Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 29, 1862, Image 2

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1 nuM 1 M P, A li MY 'I 'i" 1 uMMM'
1 1
1 1
'III I I I'.
i I
1 t
I I- M
Mi. I
n ir I 1
! I
I ! ' i ! ' I 1 ', ".'
Widi.i Fi r "I mm ii ; 0 t '- 'il'.
We CfJi't I'ii'l.t A 1 v. h - ! I
(m li whs III"
I. :in ( In I" iho (
II' we i .'tiiiot
, an ' or (Hi"
1 IT 1 1 Mil (I (
i ion of ' n -t i -.
Uay", then
PI' i : 1 1 1-1 wo lir Ut '.'
ni' tell lis t lit-ii , nor
li:'lit Upon till) HUM-
to judg-' limn his
li.:l.t i
hi c,
l,i- Mi. I.iiiinlii (!..l
'..lit lii! vis en us iiiiy
.lit M IK'''. I ' Wi! all
jclioiw, ti.ii'.ii'v; cl.-o bil lip;!. I inicoit'
imni . ; x t i n . Almost iveiy Hep the A I J
niini.-iial't-n Las lal..e.i 1 1 Lul led to 1'ur- j
,lir earn and I ilt iotJli t tl . What, then,
(lid Mr. !.:.ii('(ilii tr.i an when ho gave ut
icratioo to tlil i si;;n:ticnnt "apho: i- m !"
l.u not hi il JVLthi,: cnonph to enable
him t ) judg'i wlut iliD liiuil i-siiois likely
to Ire,? Ins nut the war 1 roughl weeping
and l iufllcict:t numl f.r of
household!'.' II: t not tlio How c.rbercav-
i-ll widows' llll'l mt.lhe.s' It l'.M booll rilllli-
uionllv copious'.' Have wo not spout trfii
ure enough .' there any other nation,
i ,.., i. miu ili:.L ivi! (niL'ht to su!b r before
our appolilo lor wir is htiliatt'd Iji'Ioii
ne prove that thoio mo .'' I'lfT 7'c.!...i'
tiii'iii: ofti'i'ling our riutinnal troubles?
When Mr. Lincoln lirst icselvi J upon
tar, 6.. . .('i.'Vi .!' men wore deemed
,uiip ;i Hur.iuioi.l force lo 1'iit dii'vii l!n'
rebellion. This was eighteen months ago.
Wehuvo i-inea called into the liehl one
n.VtW tw h'0",;l lio,i ;-ur.l men, ami spent,
in-ilmps, not lost, tlian ef". iVva ;.' mis
, (if dollars. Ami " hat have
wo nccompliidied Have we eonijiiorcd ii
iieaoc '.' Im thin;;) look us it peace win
ip loaching'' Jn .si. oil, have ko tnado
i'v haiTiM in the ereut work of guii'iueri
'ii;,.it.ti subduing I lie libel.-:'.' All men
now v.o have not; mi. I they further
nuw thai, will.oul a completo and tio
lough of policy--: nth us making
:lej 't ar on our pai t r n mh,:r ; urio;,: than
,t Hstoraticn cl tlic 1'n'un us it v.:i with
iJio ligltUcf nil ll.o S'.aloi, an J the people,
theivol, fully i.iel r.iKh'ini'eaWy eiKtrnn
teetl - Mich a peatie a tho Kword can brh-g
is ju.-t its far cII'iih when tho war htutl,
Whon the war hejMm, '.lie Sonthn n peo
ple wcio divi'lei! lniiiiy elin;;in tho
oM I'nion with tbu id ).- I iinlent devotion,
and deiivini; the cli'irircs that were con.
I . .i-l', It I I' '
' t , , ., i t ' . 1 1 'i n! (i i n
., n . II ti l " In ' II ! Ml"
,, ; .'ii n liell V 1 I (Oil ' I I l I t I
p ' I. I,. I III
.! M.-I. I., I -'il -in
nil I M I'. S'tt
, 'i 'i i d I i : i if 1 1 etiit lit '.he lli'tt't 'l
,.. . i itiicnt Hud it Willi I l.iktt ' 11 ...
, , . .-.-I'lit'T "i . it . Ill"-" pi "in
i (if Mr le ll'Hl", of Ml. f-i'tMIld, nni
;.,i:ir llin liioid extiuordinai y. ' Miu
'.t 'ii 1 I "fo Ik-it a man wit" had hei'it
, i mm h in pnlila' lift.- It
iv:if. In t omiiitliiita: inn
nit r, iiinl hnving spent part of lii1 rally
lilt) in tho Smith-would not neml to ho
lol I that the. rebel t cmild not ho compter-
Ml. SetMtrd -id-with
1 1, i i - II !'' W 1 I 'l id" Ml I Ml , I.I
1 1 on) II n i I I t try, till li'l I he I" ii it not tv I
f I . li. I it HM , "li'l AMl'HiB !-
I .fillil i ill It C Mint! , V i III' It ! llt'' '""
(,,1 ,,. I n re eniim. (t il i. lint liit tilir'
ii. lei l Ut n. lUiirv't divi'lnn. Ailipitt lt
I I out llmptt'i Icirjf Id l.m Nmllitrn pn
I he I niinv wilt i-lii'iiilll ternl nttileti'
I tnoit', II flim I iliHlntitin I'Kviilnl II illitlitl'C
Alien- Klmlp shllintrll kiok pint r, it-m-linn
'b' rout l tin' rebel cnvnliy uml
the iiiptitin "I n r umber of prioonurt -
tii.liiiitiiiit their innli'll, th'-y reached
Wi.ti rfoiil ntitl from thulien lirneeetled
..I I
M 1 m
n nil !'
lulu H
I ' ' it I'
I M I '
' t ' ' '
I"' 1
I'Oli "
ti llltl I 1 'i"
,,,MI.M itfie , til lb" l'i 'I'"'
I lell'ft I'M l llt'l'l lb" I tl
bull! 'li p"' , ,i i
I li-MIO'i. I'tpdll' I d'.l i II'" I
,,.,'.,.1, not 'I '' " "' '
ml III l l ' "' '"'
Vllltll-I. "'II lllMilHlt
In.!, be It III e"-ril dV
' I.;. I........ mid kei i h'n h li.'int
alone the I ivef
' Int iiiim l tlnl.V expeelili.; supply
of elotlon:-'! ,V''' ri'" . t;'"
'etlreino mdil t'l li' li'"". '"' v" '""'
of llitiieoik, lint I lii tvitlT "'
l i
.t "
c "
ei i
l l.
. ! i,( HUM'
W ' . ' !
') ll' i,l
it I
f . Ut
tl f I
' , Htnl
..ii Hie
d I
1 1.
1 1 tii
1 1
.V i
lit il
to Lrtveim illo, ruturnin,; Oarly Wwlmni ' c-l within the .t-t two -I y.
i in1 im i ttni'M "-
, ..., -ii, .let. n M ' ' e 'ft 111 " 111 .
,!. H .t. tin.- i t I i-l I"1' ""'
, ... ',. n-. I le I "ii-1, 'I " ''
in hi ei in" i-in. '""i
t , , d I .'l III-' I l.l'l ol In'' I Hi""
. ...1 ,,'f I I... . M . I ill f l l'1 IO 1 ' I'.'1
(he' i lore, n nine-it id hope lor I he e.iun
t.v and ol if -.1 1 ml i"n Ii I' lit I"1".
'I he 1 h I'.M'pl.V t'l'
, ' . r
ii n
i-l I
I li p. '
'III. I s
i ( in 1 1 vat i ve
lev i de-
tiiiv nioieioiK i . . ,. ..: . i .i
In tl. thocwvnlrv wero very to the li.Ui.e. ,u-i...m to n . H t.-v -init.!.-. '!
rtrectivo. Tim b:ttrv win nlso IroU'-iil uio ttei 0i( . ,,, n,u d n,oii see.
... i i . ... . .. it . i, i ..I o.irirt i I. . ... . i
., ..... 11... I.;.... nlniietion. nml dill KOOil Hrrviec. '"i. B "'"" , , i .vnnul n.el Hint nl tun uiMtnioii a
( .1 in eiuicr (ii uie 'i'i it'tet in. in. "j . ' . , . , ..ui- w llireit lUlitllC't wm-iiiti, ihivhm j---,--
.... i .1 :..i... luntiV H Ul'cano Kei'i ii 'Ti"i 'ji -v ,,.,. tiit I ullt ill". 1 ue
llll ii,iiiiiiuitiin'.ii.i. i i .... ii ,.... nmuinii n niurcli "I ;l'i'on iminw in ." i. n -
. ii n
'tl M't i.ur f.,1 .
1'i't ' .... , ,
"' I-" ii- Hi
ri: ti: -ii")' r i .r .1....
fi lii - .V sllei i
wirot i l' " ' "'I'.'t : nii'l il
ill- I i,lt 'I 'li 'l " ' 'I' I "H '"''I' I tM't
I i ,1
i il, I I I
I . i.M.-l
' . , oiivaiiy llll Ulty, iiihkih u limit... v , 1 1 1 .,.,.', I .t should tereh him to tho contrary. ,wentv.0o ,.iilc without nny Mru-luU per phhh have bnen .sent to . ipu
.... i:...- Hi. 1 i j nv to woikon roinN iimMnido..
H' these I'lfiliulioiiK imnlc? l'iti fion tho riinkn.
... j, ' . . .... ... I. . 1 ;.. .1..
nny bo'lybelievotheu.? th-di.l. iny body -1.0 oxpt.1
( fltVL'UtT HIT ii,.'..".-. - -
ry to wol
ei... f.MI ij 1 1 m nil li al VOtO Oil tl .0
...nil .'. oi ne
It il.e oilier Middle, mid Norlh v
Hehovo HUH .Mr. ow n a, m...-.- Wrof oluvMi- Amon! l(luU,r Kero
Koi- our nai't. WO think thiit (til Huell itt'O' ...m t..ri(iii. Ono l'll-
ckiratioiis, inii'io by pei-boim nt tho heiul 0,luj, who wai wouiiiled wai releusod on s,lte deket in nil the counties received m
of our public ullaiiM, unit whoso positions 1 piirolo. Thirty good Itori were also c ips : Su(, ..nrtme,,! ;
1 . ; . I ..I A i.r.nL ninllV (MlU'MlA were II ISO
,tivn il.. .in .i nation'.! . or ollicial clinriiotei', . e . , . , ., , i
1 1.1 ...n-f r.l ll' inn ll.tvn Ol.'t'll 11 v-i
. . . ' tfl lftlglll. 111 i.ivjoi. -
o just 50 ninny itains upon our niitionitl J M1rornmtitm ol our liiovnmnitj to tho. Ol t ICI1I lltVO III tin ir
Ill inn 'I'lioMLv liko Mr. Sewnrd, who I
" ' . ...n.m t,.l.-. n
niako them, lire but Irillimr wul. tlic peo. po?S.,sion gover.ui.e.ii r...r ..j
,dc-ph,yin, upon their' credulity. 1 1 -.Ion U ovi-
cannot lu lliiit buuu men uu ,.,t... i. ..:,,. ......i. ..,,!, expediliotni All,.rn,
inistakin. This would bo prosuiuing too I a.e Bt)tl, p thereby tlieni nlmosi Allej-heiiy,
i i ii. i kn'i..
Is itmiy wonder, then, that the palionco
the peoplo in exhausted? Is it ") j ,..! p
cuool i niter foruo, ol wlueli uiero in groin 11
bui.danco. Tho prinoneifi w ero roughly
but wui inly clothed, nml look in if pre-
led ford
much upon their ignornneo.
boy thuiild know better.
wonder that iniirinurs :uo beeii.niiij' to bp 1 1 hat thev have liitl'eied "ical hardships. p.rntlfoid
heard iii even' tanii'. nm that il rciuires I no rebel cavalry company, whieii was llucks
1 ... f '......,,. I i .... ... . c r. i i'i.. V I ' .. . i..m
etllll tllitll'iu. I i' '.'.;'.. ... ..... ... . i j ,u v.. .
for cnlil wouther, ihougli tint ha;:- i Perks
poiti aiieo of most of tlieni iiH.icalcii p.piir
Ki.ltil 'l.-S.'-d H.4ii:
all tho fuel nml skill el sueli cliiellams us
Mcb'lellait to prevent these nniriiiurs liud"
in-; ulteranco nml leadinj! to their nntiirnl
.onseipjent-es .' Those 'rthirtv," ami "six
ly," and ninety" davn or Mr. Seward
have now reached almost si'.i' i" io, and
llie prospect tor the end of the war is about
iii llalttrin'' in it was nl the- be;:iniiini:.
iiokeu up, nearly every man beini; pn- ' Cumbi i:v
soner in our lunula. Utioor their dead, , fmneron
killetl during tho skirniksh, wus buried ,(.',Vrhon
by our men this niorniii;;. jt'ontrn
Colonel 1 liven, who comiivuidcl the , ' 'hester
eavulry, received n ball thmuirh his emit ! Clnrion
sl.tove'.-l.ieuleiiant-Coloiiel MoVieker hu.t . Moarlicl-I
his horso shot under hini. Our easn- ! Tnt..n
nlities were one killed mid two wounded. , t jl.ini' A
Another reennn. usance was made on tho ;''" lord
snme (lav across the river, opposito Knox-: '
The following table preSenU tho ollicial villo, where 11 rebel raid was foiled. It H J Vm bi
ii.l Mm in rinilllM' 1 l 'L L UJ U 11 Itli 1 ' 1
nitiM ii lib inu i - - -
19th Congressional Disliict.
vote for Coiigj'os in this disli ict.
Com trichl, U. .Scolii'I'l, A
( .unerrm,
( 'learlieUl,
K.i ie,
I'm est,
,l( IVel'SOIl,
Wm ron.
Ol '7
1 43
1 1 W2
27 1'
uTim.i in I heir oartt by llin atlvO'
elites of Soees-ion, that Mr. Lincoln mid
Ida lb-publican party de-igned any inter
(t.'i'eiico with their chentshed institution
Total. l'K'3 W--i
Majoi ily, for Scoliehl, 4.11
Thc-oaamu Conn lien gavo Mr. Lincoln a
o.idoviiv in ISl'.O. cI TlSTI. The Ieuiocru-
j j
cy rlioreforo feel proud of irujir. gam on
tho Mill instunt.
20th Senatorial District.
Tho following is the ollicial voto polled
for Stato Senator In thin district. Mr.
Mall's niaioritv threo years ago wits Oil,
Wallace, iiotwitlnrtanding
! popularity of Mr. J fall :
1 Wallace,
Hull, A.
t Mil
ofsluvcry. liul how ii it ii'tw ? TheSoulh
is almost a perl'eet unit. A I'u'nn man is'
unknown there. Aiulwhy? Pcuini,- tL'ml
li i.k6'coiS ..,'K M'f.c those wry Cti .SV-
cr'M(V.'f? xtM li'- iJ t.'."..'t ihj. The fttgit"
ive sl.-iVe law win lirst ignored by an act
,. CV'tigii.'? foi bidding the return of slaves
found within our lines. Next, shivery
v.a- ii'io.i.'iieii in i no inHiucioi v..oinii..ii.t
by a mii1u act ofConirress ; and last of-ull,
an etlict ol llie IVeiidont tleelaves tliat, in
a certain lunlinueiiiy, blavery shall f.-iev-or
oouo in the I'nitcd States nfter the
lii'tt of .Linuaiy next. These things !i:tvu
. .....ii : : . i i.n t.,ui c.,.,. I- ,,f I'n.
' V, 7 . i' I ' 'lan-ling in America tho Senator
loiiisiii ill tho Soulh, until tho tillernalivo , 1 1
... . ,, r . r urn hin colored euiigrants wero very po-
ttitli them is tho succeshful rcsistancu ol , , , ,i , ,i .
,,1 1 iileiy inioruieti ny tuu iiuuutun'". mm
I their scheme couht not be pnrlected, s no
. iirrangoiiH'iit hutl been cH'o'teil between
twenty thousa.nd troops at any niiglopi.ini
in 'v'irj'in'm. The extent of our lines o- Lno
hU"':i him to tlistril.utti his lowes and ) io , I'ayetto
iveiitt their concentration at any parlnju-i ','' '': 11,1
hr point.
Iho llebch nut tD bo Starved Out--
InnnciiEC Crops in Store lor Them. i mu in lun
We take tho following Ironi a Icller in j .
Iho Now York Times, datod Cieut.cville, i.
Oct. 21. ' i'i .;, ..,'ter
No person wlio has had any experience . J';ii.aK0
in Seoossiu, Hiipposes for ft moment that (
the rebels cm ever liestarved out, ni socuo i '
i- . ...i.'.i I ,.l.,,ii '' '"' "
pcrfOPH piCUlCl Wllliu r.'.ttv;.. " " , I f u1., llQ
comfortable firesides in'New o.k. lruo ,
tllO l'ulK'IS aiU OUl oi ei'iue, o-.i, '"t l
and other concomitants which go to make
a uieul ..(' victual.-! i,itu.h.'o rf hCff.
bread, povk, com, beans ami all the subs
hluntmU, they have an iibundatico. In
lacl Ihearmy of tho I'nion has Leon pro-
tldu kind of nioncrtv for tho rebel
2,r. I
2.7:'. I
i n
2 V
2,1 1''7
'" i
I -"i
j,27 i
2,71 i
.V.i hi
1, Mi)
2, ''..".7
2,7 11
1 It
I, ('.'.17
i j
urn victorie.i oi i .ie .
siiiu'.ion, of the I ni"t- ',
Vi. ...j IAM...V mi lliixit lvinmiih- in .Nu '
lli.f.- .VI..". .- k (
vi'iubfi'.thowai' will be over in -IX nioi.l,n.
If they la'.tt't and give abolition m ijoi'i'i.: , .
there n no pmsp -ul tbe ,v:"' '"' ,
over in los ibau lilt, en or r.venty yntr- - .
unlil every iiegi't) in Ihe S nith h b' r'. ',
mid every while man killed -iil'til thej
I'nion liui.o.d by our laili'.is is 1"V b.i- i
yond leeuvery-uiilil this glorious I'l tiii-1
ivy, tin? pride or every free man, shall be
tiegi'atb'.I Ifvond the level of tho sniallc-t I
iiiel i.ii. 'iiue.-.i naliuil on t'ut) fat o ul tlic.
I carlll. Thn is the isuo bufoie tlf peop'o.
in tin tvinil'g (loetions. 'I ho coli.-erv..-
live iriutnplis in l'cinisylvaiiia, Ohm, in
ilianit and Iowa, mij I he i.iiu;ei's:C cohhp ;
i.nvn i.i in, el i il"u : ii 1 1 1 i cilv and Vl-I
cinilV..ue pintt't li'-aiii'l the nbolilion
''' ' . i, ... i i.i;..,,u !,n j.ei-i i
l.llV. Jill I I I' ISt. I I HI l 'I " .IH1
lhat'tl.o eonsevvatives therefore nppo-e ,
iho war and favor .Ml'. Iavis plainly ami
.InliiiiUv lie. '1 ho men w ho .iiiipo.--e
....... i i i . .;. ....
lvalue in iy I'leu' nun v....
, ... . ,,, . . I ' .! t...t llll
. 1 I I I ' ' 1 1 . 1 ' U - . : i , I 'Mi .
' i '' . . Imi ii .j i., I io if 1 1 It.ii
' 1 . J.. I . .. . . . . ,. P IK I . 1 HI ll llld
' iii .i t... k i.. t ii i v i iiii i ) .i.i; ... ii i Hut
. I r. ' i . i ' I. i .1 i .mii.
I i ii tt . n r out
!'..., (' m I'
ll. .1 i . Unit
i ,IH .illi.T
HI I .li'l I .'I . I fi ll,
11. 1 ilt i.lllrr
,m , i.i..l n'e f..r .n.uitrlv.,. Ii Hil.l jipt ri'
,. ll,. l-lilil ... Il.llt l.i l-ll.,, i, .!,, ,,,, MiTlifl
. . I, in .-li.'i.t'.- li nt it li. i.i y u will tin. I him
-I SI ( - tfitnl - if in I it lilllu mhmur uf
, l III II I it on I I li:. lu In'.
!1 1, ii. !. ni" tv.-ik nu tinn I Hint ii. j ' to
' 1 1 '.. I, i '.'. :ii,1 if . II il.i.Ii', :ni t r ).m.. I'll,!
I . . . - J ......... I " lit. i . . r. . . i c'-f't'i. ro.
II. .I, I ! '. I .'' t'i'1' ' H Mm!. 1 1 .-Inti I,
si, , ,'- )....i. il';i.'.:lv M" '.- !. II. II.
11, 1... .
I i
ii.'i.i .'
1 I'.H. 1-1'11 " nv rotrlv-
nil (.jitMit'-R ul Iii.1 ultl Hinni in Clt'iir-lii-i
ti.tirt titrL'taUy ioleclc.1 iuf-vii-
2,iio i
2 -l.i
.', s.,S
iinil wliicli in
I i r l.r.iiii'lit I.i 111.- ri.m'rv, nml winch ho mil
... li ul elici t m t ll i l.n.l.v low I!.- Id lii 'lli.-h
I VI' .,! V. I I PTI'CK ."111. III. I .
i''l;-S ;miK,
1,"," i
1 . 1 '.7
I;1. 2
fl.l '
. . . -275
-1 2.V
tint etui li'l
!i.r mi
ihe r
lin y i
.!, !;(
i lie .it
rt I
i t:
.1. 1
I V of
llliulllioiiitls, who WOllb!
ii. They a: e U'O loyal lo
o! tiu:r
propi i :y
.he 1 nl cent, to lb
ion. it i.i for ibis veiy re'ia'-n tl
.HUM' Ih.l
'ihe I'liii
,. the lo
.i;is TKIMMIM.
.I.1N 1 'Kl. A 1 N i:s. KilK.M'll
i.INCII A.1. I'D.MI-
1 ' K ,'. A I N.v
''. !' 1 ' : a i:L-' ' 'i i
A I.i.
u v i:
I '
.oin "a eli uigo of 1013 in favor of Mr.! government. Una nmiakon niea niai
tllO bonstCKll iruitllil 18 in'inre.. "''" j
1 tho tritck'of tl e two armies the cropn are
l..u l ice nr.l tlio farmers m tnvisnerous, to
all outward appearance, as they wero bo
Minority for Wallace, 402.
: !?.?.." 'Id Abe'b" colonization tchoino is
1 about being knocked in tho head. The
' oxponsoH havt! all been incurred and Ihe
i expedition s.iiled with Senator ronieroy
i at tho beatl of his negro fipiad, but upon
the designs of the North, or their total
ex'.ennini'.tiou i s a peoplo.
Such is Iho ell'ecl ol tlio uioasurei forced ;
tho two Oovcrniiiciits, henco tho whole
.. 11... A .1 ... 1 1. iul i-o I itn l.v I I.n A i I il .n-
Ul't'l. 11. u iiillliiiinu,iin.ii 'j .nv - - , , . . .
. ,, , , -ii . , 'seheino must lie ktisiK)iuletl lor Ihe preaoril,
e,ts ad their councils been sr' i ned . ' . f .
Ncn thnmplon
Not thunih'd
l,o IS
1,1 li'l o
1 7. -i
i. -2
i 1 r.i
'.' l:i
II if!
t.v, i
2 s''o
r'.7 s
2. iii i.s
;i " ;i
2,7 1 -.",ii'i.'
1 i 'if.
1 VM
. -1 -1 i
4,7 b'.
1 i::;
1 2i-.o
i.iir -.! !.. . . lo so. i.i ..
1 ii.. n bolr.;y '.'ii'in
i i:.;; f .r .J-.i.;:!;..
i is. tt ;.c in; t t .M '- i,! .'. Vi w i.i lie t t .' i'i
A n ub'il,'. io.i mir....'
pi, i;. in.' ill-.' h.iii l
11(11 it V nl t '' o'.H n
tei viif'.e t oi, .iii i . Tin"
!. 1 1---'..-1 y Ibo I'nit '
i l.iverv. fin' 't--' .'.i'.
li, -'.i'C ti
i.ettial 1 M
r i. imi i'i oi 'h
oi' olii. '?. 'i in
1 ;
2.1 H
C. 7.V.
1. i
it ".-.i
i.i '4
l 'i'i:.
.1.4 o2
2.-'i l-i
2.' I',
;. lb-
..iilo, ..i'i!.! a'.i
e i'i. i. hi. J'i m : ,.':il!
litini.-1.- it'-i'i M't.i'.-sio::
...I r , :i 1 1 u m e n r. , in
;il off to ii..i'i
I l';e polls 1 y M'-
ie i y '.'f'i. ioio
, v.;. i i.i.-.v prolong,
. 1 i 1 1 ; s v. ; ;' . j
ity at the No' l'i, I
i ol a .-t-i'-". ' ion mi "1 re- in thi-.
ab--l: i 'i.i 's oe-in-.l (
a I'll, r i.i tl t ; y .
, UkvU-t t'.-.iit ! to !
I i t I'.'.' a i or- '
v.'il m MTi'y :
nth, '.. .'.( loy
iiy, I Iiii l fo; e,
i.. tools have
Mil' v. Ill'
ii nr.
' 1.
'I 'i'i 11
t ii: " . .tv i'i ii
i. i i: i..-.; 1 A.
i r.-idi'1' mi I i'i
f,.rc i:.. '. ...c.t I.. i'i il i.i- .
(,';:!: ::i ; .v i .' I I
,1 i-r, t !.... iia- I i i .
At 'In' ( M loci ( .'..'.
lo, . i, i i ..,! :;. ' l.; ...
'i I NC-i.
i ; i H i i.-s
.lilhS ef
lit tlll'tt)
,.l t. )Ojt
l'i',' I'll)
." i:p-'t
i. ml
ft . It l'x
I r. :'. '.( S t
1 1 ,
.oe (..,
i ( vi r
oi i.t
! .!.'. !
Il.e '. '
i... A v
for tile I ' I t ll' I'll el',
on.' Inn leii'hd tojuslify
( t" t el the peiipn' ', i l
11 v ry i-ut i t of I
Is nlill (ll tl
li '.I. I'.iv.-, !e:n
.up nisi
Wholcv -. :
the iv'.-i
llll I i-. e
ell IV-lti.-whom
e al olitiou
I.t.';.'., by
Sell! Iier'i
I !'
7 (."
..I I.'.i''.'.)
Tnin llin war.
. t A ..:.;u.l .li..ri.T i li a lr.t. I wo weeks.
.. .....! 1. " i;.;. l .),.. v.ll,.v Miytlof
n n itio m iiiciiiai i"t .I..1.I-" ... .
forniod by tho Hull Kim '!
l'i.... . ontersci
1 .'.'-V.i
2,7 I'J
2,2.1 1
1,2 lii
ti;.. r..- i,n nwiul rsililiVI'll
lildge liiouriiums nine.... b .. . . h in-1
pari wilh tmall forces over tmfre.iuenle.l t"-'liici..ui...i
routes. To otic w ho hits hen toforo fornn i ' "
r,i. .. r.i i-... r ..ii.,;.i! i uion
eil un opinion ui inn v;.. ........... V,,,,.,f,,,
:.. -:....;;.i i, tlio wonuoiil i ""'u,l"
in i.ft. ...i. 'j n , - uren
track ot the armies, the chango in the ap-1 ' '' .
poaranco of cvr-rylliinf! forms a roniarkit
hie oontrnst. Tlio valley to which 1 have
r .1 :.. ..f It, a pi..lml ritvin.r fiAftL- 1
nr tlm State. Tho hills nro uovcred , ")','
with cnttlc, and stacks of hay and fodder
nro every whero coiiRpicious; Largo llncks
of sheep biOWHCort the sido hills, and the
nn,l nntl farm viii'ds nro fillod with
swine Corn, wheat and oats fill tho gratia-
ries to overllowing, and instead of theio Iou Tiuvw.ti u.i.uiiNi.i.
nu in.lienLioTi of tlio peorile starving, 1 ll!,,ir cvunly ll'.i'v of Uio 2'itl
Westmoreland 5,(U)
i,:; I'.
York 7,:V.IC
I .' IT
I io
'',!" I
2, 17.i
V.) !'
2,2 Ll
1 ,s l '.)
i.i.i i
(.,i'o2 .'
J 'J '.M
I. IT 1
"i "' i 2
L'"''l 1
:.'.i-(i ;:i.
i no
0 p:.-
ex. t
"l.w retou.
'. lVr.h'
b.'Cani '
. i . , . ... , i. . . . .
lis 'l.vp .i i-hl iiy i no pi" a i ;rti 1
lo s:.v tiie I eoi'!. i trooi the
,i"l, i!
to :
0. -l
1. (in:;
.1 ' . -
. I .
1 .t'.'j
SI. ,'.' 21.) ,2 I'J 21x,2r- 21.5.MI0
3,o ir 2,;i is
ii n i
b. i,
Ml ti.e ('.''
iv :i.i.nizt
ii.utv lul
t. popi.i to their i '
c I, ; toi ving, 1 obi ( 1
ma--., sol the lelo'ls rU
ilillllllfillS i.i u lie .! a
he exeuvs
he ia tivi::
'.vpmc'i'i i it-1 it- and exa.ilioii: of thu N' vth
The '.) o'.ili.n'.i'l-- nLvys kii..!:..' f i'i,i-l
tin- S in'.liei'ii 1 rant wiih some brui.d i.r
I ieio, bo t.dy sp--.-, 'ii or ox.-i t'l'-a'. il-g ii'."-1 ;
me imi m lime .j apparonlly jmlll'y thii
iug pleio An ill- illl loll
w ill "llue ai l the rob: liiuii.
live triumph, on the ell
give- .I'til. I'itvi'- lb" li'' 'lo'
Ifal'.ohiM' ih" Mi i: li ol tho
pie : w ill plo , e '. ii..'. tie' N i
litiotiiac-l ; wili si:" v that !
vel return lo the 1'r.ion ..!
eoiinliiuti.fiiitl i i ;!.ts, "oi
cn ami nil inrii ' I v l".-'
llie iulei ini.l :ni!i;,o'v oli,;. rciiy tnat mw
tli.iliplos llpo.: the ( ili.-.i'ii- of ihe 'ivoded
.'.'.iilM,. ll is this truth of tvhioh .leill Da
. . . i i . : . i : . ... I. . ,.l. . I ,.,
VIS la ao'.O'l. !' I - .III. 1 1 ti . 1 1 ni i. tii .."v.
i liiioiii.-,U ivntild coiiee.d Mid l'eUiove.
X b
I. ll.
I i;. it i-o.--. il.e :t:i i 1
("..arr.t'.il. (...-!.ui
ir.:, .1 .1
al CI
le. i.-.
,.i 1'.."
I .I'I .is
I !'. i
a .
c I ', 'tJ
I I : H 11-
. . ' '.. '.l i-o-
-.-' . .M. '
,i ..a, i,.;.'
, :,t An-
. . Iiii i.i
it I'ui-
i ,( li'dli,
. 1!" n e.
; Ktlor.'
.ti-.l l:''
, lv. - I
H i-..n :.i.! ''. v. I
!"."".'. ('. Ii, "! Al""'
DtVnuir wi'.i Wiik! -J!l,
Itliii, at t.v.'i;
x maw via:
Ii iiimpli now
A eoio'i'i v a
T hard, will
: w-1
111 III
Jl UK 4'
iTili'il "I . l It
i 1
ifcS ti i. ,
a i
..ii. -.,..
I i.ii'.ii
; j. ; ...n
i -,tii a-
i-lii i
il el.
a, I !.
will I hits v, e..
V the power
ll'. Ml.
It'll il
lli- liLliv
A I ..
I'll' ""Ml
i t l!:i- 1 1
,U"I li.u
I '11
,.r i
I'M'... I
tt i line
, e Jorcl
fro-' in-.'
-..I ()..':.
':. .- l i'l o
1 ' . i'm1
! iii-i
I n.-Hi
H i I.
I V '. 1 1
from tho beginning, ns coming from nc n
as hostile lo the Union under tlio Consti
tution as the Secessionists t hoima Ives
had the niriinfi ot .h" war not been per
verted Iroui a still
fhc forciaht of the Administration is
tiuly incomprehensible
CT5uMr. J. L. C, Turuey, Socrelarj of
Washington Territory, and Victor Smith,
le for the ixstoration Collector of Customs at Tort I'ownsend,
of tho Union the Union nion ol the South lmvo boon removed from their respective
wo'ihl liavo been ol vast se' vice to up, aii'l ' positions for einbez.loineiit.
long o.'o tii ii tho back bone of lint rebellion ! The appointees in tho civil wrvico in
tvouhl have been l y intci mil (lis- j tho west , feems lo bo as reckloPK and ex
sciisions amoii'T thciiiscLics. travagant m tho Shoddy patrioU around
(if this there is now no hope. They arc . Wellington.
now tirnte.l as no people ever weio im.ivu , f-x,.J,T10N Fkks.-We tlio following Tho Times lias aho Iho
i..-!,, an.lil Mr. J.mcoln is Mill o: l"C j(om 0 gul,;,,t.t i tho Uarrisburg1, Wa!tmgton. ct
i.)-inirtn tin. I
sin iild be pie.
en-ill to fight
Si sun... ii 1 1 .i.i i) in v .
in New Vo'.k, Iionl
i- wli.v. llie iKnspaK
m...i oi bcitro M.o, b... . , lomwlM i,v accepting vy
ty, worlh 113 more now than it was lictoto j,.. mpn fr providing substitutes out
the war, deducting, per nips, a tr;llo for ,,f i ranks of men already enlisted b
the expense nml risk of traitmporlation in volunteering. Humors nro also current
loreiCn exchange transactions. This np- Uy regard 'o fees received by the
, . ,, r ll- . Uiailllli; e.tllilllir.-in'tiei a .i.e. j ...c . ... -
icoeiil advnnco m tho pno.o of gold is not Blir!)m,s r(.r p,(ormin'- th dutv which , Vul'1 11
i .
ln i au-o lis intrinsio viuuu lias lnereasctt, niH been asmgned tlieni
i.... i...,...,..r. oib.T values. iH.'iin' to a lariio thev will receivo from
'fi...;.5..a l.iivo denreoialed. 'lo ov..'tiier.t. Tho people should
o-.n 1,1 "' , . , iit'Oit theif niiiird. and
sny, Ihcreforc, tl.iilgoia- oen.g uio main .lliiH (.,liir..,pr 1;now
.lard of value ill this country has i.inv.iii'.Z commit toil. They arc
, in vithie. is.i misictiresentation ; whatever, nr.d if they hn
"" " - , ...,-. Ml
WlC tHivei nur n in, untn
rou. i Iii)
iiiit., cons
they nro, on tho contrary, idcck and fal, ;tll;,,3 ()10 following highly compliiiionta.
and talk trciwton bold. I rv m nnlico of three of the loading iHau-
j i
Uevoltllioiil.'J tin' A.utli ill the"e CK'C
oiis, iuid tho South will rcvolutiottize'.
1 1 li-ei. riiiichist! tlio lniinls oi tno
(loludcl lebels fioni tlic spell of abolition
' ism. and ihov
lte. from the M"'ll oi .U'tl liavis.
lil', c-ril.llln'l
. ii.;; a (..''"I MlP'i.- 'j -.t -,
IVr ici tits iipiOf lo
i. I.. Ill i.n.
.IAS. U. Ci'.A
I lt-urfiulil, .July , Is ',.'.
a il
t !:
lln -.tit'.
fi-llr '
1. 1. -i.i:
: !1(
1 1: t i ,vii
i.. iu:.. nliinn nn lr'.tncnsn
crop af mit and cereals Inn been and is ooraU of that cojnlyj
ira Tho Election -I'earlcsa Democrats.
only holding out at Winchester until ho t 'plt) election Ih over, ar.d it has not re
can wnd oulll tno miuieuso prui
tho valley of the Shenandoali nnt
tor valleys, nml then no win navo
lllfr ilSO lor ins ineseni i.vri- .... ... ii.,,,,.
in. i row tr.-f.i-I; t ie. renei RUMiiy irnius , :.,.ii,,. i, . ,r,, in hnn.-.t or tin , ie wen
havnbeon running regularly ami full to. j ,lm ... Illui H ,,,, onl01l offuiuro victory, lay l"wn tin
.., llieliniond. illBtoad of Loo's urniV, I l, .1,1. . f.,,, nrniiiinnnt men who have ei llllK'llt
- . .ti'i.'i-i ....... j - - - -.
rBiiir, t i r. titt tt i.D
I I.n Miclll'il f"l' tin' I '''' I M".'
nml li-iiiiil 's) .in M iiiil.iV, An.' 1
terit.v ttr Session nl' Klcw a ('"
.:. i . j
I ''
I uihIci
llit.ii ii
lJoCa any on') - iippC'se that tho Souiheni ! o,-!!, trui.hy, Itt iuiing, W
in.i.yi-s hi'.bmil v.'ilhoiH some apparent. Aiiihuiciic mnl ifc-'i ai'l. v
iil siibinitliiiif to a moil -trou.t tv r- Iliirlur A i ith uu. lb'.
mint, soeriiidimf us to nt. Pill the world'.'! lic'..gii'!iy mnl ili-i.i
J C C . . . .
"ii..; .M.n, llo. I llli. IVIVlllllV it Willi-, ...lilllcllt,
V.UII1IIHV ...i. - -j - . , ,. .
i;n-''..-li lirjiiiui. r,
'1.,1-y, VbiliifC'l'l'.'.
S 0'
v l io eioeuoti is over, in. ii ii niia int ic - , . . ,. .' . . ,1. ,
tro.lart.or' Jlltw, uUogcthoras we had I out a hudow of jusUhcat.o..; tl at hi,,
and it, .is- ISkipcVI ; vet whilo sitfroring tho'mor- I leader are bars ; tnat tno .North, iiii.
ivono fuiuificntion of "p''tii.l delont. there is 01,0 , which Jell. Da', is pnoe: o os to save tb.'.-'i,
L l'ortl,o :tlli c0l,eclVa with tho ennvass, which , is not lent up-ni tm-ir tiestrut.'.ion ; V ha
(i I1
i w , . .(...I l.u I .... t ii. i a Mi, l ,v
iu is l'l'liernllV suppoxwl. 1 1. .-cars nctod with the Democratic l'arlv , misn pi. .-.... v.. . .- - i
- . j ... . . . ...i...i...
following, dated i mid ltnvo be&n lied down by its rults nu.) '"""
.r . . . t . i .O.O. ... if. I ill
..v.. i.n' ii i men n,-L r enin n tue-. n in
I . , .... i .... I .... i. ... ,. ... ... .
iiius iin'i :iii'ii.u m .t .'
whit h hat been most grossly
I .,,;.. r,c..;eiil.'.il bv their leadeis mnl
bolitionistf. and Within six incntii'
r unh ss tin v are iiioro or le-s limn met:
li.ivis higher man nu-
. a. i ie; .t
i v i.-'n I-
II, Jl.,..Ml
t i.oro-:
, x:l'i
IMIll I.O'lK ltd H'lgi
I.iilin nml tlrick l.:n .-,-n;i
'I'd stinl-.'.its tii' i i on i ul
Knglirh Kti.i .im..ii, i.ttJ
tiii'ir.i licit I i Tt.i. I" i.'i
il -.-i ni i e .'nl'. o.'i '.-,' '
.No ini'-i! r. . -it ',1 l'..r le .- llti-1 l.fllt
mnl in (Uohif'.'p.'i s.s4. Mif'l't b"' I'i'otntcn
... i i 1 1. i e '.-( iu he I'iMtln' t: I.-' ft'i" "'
i ', H. .- A M. " ! L, V'irt.'i'i'i
Cli'tirlioM, An.,-, ti, I'.
"... ...A,..., ..r n, T;,n i.i..,., i.;..i. I.. 1..1.1,. vf,nl i,,l thev will lung .loll. Davis higher than ha-, . . -ex (, a ,'
' ,1 , I WW ofSuturduylas, Mr T Ju )t I Willi I
ed to tell ui.AM4fovo. cAnor,t,r liashoen isBi.ed by the ' ' F H lyal, Athby's (!fip and j to ho right, without regard to pnrty. Wo I hoy would have d0"0 , o, 0f' . A,
Uovernor by which oll.rcw of volunteer! , , 'villB.c n0 rebel troops on have no fears for our country w l,m such ! "ot ho abol.lionioU stood like a w, I o 4 rjr,. lT?AU now nu sin i; in v.'iiioiiH nartsi . ' ' . , , .. ..;..i., i.iii.v'i. LaMa mnnDi Cnl .l....i 1? f'raitfoi-il ol' lire between us ami tn in. i-ieaiv i.vri.-i.-it ... hi i.r t,,.,r ...,..!fi'
r.-Cold is now worth, 0, ,,, Sut0f a.o warncl lli.U their com- ;crn' l.dicves tha'. tlio rebels will ' (iayppoi t, Majir Theophilus Snyder, cf - thai wall at the coming cl,j''''''',s;.ft"' !j' V t'..e', I,.,,,, 'n'shit-ro .1.1. I.." il.o.7.,..
si 1,1 v 1 KM. Tl.w ...:.,: Ml l. .'.ii 1,1.1,1 ni,. nt her nun. UIH uul' ,u .ct-- ...... r , i. , w.L-i' , -i i... ..... ( ivai: . Souiheni neon 0 Will eurilo Wick Irolll IHO'..,,,, ;., r a,,,. lo kiuk ul .uiA
v. " ' "'" iiiiiiumii ... "u ........ v. j--- ,nnl;n InCir WlllUT (Itiaricrs bOUUI Ul iii Jillllllll'mJlg, vui. unin.-tiii, ui 1111111111- - i- . , .. - j- ' '
. 1 1 ., . i.i ;..(i;..i,l ;r .,n.i.. mi iv n t o. M . 1 .i .r. ,.i i i, . i..,,.i ' ii rors of tho conledorncy lo un pciue ..- , t
is leu us. i.uievcry ,--"--r j - Knpim itinnocK. iiiir(f,'i."i i.i..u n.iu..ri.i . ..,; Have no , ,', i m.i, i"'f
1 1. .,.,, ..i,.., I nt moil llll.l nil- "J. .. . , i 4k. .. .1--..... .1 i 1 ...,.!, 1 nml ni'Oslitr IV Ol tllO l IHOP. il', (jOOll Wttslm III KjC.
it. .4 ..,.1.1 ... in - ii'iii'i'Hi; f vi itir .inni was niKcn rirt'.oner nt m" , mo narrieis oi miir nni iiitti mm un i . . - ... , . .. .. .-. .l... .. it ..
'.".. . . ., . .1 I ..,:,. ti-ii.mi.h intotifign ol Mil.mission ,
v. tic i nierus mo np-, '."" ' , -i-i., i,,,..
tiit.iot and nuts to' on the part of the .North. I hey tell
pan mi, ami puis io i t0servnlivo bullets and bay
flu njmnoin'es enina Out . t'u sun;, ui ti i ... " .
first bnttlo of r.ull Knn, and has never for principle. Theso men, with an hones-
l,..nn nblo to 'obtain permission to leavo tv nnd fearlossness
. i. 1 linna. lie .-loiiied hv obtainini! 1 nrolmtion ofovoiv
lliu I . ' i. i . .. ... . . . . ,i ul n.r
permiMion lovif.t Upporv. lo. ttlianio tt.?ir oi-i puny iwirociuici h, ou '',;;.," ..r.,.,, or ,h;,t. Thev will xmA
A porty ni negroes arnve.i v.. u..jr , irm u ";""""' 1 " - ,U,WB f conservative mri.orities by the
inoy repori n i;,, , ,tu,n,i , .,..i, . .. - . ' ' (, of eonscivativo c.-itiiion nr.d nius.
e'lilt, per
J-h'.p- pnitlc
.id:, ul jn
ylutl iill otW ni.;li' nt Uio Imk'i-1 mir P"
fu.-wciwillf. S'I'l. I". '""V
7 ".
ii) per pK-
lul to say that cur government funds,
nni our paiiei cuiiioncy,
-no third in vulue, would b telling tlio
Tho attempt of tho New York brokers
10 delude the people an to lhi kcl, by
.- . . . I . if.
1. .1 .,0 1,1 lioiiai. tions irom tueir on
ti iim.. ' -
1 1.1
' r ..Hi.l..... ..n llil i,,l.t
1 , I Ul C, ll'VIU-l". SSU lll'l. .It---
nave if. m'i: t . ..,, u,,rr,,i,,,rf, ''...r,..,A
IU.HIU1.H ll.l.H. ......... ... . ... j.
. j - ...j - - tinshr? of consci vativo c.ninon itf.'i nius- 1 1
-l i.mnn mnm .tl .nniml nnn .- 1 1 1 1 1 . hi es Oil () 11 1' Iiasil(5lil e i ..... . ... f I
... '.ir.-.. Ill Illilt. V 1.1 llll V . 1.1.1. run . - ... un: ..' .-. v .. w . . 1 ... Mt I A.r. .. . I ,1 tuon-t.t ... ta If q n. wrT t . A .... .. i ll n 1 K
'Ute V'nf,,r S I' "-tl. of Uo na,l,a.,a,H,.K.k. 0X00,1 oneket. .'hey wero welcoa.c,. into our - VSioM p i!l SVr l pj i U . I
llie l.nilitl niaits . , , , . ,:,.., 4l nnlt-tiatl. fnnVi in t ntmn nr lis. us 1 1 0V (lefOIVCu lm .'.. r ..... , '41 t I I.'.I t . I t
I- t i.h it! n ,
expose every Bet I " ' " .... i ...i r,. her Smith. i nv.,ili.....nnd tl.atit it. now in tho natoioof -aymg it ni w. ...... s.x ... ....... I f a ri r;- f l"!?. Tl T'jJ U U
n to have l.een;ruls - , ".; r- ... . f. (l) ,,,., ,.. A- gel SouU.ern people will mi. g jch. J;a lit AVj Mtf V: V.V w
entitled to no fees) Qen. Eurnsido-TllO Enemies lorces. I ' lrih u.r,i(.. ...... niw(iv, (o,.f erred nml Ins lfllw on the ,
,vo been eXTictcl,, . ,, rrmil hon.louartors to l,v i.Ree,miful can.lidaU. u.ion his blends, vc;.' spot whole .lHn l.rown ml v.
tho protluction! "ST' . " . . ,,1 W .dneHtlav .: i', :..:, to them as a friend, tint they ferod-and .",..- tho l-nion !roi w.ucn, -m-r y A fl ry liM'N
(iiin.shment is i .io c tv - I ,, mi .iiii i,.,if,, th.i hi. st of all .-o'M'.h-r.n Southern and No. ; lie. n scounilrrls nave l. j(. i jl i .2 1J - '
,. u ...i t (ifinurii u r ii. 1 1 tiiu Mivnn:i viw
An order has been issued by lien, nc-;ipiV f"".",
n rewart
(listricts-not having heard .from Mckean. ,ilirl.,.'8 ."Crry. anifllio Second and done, noblemen I
Wo l.rcsumo howevoi- that tlio opposition 'pwltth Army Corps nro placed under his 1
' "vi- . ' ,: ,' . ,1,,, .ninoiiiv in McKean for nseoaibly, will not. orders for the ,.reent. , ?
d ,,m,, h in perfect character w it! the I(,ly ,,,.,,1 of u , lc c(,'old delusions or tho limes, nnd will exceed thai given loriuuBw , lll til!ery forces liavo been resumed within ,
, . . , .. n 1 .J..I.A In.ttf.. ihn miiinri V in tilt) . . . r , . . . . ..: - .
UIO "ill niuiuiii v v wj..- --
lei.rivetheni. ind one which Hons retrieve me iinoiiiion ...sses mri
..: . . it i i.. r,i,n defen- 'nnd liehton the "loom oi tno grave.
Hi.'Il.KI A1 llltl L'WIlflltll V'.llt.K.' -..' lj
-,i.'tiil'cr :
Assr.Mii..v.-Vonrolill unable to give Clell.ui and has ahon, y M" jJ, r ami Vustrun them through liU, predict that this war will not be ended
1110 OIHCiai ri-IU. U Ul't'l "i i.roo......j I. R ii
WeT for fiftpon or twrnty yearn, unless sooner
stopped bv l.iiropean rowers with
: Ms'
lit Tt I'V
tin. i luiv.t I" "i i
-n C-
whom we have iilreiuly a long itccou'it to '"V1'-'
I : 1 1-... i i.
: v.-
t-5. i en. .loll. -'. Uavio. who was .'utcm
for thooting ticn. Nelson, nil.ouibville,
been roleased bv ordor ot the War 1'c-
l.o nbi.ut in; ellcclivc m mg uiu... ..... 7 - , . ne ibi tii.,. .ui m urn "'" ' ,,,ri,nent. and Phi. ed ill . ''Ininitiid of tho the i.rmv. the constitution the rn:..n und
,f ..,,1.1 u ;.s the "l'oica JiUU tliMtlCl nouun-vvf .04 v.. -. k-byihu ... .....iy.ii. ,- ..... ., .. . 1.,. .,...rUnl ive rifiit v ? A. Y.Jhr.i'd
settle when a:.-ain united, otert ol Iho
North, there is the is., no. Will oil sl.uid
I. v .lull. Itavisnn.l Iho disunion abolition
isls, or will you rttand by tho l'rosidoni.
'1 :n. . .. n il
i .1 I , ,:ii 1 c-:.i.f
iiiunc'liiti' I'-vnn 1 s 1'
n -.,:ii-l Hi" f.m.f "41 1
111 llild t'.r rclC'.'llii.
... i A.lin"11'
. .,s,.t Ki ''
, r r - i
,i. a:i rr"
,1 I'm - l:i-in?
From tho slation on troops at Covington, Ky,
Pil,0 (..Mllsllip, lsi-1't. !b If"'
t ; illl!;' at"
f.M E.v". l-im
.int. I.'