It fMuhW yrytHican.' i i a I " " "" ' ' MONDAY, Xt. Iii.l"e . m inr Ktw3, Kr n '' p,h' ru F'J,r'i .s repxirteJ ' liili J wounJrJ. 71,11 rUJj were reported lo he, been repulse J CJ. A. . McClure U mUJ to lave tele grspheJ to Harr-burg that Meroersluig wajoaeatl! ly the rlli, ftflM of whom had TiiiteJ Oisinleulurg, tU BfttUiBg surrender of tbt j.U:e. This reycrt, it u fair to s'ale, li cot ore Ji ted. HBxAmocgii the weakest at) rained attempts that the frleocu of Mr. Hell have made against Mr. Wallas, tbroojili the "Raftsman's Journal. " ar tbnir flings t Got, Bigler, on tit lubjeot of ft r.!rction to tbe Srnat. Iftiie poaitiona o'tl.we . Untletnn wer reTrJ, then ibeir cyrs pooenla WoialJ reverto tbe pioiure, and , . , r. 11 ., 1 -aye Biflft curtjtug Wallace. Tlie peo. . pie underataod this amnll gnmo riht wii, nd it will not gain Mr. Hall ungla vo'.n in tbe district. Tbe truth U, tliat tine and experience of tbe oouotry are so rap idly vindicating tbe nUdom of Mr. B'sg'.er' oourie in Cong'on, that bit old ei.froiu ere very fearful that be may consent to bocorae a candidate for the Senate or so me mber important place in theOorwnment. But if their lympathiea are i exi-ited (o: Mr. Wallace, teoauie he ban oiu wn nn hl Lark, how painfully dLtresed they nmat Le for Mr. Hall, who wake the race not with one or two men on hit back, but with a huge TlailrvaJ, ahed over bib boulders, together with the can. engines, freight, coispaoy, agenu, runneri. bogsi.ii baggage particdirg Mky. No man rtirt, old Alio erer went through tbe rrrld with luch a load, and if the agents are all aa unakillful bj Mr. Crutmto, tltli hwy ladep man will not get far. rsiON MEN APPEAP.INO AT TBE HOUTII. Reoenl advioea how that Union men are at ill fuund in tbe rackait quartcra oi eceai.ondcfi. What ia to beconu of the wirej and children of thee Union men T When the aorviie ituurrection, inritad by tbe Proclamation, 11 inaugurated, thoy, like tbe wives and children of rebtibi, ere en trusted to tbo leader mercies of tberuth less Aflricau. Brutal luat, oold-llcxxltxi murder, rtpino and slaughter, are th portions of thofe w Was and f the Union men of tho rvbe! -bes. Who is there that doaa uot m.b to at ry the Old flag, tbe Constitution jid tbe law, to the relief of those people; ibd u ct Jook nith aching eyes for the fallar.t Ifc Clellun ? WLo it there that -he thti the sate forrabadow for tbctn In tbe pne iaaiaii.n? Humanity shudders nt tbe thought. Ir We bate no room to notice a! length Mr. Swoope's attempt to aciwrr Got. Bigler'a letter. Vie can only aay that it ia, by cemmen consent, fated a more abortion-an uttor faQure: acd reuiinda nt much of the herculean efforts that lawyer is in tbe habit of making before the court, ia caes where he has neitbr law rorurt on his aide. Jllr.l-,t Anapolia, Jld ., Kopt. 24, 1S61 of f toolera nioibre, Martin 11. Lirergood aged V ytart 4 month.iaod 18 days. The deceased was a member of the Cadets Sib. Reg. 1. R. C, aud was wounded In the battle before Bi. hmond, aud fell into tho handa of tbe Bifncy. Ife w aa eooCced In Ki"Lnionl ti days, when ha was exchanged, lie wat nearly well uf bis wound, when he war aeiaed with theabore di aaaae, and died rery suddetily. lie was a biar aoldicr and good citise n of Goshen tp. 600.000 M ALB or FEMALK AGKNT.S TO P8I.L j l.LOTD'ti KW SIKKL TLATE COUNTY COL- vh.i m Ar OF TITK UMTS1) STATE.-, aiiAUAS, Al .! RHUN8WICK j From new tun eys, completed Asr. 1), U62 J oet $20,000 to engrave it and one yeara time. Superior to any $10 map aver made by Colt in j or Mitchell, and ael'.t at the low price of tfty ! 'enta t 370,000 oames are engraved on tils map. j It ft not only a County map. but it is also a COUSTV AND KA1LKOAD HAP I tftbe United States Canadueoaited ia ono,! EVERY RAILROAD STATION and distance between. Guarantee any woman or man $J :o ti per day, ( and will taae back all inapt tlat cannot be aoid. ; and refund the money. 6end for $1 worth to try. Trinted icatruotions bow to .ranraaj well, fur-1 Blahed all our agents. i Wanted Whoterala Agent f r eur ',. Ia rery State, C.Hfornia, Canada, EugUnd, and Cuba. A fortune may be madn with htmdrad dollaaa capital. A'o emie(if row -v LL'nD N.K Brodway, N.York. Tb War Jepartmnt usee our Hup of Virgin ia, Maryland and I'ennaylrania, eon $1(10,' 00, u wh.,ch.,;.,I,"rk Antieiam cetk, Sharp.-l.urg lll'v"? "'.Khf. HiU;.,pur, r(rry, n'horers ills, Noltnd . lord, aad all other, on trie l oto- U m.T,i p.nn..i. ' '--" -T1..110, nrgiu- , - , ...uajiramo, r money refunded. i. j ti.I ler P'ee in M.-v,..,, Virgin- TOPfinnartiTcai .1 Oinn ivnn 0F KSMCCKT, it Oi. nnl. ..'..T . V A,Bd ILLIN0IS, M.?n'yr'f"'toayon.fiBdlDj error in It. Ino.oOeenU. . , Froai the Tribune, Aur. t. I "LLOYD'S MAP OF vtn,,iaTi ut, i LAND and PENNSYLVANIA. Tr. it Map iar,. ry larf e ; iu coat is bnt 7i eenU, and it it lit -l vMrkenn bt purehattd." LLOVD'S GREAT MAT or ths MIS filKSIPPi KIVERFromAetu.a tJurter. ky Capu. Bart and Wm. Bowen, Mis draiprd UiV rrilots, of St. Loois, Mo., .how erery man', plantation and owne.'a cams fro, Su Louis u the uf of Meiiee 1.3J0 mile.-er.ry .ai d -bar, V w tl'Wn' Uodine:. kI all place. 20 mile. Irom the rir.r colored ia eountis .aa) r J1'. Prio. ' 1 'h""- l:o pocket fom. J2.J0 on linen, with rol. rs. Reaiy Sent. -0. IaTT DiraiTasrr, Washington, Part IT j. T. Llotd Sir: band -.your Map of tie ... . f1. RlT,r' wittjriee per hundred eop e.. W w , . ! CkrlM J"1'. eo-maedtng u,a tnadroa, is aotbt-rlsd w purchats ""J M t-. r-,olrad for as of tA4 salrr. tfijrW Viftilkll iVlllllM-.'lll ..Mil ATtSAL c)inknaAL col ! leoitrnitj I'M 1 1 M'KI I'HU. fc K, rtr, ,iL M f hmiiuit Hrtft, Nw Toikcity. J Albf ::y, Iicy, BuJVlo I'cuoil Ciineiftijil, C; imt'c (.rid lit Louis 00R-K1 k'I'i mi. rssi4irtii., C..,iii Aa'timnic. CuBm-acm Law, F, toa aitroKMM R, 4o., pta 'iimliy ImikIii. Thea. Collige. beli.g ttuiUr lli 4 nit in general and local management, anil unltlig In enh tit airanla- ol nil, olTr gtvalor facilities fur iin parting It.alrueUt'O llmo any other similar iuli inttun la Ik. (wmilfj. A Scholarship Issued by any one 1. (-ooJ in nil Ut aa aullnilt' J time. Tbe Philadelphia C'J ,r go has Wn recently nJa(wl and refurnished In urior manner, ax J tt now the largest and most prosperous Com suerciul Institution la (be tilale, II r j ml A Flratt.n' ."rle.of Tut Book., am. oraoltig Hook keeping, Cutnn.eroial Anilitnelio, end Commercial Law, fur (Ma, and int by mail. Jhf fur uii frticnlart ttd fur a circular. Oolobar b, 1862. 7. rpilli DltAFI - -hf Uia aultioril.r of tbe A Uovomcrrr tbli Lun-onwoaltli, lti Drnft liMS rnn r-, n mm until Thurda f ia I flth Av 0f OctU-r, U,R2. ppileatioM itlli be bonrU (or Minptlon gf pernn ta muj bac Uifu iu tba torvloe of th dwle, auj who hsro not alrearly hail tht BpVr,unty 10 attond mrb ki.i.1, on Alunday ud Tuoay, tuo nib Hn.i Hih of t. Bxt, at tbe Court ilouiw la CloarllHiil. ClenrOolJ, Oct. J, Mi. t DMIXHTRATORS NOTICK. Nt t.oe 1 ' H beiiby elvon that laftore of Aduiluintra-1 UonbaTo bcn granted to the undoHlenod on 1 lie cMaU of JAbON WEDS WORTH, lato tf Ko luwniblp deoeawed. All pornoni iudttbtod to nuid etlAte are roquertod to inako payuiont without do lar, and tho hr.Tln,v olalmJ agaiot Ihe nino till proeut ibeu duly niilhuliatd for notuv moot to aie. HBNJ. L DAVEVPOET, Adm'r. FjI lownrtip, 3pt. 17, 1&52. TO HOCf? EKEKPKhi. Tbe nibKeriber who waj educated in tbe I'tRnfylranla Ictltete fori tho in 'Auction r.) the U li nil is cow mbOMfaotur lug CORN UROOMt. at Goodfollowe, in Uw1 ran rM Sii rt. Vi i ti I lie uiBkoi a eplendld article, and want-! ir.g thoie lLdifirniHble artlclet to bouiekeeping, thould patronUo tilt worthy young man. t Oet I, l.U.-t H priii s Opening H. W. SMITH & CO'S! OF THE Latest and Moat Fashionable Goods II F.rat Quality of PrinW iforrontcj good H uh ar.d i eolort for tale at onr former prl oti, rl: 12j cent peV yard. Aleo A. lerya m-k of Paminai and Zygiot, tbe now raging taatarialt for trarc'.ling eoeturaei. and promenade drca. A corodete aorunent ef Ladiet' rre Triniffilntw., Ruttont, Taenia. Cotdt, fL-t I'.raldii. Jicrii'i opbyr wonted, Sbet iasd Woo'.. r.'.Jery fHk?, otc, CN. A! a cbeioe ir 'YTrlminrs for Zour-ej, eoj. alti ef O.izp. tilk, White Ejgle, rteel Be,:. 5i Z'HMre, Uck Zuu sre, c, 4o., 49, o, witk surcsteu stock of Btrejel, Coi, Alpaeaa, Frar, CtW)-ada, Brilliantea,, Dtnlmt, I.awa robe, P'.yttSliw'lj PurB. Cbeeki, H' nikeroliiofa Su.:ia dj. Hickory itrlpa Iritb Ianeti, Chambrayi, Tweeds, Geou'iuperior llrif biu., Cord brtlle, Neck liei, Lawci, Kepliel-lnrt Illack silk Melllarei, Balturlnet, irndken hieft, ' ata; Juti, Hownibiquet, Hoop ikirtn. Faacy Caisa Lace Mltit, Doyliea, lifiVT r ciav rur nppti?Tn vttv t To f-conoiuiae (to to II W. S. 1 Co'j. where you will receive a auperior artiale at a small aJ Tance on crt 1 MRN AWAKE! ! Doa't t)'rovr away your ni-ana when by ni"K to H. W. S i. Co'a. n cftti get a real go..'d m ticle of a KiP Boot for f 3 (.' nlaoour men extra henry Fl.juv i Shoo. As Times are EmLcj; so aro our Trice. Ap8'02. BOOTS AND 8H0ES 1 1 bV Btrd tf ' Gruham't Rm." V There tt a Piore in Market Street, rL re all .S. in -a and ladies inet-t, 'tu Velp their " !" and sure their feet R,. ht close to "G.-Uaiu's .a! :rp; (You're surely been in there hfre.) I.I- ! ytuvyk op to eara in 1-i'L.t, Jntl ( i; in ll sorts of t-mii. t ; t a 'aolca' I' Jlo.ita w;:h ' nnd 'coi,' Aai r.'.t ' i 'ho'ia.' wn! t or ju'end Aod''. t-.i o win. di iLanding, Tfca: be should t.n'.p -ti r u-'d .TJiu - ding. Ct tuii.ii -hi, kr. l nf U.tntt nnj aboe, A"-u no:- -fti I. at. loot go, Wb;. a-.d i.ia A'-, n'-i a-'eh slu.w. Art .".- MLd Dan are alwais hare. Ana ri i - at a ctj! To r.a.t,lr a-j your ineaore Asd ihow you tt:5i'gh tbe hall. The:; n.jicc 1 1 1- - r.d hnng your da si, Hit Sua iy Hnino niro, Abd wt'-i r-arruLt u & ood a Ct At y oil can gt In towa. Ii. STUM PH. Sua 4, i2 KirVH St. C a a 5 eld, Pa. C-.ClaiXi.oi CDcac2 '"PliK respf.-'.fary i.rins tie Farm f. era ..f'i-. i cnttr.ty and ;! a!herK!r a r.a int'-... . hut he ia "Of mm. ufacturing GREY LIME of a .i arl.-r qui.'itr, which he will ri! i ? rt. t ra'" truia for Care, ncLaneJ for aay k nd nf lo;inrr l'red;:ce. JOSEPH lUW'IN. lawrtnce hwr.ahip. May TI, 1 S62. -aiirite liaise r.. Letters of Adn.i Distratloa bivinz Leer arrunteo lii day to tbe nt..leri,nd nt the a'a.( of John Hart.C(r. lato of Karlbnus towtabip,H. cefted, all persons nnlted to aa: J estate 'requested to claims aga.n.t the T-;:'p; .e.-,! lk, duly ai.tbentiejted f..r tettl-iaent Spt-l-(la' fj'.pd GODF ''E FI.-u f.t, d'r. - - -TI .b'erih.r havirrg 1J Iwtttd in th b'lroi h f l.c.i,,!ii nilv in tie shop faretly 1- Mr Cun'ij. -pectftrlr nqaeats til 0,1 eu' t'ii, rs to ptr- hlui a enlU Pre-optces h ! tv-il! -u executed in er.ry irstan,.. efetbriih ii dnatry nDdaUn tten ta btiame,. by wbscn be hope. receive a rml . bar, ol pvbuo ptror..fce. lacker tnty. .'.jj.t to, jp.e L 41 -On ir. :,:b , f 9..r!e, ," Tortpike, tloarae.d B.ilffa .nrt w m. v i.aon a w e n.Rie -.' Z a SI .ai,ea 3f Book with er; wtt-D on tt'.' first m ewy pertt n 'ifir g, .1 ov tuirji Wy rewsfaeC Cl'artjlw, t ,1F: -jd t Jt irXll8 liAX :ZLL WANTED I X f " It eirtan,t for uooaa tt tht r'ir trw of J- C, fsTOMPSO': rurwittrtHa, Oet. 1, T3.-t rinni1 (itrfil Annul ori'nllnnd Winter Kr.i7.r.ns-ii:iNnuos. Ariz's Cheap Clothing Store, Manns .-, nsrvit; rIl undntilfnKd laka ttrnrur In anrmin'iiiK I to all nmnkind that tbr; hire Jnt ritod a krgi and rlrgant Mora, of KaablonaMe KKADY-MADHCLOiniMJ, HtUrted wtih gnat 'Mfe, and wbi(a alllUtulJ cbpr tban tb thir-ed. Plum) ivill, an we barr Clntlilng to mil the ntl, yonn and jra.r, Clulhingta lt"p nil runifurlable on a W lou r ; ( lutbiuir of all rolor brown, blarlt utid blu Cl"'.lilng waII, and fnahlunabU t ; Clotliing ofelngriDt fit, I drclitro Cletblng all ULe a pride in to wear; Clotliing the licxttlint caube bought, Clutbiiig woll lowed junt a it ought Clothinjr wlileli anj one Clothing my pall. Clothing fur men, joutba and all. Clothing, tbo largest avtoUmeut In to no, Clothing for Rtuilh, for Jonn and for Iirown ; Clmhiuj; for kit the rout of mankind, Clicking and what bolongn In that line t'uo now bo bought Cb.-upor than ercr befora At fEIZENSrEIN'8 ttront CIutuiLg Htore. , In addition to tbe forctroing will bo found aiid ""l" eon'tontly prottdeU FuruiiihiDg Ciwda, IlaU, Cop.', hoot-, Bhoc. Fancy Gowln, Notion, 4c, Ao. T.-9W't tuko thi method of returning Uim:k for furors heremfore oiten lod, and rem - fure the ptiblio the confidence with which we havo been lavored, wo will ftrtvo to merit in the fuluro (ill A IN and FURS takon in exchange at tbe bighoet market rate. ItEIZKNSi'EIN BROS. &. CO. Brunch of Reiscuetoin llroi., 421 Market St. I'hilixlelpbia. Jas. McJIl'KlUT, . , ... j Kholl AKltlVAL Mat. lavit. OK Uaring purchafed our Hock of Kumuior tioodt ( in l'hiladolphia, Pittsburg and llaltimore on i the moat favorable terma, eaeluaivcly fnrCa!.h,we I now invite our friend" and the public to an exam ination of our Urge f!tck and Low Trices. Wo , will sell aa cheap at retail at any house In tbe ( conntry. LSD Lli C3CDCDaOS?8 Pilkt, Clotha, Kilibonj, Lawna, PatineU, Fit.wcrs, Morinna, Casalmert Helt, 'l.ages, Tweedt, Olovef, Gingkatia, Vcsttna, I.aeet, ' Uortoaadea, Whi!e Goods, C'ollura, Faor otioor, lirilling, Mantaiaa, Irish Linen, MaaHte, Phawli, Hats, Caps, Boots acd Shoos. GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, BACONVLc. MISCELLANEOUS. Tin -Ware, Glaia-Ware, Druga, Larapa, Nucket", Broomt, Tuba, Churnt,, citiifla, uuioreiia,", Sola Leathtr. Iron, Naila, Bteel, Ulna, Jr., Ac. We hope by etrict attention to bnaincat and Low Prices to receive a liberal patronage. Let tnme and our "oca na Prl Iliglioat Market rrico paid for nil kinds Lumber. MitMCRRAT A IRVIN. Burnslde, Cleatfleld, Pa., Au. 6, 183. Ys..m!bn3 Ha-Hisir Luis FOR SALE- i IMiE iiit.ioriher ia authorised to make rale of the following Timber Land.', wLicli be will I aell on reasonable terma, vil : j One Tract containing 100 acre, in Deea township, known as the Lnqnn Tra;l, located ; about two miles from Clearfield creek, j hie Tract in Cliest township, crntiiiing about 04Marre, known aa the Txxktr Trart, 1 ociited j one and a fi.nrth miles frr m Chest creek. ! Alao, ono undivided half part nf the li'ooifs ' ftirrclt Trttct in Cheat township ' Al.-n, the one undivided foiirih purt of the J f 'ult:m A- Ci'. Tract, in I!railf..rd township, together with three or four other tructs. i Tbeubcta Land tire all in Clearfield county, 1 and are riprenentcd to l.o well timbered aud of easy ucce.-., aud conretii-tit 10 good LavigiihSo Siren uif. 1 jjif lVrsone wishing to ptirchasa eueb lands would do well to apply nmn, cither personally or ' bv Utu r to the suliacriber in Clearfield borough, j " WM. rOKTEK, lycvif. May 31, H02.--tf. ! WANTED FOR TIIE SAL LA NT 500 AhU bodied, incrui, voting men to join the Army of tho Union, for the erush- tnir out of the wicked rebellion that is now dis- I mo ling our iwinve i or.uti'ry. ! Come and help us save the purest and best go- I verr raent iod t rer gave to man. i Mtn will be enlistod for any Penuaylvauia . lteiment now in the field. et5 bounty, and on months' pay iu advance. Clothing, TiikI, and medical attendnnca gratis. StitUeeruiiiiig otiice in Graham a Knw, MATTUhW OGDKN, CapL ti4iij Reg't Ponna. Vols. Recruiting Officer. ClearfieM, July 30, 1SG2. tf. fro Farmers. THE KXCELSIOR WIND-MILL. NE of the very best WIND-MILLS ever in V vented, is now offered to the Clearfield enuntr. rurmerii of The undersigned Agent li now in this place fjr, the purpose of introducing tht u to the notice of , the public. He only asks a fair trial. Farmers are specially invited to call and examine them ' bofore purchasing elsewhere. I W. HANCOCK, Agent. I Clearfield, Aug. 27, MI. j Admiiiistrator'i Notice- ! "VTOTICb! it hereby given, tbat Letter, of Ad X 1 ministration on the estate of LEVI MUR i'Y, late of Brady township, Clearfield coun-: ty, deceased, hare been granted to the undertign-' ed. All persons indebted to said estate ere re quested to makt immediate payment, and thors 1 aving olaim. against the tame wis" I present tbera duly anthotUcated for settlement. ! JESSE L. TEST, Ada'r. ! Pbilipebnrg, B.,Bspt 4, 18S2. t. ; rpt-.Ariir.R M ASTED. Three or four X qualified teacher. wanU-d la Bell District, tboae de.iriag to teach abould meet the Directors at the examination at Bower, en the lOih of "o uber. lbs eitisens are else solicited to attend. H. BREIH, Jr., Sept. 17th, 186251, See'y. Ii OPERT J. WALLACE, Attsfit at Law .gainst tbs same will prewst titm duly antbea JLV Claar6ld, Pa- Ofloe la fcksw's Row, tf rjeated for .ettleaoect . oaite the Jrjvnra rfje. JOHN OWEk'l, Adm'r ! , lee. 1, l!J.-tf. 1 rks Uwtikfp, Pay HO. OliK.M Iv.sV HATH K )H niomiM I.VMX) Killo.1 tinirWt.unilcl, nn.l .'M,lNKMnUiri-ipnrr! WITH CAMP MinrAflK-ANM) 70,000 Contidhanda fiend from the BONDS OF SLAVERY 1 1 JMT.TY man that bat rad nay thleft tf lU i pnM hiftory of Ihla If. niuitficMIr Oubii to tbe conrln-lon tbat lfc Confilrate ()orn mcnt Wf uMl o lr"kn d;n. It it only a e,un liun of tiinf. Ilul now i ,ae :Lo alote Uiorj. nut ful-tlrrlr nnwi to ohrer ai up j and the i.nly ilrnw-baok to i nr Jy nnd glorification It tbt imminent ilanr of ihn (.'oiinabondu coining Surih to "ent nut our ubMnc," and to ir nut nrkltni'Nl Hut of una tiling tbrponple nf f ur. i.d.l rounly mny t-.i aurod, end that 1s, tbt PUANK SHOKT for ihort railed Xhrt -i, felling Hoot .V kIiocn an chop u any ether uiiiu in the county; and if you don't billnve it, Jiift givo him a call on court wceV, orut any otbrr time, aad we for yoyrsi-lvf t. It, would Jut rp uind tho public that bia nhop r now on Muikrt Mr.'ot, in nhaw'i lion l.ei y.n will dud biin jut hi Short hh uual if uot a litll" ihorlir jf t'An than he would like to be. All kind of wiirk on hand and made to orJci on rhnrt notiec, and n well n;iidn, and ni t;"Od 6ti i can I e'Vkecro d" up bore or elewhre. fc-M.IWt forget tho chop on Markot ttreot, in han't How, diructly oppoaite Her, II. II. riwoopo'e olicp. K, TllOKT. I'iearBeld, June 11, ISO.. SUMMKRGOODS. T" KT7. KlLi:it l luit now recsiv- I xJ 'nR aii'l opening ut In old Hand in Clear- Hold one of inent of t lie mort CHrrfoMv (elected amort- Summer Goods 1 Ever brought to the ronutry, and which h will I el! nt prices io extremely low an to ottonUh er- ory body. Jlu stock crnlirncoi DUESS GOODS, DHKS.s TRIMMINGS, MUSLIN DELAINES. FRENCH UlNOHAMS DOMES. TIC GI NO, II A MS, I) F. L A I N S , P.ROWN H P.LEACII E! MUSLINS, PHI NTS OF ALL PATTERNS, SUMMER (JAS SI MERES, CLOTHS AND V EATINGS, Together with every article in the PHY GOODS lino. Alao, FRKSH FAMILY GROCERIES ol the best ouulity. Ilia friend? and th.; pu'olic generally aro. theie fnro infor:ntd that ir tboy Rre ia want of G JOl) 'MI)S nt low ratr for (!ah or Country Pro ducc, they mv.ti not fa'.l to call nt LTZWKILLU'S STORE At the slil ,Uin() 0j uoors 4 Ktiweilor, nn Soannd Strep'., Clearfield.I'a. June IS, 'C2 OCIIOOI. DIRIXTOKS AM) TUtt'H- Tl.- r t.-... .1 . . i av. i..-1iub vouui nu.eiiniriMit'lll mil eil- dearor to meet Tcnehera, Itireetora and Citii.-ua, ) ut the places and date named, at V o'clock A. M. i.nccana ana utiiii'ii, Scptcuioer id 5J, at Jnnrevillo. Cheat, Ferguson and Jordan, 4th 4 6!h, at An eonrille. Knox. 6th. at New Millnort. Bloom. Lumber Citv and Penn. etli A ftth. at Pennvilie, Iltirnfidn, Cheat 4 WashingUa, 10th A 11th at New Washington. Curwensvilloanl Pike, Urh A 13th, at Cur - wensville. I i ri...t.i,i llnidford. 17th A P.-ters Schotdliouao. tpu. a ecu., Kier- town. Covington aad Karthoua, 2 lli A 2jtli, near John Reiter'a. Girard. 2(lth, at Congress Hill. llr.rty, 29th A: .10th, at Lutheraburg. Union, Octoher 1st, at t elty't. Ifu'ton and Fox, 3d, at Hickory Kingdom. Rogga, fith, at Alberta. Deestur and Woodward, 7lb A Stb, at Centre. Bell, 10th, at Itower. JESSE BR00MALI., July 30, 15G2. pd. County Supt. VALUA15LK TIM KHU LANDS For Sa8c. ffIlhi attention of neraons dasircuaof curahas X i"ft desirable Timber Lands is invited to tho followin tracts of land aituato i in Kaatinia town- ship, Clinton eountv, Pennsylvania, kuuwu as the LORAIN" LANliS.vii: " A certain tra.'t. being Na. 3 169. warranted in the name of Thomas Willing, containing about I UX arrta. situate on Iliicb I.hind Ron, at the diatimceof '', miie. from the river, being well timbered with Piue and Onk. Also, another smaller tract of laud, situate at the mouth t f Birch I-lam, Run, on the went tide rf the river, oontriiaing 73 arrca and allowance, and having a goad rniling beach thereon. 5;-,i"cr terms apply to (i. L. REKI1. 1 . JAS. B. (i UAH AM, j Mr'' McarBeld, July 20, 1862. T Mil: ti.KAKFiiiLn acahi:mv win bo et.euod f . r the" receptior, of pupilt I males and female.) on Mondiiy, Aoe;. IStli, lsK2. Terms per Sesdlon of I '.lcven Wcckal Orthigriipby, Reading. Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Geography, $2 50 Higher Arithmetic, LnglUU Grammar, Geography and Uistury, 2 00 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and Bonk Keeping, 4 GO Latin and Greek Languages, To Mudrnts of acquiring a thorough bngltah Kdncation, anil w ho wish to qtiai ry thsuitelres for Teachers, this Institution offere j desirable advantage. . .Vu pupil received for leaa than half a session, j ,l no deduction cade except for protracted , ,ickneas Tultiou to be paid at tbe close of the term. O. H. PANDFORD, l'riri,,ml, detirncll, Aug. 6, 18(J. ly. Draft ! Draft ! ff-r-- a i "I r(I.U. ! And buy your gooda at j the cheap efhatore .f J. D. Thompson r who has just received a complete stock t f good.. " Lire you can get 1 Good Miielin at 12teM Calico 14 " " Hugnr " 11 " " r-'yrup, ' fj " ttll, per anek, at $3 00 " fhop ni.ido Buo:s, 3 tO per pair. Aai ail tlhrr articles at the lnaest war price. Cr.rwcLf riMe, r'ept. It, Is62. KRATZEll'S. t-ptember 3d, 1SC2 tf. i DMIXIMTK ATOR'J MTirii .Notice J. it hereby given that Letter, of Administra tion have keen granted to the subscriber on the estate of PETER OWENS late of Penn town ship, Cltirteld county, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate, are reqst.wd t make imwi ediate barm (nL aad thoea bavins. jOaim if C D i 11 MAI. i t uninv rutn MIA. I 1 1MV- tin , iy an A-i M - tt Aml'y nf the l'i frojina ih i.f I , nti'il ola, .ni.rd An An li, fioln th ll :.r t,l Kiecllnit Ml In ihll Ciati n a' ib ," I- n ' J ' I d a r,a the M , ,r. ,,f i, , , ., ,, . ' In ftl polilin t- ;P f ,U'h I 'n.l. : . 'I i i. wl"fe to l.i b 1 , in, ( the .1'" ri , i , I ,. i . i- I , 1l,r:.,for. I. I'l'WAIUi ! ti! K r ! . , j ,t, Cln-fl -Id cum'v, ili her.liy g na I L I 1.1 - ? 1 TICK t tho hi' t..a .f the' on' ty ..( ' ut. ; I ihat a (H:ntAL t:t.f:cTI".N nlil M b,.!j oi. tit Srt.tii 7 i. j , Vcl,.)r ilifl'.J II T'lurtTnth dry the uionth) at 'I t emrl t a t'.i n dltlticla In taid aoiintT, at h t'nit m I flnce tS q"mllfl. foteri will tu t or Ob perton for AaJ'.tor 0ie.-l t.f tSi C-un 1 monwea lb For One pert a fif Surrey or CbmiJ if C't T ai-iti-'t.ntHllh. F..r Ore to pre-ent tbe oanii i of Ctiu tton, Cleerticl.1, K!k. trie, Porrtt. J-f McKfiin and Warren In I'm ll -.u of lipie- ; ai i tutlvcj ot the rtiu d Stat i ; For Out prion to reprea. nl tbt eotnliet of F'.a r, ; Cambria and ClaarSoU la the Son-.U t.1 tli.s ; C uimoiiwealll;. ! For Two penoni to nprvtvi.t the ooor.tjei tf Clearfield, Elk, JciTjrun and M:Ke.m, lr, tbo ' Hone of RepretouUtiret of th'i t-miuiua- j weult!:. I f or Ono person fir tie t.tZn of rr.t'i-rwtii-.V tin. ' i.f d'arSe'd county. Tor One f r tbe off:oe ol r.o,;'tir ucd Ti' enrder. Ae , of C !.". ft 1 1 eooi.rj. For Ono peron f r tiie olli:c o: .'gu:ili u ..r of Clearfiuld ooonty. For One pert'.n for the oioo of Auditor .''er . ' field county. For Ono prt;ia for the ofllot of Deputy Surveyor , of Clenrrirjl count,'. Tbe electors of the county of ClcarSeld will luke notlco that the snid liene-nl KlectL.n U1 be held at the fo!hlr.g luccr, vit ; At the bonao of uu.ucl AI. Smith f'-r Et.vfc. ria towmhlp. A: tin b ue bf Aicbh Elllt for CI. t-wnh'r. At tbe houioof Ja.uot Rloom, co , f." l!b;in loniidhip. At the bouie of Klarl Ailycrt for Uio town ihlp of 11. gz. At the borne t f Wat. Hoover Ut tie UwM'uip of Ilradfori. At the public bon$ of R. W. Moore for Brady town'hip. A' tbe bouie of John Touaj for tbt township nf Jiurnsido. At tbe school ht? nenr fiJuioa Roiabaujli'i for the lownjhip of Cheat. . At the court houe (or the b'-ruug b f Cl'.arSeld. At tho houac of Jucn Muartr fr tlio tjBsLip of Covington. 1 t At tbt bcute of Iaoae Bloom, Jr., fur lot bor ough of CurwcnvlKr. I At Centre school boute fr tba townihls of (utnr. ! At tbt homo of Thomas li. lvls furVLe town aLip t.f Ferg isoti. I At the bone of John I. Rundy fi ilie t.nt. ship of l'or. i At C'ongresa Hill aobool bouse for tiie Wan ship of Gir md. At tbo puhlio tcbool boiut for the tjcthij. ' of Guabon. At the houKft of Jacib flubUr for tie toa- slip of Grnhatu. At tbe achool houaelu Jauesrllie forthe town- ship of Uulieh. At the bouse tf Jesis Wlteoa fur tht towaiblp of Ue.Kn. At tbe acbool beuaa la Acsonrllle fjr '.lit Iowa- .i.i.. ..e !.i. M.Lfv.vvi.iiau. . . - . . At the bouse of U. V. Hall t C-u , far Li. tonnship of Karthaus. At the Turkey Hill Sotl hosne for tht town- ' iV.n nf Knox. I At the court bouse In the borough cf Clearfield fr Lawrenoe township 1 At the puhlio- scbonl house fur t-a booug'j of Lumber city. ! At tbe htuse formerly occupied by Thorn , Kyler for the townanip or Morrn. ,j-. r At the puhlio achool house for the borough ef Ik- Vlilnirtnn. I At the house of Samuel Smith f(, th. iowa. hip of Penn. ni om noe r iaao iiiootd, jr., iu uia boro of Curwcnaville for Pike tnwnihiu. At the houae of u. n. Moore for tbe town-1 iliie of Union. ;' j At the house of J.Jin VYhitetlJe for theaowa-1 'ship of H'oodward. J J SOTK.L IsrURTUBR ItEURB GIYEX, .That all peraona, except Justices of the Peice, ! who .h rail hold any office or oppoiutiueut of ti jat, , under the gin ernnient of the United States, or of j this rotate, or of any ineorporatud district, whnth-j I er a cnmiuihaiored olBeer or oth.'rwls, a euhordi-1 ni.te i fi'rcer or tgent, who is or shall be i tr.ployedi i under the Legn-lritivo, l,icul;rj, or Judicial l-; i piirtinents of this State or of the United Stul. a, or i ranycity or inenrporat-'d distiicl. and also thst every member of Cougr- or of .he State Legis-) ! lature, or r t tho common or aelort oouncd of any --ity. uT coturuii.aioiier of ny ineoiporaU 1 dlitriot, ; aro by law incat ahls f k oldiuir or ei.rrei.ini: . at '. 1 1'" "" timo, tho .-Tree it appointment of Judge, j Inspector, or Clerk of any election, tball t i - gillt to any ofSco voted for. And the Return Judges of the reapentire d't-1 : rlcts aforesaid are requested to meet at the I ' Court house, in the borough of Clearfield, on the' I '"'' Friday next niter tbo aiiid Seoonu Tuesdty of Octol ..r, then nnd tbersto do those thingi re quire! o theui by law. ! GIVEN under my baud aad seal, at Clearfield,' this Ninth duy of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud sixty-two, and ol the nd..poD.Iuce of the United Matcttke eighty sixth. EDWARD PEK'vS. ,S tT. F U It MTU UK ROOMS. BENNER & BARRETT I Reapeetfully anuoiiuco to the public that they nave completed and aro now occupying their new furniture wa-e ronm., fronting on the Market Lot and nearly opposite the Court Houae. Cabin-it Oiking will be carried on in tl up per Bt .ry ol the sun. 9 building In all il-a D I F F K R E N T B I N C II V. S. All kinds of fur.iitnte will be kep.t con.tantlj on liunda and aoid cheap for eusli or exchange for country rroduet, or Lumber to .ait tbt busi ness I CHAIRS. PARLOR, ROCKING AND ARM CHAIRS, SPRING SEATS. CAIN UOTTOMS, kc, 1 '. l ; i.D n .sor. t . ( 'fa tu ;, (Mil). ;jav.Vu. r.xn-s-sjo.v a- uwAky.i.yr i a n j. i: .s. SOFAS' OF ALL KIN1VS. VARIETIES AND PATTERNS. BURCAUa, SIHE-BOARIt-'. HoGKCASK WAr.DROBiK, SC. BKDSTEA DS JLWSY LI Sit, 11 1 G If. I' OS T COTTAGE, fKESVU POSTS, 1. Hair, Hair top. Cotton top, aud Corn Hnak, of the beat mafr'a!. L00KINO-GLAS.SKS of all aoru and lint, Also, '".la-ae far old Frame.. Ale, Tea-poy., Wh.t-note, Waah-.tanda, W'ork-atanda. Hat rack., f f, COFFINS. Mads to erder en ahort nouca, aod hearts fnrnl.had. Poplar. Charry, aid LlaweH Ltnabsr, o- In bsrDge for werk. Cleart.Id, r -rVr T, 11. ly. K. WII.MAM li. ' n I V I I i . ,.M! i Cbrir. T--...i'.i-.t.:. :(. !.Vurc,:u I c ; j . :. t j l 1.1. a, i ; ') i r. t f .! : . v. ..; c . m! t ,i..i ,t ; i Dl!. il 111 iO.)T!I Vt:Vl'l l acio', ail.'., i r a; mj Vi rei.t-i ; r I - . A-'VI.. nr.i if 0' i ii.. r..w.lcr.i. a 1 ' 'h rt.!',..n l-M ... l'w you ti I.'h to ' f -r'f io i.i'.t 1 I v. r i t :.. ; i .c l'i: y. ...I Ull.MK'j .Y.OVTH VA.-.'l. '(. ., " ner t.uttie. T'jtta v''. nn'.-ot let" rr,.'. In tho wor. i i. r '' n i:h, Bi'' In .: ". :t l i: ..;c;.ii, ' . t.:: :.! t-T:, Mc. It bi " . . : die, Do Tf.u, t.f rot; l-'ici t.a " !a-!H k? .. r.::. t.: i-- . ac::i-.;H . r Ar. v.ti ir,.-i...' r :., :' . . r. ii. n:l''d NF r. .:,. , T'uo nio. el'.'i'.iro on i iL'i. V.iu r-.-.L 1 ,i. . The ii r.: cllii.", j.-f . li.t-r. 1 . ... ., elia-u- )'ir. awiy. T t ri . l'ii , IS n i i oenU. AI-ii:e I on re'.o:;.t u. pT '"m. ; Dvyctt wl-ih a c' tiip!"!: n iol )r t'AL Rli.-'t-EDlL'Sanda 'li.nudOMU I'l.'-oi'vn ( Tr; ... Gt! l . H. B. llard'i Do-int Ji-asm i. t;. ncuUst aud most valuable prce nt t i-1 nil" l' 'i n i cuii make to aiioth"i, Pne $1. o. i ;. pren on receipt of t.nie. For tiie at all too t-t eoust',v, ' CArrtat. A tbre are rro tb, juij'.oiit i o :.l..f . rt... .'- I rauiue cf our edr : ..j.-n. ; , i i i ' thoir ivs;oiu.'r t li.Tar. . t" j' .. , - aarr to loaij' up ,,. b-. i: r: ,. , . you will oar iue -., 'j ; ; prcpKiati ky au esprinnJ .. . .lat, Irecsurcr of tl'o 'iee- i ,r,; ... . I Aiaociation, an i Vira TrcMJio ,1 L . ' : Dental Sooi My. I WM. P. tlUUD . i'..., j pST-Dr. . Hurl's Dtu'.al Lt. o . . -i. f. j b aia j 'ce by J. 0. t. Vlfl.iV. t" THE llOUSBKEErKiVS NKW FUWMTL'KE POLISH. Prcptrtd f-oia an Improrcd recipe y the jn pne;..r or tto "i a;Tn jonruta ronsn, n eertifled by a.1 tl.a leadicg New York ;' iiniluro Deur'it aul Piano Porto Makers to be t;i bet in tbe world Or rem-ridg bcrtobe.H, r.. ind Dirt, and riaUrinj; a bk'tt and Kstin? j:V'i .id . 3 . --- . r , L!..l. 1' .-1.-1 .U- r- 1 .i , uruioneu wo; . nora t iirnituro to L,outn- j ef- I' o-"aper and brt:r tlin, dries i"""-Jii"".. "u u uanj ii.,,ieq. n .in a pifea of Cautcn tlitnn'M aud a buttle or two .f N-w Purnitute Poliah, a Housakeuper cnu i I'llS r -rk magio in Inn furnituro of a bou'e and keep it luoking like new. Now Is the titno to "hine u;i" your Tablet, Chairs, De'.ii, Piano.. I'.(;u-a Frames, Carriagof, eto , an I inike'thi-ui loo't id per cent butter. Tbia is true e'nn.imy. F .- -ale . . . . ' rumuure i Price 2i and Dealers and .-t k'epv 40 oonta ttle. l.-po. :-o. 1 fil'KCU- AdiCIi bpruce Street, New ork Wanrusi. Addre.-, Box 1S72, New Yv.k P t). The Uovseaatrtaa rXirw t't'K.-tiTCRit rVi4"t la for aale bere 1 ). G. liAF'i'ivV: Q H UA T BOO KS IX PJi '.S ' IHRILLIXC INCIDENTS tuk Great Rebellion 1 , , c . , , A" UtrOUBl CI GM POl'iierS Rflf f j ILLUSTRATE 1 vol., it'g (mo. Vii-r 7 Tie tritiu and tho n'll 'i.- ' . icg that this will a-irpaaa, G. ,f .- ; ,. exciting inlenvt, i nd exteiiaive ' . ;. '. other histories of tho Wpi '.r i.'.., theme will l tlin b rr;ir? diiri.;. i- . , and hair-iireaiitli tsc.ip a t.f our r- i '' ot. and its ipfidtnu wi!i ( rj t, - ver.-rtlinii li it.i.jici -iil.! :" 3 come. It will c in' .iii. m nd Ir i.i 1 ;. dntiii.s, the pliilu"pliicl l- t1 of the Wr.r. by .Ions L-jirhop .V..t. i v, Atiih.T iii "Tuo Rijo .'1 the Dut. h . - , I- et;.. tb dnt...-. ut ai the !n,; i.r' iiit e n .;.. Brow a r ;id, nu I 11. r.'o iriU' 1, nl rwi-ei account of the princ'pai h.itiltf, w. h -i,gniwn.;a One third of the ,','s of ai. u ri,ite ii: sent direct to ua will bo 0 for :'ia :e ii, o' bia il.l.-.l S. Idlers, ard nil ptu cis . , b ,u copy uf the woii:, and al-o to be tetlt I lie . .dieri (.hiiulil a, nu iberr name and arldr.-e at o A'-o anf oB.cer or priiatu, or perfin iu any . . 1 in 01 the cennny, bavin; ktivti It tia of a h?rr;. ,a to. stirring in liient, wiil oblige us by .enJin.' n an, account of it. Botkao'lera, Potinaters. and Ciin .'usibr A gent wfii be furnished with a r-uhecr'.j imn i'ro. epeetus, on application to the I'ukiihhem. "t Si. -4 l,lral eommiaaion yiitn la tola, ft wti ri'g a-. w a .4. tt mi ui king sfier,'Jtiooe, II. THE 1IIKTORY OF AMERICA.'. MAN UFACTURES. FROM 1808 TO lS:o Ry Pr. J. l,f under l.iii..p, 'I vole , r,-o I. now ready. W. II. nentiy r. adr. Thif is Jiiukatiiy tko !.rg.,3' ;.i,u ift ilJipnil , wtrk rnw in tb" Atr.eritua pres.. Webuve aboi 't pullitbed new eJUioti ,l the following nauful ntil popukr hoo'ti THE HUINKSS MAN'S I.KAL AI' VI.SLR jnr.llow to Sara Mniey,t,r Cuajuc'li l.uai:,esf acoi rding to Lw, as expound i by th." Ileelan'i l.aiiri Aut'.-orjtleS. 40f'pp, ehetp, Price, $1. OPPORTUNlIiFS f OR INDUSTRY -t a Thousand Chance.. ,0 Mik" Afin v. Cloth, $1. This has bee. npubJi.lieJ 1 j Bt-gland. J E.try besiarss men aad tier should hiro lteraeL'kt. Ttey wilt aay tbe b ivor a no id -d fold. Every jiartut tbould get ta a for tUtif tona. All tiee bok are mailed, pnp.iid. on re eaiplof price. We par particnltr 'tenf on to mailing book., wrapping them oarefully, and with, precure aad send, postpaid, any L .hk uynhtu on receipt of pubUrUcrs' price aad tix stamps . Address FREEDLEY A CO., Tribune jjuiidingi, KfTrTerli PI AMOK. Peraon. who wish to bnj Pisa-, of the beat aaaksrs will be sbiwa l.oir they tan, rea hsndsi oreee'nii the pUi ikasa t! they ad ireta Piaaa, ears Jor, Cos A Ca- i;klulkra, j-iW. New Yvk P. O. nlr-. ekl J, Jt n