Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 24, 1862, Image 1

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J). W. MOORE. I n Jltnrt
0. B GOODLANDER.) Eaitori
TERMS -CI 2.5 per Auntm, if j-ni rl in i dvo n-
VOL. XXXIIL WilOl.K NO. 1721
1 1 1 x ok Tin; UN! ri:i m'atks.
!n j.uimuiuicu of tln cull prrviotixly
jiivi r.. ( lie ul' ti largos'. uiec1 ingi ever
held in tliis county v 1 1 . t i i 1 in tin1 c mi t
house en tiui ITtli inst., t'ni' tho purpose
of c iiinuctnoratiiig tin; nmiiversiii y ul tint
inl"Inioii of thoConutilution of the I'll 1 1 o 1
On motinn, JOHN Oil LILA.NI Ksq-,
of Kurtham towimliip win enlle.) to lie
clmir; .(aiie.i. TiinnfRON', Cur'.vensville ;
fONRAD llAKilt, KlIOX ; J.'.MES Cl.EAliV,
il'i'iuij Wii. Me.CuACKiK, Fergunon ; .Ions
UiuiKi., Covington ; John J. Read iuuI W'u.
Vkxmrr., son., Lawrence; A. K. Wiiiut,
""mfield; Josn-L il. Jove-i, Morrin ; J.
"'nus, New WiiBluiii'tou ; Jji oii
MiX JIUM.I., ii-
Fi.e.;m Ont.."-'
rird : Ianiki. STEh'ART
Jiradford ; John
Bloom, sei:.. and Wrf. A- '
,hloom. I'iko ;
, , ,, . . , I. .ii Vipp -il3"
nnd Iiioma.i C.vtiriiEi.l., Hell,
. . . l :
.lents; anil Juc
b A. f'nust, Jvhn '.,
nnd David F.i-harJt, SeoretHries.
On motion, Dr. 11. V. Wilson, Chairman
of the Jr mocMtic County Couimittee, was
rcipiested to state Iho ohjecv of tlio ;m'et.
ing, which he did in the fullotfL'ig I'1''1'1
and tdoquent address .'
;-ltoic-c;thmi: phuiniir.n of the1
Sti tiding Cominittee.I shall oli'er no apel
, gy for the remarks I shall i.:ako intio
'.Iuetory to the prooi'ou;iis of this tnie'-
in- , , -
OnthelTlh of Septeinler, lii,
;.,(!o,kd, in Convention in the rit.v ol
1' nlolnhis. the fionstitutiolJ of th Uni
ted States. To that inatiuiuor.l ntlixs.
d the signatures of sa-es und HtiUpstM'ii
now immi'i tal. Tho t'uthtT of his e .un; ry
was l'resident ol tliP Convertirn, and
), legute from tho State of Viigin:n. It
hears the gnut names of Sheriiuin. and
King, of Alexandria, Hamilton, of Ingtr
M.lland Madison, f3 Well as the olh.-r
-:c"i patriots and stnlesn. en n lio-c -ph e.
did ililelK-Pts gave it, hiiUi. Tin-n i.o !
there wan made the great d.-;hir.i!KKi ih i'
W.i tin people of Hi" United Stales, in
order to form a moip perfect Union. e-liJi
ll-,i ;l.-ilPi-, Ill-Ul ! i!o; i . j.ioj.i .i.v.. .
pio ..irt lot ,'i-iii!i."!i deli in-.', promote
general iK'lliire. mid secure liio liP-
ol'hlx lty to (,iil-'i Ives ,-n. I p.,.-len;,
,,t,ln!., r.i.d etaih.-h tl.i- I 'oi.tutui .on
IV r
th United States ot Amcri.-a." Tii"-i
lollowsth-j Articles of the '.!.' at Cvi-natit.
Under the l.uiign infiin m-o of the iusli
unions therein emii ulic-d, and of t lit
Union of Stal'-s t'.n-re'oy ,-ure 1, .v- grew
triini a l, w feeble S'j'.e, rid thn e mil
lions ot peph. to i::t;:'il' cmjurt
nv..r tl.ii (v Sinieii.niiil over tllil tV Ol Ili
of inhahit'imt-, erj'-ving iidcgreo o! pros
pel ly, public i i-d priuite, unknown in
i.nv otln r linn! heio alh ihe sun. The
litisbm.dmaii cul ivated nis lielis in peace;
tin- mechmiic, laborer and profofMonnl
ii an p'.usiied th'ir vatio is ftvowitiorm un
di-turl.'-d l y wars uhnns ; our cities and
villag's ri-.iuuded will tho hum of busy
and well re iv in ded industry; tho mils ol
our poiiiiiierce ivhitenod ever;' M-a,plot(C-(id
by a ll i ki,. n, honored and rc-pop-ml
iv r id! the en-til ; ol'Speei-h
til d freed, nn of the i'ros--1 hose bul
v.aiks of the Jibcrtiesof tlm citizen were
soi ured inviolate under tho protection ol
thin mighty cinirtt r of tho Rights of in in.
How is it to-day ? Theso peaceful pur
suits me in a great ni' iisure iilmudoned tor
tlie tin.;.-. of i be camp und the tie'.d. In v ilag.1'', over ull the
hind, pan be he ir 1. above nil other sounds,
the strains of in irtnd music, and tho stol
id t read of in med men ; many a Moiling
valley now lies desolated bj' tlio ravagph
of Mir ; '-tho wan lot rides re.Wioofed
'nt-rthe mournful ti Id of conquest ;"
contending in iuis meet in the shock of
battle; Ihe gift n earlh drinks up the
blood of tho sons of the republic w
j.ear the wail of the widow, and ,
pban s cr;. Ail tins you ucnr,u-e miu i-t-i,
and you nnxiously and eat neslly inquire,
What eaiiseii these dire calamities'! and
the answer conies to you as it may bo dic
tated by reason or by folly- -by passion or
by fanaticism. Some point to the dissen
toons of the ambitious leaders ot this party
others assign, as nn all-sullicient cause,
tl e sectionalism and folly of that one.
1'nsKion, by its violence, declares it to be
found in mutual hatred while fanaticism
points iu bloody finger to a domestic insti
tution tolerated in peace ami harmony for
I I p. ... I
inoro than eighty years. 1 hough there
may b simiething in any one, or posioiy
in ul ot thflso combined, in none, imr in lln(,or( u lo have rushed to tho cf 11 of
nil, do wo hinl the real pause of our Nil., j , j country-sympathize with them in
t.omd distress Ihe real cu?o can be; , , ., ,fu,-r s,icri!icc. and their -Ian-sunime.l
up in a few o:,h-J Sr,yar,l '' .,., ,icq,lv cotnmiscralo tho fate of
(,,oi,o,V,, ! ihoso who have fallen in defenco of ihe
i-iYoio, while woarcheto to-1,' .
nighi N a rrty organuation, we are also I Lnj;ln.j T,at while we characterize So
hero for a f'rposo far higher than theon I " rc ... , , ,. .
jiiruiorui. i i- cession as i pbellion Hgainst tho best Uov-
.i.:-ary aims of party e a o ber o U(fluin j!(lei.0(l) on the
.coiumetnorflte:. n Jopiion o tho Co ;n- of h )ru(h atji, cardiir C(im.
f?titutior!, nnd cordiAiiy invito a., tojiu us lo tit.tK)llnco Northern Abolition
men to unite with u in this pati lone. os, Kll.;lt v . tlillt lllwv nrt, lls
ipurpose. Let m bring heie somothing ol - nli ij f f SyM. is ,,ie ,OIch
tlietirmncbg whidi actuated the breast . Jn the Ui((1 (i,a ino,,Jmrv t,n cause
of its illusl.ious frvwers. Let uycuolve i( hmn- oi cit . u, u it-,i1(.r(S were
that tho national unity create-, by it m, AhjUo,,,. ti,oro would l,c no .-..o .
lniU lo rorover presprt iui mm perpetua
ted. Lotus avow our un.iltenihlo doter
minntion to preserve, nruintaiu ai"'1 de
fend th prieelosH treasure of Constitutio:i
ftl Liberty against all its eiiemips, armed
or un: rmed, at all times, in ull placcs.nnd
at every peril.
On motion, Hon. A. K. WriH. Sheriff
Terks and J. M. Cunimingo, Ksq., wore
hiti.nin A.l n roMiim!iAn I .i u'aif nnnn Ifon.
II ivH n viii. ill 1 1 ico II' i(iii u11 " "
0. U. Rarrett, and invito hiui lo address
tbia Dieoling.
On moiion, the following gptlouit
Vi ere li pointed n coimiiitlo on ret olutioim,
I). W. Moore, lr. J.W. I'ott.-r, Il.I. Hall,
Hun. J. I. Tlic:ijii.nti, Win. T. (lilbctt,
Kpluiiim Miirey, donah II. Keed.
The committee appointed to wiit upon
.lunge 1 'aire 1 1 having returned, accompa
nied liy thai gf ntlcnmn, ln was greeted
with rouinls of applause. Tint Judge 1ms
been In'oni ing under icvero indisposition
for .-evertd days ; but, thank ing liis fellow
citizcnj lor Ilio honor cnrd'ei rod iq.nir
,,roct,f.U,.d lo delive. miu nl the
most pointed, I'neling aiul eloquent aib
dresses ever hoard in this place. There
(win no politics in it. IlutiH !l.l C.llOI'tll
t on to olioy the laws, mil uphold and
pieiflVO tho Constitution, it wasutiiiur-
f-ut'O'.!. .no public tt'"ics! ever pivo nei
ter satisfaut'.oll to llnl.-e who heard t, I
Its Lieviiy was its only fault.
When the JikIl-o letiied, Ir. Hoyor,
our cuuuiJ.ito for the Legi.slntuie, was
Icudlv oullod for. und. taking the stand,
iiniveroa an iuiaresu roiHOKi wnusounu
... ,
i , , , t . . . i i
M"t - t" - . - IT" - "
I in; eomiii;tto, inrougn ;no ena.rmau,
tlu-:: ret.ortfd the following preamblo and .country l- the giandpst illustration.
i . .i ,i;., ,.r i,;,. t, ,.' "My lellow citiiens, if this is a duty at
resolutions, the ipnding ot w Inch weroi . ',
' lu,,y time, hmv linperaUvo becomes this
fmpientiy applauded, und they were un- (kuj. wlu,n ,inl.01.(i strifl! cover our
unimou.-ly adopted, I Leloved hind ; when every thine, once
Among tiio distinguishing fenutures of
,sifiican c-hnr ictrr is the right of the :
tliiph' ocaoeublv to assemble, and freely ;
exoroc' the.'1' opinions on nil questions
tvucliitijS Ue lU'Uc welfare. J f wr pom-,
uioncfl nwny back at fh'i first sen lenient ol (
ds c
tho "Wiids of tho VU-stern v onu, iu-
will find that
. 1. 1. . . ...i wa. (iininoil ii'i
. ..;.,.,U. i..,,,. ,,( r.AAiMi. 1
nun a'jiiur n.n I i
i il I nil 1 lull in i i.'i i , hi . v .... v ,
1 J . '. 1 ,
l.iit ivfis exhibited wheii viM
I lift
S ixon Inn a foothold, and gradually grow , can have no loilgetm-at tu uio uicasi, oi
until it h.vimo to all intents and pnrpo. Uiiu who beasts ol Celt or Saxon lineage,
pu. t-K an isr.rm.Ti.iN ol the laud, second Come then, my follmv-citueiit , ui.t. m a
o, lie to those kindred juiv ileges of fretf-1 spirit of loyalty never before witiics.-ed,
,., ,, tiii.'Mliilit of I'elition," "Freedom of i L t us gather around our abused and dis
nnd of tho l'res.s," und eveniuallv j t fueled country ; let us counsel together,
.Md.a ne'ed in ! tie calling of n Continental "'id endeavor to take our recoiling that
iVm-r. the Dtolaiiitioti of Indepond-1 we bring our count, y into the n.iy of pros-
md finallv us the ern-vning act ol ,
these roiieiieralol'S of a down-troddon
oi nl -in the "fornnMon of the (.'onstitu
tioiioftho United Siiitos ; thereforo
!,,!;, I. ' we view the Constitution
oi !ho Un-:ed Statfs whose adoption we a Constitution, outraged and trampied
ii, U o' iv r .iiimoiiiorate-as the sheet "an ! upon though il may bo by those who have
eh..r ol'our political safety, as the writle-i turgotton ds .i .o1Ui.oii.,i- : -.m un
ph nterof our bberlit s, as tho bond of ; this desecraleu am. delaced instrument -union
botw -en these equal and po-oidi-; Mill ill rough the blood ot treason and dust
mile Slu.f ; nnd that the infraction of its , of encroachment may be traced "in letters
' . . . . 1 . I :. . :. . 1 ; ..1 . I i- i.iif.ilii i . r t' 1 1 I 'if
-iiereo e
,1 iruaian'otM, eitlier m reganls tlio
iPborved lights of the States oroflhepeo
pie thereof, whether 4-y the Kxecutive,
begisl'itiv e .-I- Juiliuial I'epsrtmentsof the
i.b:.i eminent, as dangerous to our
it-itll b um: us a n:M lop.
JtfjJaJ, Th-it ilie Con-titulion nlore-;
aid recogoi'-es no right of Secession ; (hat,
therefore, Seeo -Mon s rebellion, to sup -
,,w..m . t.i', '. nil tin- lDr.itiiur.te iiulhority,
civil and ti.litjry, of the (iovcrntneiit
ought to be used, and properly exercised,
miiilil nln-i.vs be .sullicient : that in the
prripecotion ol the prosent war, tho loyal
ii. nf i tin StnLffx. have ever
IM..1.I...1 ii i.nrdinl and eflicient kimiIwi t to
every Constitutional measure adopted lor
is l.rosccu'.ion ton niccessful end, ,ind
thnt we can only account for the failure to
acioinplish thin high purpose by the fie
qiient Vc-oil to measures cidcolit"d. if not
deldn rat.-ly designed, to pervert the ob-
ie.-ls of l he w at' Irom a restoi ntion of tho
Union in it will and tho pre-riv-ation of :
il.n Ciiislilntloll lis it il.
.V, ,-,-, A That (ho til-actico of the ores-,
ent Administration in arrest in? and im
pri-i cili.-.etis for tillegeil violations of :
law in thr loyal States without legal pro. 1
cuss-ntid confining them for weeks and ;
ni'tn;!i, w ithout a hearing, and then set-
ting then) at liberty without a trial, were !
plain i'lfr.ictions of tlio Constitution, a
n violation of it guarantees, ami rueh acts 1
.... .1.. .. I.. .I..IIn. ilmli tit Kill fill. 11 IlilOl I
., , flf he VVar Department ;
forbidding siic'i a'-rests in future, wiil not
be held as a stilhcient naliativo hy the
American people.'iW, That in (ion. Mi:Cl"llan is
combined the proper ploments of the
soldier and stattsman, whoso prosecution
of the war i.i to '-preservo tho Union,"
and not to destroy it ; and to whoso un
yielding hi mi-ess in resisting the revolu
tionary schemes of thu Abolitionists
thougii they have twice succeeded in de
feating his 'vise plans for the suppression
of tho rebellion aro wo indebted for
whatever ndvair.ugcs wo have yet gained
over the eneiuv-
. , . ... w0 hon01. lhp b,u,0 vo,
ninn ; and t hat io order i l suppfes-t
latter it is at the Mine iiait ue :.i--:ry
put (low 11 the fol mer.
.V.i'.ovc, 'I liat ;n or ier :i,,i tii.s g
jtood may l-e M' nee ii. 1.'. :-Led.
invite am, toy.u, hek rei-ir.
tlieir foru . r po!:ti--:il pr. iiltr'i
cordially uni." with u- in tl-o r.;;
the D leiai
ism and who?
non-inn-: , t ..- . .
aevoli -ii 1 1 ( 1, T"i
f-,A.,.iiiiili..n art. .'it.iii.i mme' ept.
sllI0.u ,in.t tho only
' tlirougU ivhich 11 return lo peace, pros-
' perity and Union ron be attained.
Israel Tist, K-m., wiii tlicn calli'd to tin
(tunc . and rntort i nM t ho prowi . iiii'll-
., M. , , ... ,
orce with ono of his very host rllorK
. . ....
His de'i iiition of the foniKvtion and nd-
option ol the Constitution, w coinpK te
in every id; .'howin;; that it "as
tint woik of "conipruiniso :" that Iho
1'iiim was the ruMilt of "eompiomise ;''
that this l.'iiion has he"ii re-eued from
every danger hy ""compromise," nnd t i k i L
it iniht liave 1 een pi'.-t!'vcil from pies i
elit danger, if tliosit Mhoeduly it. was had
"compromised." lie was ciciie.l with
rounds of applam-o almost every n
loiioe. Though impossible tu ai c r ail,
or even a eonsiderahlo pai t of this tiplni -did
speeeh, we yet make room lor the fal
lowing extracts ,iioui A hieh freeinen ( very
w here may judge of its ehatacu r. 1 ; e t " r -
ring ia U"! Coiistitfttion, 1
"J l is peciiliii;ly iiit;ng
c .s;ni ;- -
the Anipricin
citizen that hi; ulu'ii Id lieiuently turn to
the Constitution of his country ; that In' '.
should not allmv oitli.-i1 prrjadici-, purty j
or passion, to uiivo liitil iiom iuosd uii
alieiuLle truths, that liis oivn heart telin
him must hu ridil, of which his own
fair, boars tho maiks of violence ; when
our dear Union, tho pride of our life,
toe u
ene 1
os, w
erineiit. To be in-
rfnt now to the .scenes sut round. n
on Id hided be To close
"' - " -
. . - , .
- iU. iw inv I'.oic'i sui.iivs ji ,iii-'.Hs.i
C - J -
U ill! 11) 'lUinieii ui'Ai-.iua
. - , , . . . ,
.1..,. i.n.iL .....rim, Im.i .im, ,.i r , 1 1
IlUlllL. ...v v vv,.. ... v.. . ........ ,
peniy ai.u pc.u.e,
ruin winch mus seems
no A
lv drilling. Jlowever men
. I, i . i , ,
may tal howevei uien may act ; however ,
, J, i .i i.i i
daiK may bo the cloud lowering around'
' . ... . . . .
our liberties, wdtid kase hpc ve a.till have
.oi living 115111, me i....i...j .... ....
lionai caiaiiin ie-. imni i"- ""v
fiiul why we arc so alarmingly threaten
ed with National ruin.
Tho requirements of tlio Constitution
havo been ignored, and made lo suecomb
to person! umiution. foui uinuiioisui,
with its crimsoned hands, has invaded Us
nacretl gunrantiei, uni' tore away many
liirarr.ciits of Union. The great doctrine
0 the equality of the States ; of the : ight
Gf petition ; of ihe urity of the Judiciary ;
of exemption from unreasonable sc.-uch
and seizure ; of the trial oy ) ury ; oi tlie
'niitw nnd tiriv-iloiH.' inviolable of the
-.7; On-mm. l'hese, and ad these, have
not been kept in good part, or we wouni
nul now ho di ink. ng the bitter and bloody
dregs of disobedience and fanaticism.
pihi bad nien, for motives a sellish as
they aro treasonable, have perverted tho
C-Jiutitutioi, and so succcvslully abud-d
t)10 i,ublio mi ml, that onco loyal men.h.v. o
oomo to consider this great chart ol oui I
Ilil.eilies mi ii,xlrili:i,-),t of OIM il PSS iOil. ID
son has been iioured into the minui
thousands of our citi.ens until, instead ol .
turning to the Constitution of their coun-1 ai (;l,i(i would turn to its molhr j
fr nourishment and support, they, in I
ticjr niadne-s and folly, thrust it away ,
t jIOy despiso they loai.he they cine
to which Washington, alter lorty years
r t0j, ;lV0 sigcutuie, and lo winch
.. .......I... I., ,.,-r lievo'e.l till)
l,0.tVnei -mos of his l,le. Wimout a Con-
8tilulion. wo tan havo no country: a. id
without a strict adncrence io us .i., ..-i-
ler, and a broad inlu.-ion ol its s;,i,ii,
we can have no government. A ,.e kiv.
it, we approach anarchy; as wo contrict
it, we inergi- io lo de-polisui. In the ''on
stitution is inl, raced cur libel ties ; ut
sidoof it, thu p.U riot c.i'i havo no hope,
The men who mad.! it h-'t this, and it was
therefore they lahoicd to make il, not lor
ihemselvcs, but for posterity. Oil, patri
otism 1 I blu.-h for thee, r.'heii in 1113' i-le -d.
inif countrv thv .-tiitel.ird is lueasin-. d by
mens' fidelity ton d'utiiuo b isc 1 011 nr. 8l ihe il.ic;- until Iho pi-nioii ol'our in :ny
unqualified denial of the strong' st guar- on tpl j,tUu:.r.. 1 endered tliat .l'i--e u-n
antee in tho conslitulioti 1 I pay thee, 1 1 1 -a't I ." , and '.hen piocpedeit to reiiiforci'
when, to adho, e lo tho whole con.-iilu- (;cn l,p(-V nnny. lie took p.r.rt in the
lion every lino every word and every n(.tiont near Manures, which lorniinated
letter subjects a man to tho charge of (.uft ;jl. and was, or. tho retirement of
Traitor'. '(Jen. McDowell, ordered toa--umo tho
"He who thinks tho framing of tho char- of that cilicei-'s corps, with tin
ier of our liberties was the work of a day, 'rink of major (icneia'.. Subsequently, nn
has never re-id tho histoiy of his couiis the invasion of Mary land by t iio itbels.
try. A meagre chum, indeed, ne
to intelligence" who, in reading this in -
n . i- . !..
A nie.-i'-ro c u m. indeed, has lie
slrunieiil, tines not discover in u.most,
every line tho traces of concession, ot re- ed his n:e as a sacri-ce 10 nis u-uiiuj.
eoiiciliation, of c-mpromisr. Stormy was:
the Convention that framed this great las' Nrw T. in The Aboli
charter ; grand was the patriotism that (jnnjvt hav made plenty of capital out of
brought one delegate after another tol.iy j,fc,ije,'ilnn's uso of the, though tho
tiering on the nltnr 01 a common
t r a
na' ion s
t lieories
, . ,, ' ; ' f , h 1 -,- in'-) tj
' 1 , ,- ; , .1 iio-e s'.iul Is
i'o him I would
. ep u . ; tiu bo ,-uVed"
ii- u.ii k and your nights
Co t.onvoiiiion mat
o Constitution.
f iierf.
five year ago, met such men as bad uev-
in thai- uonvenuon, inniwij
hefore came loiher. to I.,,,,, mi, I, n
fc"'1 "V" "l lt-VPr holoio Im . ii
lonni'd, nnd to do so on v Ly huivm" -
, . ,.,. ..; . , u''".-
invuitiii (,u)nn:i as Klroii', and as uon-
Ihctii.g iuteM-sti r. evu wero laid in u
coiiituun j.m'uvo. Sttindiii.' thcie, lace to
laee, were w.t in le.lrel oa! eliniii.ion a-
had never heluro met in leil.lie di.-eui..n.
I'. very eye height -.villi inlelligenoe ev.
eiy pill 'O ipnek( ued lv loyally every
heal t 1il led villi patriot i.-m oveiy t-oul
jeainiog In promote tlm ivdl.ire of poss
telily, jet trliile each e;, . was fixed up
on u eon .a! - u hde tin V
i ii... ,i i . i
li.ll'1' 1 ! l.V .'.llllllWIfl 111 1 I'd I 1( IIW I.V
. .i
' '
I.OII.UIUI1 nan..: -ami ny .-onimoii inieresis,
llicy were yet ili-tiaele.l on tlie in-t
means , s.cuung a leinedv lir thee
wants, Itvation, and in leic.! -. I.d,e v. aiui; a o -lant ob.p'ft. .-a.
i r i , i ... . .i i ...... t . i . .
II l.-'lll ii il-t..(!l JlTI'-ilV IIU'-I C'tfll
his opinion nl its length -lUbieauth ! , 0iidiiet a', li irna Vista, dating Imm r,-l---iis
dep,!i gran'-, and its ics'.mc .riiary 1-I7. 'I'lii, brevet vv is a.vai ded
l:0" ' - 'in May, ls- to ! .) he was Acting As.-is-
At a iale hour. the m ions lr.U was still taut l'r i!es.sir of Natural and experiuien-
eiowded ivitli ll:e patien
nmiirv of our counlrv.
.,.,,!..(.,,.. i.. . ..
o,rv of ,.,ir eonn'rv. On ,,,ii., 1 1 . ,.
)( p ,s v
proc e lings were ordered tolie publi-hed,
and tho speakers requested to f.irni-.h
copies of their remark for publication.
L 1
After which, on motion, the
,. f I
adjourned with thrci Jchceis for tho Con-
ititutionar.d the Union.
The iuteliigLtico of the Union victory a!
Hagers'.o.t n, Maryland uhieii reached
tins city yestci day, was received with
mniL'lo'l IceliiiL-sot iov and surow ii.v lol
learn that our gallant troops had fnistra-
tul the ii.
our io .t! :
victor; co
led an-1 i.
-i ros ol tlie rc'ieis in invriding
ilates, nnd m-iiow to think the
:t us the life of a p.. bins, luleti -'
olii.-i't - Major tieiier.-.l J, t-
sc i.. i:
no. lielii.Ta
1 R.
II )
was oorn i-
Virginia, in U-'T. He sii'i.-cq.ieiitly io
nioved to l't'iui-yl vuii in, from which Stale
he was appointed p. cadet in the Military
Academy at West L'oint in 1 12. Ho
ernduaipd in that institute in ls lti, rank-
ing evt.nt h in chi's with Stnnowa! .Jark
! son, of the rebel army, and (b.-uelids Fos.
I ler. Wilcox, r.ilmer, Couch, ii'. r :ir. and
. . i . i . i i :, .. ;.. I,, i.. l . i.-.
i r s i ul- e ii n 1 1 1 1 1 , i.i . - ii i v , i , in.
, . , . . ' , -.. . 1
he wits nti-ini:: en brevet second leu en-
, ' .,
,it, f,l ni,, ii-iiiM 1 IiimimI I 1 1. IT -1 1" IV : t I .
lshi-", PO-.lliil Hided
and for "gallant and
a howidiei
"induct i' '" b o'' '( '.-- '.' ''"''
I'levctied fii st lieutemint, April i.-, lsd.
For bravery on the battle field of Chaptil
tapec, where lie was wounded, he was
brevettet! eapttiin, September H, 1-47.
When hostilities ceased he was a.p.iin
ted as-itant p;-ofes o.r of imo hematics a'
We-t Toint for foir.e six months, find eii--tiien
a'po!n'.ed 'ecrotiiiy of tho l'.nurd ol
Artillery a position he held ab i-it c'gh
teen months, during which he was
red in testing tho relative merits of heavy
ordnance and compiling n. work ot Invivy
artillery tactic. He was sursequentli
connected with the Coast Survey .service,
and upon withdrawing wr ut out Vest
With a corps ot' Topographical lil-.giuo. is
mid as.iistcd in the construction of a mili
tary road from I'.ig Sioux to St. Paul- IK
was engaged in this wo ik porno twelve
months, and on tlu; o l of .Man li.TAio, wns
1,,-ntnoted to a. lull t vst lieu tenancy
0,-,lnanco. He was next (in Ifolistai
I v, at tt1R .-r., kford Atsenal, win re he re
iu:l;,u-,. ai,,,t threo years, au'l tiien ac-
t.,l;ninjed ( ion .n.-ion in tho oxpedi
; , ; .., ( J t n as oninanee oliieer. Retur-
!;,, : j sj) howrs ordered to tho M unit
y-,n)r),. .rseivJ in Alabama, and recently
i was Stationed at F -rt Loavt nivirtli. i-v.-in-
' sas. On the lt o .luiv ISO'1. Iio wa
i )
muted to a'iainev of ord.riJif
been 4 unor
nieut lor
lirst lieutenant ol it lc;
no time, lie v as nt-ttoi
brigadiei' general of vo!uut"ors Nov. -.
sifl, and was -ul-.--eiiui.ntly ordered to re
port to (.ion. 1'i'irnsido at Ainipoiis, Md..
1 1 ...... 1 : ... .
pre 1
TV to 1 itiiu : a c imii: inn in 1 n
ii' to N', : io ('-roTiia. He Was a .
s I . in I
I t. t !ie oiiu 1 lid I nl I lie .-..p. ,;i. I : 1
,'i !'
itt ii-
- 'i-igin-lit
: ' Ml l:t!ll
iie ei.b
ptino of
hiniM-lf fu
,lg lillst the
: ly par
it I. el n !U: I
.v d !.. .
t iibun 1 oil
ga.lantrv i:
rebel f ort
tic:;.,':.- i i:
' i: 1 1.
,rr i'ro
rt-n-t r,i.;i;
,Ve t il" 1I,
in all i-i' w',i -h le. g
pr.f.f of yr.:'o'..)'.e i
July las: he, r.i'.'i 1
i I to r-eiolorce t!.-n
e:io pel. in ul :. 1!
News, dan'.i- i fivi i-.
his cui)!ii ind p-n
v qu ui'.ie-. I:i
do, -v.",; il -d 'i-s
ii in '- arm v ui
1 t.) Neivp.irl';-
eiei -n; 1 ; with
, of f'.i
irn-eie -
01 ps to Fredeii
burr;, r.n 1 u 111. unc i
the troops unnor ins c inimuuu wcn-i
ira'u!' ""'' n,. . ,u, ......... ,..
Ted ill the advance to eorifiont tlieenetny,
.... 1 :.. !,, n.t.J. Lie ilutv hn ntler-
aim m . ...-1... .. .-
..Tp, In tho end, will have paved some
of them lioin a slim 1 1111 asuro of rope at
the hands of Lee and Slonew ull .Jackson.
Havo they nothing to say of the Union
(,,111 rai's ucei.i. dispatch of the knap
nicks of the men hut k to Washington.
That is a tin mo that ought ti) .-tir uptheir
entliusiasiii'. Tiiev will no doubt discov
t raud bv that when anything is to be
, 1 . .'. c .1 . n r .1 'i -.1 1.... 1...., .....
I'l'lieil I'l 11 n 1 I ' ' '., ei .ii-i inn uns'l- I'.l'
rer on appetite f.r it ai their pet (toner -
iviB- The great diffcri-iice beUcon l.fia
and thorn is that heikiioi.s when to light,
Hntl Ihey only gucm ut it. A'. )'. H.-nU.
M.ij. I ieliiM il W 1 1 1 1 it ul I'ehj iinin I-raid;- ;
I i ii is iinntue ol l'eiiti'yh ani.i. mid was
apioioti l n endet to the Military Aeade- '
toy at West I'nint fioni the Stale in Is.'!'.!-
1 1. ' graduated on theiill hof .Jmit., Is J;;, ',
f .Hiding at '.he head ol his ela-s, (onsi-t.
ingol t hn ly nun; ineiiiheis, anions whom
we lii.d the numi-s of ieiicrals liiatil.ol
Illinois; K.ivu.ild-, ul I )hio ; (Juinliy nnd
lielall. of New .Iffsey ; .1 u In It, Sleid Mud
l'eeU, of Nw I'm k ; Key Holds, of In li.
una; Augur, of Michigan, and many nth-
... it... i ii io 1 1 a- in i' . 1 1 . . s 1 1 1 4 il In a- '.V in
1 I . I . . . . . -I . i. .!
mi r-fl l l-l r 1 Uli' 1 I'oci si-ivii1.. I'll UK)
i.t ,. p..); ., a . .,; , ,j
appoinleil a lire
vet second I i, o I . nam of 'I
I ii ,ci ne.;rs. and . Il I he
, lJlsfH
oi lopo-i.ipniciii
1st of Sei'tember,
commis-ion. He
.' ' I ' . . .... l . : . I
h'. - cived in Moxii-o, and ivni hrewlle.
. i 1 i -
K.I : . I . !i r, f tuf nif i.l iim,il.ii.ui
tal I'liifosopliv at the Millitary Academy
. .i lv ..... 1 1. ... . li i . . ....
' "l . ". 1 " 1 ' v' " sm-l piaeeuou
ligtithoii - o dutv, to which ho was app-.m-
; t,.,l i .liiniuiry, I,vi2. He received his
j full commission r.s fir-1 lieutenant in
j March. s:.3, an 1 inptuin on the first of
1 . . I . . Is". I ... 1 , 1 1 .... ; ..... i .. i . .-. 1 1
ijia.i i.s;j. in iiiL-iiiuiy jv.-isierin i-- j
w,ls juni,,p ,. .,.,). iml 1)1R! jn ,10
crrps, nnd in that of Isod last but two- In
the ri'gister for ls'iil his namo -tands two
degrees higher ou the roll, there -g
four caplaiiH his junior, I hi Ihollthof
May, l.Mil, he iva- appointed to the colon
elcy of tint PJlli United States infantry,
one of the new regular regiment organi.
. '. at the commen mient of tho rebellion.
Wi'.ii hi- rank ho hid clmrge of'thc Fint
l'l igade of the Id divi-ioii ol (Jen. McDo.v
ell's army at Bull run. At tlu extra ses
sion of Cengrci-s he tvas appointed a b:ig
i'.' lie.- genera! of v iuntecis, with rank da
ting liuni MnY 17, 1 ''11 When thea-'iny
was reorganized (iciierai elcOleilan.
(ieiu ral Franklin was appointed to tho
command of a division, con.-isting of the
bri-iiues i t lii.ncials Kearny, Newt .n and
Slocum, and v. hcii the army was divided
into cur-c d a: a. tf his coivnoaud f..riucd the
Fil i.t d;v is'.on of iio- Fir.-t corjn ntnler lieu
McL'owtll. 1 1 i.s division wa suhscqueiit-
iy ucr.n nt u irom mis corps ac.u .seui m
operate 0:1 the peninsula under li'.'iieral
i.. . i . . i I r . ,i . ... . - -
-ucl leloiu. II.- c..iiiiii.Hidc;t the expedi
tion to West l'oint, mid was aficnvards
promoted to the 10 niuiuid of a corps op
orating to tho norlheii'-t ol ''.'.' hmo.el. -
" - --- 1 :-- - - ' -'" '' .-in-. 1-
011 the J uiiln-ulil, Inclu bug 1 1 .1 .
noted seven d, '.y. F"i- liis bravei y m
-i -,-i'u! cceasion- be tv vs ii imiiiutil a bre
vet brigadier general of tt." regular io n y,
and uirjer Cener il of voluntt-eiv, the lat
ter rank being anctinicod in general or
der publi.' lo d .hi 1 ip I'd. lsi.'rJ.
The Iresid ntauu tho War.
A neiv Major .la.'l; l)nivi,;ng, who lo-iks
pietty '.veil in -egiui.T.t.ds , and seems to
10 Otl q I tP I'llilii'li'I- terms witil tie' l'i-s
di i-.t, iili'ii he .-1;, ie- '-.".i i ih 1," git es a
eon vei Mil ion t 11 i.iie war th il o:euicd ul
the i,'.-t lew :
'Will, "m-., I, "l,"i;ii-l can y-m mo
hmv you iliiuK this war is g"iug lo end
" tVal, Maj. r, I can't exac'.iy see t'urough
ihe hull Milject yet, but I'll tell you a
story that about exprt s.c.s my prisi-nti-ocos
of the suhject. O.i 1 night at a lav,
einoul in liiinoy, t'.vn tnunkeii inen
iioio s-'Mi t'.v.i sleep in tin 1 - 1 n i'o ) :u.
Mo tv, there was i n b, 1- 111 tiie room, b it
they were : d,:!til lint tin;-, i , , I i gi'. in
ot.e i e I, ! i:t del rail J.i..ev it. No soont i
in lli.'ri one siu r cu; 1.1 ii,,; ith'-r, 'I n.-y,
lii'l, si;i' f,-i! r.v i-, io loy led.' due ot.i-ci-
oi..- o'iig out in rcpij , 'I -i.y, .lull, .-i;ie
tilio.'.- is in n y ImI loo ' Alter mcriing
at ihe hiiid'oid li r a .hi!-; for not ivcu
'. in sirr'e bed--, I'..!', -nil.1 mit, '1 -ay, I'm
no tiki
, i 1 ,n'. 1 1
j.v out o oe l 1. in,
-es l-'.ii, '.- urn I.' ;.i it iln'v ivi-i,t,
.ii kin like ail po c--ed, until b-l.i oi eiu
lay .-) roviiog . ulon 1 iio tloor. J hcy had
uieke l : hem-i i ves not of bed 1 Now, M
jer. 1 gucs iljit wii: beje-t hoiv tlrs war
.viilt-n l. Tho way we're poin cn. both
Mie Norl ii and the South will kick oiiu
an )tln r o.u cif theb.-d lei'ore tiieyeoip,
.1:, d out ol house and home to"
WhI.'m s 1, -R. i-i'i-i. ll.a'.s about !o
it 1 '.', I. i-i, I d.-ll'l I eli-nii' by tiiP time ih.-y
tiii-ouli, ei; in r -lde r. ill have a bed
leanket ci- en :i a l.uli 'liiit left. They'll
b w us cli' linn I'.iil 1 badly win 11 he lit
nob the 1 r.auionut, who didn't h ive n
l! g bf. or. kill except t.l'l St- .ell at OUI! 1
h.s neck."
'fins view of the I'le-iden' is in ilceors
I it; e with a si-ni mie u expressed in In
i. '.:', in i' l. ich he s..; 1 :
. ,. . . c . - . i i i . .. .. r-
1 oil canii'U cgn. uiw .) , an i v- iit-tt. i
tor nioch 1 os.on bom side-, iii-.d no S;5U
..n e.lhef. you cea.-o fighting, tint id -nti-
'I que.-1 ion. i.s to terms of intercom mi hi c
again upon vou.'
Tho l'resident is a nni.'li wiicr t. an than
many of his would be a-lf.'cM.
n u. t.. vo. 4
1 1 .I..1' . i . u 1. in r. ii.s. 11 i- 11111 'iiuiej ee
1 ,- 1 ,. :.i .1 1
army in M u y land that the forces lately
, commanded bv (,- n. i'ope mo couniiitting
. . . , . Ulll.lU, iniiui)ilnnt,
... .....
j ol thnt no.v blood .-rouii I. L in nn.-Is as
well as rebels aro (..iinpeiled to fjbfiiit to
thin general pillago and t.utrage. Tlu'so
mo some of the fiuits ol Topa's niviige ors
tiers in Ceniral Virginia. 01 course, as in
nil uitnios, the troops thnt pillage will not
tight. '1 hcv lose their courage wilii their
f L.ue of ho-' or. The course of our milii-
i,-try authorities is clear. Every soldier
- found pillaging should be anusted and
punched instantly. Until tho floniest
discipline is enforced in our armies we
cannot expect them to win bullion. -V.
'. 'trU.
f v.!,.t.1 1:.. .....- 1 r,iK nl.sei vo-. "'1 he
KJJ ii.niixn.i etj " "V
' ee of others are tho ayes that run us
If all but myself were blind I fhould
I. either vranl nus nor-i no. ... .- .u...,-
i'M nwvr m mm wpt tii
K,f..'l 11V K ( ';i,l":l V.
lltri ys'ihi, Sep!. ', ''i.
1 flflWl.V;,.. t . ! .
Sir. : Vii.i u;' liPi-.ovilp li . i
ot lieiieral (Ifd. 's .'.). 1"JI, i mum
War 1 . art men ! , giving par.tcul
slriielions us to thr i'ire and i i.i
i i..r.
ol H rati ed inen, or ot' volun le.-i n c. i . , i
in lieu ol ihui'tcd mid. Yon v;ll pmi.h
ine the oidefs ein'efullv nnd parry out
.1...;. .1 . r : . i . . . i j ..
iiivii .iiiruuiiin . iih y
ploia lor your countv to I;
neveral leouisilioiis tn ide iiuoii tills
t,y tM ,. l,,purtii'-n(, is
Vou n ili apportion this (pi ,'.a to tlu
ihlfeielit toivnships, boroughs and waio'i
in your ceuiity, in nccm dam e wiia the
eiirolniei.t made bv tho Marshals, of men
xt& I:
t to military duty, It will not bo
however, until the anneals art; held.
u i.i iT the chiiuiH to exempt ion are decided,
as it cannot be justly apport inned until
. . . . " ' 1
I lie rxnci II U 111 1 it" r ol llien a;
My sule'Ct
to military duly in each district, is ascer
tained. When t hu proper proportion of ouch
Mib division of the county is deimuttied,
in accordance with the men aclu.dly sub
jeet to inilitui y duty, yo't will nscertaii:
trom the enrollment, tliu nuniber of men
ich district has now in the sei-vieo. and
credit it lliereivith on its quota. In lb
credit, men enlisted in tin rotiuiar army,
in the lnariiii scrvieti, bl,i-:ksiuil!i-, bridge
builders, c u pentei s.learnsters, i-lerks,il-i:,,
nn.l men eiihsted in reginietits or compa
nies organized under tho laws- of oni.-r
Slates, are not to be embraced. Vou will
credit only hit men enlisted in l!n p'i!i
leer region ntsand comp-inies ree igiiict
and coimiiissioiicd by ilie ti " vei noi of tlii
State. Vou will ills;) observe l'u.:,' ; the same men being credited i
in two districts. In some instances. you-ii'
,,, n-hose parents re-ide in mt disir 't
h ive boon laboring or tot. .p.
,l,ng in another, and tlioiv .'ul
;,,..- ,.,.,i. u. pi-odi!ed on tho e:
i-li'M : an
10I me u . .
si: eh c' -i
wii.-ie '.'i
give th
When you d
ci edit to tie
et in iv
porson enlist w as pursui
ing or rc-id-'ig ut li-.o t
g Ins
ue I
0 1
Oi ullllflO'l.
i i. I'u i h
g.ud tlio rpsidi-!i,:c
'-ti ;
n i'
s m y
th o.i
Ol l
t .11 e-i in l on in
l. o, t'l" cu.iolj
I V c 'ill : ,.n. i" -i '!' ' '
nil- C'Hlntl il :Vr be .1 'I
rvipe oi' ili.' Unite I
pi-..e:i;e ,;,
lil'M or sq
lia b -, 'M
iT iti-ti-;c!s in Wiie ,1
pa, 1 ,1,, nt 1 1
l:it 11 l-live,
t . 1 1 ,- li.e v.
.blte i.i :.'
tie' I..
li ton
'I!,, th
' ln :i I
.1 -l I--CV
1, .
vi ler I (-,:(',.,- 'le i,.-.ii..
u .'ien iioldnig ..ppeel
:di pei'snio, v ,10 i-il,.'o
sal i-I.ietion, til 11 t.lev
1 00
i'l ;. -
I'd '.II-..- I'l.'
fl' oil tliP It--'
.'.' act to M'U
,1 : , 1 . 1 iw t i.'.
;.;"(' -;ir:i 1,. .
I al c i t ;e.
1 in
1:1 Ci
.1, V.
sons nn i.-r i,.
it I -.- s:i! i,:i
Vo l '.'. .11 -I
bib-. Cat mi
,e : iii I rue
1 -
: ,1 .1
'!: f.
1 !'
tor 1 ach tli- trie:
.Hi,. 10 liil i.
t lo i'l. :-i)i's 1 '
t-clo.'e ilii' dav
noinoi 1 o! me
in, U11 less I he
1 as voouiteer-
i ll"C
l..-t 1 1'
n or
Stale in you r he.iid
p.H'ii di-t 1 let e ,n of
iili- de ' 1: ' I V, 1 ii
r vol a 11 iiei s e, ii II iti
qiio"-i mi tin- d-t tiie drnlt is to h- nr.d
nn I thus obviate I he 0 1 aft entirely. Sue;
v. 1 i i.te-'l - nl. iv be oil'ei ed you a a:.e ', inn .
ill yu i are not il'ltimi . 'ih- 's
the 11 until the- day fixed for 'b - 'l"iH
Slni'lld ym find it Flip 1 -i'lh' to link
the din': on th" 15: li i f .-.-po-mlii : , yo
Vi lli l o i 'v the (.iuvoi'iitJi- o;- iii-.d or to.-g-.o
'i, ;, may -tip .pces-mry, and ti.iine in
ear;i.-st d.iy on which it can I .- niad-.-Upnn
-a! isfHc-ory ii-siiranc that duo dil
i;etico wiil re t er.ab'e you to matty t.h
uralt on that .lay, the tunc will :ie oxten '
ed, but '.ho oxu-i.itioii '.viil not exceed fin.
For fpeci d instructions its to how
will proceed to tiiakn tin- dra't. you nr.
referred to t Icnerai Oi ih-r No. '.''j, of the,
War ii pai i in. -i.t alrea-l ,- f n-nished yon.
All nee--' r. V i xpeii-es to coinj b.te o
facil.tato tie ibal't, including iirinfii),'.
rl'.rk hire, ,tc, will be prid bv the Unin .;
States coverr inoiit
SlICll e-neii-"s v. ',;.
i be distinct H' stated in vour tall, to
; liK1,k, ,,, , ,jj,i,.i)U aninst tho Uni'.-
. x ,M iti - l by ullidavit, nnd reiur.i"
i ,,, ,1,1, f,ji;., f,,,. appi ,,vul.
I v,, n-:'l have printed in many cop'o
! f th,) lollo-viiig notice us you bei'ievo 1111
1 1 ' c
be needed in vour pounty, and de
. , , .
one, with Ins nam
vi i'.teti th- rein, t
each mail exeini Ted on the giouti Is e
con: ciont ions SCI uplcv-.
i'o Yon arc hereby nntdied.
that having boon exempted from unlita-.'.
duty because, of coiiscii utions scruph
a.;:iinst bearing arms, in anc -irdance wit:,
.-ction 2, iirticlu VI of (he Constitution i
I'enii.-ylvunia. you will bo held FM'le I
p:v la the Common .vcnllh such sum
'aii pqtiivalci.t for p-r. mal sn-vico" n
tho I.e.:i,!'.:ure mnv direct by a i ov otn:
ted for LI-.o purpose.
.Sept. '
f 0 V'.'l'
,,01 I'l '
fll I (IV t'.TII ! good old 111 Ml
s iys Iiernai d --w ho, whini ho I of un .
nn i thai had eonvni'tt"! 'omfl liot"riou
olbMic", was wont t.s say wilhtn hlti)si.l;
-lie ft II u io 1 mav lo-niorrow."