(V- r j i 1 ;: j p- m i) b i ! ! i i v. i j ii I;. PRINCIPLES, not MEN'. Ti:;tMS--0J Trj prr Ai.r.vm. if r -Utui ?v.:nn VOL. NXXH!. WllOl.l. NO. 17'JG CI.KAHHKM), i'A Vi:i).T.s)AY, OCT. H, NKWf KHIKS VOL. 111. NO 1'i J F.2PU3LICAM testimony. According to our "fignrih', " thin is reckoning iiit'Trt ut .'HI percent., and is, Tl." N-w Vc: !t 1'inn'ii is a Republican thoicfore, rank usury. 1. 1 r ii gi eat iiiil'jt-iu e ; iu eiiiet editor H. .. i H.-I.T, the Hon. Howry J.Kiy- Republican Opinion of Lincoln's Proc- iii. ii. i, wa; speaker of the last New York larnation. II' m i. of Assembly, chosen by the IJepub- llm N.-- Vuik Y'l'e.oi oomnientring en I. imii members llieroof in the usual pur ti- the President's Kniaiicipriiicni Froehimn 4in ripmnc:'. Honed t lie utterance of the tion mivh : Totes nun- bo regarded as true expr. ssions "From ii"'. liil llio lir.-l el' .In mi try of Republic in sentiment. Very recently i),,. ,,IV lien tin.-, proebimai k n will I n k e il il-nlai I lint ihe people had utterly ; l i Mn:iii'. nee in Ueiim-.ii MeClullnii, and i .. :.. "c ielcd hhn to resign, ninl. a lew . . i, !'. i' ' 1 1 1 : i . : - i i it Imdicg t'li.wirml from '.vine. i iv i; extract, me. Ii 1- I.!.. II. ,1 . n ' ti fil l v im: ie.aiie in.." uf .U - H'r.'i.i; i in will ;,: .. to t-K liiiii ii!' it ; but It ii ii lit lie ! j iveniinen I .it a'a"T:au.' i'A I, LIN.. !. . AM I'.'. I , S l.A k. I I.N A i'A 1 i'V '.!'! i.U.Vi ! I I !!!..' IM '. HI- FKi-T .-' i'liON'1 i'ii . r yi.w i;n ! r;:r. r.. Mi ii ij. i ii I'i-i-t. .'.lubV l.-.iV-l'M.- -s a:;: 'I !.! ., i i I A N 1 ' '.'..: ii. 1 1 l)eel--i'i III lie over three iiinnl hj. Imt limy iinj j i'i) b'tM.'eii niiw aii'l then, in ul the V;ir, .t I- llMl it t'l KIV. v Impe, however, llnit by that I'.K'ii will bn i ut bvn by li.ih l, un i !h '. tie I'-rrill' ( .' s v. .n 7,-iu i in i In' ii-"tt I " l.il: e ii i-. ;i virt ilivl (li I; n'v I I ih" in'' ''I i.ii.itinn .'linn ill t !. I.IMj I We .:'l,c titlie, til" ( lie mil:'.: t Ti: Tit tl . ; i. t the . -ii tin ;cnt "I m-lic kU or .i : i i t s .li'iiK1. All ,'iu:ii ilis: met !h:'h i; '. y hi ii. M ii.ei ; ill" ni; k in (o in -i Miili . " by tllii il le iI ill.) tel.il.le i :. I. I lie i . mi iti y ij r iiiilly niijn-'. u ;n:i;i. .' f 'ill Jiariie-j ivlio l:ve the eouittry, v. Ie iviul 1 -,.:e il s.ive.I by 1 1 C'in-.'.l- iiillioi HX'-, !ieiin-;e v.nii :i;ii :e!.e:, n .-. ij .-:j ti.r-y i- t.'i i-o :m Lio; 1 1 lis te: - V ii'-.iiliii'lelll to till? t'e.it tii'lc lii.'tt i.vlv -I ii':)'i tin-in. Tllii N A II it A L ' , r or sr'ii a snrr.v.ii.i-: -i l: :. 1 1 iiT a i.D.N'.i.N'i !'n;;sri; KN' it'll ,t .v-; rii v. i 'N Tii i n i .'.'!::.;; ;' . andi, ;. i.N.-riKK A W'iLI.iN'.Ni:-'' i'U At.'- , i :! 1 i; I'i i.M WllAiii'. I'M oI'A UTl-i: j I 1 A A I UM '.vir f-.r ..i vm in 1 1: yi (J. 1 ,'' y.-n- I '-' lb" lie;'": " : i: . ' I in"' in I lie '.Hllil, '.VII l Hi'. ii I 'I I'.ir- t en illilis i -, ' r I '.lie iin II, WOIiKMI v. i'.i the in n i j n 1 1 ini.'ii 1 1 , o I lie bel I ir.!i ci i ;t u . ". 1 l.ii ii oeeite lnive ii." i: :!.' t, nee. yi vj (: r.t -il 1. 1 "ii l ho vb iIi h of the ii' i an i nte.i .-i nut to ' IIH'J iloulit th.i! i n '. lion i i- : n - iiii'i'i' '.' ;'i',, r f Ihia city, tl i l .Thuieil ion n ill leii'l ii th-f I't'li.-I Stiller.." which :i r., iilel KJ inli-riial l')H- 1'atllliMHt -. The Ne v Vol I; 'I'; Hwir, lh or'Hli of tin! trnitorotts r:el ienl.-, is n-joioe-l H in in " tli" roi'luriiii: ion. it fiivs, t.r- en. I ot the re- inr; - o! tli" lieu-; Ilk- ot i) Kl'S AliKUl.iM J,ix - nil initi- e1, :r. I (net 'oin -ni - -! m.i.l Art of Ai-Hetublv liave never met us ninl the mi rest buhv:il(i n I einb!i.':iil tendencies. "TIn 1'1'ciemitbn nl the (iener.il (Inv ornini'nt in its whole ronMit'itior..". i ;'."r. us tho hhi-ut nnehor ol'onr iieiu'o nt Immo sh? j ni, s m,r and 8 ilet ; iilirond. "A jonlons rare of the ri.'ht ( f flection by thp. poople, a mild rind ful'e rcrrfetinn of liblises hit'll I'lll !o''!'( :l r !!' Ii lie n ii.'Jurn.vte 1 in us a hVli f I'lonrd. it v :iie ii . i u i : 1 lo ii.. by theMiid nc of A-mtiIiIv -'.vb.-i el' onori, that, a rule io iv 'I'liecl h l,e jii.ii. ten iipun u.iid ,1 u'i;;ei-ni.d ( '..liino. .iein l, tu hlimi e.:ii-.e ivhy tin) li'it.li! nul tin i t us sueii Keli. f ',oaid, linger the '"lid net of A"Miiblv. i ( ii . :!, It- 'cm- ' And i;t u ii! i vi-r I'l'iiV iii'. edir.i me ur.'ioi'iiied. j HANNAH (,'. JilAIN FA "Absolute liequiestTiHO iti tlio dorHonf, j i.,, (ember 2,".d, lM'iJ, 'J o'ldueU P.M. of llw rniiiniilv. tliP vital I'l'Mieiple ot ro ; ,, , , , ' '. , . - -., ,,, ... ..' . , ., ' 1. Kiile f'rantc.l, i i-tni nul.Io ol 7 1 . M., lo Jin.,,,.',, ii'iiiu wn.ei. uirreis no iq.pea .nil , , ,..,,.,.,,, ,,,.,, .;, ...., ,.f ,1:,..' sivord of revolution v, !. !o lienr 1'clilnii l'i'iin ton n.-liiii. Tu view ma 1 from Win. T. Th C;'iii .v'niilh in I rit.lv linviiliii. Oontim rii.- 'l o 'io'v rend to b the river neur in. T. Thoi i to t'liliip ill Hell tioviisl:'.;i. To view a M i I I'j lead from tin!, near I I'll rv b'enins lo .'nines Jehn I'V lll.ll in 'V Sin: s la from .-.I in de and immediate all being in iittenilaiie". J'.Y 'I'll I". C'Ol'KT. Jl.I.iiEa A.NH CU.M.Ml.S.sioN Kits' RKSI'OXSE ': th, lU-rMf, tin- Jh " '(th-- uii' : lo form tbo vital jnin 1'iivent, ocsj'nt fiii. "A w ell diseiplined ir.ili'.ia, our Lef-t re liance in peace, ninl, fur the fiit inoinents of ivar. till repilnrs liu.y yelieve lie nr '' '',. .wj.rmiiiiy 'lie eiril cf. r th-- v-v'Mry nil'1" nil. "2. viiemi in tlir jml'ii- rrinif.', t'! lit-n' wo le Ii.I.ii f.'irtli nfl. " !'ho honest .iiyrnci,t of our debts nmi nicred l i'Cserviitio:i of the public faith. 'KiieoiiiaiiiiKit nl ai iculliJie, iind of i of the land, I. ut ale in.t n.K i.-e.l lle'.t t ! . e i oad. 'irver ci'iunirrce ns H liiiielinaid . I levvii.;: el a lax and liiei.i im? of a l.eliel : Most .s I.v.ii Prlill (..H'tl bip. To view a road to lead from I.umboin.s brid i'0 to I'ictts's lr, llesa'.v mill. Ol lr.vt l to ri. .t unit lU't tisl. I "HI 01 , K 1 1 1 f ,u IIS ICVOl'lU loll. UK! rafts of I'nidv. r.ell and Penn townships , by any means is pres-ed uuv J'liii 'ainal ion In' tnade the overt hadmT.iip i -lie, and let the mice oflho penj.le at tliopol., liiil. o ed bv (he voi''e iflheir !(.., -(.;. jVi . m 1. 1, 1 1. !,. ., be lir.ird in sin II tulles of It llli'll'tllHIee mid eoiiiletn liatinli thai lie.' Pi sidt ",i!, m oused to it m iim." of his lri-m. ndoiis cnor, .' hull not h.'-ila'.eto wilinbart the lili'.isiii . . '1 ne vital iuten -t:i of the country tlemanil that l'ii' pr 'clamation he revoked, tlio ooner he net ti r, ninl. until it ts revoked, every lol'a, hint, sl rti.lil ntiit.. in vij.-' I. I resilient from the V i ( '.,vr ut Thr Mi-,iver and rttuni of .lac j j kind, and .'s;iinucl C. 'I lio np'ii, ( 'ominissioiu r.s of thecoiiiily ol l.'leai lii'ld lo the petition Pititions.- For a road to lend from Plunk briik'e on road from Holts to 4ras Plimpton lo intersect the ctok' cut tuiii jiik r-neur Fiiot h I iiiiy's lot. Yi' ivt is, (J. ('i.urt.J Al'.port. I'l.'tiil: I'i. iee. .laeol. llublt-r. T" viu-.it" load in t'ovinion t.,ii slt:p from old Ch : vf'ejd road to S:mly road Sol bur. le 'ie'i-r?, !'. 1 limb, .1. kni'd. .luliaii W'ollii er. ot' Hannah Maim s humbly hlicv. Thai they me tK. iioii'.. t ' ' I" v 'III the laws near .1. !',, To view piiyale r rv'.'- to il.e ner.rest P. M'l Irom A . l.oiuitbiis .lil t on ll.e I.amnl I.aniin, Clail.e. Pule, It ;-:t dliou ovi r ,,. i ,' . 1C in iui rt ' II tl . I ! ej "And there is. in or.i j.idmeiit, iinini iient d inner to day that unlo.-f our .i.v eriinienl promptly vindicn'.o its tr.-r.tii. its power, its eonijietency to deal with lids rebellion, nnil to defend iu u, n ex i-leiiiC. tr.ore cnusj.ieuou.-iy th in il has d i: ;nc' the 1 i-t year wo shall tee a K-sort to i.i' .miri". v.locil will eithir land Us in i ! 'I'ciiv or t-ubiecl us lo the absolute (less r . i : , x tiieeiy is fati lied iio.v ; ho will no more co'iipi iin of '.he 1': ( s:1.! I! t ; l.e lus iicoui i lilted hii i urposo. Kven i'liilbps will I iii- 1 resident m? "proi pot i-tn o! 'be ? I'lthe.i: Stall !ITT1 oi''ii,;',:hv of till' Pe plc:e-i.'. I How e" 'ii':i"l n '.i'.' 1. !!. C I the l iiion. ' "'lo'l f.!is Abraluti.-x 1. "The ditlusion of information, and nr. raijrnnient of nil iibu ea at the bar of pul -lie reason, ' I'l eed.Hii of religion, (reedom ( I t!ie prefs, and freiilolii of pelt-on, under tht protection of the h d...tx ctiriit,s, ami trial j by juries iinj firtiully elected." ! COUIiT rHOCEECIMQS -SIPTZMB -j Ell TEKM, W2. I AIK.UMFNT I.IsT. Thompson Peed vs. Jos. Sunw mid Z.ieli. ' iVden- Rule lo show ( aii'-ew h.v a nt v; j trial should not bo ei-anted by the (.' :u: l. Sept. ".o, 1802 Iviilu eianted. .laeob Grahfim '. .loiin I "Diiard. -''"er-, tioran by defendant. Sept. i.'l, lSo'J- i'v. ' t'.iir.'ii pirasis luese , .ludgrjienl reveist'il. lies ef the 'iovorrrnent of j ( 'oiii, vc (Jeoi'j.'e H, I.ojinn to bill of eo.-ls. Sept. 1 i1." will be T(. in-, to the, Court that llie I'.'.lVptl'itr -li 1 '. app. al' e?;c( plion- ate .7 r n:'' ,. tl-: pe. ii tie' 'an. I I ical mai 1 1 y tl.at lb'' can e is pealed by nil the (i i!,e of nt wi.i ship - ! con fined to the charce nl Ueol t;e II. P.t-s-I ir;', I iiiHli.s, fools and fiends in human 1 more ami .lames Hull, as .vitne- eaeii, shape who have, f ir so Many vear-'. been y'.l it is ordered thin the rsi'lue of the revilinj; t!ir-memory of V.H-li!iij..-.r. aii'l j '.ill he paiilauii Uio cn continiied so fu H'miitit-in the Cc iistif '.itpni (which he , as coveie llio item ctnbrceil l.y thct hi !;"'d t" fi'Ufue.ril.d ivhi. h be heartily up-1 captions. Ip: .'. i.;as ' h leajjiie with death and nl Fry Cui,soii vs. Itt.bcrt and .1. ii,r I.o.n : i I'.'.-i. :i, t '.-. i . :i 'icll.'' ai d. Sln-w cause. FviA. 1m'i2 Pnl- (iiaeiy '.. . is e. ,',-;; Itiei., ti,.- ei;e a;,.t tl.cy : W 111 'ill III- " up l!,e .-rv ; !:,; A ' ' a ...',, i, : tnoiii'ii, iiiiiieri.'.f; -y tia'.-o in,- inn ot tlie Pi'lmeut iin.J pii'Oei.ir.i e.vt'Cr.'itnt i'.ilil. fin. I pronounced linn a ...;.., ',','.-.'.;.. "J ,7... ','.,.; , ,' rie. 1 no v, dud cue of thf ii.: on. pose, uf the lrc '.'! ncvonip'i-hcil '. ii.nj i ii.ee..';; ! 1 1-1 .lel'.e '. :'u piiicitr.i i rod .,' A - .1. Miller. i 'er'.iipiri. n veil by the ( 'inirt. John S. (iearhni't vs. S.-t'iiuel VvV...'l , : I en. Rule to show can-e why award :huN. ijotbeKet usi'le, nsukuij: each p.itty his own co.stn. Court order ju Iloim nl P we in e now unlurjiiiig. the people ate iwnke to tbe'daner, and are resolved to meet it. We lime tried tbo ridicnls, np tutors and ulinlilionists long enough. They have siiccije ! d, by their fooli-.'i and im practicable schemes and b iii.-lntiou, only in uniting the South its one; man uga nst be entered ivilh lull cusu in I l.ua.ili at, mA of 'l.vidiiii? the North into par- . In lie of the liicorporelnei ..I the S.t 't tits, w iii i'ii,u nloi-s more modern 'e oouiitils Lutheran Church ot Jir.-e ly . lvscep: i an i. prevail, proiuiie soon lo become as deadly bill of cos's. Se i 'Jli, 1 .-I i 11;. a pi i.'t. Iiostde to each other in the South can overruled mid bill of e. ;i;t - app. u ed. wi-h. I Joshua Artii'-tMiii! vs ' noin-cr. of Pike ; ttiwnslup. px( "p : lotis lo i'.w.ii.l,ii p b, ..' , ,.ije ir I.: ('u ia' (n i '.' 'W :i oli 01'diii.iry J. '!.!. i, .11 ii .... .. v ft d. p. f'f "n I : . ii-, : :: h v PP' itS ol i':C v.;f, and -'iui'oT .. ''.:' and color to ibe tb' eiopm t : t s of p'tfo.. opinion. There lire men naith mid si u'.b men of ability, of character, of po-ition, both civil and unlilary w ho look to th" podsibdiiy of saving the U nion in v'.I.e: e-'i'i than bv simply comiuerinj: the rebels and comp"'.lii by force tluir ret in u to l hi-ir ii',I('::'..uo'''. We need nit tell any one that tli-r. ire men who le' ii"! this warns havin.' been l.ruuht U).ou the coiitiliy by the tiiumph of the Pepublr can party, and who do not believ,' it pos Kible to ei.d it and preserve ll.o Union until thoresulis of that triu'iip'i are lor a moment set abide, and the country has a chance to hint th- government upon an other lusis. Hit we can te'.l President Lmji'.n that there, aro laen in tho army who tlo not bclive tfio war will end, ex cept by eoiieedinu tho indeiiendencu ot ihoSo'Uh.UN 1.1'iSS TH MCOY liUN'M ENT ISAtiAIN RI',srOHi;i) TO StiUi'lIKKN CONTROL, OR A UON'VKNTION IS lILI.b TO FjKM A CDNSlTTUTiiiN UNUIiR WHICH liOTH NtHilTI A N 0 Son H CAN 1.1 V TOii K I'HFU IN A COMMON UNION." This is pretty strong testimony against the pitnent Republican Adininistiation, riid Mjuints nt the supeitcdureol the i'iu ti.lt nt l y FptiK lhiiii: stionjier "I rem v. bat . vi i tpiin'er it may (ir.e:" The tlivis-.on ot the Union is not so much leai ed as tho ''overthrow of tha government. ' The 7'i'mcx wnnis a "government," even it Mr. Lincoln has lo be deposed nud a dio tatoiidiip set up, under tieorgo Law, or Koine oilier "energetic" Ulan, as that 1 er rccoinm-iideit lihout lilleen lnoiitnn vluu. c (,, l,0tu v. Lei ns, thevefoie, rtfio. Now, ho.ievi r, it Ki-ms hint willing j,v p0 0.,t the slate and ,e:in anew. to "restore ihocouniry to ,Stth,rnt..ntr,r Xho i li-.g .;; 'tis mic extumely im- lor the ..Uo of liaviiijj a belter govern-1 portant, t!i. coiupl.-xion of the law-tun-liu nt than Mr. Lincoln gives us I I Ling pow er may he i iiin'ely chanj'iid tlierc- Lotween llio crilicinnb of the Timet and l,y. T.-iUnc, nud (heohl line abolition journals j ' prides ll.it State licki I, which wc have and orators oirMr. Lincuin's adinini-tra. had tit t he head of our com am for pever tion. it nil! not be necei-ary lor the Dem- j al w eks. w have a member of Congress oerats to iy imything against it. lM'or ami of the Suite I.oeislai u re to elect, as the next Presidential election they will, if i well as several min thouyh important, they possibly can, render it most odious j coun I v ollicers. The l'a;:t that tlie term of in the CHlinpition ol thepeople. liutthey . nllieeof' that lampaiit piiPzan, David will, ut the tame time, u.-k, or .ItTiiatid. ! Wilniot, will expire on the !lh ol March tlmt the peopl shall elect auullu'r nian of next, at which unie il will devolve upon Uieir chooNinj and of their pin ty. I our Legislature to choose his hip-ccusor, Tnr. Pl'iu.ic 1 'hi t. The Republican pa-1 renders, especially desirable that the l'cvs aie eiideavorinu' to make their read-1 lJ'i;iocricy should reorive it m.iioriiy in er hulieve that our public deb, in oidv about f.VIO,(i(iii,(,(Ki. The annual interest punud to show cause whv the .'udi'iucn! ',1 ,.,,! i. ...... .....I .. t..:.., i . ,'....,,..1 . i-tev...w..c. iiei i,i iu.ii.iiu l.l I'l.lll . i on tue sci. :.i not to ! uliuotij il.cn i.y but the proceedings on the sci. 1'a.ms peri lled tiiml this rule shall be disposed ol. McNuughttii v. Carson. Like aa' u above ami a simihr ord-r. j Peter Lnieritk vs. H. tjooiilainier. i Rule to show c.iu-e hv Plan i th.-'-iiu The Coming Election- not give secuiity, he livitg out of the i'ei haps no more lav 'uablo ojiporiiinily , Male. Kulc made ao..oiii!e than tUe present vv.lliver occur, for; Joseph limerick v-. i'av: 1U e.iy.-Sa-pe tescuing this goveniuir-nt trom tlie lu.Jid,-' a-, abov.,- DoikU iii each case hied nno of men wli.i.-.re d-nu nstrated to be un.Ol niiiiroved ly tii,: Court. lor l!i L-uidaiifo throujli the licry oideali W-Shin, me v. P. M. High-r :.iei PlO"Cpdil1!- est ol II. McN: t uV 11 i IV at Ci. 'ii-iil cs t l ho'it-st men. Pave Peen utterly wet tied out, we need hope tor Put little on till" sum, at per cent, would '-e V!(K (ipn, mm) n.vn, tin''...'..? ,,i l,.&,rs. 'fhe l'ii reel lux mil, itrnwn by Thud. Stevens, mid pa-ccj oy a i.cpui.iit ,n (Jongvoss, for i""!'"1 "' ". I . " i"-inieresi on The Public di'tit, is that bodv this lull. Willi a 1 'einocralic Senator to sueeoe I Wilmot, ar.d a moder ' ate Republican like Cowan as bii. cr.l-b-ague, tiie Key-tone State will not be likely lo dbgnie ' herself in tlm higher branch of our National Legislature for years to come, n she has durin.' -l 'ii'. null mill) ft,,- ,.,,,, ; the Tiast terci. Let verv man whn loves nii,liiy mitl.-i'is r,1 ' Ur.i yrr ot,;m. Now, his country band his energies to this end. eit nor the Republican papers are wrong, i - - - or Congress has p ossly deceived and Greed of Jefferson, swinnled the people on this point by tax-' U "y"rid A.Ltrcss, Mai eh 4, 101.1 injithem iu.stol.M,JW,rinl vtI,v.flt,Kc-' "It is proper you bhould understand inform t At civ rAt nrt nt 1 ... Iti . .1 millions of, lJ!.,r,! (S;2.A(M).itoo,,.oo.) couipass they iU bear-btauug the Jul "Inch mm, we precume, Congress beliov- end principle, but not all its limitations M the public ikaVt would amount to by. "lxjual and exact justice to all men of t-iP time (he assessment should ho made! wbalevor Stale or persuasion, religious or If we are wrong, we trust some Iputt- 'political, bom editor of financial proclivities (For-1 "Peace, commerce and honest friend ney, for instance!) will set us right. We ship with nil nations, entangling alliances are fonewhat anxious to see souioprith- with none. UKtuian cypher out this matter so as to "Tho support of the State Governments know why Jloii.000,000 were levied as tho in all their lights as the most important annual tntmcst on a debt of fc(W,Oo),00U administrations for our domestic ooucrn, I'iu; Pir.-i lent who 1'eg.nds his oath. the general who is opposed to negro ii.surrec : till", on account tl ml lion, and t he c.li.eti tiiat dares talk of September .'(, 1 - eoiist.l utiic.ia! obligation and priv ileges, , Court thai Kobt. ..lc. ...u! wt.s have alrendy becoiuo obuo:;iom to this e-socr of the poor of Pike to v. 1: progn-fsivc school, and where tbo end . time of trial, the fxcepti.'ii.i al i ,l! be, unless the people arise in their ed: majesty ami assert Ihetr independence,! PF.l'ORT ON J'AMS ivc fear lo conjecture, . Z . . . , 1 he 1 eluirt ol 11' coiiiHii.--Mi.ors ru - 1 he a Lot box is now our only remedy. I . , ,' , , ; ' , . . ,, , ; . Tiom t d bv l ie Con: I at I mi" !n: ni to M. w I.. t evtov pal riot consider attention to,' ' . , , . ,, , , 11. 1 . ,1 11 .. ; null dams 1I1 the Sus.pH'lialitia I . ". er .. ,i liolit v-i his sacred duty ; itr until nil ll.o .' ' .. . . . 1 .. 1 1 . ... , 1 its 1 ribtitai itn, was presented and a .pi ov- ceriuit mid tiine-Ferv mg demagogues . ' . 1 ., 1,11 , '. , , 1 , , , . 1 1 cd. U hereupon the Court made the lol- .' il'', i'j. 11 r.ni. iiiiiu u.ua'i. 1 niv 'l.l . . - . . .m il... nl'.. ..' "September '23d, 1 St.J. 1 1 i.s unb red that bills of indictment be sent to the lirand .lury against John P.Ih'.yt, R il i i, Meha'Vey, John Patlou, Thomas Mctihe.', Win. Irwin. Jr.. Pavid F. Smith, tho er sons occupying the Wtd'.er dam, James Irwin, Arthur lii-ll and Win. II Joy ; un. less he lore the next term the repairs men' tioned in the within repoit to tin- ic.-pee. live dams shall have bem made." Wo lake tho following synopsis of re pairs ordered, from tho report of the com missioners : The crib on the south side of Iloyl's dam to he raised IS inches, and the bar below lo he removed. iMehall'ev'ii uppei dam the Bchuto to be removed to the north side of the liver, and tho lower dam to bo entirely removed. The nhiitc in Pal ion's dam to be taken out. The bar below Irwin's dam lobe removed. Tim schuto in Smith's dam to be removed lo the north bide of tho river, and the b'lr below to bo removed. The Waller dam is in had con. liiion and wanti repairing. The Bald Hills d.iai part gone, the balance lo he removed. Tho bur below A. L.tll's dam to be removed, the dam having been repuired. Tho Joy dam on Clearfield Civek, the bar below to be removed. PETITION FOIi KEL1LT, ntMnom ,u.yi.yr; i,MO,f ,iy(i;!,tfc-' "It is proper you should understand wey.' We leave the people to ,,i. go be- whallueem tho essential principles of tween the Republican papers and the Ke-, our gover.Hent. and eonaeotienllv thoe Ptibhcan Congress (?lo0,0O0,(i(0) i, tbo : which ought to shspe its admini ' ration lloatd iiiid' i llie prov : ions o( i- Act of For road fiopi Sr.ow Si the l 'jL,i of M 'iy, A. 1'., 1 s d, ore com. vi'.l" turnpike, 2 luiles pulsoi'v' dimes upon theui, but, believed, Sl.aut.' . to i.ear Soineni and .' till mi believe and inf i.it that the im-, low R"i 1 A We.ivi i ' ; Sh position of a l' Pel' ta; upon the people ; the valley of Moe Cit el;. Yi of t lie count V w;- o, .1 iiai uiih tin in and ; p.. (I rah am, O. L. Reed, li. Sli.ov ne and Pa we-1 ( I' 1! l.ohiin: If. a. i it v. v r rker- oni's I 1 be ne:' r I- weis, sf It-It to their sotipd Ue i'U ti"p. but would j lb-view of road from tin iipikc a I or near have put hcot tied to lay ninl collect mu h I I. P. Reed's to 'I'av lor Row les.' Yiewer.s. ia. to tippropi ialit lo i. meriloi iuus ea- Wip. lb Pigl'M', !'a ler Roivlo, M: Ploooi sea in the routily ', but lor reasons peey- Pe t il ion of ope-t bird of the riti.tens of liar to tiie : liualioii ( t the firiancial mal- Coshcu tp. to change plate of holJiiiL' tins of the eoiihly, 1'lnulig which is the I election, A n t led ion "! i h 1 ed lo be I. eld fact that a Li ivy Laid ol debt and gviuv ! on the lid T.iesday o! ( ictober, in l cfci . ous tax i! ion iiio ju-t now iinjiosed upon the j.cople of thr c:eui!v, by iciison ol the i'iO-in;i iii ii Pi',. Co'.lll 1 i otisr -that il; I !.. pa.-t ir the i'toj li of the n, have sub-cubed a 1: gc amolil.t of money to a lei. el fund, to vv It : the siloi ot cli.elnl, or i Iik: 1'iibrii . , n hii'ii moneys hive been i 1 - b 1 1 ', m I I y n ( Otll IP i: tee of eit i.ens lo nil worthy ci jeets I h c.tfe moneys' have all iiet i t'Xj'i iet...d in ltd iol do nations, anil that but two applications have been in; do lo the board o! Commissioners out of the county Iui.iLs that those cases were re bcvcil out of the piivate tricars of citizens and our respoie.icii t.'. Whei'tloie, t l.t y pi ay that no rum-pnl-oi) older bo i-.. lied aga'p.st them. A lid '.ii v will ever pray, A.". ",M'I . C. TIIOMPS.JN, ' , .1, i ' .-.' -'' ALl'l. IV L .V I .. I S'opt. 2:;. I, 1. -'ii.- e uoiu-. 'm tl... f, g":.r-L' answer of the CuioiiP -oit cis. : j i a tin.! no i oa 1 1 e n'. a v be a it ..riled. ' JOHN L. '! lb iMP.-uN. ) A-so-ialv JA.MhS Pl.'.'OM, f Judges oi.l.'hi; Of COURT, li; the m.i'.ler ol the Pi tillon of Hani, ah Maine), fur a will ()f M.liiJ taVS to the !'. i:..d of Ui lief of CLarhi.'ld county. And liO'-v, ti.-' L.'d i l.'; j'tLlobe'i- l,-'.2. i.t 1 1 .-01. iii ., I - ha V .n g Hiij eal's'd to the ' lie ar.d pat 1 1: lr i,ii.,tri to l he petition Iciice to making I In- change. petition !o: appoint inept of ovei -eers o' .Ionian township, and II. Swan and 1'. W '. V.'i-e ai.p.iilited overseers, j Pei r.iiuoi Pack. - Road b-aiiing from j Cm wens ville to Cii u.-rs mi iv mill. J Review ef first J mile of a road leading from Clark's cross ronds lo near II. Marshal!'.-, in I'li adv low n-hip. I '.eiv a road to h ad from a point on ! 1 'sliver's road m-ar ib tCalholic church to J.. J. M'.irf.by'.s impiovern"pt in Penn tOWIPlltp. To review a road leading from New Millport lo Top Road Hill at theold State road. Fr.nn thf b uiisvillo Journal. The President's Proclamation. co; : st it ut ion and bi own pit dges, be must be pie.-ed back agiin and held there by the strong arm of ;h people. The gamo of ptestuii e is ope Ilia, two can play at ; ami it i.v no slighi i'e)):,'iicb to the conservative pien oftiie c tin'ry that heretofore they have not l iken I heir fair .share h: this game as ph ved at tho National Ca; itol. The radii.'.. Is bare been allowed to have tho iranie .j much to lliemselve;. Wn hope tins reoioauli will now bo wiped away. The Pcaci Propositions Our readers have doubtless beard some thing of the rumored proposals of peace from the Confederate. Government (fov eminent at Richmond. From the follow ipg 'ittirii Ks ol llio Richmond r.nqmrrr it Mould seem that the rumor was not alto ..'ther wi.hout foundation. It will be lemeinbered that certain ''peace propo-o ions' u.'ie lul'ciied to the Ionian reb'-iioiti, in the i nt. Hives, some davs ago, reporled on. T C-.l (III H t .i is 1 su j ; o i , that it rcferr pl'.el.llH. d to th" lit. 11 IH ilh sect i ion o. tlie o inii-catl'Mi net, Kiel proe.ainl td '.'.hat the President understood lo be tin.' I. d eliei'L of his .leviolls proclalila jli"ii I'ui'ided on that set tioo 'l i.:-, io i.ll c .Pcii i ce would have been 1 ,"1 eiiMifb. ' On I ridiio' this proclamation a second jtime. In, '.lever, we pieceivcd that its -ob I ici't .uritti r i, dllleieii; Coin lb.'.', in Kit 1 ., p. .1 I i. tit i H thw ilh. an. i tie- (.: is la'a d in llie pe- l.av in been d i. led : :ifu I le a: cd that the po -ops i-o!ii r.s- ,; i I of Reli"! ol Ueaield i.'. ui.s .in p. 1 1.'. 1 in :..p "ii ftt.d 'b.t.'.'..' I ., e ti v i v ii. g Cuii.n.i- ; .'vl ' tl, I i : and Jane s phi nn.i i." (J, ,i 'l.iii,, it ion, ,. property o l' l.it'.t r Ida'' to ail toe ida tiie 1 .Kl' Cein.ly, do in - 1 t - b A: i ', i l nii - nui and t : evid- 'itit-.it :o :.y and 1 '. is i i.:,'..' t l ti. pp ti tl ? 1 I ! a's nui a- - J it 1 ol-1,1 v I pl- nil a-l':' ( opi-pi iei' : 1 aV of tllii i .-:i oke ol 1. in I ' pleci tu i"' : -in ' Uni on. Lit-l .,; .,. ii. le ' a- V lilt . I.i e i pabe in "Hi .t t I f .:. a a it lio i:ti i, w i t ii I 1 pi " vi-.i n i ; i in r si ri pel !. a I .;. v lo .v .! the fi'ibb. a :-..,! t null! , in a -icii veliii and ini.-l ci t'd :d "'in'.v, ui be l '. itltliOir.' t - ri e of the pr. .-.-..t . ... ' I 'Vei i. men: : in a,-.' : d.' r; (pi il eiiicilts, d. IV. 'Hull- it till' '. V. I' iV.ol We shall no eh lira i !-r and tei . ! nev ol ! h .s m lioili me lii.il. ill - t. I n: ope i a t..e t,;..i : .s r..'.i... -r V.l,' V I all! lo : i . ' i .' Tie ul i. ;: a, ::! laei. i.Ti'1 t Iein :b :'s Win IK ver i .e s,. lull-, v ii.ibop. e v...i I,.-:'.. I ..I, 1,V pel I.i fl'.ed ie pviabiv disi ii- s the sli I e - i 1 1 .v .i p -. . 'i in : 1 : 1 1 : n 1 1 1 1 c on I u-e nl rej.it : md wci.t dulv We have pimii.-lii'il toe sj.eecli ot .Mr. 1'oote, chair man of that coiiiinittee, in favor of tho policy ol i.iaking Jieai't; uvcituiei at this time, throu:!! the action of '.' in'gi'"ss. v'e copy tosday, on ihe other side of the quo., ii.iii, the rejioit of the ininorily ol the com mule.), vviiicii was presented! to the House on the l'.'tii ii.stam, i.iy Mr. Iniiks-d,b-. J'licro is no doubt that our whole Con' lederaey ardently desires peace. We nev er wauled war. We did not make the war- We stood, and are st Hiding on our defense against a wicked uggre.siion. Wo are lighting lor peace; 01 c.'uisj we wish for it. For ourselves, too, we look with nincl. interest, not only tor jieaeo, but such adi viidon of the jiie-ent Noi llicrn Rupublic i Shliall 4i.v..o' I'l-aec in the future, I'.ul whde wo want peace, and want to eo the division ot the rcju.bl c that bor de:s us on Ihe North, wo think, with the inaj .-ny iepo.it. thai Ihe l est way to fc.-s i a.ic tlie lir.st is by vigorous lighting, and and l!i" ;t omd, In iiMving I lie C'lininuili " - : i in ,: n.'.i I d.-.c ive: Hit ir oiv n lu- telest-'. Al'V loilll .1 u 0 tin ' ,,' ,e in o.t ii -nt in our p. ii l is I J, , y to .,. mis". 1 1 'c-t i.t'd. v',j would keep a ' -'"j' ' ' i' 1 iu! n : nu .ti nitt, and :,e ' i : ie : i i . ' !i 1, ao i. I.- -. ; hut no must ; i :; o.ii onl'i,!., p. tie lii.tt. ; le-1 1 ion-: u! to" enemy. Wi.n.n k it very hi.'). y. do , oleic, tuat ihu duty I nent istio'i is ... I.. ! wiin the !.; .line .t- to wli.'-m if. i ono ie I : pro i ,-:i 1 :,.., ii J. v, ar. ''h us '' iv ' '..' ! ic-j'oi; i t any in'uiPi ''!' t:i" I K'l h-.-rer." ami P; :n ,l!l'i nip! 1 i.i, I" llie I. il i ,' ,,iy upaaiii;'. luatiiiiv jiivstnt t ' '' : : 1 1 i iiua 1 II it v, ' : ii .ii eii ' in b....i: . I . o mi) liieii, ic I ".ii pr- .. . -it l.ci . The i o, , r e aiei : I," ;.o-e- pi -tr.l. b -Jte in '.' hallo , li,..- I,; : e, I, li . Pet b" I II) t ..: en bled bv un: inn I .' ovi-i - f. iin'r may be I'Xiiri.'PL'd V and I i. I ii-aa ,s:ip f, u I ' ill e-. it b. ie ll.e wit h th ' delie ,.. th-.' bc-i .sucitesfi. a i : 1 1 ii CO It 1 I tin- 1 lib seclio Mav, A. lb 1- 'd ; and be v ! In re by conpn'mdeJ to do. ihe Court. ' SAMUML. LI v.N', President Judj POAH MTTF.RS. all. A,-: ibi. i ne 1 c.t it w i.i !!. v o'lly t i:p::i e i I the enemy ut.r,...ti..!i, liiin I iei i d a .- it , .a y ,. ,t ..i. ' age le faint, Pi.t. ( :i ti e cjr.:i cat an f-" ' the meii'tce 1 I't'littP l-:v o.P iu this incusure. ' Li't Ct 1 '. h a :.,' toe ) IMille ' !'. 1 11-illUtO tiy, ;:, ':..vcte I i;i:r:.e I evi r lb : 1 1 ' i I aiid . :l! pot ae-i'iie- ce Novel ! As hill w ill CuMlllMl-P Au.-0i."TK.- A road leading fbo aliuiv it, to chill her devotion to the from tin npiko at or near the farm of John . tame thus cruelly imperil le 1 T, Smith to Henry vv ing' Tts- A road from near tho house of'!. P. Olli-lich lo the saw liiillof John M'Pher son on M nil aiei y c: .a it. T.:. id tar and e. a at" a road !. iding from Ji.lin P. Ni'gie'.s d.w l!ir.;j to tin (.'a' 1.. 1; Church in Penn i w n. hip. A read to bad fi i -in IP my Vi'trgi i in Piat'y tow imhiji to Aieicisun i reek. To laview an I v.xat . a load from P J iin oils mill to Phi'ij.-bai g r a 1 in Hue lie.ii towr.-d.ip. In Ibe in it'er of the erccti'iii of a new township out of J it t- of P.. a.ly a" l ''eli ttMvusliijis tho vie.vers l eji-iried a lver.-e-Iv. Report apiiovci!. ' CoNi'iKMr.i. m si.-- A rr.jd from James Johnson's law mi'! I) V u nxsuti wuey Pike. For a private road pom Tohn I'rovvn's lo intersect the Frie Tiirn).ike at or iie.u Clearlield r.i'idge in P,.ig I;.. Tovacvlea r-ad le t ling fromChailes Cleavers to Crc; m Hill tin np ike n'-ar Samuel Irvins. To view road to lead from .Samuel Jen kins in Pell township to intersect the Wi ley road at or near (ienro Tubu s in Fcr' cuson lewnshin. jrovernment our lathuis liumed is one thing, and a thing above juice ; Abraham Lincoln, the lenipni ary occupant of the e.t cuili e chair, is another ihing, mid a thing of coin). ai .iii elj little worih. 'Ihe Oil.' I- a 1 ii:.'.', Idi-.i', the :-tud . of whose ai e I nmi .'' fa-1. and 'I'f'lal I 'M' li'f, ill. wilt I) In - 0,'li; '.vi 11 be no mora or u.iidu.d. Th-'oi! ml exoPMH b: s tl. in er i- a .li f-tl iP'ttire. in widen is co' Ian,, li'. t s and the energies of civui ujion iv in -e l-.l'ry an 1 shining il ulo l. ie si,,,., es ( j ;;li ( i,:i:i I Ig'T boj., ol oi i i I. ;,. 1. Vi'i; . Line .In. - Pre-i i.-i.i, .!... - i r may exalt U bnvi . .:i , -: Sell but not of t he ij!'. .11 government o1' n:. I. I poiaiy servaill. I lie I. Iiljile is liollio? (1 nil. I pr.H'loint bee; lue tl.e U ic-t 11 d.lMill Mi.'l'iliee iijioil tho al- ;.' l.y ..!(y ol Kentucky is not lo I blPsC'l i v any pi id act of ihe Pre-ident. I I peci- nry, sh" w,ll n -i t the net, and aid :u hoitling the actor tea just and la.v--fill ili'counlab liiy, but .,'..e wdl in-tcr lilt per own li.i ml ngaip-l tlm gloritii- la i ccause ne lias Pioriiv or !.!: niallv hunt g"'i. I I- ml d ' Tii 1 rifpiiMica ii party before tho eleetioti 'I be folk 'viiif 1- (he iih f,f (he seric. ol 'b. ; mils r .'ii'. po- in;: the ).,,:! lor m o! the Repi.blicdi l'ii".., as udopted at Hit I'bi. ir-) C'liivePii'.n, in 1(.'I: ' i' s' ''tV, Th il the I'O-jil.:'. thf c.'lf .'. 7l ill ir:v II" r ', I, I, ,s.s , ,i ',';, i co ;,(,,-, i':-' - ( rrn I,: ,.n nj ! ji.tilm. nl of I In Ft 1,-r.it i rn;:i ii! ; th.it it nlnn) ! fi.ni r.-iill'iii i Hii.t riiilhl.lhii'Jn i i iol ijH tiy.ihli'. l i itrn ! tin' s ..pi'i'i' j.) i ioli r of I !' j.ullo- lr. .i-nifii (If fi;,i:i i irlu-'Ht l',i I, l'ii ec u' Uio 1 iii r lojiiio :t of 'r,7'(.s ilnl i'.iI iiiji' i. m .i it slfor tlmt ttti tn't .1: .'( I'l l r.i' M I, njnilii i 'oiioj ol A nntnih I it iiIOIIt I. -, " i t..e :i it. on, I .me, ct-i 1 1 1 e 11'. .'I'll .1. The Republican Tat ty nfc. tlie Llecfioi 1 : :e - ' e i ., mm and b( iielieii'iit :-. but I be P. ic" ,l. lays I ir. at a. an Tim loll ),' i 1 1 1: con e. lli lion. Mr. I't ves, a ' : ''I' ' ' Ul-'i ' ss ! em lb" '. '.'h ol A ; ii!, oi w I U" i . I I II I it lop-. .1,' J.'; ,i linn : " ''(.' ...''.' . ) ill a .a th. ilr1 i. .ir of 1 1 io n ..-I r.ii uni , ic'"7i t hi, i, a ,-..,', ss.',os of n ui' le. !..ep;i'i.if di Pi, 'In M'l-s.ichiisett... oi I.i' 'l If evp"- ... I In s Adimiii : I'd I'm nfi.r I IOI III, in Oiii ml i ji . ! h'. f nin on I IJ li th.r Ad trrii-'hm. nt. t.rrr '- itol-t'olMr, ,-,'., n -i I'hri'i I in th fin I 'I, ii s.,. U.ili h i- ,,h;n I- r m tlmt I th. in I ir ie The petition of Ilannnli C. Haines for rule on Associate Judges and ComniiFsion- To vacate thai purl ot mo o;n ro.iti lead l,1Jl.' '.'"' "' " '';lf' to nerseit ers of Clearfield county, to show cause ing from the (Jlon Hope and Packersvillo lls 'i''- Sbe i.s incnpable of such gmli (md why they should not meet as a Relief ' turr.oiko running, eastward to the old 11a . fully. Poanl, uccording to the provisions of the . m y road. Tho President has fixed the first of next Act ol Assembly. To view a road to ieaa irom me J-.ne Jan niry as the time for his proclaiiiittion To thf HumrM; thf Jwlji-i nj thf Court of; turnpike near Bridgeport to the corner of to co into edlcct. Retire that time the upon to elect mem Wc believe that the i ,;;),! ''''"'. '.'; Ihi i I ,iii rill. I'll' . t'o j. ..j , mil .i j I 'iS l'i'1 I II jit lOll . .' Ir" l OS' III I. is. X M ihi ii on t . a rii ir a n ji li o thr i', it n't ',' (rui'i'l'l) ti iti.ti, irJii ! I' ' ( ! S , ' ,,l road to lead from the F.rie irniVe, thf Jwlii-s nj thf Court (. turnpike near Bridgeport to the corner of to go into edlcct. Re (Ywnmni '.nt of VlmrHrhl e.uwi), : JJoVj Way's farm. I North will I called ti 1 ho petition of Hannah Maines ros- 1 Jo view a private roan to lead Irom ihe hers of Coiigress- peelfully rejiresents that her hubband, ' hotie of John Illoom to Clearfield P.ritlgo. jiroclumitiyn will strike the loyal people James Maines, enlisted in the service of To view a Fridge site aeioss M oshtin- of the North ?u general with amaemout tho Unite.l States, and i now in the armv , noil creek where the Klnte rad eroses nnd abhorrence. We know.it. We iiji- that she has a claim for relief under the ! the IMos'.nnnon creek between Kylenown peal to Ihem to manifest their righteous Act ol Assembly in such rase made and 1 in Clearfield county and Moshnrnon town detestation of returning lo (ongre-s nope Chn.-t. I h ki ii ft p. -ver sold all t.hal, provided, but, as she is informed, and be. in Centro county jbut Ihe avowed and eilous adversaries r.f ttinn livf, in.'ver .irt" J with all 1b?n- Iieye the ofRcers, vh: tho Associate Jndg-1 To view road from Glen Hej.o lurnpiko ' this measure. Lot t He revocation of the o-n rigbiecu' i.Oui, ,c ItySelf-i ighteoiisi."s and sell-ftiTi ciei.ey are tbo d udiii';s of n O'ira, tvio v she pi esei ves as liar life. Thai make . 'In ist feeni ugly to mliirti. N.i'uro m.i not dosnc him. He. is. ju I opposite tj all natures gloriou.v inle'-e.-ls. C-iVThou inayst have many good thinti, mid jut one thing inly bo wanting, thai' iiiay make lu to uiv.iy norm .flu I fro'v,