.writ .... - l. Ml I" ll"Cll tMlli"1 if I'llf tlllllljtllllll l lit nmiUUo t Vim im n ! vosM:i;iM't, r.rrrrr nr wmr i'.l:i riirM ll l in ft Inn i" " th'V I d ' " " .UruH1 IT I I K 1 Mil IN 1IM. HI A M I I 1 at n ui li i t l,i I. 1 his . . .i . . n i ..... .. i. , ,, J ' ' rid in "")) pxtt cf li e J ivdr-timd, J, In the mo ui Mr II kin's I ill 'iy ,ml...fn f-ily l.nt v rni,-,i till. M INN lAVin All AIR 1 1IP. MAM'I M ) : I II 1 N( I Wr.tth.-, nrivn it',, IT, I f,,, ,f n K ,,),,, r , n pt . f . l ,11 the yr.l ' . Mr. WmMiI'h rr. tilled' ' l'j il C WolUS II ii. m (I r Chi. Immi I rniiirr, p. m i U.n ii-iii .. haling )Nti"l in t recent it ..l II.. ... .... 1 I... ; ,' " ' ' 1 ' ' ' n ' "" ' """ ' ' " i.. . I. .....I Mr It-iVii.'. l!U.v I.Ml...f.t M-. V rbnllf.l. I MlrmiU T l.HMl) ton, l-iM..Jy tivniiltip star ,o.i. .Iiilv ! i-iv.. him in-nw e-ien Jed hi- ...cmJ, ...it,,.. r..." . Ail ... ...... i.. ..i , ,i i.. . ...i. . . .. th-d l 1 1 . Ii ! .ti mhh -nt., nn.t tl.i .y.njhy, thut II..- utli..niy I- made bv. , rtl lnistCt fd by KqUihlitKn CanidMM- iv,, fj in li ii r Iihvu M nil. I n In I U ' vYelnUleallelit;,.,,!, U.,-.. k.t 'i 1' ti.T,! . 1 1.1'.. "I'm ,Ui tVrrMtroHof hi, cli.f. --- , itly m i x i iy M'ln'IV,'..,, .... 1 ,?.... v A.. Tl...r M,.f,m ,.!.,. r,w 1 Li .r.. " rl". ..r ' J I . i .- I r . n ... . 1'ivr lur. I., in,.. I. .1 .. i.I.ii.m, Li ll. .. intJi'.al n-Jiuuii-j .,.,.,,. ,,,..1., . ,,i lV. !,' 1 1,.,,, ,..,.11, ;,. . h 1 i. ,.,!, . r'"1" iuhp ,f nnrnv. Mid nil (hi dt . MIV III1IH Plll.-I'- 1M P.11IC Bin- 1. . c lmvi now tnrvo fM,.lu 0 tin Hnilrcii l, HkiniiiM MnKiup , fc., j , , i- . . 'I'.N iihIimi Willi l'i' ' f rrit Ir'iil of MM tlir I n r:-'VOj V -fh ' -m? V ''m;s.r. H..,m i,,i.W.l in I i I. fa which ' '-'"""'V "l'-H- ' lH.irKacnlMi.ii.ntor.uty. t HcllivlHJft'Ur,?. ifl 1 nrin : - f.ncr liliii'riition oPIic 'vir-mvip inntr' numUrs ot iU ihuu Ucli'iT u. Htu kt tii wmniom ikw ir mi mo nunmi? iv, , ,n,,. t...l... H,rr...i Tl, ,. I 1... I n,..u. .: ;.. H. Vm Uml it M wf,n.'l which o'lM l-t; I V. . . . . "'V l,""e"r"'lvu' 1. .roi.lnJ under tU tiMH-uoi. Vi. 1. Cct. 8. 1EA2, '.i.i r: -it . iuI' 4 nolr nti'I ini.tustrioiJ lu'.hor wcro in Mifli'-i'-nl to pive to the on tli.vl "splcnJul c'uMii.'iil l.initioii," which in utter lifo nii'lit have nioro fully ilcvolopnil itself i" llio r iihnilimcnt of n IjcI- .ijwiit, 'ie.i- ( !;!'. ril'l'.'A i h VI' CAI T. KiUl.N. i nr. l'iii tii) iJ (.m'mi)r K, Bnh iu- tiou of wh:it wo now ;ivc, hto I'!i'lH- ivjuyivnniH i-xoi'il l.y the c.'ti.i u! ' immil 1 V . (l'.o C.l. m. U, Muruy.l ro'l witli llio !)Muf. loth m tic to it. (My cumi'Hiiy were rcmuitcii in I nf ,t. II. ft;tri.l rmtioiif WtliilJ'CMUIllt. I WU!ll!.MMf.l I.I MIMtiJ "it'll "O' Uaritii tin) UtsL eccion ol the ' ol ,,,,,1 ta 6U.ri.i dcr up Hit ill (joticn ' vcrail oiti.-nin ol Hew Held. Win, A. ...... .l.la 111 .;. ......., TT.-t ...... U ......?; tAm.iand Julta-t wLUi! Wall.nc of Clem licM n:dcil me materially. C' ' J ' i . i IIM .1. ..1IV i ..L .1. ,.f .... . ... . I I.m ...i mf u-ilh rrort mvi. u out rr his ov'i M l.hJ UlliJrU HUlll IUV UUIftlH. VI HIW i " ' ' cf AJvije." ! ti nit , lvrt-s K p!ii'- . ... A r. I ll . . i n ni I itn t 'ii 11 fm,,, (i S.inVrov. 7mci, which eur, Jlin Uc, Uerlx.e mi litarkyuurd, yet , Vlulont 111114 HcliUliuiUlon jt 11,0 ro' . li;( ,,clljer would it onMil to ;iy i.r rWMiif.; r)-,M,m any oJA.t tcnm tn Lave l-pn nroiiJty nnnoyiug to tiotw uliHtnniling th ihf rvliti-rt of the Altonna Tribunt, w ho I of loi tune, tlio J ut r-tt i i . 1 1 1 tmi ru mi inn i.4'ii(iim nj'jui p i - - r. r ui Wl ii' j ahiD) v i iik, i"1 i u OUSG IJHK1 iily ' Thin assertion in ullogether pint- A scholar through jierscvernnre, ni.l 1 oommu trttiou of the tax. It publish- Unacted by their corrupt jiridcccsfori l.y ho eurly Ii-a,lvantes t.oiil of tie tontme tax, nr. .J enri.tiHt '4lli:t llUC4i uow ibul it Ld gotten rtd of mii wni cordial n:il ionlii in I.m etloi Is i .. i i r . .i p.i i ;n ..,. .1,1 I to iibsiHl me. 1 sent JimiHn C. Ornliutn, n Ijie, throngh imliiHtry m its i-lTort.i Ijr the r'asaiie cf the bill 1'nyinciit .... . ) ,.,,. (killed ut Win. , ,. ,. i i ; , , Notwithstandnig, however, tho Ixivcr nvute in my com jum) , (Killed ui in. l.ecamo.li8t.ngUHh.l. t,rCol. kir.S, to rejeal the bill orinoUij0 d u.eu u, r,,reul lhu ll(vUeMer) hack loClenrf.eld for recruit, ho uitoi.1, ItojI.e..i(id, jnmu huiidr.MlsolJitcntlemon l.y nature, in nil the nmenitit t ,uimbcr of articlon upou the Mher ar.io.U.M.jij.u.r in our oolmniw. to of life, he i. peculiarly jileo-si,, and wo UUJ Watf wi-wiully ievcro up nho'.r cur reader whut in aid hy oihur im- are not uwaie that hi cluuacter hears na. ' ' ' , , . , , . . ii. -.i.iv on Lvi in V . JIai.i., then UepahliL-nn , - u H,nv,l h -it hoiU word or com- stuin, or Inn back om? icir, mulcted !y a ' 1 . it vulo of 70 to 20 Thin bill now goon buforo the Senate, nr.d il it pusfeB that body, and receives the ttifMmtui'e ol tho Governor, becomon a ... ..... nit i M..riior 1 1. ..nil iiiii .ma .i. hip ih ran hulc in the han.l ol an outragt-l r.luiiv, , y'tor frf.m Blair county, l(r his ai- ,ml Uollhtru. iiany n t,e mom. Haunted hy no npectre, his fi ienln have h'god Corrupt eumyltaty with tnm uill. Jjoi of that body voted for the original now voir.nioer r.nut tior alw ays met lum pleapar.tly ; iio nun insult ' esp.ii'inlly lo tiie eilitor ed none, nor han he ever leen forcod to me'.t, and hud no other ciidorsoiiient or Pj.'i"-vl beyrml itj raked inncition. 1: we shuil " ' f n ivi'v I,'' Vi! .. finil that i, to play the i i. ..-!..- 1 r ;.v, t'it oomo out openly and lio'dly in a lull tlederi orpun of the "inleinu!" iUpahlicvun p.irty utid its cuu 'l:datri, Thoj iurnuls ami speakers of that j.orty can rlig.-nutio I'l'tiwrai-t 'ie nj ll. nr xiely lliereiitid to letrn the- J niii,;tilr- In nidi t tlswl Ihf TOnde, nmylo uy neijuMinleJ with nil thefjcti, we mil Rv itu-in from the very Crnt r. qiiKiiitni,ccf lUnttnl Davit with Oenoml (iel4iQ. WLo the, aUrru wm raed in I.ouU, MJuthMlU enemf wore marching on lhi oiiy, U-M.ern! Hsviv who tould not rei.i;h hi command under Uener.il J'.unll then at Iiow hnK Umen, went totienerul Nchcii mid tendered his ncrvion. (.ion. Melton gave him tho command ot'tho city militia ho food as thvy wern orgi.nir.ed.. Oeneiul Jnvis ojieued an oflicie and went called uj.on Mr. Wallnco for ni.l.atol was " "ms in in me orpan.r.atmn On listed by him to mean to poy r:ruitiiijs u(l "t stlil' 'ns,1 iln? Dl" lfc "P' cxi.eime. at two ditlerent period,. " . "V" r0.",' Rlf 1 ,'eti"" 1 M'fr f) )Jj'X Hoiife, in l;Otnsville, when tho folloivinj dpt. C. K.8llh Jtcl. I.' V l-'k l'l:,7:". . evade a relative, "Willi lea. led pinto ra!y fur bii brulu.' CEKTlHCATEor CAl'T. McCULI.01'011 n.-signed me ready lor aer. , ,vice nnu ii.itp rune. i to inquire n lean i. .. i;. .uc.uiioutiii. iiiiiiiiin o. ouiii;.- ,.i.i., ... f.. i .m - Its uitklo of ilpril 6, )f-C2, wuHepe-i bill, and a they hold their aeatn for ikreo'ny j;, 140th Itegiinenl 1. V. (I'd Buck-; Uoreral AV.ion-llow many bivevou I . . . vbnria (U 1'iiori hi n.vn tint vaI It hi I it it rtiiv 1 : I . i V . ., I. ', I .l,v . . . ' ciallv distinct and beverc. Th;s tm- yi-. " r; " -"!- "' 't -. ),.. About lwcntynvo hundred aietf, l lil) .IlKO.lll. ' HOrtllllltV tO llUl'lfv it lv ttlectin? lion, ft 1 il.- t1,.,l 1 ,' n ,1.,.! In n.nrnil nn I Itn .. ' I ..... , j i -j - - - j n ( por, in ita . eilitiow of vyV. -0, 10-, men : hmJ thn JU'piiblioau ticket atiti niast- , coruiy, inav i nave iiKWi hi rruruiungnvo (jMM'iul ' n i iiiiunu r,1 V .MiiMImri in I lio I riiinlv iw v i . i . i . i . t no ie.!i loriuiiaio nun wio junpo neer. in - r , ,;, ---tion . I1CUU. IV If (J IHUI I" .1'. 1 1 ' .il.ii "-'I. riy i hi domestic relations. Though earl '. iStnutor, and itcotitainoJ a re-publiea- Ului lion of tlic article of AprUMh wLieli i urj, but Jitulli twyremwJ en .m'.jfiold in my eilorts for both com panic-. Jlllin yeU( tloll.t you knoWi 8:'r in ' o riv.' below in full full edition i'Jlvr !h"1 ""W" 'A-- "' W comrinV He has furnished me from his own means sh,,ul), lmTii , ,he p1i. nulIlU,r , in ih n.- m. iow in mil. JU" -u'l,,u" lor their vote u year has iMticictcd u wit he penfe money , and has repeatedly , j -,(;f licn j Ui.lr't expect t marriages ui o trequently unliajijiy ones, ihis has been the reverse, blessed, as their rnndidatci and f.artv as A'cv.v, wi.!he, m the feleciion of a partner 7Vc;,7iv tyn.j :,i(,Mt yith r, bt'n,d:. villi 1 I'ice, as man und wife they have lived ot tho paper wan btruck Oil, tho town plan to smother it, so that no vote exc perfect impunity, id the Tribwu. Ij.ik not I tgcti.'r lor almost a quarter of a century. HUl..cril awordof wnsurc The I'itiFbuih (.i- llls H,irJ!) ha lu'vor cnmsoiie.i I'r , -vvere inailcd. On that (lay, l-cforo tlw 'nr. eoo.iy d,:3iure "every man a Ucutor vih the I.ti:i",ratic Stnte tioket,'' V.7.,. (rr,i,1.1,. ,! on,r..;i.. At.-... r. IUi.l was very tctivc m his opposi- iCh arfield viz : 'Jnmj.nny C, 5th l'u Ke- twenlJ.. f1V0 hundied ! about tweutvsfive' lo the pas..go o! Ihe bill through th served, und the comj.any cl which I r.m i.n),.,.,) t jty (j0j; you a regular oflicer nnd couio hero to me and report about the house, and now, in conjunction with fi-iy i.v in comnnind, thai. 1 havobeei; Hided ie incn ,T.y .icn..i,iJ.a cum la-n-tu t'wmnnu inu assisien i,y n in. rt. uiumu ui vienr- ,,lln,i. ,.f ,,.., ;,, Vnni- tnnimuml an,i you lln.t nn.l cim J m,ti,( PS I feUclll'il tliiS (il'UlOll, Which rlan ... ! sketch of Mr. Hill's amntwuvrea will imrvice Mr. Wallace in renvtiwj these etim i t.. ;iougn this lnf.iuioui slai'der id tn In:. .1 ji ami re;,uu'.eU by every Abolition df.eut in the Siie ; und th entire Ponio. '...la;", party of Now York, wi'.h Governor S'.,'iiu,jr, their ou: dulute, at tLeir head, f: ( branded as tr.iiu.rs by tint infuinous Abolition Prn of that Siote, yet tho TVi- bune lias nothing to say. It is all right. , ',,. of ti vtnlthv firm of Altooua (the resi Ioion the jiuhlic . , ,., trrr.c iu-n,vi. Her donCV f to Udlli- cucen mi cruet U uas never o riven i.er : t t j-.- -it i " , whole odiiion wan mailed, a laember; iioui lits uuiis'j luiiuii its n:is u,r ioi.jiib ever attempted to i.uihi for tJ t ( f citr,7.;; cu t t-n ivi imperfections and her character have nev ua3r'urol Hna t.wuttuit upvh er been cinve.l by him 1,-foio n Air- ; jaJijmihi they had ajiiirift Jlivtlnr rwn crowd, or made tho subject of merri- ;ltnc, the cditvT iif the 'hitJ ; it Was pla ment l.y h,vieroi the street crru-r.i. The'ced in the Shfiriff 'h huudr", who wont level of the bruto has never found him ' to the ollioc of the W.. and levied ou Un.jun,;H., her, when others .iiiil-ri.i-u. prcp, t ype, material and ,aper, and speak of a tiu. ItttOM THE IU.AI11 COl-XTY WHIG, ofHErT, ' .'0, If 02 (samo date us above) AF- ,:-.ere is no oreoa ol partisan courK-sy inj-y " V locked up the office. The office romr.in- .: -iiit'.. But let u Domooratic i Bier j i"irrate, an-Mhmj her, whom, by the most i . . . . , . ,. , i iii.. i.i ed closed lor a dav or two, whoiw.vnr' rnenK hs enliments cf Ws editor re?pect- s-'lcnin vow, be had "i,rnuiiseit to lore, ; - ' i ttie A'Jmini!rution and its nets, with cherish and protect "in all these things ui. v Je'ree of fretWont let any I'emocrit t xe"ie this right of free speech to frc- jre w: ch our forcfulhers wndid through ti.e eic-i yenrn of suffering and blo,l of revolution and S.rthwith the Trii 'urran't'ini-nt wa.s mnde, and Bi-otlier- . I ,.t In ,ir,l LojBivcn me cordi.il nssistunce in other ways. ,,, ' noWi'nnJ onlv ,vanted taiimrifif undAo man oUearlJntg h been ,.j mere j W)ui( t10m nlui where, and having .." . 1 " . learned the exact number needed, wouki rn," .T. iV H .'v Ill.cn draw Ih-.m. u , .' "Pv-o0- 1 ' 1 .W ip-uiing tho room in a rKe,-A. Sept. -1, Ifo.. , ,nlll hvo (housand live hundred. By GuJ, i o n.,n.... ,-i... ... .L..r- ! 1 Mip.d you from your command and j, .. nil,.... .1. i, .mi.. n in mu ti,..r . .,m wu,r..-t to (ienpin Wr y ,. I'M 11 i AS lAli-A) U-N V M""ner " i01" that ' in. A Wallace, hsop, hna auuscribei , ,. r H. ,.,.. -nix yuKiaFF. TDK tiTATK rKXATOH, 'IK)U1S W. HALL." In thisj edition thu urticle givon abovo J"rvm Mm Whig of April 5th, m rwtj'uuitd, but in its placo in tho first and second editorial columns, is innor ted a "Jyctter fro;u 'Occasional, to the ...,... l r . r : 1 " I . . -1 . ' - v ...... 'i.. . to me iiinu lor iurni.ii.iig oouniy to son , ltv;s m not ,(.av General, until tdiers gmng to war Irnm thin county, tho, M, jvc ,m, a sum oi no uunoreu unu uny uoi.arn, iiua .V-The hell you won't. By God, lias pa:u me money. ' I II nut vou ur.der arrest and end vou i out ,f the city under a Provost gu ird. j Leave mv room, sir- .,,,. . , . ... I General Davis left the room, and, in or- I.J.O. Hartsw.ck M. I. dn -certify ,,cr lo avoid an arrest, crowd over the that I am a member of a Belief Commit-, rifpr ,Q Jcffcr!,onvi,c wbcr6 he renmineJ teo con.,osed of citizens of Jem held . un, lhe Mext dav w Umi bo was joined county, orpn.zed for the ourposo ol af, y G(,n .u,jnjgc w)l0 liaj also Hipt. 21, 1?C2. Wm. ?, BRADLEY. Clerk. loroing rone 10 lanMiica o. soiaiers go ng ....... ... . N . ... .... luut't Invaltv is shocked This irt of hyjcrisy is well under.joi.lv to the Bible, has he held that in i.e-1 .. and enly e xcies ridicule. The evi.leueo of the editors of the TVis ii-. is nt at nil necessary to convineo ns c . . . . , It.. ' 1.. .. I .-IKC.T- V.WIA..TU T.l. T.U- tho subject of our sketch m biameless. "11C Kt poession li-al n ; then anoth- " - man vmw . v. v.o .... unJ hi reputation as a man unimpeached. 'r edition issued, be.irii,j the same'l' tbtl bama b t ultr i,,lPer A clear, forcible and elo.ju( iit speaker, a date, to wit, Sei.t. 20, 102 but lo ! j quoted from abo ft- defenJer and expounder of tho Constitu- 'at its mast-Load appears the name of tion, his lif has been onu of implicit obe Iouii W. Hall candidate for Slate by the .Sheriff. Mr. Hall's na. Htaud-j Pq-t- S4, 162. J. O. I1AKTSWICK - ... ....... l I ,1,,. l".l l.nl-i ti.r I IMITi'iV P. ll' UII) If. IIT l" , . 1U III I Ut jiiust-i.eaij, uiv ,iAi'-..ii,.g .iij. , v.. .'i. ... mu u. , i.h'.j. j ',....:.,. I u.'" - -,cvwv4 .. . ,,. ."-u,"c'u "'.""'J. "".Davis came to Cincinnati with Gen. Bur A m. A. b.ce, hsq., was ac no .,, or.;liri,, ,, ,e(, tf) 0 , u . trimizniff khaI Conitnutu that lie tubmen .t ",,.,1,,1 (-i.-., - r 1 1 1 . 1.1 . 1 n v v 'n,i i. viLiifiHi 1'iiri.i iu I'jiuni in aiij.oars the name ol , ,fi . m .... 27ij .pt., nndir . , 0 ''V'!' . 1U, 'uo. , n 01 : Vuoi Louisville and report to General Buell. is W. H.,11 ed;,i,f. for - . . I a,ly ",,u I'",u and General Burbrid29 to remain in f.'i.... id.enco to its eacred mandate,. Second, l ... . .....,,.,..,' , ' 01 ""'se a'Ur 11 UttJ oee.J ivvie. oniij tno installments eiolea lor. . Idnnati. General Imvis returned on Kri- . .. .jviini.-i. nun, H...UIH-1IU. iu iciaiu. uic .... .1. . e. ..'.(! i. 1 .. ni. a..,,., . pen 1. - 1. i.n-. J . u. 11 .-in I t il l. I... : 1 r. ... ell. oihin further occurred that hi Dumofratio party of Bhnr county " loynl ana trua to the Oviuntry." Thit i m$e vith f's Jiemvrac wrvirA.v. ix;, :- ec- oocntt more no than js Cleaitielii, Th( Dp.i.ucrntic party of this co-inty is ui Hiuuious iu favor of "nustaining tho l.r. T:mnnt standing by the Gonstitu :,':.. .. forcing the laws hoping for a pe-.:;y sud ho iorable peace, when all .-e;io- of the country may again bo vinis 1, li'l.'.g a-i ler one flng and bonfting 0 1 e -T ( na'it .'' And aach are the aon : li' ' 'ivi-. aiidnbite tor Senator in sin;t -.A. Al.Licr, Pq. Can be naiu (or h:s opj.onont, L. vV. A'e ihr-i- nnt many measures of 'al i-:. pcl.liet'.ii. the adnpoon of . ul i redo: a j 1 u.id ' cne ".',. 1-.: jji,':' i I ii- Mr. lli.b ev?r .'. . . I.-." :' 1 .0 uKusr.res 'I if elected. 1 : H r. ;... r.f a....;i c. i : .1 ... . , . 1 . . , , V ui a J, till. JOUJ1U .il IIJU 11.U- e.ru:iu-it, anJ he ha never fledecrated the , .. . ' one, or viola'..! the other, by s,veiring . ,nt'r 0UluOfU 01 lI,ls Qhlc l'in -J j lulldatory putf appears as editot 51 : anyotms e.iow eitn to proibo for ( ' ' ' '' TZAn. L. W.HaU-Why he Bfcetlid for from him j olitically J Vw This oditlon wnt supplies! to Liberal and unbigoted in Uin oj.inions, ' all of the subscribers, he is willing to acknowledge that some j In the Whig of tho week following men have lived in this country as great 1 M Uaii. name is continued at tho mart-head, and a laudut3ry purl" of him Elected Senator- 1 is found in its editorial columns until yes .iv morniiiR, when Veneial Davis, sr..,. I The selection of thi gnllenun n the '"8 'i1' ;1'1 -NtlM,n ; thu main hall in h!r. . i , r i' ,, ' tin; (.alt House, front; it; tho olii.'i "V Democratie candidate for ( onress in this ., , , , b. t-xk .... , . . ,. . . , up t" Governor Morton ...requested him M,lU,l.l cv, ia iu ,im: , viri, UJUi ll lJl" 1,1 lit". IV t ! . ,'. 1 1 , 1 I il I ...... I V.. U' ,l,;.,1 ln..l ,n,, .l,l.l r,,lf , . . , . 11 t ... .in- in, .,(. . . ti.. . . . 3i.wui ,u!i.nr,in cvrry respect. Aiu man ol , ami mu.e.vs the eon venation that iniaht for Mr Hall lor fcenate J.oy.lty agaiitft -,.K,rii; j)Mclicill intigenco nnd j,,,.,;. . pass between Nelson and him. The Gov- disloyalty is lhe present wauo-a 1 othw ' fc o. nor consented, nnd they both ralked .luestions must bo laid asi,l..-ll m,-or e ( r.ergy he a , nms to ban n.i $uprU ,0 ,;t.,ierai Ncl,on M u4 tho lol,cwin ii,tl..-eii,..s .nr k ,,n, fivui-v t.ulrinl Mini. nv " Jur liii.)rrnnl ion r.,.,i r.nrtj .f i ,n . ... ., ' , - 1 1 u , idOK place : exert hmuelf to tustam t!- Government Idjit.-iet js of the mrt cheering char1.cter. ' (ieneral Da- iu us ci.ur.9 10 crusu iieutoii. . Mr. Hall is a loval man son. n Govrnment, for the war OIVK rROM to treason, and is for hang aton. U uuty where he resides, the pros- -advantage nf your a ithorily the other day. ' IlTh! oimosed l-ect is highly enrournKing. The ''.W y, ' . (snceringly and p! join's oppose'i ,i , f . . i his hand on his ear .Speak louder, 1 nging its aiders j.nnUd iri the t'-y Of l.ru., peaki of h:m :,,, u UOM TUK BLAIR COOTY WHIG VV tfEI'- .in, ' K 'lr ! .'. "rd ail pt iv'n T The as learned and even as eloquent as him self: at least, he has so intimated on vnri- riim nvti..lnn in ri.ihlii AflilrAiKoa hr nun ting whole pages from Webster.' Headly.l "hkh wcriUo inscrt it..., r.tv... ' - . .i. . ' "Rr it. thk AnTiri.Ks ui: auuuli una jili;ivl... ana mvmi iha crciii - - " . ...... i linn uuo'.icrs w moui i.nv if.t nr i'.. e..u . r.. . . ,- . , . ... ITS CoLlMvs. jlnv one doubling the ' . , J, , i.ui.-! - w tin n lou.ier tunc on seemtsi "' U1,U1, - v icutvini the nosition he decs on this noes .... . .. ... . U., ...i... .. . -. .. . ' , . i o liav no tun v ai yreeni 10 fi.i a;t """i" uuiamira. ui jour ouiuoriiv iue tioii, wo hold it our duty to .up,,o, I him. , b j , non,:oalion : suffice It to ' oilier day . Udhaldo his Milhngly and hoail.ly. , it . one of tho best , AV.Vn (indignantly I don't knoT By no thought, word or deed of ours s ha 1 1(, ' u , w m(M, al),, ial .jj,,, (ir. loyalty be d.scouraged. or treason nbett6d.jonon.jti b,,i)t,. ,,, KC Cttn i 7,,,- You threatened to arrest an-i IHE FB ESI DEN f OK THE UNITED ! .;., ...: v;lrir,. tr. r,nnTKioiir "l me out of lhe Slate under a Provost TKMIU'R 20th lhf.2 BKFORi: 1T!:7.IA . lrL hi' A 1'1(0L1.AMA- pnrt 0ft;e btPtkno.vn ciizenn, an I ella"l- u-'ia' trvi'vn rv v -nr p 1 f 0 rALCl LA l'A) T0 STKIKE '1 REA-IsuMains a character thai cartjiot be im ' A.' ;-.f (sinking Davis with the l ack of AS LLMLD ON i lHh'S'JN TO THE HEAUr. THIS PJtOC-ipe,cj1P(1 u0 is n. i t -.1 3 v one ' lhe his hand twice in the face)-TLcie. damn SHEKIFF. I.AMATIUS IS OPIMSED AND I'E-; lirst bunuefs men in the Smie, and thro y. take that. ,., L.K1T, NwL'NCED WllTIGUT STIN 1' BY THh!lig aotivit- and sagacity has obtiine,-? d'.ins (reireatingTliis is not tho last Pon STATE MS.ATCM, ,'OPPONENTS OF MR. HALL. MR. Iccini,0.,;;7 ,i,at falls to tho lot (,f but few i ol : fu ''H here Iron, mo again. . (Ao Candidate.') JIIALL LS FOR IT. AND F)K I HIS HE,n(,n. jp ,, n rt'on r surt'oMer of ' General Nelson than turned to Gover. A coir.i.limentnrv notice c,t all thoi 'fcft,fcK t?! lu Jih .Lh. 1 A. .mei-hen A Iocui.as in 1S0O, and his po ' ' ,or,on- "'. ".v 'OU, did you - . ju.s oin,.M-..ii, no i.-s ot.iii.iu- iitirf.1 dentil KepuUican candidates except the U;i) BY THOSE WHO ARE 0P1 'OS ED (QX ntl(1 r(l of them fo their proper 3tthort ! The Judge, though a consijient member truth of these facts of this most ro of the Church, sjid a man of venerable i markablo conversion on record can appearance, hus never had any clerical as- call and see for themselves. pirations. Satisfied with the truths of Christianity, he has been willing to occu py tlio humble position of Uyman. Though ; ble?sed with plenty of "brass," ha has not j a MifSciency of tho material totf.7a pulpit, or officiate as "God's anointed" before j I an ruiar. lie oeneves tnat men .ire called '-: -''. v''r'h!l Fi.;ll:ps, who, to the ministry alter they have been con- ouoii'. ffiure at W'jsinn.'lon i v. .,.,1 .,ni la.A-.mni1 t- i i i, -'-VI V HIIU I'aina I V WB "in er, tint iio hu J. ".abored Tor nine libeii deportment should correspond with !c-... vmirk to d.'stroy tho Union," when ! .heir i.rofessionn. Tho advocate of an ert- hcmjto Harrisbure was received bv ,-o.,i , i. n.;.,i,. iv,i .'lows. our nepnuican legislators with the .lis-vfl,;v are talher fri-Liful accomnani i i . . ntin.ei.ts are rif the most orl hos ! f omi' Here also lo in.-ult me 7 candidate for State Senator then fob unc ion uuo to tno greatest cero anj pa- u,Pnts lor a imstor that h;cciry.arrci'ance trioi. Where was Mr. Hall then ? As 8pe.iki-r cf the Senate, he had a f-plendid i pi or. ii.iiy 'o display hi hatred 1 dis , D,dhed'j-ut And again w ask, . : . re i th;. raJionl measure that be doen i.i't rcir r-'t ' m :, en i ' and pride, bare never lsen the han.lmai.ls of religion; tnd that i,o wan who was not a limue or a hypocrite, ever deserted his Hock, und quit the Church of his choice, because some of his brethren tho't Tbe.ea.-e none, unu it i (fcis .Shej.hcrd, rot so learned, not so pi ;'.: fie I'emocracy hod 0t fr eloqueut as .St. Paul ! :..s i':s;.-:-t, desiri ng "one j 'n,.se are some of the incidents in life .f on .rationality," are j which men who have any pretensions to j, r..i :,jL tAitr, jji. p, , r . . j . - i wl,.,v( v.iirillllj muiu .CIUUI1U, CliS.U 19 Ti w ho liave not ' i Le fstliers cf ;. n vho 1-1 1-lii.t theyjets. i ....d i st, ncn to protex-.t a crown that a true gentleman never tor- There are other things which might In its firt and seootid editorial col umns, tho following article (capitals and italics up in tho original) is r printed FnJin the Whig of Ajril 1th. To the People of Blair. Cambria, Hun tingdon and Mifflin Counties. No. 7. !;!,! kind VI,;..K r,,n in: HOVernor .Uc-r.-.i .o, .sir ; but I waste- TO THE PROCLAMATION, DESERVES , nuim i,:, i,.... inr .;n,, f'f,r i1( .,,. ' nuested bo present nnd listen to tho TO BE, AND WILL BE, DEFEATED. I6,ill'ered more throu-h the rebellion than conver&atvu between you and General IN OUU NEXT WL WILL SHOW NOT iaiiv otiJ(,r d(.in nu., in Kriecounty! Davi. ONLY WHY MR. II A LL OUGHT JO j ills nomination is alike fortunate and General Ac'i (violently to Ilso bysti.n- BE, BUT WHY HE WILL HE ELV.Q- J creel it.iLl.. ami w ith su.di a candidate, the ders) Did y u here the damned rwal TED. 'cons-'rr.nive vours of the di.ict, should insult me ? and thcii walked into iLola. ienier lhe contest with a determination lo dicsj.ailor. .uin sncceis." i in three roir.utes (ieiU'ral 1 lai n return ed with a pistol he had borrowed ol Cap tain Gibson, of Louisville, and walking tc wards the door thet Nelson had passed ll,rmoh. ho i.!iw Vlnn nllci r, . ii.ll of enco prosperous and hapj.y country, n 't,e mor, The two wen? fnco to face, VOTE the DEMOCRATIC TICKET. In tho present forlorn condition of our To show how tiiouroiigh and com plete this extraordinary cwcr?ifn was, wc close by giving the following dose of genuine A bolitionismfrora this mniG f nia 01 me in u. iasr ; i. t i.n .... ..-j " i i c.i M t i ror ii i " iu nt'M moil- nnrr vesi i,nnn you ran iiiju nuuii i nil m tis aipui i, u:u urmnv thK The Proclamation. Ucr your , -u, tktVKUDm,, Pavi. drew his pistol 'and fired the ball road Company from tU payment of th, t,n- "Thank God 1 The one brave, needed, eratie Tktt. The party in power at pr. s- 'n,e"n.e.N.1-son s llCal'' or '" tho imm6' nage tax, also giving it men hundred and. fifty , emphatio word has been d,keii at lt ! ont rha d() yW) no go,wi. K-elect their General N-lson threw un both hands tho'itv.d dollart but en member outside of! Long expected an. or.g coming, it isal; , , , , , , enetai 'Isontlnew upioin nanus ik.,.,i.i u ,.ici, mil . ne meiuuer, ouisiuc oi " - t 1 cnndul.l let nn.tr nn.l emi nn t ..rn niui .m rmm ,1 . ,u,m i.n , nr l.v n round 1 hihulelphia was reselected. Almost er erv man of them went Hnwn l,efnr the' How so;iUcbee, ing that word "fre?" looks, the dutlerifig and mimidnagcment '.r avo .r.iverr; ;nint toil... , a r.nmin,. nn 1,....,,..:,,:..;' ,mi,nli,p;n,i;nna,;nn nr.i,. .. v,n i in thn President's Proelamntinn. to lip'.-i ,.'vi..'. ..'. r-i u, in: uw v.i.niKi.11-, ,?l,ii Ut 1 .'.'.'"'..i .iiu.L..iii,i,ii y, luu liouio ii urc - -. , - Our the neck and exclaimed, "I'm dhot." He 1 t., ri , . . , ... . r.ir iirsj, ju i c .i ut i iii-.l.ui.i.jg . ueia r.sioOKATS, TO THE JUCSCl'li ; in this article- For the present we dis. poriat t election since the 1 n.;. the subject of our sketch by merely "'-jiiitituiirit.. wil'. ho th-il- rcnai king that, avoiding the brutal ires 5". Wo kave h .''!':. a. Stations herein mentioned, and nhunninc ! Pa.vme,lt p 8 ' .M.-t? .1 IT-1V-J.. .. ,.r.i i. r.f if;,! '.'-. ountry will onlv go cn from had to worse. 'licn wf '"'l !' lne "f 1 m "C " ,Z tZ vi vii' i li I i uvii o , i and was unable It proceed He was then convevei to his hen laid on bisbel reiuestd i . . . . T.-ti.... - - : i . releasing of a men t Workt.ox from th e ! any State or designated part of a Slate.the ticket, and put men in Congress, and our "e V..:. in A . Ll,u vj a ' c iiins uvMti itui juuuut'u ur iric i-u ( - -j..., y" un xivi t-, uiorriore, la 10 iui. of the fttAirK voieaway Jim ii the uncontradic:ed ' , , .. .i " "'u 1 these RADICALS out, and put CONSLR. further. anasinip euc i u? pen,.e ileclareU m , one , VAT1VES in. Tht vo.e lhe Democratic room, and h lones mul eoui.J not i.i m.cinL-nn iliul tdifl utcp, o.i '.,,.., unu t Bifn t,iui, i.1 n .1 : p-i.h ei'.! ' TlCEand HONOR hich it was in JUS ' people whoreof shall then be in rebellion ,' State LegisUtu-re, who ci iK.und to pay, was an ( against the United States, shall be then,jthe K y of lLe wl can loet and act ior , . t,im ,. Tl. I 1 . 1 - r. fc v-. c-..:::er.t ...ght , a.lt-abu.er, nas made Judge ILirrett what "TT "r, ' V.7 '.."r thenceforward and forever fr ! Ilne weuttre 01 lu. T9. I'ian a mrea in auoui live mmutes. .'in '.r-h.. .-I- m-r. ' i ho i a eenilemat a uplmhij- .ni. .,.).' ' iU. ... , have more regard Jnf tbo mD a iir. tairoit louna uenerai .-seison ex- . j u.. .. r .hi ..a.. ,o daw. iioi a teniitaiai., a schol.u, and a put- riVmg away, without the least equivalent, , "It is for this that every earnest man in ; e , .L. . tremlv an ion a. lohi. f..tur welfare. (.at :.iv I e dotvi i mo' not. Sr. YEN HUNDRED AM) FIFTY ih land 1.b hopn liktninrr t n.trl nn ihni '&"" ta" mey uaveior me i.eg.o.- .7" 'i(x. A!'. d ! ini'in th I IV at; VP LQY Til LY :-a:. d. I the land has been listening : and now that. Pxvs.if you would not merit public con-i FHOl'SAN D DOLLARSof their money, j it has been dj.oken bv tno only voice that who are more anxioos ... 1 Id'... nn...i..n rr. .... h 1 . t l.r.lltM.V I . 1 . .: !.... .. . . .. . ... ' . IMS ,'l-ji'l'. , , , i , for the welfare f" leepl, penitent about the many n hu had - ni m .IiaH IIa hit I hnl ll A AL MEN of tho tempt, fillow his example. jwss nothing more nor les than ROBERY. j could cive it poter.liahty, we pot only re-iofour country, with its thirty millions of must die immediately, and roquodlod the N'-.iv ii tlJ ,vfTt;,wVV lhat was their verdict: Was it right? joice at the realization of our hopes and jwUiles than lhey ftr6 for lour millions of ordinance of Baptism might Le admini-s ... .s,,i j, me. ANOTHKTi fiHF.AT It A TTT.V. Although populur opinion is sometimes and the answer to our nrnvem. hut we1.. . . . ... . ... ..... i,:.i. .' j 6 ;:...e.econoftho ,nt:re D.mo- u,tci nni) hrm I wrong, and ocVionally visits with pun-! feel that it has marked a new era in tlie Macks, wfiom mey wou.d lear irom tae.r -0 : -in in P-n-.v-lvania. und ,he d-.v ! iit,t hrhl v thc , ishment those who have not merited it, history of our nation and of the world.- homes and protector, and torn them loose 'n.ddH nhPtieonKt after ha ..... rajihic account '..f another creat battle at r .1.. 1 tl..' 1 .J. . .... .u. ...v.. . .v.. 1. .r na aleo m n,lci D minuies i, L; Ar''.i IOI.1S.S, Will l-e tho modi r . . ' nun ij-uiiii.- i'i-puwi o. nits i.uu'! i no inrn wijusc i.tii.ifs urt ptcnijt).i uui uiu uusia.n.o r.. iuo ,ro,ie ui 1 1 1 I tit or: d. 11 vet in ninety-nine cases nut of the bun' Thn men whose nsmra nra mnnndd to " l r.irinl.li Vi.u .-.r, Fri.U v 1 -I Tu.. :. .. .u:.'.L t l .j'..' . ,.11 His rebel 'm htm ve' .juu.,.,flv .uit-'i, , n i,m.. i uui :i was rigui 111 n..' inc procianianon nave signea me mosi ini ' . last, ,elw..n Generals J.osecrans t-Hurl cs, wo ininK no one who Ins read tue j portant .locumen t in the world s history. r . ...Mil UU .11. 13 IUU I . p , . , , I'll t oi uie leder.il lore s ' tilf iu Le'- '. it was vote tho L'enj,-'Crat:c ,,. A T. ,v ., . year of the LegiMature on tho bill for the in fact, a new Magna Chart, before the was conveyed to his room. His death was the North, and starve out white laboring easy, the passing away of his spirit a tuen. though the Geceral had fallen into a qui- ai lA.r, IT IS FALSE ! The report Circa-; His remains will lav instate to. day aLd I J-...r.i T .i' lr . . . . .. . and the rebels eeaings oi me imer House ot mis .Magna (. nana is as nou ing to ll. Jl is, under Trice, Van Dora and Loyell. The ."T: " : battle u said to tavo been very severe, the session, can for a moment doubt. ! effectual fires. P VvViaNr ilF Fnfllm ' ,0i,se,i heavy, and resulting in a decided ' This Bat. was presented by Mr. Hop, -xhe President, doubtless, has nood ers of the great Abolitionist, Oleni K&. 'E1L Ol IliO HCL rSiPIl At. Iil tirOv.(illR ten. nt wrllCn IllA Otflpr m.lHL t,H tl 1IR in.'t ..... .... . . battle is said to have been very severe, the sosion. can for a moment doubt. '.etlectual fires. ' ! latM la ,t11S lU,trtcr lQ opporr.. B luowil we under.tana w. to.morrcw afternoon. Gennral Davis unmcdiatelv Save hilD ounty. and was,ri,.,nn. 11,0 rlalov. ' YF. WIICKM W RpnfiAl.-l ihot If - . .1 " - - j - . v . i ' . . " - . - ' . f wuviw, t"'v . vuvni niuuii IUO mx.il lit) lO I HO Ul)114.x iuuiumu, G':r ijeia-jcranc irienus in eucu ,,B.,..,m. WQ . ... , o . ,, morougniy u.scusseti. a column-, OF TIME. MOVE SWIFTLi ON !" , rv , a.u ti.- ..,iliirv arrest Ik ........ .... . "H nmi, nn.l uni. . . . . i nmrtprfl t n ranmnoTA r ovi n aai im p i iun uai a j vud muvivi u""" j - - ... ictory. Of tho Union officers, of whinton county, and was,rcJStns jllr tbe dlay. trut ire sjie:ia'n'y rixpicsted to keep a f '.a-p ere ujipn tbe ticket.. We have the lusi of r.'scus for juttiug them on their guard Our enemies k;-.ow they have no ( haioe if the election is fairly oonducted. I rurfful, then, that fcickeU for Demos lienors Ilacke man km ki.au onrl fion ' 1"-' " ,i;r liar, Jiuu, ro'irm. ; , .. . . . j ,. ... ... a. , tec of investigation had been appointed THE GLAD DAY OF THE NEW YEAR '"""'"usw, nam aeeciinea, . wil! .7: : i? n , " rV. ,ONi to take te,.i.ony. and report whether, WILL SOON BE HERE, AND MIL. IS FALSE! rrobablv be convened In a few days. neissmitu, uuuertana .nower are aho any undue or corrnpt influences had been LIONS OF GRATEFUL SOULS WILL ; reported wounded. ; made Use of by the Pennsylvania Railroad , WELCOME ITS COMING AS THE Mr. Courtright has not ouly not re- i,..ll.M,n !, ilnrml frets. rAj(l ininrp th. r,i.... f ik.. i.a. ..i...'niwv cv tmv win af TtiDTirr signed, bnt he and hia friends re .. .u;. .u.. .n i. ;ri it n'.n r.irch liicaisl iiACHBs . v-sevcrai of eur tlem rotn the ,,.vrD(,nt of the ON THAT DAY". THE LIBERTY BELL Karri of ..l.- a nr.thinif with its works, and tears, and du; , . . . . a f iiuiu at, wuiai auu dcuu u o luc i ii jo fj m o j friends have presented us with beau- tax. This committee had not vet WILL RING OUT ITS SWEET TONES .f . , .,, , ties; thut all works sre excluded, and ot i : 'I rT opponents put in their pla rs sing ... . . i r.L..:- fi-irmullir rnnn.io .1.. ri u... :. i-nr.vr Tilt- itD ..puoft i tw rin. cnilUVlCIT aMturancen luas De WI 11 D9 . ...... :.. .... f ik. .nnl. . . ,t ., , , i , .i .,, , - ,i i;;ui specimens O. reacnestu me.r gwD -v v1v-..v,v. .v. VUTj uoosp, uuv ii i iu.. ...b Ain i mjbLrti.n .id' . " , , . .. , , no iiu iu iuojuon,n.ai..in v. m ' 1.11 J-Ua'et- l.:e tl. t SuPleJOUl ana I ... Kitirr!...l . -j rnTvT..m'f.,mtiT nt . . . v lrllirrmhiinU' ulenie.,1 ! TKat.uAr.l nf t . i r. - ....... . i.u,uri u, wii.nns.gpfl. uiki r.ni i ii.ruL.HRiifi all tbi ,ai. -oui e iio no -t..-.: r.i.it., 10. ,.!.-...,, rin.i M r VTO . I T ... t V ui D ,T . vie t, r r, r1 .... ' - e.. re. LET NOilAN VOTE appropriate notice, nor 10 express our beyond all doubt, that the mwt atmnve OF!" HAPPY DAY! HAPPY THE v- j u a he was more afraid ot hu duties man w.JTL.'Ur IT Rsl nXAMINlNt i.V- thanks in tbe manner de.ervexl- Howev- and unparalleled empticn and bribery haJbc NATION TO W1T0M IT IS GIVEN TO' D18m' oannot D maae to ins; the one often made hira proud, wt ,1 t I'.'KhT. ,er, peschesare rtill in demand. ; tmHew ftn4uet memieri - vte tor tt h?.; ' ESTABLISH IT!" " ' swaTlcw fCuci a hadical as Scofield. other often made him humble. loyltwas the saying of a great .si"1' ii