I ., II , t. tnl I', - 1IM. lUtll Ml II 1 (fl'l 'll ! II fun ' ' I t, ' It ran. ir r I-' I. 'I . 'in. i III,., , . I ., . h'tilt fel mtii 'in. n tn!lt 'd nl r i' Imiil t.Url ; i.i n I, I . i n h tliit ii And n..n liv M nV I V I III It ( litrinjf in U nit l! - 1. hirs liru. l. ri v little Iricn.I, .lit e n,, n, ,, A ' 'ii r to mi" . 'I H II li 1: ' null, ' r ":ii .it i i i , , 'Ii 1 11 lii f ii r 1 1 . 1 -iml Li.i, . . I'.iil It'll Him-, hi. i t I ,i I, ,, . , Anil fit nil. w illi r. i lain n in, 1 uniiili'il mi iiiri it li"iu V In n Anil (bus nimlc i"rc hi- rl.iim. lil'-st he llinfn bins yt, Inin ,;, "t o ti ,1 I ' t' i- Itii l-.-t ili'-liv--. Who .uar.liilly 1 1 ! Itim I.efiU-n 1 : Thi 1. nl tin-in sure ml bless. That dre Hinn.-i-, t Ii u Small n., n; Through lib Kited Inn, ii', Anil tliath, who spares nutyti.tli nor Into his miu'oree mine. M oil limy T 1 1 u weep, his sMors dear. Ami Hit n, bis ben nl friends, A mulla-i's holy, nicrtd tear.-, Kur his untimely end. Hut I, i) has gono beyond I In- ii- u t Ii Of sorrow, and puin umi .-trite. To realm? iif evwrlusting peace, Anil true, eternal life. I of (i:bn-j!tfjhi((. fllay- ri'dtlt your lillililiuN Ivilldlv, hilt put your homes the nick. :uid cnttki niglitly to JfcayMnny ;t man wlio is jn-oud to Jui quartei nutnter, litis u wiib at lionic who is whole master. JWll' die American Union were to crisli, the world in itjlit as wvll bo a doittire. Ir-"A!I maidens are ood," sain' ouo mornlist ; "but where do the had wives come from '!" Jtej"''lov vana uro all tilings here below!" as the swallow sair when ho was perched ujkui the weathereock- fir"Industry must jirosper," nsth. , , , , , , . lii nn u-j in clii, i, 1 1,, I, I . ..... i I. i... I l . i J,;,, V ' ",,,R, lu.SWlioel.oj.ped wood. s . I-C fiyy Men are ienentllv like warrons they rattle rodiiouslj when there is iiotjiinir m inem. flti'-Two great gebg;i-ailiical discov eries nre yet to be madt tho source of tho Nirger and "the last ditch." JS-iT Bl'O.'ld is the Stlld' of Jiie and li. i jtior the stilts tho former snstainin ft man, and- tho latter elevating him for a fall. JfrtrA fluoli of hone renders toil and :"ial beautiful, as the Bunbeum gives u sparkle to the winter's froet. sscrVehenieneo creates dislike, ex cessive mildness oonlemiit: lie nci- tbei so SC'VCrC as tO be hllted, nor f0 ' l.ttllli; il.- IU IV Jllrlllllft.1. ! fvJ Wisdom isun ocean that has no chore; i'h T'i"OiVi;c ts is not terininutod by an horizon; its centre is every iivn-, tinu ni i ircuniierence no where. JkT''Jhcre now !" cried .1 lit tlo girl, wnne runinnging a (irawer in a bu roau "there! Giau'-pa has gone to lioitven without his spectacles: what trt.'ho do?'' y.rAlthoTli the Seecbsioirists and thi bolii ioiii .tw seem to pull in difl'er tr t, cirections, their tails, like tho-e ol inis,,,,'s foxes, are joined with fire liiamla 10 wrap tlio country in flaim s. t?A letter from Hilton Head, South tturolinii, dated September il, i-tates that the Island is not as liealthv ... , ;.i 1 . : 1 u 1 - . 1 - .in utnti'i ut- uctlli u. rcuvjilj Ol llie soldiers are sick with fever, and eight cases have proved fatal, all of them members of the New Hampshire Sev enth. l)uSinec tho interruption to travel over the Louisville- and Nashville Kailroad, (over which the mail oas-ed for the army of the Ohio, under Gen eral Uuell, stationed in various nor- 11011s 01 lennessee ana Alabama, 1 ful ly two hundred thousand soldiers let ters have accumulated in the Louis- Tillc office b$TA venerable lady in her hun dredth year lost her daughter, who had attained the good old a"c of eighty. The mother's grief was great ; and to a friend who came to condole with her, she remarked, "Ob, dear! oh dear! I know I would never be able to raise that child !" lWs.The foil iwing is the last grand effort of transcendentalism. It is a luminous rendering of the vulgar ami common-place term of "clear out." "Enubilnto the atmosphere of your presence, by calling into action your ijuu-sccnt motive power, and trans ferring the material elements which compose your terrestial organiEation to some other portion of this mun dane ripbere." mrOr tho five followers of John lrown who escaped from Harper's Terry, only three? now survive John Brown jr., now a prisoner in Rich mond, K. J. Meriam, and (). p. An dcrson. Tidd joined BurnsitJe'ft ex pedition, and died at Koanoke Island on iiic eve of 11 victory, lianrlay Cop pee, whose brother was executed at .'iiirlestown, was one of the victims of the riatte Bridge atrocity. Sur" In J 55, Eufus Choatc, in speak ing ot Abolitionism, said: 'The basis of organization is reciprocal Bectional ht.te To form and heighten this, to unity uno1 justify it, to show that it nit . ui and nocessarj- and brave, tho s.nle vast, energy of party tactics to '.- . .' v.. "vjmtlt Pean lin.litn Miinl DlnM.,. I. v m roti.;-t .11 the ingenuity Of en uiskcu ior a acTice io auen i'it! read Hsundcr our immature u'.d artificial nationality, it would devific nothing so eflVctunl." 0 I" 1 t'llPr Price itli IN miner am. $:jr oo. THIS MACHINE HAS A POINT OF 1 SUILRIOKITY PKCULIARLY ITS OWN. ,StitchinB. Hegminffandellinff with I Tt fur nm n fiat, evt n, ami 6ln.tic fcnni, wliitli i WAKKAXTKU nut to rit in wear, cvt-n if tlm i M-aiii i? out nt fri-iiiu-nt inti-rviils, nntl nlo timli-r nil i irt-uinstanii-ii "to umivivk thk wasii-ti u." ipr. I A l'atsntt'4 ilcv'u-o nf "ifnt utility to lunrnpr j prvtnlt tho pniiMiliility nf tlio inai liine I't'iiiK ; run in tlte wring tliriH-tion, or tlm ImNinco wheel ' vtoarinR a lmly's ilrc.is. I Anntht-r foiituru wliii-h tl-nrre particulnr at- t. ii i ion in jyrTHR AVilcux Pathnt Nkbiii.s CANNOT Dl! ihi:t lvniiMi. ' Tu,i ll uan.l iIIIlLbj tvm f n,1 ;oun dime in out) minuto without tiroiiing a tlil.h The.-o miii'hiiic", so n'nuple and anenrato in their cu n strti ctitm , superseilo the use ol tho kIi lit tle ; and with ouo thread pruduec ull the practi cal result of the two thread mat-hincH ; and nit re, for thesa full without basting. uml hcui the Gnest niiislin m ithout puckering. AHIiuui'li at about half tho price uf the other lir.-t class iiiachinos, they will accomplish doub- le the sewing in a piven timo 'It is emphatically the good, lnw-pricod Fain - ily Sweing Machine that tho public huvo loug been waiting for." Uoston Transcript. "It in indeed a wonderful production, nntl for family lite especially, no other wil' bear any coiiipiin.-uii wiiti it. I'liilaJe' n!a Evening ' Journal. I "A uiecbaniciil I wuud". .SciintiCo Ameri- I can. 'Among the heft and most servicoubfc Sewing j Mnchiiies. Light and elegantly linished, und r phi, ,,v iu ,13 iwil.-llUlllllU llliU 11, I-CUIUB It I - . ., . - . so kimple m its construction that it steins al S."'i 'T VU10.T 11 fc 1 - ,,n !r.ou'j . . . ,. . .ll.lrUl. 1 ?i 0W" 1 'M T'u fall the really valuable improvement of tho bigh- rMrK'1 m",'!'""i" -i'-"".17lv"tt'a- ., "J his nincUiue, in tho opinion ol the commit- tee, fills more nearly the requirements of a per lert family machine than any on exhibition." jranklin Iji.litulo Exhibition ltep.rt of lS.'iii. "Taking into eousitieratiun fiiuplicity, cheap ness, durability, and doing all w ork, the uuminit Init Hum ii,iiiniiiii.i,LK. i I'.iw,, ,.r ,l,u It'lln... .i. Oibhs as a tingle thread machine." Peunsylva nia State Agricultural Society's Kenort. 1 "W e must, iu justice, express our confidence iathe merits of the Wilcox 4 (iibbs Sowing Ma "hiiic. We consider that a great desideratum bus been supplied by it, iu proving, beyond doubt, that two threads ire not, as was iupw ied necessary to a good instrunent." ChrL-tiun Advocate and Journal, June 21, 1600. 'We have one of these machines iu use, and think more highly of it than of any of the num ber we Lave tried." Uichmond Whig. The under. ii.-1-ieil. Mi.iinniirv In Prm dt.m P''i examiaed moro than twenty diBer six ""'fe '-'"u"l . ouieUini. weeks experience with W ilcoi t- (iibbs' I'adap- he has purchased one of them, as the hoft aleast ted to the wants of bis family, and as the ent liuhle tn re,,uir re,.nir. OLIVER ('BlVL'. lioston, July 3, 1S60. The Mudersigned. daring eighteen months lm had in almost constant use, in his familyWil cox A Gibbs Sewing Machine, upon which has been made the clothes of his large family, from muslin to pilot cloth including the clothing re quired for his several boys ; and in no case have the seams failed, although in hard service. The machine now in use io his family has required ne repair, and is in all respects, well appointed, efficient and durable. JAC0H CII1CKERIXG, Boston. ."!W-Send for a firi-nlai- tx-fr JAM' KM WILCOX. Maniilai Hirer. i o. r.OH llrotduav. Sew Vork. pOposite St. Nicholas Hotel. . . . - - ' October 23, 1861. tf. I $35 00 1)AYS the entire cost (or Tl'lTION in the1 most popular and successful COMMERCIAL SCHOOL in the country. I'pwards of Twklve HfMiai.n young nien. from TwENTV-rtGBT differ ent States, nave been educated fur business hero within the fast three yenrs, mine nf whom liav Keen employed as EOOK-KEEI'EIIS at salaries 01 1 $2000 00 I immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing ofnecounts when they enrered the College. ..JMT Minister's eons lialf price. Students enter at any timo, and review when tbey plense, without extra charge. I or talalogues. Specimens of Penmanship, and View of the COLLEGE, enclose five letter stamps '"vavis fil iv JXKJ f mla- . nVlxr r tr ' NLW GOODS! i A FRESH ARRIVAL OF ! Spring & Summer Goods Z r t fi e en e a r cash stok e. ! I am just receiving and opening a carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer goods oi almost every description, A btitutilul assoriment of Prints and Drcs goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also great variety of useful notions Dili -GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, a large quantity, Hardware, Qieensware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints. Carpet A Oil Cloths. O R O C E R I E S , Fish, laeon and. Flour, Mackerel in H and i barrels, uf the best quality, all of which will he eold at me lowest easn or ready pay prices. I My old friendi and the public generally, are respec i .j kiiioi t.u. .T-fr-N. B.All kinds of GltATV ft Fl rl Utirirnvai) con-re f t...,.nr, . . . -l r"-"- e v. ., i , i nuuL i c taken in exchange ot Goods. Clearfield, Jane 2(i 1 961. WM. F. IUWIN. IADY'S DRESS GOODS, selected with much J care, just received and nowoneninr. nrf .r. eaerd fur sale at small profit, by 1). r. ET2KV ElLFTL March 26, 1862. I give notice that FIVE TEACHERS will be wanted for the Winter Schools. Those wishing to hare Schools are reanested to meet the Hoard of Directors oa tho Second Saturday of October I next in Pennvi'le. OJIN FLKGAL, Sept. 22, 1S8. SfcirniTy. ,i n wivn ami nAin int.'MNir 1 1 e -Hun hn Ml-n a-. d I t Vl I tM -in 'lull, tin l.nn ' 'J Im.i iiiil'imrit Klin lm will, Mi , A lirm HI tlilt ri up, I m mi. II shaves f't a "in ," 111111 it vmi nit illmir. Will Ink "It ) mil Ii nlr In t r it e It a "Mill i.ifni." f n cmc alutig, )' J 'lly I.iim -Ink, 1'nr Plta-nnls It tin-iimn in dolt t-1 1 1 n p nil fjniili. He ien,m may readily le m t-n liy his riifti'in ii- hi InruK ; Hi.- tun flu nil are r If mi Inn r:i,ir nil are ki r n, ,n I jini'll ulwavi tllul In in 'man nl in-, ii i barge. .lint o In I'li n'MiO itn-l jnii'll In- I, ike Mh I'n r yiii'i-n nl nlil' I'l'-n-oil uml ili-lii;lilvi, mi l I'M Inim 1 Ii 0 lull!' Iitl not 1 1 or n tnlil. l'un'l fnrjrct Hit ln o -in (ir.il.niu'i H"i iibiite JS. H t ii in 'It ' rlmti f- lii. FAMCHI, l'LliAHASTS. Cli-urfii'lil, Jiit.o 1?, 1SI12. tf. --- - . , ,t Goods! C()()(ls!! heed, wi: vi:n ,c- co. 4 KK ju-t now oiouln up a laro uml 'l"n 1 diJ immirtint-iit of SK.VSONAltLB UOOh.S wliu li ttioy ollt-r in 0 x c o tl i u g 1 y low prit-e First come first norvcJ, May H, '61 . Steam Engine and Piiire Saw-Mill all complete, for sale. STKAM KXfiIXE, fnllr.w iiiir diim-nsionn -. Cylintlt-r 10 iiu hns in diatnoterof Imrt', with L'i fi-ut ttroko ; HliJu vulvoi with enrt iron btl plutcr, or nbeur, ith fore pump, (Itirornur anil fly whei'l, f c, coinplote ; with cupper and othor p'ipos; TWO UOILKHS SI inclien in diutiii-lor, duublo flucl, Ifl feet lung, of good mnteriiil Ju niiita Iron,) 11 v whool li! feet ill diameter, about ItiOO ttis weight, with oil clobes, and all necessary coeks and wrenches; with extra ahaft to attach to Mrist-Mill Tho Kngiae ban been used fur' running both firiit and Saw-juill tuoce sfully. CAVA U I 1 l3r W "IY1 1 UL. PAGE'S 11EST P ATENT con.plole with Hatchet Huud-IUocks, Two Circular Saws, Mrap. and all necessary macbitiory for sawing Lumber, Tho above Engine and Saw-mill can he neen nt (irahauiton. Clearfield county. pT Yor pnrtieuhirs, ploaoe apply to the pro prietor, ut Clearfield, 1'a. JAS. B. liKAlIAM. Juno 2j, 1SC2. cvifuu.miusfrfi. a in f- tttp.fi.nav i"r1i , ' i. S ' '.T. T , I y ?. .1 . . tUVW w 'm.u-0 w . " 11 K undursigne!. having taken char go of the ! 1 well-known Morrisdale House, at Morrisdale, Clearfield county, respectfully elicits a share of ,,,,,; ,,.ltrollK No r!lior expense will to I spared to render guesis comforttible. Charges .,,.:, ,i, ,:,. to suit the times. April, '.), 1S62. y. 0E0. 1UC1IARDS. TYRONE CITY HOTEL. UO RE NT MACKLEM, I'Roi-RiETnR. Ki-jipeetfully announces to the travelling public that he Ins now taken charge of this largo und well known bouse, nnd will conduct it iu such a manner as will render excellent comfort and sat isfaction to all who mny favor him with a call July 18, IS62. i important In!ormation ! juuucu a luuiau b. I'll I V i a ll'l rpilI5 REMEDY is offered to the comniuuity jl wuu me conu'icuco we icet in an article .which .elilnm fails In ri.1!7A tl,A itnrititat ..ITmib tunt ran be desired. So wide Is the field of its '. , r uuiuu... ui line:, , i'uo?tevery soction of tfae country abounds ; i,u I''1" publicly known, who have beeu res- j '"fed by its use. Here is one ease of an ASTONISHING C 1' It E ! I 1 nis may ttUTin, lum my sun my eica ior twc'v months, under the Doctor's care, with the : disease of the Lungs, and every remedy prescrib cd by the Doctor failed to give relief. I gave up all hopes of bis recovery : so dtd the physician. At this stage I prevailed upon him to try a bottle of LOI DON 4 CO S. INDIAN EXPECTORANT, nnd the result was most happy, as the use of three bottles effected a permanent care, und bo is now a hearty boy. JAMES LAYTO.W I Derry Tow nship, Indiana Co., Pa. I No Family should be without it ; and tho-e who hare used it, never will. I keep all of 1,01 DE.VS STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINES fur ""' van auu see me nsi. k it t II 1 u- c l. tl A. 11. tllAn , Shaw.-Vllle. I "ii.Forfale by other Merchants in Clearfield couniy. April z, '. tin. : AUrS T. LF.OKARD. M, A, WALLACE. P. A. KISVET ' A. C. riNSET ' ankinn anb (iToIIfdion 0tt LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A It V I 1. D, VvA.l Ji r 1 r.J.lJ ( j( . fj , PA. J8ILL9 oi. EXcaANr.n. hotks nn nn.rr. i.mr,. CLEARFIELD L'or.TV, Al. I) POSITS HI't l'IVI"!) ' j favor him with a call. .. . " ' I Ample, safe ana comfortable stabling is nt- '-"''('" '""'" and tnr,Jt promptly rn'ittcd itarhed to the premises, and trusty attendants Kxciiaiijje ou the Cities constantly will always be on hand. Charges moderate. on hand. j " Feb. 12, ISC2. -tf. t"5tf Second St., nearly opposite tbei f LMrn LT IT I I COURTHOU.SE. I tt, r LhUAL, TIHITP II A Pf W TMlUf''n J ' ' ' JlJ: vVV7, , r.-r.. LIQIORS OF ALL KJXftS, fcALI, Ol US, I'AIXTS, & GROCERIES, leJrEor fale very cheap for Cash bv O. B. MERRELL, In '"f Terrell i Bigler's Store, Clearfield, Ta. feb-27. HARTSWICK'S tJD lt ua S3aEirc& Market Strfft, Clearfleld, Pa. ""CONSTANTLY en band s large and well j Jected stock of DIU'O.S ct CHEMICALS, Taints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye-Stuffs, Paint Brushes, and Brashes of all kinds. i.,r -. i t- . , . Ierfumery and Fancy Articles.! Tobacco and Segars, It ana.. . .iqiiom for Mrdirilial PurnOKf-a. (including c-mtiontry, branny, wuisa-.y, Uin Port, Sherry and Madeira n ines, dc, ie, 4e. tC2ITlSSS3aiS3a ' Alar .trwk .nEt!.r,,w ... v. ' B vu m, u,,.-. approved make for durability and comfort. '4S-The Doctor will iersonallT suoerintend this department of the business, Cleartield, May U. Cm. TH()MS J. M CCI.I.OlC;H, Attoriify at I.w. X. on. .M.rket ,tTft "Pl-osits Mossop's S tor. in .imnti iirompiiy to vuiier, ctioni Sale ftf Lands, le BUT I' Going it Alone ! I I i 1 GEORGE XEWSOS ha.inr fommeneed fV"" 1 7" ""P"'1' 0 ll th. ma.uf.etuy of BOOIS8MT"hOES Lh" S"'"D d. '""VM- 1 "'tDtlT I would resneetfally solicit a of ,'bUe pat- P the Po t.ry m his boro.gh. on th. or ronare. Withonf .kin. . . r!.! , a short distance east of the Methodist Church, rash pramimM, it shall and will bo hit steady en The very best f Stock, Make the very beat f work, And (at least hop for) The very beat of o art am. (If this aint jenefry it locks Tery like it but h i ur irwra, wnicn ts Better. So. wad. in" and t f; v. a, - . cdw -" dor next KqmhUt ioff f. . KEwe-r. CrsTEc:, jmy f . isi2.y i ,.,.,;.,. $1000. Will rnuio llnlr to (huw on Tnld Head? s lull He-to-e llirv or liifeai-ed llair In in OllKilNAl- rONIUTION AND ''ol.OU; Will prevent the llair f.-uiii Kallin; Olf, uml pro ' unite a New and llenllhy (Irnwth ; eoinplt-tt'ly ' ' erH'lit-Htei, DuiitlruH , will prevent and ' cure Nurvoiit Meudiit'h nill giMi i to tho llair a Clcun, (llu.-y A- I peiiraiice, and is n Curtain (.uro fur all Dueattoi of the Head. Prioe. 7" Cents ; lliroo Hottloii for ?2.00 For Sale nt HARTS WICK'S Dli UG STORE. Market St., CearfirU, Pa It is a perfect and complete dres.iug for tbe,T.,K(ic Eall Ticiits. II andhii.I.s, llair. Head tho following testimonials. I'. K. Manual's Okkh-i:, New York Nov A Wl WM. (1IIAY. Km . hoar Kir-Two month, ' atrti my head was almost entirely balil and the little hair I had was all yrty and fulling out very fut until I feared I ihould lime all, I coinineneeil using your llair l tlnrulirr, nnd it immediately Mopped the hair fulling off, nnd soon restored tho color, and after using two bottlce uiy head in coin- pletely covered with a healthy growth of hair, and of the same color it wan in early niauhood. I tako grcnt pleasure in recommending vour ex ce llent Jlnir Id-nUfaliet and you may also refer any doubting person to me. K0EEKT Mt'KKAY, V. S. Marshal, Southern Uistriet, New York. For sale by tho proprietor, (Wiu.Orey) at the lU-ntorativo Depot, HOI 11 roadway, New York. Also for rale by John S. I'iurcc, Ceneml Agent fili liroadwny, N. Y., and by all Druggists. JOHN S. PIEUCE, General Agent, No. GM JSrondway, N. Y. X. 1). DruggifU or others lending rash orders for tho I'.cstorative, will bo supplied ith eircu lars containing certificateg from pooplo of the highest respectability, fioin all parts of the coun try Mnn h 1'.', ISO:. I y. K OLLOCK'.S DANDELION COFFEE This preparation, made from tho best Jnra Cuf. fee. is reemnin. nded by physicians us a superior Nl'TKlTIOL'S LEVERAGE for General Lebili ty. Dyspepsia and all billions disorders. Thous and who have been compelled to abandon the use of colfeo will u.-e thi without injurious effects i One can contains the strength of two pounds of I ordinary cofiee l'KI'JE 2i cents. J be purest ami best lAlvtiMt rOliOLrlRiiown fr making light, sweet and nutritious bread and cakcs. pnicEioeent. V. If. KOLLOCh, CHEMIST, a, n y aLL nut -ihists lin onotmn. cm n it i Mik(iP'- Feb. 26 1 862. 1 jr. Cabinet, Chair Making, JOHN GL'LICII, of the borough of Cliarfiela, l'a., will be prepared at all times to attond to uu, lluslueB 111 luo BbvlD l,ll t-,i ebftrl notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His place of business is at tho old short on the north side of Market street, 3d door east of Third t nearly opposite the old Jew store ; where he will koip constantly on hand a large assortment of Mi hogoDy and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet Ware of every description, which ho will dispose i of on as reasonable terms as the same articles can be had elsewhere in the couutr. Ilis stock of Cabiuet Ware now on band, con- sifts in part of Dressing and Common Bureaus, fia., eewinir ana vt innme Manas. jiesKs. and Kuuk Cases. French and Field Po.-t Iied-teads. Oiniog, lireakfast, Centre, Card and Tier la- bl-s. Ac. r.,ffit, m:iniif:i, fnr-.l uml rivl'ivi-riM til ii.. , . . . ,. . . 1 I any placo desired. February 9, 1S59. no. 4, vol. iv. Aationnl Hotel. I VA1NE STREET, CURWENiVILLE, TA., WM. A. MASON. Proprietor. rilHIS long established and well known 110 X TEL, sitaated in the west ml of the town, has been remuddled, enlarged and improved, and the proprietor respectfully announces to bis nu- , merous friends, and to the travelling public, that i 's preparetl to accommodate all who mny 'JllstlCP of lllP MPfirP l''"31111' 1 1 itdLt Luthersburg, ClcarEold Co, Ta., w ill attend promptly to all butincss entrusted to bis care. April 4, 1861. Mossicim's. TAxDF.IJOX COFFnP- A fresh and XJ large fipply of this celebrated Coffee juFt' receired and for sale by ' I). F. ETZWKILER. March T6, W'2. WATCH & JEWELRY flHE undersigned respectfully . informs his customers and the publie generally, that be has just received from the East, and oi en. , ed at his establishment in GRAHAM'S HOW I j Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, hatches, ana jewelrt oi ditlerent qualities, from a eingle piece to a fall sett, which he will v..f.aajaBf,i viiruiiduin I'lKCB JUl CilBU. Ur IB l.reb.n. t..r A .i.i .i .:t.. ' CLOCKS ofeycry variety on band, at the tnott 'reasonable prices. ALL kini1 f Clocks, Watebei and Jewelry "refully repaired and H'trrnafcJ. A continuance of patronage is solicited, f-epl. ID, 18C0. H. r. NAUOLE. l. . . : - - J .. r. . . cuanus auu lldir-urrSSIUJ. TEREMIAHN0RR1S rosjiectinlly announces to his friends of Clearfield and vicinity that n has retuaned to bis old stand, and is well pre- pared to render the most perfect eaUsfactien to all wno may desire bis urofessiona! services. Clearfield. April 9, 'fl. CLEALF1ELD STOSE WA&E ronLty.. ; Thankful for put favors and aulicitious of fu- lrtr ctnek- nf PenrltAf-v litrh fraim emk - ---w, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Move pine easing dre. rfc; and also an extensive assortment of different suet and patterns of brackets and rosettet for cornice oa house?, and other moul dings. Any moulding! not on band will be made o older on short notice, Alto firs brick mad and kept for salt. i i . v t j.. ,i A . . i a uueiai rsauctioa o prices rsvie St .wboleeala dealers. T. LIITZIFSf:. W . AT ci.t-p.1d.BitT rt. 1I1.-1t. i.im.M Ki,.,ii.n..ti. " Mr fliftirf.ir M'Mrt iVrrMi-m tlm, 1 1 m iitfiim nl It II - tinr. I ii n't l Hi' t l i ' I Ihf J-i-nf. I 1 1 1 in if AiHi Hl-lij;. A,t ,.i.-ini llt tvf i II : I . tl in Ii." Hr,lil,ii ltn nl tlii- f.illnin)t ml' i' i I lriilnin. Ori .t,iiiir(, (II linen,) Ml do. s d.,. t 7 IH' 1 i.n ii mi 2 ! ?. Mi A ino'K. II ni" V Tlirt-f ,iiiri-, (4i lini-.) I a inttiiiiiu One Hipiiare, Twtiffiiinrne, : Three iiinrrs, Knur fipnaren, i 'lull a eulunin, t? SO t 00 V (' : 4 (III A (10 It 00 t 00 ft OA 11 00 : A 00 10 00 14 00 I t 00 II AO IA 00 ! 14 00 20 00 IS 00 One column, Over three week" and ! than throe mnallii 25 ' cent" per tiiuare forearh tnfertinn. I'.,,u;ri n.i'on. nnt aiotttlinr Aline! are In. rertf'l fur tl a Advenir,n., net -ark.d wlt.the m.mlier of EiortioiiK desired, will he continue! until forbid( nn pntiTgon aeeortiir.g 10 ineite t.rm.. nnuiTialo JU U r Pi 1 11 I I lH-4. An extensive stock of Jobbinfi ma et ui llllbles thfl l'lllilislier oi the "Ji'riuOMan i en ub , . i. ,Vn ,,1,1!. I K 1. 1 I. a i li , ii' n , m ' lo luiiitiui.cei uuifl-u""- t.... 1 rd to do 11 Ailltls of ! I'lisTrm p4k'a!,ITS rrtonn.MMns, : ' I'l.ANXS, I IrSK noui?, t-'ti" "'i nrdeveiv xind of printine usually dono ' . . . i ln a roullt,y oh oftice. 1 All Onlers will be executed With neit- nc.iH litnl (lc.-l;iU'h U. IS. G00DLAKDER tt- CO. COUNTY DIRECTORY Time or Holding: Court. Second Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Third Monday of June, Fourth Monday o'.' September, In each year, and continue two weeks if no- ' ce.-fary. County OfDrcrK. I'res't Judge, Hun. c-ainuel Linn. rJellefonfe. As'to fudges, Hon J.D. Thompton, Curwensi II le. Hon. J.imos liloom, Forest. Sheriff, Edward Perks, Cleurfield l'rothii"tsry,.lohn L. Cuttle, " Heg. & Hec. James Wiigley, " District Att'y Israel Test, Treasurer, Jmeph Shutr, " C. Surveyor, H, L, Wright, (il -n IIopo Comuiiss'n'rs, Wm. Merrell, Clearfield S. C. Thompson, Morrisdale Jacob Hunt,, Lutlicrsburg li. C. Lownian, Philipsburg J. 11. Shaw, Clearfield C. S. Worrell, N. Washington J.W.Potter, Leconte.s Mills Jesso liroinal, Ctun cu.-villo. I.lkt Of l'Oht OIllCCM. Auditors, Cnruncr, Co. Supi. ,v,is. 0 . 0. Xawr$ of P. jV I; icc ma, E ill, Olen linpt-, Bower, Cliut, Cush, Ostend, Cleartield LridjJ, Willinms' Grove, I.uthersburg, Troutvillo, Jefleron Lin 5, Furcn, New Washing' D Rurnside, Patehiliville, Herd, Clearfield, Ficnrbville, Karthaas, (i. W. Calwell W. McCraeken T. A. M'Ghee j. v. Ci2-.pt. r ILL Ilend.rsou P. Ii. Miller J. E W.tsun. R. II. Moure. C- J. Sloppy, John lieberliiig las- Rloom W in. Feath. Jaj McMurray J. Patchin G. S. To7.cr M. A. Frank. P. A. Gaulin. F. W. Schuarr T. II. Flomiug. Centre county M'.-s Badebuch Edm. Williams Elk county, Pa. C. Miguot William Carr A. P. ShatT T. H. Fornee. A. G. Fox. C. J. Pu,ey. Duri 1 Tyler H. Woodward Elia C huse G. Heckadorn , F. W. Schnnrr. M. 0. Stirk. J, W. Thtiinps'u .las. Thompson Hogg, Eraulford, Brady, Iiluwm, E tr n.-itle, Chest. Clearfield, Covington, Curwc nsrille, t urtrenn ille, Deratcr, Philips burr, V ii.l lup.turt Marron, Helen Post Office Lernunte' Mills, Raid Hilts, Sbawrville, Gralautou, Smiths Mills, Madcirj, Tyler, Pennfield. Ansoni!l, :-alt Lick, Knrihaiis, New Millport, lireckenridge, Kylertown, HurrisJale, Lumber City ,f (rainpian Hills, Curweiisville, liloumingville, Roekton, Jeffries, Ferguson, Fix, Girard, Go-boii, Grubain, (S ulich Husfn, " i Jordan, rvaruiau' Kurthaus. i Knox, Lawrence, Morris, " I Penn, I .. I Pike, I " I nion, J. C. Brenner, I II. W. Spencer, j A. C. Moore, i T. W. Fleming. Ji. 1. Dale D. Bru baker. Jus. Luskett. Woodward. This Pest Office will do for Chest townsbi Will answer for Ferguson township. M. M t t'M.OCC.H. Attohney Law, Clearfield, Pii. CHice with L. Crnns. Esi on Second street. March in, lM.-tf. IL n I h jr c lb ir 13i v t I , Ll Til E R S t! I R (., CLKAltl'ILLD COCNT1, PA. UKNKY EVANS, Proprietor. March !!, 1 Sf.,2 ly. Aw I'ATTIOKSU. Attorney at Law, Cur wens.-ille, Pa., will attend to all business intrusted to his car. Ofjce opiiusite the New Methodist Church. Feb. 5, '02. DR. J. W. POTTER. I'liyxlrian ami Murjreoii, has ptrmancntly locaUd at Frenchville. Covington township, off ers. his professional services tu the surrounding community. May 8, 1S61. J. l K U ATZER. M KUCH A XT, and dealer in Boards and Shingles; Grain and Produce. FRONT Street, nhove the Academy Clearfield Ta., Dec. 4, 1S61. PA MEL GOOOLANDEK, JUSTICKoflhe peace Luthersburr?. Clearfield Co. Ta., 'wiu attend promptly to all business enirusieo to re.va ttq Maroh 28, lgrtl). y. pd. I C VR EXITS HOWE. JUSTICE OF THE I'EACE. I For Decati Township will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care. P. O. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. list 1S6I II. W. SMITH & CO. MEHCHAMX, and dealers In ! Goods, Oroceries, Hardware. Qucensware, and everything usually kcyt by the trade. Store on SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo- site the rresnyienan inurcn, Cleartield l'a. nee. 4, loot. , O. BI SB. T. 1. Cl'LLOWCR. BUSH k M'CULEOUGH, Collrction Office, Clkaifiki d, Pa. laj-Ix Graham's Niw Bcildikg. Feb. 3. 'C2. Mrs-o-jf'tirs, rw-IITTj ...l . , r " "V " . . ' I uisrnDeri nave a meaium sited tiiu-, A. PROOF SAFE, newly new, which they will "7 encsp. REED. WEAVER at- CO. Clearfield, June 2i,lHC2. ALAOE LOT of those lastly ftelal satf D.F. ETRWEIT.ER. MtTtu, 12. I Itv . (viitlinilic ' ---XS (MO AH VOAtHhj 0 Him Mai-k " ( w.- m,r ki Ann n rntia . 1 n,riKK mt woo" ccnit tm ml 1nillifi IMwi rmrtmirt, rkniMji -fillanlhfnillt, rffin IhMr l ITtu "it" '"I-' " viriari, run Tim rfiiK o Hmda-chr,!! k llrnrlrrir..roril Riom. In ,1.C. Attn fir; 1 fur. I"ii r"unt ittM; lli orl henil' tie t.) t.o-ljf f"n It.t-f tr a ,1, jJTj of t.'tir I'lllf. It w.mni iatlMlh-inafhiilirtnn,,,), "J lliw eleftrit amtiee If lln-jr will cur olhuni ,u me,' Hie fact l W'Tlli knonlng. "'vl Voim IIN greal n-ft:!, tn. W. Mtrni rrti 1 llillona niaordrn nntl I.Wpr rnnini....' inmi, in h.. , 'ftrH1BB.-1T II Till lnt,l , WniBiiTt, It. C , 1 IVb.. lvii. put' iirn c,n pidi j iubv ,,i',, aitu tnOTI'4 h,4Ur Kay tliev are lb. bi-Ht cmlliattlr w. einiiltiT. rt l.l... III. I, .. I..,.,l. V ....I ,1 ... I. . - u"f ",! l'ln'W'ulr furtKranim.,,,; ' .KteK Jraurnally youn, AUIN7.6 BALL. M i T " : , '""'.n,i',,iin i ".mmii y if namir lcijwjf I DvaflBHrr. Helm, nnd Worm. PotTOrrin, II.ii..iM,it. Co, MicBhm. in lati ' ti - ; "Tta i "Si i hml lien Mi and pining awny r month. , i nil tu Ik dortnretl at grant tupenw. hut fi4 no Wiu th,.nPnInmpnf,(UkUK your rill., whkhfoon cm, V I lr tutpellluK lariso qtwnNtlei of wornuttlidl m.., b".tv. Hiey aturwarcu enrea ner ano our two cl.ti.i,.,, iirnioniiyoywniery. line oi onr neiininor. Bad H kn,i.,. I my wif. cured liim Willi two doitw or your Fills. other, amiinn m peia rroin nr. io iweniy doii.ni utM-r... bill., autl lust nmi li time, without belni eurrd .ilru. even then. Such a medicine as jours, which Is actiullj good and honest, w 111 he prlunl hern. GEO. J. UlUFFIN, ndiuilir. IndigeK'ion ana impiiruy oi the lllood. n ci r ts . . It. r.f jjbMl titu.1 . 1 1 imt ri . tf, r . . , trii, , uMn aim visrti, nuKCH. Da. Area: I bavo uied your Tills with extraonHtisn uccoss In my nnnlly tntl cmons; those 1 am cslled terisli in ilistreMt. To regulate (he orKKix of digestion and part, fy lite tlood they are lite very best remedy 1 hat. at known, aud 1 can confidently rece.Dim.nd tlism u mj friends. Yours, J. V. lll.MtS. Warsaw, WyomHa Co N. Y., Ort. 21, 18W. Pita Sia.-1 ain tiling yonr Cathartic Will ln mjt prtc tire, and find them an excellent purnnliv. to cleans Uu vstem and purify the fountains of the blood. JOHN O. MKACI1AM, M. P. I Erynipelns, Scrofula, King'e F.vil, Tetter, j minors, ana hhii Knenm. i From a ifeardin(7 tlrrchanl of S. Loun, t'i. 4, IRiC Da. Arra: Yonr Pills are the nainiron of all that k . great In mwlicine. They hay. cured my little d.unuter of ulrerous euros upon her hands and feet that Itad or tired Incnralile for year.. Her mother had been long grietont- ly afllitfed with blotches and pimples on tier skin and la her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried year j Pills, aud tliey have cured her. ASA HOKU1UPGE. Ithcumntism, Neuralgia, and Gout. F.om the 1et: Dr. Ilatcktt, nf Vit MOhodut tyit. Piirrcl, Pi lasii Iloiii. SiVAitKAn, ()., Jan. ft, IsSd. IIonokcd Sia : I should be ungrateful fur the relief j our skill lias brnuKht me if I did not rejiort my case to yon. A .,,1,1 tfltl,.rl in mv limti. and lirmurlit nil eirruriatine ii'umlizic puins, whirh ended In chronic rhenmHtiim. Kntw ithstanding 1 bad the best of physiriani. the diseis. grew wnmc and worw, until, by the advice of your excel lent airent in ltaltimor., Dr. Mackeatie, I tried your Pills Their effect, were .low, but sure. Ily persevering iu the use of them, I am now entirely well. FtxiTf. C&AMBxa, HiTol Rocci. l i., 6 Deb, lDfiS. Iia. Arm: 1 have been entirely .tired by yonr Pills of Ttlieuuiatlc Gout a painful disease that had afflicted m. for years. UNCKNT Sl.ll'Kl.I.. For Dropv, Fletliorn, or kindred Com plnliita, requiitug an aclitu purge, tltt-y am au excel lent temedy. For Costivciicsa or ConMipation, nnd ns Uluner 1111, Ihty are agieeabla und ill,, l unl. Fits Suppression, I'aralyNis, Inflnmnm tlon, and even Ueafnraa, and Partial Ullnrl lie.., have been cured by the alttrntite at lien of thwt litis. Most of the Pills rn market contain Merrnry, wbiili, al tliouph a TaltiAhle remedy iu skilful hands, is dani;eriiif In a public iill. from the dreadful consniuenceii that fie quently loUow Its incautious use. lliese contain nn u r cury or nilueral sunstaneu whatever. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL F0H THE RAPID CURE OF COl'GHS, COLDS, IIOARSFAKSS, l.NFM -KZA, UROMCIIITIS, WIIOOPIMJ COt tai. CKOIP, ASTHMA. I.N CII'IKNT COafclMFTlOi, ami f.r t be relief of ccLBuuij tiv iUeuU in (JvkiiC4i ttlgf Of tll tlirvtuX. W nped not nvfa,k fo tlte TmMic rf ft irtPr. ' Tbronizhotit tTory town, rnifl almot nvirv lmmltt "f tlie American blal(i, it wi-ntlcifiil i uu-t dl ul in f ! r"tii plaintf hvc niftdft it ulrenfiy ltnnvn. Nay. f nif i)-t ftjinilut in mit rifiliwd rountrrrio tfi in ronTintnt with out route rpiial njK'npnr of its ffei tu ; ut) ttrjtt the rommuuitiM anr where which haTt? n t i-nnnp tti-n Kitue liung tivliy uf iti Tictory owr tiw cuMl nnii dun pprous diat'awt of the tlimat iir,ii Iuib. Whie it in li e Bn"t ix.wFrfiii Dtidote jot knuirn to man for the f mil dsble and dangerous iliN4iF4i cf th iultin'riarT orcrflS, it la also tlie leawiQteft nnd auftt remedy tliat'mu W em EWtjed fr iiiffttitr and jonua rvint. I'areiits yhtmU ave H in atcre atratnit tbe lusiiiirnn rnfmy that ft-fcli npn tbftn unprepared. have abundant irTmirjtl to Mieve the Vhrrry Idorat aatrs tnorft Mret l-y ttie ff auttptiona it pntvrnta tliao tum it cures. Kft-p it ly ou. and cur roor colds hila the? are rura le, nor n-t- lert tlitm uotll do tinman akill can niartor the inexprsllt ctmker that, fanteoed on the vitala, eata yiur life aver All know the dreadful ktality of lune difnr.lera. and aj Ihejr know too the Tirtnaa of this remedy, we need lot ai more than to smnra them it is atill made the heet it rat be. M e Rpare no rost, bo care, do toil to produce ft tbt ttnet perfect possible, aud tliua afford thoee who rely oa h the bt agent which our skill can furnish fur tbelr cum FREFARED 6T DR. J. C. ATEB, Prwtietl and Amlytictl ChemUt, Lowell, Km AKD SOID BT Soldby C D. Watson,' Clcarlieid i E. A. Iriin, Curwt nsville: F. Arnoid, Li'tiietslmrg ; Montgomery d Co., NetV fr'r.Iiia; J. C. lirenner, Morrisdale; C. R. Foster, Philiiitburg; and Elia Chase, Ansonville; nnd by dealers everywhere May,7tb,1862 ly. NEW GOODS!! At the Old Prices. J. P. KRATZEK bos ju-t received another general assortment of Summer DRY GOODS. Lawns Cloths Eibbor.8 rt'lina Satinetts Flowers Shallit's Cussimcroi Hosiery Cus-hmeres 'J'weccU Ilond-Netts Lav cl las CottonailiM Oresg (rirarui fli Ducals inilllns Luces Silks .leans Collurs Tiints Munlins riidctbloeves Vnlonriu. FlunneU lantilLis f'hintz Linons liusters Ginghams Tickings Shawls. Ladies I'romenade Jackets, Bonnets, Sun-Umbrellas, .'Carpet, Floor Oil-Cloth Hats, Laps, Hoots, Shoes. rtlFFKF. IlAPilV MACKEKEL U,'J'lTKA FI.CIITU SUA I) SALMON COI)-FISlI HEKKLNTf SUGAR SALT IUCE CANDLES MOLAS.SES WISES Clothing. Notions. Jointed Hoop Skirts, Shakers. jlliisical Goods. 1olins, Fifes, Strings, Bridges, BovTi.Top Treccptors, Mnsic-raper, Rosin. Clearfield, May 28,1 SR2. iilll 5 U'Jj'ij i Will ' TiD-Wro, nia-H-Warc. Drur. UmK Ruckets, Brooma, Tubs, Churns, Wall Vapei, Blinds, t'mbrella, Busketa, School Books, Var nish, Most, Curled llair, Coach Trimming! Spirit Turpentine, Linseed-Oil, FUn Oil Coai Oil, Glass, icw in tact a little of er.rytUijiX w ally kept in a country store. All of which will be told on the most reason. He terms for Cash, or approve 1 ccuutrjr pro due.