stf i r If V . :".' V -';V'-' " C. -ytl. i-S-" T T T if H 11 D W. MOORE. 1 ... 0. B. OOODLANDER, j Edltori V'U!.. XXXlll. WIlOU'. NO 1737 PRINCIPLES, not MEN. CLKAIIMKLl), i'A WI'DNFMMY, DKC. 10, lf.f.2. TERMS-tl 25 per Annum, if paid in phanr NKWSK.mKS-VOK. III. NO 21 The President's Fi Fluctuations in tlie ancial Pnliry. vidua or PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. out first obtaining the consent of it, gov. r '"o Citizen if the Senate and h'outt cf ernaieiil. w i i h on aercctnent on in i rt in ltyr,lc,,t;i.-n: receive and p. otect euol. emnrant. in all' ""'''."?" !" Ilie v-due ol currency Sin-o ,. I en,,,.,no'.bcrver their richis lfr,,n . .ndl ,K "ru r,v"-vs '"J"1 '!"'. "' '!' '"" of Iien'th hi.c! I) un f.i li .i c t- ht.r. ,..' same time ollcred to the ,eve.ul Slule, ''T, ' i . yl 1 ed; !,.. it h., ,otp. -.-I the Ah'situated in the tropics, or bavin colonies T" J1"" la ,cn7.'.n.f '",r,1"! '." uls! n n ii s getier- i nu.migrauon of person. , -ft". - - .-"V ion i iien'tn ai.u t un .i ,.., . . t- lum ..N- same time ollcrred to the eeveral Mutes -.i i ,..,.,, d; :,.. it h., ,otp. -.-I the Al-!ituatt.a in the tropics, or having colonies . J1""" la ,"n '",r',1"! "gl'ty t 1! :i. . ... of ,:, there, to Deviate with them, subject Convort.b.hty. prompt fcankt ,..,....,., ,y the bea! the advice and consent of the Senate, t0 , into c,,.,, ge gid lie ci... tiusl iy ii. ii in lis own I favor the voluntary emigration of persons ; T . m 11,0 ''"V .....1 ,ir ii I i ai!' h,t well, I tljh . M. ii-iice tiiticiiiiitf fureipn pi:n ' .lining lust i i. in i corn- i liiul tried, made nc people, can he npiiniirpiillv villi eeriiiinlv nl Uin r.,l o...l 1 ""l1 m,lul-V m.umaineu. tlb i dopted s citizen; and I regret to say wuil cuo'j iiiTJon8 coiilerniilau! colnnizH. mi we i: good timi J Tlio ciirii Atliiirs whioii Ii m nikf 11 year heif mill -111,11111 pliimce. with u 1 n"-i 1 .y the llo'i''ot I; pi.".t-n'in ell-si- (i 1 1 I i ij hi i'..i pr,n. f lljfl uondii'.on ol 11,11 ri'l.iiiiins with other imtioiih is I iv utif, iwn 1 Imn ii Ims usual ly Iii-cii lit (urmci- period., ii i certainly more s:ilis(..eiorv tiitin a n itii so unluip ily distracted us wc itte, mijrlit reasonal)ly Imv :i .i cliiMi'l.'d. In tint month or June last tln'tc v en- 0111 1 pro inds to t-xpict li ft' the i;;iu iliiiio lVw.i-i wh.!i ul llio lems um-: of our domcHe (lilliculUcs so un- ! CommercUl with Turin, Liberia r.-:.:::y. r. u.-uanly, ns we think, ro- (W u tL Crtpnieit UK' iumiiii-. i a Lcliferent, would soon ro c le fro.n tlmi, position, The new commercial treaty l et ween the which has pvnvci only U-fH injurious to 1 UciteU .States and the Pultun of TnrKcy themselves iIimii t our own oiiintiy. ' has been canied into execution. lhit llio temporary revere a Inch nficr- J and consular lraty has w;iub bi fcl llie national at uis, fin J which , Lcen negociated, t,ubj"ct to the .Semite's weio exapcrali.'it iiy cir own Ji.Ioyal cits consent, with Libcn.i, nii't a fimilar nego. of that cla.s to their reactive territories, I;," 'XX ir i V . . . upon conditions which -hall bo equal, iust 'J'.T'r ' ,U,ul v"t!,,,or i,Pulttt . ".' 'Ul L IIM OIIILCM I I) PH. IinVJIItIO III Of anu immune, kinenu ana Jiayti are, as I ,,. ,, , ,' V, vet. the onlv connlrie.1 In ..nloni-L ""'.v i.i:pe lur llio wanis o; llie of Ariritn dceccut from hero could coin. iisulully tion do not seem willing to emigrate to tho-e countrits as to some others, nor wil ling ai 1 thing their interest demand.- I believe, however, the opinion among them in this respect is improving and thai etc long there will he an augmented and considerable emigration to both those countries from the United States. i.ctis abroad, have hitherto delayed that iictoliiiiplc.jiij', ice. The civil war, which has so radically chained for the moment ilie occupations ni.d habits of the Ameri citi people, has necessarily disturbed the condition and affected very deeply the prosperity of tho nations with which we have can icd on a commerce that has been nteinlily increasing throughout a pe riod of hall a century, it li!, ul tho sumo time, excited politnal ambitions nnd np- prehensioin, winch have produced a pro bation is now ppnding with t li republic of llayti. A consiuerablo iniprovemcnt of tho national commerce, is txpicled from these meii.-.uriw. Oar relations with the and Asiatic JVj.'lUlJ. Our relations v. ith Great I'-riluin, l-Vance, .Spain, Portugal, Ku-sia, I'rus.i4, Den til, rk, Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Kome, and the other European States, lemain undihturbed. Very tavor. found agitation throughout the civili.od . ab relations continue to be muintained HOild. In this iHtial tigitatiim we liavo fo: borne from taking part m imy cont'o verfcy between foreign SiatPs and between parties or factions in such ''I' tes. We have uttomptcd no propagandisni and iic'kiioaI eiled no ievulution ; but we hae left to every nation the exclusive con luct and inanngeinent of itsown alluirs. Ours(rug file has I ecu, of cnurse. contempluted by other nations with refcience less 10 i i oivn merits than to is m Om d and often cc agerated effects, and the ccprcijuunccs re Hilling to those iclations thmsclver, Aeiei ilielcss, coniplaiin. n the purt, o. I this giU'ci nmo!., tveii it il wcio ju-t, i would certiiilily be linwire. T),cAhk.i' S'xrt T.ul.-TU t-ejtj vith tirea'. Jlx'da'in. Tho trea'y with (Ireat Britain for the tupprciion of the African slave trade lias ; been put into operation w ith n g.ioj j ins ' j ect cf eoinple auccecs. It is un occasion of spcral pIcaMire to aeklion ledge the I the e.vei uuon of it on th pail f her Miigeny's governnit nt las I eon n.'.ic' with a jealous resect fr the nuthoriiy of, the I mted Mutes and t;,e r ght of tlicir moral and loyal citizens. ILtHoetri.itt Stiite Duet. The convention with Hanover for loo abolition of the State dues has been can lied into full clitvt under the uet ol Cuti grcss for that puipose. TL- l.hfUlr. A blockade of three thoui-uiid miles of encmst could nm be etlttbliM'd and vig. orcti.-lv enlorced in a reason of greul i 0111- meienil activity like couiinting occasi llictui unintentional it;iuiies ui on for eigu nations and their subjects. A civil Mir. occurring in a country whre for- lulu lurkev, lorocco, t ninri, una j.iiam j T!iC UejiuLlies f Miziro, Ct-itral and Xouth A mcrlca. During tho last year there La, not only been no change of our previous relations with the independent S'ates of cur own c nt netit, but, moie friendly B'n:jiiionis than havo heretofore existed, are believed Uj bo entertained by the.e neighbors, ! ivhn'6 safely and progress arc so iutiuiale- Iy cnniiicled with own. Ih.s slute ment rapeciully 0 plies tj Mexico, Nicar. tgea, C-sta Itica, Llo!idut.,s, lru an.i,. 'i i.e 'omtii'ission iin lcrtl e convention with ti e rejiuhli of New Oren ida lose l i',4 se.-.'cjii, iv i t ! i u t having and tid am1 pa.-sd upon, ail the chum' which v. civ su'.i, tied to i:. A proposition is pen. I ing to nvive the convenient, that it m iy h abb' todo more complete j .ftice The joint coinmi.-ion between toe I mteo Ma'es and the rcpi.l.liij of Cost u Hich has completed its la'ifi i ttti'l submitted its leport It tfiere, then, pny other mode in which tho necessary provisions for the public ' wants can be made, and the great advan tages ot a sale and unilorm currency se cured? 1 know of none which promises so certain results, ns the organization of banking associations, under a general act of Congress, well guarded in its provision. To such ussociation llie government might furnish circulating notes, on the sci-urity of Urited States bonds deposited in the treasury. These notes, prepared under the supervision of proper officers, being uniform in appearance and security, ft'id -i :l i . i , . . " comci uijie uiwiiysinmvii tvou.c; at once prelect labor against the evils of a vicious currency, and facilitate commerce Ly cheap and sate exchanges. A moderate reservation from tho infer st on the bonds would compensate the Tnite l Slates for the nieparation und diss ii 'minion ot inc. notes, uml a ceneru ku. tioi.ury Slates, and In part, to a careful provements in agriculture, in tho intro- review ol all expenditures in tint depart- duction of new products, and in the col- .... nt. in the interest, of er.on.imy. The lection of the agtic al , tMtiMics of the ethctcncyofthei.oMal service, hi, belie- different Stale, ; also that it will m.oii be ved. lias t lo been much improved. prepared to distribute largely seeds, rs'ifirtjtbm f Fure'ujn I'o.iUhe liat.-.t, ieals, plants and cutlings, and bus already The '.'oft master (ieneral also opened a l,u.l,1'sl"''1 liberally ditlu-ed much vai- ,.. " - .,., iw,,, ,i, nil i iciiuil l, ,11 f! a pros posing h convention ol postal repi enta tives, for the purpose of simplifying the rates of foreign postage nnd to "opedilo the foreign mails. This ; -r jousition , eq'inlly importiirt lo our adopt ed citizens anil to the commercial interests of this correspondence tin.. Ill f)l tins I 'ill .., of State with foreign eovi i nments. i,i. lalmratn report, which i ill in due time be furnished, embracing some valu able tests in rliemiee! science now in pro gress in lh lal oratoiy. Tho creation ol this depart men t van for the more imme diate benefit of u large class of our most valuable citizens, ami I trust that the lib. country, has been favorably entertained erR,' '''!?' U,'"M " 'hMl il lnls l)t'1'11 0,'!""i aim ngreen io ny ui;. the governments Ironi whom replies have been received. I ask the attention of Congress to the sug. gostiom of the Postmaster tienem', i" his report, respecting the further legislation required, iu his ojiinion, for the benefit of the postal service. Ih'purtw.cnl if the Interior, The Secret arv of the Interior reports a ; fll,... ., : l in. , . 1 . ... iiii"Miii iiiuu ai j uonu lanus Die zed wi.l not only meet your approbation, tjjt tnat it will no iKlant day fruitful all the fondest sanguine Iriends, and become tin sou ice of advantage to all our peoi w I I - - - 1 he'ih iput'H I'nciii)ititiwi. I 'n the 2L'd dnj of September last a pruc I unaiion w as issued by the Kxecuttve, a copy of which is heron ill; mbmitted. In accordance with the purpose expressed in been brought into cultivation, and also the large and rapidly increasing umountof itt products, and vo shall ho overwhelm ed with tins magnitude of the prospect piescntcd. And yet this region has no, touches no ocean anywhere. As part cf one nation, its peoj lo now find.snd my for ever hud their way to Kuiopo by New Yoik, to South America and A t'rici by Ni ,v Ui leans, and to Asia by San Fran cisco. Hut separate our common country into two nation, as designed by tho pres. ent rebellion, und every man of this grcal interior tegion is thereby cut oil from some one or nioro of these outlets, not, perhaps, by n physical barrier, but by embarrassing und onerous trade regulations. A un this is true, wherever a dividing, public lauds have ceased to be a source of , 1 flt:"n( paragraph ot that paper, 1 now revenue, rroiii the 1st ol .July. 1S01. to iicipatiot.s of its most or boundury line, may be fixed. Place it between the now tree und hlave country, or place it south of Kentucky, or north cf Uhio, uud still tho truth remains, that none south of it, can trade to nr,y port or place north of it, and none north of it can trade to any port or place south of it, ex cept upon termii dictated by a government foreign to them. 1 hose outlets, east, west ilie uUih ol oepteniber, IMC, tho entire cash receipts from the suit s of lands were 187, -170 ii a sum much less than tlieex pense of our lard nyslem during the t,aine pciod. Tho homestead law, which will lake effect on the 1st of January next, of fers such inducements lo fet'tlers that ii- i . ... . respectfully cull your attention lo what I "uuul "ro muispensame io me wen may he cul.ed "Compensated Kuuiticipas "-V s . v Ploi" muaoiiing, ana to in lion. perv.sion of th system, and would li-dit-! S!ll,s cni cannot be expected to an ex leni sutneient to meet the expenses ot the General i. und Uflice and the cost of sur ve ing and biinging the land into market. The discrepancy between llie sum he:e s'ated as arising from the sales of the pub lie lands nnd t lie sum derived trom the idopiion of the proposed system would s:"110 60l,rt:e ils "'ported from the Treasj en the burden of that pait of llie public t.e')t employed as The public credit, moreover, would be greatly im proved, and the negotiation of new loans giea'.lj laciiitatcd by tho steiidy market eiuaud lor government bonds which the create. It is nn additional recometidation of the pleasure, of considerable weight in my judgment, that it would r -concile, as fur as ptiaible all existing interests, by the op. poi tuni'y allbrded to existing institutions t tcorganizo under the uet, substituting only the secured uniform national circu hition, for the local und various circula tion, secured ami unsecured, noiv issued by them. T.-e miry Jiecei(sfvr (he ear. ry Department tirises, us 1 understand. Iroiu the lact that the jieriods of time, though apparently, were not really coin' cident at the beginning point, the' Treas ury report including a considerable sum now which had previously been reported from the Inlet ior, sufiicient Iy l uge to greatly overreach the sum derived fiom tho three months now repot ted upon by the Interior, and not by ttie Treasury. Indian AJf'ain- The Indians and the lUheis. The Indian tribes upon our frontiers I have, during the past year, manifested lie rtcipts into the T.easurv from ,11 i V- . f f.i "liVl ' ' Hint ha iiiicp Irnin . . i .1 ... . I'""' nine eugagea in open liostllilies souices, including loans, and balance from tlio preceding year, for the fiscal ending on the' C0:li June, 1M' oJ,,.),l:-W oo, of which sum .'.i i weio t!.rivei from year were ! against toe white settlements in theii vie illiiv. 'I'lia Iri'.o ti.r ....... tl.n l.wK.... -"J.-i countrr o..ulh o? Kioifus renounced lli.-ir CUslOlllS ! I .,11.,..; ... .1 .. I- :. .ii... , 1 T'l'i ! M - (,., i. , . ,. M " t'.'i'w " io c nneu .-.laics aim enter- ," j .iiit-i.-i, ijx; 1 (I'll nd r r ct lor conticc s with r.uioje bj end n similiir pro teh-eraph to San by a Faei.ii: tile ex- TKt Atf. I Jri. e favored th? p tit);: tin United S'.iite the '.thititio, jecl to exter. 1 t;ie 1 lancifCi;, to connect graph -.villi 'iie line which is bein tended aciiH.s the Hiis..ian Kmpirte The United Sic --s Territories r.s yet undUturbM ly O.e c'.rii War th V u-.trtfi. The Territories of the United States, with uniiiinoi tent exceptions, have re- the picseiit it bout ( niainei jndistt.rbed by the civil w ir ; and rri! niutakes and in- j tj.y ure exhibiting such evidence of pros perity as justifies un expectation tha' some of them will soon be in a condition te. be nrn-inizptl as S'nts. and btt Constiiu eigtiers t.side and carry mt a trade under tiomilly admited into the Federal Union, treatystipuhilions, is tieressanly fruitful of i pie im.,)t.nse mineral resources of some compla.r.ts of neutrul n:hts. All such col- '0f tJf , , iVrritones ought to be deve'oped hsioi.s lend to excite nnsapp.ehensions 'as rapidly as possible. Kverv step in tht and possibly lo produce mutual recluma. ! direction would have a tendency to bu llous between nations which have a conii ,,,nvr. the revenue of the novernmerit. nod diminish the burdens of the people. It is iron interest in preserving peace nnd friend-hip. In clear cases ol these kinds I have, so far es possible, heard utnl re dressed complaints which have been pre sented by tiiendly Poweis. There is, however, a large and augmenting number ofdoub.ful cases upon which the gov worthy ot your serious consideration w hether some extraordinary meat-sure to promote that end cannot be ad -ipted. l lie means w men suggests itselt as mosi ; likely to be effective, is a scientific ex'plos raiioti of tho mineral regions in those public land'1, $-l,Vj,'Jii;i 77; r.eoes sr-iices, i-'.1.'! 1 . 7 7 HI ail loi .,. !f20.;y2,.ta r.o. dtr, -i.:j7,utjj fcn, win the I u: ye.n . d llltO tie.'llUlS Willi lli intnr,,,,,!,- iioui i .iseeia- Uiose w ho remained loud to the I ; : i on loans in 7, at ' The remain balance fiom 'e Vej3. (Mates were driven from the country. Chief of tho Cherokces has visited ,city for the purpose of resi,,riio tlm (, The disbursement t'uring the same pe riod :m re for congie.ional. executive and judicial pin poses, '."'.. tCJ 11',' ; for for-, eign inlcKtoiirse, Sl,o.iil.7 Id Ho ; for misi oclliueous t-xpeii-e.-. including the mints, loans, post oflice ilt fieieucics, collection of revenues, und other like charge., Si 1, 1 1 jO ; for expenses under the Interior lVjiariment, S.j, Ki.'.Os lllteil The this city lor the purpose of re-turing tli form er itilalious ol the lube with the United States. Ifo iillcgos that they were con strained by superior force lo enter into treaties with the insurgents, und that the United States neglected to furnish the protection which their treaty stipulations I require.. i J ' I'-diun O-'lnal; in Miniu-mAt. 1 In the. nionthof August last the Sioux Indian-, in M inne.ota, at tacked the set . tlementa in their vicinity with extreme leiociiy, lulling imliMMiiinimtelv men wos under the War I 'opart merit, I litis, 4 '7 ii'i unhr "- " j w hi 1 1 in-1 1 1, ?--.' i.,io.i t iy jo- n,..ii in,, ,,!,... ll.;.... i . i the interest on public ; ! ,y nnexde.i Vml ZlZ and for , ay of public debt mcli.ding defence had been provided, ll is cstima reiinburse.nei, s ,, tempoi o,y loans, and j ,d that not le,s Ihan eight hundred per- T.k'"g "ere killed by the "Indians, an'd a agregat;.- of m,U,n.H.u ) i5 and leaving a1 large amount of properly was destroyed, balance , the treasury on the Urst day of jlw this outbreak was induced is'tiot '. " 'if ' '''' ,M'.i 'detir.itely known, and suspicions, which v, m ! o ,,',? 0,,"erv,;d h'u 8Vm y I ujut, need not I o Hated. In 5.h,,J U. , expended for reimburse- to, mat ion was leceived by the Indian me-nts and redemption of public debt, be- P.ureau, from dilb-rent sources about il, ins included also r, the, loans ma le, may t,,L. hastil.lies were commenced, that a be properly deducted, boll, from receipts j slu. ilianeous attack was to be made upon . H- i mo w uie sett enieiiis iv n i m m , ha. I hubit, till this vust interior region. Which j of the three tniiy bo the best, is no proper question. Aii.uro uelter than citticr ;au i all, of right, belong lo the people, and to their successors forever. True to Ihem selves, they will not ask where a line of separation shall be, but will vow, rather, thai there shall be no such line. Nor aro the marginal regions less interested in these communications to, and through them, to the treat outside world. They too. .llld Pilch oflhem iiiiikI. Iiilua unman owned und inhabited by the people of the j to this Egypt of the Wet without paying Limed Statei is well adapted to the home tolls ot the crossing of any national boun- oi one riuuoui taniily, and it is not well iitapteu ior two or more. Its va-t extent 11 hut UvKstitutij a Xu'.i ml, A nation may be said to consist of its territory, its people and ils laws. The territory .s the only part which is nf cer tain duiabi.'ity. "One feneration passeth away nnd another generation conieth ; but the earth abideth forever." It is of the first importance lo duty to consider ami estimate this ever enduring fact. That pel-ion oi iue earin s surtaco winch is j inn? u, iii.j v;iu:9liij Ul illlj uury. Our national strife springs not from our permanent part ; not from the land we inhabit ; not from our national homestead. and its variety ol ciimateiind productions are oi advantage in this age lor one peo pie, whatever they might iuo been in 'There U no iios,.il neverim? nf tl.i. t.nt firmer uges. Menu, and telegraphs, in j would multiply, and not niitiguto, evils intelligence, have brought these to be un I among us. In all its adaptations and ap advantageous combination for o:;e united titude, it demands union, und abbots sep pet.ple. In the Inaugural address I brief. uration. In fact, it would, ere long, force ly pointed out the total inadequacy of reunion, however much of blood and disunion as a remedy for the dillcrcnoes ; treasure tho separation might have cost, between the people of tho two sections j Ojr strife pertains to ourselves to the I did so in liingtiHge which I cannot ims. passing generations of men ; and it can, prove, and which, therefore, I beg to re-j without convulsions, bo hushed forever ll(-'ut: i wdli the passing of ono generation. "One feriiun f rountry liell. vrs slavery is 7yie Slavery tun and May be Eradicated fron riiht, anil ought to lie exti-ciM, while the other j the Land. beliov-s it t.i be Vr.j und i.tiht n..t t U cx- j tin, view, I reeonimend the adoptioa tniiitO'I. J his is tn ii y s ulis tn n tut dispute. c.i . e ii . . . i .- i i Th. fugitive (lave Wof the Cunstitiitiiin, . ml of the follow ng re-oludon and ar.lck, ilif law f.,r the siipprBssion uf the fiiroii-n lsve amenda'ory to the Constitution of tho i. nneu mines : I'Jtfxtttvr't, itij the SeH'ite aifl Jhih nf Ittpre rriitiitirn tt the Vnilrd State,; in Conjren auem-bli-l, (twj-lhir lsof both liuiiioscnncurrine.l Tlml ernmcni is unume io agiee wiin tne goVK , Territories, with view m the iml.llcn- ernments whose protection is denuded jon of its results nt home and in foreign ny mo ciiiiutttnis. jiiereHre, moreover, I countries results which cannot fail lobe .i ...... , many tuses in which tha United Maios or their ciii.ens sutler wrongs from tho nayal or military authorities of foreign nations, which the governments of theseStatcs are not at once prepared to redress. J have proposed lo some of the loreign Statei thus interested, mutual conventions to ex amine and adjust such compluints. This proposition has been made especially to (ireat Britain, lo France, to Spain and to Prussia. In oach enso it has been kindly re ceived, but h?i not yet been formally adopted. 1 deem il my duty to recoiu- auspicious. The Finance t of the Country. The condition of tho finances will claim your most diligent consideration. The vast expenditures incident to the milita ry and naval operations re p it i red fur the suppression of the rebellion, have hitherto been met with a promptitude, and certainly, unusual in similar circttmstan. ce; aed the public credit ha. been fully maintained. The continuance of tho war, however, and the icreaied disbursements meaU an appropriation in behalf of the 1 mude necessary by the augmented forces u.ii-i ui i.uinegiun oara Admiral 1, no m the Hold, demand your best re joreiens moia, winch vessel was in Muv 1KC1. prevented by the commander ot the ceipts for the yen- ?lM7.7fs,:2-l M, and thi expenditure.,, S 17-1.74 1, "S 10. Other information on the subject of fi nances will found in the report of the rotary of the Treasury, to whose state ments and views I invite your most can did nnd considerate attention. The Army and the -Yary. The reports of the Secretaries of War, and cf the Navy, aro herew ith transmit ted. These reports, though lengthy, are scarcely more than brief abstracts r,f the very numerons and extensive transactions and opeiatijus cot.duc'ed tlnoiigh those department. Nor co.ild I givo a mhic maiy of them here, upon any principle, which would udmit of its being much' shorter than the report, themselves. 1 therefore content myself with laying the reports before you, and asking your at, tention to them. The Post Ojh'cc Department. It gives me pleasure to report a decided improvement in the financial condi; ion of the Post oflice Department, as compared '"i. rviri.u iiit-ut-eninii years. he ro. fotco oil Charlston from leavs business, and w ith the least burdens on flections as to Iho best nndes of providing ! ceipts for the ti-cal year l-'til amounted to t ue necessary revenue, wiitiout injury to : '.-.'b -iv, which embraced the reve.- labor. tng mat port witu a cargo, nolwitht8nd ing a similar privihgu bad shortly before been fit anted to an English vessel. I havo directed the secretary of State to cause the papers in the case to be communion- , ,'ed to the proper committees. Ffniyration rfthe Negroes. Applications hare been made to me by many free Americans of A f'ican descent to favnr their emigration, with a view to such ! for counuarion as tr&s .contemplated in recent j "cis o. Congress. Othr j i ies, at homo "j abroad, some Iron, intexe.sted motives, .Otneri Unon tmtrintic nnnnideutinns an. I ii:n i . v.. c-, uibuo tu St I fi I. ,1 j . ... .. . 2 - "iiiiti iiuiuencia ny punanuiropio' satisfied Spttits Payments Currency. The suspension of specie payment by the banks.soon afterlhecommeiicement of your last session, made large issues of Uni- note, unavoidable. In no olh- nue trom nit the Mates ol tho Union for threc-squarters of that tear. Notwith standing '.he cessation of revenue from the so-called seceded Mates during the last Iiscil year, the increase of the correspoin uence or me lovat .-s-.aies lias licen hM cieni io produce a revenue during the er wav em.i.i ii.. ,.. J"" w, imn on v and the sat " T ,rno':'' : t?n was deriie.l from ill the be m n , J .. ue,m ? B-atc of the Union ...."...iw.ii,, i,r HO WrU tiroviden The iudic.ouVh. i i , , i"".-o year. The expenditures show ing he re, m" ''r? tonrpM. , hvorabl result. Trie amount ing inn reusability of these notes : jn l,til whs n fifld 7V) 1 1 v. ans and internal dune,. ,, nu klna . t securing for loans their, a legal tender lor othe- debts uurinc the nrevious i lie expenditures show a s.ill more expended ror tha last - vein- uie Hinouiii nas een reiiimerl in made them universal currei... , . ... 1J- "lowln? decrease of ,,.r.;:i, . i..... J'. anoui L'.-JM.IHK) in the expenditure. a ',.1 . . ' . . . I . "---.V I' .1,1.1.,, jll ,'H . (, K. . .. . . " uniDenia iiavA cin.iA.t.1,1 i ; n,;),,. h.a .n. i , . coinitfii-eii trii ii t ia 1,... ........ i l --....A. iu,.iur uic- iiroe, me nti! le t w ant of an in.ifi rm . rnr. uuu cni:m'.lU'0hr h:,n'1- vr1 circulating minium, .avin, he . b . 0" jf' M m compared with the ri!tl. P"0"1- merican republici Lave people, imme.iceM.iu. i,' di-cnt and j r The K!TlS '?,l,nl tb. "din of ,' cfingo. A return to ecie pay men?. lVll' W W" e---- .altera - i?&x r suteWitbJ.,ou,dxJe?;i!r"-r-d' re-, tween the Mississippi river and the Kooky Mountains. The State of Minnesol i has suffo ed great it jury from this Jud:in war. A large pot lion of her territory '. been depopulated and nseveie lo.s ),na icon siislaiuud by the destruction ot property. 1 he people of that State maniln-t much anxiety lor the removal of tlm tribes be yond the limit, of ihe Si-xte as agiiniantee against future hostilities. The Commis sioner of Indian All. iirs will furnish full details. 1 submit lor your especial con sideration whether our Indian vsti-m shall not be remodelled. Many i-e and go id men have been pressed with tho be lief that this can be prolitably dore. Thi Paeiji: liMrnudt and the Internal Canals. 1 submit a statement of the nroeeedin.-M of ll.e Commissioners, which shows the piognss that has been made in tho enters prise of constructing tho Pue.lio Kaihoad ; and this suggests tho earliest completion of the road, and alto the tevorable action of Congress upon the projects noa- pend ing bclore them foi cnlaiging the capaci ties of the great cmals in Now York and Illinois, as being of vital and rapidly in creasing importance to the whole nation, and e.-peciady to the vast interior region hereinafter lo be noticed at some trreaier length, 1 purpose having prepared and laid before you at an eai Iv day tnmt ins tcresting and valuable statistical informa tion upon this subject. The military unc con III ing the Illinois river, is presented in the report of Colonel Webster to tho Seerela- truth1, are cai-h as well cnfuri-eil. tiHrliaim. ns un Imv t vor be in a community where tho uiunil M ii.-v of tho .eii,le iiciere-tly siqipoits llie hiw it-elf. The great body if the people nhide by tiio dry legal (,blig;iti','i in bnih cu?u., nnd u few bifiik over in eio'h. This, I think, caiunt be per. I'eetly cured ; uml it would bo worse in both eases, after the fejinratii u of th sections, lliuii before. The foreign tlavc iru lu, now imperfei-tly siijipref sed, would be nliiinfit. ly revived wiituut restiie. tion in one fcctiui; whi'o fugitlie slave?, nuw only arliu'ly surrendered, would not bo turreu durcd ut all by the other. Physically s-p,-nking, we cannot separnlc. We cannot remot c our res pective lections from esch other, nor build nn impassiiblo barrier belween them. A kutbiiml and wife uuiy bo divoreod.and go out of the prts enoc and beyond tho reach or each other; but i his difierei.t p ,rts of our country eaunot do thi. 'lhuv cannot but remain face to tacn , uml inter coiime, either uniioablo or Inutile, must continue between thsin. N it posibl., then, tu make that intercourse more advmitnir njin. or i.,m .iUi... tho tolloniug urticlcs be proposed to tin legi-slu- turo (or conventions i ut the several t-tntes a naioiidments tu the ron-tiiution of tho United St ttes, nli ir nny i f which articles when ratified by three fourths of the said legislatures (orcon v.n;i,n s) to 1 e valid us port or purls uf luo mid Constitution, vin : ".turn i.k . Every Stute, wherein silvery now exists, which tiiall nholish tho sniue therein, at any time.or times, before tho lirst day of January, in tho. year of our Lord one thousand and nino hundred, shiill receive coiiipens.ition from tb'j United States ns fidiuws, to wit : "The l'resicent of the l uitod States shall Jc liver t i every Mate, bonds of the United Stole'. healing interest at the rate nf por cent. po. annum, to an aiununt e,iual to the aggregate sun; 'f lor each slave shown to havo been '.hire the eiglilh census of the United States. ai : tory. after separation than Ul'ore ? Cao aliens ' bond: to be delivered t each State by iiutalujuiti', cuke li.atics easier tlinn Iriends cu uinkelaws? Ian treaties be luor.1 taiihlully enforced betucen aliens, than laws can between friends ? Suppose you go tu war, ou cannot tight always, and when, nfter much lets on both silos, an I no gain on either, you cense fighting, the identical nld ques tion, us 1 1 lei mil ot intercourse, aro agnin upon you." H'.y t- United Mates shm'd mlie Divided. or ill ouo parcel, at tho coinp'etion of the abolish nient, accordingly as the ninia shall bare been gradual, or nt one time, within such State ; an,, interest shall begin tu run upon anj mica boo i i iiiy fr iu tho proper tiiuo of in Uoliv; ;y u nforo tai l. Any Stale having received bund's as afore said, und afterwards reintroducing or tolerating slavery therein, shall refund to the United State' the bonds so received, or the vulue thereof, anda'.i interest paid thereon. Theiei- no line I raid. I or ciooked suit-' "Abticlk . All ilaros who thall have enjor able lor a national boun.b.ry. upon which cJ uclu"' fre6dulu h tlle cbunces of tho waric to divide. Tract, through, from east to ?"y '""c T thn C''d flllr0 'c,tlli?n' ,haU h west upon IhelineUiwl l r i f"rtvtr 'rve, butaU owners of such, who fh., II no. w st upon (lie line betw een the free and have been disloyal, shall becompensat-l fr then, shiM! country, and tve shall hnd u little at tho snme rates ns is provided lor Spues adopt more thai, one- third of ils length arc riv, ing aUiliahiuem of slavery, but in such w;i, tha ers, easy to be crossed, and populated, or no bivo shall ' o twice uccounted for. soou to be populated, tbieklv iinni. bmli " . Congress may appropriate more1 . silcs; v.liilo nearly all its remaininir nJ ,,"-,r"if I'vWe, fr coloauin free eokfe.i length me ,,,, ely surveyo, s'B line, over ( ft ZZZZ&Jr " cl people may walk back and forth I beg indulgence to discuss the;0 pre w hotitjioy consciousness of their pies, 1 ,,0e,l articlest some length. U.thou, ...... ...r ... ..... no" " i-c uiane. tiavery, the rehellion couhi .... u.oiti ti.iueun, to j.iss, ny writing it, existed; without slavi uuiii tei iiid , ur pai xnnit.iit, us a l;as tionnl boundary. J he fact of separation, ! i. iii.i .in-r, L.ics u tin nit! iiiitl ni llie ' j ....,. .1; . i . .- .. . . . , u tii.ii ui, i-jsn i- oi PClll 11 enl Aim nt nn with nil r thcr constitutional obli-1 r ' mA ' ...... " J. Xa " uionthe section seceded f, om. ' J. ..T" w"?"" . ' ' T . T'u ',l 'i"-'ui.. u Inlrt r slinnlil , .;. .i """"J nuuiu IIOO.MU it S'JiUeMv tion would ever be mad; to k j iu fiZ i Kiln' W00i ' Ihitthero is another difficulty.' The 'so' nt o uil h iZ great in ermr region, bounued east by the ,,, f,01ll u HI, 80al( WQd t , in t ? v 7 n bV'" lJnl",h. d",u:: u;nU there are yet other mino ions, west by tho Kocky mountains, and dieemti,. Ite,.-..,,. ,.r ti, r south by the line along wnich the cultuie . .- IVcaus1 ut these direr of corn and cotton meet , Ln.' whitd in!' t ,WC W!UlU mu,ch "'.gth ii, . .. nvia, win. nillt.u in..,l,iiii,t u, iiiiimiii hii.i.i U.. ..... rce ..u.cui.vs. xy JUUIUI: continue. Among tho friends never hay. very it cou. I no of the Union titer' alonj gallons eludes part of Virginia, part of Tennessee, all of Kentucky, Ihio.ludiana, Michigan, isctuisiii, .union, ;.Iisojri, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, and the Territories of concession wo should harmonize, and ac . . 1 'IM ii. ' kugeuiei. mis wouiu te (omjiromise but il would bo compromise th' . llie 1 eri-imi-ipti nn r. :. . i . ... . "cs 11 Dakota, Neb.a,ka. and ...rl of Colorado ' ' " V' nol.V.11! lM e,lerU1M ' '. . 1. 1 I l IIKJ1I. J I IPSA flriU'lOl QfA llllnn. t a l .ill have fifty millions whktn ! T. "i - I j.g tllllliui niltl ' r ii . . )n:iiercial importance of enlarging the I y ?r ""-,ak- " ooti hnois and Michigan canal, and imtirov . I ,r . of ttie cou,ltry ibe lilinnia rt im . i. I nitfcd Stales cerlmnlv . nese articles are intended t i Hi 0m,,O(l' 8 l,liin cl 8ut;l1 Diutual concession; y cats, if not prevented by any political , ' . '6 ? n 1,11 " ",,u"'' ' r. -ii : -f .. y I "Vl''u that emancinn ion wi 1 o ow- nt PHi ff -.Y-."-l " contain, more thin owned bv tlm ed Stales certainly more than nna minion oi square mile,. One-half as roo rv of War, and now transmitted lo Con- , ou 81 "ssachusetts already is, it would giess. I respectfully ask attention to it e ,",ore l'li,n "eventy-five miilions of The Department of Ajrieulturc ' PC0'.'I'-. ,A K,,ir-f . flt map shows thai, v ... "jricu.iurc. territorially speaking, it is the great lodv Tocavry out the proviKioos of tha act of ofihe ,,.i.i' t-i.r ...t K. . I tTi,i.o;t . - e ,", lu,r oi region sloping wet from tho Rocky mount the United States to be organized. The, tainn tn tha ,...;. .u. a.', Lomnitssioner informs me that within the, also the richest in undeveloped resource, period ora few months this department in the production of provisions, orains, has established an extensive svstem r.f r.Ms... oil .i.:i. ... , r -.... correspondence and exchanges, both at This creat intori.-r reeion is natumllv one home and abroad, which promise in .r t.r n. ,.i ...,..-,;..; .i u . - , . , - I vi nip i,,vi. i-i vni'.i on iii iue nuiiu. n 8 reel highly benehcial results in the devel, 'certain from the statitlics the small pin ment ola correct knowleslge of recent im- portion cf it region which Ins, a vUt, several of the States. As lo the first article tho main point, are: first. th emancipation, secondly, th length of lime for consummating it-thirty-soven years; and thirdly, the com pensation. line this ItHry wi't benefit the Slave and h Otener. The emancipation will be ur.satihfaotnr (o tho advocates of perpetual slavery ; but the length of time should greatly ruill -atv their dissatisfaction. The time saves both races from the evi's of audden derange ment; in fact, from the neooHsity of an derangement ; while most of thow. wuo.. . habitual course of thought will U disturb ed by the measure will have paSod awu bo.ore its consummation. They w ill nai tr swit. Another clu.a will hail the pr0i. i