Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 08, 1862, Image 3

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    sWf sUtvipwTP "Wf
f (it gtolitlli ?f-i:Hitan,
TmoT hvht Kir. noma
j.SAAC NLBNKER, of Union a
JA.MKS P. BAIIR, of lloheny co.
DomocrRtio District Ticket
W.M. A. WALLACE of Clearfield.
T JEFP. BOYKIS, Clearfield co.
C. If. EAHLY, Klk county.
To slioe? tha pojpln cf ('l.arliel,l
' ff. h' ' "l !) Sl ll
I' 1 11 ll Ml i f dcSt I, S.-tllt
I nnv mm. I. . . . . 4
(ml InifiMinr", 'Mnl fl nil in n 'I MICM lltlUtMM IllIlMtlil Winter
wi'ikihp, til for llio liijilicit mnitiMihti
I'll t I I
I r I it
"S Kl
III. H".
I). V ETZWEILEK, of Clcarficl.
TJIOS. DAUGlIEIiTV, of 1'ouu tp.
icoublj what is said of Mil ton Coi uv
Ki'ir:, Klj ,tho I)'ino'Tiitio ( Aii'li laio
(fur Congress) in thin dislii' f, at h. mi ,
jwo givo llio followiijf extract from
jlbo Krio (Ju.'.tr, iTio urgn . tf lie-
jmbUcnn party of Eric county : '
i "Tho lie moctatio Cugrusslonal Con
Ui'iitiun which fuel at liidgway on Tuuitduy
lilt) "ol tilt., llOllliliHted MlLTOM CoiKT-
uiiiiiT, Ksip, of Ibis oily. Mr. U. ispurtie
ulurly known a h suooessful btunticss
man, in which diroclion lie possesses un
dult d Ability. Ilia whole lime an 1 at
tention fur many years has been van to
. pursuits in the 1 mo ot ell'ort indicated, so
iIjkI ho I never heretofore boeui thought
of, and ur prctume never himszlf indvlgtil int
' piratiuuijor political preferment. He is a wort
. thy citizen and held in high esteem per
nomilly ."
IMI.p- On lie !h nil , of .b iliria, 1 I.... ,
t ii f n n ( a..n of Robert nnd .Ms f l u IU)Im, of
I. rl Ii i)4 low lil.
m ..Ming Hi. i . - . m. wn -
K.Utu JMnlisniunts.
M A I. H r I' li M A I. K
V"m new furvpji, cim)lotiil Aiijf 10, l-ii'ii ;
uoKt $20,1100 to dii;ihvc it imil ntiP ymr' lnni.
Fii(iritr to mi j 10 nmp pvit iuhJo 1 jr ( cltcii
ur Mitcihull, Mid fl n M III e low of ti f"y
crnt.4 ; 370.000 dhiiic hio i'n;;rn mI uii O.u l i i.. .
ll in not on 1 v County mn, but it h hI ii n
COt'NT'i AM) UAll.h'HAD
uf tlio Ftute4 A CuiiiiJb- cuiiiliiucl in hi,.',
i:vi:ky uailkoad statidn
Btlll JlftMlCI' bl'tWi't'll.
Ounmntco M)T wo hi uii ur nmn ii lo i"j iliit,
Mid ill luko bark all iiinpa ttmt o.innot ln ii 1.1,
W'o also tfivc the followiiiir, oxtraots ,'1f"fnl, i1!" DHm- , I
" , Kcixl for $1 worth lei try.
from tliO address of tho Erie COUntyl I'riiiti.1 inlructiou liow to em.v.ira well, lur !
'i..i :. ... . t i ;: ninlied all our iigiiuts.
CooiIm at
m:ii:n.sii:in imkhiVcivs
Cheap Clot hi Store,
' illil' .1
I 1 - ' I I -
('Wt'iu-'i O, ,NV.,.i ( )
fllo ntiH.Ti.tjri,. .1 ll, ,,l.,.ur ,.(.
S N ll iiimiKIihI llit tin. v hvi Ju t rmiirl
a lnrp and elcnnt fto. k ol'l n di, ,l,n
m. 1 !.!,!, 1
W un toil WboioHiik' Ayi.'iiU fir our Miii.b in
ISA I All G. li AUG Eli, of Bradford tp tiun at KiclgWliy, which nominated Mr. ;vrry State, California, Canada, EnRland. Kran.M
(. I I .i ... . , 'and Cuba. A lorlunu may be iniolo willi a lew
..tuiiviu, ion 1'ici aiii!iiiiu.ui 01 lic lniudrt.l doll;
HIRAM WOODWAKD, ofiliiHtontp
roil crvf-yor
TIEXRY B. WMCiHT.oflkccaria tji
; of tbo
Eeligious Services-
Tbe fulloniiig tchcdulc, for tho riutrii
t'olirt Uouko bell for religious jiurpoar,
banded to ui tj a member of ono of llie Comiuit
tecs aiipoiulcd for lnuking tueb airuugeuieut :
li miuutca befor 9 on Sunday iuuruinga fur
Sunday School
1 0 i A 11 on Buuday morningn fox preailiin.
ii minute beloro J iu the altornoou, fo) l'rei
by tprinn 8unday icbool.
Pi A 7 buuduy reninK, for pieitcliin.
nail OillilUi, cnrajfitttuin.
En, Ration. Tho addrow u well ;. Tbo;,; M,P of Vi.
Written, but tOO long to insert ttt la, Maryland and i'cnniiylvauia, coat $100,oiiU,
fIM .. ii . i on whieh is marked Aiitietaiii eroek, Sliurpi'b.irK,
length. Ihe lollowmg extracts, how-' Mttry,unil iUf,ha, Williamson Ferry. IUi-.i..-.-Over,
will explain tho wholo : !vill' Nland Ford, and all otiiera on tbo l'oto.
. . . . I man, nnd every other jiluoe in Marylmnl, Virgin-
"11)18 is no time for political huckbtcr- la, uad i'eiinayTvahio, or m .ney refunded,
ing ; and upon tho heud of those who( I.LOVII S
would UeliLerulely throw tho npplej of . Tol'OiiRAl'IlICAL MAI' OF KElnTl'L'KY,
discord iimoniz tho ikioiiIo. wo (rust will! (H1IO, INDIANA mil ILl.lNoI",
dohHi-nd a swift tiunibhmt'ut. Wo under- ' oul.v aulh.iriiy for Hen. liuell and the War
sti.iid lhr.tCi. W. Scofield. of Wurron. is ' I'Mtmont. Money refunded to any one tn.dmg
N.-!. i't ' I ith (rr. Ht 'ill
. (M').J T U'l.ll 10" elo;;j.. 'M
l'le:i(e e.ll, i. Me l,.tv
1..tliil!r' to c.r I lb.. !,J( j ,un ., lfnYi
ClotliriKt.i Ite. p nil .onifoiial.h on n "A i k--r Ji.y
Clo'.hi:..; f nil 1.,r.. - U.,wn, t-tk an I b!u' -
I'letliin, w l! mi 1,., l f:,f!,!,,Mny ;
I' o! leiitiit ft, I detli.'..-.
Cloiliiii!,- all tnkf a pii,l.. in to w.-m ;
Clotbiii).: the o-,t thai , ).,. lnri;,!.t,
Clothiii,; w. ll fcened -Ji.i m it Mi(;!,i .
Clothing a h ieli imy on,. Ctvlhinj umy enll,
I'lotlrni; for m i: , Jo.iiIik hii I nil.
(.'I.'tliii', the Ur;.;nst .i..orlini.r.t in ton n,
t'!otli!iii for Smith, for Jones unj fur Urjan .
Cl.ithiii - for nil llie i 't ol ' mni.tlnd
1 l.'lottiiiu an J w hot l.lon,-.- in 1 1-r, ! lino
i ..
tnu now I'D bought I.!:, r.; er tli.ia e er l.el.j
At .'i:iZi:.'?'I KIN'S ;-real c;0t!.iuJ Hf r-.
I.VH, Kill.'.l imp
.M.t II Ht liiKrli
'.Villi fMp
I i i "t
I ) t lie c.
I "'lit e oi
1. oi I i.
I I 1 1 '
. I
1. I
n n n ii t in
lit I TV ..( Ilil
.. I
U 1.
l! i,t ll..-
i ol to
o ! v
I ii.-k i
i e jo..-
.in 1
:m 1 1 1, t .
-, T -ll.M s
. -I 1 e. ni.f ,- ':ii v
Fit INK :T:;lt f
F.-lillH Ifridt
nii.n in tho .- mi. if ,
jn t 1 ve a . i
l ino', in -1 .-e for
fin..: i
1... Il:-,l.-,l.
t.-i .-ii..i .
sll.HK . i
: and if
' - ii eo.irl- w e
K .ii
' li li'.
d W
'l.i I
I ol '1;.
I'--r 'I
re: -ll 1
l.i 1. 1. I
r- .
ni il
I I.
It- iv 1 i. i i-
llrlot th" poloie ll.itl l.-.s M'ofy i" llol. -n .l.lkt
iTi'eet, iii r-h ' I'.ow --"here om Kill lii.,1 him
jio-l ii-'V'.-f . ii .i n 1 - i! not iilil'lo !, i.- --
-u t! Nil l.e would i'l.- ill l.o. ,
All km-!, of ivorli on 1. uoU -uol n... I.
(in t l.-'tl.'.'. .1.1 I li .v.-1 1'le, iii.-i : .-
'n-'enii l.e "-I; -er.:d" ii. Leu-i'i' rln.o. I. r-.
pon't l..rK'l the ln..--.,..i .Mn.;...; 'i-.
in U .u, .iir'i'.'llv .M-iiOMte 1'ev. .1.
Sv-.i-e' "I1! v. ,'. iHOlt i.
Cl. llllioi-i, .I1MO 11, l.ibl.
v 1 I
-1 lit.-
In addition to liii: fo:
';t "Ri"..1iiliy provide
foil li. 1
Fum'.-liiiifj i-.o 1
y GjJj
the ctnbudiuicnt of tho uctiou of those
men, who havo placud him in ijornination
' an error in it. I'rieo 60 co-ntn.
From the Tiilune, Aiii, 3.
..-. .r..i i.n -T.,,-ix-i. 11 1 ll 1'
l-.j-,,l.,J .......... ... L...VI1.'.-. .'I ll V. i-i .i.-
ur v.Qt,g, . oc o . ,i. ,.t i.ujy j AM1 nm, ,.EXNSVLVANI.t.-Tiii Map if v..-, una that tho opporln. r u... . :. l. .. ,i ,-, ,,,,,
16 uiinutes before 7 Wedac-sdny ev(iijug for 'nity now bo given to Bpoak out on thin '.hut Ai ran f.c .ar4W."
t . ..- i .i- ... I. .. ..... .
Presbyterian pravcrmeeting.
15 minutes beloro 7 TlmriJiiy ercniogt for
Metboditt prayer meeting.
yT-d-ThclUdeinptioiiiat 1'atbars will couunoneo n at St. Franeid' Church at CiearGold, ou
Sunday tho lBlh day of Octobur. l'reaebing in
Oorumn language. John 1, Coaot, l'antur.
RiirWe are requested to annotiDca that (lie
ltev. T. V. Ootwalt will preacli In tho M. K.
Cburob, on next Sunday cvdiiing at 7 o'clock,
un the (.object of CnuiHTiAN L'sio-(, Tho uieui
ittt uf the Sinter UouomiuatioPl are'reepectfully
invited to attend.
XT-ir. A, II. lln.i.s dcairt us to noti
fy his friends w ho may need his profes.
iorul services, that ha will be aLuenl from
hi olllce during the .veek conum-uung
Oct. 20th. 2t. '
TJ3JuVLilo tho rebeU under Uon. L'jv
uie retreutinj; towaids Uichnicnd, utid llio
Federal forces in Tennessee mid Kentucky
are fulling Lack to tho Ohio rhcr, thecit
i.'.oim of Curwensvillo and surrounding vi'
ciiiiiy aro aiUjnci'y to tho C1IEAI' CAiLI
siioie of John I). Thompson, to buy ihuir
l-RttATi." In th Gov. lliglor lot'.er pub
1 if hed lust week, whonspeokingof the. otn
tuhteo of Tliirtoeu ho is niado to say, The
Southern and Kopiiblioun Boimtois wen
juostion. e call upon John II. Walker,! LLOYD'S (iUlCAT MAT or tub MIS-
Usq., to allow hiu name to be ubed us thoISSlPl'l HIVKH--Frnm Actual Survcya
cundiUato for tnamber of Congress fur tho I by Cupts. Hart and Wm. l:..en, MiM pi Iti'v-
l'JLll COtlgrestlOnal UlstllCt, and pleUjO el l'llotr, of St. Loin-., Mo., chow." every minis
him our hearty support in tho cunvass j plantation and ownon's name from St. Loui. to the
U vvill doulaless bo claimed by ilf. Soo-!Uulf of Mexico l,3i0 mile -every miud-bar,
Hold and hi friends that his nomination i .' '"'.nd town landing, and ail rl,.ee, 29 ....!
., , ... , .. ... , . . i back Iroai tbo river eoloieii in eounuo iaud
tho regular nomination of the District.- j,rcPi x ,n 8,l0ts $2 in po,.k!t a,rmi
It c trust no one w.ll tc UiCuvat bj)o transparent hj jo.50 on linen, with roller. Ready Sept. 2u.
(iuUtiCy. U will be boi'DO itl Ulitld that! Navt Uki-ahtknt, Wailiinj;ton, Supt 17.
the people of ubout one half the Dis-itlcl: J, T. Lt.ovu .S'i .- Send iae yur Map of the
wore unffii.rftsoiitaJ in tho Convection. ! Micsif sipyi Uivcr, 'uli prieo per hundred copies.
. . 'in... .Ti ...... ti t , .... .
NCHr-A.iuiii ai cnarie ii. A'ai ib, eoi.i.ii.iiiuio t..c
Mi-nisippi fijuiidron, i authorized to pur'!ie
us manv ai are required for me of that a .Madron.
'G1DKON WKI.I.KS, ,1:cy S'ay.
Hut', Cl.pF, lloltF,
Slioo, Fa
Xotioi.i", .(('., ii:.
yAT'We t.-ik thi-i method of;iln
lhaiiki for fnvi.ra berelofore ext. n 1" 1.
pure the piil.lio the .oniiil.-nee with win. h iv.
Iiiim baen l.ivi.r.d, we will strive to merit in the
i'OKAIN' and Fl'KH tnken in cxil-air;-.. ui
the l.ighect innrk.-t rKtc.
i:i'r.i:.NsTi-:ix p,Hi;s. ,i en.
ririinih of Heiens'.eiu Uros., d J 1 Aluiket ;;t.
SIJMMMIi 0()!).S.
i l on"
,.i of
i'. r.r.u j !i.i;:i is
.ir 'iiol i..i-i ) nt I: ix
of the o. cirei'iiil i
' l-u.r
rti. p.
. ,i..i.
oi (
, t
. I e
: ol
Summer Hoods
.i .
ll -
r I:
i i.t :
t-' l!i
i'V 11. ' lo il-l 0.
ory !,
t ; i ). i
J.oi. McMeKnAV, I Mm.
- UF
Tiavin purehao 1 our Mock of Kuni!ner (J
k eu.lTii...--,
i.'UK i i:;mmin
Ml'si.iN ii;;i,.iM riM.M.'ii
1 uiXiiiiAMs iu.u;:s.
'nr. GIN'-;-,
Ii K i. A I N s,
! WC.HVN i UI.KA'Vlt-
Kl ML'.-thlN.S, PIv'lN I.- uF
i Al.I, l'.vn'Kl.'.VS, sUMMKo (JAS-
I I iih '-very iirth-l" in '.-. l'HV ti')
due 'A the-'
rt hniie for llio lioi'.i f; ,
of Jir .... Mauri r li
I I '.m. j.
that no ifcuiblunco of legularity ei u lhet
fre atta.U to its action,"
Jliue. Also, ITiH.-'li FAMILY t
-i, t! bft iiuiili'v.
in I'lilladelniiin. I"l ttnt.urir mid Haltimoro on ! fuend-. and '!'.
ll.o iuo?t t.tvorable term, oielmively fur taf!),wu
now invite our friend and the public to mi Hum
iliation of our 1 n ri-o Stock and Low l'ricen. We
j w ill 'i ll as cheap nt r"t.-ii! aj in.y hoit? iu tLe
O.-t. S, 1S2. St.
The following articled aro from t'.ie
Erio Obicrw, th ublu organ wf the,
ueiuocrauy oi mat couuty, ana urn-; k xy jiK,fnr the mouth ending -Sept
cato very clearly that our friends in 12:
...... , ASrLTH
that end ol tua dihinct are entirely j mm diseouuied -
....H.L.r.t f oiw,-.ii ! I'ennaylvuuia State Stuck
Who will Gupport Mr- Scofleld.
I Specie
I)ue from other liank
I liank Notes of other llnnki
j Checks, Uraftj, Ac.
Of er draff,
"All nmn rvho, like TVHNiitu. I'liiLLirs
.. i i ... , , . l... ... i. I .
nui ; ine tauiiTvu uu.u iu ui- u itH.uu . mi j 1-urnitiire
hell and a ivjvenaiit with doiiih." font of,
"All men who havo been in favor of j Tux paid ('..winonwefiith,
UttniT tiie Union slide.' " J Lofft and r.iiw.,
' All men who abuse Geitenil McL'hil.j
' .. . . ,. , i i.iaiLiiiM'.
'Ad men who are iu favor ofi:ro c- . fapit,il it.i.-k i-ul.t In - Jio.oo-o i
JUalltV. i Nt Iu circulation 21,0'.. CO
"All men w uo doslte Hie petty i.IIioes , liue l)epoinor
under tho lux law.
$5,772 n2
- 4T.o;:i 11
4.111 us
- 22,100 :,7
it'..2o;t no
7i'. ! :u
JttU 71
7'tl 7i
t f
io'',;-;iil oj
horse conf ractn - i
"rft-oriW as tho pafiioa of the i.-aue"
hrn it was written "rruard-l us ll.o Mil- "All men who
ties U tho is.W-the: acain ho i mude !'av" "',,do out ..f ah.-ldy ,
... ' , ( ,, , elulhinu who Luve coined theoloudol:
to say "My v.cwg nno tfnttmenU -when it tLb ,(,Kf jllt0 dlHr!l nnd wnl,, j
should liuvo read "My viewa and tUi'.e All men who thought the .South could j
""'.V." not be kickul' out of tho Union.'
Distressing Calamity. "AI! mer who believed the rebellion
. . .... ... ,, ,, could be put down by a pou cuitfat. I
Jo fu- M,tor of the LunrjKld htpMuin. ,.AU .j, VWaOM and fieu think-!
On lust Friday morning, Sept. '2111), 1- ors j
ward Kin?, family and friends, loft his "All person w ho w ishod that McC'lel-
rePKier.ce. uie r.agie iioim.iu ..nerry net hin ,,,,01 i,c killed in llio seven (lavs
tivLta. I
1 IuUT.-iU nu J KxcoiniK'j,
M.7H Oil
-.r. 13
r'lo.Vf.l 0:
J A M E II. liltAHA.M, Cashier.
Cl-arliwl.l, Pa., Oct. S, 1 (!:'.
liurotioh, between the hours of 10 and 11
o'clock a. m., to convey to tho tJtnh a bei
loved child, the funeral cor tege had left
All person who poured a 'fire in the
reur into tfce democrats in ttio army, tiy
illutllon Ayaitt ifcy.
r-,.F. 1 rt-t ...If .
1 till, -A ur.i.r n 1.1,
S. K, tor. 7ih and ( licslnut Streets, : I
New York city. Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, : sell on roasonuido
Buffalo, Detroit. Cleveland, ! "e T.rf,rt, co1
Chicago and St. Louis-
Siik.-i, Cloths, ItibboiH,
LawtiH, S1.t11.eL, Flowers,
Merinos, C.nsiiuers He!t,
'.)ehii,:e,, liloves,
Oinghiiiuf , Ventini;, Latev
Cottounde.-., Whi'a Hood, Collar.',
Fan.-y Notions, Iinllingi, Miuit'.Ilu,
Irieli Limn, Muslins, Khawls,
Hats, Caps, 1'oota ar.d Shoes.
BACON ..fro.
Xin-Ware, tllai-f-Wure, Ilrurra, Lumps.
LiKket1. l'.io'.m?, 'i'nl.. CI urn.
Wttll-1'..per, Itlinds, rinhrell.K,
Sole L'-ati.-T, Iron, N'ui!-,
Stuel, ilia., if c , Ac by strict attention ti bu.Jlnens and
Low Price lo receive a liberal patronage. Let
all come aid examine oar Mock and pric s.
Highest Market I'rieo paid for ail
kinds I. umber.
I!uniide, Cleartield. I'a., Au. i, Il?2. cen-r.i: nr. l!i"te-
fore inlcriued licit if tu. y are 111 w;r,.i o. li )"';)
(;OOIM at low rat.' fur Casli i.rl'ir'1.17 l':v
dune, thev nuis; net foil t.. .-nil nt
LTZVJ-:iL!-:il'.S stoki:
At the ( Id stun. I of Mooru t litiwciler, ui. Sco nd
Street, Cleai ticld.Pa, June H, "b2
inotil. lii:(Toai imi Ti:v u-
I ''.S.The County Siiperinteu.!. ut will en
deavor to meet Teacher.", Liirectorj and CiiU.-L,.-,
at the nlaees nnd dut-i mimed. 1.; o'.-ho, k A. V
j Pwc-cari.i iiud tiulieh, fcpt.-iul.-.T 2d A. 0.1, i
1 at .lanesvilk-.
Ch.i.-t, Ferguson uud Jordan, 4 tL i jth, at An-suliviiie.
Knox, Glh, at New Millport.
Pdoum, Lumber City and 1'vuc, 6lh A.
Hurni-i-li', Chest A M'ailii.n-toii , 10th A lltl. nt
Nr'.v V:ihingtori.
Curw'jn.vili'! and Pike, l-'i.U A 15th, at ''ur
WellSl ill".
Clclilfieid, (!'v...!ien ai.J Lii'
at iTearr.i 1.1.
llradfor i, 17th A 1-lh, at P.f.
(ir.ihmn arid .Muiris, lilth A I'i'th,
Co.ii'.t'-ii and K.irtl.aus, 24'h -t
Jolin Iteiter'.-'.
Uirard 2tltb, ut Coiicrrcs Hill, Hi'th .1 I'tuh, nt Luib'-rsburj;.
Vuioii, October lnt, at VVelty'.i.
Huston mid Fix, ;U, at Hi'. kory K'ugt.'ii.
llojc, (Jib, at Alberts.
Heeatur utid Wo-.' iwurd, Tib A f th, at Cu;rn,
L'ell, 10th, ut
July 30, 1S02. pd. Couuty Suj-t.
-.,t ln..ii'. : '
1 At t!;u j 1 ' 1 .ic 1' .uk-i of It
t n 11 i.'p.
A !i..u- ! Ma "nr.-r
jf !ll.-!,-i..
A : i!.'' tih-iA lion-" I. r .
f r the t.-wii
At the -.i
A' the luo
f l'o Injjt'ili.-
At tilC lll-tlse of Lag.
oox'ii of'v.-iiville.
At ''outre school home for t-l'.o tw
A: ihe hoiijo ot JT,onnis ll. loivis
shin of pel;,' ."ill.
L!.Ii -'. if A; th" hou.-e of Join f liuiidy 1.
rh'u of Fox .
.' L Colo-r. r.
"I liir-cl.
Ai Hi.- publie ;-.'h ".-! 1 c f-r the .
of (iii-lieu.
At the hou.-" cf .Inch Hul.l.r f -r th-j
al.ip of tj ni b 11 1 . 1 .
At the -i hool ii oi.-. io .T;.i)e.vil j f.,r th"
to n nip
In s- !' ...! l,orie for t ' r t-
up ol
liouse of .!
'. Ill' I; V I
th It:
al Ky!
At ti.
,,f llll-toll.
At the m'-'.'.l
.d.!;. o! J-..r..tiiii.
At Cue hour..- of 11
t-. iv 1; 1!) 1 p of Kurt h . .1 -.
Al the Turk-y Jlilt Kch
eLi; -f Knox.
At the cun t hou -e m Hi b-r. ..
fjr Lawrence township-
At to? puolic seho-'i hf-u-e
l.i.'r,t,--r city.
At the hvus" ("rnerlv uc 1:1.1
Ky'.-r It the ti.-w.i.hiu ol M..i. -.
A 1 the p'.i1 lie Kf '.ljji L .1 f h lor '"..
Ni ,1 '.'ft(!' .ii.
vi t --- h.ii -it rii..c 0 S.;.i!'.; :
-Irp '.f l'';llll.
.'-1 t be oi.u-c of t.- -iii? y: ,
oi 1 '.11 "!'e for I'lk '-..wi-,i'n.
At ;," h- use .-' I.. W . :l "T-' 1
..-.:. of I nr. 11.
At ti.e luo-.. of John WLi'vaid-'
ft,i;i of ll'o i . H
xoTj'-i js n:i.iur.!: heue.
le fori
i'-iil A 1.0, for 1..
hoiifo for th-. lorn
.f'.'. I .
1 b-
f t th- i-.wn-
IIK subs. Tiber i atithoriied to make salo of
the following Timber Lands, wkich he will
terms, viz i
contiiiinng KM) Rrrcs, in Deca
tur tllwnilip, known as tho I.tfjnn Trad, located
..1 t .-. ...:id - . -l...,..;i.i' A....o
lnAi; ..-L-L't'l V.l ll.-u . vcm ft I-..U u t-r.,-, . . .iiii. ."''.I iioiiii'". -oft.
the house but l few minutes, and WttSJUatUtalltm. (hem Vo.!SHi.m.t., 'traitOM.' 4c. ! IS Airn.r rn..c,A,: I.w. Funis. . "e ' raci in Chest township, continuing about
outofsuht of the building, when the "All eonditionnl UnionisU-who put j ukspoMiknce, Ae., practically taught. MIO acres known as the 7... crcnc, loci.tcd
house was discovtred lo l.o in Hamw- tho abolition of slavery b.'i'ore the resto.. These Collages being under the sums general . .
,ims of thA inmntes of the buildins bare-' : r.i ,.. ... .1: and local manmrcmcnt, and uniiinir in each the 1 , J. . ,U' "'. 1 'f' 01 U ''l
- " ; ... 1 '"" wi i iv u'uuuj - nun uiiniiji nu ! . . , . . , . , unnrrr ;rnr iu i uc-t I') vi;mj ip
ly escaping witn tneir 1 ves. ine notie, ,(l0 frj,.n js UIiri 8U,,,,Urters of Mr. Iowrv, ;,uv"",ufu" u " " ,(, Z . ..Vi.., nt -' Al'"' '" ('- imdivi.le.l fourth purtof the .,,
ji of th
. tii.uii 01
itc. , n
?1MI E a Mention ot persoua dsir. us of pu-eh.i
.1 ing desirable Timber Lands is invite 1 lo the
follow in ij tracts of land situite l in K-;ating town
ship, Clinton eounti, Pennsylvania, known ui
the LOKAIN LANl'lS, vii :
A certain tract, beinji No. 3lfi9, warrant. 1 iu
the name of Thomas Willing, containing about
1 1 K acres, situate nu Iilaud Leu, an!..:
distance of miles from the river, b- ing m.:!!
timbered with Pino an i 0:ik.
I A I.-...', ai.otli.T tract of '11 .1 I, -it'iute nt
,1 1.
this city is most wonderful. The name'
of Milton Coubtrioht i to them tnesyn'
with all its contents excepting a Itureau,
.Stand, Settee, 7 Chairs, 4 pieces of Carpet,
and u few cats ot fruit, was swept anay
in a few minute; by the devouiin datnos,
and lelt Mr. King's family destitute, ex
cepting the clothing they had on, Mr.
King whs just about finishing tho house,
and had it well furnished fur a public
house ; hia loss is heavy. William Lang
den, late trom Philadelphia, had his fum
ily, a wife and three children, boarding at
Mr. Kings, until ho had a house finished
that ho was buildinc, they also lost oil
lh?v had. Notwithstanding the exertions onym of all that is lioiiomhlo and goner
ot llie cltuetis.a amnio 01 air. ooun jne
dler took fire and was burned with its
contents. Ecjuiro Hughes and Joshua
lhivis' houses were on lire from I ho bum
ing building, but were saved without
Oamtigo. K.
Cherry Troo, Kept. 2'J, 182.
tiayJur aften'.io.i has been called to an
article which appeared in our paper
about four weeki ago, entitled "The
Quakers and the War." taken
'parting instruction than uny other similar instt-
I lutinn in the country.
. A Scholarship issued by any one is good in all
ulio is Srnon ti.b's lieutenant and mana
ger in this county.
for an unlimited time.
I The Philadelphia College has boen recently
M R. CoURTRUllIT is we'd known in this enlarged and refurnished in n superior inauucr,
coiniiiiirily as one of th most liberal of. and is now the largest aud most prosperous Corn-
men. Ilo has given away Uiou-smls ol ( "0,a, ' , K(ruld do well to nppk soon, either personally or
dollars for the relh.f of the poor, and I hat ! , I l,ruU"n " ' ,.'t," a hj letter to the sul.Vcriber in Cl.-nrfield bon.ugli.
toowithout the slightest expectation of, :boZw'Kfo:: cut bi maib , 'M. rt.'H'l'EH, -ly-.f.
political gain by it. Tho affection enter- sr'or full prticvlrt tend or n circular.
lainea lot mm oy ine woi King classes ..i iictouer s, iao. y.
th" tuoutl. of Lirch Ii-lut... Hun, ou the west nJu
ii h, 'n'lou .I- Co. Vi.. !, iu Lra.liord lnwushi., ' . f the rivur, containing T.'l acres nn 1 allow. mo-;,
togeilicr witli three or lour other tract. I and having a good railing beach tiiorcun.
The nl.i.vx Land lire ail in Clciulie'd county, JfQ.Fur teruia ni-plv to
ti. L. KKKl), I .. .
JAS. 11. tiHAHAM, j tlX rl
Clearfield, July eU, lc'Jl'.
and are repres' nted to l.o well timbered and of
cii-y access, and convenient to good navigable
.r' Persons wi.-liingto l.urchuso such lands.
- I V lH'Slltl.rS 1- IjAA-Si.KD WA-1M'
X. KjKJ In eichnngo for Hoods at the Ciei
titoro of J. 1). THOMPSON.
Curwensville, 0t. 1, 'Clf-.-ot.
of September, on the
VtiHKtrt MEN'.
I t OST. On the 29th
D . , - 1 wu r 11: 1 1 1 I-i Turnpike, between Clearheld linage and
Homcmber.lhaf Glenni Soofield is tie; Wilson's! a black clasped Pas, ok with
intimate friend of Morrow 15. Lowry. who the naD)e()f K. K. Hyatt written on the first page.
is his principal supporter in this county, . A,iy person leaving it at this oflioe will be suita-
nnd that both of them are Ihe outspoken ( bly rewarded.
advocator of Abolition, bv which thene-' Clearfield, Oct 1 , 1802. pd.
groos of the South are to be set free to o- j rplHToltXlriry"!,. ,.,ori oT'the
verrun the North come ir. o competition 1 G(,vcrnnr,f this Commonweslth. ihe Drift
With yon 111 VOIir labor, reduce your wa-'k, Vieen nosn.oned until the lfith Hv
from pes, nd finally 'legrade you, to their own cf October, lef.2. Application! will be herd b.r
tniscrflole condition. Z-ve' exemption of persons who may have been in the
lis a vole in ' service of the State, and who have not already
l.ollov. nnrt evei v one cast 1 nsJ "rP0'"1"1' ,J nni1 ou
tempted to charge theQuakers with being tor Mr. formpicnT is in . upport of the ,a,i' .lr "A?' 'n "V1 .Vth
tho authors of the war, by agitating tho ' Constitution, Ihe Laws, and the rights of
the poor man.
Till: t'l.I. VKITI'.I.I) ACADLMY
be epened f.r the rcceptio:. of pupil- (mi
and feumles) ou M-iid;iy, An;. lKlb, 10
Terms per session uf l.leven AA i-eks:
Orthography, Keauiug. Wrmug, Primury
Aiituiiictic and tieogniphy,
Iligiier Aritluuet'c, F.nglirh (iraiamar,
Oeogriiphy and Histoiy,
Alg.-br.i, (ieonietry, Nutuial Philosophy,
Able-bodied, moral, voung men to join' und Look Keeping,
the Army of the I'liion, lor the crush. Lutin and Greek l.angua
,'ltinta.l per-..:.-, ..x -..;t .'a u
I... -1, ..I hold ai.y c or :
ni. i. r t!;c i;u er' i. -d 'l.o I
'this Si.ite. or i f i.ry 'lie.:
' -T ;i couirii.-sioneii ol'ic-T .t ' 1
iu. t" eJ:c. r or , vti t, e ! " i.- 1!
under toe Le,;i '-i'.. !. ....
partii.riit.- of t!r ! t-; -r 0! 1 1.
'nyei'y .r lacorp- rat- .1 -I ; -: 1 i
el cry 1. tub r ..f C.-i. r'i -i -
luturt, or of t;.u -oi.'i.oii ..; k, ,
otty, or c . mini--iop.T of -tiv ; ...
are by law ua-apabie i t li-.i Iu j
1 he s-iiiie ';i.ic, stei Cca .r '.p..
!iir; c -lor, .1. 1 l-i k . f any !'
' t;!1.;,-1. env . n.-'c v.-t-.; , .
I A.i I ! he l.-.turu Ju'Koj .-f 1
tiic:? at'.ri-,ii:-i l.i r- 1, ne.i .. .
I .011 1 ir-i. c, ,11 i' - l,-....ii t. .
.1 -t h I ty I,- t . .' r 1 . -
' f ')' Mi er. t!- n -'- o. to
.piir. -l .1 ',!i-:-in ! y
j oIVi.N under 1:1 i.i.r . i
, il.ic Ninth &? of .';c; tv Lu'.-r.
1 L'.rJ "lie tl.'iusnn i elhi ' '
ii.'l of llie I. id, pel. l-.-L-.e if i . ' -ret
, ti(,biy-.xth.
, i-i'WAM) i'n,;: -
r y'li ATf il k k Ken
''ir ol
r V ' I
.ers ana llie war, taaen irotn pes, nu ui.auy iiegraiic. you, .
rank Abolition journal, the New , ignorant and miserable cond
,, . . . i - 1 .1 1. , , 1 ry vote cast for Mr. Scofielil
. kwj l ost, in which the Jotl at- : m i) oJ; nn(, evt
May 21. 1M',2.-If.
Eight y-Foiirth!
ing out of the w i.-k. d rebellion that is now dis
tracting our beloved country.
Come and h"!p us s.ivo III!, purest and best go
vernment (io.l ev.-r gave to man.
Men will be enlisted for any Pennsylvania
Leiriruent now iu the liel.l.
'.f5 bounty, and one Months' pay in advaue".
Clothing, food, nnd utlendsneii grsti.
Vik. P.eeruit;ng oSee in tiruham'i How,
Capt-hllh Heg't Pornia. Vols.
Itccruiting Ollic. r.
Clearfield, July 30, lJ.o2. tf.
To Farmers.
I Pcsp.-c: fully iiniiouiico
3 1111 . 1-a.e ci niplet-.-l sr. 1 1,1- ,.
li'.rirtur win e i -. !r-.
i' J,o.
To students desirous of ac.uirii.g a th
Knglish Kducati'.n, nnd who wish to .iiial fv
I 00
6 til
themnelvis for Teachers,
iiesirabl. a-li untiiges.
this liislituiiun oilers
l ot end iii'urly
Caoinet uiuk
per n ;y of t.
1 J-o.-ite t
it be
.an b.-i.
All kiuds 'jiM'irn.tnr-.i v
n bundc n 1 . l.t.ii- :
- I.-
; a n r ii
I be K" I
No received for less thun bull" a n'ssion, ,,r .,,,,. .-,,-,1.1
.. .. . . . , . 1 . .... ... . . .....1
u 11 1 mi u'juucii'.u iiioe l ie. -pi IO Jlil.llHI l.'VI
Tuition t" be paid at the elose of the tei in,
C. Ii. SANHFOHK, Vi. .".;..',
ClenrfielJ, Aug. 6. Isf.2. ly.
Dra It"! Dntit !
"negro .piestion."
1 ho "stop thief' cry of tho J'ort should
not deceive any oue. It is in perfect keep
ing with iho course of nearly all the abo
lition journals, who themselves, with the
aid of a hireling clergy, have brought the
country to its present deploiablo condi
tion, and wo think it very unjust in those
who are the real authors of our national
troubles, to attempt to shift the
hility upon the Quakers, who, as a denom
ination would be the very last to precipi
tate a war.
COUNTY Don't forget that Blair
county . has had tho Senator for the
last TWELVE years in, succession,
and that YOUR OWN (X)UNTYhas
not had a Senator for the lant SIX
TEEN TEAKS! By voting for L.
W. Hall you are votiig to disfranchise
ClirfiM county THREE vears Ion
-. rf ....
next, it tho Court House in Clearfield.
Clearfield, Oct 1, 1902.
THE NEWS. iT ACI7I 0n Mrnt,"-T lb Ul'1- on
IIX I puhlie real between Lecouirs Mill.
Wo hate LO important UOWS from UVUI and Samuel Clyde's a pircclofliry
1 . . ,f l, TV,. rvvo-, Tf lo on Goods. The finder will be liberally rewarded by
the army of tho 1 otomnc. It ih an- lfaring thpin ,t thi, nfficfi or inf(,rming u, ,1(,re
nouueed that Gen. McClellan is mak- they can b obtalntd.
Sept. 24, 1SC2- pJ.
J i.
The Union forces under Gn. Mor- tionhavs
ing every preparation for n forward j
. f the v.ry I est WIMi-MILLS ever in-
enicil, is now ef'.i-red to the 1 i.riiicrs ot
I Icirfiehi roiiutv.
The u iiilersigned Ag. nt is now in this for
the purpose of introducing tbe u to tLe notice i f
the public. He only a.-ks a fair trial. Farmers
are specially invit.d to eail and examine th.-ui
beiiiie purchasing i-l.-f hrre.
W. HANCOCK, Agent.
Clearfield, Aug. 27, 1MI2.
sZ:z7U t.vcil lis Ih
AJ I.IMi:iK ! And buy your
the cheap csh st'iro of J.I). Tlr
who hit.- just received a Coiiipltle s.. c).
here you esu get
lined Muslin ai IZ'j'j'
Culi... " M
Soger " 11
" Svrui., ' 7.)
" per s'l'-k
" .h",-inii-le li...
.Ind all ether urilelc .. t the
f ''I '
AlIl.Oi:, IlDCKIN'-.
AlC'L t i'.Ail. .
Si'JiINC SLA'i ". C.;
r-O i'TiI S, Ac ,
' A .',!.
! Xii: ,'. A
i.t. j-j
iji:. ;a;,
o- :;::..i.v'.
1 a i; l j:
..t :i 00
s, 3 p.-r
e ion est r l.ri- es
pt. U, 1st.'.
hereby given that letters of A Iministra- AT0tKK is h,rehT given, that Letters of Ad
rs been granted to tbe underaigned on .l-ivvt Mrr.
. . ..... ... t r, .. vn..,, , rt- uj. .. is. .. ........ ' .
V . , , , ii. .K. ... nf .llsO HTnH 1R1 I , i. nf hll ... ....
tail unvo evatUatCU CUUlDCliana Ctap --"' . , . , KY, ato of township, Clearlicl-l cuun.
" . . . I tnwnsh r.rleeeai.ed. All nersonl indebted to said '. . , , '. . ., , . .... I
and reROlied the UhlO n SafetV. ' I..'." .:...." ...j " .V- . .1- ' aeceaseu, nave neen grantea 10 lue unuersign-
Advices from Louisville, Ky., are to lay, and those having claims against tbe same ' ed t0' make it
tho d. The Union foroeu were then wi" r"""' duly authemiciwd for tcttio- JJ cUiic .t
in lin rf I, nit In kr,.. n .:i.. meni to ae.
... .... v. umiviv ttuuu v. .' uiuun uisiuut,
and a severe engagement was antici-1
pated. j
The President's emancipation proc
lamation was diseimsod in the rebel
CougrceS at Richmond on the 'JOth
Fot township, Sept 17, 1802.
ed. All persons indebted to said estate are re-
nniuediato pavment, ant
bavin; claims against the same will present them
duly aulheLticated for settlement. !
JESSK L. TEST, Adnj'r.
Phillrabnrg, P.i.,Se.t. J, 12. flt.
TK.At'IltlBH WANTtl). Three, or four
Qualified teachers wanted in l!cll Tjistrict,
TO TTOrSEKEErFRS. The subscriber who thone desiring to teach should meet the lirertor
was educated la tbs Pennsylvania Institute for at ths sxamlnation st Bower, on the 1 0th of Oe-
lilt., and the subject referred to a so- tbe instruction of the Blind Is now manufactur- tober. The citiiena are also solicited to attend.
loct committee. Several members R00M9 " GM" 10 u c , f5(t, u- BRETU, Jr..
.1 J..J :..i o ."-"'I'- . , 47 a v- -..KWf.
earnehuj rouuuiuiuiiucii mo iniojng 01 lit makes a splendid article, and persons want-
Peptember 3d, H02 tf.
VmilMSTKATOlt h M) 1T( 11 .Notice
is hereby given that Letters of AdtniuiMia -tion
have keen gmnted to the subscriber on tbe
estato of PF.IKK (;WENS late of 1'enn town
ship, Clearfield Bounty, deceased. All person,
indebted to said esUle, are reqneatvd to lunke
immediate pavment, aud those biivmg claims
0 J the blJCk ji oa On the first attempt tO In tbo itdispeosabla article! to housekeeping, 1 OBKRT J. WALLACE, ATf0ir t Law against tbe same will present thorn duly autheu
j . ,,-.lctv. C nvnnla b cru id patrcniia) tbisworOjy yonni man. : J.V Chwrfield, Pa., Cflioa) it fckiw a Row, op ticaUd fr tettleiuenU
.1 carry out the prjwoo ol tho pi oola-, . iitsiERlEOrttTT. ostts the J-cnmiU ofsc john owcn.--, a im.
S 0 F A 3-
or ai.i.
" A li I h i I LS . :
I; ITULil a,
ll'it'LCAK-j V,
I :i 1 '
I' l'AT"! vm:
vi.i.kou. . , at
J J:.Y j.'M.
U1U XT i.OTj-i'JE,
jjiExai a r.
.13 A m
Hair, lliur 1 p. I "' 1. : i'.
end Corn ilu.-k, of tt-e b 1 ' '1 el Hal.
1.00 KlNl-'Ls Sins "I all - if .n d rat.
Also, l'is-"'f.rol.i 1-.
Also, Tea-poyv, What-ii..t:. Wath- it.- la,
Work -Mti,', Is. II ...;.. A
on ib.irt ntitiee, an 4
Mu'le to order
hears'i furnished.
PopLr. Cherry, au I Linwo id Luuilfr, o-,
11 ei'dnilige lm w.-rs.
C'!ei,rhed, o -'. S. r U!. I.
Kr I matiot
'rt. I, I8AJ.-M.
dec. 1, li8. tf.
Pik township, Sept. II, 162