Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 05, 1862, Image 2
At it .WM') HUH..-" f C'.IfMfifll) ;B.pibli.llt. 4.1 il " n 'hi. f I! I .nit 't r .,( iiii 1 1 t-Miii'i, I il'llhl I I l iMllll i , i.nin,.! i d'univ, ti, if L.l.'O t I i '. I', "i nr. hi ' - VI '.7 Impr-ldoif fi PtitUM I... -' ' WrdLeoday Morninj Nov. f-il.. 1802, M i . i i ! ii! . 1 pi- Id ORE FALSE THAN FUNNY. J in Aitoot .i t ;.'.. i r tin- .".nth nit. cull. in hi mi article mi the recent Scnntovial l.-clinn in t i s c 1 i 1 1 1 ( t, under tli' In m( (it "Cul'ilct," rtllil-ll WP ullftll lOW tl) bo.loiM- I.slly more lah'P I'.iati fi.inv. Sneaking of Mr. V nil;n o'f vole, editors mv : I 'III'!' I ill - 1 1 HI j 1 I lIV, ill I A'I'I l!i ii. I iii-hii -1 1 . j . il in I I 1 1 1 .i i ut i' gain in t vi. ynu, 'mih ii ' live I li"iiMtnl wV away I'ii lit L 1 thieo i-'Hiiili'"-." I n villi- lor I ' ill-Hi and M'.ll im.i-h ii -i i w ii s in follows : I I'.o III ' -. .. - I' MM : I I. r I In U'iM "-''Il I I II ("I ... ... . I , . .. MbilO'l' , .,. .l li I'd' U" v "ii- , I'm i. Im-'i no. i ( ' I' ,,, , ,.,,,, j 1 1 1 i . i i . . & . i, ii , I I , I . I ill III ll'i '.MM'. " I Ill I Mi' i I ' I i n' . "I ril I l,i i ii IV , ft li' I lln-ir til ' I ii- I no '" Vn I III- .1 -l !'"'. In i. 'i '- lil ! llii Vf'i"li f lli' r."-, nflni;illy tmti ciif tti-iili.iii in mil Ii . iniii li". in Alli-ji'n ny,'l,i'ln-.i-r1L'ii" l..i ., 1 ii ln hi I-, Flic, Indians, l.niiciiilfr, I h i -i-iici-, s-ini i tt , Sit-. 1 1 -Ii mi n n, Tioga t r ff MYtVAMA 1 t.t (1 1 o en . ,(.) nt Ill Uillllti U thl MV ,1 H S l-iirl " - H fi I'l'lll 'I'l III r i I 1 1 ' ' I n 111 I II'. I' i . i tl I 1 1 ' In I li(i I ' i i I -I" lintel I Hi il nii'l " -! lit I . Il Ii 1 1 l.m.1'1- let,! i Imiiii" lint n I i '-n fi ihiiii M im'-i. Iiml'i'li I'Tm-iik' I li 'Mil Hi" ii' li" ( III'-' I n L'li ii'l iij.' uiil m Ii Imi-ii.iI i'ii. hii'I ' i mi I In- I .(.'lil "I ili-rlriiH-'l linti-t (if din l.'i-'l H'lilK't", ti . I iiii. it In I lie -i'i i '. t" li ur :; or ill" tli ill I'i- I'll' Mli-I", ltll"l II' I r.luir .'(.Hill v, Cilill'N;., l'!--iill'rl'l, A l l )uil.iii'.-t voti I 'in Mil. I:'H ki:7n vi7.".:i I'll. IS ll.r.-ii 11.11. 1. 111 1 P,,il,i f . . I in. i.iii !,.,. . i, T, . .1,11 ill I-Oll nf ili i'll-ll I ulllrl'H el Mll'l II I 1 lllllf i fXlT 'I U Illllun lill'i rimu rn... nn I iliu-ii nli mi, ly icli iiiii).' t. tliii cl.'c l:on ret ii ri 1 1 lnr tin' piiit li v n yciii, linl tl tut ill" iivcrnfi nujui ity for tlii oj iu-iU"iiiii llini' lliiit.'i'ii i.-oii tit if-i In" I i" n illnut V'l.lii"! ; yet, Mr:lij!i as il in")' n i l n, I lice mi iim n miii I icii pi vu Mr. C'oi'li' i;7..4 nil, tin. .li!il'mn rumliilnti' (or AmlittT 1 (n-iiciiil. :i niiiioriiv oO.i'iiMi. Wit hiuli l '.: l '.i ll.eliiM-l.i- fllli'li il to il. Ileitct', III Iti. jliriii ioiii lor iiilui million, lii it fi.n . llU'll ll Il l.lfi.H III' II (lllilll MlMllll'-l tin' jroviM unit nl, o: to tin' r.'.lii-lii " I iMi" rout j rrsoits, tl.o rollowiii;; c.oti'lilioiiN luust In' t'oiii'lii'il vitb -. l-t. Tho iili-nlify if Kililifid in I I..- iOVill. '! etui vote in IS'j'.i, II lo run fnrlli.'i- I'.KlilMi liii tirki-t' tlutii cvei a iiiitti c iiny '.irly dil Im'!imi, j in '.In. .niiiM1 nuinlii r.oi vi'ti' ii 1 1-1 u in ill , i llitn vi.iil Si'imtui- n I'lilitlc:! to llicrhiiin. 1 ra i IK'1 ...', '.V.'.v tiekrt A.t. 'vVoiioti. the vol was as follows : .'" I t );;;;: UV77 tliink lliis vviisi i :ii Iter u IihimImjiiio i! for lliiiti-.-ii coiiiiiii-s lo tivt' their tlinusttii' of Milii:i i. in the tinny. Will 'ji,ii' our. von.'.l in Abolition I'llm s 1(so uHicittl innjiii- tlutt tlu'v lire Hitch. In thr c;im-m i licrc ..i. i iu or, ml' in m v In-mi lioin cicili- W l,li ntiit iliMiifi "-U'l iicr.iiMin, cci lilicil lo l.o such I'V mi ticliiiL' jui'tico or iioiuiy, For Wnllaco nu.l Hull, ut the roi uni infill in us whi-ilicr t'ic hnvo fiiriii-licj tiny volunteer.-! eounlios imuiP'l i"ll'lt! ll'l'l,ir- ou. iv lieiu hii neni tii'is, 111 u n iru. (hico lii.H nullioiitr in immIi iii'liviilunl c;ie tl. nil, 't ; t . ariry vt- nt I 'art her bil.xml in ( ',ii j ' riit (Art a lit: ii, r h, ,ij m. ,,t mci fniiiiv. Al I'li'ii()itl tli'inoiittratiiMi this of jiprHotml ' ftruiij!! Vi iuhI ; ojiulnrity. Nothing ."iived j lii:n hut tho I'olitieul couiilexion of the i tli-.triet mill tho live I IiiiushuiI Pohlier tinny from ihe three coiintie,who re en. ieuvoi'ing lo our I. mioii mid unhol'l uui const ituuon. A h.pii.lii triuuiii! Another tinm will ronihMe it uro.--I'leiise jiuhliih tho fi;rures of your triumph in this oounly." N'e Imll liu as rptuHtr-l. 'J'ho ftjwrtt rip jiikt wlmt wo o'etieml ut.on, nri'I if wo l'.liiir county, (.'iiiubrin county, L'lcurliehJ county, Mull, ;;i) I in 1 1 vi v Wiilhieo. l.'iS.'t Vii.-ii o,;i Aihl It.iU'rt vote, 'iotnl volo in lfCL', TotuI vote in JMf.y, i .) lu't InoreiiHO, -1 ' It 1h thim Boen that 'JH.'i more votes were ,ovi for WulUee nnd Ihill in whether tliey have sent nono lull J'ciiio- ,,,,,,.,.,1 w j, . ,,( , tlmt of I lia l'-il'tv lerut'i lotholiehl? i who iMiijioKcrs in the tu:Uter uhove imJi " " . eilte'l. j Tnit 10th Hikirict Aiibai.. Our I'oino-i 4lh. Wheio llio objjet is to i l'tiiin (my Icraie brethren of swveral Conj;niion il ' or allowances, tho nj. j .1 ifn t ic ns nml ho 'districts mo boasting of their hiitja fains ' iniide to UiHollieer of tho government mis i :,i ii rr Oi.i i.rnni-1 ler whoso iliieetion inivnient wouhl bo as compare' will, tho vote for U , uno. , xVUl,3 tht) ottii.-er is .,ui,h,.,l of m iM,ti. U o of il.o llUh d.Hlncl.i.hhoi.g.i ; , ... , c,,tin,.,t lt lTlU ,,,, r 1 defeated, believe wo "don heltfr" in this I tJJi; Adjutntii lienornl infonivilioii nece.-s. ' I re.oiit.ct Ihiin anv Other d strict in thu ary lo imm feet tho ( hii ji, whu h, il Iuiiii.I Stnlo. Jho following is tho voto ol l$w : are not greatly mirUkbii Ihey will how vv1011 whs defe'iteJ, than were jiollod tho attUudo of our frionds of the Tnlmnn j or u-l Iiurhin in lfi'.', when Hall to be decidedly more wn'ouj thun "coini- ; w;s elected. ml." The usAertioii is tl ut Mr. WHllncej In liii, when tho Rohlieis wero iJl at "wss IlUU votes behind his IMp ticket in j home, and when wo hud the heaviest vote libiir county ." Here in the ollieinl vole cver -olled in tlic district, the totul vote of P.lnir county for Sleuker, he being tit xiis 12,77.x Iho bend of the State ticket, eompiired Totul vote in 1m2 with Hint given fir Mr. Wallace: i I'i 'i it- SUinker'i, vote in lllair county, Vulhice's do iio do j Miorving but '''' 'less when ihu Mihlicrs were uwnv Ihan ! 130 I ! A lien ti.ey were all al homo. , 1 1 ... i i . : . . I r. il,.. lur: eioi c, i .in in. I Fouler t'uiiiii. dunrlioM, 2" 10 1 T " "V Kik. 'M l-iie, 'JH'i'.l ;V.I.'i Foreil, 65 1".' Jelhrsoii, l'.l.'i ls'' MeKeun, 7i"'i h'li Wurrcn, KS72 'ZW1 h.'s,S 1 l!,'.'(ii I v-; lu-p. mnj. in iNiO, -l,.'7-J Deduc'. Scilicld's mnj. in lM'.li, -i'.i2 Net Iiciuoeriilic giiin, v,'n Slenkur over Walhiee. ) i Willi what inMice inteml of lliril, as listened by the Vrtsine. Uepubl icans nttrihule their Into dki-ui'Mis Isn't tlii very "..-ouiicul." i defeat lo the absence of too soldiers, hull' Hut the editors furthei khv Unit Wiu-'of whom, at the very lea-t, were 1 'eino. luce "rati farther LJund in Cii:u1m in t Inin ' crats before th.-y entered tho nervici ho w us oicii. in his ) n county. ' f;,y-'l'ho late election made nn i-.nvng the pei.tlenien, thut Ii'siature hist wititor lilVOi- ui-eil in our Ili'UI Ilcill on tho records, will be turmolied to hut not to t ii e pally concerned. oih. Where the ttH'nliivits orotherovi denco nroeaeil from a toreicn coui'lrv, tlic . ollieinl character of lli majjisli ale (-r ;u h i i:ig oilieiM' h.iforo whom they uro t.t'-:(-u I must bo verilied by u niiiii .tor or consul iol tiie 1'nitcd Suites ivi-i lenl in till' i j'.mi- try win re such ('-.'i-lonco origiii.iics, lie, ; verification to lie in all ciim-.s uii'li-r l!..' I liiui' I and ollieul !, ::! of such inuustct o. j cons ul. uui. . pp::ciii n'.s icr cert i in-a 1 1 uu'ier the hi'iil ol the War I ep:irt uumi t to i,o ti. i'd in I. 'reign eountiics will only be enter, taiiicd when coining !'i -Mil the hi::h(",t ic-;--l-e-i-nliitivc of a foreign country liiroiigii tin: I cj .iirtiiK ii t id Male. A!i tie- fuel., co:i'ie: !i-d with lltu mo'eit ol' ii.'i'i'i'v -liould be eomuiuuieut".!, p:.r! i '.i lurl y ll..; linl nmue, nd regiment an . I -u:o; a ny of the Mildier, when and where h'- w.i- la-,t heurd I'ioim, and tho iii'.riie-ol ll.e o:!i- I I ' ( - I - il l' 1' Hi.' H I , , u it 1 ' i'" In I I in "II 1 1 ml i t, , i , I ,i II I. Ml' I ' il II". I I I1'- 'I. I 'It , t s I I ' I N 1 1 . J v.hiiin ' .'"'- '-'.'"'. v '.'.'' 1 1' Allpghem . 7."'1 I'.'. .'.'..'! 7, si. I .',.;o Aini-ti.Mi;: Km ,.-:'.'l 'J. 17 7 'J.'J'.-1 r.cnv.-l- 1.7.11 I'.'.'i'S I.7JH 'J,-s'i I'., .,11. nd L'.-lL'1! l.'o'.l I.I',m I'.eiks I'l.h.l I". .ij I .'I Hhiir l,-s''l V', l- I.'.mi'.i J I7 ! Ittudfold ..7i'l '. I,l" .'..Mi'i I'.uchs ',-' I- '',s": '.,'"'''li 'i,'.' Hutlei- "J.i'lfi 'J.77I L'.i'.:" -.771 Cnuibiin 'J,7''.l l..r..i.j 2,711 1,7)17 Cnine'oii I 111 l'.i.'i I 1:1 I'i") I ',ii I mil l.ii'.M Wl l.r.'.i; I t'.nlie 2,l'7 I, ,')(. I.e.VJ I'liester I.S70 7,-"JI I.M'l'i 7,'J:'.S clarion i..;'. 'j,:;77 i.iJ Cleailiel I 2,107 l,.';l"i ''l l,.'H'j Clinton lMI 1.157 l,5;M l,!7i'. Ci.luuihiii 2,1)52 l,.",S2 :v. "' l,o75 Crawford AJtJ o.dlHi Ji.iS 5,nn Cuinherliinl .'I..'. 1 5 -,i'.7l ."..'il'.) 2.2'.,. lUuphlil j.27i'i -l.l.'ill .-'.2MI 1.1.17 l.cla.uuo l,l"l 2.772'.l 2,77'J 5-,i 27.'i .v.i'.i I '.ri.j ,71! -I :!': 2,7i- -I Kavette .',)':".i 2,7''') ,".,i.r. I 2,71') Franklm ?..III ".,!''." ::.h'-' o,l'''2 Full on 1 I1' M 7'.S I, i iiil) 7-'i. Forest ;'i .v2 o'.i rl (ir.'cuo 2.-i. l 'I 1. 1 .SS Vi',', I I u m t ; 1 1 v: Ion l.t.:', 2, 1'.'i I , M i i pv; I iiiiian.i l r. ii .';,::'iii i... -'.i :!, :--'.i .icirer-.Mi l. is.: i,;'2 i,;-. i.hi J ii n ml a 1,5 Is l.O'.i I I ,". I , 1,0' j l.anca-ler I ' 5:'.J II 171 li .V.'-i I l.-' l.a.M-iiiu o l.l'.i:; L'.'i il l.o ,.' 2. iio I., ban. -ii 2.2 l-'l ;: 'I5 2.'.V;i .''.i) . i.ebi. h -1 7.VI;i 1.7 1.; l: i.'l" ' .'i.7'i i ,s, 1 .s-J li (..", I.VcoHi:. ..-" 1 2,i.'i,- ,".,5 11 2. IO-. McKcau" iiJ 7-1 i'.-J 7-:; M-i.- i- :nii'.i ;;,J2I, ?,, M ud.o l."7n 1,1'W l,.'i,"ii l.h'.i Moimm '.',11s r.ii Ii'i'j I U M.-i.i .. . -. ii 7 .5 5,11'. i-..7i.l! 5.1 17 M niia.r ! 2 ' i 7 -'i I 2 '. T?-' N. ;l!,a:i)j Ion I, -hi ' I I,..i l.'.,i'.7 Ni , i .i.Miiih'i! 3,fi'. 2.0.-.". :,.i'7M 2,oii'2 r. .-iy l. "v.i i -,.i; i or. i i '.iio F'i ii,ri'-l-;i.i :;,;.:;2:i :;ii,l2l :;:..i:,-ii ;'ii,i2i' l'.-" 7.-7 I 77 I 12- i.,:u.- .".ii 1,H';; ."i.i j.i .'.-.., .-. . .i "iill 7.1:7 i 5, l-I 7.1-77 i'i:', , i , I i, , ' 1,1,, I'.. 0 I" 1 i ; Mi I i i., ,, ; , I , , , . I .-In. ; .1' ''i I f I Ml, I I lllllllll ' - ' I ' i. ii..ii, , I -.1). Mil .,' Ml I? ID 1 1)1) 4 . f i ,,T I, II 1 1' I, I- I., ( I HI fl. I I 1"l :l i . r A 1 I', I' A .M'I "HI' fit,. OKFAl I. I' !' ATI IK "IN hi'. lo,((H) Kill,., Hl W.iun.l, .'i'MKiOlakiulVisoun. Willi CAMP HV 1 1" i ; K -70,000 Contrabands freed d M ATfl I, I t. Ill t W 'i w t. '1 ' vrr.v m 'j i . -i I,:.-., innn liji.t ri'iui ;ir' v iMt.iy (1( tin.- ; fl : . In liif COPl'lll-l"". tl w! 1 1, v I i. ii1. , tin i,l v oi.'oi I'f Li It'll ilnwii, U u tl'-h '.f I : i:'.C. I'oil IhHV ( ItHfC u.' : ui Mill' tiirinj; iu'.i lo cln-r ,, only i ii w 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 . 1 1 i in jy m fl-ni , IhlllMHl Ml Uillii r of ; 'it' '!.( I i.b , Ni;:ii t. nut;uii r," u i ! ' bin snn - I I oit ol unc tiling tin' i j li iDiinlv 1 ; : l V ln Il.'MlU'il. lib i '! I-i; am; -'i-'irr n-r .i.-n v. !: a ! h i'DmI.Iv ; iiirl it Hii ii'i t . i' 1 i in ft rail on fiiivl - u o : a ill. 1 M ; lnr ; tt'tl cl c-. ilr tic Uiiiir iii.t c1mii i; r.i'v, ill MHU's Hull tt!"t o I - ,t. t .i.- ii,u..l- if imi a li. '1, h ii I,m v uul i lil'.o to lie. a i i ic i n lian.i.oi nn i illlil .l- H'l'l' iiuul . f, .1" iti l.cic 4r cl' i i. , I ) .-) l-f'l I'.iu rl.Ojl till llnv. , i!.ii"(!y ;'i. ..; ' - TT .11 IV l u ll c Oil . l.o. I Until- ( ;.u !), - vK l Ir-it. (iol-1. .lUMO 1 I. 1 SV SUMMER GQiH'. 0. I-'. int. a, .-ut on-. Ill t-nls nl' in n- in i mi i; m l i'1'.-nill nl j i r iii: I',.: in ,ii Li.:-i.!i!lv eel I lure ' if the letter from which the following ex ' aioRsr. luoss, Munition una .-ji .!;! vvhoin he served .. '!'!! l.MAs, A any evidence, 1 leinoci .its 1 eleeteil ti.; inion pure Al. lotion:.-1-. ulte. we iiguin call llpoii the ollicial lieureii us1 I met i-i t.'i oar witness : : amonu the soldiers uro becoming morn Scott, Crur.e nn-i Worloy were Slcnker'H voto in CriiiI..-iii, '271U 1 numerous than at home. Il was publi-1. the tr:v.k by both parlies, and uro now Wallucu'i do do -,'l" I ,.d in the l'ltt-burgh Ih-nalrh, one of the ready to unite their forc-s with 15 rney. in. vd rabid AboJitioi, sheets in the Stu'.e, ; Mi"., ll.ekunn and tne ret-l ol t:.e Ai.o- ... !' 1' i. 1. 11. I I 'and was written at Sli,u ;.s!.iii-g, Md., oii.uuoi: I nton .-Mn.iM.ers. n e tc;. ;ivn - ti,,. i lnr rtor tin. Into .-lection : I er, that, their labor in aUenn.'. in over- ,! "Kleeiion day oiiiet!) by, N'ery . tbroiv tho I.e;. ub lie, will prove lacnin . Tew vote- were polled in our i-i'itneiit, wild futile as their ellbrtt to lies troy .... 111.. . . . I 1 I . r I I ... ...... O'.ving rooaoij, o. too i.u.i u. '"" ;""' tli(' 1 )rinoiT.'-!:e i-irt-,' 1.1 It'. 1 . . I ' n. ..II .. ll'l.j lll'lll.. ,. , W til nee over Klenkcr in Clearfield, Ml 1'e.hict Slenk'ir'ii excess in Cumbria, ,54 A Nov lant (i, test of loyalty. Slnker over Walincn in Cumbria, o nuifh for Cuinhi ia. Now foi Choi- field : WuIUco'k vote in Clet.rh'cld, i2f Sb'tiker's do do Jil' ' kind ot tickets IJcoulilii-Hti was liirin-li i I ed us. U' Ait re all'ici cr 7".'i(V.s h e, t a . ' ,-Jii-, and ij ti' 't ''t' thoi t' Jii'ic us" Mrtar.;. r.u.:hy, ('hntham, Howe ml ! nii'l Kdss uro hand?om. Iy defeat.-1 ; Ml.oi r:,y I.I., ,11 llln-l X-lclll IT.. , While 1 i, li the il-. (wi :.l ion I'ohf.' mi if'a : t rugle-l in late i-lccUi- il, '.'ii- I.'jed j only s tale too fuel that, in tho t.iwnsi.o, t of Alliens, iim Abolinon horn 1 at,U'io,ie t . to .-:-.. tr iKthoerr.'.x , 1 i.yyw ( lii'iniiil.vruk 1 !;' ', 1 -.-fi'i-.' li t y were permitted to vote j Could !v... anv, oppress on and l,. carried .ultherV lieieaic the iacis, can ' j be -tthhlaiitid'ed by UL'iui alii, liable cvin ' " ' uleliC'', 11 nec'"-aiirT. Onto Ki.KcTiox.-The oliieial icltirns in i !i,uije I icivie, a v..t m in s.i'.d I - As c inclusive proof of w i l : i whu li Iho f this coualv ut t li' I. i-Soil.;':.-.-! ;'u ' 1. . 'ii .-ii .jii.'h 'I'i -.-a I !, . ,1 .Mum.,-. Wan en w,-1,;-, W,- ,ie Wc- till ) WW Mii! , i.rk M... i.v."..: j.ii: l.-Ci hammer '. i.t i (llt . thi . rv I,. hh". 'i i i. (Ik- r..n:it- aII'-ii, I' .Ml 1'.: 1 i; i : i , :. 1 i i,l Hi.; i.b i. 1,151 ' - i 'I 1 1 .'. '.1 . ' I v' .v ," i I'm.!,' I...1', I ' I i ! t 2 ! ' 1 1 1 1: ,i:-" ii, I ! A M : I , V I eacieot things in the world (or tho J'nninc t . tell tefiat ii na trvr. Now for tho wliolo district: Bldir, Cutubt In, Clearfield. Slenker. Wallace p:'".sente.l hi ticket ic S 740. 'The DtMii-. ' 10 l'.e olhours ot the eieci .on. II, s vole objected to on the uround ct Oi-lriv.s.-ly.or tor tin) rcinni th.,t be wm a lh-Mii. oral, and ho was aked lo tal;o an o.iili to illliliillM Iho Al:)i '.,.'!,',.., To th XI r readers would consider such ;m exhibition i . nemocrats to live Aboli'.ionists hnve. iVpuo ohjetod, when his vote iv.i, refit- Ibis Mu'.fl slicw Iho t'l'inoeratic m..ientv hi. lor in my vear Excess in favor of Wallace. llf, Having now 'publi-hed the tignres, as'on i1k, .sU( ticket to ! li would tluiKfcoem that it is one of the : re'iue.ited l.y the Irt0--e, may wu noi u.k ocnaic vot0 increased : lmo over lust tlio fcamo lnvor ut the liauUsol tne eiiitors i, i -i thfl i.iiiin,, iots u 2s.(.0').l.,). j - i - llr a v v nil; St ati: of the hen real ill ti.,, n . r J'et ; (kc. ';!'- !vnn i of that paper. We have no doubt theii- a ,emnci.ati(. m 0f Co ,K0, nml four- really "conjici.l," and -.ould not Ml to, U(.e f ,.cted to I ongrosH. Hsnker's exeeis. 27.14 2107 0715 f..142 4s3 i;;x5 2i,s0 22 17 till 12 ree precis. Tl . .-, ii.iinKi I 1 Ai t i ' : i ..i i.'ii r. 1. IU left tho ii. y. !m "nen: 7, '.' l I' li-.- . Si ti i'- r:e; 1 In 1.(1 1 he! ii l al t i ! for many y.-iii . wire rt'cttlv -ei p.. I rated ut .Icr.-cy ."-bore, in Lycoming county, Lock Haven, in Clinton count), and al !'ii llcf"n:e, ( 'enlrc cacnty, and wa-re so Kill till)' perioiuied thai up Id this Inn bo i wl.l'i ni'-i (' ,1 i I- ct , t:,. v i.' . . i "' !'i,.l j;Tzvi;iij Al till' . ill FliOI'l "I .Mi. Sunt. I k.irli. M.l'.i, .- . ' i i A 111 ly "iilicre tho luugli siiuui'i' imvo thirteen member in the present C ngros-. I'ii 1 1 y for ( ihio ; Tha Next Congress. come in. Tit u Farmeii's Cossoi.ation. We take tlin fi.llnivinn remnrka fmni iho IIulTlS- burg Tclfjmph : "The war, very justly, remarks tho Le banon Courier, does not ellecl the prosper- i. . . ... liivoflho fartiiini! interests, as Krain u . is inu, fe.n ,i0l a.iace .tins but, ;o,)uM lwcnl " cot- hi8,H.r to-day 4S3 votes bohind the State licket in the, tli411 a WOjld bo if wo had no war. The district. As this niav not be u-s well uu-1 hiiih nreiuiiiiii on cold is nn ttilvuntage to derstood In Clearfield us it is in I!!air, we!" the interests which export, and as the: jv p'r'Slm,. ii. d informed t hat to support the f o-ntltuii- nit -.v us ealied no clue v. liat.-ver lias I ucn discoverci 1 1 appears tha', ubonl i - !,,i.- ' lin would swear , ihe criminal. ol the i , I!, MIL DlJIS.C lOltsi v k) i-:i;s. - i,,, ' y su.. i . ilcivi.r tn iiir.-l T.',-, a, . , y, iinri. ri ut tin" I i. .-s .it. tl .I i1 ,' r.a'tiiil, M il .. r-'"rn:i;i IV'J lillii'-ll. S'.jitt-iiitji'i at .i:o.. , . I- V nml ,J,.r,l.n. ,U .1 'Ji ontillo. K n.ijt. Hi i, nl Nm- Milli.iMt. I'! " i ii . I. r I'n v iiicl roan. Hwv. will explain : S. S. Blair was the Kepub- fa,,,n"M are i1n(.,1"t Vf lU .lTJ! 1 1 ' l'liilip .Inhnson. .. ' ,. , , . 1 reap some ot the harvest. It their tnes ' . ;. Lean candidate for Congress, against Mr. shouUl bo somewhat hcavier.the increased , r ,v , C n r McAllistor, Demoe.nd. L. W. Hall was ! prices Iho war has brought them would . jr, j0"1- "X defeat v I hv P.l..ii' fne I ho t '.t.,,,..l ! eniible I hem (o meet their taxis without '. ;,' defeatod by for Iho Congressioral I enable (hem (o meet their taxes w J at iho recent election. fce-" tlie,n a wrilcn. If.. A. II. Colhoth, nomination, nnd al iho recent election. -" them a ouiucn. 17. Arch. M'Alister, wherever a McAllister Democrat cculd' According to the theory of theStnte or- o,. ,,oljn L ,,aivs011 be induced to voto for Hall for the Senate. 1 A" w,ir' l,Iull,'er an'1 lilxlion 5siu,t l!l0- i' Jffse Uu, M' Hall's friends haJ a Kepublican ready to Ulln 10 mnk0 11 l'e0I" rrosP"oliB . ,.,,... fntm v.i..;,,.-. mai:i- ti. : and happy . We havo stood amr.zed al ..v... ,,,.(,, ,v. 1.U .Hint, , 111, Tho Tenusylvania delegation in the House of Representatives of the Thirty Eighth Congress will stand in follows : Democrat!.. Abolition istti. 1. Sam'l .1. Kandall ' 2. Chas. O'Neill, 3. J eonard Myers, 4. Wm. D. Kvllv, 5. M. li. 'I hajer, 7, .1. M. I'liooinal, II. Thud. Stevens, HI. C. W. Scofiuhl, 20. Amos M) ers, K. Mooihead, Ins vote would bth of the j.iecnt inonth a well-dressed- l.e receivel. lins ot course, ."lr. Depue ana geiitleniau'y loosing nan p'o uied aeneded to.nnd beeaiv-ean Abolition bonpil tat the cie;ntcr of the .leisev Sh. re Hank, ; oT olhcers had the least right to make s-ich , mil representing hi nisei I to be l. . J ing, I'i-umm;,.., a re piisition, but for the reion tlmt no of the lirrn of -eth L. K ing i Son?, of S.-S . burns: .1". Cites, ,t Vsliinjci, II'1. e man who would not y ield a car lial si) p !h oadway,. New York, utid .".ti 1 Luke street, Wa.-l.ii.i-i'.ii, port to the Constitution eon Id be u loyal I Chicago, dealers in fui-s, .-kins, stutci ,,.V'v!ii,'.'M 'a: "'' ' citizen. I'ho oath via.- ii'lm'r.: istertd, and ! that in eonscouenee rf the Indian troub- ,.,..',,: '- i .. i,,,n i , ,,, ,lahii D. Stiles, S. li. Anconu. .ISO. Such is the couiise theile.s in toe West this description ol mer- m ( .-n I iiut'sue, ,7' (Ai') dun t' , chandi-e had L'real 'v enliaiieed in price, i llr.i.l' IMiort th( ir : and lie bad come into tnat i.'rlion ol tho vole received Abolitionists won Unit- Sa-ear Iieniocrais to support their ; un.l no bud come into tn week, eorrn.t nnd extravagant I renn.-ylvania to sen if he c tratiott ! Swcnr a man to oppose ihe beat ' chase thcte. He seemed t, interests of the country, so lhat the I'nvfi ! posted in the tiitcrs lino i-uiiiic roiiiiers may ue Kent, ,n ' presentm-' n power J No, I cinoerats 'ill never do that. Thank find they are Kill 'TN ION SA ' FKS." and will vot I'luek our lrlorious M. ,1 not t- : c -i :i l .M'.ri .-.i.l K.i I -ili. hi V l,M" Sr 21L 'I'hos. Williams, 1 Constitiitiou as a brain from the r-.nsnm- In.liMeti.leii.-. I.:- II. W- Tracy, IS. ilami-s T. Halo. ing lit e of "infernal Abolitionism." ( V.r- '; h-rd 1 trnTllt. i ;....; :.!.. m r-.i: i'i- .i- :?.!.. im I.-." l'i.:--t. ()-. I--r 1 .'. : i Vi . II i.-t m ici.i I'.ix. 1. 1, nt II .okury K;iir, ,l b"5j,-. .'-li. in Ail.i-t-.-- I'. . .nn-in, il W i".li-.:.i'i, Mi k Sih, nt t',-5iii bell, li'lli, at Pi.iAor. jK;;s'2i p.r.'ioKAi.i,. .Inly f.n, 1 r,.:. Jul. I i.ur.'y c!ii'. Democrats, 12 j Abolitionists, 10; In dependents, 2. lake Care of the Ketirois. ; . it. v.. n ii . . i ' l ie eieatilie Hlriiies lliKen IjV 1110 lull IV 111 io me aoio icusoii nnj ii aiiace runs lie-( " r ' - i Iiind his Stale ticket in Blair county ; aiHirowtr 0,1 Ul 1;i'd,way t0 ntllional ,uin' A Sap Stouv. The Hartford (Conn.) ... !... n..v.i-.,1 1 1, rt i .l.rt I'm, emi It,, r c 1 1 ,n 7- Preiic vil,i t iw f 1 1 !i t. l.oln'een three ni-nl four wniie we rejoice in the de wit or Mr. 15 a r. " '- " , V , . i the ctuircl ' i i , i i . .. i i - . . n-ei'L a n tin t lie w lie nl M r ( .onr.'i, I . I- ot-rl Li'i. . nui i i ; Tho money ! zens of the , ted lor tee ir -itvl 'o! o i i of iho white cili- il.iic ia not only proslilu- welhire. of the black tnce, but of a ' Iii to worshippers aie cm not only on account of his radical Aboli-W bave only t.een .ooKing ,n M KUoh thousands ct lion principle., but also because of his ! UlH 111110 en" 01 1,10 1101 nnu our u'eor ! ceasinnlv over the loss of two childien I hu' 1 hllhy conlrabat-ds I Hit daily mean conduct in turning a poor orphan iof politioal econemy falls to tho ground, three or four years ago, nnd had recently nii'l out i,r tbn Piiu, nil', ,i 'r,.m I The loss of a father, husband or son, is a been troubled with church dillieultieo, Her ful her nnd "i .. .... . ... ' , .;,.;i,, i;., t... ...;., i.,.iii. yet say it was dastardly conduct on , j.nm.l mu.ler ,. , ,o larmer only get. big., , i;; llelherTn, part ol tonia 400 or tHi Democrats of lilnir , f" lor 11,3 rtuu"l,u,"s"1' "no . mother-Mr. Lucius nml wife- throng mtotlie Nntionn! i fipiuil. 1 he Administration, having filled the houses of "suspected'' citizens, w ith those miser able wretches; having built temporary barracks, and filled them, also ; having used every "nook and cornet" thegovern inent does not need for its own use now county. J'.ltiir would have been defeated j l0"' 6 J came lo assist her husband in taking cure witl'ioutanv fuch suorificeofi iiiieiiiles on T.,r Si r .k r Th.. Demoen.ev of Penn, of her, nnd alter four days nnd nights of T1 , , , . , " ,. . incessant care, Mr. Ford and Mr. Tuleott , Fr"'n ,1'" cnurciiei oi wnno peon;e. Ihe..- pail. Jheir coiiilnet bear u ead sylvimm did a glorious work on tho day ol (llK, n.ilo uls;) hovMno insane-through a ' WQ fo. How "tho race" accumulate ! This centrist with the 13S5 gooJ and tiuo the hue election, by 6hclfting those threo'port of mesmeric influence, Mr. Ford 's n forttite of the "good' lhat is to come, i'cinoer.otsof I'hiir countv wliose integrity arrant deniaeoeues, who tho past year in -! thinks and all four were blioutinc nndi ' bineoln's Proclamation takes elloct, in ..l.l 1... ......1 i. - - . . i : :.: : r i bro.ikie'' all iho furniture in ihe hous. I Januury next, all thee. - - HTKU I'lV.IIM'V.i. Llvaiu t.H-W Ml. are correct, let ti eominre the vote of fair". .-A.. v in the conn i'The neighbors removed Mr. Ford from I tr' VVU 1,0 t'nJ'r -r the romlort and nc- I the nresnnceof his wile when ho became. ' eommodations of the lli.V negroes. "Will Lbiir f,r Congress, with the "vote for hisi wllllu(l(' to uaioMia A. uro, .--peaK-, ; , ; , rom;tins,0 Mrs vor,i!Mr. iiir.-liehl please ttri'ko un tho grand in J'.Iair and Cumbria conn- -cr 01 1110 Vs" "imp ongiess, wuo iim ..M removeU to the Insane lletreat. be periiatlv 1 1 a le, and wound up 1 rail of the .vtate I'.ank of Indiana for H. !'.") on the Car!; l'anl; of New York, was ci.-hed. 1 1 u then went to Lock Haven, nnd le'Lngan ; t .1 Iy plausible . -lory there, succeeded in "do im:'' the Hank l.vaied there out of ,",,'!, ;0. ll-.i appeircd lo be in no hurry whatever, 1 nl in a day or two after he tcok thest-i'.e for L.-llefonte. At. this point he present' , ed to Humes, M'Cullister.IIale .v Co., pi i vate baikeis, a similar dralt for Sl.lMO; also, one to W. F. Reynolds .H. Co. for f'.MKI, both of w hich were cashed. OiioDAi xn. i,. For tiny man who ii on. posed tn this war to get n substitute uc think pot disgraceful, if he can gel ono WHO fliceriully goes lor gouil p.ay ; hut il is llo,) ncres, .siiimi.. m I most disgraceful (or any man to get at-ubx eiMiUH-' nf i'i miies i i ,v : . . :ih h ;t. nt - Ji. 'I "II K : iSlaie iiekct l;wt Mr, national hyinn .1nl..i..l 1... r't....1tta IlA...Ci-.i, li, IT..I I ...:r ...i. ,i r , U"lli uuirmvil n,l "iiinro enii,.,ii,, -"j. Itllllllll IllIU wile IVl'HI lUKeil HUTCH ILMV -.lohn J5rown's soul is dollars. Iiluir county, Cni riii county, Plair. Cochrane, of Wilkcsburre, by nearly 20(H) majority, -lays later, and Mr. Talcott has since died. 2.'UJ X5 t1io next is the lengthy gentleman in our1 A" the imriiei are of respect ibility and 1,18 ISenatoripl district, Col. L. W. Hall, l.u J1'- lnlcott 73,1? Blair I 'l.ind his Stake ticket, 4020 3733 2s7 'Good!' stitute, nlien ho wa- and still n himself in favor of t!x war. Such men, wes.iv, deserve Iho contempt-of nil mankind. They have yelled for war, they uro seeuted ror war, and they have Vvttd for Tar, yet when tliey themselves have call ed upon logo (thend meanly sneak out ol it l.y hireing a pulntitnte lor a fo'v lfuo dred dollars. These men will bo nnmi) eo nough c voir for a continuation of tho war as long as they can got substitutes in their ..1 i... it i. r i i i . places in i i in: puiuy sum oi a tew nunureu a , r. ..-nr., ll.rt . ,.,1 1 ,s iJ- - - I" IT., nit lib tllC '''; IU ItllVJTW ,).-,.. Draft! Dri'.flJ YAH AIll.b 'I'lMI'.FiJi LANDS It' ntion o: 'in 'ons dt.,ir, of prelift' K . ii 1 1 ! Tii.i'.it's i.- j..vil.' I Mll.i l-'l ! i '. , ; tracts i.f Inn I itt:i!. in Km'ci ? towt ship, l'liiiti.11 ri.aniv. IVi'isjIvkiii . kicwn i tli c- I.UU.MN LA X :'.:. t- . : A ct rlii in trie't, i't'lin; Nn. tt lfi'.l, rrnnt4 it tltf rainie nf 'J' liilini'-, n. 'i.:uni"ir iJ. it Cl-ni'l Hun. a! Hi rivi-r, biinr '!' 1 1 m oer- '1 . i I "i I'ino nii'l Oak. . I, o. nii'itlii r Fin: 'Hit tre-tof Inri'l, lituMt ' tie. 11 mi'li df biii-li I.-l: 11.. I'l-r. ',, t,,'-io.t lid-i I Ii" litur, i'ii .laiuiri: HI acrPinml nllui.uoi nii'l liming a g'Kul ratling I- n'ti tlit-riion, '' I't.r liirnni ai-p'v l" ,;. h. ki:i;d. .IAS. 1.. '. It A T A II, Clear. IcM. July il", It 02. marching on !"' Hurrah 1 for Forney and these men. We hone our fro'iids in the the churches. lkm- Lcudcr. i several townships will keep us booked up. tS:(tnsjruvc 1 imt's. is iaid that ft careful calculation shows that in many, if not most, of t lie ag ricultural districts, the tax levied bv the I Federal government will not pay the cost Pav ok k.utki S01. hi pus. The pay per mor.thofthe militia vohtntters in the service of the Slate is the same ut that of ; speaker of the Sute Senate, who has been ! .!..(..- t I r.oi 1 li . k I ll'llt-milM I'I I'UI IU11UW lOTTIISlIIIUI f 111. v. 1 n T, .,1 , . 1 , ., .1 .1 . T' . 1 !, ,, ., , , Mr; Seward in a circular nddressed to lu"rl:l"'g. 1 mis uib nuv oniv operates voiunscers in ine service 01 10. iii'.-'it ial!ace,l,Si"i. I lmt other renegade, John 1. , V I ndUruscil tO)to . in ,iav ft ,,0.d) of coiic.',i'rs. and States, as f,,l!ows ; (5,!o,,el, S222 ; lieulen . !Kowc, Speaker of the last Assembly, litis our ''lwniiic nu consular agents a- 1 i, a provision for un electioneering army Unt colonel, !'.' major. 17!: cnptuin. JMtt, fs tne Jnbxint, 'notli:n avea i. ,,.,,., i. T i. i....i broad, says: " ou will see that the finan : ofi.nttv hacks. I!v its imlhoe, m.e.-niiori 1 si"o ;,o r,,-,t lieutenant. l In 50 fivnml rum (W a! luce) hut the political cnmpurivii national Democrat. " cial itunlion of the country is good !" the taxes fall heavily upon there sumo ! lieuteennt, SI)55D; privates ,l.'l. 'The ofthe '.isliictnnd hn Jh-e tliout-md soUirt This blow falls heavily upon tho AH.oli is a "good joke." Greenbacks SO per (jlstrieis Tho articles of purchase are pay in cae of the invaMon of the Stato is tarayrom (lictlrce eountitt." ! ti.nists. and should be a warning to nil cent, below par here, ,, tUiorl, wor.U. Here the 7Viium is more "connenl" than doniagoguci in the future. less everywhere else. No sale for Governs We must have h solid tax to s.,si.,in n..l.- .nilitia is called ni,-,n to aid the civil ever. It is :elly farsical. Let us see m ti,i..iu.,,iiii i..: i.-... 1 men t stocks nbiond, and our own people lie crod.t nnd national existence: but there ces. In such emerrencics non-coin e'.HBitill mai. iii:iiim I'I tll IIUUM HJUIt JHI. - - . . . j . ' . . what ihe "political complexion" of the pas "jawhawker," robber, murderer and dropping them nnd investing in State nnd 'ru Srcai, errors and ine.pialmes in the 1 sioned olhcers nnd privates receive S! oil district teas. nd now it. At the Govern- negro stealer. Ji Lank, he was "on Lis other local Mocks ; foreign exchange near. ' ""j'ti" ' a Tx U nmcnM ,w , l',or lli r,u Vl' n,1,J muii.M,.,.ed oilicers wnv lo the m nris orUrpvnn w 1 h n dinvn 1 Ml ,,. . n, i,l f,,r , v n..,.ra inmi, in 1 same coinpensavion as mo.-o in un: ) i.l.... ..I If 1 1- . . . . . " jl Tl - tti ft n T Ol.l'NI lil'.R I--And I.jt ;. nir imAi y the cli.a;i cifh ft.iia ufJ nlin lins ju.-t reeei veil a anf -. you run gi-t (ini.ii M'elin im " CHlioo " " Pnnr " " r-vnin, " " Huh, p.-r ssrk, nt JS n " Simp neiJ" boot', S .',0 per ,"lr. tii'l nil claor nrliclos t the lcmvil war nrii-, furivrienillo. Sept. 10, IS'i. 1 i'liDinrtsoi . atoak u.'goodi. 12irt It " iii tir the vil pro- mm A JV3 vy iUP mum VW tiS ? 0 or's iecth.:i in 1S0O the vole was thus : U!r county, CtBjbria do Cllffwrfiehl do Of Cattle On Which lie made fiftV thoilenml inma iv mnnll.11 nml Viuir nnlrnrl nt. I lull. t j-ohier. purlin, ctollnrs." J Iim is the.AnaV of his running Secretary Cha-e paying 20 per cent, for .i 2040 IAVe wonder if lhat editor who crows regular arinv. l'ni- 7 V . . PepUtniii-r M. !' ''.3 tf. .mn "it ,,..p r-ont tor .... .. ....... S0511 1 Rnd from Wnshingion westward, prom gold to 4v inlHrestio the creditors of the an,i 1,l,wnU' ln ,lic 8i breath, over llnv UrnnvAi, or mi: Deah.-I h" rt, stives "iii jsmgin speechei and telegrams to raise Government ; gold being contracted for success of Mr. Aallaoe, can salirfactorily and fi lends ol the hruve men who lell n; Hail having a majority on (he battle field of 1755 thoueends of negroo and other troops ! jjanrattcr J'ncuijcnar. neneo. at turiu-tiu.- n,;i- -.,. nrmu And o n . , .. - . 1 .i..-. . .-...- in.- 'iioir he .1 fno --- -- - , . , . , 1 : . iiircu iinf -ii.t; 01 me Male t ckpt nnd 10 laise up unii ieniovc uicir 1 cumins 101 .,. .. ., bli; w . 1 ..-.i tt. the 'hnancia silual on of the rouitirv is 10 ik.kpi, nnu ' inddtc I to h 1 1 poinoKi "n-,pao,i.. j.ince Mr. Seward dcclare.l that ovor ''W ,UCs tliat' of Mr. r.luir, in a , reintermi,nt at their Homes, tine evenin? hm.iodlato pnyn C. . 1, IV I ' . , .- . .1 ... I in iiuuaio), 10 ue iio:ivered six nionins account lor. Mr. Iieneo, at fortu-twc )cr cent, premium nnd cm i -irt a'iob N r. mv: Is herebj- given tllUl 1 ftll'M Of. JliDH t ion liavn lci'n in ll j'i lo .I'd uhscriVr i-n Antietain continue pFtmo of I'KTi.K, uWrlN s in't J ' ' n hi" Oj01rfie, ri,,,., ,U.'fs.'il. AH P4" enliiti', nip r"',usUd l' metit, nnd tliosn huvinj c.i- ijif llppublican majority, Here we tee that, in JViio, the "political Siste? BC-Tlie President ha ftppoirited Jlavid Thms of Illinoi. Jnochle Justice the rebellion would be suppressed in "six certain loc.di'y in this district ? while Mr. ,list w,H'k t,icra ,vet0 twenty corpse at Ihe f .m l'(,,n, Q"m ia'" 188,of the tiprorjio Court of Un 'Jnitivl weeks,-' ho ha not utlerivl nnythingso Wallace tan far behind the pai ;v vote- railroad dfpot awaiting trnnsporlalion 6 " ' .KIDS UWEN3, A4'r, gloomily 'good' aa this. W. (t- iSl-noW. 1 North and West. llnytrstown JI,rad. l'ike ,inihis Fi'pt: U, V-.