Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 03, 1862, Image 1

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    A. . A
' A, A V' . A'
Vs.! v:
O -ii:
- .
! r.t.- ! Nrsa.Edilor
HMNCirUX rot V.Y.'A.
li 13
TERMS -Si 2.1 ror Ami in. if rain in dve
vol,, xwiii. wnoi.r m
njv!.i;n.::.i, vi;i.NsI)ay, d;:c. 3, ir,,?:.
W it
1 1 mn
on: auk 11 y, iti;si(.n
MiW ''.MUlULluH.
l!ii di".-. me prnwin;: shorl.-r,
T!i" .-im Im iTimn'il lie. lino;
A inl III" 'v nil an1 ic-kini. .
' H ill Ahri'hn.n AV,'.i ' "
i'ui.r old lutlcr A Ira1in m,
Ouco 11' prida ;
Vr.lir 1-liTV lill" lirlf d .
sVo're j ii'i'urc'l t. "let you slid. '
You've fr.rrttco nil the th pr"tiiic
llhido ill tlioso npupclin (111.
Kliri tnivoliii;: In tho I'lipili'l ;
o'n ' Aliniluitii n'sign !
l'nur oM Futlier Ac. killod llio Cunstitutiin,
I'liinii"! ly patriot.. " hvho ;"
Y'.u'vo f:ir" 'i th ii.nutli' ul lVci'iiiD'i ;
Ci. ! Al lalniiii n-si'.-B !
l'..,iri,i.i 1 it eh lt Al.ruluui., A'.
was hv ivs up. in very intimit' tie rue 1 rv-i v -ileli
lilenticncd my nanio ilrol of all att'T he Nc v M vi.
hud tu.'t liini, niul de-irod an iutei v'cw u-, to f e
with mo. I s.ilto .I-ilgo Lo n that 1 1 1 .it u : t ii
would prefer i! e:!i. r gentlemen ah nild t-vor ox ton-
.v..'l'. I .r.M.J -I ;.'!
n a niou o I ai nous n -i .;,
'. I, r tvy: In i.l' tin' Nit: Ii
i Hip,)- .ill! I hut : l.l'. ri y
t ! n-i-o ;
mi l we
: im th. ii 111 nil) in 1 u'i;i,-.i'i'n !i-i 1 I..... n
IIII1 111 I'll' to ton ;., t ,,,. lV.j,t
I luit "!'!'' I'niifl .' :((.. ,. ..-.vr to r ili.r;
tlic n -nil l.y :i:iiii I -!: nat.-l . of!
Wh:i t ;t lli (Mol'lll"i' t.l A'ilc,
yet Mii-h w:is i;l. 1,,11-ii.ij.' n.1.lT,i"i "'l
il'Ti.-il lint il
: n' w it'll Hi ', mi l not I ui v o llio iiitct vii w i .vnrnon j.-ovci imicn ( Ii i'l p r : r o in i!vi
' ttloiii-, mi' Ik stiitt-,1 Mr. l.'hcolii Im J tin- j.i'oliiliiiion, mi'l n-ki'il liim v,!i v, it' Ik?
! itlso KiimuiJ oiluT m'iilli.,ii;ti. 'J'lio (.'I'lit'iv w.u (i ri.illy Iru.) uii'l -in. l'i:i, :i in.i:),
'. tiUTi sclrcti'd a.s t!io J i'isi.iis t. fiici't liitii i Imv,- an -i tjty pruiuliilion, wiu'ii tin- I'i'
jtvt'ii', Mr. '. ('. Hivos, of Viit'iuin, foMus (.f nature ivci u n ntivni;';'r prvili im limn
'oily U. Stftten'-r In I-'umoo; .lJfc'u j,ny Hint c nil 1 l-o p". il It net or"'
.Sunnier from tho tiuno tirtcj Clon. Dull I,14r. Tli;it In- u ii . . I ly ;.!,-
ovoi, from Misr.uii, who dis!in::iiih.'l ; it, thut. ,.. W!l- otnmltipd on u i, .,ly.,'-i.
. hin.M lf in tin' Mexh-.ui ui.r, nrul my:-,-lt , Ti.oti it wastVit. I rrpli,.. li l.i.n. 'Mr.
niul Mr. (Miiiiri.', who ha.l 'en Stcn tnry ' i',,..,.,,), x,.. , ;V v,.,i !lrri, .-i. tx'v
iu..l C.i
'.li.'l pmviir.
,-ivn ilu
li-nt, tn n:i
'1 Ml' 1 (o
ill J.l'llilon. l.y it .i
1 1 1 j; 1 1 1 1 r I :
to a
' U ' 1 ' 11 1, l.'.itl.N'.'-s
in'i'i'--!iry powi Mr,
to coll. el tli-. rcveniic
1 yr:ns o!,, iu-t lH f ro sl. ( ii-t lioi-oll' into
I cl llio Tr'ns'.iry in Mv. Pi
f ii lniiii:-.ti ii-
'. linn. At 1J o'clock hii frii-ii'U luiv ii J us-
: ooi tuiiii'l dial lio vim in (ho tity, !!iu
' loo.n was CiiLViioil, itii.l Jutl,;." Li. in i Mino
it jUlan l iiil'oriiii-il in tliat, ivo inn 1 (u'.i'or i 0j' j'u;1iu j
'.-I. .1 l.V
t!n o,io,liil i( j ol ilu
t.'tlIll lo'ihO.'O
until wc i-ouM havo it uilh
!y. Y. 'ii in1 t
v ; hot v. li.'ii yon 1
I liioi,.;) I I havr- hoc-'- ;
dial you V "i o Pro-iiloii ' '
,11; ll 'Hi, :," 1 : li'l 1
ti) him. " , illi al! tho
1, -f IV tti 51 1 a t '. 'in.'
V'iu'c 'Inuvti j"
Yi 'i'i e 1 ." '.ii, I I u
I'll !'.. r.'
I'o'.r c
r ;. .r y lin" ;
i r iiiI.tiiuI ;
i,mi !
I Fr.tW Abriiiisai, & '
;m I Oh m
ynu'w ititpriyot'i I li 'ii..?t f euin n,
7.1 i u (in,' :" i t il ' in I' a"
i'ar i. i.i. .-3, ini'i w .1. , ui. t l.;i ':u ;
Oh .' Aiuliiou ri" V" '
I'm r . id I'lttlur AItiiIiium, f c.
Y'.a'v.' oa"uiil ttitli J'.lm Bniwn I nnioy,
'J . Ol -.'M J'l.U '.til'-Mi".
Yi.i'"..' l -.i.'l it nl '..ii'.i .-lit. rur;
On ! ALiuiiHai rei'i'-a !
I'uur llj I'lul'tT ,b:n'.: w, io
tne tin -. i ll
In. n ai'.no. il..ys elap'it. ' u , a,i,':i J linftor. I omh -ivor
tli 1 i:i't liini at y o'elock lit tiilit, ""'1 ' v-nt your elrctior., not h. i'.itno 1 Im
hul a co in .a .-ul ion uf sevcrul houiv (inra 1 utj r,.,.i;n?, ,,f jy to.'.a:-.!
lion with him. 1 tool; ocoiuion shortly t,,,,., i i i;, v.., it ..... I.
in tlio veiy rt-'snlt io n n v. it.u .
pm-cl yon, i' l1 yotl It " niy l'ri'-i
VOll llllVO h.'.'H I'lt'llll'il fl .'Ol. 1 1 1 1 -: !
.'.( if. 1 1
l't.,t v.;
w'U riot w.l'...w
!. il ccl t iiu. i.l liii in1,
1-i 'u:..: ' 'I . i.' 'It" ''ViC'dly I.', ul ,"
Oil ! Atiuli'.in rrmrn '.
l'ui r i Id Ka' AIti.I.uip, .lo.
lVnt. . '.ri:i;in r.n" t.ii'iai.iJ v. a ;
Ol.u.'s in liif l.ia ,
An I t: .y I'o'.-i'.T In;,.-, nr.' r ii ti. ! r. :
C'li ! A l.r.iii.i in r .'.-'i.ra !
lVur ni'i l'nt'.u r Al.rulir.ui Xc.
lb ; Kir ;! i-'s'c hn.
A'ica .! '.!.' o, Al.r'ni ti.i.u',
7i. J T-cy I'iu.i .- u ft r ll.o? ;
Ijh I Abralooii ri'sifjn !
I'm r ul U 1"h tli i r AbraliAUl A.-
.jriili't IL"..' folotiiu wnrf.iii",
.St-ci ;v t i lint Ii 'art ..f thino,
'ar " l.i It.T I io lima in'T-.r."
Oh I A !! .' hatn r.'..'a I
I'o'.r ' id r'uMior AtrRlinm,
On. i n pr j !t -: !c ;
Your I.-'.' rv '. . i ( . n rt i ,
'. c'i c 1 1 .mil t j 'lit you fli Ji."
tntcn or ix-c;cvj:nNori eo?.e
iiead, oi' ::l:;tvckt.
History of an lztr-iY-fx of Scutaen
PtUiciaas with Lir. Lincoln.
aftfcl , atil, Tcl! tn I cau'ul, lo '.wile
dovtiihal I'liu (no-t.iiico
of it iv i-i i hN : Mr. Li :n'oln onuiiiiciici'd t !n
c )iivi ! -a.iioii, ui'ter receiving ns very kind
ly ; ;..'i: l ho ww iici'i.I.'iitnlly eioet' d
i'r.-hl. ill ol !ho U'lilcd .--tu'os; that ho
hal rover :i'pi;.'d I) a jio.-.i: ion of liiat
kind ; tlint il liad licvr cniercd hit licwj
il iva'i ln:o; hut tin. I IV on the I iot of hi-,
lrivinv rial.' a v. eo fir tho S mi it'1 of the
I'l.ilcii r-v.U"i with Jiul' l)oii;:!as, in tliv
Siu i- c! llliuoi.-i, hi.-' Dime h.a aino j-iotal-n
?r , uimI lio was uocniei. tally M'iocic.i Mid
elect.-! i w.ii d as I'ro-i lont of 'ho l"ni
l. d Si.i'os ; that niiinii.; laco in a hi-
Ly vi'i-i'l.-i mi: -i.h.' tho p.. 1 1-. lion- nro y .n
t.) ei.lloeL it 1 l)o j on think tli it y..;, .m
:.od a I'oll.'ctoi' to tl.f. port of filial 1. oo.i
to tho ol't of i-'aval'liah, i:r of Ni'W 'i
h' i.-. in c '.ii ct ll.o i'"ei;uc? 1 it tn.t
an '.in; -..isihiliiy, and do our oat ii h.nd
yon to do a thir.f.' iht.i i- iniiion.sih'.;'' As
the foil-, is a niiti. i within your
ort'tiiin, r-ir. Vo.i , -ia ui'ii '' nv tho
"I'S if you p!c.i-e. V u eio li." (';!;.
o.di r ii; ''idol', Mi.d il l.i'i' Oj- to yil
.,,,;, i .Li .".' lo keep t ii. 'in I iii I o or to n il '..di'a'.v
(if' tliri'i I ! ,1'y. .'.i' I io. on: a colli- i-ni. and
pios ft c'.v -. .,., ii t do ii .;. a .; I ruinous
i-J., f-ys no, i loii.; I'lin-.i 'i ;'c'.iiii, "l
will "lily '.ii-w.-r ).'i 1 ' ! Kn ou a lit.
tie iiiri''I..V v. 'io i
f ml ho, ;,:.'.
'k" tro
I' ('..!
I tho Thau.i Uiv. r, Mi.l tiioio!
! ii"i- o'.vn :;,'o, why that in..'
I h.'l daughter v Ion ha t il l.i: ii ,',,. io.i .
i not iippoar ; hut thai sin.- di I do i, c( r- ;
! tuir li'oiil tin. t hs nooo v froW ( il..
I lips of iho 1 1 y i r. or ).'irl, who nvr-rs that the I
oui -o clung to In r tlita ii'di lii'o, i.iul tho j
oiitioats her not to lay ht r i u.'-. i s en any i
i ol Iter .-hl'-is, lest they houhl moot a situ ,
, i!.:r l.i'e. !!or ino'il.i.'i- cuufd lier when
' I ui. a fit !, and n . lin ! tint e; o reueh
e.t ll.o lelidei i-.o!- i I' eighteen Vial.-, s!;0
li.i'i l:ii! n a ploy to the -.oduo' r, a .-l
OUt ll'Ulia J.,.l'.(s I.OU-O w! l!
.Il'. i l to
I J.
.a i
it 1
eal eloolion his is;
Tic l.iv. 'i . .! V.n.'.) .! . "y f 0,!, t,. r Hi!,,
i. .n;.ii;: il : ; ' -a d iiur-.l tli it .:i'y l.y lix-
ii. iv. i :, r .V i .Io .i I "1 K.'ii nc l.y, fiata w Lioli o ll... .1 o.'r..; i'.tr:ii't.-, ;iiri.t h liitarv
I he IV iv l.i. iui." f. o'oliu - the i nll'r al: .f II .
rivii niir. Xr. M . i In., i t, nfl or a-, urin jf li'. mi 1
i.'ii. i :l,.it I u .igiiiioly u I'ti. n a.n.'i, uaJ
. j !". . d l" soa .-I'.ii, r loiiiucd :
ICO had heon pllh-
liihed; and tiiat any one mi.d.t i.vauiliie
hi- spoei'h and ihoy would lin 1 that 1.0
had Mil l l.othil'.o ll'-'llill.t tin; i nt costs of
l ho ititii. lie dtliod tlioin to point out
nriv ouo i-ontonoe in all tho vnrioii-i uddia '
ins tliat lie iuid inn Io in lio.t c in'.n. that
could ho t . o; 1 1 1 oi I into eniui.y nio7-t the
.South, o...'rj t, ho remarked, one ox-press-ion.
niuiioly, that " i hrti o tiv idod n 'ainsst
i if tna-t lull : they mut either ho ill
.Slav e or nil lioo Slates," an 1 ho sa: I that
1.0 CNl 1:1 1 lit .1 ll'lolU.ild w .It. .11
ah -.Ira -t opinion, r.n 1 never iutendi -l to he
mad., the ha -is of his p i!ii a li.'ii. lie
mill kod at tho sauio time that li.o e'.aii (
in ;b.. Coii-'ituti ni of ih: Ui.i'.o 1 t.-
ro pi!Mll;
:i ive ul H'O ' to ho
up was a i. not i'.ntion d pi... i-i
P'ort 1..1 the ci-j: iniu l.i v of ihf he won! lo.., e..l'.' th it i:;. s
ity tu .ii nny S
possil ly linil,
what W..-X the
li.-r.i t. ia n tie
i i ii the I.tydslatu-e of KontucUy, io i
t'.y ah ''ueo, el 'oiod mo tin 'tniai.-t'-ly to ro
.i one i f tin' ileletf itot to the I'e. f " C'oi.
ferenoo I i.".'i-;':e.i the o'dio and w, nt t-.
the city ol v':i.-!iii,..'t.'U, hopinrf, :.. our
.'ed'.iier Sial", iij-iiiia. had m eio the
oail, and us nil (he t-hive'iohhn St'ito
th.ittheii ri'm.i;:"- I In the Uni .:: v.ouM
send .'elo-ati -, and peihaps thi- in the
Noi th . ol: I I ai.o. s..ii I ih h 1 :-, t hat we
tuiht ho a!.!o to o'.o. .in eioi .-laran . eos
as w. a'd avert, at h ast, u Iran :. id..l nar.
We f, . ul in t'.iat. liv. i y ol'cr liiat was
Micl'i mi ihr j ai t of t'.io Sooth was indig
nantly spninul l y the leptesentaliv.
111;!" I'm. Northern State?. Moil said ill (.lUiventien that they would see the
''moil ska' tend iii'.o ten ihou-and pioo. s' they would givo one solitary guar
.iiilec In tliat Ftato of all'aii s, end kvw
in tho course thai Mr. Sevv.irJ dlio, it
had he. ui fU.nour.r.Hl to iw, wr.s to he the
Tit iiocr of ll.o itivou.-irg Aiin.inistii.l n ;
li.ul purvned, 1 met him, and do not d ill
it iinpi o;ior to say hero, us I have f.ii-.l en
other occasions, that ho pi. d'od hisiiicred
honor th;. t tin ro sli.ut'd lo no collision
Lot ."ion th Ninth and the South. (Hear,
hoar.) ''Nay," said lie. ' I j.ivornor More
Ihm'I," I -av ins hand on my shouMor to
make it in.'i ciploitio, --,.t nm . moo hold
tho rein-of power firmly in my hands,
and if 1 don't seiMo this mutter to Iho en
t :i Mili-i'a. I.oo ol the South in c'.xty day--I
will (rivo you my head for a foot nail.''
(Hear, hour,) Althnugh 1 eonh-H 1 had
hut litllo coiitideitito in tr. Sownrd. I
,iiv. i'e 1
1, was a
.n t, an i
l o.i. i
ami lie cou.t not lo.a.:.: o
Call- oi I lilt' i o in i apjia-
r l.l'.V S'.e'.'.io.l el.uiiiy that exi-;",1, I . 'I'l
him throughout tho entiro Somi., looki .o
at tn , al :ho liui:-, a-, if to iu i:e un ".u: a r
fr -in tne. 1 replied thi-.t he was i oi y i an. h
tili-tiken if h stip) o.. ! tint too il.-op,
p 'rva hoj foelino tlirouoiio'il 'lie South
originated io a-y personal enmity toward
hiinse.f ; that I d d 1 1 o t Mippo-o thai there
was any ii-ei'.i.g of that kind on tin- art
ofati iodn i.hial in t'a .-'nuth : tha' he was
the i (-j res.'iitat ive of a
meie tectiona! parly -eo-etot
I on a
form which t!i-y eon-i loro 1 would, it i ar
rted o il, h.1 tho ilo-lr.iotion of their dear-e-t
and Lo.-t rights; and that it is on
account, and that alone on th-? a'.ienipt
to throw common (iovei nm'nl, thotiov
ernmeut for all tho States in an la mi i-m
to the inter. -ts of a port ion of tiieVf.y
Slates whoso ( iovcrnineiit it was which
was tiio e IU-.0 of tlie doop un 1 settled (eel
ino which oxi-tod thioughout the entire
South. Wc appealed to him then to give
the euarrntccs which were deinanded Ly
the Southern men in that Peace Confer
ence-, rrpro-ontinj: to hitn that it w n in
his power, that he was at that a pow
er in tho .Stall', tliat ho held in tho holhr.v
ofhis hand Iho deitiny of millions of peo
ple, I hat if ho said that, tho guarantee
thoul.l Lo made and would inako it, there
would I n no difficulty in carrying ont any
program mo that might be adopted. He
forma of the ( Vm-ai' i;t i.-i
lYe. i.ietil of the p -op
Slates, and I thi-:k .u
i.- llllO ll) lllO C j ll't'O
l.t-.ito too tnajo: :'.y,
that ha 1 keen j.r.He.i
the l'..'1'.'tl late-."
1..:. klv fai.l: "If ho
h ot ho was tint the
,ei V"
oi II
I 1.0.
at it.
.1. - ;
tie. !!'.. :u : t t.." v ".' e
, of 1 1 . ' -: ' ' l.). n in
He ut or;-.) i -it!.' r
was a -iii liitv Tt- 1-lli'.-.t,
and I ' . 1 i at il
:!:.! W.
to in;. i, ti.oi .
;.uc!y in
, . i. I ho en r :
i ,
i gi .
oveuls ho li id i.htaini 'l mmo Vn'.o than
.vo c mid tiiti-UT fir any ut her in -ii." I
tii ink, Hi levr i I e..ii l. o.illo' t, '. Io- . a' e
.hoot iiis iil.; wol -N. I i.-.-j .,:id .l
.t or.c t io him lint 1 dl 1 ti '! n.l; i. I to
I'. call t m't'd tl. it he was a tiiir.oriix
Tk .-i h ut, I n! simply to :n
liM.ti fact II at he was ll.o I1
1 .u many h!;.i, an
e Led i"l' to. .r 0"'i
of tii o'.v. r o! ih
. i. a: ii i .a
t i him :
j'Vtiol. tO -O l'e.-p"
yo.i,: ':t ..:.: dau::h
a: id we h'pe I hal
mm o the i ' 1 1" cl.i-.vs cui ...I
'..lent, i oi I'oc-.u-e t:i. y in
t lie
-1 .10
to her.
liiir.-.i in
ll' the men u iio voted for him, l i t n
I., i n ,... ll... l'.,i!,.l ''....'"i
l,lOl),(loit inn;, .t ity, RS rell ns. has t'-sks inawn, iiml ih.-y ciulis Lien
loo - ova e
mo as you
-p's f..hil S'
ii i f 1 .. - .,1.1',-s
... .a: l 1 1 a ." fays
,1,. ;j le oltetl l.V
. k .aid net, and",
v.,i a lion Mice
.v..-with n heati
d ;!. l.eiv, aiol
i- I.l' 1. o:, and
it. Tiioy iv.'i'ii
lino, U i. ll Iii -
and hi.- tu-ki, and
Ve i an h ive ii ) oh-
l.le a p I'-Oil.,;-,' 11
r i- i'i.,'1 ;.!.! .h'!:. ate,
a will'l lo have
,. i j our t'.i-i.s .Ir . ,vn.
! vei'V von .'is injury
i y
.1 :i:t. d, I ci:
;'.. weia? iai'
party v-i:
tho minority parly, Ly whom ho w..s eh c
'ed, om'it to ho con- idle I Ly him. (ieto
oral Doi.oM'.n hero into: poo.. 1 un.! pro-S-'lite
1 throe '.I'-n ; te pn,,., s ! to him
First, that 1 " ni'ght lent .in p.-i i'"i th
i at..; iiits'sive. linn let iii'
t ...n of tlii' v I a ' es go on as it In 1 ;:on" on ;
econd, give ;;u iri.ntei .- s 'i'Ii w. fe a-!
Li :t;. 1 1..' v. h. ...' l o-vi i .! In- AO .
i !
t r. j
noi a
J .ep
.' ti.i -"-t
-i. iiml
mi.i:-! rat i.'.n to i.e.!;'
iaav aute. ; ui . I '. j'i
nd at tern,-', to for v
. o ol-. d ion o-, !!o
a .0 p.
I II o
, re it t. ,.
i ho si'-'. Ilog
ilhio'.atcd vol'
tiio- a
I cio.l
d him or. the ho i.l." hail .').
Li-.J, J Ihini;, :.!,. nt in nth.
-thai il w a s an ex. eed.'ig'y
. .'i.-C' i :, ; n .1 v.i v a, .... .v.h-it
iltogether a sat i. i'.el ni v an.- .'. er to nle.
: hen, i -a'd t" l.iui, "Mr. Lincoln, tl.i-;
to u.o, sir, is ll.o in i-i mm i , us and all rh
s .1 Ling -uo.i'ji t tli il has ever i ,i 'ag.-l my
ui leiiti'.n a- j.uLlio loan. 1 d tp; a tato and
1! V I I: .1 ll is to .'IO, IO. : )!)-
j-th.;- 1 kt,
l.i l l.y lo-r ,."iuoi r to ::: on tU
oi.'i.iin a liiehiiood, and wilh l.o la j
tin' w an.'iV'.i Id lo spea'u to or I e-low upon
her a kind Wold. 'I'o take up th life ..fa
h.'.th't W'l-, i v i!iug to tho liner Instu .!- i
...' her he:ii t, ami -die li.-.-l no itlicr r- o
e. i 1 lo d.o, urn; cmsidei ing -i.o !.,;:. l
i. I:ei native preleral'lu, the tuil.i 1 water I
the 'I iruiiC', si i v. d her as a tri.'iid m ! hi
t ..)- . T her soui'. ilistre.. 'I'hil- !iO iiii-1
an o.i'o a.-,t and a Leg,.r, nitii a .'.'..'
c .ri riiigii g. m her oai- as it had haunted
h'l wU.v, lio'ii.- ami lo-. dioam- I y li;,dtt.
I.'.,;. Id a L-;.'. !e: '." i -h( h- d around
u Bi.i-'.tivc i..-ai t '! If a 1....1 an. I fhain
had Leon iivited lo hoi' h cole lliiii.-, umi
idio ('..mpeHc 1 to drag it it, it h I.e. I l.i o-'gh
life, she might have hoi no iho inili-' ioi',
io it would only Mound i. or Lody ; hut :;
m '. h"i's cm o wour, h'l the soul, :,l.d
li!.- 'ho hanker w.nni, ronl innal ly ra.-tw
god the l.oau until iii'e heo.iiii.j u i-i'.i hn
and i! al h a '.'. c leoli.e release.
'1 li -l :noi in r .h.iihih f : h iro the out
er, d appearance n; a woman, hut. se-m
r.endiuu-t have taken o.-..-'---ioa of hot
mind, I'jr she had n il a mother's heal I.
H o care le.t how nuieli or how oileii that
dan -htef had oilotided, r.r what was the
i: ''..a:., or ilegi ee of her n( she siiil had
a cl.iii.i on her mot her that no ei iu. .' on
her p .: t could cihier, if -he p.i--es .,d the
limi t ol a true mother, (hi the cont-aiy,
c: ... ri' ii.o j,; s denem.. t nr. e l that a ;-etl
I (en 'ivrd from shame, or if she fell a v:o
(im to tho at ts of a seducer, she ndfiht
have rosftied her from ht rsin and smooth.,
cd her pathway to the g'ave. With all
hi r . ins she wii'i aliett.-r ivmra.i than her
taa'ornal pioa-iit, as wilh he: Into-1 ln-.-al h
she pr.-ivod mr hlo-si tigs on thut mother,
Im had on r- d i i,d t it r l i u her into t Lu
!ioet.s to il..i ur 1 i v rj lt (,f ignominy.
Iho ihuighler is i-one, Lul llio inoioei
Sim i ouiai iis, anu u worse, inati tho pantM
of death do not vt wring her heart, it
will he lei an-e foiitu infernal lit ud has
j tiiiirkod her f'.'i Li- own, and stolen from
j her bo.- .no i ,', ry let. dor su oeptihility thai
i nature plants i.i a nu ll...: heiiti. Wo
, hcai d of a siiii'ia r i a - . t hal oeeurred, hut
in sln'it lime tine.', in this city. 'I ho
j dang 1: :!' : f ii Wcih. by merchant, uii i-r-ul-Iwav
was -entici u tie m the l "'h of virtue
hv a In iuth'-i liLei'tine. 1 1 r itatrnts
-. -i-ht hei cut, and sent Iht to uno i'f tho
..-iuo.,s h haul woim ;:. She lvnKdneci
tie i a a lew months, hui she c e.ild not
e o 1 1 1 i ii ii to mako i La1 her r..s,.i"tit-o, und
.l.o el). Li ao d 1 he li i -t ") .poi ! unity toes'
oil", sdie lied m a pi e'digal to bcrfatli
hoiwi', and hi -.'fd to ho u'i!o.ed to rt
turn, "out her no .tnei drove h"r from tiio
i.n.r, unJ sin: is l. oi a cjinnien l.a:'.o'.,
eehiiig Lie.d cm ti.e s.:i,- Is oi i. i.- city.
vho ivih hat a i-hil'i ,'i .-i. teen ; e. : lieu
-ho (dh'hdcil, and thi. oi, . u L ; t of a,
a, .11. in 11 motni r 1, : I l) i tone i.oeie Uni
ould iiide the fo 1. i f tie.' "hiid she bore.
I ho recording ali.'el .; iti'iot to writo
with even
ii -
a inn
,' uinl c.e.
Wiiei, too .oi i v or - a n had si , !..-:.-1 a, '' '
ink", I ;.ntuicd to ap ioi to hiai. in j
.iit-r in v, h'ch I ro.-v r a: --a'o 1 'a
ii- oilier mail and never e.p' et to d - a
oaiii. I .id that as to the Lot pi. pe-i'i ui
I ,i...-i;'ed to say roie wo, .1 th.-.i I tin led
..nlpm.yc to ( 1. a! that i,o i.o"! I'l. o! : o--oi't
to f u"ivion ; t hat if he "at, ; he i i-to-IV
of li'.s Ju'.-i!-' : it .'.ii won 1. 1 I .' v.i i. .en
,n hi.. ;! and all tho i.'at. t-. of th" .'ill .n
;ie ih Co,.;.', i, ur v. a di it li- nl l.i-
I ! !; to th" in
I .
j ly to my si it .eu ' i,
v4'.-.. 1,,'td an.. !; no
j ! tok to the if i'it 3 ti
'of ima, ,i:ii V il- ;.
iv H !. I.o
. ! hi 1 l.H,.!-l.rt I
i! il is to the liiioi
el I ai't' ..! to y-ll.
;"i..:.. the : j '-'. , to h ud tw your aid
'in. l;. ' in avi riing a c ihouity
..'.!." L,. repii .1, Mr. ILvcn
ed. i, g o up. Yv'o had. L. hoc lint',
. .i .: in a f i.enieirclo rmn .'.
I : '.hi! Mr. liii.'s l.i'e L un
until a dig; it; and do g.ii nee
I I, a Le H'l S'li'-i.;. ed in the
V.; .., !,e app -ii i i to him
I,, i,,
ii i :
a 'ii,
!s. "li,..,,-.
-ke. I toe t iiat
ami tho takit
lihofaid I"
CJl', .Oi l I'.pp: .U-O. j
1 wnuid do, I iie r. ve
; 1 ic: of tho foils
n.-"d to tiio Cute. !
..f Yn
e n. vi l
tiio I..-,,
his euair,
that I 1"
er.ili'.-o of
Co,.i 1 in.
ftatleo ct !...
ho told hii.i
in 111 ; li t!
of hi, heart '
lii.,e, faill.lul mother, clii
fcirongor t. naeily to awayaaid cliild; alid
the givai'T tho sill the nniio impoia'ive
the claim re-t.-d upon h-r to i"-; no lo i
( il'-pi.i.g IV mi tin; ul-giaco and continue
ly ! the wot hi. liikielheie iu tloihiog
d. aier to a child than a mothet's lov.3
wlnh she yel live , and when .-he ii g ;th
Cie I 11 i' ll tho "lead, the i men. I ; u.i. e (,l
il awaken.- aitlnti the t tho livelle-;
(mot ,ons i,f joy, nod is a i.i v. lading
fountain of eeii-;.,iaiion in the ho-irs of it
ho; est I'ilileilon ; an il trouble ui.d sor
I'oi'.s c.. mo upon that child, it c.n look
thiough t lie
ti- ou the su
that sir round
ill': face of tii-it 1 oniig mo
ihly siamptd
d lo ::ivo co
o il, b i! I ten
ho t t in n
,! I.,
!) ti:,'
. ;,ih ' ti
a veiy
tioi ef !':;'! I .'I'll a im
It V. ilf ill lav oi" iio' P'Tp.'t-
u.iti.'M of the i'l.i .11 : toat lie i:r.o ih, t
with a hojte and a vvi-h to jirr . tu ito i',
iat u.l I.: ( :!-r
OV li
ait cr 1
to he ever b'.uttel
: r;.,:.'" -.
."01 I
-I lies. I replied th it t'nl ww the on
.node ill wlliell it Was l.i-s-.ibi O th. t I
c.'.il 1 under llio ("ens'.iui'ion, recoil to ; in eii.h.avoi Ing 1 p'O'-:
'.).'l-cion--bv .n attouii.l 1) c' t ho ' t ies a- vvo.ild pel'.i-; U;.' -rovriiuo
and to take l-vk the lor s. 11" '-;; d to .-ay l. a.m -a
had phieed him elfin a clu.-r wtth rotimis' a tio-nhiiii': voioe-in ct
to it wilh his I- ( t upon th" Highest n,iiii.l , kii mv, and net -ay In
' . . . . . . i' .it.. .i.i...
al ti-. lanky mm, with Very large ;;-ie "' wan.c ., .u...
whiskers, with hi.-' elbow upinhi. knees,
and his hat. 'is upon t he s ides of ids face,
in tin iittuib' ol listening, and Aheu he
would speak be would tl.op his li.-ad.
Ih'opj'in; bis bunds and raising hi in '. I,
lie -aid he would tell mn a little- aneedo.?
which ha.l l.nppenod when bo first ca-.:io
to the bar. An old man, ho said, had ap
plied to him lo bling hitn a suit, and made
out a capital cafe, as he thought, but when
tho evidence, wa- detailed before ll.o j".i
it vva. the worst case that ho had ever In
toned to, and while the evidence k.o- ip-
suo:i gu iran
; but that he
he said il " i' h
'hat he might
r that he was
gieed with tv
reran! t i the
1 Hot i
ia r.o-'.l
J tn-r. '.'.110.-0 I'.iia:: i is inn
i: pi i.i I ne eye, atol memory OnngM hack
s the chco i icg -voids that in earlier 'ay-
,J lightci.o! -.he li.'.'.it, riloit.-e,i t ho f no. glo.--,
,t, iiii.i hid it t:::di.' mayed g n in line ha'.tle
... o! bf'e. The i enii'iui l ilu c of that l ive
..... t
h is al Lo. g!.-..ui of a lelon'.'. cell j
into a palac" of hgi.t, iii.d the hardemd
call, ril by its elicliaiilnii n'.ha.-, breli Irat.s
fermrd into a man aga'n. Ti o siiiij.le
liieiition of it ha--toii'n.ed a clii rd in the
lieai t "f Iho tniointiiivpe thut li.-i oiled
the ii, ;ik illu io:o: t hal ,s ii iiiunded hilll.
. , , t i
i ue l eavy w.-i-ni ul tioi ioi. , )K,
cl. I
I hti ." ' 111 t!
o to hei nous
"I O-n'y Cri-.l with -ier"
'1";h: r, i i ov's niite w.i- td more v.duo in
:iie Savi-,'ii''s eyes than hege c. l rihu
.ions Ly the weali'iiv, L..eau-e of the will
in:.' heart and scanty r:;t'an. '1 le" l.d'.jvvo
ing bei'itiful incident shows bow even
children e-.n do good by a ht'lu Under
-y to pat by .-
A poor widow, the tnoth;r of two chil
lron, ns-.'. I to :i!l ',n ih.--n at the cluBO of
ei"h day, I', r a repot oi the oood they had
d"iie. 'no tiijht tin- oldest hesitated in
her reply to her mnihe;'.; qtle-1 ioti .
"What kindne-s have you slio.tnr" "1
don't kno.v, incilior." 'I'i;u t-Jothoi', touch"
i-l wilh tho of her an ..v jr, le-oivod
t.o tiiiiavel the invito!- '! and tho little
-en-itivo, a lien re.-.s mod, wi.-nt on
to - iy :
' ' ioing to M'hool thi- in. ,i . uiiig, I ft-iind
'.ittle Anna i., who hie I Lecu absent :-itno
days, cryitgveiy hard. I u-keil her,
m 'iher. wiiat inade her cry o, which made
h"i c-y morn, -,) that I eiu'.d not help
h-anlng my head on her ro ck mid crying
! .o. 'I hen her : - - or-w Io t:nd less, til!
slut told me of her 1,1:1a baLy brother,
whom -ii" h i.l nursed -so I u-g, m l loved
so inueh ho.v ho li-d sicken.... 1, grew pah
am) tiiiii. writhing with pain until he
died, and I hon they pul him fn-m her for
ever. Mot her, she told run tli is ; and I hen
-L .' hid her lace in her bn ik, and cried a
i: her Ii ai t -.v. ul I hia ah-, Mother, I couh'
mil help putting my face on the otiie;
page of llio l.o k and crying l. o, aq hire
as sho dal. After wo had eii.-d togethc:
i Ian r time, .-le !
m ', telling Hid 1
I ll.o. iiml k: -doll
- her ''On
M .Ihei, 1 don t Uno v . I did li r r
rJv'crf, ic'i ..-.. Tliat ii all I
tell, for I can't tolt how I oil berg';
; I
said that ho w.u willing to give a constitu
tiona'i guaiaiido that slavery should n ! .in'on the old in. m caiue, li-tening to the
he molested in any way, directly or iudi-1 eviiUnee lilm.elf, and whispered in l.ii
teetly, iu the States; thnt bo was willing ! ,Mri "; Uv fl. up." baiightui-.J "N 'v."
to go fin ther, and givo a guurantce that it J said he, ''fiovernor, wouldn't this Lo
should not bo niolenled in tiio I'istrict of i guvn' it up ?" I assure you, Mr. Chair-
thought it utterly iiiipo,sih;o tint aa ho..- , Columbhi; Hint he would go still further ! man.l don't pro'etit it in nny light diller- f '.) I '
i..... . ...ii l. ... i.i r .i ... i .i . . . . . ... i . .... .- i... :., i. I. ;. ,.-i ,, .1 n. n.-...,i. , I i . i-.--
oiaoie i i :i ii cum inimu pii'iiji's "i inis i niui say llial ll FiiO'ila noi 1,0 (llSttiri.OU 111 mil iioni m ..- " ... ...... .j v .
ore word I l.atl ' ai.i v
hoireis of this untii-ip 1 w ,
I," did resort tn i o.n clot), V.
leave the I'tiioo and j .. '. i. .e.'.-i
Suites. "N'l.-, f-i--," he s..i I, '',: ii- I
and .1 -ar!y as I h r.e
that vent I go wit:
snul." M r. Linoo! . :
chair, a- Mr. llivs -.
er.e ftep ten aid iiill
Mr. Hives ;rVi .-io
ivi'.li'h av t '.o t :
Mr. s :;(,- l ed i.
1 h iva no .:!."! t i sp-:
ia. io,, I'i'.i' ; :..' Ir uiLh -t ,.
but if on do tl--it. i' w ill be one
, t thing- y i ll l ave evi r doii". '
el give u- pirn an I u s, and I c ll i
li-e y r.i that -a !i;.', '. . r li'.i'.'.i ll .' .
d .dl'lo.'M.'e! to i, i. o'e tie
wed till
;!! li. v
e. 11)
. 1 1 I i 1 1 g
a' 1, "
I ,-:ay
. :l I
and lit:
fio-u i,:
I'.:! v
rra'v' i
in t ' , , . I
1 1 i - 1 1
, v or ii.
ti:il. -
d: - f asu'je.'t holy, in,,:,,, ,,,
i ha- ii .1 ei ieiiced it
, i n ai'oi -oi t en : n j
i i--y lien,
t iiat o'tat-i;
,1 while i.
.' ami w al id ;
ere tnai
riie! I"
- mn.u: ago- I:
. it '.-.!., a c;ni."
ronl it tie
i. n ll.o w. iid
.i ;. -( t :
n spir.t . t i
iv chain,
i n r tii ev
m. i
in e
. i . . '
w ; Ls )lu!o a id oii.nipo:.
o of the i i Jit! And
." ;ns aim., t nudih'o.
11 oi. ! 'e'jo , : of the air (
a li.,'.f -.a, i d, a halt' ivlin;
d ii" a' t h e; u mi I ii.;; mid !
Tu i h io
..i Vit.-i.
her son- ;
of iho w i
li. i ih il a
Will I'l .- Iiat.
It eft ill-e j
ol e.ithly I
: n
l.'V n
e .
I I,
i c.c
: '-...-to-
. . . mho.
ui'-)? "i ;..
in the : "co
o.prri.iu tie
; the h
s-, i.i U.
n a-t'-i,
no lilri
s!:a .:. ,
r:i, i .a
1MO eli-
t I. A III it hcl 's
- .ioi' ii ?
. :Vt' IV)
j 1 .Ilgs wle
iee and j- :
p i'sIcS i.Vi 1
ir up
I ih-
' : .
lie- . 1 0,
liini I en I'
f -la
,e i'.:i,.' :
. '! L u a
,' tale
il-li.g youii,; I
: e -olut ion :
a coin tuittec
n L-. appnln!! ii l , i:.l
i' I it'i s:.l, v.i.
kiiul mid Roshorllv afterward vi(. lite ihem 'tins .lnot.-. ...Q".A..tJ ,,. tu .,.! Ml,r i.f.. 1 rod-nmie nl.ntciTt'. I sail to him. "Mr. I ninii, i e- , i. ."
in the most sliatneh -s iiiiininr. Sluu'.ly Jees within the slavchoh'.ing States ; but as President, it may be said thai it wouhl bo then a us -j-'U' '" j(V ' '' ;'"l.'
after tliat Ml. I.ineolu came to Washing- j for slavery in the territories, that his whole ; 'guvin' it up,' but hadn't you better 'guv ,,.'n , 0,'ihman, I have L. n vondering
ten city in tiio manner that vou have all 1 lifo was dedicated in o--i.nsitiDn to its ! it up,' without bloodshed than drench Vl ,v nou li v heth. 1 , n Mr. I'.m 1 is. or Mr.
real of, and his pit tieular an 1 intimate tension there ; that ho was elected by a this land with blood, and then have to I'. II h ri ben elected I r
friend, Judgo Logan, call ol lo see me be. , patty which had mmle tliat a portion of 'guv it up ?' " Applau-e Ih. then ai ''"" ' 1 . ''iV ,1'' "1 'vpj
fero breakfast one iiiorning, before I had , its platfomi, and he should cnn-ddcr that ked what ho was to do with Lis oath ol , '. '.ii' wr;. .t 1 a;i, 1
g'-t out of my bed, ami announced to me. ' lie was betraying that party if ha ever
- 00 nt, . u
ill us lic.'ly
noi ex.cilv
d 1 1 n-1 Mr.
a a secret, ti e tact and manner of Li nr. agreed, under any state of the rae, to nl- l.uvs fuithfullv cxeetiti d,
ri vj
He said he hild tiivorn to see the (;l:.i,-ii. answe oil him in ainni ihis way;
. . . . ... , . t ... : f 1 : 1 Xl'.. .. : .
lit. I, ailiires.stng ",!r. 1 ie-ioeni, 11 iieueui 11 it-ooiuioii
1 the seat vou will sour liil, i.ti'l it
val in Washin-'on, epeakini in term of low slavery to bo e .fided in Iho territo. himself to me, Iip said : "I would like to occupn-i toe sent you wi sour mi, ami 11
... . 1 .. ,1, 1 ', . 11.. bad been i:ere-ury to talk to hitn as we
vJigr.ation agfuii-t those who had advised rics. V.ejiointed rut lo uiui tliat there know from you whnt I am to do with my Jinve t0 y0u to av suc-Ii n ITni.m a.-i this,
coursn o( that sort, ami slated at the wai not an acre of territory belonging to oath of office." I caid to hitn that he had for rn0 should talk to him as we have lo
lame time that Mr. Lincoln with whom tbo Utiiled StRte where the foot of u slave taken a solemn oath to see the laws faith- you." (Hear, hear. That closed the
I erved in Congrew, and willi yihorn I ' could pver tread ; that Ihcre were nitum! fully executed ; but that Congre-i w oonvcHOtion.
v.i:-ii y. I l.i.t a m
Im t -. ; ii . l:j
i "-.A h r,
: plovi.t the L
i.l- inds of ni mi w i
tho b idle li- id. '.'.
Ml h ,01 '1 , 1 a v.-oui.
ood f.'"n. 'I n: ..'. -
O !l 0, ,. nl'-l to d. li!
d ll-.i
. t,
handful of ." .' i'l
it 0:1 til' ir V:.lin.,'.S:
. .ui, and di ion up tin
the eternal waters of
on tids pee,' girl'- h. "u
g.d 'y , though 1 le-- 1 1 :
ciieliee I osii d the ea:-eol lur inni'iei .
better, far butler had i' been 1 1 1 tt L ni'itin-r
had nerei bet 11 born, or tin t a inilhtone
li a ii been hung aiotinl her reck and she
ca-t into the Si m, ei e slio uttcicd tho-o fa
tal words. She drove that dunnhti r livm
her home to a Filicide's grave, and she
must herself go donn lo thoeaith in sor
row. If, instead of cursing her, iho h. 1
extended lo he: that kindness and long fciTThe timid man trouble be!.
tufTeritij; that a true woman and a mother danger the cow ard during it the brn.
an onlv feel, that daughter niight hive ' man when it is over.
if li.ey In I ::ad
.s.u-ks, tin i Ion
t he. I" bun....' rc h an.
f -.-y "A . reek m i' I Iieitig n Led wh
(01 lun she would bring her husbund, 1
pli'd: "I wil! bring him what gold caul)
l'urc!ia-e a heart unspotted, and virtu
without a stain, whioi is ail that descen.1
cd to me from my i:in:nt.s.