Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 10, 1862, Image 2

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I ! 'I I I
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oh I'lfiiifflli 1imiIIkiii.
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li'fll Iltt'e lllli". nt l.v il. .rv.,.. , .ImI.
:1V Mir H,.. , t,.,K.,., .,,. ,., ,, (',!,,
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"" " t-"irva t i) ,.. t,
i oui.i n-
.-It'll, lltl l, ti'.,.,:,n
y . I l.f huh f .t inn K '
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.n .it.iii', rri-iti, Itlllt I'll .ti
1:1. Ht
Ih Ll
III. I.,
It -In. ,l i- It i ..
i i lutil l:vt ry. mi. I in ritillv (.f
"ll'Mlll! lit If.'l l (' I'.lllll l.llMltlim
11,11,1,1 ,
i'll-J lif-l 1 1
-till ii o I H im m o o j,y
ri ft - ( w ill t.l.ii ot : M t Unit
tlx-iMMf ik It'll, mill niiiKHiiii nl
ft i in. n. TIip lil.tiatirn nf ilio i-liivin
.5 lii; ilfsiructiii-.i nf rti(ni-iy prop
ill) fiOtti. ifil tiy '-fi't'iil or liy
t li:i.i', t .sumo ii in y llicr ('inpi'i l v. It
i no li-Hit ntiu for lmrin( ln-en otlori Mini,
tli .t liif pniiiIl of tlio .Soul Ii ni'o no iiicri
i. pniiMini. nr i .o f.nniinti inirotluction
i i I. . i . . i
.; , ,,. ,f. ,i, in-
-Minn ; mm viwn n i rfmi'inm-rotl Dow
unluMUhccly c u;o- nil of us us(-tt.
ten hdJ Hut'itr, nhunt ll,o prol. s ,.f
tn-iiiiiiv- in i i.rni. i: ninv 10 o urn if fii
- . .
iokiiv thai Hie )ui!i hi. I' 1 mi..-., i-t's.
poiisili.tMlmii I Lit N nrlli ft..- us continu-
unci, i f , llifit, fur it oriiiinon ol jort, tli
'iw" nj in lu in: Mlt. I Illi.t'11
IB It not. I llsf
.'.I 1 . . . . .
. . . ii uouoai a coimuk.i) t-.iai o f Ann
il, Willi l, iiioiioy or inonoy tnoio i-hmIj-
rani, can hciicr prvM-rvii t lie henelils
l.y t.
ot the I'. -non hy tint tnenna tlum tvo .-f,u
ny tie nur alone, is it not
T-0l.0:iliei'I It)
1 1
t!o It.' let ui lontiulei it then. wriK.t t,u-reb lo aid in onion iz:u such
"i-jS "1 .ZrVaV'rU .'I'oughtnoitobere-
t J nut ton) uihiKoiI tmanii, anon was tiA ohjeel lonnblo on one hand or
proposed l,.l Match, and consoler w heth- u, ot1(.ri i,m!.much as it comes to nothing
t r, il that meii'ure had been priMiiptly hc jut.sS, ,v 1 1 1 mu'.ual con'ttr.t of the pco.
cepled hy even foioe of the bhivo St-les, ' ,,e t0 i)( il,.por'.ed, mid the American
tho same sum ivotilti not have done more
to cIofp! tho war U;nn lin been otliertTie
ilono. If .o, tho measure' would save mo
ney, and in that view would lit! e MMdiTit
imd ctionotnical mea-ure epr'.airdy. ll ij Icnnnot iiiako it lit tler known than il
not go easy to pay something in it is to pay j already i- that 1 i-ti onjjly favor coloiii.w
nothing ; bin it !s easier to pa a luriro sum tion, and yet 1 wMi to say there i-mii ol
thHn il is to pay n larL'r .nie, and it i-i c-a.-i Ijeclion ut god npaint-1 l'rer roloreii ppi-'inis
ior to p.iy uny tutu whi-n wc arc able than I remaining in the country which is largely
it Wi to pay it heforo we are able. The w-r iifininnry, if not ?onietnnes malicioiw.
retjuires i; at once. Ti t' au'eroaute sum ; It iui-ted lliivt their presrnee would in
iHcynary for com pensntfil cmaiiuipat ion, jure and diitplnce white htl or and white
of course, would ! h.i-;e ; In.: .1 ..oul-l I :.-ihoieri. I I' ll, ere ever could be a proper
rcquir.! no readv easii or bjnd nnv latter (time for mire ci.toli flrcumoiit. that time
mau me emaiicipation jroi
Tfit prom, dive increase of tfi4 (Vu-iry to nil
tlu.' 'nnrc.
This might not, and probably rmuKI not,
clow) beforo the end ot tho thirty-seven
years. At that t into we shall plolubly
h.-ive lOO.UOO.UOO of people lo share llio
burden, instead ;l,0(:ti,000 tu u-m ; ar.d j
not only Lul Um iturciiic ofoilr popu' 1
la-iiou maj be expected lo ooiilinuo b a
long timo after tiiiit period bs rupidly as
before, Vocause on- lenitory will not
bocoiuo full. I do not blato this ii cou
fidci'ntely. At. the sutno ratio of inerense
w hich wc havo mniii: lined on an aver.ijl
from our first nali -nil cen.-iiB in 17'JO u n li' !
lliiu -j! IMiO, n-e f'ui. uld in l'JfMI have a popt I
ulaliin of 10.'i,2'.,., I.'i. And why may we j
not coniinoa that rtio beyond thut I
jKtnodT Vur abuuilunt loom, our broac
l',.,u.. , v'm uuuu.iiiii. itioiii. uuv orotic
initiomil homestea.l, is our ample resource.
. .. .. '. .
ere our tarritory as limited us arc the, very cei (airily our popula
tion could not expand as staled, instead
of receiving the foreign, born as now, we
should be compelled lb send pmt (if the
nulive botn nwiiy ; but kucIi is r.ot our
condition. We Lave 2,yC3.0M) square nii'es
Europe has S,.UO, lOt), with a population
avoraini! 73 persons to the pquiuo mile.
Why may not our country (it some time
average as ninny 1 Is it less fertile? Has
it more waste surface by mountains, rivers,
itti.w, ue-serls, or other causes? Is it in
ioiior to
Plll-nt 1 Ir. or... .,nt,..l l.., j
lage? If then, wo are ut some time to bo
as populous as Europe, how uoot, ? As lo
tvh..n tliib may bo wo can jud-o by the
past and the present. As to when this
will be, if ever, depends much on whether
we maintain (ho l'nion. Several of our
states a:o itbovo the average of Kurope,
7?.J lo tho pqnaro milo. Massachusetts
has 157, Rhode Island 133, Connecticut '.'.),
New- York und New Jersey, each M.
Also, tho two other great statos of Penn
nylvania anil Ohio, are not far bi-low, the
former lmvinjj G3 and tho lit tor 5'.'.
1 J
Tho Slates already above the European
average, except New York, havo increased
" ..IV i','..:.T'7J '""M-""!-
n-1 over utiuie, " one ill) one 01 mem is
i , ,i t .
equal to some other parts of our country
LDn.LC,'raClty l0r 1Uatftl",nS a d01e
... . .
"akin tho nation in .he nrr.M ,..! 1
wo find iu populatioo nnd ratio ol inorace
for tho several decenuiul perioils to bo as
p - f C " ' " I
lr Cnt
Jiuluo of Increuct.
17 W.
31,4 .J,7'J0
..u.' .:
30.45 I
.,.1 ,,. '
This ahows an ateraeo decimal inereace:
.f X I fit) li'ar t ent in tinntiln t inn 1 1, r.. ,.l, :
- - ' I ' --'('-.. ...II . .. . w,lj,l.
the neventy yean from our first to cur j
list eenatiR itiKcn. 11 is Keen thai I ho ran
, ... . . ,,
tio of at no one of these seven ;
iiwiodau citlu-r two ier cent below or!
iwo per cent anovo the averaie, thus colori-d icrtons to the white,, 111 the JMs.
liowi.-ig Low inllexible, 'nn 1 consequently trict, ia from the census of 1SGU, hiving 110
liow reliable, the law of inereaco in our I reference to persons called contrabands,
onwi ia- Aawniin- Hint it will continue, nor to t hn-e made free by the uct of Con
it ;irw vt On olio-ring results .- gre-a nboli hing slavery here.
1""'. 42, ! j The plan coiihisting of Ihcso articles is
lO. ;"it'.,.ni7.21) 1 rccommcniled, not but that a restoration
1W. 7t').i'i77,S"'J j of t'ue mutual authority would he Accept-l-'"0.
lOS.'JtiSlC cd without its adoption ; nor will the war
1910. Uh,01,v',.VJij . nor procft dings under the proclamation
liWb lfi.l-S 1.333 or September '-2, M2, be ulnved hecative
1930. 2M.fiS0,7Hoftlio reco:nmeiidation.of this plan. Its
Tlieso flgun nbow thai our country , timely adoption, 1 doubt not, would br ing
may l.-ac poplloua u Europe notV is, at ! restoration, and (hereby stay both. And
omo point between V.CO and l'J3iJ. say ; tiolwithstanding this plan, tho rccotntiien
hl'cut 10-5, our lerritory, at 73J perarlu idalion that Congiefs provide by laws for
to thefijuare ni.'.t, boin! of the capacity compentaling any S'ate which runy adof t
to contain 217,1 Sti.000 ; and we will reuoh iemanci.ution bclore this plan shull have
thin, too, ir we do not ourselves relin- heen acted upon in hereby earnestly ro
tpiish lyo chance by the follies at, 1 evils ' netved. SjcIi wculd le only on advanced
oMisunion, or by lone and cxaustiun war,
p-ingingfrom the only zreal element ol apply to botn. I his plan is tocornmended
lialiV'Hl discord among ug. While it iu a means not in txclunon of, but addi-ran-
nt bo foreseen exactly how much . tioiial to, all others for restoring and pre
rmo huso exnmple of Miceion breeding ervii,g the national authority throughout
lesser one,, indofinately tvould retard ' the Union. Tho subject is presented ex
population, cW.bzution, and prospe.ity. .elusively in its economical napect. The
noodle can uoubt that the talent of it plan would 1 nm confadent, fooure peace
would to very j;, eat and injuiiooti. " more Pj-eedily, and inatnth;n it more jtcr
' I I.,. M , I I , f I , I ,
iri ' i 'I I i ' i .1 1 1' t mi I I
! !'ll t, II,' nitiH I
H i' l,.'M I I M III I I In f 'l . '
l il t I' i H il l ' i,f 1,1 In
I h'lll 1 It llmll I I V i. f -V I
I "i 1 1 ,i ,i, ,
cii ii,.".
II Ml l, t ,l
,'f l ((, I HI).
,t f .1. !,' t ill,
CHIt I'I'I IISl iml
UMl I'. II . 1 1 - -1"
nl tl.
I IH il
l In I Ml III II I'I it hi, ' T III Mlllt
iii't'li -I. Imlii III" t 1 1 1 1 t l ll t li. V-
It n i ) l I ' i ' until l iluy, willii'tit
;! mi tiller I titii'ii "I nr iniiiii,
' i in 1 1 ii tin nl i n i til. I i M- r ii 'i it I lint
i li-1 I t. n ts 1 1 1 ii it tin Ii liiini t i"l ii"'it it
,lt , .(f., j4 if ()lir jilf.rii'r nl mi n
. i . .... i i i i t i ... ...I .
III'lllL'.l I III' B llUir I'll llll, IIIIl'. ... 1 i i -
it . ., , i .... r. . i
lino run 'it-ti r limn I i
. I
miru M iipmi llin tit l.l. I lm ntiu- iiiniii'
iflii vin it iltliiif i.Hlinn mi li'ii(. i i'i
i.'iil',l'i,ii in rt-; tf liitr lliiin iiniii'l
ml. km iii'i'iiiiitlitli't iiinii il 'I. -lit. Una
fit ! itoiilil ! no rxiu-ti lor 1 1 1 1 n y 1 1 x
luivuiiTil of wliitli i ju'lly tint', I in l it
rlintvs t'n j;ri'iit imp ntBiu-o of llino in
III 9 C niK i-'lon. I ho i.r. nt (t.lviilltiu't!
r . . i'.l..l'l... l. ll.l..
1 7 '"""'l""'1'.")'"""'" "r "".. .iti
to pay tmti'l no iiihiiIht oi o liuinln'i' ,
,niii ro,
...:it u 1...1 ) ,i. .-)-.. ...,i;..l. ..
ntiu . ...1 v i r . "
wnulil Imvo tojayMliin t nuiiilior hut
1 1 hirt y-o hp million. Id u wui.l, it will
S,mv lliitl inJnllni-nil! In. mtifli Imnlcr'o
i v ,-. ,,,0 wnri ,m) ,vi h., A ,
,.;,.;.,.,, ion on ...oi.t.-otl )
,1P) ,hl. llt(,r wiU COsl n) ,lo()l
liar for
in, ami
no pre
..: nr. i. .. :n i .. ..r 1...1.
1,11,, ill!'. II Ul UL- Ik kll Vl U " 1 1 .
I A, ,0 , ,,,, An-wAi., ,i,iu it
i ,,.oul, I)P j,,,,,,,., i,.,,),!,, tl) ,.,.,,. l() J.
, ,. u, ,,c ,,,.,. il, ,,.;,, mm,..
,.! ! . ,. I Sinmn ,il' I linn, , I , u 1 ,1 I ,.H in III. I
I ' , -..
: ,,ro,rly ,,,,,., Moufi lo loval ou nor.,
, Hul ,. . ,IO v ision in miidn in thin arii.
r,,, ,.,.,, .n,.iii,. ,., TI,p 1 1, if'! m-
, til.i0 rtatn to Hie future of the. fl-eetl poo.
, l It lines lint ohlil-O hilt IllelJV Ull-
mid the American
voters tlirougli their representative in
! ...' F.mimtipa
ill v:t While Lilvr.
sur'!v is not no. In trnes liko the pre-
ent, men should utter nothing for which
they would not willingly bo resprfn-il'l
tli i ouyl, lime and eternity. Is it Hue,
then, that cnord people can diiipjiiee any
more white labor l.y bein;: free than by
tPiiMinini; si ,vrs? If they stay in their
old places, they juUlo no white laborer
It they thc r old pi ices tlioy leave
tli:m cp.-n io t'a l-iborv. l-rn-'icnlly
thoi'o is neither more nor of ."
KinaBcipalinii, even without deportation,
would probably tnhatieo tho w,ij;e3 of
.vhite labor htul very eui-ely would not le
tluce th, in. Thus the customary amount
of labor would still hate lo be performed.
The treed people would surely iut do
nj'ire than then- old proportions of it, and
very ptobtibly for a time would do less,
living an increased part to white labori
, . ., 1 , , , 1
lal'(lTv1" Z Vtu.
niiiiid. and consentient V enhancini: tlif
matifl, and consequently enhancing the
wages of it. Willi deportation even to a
limited extent, enhanced waues to white
labor is mathematically curtain. Labor is
like any other cmmix dity in tho market;
increase ihe demand for it, and you inert-ace
the price of it. Reduce ihe supply
of black labor by colonizing the Hack la
boier out of the country, and hy piecisely so
much you inert-ace the demand for uinl
wages of while labor. I'.ut il is dreaded
that the freed people will swarm forth and!;
'' ;
e I
cover the wnole Inn, I. Are they not pi.
Will liberation nutk-c
fCUtiy 111 l llV IHIlHi 'till 1 1 Ul.-I ,11 lull limrw w
tl.A.,1 nnw t.,,t'n til, 111 (, mils
s ? Equally dis '
es of the wliolu i
tributed amor.t! the whites
..." , i . .... t
country, ana tnoro wouia oe m oo a,, - , U; lUt jwi ,,cs(ln . fr ,.
ore,! to seven whites. Could the one ; 3.cnMo ft,II10i thenution nf Cui, ('bine:.-,
any way greatly disturd tho sevf ii 7 , nni lj0f;iHtiii urc.-. will bo regarded with netroely
There are many eoniuiuniliis now having i,.,,,, interest iIihii tho uiuveiu-uts of opposintt r
more than one free colored pel son to seven mien in tlio field. Tho object of llm wur will ho
whites, and this without any apparent ' nmtle ii.i-i hat it trus heforo Abolition fri:tti
CJttsciousness ol evil from it. The Dis- ci.m perverted it -simply to cru., He rel.clU..!.
trict of Columbia, and the of Mary- ; tlX;
land and Ib letvare, are all in this condi- iu(,o of (,io ,,0(,iile ,,, mini, ns , rj,,,,,,,,.
(ion The dintrict has more than one free i jrn,, B j tlie 1'resi,, no lnniier rhuek
colored to six whiles, and yet in its fro ; i0d, no lonitir tluet,no,l with Abolition mob
quent petition to congress, 1 believe it ' ami frowning bstliks, will take t rendy nn l con-
has never presenleil the presence ol tree
colored poisons nno ol its grievances
JJuttvhy should emiinnipalion South
1 ,, r i t v . I ) l,.n..l . ..I
send l ie freed people North 1 i eorila ot
, Pl,K mi run unless there bo
something to run from. Heretofore, en-
cioa - ec people, to son.o extent,
, , ,. . l. .. . ,t . 1
,wni t-,nn..l. t. enntn ev en! nnt-tt llitl
Vnrtl, iVnnt hnnfhu.e find now. iter hana.
from both bon.bige and tl.MltUtioll ; but the I'ress wi'l ni;,iin become the medium of
c i t I .1 ,.M.i,.,;. t he fieo thoiiirlitii of the people, nnd tho f.'Hrless
if gradual cmiincipa ami depo tal on (,,n,ti!,itio.,al (iovernnu-nt and Con
be adopted, they will have neither to lleo E.illlti(,nn, Lill.rt
r. , ',. i l t ; i ......
num. J neir out uiiiiiei o itui fjiiu
wages at least until laborers can be pro.
cured nnd Ihe freed met), it) turn, w ill
gunliy jjlve Uieir laoor ior in,.- wnca tin
,,,v home can bo procured for them in
congenial climes and with people of their
M,1!l' i.lrn their In bor for Ihe wai.'e8 til
J " ----- -- r.
i own blood and race.
i ins proposition rim uo lusto i ., ,
m, Ittlai interests involved, itiiti iu tiny
'ni'rml raininl. I he Niirl i decii o tor Hsill
wliethcr to icceive them ? Again, as pine
.....-rt ll.i, ib.-iev in nnv e:me
,1,: 'l Ul I 1 (Ul'l I' Ul'.'. " J . ... ....j .
has there been any t ruptim of culureil ,
rcor e not tl: ward wcvae ot in" iit'iist.
' ' . . ..' t.- . .1 1, ...... 9 -""" i---" r - ,
menl ot uluvety in this District last spring ? wo afl-(rd iorc rcndini; for Ihe pmne nmney than -
What 1 have said ofthe proportion olTice!nny other p:or printed in the Ptnte. The ad '
ra" 01 in p,un, amt tut; -iimo uBun-ni
II! ,. I, IN , II: ft ' '
,' II", ' i" f ill I
,",, n,,l . , I
I v, ti . t'l n I'll I I "
I l I l i ' ' I' l.ll II il i
II It i l"'v t tl I
turn li, llmi a " '"i!
' At V I I n;
I It.,
i i," . i it. '!
Mi- - I
I ll.,.. I
it 1i , ll Mi'
II 'I, II, I, I ' t
I ,. .I ttl nl'.
.,. i'i ih
M. 1,1, ',
.1 I 'I
I l' l,t.
I' l
I I". I
I, I .. '
' il II I
'I . II J IT 1 M 11 ti I' ll I I'll
Itltlt.l I 1 1 "M l' IH ll
HIP (f. iil, In.)
I nil fi it HI ii, till ft'
ilul"iinl !'U .
uilliuiil lln t-" i, i i t i nl I '. . , i , ,n
f'liiillit nl .smti.. Ph. ti ,inii' ilirii
t'MII tll nl lilt- M'llt-1 M n,.iMiy III-" Mf ill i'i ll,l Int l Hitli'4. I I, fir
(Hill III I I IT, i f llill ll, iH j;ni, HMHI'.
Miitf i. t lii ir tt tt'i Hilv il'iiuif: I'limlit-
'4rt hi ul h i "i ) i Ii l in 1 iijj i' iiii Hi.
l.f .t - iMiiiiiiiiii.iiitl l"iit, J ,i -. urn tut'
t ul'l iinl ilie s 1 1 j 1 r I n'nt, 'ui'i :tr ilio
I'lllilll ll'IIK I .
1 do init foii-t :in crut itv m liit-li -it
clmriictc iit n puiifi 'il, 1 1, v.',,..! i.i i ,p N i
Inni l.y llm (.'In.. I MuxkUiHh .f the N;i
Nui-.o 1 .ri!i t tlml ,fii,' of toil
' .
Hif my M-nioi-Hii.DriLut ol you havo
. I I . . .
. . i i. . .i . . - . i. ..... . ,
I. ... ...... t ...... ft .,. 1MIT I llt V fi
funilU III l.l 1 1 1. 1 t'l I IIU-IL I IIIL It) V tW III
iilU rifiii iiioiiilnliiy loiiint! ui'on nit',
)on M ill jn rc-ivf no want of r-spt ot to
oui-flvt't ill hi-v uiiiluo eiii-itv.ilitH I
limy f.'tni toilin- l.iy. Is it iIoi.I.UmI, thfli,
J . . ' J ' . .
lluil the l Ian I propiM", ll niliii.lctl ivcultl
i-horifii I lit- svar ut'il 1 1, in ,.-.iti il, ca
peiulilure of in ney ami ol l.loo.l? Ii it
oui'tiil 111:11 11 Mniil'l rt-sloio the nation
nl fin t Ji ri; ami liiflioniil prosperity of,
unil pi'riift ualp lotli iu (.It'll 11 i t cly ? It it
. 1 .... 1 ..... I . 1 ... ,'..., I V
. ii, ii,,,, biui.r-.f-,v.'..,i;i.-r-n re,,,, i...-
en,!ivp, fan khimuo iln. .ulot.tion ? Will
,l(,t llio p.'oplo rcHt-oinl lo a unilutl
. i ...... .. .t i...
i.v l v unv ..ihei- ho .i-iaiiiU- r,r
tn .'. nra'l 1 1 u 11. I l.n.n v ll ., I ol.L.nt U" .
can succeed only hy conceit, 'll i-t not
..('an any of u imagine bettor ? but C,!
wt. !VH (l H.( .r ?" Oh -rt, whaHoever i-
possible ; Mill llu ,,,1,4 ion recurs, "Can
Wl, j0 better?'' Thodoma of -.he riiiet
past are inatletinate to Hie utormv t-0 ent.
loirma of -.he Miiiet
ist are inaileoMitle to the Htormv n-fl put
i ,u occ imou is piled high with dilliculty,
. , . ,
ami we must itso with Die occasion, As
i our case is new, so we must
thillk Ihiew
t 0 must iliM-:itlirHl oui-se
yen, ami then
I we shall save our country.
t ellow-citizons : w.- cannot escape his
lory, We of this t'onnress and this Ad
ministration will bo remembered in npite
of ourselves. No personal sinirie inee or
insiniticance can spin e ons or anoihpr ol his policy lo apply to tho States in r lell-
us. The fiery trial through which we passl;,,,, lt n'l;ii hmk i morn like an ell'ort to
i..;!ll,.,i.i ;,, i, i;j ...
..,,. .,,;. ... ..... ,'., ,..-,.. ..., ,,.
mo poperaiiiin. tie fay : ii ;i t ive
are lor the L'nion. The world will not
forL-el that we snv this. We know how-
to save tho I'nic n. The world know we.
Uo Know now 10 suvo 11. we even w
lo know how- to suvo it.
here hold the powc und hear llio res
ponsibility. In giving freedom to Ihetlavo we fissure
freedom lo the free honorably alike in
what we jrivoand what wo preserve We
shall iiobly s;ivo or me.inly lose the last
he.-1 hope of earih. Other means may
ctei Ihi-i COU Id not fail. The way is
plain, puHCiTui, pctidrouK, j uat, a tfay
which, if followed, the world will f jrvc I
npplQ'id, and Go' must hrever bios',
A UK All AM l.lNOObN.
December 1, 1-'1J.
The Largest and ("lifupi-st Wt-i-kly tn the
A New and Powerfully Writtei Polit
ical Story.
riMIK ovt-rtrolming oviilt-nco of ll.o dflcrmina
X tin of tliu people tu ri'imuo the Hovfrniupiii
from the ilesi ornte mnl rerklesn iinrpincs of Abnl-
itiunism. thst hnvc fo nmrly wrecked our otife
Kloriiiun I'ni n nml destroyed alt ConHtitiilionivl
Kiii.ri.nle.'.. indicHto un imnn'.listo future full of
event of the most nioiiien
i? t i n , Terroristn, "iid Ho
ntou.- lutercsl. ttMlriil-
hbery, will not submit
to net in.nenienl wiinniii R s.ruiriu. i nu eon-
Fpieuous pari
It is one of ths best remits of the recent clef -
tionj that their positive rebuke of tho Kr'"s
iitunift'.-t nbiisc of power by t':o Adtiiiniytrntion,
has iiiven thn people the privilege of lii;ht an !
ire a th.-eussion privileges that will nit ii'nia he
tiuiiely yielded. ThefO change 1 eireuintHtieci
will briiiK the acts of even the liiirhcft in the
(lovernuient to the trihutml of public npniMin,
Thn l'rnlirint.ira nf the foSSnTrrinKAI, 1's'loN.
i,uing their new propeetu., sow before them
a field of us, fulness, nnd it is their pur-
pofe to (ipare no effort to uuike their pnper ot un-
r !..... It:
'll,t 1,1 'I'"" i"1 i" "'-'
cpiM aceepinbiliiy n a mod
Tl, ,,7'''" ''u
,1 B ,1 I, (111 ,11 , IIHIIII.-,,.
must olis'trb pttblie
thutiirlit. It will cotiPiin full nitniiMtie of the
proceedings o (.'ona-repg nnd the !-tate I.ejriuli
,ur0i full iiceountu ol the movements oi the army. ,
p.reign and tlomestio nana, niernry iniaiugonit),
coumiereiiil nn I iii'nciiltitrnl new, .c, itc
In coioetinenec !' theer.ortninisiidvanec in tlio
Prieo of I
, f purer, timontitinit in tliree mourns n.
1 ...
. ., ,, .. , f .,).
per rmt. the l'mrm'tom hare found ;
it lucec-iiry to ndvancc llio price of the prper to i
f.i.. mi ,., . i,.,, T, m itua iirice
viinee will in into etli't't nt once.
Amoui: other altrartlona in eonivmplation, we I
fhnll eouiinenco, in Ihe firt nuti bi r in Jantinry,
a new nnd powerfully wriiien l'olilical Story,
'i'jln evcnU hinucdmloly preceding tho
' Vo fMicit the aid of our Democratic friend? In
the interior in rump? nnd forwunling Club.
Single cople-.lnyear, 2 00
Twocopien, (to one addrasi,) s .'-A
J';'''""'. l
-,1,..,'..,r,;,iton. to he id in.vrritJ.y t
nnWc A.ldres KI 0. VNrE 4 r0
I'ubli-hcMnf '( -oTiTi-nosu. Vmhs,
Ko. lao South TIUUU -iircl'ltilndidph-t.
.U!TION.Ther,iiblicare hereby cnution-
(Vti unit 1 no mimic hi v hi-h-i-; vai -
v,.i,J r in .n. wav ineddli.ur
1 n:..
with the following described properly, vit: One
Krny d are, two cowl, one yeailin bull, one hcif-
Ier, nine bopa, one two-horse waRnn. on pntr
bob-sleds, one threshing machine, one timber-sled,
one fnnning-mill, one harrow, one cultivator, two
li.i'-ehuiin. the twn.tliinU nf I'i acres of wheat,
40 buihels of ot,ts,40 bttPhali of corn, 20 bunh.lj
r... ..t ... i.,i,.ii,....i..ii
nf Willi. ni.ti nr i,..hL.--.i,w.,ninn
belointonio end are only lrfl with him subject t"
my order. M M. U KISUEL.
Liwronoetoa-uilip, Dec. 8, 1862. pd
h. t 3 i .
tfjl ' '."NACNx V
ti-r JA V. 7
t'l J K ' f
V J-Vfr!v.'AV 3 w V; ' '
VN'ASli; Y- L W
rf'r vJ.Mv r
Va . ,. AArT"1' ., .. --
" ' v
Wrdnenday Mominu Dec H'h 18G2,
, .- . . . , . - -
Fvirv Iftilt i ii. kin if wlint lln IVfui
. . ' ill-
It tii - tin hi. ini'iiii iiti'l iiiilio lv i ip.
f ino l to nimwiT. Wc Imvo ro l, ami re
l'1'1"' '. hoping to
ml il, hoLiiiu' to iwimlify otirn U(n to
nwnl thn Intrimivn im.l i-rrnlf xirtL' intpr
' 1
,t ,,P ,SV l.ttt lurnntl out lo
' r ' f
In a vprv nt'rinuH one : not llml wo l hvi
any iliilinulty in tlincovi'ring IIip proprr
import tf the iHnpuuf.'p of piich pHr'ij!) Hpli
I ,.,,i;..-ii. ,i..un( il,n .,,,r
' ... . ... ... , ,v; .,l
,-uit ,1,1 I Iiih ih iin it . h Pall '
I "... - I .
' "
surely umlf rMiuul that "1. u not o ruty lo
pay om$ihin( cm it it to ly nnhirui ; but it 1
ejfur t y 'l tiirtt mim (a.oi if u to p tj a tar
ijrr vn." I'ul it U when takn us a whol,
ami oonsitli-rpil in conneetion will) oilier
paper of tho IVimhIpiiI' iu-ippnnihly oon.
iKv-tptl with tho Htihjoet mailer of tho
nioMftgfl that it become incompreji.tnsi
I lilt! t O Utl lit ft 11 CX 1 lOH' 1 1011 of t ll f Illll il' V of I llP
i Adininislrmion. Wo can nnfeiy hhv. bow
ovor, , lmt it n),.MI, no,ro ,nmu.imt io
i ... - ,
i ""gro colon.ntion-nojiro war, and r.iyro
' "" meant thut the Union it !
U - i not to exist ayain, nnd that Mr. !
I taxctt. J. uleo meant thut tlie L nion it
I hm :m not to eviit, Monin. mul tlmt fr
. - - - r ..... - - "
ami hid frieinU bnve iletei mined
i,. .1;., ,.i.. it:.., n... i. . ., i
""""' ' limn lu-uinnaiwnri , rwiu
i. ... r . t o. i . .. r , i.
' ' '"S,,jm '""""' ' '
present nomoK, though they Hhrtcld never
find other. Hut lwiw all this is to be
done i not so eaily nliscorered ; nor is il
clear to our mind that Mr. Lincoln intends
rjv( ,ljr,,ir M(ive Stg,os ,, omnc,. I
pa-ion, a))ti then, in the langimgo of Mr.
fireely whose political pvotcgo tho I'res
idenl in -"let ihe Cotton Staleielope."
Hut lei us look at this mancipation bu
siness for a moment ; As a means of per
manent peace and union among the .Stattis,
Mr. Lincoln urgently recommend the
amendment of the Constitution soasti
guatantee to anv State in which slaves are
now held, and (hat m.-,v emancipate them
.! .....I i.i. .....1
R, anj time ueutet-n ium mi'i uu vn-vl
1 hi. r.t-Mnnl ecuturr. n nciliod price f..r
1 ; ... 1
each slave o eanneq-atea to nc pi-a i"
i!,U,l,(,f the I'nite.l States, an ! re.
; , ,.
I.?.. .. I'.. I- -..., al.t.l il.'.l
qu.ring any .iii. mi .pi .....
measure. Htid afttrwards re tt ablish slave-
r i.i i ii i l.I
ry, -,o rt iiititiine o.u.o. ; iii'"" '""
Oviiintltulion HO allien licit as to authoriue
Conges to appropriate moni-y, ai.J o-.h-
erwiRO pr-Tvpiii, ior coionum- iree pt-rsnus
i.rrl,.r ul ll,ir,ii,,i,,n HTivv', ouUiiln
' . , "
of the Ln-.'ed S)Utes.
Then follow a whnt would fe'iil lo W ft
r , . i- .i , t
texk for this policy, in the shape of a ery
abriiinl a"stiniptioii, to w it : "without t'.avcry
thtrrh, :'(;n amid nrvrr hurt ,ry.,.f; -, W
fu'-.TV it emld notrontin'ir the balaneu ia
ft logical sciiuence ; tho cause must bo ro
1 .
moved bclore lh etTecl can eitse ; tU vr
must ao on ti'l .ihnrry i f iled. But Mr. Lin.
culn bad proviiutly proclaimed to tin;
wnrlil, ihitt, u (he lt tbty of January
next, he should, by proclamation, eman
cipate and forever set free, all tho slaves
now held in the rebellious Stntea ; and he
the same a-surance in his late
I'hen w hy this new scheme of
emancipation, nt the option of the '-talen,
and at any lime within thirfy-xnen yeiri?
If he ha" the CoMstilulioi-.iil right, and the
power, to free the slaves by proclamation
in a single d ny, nnd is determined (o do
so, what will remain for his new scheme lo
aceomprs-h 7 If be Ijhs not tho l ight, nor
the power, to free thealaves by proclama
tion as every liody knows he hm not
and as he has often shown himself ho has
not then why triflo with the public by
preteniiing to such right : I lien, again
if there can be no peace 1:11 Ihe bnal over-
Ibrntv nf ahu-erv is urovided f,,r. nntl if
... .....
that tiesMon belongs lotle Mates as Air.
Lincon's new scheme wenis to iiulicate
lid ho not invite them (o meet in !
CoDventioii nul nettle it for themselves, ,
QIj ,,us ,llk(, it oulof th0 hands of invet
rale partisans at Washington ? CcrUi- ,
ly Mr. Lii coin is not 80 unreasonable, as '
. ., ,. ...,,..,1 ..,.,. k
V, L.l ILL, ,1. ,,' iljir,, l, ,IVIII(,L ,1.1 lu in
11 i
submitted by iJongrcbs ami ratitieti hy the
. .- ., . t
, - hbios, 11: ior 10 110 ursi tu .miiuiiry, m
' ,,1
t hU if his new plan was oceepted he eoultl .
abandon tho proclamation : nnd he surely !
, ., , . . . ...... .... . 1
not union io perceive 1 ,ia, , et en 11 una
were possibh', the Simes might accept his
(iclurao t,)ieftt rrnal,c.111ion ..fter-
' wards for each would aorept for the olli
rr nn,j noonn in tending to accept for it-
Iftilf. Maryland might say she was perfect '
' y willing thai the oilier Slalos should bo
compensated for (heiralsvea, ifthrtchoso
; to i-iuaiicipato ; but as for herself, sho
I would ask no compensation, for she inlen-
ded noemancipitliijo; and hence, "uncle
Abraham" might wake., up about the
vearHiOOand find tho ."oor neeroos just
, ., .. , " ,
vvnnro liijjv now nro. n nt.eii nci. ut Mi:a
, . ,
" here thfiV now are.
that thin is not a fair construction of h
n (ml ,je pjnp, in,eTltU it (obe
cnrriejl out once, at tor his own language
jppg that point. Hear him :
-Tho plan ii proposed as permanent eonatitu-
ii.inal lnw. It cannot liec.tnc aueh without the
e,m..iirrence f. first, two thirds of Ponirresa. and.
aficrwards, Ihrae fourths of the Slates. The ra- -
q.nY.te Ihrae-fonrtb. of the Ptlei will, necessa-
rily, fnrud sva of the slave ?tais. Their
,.. 1 1 -1 1 hi,
1 i r
, "M t.. ii i., ,,,.,, ii,.. , ( ,, .,,
fll... t I H Iff- mil ,! -..,.,.
.'"" ,,,M,,,,,!r ""
n I t ft I , ' v 1 1 1 -' u M I ! i , ' ' It ' ,i t,,t
' - I.. -
i s f'l' "I tl" ti', M r. I itii-nlii knt , j , , .
iti'i tin. .... t .!.. V -v ,
' lt"un,- N...V, .ri-.lM.- I i . -irr,
I lii i it .t itilit'j i niit l'l-i ii:, Mr. I. iii-
oli) :')' I 'IV it v i 1 1 1 i-'HI ip nf lln' rri.i lU
'o. tl,.- -nu n.1-1 ... i. r.-iimt.l
lu'forn I lit' i llt iT iMii rr.iip ; itti'l J tl ho
'"V s if 'hi 1 1 n n I - ) t . t n iliouh
1 nil.i 1,.... Sim,., ,,.,!! r,.i,.,l it II...
(" , , ,,.,, " -""li-''.lllW. Sitlnryl!,
Kiruglu wouhl lo enilcil, innl llio I. nion ; Al,li,Jr John ILKhAL, fi'c'J.
Votl fmevfr. Hut in ii'lililioii, m wo ' - - "'nu'ut)f'- ti.mi. '
1 , ,.,., v ,()wn. tin Siatiyi atlniitini! tho
oUn llntl IH. HUllloriMll'f. cninitOtlKiitloil
r....i I ;t
fort-liivi-ii voluntarily otiionfi-. tt.-tl -wouM
iiiiriiii.iiviuiiiimii vuno
' i,n ,m,i,.r nn IhikIiiii' i. . il-i-ihoj In uvml
i . .
. " . c- r-
, iIhtiihi Ivc of itn Ixniniy ; Uo-y Jo not
ihert-liy Hgi-pp to wniuicipiitH llu-ir fhiven
L. .' ,t t ...i...,t - ).,..!,
'..tin . in' J i'i... ..i;..v '
, ,, , " n , ,
1... II I. .s,.i.u..t.., 1 ut lit., m rt iii.r,.,,l
....i. ..... ..... ft
Now tlii ii tl.e ft-uturcof tho men
itBge that liu awaki'neii ttpprflifii.ioiiii il
our tniml m to I ho Mneoruy of Mr. Liu
i' n.,.,,.l,An,l IImI I i. ran
l., Mil . U ltT..w.lL..'. ...ii .. 'u."
pom is to induce the boi-'l- r slavo Sua g
lo ii'lopl einancipHl ion, mil poinlin! to
ihom nit thn fruilgof tho war, let tho bal.
ante "nlido !"
Hut how much emancipation i it goin
to reipnre to free thes itluve, ? Tho email
oipation act of CongriHS, and the proclama
tion untiyr it, ban already l'ri.-d all t ho
, Buvt.9 t the men in rebellion in anv and
! it . i.. .;....,. . . ,i... ,i.,. r.t .i.- ..l.ol
nit nil; inillt. . nu lilt; nin.t n hi hit. i ri'cin
, r. frt! Hlrcadv. Then on thf lit of Jun
i ...... , .,, ?
uary nexl Alr. jjnCOln BftyH ll Will IDHOVCr
I ... . ....
lice all llio Blaves lielit witlini the Matos
in r(.jK.nio at that time. Tlmt will be
the seoihJ freedom for the slaves of rebel
masters, and the Jirtl for the slaves of loyal
citizens within the rebel Sinte. Then
comes Mr. Lincoln's "compensate'! umoii
Icipation, hy winch all fUves in the Un
ited States are to bo emancipated some
time within the next thirty seven yesm.l
nt the option of Ihe Stales holding them
being ihe second einaiiciptition for the
slaves of hiyal eiliiens. ami the third cuian -cipklion
for tbo aluves ol Ihe rebeln.
Here i the emanripation inuddle
truthful and complete exeppt Mr. Litis
, r. .,.).. i.. .1
cmn iut" ti. leu n-puit'ii nu. us nn .1,0 pi
j el Congress milemiily tlec!.i-td, tht the
r, tn ,!,, institutions of
. . ,. . . ,
; uny 01 the Mate, ;.ui only lo resiore me
; rim, , u, thni ihe last .. sion
; 1C ure"'.! (.ongrem, w-.tu Hiinont inu.;eni
i., .-....m-.I.L- r.-.-nv t vjrch ire
' 'ii , ,
, , ' ...... . 1 1 . ,tt r. l,.fel
u.,,! color. i:ie Slaves, wii ne u.,w - in""
i it,,, r ;i,:nn mftV l. no imieroKid its to
.' , .-
give ' impress me n;lil 10 no i nes.-in ings
f, t,P ,'tift'.r- in rrl.rlliuu it,,' con-
wrm.,, one or these schemes is just as eS
, tectuu: as t tie oilier, or as on ot iiivui ; an.
i L.. )l il.v i. i I.,, m .-.r.l.l omul
' . i J
, delusion. llw c-tn Ihe people hare con-
fi,leiic in an Administrittion lluil thus tn
1 ,. , , a .-
j fis w if la thair and honor 1 Every
I ncliool bov knows tlutt Mr. Lincoln s forth
jcomimr proclamatior. freeing the ,Uvw in
j ihe Stalin in rebellion, is destined to be
r.,,;U If ii tn I luv..ll..,l nl th
rebel nrinj. .ill'icter) oiia rn itisa
that his new plan w ill bo, if possible, slill
more leeble and futile. of I.aue P. Cron.
The States in rebellion say tll"y rerolt-d Alii, a cortain traet of land fitualein Otuli
because they were not permitted!- ' """"P- Cleared fl-miity. IVaMvlt-ania, -J
' ' . tiniii aliuii'. JM aeret" a uinaud by Unlit
ly to enjoy their domestic in-tilutpm.s I tUmt 20 kc- with a saiiiU
that they believed the North intended to
encroach on their lights ami force them
into a secondary position in the I nion ;
(Lift they could not remain in tho Union
Ins then equuls and on this issue a horri
ble war has raged for nearly twoyoars;
and now Mr. Lincoln siiyi to them if they
will aUindon their domestic institution,
and romo back into the Union, llio strug
gle shall coase. It may be very agreeable
to say this ; but is it sensible on the part
of one professing to desire tho re-estabi
lishmenl of the l'nion 7 Nothing could
be better calculated to keep up a desper
ato res stance, an 1 to perpoUiito the wart
, i i... .
llml Mr. Lincoln propositi itui'jnam'jui'S
to the (Jjlistltu .1011 that Wtjuht ro assuro
I. it e. .r il.. ....... .... r
u..ii. i!,..i.M f ii.. r,: ...... ,..,i nf
l lit! ,,1U, I, VI 11 ' l ,, l 1 .T J I Ul'l .7.1, t.MW.
... . .
their dorilCftlc instlfution and rights with.
in the Union, would it not have been much
better calculated to end the struggle, and
re (Slablis 1 the L nion I II, on tlio oilier
hand, it bo intended Ly Mr. Liiicnln that
the States now in rebellion shall not bo)
olbvio.l tit mixia liaek into the l'nion as
.......v... .v.-.v - --
, ,, , . .
equal Mates, wita ltisi-.iuiions oi nion t""i
.-1. ,i., .inr,!
icieeiuni, o uui'l l.,,.. u "j ,
11., , 1 ,i, rel
and let the country undeiMann jno reai ,
character of the Mruegle. We) protest
. .. ..;- tA var iho ITnion as ' p-"i" - :
it is, and nil the while piling up onsiacies
mounta in high in the way of tho ftccoir.
plishment of the end. ,
Had Mr. Lined n desired ki settle the;
(druggie and save (be Union, lie should j
h.-vo urged thu Slates to meet in Ctwvcn.l
lion and adjust t heir difliculties in their 1
own ay ; thereby relieving lnmfelloU
ri ighlful responsibility, npd the countiy )
or a still more j
Greax rl.R .TLoHaven.Ia fire t e. !
. , tI t........... 1... I
eurrtuitt iak-k ituvt-n 011 ,-ma,.iiij 11,-1
which destroyed a laree nordon of (ho
most business part of that flouri.vhing
town including (he Lock Haven Unnk,
t lin ( 'I In tun ltotito l'.nrotipnn flcilel slorra.
fc a -
" -i "'e -
Siiturdnv. il will le rocilleeleil tvni
l,,1Biprtf ,l.v with the wind from
X-erV ,,lu"lPry (1"y ,n0 winUtrom
th" Vorlhwest.
'I' I
'., I I
l i. tl
.-i in. v,.. I,-.,. i i,. , N"
i'i '.! i . i,, ;.7
H t. I n. it rt t .(. h ..f v,i'i
:::::;;""r - 1 ,mn n
I i -i t, f ii it ii, .,, ir ti t,
i,,i,f,i..,i. ,.u,'i
IIJr'tii'Mi'l In llrn i M
Mf, un,,.,. I.
1 1 t .; n i' 1 1 U i . t ( J
1 .. . . .' n' ' " tkn cIim-kd ft I'i" rn-
I S ?' -1 A I iin.ll Si.-rr c
, IhtIii Law mm- ti,ni,l. ., !., ,i,. ,
' "'',''r, Th .w'""' t oo.u f
.. i ,''".' , i'iit rniiriyi'. in.i i.l. ii
' nwtn. r ),. oi i. ,t: i .,
- ... .
t.o in oimI t.f cpnr.l iiir I,. I.-
1 1c'; '
m au amus law,
' 4 I'Dri'olt'M M)TI('i:. x ..tic l( 10r, ,
I 2- triv" iiiiUtTitrt,,i i,,iii
...I l.- .u. i..i . - . ' f
IroiMto.l t,y tho Orptmo' Curl nf Cl,.rn,ld I
i n . ... ... . . .i: e .. . null ,'
, ..1,,,, ,. . ,, , , u.-,Uuii.mi ui i-xp tnunej-i
'. . .. . .. . j. in in.
1 -
- 1 J""'" ' J- B-""rt- A' 'niiimtratur r j,.
W i .,n tlHctiiiflml. Wl I ntti'n.l tn I.U . .
1 ditor. anl lioar all pi inl..i..i,, Mi,,
- tttti', at tho ofl'n- of J. li. Alol'inilly, on Stiira
.l.'l.l .l....r l, A ll lvll a .. '
I ' ' "V T'l.":. '. "'I ml
l M.
J. ll. kTU'ORli, Ai.Jito-.'
10, ISflJ.-Sl,
VUPITOHX XtTltr..Th nii,erii,n,,
Aiiilitur Hpiniiititl liy I ho Orphnn'i, Cnuri o'
('l.'iirfilil Ootiiity, I'i ilistrihiiin llio Imlanoc a ft,
lutixlit u 'llio A I in i i, is Iriit n r l' Itirhinl t'nrrjdi
e e r o ' t , will ut'oii'l tu llio ilutiin if Lis apiuiul
iii.-nt, an l In nr nil .nrlin interostpJ, nt l,m uSo.
In (.'luurtt 'lil B.irnnifli on I'li Uy th 'iml Jjy 0,
Jmmrv, A, I). 18fl., ut 2 i.Vlui'k, I'. M.
.1. II. MeKN AI.I.Y, Amhlor.
Deo. 1(1, lS3.-St.
i;iITOK-- NOTICK. The undi-r-iimW
nn Atiilitnr aiipoinNiil hy llio Tnurt of I.W
mon PIubb of (.'entru cuintv, to iirnko di.-lriliiiiiut
of llio Diuripy 1n llio liantls of (ict.rtt Alvjumle
Ksq., Hi;li t-ii.'riir, unsiiij; frnm 1)1,1 mt t.f lh
real estntu of J. J. I,in'Iit, will uttfii l tu Undu
tins of his iiipiint,iiiit tin Tui'stlay tin) Ullih da
of Dpccitibcr, ilift., at 10 o'd nk A. M., t.f itaii
tiny, nt his oHico in UrUiMuiito. Wlun n,l whtr
nil iicrci'tiN inti'ri'sU'J r r,"iticNtPil tu attend, im
thotti Iiaviiif ilitiiiiK pi .roi'iit theia or bo debv
red f rum cmiiing in nu miid fund.
I!el!.fi)Df, Pee. 10, IW. Au.Uto-.
sheriffs" salesV"
Y Tirtmi of smidrv writu of V. t.i.nW V.xp.,
X t "
HO, iKPHPlt OUt til tUO t Oltrt Of tIIUHllHl
l'li'n of Clt'nrfild couiitv, Rinl to mo dlri'i-lmi
thr will he rxpofi'd to 1' I' 111,1 U SAI.K, l
( aurt lioum in th bun.nih uf ( . IfiimihIiI, on Muo
d ty tho 12th dy of Junuiiry neit, at 1 o'clock
p. in.,tlm fullowliijt d'.'fnlii'd ltoal l'..-latt, vit:
a certain wnt-i n mnu ntrttto m i-er-'tii...;
towhithii', CiosrSflil county PtTin-t'iVMiiii. I.,. jir
ninj nt m lj "., l',il, emu. l)i,-.,,n l,w 11',....:.
.. ? " ""j"in
,flrit,j tnT T ..utn .Ml" wchI per, lies (o
ll'"- "" "omh to3 et lffl perehe.. t ,
! !'"'! ""V vC':",eliu.: .Tu,,b'''.,,in:1. ,,KT.. ft'
unit iinn i.i'twfi n ui:n ii' r,n .mi ' (an or.
I , , . . r
cr.ns ia mn, u,pr 117 j"jn intnnm mrvnt
i ""rlh:1 ':' m Prcht.. to pi, r.r l,-iDi?
eoiiUtituti j i-rs ntnri rr les.i, bei2 III.
!nrtbwt bnlf of suri-y in nantu of Muttht.-
1 1!"r,"n. "hout '' "'" -" 1'
i l.r.u.t.. ami bu.n ere!.l ther-nri. Sei."1 anil t
. . .. .. .
t ttn in t-x?-.i n .tua lu ue a.-, too irnprty
, S'-!1 ' a-1-
Ai.eo, cerli;D lot of prouti'l nitiutit in Cur
, W0I1ITili, Horough, rirrne.'J emntv, IVnnnl
.a'lin, frunllnn e I feel m ViiineHiri.i, ml rut
j Xulin" V
iyrrt m,J ti,,r.-h lj stout, with to
1 ry frame houis thprton. Alto, two lota fr nuini
! on Xh iuiji.nn lr.. rum iiu b'iek to an alley and
bound. by laa-la f m. lrvin, with una ail
- , a ba.r atorj Uwel.u.e house ad woud lioina orw
trd tharaon. Sails,! ana in et'rutii'n
(o u $ M a prn.,tTlJ f A;frii M.mtaliu..
j Kda-anl M niialiua k Win. Tea Byek, tnnlintj i
i "TXJn'uJt oflnna .itt. In K.,i
towDjhip, t'lartlld cotintj., PemylvHui. cot
:iiiaiot ono humlral m;ri more or W. with i
1 built tuirtr aeraa cleared, and a log dw-iliij
, ,olu ,,) , k,.n ara-ted lher . n, iiliiini
landa of Win. M .hartson an 1 olli -rj. Sun.-d ;
l' uL-..n lu,;..n .....I ... I... a .1 i .... it... ....... M.
ar.l, and having a b. cubin boitte e.-eete 1 Ihtn
on. .Sei,l and taken in execution and to be lo'u
as tho properly of William II. Uei;arty.
KDWAUD 1'KltKS, Sh'ff.
Dae. 1. lsnl.
7"11ERKAS. Hon. S A. ML' Kb LIN V, Rx
l're.leut JuiIl'0 of tho Cnirl of t 'otumii:
Vim of the ta-enty-rlfth Judieinl lii?uii t, oua
l.o.ied of the cminlir of (.learlield, I. eiitraat
Clinton and the Hon. JAS. H1.U0.M and Hot
J. IXTlKlMl'i-ON.AnKociiite Jud:aH jf Clcartitl-
county ; have i.-uetl their precept, to too dirert
e,t, for the hobllitK of a Court of l.'ominon l'l'
Orphan's C.ttrt, Court of (.Jiuirter Scio-ifum, Coct
of Oyer and Terminer, nnd Court of HcMieritl J
Delivery, at Clearfiohl, in und for the county i
Cloftrfittld. da tho
Heennd Mondiy in January, lst'iS, at
Court rfoiisc.
i KuiiLhi mere ore. i.erenv "iveu
to tl
Coronpri JuM;( of lhe ;i ConMnble
j .nd for eaid coui.ty of Clearfield. to n pear
1 their nroner rcrnoin. with their Kun
' their nroiier nemoim. with their Itui'' Kecen.
. . I . , , . ,m,
I Innri sitiiuis. Liaini nations anil ot: v Iterncn
i,ranPe. t0 ao those tbinirs which to ilieir officer.
; and in their beha:f, Pe
jd (if VlJB in t)le year of our Lrd, one ihom
Ull r,.! tlliuer lUJunm fiv . .' "
and atgnt Uumlrorl antl mxty-inrec.
, .
ti.v 1111 -... 1. idn rirmis"
tbo sulncriber in Lawrence township.
,. . ... , nittir nrr) I!('Lb,-
, is niontlis om. ino owaor n ai'i .
a fnraarJ, prora pronertv. Ao., otberwiie M
iiP4ie-'r le lnw -'el. M
DA ID B-ou"
ot.y,. l!f'2.
liilJtLJ ?- vi ' )