Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 29, 1862, Image 3
0 ;t r i 1 1 h . (11,. I,,-, t I ' Kill tnjMtf'l I')' -.. I in i f n I'luin", ) t ri . i i r 14 l-tf A tii'tt'iiilt" li Hi brl fl I ri t 't I'll li in t i 1 1 ilnvi'h by t'n nii .i i Hi iimMotu i' HOfa man i until. I nrini witlimit SWiaritiK, l urtn; Ll diriir Hri of iotuot ursiity "af Thp law should iroHr-h it fit when it film' rniuei nllping through it finders. Itef'Miort call aro lent," it the fly aid w heti ho alighted iiinn tli hot tOVe. fcWllio rrtijnnt reviewed 0n. Modioli tin 'a army on Friday he-t and wan everywhere recoivod with demon "riktrnlionii of enthuniasni Iter Almost vwry yonng 'a ly it pub. iu "inriiou onoui(t to Do willing to have herfathura liour-o iihoiI uh u court houso. Wo clip theahoro from u republican exchange, whoso editor, no doubt, "pohu as ho fult, making himself the utandard. KSfWhnt in the difference botwoen an accepted and a i njected lover? The ono kiNNCH. hin Mj(.Nua, and Iho other miVACN JllH klHSOf. rA publio writer thinks that mueh might he gained If speaker. would oh Beive tho millers method ulways to chut tho gage when the grist Id out. IaH$read i tho htafT of life, and li eioor the stilts tho former stiNtuiniiig a man, and the latter tilovatinir him for a fall. B Rowland Hill Paid, 'ho woild not give a farthing for the mau'a religion whose cut and dog were not tho better for it." m.At a printer a festival tho follow, mg tnawt waagivou: "Tho editor and the lawer tho devil in atisfied with thai copy of tho former, hot roduireo the orginal of the latUr." He who truely wishes the happinees fir une nnn AannnA 1. .. I ' . , ... .v onuuui u lODg Wll(lUt dlofovering some mode of contribu. ting to it. It hns hoen tnld in behalf of riccond maniagori that wodlock ia like wino not to bo properly judged of till tho fccond. A worann offering to aignadced, the judgo akcd her whether her has band compelled her to nign? "Ho compel me!" naid the lady 'no, nor twenty like bim 1' A pedler being asked by a long, pind le-shnnkcd wag, if he had any tin ovoi liall.i, answered : '-Xo, but I have u pair of candlo moulds that will jni fit you." aj" "Is that bell ringing for Hro?"in qnired n youth from tho (jrton monn tains. "No, they huvo to much some whero and thoy ring tho boll for wt. ter." "Canyon tell mo how tho word Salmon In upelt I" wan aaked of a Cockney by a rhiladelphian. "Cer tainly,'' naid the Londoner with a look of triumph ; "Thcro'H a been' and n hay, and n holl, and two hoes Whilo ono ofonr cbaplaina of tho army was ropcating thin lino of the Lord a prayer. "Give us thia day our daily bread," a soldier added, with a loud voice "fresh." IsjrTho Binghamton Jenrnal in con etructing a new dictionary. Itdefinos "Man a conoral term, embracing wo man." If thm is a eample, the new dictionary will bo comprehensible enough at least. fcajr""Wliy do you drive nueh a pitiful looking caroaaa as that f Why don't you put a heavier ooat of flonti on hirn? &aid a traveler to an Irinhcar driver. "A heavier coat of flosh f By the power tho poor oroattiro can har dly curry what little thero is on aim row ! Life ia a thing which many people. necro in a great hurry to got rid of, if wo may judgo by the number of 'fast' young men now-a-days, who uho themselves up with the greatest ap parent satiHfaotion. Women aro said to have strongor attachments than men. Is it not bo, Strength of attachmont in evincodin lltllo thiaga. A man is often attach ed to an old hat ; but did you ever know a women having an attachment for an old lionnot?" "Never ! never I" fVefSaid an old preaeer once, "Fel low mnners if you were told that by rfnlnir 4 f tlin Ion of the iltiti .aha. .V.L-.i ,-..;. . ' "a vi", j.i'" "' i MERCHANTS, and dealer In Dry Of tho church) you might Secure yoor Goods, Groceries, Ilnrdware, Qaeonsware, aid eternal salvation,! really boliove hard- thing usually keyt by the trade, emre on lv nnv of ron would trv it Rnt Ut ISKCOND Ktreot, below Judge Leonard's, oppo ly unj oi you wouia vry 11. ijut let ,lt4 lh, PrbyU!rt.B Cnurch Clearfield P. any man proclaim that tuoro were Deo. 4, issi. fire Lnndred dollars up there for you, and I'll be bound there would be suoh a gutting np stairs ae you never did eeo." An Irishman catohing a thiof s band u his pocket at tho Post Office, the rther day, knocked tho raaoal down.j n.-l K,iren tA tramnln on his CarrASA it hocro dancing a Furdowner's ' "What's th at for V said a byatand- (.1. "Oeh 1" said Tat, "it's small chantr he fiillow r iri vim wnntod n,l fuitli T'm f. i . ' ; - niTU a lew post ojnc flriDAl" llllr til X AM.1 1llmi'l WinU I II tlol M Iti Kinhfo, liMn i . . i.'Vi, tl t (.Il n Hi"'' I'M lh "t, I trim l UiiHUIi.(t. I A 1-llnH iil ri lii i I In UK' H'f ui llfiilt tt h f'.U"lM tU f I I MlU'n. I n tn ifiui, (t tlU.j I Ml t ,Tn iitnr, (IhIIkh.) ft I N Thfct ftrf, ((t llf,( I M I ' I I inlh A iimi I. Nm Wpw. I i t f 'ttniliiitM.I i i I I I 0(1 00 Thro i-vmr, I I I I I 00 00 Tour (qnnrcf , I I I i 0 00 10 00 Ulf tftohiMin, i I I I I 00 It I'O 0, rnlninn. I I I I 1 4 00 10 00 Otcr threo -k n.1 If llinn OircO BPOtht it u for qiir fft rh limrtlun. Pn7iit nt!iKn nut toMJing Bltnoi r tt- mlrtmA tar f 1 Ik vettr. AdTertlmtiU n. rki wltktlio nnmW of tiiloni4oilro, will io cvntlraeJ uiilll rorblil nil iktrginl upoiinllcg (a tli.o trm. , JOB PRINTING. An KXtennivo nUx:k of JolihinK matorin enable tho ruMishcr of the " Jiqmblitiin' to announce to t).e jullio that ho in np rrd to do all .iiuU of 1'OSTSKS, l'AUPal.m, I'aiHlllABMW, , Hi wis. rri Boon. niai-CLAH, 1 Labeuh, Ball Ties, and every lnd of printing usually lono in a country ob office. All orders will be executf.1 wilh nont nmi and Uwpatcb. U. B. O00DLAKDBR CO. Ct)UNTV WRECIVRY. Time of lloldlufr Court 8eund MntuUy of January, Tbird Mooda of March, Third Mvtidity of Juim, fourth Mond.iy of BvvlemKar, lu vuuti yr, and conllous two wecki If na cary. County Olflrcr. Pron't Jailg,Hon. Siiniuol I,inu. IlcIIefonto. A'la ndgt'ii, Hon J.l.TIiflinpi'on,Curwanilll. lion. Juiu Iilouui, Voroil. fib.r.ff, IMward PrV., ClearBtld rrollinoUr,Joho L. CultU, Keg. A Hoc. Jiitn.n WilgU'jr, limtrict Alt') Uxo Tert, IreiMuror, Jnirpb Bhitw, C. Burrtvor. H. K. Wrlslit. fllen !Iope Clearfield i'"1"1" n Morreii, S. 0. Thompson, Morrladale Lutberaburg Phillpabnrg ClearHeld K. Waaklnrton leonte,a Milla Cnjweurvlllo. Jaoob Konti, B. C. Howaimi, J. B. 8haw, C. K. Worrell, J. W. Potter, Jeaae Uromal, Aid! lota. Comer, Ce. aiapt. TotcntUpt. Boorie, Brtll, LUt efPoot Office. ATaiaee P. O. Mnmm fllen Ilope, Bower, Cheat, Guah, Oatend, Clearfield I'.rHf e, Willijiins tiiuve, I.ullioraburg, Treutt-illo, JeSerann Lln, Foreet, Hew Waahlnj;! (i. W. Calwell W. McCrackcu T. A. M'Ohee J. W. Camrbal) ll.L Henderson P. It. Miller Bogga, Hrndford, J. E Val.-.m. K. II. Moore. C- J. Bloppy, John Hcberliug Jns- Hloora Wm. Pcath. Jm MoMurray J. Patrhla A. 6. Totar M. A. Prank. P. A. OaDlia. P. W. Hchnarr T. II. Fleming. Centre county Mi?F Ricleliii. h Krdy, Uloem, B timid, Hurnaide, PatobinelUe. Cbaet, Herd, Olearfteld, Clenrfleld, Covington, FrenchTille, kurlhiiaa, CurwenrTllle, i;nrwcnallle, Deenter, I'liilipi burg, Ferfinon, P, Uirnrd, it lioahcn, (Iruhain, Wet Pccotur, Marrnn, Helen Poet OCki', l,reonnte'o llllls, llnld Hills, Miuwaville, (1 ruhamton, Pmltha Mills, Madeira, Tyler, Peanfleld, Anann'ille, hall Lick, Karthaaa, J New Millport, ISreekenrldgo, Kylortown, Morrlsdnle, Lumber City ,t Grampian Hills, (.'urweoevillc., lllooiningTlUe, Hook ton, Kdm. Wllliuina Hlk county, I'a. C. Miguot Williuui (,'arr A. R. Slmw T. II. Forcoe. A. fl. Fax. C. J. Posey. Pnvid Tyler II. Woodward Klita Chase (i. Hnckadorn , V. W. Hohnarra M. O. Htlrk. J, W. Tiionipa'o Joe. Thompson J, C. liionncr, It. VY. Spencer, A. C. Mooro, T. TV. Fleming. B. P. Dale tl.Itrabaker. Jos. Loikett- Oullch. ii Ilaaten, ii Jordan, Karthaua, Karthaoa. Knox, Lawrence, Morris, i Penn, ,1 Pike, ii rJnbin, Woodward, JolTrlae, 3 Thia Post Office will do for Chest township Will answer tor Ferguson lownahip. WM. M CUI.I.OIGII, ATTowawr at , Law, Clearfield, Ta. Office with L. J. Crant, Esq., on Second street. March 20, 1863, If. J ILjEtli'SiralbaffP Et ft 5 , LUTHRR8BCEG. CLKARPinD COOHTT, PA. IIBNRY KVAN8, Proprietor. March 10, 18(1.2 ly. AL PATTKKSON, Attorney at Law, Cui e wonsfille, Pa., will attend to all business , ntrnated to his eare. Office opposite the New ' Methodist Churoh. feb. I, 'HI. nv t v vivrrvv " Pl.-i.if.. ..i'TV.f . i .i ' '?..r"rC!!n. r'"fn7 locaUd at Frencbrllle, Covington township, off era bia professional eervioes to the surrounding community. May 8, IsSl. J. P. KRATZBR. J MKRCI1 AJ1T, and dealer in Boards and Fhlnglea; Grain and Produce. FRONT 6trevt, ebove the Academy CloaHlald Pa., Deo. 4, 1881. DANIEL GOODLAN DRR, J fJHTICIi of the poaoe Lotherahurg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all buainoaa en'ru'ted to re.oe tq March 2i, 1SA0. y. pd. CVRKNIT8 nown. JUSTICK OP TUB I'KACK. For Dbcatp Township, ill promptly attend to all business entrusted to his eare. T. 0. Address, Pbillpsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1S81 . W. BMITO i CO, ft. a acta. v. J. ctruiftcaa, BUSH k M'CULLOUGH, CtlUctioi Oflce, CLRAiniLD, Pa. SH OtARA's TStw Bciuio. IFiffffl Fiira. mRIt anbaerihera have a i.d,. .1 Viais JL'" f dispose tf very cbenp. REBD, WIAVKE Clearfield, Jane 15,1842. CO. A V0 L0T of ikoso jMfly eeOakeat X - HAILferool ekeot) for e by P.f.ETf? n no VSfaA m, im, ,. Aff - v (mJ r Z WillritiuK Hnlrto Uraw on Bli Hoaitui will, Roitoro (Iri-T nr Mmiiij IUIr In lu I ORIGINAL CONDITION AND 'JOLOIlj! Will prepiil the Ilnir fm Flllnf Off, nl f ro mulok New and Ilcnllh Urtiwih ; eompk'tt'l; rraimi'i iiiimirun, will prvrDl and ture Ni'tvoun llnalitch.- will nie to (lit II ilr Clmn, (IIomt Ap pi'Aianoo, and In n l'rtulu Curo fur nil Mirtfti of the II r d. rric, 75 OnU ; tdron BotlUii for W 00 For Hale at HA li TH WICK'S IW UO STOIiJi, Mark, t St., Ckarpld, Pa. Hliiporfit and cnmplvt drvmiag for Iho jj s uair. nrn'i mu iiiuwiiik W b vj m e q Uii f. SIarioal i OrrirK, Itew York, Nov. II, 1MI. ! WM. (JRAV, Iiiq. Danr rlr Two monlht nfo my haad waa almost entirely bald and tho littio hair I bad waa all grty and fulling out very faat until I frnred I ihouhl loco all. I ominenc.d lining, your Hair ltntlvraiirm, and It Immadiately loppad tha hairfnllinR off, and anon rcftorad the anlur, and uftur using two botllea my brad iaeorn- ' pli'lxly rovurod w-iilt a henllliy growth of bair, and of the ramo color it wua In early manhood. I Uko (trout pleasure In rorommonding your i- , f Hunt Jlnir HenlO'iitiv aud yod tuny alao rof.r oa doubting pi'mon lo rna. i RObKUT MCItKAY, C. 8. Marahal, ' Boulhorn Dlatiiot, Now York. ; yr al by the proprietor, (Win.Qray) al iba , Kaitorntlvo Dupot, !!01 Brondway, New lork, Alao for aale by John H. I'lerec, flenernl Ageol i Krondway, N. Y., and by all Drugtfal. JIMIN'S. i'lKKCK, Uoneral Apent, I No. 085 Broadway, K. Y. i K. II. Drngltta or others aandiag rnah ordera for the lleatoratire, will be aupplied with eirra lara c.nitiiinlnjf ccrllfieatea from people of the I bigheat reapectabillly, fiotn all parts of the enun j try. March 111, 1802. 1 y. K Ol.t.OCK'S DANDELION OOKKEK Thli prep tralion, made from the bent Jarn Cof. ) fee, la reeoinm.iide.l by pbyaieiaos ns a aiiporlnr j NlTTKITIOlrl UKVEIUUB for !i,eral Peliill-' ty, ryspepsla and all blllloue ditoiders. Tbous- I ends who have been compelled to ubuudoa tb nse nf coffee will nse thia without injurious effeeta Ono can contains the atreoath of twe pounds of ordinary coffee l'KK'K 2j oonl. i Ka lack's ij 57T.f,rr. ? I Tlu'l'iirestand beit IIAKINO I'OWIiKll known for making light, tweer tin. I n ulrilino I'rcnJ aod ; Cakoa. 1KK H li cenU. Ai'rArTiKiD nr M. H. KULLOCK, CJIKMIST, 4r. ff JiroadiV Vhftnut iVnitf, 1 MUidilplna. a tin aoi.n or all MiunoisTs abu auoi tns. HOLD AT K. MOSSOr'S. Peb. 2fl 1862, 1 yr. Cabinet. Chair Making, JOHN (il'LICH.of the borough of Clearfiola, I'a., will bo prepnveilat nil limes to attend to to any business In tho above lino on short notice, und in a worknmnlilto miuiucr. Ilia placo 'f busiuosa is at tho old shop on the north si Jo of I mnrkut street, 3d door cuat of Third at., nearly oppoisito tho old Jew store ; where he will keip constantly on band a large assortment nf Ma , hogony and Cnne Bottom Cbalra, aod Cabinet j Ware of every description, which he will dispose j of on as reasonable terms nj the seme articles can bo had elsewhere in the county. I Uia stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, eon 'lata In partnf Proving nnd Common Ilorraua, j Solus, Scwinc- nnd Washing Stands, Desks, ond Dock Cases, French and Field Post Iledstenda, I Dining, l!rcnkfa.l, Ccntro, Cord and Pier Ta- bles, 4o. Ci.iTins tnauufitctured and delivered any place ile.dred. February V, 18fi. no. 4, vol. lv. at National Hotel, MAINR FTREET, Ct'RWENSYILLR, PA WM. A. MASON. Proprictor- rpniSlong cslablialied and well known 110 X. TF.L, titunttJ in the wort end of tbo lawn, baa bvenremoildled, enlarged and improved, and the proprietor respectfully announces to hi nu merous friends, and to tho travelling public, thai L . . . ..J . I... .11 I . I nv is mow jirufinrru 10 nccomiuouaie ail wuo may favor Mm with call. Ample, snfe and comfortablo stabling ia at tached to the premises, and trusty attendants will alwuyr bo on hand. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, 18S2.-tf. LEVER flegal, Justice of tho peaco Lulboraburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., win attend promptly to all busincia entrusted te bla care. April 4, IBM. Mbssliehris. . Txakdemos coihkh. a fr.h and U lr3 supply of thia eolebralod Coffee juat reived d for 1. by D. . RTIWBILBR. March 13, 1IC2. WATCH St JEWELRY riHIE undersigned respectfully 1 informs bia euajnmera and the public generally, that ho has just received from Ihe Kaat, and oi en, edathis estulilishincnt In GRAHAM'S SOW Clearfield, Pa., fine assortment of Cloixs, Watciikb, aud Jkwklrt of different qualities, from eiuglo piece to a full sett, which he will toll al the roost reasonable prices for cash, or In exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on bond, at the moil reasonable Prices ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches od Jewelry earofully repaired and H'ltrrnaicd. A continuance of patronage Is solicited, I Pcpt. 19, 1880. H. P. NAU0LE. Sbarloa; and llalr Dressing. JEREMIAH NQRR1S reei.ocUully annnoneca to bia friends of Cloarfield ond vicinity thai hi has rcturnod to his old stand, and is well pre- pared to render tho most perfect soiiafartien to o)l who may dealr uls profeaslnnal services. CTeurOeld. April 0, It. CLEARFIBLD STOKE WAKE PflTTEBy.. Thankful for past favors ond sollcitlnus of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully announce that I have on hand again, and will constantly Reep at the Totter in tbla bwrongh, on tho cor I ner short distance east of the Methodist Church, targe stnr.K oi irocKery, sucn as vreuun orocia, ?.Ca3'3 dro. aro. I and also an extensive assortment of .V Yl I- III rY U. V l - II f I TV ,v,; y vj 7o H jQ N different aises and patterns of brack ts and j roscltea fir cornice nn houses, and other moul-; i dings. , Any mouldings not en hand will be made to j I eider on short notice. Also fire brick mode . and kept for salo. i f-ffK liberal reductiea en prices made t ! ; wbpleaale dealers. J. LRITriNlJIB. I Clrarleld.aary 2, llnl.-Ty. HltYftM) AHt ItAllM hK "II W ,e ' -tV 1 l"'1 ft I y f", ,. m.ri lhe .,r-l"ll 1 r li Hi I h !! ll'l klU , A I ti " "M'i I h iU f"f "rO'. I' '" III "I'' " )"" ln ,M' r ' " mi. mi ilia. l(,h. k Inltt hill Ki fll iat I'IxumuiU U lh ris.' whI (juli k. , iy hi riMti-tn It ni : i Jl tnnitii ll ri olmn hi WO' tfl Wo, Anil 'U ilir no"' ln ''"' ! ! Jiifl k In I'll vnnt miH m'll U I.lkit Hhctii'f lin rn ilul'l' rirn"l nil ili'llghti'il, tmi Uli Tb tmlf b "l tcrn 1'ilJ. KAMl'KL rUEASANTJ". fl OwrScld. Jiibo 18, IHOJ.-ir. G ... - OOClSi (jOOdSi! liKED, WEAVKR f W. VKB Jut now opciiing op tnrge iiaH "I'li-n did MrtroDt of tKAKONAULU HOOVH wbirh the off. r nl I eee d 1 D g 1 r low prion Flr. cstno 0rit nerfuJ. w7 jn, ej. -r- , Steam Engine and rage baw-Mill a complete, IOT StllC. TRAM KNOINK, fullowln dimonalona i Cylinder 10 Inohas In diauioterof bora, with 2i fuel Hrokt ; allds vulvot with mat iron bed plater, or aboar, with fore punip, Uworoar and fly wheal, ife., complete j with oopper and other plpea; TWO l)OI LKR3 H indie. In diameter, double 8uod, 16 foet long, of o;ood umtertii! f Jo niala Iron,) fly wbool 11 feel iu diameter, atiout U00 tba weight, with oil globoa, and all neceaaary cut-ii aqii wrunt iif'B i wnn vim euui u hiumtii l t . i . . to Urial-Mill Tho Bngine baa been used for running both Grim and Haw-mill euoooefully. SAW-MILL, PAOK'S nP.ST PATBST-orr.plctewith Rntrhot lload-lllocka, Two Circular Hnwa, rilrnp, and all ncceaaary machinery for aitwing Lun,ber. The alio re Kngine nod 8aw-inlll can be on at Urahamton, Clcarfiold county, ' JrVT Vut i.arfloulara, pply to the pro- , P"tor, at UearOelil, l'i JAfl. D. GRAHAM. Jaio 21, 1802. flIIH underslgnel, baring taken charge of the Jl well known Morrladale Houso, at Morrladale, t'loarBijId connly, rospectfully aolicita a ibaro of public lU-uiiiigc. No paina or expense will be or priced niachinta." I'eiinsylvuuian. fpnreil to render gueete comfortable. Charge j "This muchiue, in the opinion of Iho commit to auit Ike timea. ! ttl fia nioru nearly the requirements of a pur- April, V, lH(12.-y. GH0. RICHARDS, i leot family uiaebiio than any ou exhibition." TYRONE CITY HOTliL. ROBKRT MACKLEM, Proi-rietcr. Reaaeclfully anoouieei to the travelling pnblie that be kas new taken charge of thia large and well Bnewo house, and will eendnet it iu eueh a manner aa will render excellent eomfort and al lafacrien te all who may faror him with a call. July IS, Iff!. Important Information ! Londfn'u Indian Kxpcttoranj ff til I."' HK.MKDi is offered to the oominuiiity I I ak ih. nr,,l..nn r,.l in un .ruiu which lold.iui fulls to rvallxo the happiest ell'eeUi lbitcnbo doaired. So wido is the Held of its naefulaeaa, and eonomeroua tb cniesef Ita euros, that almost every eoction of the country abounda with persons pulillc'v known, who have been res- lorod bv Its nse. Hero is ono can-of an ASTONISH I Nit ( Tina hat C'butikt, That my ,. r. . sun lay sitk for twolve months, under the Doctor's cure, with the ilUeaao of the Luns, nnd every remedy proscrib ed by the Doctor failed to give relief. I govo np all hopea of his recovery : ao dtd ihe physician. At thia atage I prevailed npnn him to try n bnttto of LOUDON A CO'f. INDIAN EXPECTORANT, and tho reault wna most hurtv, as tho use of three bolljea effectd n permanon't cnr, und bo li; now a hearty boy, JA.MKS LAYTON. Derry Towuahlp, Indiana Co., Pa. No Family ahould he without It; and those who have used it, never will. I keep ail of LOU DKN'8 STANDARD FAMILY MEDICLNE8 for sale. Call and too the list. A. it. 8IIAW, Sbawsville. KsaU For aule by other Merchants in Clearfield oouuiy. April 2, 'CI. 6m. AH K0 T. LBOBtan. WH, A, WAI.LAC. r. a. nir a. p. rmiiKT 3anhinjanb CoIIrclioir Qftu LEONARD, FINNEY dCo. CLEARFILI), CLEARFIELD COUNTF, PA. JOIkL OL KXCHABOSI, OTK AID DRAFT MeOOCrrK I POSIT?, KKCEIVKD, CoU,tien made and proeeedt promptly rtmitud Rxctiaiure on the Cltlts conntanUv on hand. MT'ODico on Peccnd Pt, nearly rermedto the Olt'DT llillTuv uuni nvij,?r JIARTSWICK'S IEiruac? a ce tr o& a Markrl Slreel, Clearfield, Pa. CONSTANTLY en kaad a large and wn locted stock of DliUGS A CHEMICALS, PeJnol, OUb, Varnlsbea and Dye-Ptoffs, riot Ilruahes, nnd Rruihetof all kinda, Perfumery and Fancy Artleloe,; Tobacco and Began, Stationary, Liquor for Medicinal Purpose, (Inoladlor Brandy, whiskey, Gin, Port, fihorry aod Madeira Wines, Ac, Ao., Ao. A large stock constantly on hand, of the most approved make for durability and comfort. 44-The Doctor will personally superintend this department of the business. Clearfield, May It dm. Going it Alone ! NEWJtOV having eonunooeod 1 the mannfaetare ef BOOTS ehd BH0E3 would reepeelfully ooliolta ah are of publio pat ronage. Without making a great, or any raeh promises, it shall and will, be bit steady en deavor to soloot The very best of Block, Make the very best of war. And (at least lioi.a for) TbO very be at of eoatoea, . (If dil aintfio'lry it looks very Uke M bat h I I tvwlA .IiIaIi 1. I..4I., So, "wade la" end gat Fif. Shaw's Row door aett Ktjntbtirmn offie.o &o. Kiwouar. C1erfl1, Joly 9, 1861. y THOMAS 4. M'CUI.roTJC.II, Atloraev t i.ow. ffle on Market street, opposite Mossori'o 8 tori Cleafleld, P. Wil) attend promptly to Co lire dov7I4 1 if BTHII KL8 FT, A A"-SEED 1 I III in eichnujre for Goods at WANTED he Cheat Ptrtre of J. D. THOMPPON. CtrrwwTiavTlle, ffcl. 1, TJ.-flC WALLACE, Attirbtst at Law l o., Oflic in Hiaw'a Row, on 0BRKT J. CloiirDeld wile t Jenrnal sre. dae. t, U68. tf. I'rico niih Hnrtncr :i5 oo. Tnra Mirinnr inn A potwt nv SUPERIORITY PECULIARLY ITS OWN. ,B it hta H j g. andPellin g with ' Single Thread. Il forini a Hat. vcii, and liMie noain, Mh l A 11 KA .K I hU nol to rip in wear, f ven ir Hit ophiii ia rut at frcUi'iit Intvrviili, ftiul nliio undur A riitoiitml device of grant utility to leiirnem, prevenla tho poaalbility of the innrhina being run In the wr ing direction, or tho ba'auc whoel wenriUK Indy'a ilroaa. , Anothor fenturo which deaorro pafliculivr at ton i Ion ia 1Thi! Wiiooi Pathiit Nbudio CAIWT 8 auT WHDNU. I Two thoiiannd atitchoa, or Iwo yarda of work, ran be done in ono minute without dropping a alitrh. Thane innrbinea, ao limple anil accurate in tlieir eonalruction, auperaoilo the life of the uliut tie I and wilh ono thread produce all tho pwctl- eal rennlta of the two thread machined : and n,oro' for these foil without boatlng.and hem the nneni muann wmiiiut nueiteriiii. , - - r - ---o- Although at ubout half tho price uf tho othor firat claaa mncblnea, they will accomplish douli le Ibo vowing lu &, given timo "It ia emphatic ally tho good, low-priced Fam ily Bweing Mm Lino that tho puhlio have long been waiting for." lioston Transcript. I "It ia inaeed wonderful production, and for fumily nio especially, no other wil' bear any enmpiiriaou witu 1l" Philadek n!a Kreuing 'Journal. "A uiaebanloul wnnd" Selentlflo Amerl fnn. I "Among the best nnd most aerviceahlc 8ewlng ! Machines. Light and elog'mt'y fiulahcl, nnd ' au aimplo in Ita construction that It seems al ! most Impossible for jt lo gel out of repair." -I'lttuburir Chronicle '-Haa iouibine.1 with lis oivn narullur moriu .lithe reallv vuluublo iniiiroveuieuia of tho hlirli- jruuklin lnatitute bxbibition lteperl of 1509. Tuklui' Into conslderiLtioo slinnlieilv. cliuiin I noas, durability, aud doing all work, the tiomnnl 1 tee wore uuunimously in luvor of the Wilcox it , Oibbs us a ainglo threud mncliine." Peimsylvo niu Htato Agrieulturnl Socioty'a Report. I "We must, In justice, express our confidence In the merits of the Wilrox A Uibba Hewing M i jcbine. We consider that a grcul ilesldeniluin hue been supplied by It, In proving, beyond doubt, that In o threads ure not, ni n:u suppo- . tea lioccssury Ion pno inalruiit'iit. I. lin.,UiiO ; A,Uni.l tin.l .iMiirn,.! .Tt: 1 KM I "We httva ono of these muehitus in nse, and! uiuiu tnoro highly of it than of any of nnui . l'"r hnve tried. l.iehmon I V, l.i '. Th undersigned, Missionary to Con. UtiUna . n"3 ex'"iaca more lunn iwonty d.iier m. , kluii3 of aSuwiug Machines, and after s oineteut. j 1 fekn Prlenco with ilcox .1 ti.blia1 l'.il.ip- ; h" h"" P"""'"4" " of -! ) ( ted to tho wnnts i.f bin Liuiily, in d . the en:; inf. , tr. ri, 111 I 1 ! 1 ' f ' 1' 1 V r- ' :ston, July X, IrM. jnu uimer.Mgneu, u.i ing H;iilC"ii liiontln nn luid in ulinoat constiii.t uso, in his lamilvV il cox .t lull us icK nig Machine, upon which bus been mndo tbo clothes of bis lurgo family, fr0in muslin to pilot cloth Including tbo clothing re quired for his several boys ; and In no case have tne aeams foiled, although in hard 'crvice. 'ihe niacblne now in in bis family lias reqnired I u. r. piur. una is in nil res icota. wn finno nind ((Sclent and dorublo. JACOH CniCKEKIXO, C catcc. ff-W-Send for a filroular..i8Vsl' Mtial nil. COX. -M.iiiularlur.-r. Jfo. SON Itiorduay, N York, jOpoiJw St, Kicholoe liotel. October 28, 1W.1. tf. 835 00 entire cost (or TCITI0N In the T)AY8 the JL most popular and uccesiful COMMERCIAL SCHOOL in Iho country. 1'rv.arda of Twin vp ilmiiRin young men, frun t rstthiout diti'cr ent Htates, Have boen educated for business here within the past threo years, some of whom have been employed as EOOK-liEKI'ERS at anlurios $2000 00 Immediately rpon graduating, whe knew noUiing of account? alien they cntored the College. r-rMiniter' aons half price, ritudents enter at uny time, and reyiew when Ihey please, without extra charge. For Catalogues. Knocicieus of Penmanabln. uml View of the COLLEGE, enclose fivo letter etatnpa K JENKINS A SMITn. May 1), 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW TToTDS! A 7 REBH AEIIIVAL OF Spring Sc Summer Goods AT TIlECIIEArCA.SII STOKE. lam Junt receiving nnd opealn a carefully selected stook of bprlng ond fiummer gooda ol almost every description, A boautuul assortment of Prints and Dree goods, of the nowest and latest stylos. Also great variety of useful notions. DKY-UOODS AM) NOTIONS. Bonnets, Phawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Quoroawaro, Drogs and Medloloeo, Oil ond PulnU, Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fiab, laoon and Floor, Mackerel In it and 1 barrels. of the best quality, ail or wblcn will be sold at tue iuwoh oaen or rcuuj yaj pricce. My old friends and tho publio generally, aro respectfully invited te call. pr-ti. H. All kinds of U RAIN Mi approved COIiXT&T TRODUCB taken la exebanse ol Goods. Clearfield, Jane 36 1861. WM, F. IRWIJT. 1 ADY'8 DRESS GOODS, selected with trh J eare, Juat rocoived and nowqieniog, and aro eSertd for sale at small profit, bv D. F. 'ETIWBILETi. Mnrch 2A, IHMl. aIIE Tonn b.wnahip School Dreemre Iioreby . give Boliec that FIVE TEACIIEKd will be ; wanted mr the Winter holiools. Tbime wihinr 'to bare Schools are reqiuslid le meet Hie lii.Hid of Nreclors on tho Second .aturrl iT cf fVtobi-r next in PeunvJo. JOHN FLEttAX, I Sepft. 2, tm. !To'cTo!ary Avrrr Oil Hlllt Y PKCTOUAL t' Titf Utttn ft ftl n Colli. Cfi'v'-, nitil Ion "'Ml 0. 7-1. fW , tM . 111. Ir IH rM. It f h. i r f nri C-fitlii, .rn iMI'wliM. ni llr. .I'.IIimI (tli. i I'. l I, It fmif Onit itiu. In ri li.l.iiil In ,n .'XU in 17. t frtllf If Ih. U-l I'll V' liw Hi n II in ".- lllU" ff II. r r, nl M ''iWi.ii KliKN hMHIIT, M. I. B M'lkTI.KV. I'wrl. N. V..rll,-, Ml wi v,am tnj if nn. I mt Ownllf ritw u rU!!!"""' " ,u", 'l'i' 11 Hi !" mMlrinii - Kl-.r";"- '"Vr wim m. r"" ""'M llr f... l.All- il I . - ..l...! i. I Cron Whooplne roinh, laflncnoa. n.m,,r,AT, wZuZ' 7j:t:, tlllTV j IhMttJii. ,,"r Vr!,,, ,'' fhlHrm. W, J omwruJ ;wit iuUru w ,m. ' I IUIUM CON HUN M D I awl a IvrtkHii Innm-hM. .1,1,1, omftni.1 ,L, at wwlt ; took man; tnnllrlnri , nAOMl ni. hi fltMirr Irwl your rrtomj l.y ll. kIt toe f u, cUrBjumi,, r!l Orel ilnw rellee. the enmneea In inv ikmi .h llhollt n'tlefi (I in 1 4 , hwa than one half Ih. Itll. miuln m. wri Vniir niell 'liii. h ih,ul u ,. u Iho Im w mil buy, nn I o e.l,n u, D.lor, aud ymir rotndia 1 M Uia r Biau'a friend. I Aithma or I'htlirMc, anj UronrhlUa, I Want M4Ri'nairri, I'a., Mi. 4, l;,a. 8i: 0rry Hrtimil la . i.un.iln. marT.llma enrea In thia aiYtloii. It hu rallevwl HevunJ from uian I in BTni.i..m ni cMiiiimpuon, ami la now curlnn a nia ' l,,0," uuder an auction of iv e. tj mi itinj jwii. uQiou u. ramie, neruiaut w i: por'ln .nv prortk "o m.n, ZX i hare O.iind nothlna atiiiai to vieir itmv . 1Ui(r ee and rell.T to oonau.iij.UTe putkula, ur anrl,M v,.i.u. , Wo mlirlit nAl to.nmaj of erl'lenra, Lut llrt nvwt ertn- - 1 lnclnK proof of the vti-lue-of Una remul, la kuud to w afnvui upon trial 'o:. aaniplion. Protbly no one reuiaUy lus ever hen linown whMi on it, I ao many aod aurh daflgrons cams aa llihi. Snea. oo li.imuo aid ran nch ; tnt eTun to Uk Ue Cany Morul anVmla relief and comfort. Am llorsa, Naw Voax Citr, March 8, IS. ' Doeroa Atbk. Uiwiix: 1 r,l it i .lutnJ lisura to hiC.nn y.'ii wtuU your VUrrry I-'toml i,as .luo. for uiy wlK hhe had bHn five months lutsirina undi tha nen Oeront evinptniiis of ColiHiimpti m, flwn DA all) w cnulj pn.rure iriive herinurh relief, r'he wan sleailllr 0,0 luc, until Ur. iltroiiK. of tin- city, where wit hare run. tor aovlre, renminx-mled a trail uf your mixtWna. We hlaaa Ills kiiHUieae, h e il,i your skill i for ali liaa renmns. frimi tlmt itay. h'he Is net ytl as stnmn as aim ua to (m, hut l fi e. from her, and ralla him If muii. Youra with irrntltnd" and ri-Kiu-d, OKLANUO, or tiixuimaLa OnmmfHvfi, do not despnir till vnu have trlud AvaaB Cnar I'I'Tohil It ia mail, ly oi. of the Iwet lueiiloil rhaiiUilii In Die world, nnd its cure, all ntmiiid iib DMfvaA Hie hUjh uiulu of Its tirtuoe. l'htlmUti'hui Ltdfftr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. riMIK ai'leneee of Chsmlstry and ModlHn have been A. Laxml their utmost to pruiliiee thU tt, rmsl peieVct otirpilive whkh I. kii'fvn to man. Innnniernhle prordb re sliewii Unit tli.'se 111.01 have ilil'.ee whl'.h anrpaaa la xcrlViice lh or,Uimry ni.dlflnea, will Umt they win m lreeedeiil.-iHy npau lb' eeUm of al! men. They grcault and otitiKMit to take, I ut powerful torure. llwlrpro trutinc lH-njsMleestlnilll.ile the vltfliKtli flleaof Ilia ld, ruiii'.ve ihe ola.tractli.:.a of Us trgana, nirlfy the U-W, and eTl disu.'. Tluyjuiireciit Uiefil)iinoortwlatii hns.J aed i-r,.w rU'-lemper, rtlniuiato alitab or ih Am, I ,h..i,', tii-jh iu:i,ml iu tlm, and ifdrul ttniiltf fc". with et..'ii'Ji to tb whrlj ayat-ai. fv wjy an th-ycure Ihe Mery-day r.iipllii(n of etery ti ills-, fir:i;l lnl.ii. a-i iUnit.n;oa d,Me that hate tufleaj the ! . human slilli. WhlKi thty prodmc p,wirnl , :: In, they are i.i tli, saine time, in dimlulshM ,1,., u kvT-j: and best pbyali: OiM can be employed l eiilJtm IMm: sriMiv. h;,.hI, liny are pl.uit I" l4e; and bafnji j.oi.1 ViyiO 'J lira In'- fr-'tii ft.iv rlk bvn. Corw I. l-.-.u lihJ- .!,! h eti.-f-.ise t-t-ll-.f thev ae( rtaV ri.nii: .ti.l y Bi a '.f cu d .iti.-ti and char.r iu t. piH l Iho a"iH.-n '( rntruth. Many endmnl Ieri.-yni Ti m:l ; hytirlaiir have l lit tluk TiMiica lo eertfCy I j tfce v.! II-- the rehil.iliiy r4 piy ri'imdli , wlifle titiitaw hnve t--i,t iti'j th a-4,tirar.;c i-f Ih.-ir n-iiili'Ui'n that my I'reparatli) cuiitill'iito iiuiiH'nK.'!y lo lLo rAVi t y aflllcK.1. BKriirliig fvll-w-n.en. oaaj Tbo Air, nt below mimed Is pi am-1 li fun.leu Rralia Raj A n't i! -an Al.Witra.-jt.-t.taluli.fc in '.i t,;.f Ih.-lr aaa4 cvrtifiuitrs of lh,lrcuu, of II, t fvliuwliig Costiviaiew, lllllor.t Comi-Klnts, hheiintntlim, Pr-yav. Il,.ulhnrii, I1,ila''hp arliliiir fx-m a f -il si,iivli. si. s.-i, li.,.-ivt!,,ii, M.nMtl Inr. ti :i ' f U " and l ala oi'iH.iv; Iben-'mm. Kiattilein-y. I a if A-tHn, oil iileta .-.ia and Cut;.ae.uB Dl-uumm whiUi r'ctuire an u.wouj mrdl-h.i r.r r..l,i or Kins' E- il. 'JUi-y e.l-o, !,y rwiUr- - mu ti. in i luij e'.lniiiljttjii'T wo syrl, iri, inn. many j CcU.j ltun jl vhleli It would not t rni-pr-w.: they could I roiu-h, ..n I- I.. iin,riii-e. I'm-tJal Bllndli Mi. ,-firalk-t. Mid Nimrena IniuldM'r. Ii--iuii;,flM-.its of the Ui and Mi - ceys. fient. an 1 I.I. i. lied eiipbilnti aildnsi ftian a j low ttUo of ti.., b . v ,1 ,'hiUui !i:,u of II, fuiicUone. I Do not Iw - ! ohi-iluclplul dml-ia with j olhcr fill tin y i:ui - in.jrc pn.Lt on. ink Kc Ataa'l I 111'.", and bite m-tlilng die. No i.iber Uu-y cap glw j fMi euniu. wlidi Oils In I'a Intrlnstc vnli.. ic rurwtlt powers. The tdclt iriuit the lwt aid Ihore ia t Uirr.i, I 1 and they should have It. Preparod by Dr. J. O. AY EH, froctieol ami Analytloal Cberaltt, Low oil, Kas. Paici as Ct raa Dox. Viva Ikurs ro 1 1. MOLD cr f-SoliIby C I). Watson, Clearfield; H. A. Irwin. Curwinsville: F. Arnold, Lvthersborg Montgomery Co., New Hnlum ; J, C. Brenner, Morrladale; C. R. Foster, Thilipfharg; ond Ellas Chase, Antnnville; aod by d alers everywhere. Miy.flh .ISflVlj. NEW GOODS!! At the Old Prices. J. Y. KRA1ZER hasjuft revival a"ar genernl nsiortoienl of Ltiiiim r DRY GOODS. I.rtVMJo ClriUii lkiLboi Poplins Suiinelts Flower Shidlies f difaimereo llosirrv C-aslinicn-e) Twee.! Ifcd-S'tlei I.avcllae t'uttoii lire's 1 1 1 m rn i at as) , Oniala Iri,liiiH I.uiy JtuiiA Collars Muslins I'r.JursleeTsjti Flunnels i!,'i,)tilluj Linens Du-lff TickiiiLM Shawl. ! Kilke 'rnnis ' ! OinphaTia il, utiles i roniennao jatKti?, I Bonnets, Sun-Uip.brcllae, jCarpct, Floor Oil-Cloth j Hats, Cajrs, Boots, Slioee. T 1 IV 1 V I COFFEE (TEA HA COX MACKKRIL F LOU It ISilAl) SALT SALMON CANDLES COD-FISH WINES 1IKHRLVO ; SUU AM TMOK MOLASSR8 Clothing. lNotions. Jointed Hoop Skirts, Shakers. IHitKicut foolt. Violica, Fife?, fitrini, Brideo, howo,rj. rreroptr is, Music-l'aper, Oearneld, M.iy 23,18.13. Tin-Wiro, GlaiH-Wnre, Drui, Lump" RueketB. l-roonn, Tuba, I'hitrn, W all l'rpel, Ulind,., T!n,,.-ll..r, liM.kels, .v ho , i V: Vaf nih. M oa. Curled linj-, Co.vh Trirumlh'a. Fjiiril Turpcntino, Lineeeil-Oii, Fish -Oil ''' Oi!, fl...s, c, in fa"t n, littloif ovcryl'jlng i.lly k 1 1 I.i a country sn.i All ef which will be (old oa rU most re.)" hji- wrma fur dirh, ir apjTivo tjouiilif J0 Jtffe