Lampi,
Luckot-., Fio'.Oi-, T,,')s, Chtuna,
Wall l':ii"r, L'.in.K, I'uil rolla?,
Sole Leai'i' r, lion, N ,:l-,
Stool. (Has.-, ,(-,.., ,c.
Wo ho: 0 by strict ai'.niori to business 1,
Low l'rice. to receive 11 libera, nitrona'te. l. e
all -ouii.' aud exaniin : -or st. ok i.'oi p' j .
Highest Market Pi'ico ynui fore.!,
kinds jiii:.'uep.
McMnt-.l.VV .t I It VI X.
LurnaiJx, Cle-irllcld, l'a., .'.u.-. 1'., IS'.'.J.
OI!:i e ol' J ('(M)Ki:,
SI USt'l, 1 1' 1'Ki V A'iK.Vi'
At JAY (OOFii: & 10., I- ikeTS,
t'Lil.'.de!; 1. . ,'. i-62.
IIK uii'leisigiiod. (,., cine I 00.1 .j.peiiitol "u."
. si to 11ns -lui.s'T '. ti.,. S,,.ctarv ol il..
'1 roast.'-; , is new pp
to li.ini. h, atoi -o, ik
ew Twenly Year G perceiii. Soni
) f) ) yy tl,!' l'"'d'"l Stnl-s, dc-ignnl. d as TV,,
s-J('f -fh Ctf'Jf ,( SSi I "" r"dconiiihlo at the pl-i- of die He -rt
at MOMUJ'.y.
DAVK, for tho month ending 5ov. 27,
k3 TV 1
flillg JipeountO'l -pei.iisylvania
glato Stork
Specie .....
Duo from other Hanks .
Hank. Notes of other Honks .
V. S. Treasury legal tender k demand
Checks, Drafts, Ao
Over drafts,
Cost of Plates, ife., ...
Total, $1 tOOl jsluslt'l
Tnli! liabilities: of Directors
as principal!!, nono
as endorsers, $ii,725 0
Liabilities of stockholders
us principals, 11, OSS 00
as endorsers, 'J.fiST 18
Divi'lund declared this day
of 1(4 per cent., $ 1,750 01)
U. S. A State tux. 210 00
Tho nhovo ftutement Is correct, to the heft of
my judgment and belief.
JAMES H. (irtllIAM. Cah'r
' Pworn and subscribed before mo
this lSth day of Nov , lst!2.
T. J. ilcCi i.i.ot on,
Notary Pub. J
Nov. 2o, -CI.
5s,r2S 87 I
47,04:1 iii
Capitul fjtoek paid in . $50,(100 0
Notes in circulation - 25,710 CO
Duo Depsitors. - - f .1,(152 9
Due on certif of Deposit, 10,581 2.1
Puo Hanks, - - 2sil .13
uo Commonwealth, Sll "7
Due United Slates, - - 52 id
Interest and Exchange, 1,817 09
riUIAT 1I the mercliarU of Curwensvillo were
J. wotindod. 'Tis true, I was "Shnt at but
iurif;" and pinco then have boon at the city
and have procured a very
4,222 2fl of Qoodf" of all deseriplions, which I am dispo
ne" I 87 ' dug of at lower ratei than any other honse iu the
12.74K 00 oounty.
!,450 0 I n 1 , f. I .
. 2.875 24 ; iiciid i jicaa : ncau :
29S 4 I I
315 ?I ',8t ealico from 15 to 19 ccnte per yard.
7U 75' Muslins from 15 to 30 cents per yard.
Hest Delaines front 20 to 28 cent! per yard.
Pugar from 12J to 15 rents.
Best Syrup at 87 coots.
And all other grorr-rici at tho lamo rates.
Furs Furs Furs.
ANTED all kinds of FUUS, such a
liod Fox
Gray Fox
Cross Fox
llliick Hear Skin.
For which the highest prices will bo paid cithfr
in trade or CASH. KICII'D MOSSOP.
ClenrBold, Deo. 3, 1702
t All TION. Tho public are hereby camion-
J ec
CLOTH I NtJ such
us Coats, I'ants,
Under Shirts, tit stiiiiHation
Flannel Shifts. I
I'.'HltS, SllllllB,
Hrtls und Cal-
Noiv fi.rsale nl MOSSOI'S'
II A R D W A U Ii )
such as Sn iv s, nails
F o r k !, Knives, j'
Spikes, Hinges, J
LIQUORS, .,llc, i
.... ie;.., o , i.., ... ...I..., , .
, . , ; , - t iu sensation
'tin, . h iskey,
Cognac, etc., etc., J
nt sensation
I.o I'A 1 1.0 IS
j S. I', cor. 7th and ( hrslaiit S.'reets
ricra i New Yor!? city' Brooklyn, Albany, Troy,
Buffalo, Detroit. Cleveland,
ttncn'ro and St. Louis.
OOK', PllNMAM.IIIl', CoMWlMtl'l u.
i:iTiti:iii.', CiiMMiaiciAi, Law, Funvs, c(.,:-
Ittlst'oMiKM i:, Ac,, rraeti. allv taot-ht.
The e ColHis being tinder I he rami genera!
! and local ii.iinageineiit, and utiiiing iu e.ic'.i the
rnoes ,,'lvaritiiges of all, oiler gi enter favilities for im-
parting instruction lhan tny oilier tit.iil.r insti-
lhe CHITON laiNii
ill"1, .s.V'O, f I
Tee l: i-iii-,ii:fi 1, -' ,iy
$5"0, yiioiii, tin 1 s,.' -il').
Interest tit Six p - cent.
luoi'.-o from il'ii .i i.t pun Ioi
L'a v a i; k i
S'eir.i-Ar.iie whi Ji is
prenii' m ou gold, ( j nt 'Ut
V N ' I'M.
Finiii-is, Merelinnti, Mo
ami nil who In. . u i. i.y il.,.,i
know and reen inber tha' t
effc-i, a flliST M'.llf V. .1
loads, Clllli l-. Itank Sloel
iu --uuis ,-f f M, $10
per atiuu..
-, ii", 1 is
ill COk
ti O Ii ),
1' lit 1 IS, sucli as
Prunes, Raisins,
Figs, Filberts, etc,
CROCF.!; IKS, say
F lour, II a nr. s,
Shoulders, Suwrar,
Molu-ns, Cnllee,
l eu, C r a c k t; rs,
Spices, Candles,
Coal Oil, etc., etc.
at sensation
the ill.U.en. e i.rodl'.r t of e!l tl. -'
; tutiun in the country. ! Ac, in iho ; ,md t'uat ti,
I - Cl.O.:irsllll) l.-stlcil tlV nnv one IS onil in nil oroli-lon ... 1 ,. t,,r ,i.
t-.r lltl tiinui.ited time. ' iopiid,
prices T'""' I'L'Lidclphia College has been recently ti' -, Excisi
i enlarged and r ' I urt-i.-L oil in a rtiperior iiianni r, to luake Hi
und is now the largest mid most prosperous Com- w f ,r . . , . ri, , r
nn rci'i! Institution in the Stale . JJCSt. JU0SI At .-.lia Jit UllU ilOSt P
i Hr.Miat A Slnitton's F-ri. s of Text Hooks, em IllVcEtmcnl i.i tilO iUUr): '
' , bracing Uook keetiimr. Cioiio.-r,.; .! t ,ni, ,.;.. I
itii n of tlv- ,,,
Sli'.ti'ps and
.'(O F'OI.I ' tlie
L.i i i. , i j 1 1
y to in-. .:.
!ll'.-0 lluli'l"
. .' upon ui
n I Securii:
: 'I a,..,
pay n.oi t ot t , . ;
.', by Cii -i
Li.tuiii'il lie', cm.
, and Coiiun"reial Law, f, rsale, and sent by innil.
fi-if-I'ur full j!-t!,'ulnr ml 'r n e'h-ruhir,
1 October 8, lSfi2. y.
I - - ...
niir.itii i s sAi.r.
Subscripti. ns received at 'I. '.'in I,
11 r.
.iv tu.
nt Ih
at sensfttion pricM
1 Ci II I -It I IT S XAI.I.. Ity
IO writs of Venditioni Exponas and Le
AIva ay." at MOS.'oFS'
i vv eu againsi oiiviug or in any way nicuiniiig
; with the following described property, vim: One ' for the aecotn motlatioil ol the publii
yoke ol Oxen, three Cows, nno Hi illcr, ono Fan-1 Nov. 12, 1SC2.
. CI, 1 C I I1' 1" liing-Mill, ono Two-llurse Wagon, one pair Full- .
. w.c, uuuts .IIW OllUU 1 -uiuillS Sleds, two Plows, ono Harrow, snio Cutting llox, pXEt l. KlK H XOTIt'll. Notico is here
of all kinds. CIlEPGHE iP hi tho possession of Philip J. (lelnet of 1 11-, jj by given that Loiters Testamentary, ,,e
1' ion township, as the same belong to Uie and are : t.,,t Jacob P. Pi nk Into of the township
I who wish lo make a good invest- onlj left with huu aulueet to my order. I f Decatur deconse.l.'havo been irrantid to the
virtue of sundry
in 1 u-
riiis issueil out i I the Court ol Common Pleas of
CVtitro county, and to mo directed, thou- will bo
' exposed to sale, "hy public outcry, at lhe Cotitt
! Iloii-e iu the I'orough of llellefonte, ou
MOMA V. thc'l Uh ,f Aoiv.t Ivi'.o
puces ., , ' ' '
lirices ' ""t,wing 'lesenbed property to wit :
. ' AM the interest of the said defendant, Jos, J. 1
l'1)'"'1 Linglo, being the undivided fourth pat t of all that
prices corlain triict or portion of land ritunto it. the
price township of Hush, in the county of Centre, and
prices the township of Decatur iu the Couiity ol Clcar-
liei'l, coiiinining sevfiiieeii hundred und live
lures und allow ance, being held in cumin
A. Ii. t tirtin, D. I. i'ruiierand .In... M Hate ,.!l
A Iwnya beeps on band a lull of which raid premises are described bv metes
assoi Intent of all kinds of goods requited and bounds inn nmrigage given bv Iho said Jos.
j. i.ingie to sin, it. niair, dated Sept. 8th, 1
and recorded in tho office for tho rceor.lim
ler .Notes, or notes an I eh. uf i; ...
in i'hlla.lclplna. Su-soi ihori I.y i.,ail
e.'iro pruii',.t attention, and ev.ry faci'
r-iplaii'ition ill he u Horded ot applicalio
A full supply of Ponds will be kept mi hue
for iintniidiati) de!i crv.
I AY (..'Ot iRli, Sulrcriptln, . I .-.-Nov.
12, ls2. ;im
r.LACKlNtl at aeiiautioii
L'oriiS at sensalion
I'OWDER nt seiisahon
SHOT nt stiisaiion
LFAI) nt aeiiMilion
CAI'S at sensation
sale '
he w
Al the noro of RICH A Rl) Mossol',
ClearfielJ, Doo. 10, 1902.
$112115, 40 mCnt ,l"u1'1 r"" "n'l examine tho assortment of
; I'll ESS (iOOD.S,
Merinocs, JJaxnn Plaids, PI, id Itrijlinntx , Ac, f e.
I Also Cloak., Shawls, Hoods, Nubias, ssn.,.
, lov, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ac.
Nov. 2d, 1S62,
Cnrwensville, Dec 3, 1802, y
(i a c Da t aii
undersigned wil givo cwnstnnt employ
ment to a good workman at liberal w.-.gos. Ad
dress, Clearfield, Ta. JOHM (il'LICH.
Nov. ID, 18f.2,
Administrator's Notice.
VOTICK is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
y ministration on the ostato of WM. Cl'K
s'liV, late of Knox township, Clearfield conn
y deceased, have beet) granted to the undersign
ed. All person! indebted to said estate are re
quested t.t make immediate payment, aud those
having olaims against the eaiue will present them
' " RKBKCC A.W, Ad',. Washington, Clearfield County, Fa. J'P-? ".f
Kno, township, Dee. i,lS62-r I 3rd, 18G2. ly ( o r.ia. I i
undersigued. Ail persons imicbted to said eBtuto
are reiiuirod In make imiiiediutc payment, and
those having claims against the same will prest nt
thrill duly auluent li sted for sctlli'mi nt.
Nov. It), isi2.-pd.
'in, siiosci is aullion.o.i to niiik.)
the following Timber Lruds, wl.icl,
sell on reasonable terms, viz :
One Tract containing IO( acres. In lies
with t"r toffiisliip, known as tho -.... i 7V.irf, local
aooiu iwu nines irom Clearfield crock.
One Tract in Chest town.-hjp, emit lining abu
(nll)artli, known us tho 'J'w-krr Tnut, loeat
one and a fourth miles from Chest creek.
Also, one umlividoil hnlf purl of lhe ll'ooi.
Itintfl Wild in Chest township-
AN", the ono undivided i'jurth part' f the I.u
h, t'ultim t' Co. Trw-l, in lintdford towushi
together with three or four other tracts.
Tho above Lands lire all in Clcaiueld eouu;
well timbered and
Deeds, 4e , in I outre county, in Mortgage. P.ook
E, pugo SI, Ac the interest aforesaid being con
lined tothe premises mortgaged, with the im
provements and appurtenances. Seised und ta
ken in execution and to a.,1,1 .,4 n, ,. , .
ol Jos. J. Litnrlo. (JKO. Al.i: avi.i-'w land are represented to I
November 5, 18f.2. shcrilf. ' easy ,u . e-s, und convouioiit to good nuviguL
"I .7. r 1'ersotis. wishing to puronaso sucli tan
would do well to ani.iv soon, either personullv 1
by letter tu the subscriber in CI. 'infield horougl
WM. l'OKTKR, Ajrt.
Msy2l, I'-U.-tf.
TO HOl SEKEEri:ilS.--Thonibseriberho
. was educated in the Pennsylvania Instiluto f.,r
1 nM l L IUIS' .11 1 1 I I I 1',NOTICF; Is tho instruction ol the Lliud is now muuufactur
lJ h 'reby given that Letters Testaineniarv on ine CUUN LKOIJ.M.S. al Centra Corner, near
ST It AY Itri.I.. Came to the premises of ti, estate of ALICE DALE, lain of Law run ro W. libs', in Law renco township,
the subscriber in liirard lownsliip, about the tp., ( leartiobl county, doe'd, have been granted to lie miikes a splendid article, and persons wnnt-
iiiiddlo of September last, a 11 LACK HULL, sup- the undersigned to whom all persons indebted ing those indispensable articles to housekeeping
X ft in exchange for (ioods at tho
T)h'Th'V I V 1 ITII'1'JJ I"""1 1,0 about 18 months old. The owner is to said estate will make iminedinto payment, and should patronise this worlhy young man.
- i nesireu to come forward, i.mve i.ropeTeV
pay those having claims against the tame will present eirllllOO.VS will bo supplied cither Whole
tlii'Ui only uaitieuncatea tor settlement. sale and Uetntl on the most accuimnodati ng terms.
Oct. 22, 162. Pet. 1,1562 -Rl
More ot .J.
Ci'.rn oiurillp, Oct. I, Yi2.-
U11EK7 J. WALLACE, Alt.r.'Kr at L
lV Clearrttld, Pu., lilhee ii. tliw'i h. i.
Mi't 'd JCu. t. .', f. s