1 ( I I. M i I 1 I ". M ilii' "hy M-unine, Nov W i . ; , i I'.niii. i I'.itn. . li"ll -.1 ' in t. ' yt III 'i in i nli. i In ii u. II. .ii. Ii . I.tli'l . 'I 'I I al.U ' i 'I i ! ii I I 1 I ; lion. Urn. C. I .-.'1 Win r I, I'M' w ihu Ii. I k i i I I'mUl- s. r.i.i.i .1,1 ' ll; Mil ik ; Hi ; Hon. II -I:. .1-1. in. Ii.t.l. s I I ilaln V .lnl.i I Y. i.r liiii.nii ii'ii I l IVlk. .it Kr fi I . i ri.l . !:i-ii v.-mic .1 lienor 1 1 ; p position, pi.tl pie onliit" i-Si-tien to tho lVnverr.eV of tin- Slat. 'I In' fieim-crats have I .ii t one on. inint I Int. In this view, rc lliin'; tho l'einoi i rati.' tiunihcis rf llio Stale l.ri-'.atur - heiil-l be, ns much ns possible, 1. ft to I !.. iii'tlvra to make tho selection, nii'l when that M-liH-ti'iii is made, '.il(iii. k .If -triRlii.il hill upon the man it' nny null there be who relu-es to loetil'y llio uva rs taincd w.il of llio majority. Hut we apprehend no trouble rn this cixivi'. Those V'ho tiro Iicniocrril-. now, have no h.vf .'.' ii.ii alsuit Ikem. Tlirir iinnx'H will bo found on out fourth page to day. and anion;; them nro many of the 6lnimch"f t, truest nion in tho Slate, and in !il moL every instance they note selected by the people for their firm sirI uny ialdinj; in'.esrity. - - di i: Senator. I Im Letuin Jud-e cr this Senatorial district had a final meet-, ing at IlolliJaysbui'i; on Triday hist, mid after counting up tho whole vote of the ilisiriCt inciuuing 1110 VOIO Ol UIO tt-ers Mr. allace majority was found lUll- pre-ent sullering and t-aerilie.s could to be .".Im, and of course the certificate, have beon avoided, and as I believe the unanimously signed was given lo him I unity of the States pi'o-''i'ved for genera ,, , ,,, ,. . . tuns, (tithuiu the .saernieo ol p: ineiple or I Ins M web, and bottles the question as to . ,joli0ri (r con.oiol(,0 on ,CnVr , pas- who shall represent tlm district in th.'!Kjoni j.judico and fanaticism only would State Senate for the next three yesrs. 'havo b.-en required to give, way; and 1 (iov. Iiici.r.K's Letteii. Wo give p! tins Heck to an auminime teller itotn our , . . . . i . . r lellow-towusman, K x-Covemor Bhu.ep..- , 'fZ', M to wo in'tend-do wo desire-t,. have ii'authority inteml nothing else? The -y eer Whilst many will regret his refusal to Uijf" !iZZ uthom States hack into the. Union, ! Jr 1;- no.lng eNe am 11 at r.hu.e considered a candidate for re-election to all(1 i.nlli.mt victories ; about the prompt terms ol the Constitution ? If y j I ' " " J the U.S. Senate, his numerous friends, M,bju,aiio of the S.uth ,y the Xorth ; t 'en ,t seen that they are to le the t o " ht e S tlVen t is ll.o . .1 . . .-.li. r.i-.... hnie oleasonl it lien la. lo nmn In CMlUaU Ot thoNorllierii States in W I S, nlUU, lU . , . . nn. u n II. int.- cnrv line no ri.il nml iff. . I C CI1 IIOH I 'lea-, in I It IIl.lt OO IO SOrilO 10 ... .... . ' ' ,t. 1 1 ,,,,r. . In. w frallil 1 hfll lias ever l.eOll . ... 7 .' , his wise and fearless-and, in our opinion tp'i - i iii a Ail it crmii inn a m pv vnin n r n i ii i try trom what tlierwiso appear1-tobe her' certain distraction. Gov. U's course was the safe one in 1SI'.0-G1 averted war. lie is not BtTi-Our ("iovernment nim; rpar Adinfrn.s in it not bo well for the government to make ' about the same number of r.jr fieneials tionul debt of startling; nuiguitude, which in tho Army? There is ceilainlv no lack ;niust luinc over posterity long into the fu of suitable material! O'.io Hcp'j-hvnhd. jturc, has already been created, and more , . . . 1 than a ouarter of a million of invalna'.do It is true; wo have ploi.tyof material ives fnt:rilici.j on t)l0 L-,lion si,io b1oii0i out of which to mako ri (lenerals there in oddi;i n to tho many thousands that is Treniont, l'ope, Hunter, Phelps, Tierce 1 have been cripple! or diseased for life; nn,! i-nl other Abolilion eenvaU ira tniclit mine, tvoul than f.-.-nt genera well to also ran )to fcvtir.l Secretarie DrJ" l li a accoun Custom house, ebow i'"io, mid sixteen clerks have been sospen1- deu in oiti-e.pience. This will only epml. ify them and i s a stepping stono tr. bci: eotiie Furaign ministers or Ihigiulier lien ersls. An individual can ahord to .j suspen, .led from eluty these times, with l.iK O 'green backs in his pocket. I'. the time each of tho employees draws this sum, besides his wage?, we think tho Cus tom llouso will ho pretty well cleaned out. tlo on boys it is tho last chance you will over havo nt tho I'liildl States Treasury, to get your fortunes. CTi. I'lCii. Fremont lias been ordered to report himself , for eluty His St. Louis cronies aro pctitiocinj the I'lesident to give him the command of tho forces of the Mississippi Valley. Fremont and bis Jacobin friends would like to conquer and found a South Western Empire. The general mauaged his "Mountain division," so oxceeelingly well wo presume tho Pres ident will assign him next tu a "valley'' di ision. WBThe Jacobin Club meets ag.iin at Washington on Monday the ilr.it day of Ivceinber next, in tho lla'.l formerly oc copied by the American Congress, to fin 1 1 e-ik ' 111'..- ish tho work it has commer.co 1 up the present farce of a Ccvotnment." We fear very much that if the Club pur sues its former course, and with the nssis lance Jell', l'avis will necessarily furnish them, they may accomplish their hellish work. Fatriots to your posts ! Hffy. Another recreant Iemorrat bai re ceived tho reward of his treachery, in the person of Isaac S. Alden, of Warren, w ho has been appointed by Mr. Iouglas, Icp uty National Tax Collector for that coun-. ty. Erie Observer. The fnmo kiiul of chap has been made the Assessor for this county. These earae nion would have rlaved second fiddle to .,.. tm i.n.i n,.. v..,i ;n t;. .la.- ' . . ' dull make better r, ir , ,iui.i., ,i, fi n, Mm of tal.lih tho Union Irs ether means than tho ',"Joul ",u ""Vu " "' V:.' J . i ' 10 u " Vl1! ". V ,f"f is. uoui.i it not t.e as , m.ardu'.iung ti-.o re.leral aullioray wit nm ." uu""u''" " " ' r.m,,. ,.pv ,i0 1H)t intend that the I'nion ' .Inf., CbarfioM, Pa. JollN one r.-r TreMdrnt r.nd tiie revolted Stntc. Jlas not then, tho - ' 7. V . 1 r'.s. shall exist l.ererfier on tho terms of tliol v. S? pcrnm-nt o war. 3 means of exinca ,u uy -e. , ; (;onslilution. if it is .0 embrace all the! TK AY ur rl..rm0 tha" , -r- - . '..il..e,younUy - ' ,:h1 States. Tl.erntioofKl,vere1,re,en.ation,:S,hoP.i.'scr1...'rmi1iraM ...wn.hiP' ts in tllO 0W C 1 li I - i 0 COli .1 1 1 1 0 n , oec 11 miia.iy iibiuei 1 es 1 e. 1 , , . " " I , , . . i.itivi.i I n 41 i 111 n fi d t .1- I '1 d the rendition Of fugitive Staves, aiO ' ,Bi,l,lU. of .eptoa-,I..T lata I'.l.MIC r ft defalcation of S2.l0.--l lea 1 io men an t.iioa a-, 10 inuiu e --- " featUrcs of the Constitution which tlicy Iposo.l to ho n!..utlS inon'.lisoll. i anel lattenca on tlio J.rtiisti Manip act as ,h0 South, in tho field, as tho North in1 tion, with explicit definitions on contro ihey will now. Tho democratic party is the end, may triuph, is not the holo of verted points, or on new conditions with ... ii . i..i. ! i . . f it i i.. . i f 1 1 . ?!. i . i: well rid o! eiic.li bloodsuckers. ; ... Fire at Wii.liausi-oet.-T jo preat Saw . mill of Langdon, Diven & Co., near Wil. iamport toeether with about 400 OOQ , iccioiMitea lumutr, was consumer nj ..it un nm iiigm ui mu cm liifiuiiu it was taid to be next to tho lareit saw. mill in the world, running I'Misaws. Loss about jsHi.tvi, 1 1;11 1 !l I lU'M U f!)V Mnl.Ml I 'l 1 tM it ' Ii, V 1 . i IH, l- I Mi I i ii .' i ii or 1 1' I n 1 'I,. I loo t to ioir r.iv r l'i ' v ti nt t ...i . oi. I Idi ii. t in I -I I l.:l. ! St .1. i I-. I iti, mid lint e Ii h nd-i on nil pr.'p- ill ! ..,! Ml III I'll'; rn-. !f i I I I I . I I I n e n im mhrr 1 1 nio'lio, ,1 i ! r tl.ii r..ur. oiio of I il.-iti nn. I Noithcrti ..I t' tin- Mai ,iO. .at 1 1 liriUo . ( ii I i limn i 1 1:110, on t lie finiiinl r )ia - i i . in the li cell I ly I. and r;uiii'..t leuhonul.ly cliiiin l.nlii 1. I. r I 1 1. a torin. ih. r .U. -tinn you nth, "what ran la ,1 IK- l.i.-ato llio (OUlilit, is uov ho tho country, is liol ho , , , ,. , ,i l'i,. i,.,H! h,,i,m,. ,' ' ," , r v V i . Lei, i:;: , :' ;;.,' , , 7c ,r t , o, i.i ' i.ii) i i 't 'I" on ,, : and ,i ,s not eve,, retail, thai tho A 1 1 ill 1 1 1 s I . a I a ' 1 1 a l n au. utin.i una n nun . I .. .. n (...!. !cli h nli' v to that end. I havo some !i.ih::IiU nn the ,-ube h--itu!.; to you. it which I do not 'i'liny may seem to ;ne I'uilits even novel vnti ei ud'', ni'1 i on and Martlnii: ; hut tin v ai the i(,ult of f iirno reilect inn. 'Ihcj htv.i:d is tlieotilv HL'oney at : i cy at work. l'.ut the hivi.fd eanin. do nil. It i-i an upMii. ol il.'st'T.i'ti.Hi. 1 1, can tc:ir doivn I. ul cannot h-jild up. It may chastise and htlenco the rc-heU in the lield ; hut it can not make a iiiii.Jii of Stales ; it caioi.it rc Moic I'liiili.lence ami fraternity unionist a pmplc e.-li'alijrod and al i. no.te 1 from each other. If thn war was apaiii'-t lie) lead ers in the Smith ouly.a.s many at tho oe ginniii supposed, then tho sword might put th.-iii .iiovn and th'.' mass..;', could i-rs turn to llr.'ir ulle-iance. l'.ut tho conllict turns out to he with the hole mass of tho people within the revolted States, old and ouii'', mule ami female. numbering many imllioiis. W ;tli sueu a power, sooner or wcsimI i,..vo i0 treat and negotiate. lie (iwotd alono will r.ovcr restoro this people to tho I'nion: You well know that when tho prvsoiit calamities menaced tho nation, 1 it as tor i.eaceful me:t:i.-: to aven still thiiiiv.n.av,! am buiv tlmt otlicr nvans beside war are necessary t:i tave ourcoun try our wnoie couniry 110:11 present an ........ r . . . ...... 'll.i.'it in the common current of excitement t, 'if not uafo it fs to steat this tide.- ;i i t n ii i n -i rn n c 1 1 r, i.n iirii tr iv time is coming, if it be not new, when tho man it Ik eonnlry a sul.stant.a io would render his I servieo must do this. witne - . - e 1 before. To suatstin which u tia nni jev uut iuf, i ),'' !' Ini'itiv una ilci l,v other inennn Intil.tt unaiuc.i i j oincr means. U....K n l.'it.iiv 1 1 1 011 n lit. Ot 1 resident was a. nari'i 111 mihi. 01 tii-uiiiii,, Lincoln, exoresscd in his Innuciirnl. that we went to warwc could ro: fight al- 1 . 1 1 1 .1 ways ; ami lien, niter mucii loss on 00111 sid. Hint no gain on eitner, you ceaso in", tne loenticai oiu nuesuons a.s io ( , intcrc0UI,S0 ar9 ng.tin lipon vou.- - i . , oi lio t io and highly significant sen- limeiitfhows that even Mr. Lincoln, Le- anticinaled the time, in case it did begin, trhen it would be nt- cessary to put the sword to rest, at .least !m-a season, m oruer io resumo me iaen Heal obi ip.es.ions about intercourse and seuiemeni. n .iocs noi eeem vo unvo oc- l. It .Iocs not ecm to UllVO 0C him that tho sword could do wo.k, but that inevitablo w0 :e to come back to the original curred to hi llio wnoie iron.) have point to compromise ami settle, n men, we. annot light always ; what amount of lighting is neec., ary to nder it proper to i.retate tocea-e or suspend in order to pr i an. io i. a i, oi . .ii. in mi, in .'ni in ( oiikider terms of recone a! on here (onsii.r ui" s iu leion. iii.i.a. i. imu has already "l,e-n nn.cl. oss on nol i s.ues ! '!: i,n,o.,..i.. ..,,.. '.-' - i-eiio.i nas fu civ come it nen otner means ........ "1 .1 1 l. 1 :.. I it'S I Lit! & M UI it B.lV'Ul'l UV! I" 1 ULUrii H theellortto save tho goveniment and count! v. Ccr'ainly the ol.jett of tho war, and the ; extent to which it is logo, should . r. . . . . ... - - - - . .... 1 i- . i,e (lelir.neiy Known io ino coumry, n n bo intended to Ftibjugata the States in re 1 hold them, not as States in the rnion. but as cor'iuered provinces, then the sword must be kent in constant motion and war and carr.ne must bo the ... order of the day. New levies and fresh eupplk-s may be properly rai-ed,for it will re ipiire a lormidable'ai my in each of the seceded States to execute and maintain this scheme. II extermination bo the rib- ject, then thesword should havo tint cs- trained lice mo to deal death and destrue- ;.. .1... . i ! . il . , r uuu, uiiiniisc wiu leeei-, in an I'ai ii ei ' c i t li.'ir rrilmi I rv re..or.Il.ss of cov orn.'P or condition, 'l'.ut neither of these purposes, if practicable, would resestablish the U- nion, Hlthough theic might temaina Un. ion, composed of certain States. l'.ut, when the Union is re-est.Uished, tho South as we!l as the North must be iu it ; tho fami- Iv ot Stales must evict ns liBrolrilnio tkn it w.ll not l e tho L nion about tvnich we have talked so much and for which o ma n' brave men havo ollerre.l un their lives be physical triumph of the North over me ia-"K. ine .-laies must nenrougiu io- i.iw. Mm f.-elinr.. of ih. T,onni nf ii. - nections must bo bo constrained and mod-; ernted, that they can fraternize and live together, else the I nion is pone forever, To subjugate tho Southern States Rnd go i,0tj ti,eni could aubservo no good end ior cnner pecnon, ami in 110 w can discover, advance the welf North ; for so long as Hie South nma ineir naroot in .-oria VUIUII-'.,.. ,.,.. tri ,.,...,. ,l... l.Uv.v. Then . ... i . . . r . .. . It would have -1; . ,u, j ,;n!;o f-.-t tho right reiraidless of enemies of the subju-ator. N hen all the : ,, ..u-anee I should! w"., infant s .n ot J. W. un 1 A. 1J. Tlwinpsou - j the lesssafo now, -.-lan.or r consciuenecn lo himself persi8. U40rcloro- .rCa.",u0 ."'Vr.to,'nlu: l- ivo,li.,..K. m ., nn.mlar vote ta-1 S 2 !t,,,,,,i'.. lations, or new relations ot Union uiid in- ,"rv-.', '. ', ',, ' v . r., I Aa v.-rnai tlotien tiiit.-,it the morn sou.... i, .....i r..n .e .i.ken in tho Nonh, e.-prcially in .Neiv r.ng-. ,.. -,,,. in r-; , ,.. has lately inrdc c hav, had war for c.gMeen month,, -- ' ""1 : aland, between the proposition lo receive Th iovoly ivltMhi, ii.tan u,,,,, I lio Navv. Would the like ol wtncli Itie woil'.l lias seldom " t r- . uu K,nlpi K.eh into the I'n on. on the , Th.., .wif.lr n..4 if lif .r. j...'... ....w.., i.... ( , . I , . . j 1 1 j 1 1 v al'Iinie'ni ir.ai noi.i lllisiaii'iin inn . inoiu io u t.x-.i worhiaaa llt iin.-rin l mI , Ui ll, n , ni. II, n ' . . . . ,,. 11 ' Hi I ll" 1 HI lillie Ho, nirnn - i ....).., I., i ,,i n.i , i 1. ii.li I!W 11" I I'M I".' w Hl.l'l f..' ... I i... I...1 in k. I.l.ii. ,i. ... I. . . ,,,L l nit- tlv In.-. nil'iMil wild llin r'nim el o'tr i.... ... . ... .,,.1 ..m.l l ...... !.. r.ii i.i l.n l 1,.1'e i ill I r pi ni'il"ti Kiel i 1 1 i tti r I i filii ..w . h Mini' In tin. i'nlntnitii' ' I .1 , - ii li i. ni, t h mii i ; Ii. of ft re o el lill'i Id ('nil i(l llll'l I'llll'iln. linnet it lumiPtll e. nt, colli. I in 1 entlil'ellillli! for H'l.'ll . ... ' r.iPleiniiimloll.e li,l,itl,:i,,nt. of tho onili. eul. I bo ii di Idnrnie mnt'ciil'ilion of tin- I ' ii ion, lilidelinu il loi-oimtruelinli lit once irnprneticiil'le mid liopcdom, ud invnlvi" n ioi k of hiti kiirily, ft unl ttliich tint Norihrrn ptiopln oiihlj-iliriiik in lir- tor. Tho c.xinteiico of tho Southern Stn'ec, in Homo f'urin, w ith Ihoir inhabit taiii, ninl on fnine terni of intmuirvo,ii highly es.rntial, nay. 1 will nay, indipcn-j lain", aim on mine uniin in inivrruui u,i I'V'lilv os.rntial. ,,nv. 1 will ,.,y. indi-p".- .!,. 'to the W,l.r onho nh. I m, iher. f'eroii MiiiiHt ctterininatioii and n. ' c Vi S StrUs lis ronquproa ITOVinoo. I tux gruiiml run lo rj casilv maintained on j punly i-c!ti-heoiisiderni'i(iiiHfortlieNoilh, tthicli will O'.-cnr to nil. that 1 need not I I,, ,,l .!,. -r.ii uiih Ih.-ii- iiresenlalion on ! ;,. . . . . . i i;....... . . I"'H' T v. a. v.. ... . w v -- this occasion. 1 nil) for l e-establishiiii; the I'nion as it w t-, or milking a Urion ! complete ami sntantial piaianlrcs, i,n ns similar as prai'li. able, tU.) Slates to ho' f'oro wo can expect them to entertain llio c.iia'.s and to be .'oveieii-n to tho extent ! ''"' of fir."!ik'ut their present leaders, .i... s:, ...... .,... ...... ...1,1,. I...-,. ..ii. I . ! and t'inli:aeiiii tho old ioviu wmeiit. - ...... .... , . aotnestio iiiKlitutiens as it may, I, in, worn lnt oiu.ress 1 s iou . sustain that measure of war and that oh- v that would clearlv tend to tho aeemii, p'li-hment of these ends; but nn wit tn Liil.iiifi.it i 1 1 ii nr n v t ! in ! ii u t in ti I : : . . 1 kno v it mav lie eaiU in ret'lV to all tins, ; then let tho Southern people lav doivn their iinu.s and c imo back into the Union, and all will bo riht nSain. Would to tJo.l 1 they could be induced so to do 1 Thero is no guarantee in reason that I wouldnot i... . ,i,... i'.. ,l UU V l.l I ll I lO Lllllll fcHlll. Jl.W' ivnv, v any indications of such a return to rawon and duty? 1 cm see none, and . expect to seo none, so long as the sweird is untie companied by agents for sett lenient and peace. When our army went to Mexico it was accompanied by u peace commission in order to embrace, tho eat Tiest oppji tu nily for Bfttlenient. In Cod's name, 1 would ask, should we do h.-'s when enga- i...l ii. !i war iininn.' ntirsetos? It is idle. v..,i .vm. j,. tl,.,,, ir. , 1., In. In otir.olu.w about the nature of 'the contest in nhieh tva are engaged. We cannot nuko a I'n ion by force, alone, though wo rnr.y tri ' ' Mm. .li .M..r tl.r Sl,,,.!, ln l,n It, .1,1 ..r,,! li-u .j . ,f., V 1 1 . ni tl- is u e i . . ii i k i lie. it in ini.aiLi.Hi.s s .ru yereignty, ami eiigiiity foes any crie l maintain,,! by the stvord alo not "n.1"11 il i:ic '.'UH'oei eii tne . ates; " . . . ".j.i.ie -uiiu ,.Uu1......e ... uuien, in. -ii ' ';oa1.'1 ,1,t hve together as equal? and , ii iu'i.is, lor uie sun iiL'iiie.i ai e iuvvav6 me , l mil v iieai u u 1:1 eai ueu-i auoui oiu ciiiiiy , i i l l . v. i i . ...l.: iie.n. ... , , , . , i. .... up auishouorable peace ; alout the humib , "i'0 " YV , i V , , A .- i i- . .i v- .i i..- i with t he niht to have sue h domes ic in ation and iliscraco to hio North, involved i . . ' . , , - .fc.... ' i-titutions as it may c hoose ; a id a tiro no. in any aim evory iwunuon mr neiiie.i . . - . , i ,." , r ; ment and thoro is nothing that is ,ui,j Jtion to reeognu.o t he independence of , about the affairs of the country for which tf1'" Southern (.on ederr.cy. t might be , 1 havo so littlo respect. ! It in even l.eldhv sonv. that h, ien uess nosu nit . 1 uuu n uy Mm 1. ihikt - ..; 1 : .t 1 .i. 1 .. .i. ui:eiaii-s luiuu 111 lurKwuanwuii m vi e a .... , woreis 01 mr. Lincoln, -we cannot ngn tdwuys,' roliva MicuM rot light longer, milni-j ten nnit ilrt L'A nj 11 m Aorta r f nil itn.il a ui.ir.-j.'ti.i .wS.m..u.oiv. u....u.m.- - "" i'oiui.uici. ri.-..n.-. ...i.., .... .-.. . ...b. that all that bhould be dono chnnof bo ac, eomplished promptly. The States now in tho Union sliotiia ho in Lonvention, or have delegates ready to go into t'onven- tion, in order to reaffirm tho present cons ?t.UHional re atKns among the -l ...........,, .. B, or to make such new .relations a tuny bo .vmm u.uii . ... .(.v lUUim neu'Wiiry iu nriiij iifc-ewiei uuu res tain all the Stales, fho Stalo Legislature uld rtitioi. Congrrsi for ,uch a Conven- ion as rr-i i .1. . u.,..i : visions lor it, before the close of the com, session. S,u-h State legislatures as do not meet in the regular order could i,0 a spccia.iy convened : ar.d tvhon the neces - I , r . . . . ... u. i-. ., ,. i.i . Z?" 'Ti ...I ; 'i ... u.-i ....'. jmuu u.. ...c '.imuuui. ivl,i... nm, rmln,,-.,.. n In 1 1,.. mi.Kl m. ... , -r, vi war, then, we hould lo prepared to make peace. Whereas, when 'tho time comes for settlement, in tho absence of Mich a l..t.. I. 1. r..,,n.l ll,.l "o"., -.t"" ' " competent authority in existence to do tho things that may ho necessary. Neith - or Congress, nor tho Kxeciitive, nor tho two together, have rightful authority to chan "e the old or to mako new relations .1 .... -i among l lie Mates, congress may funmit ; ana aciuany ouny ine municipal aim gov- amendments to tho Constitution for theeriimeut oliieera. It is to be hoped ihatj ratification of tho States, and I believe the j tho most stringent measures will be adopt- ; present calamities of tho nation could eeJ for the expulsion of this class from this have beon averted in that way in tho win,' vicinity." i tcr of lsi',1 ; but now tho disorders of the ! Our Washington icn.lv nill havo to! country are probably too complicated to ; ,it , ; ssooia, utUii the-JHi! ,h i-ann Ui ... llio! Inrni. ' 1 i' . i ..v....'. ........v.. ... ., . Mennwniie. me r cp ueni nnu Lonircss, should prepare the way for ettlement ; indeed, by consulting the peoplo through tho ballot box , I hey might make a Fettle- mcnt, to bo ratified by the Stales thereaf. ter. Let tho President propoPO an armisJ lice, for the purnos, of considering - r.ro'-rnmnie oi lounion and sell lenient, ill j wtiicti tlie lee.ings aivirigtiisoi ine mass-1 . es in tho South shall bo duly appreciated . and provided for. Invito then. to como r back on tho conditions of the Constitui which the tee. nigs ami rights ol tlie mass hack on tho conditions of the Constitu iiio itiiiesi assurance oi usnco nnu cqu.i.i-1 i tri, .i.nr.-. int. 1, i 111 fin this, and challenge the rebel authorities to submit Mich propositions as may be agreed upon, to an unrostraimxl vole of tho citi- zens of the Southern States, as he will, at the same time, submit Mich propositions ay, luai. 1 io vein 01 llioso oi lUO AOriliern miiios, Uj-vuiuu....kl . ....t, ..- ....v... ; wuiou mu di imu n mi mm. hmuui. """. K . ,. , . are of thol with tho understanding that if a majority .pantaloon notoriety, nro proamhulatsng and the bighoet market price paid for tirain, J. iSAiwr im was so of slavo Stales, and a majority of free State the State looking aftor the United States wool, bhirPmg mriaria an '"" ""J , . , 1 . ' ... ' .... lc- . i: 1 rroduop. Mit. I, lint. 1 Maren i. wouia in- accep ine proposition, us conaiticns ncnuiuriinn'. .. . , I - ii. . I.l .. I I,,. Inl. i 1 HI 1 ... r. I l,. I .hi. "I in 'Im lo ll... " ' " ' i M nld nulli.il iti. I ' M ' t I IH", oi f I'V . t I .'I .ii;till, lot ' 1 1 1 1'l ' 1 'iitl"'in "ni"' h"ve Ihnii In Sll. ll in I I'. I. ' 111 I "hit n t o; lu lit I . I"i" III'' " "HI, niol the I. .V 1 ii tm ni i ii " loinf- '1" Iho l i tli r. I Ii" 1' l imn n i. l"i in. n it nioM in.'ii ....n il - .-. ... "i. -.-i. l.v i-olllllli" ioll.'H nb'i ti"l I'll that puis . i i . 1 1 .... i . , .. . , ..... .It innv I"' n 'I I'1"1 w" nro in-taiillv in vitinj! tlm S.mt hei n peo; to !nv t ii lh"ir ni ln, niv I coine l ark ini.i the I iiion, ninl llii would iceiii to I e oniirlu-ive , ! ,,( j it liliiPl l:ot he fol'i.tl. n that tin y n bi le. ( lipciiil'0. u t lev MiV. the l ailv now ill now in p4iwer at i'ashiniloii ivoul.l liol pel'inil it i; them to ciiiiiy, in pe.iee, tho reul con tinn and ruvcnatit of that 1'iiion and I l,l I l.nrn ii nr. i.v id ..nee I hill I hev won .1 - "'.'.', .......... -- j f ire l.etlr noiv. He-ides, 1 c m Mudied l.m,, .u.olo poorpurpo-o whocnn- ! t discover that unconditional m;1iiiu, 'hlon involves a de,reo of humiliation, to which iney it in iiever come su n.ut m iiii-j luivo nny menus of n -istance. lulhef f. hill, to piin buck even the lUVfcs, tht-ir passions and pi ide, and Hulf-respecl, may bu w iscly consid. red. W C IllUt L-ivo t hem .1. l, ,l,- I ; x"io new ground, soino pretext if not i ' ll'n Hilly awaro oi um iniuguai ion aim I'Ven cantelllia 't un it men uic.-o sul-os- lions it ill l.o peruse.l, l.y noino. in 0011 Boctiom ; but I caro not , arc we not en. U1' n" t0 -i t i.l i- li maintain the. Union, iiiid nro not tl ,llul t ! : .. .. i o. i ., .. . it i ce i.-u .-i .m- i ii'.'-- r " Thou why not endeavor to rescue them from destruction, and culf.vato good relations witii mom : u nen ine m ..,. o. ..e ..v-. as hcretolore, they must become our lueth- ren and our e. mills in overv liartieul.ir. ren and our eiiuuls in overy liartieul.ir ..... . .. . pieaMire, .nen e an wo n ivo u inrir u.'airueiiMii in I11.U.II...I imi- ! ii" it j anv friends of tho old tlai; ami tho old1 ! oil I I I' ' itol. ni ni.t l i"i ' (!ovei mr.ent within the seceded States, ! Knifo lVittcr, of Wisconsin, lias been do they should cult vato tho same spirit tow- ! fc.,,te.l in the Milwaukee distiiet, by over iird the Norlh. The absent element of a.( ln!lj(,r i t y , by U. A. I'rown, n true substantial Lmon l' iraterr.ily ainongst , , n the peiple, and that, ean never be furnish-: national democrat. Ilius, ono alter ail ed by tho sword. Again, in t lis words of other of tho "I'nion Sliders" in left a t Mr. 'Lincoln, "there has bum much lo.s ' ,,.,. jm,i oli .-ni0.i Saver'' sent in !ou both sides and no am on e ither, and i-lcMitioal old question as old question as to terms ol intercourse nro upon us, ami we slioul. I cent.- nr. lo niliust them as to re-establish t.t... : ;..t. .11.. i : in.- i. iii.'ii .'.i .... -.'.,-'-., IjUI. r. may no iiskcu, is uns a war for ii0 Union ? Are we suro that theso in I practised upon tho worm. v o nil Know, . . ,. ... ... '" ' , VQtr im01lat, therefore, to " , -.,,.,. ,.,. .i.e .' .,, ,.,:,, POU1: jr tvt . i. , , , , ,. , ... , . . , ri.,n.;,n A l, ;tpmiiijh s c. . . roil tho hypocrisy ol a certain schoo of . IpOllllCiailS 11 1111 nam l iailini nil in iwium ; , ... ... ' condemn and abhor, l'.etween the mains . , ., ... . r i nnnnn. nl ll.esn !itnl I 10 reeoi'n ltinn ol i the Southern Confederacy, many of them, j in my judgment, four to one, wouhl pre ; fer the latter. Their aversion to theso clauses of the Constitution were a primas ry cause of tho alienation and hostility of tiie South, and I ferr they would not yield that aver.-ion now to render the Union what it once was. Let Mr. Lincoln try fthis (piestion if ho would solvo tho probi ' l 'j V, , 10. Ho not understand mo that I would , , swnr,i or nnv 0inPr nleniis lo jSj; Zl it was. What ? i . , ,, :f ll.n Tninn ind Unit onlv . ti,0Va nover lin.l "lie lu 1 Zl, . , .. "reies should bo nrooint- f "'11' , ;? " 1 1 fo ' u , Hon tind loyalty to the I nion ...s i was ' and to the 1'niieii.les o L'overn nent trans- ' 1 . 1 , r .... . i mittod to US b our fa ners. I he main' . , lu.ltion of th0 RhaU tUoohject neurit my heart.Whother I lo in i.rivateor public life. ir;.1, .i.ni. njnnhi i ,,.,; " "' milch OsleCtll, I iem.1111, Yours truly. W.f. I'.Pi LI-.R. ToS. D. Am.ersox, l'.p, 1'hil.id Ta. C-T Wc take the following glowing .lis" rr;.,.io cf i:f0 Washineion from the! " I1'" 01 "Ic a"nt.on, irom uic , HcraU: "Washington. was never fo much infest-I ol with thioves, of all grades, ns now j They congregate boldly in public places, i 1 , .. .!... . I i .. r 1 r.rI..ril.ls. n- in lin rmrn nffltl n )'. ; , raged nation will expel the class of citir.ens alluded totogether with tha captain of tiJe band, from tho capitol. - - : - " A Coainss.oNER or CoNTB.u..tNr,s -ll 1' v y ; -j Commissioner to look after the interest of -- - . .f J'e F contrabands now in charge of j the Government. -Exchan. Certainly. Anything to bleed the Ireas. r . I 1 i11lll,TMint Certainly. Anything to bleed the I reas. urv is richs and 'loyal. Tho people aro uiyiBi.Ki. j i i 1. 1 .. ...... .vr... I . r, in rrnn- TlCIl, anil IOYO IU I'"". " fc" , iTcirenounh ofhees . tlcmen . 1 here oro not naai onougu oiuecs 1 yet to supply tho thousands of hungry Ab- olitionists who are applying for a chance t0 their beloved Country.' . I IQ)u Simon Ctmeron and ftismanrri lirmj nt ii. e i .on si I : u i ion . IVIllC.'l 1 las I t'l"".' M o iv r h in ( . ; t el 0.i ' i.!r lilt'. M,,.n ..,(.,. f t I1' 1 ''ll 'I ' I I I i It ll I'll ! t!inr1 , , ,, hllf : l'"f I'1 '.. i i.iilniinii,. ., ,(n!i, I hit i I net i nil I ' 'it'", i 1. 1 I 1 1- . ii ii- ''Vl 1 1 ll.'ll ' lil I e .. ntly ill ,., ,,J 1 l It II 1 11 I ' ll 1 '1 11 I Ol (I j n .. , ,.,,. le rnliinill l. ndmi' liolM M ; I I i ( .1 rt 1 I .' colon I Me. I fil'hii.li J late- , 1 J i-m1o. , llllft M'i III lllhll "ni';. elnllnl.lily , , ) i rnehet, find '.'("I tto.nl ct;M uv ii i;i j r . !,.,y, ,i. 7 ,...r. Hi It 'I'll ' 1 4. 7,C ll .il-fj, ntnlio mid lioveh'H dvo l.y t11P ,0t ,. ,.;.... I ,, is,;.!. I',,.,. 1 1. ,1 f. , ii,i ' ; j""v Novelets will I'g I'iven, lis 1'asihov Ar ai.wav Thk am. I BtTTtiT hvory net h hoi '-..ind on -li I In inalio in. n e uh. c -- - --, - , h , llt T(V0 ,,ol ,.vus ycar, or (J,, Milg!ui,.,o, it, lr , , .,. , , h 'f lit M.to.t.NK nn; i nr. I.mks! locluhs, it is I'lieaper mill, viz: threo copies for live for or eijiht fur !flO. To every kmsoii petting up u club, tho I'ub lisher will send i i-i-tru cn)iy yratU, a.i Jirrmimii, nril Lir, :f,l mizzvUiUJir frannhj, "Illinium IWtimj from hit ll'jml ( V.i, in Vr on." Si ccimciu sent (if tuition for) to I ll OS Wl diin to pet up clubs. Address, i imi i ni i.v i l'i: ti.-ixi i V poavpaiu, tii.-innio i. ..On Chest nut Street, 1 i i la. tel pina. ... C-V observe by tho WiiKhinoton Correspondent af tho HrJ.l, that Mis. I . . I.. I I...1 .!... l.llieoi'l nai ("i ei.'iiiei. iiiu luiianj) ul. toes, now in Washingtoi', with $-) to buy cletbin and food fir winter. We presume, she never gavo half that sum to and clothe poor white peoide. To be l 1 1 bl ie. now a da)s is a t.,csnng le.l ana . . . a l ... i . . .ciouicci, ami no taxes 10 pay EffA- W'e aru pleased to learn that Howie , . . , . , , . 1 . 1 1 joiiii'ienci. just uu.r m m... ....... ... nui., .vi lli i'll.J' .Ml la.) i.ia rumi,i, uv ivl- t'ri-iglitin, Mr. I.. It. Morrill, nl Cloni lielil, nml .Miss ."-alho A. (lourlntrt, "t 1 Jr.i'l I .rl t.oinslm On llio Dili nii-t., ov l-.tniimicl Ili.tuliraail, Iv-o .Mr. Isaiiili K jral. ui 'li, of Che-t toiv'p, C'U-ir- fn.'l.l county, tu Mim Mary Conltor, of Iieliun i county. On tlm K.tli iiist., Iy C. Slunn, Ksn., Mr. Jumps H. L'onklin to .Mijs Smith Ann (loss, both ol Ui'oulur to ti n sh i t. C 1 I .1... I Ml. l...n. 1... K 1..,,1 r.n Mr. JU IHU 1 Jill l il... .. ii k'y .. ..., i.'.. ...... i Islno (J(1;li (if )ecatur t.in-iirliii., to Mi?.. Jane J.Iiailictu Lofran, of Vugs town.-lnp. 111 i:i In Kanlians town.-hip. on tliolOtli ini. ..f crom.. Sarah. a..uKl.l..r of Kolai..! nn-l M.-lia ; Kniia ly, aSe..l 2 years 11 month ana 10 .lays.. Ho ilir 1 bofiro liis infant s ml ila l over oiiriicl ttiih tvron iloir.v Ila. I evor cpurnoj at II.mivoii's o n.ti-.l, Ur evor iiuonoho 1 iis f aero I firo.i. JUlu fvbfdbcmcnts. WANTI'D. taut employ- WF.'i-.. A. I li I LK ll. i.riMiiis" o! nhout lli 1 Uhh, ai no oivuor i3 lesircl to euii-.u forward, i.i.ivo rvroporiv, ray charges, .to., thcr-vi.-o it I the law diroot. ; (lirnrd tp., Xuv, 10, Ht': JOHN lW'.uX'.HL. J. P. KKATZEU, DFAI.F.i; IN Foreign and DoincHtic Dry (!ootL-, .Vt., Ac, Ac, &.c, Front Street, Ahwvo tho Ae-.tdcm'. IlrisjtiKt leccived ;t fiicral afort- ,nni f TS-i " I WINTER GOODS. awni Cloths Salinolt.s Cassimeres Tit eeds Coltonades lirillings Jeans Muslins l'lan nels Linens Ticking? I.iiifllns Uonncts liibbor.s l'louer.s l losicrv Head- S'etts Iiicss trim mings I.i.ees Collars I'liderslecvc-s Mar.tillas Pu-tera Shawls. Keps ' Cloaks ! ins SI. allies ; Cashmeres I Lavellas I lHioals 'Silks ' Prints ! Valencias ' Chinl (iinghanis ! Mobuir l'urs ! P.nlninrnl Skirls, Hoop Skirts, Shawls, Iirof '-Trim in ings, I load-Not s. Caps, Nuhiuf, Hoi. .Is, Suntags, Cor-!et.-', (ilovo", Collars, Se'urfs, Conifurt.i, rciiadino Veils, Tahlo Cover". CL0T1WSG. Ont.', Fants, Ovor-foat., (I o n t 9 Elmn Ik. Shirts Hats, f.'npn, Unilor-Shirts anil I'rnwor.", liooL) anil Shoos, fium SIjocp, Uufliiln Shoos, cra vats, Collars, iJlovos, --jj (a1 CWrPlTO JJifc ,tnr-ur C30 ' lliisic al Good s, Cot I: LL HACON MACKEKEL FLU I'll SHAD SA LT SA LMON I e.viill?a ...ii i-Tw.-rr I ti-.i U;.V i Kicr lllltr. rt 1iJXjk-i lVll-ll.sil viKS HKHIilNrt ,. ... . Im-ware, Glass-ware, ooden-wuro, ' ' ' Stationarji, kc, &. V7(TTT7'tEiTnTnTTr.,in (ft. fH) (T TRl 7 W W .flr;' T ,77." ' ciocki, Chumt . Wash-boanl-, Tubs, JJuckeu, flat Irotu, Porn, Wia.low blimls, Wall-paper, Coal Oil bauirn. Umhrelliis. UoJ-conlv Knives and ; Frk. n. crocki. Stove blacking. All of 4 J'lUll '.AlU.Mll .ll.MU.lt J A MLS TEST ' in, .v YC; : t l ft r s r , O ;r ? t.t.rf. c , A j, 1 till H'sI'l IM, ri M ni; rnllM Y, I. 1.1 V nl m "H I rn. I, n InJ !'i M"il!iir.t,i In liii lint-, im Ii I imir Molnr N ' ipriil foal I'll Alcohol Turpentino Tnr (;,, j( hj to fli,,., Uueknliml I I', ant rntnloei Apple, Ki'h il ...M.S't Supr I'oU'eo Tea Cracker i Tallow lluttor Chorso r.aenn I'rtll.nv Laid Maekc-tal Whlti Fish t'.id I'ish Shad S ejjitrj Sili I'ried Apple l'rii'd reai hei LSO. It licat, lty i orn nn. i iiiiih ni tin. trtw I,i.Uirs ..f nil l.iii l-. CiinlVrti mrry, nuts It Kruit Corn llr.ii.nn, f-ul-j I..'iii!o'r, iin.l it vry irrcut v- vii-iv nt iiiisc.-lliiiie.itis iiiti.-l.'s. ' Munition ninl nti ilitH's fur pur. lnisiii), ntmo ji.ft!i(i lelU'K-.i licri'in iinm.al. inn rueh in ' lii in pccn'.inr ii.Iv.int,.''( ov. r inun v iers..iiK in U.'lliiii at : final 1 i rolit Ilo wuulil tliir..fr rcpri'lfiilly s.ili.'il u cull from (ht-oiis wiihing nny tiling in liislino, fiiii.-lioil tliut it will pruva n utuully uilvniHu.;..'.ui . Noir. lit, 'ti'J.;(iu. c lAUTIOX. A'l iiersiuis nro here by rautifca- el Huinst tiny inf or fellinif or liieUilnti Willi ono oki3 of three year o!.l ClXKN' 1, 0u white mil lilu.-k fiioUo.l, tho othor u brinjle- now in llio jM'fi'siou anj uso of Anthony hrowo of hi't'gi toivnii-li!i, as the mM ..n l.olons to me. JW-HAm aiUJ.CE. Kylertotvn, Nov, l'.h lHf.2. fMXlITOit'S OTICi:. Nouoo is liore. VJ by iven thai la-t Icrs 1 rslanicnlaiy, on th esliil" ot .J Ai.Mii 1-. 1 i.k In to ..f llio towiithip of Ii.'i'utur ih c-icil.'have ho. u ran tcl tu tin iin.h'r.-ignoj. All pi-v.-onn inilu'.t.'J to mi i ustate aro r.-'quirc-l to mako iniunelliite 'ayinoiit, nnd ihofo luii inx claims aj;iiin.t tho sanio will prosiul tht'in duly uuthi.'litioate.l lor ce 1 1 letn r n t . Ji'Il.V .S, Kl'XK, I-x'r. 2N'ov. I'J, ISC.i.- iu. OIILUIAX'S COL'UT SAF.K Of Va lu able Timber Lands ia CI.KAKIT KLh CUUNTV 1 UN' PER nn nrdor of the Orphan's Oonrt of I.Miouster nmt t'loarC-ilil counlii", l'a..tlure will lio c !ti..oil to piilitio salo at tho CUl.'lti llOL'sE IN ChliAUl lKI.t). l'ii., ou Tuesday the 13th of January, 18G3. i nil of tl'.o followin'' (to-i'rihf.t It. al K.-lato, nituato j in .lorilriu lonnshii, Cl'.arfiflJ county, l'a., lulo A cerliiin tract or niooa of laa.l, oullo l "ltich ilrove," purv.'yo l '.n nni-rant t John Iiiuoiooily, t.i'Xiiiuitig nt it post eoraor of llio Win. IIuiiUt .-nrvoy nii'l this tim-t, thoia-o fouth 111 ilei-roes out .'..,S pfrohOS to pas', tliOII - 0 8-.lltll 5') ilaeiTO-t ivost 'Jj nml li vo-tenth i...'1'i'lios to Ira-, t lino, theneo purpart l, north lo .1 r..os wost n:',S verehu., (.. p..H on tract lino, thonco by tract lino north 6H lofrroi'.t casttljaiel hvo-tonth pcrohos to postaui iln.ui.i. o.ii.laniinj: 1 : a.-ros uial lripi-rchef, I Tup said ttwt l.fiu j-art of r-iirniirt bs doi . ; 1. 1 1.11... 1- .1 iiniT'i inn ttii'.u. t 1:. ii.- puinuon 01 inoruhov hnrels, as ina.'.; u '..'io Court of Couiini.n l'lciisol 1 loarfiol.t co.iLty. This lot .flai. ! if li..vi!y tiinl.crol with 11 (ln Ijrowtli of v ll I'uie Tii'iher auito 11 iiinm tity of Spars, u.l l.:o !:!, ln-in-; within two utile of Cluarl'.i'i.l Co ok, is u d..-ira!,lo propsrty lor l.ngaiag; unti atloiiii. fho litie is iu .li'put il.l. TKltMS, OiiK fll'th rn.-h nt ?ti i!du.? ihurn the rruporty ; one-hlt'i lit confirmation of tho talo ami tho balaneo in t'trcn o.iiat annual pimncnt from tha date of silo, with inl'TO.t, to he oouro.l hy boud an l marten. ii.on tin) proiuifi'i with clause rontriotihj; tiio taiiin oft liuibor uxeent in proportion to payni'-nt. 111a I.'. l.y or. lor of :!- ('.ait, fllAlil.Ki J. Pl'SKV, AJaiVof Xov. 19, l.",t;-ts l-aao ru.'cy, im'i. STH A V II I ;i VI- I M riiuio to tho promi'l of tho uhoi il.or, in bun ronco t.. n.-!iif uli.iut t'ao li'th (K-tohor hi-t, a lttd II. ifior, m pos- d to lo aheut two Vian s old. Tho iiivnor : i ro'iunoil t i como toriinr l an. I protu pr..i.-r:y, ,.1 .e ni!,..,.;..,.!,. ;n u ,1;,. ,14, 1110 law uircriK. 11 u. 1.11011.1. ',,vcmher 11 . 1S2. OXUN Milt S Tho fuWriher, rt ilini rear llio horouh of l.'loarl'u;!il, offr a yoko of largo tized priino 'J. for sal.', ' tho most ron.n'iiahlo tonnii. Thoonttlo liuvolw. usod for Logging and Timhcrinri. JUNATHAN' NICHOLS. XoToibcrl2, 18f!2. Goods ! Goods ! Af.M. F. IKV1N' l.ns Just rocoive.l fjilcll ih. I as.-oitiiii iit of SEASON MiLK GOODS at his ol.l M..U1..1 en Maik-jt flr-.ol, wl.':ro l.u rof.ily to Wait njioa his ol-l cu Iohutj nnil many new ones as tvni.t tu i-ol llio very hesto K""'i' K..i 12, I So.'. I New Goods ! LV.X. WE A V Eli k fo., I Arc juftopf. ! ing a jplomli-l lot of tho mot onrofully select. I ever broiifjht tj tho i.l.irn which thoy offo' , Ihoir custoincrs, ami tlm puhlio jon.'rally, at It very lowoft fitjuro tho miirkets will afford., 1 Nov. 12, 1SC2. Jas. iMc.lInrr.iy Mail. Irvli I Deilcrs in D I? Y filXlDS, G u o c i; U I L s , LL'MIiLII, do.. , nURNPIPE, ClonrfioM county, l'a. Oct' CVHENIfS HOWE. Justice w tuk Pkact.. For PnrATrn Twnrt-' will promptly nlton.l to all luisinfss cntnutf his ears. 1'. 0. AJdross, i'hilipshurg l'a. Aug. 21ft lSfil II." W. SMITH "& CO. Mr.IUII WTS, and ilcalrrs in W;. l.M,'pintnr, evort thin usually kovt by tho ira.lc. SI" j SECOND Street, below Juugu Lctnrr. IT site tho Proslivtonaa Church, Clcarucia i . Dec. 4, 1811. n. iiusn. T. J. M'cUMOCt! I D, BUSH k M'CULLOUUII, Collection Ofli". Cl.EAKnElIi tTlv Graham's Ksiv lV.aui.vfi Feb. 5, '02. inim ...1....1 1,,m u m.li:nn M!rt ' X I'ROOF SAI'K, nearly sew, "hicl dispone 01 very cueap. . r HEED, HE AVER Clearfield, June 25, 162. 1. n i r T ITitis. or Mione jMiij " ffcfia 'or fi T v.r. mm I . 1 ...V 1 n