I fx--' . , ,-'.' '." A"C ..,... Y D. W. NOORE "ii,,.. r; B (KJODLAtfDER. j '"101'- x.. a. S .1 ;:.) p'r At iirri. tf f o'd :n . r.i: VOL. XXXIIU-WIIOI.K XO. 1725 CLKAHHKLl), i'A WIlDMlsDAY, OCT. 1, :!f.j. 1 n 4 i t. - , . . f I 'A "V - .1 Iff M 1 V. t fi an v L LETTER FKOSI CAPT. iJEADY. he. Vi i W'- j:i f ' I ibvoiieh W about H( (cloak Mllllll are no'.v lying in a wends ubom nuic- Ii-oiii Uif ii!y, i'.t tin! Mln'l IV.Uil. I Mll'l"!-!' llli'l'l! ivor. who v.:iv rtitii tuo from Krook villn. 1 Imvo ( . only iirt iiiclinhng nivselt somn kilh'il, f'.wii'ni lliii Kn.'r, 1'. li. (.'.,) Koine WDiiinletl, homeilctiidiHil on sTvi" .MiiihIiiv, r,,t. . lMi, J in ).,c whore tlicio in no lighting to ho a .1, !,-,: --Yoi; will he I iliol to ilnne, nmJ ot hni in !in- hospitals rl'i u mi', :!tnt yon u ill l,o f.u:illy pur- I see tlial tlioy kei' up tlm noro qno-s r 1 v. hen you li .;ir llml om unny U . Uu in tlie North nnd iulk ofhroakinc lnni m lul-vliilnl : Vrt mu 1. la 111'.' We.- Lln reticllinn In- (i...ii.,r il, . n.,11. li hiiitun City is one tiling to tnlk iiml nnothor to not. Iiioiliini', at. J JIow lire tlli'V troilis? lofri ctlin (.lnv.-x 'm lurotho unny loachi'i tiiom. Wherovor (In- hi iii v liu-s goiiti iietrrooH have rim ; hut wo cn'inol rpuch tho jIhvph in tiio lar Soutli. iMoUlcllan lrio.1 to make llioin work at Harrison's i.aii'Jin' lnt thoy ooini.luinod hilioi lv tii :t thoy hail to wink in the lioat oi' iho ilnv, uml say ho V iik ios are hu;uer iniihtois ilian thoones liioy loll. licsi(J','s the oouriso ol' our gov oi iiinoiit in aitiitin acts ol oonlisoation ii;,.! oii:ai.oinaion, only jjivoti ."oiiifihinjj ! i:i rvu tin- oiitiny to liht n-riiin.-1 . While I., i' iiioii are inmchoil lioni j.l.uo to j.laco, .Mth.iui cri'ii hoiii' told wlii ! ihoyiuo niiij tifjlititif: without any knowledge ol what thoy are liliiini.' lor al tinio. hnro loot and hull piarvou the enemy are tight j ini! lor their liuiui's mul llio.r lamihus I tJlOV MtV tlltll IV O iL III t :!.l' 1 In. if i.,m. I it... ( i i ...i. : . ' i i . . . ii): m juiii i'ii- mucs .il iiuniunai:i.u(.h oi iy niUl 11111 tlolr ICUdltl ' IlK-Il, all nation, uio nnng oi cuimoii boing lioant , thoy light iio. i-rutt!v. JI' our nton could in Unit Jircoiion. We arrived ahout two.' bo t-ncouiu'od and bliinul Uod to notion o'ul.x k only to lintl fxir loice driven back, j Lko the . Southern men, tho artnios ol'tiio Tiieliid-o, stan.-.n, huu.es, ni,d a l..!rv ;v(l!l uould doioat : hut, uir nion iii l H' stores all oti lii o, umi evcrj thiny arc .li; coura-od - thov bo-in taa.-k tiiom imlioittitig a fcoiiei.il rolreal. As we j'.os- elvo.H what i ii are (L'hcti'i lor, :m,i ran 'i iho ruius wo wei. subjected to a heavy laid no solution, o.copt Ironi souio North .i.ii'inadlli! IV. in ti.e lel.o.s ell theoiii,o- 'un imi- r. nut tho obieo.t is tn i',,. .,. ..... 01 "It JV Olllil : JViilil iiil.iH"! to ;;,"), OlI'J tiooi.s imuoj hoio yi-btor- iluy, v, lulu the toads belli ceo un uixi ilio J'oloinao v.-'to li'h'd. It ; - rumored that thofob'-li have (v.oi-od the river, and if .so. we will have a bati.o bo tore Iodl'. Shoo ii, ii- release 1'rotn .rison, wo Jmvc h:.d '-v loud 111110.", and had I not really 'iiiu.-cw i. ut ii.e t;v-k I wojld m.ik i-iy I.. -' !.-. o iu. ii eould en i lure t lie hai Miij -. we iia'.i; lioi.-ii bubjeeted lo within the ,.,,t lour weeks. Wu lot t 1' ltidorieiibin tr, i., on tho niht ol the Ulid of Aut'u-l, uboitl Id o'rloek, iiiaieliod nil niglit, all day on !V;.I'iy, and lay in an n on field on J-"ii-d iy nilit, without tents in a heavy, hn.ik- ing ram, stiirtnd early on Saturday morn PKOCLArjATlOJf of the PJIESIDEWT. A !'1;CI..VM AT, ON. i!v Tin: I'liEMin.M or tiii: I'niim, ml., or Aiii:kii a. 1, Abraham Lincoln, lYoMilcht of the L nited States of A morion, and Cnininaii dei iii-ohiol in the Army and X: vy tin 'e ol, do leiehy proel.iiin M d.ielai o linn iiorealtor, a. herotelore, iho war will be roeeuled wnh tlioob)oel j.rariioalie, of lestoiinj! ilm oon-.tlUiii.ui!if iel...ti,)u' 1,,.. f.voeii ll.o United Mules ami em Ii ol the Mules and the pooj Id thereof, in wh:eh Mules that ; elation is or may be n:s. en ded Of (UaUH la d. Tout it lb my j)U-j.u.s0 uiion the ne.i meeting ot C'oi.r.-s.s to n guiu reoomruend the lni'i,liun o! praeih al uieasures tendeiing jioeuniaiy aid to the lroo uceentanee or rojeoii:;n oi allsl.ao Mates, so eallou, tho iec.;o uiieivni (a:., liol then be li. libelliuii a;.',iiii: i the l'.,i ted Suites, anuwifiih Mates mav tijoii Jiasa voluntarily ado.;til, or tb( ;o,.ltor may i uluiuuriiy udoj t immeuiaU; orgiad uai aboiisii aient ol ci.ivtiy within tueir t'.iieetivo limits ; 1411dlh.il I lie elloi 1 1 .. . j eoJoni.e iursaii' ol' Alrioan d sent wnii ' t , . 1. . 1. . . . or zun;ov:uY. D .iie at the n'y of iVash in on f I, I,.,,.,,, tv ho. 'olid d-iy ol S,;!. to, in , v,.,u. 11!' Mil' I nril nuA 1 I." 1 1 . t' ' " ' ' ,,,M "H'lll-ll-.M t'l'.'HH'l li tinn. ''"''V-'-V.-Vvo nmlofn.oin.le,,,,.; i;ttHiUul , ,,;il,;ic n,i(l. " 11 er. 1 . 011 es 1 lie 01: M'Veolh. !'.i;ai;."i i . n i . m i'.y Iho !'i,'-dlen.. i'Ass L'i;vrii:y o? the citizens lity- :iv4-n, .1 fai gi i.ik ooi i ii ty. and ,Vv 1 1 -r -n, Soorot:irv of Stale. J"It :-io lion i.pn. K er.rm y mot Ins .tout h i'i i .ii i ii i.iit i. no of I ho rules ol Nat.eloM.- -that where n is m ai'tioahlo. ami I.", oniuirtan t loomm'simo" is .j be ma. le, no olio can be; I .tr i laurin the sol - I Vice ticiii tin- tleueral hini-'df. Keainiy kiTiv the t, 1 1 ib!o .h-.;,orai;.n of Iho 4 no- I in , -..ml nr. Wi II mvaio il' his eiiiunne ; J. won Id I i lls t no cue. hut himself tn ro to t ii. Ii .nit and if coimit re, on Motiilny nielit, ' 111 iriv o!' tiid liaardoiis hil tiailou ol the i , imiiitior i I tho 1 .t;, i,i (, llleleiiy I.) "iho t'oli -I itutlon :o, il i , "iho l iiion it v.. ," met ;.t ., ( ' iiuu o in hj . ,. Wisin. -.1 I'-'h '':'V ' f -o,t.'-ml or i 1 : t 1 1 : . i',,V I l'Ur;-e. e ol eelobratin-' tho miniver. ,. the a l,,.t:iiii ol the Con-tituli 0 jtliO hiietiiiL.' w.i.s oi riol .'l h,- ca ' Hon. .1. L. (Iil!i- to the el. ..ir. ni.d e 'ell.t j lle-l the I re ol V'Othi I' t lliist 1 11 .11 j '1 :: l)dei(..h'liea y ol...' - ." I oil o.)'l.. ,' h Vtoi. tie- I i tie- 1. H iivis purl".' il I: 1.1 1 hat in tho 'alienage of II n :aei.; of 1' o lH'o'ara'ion r.i .1 p ' ho 'f:!o, do hero- 1-.. i ii- l.iilniioi and ion t i v ;iid:eiii( s'inid bv nnd :i -1 ' i-l. - lit: h in t he i ll); li-colulilllln A vole ot ih inlis iva.s then irivon in Mr w I. ":i I Wei,-, 1 his very able mid -:i:rli i.- . . iug lion's. I I'teokwiiy in Sp,ill;'h r I I :' I 1 Vi.'o I'leidelit I. ( '. 'ha ill v ! 111 a I ,1 'I 1- .t hi 'ii y . p.., : ) 1.1 : i ,h tie ti.il lie.r ... I ,., v i-il :n:.. hi., pickets and out- j ootninil fee of i-iiiuuno ijik 1: with :in it' 11110- I , Jl'..l"'). - e KM .il :::- J . , John ( . io eie.'-eii , tho )U etili I l i. f ill-, I :'.i.iini . an 1 V. : and Mi'.ha lr- .l.-Aiiis'.er ' (: i-:i .. ithi- r , I O'.lii.l: hat .Oill.l :i I - .-1U0 o! tile rni-r, aini w.- ;msseil 4.11 iu ! 'iV.u teuton. V 0 .'Uai .'lied .i t ivolvi,- ht bolero ivo came up w.ln illel II tw cieej, I hi i , i--. :it 1 tin' aaiov, '.vlo.h we iig.iin in the mm. We naoiicl Waiiiti tun oil Sui. day nfteriioo i,!: y idle on M 111 il.iy, lue-d.iy is opposed to liiis uiul s the 1.1 L,ro 1 1 no.-1 ion stoji- ' ee.iil y done, we 1 ings - t'tiii'iin- 1. 11 I. Mil. raj'i d ! :ira.u-iy t ii was renewed un .'a i i by an - : Conic IV.;. lore' '1 ' ! 1 .' o; en ed v ai d to I'.'.!! 1 yet I . t:e...pt- j.-o Ion tliC i I li. 1 'u ei. ilil hiarohe I towaid .Sulphur s al the Spntig-i all des tioyed ihat diiy by out fcreo .ind 011 Weducsday passed li.it-k tlii'.nigli W ar id. m toward M lli:ls-as, icaelo d bull h ill biittie-lield late Tii .i: lay n.,:nt, mid iiy on our arms, liouhh-d. 's I'ei iic rah into i'.il i'.iubu-e.ide t ii.i'. (", e:',.e.:r, ici v.o.'o ?( Vi.rely cut up. II 'i ly on I V. lay H:' .'a lalil'l.l'C'l tie.' iiailt .- Oil.' i'e ii'iC- ivcn: t'l.jlajii d ail (y, lui tie.' ki! 1M14 IpaliV wi'.i: .0 liael'V. in to Tljen, otil l'i'l"aic u!! .-nipt ':.: Ml ii bill, wiioii t;ia 1 ne.ny !... ..I I ;! t tt'l-y ho' UHco .e.llal! .lit Oi li--, H.l l we 11 vie i' 1 11 . a , Ii) the a!!, :;: ..oh ,y? r- . :) take ibis b .tt 'iv ; -ul I'." ilia.el.i '.':.::? lip, the i e'"M '..v , '. '' ! j 1 1 : e 1 i i 1 i , 1 1 1 I fat '.:' ' '. ' ' ii h . ; i a.iit d 11- to I ack ol.t ai d :! it a i el . l h' !!. W.I5 lellitie. Wi- JiiUM d ll.:. a'a : li-iield and lie.- (;:..pe and shell-, c.tile li,i..i:;ili ( 111 ranks like hail. TL- I ..til I let.:: litter !i:.d:t, and itui-.i.;y laorni.'..'. '.: Ji.ul the? advantage and lloi on on. v ivn.j .'.iving w iv, t' ii.,; 10 e.iin .1 gap i:i the Ml'allltain, W hell I.UI..U' til i t c ::;.: in fl tllil l.:ehiit"ii'l v. itli liny thini-aiid tanops, t lie! c i.gaiii d oiii' h i:, whet: wo rvofe i' i':p..n oi'il .ind li'loed t.) fall h:n k. 'l'h; ".:ii 1 mIv 1 .' the 1 1 -1 1 1 e ti'oi'j. , weie on i he 1 i,.fh t and ivo; e in.t 0 .lie 1 win re they v. , i e j:eeel d. l'l .1 1 1 k 1 1 h s 1 'ivi.-iall did not 1. a'h Us tiil Sunday, u;,d Key's unny corps s topped and encam od noar l'"air I : , ton or li t'loeii laiios iruiii the h.itil.-. Wo let tho field th'otigh the je.-.l ..1 y "f our ti( is.- i':t!s, acd tl;o :'. : a s!:.v".:i lips .'i tie' niiti.'i), sav what yoi will. We h 1 I ( ;:..tii.li nion to hold the .i.siiiiin, while r,i,!v :i siiiiill portion wore ciiLagcd, iili'l tii. si; starved and Woin down by l 'iig luai ches Uur nu n hiil biit fiiiir day's rations fur n.tie days, anal hitd notii irg t-i t-it but gieeti corn, nj'i.les, mid h e-ii meal ;n thev Killed it along the l ad, Iho night bc.'ine tim battle I had tw.'i green :i-piis lor my suppel, and tin next luoriiiiig a loa.-tiiu; ear. Iuriug l'ridav's light 1 uto nothing but raw corn which 1 pulled as we passed throueh ihe li-'l 1. When tho left broke, the rush was lor Cetthcv iilo, :;l d snob a time no one Cm de.-oribo; reinie'.ita :.tid coinpanies wpie divided tind mixed up. With ihir Ifcn tuon 1 joined Iho lutii Maine regi ment nnd proceeded a mile or t'vu w hen apt. Toi ler and .1 fe-v of his men, tioni our regiment, join' 'l me. In the dark ivo bocaiiio Fepiirated from tli o -Mnine i-egi-menl and , oin. "I tho -d Michigiin. This regiment w left n- mkmi as wo feiind w.o I or, htkI seme ol Iho boys having oolloe, ivc kindled n fire an I tnnde nenpof warm i otleo. Amonii the w.ii'ons we found otic to in would li ke to i- pen, ami unions ills spec, illy done uiuu clisole our-oivis with tiio thoughts, tuat tiio eoti n try has been ilia.. la 1 .iiiirui t throtiLiii the im 1,00: iit v of in.. -u ci.iiseiii, UjlUH 1110 0 .1.111101110!' IM'- w here, w ith I lie ri viou dy obtained via: . sent ot the govei iiuionts existing Un-i 1 , ; w ill bo eoiitiuued ; that on Ilio 1st day ul i .laiiuai v, 111 tho year ol our J.oi d in.e tii.-u- 1 sandelgitl hundred and b.xty-thieo, all pcisijiis held a- sl.ive.-i within any state, 01 1 uenignalcd lulls ol il state, the people j W heieol' tiiiill then be 111 fubi llltui ajiuiii.st i tiio L'lilted Stales, bhali he then, ther.ee-I lot, ward and I'.iover hoe, sunt ( 1 1 (,.-;, e,i. live tiuveiiiiiienl ot ttia I'niti d Sta'e-i, in- o 1 t . . : lit, he I iie en v al.aia pielic: VM-. van ei" : -i i -oy'-s 4 ' ( ai . t autioii-, 0011: aonii!., and w loiecded torward to leooiiui 1: '.1 po it ion. Moving Meal , ie' s id don 'y came n pun tin I oi the enoiiiv. when I !.e ad- : in I Hint I11111, ai,.; ,Nt hra.vost, uobio.-'t s da to ad. 1 1.0 -Oil- " I pointi d i 1 . ilv: ti. .in 1 1 1 K. . A. in : 'l'l hi .1 1; ;ien a 1 ho pro 1 e, I lie !' n iiu u. A be. mil it b to- lil a I .11 I .1. ier-; it. .1 A W- tliot ta.iV W lallldod ait thoiu dirt i tly in'n tiio bo! rv little nater, put the I o:th a.l.....' . I . : . . . v 1 1 uiiicd and 1 clulu" UIU ,i""'l avui :.u '.;. ,; .ty llieieoi, w 1.1 10i:ogni.e illnl iiJ.iintalll li.a of our people. ireeilOhl 01 ruoi. poisons and will .10 1,1 While ih Washington a few days ico. 1 !W:1 ot livlH Uj llJ'u' SJ,-h puon, o.' heard it rmarked 0ml tiio 1 ',., ""n-'.-is I ul l"uui 111 i"' -heiis ilKy n.-iv- :,- ko hit dissolved, and that the ciini.'-st now was i uclual '"'''' "J"' . ".it "Lo Mat 1 ;, e ill, only a oue.-tiuii of botlndaiv. It suoli w 1 on tlo; 1st day t-i uajy ;.. i.- .;.., hi too 0,0.0. the Soulier wo end it. tho further 1 l'loelaiind'oii il. our iii.o will extend S, uuh. When I hit l''uts ' alllU' - " h 11.10 i thought my services were needed 1 'hereol, respi e.i 111 1-i-lorinc lim I'liiini no, I 1. .im , .1 , : hellion ug.1111.-1 ti the I'R' -I 'ivis-.. 1'k m iii:s. It may be dune oil her ivi' h or w ithout sugar, with much i'i- wit': little, l'ho i;io-tioi) may well he caii.-ith red, will eiigai' be che-jper next winter and s.iii:g than now' ami we iii.,y lie t ncenrdiiie'v. JN-el and cut in ttu-u lh' a W il h il : Hi :. IMt-h- 1. oiler or sin;,.ar o--01. ii ai-. i v, -, to W it hill t WO ill. he- nt tie' t oj s t i iars : hi 11. e t.ie w 1! . r t a u I . .li, and ! iii'it t 11 : 1 1 i mi tos . 11. . .' pie,,-! ,., a . "CO po'.iir i 0! 1 1 .'a r I" a 111! 01 a a! or 1 .110 piiuioi to I '.vn ipi, .!!-, jii. t a, .Io o-e tiio I rnior tistully pieh rahh into t la' I at i l s ved In an liof'is Luce:.- :.!,d 1;. (J ' 't'i'lli' ! 00 I. a'. .!',;' i'e! a, '!iair:i):in lion, ilenrge heir r- pert. I hi 1 ho a .hi '. i' 111 - a- 1 01,1.1 -cj bv Weil', V .... ol i, I. 1 ,' II. W t on, "fell, I : 10 1 i.t hi e"gii flu;: 1 'ick ;n.-on, madi I'lpti'Ml of t!;o res. 1 he 1 iniittoe. I ii'i i-io-i. was o il , ::' 'e lie.'l p ii 1 ji)' j; ! :!'. ot tn 'I he in. .a ;,;o .,va ,, : most ha, iDunio.i -, ti t ho (.,.; lit y, a.iid was el ee 01 a .urge 11:11 eouiity, h ho oy the::' tion. cvitieod tiio:,' bio-sin ''- (;-,nl'tfi".t b and tiio I'niii.i, ly. 1 p: l"i. Hilly, an 1 i'.o i.i' 10 nil. ev. r 1. eel .1 r . : in' to ti'C thin : 1 1 .- an 1 .f '...in -'.itu t; ii p:i-- .v.t.h,- I ' I? 1: ill ' 1 la. al a '';''d'. ! !. ".!': !i , i i 1 a I'liua: ei M.i:- I' ''Hi . :..iii - al Mr. Wt ii' w . !'.- s ''laa'li v ;: i .ai. .1 I :n C ' ( hi .1 A L i.l.t II t J lil. I' ill. ill.!.!.:, -',- i 1 Ml 1" j .1 n I rat.: ..mil aiueng-i u jew poiliiCid asm btit 1 h.n e giVi'ii iiji all Ji,ij,o oi a r oti. and 110 v hn.ii forward to a a oi hosl. lilies and a compromise, a kii.'rt h'dg'onorit 1.)' ii,e Southern loraoy. I am sm ry to admit this, iiiinol see ho v it can be ot herivise, ; ;n tho iieoi'le -.re determiiiad lo plot- n-gro 10:. tat ion. We. have '!.:. '" '! '. ) 'oehevy that lle'i e Was a sti onu .t I in 'io .-;.:. 1 ; but my cw- pel :.::, o lioiij in the nntiy :.d wh.le in; iie.'liiio aid ha I .ecu other. i.-e. You may al; IK..! :in' Stiti 1 110: 11 men a.e unite 1. and ile'eia ninod thoy ait in tuiiooit and h.iveT'VO! y c(jiiip.inoii t tieces.-Miy lor an an.'.)'. T'l'V receive gouds of all kinds iiui.i ihi; .' ii In, an 1 our Mui ihci 11 p:ptis are leaelied in liiehliioiid regv lolly. hl r ai my is sadly ib :i)"ra!i.ed disc p hue has oeen ovcilnkod. iiiid Oil' generals seen to be jealous tit taoii other, lost sumo one may e.uu mine honor than the le.-t. I'lioanny i dowu '''ii I .j .e iin 1 Moiio.v. ell, and tho rc-totaitiof t. .MoCli l.an to the cotiii iarid has inspired our men more th:.. an,th.i:g I have iiiie.-M., )or a i0,a tone; tho people if t he Norlh foem to bo appo.-ol to him; bit 1 assure you the ar my lots .very eoulideiioe in l is iibililit-s. Ihii'ing tic retreat on Ihe I'eninsula. Iho it'idicrs 1 i.eei ed and waved their caps lor him while thoy lay in the mud ami ta.ii'ps w Inle Mldowc-ll might rido 1 1 : .1 ' 1 . 1 .... .ii"ii- 1.1s 010 no line iiuu lail ly chcil a 1 d l'l ie 111 Mlf sign ol'iipprob.i.ion. I ... 1. 1 ... 1 ... , . . ii ii.iiu iiooi.i me conutici 01 the ii', if kii i.vti .vnuld open the ryes id' the poo pie in the Noith ; but i retrain, Localise I krmiv 1 would rot be believed, and my motives would be attributed loothet Ihaii the real cause. 1 have made up my mi.id lo resign ami ecme home; if my le-dgna-tieii W iii be at iepted. J have" liied ihe liei 1 -ixi.cn tnoiiths been ill lour bit: t has and erdurcd any amount of hard-hip, and stdl uni unable to say what it has nil b. en for. As for the Lattlo liol 1, it is the only exeilii g lime the soldier has- -if h wa: light all the tune we would be auti.-s-lied : '.ul the long tedious marches st.. i.l'ng pieki-l guard, and -'tell like, is w hat weal o i'i. d ".estrnys thi'iinny. 1 suplio.e ii I -hou! I eoine homonow, tliore aieinaii'. ho , , ai Id eoi.jui o me and .sav ny in w ho i. iy, sillill tie ! L' miod St .it 1 I if las chosen lio.-li.to ill eleiii. 11 1 the luajoiiiy of the ipialilied such blato shall hai e pai lieipait d, shall 1.1 ! the absence ol stroog con n tervail.i.g l, .-ti-' mony, be (leemed conclusivo eii-loi.ie I thai such slate, and people li.ei a ; I , are liol then ih rebellion ajaiiint the I'niied 1 Stales. 1 hat nUontiiui it hei coy eail 1 to'au net ol C'Uigic-s, entitled 1:11 a. I lo inuK 0.111 add.i:..::.u article ol war, veil, March L i, l-otl, whiali aot i. ' word and tiguie lollo'.vin : : Be it tntu'ud t" I"' I'ULc and Uu. o. i-rti'ii.' aiil'i'i' of "' '"''"h'.i'.iv; .-In a C-n-it'-ni jssi ihL'i:J,'.Ls 1 hereahct ihe 1. . i ! .-. il, g r. hull be pi oiiiuha.ti'd as an io;.!:;. j;.:.l 1 nrlit'iil ol w ar lor the good of Iho ..uuy the b. S., ail I slii'.l iiii oi.' L'l Ved I'.j such article : ' All oP.hxts oi pt'isor.s iuilu ta.iii-.iy 1 or naval service ot the I'mled Slates, at. prohibited from cuipioy tin.' iMiy-of Hie loi -4'es under ll.etr respective 00111n1ar.it- I'.u the piiipo.-o id it iiiii.iiig tiigit.vos lion sdViiai "l labor, w ho have esi'upo i fi. in .'my ioisons to rthoiii stiih sol vit . or i.e. hoi' bo 1 laiuieti to be' due : and any t lln or, who shall belo'ind guiliy by a conn mar tini ot violating I hi- art icio, .-hall be 01--iiilss-od from the sri vice. Sictinn rri,J. And be it further cnactotl that, tnis act slnill take otloct from and .li ter its piis-iigo. Also to the ninth and tenth sections of an act to tui press 1 1 1 ii 1--rectum, to punish treason and rebellion, to seize and ooiiii-eate propel ty of reboi and for other purposes aj'i roved J uly 1 7 1 . iStitl, and w lni li sections are in tho i ord ,in l liures following : .V, ,',i,a ti, And bo 11 further eiiacto I, that all slaves of pci ions who shall her. alicr be engaged in rt beliioii ng tiiist thetiov ernnieut ol'the l.'niled States, or who shall in any way give aid orcoinioil liieit-lo, and capt tired Irorn such er-oiis and tax ing reluge .vithiu tho linos of the army, mid all slaves rapture 1 fiom such person : or tle'sortod by them and coining nnd ': the control of the (! ivonituent ol the Un ited Mates, and all slaves of such persons in till- baiiiel 11"! P.s til' V ill'.' I' l'l' lu-'O th an ii.r,,ie litleht Liiicaln' recoil, i ii d w . .h 1 I i.o 1 r.u-ls id .'in. 1 count of tl, l.:i A. II. Toil,; - in of 'den. Iti-'ckiui iug upon ton ihe Uaiop- u iv o: e li:' e l v. ol', -.rlio Ml., ,.(,., hi. : IK I I.I .! "f I 1 aiiic .1. '- lad in tl, A Wt 0..V .nti'.h !' '.va.t 1 1 "I e the :v; 'a;. tali: I la 'I'll ,11 a ' : i nil'. i o.'dy ill l',".t ' lil y 1 em. ii U lldZRA.L BASIILES. ' V'.lk !l' v . i tr t i' d c:::l ai"h tin; wh ' :i:'" 11".' for!-' (;o.u 1 : ii tl the tiooj 11: Ill' a !: h 1 0 . or 1 una,, i: I V .!: tier; . : :llt 1:1 H al 1 r ' I : : '. I:-,:! d of :1. wo; ai ; unit a a! I ! Tie I and 1 ' ! '",:-' y n I. it'll V. i that 1 'lod I: f lob-I tie a i',n:i ra-a .1 'li-i.l. iol'iptei tains Wot' ed M'J ,'il .lt V the P. I'hal. '. : r-i tlie I t.ited Stat OMi- civil a.ia 11 . t: oti n taken md un it: h" the iii e lip i:l- 1 i'e not 1 li! a ,.!:'.' 1 t. i i h . !' ih- II to the b; 'lain ill .1- -tie I f.. eVCI! !; t1 the lab 111 i bete pal. at' .lie I'o- I o!: vo br inches ot the I I ilat wo it ill ih uoiilie :s.:n. : a . and ol' oll iaeli! --the and aeert'a :: i!. i.:t"a :.a;iiy " oi n moii one half an I yet wait in vain arming .-vm ,plii' tl; " ii -tlv . II I!' .ai' N'.'.i t.'iy jirnvcr, I individuals bt r :n ' ;;.'.:: 1 w in is in far 1 li. t. 't'.iitls t I tla . the peoj.h" : c b'llilt: d to lie K-ir iii'.;; -ao: t in till i-i-.-; o.' IVo ill" 'il thus lla i -vo ih it l hero iii a 'I fen iio.v lying -. hIi'i io o ti 1 more ; 'ha liov . 1:1 p'irpo-e, liiaii walk 1 lro.nl .v.iy ; 11 1 haul, un 1 they I! is t liv of tiie al e do: ".' 1 '' ho oill "'. id h.iyo o o;i I.I t :ia It I I'll! lh I ' I: .10- - 1 1 I C. 0 fil ' nnd a; t!.- (I,: yolk',: .1 pan ( , la' I- r. !'I 1 1. w .- f I Half :i po.iill'nl a lis very thi .1' 'Ii do.r-n r,as 1 half nit tl a 1 s-. ,.-0:1 With the V k the -A hi' ( s in wiih t!f -oi t 'M ent'il t with pop lid ; th a -i.t'.ive, or ( h ivf-i-iime:. '. w .t:i a can 'ie 11 i i.-oiituo.iL I'm tl es.-i-s a'-i'fi 11 ti.i J'.i'aiis it I, any viol 'tion theieet'. . I a I ev al ei: ii a: t.u iinii i.t. h'.-tt i.oe and olio' hom 1.1 IS ol the Cnilt d .it, tos, in ' h hoi ,ll ( I..VOI 1 1 -i- Oil Wh.l'il t : il.lic li!,-r- -Ni t even in the t (lab'o dang. r, a i I'l'i'ton o r i;i I " a li.iM- ii! ".nd ' 1 no 1 tin- I..! th 111 r , 'I I a 111- t :i ' Cui. -iii'it adiiliiii-iti .Hoi! of th i l, is the i.niy sol'nl l.a-i t t he 1 1 .vato rights, tlu i and I 'i'i", c t:i'-loo i; ; H. I i" t li.. Il a :.(- ha I'M ! i' h ' : I ri.ih ; . ' :i. 111 tii ;r 1 1 1 1 ', ' the .; ill', a etenn ;i:i aa ii. ) ,-e;l, iiiaiv :ii- L 1 1 1 . ' e ' ,'l'il -11 -y, tun 1...:' 'nil u 1. pn i-i, 1 I h 11 l.lal o .-i.listaiil oil pi n-pei ity np --in r : ho A me! lean ot the hopul. ' en i ' i')'1'' a .1" tie 4- 1 tea 1 Ma! ov jury . 10 ;l ('""II i it il till)' llil'l to 'X .-! It'll da loaded with haul brend w hich we stopped suppose I would : iy at home lonir, found on or being w ithin any place oicu hi- I, j nl It.,. I'i, 11. .,1 SlL,!,lt T 1'"" "J , ' " '"- ""'"" '' 1 'A'liU'ii MIHIIMI rh ill bo deemed captives ol war, and -hall bo torever lice .n their servitude and not again held iu slaves. I M'Vtion 'J'tn, Ami he il further enacted thai it iv. t, c'iD.iiLiiee ; bin such take nan! lll!U 1,0 'aves escaping into any .c.ato or arc not 10 ti v it ihom-tdves. 1 do n ,t territory or the Uutntii 01 Loiunit'. a, liom even any other State shall be delivered up md tool; a box of cracker';, which vterelifl did go; but I would know what posi-1 iinv W:,.V i:"!"-'1' "d or hindered oi : Major tain. -nor. stoiodawnv in our i-mi'iy havcr-aci It was fii tniiiilo we did so, as wo go! l.nthing tiil Sunday night When tht array reached l'eulre ilio, the new troop- led a strong guatil along the lortdioation and stopped till who came up. Had it not boon for this the whole army would have lushed together to Washington as thov1 did a year ago. Sunday the Regiments' (it authored tog.it her nnd order restored, mi 1 a portion of the nitnv wan engaged tho snhie day, nnd on Mondav a brisk , 'a .l. I took ice 1 ett-t on I'ent' cvillo and I' .i'.fiiv, tho rnotny attompiiiig to out ofT our re. real. 1 luring the light on l iid.iy, ov boys noted nobly, and I teally believe 'In.; Jaai" ".nilness i hen Ike masked bat- opoiiotl i.,-o.l lis,- Hived the whole r-'gieieiit from an ijigloriotm retreat. Two allele companies eurjod down against us vo avoid the liie. vet J-V Men tdood firm 'm l bv their example suved tho whole lievo 1 hi'igi. J". I did not liuve a man injured, 'hough sover..l have ''eon sent it (liohos liOll to hold oal The e.'ioi'-'t 11 .re 1 in the 111 -t A 1'iiv. tin i 1 ' or 01' lis Hi dut'ix again iiiooiay oAt t-tiiu ei nut! tn some :ii''.iii'c a ai my is 1 hat ofeJ1"i"' Uits i:iv unic.-s ine person claiming is, tuat of Ciip.'sidd t'igitivo shall liist iii.tkeoalh licit lint pel-oil to wn itil tuo i.Hior 01' sol Vice I N at :'. 1; jl ' l i; TO I'iMTil I)il.i., I'iATTII A soldier i. !e ".' is iii all lh" hat tics hi fore Uii I: naeid, re 11 oil i-.s that "it is jfton- 1 i-hiier lee.v iodiii. rant to (Linger a man j becomes il, a -tion, titter b. ing m a .'horl ; ti me, i' ii:.e -ti ppm t ing t he I,. it tci y -ome I "f 0 ir t'.icM lay down on tho ground and ' slept s.. Uiidly, nltci 1 tegardle-s of the -i.ei1- i haCW'tn'e Ian -tin;.--uMiiiid them. Ill I hat tad '.'ii Im-. I (, ila'.nly never W oe! I have bc.ie i d il." m; Lfiir i'.i-n ui: 1'iei.h. Writers re present ih,.t ; a:- t l Virginia, fis larire a L'nion c-miiiy, have no leii-es, few "il'unv I'liihl.t, ;-s io ,,, Ier all have boon u.-ed by oti" or both parlies in 1 lie war, anil look a ifove:nin lya Inrnado, or blasted by light nine. And suoli is the situation in the Ih o. Is threaten to lilae.e i'i i:n-. 1 .Tiiiia, i. tl -'y i":ii reach their lair (ieitU and rich homes. a "At a it ei Cl .1 lii'l Mo- t S'.'a'.l'l ted a report 1 ; vvriti: t low- win'' Slut d in 1. the Ills Mini'l loss to, s, I do, less risk to run, and has hot! ft tiuus 1 o! such Ingilive is alleged to be duo h:s every way th oi the commander ol a corn- 1 lawlul owner and Ims nut l.oru i'ini-.i panv. Ihhve written is r;iueli as w ill be j r-'i"sl us in the pro-enl rel eliton, nor ;o profitable this time: but when I Com I "".v way gi v on iiid :im .1 eoinfort imnlo. uii-r.ee 1 hardly know when to stoti. If 1 I N person eng iged io the niilitaiy or na- L Intel Stales shall 14 11 en: ; ! 11:10! 11 VO c 1. a, as behold at .on. :i 1 01 w tneotii.g, a straiglil la laiy do i.'i n siibiuit . iho dc-t il n lo wi oi' a--lsliiiiae IV "t:i you sure doacon," rota.':', "that yon !.v-r' H-s'iil .' ' , Tha', I-, log fuily iinp:'c,ced with ih" imp " I t ace oi tin- (., atn'l i,..--lii't'inL' that it is the crucible by w hich lo -op irate the 1 hiLI Iron) ihe dni-s ;mtl biise metal, the tcvt book, by wiiii li to jmlje of tile 01 I hodoxv "I . olitioai dl-'p.liMUon:-, I 11. 1- i.'e no 'lame tuny 01 every true pa- u."i l" it'.'i-i : no opp: c, ei ;, eioioioit- tllCIlt tiielellll.iM.'lll'.l rllppoll it uy his I. ill enls by hi-he-t -o'vioes, and wnh his Lie II leipliro'l. .' a '-' .-, a', Tii it iii the lang,nig."! of a (lis-lingiil.-heil Stalosliiun, "we believe that the political liberty "f the Citien, is a ti.an'piiiity of mind, arising li 0111 the op iid'jli each person has ul his sal'otv and the ptapor onjoy'iiolit. thereol" ai.d It- sttp po: l and pre ei vation, oo;i-i,ts iii any man i eing allow od to frankly ,-pci'k his tho'ls, ind lay open his sentiments, and by virtue of authority contained in the lir-t artiel". ol th" iimendniei'i- to the Cuuatitutir.n, we denounce all eiioi'.Moimii nts upon loo freedom of .-pitcoh, and of the press, 11-gri-s and niijuslilialile violations ol that instrument and subversive of Kepublican lovct ntnent. y;.. .' . I li,.t we believe the American 1 i".'o lo c in look to !ni sourc" more enli- 1 th d to their oolilideni'o, f u un t xpo-i ion I of I he esse nlai in i noi i.io- of our t.ovei 10 tie of Venice find arv t V, o ut i. h. t l! to ; to lh mil in: . .- ol l'l :i:oo, tii. , or 1 he dunger.il- uch - yslaMIl of ill I olllil' lit a s ha ' lU'Ot ailed lo an Nap ih I; U ' ! i- ! his t; Am. if ; 1 j n 1 1 . a.tl : 1 , - I a- , hum. 111 I h feu"-on to uy, th. . iso'.vu us O! . 1 IS e. ,':, Ill ' ill i s. imp: .--i.-l v.l 'Lie.' J I . u 111 p Ml'. (O hav. J . I! r-iel. ovi r a month aji Traai ti.i' Iiiil.aiiie Til K ' !1 v.-y.fl M C. a tiio Duhu'U'! -'.V 7 and Chicago Tii'jii, g..v e utterance io t ii a..' si", I i e nts a", f! lows.- II MIX Lla L'l. a' -. bles 1 a ' M'M I'.. '1." !'ii:"l, thai 1 ii i-e : n ,1 s o' v.is w ill net r bioo'l, llf's,; iieelk- the vi-ioil of any to ids of slain, coui 1 pro 'awry fai.atit brin.' buck to 11- 0111 or seeo si,. n sympu-r-l 1 I'lii'-il), o' e ein-'lh ..:. i,- la-Vol try . 1 n w iio-e rtioriof ouglil I . It is ;. wo il-od. with -ecll'iot;' of t,ir jia.-t, exall ed p r i tl e , toil a ted oi every pVri haiig, no ol 00 u nii'id a, t , :o. . i dt -' ; i.e. I to v bt' li!"ie dniidi t oj. f to : tir-e an h eies-' eiinplaint t h a nlie,i.!e or blot, tie 's o hl-!orv 'I I, Ai. 1 1! ..'Ill, ought I that eh. I't'ln r 1 follow in 1 n 0- i,aH i n e, I la.;r ' I i-a-ipie'i 1 1 v, tha-e Is ,'i'lei ; i 1 I ra ! i .11 . ie h.i'e'.voli ,1 i ire 'in' r --c ai lino I Is this ' toa-'ui . "in tie., r'ra w 111, a th 111 , in II i" A ;:i t Ini- SllOil 11 I. Villi I h to - I- 'I'll), I'ltlll C0II1I '.' I'i il.dr.ilod by fatigJC. 'lie losa. 111 our it-eiiucht in the late b.il He i- i, ',&;.. killed ;tt)tl woundm!. !' Hi" lo.min l eiii,;,ylvaiiiHns who h-il l'icr 1'Jtit on iho loth of March, scaice .'.,- 00 with us tindnv. "oiuurclied fiom Centrovillc to the 'St. Lawrence l.mi lost twenty-even ol her "e gilts oppo- iie Washington, t ion back treir from that disease, nnd tin; following iounU FiilrfaT, then through Wnshing. arc some of the uavnl oilioers wh 1 have '"" t,J this pun u. Where w 'i will bo to uiodfrouiit: masters ILill ami Oly. "'rinw, 1 cau not 6uv. Of tho 10 tmrj phaut, Afsislaut .wurj:on I.cwi!. Could give you ,1 th -c. iptimi ol all I li;lve seen since my i'-iitui-e in June it would (ill a book, t-tive mv love io all the friends. I will '1' tny tluly while 1 -lay, uiul if it is the 'd ot (1 jd thai 1 shouid ioseiiiv life, I am i' -igiied. 1 do 1. f,t four death." vet 1 nil) content o live a while longer to'enjoy the society f njv I iniily, I will .vri'e iis'kooi) as 'Os-d,le. .0 .,.i,.v c, a j , hi. 11 1. . , 1 ...... .. :i . . .... " "'.' 1 itieiii lielull, 111 nonr 01 H so ,n enomdi T wiill r: a tun Jim to ho .-Mirod t,s ,., when I can then tell you of u soldier, life as it is. JUrrweil. may Cod Lies you b U HKAIiV, Vki.iow l i.vtii at Kt;v WfsT 'l'ho yel- (ov lover still continued at Key West at l.ft adviocs. Tho United '.'bites friiMto V011 be ad, aril, !- the no 1 h'' ats or ri - b'opiihlioani in ord"r meiiibor ihat your purs d oy patriot -, Siieli 1 : nd M tdi-on. to .I by tmch traitors Creolev it b'o. ; o: o wrtini"t, p-e;e, is al-,1'i-tly '-,-1 ; for dili"o of our re w . no w it lu ll be s a.ie or the i ittzein are tm iioiiih to t..m 1I1 eii'iati. 'i lh tion did net la potrioli-nl ns it might net br oh that Iln.-i. John rn-l'-'ii'-,1: ',!ii"of sinpal romiii'i- It oin - fiiiiii (rnin 1 vf (. tear- that I l','-.-r,-,-. !.i-!i AMelio'ioer. p'.illii.g ( n t to 11 very rcrpcet val service of t h dor any preteii-e ha'cver n-.sunie lo do- i"1,1'-' ' cide on lim validity id the claim of any Lincoln, person to the service or laber ot Uuy oil. or torson. or surrender un any such ierscn 1 'i' to tho clainiant, on pain oi bc.ng d.. mis etl Ironi the service. And I doheiehy otijoin upon, and or der all persons engaged ill lilt) Military and ISaval service ol'the United States lo ob-oro,obey 11 11 .1 011 fori e, within their res pective sphere of service, the net ami sec lions ubovo recited ; and the lixeculive will in due 'dino recommend that all citi zen of tho United .Stales, who shall have reni.ainixl loyal 1 hereto throughout t ho iv hellion, shall, upon tho rustomiiou ol iho constitutional re.latiou between the Unis je I nil Kit .. t ... 1 t 1. : . ... .1 . ., .I.o... 1 . ei.in-j H11.4 4111 11 e--j'iiiuo nun , uii.j tlill'V the people cf that relation shall havo boon ,,,..,,1 Miipeiioen or tiestllUlOd, he compeiisutod cnrt-i(l:.'e box, n I Iv-cnly lo ir rounds of for all Ins aos by act ol the Uniicd Mutes, ...nmunitioi,. Oilers of unb.-titiiloH weie ine.luding the lo of sLves. numerous hut vol v tew were exct'i:ci!. In witness wtiereol. 1 hava hoi oiinlo sot ... . mv hand and caused inu seal of tho Uni- Co,' A' h.il l:oy w.'l unlink l.i'.d tin 11 's ted Stntei to bo Ibxed. 'minds .' Wh: . kei . W 11 1 .- :I 1 . : :i r Tu 1 1 a oi; '' "i nee, the support ol'your triin-piii. i(,jns ,o;iln!r(1 V;t 1 , tU .-L :, n Hue; your pcieo nhioad ; o! your j n. eulo-i.e llinghain is a patriot el your prosperity ; ot that vi'iv:,r,,,,-,il, m,,J;,,i,,,;,.... ' ',. luring Ho.' la-t rO-sionof ''.ai.-o ",. Ai pair of j -ronip'iny ' ju-I ihi piirchif e Ti:i::i '.vh N" . 'I lie tilalle 1 1 rocen ft i.o o un: ' y . Put on ia i 1 o itiriu-n 1114 ir ov n inehi'iing, :H!i, Kri.apsii Il' .1 :iv I'll" to a very rerpoetaiiio ol la. com, -aid Unit I hev w ei ? fii t of iirtit 'oi he bim-elf would for his wife w. re -co a widow." m 11 of the eo). ( 1,'lip- c.'ititei-i' en' I;'".!", ou ope dear to you. I' Is ui'iln 1 iil.ir in Co.' depeiii ity fit ! safety : Illici t;- which you p- lii'ily Tea:.", fall as it i -- i" a V to ! 0I1" eo, that from d ie-niil i a: -is j 1 . 1 IV'i'n d o "ere -1 1 pen 'ei - fillK h p a: w .11 be f ,k, o, nia'v a vt :!';.- ; -"iphv,-. ei, to it 1 a 1 . ( u in V 1 -1 1 !' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I - I ! , e eiiiv'e ta il t ; :';'- t r 1 1 ! : 1 ; ,"s 1 a i l T f 1 pom! m tiea! 1'ivtll.:, a "IliTI-t winch (he b in. ; -if - nt'extf nial and :nt( t":al eiioono u ill b" (a,!,-' . 'it Ie and 111" tvelv I ! iioii"h oft.- n o"to! tlv arid ir.-idi v.-'ly'i dir. ( ted, a i- ',,'' infiniie iiio!ii,.,-it Iha' yon should I l'O ei 1 V e-l i mate t lie iinmetoe value ol your t :i'i-ma! 'tidon f -1 your collective and im lit 'dl,' d happincs; Cat votj should , cherish ,1 f-ih,.. ImLit'lal invt i'11 iu.it abi. hii.ctit t 1 : ; ""on .!, sng" yur-1 th 1 1 .an. .- aliow live al mo-! : d the !' be la l.-,-d , Odd 'i, 'V :i' iai o.t: 1 .1 to I 111! ,V t'lob a 1'' a d'iti;:'-o: o." I th.. Ill il ioi I. til" f 1 1:1 . :,i I .: ". W. i. : a :n I" 1 1 c li 1 ut we st ind no cninee at this rid I.". 1 t r 'i0' Tho 10:1 to their gav" ex i rt--r.ih.ivs- M: .V: 1.1, ,.1 tt -i:d : ' It i- i- in the 1 ('-(oral irn ol 1 iie I -. in. m if il v.' i i;i 17 - tie 1 sieii i:.ie, .'. .'lie 'li it-'lel I am !'" i!id la-1 hour ..I' is. til P. t! inv p ut, al flfton, 'lie , Low. w hi'-'i i Ifpiiblioar. an- Mu.; "Wh-.. "! I!" : 'ot I'M - I' ; .a- eoi if a liuiie." . Ihe trait t. r .' s ut'.: -1 " 1 ii 1 lie ti 1:11 Ml , IV I II '. s ill 'ales, or :a ;lis ihi- -i 1 'il'll, t' I' . nion. in ti.e I a IV ii ta C- 1 Wi a : 1 ai Iv la.li' A tvlo ' I 1 pa, 1111 'it aa.r lailitio d '-ale'v and oio-- p' i i; , w.i 1 ching for i:s pi oservation tt ii li jealous iinxli.'lv ! til eoiiiitenae-'ing ivbat. ever may suggest oven n suspicion that i: (an, in iinv etcnt Le abandoned ; and in dignantly frowning i'i"1" 'ir"( diwrn in" o! everv at'em Hi' ' 1 li: : ii'icr for !. i I i I " i i a I Im art bv .1 un! in" tl ' W11.1U ver you would thai do titito yon, it) ye t-vf n ut rebnk -d I tended, i'i 0 pu'-.tge- llleil t-houl liu!o thetll. ,t t ) nl:ena l.-oli) th" t C-iTl-riinl.lin very truly observe, "TTi . r"'( s of l '!;."! - :i-c !lp. eve.-" th it ruin u ll .il bai li' ua re !,'.,,, 1. I -houldiie'. :!. : v at 1 ..uc ; ti- .'s 1 I'M" f irnit'ir 1