Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 03, 1862, Image 2

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    6 It tfinifitfo .ilij'ulilimt,
O.I.A'.tlKl.l). PA
Ufc'r.cnday Morninc lc 3rd 1302.
ill IHN AK Uf reader will
ai UK -Mn 1 I ii ! in
FllUmMIM - Of fill th" M.iti lll'tol
irnilli tibhliMil iSHllltrv Iim lion In
--- 'f,,tn Iron (i i 1 n n i pendnr-as h iinrt
they have been fl ' lir 11 1 and revert
f iioiieh - t tin l rti t cn t!n i litii'H
I I ib i.rnernl (lot. eminent inking (In 1' il l,
thoy mo tlnw i-ued Ly Iho hnskclfilll by
cort iiiationa iiii'l it.div iililiil, until turli a
'l'' ''. ;cit,
Huns; m n silver coin not ncii a
MU. Ill CM A N A
illi a 1 1' i i mm ii k I shall p'ikh Mi
rohltovorM' Mlli Urn. . 'HI, inl i nhl. Ii I
lnf I i'Mi most r 1 I n n 1 1 v I'M' '' I I hi'
vnliinlnry and 'ini spoil" "1 altmk. 'I hi
ha, Mi Vi rllnle., Ml'i'li 'I in ii mi 1. 1 iif
t ii n i i y f correctm,? tn'.i.y finf i nded ic
ovi which I irid loiitf Uifi'n lii I'nlii iico
uinl in silence. In in) answer, I have al-
'I ll il trpnf I Kill til" telriiiy III I. HI tl"
pniMIM 'I I '' lit. Il h
I. I Int IhoMi nl In r h ''Intel l'"'i i'i'1 ill
si,) i iniii v 1. 1 ni. .(! II. mi Id ' i'i"ii
of mini to w Iim Ii Kiev wiio 'ti ' 1 1 1 . . I by
lllW i thi'l III' I UlMII "l ' l I ftl l ,
nl'tvi, Mi i' 1 1 ' 'I HI nl Ki hMl.'kji I 'Tin i 'I f
111 il ll' Illltl Vri , llll 'I till -I'll pi ''I' Mil 'I -
the) ilil lint ink f-r llietn Hi II tuny Mr.
ft ti 1 1 'ii hm c mi'i lint In' I ! t hit fi hero
iimly tiiiiiiilii'il cleitr and th-timl r r I-""'1 rumor ni,. I - Iuii.h.i
1 im ii no longer met with inn da) 'h un-i lo nil ili. nlliy n'"in c I U,.r. S,nM ; nn-i' I'l.iMir.oin. n ' imm niHt-
Uav.'l. Ami nil H.U in plnin n-l .i,cl .uulin l- j.,-ji,l.r l , ,mI,., if .... f'' ...... -
. . ... . ,, ' . . , .1' ClllO.I 111 V -l IIIV MI.H..TPH. tljltl a S.'PI('tlll) llH-l, ...ll'1 Ml.l. .'IM
...l..t.on of Mat., nn.l .oRr.M,o.uUUt. f" llf.-0 , XL,.,-,,,on. V,,!,,, ,,f , ,.orrw.t rir.M.n.t.. . n 1 1,.- I ...m.iI, , I ....
nl.-., piovi'ling Icr the itilliclion nf hinvy j , urticuliir Ip..-h1s u on ih ijii.'- 1,ul " '''rt' '' " '" f""' '"' '' " ''' '
lx'tKiltios for their violation. Hut who tii.n whether lilt leoi.lleein.n f mi'evenl t'Silinenl, Mitlmul tin- k nowl. ilijc
i i . . 1 '... ,.., I i,i..ii.,i iitui mill
wnii'ii cieeuri'ii morn iiiiui Mihivrii ' .
months ni'n. or tho Hiitomont of Mr. Holt. Hiitepo ( 1 1 J) eolniui.ia.lM nmi .i.'V.i: ( 1 1 l
I pares fur Ihat? It ii only tho roor nni'
nut therieh wlioare tosuilef. Unr llcv-
i vnment is rrowinj: stionj; -iiii.l tlio ; eo
S.Mit lii Mr
i ,1.. ..
.' I I '"
titn.M 'io con i.lentlv nro!nie(i t.y tini.-e
i '",'TT
3il lb'' "r, ioin. i-r" of (ipii
I ' ui vnv i5 p. .ly .i tl.e'n
' ....I .. i : . i . i i ... ,
nin:i ."nil in iiiiiv-ri i tj i.uiiImI.mi inn, ..ii l i-
v . now nt hcail Ol
i' ;." .t:-'i1 mi ri.M) Mr. lUiehaniin'ii rcjily (iovermr.eni,
n il..; v ..'t r. ;"iii.iT, in tins : .'lie.
'l in'Ht' il'ii ,i:,u ni nre hichlv importuiit.
f. ". , ii- 1 1 e (.... i'i-K'1' the n poi1 oi l (;EX. SCOTT'S I.E.IOIN IM'K.
"i'u nioL ci.'.iciil 1 - 1 1 ' 1 in history, i V.MiilNiiTON, Nov. 11.
lit;. p 'u I '-ir. I..! e.ur ,-ec' Iv inl'or UpihthI Scot I t.nlili'lies n rejoinder to
e :lmt li.pv shoiil
. . . I IMP iiitilic:ition ol 111! Olllpul M nort
' " " rong I I'roi.lunt J.itipoln has L'ivfln on'pnee, nml
e::n omv ul, lain that (lie r.iilt h is iiu;p1v inciiinntiil. Il
r..,ln...,.l in ivvilinn nn ll,.i tor.. .),.,. ;.,,,. lhillV-t I 0 1 1 1 1 1 T to le ll tcil
l,.l,.,l In llin ...n.! I flMIll I'ittsl.Urif 1.1 slll l-llltlll Mini
nn.l this U tho sort of "Letter; The (ienorul, in ihfl of hi lor, in Mii.j'ii ''l i'
Tlii f.-ii-t
ejoimier, as-i'-iiM in uti capiih.; for the lifotiyl.l lo tin-knoivKnine 01 i ni i re-.. Suite nn.l Nali ,1 ent.cisnn on toy puhl.e tl. u tin. I' Ly a eomniuriieali.,.. to:-. I : Moni- :
.win ineiclv inei.lenlul to hi.s hIIpl-cI ulli- 11,111 "eretmy Holt', y thei rut-,
- 'ei:tl loi ort to i'i eMilcnt l.iiic.;ln .m tho : ter conn lei iniin.le.l I lie "nl.-r uf I. w pro-:
SCOTT AND R. BUCHANAN, .onilition of our fort ilium ion, nn.l .vis
ilecpMsor, nn.l the run noil wcro never sen t .
not primarily intended for myself. From The promptiiude with which wo iiddl
lis Olio won . I'lin.' ii, .' t mli' lienon vuic uiaiin, u.uvi. u.. ...v.- i.i.
1 1.0
A 'I.
!; 1
"i .
lii; I
i.rpoi ran
v 'lO ' ' i;'',!.
:i tii t.i: t;,a' ; -ji t
a v in iff
. i , i . i i . i . i . ..i
i. i in !f.ii i ...T..r fir p v. i iv.i . mi i. lilt. it
. i . . - : i . l. .. t I i ni-iivit not I. in if hut lit Ipttor
iv i'li'im'.-'d fp.- tii
i'li? Ii::..'! !!('
rmintr Incn
T'.'.W. .:':.! i.'iti ol Mi .
" an i era tors of iho
. l:. i i . . i .
v nn i on. nni cnier iiho ins juirposi. in iirnvvin
up me paper, Mil. on letleelion lie sup
poses under tlio eireuniMtnnpPS of-
tense was un ivoidal'lr'. I,et it l.e remein
e:i.,- !.i;:i
n.irpiiiiiiitii; in tiieir i Imred, lie re mark-., thai the new l'
i'.iK hiitiiui, vv en 'hiu -.' '"'d the lilit to deinuf d of me, tho ini-
ii ii Ii ,'ti.,.' ,.,;.w ..ii li i ' mediato eommand.i' of ihn army, hoiv it
'.s. To t liese hpurrilon
l.e had mu.'.e tiiieh a report. I'm wl.crejs . uniiir . j.-oi, 11..111 in.: .ci.-ci
ii,i, i 1..1 i;.iii..!v l,i. it t.n ...i.,u 1,, il,n , Common Councils nf that city "lo
,; f,,:-r nfll.fl ''1st (ictohcr: tit t.iero ! 1 rosij.-ti t, t!.e Attorney (leiiefi.l, mid tho
J . '. .. . i.ii .,iriri.
of lour U'-'ii" .ei i.iini 7 oi war, .ur, iioii.
Iirpiui.l.. Mr SuiviirU. 'Olteil irl tho ...I .Hid iiiHMiiiniiriiuiiin MJiin m- iiv-
M.ircli, 1X.1, n IvisiiiL' tho iniMniing I'rt'J-leoun f to- the explicit .Icclartu ion ol (1.01.I
ideiit how to i'uido I. is inlminisinnion iitlScott tijnt, "apciden tally lit-at iiij; "iirly in
lace of the ih'eatcnm tlaniti r to tlJ .Mal'oh tlmt uinler thin pel hunioiH o il'T
eotintry. In t lie siiiH.. intre luctorr fen -1 ( oat ol .Mr. t i.iy.l ot tic .'! I'
teneo to this Idler lie Imiclv refcrn to his
" .
STUAV Ml Ciiiiio to tho lirniulri.n nf
llin Mil.MTilii r in i.fiwri'ncn tnvttiliip, tilmut
the I2lh of July l.i.t, HA HK HKH IUT.L, nlmut
I s nii.ntlii. o. I. 'J hi- iih hitU ilnjirt'il to ciiiio
fnrwiinl, prnvi' irii('i'rly, At"., otlicrwirio lis will
In' iliitti.'rii'il 1 f u n lilt' luw iliri'r!;".
DA VII) K. 111.01 iM.
Nv. re. 1 sr.
" " i"' it iri
i ( Im h I'm iiltim t
nl.'lltM In llif.itiii lili .1 I fil'ti l. nt,f f.
t t"H lint, lim 1 ti ri'iit t" Ml . ik4
lii.'t.n.. I (in frcllil 1. 1 ( , . r tnr.fll'rir..irii,(f, hula
I f 'ki to t inkt'i pull r liiitiiliitf t nn
' itouiil. In i (if i In Mill rhrnp tut . t
h. It., in.,. tlr l,' un hiiiil nl lui "Knttil
.11 m It. ,1, ,," n ( ,i,., n...,riiiu,i, nf Itrmljr 1111I1
I 'mill, en, iiihjj n, I, nr ,
1 lliirontit- nmi Side- lion nl.',
, w''Jf n l tin,.( (",,,. . CA r, Sefri, rnrlnr,
l'ri i,ku,t itml .Jiiiinn Kxt.rtnon T.liloi.
Common. Frrnrh Post. coUntrc. Jomiy-
Liud nnd other DedsteailB.
oFas ,.ru 4;iN)Hi wrx:;K -stands.
! II A I -1! Ai.kS, WAS-rAMS, &:
Itockitirr ,! Arm (;iai.s
HiilrK K.nt (,.I!lloal ,, r r(mir
Ull (.uniiniin tin.1 oilier I'huir.
, Or every dcinri)lin on linn.l ; nl,. nfw rImioi
kt ruiui't', hi. h win i,0 j,llt j un v.
J ty reafiniul.lo trriim nu flmrt nollon.
1 He alukriiin on liiui,', nr funi'mliei to or-
urr, Iluir. Corn-lliiKk. lluirtnd
Cotton top .Muttn-rifci.
rOITINS, of every kind,
1 Mndii lo o-.Ur, Rti.l fiiucriils KtionilnJ with n
j llourso, ivhfticvi'r duwiroU.
I Alt.ii, House I'lili.tiii-; ilono toordor.
I Tli 0 nuhrci -itirr uls.i luiiaiil'iicturoi, uud lu
' coiiflHiitly un lin J,
CI nent's Patent Washin-j Ua"hin-,
ileal rebels had I flint t .n u,,.i
a. - allowe.l to seixo Severn! forts.
"pi inti'd viort s," t .ItiteJ i'i (jctoher
hicll had i.ecn kini !.!.. u. the
hut it en. tains iiuthiny like an o.' re
port ot. the condition ot llin fortili.;ni iii;.
Whether tho introduelion of th's letter
to the p'jhlic, without tiio con.eiit oi I'res
ent I.iii.'oiii. l.y one of th lieneral'ti
(.pros .fii;
Air. l.i!. hanun d,-;iHieu no Hut . from t lie bad condilion of others were ' id
li. n. Seoit, 11 s if impatient oi this fcilenee
. .. ,1 1 -fil . 1 1. . 1
on uie pari 01 1110 r..i resiueni its it tie-1 . . ' . -c - :
: mi' sworn ullc;;iancc to tho . nion anil my 1 mlluoneea linn to prepare his rridci
i-min.j-a to w.ko him up -lends the j -e,,, rolj,1illcti r(r0,.t was Hlhy. or. my conduct, it i, not lor me ,0 d.;
iiiuiii'iTcti 01 in? 1 .Mi. n 11 net 10 i-ivc impor-1 in it I'M to I 1'ieti t
truipp to tiicsc iiisinunlions. This ntVord
liki'y to jrain them nl o. I'i imarily the ; friends, in u polili.-al a
h'aiue resierl on me ; henco to vindieato highly excited euhr" i.atorinl ca:ivas, ind
ed Mr. I'.H'kni'.uu an opportunity to ipcnk,
and so crudiit j: were his few brief f.-rnr.
;".jof (jc.l. S.'Ott's mi.makot. that the ht ter
(Ven'.l.imnri, i.sumint; the defensive ah
IhoUL'h cl:ar!y tho iis.-ailin parly at :u 'rejoinder." That this attempt
is laiiio and weak to u deron must he
).iiue: tod hy every admirer of Hen. Seott,
the southing reply of Mr: Buchanan is not
re.iui.-ito to convince any one. J5ut with
that reply, uinl the two documents togcth
or, so us to otnpnre them centenco with
cntr-nee, nnd line .villi line, mo patriot
etin fail to blush (or tho (air fame of the
"greatost of living Generals."
Our neighbor over the way has furnish,
fcd his renders with Gen. Scotl's first letter,
and will no doubt follow it up with the
"rfjoinder" but leaves them totally ig
norant as to what Mr. Buchanan 6ays.
How etui readers expect to form correct
opinions upon controverted (nets ndion
they hear tho evidenoo only on nun uhlo?
We prefer lo lay all tho facts tho nUtes
mcnts of each party before our readers,
o that they tan judjro for themselves
and wo (rust our neighbor will do like
wiie. Nt Yokk Election. Tho official re
turns of tho recent election in this State
(how a total voto of 3,554 for Governor,
as follow a ;
Seymour, detn., '.ib ,dC'.
H'ndeworth, abolition, 2'Jfi,-J01
Seytuour'n mnjotity, 10,57-
' I,,,. ,!,, ,,l n,, .-,.,.1..
day inhis administralion mid recently to
the world, 'irpt, to account for not hf v
in' garrisoned sutliciently tho Suuthenl
lorts named m.tirtputod treason
and rebellion. According to my recom
mendations, be"innioL' i ietober 2'Jth. lSfill.
At what period did Gen. Sell (.bl.iin
the six hundred recruits to w hich h re
fers in his rejoinder? This was rert.iinly
after the date ol hi; ''vio.vs," on tbn'.h
October, Infill : becau-e in tln'so he states
emphatically that the forces then at Lie
ami repeated tl.n next day and ayani 1 commanu rere "in all live conipairei on
more earnestly on l)ecpmher liith, loth, ly within reach to girri-on or r.-inforce
-Slli and 30th, the ex-l'i esideiit says . l'lp " '"e forts mentioned in t ho "views."
there were no nvnilablo troops within' Ihd he obtain the.e recruits in .Novem
rea.'h. Gen Scott proceeds to show ihatj''1'!;? I f so, ha I h visited Washington or
small garrisons would at first have nulliced written and explained Id in - in what
for the twin Cot ts Jackson and St. Phillip. . manlier this military operation could be
His object was lo save to the Union, by accomplish ed by the four hundred in the
means at hand, all tho?o works until Con. ; '"'v,! companies and tho nix liucilre.l re
press could have time to authorize a call criut-, I should havo given his represen
tor volunteers, a cull which the 1'resident ; tations all tho consideration eminently
for such purpfses might no doubt have ,due to his high military reputation,
made without any special legislation with;1 ',,lt heinl'oims us he did not ariivn in
llio full approbation ofeveiy lovul nun in Wa-hington until the 12th Deceinlvr Hi-
the Union. j second recommendation to garrison the:
On the second point Gen. Scott
..I .I..I. I.....1.:... l.i,,.. lii, ,1.,.
.me fun nip -mill, on" hurruw.
til; cultivator, two j
IliC-l-llllillS. lIlB t'0 tllifl l.f I- IKTl'. I.I Wll.'llt,
tli l.ic.lii-ls of (..its, in IiiihIr.N of roni, 20 bushels
(ifrvi., nnd on.' ("(ink lnv., now in tlio (...'-u-.moii
The ex-I'resident almost loes his iimia
hilily in having
tribute.i, as he says, without
r i t . i
savs: 'oi in iiiuM, conse.pieniiy nave neen man
according to Ins ow n latetneiit, on tno
hilily in havinc his nenlect of the forts at. ! l.'lh, loth, 'Ji'.th, or Sl'lh of lieeetiiber. or!'1"' to ssy that fro.n I he testimony l.eloie
the least on mo e tliau one ol tlie-uilavt. At ' coiiiiuiiieu uieiu in
t'jo sliipnietit ol l bene g'.uis lia.l cotiitiieii
eed, 1 cotiiiuiiiiiciiled ll.e fact to fepielnry
il ll. (noting tor Secretary (.'aniemn,) just
in time lo del'pal the rob! cry'.' ' Aiel this
is the ime Sn-retary Holt w ho lunl con iv
tr-nu. 'i n .led "t he post humous oi Jcr" in t he
previous 1 iceeniber. A . 1 , si rarge to say,
I In.' ! LUItlS, hilt for t he llllcgnil
lion ..I Gen. Scott, weie (ibout to be rcl.t
so late M.irch from '.I e loyal Staim int
tho-.) over which Icircrsou l),nis had then
for sf-tiie time presided!
Had (ion. Scott rollected f or a moment
he could not have fallen into this blunder.
It imp. in manifest he w,is''ivithout a print
ed d iPii'.iK-n'. and my (hi-j own o tiicinl
S. The Governtneiil had on hand in t he 1
year 1 So'i ul .out f.'ifi.uod old niuskets, " "
which hud been condemned "us unsu it.s-:
bit) fir f.iiblie service," under the act of .Id j
March, l.-Ji. They were o! such a char.' '
neter thai tillhoui'h ollered both tit public !
and private sain lor ?L'..riO each, piireha-ers j 11
could not bo obtained at that rate, except I
tor a rotnparHtivciy n;aii riiinitrr. . n
the ''.iilh NoveiiiLer, lSo'J, Secretary Floyd '
ordered about ore-fifth ol the whole nu lit - !
bcr ( l'lo.OOU) to be sent from tho Spring rpiIATull tho tnrcharti of Curwonpvitl wr
liebl nrniory, where they ha I acruniulaled, L 'Tin Ini, 1 wt ".Shut l lt
to live Southern arsenals, "in proportion I ""' ;" "10n ll,ive boen Bt luu 01l-T
to their reflective tiieuns of proper stor nd havp i f"""'''' a '('r''
age." This order was curried into ell'ect I.AUGK ASSORTMENT
by theOrdnntieo Hurenu in I ho if ual j f (;,i.di of 11 ilcicriplinn, whioli I mn dUj."-
course of administration nnd without i f f ring of ntlwir rati'n tlmn any other lum.'e iu the
errence to tho 1'rcsident. It is but jus- 'ounty.
Fiver's Patent Churn,
1AI"I ION. Thu laihlio tire h.T.'l.y oniitinii.
r. m-nitirt luiriiii' or in liny way in.'. tilling Tho hu.d t.ow in u. Thn imlm- ltd. mn l,i tin. tnllowiiiK ilfsi-ril.f.1 i.nipi'rty, tic-On.i ! IltVcr IILt., , witliuul ..-leim clothes I Uo nl.uhr..
crnv Ii un1, lu emu., ono yi-iiriuis "u". onu in-..- ,
frr, riiiu' li k i nni' twn-liiir-o wiigon, onu pur :
A sitporior nrt rlc. A family vtiug thil Churn
ni'Vf r not-il In' w illiout butter I
All tin' ab'ivo uud tunny other artitlen tiro fur
tiifhi'd lo i-uiituni.-rd ctn iip lor Oasii or exchiinnod
r... a i... i... .. ii... i.
onViilhim ltiU,rln!t,ilylorti,...,.tl,os...ic. ' ... . .;
t'nliini't wor';, taken in exchnti'C for futnitiiru.
hi'loii to tuo (.ml uie only li ft wuh loin sul.jcrt t
,v order. VM. I.. 11 1 Mi lii..
biinii'tic-i' toiii.liii, Dee. 3, lstij, pd
ir 2j Da csim'I,
AP J I'. LEU IX hi7 Mil EH,
NtW Wa&hinfjton. Clearfield County, Tn.
Itcccinber, Crd, li-l')-. ly
tShot at ! but Mi.-scdM
Or-lU'tiiHubcr tho r ! ii on .Mnr!rt utroi't,
I'leurlield, I'u.,und nirnily ippinito the "Ual Jew
Stora." J0I1X GU1.1CII.
Nov. 23, ltiOa. y
P- -
ca isq to the infiuenco of Gov. Floyd. ' period tho as. ect of public alburn hiJil'eei I hut Secretary rloyj i-suel llui or-
IU VVliat It was 111 ' )c- l" 11 01,1 "" sunnier iiiouiu. in i. tin-
AnU lie ad'ls : All my Cabinet must bear greatly cnange.1 trciu vvimt it was in
mo witness that I was. ns tho l'resident. tobet. Congress w.v now in session, nr.
myselt responsible lor all tho nets of tho 1 our relations witn tin. scceiling Cotton
Administration. States had been placed before i'lui by
Notwithstanding his broad assumption llia President's messnge. I'mrrrdings Imil
of responsibility, 1 shouldbe very sorry to''ecn instituted by that body with h vie
believe that Mr. Buchanan consented to ; ' compromise of tho dangerous
the removal by Secretary Floyd offirteen ' ti"11 between the Nonii and thu South:
thousand extrn muskets and" rillos, with ;mul the higlie.-t hopes and warmest ic-pi-all
their implements and ammunition, i rations were then entertained fi r their
from I heir Northern repositories to Souths Success. Under the.-o circumstances il
em arsenals, so that on tho bieaking outi wa tho rrcsidet'a duty to tiiko ft l,ro:' 1
of tho maturing rebellion they miitht bo vioiv of tho condition of the whole conn
found, without cost excent to the United i try . in n11 itB relatiotiR, civil, industrial,
Stales, in the most convenient positions If-nd commercial, a-: well as military, giv
no ren-on to suss
lpt ('kIico from
licut Mmlins from
-.1 I wiim ninntlis iiMforn Mr I.itirMiln's notiiina I IJtst Iieliiiiien frmn
Read! Read! Rend!
tion (or the Presidency, nnd nearly n your
before his election, and whilst the Secre
tary was still nn nvoived opponent of rp.
cession, Indeed the testimony of Colonel
Craig and ('apt. Maynndiea, of the Ord
nance, before the committer is wholly in
consistent, rvith any evil intention on hi?
A nil yet ikese ' condemned musket,"
with a lew thousand ancient rifles of n
calibre then no longer used, aro Irnns-
fornvd bv Gen. Scott into "115.000 -j";rii
l.S to 10 crnt per yurd
14 ti 30 ci't.ti por yard.
20 to 2 ' cents per ynrd.
Hesr from HI to I'i rent,
licit Syrup ft s" -o"H.
And nil othr procericn it tho miiio nitei.
Hoots, Shoes :iii(l Shoe Findinizs
of nil kintls, CIIIll'CIIKA!'.
LADIltsl who wifih to uinko s irond Invent-
mcnt jhould call snd csainino the rwiorttne nt of
MerlDoen, Pixon I'lui.lii, I'luM RrillitintP, A"., o
AUo Clouk", Shnul, Ho id, ul)la, ontg,
(or distribution among the insurs i '"g to each its appropriate tnll.ieiice. It j r,ium't .ti. bis is the hr-t nine 1 have I
gents. So, too, of tho ono hundred nnd 1 was only from such a combination that he i heard certainly ihero was notion," of tho ,
tin sk, fl.i.(, u".l i ill If. fir tmplimtnts ami ; filuvm Ac. Ac. Ao.. Ac
J. D. TJ'O.Ml'i.U.t'.-y
forty pieces of artillery which the same 1 could I'mmo a policy calculated to pre-
I kind before lh- committee that atufim-
Secretary ordered from Pittsburi? tn Shin servo the poare nnd to eonsoli.luto the unon n as sent wan t tiese Coridemiieil nn.l
. y . . : " . . . . .i . ,i m
, Galveston, Texas, suengin oi uie l nion.
bland, in Lake Horgno,
Isolated rrconis ! inferior to their places of stnni je I
The maioritv nL'ainsc tlio Demon-ntn in for forts not. vet impcIpiI Aceiiln.itallv I nielldlltioiis froceedin I from one det-Hrt- )"sl tllOUKll lliey Had t.eeii tnlCIHletl not
' ' c . . . - - . . . . .- 1 . ..-.(, i - - ii ,i ... . i r. -,. 1,. I ... : i :.. i : 1 1 . j: . i l
this Stale last vt-ar was 107 712. Hat her i learning, early in March, that under this j mem, wnnoui vieigii:iig wui ine;r eueei ; ".iv .... m. .....e ... mu n.-iu.
. , posthumous order tho shipment of theso; upon tlio general policy, on
rurwensvllli, Deo.
ti,. i ,.r,.ut nmi rli..nrht IVi rklv lu the
ht to lie , i he truth is, Hint it is itiipo sible lo steal. State.
guns had commenced, I communicated to adopted with extreme caution. larms and transport them i'i. on one depos- IXDI'C'EMBXTS TO CMP3.
Secretr.ry Holt, acting for Secretary Cam.. ! Hut il seems from the rejoinder that jit.iry to anolher with'.'. t the knrwlede '
cron, just in timo lo defeat the robbery ; ' Secretary Floyd at Richmond had cluimed ,an 1 neiive participation of tho otticers of ; a Jfew and Powerfully Written Polit-
n this point we may hear ex-Secre. ! the honor ot ijuieating denerril Scott s : uie "rtinance imreau, t.rtn in Wn-inng. ical -.tory.
He "plain nrd solicitations rer-pecling the ton nrn at tlie. ilepnsitories. HmnyLel
- . .. .1 . r. .1-1 - l.t-.. II- ' .l ll A.. - ........... r,.Nf.l.Tl--''W.T-
.ir.i. fv.. Tr. L-iiver ..n, 1 1 bo rnl . wm ' cx nress v claimed the honor of defe.t nc lorts. u lieit.g there,- says the Ueneral ; -o-eri e.i inm ...,i. .. rnig, me ot Uie:VoV IS 1111. liM U JU M. if--..w nc
' .11 I I ..I" -. i- . .- !.... .. ...... 1!.. o.l .... I-.I
an my plans nnu poiiciiiuions respecnng. ..... -.n.....i
Illinois Ci.ection. --I'he tolnl vote poll-
A A li.iatnl ul lii An-.i-nt r.r. flit. U no I .
i 'iniu ... .... .1,... . .... ..I,.. .. jUt on this point we may
2.VV-yi. -Ihe on'y state olhcor elected ; tary Floyd himself, at Richmond.
VEM.r.n i.v
fhilipsisuki;, cuNTi::-; COUNTY.
KKKl'S r.lwnj on baud, a laJjo assortment
in hia li.-.o, audi sa
l'.our Molasses
C'o.'ii Menl Vinegar
live Chop Coal Uil
Huckwheal Flour Aic hoi
Heans Turpentine
I'utntoej Tar
Aople Fish Oil
Butter Sugar
I'heeaa Colfeo
Itneon Ten.
fallow Cracker!
Lard Talluw
M'lckernl Segtirs
White Fish Salt
C'd Fish I)ried Apples
Shad lried Pearhfs
M..SO, Wheat,, Corn and O it iu ih (ruin,
bi.puor.. of ul. kin. It, t'onfertiiinnry, r, uts A 1'ruiK,
fern lliiioui... S.'li'-b-.itliiT, and vi-ry i:i-rii-ty
of -ninonltaiH' uns arl'h-lu.
ilia riitimti..ii and I'urilitii! fur jittn-ha-in, smu
of thu tii-lea lii-ri'iii nMnod, aro iu"h u )tivi
I. ini pe.'ulinr ndvanutKi'ii over many pcri-.'ii-in
-llini Ht asnnill pruht n ul l ilirr. r r.
roHpi-rtfully aulicit call frjin pi -mis w;.-hiri;
any tiling in hijline, catisued thai it v.-ill pruvi
utunlly idvatitooui. Xov. la, 'e.'-oiu.
Cleurfiol I County IUi.k
Cipital Stock 'jili in,
.Notm in clreuUlion, 1
10, f 9,-20 !
"iT.Yi i:mj:n r of th
Nov. It, lsf.2
At tta. i.unn.iTim,
tiO.uOU OH
aa f.illo-.vs ;
-tn.-oe, rem.,
li'i'.ii.-, abol.,
I the lorts, and received his reward, it bt -, victory over me Ihero could h-ivc been no
jing universally admitted that but for that ' rebellion." 'I his is, in plain Er plish, that
victory over me thete could have been no - 'ho secessionists of tho cotton States, who
rebellion, j hnve since brought into the field hundreds
It.iioc-,atio n.ftjority, 18,551 i 'nurd Mr. P.uchanan coiuplsins t hat I of thousunds of undoubtedly brave roN
t !.is Stata gavo "Old Abe" 12,000 tun-' puhlihcd w ithout jiermi-sion, on Janua-' dicrs, would have abandoned in terror
itv m 18:'il Ouite a cievet chanco here ! ry lSth, lol, tnv views, ndcressed to lim 'their unlawful and rebellious designs, had
and I ne "secretary oi w ar on ucioner -.'in , ,M "i " r.-on mun-n munn unnr
anduillh. W,0 : but that net was excused. 1 numerous fot four hundred jukI ei-htv
Ti.oh. B. FLORrstn, i:.., we nro gl.vl to as 1 expUined to him at the time, by the nien in October or ono ilioufand men in
mi-repr( : etilii'ions oi tny Views tn ono OI t ecciui'.jr . nu ii-iinro no uuiiiiiiini,.
that but for that Bureau, at thif period was as correct
0(licer and as loyal and as honest i man ns
exists ir. the country.
Yours, vorv respectfully,
irAitl'iin, rrtr ,i(t!.-(t.i,'.-r, .V,r. 7, 1 sCi'2.
i'je, is nun)"'! for Clcik ofthe next House
1 1' i!r resent itii'es. Mr. Florence ropro
t' ti.' i tin- fir.-t district of Philadelphia
for i i.i ivf e.iei i; ive yiari in Congress,
,-:,.iiig an acipiaiiitaiico wit!, the jeu
tioe ot busit e.-s in the llr usi t,ei.ond to
lei oilier mar. ; and besides that he is one
of tie. e I'etnocrats who was always right.
riA..Tj.c in-.mpr.
fit'bod.ines hinted t.t in
i an I gloomy
the Chicago
the earlier speeches ofthe same cx-Secro-' I have never I.ecn able lo obiain a copy of,
ti.i-i- r. rinr in rptnrn In irmiim. t 13 Sl.ecell Ot Mr. floytt. nl iiclltnont . to I n."i"w.ii
Fourth-One of my statements, com-! which I presume General Kent! refets ; but! 1,1 -'V" V ro:"'"K"?('" in, "'T","' "iwp-,i;!';
r;laining of the joint counlermand sent 1 1 Wrned both at , he time and since.' - ll
through tho Secretaries of War nnd Navy horn gentlemen or high re-peclabthtj r-;d(., f f.,.Mr..l court, v nearlv forty rent,,
lo prevent the lanihng at Fort Pickens ol ; that m this same speech bo ilenouiioed Qn ,,,, ;r,th uli , at tho hoiuc of bcr nu.thir in
(. apt. Vcdges' company utile-s tho fort ' mc Juo-t bit li ly for my deterniinatton to , Jordan township, Mica Maiit A-n mitii, in
should bo attacked, is" cited by the cx ' stand by and sustain tho Union with all' .he 2 tth ycur el her n-n.
President to provo a singular want of the power I possessed under tho Consli-; In tho death of the worldling, of on? who li a
tneniory on my part, nnd a note Irom Noc- tunon ami too laws. itcj jn oren vi..iut ion of his dmy toward hi-1! ml,
MIF. nvcrwclmliv.' evidence of tli .intermina-
lion of tho people to the Uoverinnriil
from tbu di'-rernl'.-nnd rei kles purpose! ot A -
ilionism. Hint l.nve en r.fnrlv nr. eked our one.'
Hloriour Viiiin and dr-tniyo l nil '..ti.-tituti- n il
LMiar.inti-ca. indicate an imiueiiiiito futuru full of
1,11 I eventi of the tii'.-t luotiu ti t-iif interest. Ccatral-
S .RI I.l On the 2.t h ult., l.y J. It. ("lor-; jmiinn, Tcrrori-ni, fnd Uublicry, will ii'.t a.ibiuit
mort,,.i.r. i inncu i . . r " 1 1 o: ioiiir.1 town
fbip, to Miss Mnry Kliialu tl: f'tnunny of Knr
Ihiiti? t..wmlii..
On the 27th ult., by the flov. T. 1). li.dwaU, I'm
... of the JI. . Church, W. JI. M.-Cnl louh,
T'f fj , to Mica W-.ll. Sontliard. both of this place.
lo dcibroiuiiient wilh. nit a utruijul
t--.i, thorefore. bur. but j-i-t b.''un ; and for th.ij ti i-i'ine, tti: ;.: i-m of (.'nuirre e'. I'jbino-.J,
an 1 I.e.;isl:i!ii-., itillbe fid with -circi-iy
less intiTc-l iliun the nioveineiits of ( p; ofin nr
tnie in tlie field. The object of tin war will he
made aai:i whfit it was bet'ore Abn'nti m
pcrveil-d it -imply to cru-h (lie rebellion
and ristoie the federal authority. There will
nl-n lit the same lime bo in progress the Orent
Piiiftle of llin 1'e.ij.le with the million- of I'ospnt-i.-m.
tn '. in this bat'.bMlie l', no lunger sha-k-ted.
no bniL'cr tlireatcnod nit'.i Aledilion mobs
nnd irownii.
n. 1 1 -so
UB, I , I . V I
Im, 2.707 J
Thla heiii)" the frrcatcsi
ain't since List ati.tement.
Total liabilities Sept. .10
a:. $!s:i,.iui os thia I
lining the greateat atu't J
rinco lat tlitc iu'i t. J
Gold, $1,711 20 I
Silv.-r, CSi ij j
I'eraonal prnpurty,
Heal Katato,
D do taken fur debts,
Cilia disc'ied JSH.'i 13
Iin under pro.'iO 00
renn'a 5 per cent, loan.
par value $ it, 01 1
Duo fr. in bn'ka .Is hu'krn
Notes ol other b:Vs,
(,'hecks, I'.r.ilu, A.-.,
IJver drni'ta,
Oust of pintei Ac
con- Due depufiitorf.
" on cei-nr. of iicp.iiitJ,
Interest an I bi"lninj.
i'i,257 it
4,ns i
SOP 71
oi.eos m
47,041 11
12,2r.'J tis
1 7,755 US
a,7S3 S7
7'U 7.)
80'1 M
in.OM ?1
Oil 07
Total. Jlrs.UCl Jt$lt
T..tnl linbilitini r.f Directora
a p-incip.-.!-. t.otii)
n en.b.i -' n, $5.71: j ."0 1
bial ihlii c of st.icklcil'l.'rs j
as piiin'i-iil., 1 1.U ,s (.fi
as ciidor-i"-. U.iW. Ill j
Dividend declared this i
.001 )i
of 111 p' r i t., ? I.TiO O'l
bastiics, will take a rea.'.y nni cm- ! V. A r-Uiie tv, .'1(1 00 J
I The ill-eve rtaietn.-nt is correct, lo the belt of
J .''.foi'tn ut kiigGi produced somes
thing real r.r.d pj-.-.. tieid, and rithal, oasiij
understood, and ma be summed up as
follows : K'2ohuion Taxation Stan a
tion I'i6ur.ior. utid Plunder.
Flections vh to nr. lUt.r.. 'J he Stales
vrhich have j et 1 1 elect their K prc.-i nt.i
lives to the nest Cot'cres-, nii.l the dales
no i I'll ills lout
' . . . . ... . . . . .i- .... i t....:..f
It . ('tie "f l 10 l.i'-t r.-PUltl" Ol 111 recent riCC- III) j.iui:ii.n nun i...ii-i.
... i f..i.-!i.-n(irifi-.. ,e.
a .l I. i. .1.. :i : .' 1 ' tl.nt their i.oiilivn reimUc ol !u i'r.. mil i jA...r..-i n. .. i .. n -v .., v ..
........... . ..n ...u oi a 1 there is foii.c!hinh' truly awful; but alien theju.-t ,.,:,-., ..,. , r .,. i,v Adnoiii-tnitioti. ; tvorn and siibs-"ribcd l.cfjro mo
uie io iienerai --coil as wen ns nivsen to , ; ; - , - . . v .
la rniioa 10 fever mo lies mat Diuiis ntn li ear l. tins 2iver. tne ren ne mi erini-i;i- i um ...... -y
free ilisrus.-inn piiviK ' a lliat will rut fth'.'iin be
tninely viebled. Tl.c-o ennnge 1 eireimif tancea
retary jlolt is adduced that 1 had entirely
ni'i roved of the joint coutiterniand on the
.1.... nC I .......... -.'111. Il,nl it 1..., IllctlV t ll lit. I llPt'f. isntlV 1101110110 P1V nil
F, w pe.s'onsarc'as Utile liable to inakc a swer which justifies the allegation" (inl li" beara the lummons with serenity nnd joy. To
mis-statcnient by accident as Mr. Holt, "the cx President sneers nt my 'vtak ,;. bun death ia but tho gu'eway thai opens to the
nnd no one tuoie incapable of making onovV (the words 'weak deviru' being mark- jsf a better world. Beneath the shadowof
by design, yet I have not tin? slightest ed as a quotation) for snving the forts." tbe lomb bo beholds with the eyo of f. ith, tho
r.-ix. lection o: an interview with lnn on , i in nnsiaivc i niu.-i nuriouie 10 iu- iiiinuy nnd tno apic.iaor oi lue i.turnai .viansioni.
ti'.;." subject. J do icmember, however, . culetiial vi-itor.
ihiit Mr. Holt, on some mutter ol business, j And in this connection I emphatically
nppronched i."v I edsido about that time, 1 declare that the General, tu-iiher LelVuo
wl en I was fti'lferii.2 from iin allack of nor alter tho publication of his "views'' in
' ..... B .. i, !.i. ...: ...' .. r,i... K'.i. tn...
tinoi. j r. 1 1:1: n nan. ". r. J o L n :1 u n.e .-ini.-'iui ' on n . ... . o. u;e iciu .;..ei.n
Notary l'ub.
Such, in truth, waa the death ol our lamented
friend. JIn-v in p; in early lifo (though living in
the world) bid adieu to its vanities, cotisoerntinit
will bring the nets of even tho Mphest in th
(Jovcrnim nt lo tho tribunal of public opinion, the l'rccawill n;;niu become the nieJiuinof
the freo thmiKhts nf the .eople, nnd the fearless
advocate or Constitutional Gnierniin-nt nnd tou
stitutii mil Liber tr.
Tl.n li,ii,ri,.t,,r of till. C(. STITf riOH A I. I
' 1 "
Nov. Jit, -G2.
Furs Fur.-; rurs.
ANTED all kiuds of FUilS, such
ber-i'lf to liod, devotiiiR hi-raelf to the prnetice of "i issuinj? thiir new proapectu", '''. P'' ". 1 i
at which they usually hold '.heir elections jM.f were landsmen, nnd cold know Lut ry, J'd, without my eoti-ent, i.-signcd
ore as lollows: little of the impossibility of lanling troojis ' any retiion 10 me tor miiKing this j.uiiiica-
Ke llampshiro, on the second Tucst'uy 'on an f.'cn fea-beach with a high wind tion, or ever even alluded to the subject.
in March, 1X03. an.', surf. Mr. Toucey, Secretary of the In this I cannct bo mistaken, from tho
I.'hrulfl Ivhiiiibfirat W.olees.biv in Anrib i Nivv. with otriceis about him of in telii- ' deei impression which the occurrence
not to land except in case of an allack on
inose suoiiti.o leasoiiB 01 nuiiiiii y, cnn.'lit v, m o- ... v..n.... - .... ,,r nn
dieni-r. ,,d Krc.t lovo of tied. UurinR her pro '''' ?u' u'm ,;f jelli.ence.
irucieu ninecs sic nore nr niiiennS n un n pn- "-'l'" '""! ', "l' '. ". ... .bsi.rb public
i il ll il i rrc. ll .1 -i. .- -
I . . . ... . ...
I imiir l. It Wl contain Hi"
Red Fox
Gray Fox
Cross Fox
tic-nco and res i jnn tion which edilhd all aroun
her, and wilh the Divine tirnco rhe becatno ai
Flack Bear Skin.
:cut, first Monday in A j ril, 1 s-iirt.
Mankind, lirst Wednesday in Novoin
bcr, ll '-.'..
Kct. lucky, first Mordny in At'gust.lfi'i3.
C.difoinia, ThurLC-nv in September,
Virginia, fourth Thursday in May, 18b3.
North Catoliun, time net specifiod.
Tenntssee, time not specified.
Fu-ENsiYB EnrcATtoN. -Mr. French, a
liiolispressure Abolitionist, has been em i
ployed by government to teach the Flori
da negroes. The Boston J W nyg ho has
taught one hundred negro children al
Fernmidina, Floridi, to sing "Glory, Glo
ry, Hallelujah," at nn estimated expens"
to the government of about $200,1.011.
There's whcru tho people's money goes,
mid while it goes the soldiers aro left un
paid for six or eight months. TarnX it
anininariea of the
d, sensed from tba world as to wish to bo reb us- procecdin-a ot .....,Kress ...... .... .. l or m nigtiett prioea w. I t. p i.a up
ed fro,., the bonds of mortality and to be will, lure, full iii-eoiii.ts l the ..... veu e, I of ay. , lrHd. or CA.-sU K1C11D MO-SOP.
i:..h i..,i -i.ii.. o.. -1.1..1. foreign and doineatic nawa. literary lilts lnjeiu, cUnrdeld. Deo. S. 1762
gence and tiau'.ic.d experience, ought to made upon my memory, (or tho reasons li(1hj ih , ..mj,.,.,,) r,imilv. nt the. commoreial anj nRneiiit oral news , 1 ' ,
have said plainly that if Com. Vod-Jes had already ment.oned in my answer. ,(a.e ,iio ionSra.l,e tbem upon the 1,1, ,.W " fnae.,..enee of the -rormou. va ee n bo p AI,l --Tlic public i are hereby
I should Have not ling more In re i;au ot wilnvanag iu their m.d-t a death ao ed.ryi.. V " ' !.,. i i h I'ro.irietora have found wob lb. r..lll, d.,...riU,l r.,,.ro- nf.-O
lain ij iiiij i -- i'-- - ----r j .
it neecasi.ry to advance the price ol tho paper to yoke ot Oxen, three Cow a, on ID ifier, one
Pickens, he iniuhtns well have remained Gen. Srott.lti his rejoinder, confined him- and tn ptotuisin? fur eternity, litornal rest Kraut
nt Ft. Monroe, i.s the urobibit inn tibuod self lo the tonics embraced in his OML'inal umo her, 0, l-.-rd, and let tho perpetual light ol f ,...,. ,, vn , .to, 'in. v, ;,, , ' T-,.llr-. vn,.,.o ,, i.air '
. . i -- - . ... , - vlnrv ah na m.nn tier. I . -"""' i" ' i- . -- - r, . 1 " .
the fort, o (ur as be wss concerned, nt letter. He has extended them, and now 'j1'.' , jjl
tho mercy, or, as events showed, on tho for the first time, and in u stircnsti.-. nd j ' . ."" 1
want of enterprise on tho part of the rob- no kindly spirit, refers to th" ulleged ' JlflD -A U U t" IXS CHIC HIS .
el cotumtinder at Pensucola. stealing ot public arms by Secret sry lloyd . . '
Possibly thet'o ate other parts of tho and their transportation to the Svuili in -rrTi j . . (fJ. TP Ti 1 wliiel. w.i..b.r n,,. ll.lnb ...i I iei i.q I inn nf 1 1, A rolmllirn I lie most AUblwwB uuilU V 11 V3
r.w.niro e.inimi nt nt idiiridul ini niwl i.s. 1 nnnoliii.ii-. niminr In ll-.ia iillnn.ll inn is t hnl. 1 IT ANTED by the Subscriber.
I I . 1 1 . I . ' I. . I . I - 1 . : ' c 1 1 - t'l .....
aceu, iiei e is uiiouiei ujui heu :or ine oy noiw nusinnding i no ooiisuug oi w i . r i'j C'lea-fielJ Dee 3 13f.2
at. U
yd "J..
K. .MOS30P.
mv kind visitor: I at Richmond, evidently with the view of
Fifth The ex-President has brought conciliating his new allies, cited by tho
together n labiiry nth of dates respecting General as his authority, no public aims
tho arrival and departure of the rebel were ever stolen. This (act is ill blished
Commissioners, nniiistieos,(SLc., with which, by the icport of the Committee on Milita--as
I had no ollicial connection, I may ry Affairs of the House of Representatives,
have made nn unimportant mistake or now before me, made by M-.. Stanton, of
two. Andes I have not by me the means Ohio, their Chairman, on the 18th Febru
of recovering the clue to those windings, nry, 1SG1, and to be found in the second
I shall not attempt to follow him. volume of the Reports ol Committees of
Signed WIN FIELD SCOTT, 'the tluso for the erssiou of I860-'-1.
Administrator's Notice.
"TOTICB ii hereby given, that Letters ofAd
minltitration on the eatate of WM. CUR-HI-.V,
late nf Knox township, Clearfield conn,
ly, deceased, huve been granted totbe underilgn
ed. All person indebted to said eatals are re
eiuoted to make immediate payment, and thoae atiranct
havinr elaima asaioat the same will nreicnt them , T1I03. B. FLOHKNCE k CO.,
duly authenticated for settlement. I Pgbliabcrs of CoNiTiTrTiftSAL t'sms,
REBECCA Z. rFKREY, Adm'. , Ko. IsO South THIHD Street, Philadelphia
Knox t-wnsbip, Pec A, 12-11 ! 3- '02. t
wo alftrd utoro reading ler the same money than Sleda, two Plow a, ono Harrow, one Cutting ls'
any other paper printed in the Ftate. The ad- now in the possession of Philip J. tii'lnet w l
vanee will go into effect at once. - ion township, aa tho fame belong to me sno si
Among other attractioni in contemplation, we only left with bim subject to my order.
shall commence., in the first nutrber in January, CASPtlv t. HtUt''
a new and powerfully written Political Story,
founded on tin events immediately preceding tbo
We solicit the aid of onr Democratic friends in
the interior in raising and forwarding Clubi.
Fingle copies, ono year, 2 (IQ
Two copies, (to one address,) 3 60
Ton copies, 17 50
Twenty copies. SO 0"
J!4rAU ati6erif inna lo be paid inrnriablg in
Nov. 2o, 1SI12
' - - .-rrl-fl-iL
J. The undersigned wi'l give cnslunt rtP
: uirnt to a good workman at liberal ''
dreia. Clearfield, Pa. J01IX OVlli
. Not. 1, 1S6-'. 1 -
STKAY 1IULI..-Came U the p"'".
thoaubioriWorin Oiiard townrhip. D
middle of September last, a KLKVK MI'
posed to be about 18 mouths old. The ow
. desired to coice forward, prove rrore"J'j
cbargei, Ac, otherwise it will bo d'''f"sl,
the law directs. JOHN DRONo1'
t otrara tp.. is or. i, ic... ij