Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 17, 1862, Image 2

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    ltr Of field fUfuMi(;ui.
. '
Wf ikfitdny Morning Srpt 17 . IfiCU
""""ill Mot It I 14 hi A II'. 1 1 KM
lull At I'll'. It UttM'ttW.
IK A AC Sl.ENKKI,', nf Union wo.
iU M'H tVult HI MUM ,
.1 AMfiS 1'. HA Kit, .f Allrhei.j in.
Dimcrretic District Ticket.
YY.M. A. WA I.I.AC., of Clearfield
K'H Ast-KMlll.Y,
DR. T. J KIT. BoYEH, Cle.uficM co.
UK. C. W. KAHLY, Klk county.
life VoCH A1K )i:TV TICKr.T.
ran ritiiTituNoTAKY, ic,
I. K. KTZWKII.KH.f Vloarficl.l.
TllOfH. J'Al'C.IIKKTV, of Pciin t.
Kl.tuniKft Jt HKi oiU'Lii
WA1AII. UAlMiKRofUniiHurUtP.
11 1 HA M WOOD WA HI), of Huston rp.
FOll Hl'ft YKYOH.
IIEXJiY K VIIO,HT,ofBocarmtp.
Ti:s Kr.roKK Us.- Col. Wilcox of
Michigan, who was taken prisoner ui the
buttl,, f,f Hull linn ;, 1m', I ,.,,1
..11 :.i. r...,
1 "U1 l-"ol",u "uu vorairan un,n
the late exchango wim mudp, made a
Blifcch at Detroit a nhort timo since, in
which lie is reported iw faying tlml Iho
Confederates can, when it is neces.ary,
raise from "one million to fourteen huii-
dred thousand fitfhtim; men." and tl,t
counting the advantneesai. invaded peo.
pie poster, over tho invader, ;t n-ll,t r. ,
iiniKiom, .1 nmuu re-'
tjuire us to raise "jHtinu-t a. ,,,' if wo
expected to whn. and coiunr il,n, ;
Col. Wilcox is :m nrmv :
j viiimui, nil
telligcnt man, and has hud the very best
melius of juilging the character mid
strength of the rebels-
-and he mndo this ;
declr.ralion m a u wtpcech, urging his fol,l dismount, aUvancetl at their head into the
low cilucns to fill up the broken ranks or' l"'l,sll-M 1,cr,! ,ho gueriKii- wero coMccaled.
the MicLig-tu regiments j ln 1,10 fir" c1m""c of t,ie ,:('ll,-v u'oa
If ko is correct we have ,,o dilrl,,,!,. i j"''" t-'"lt- mortally wound-
iveeing exactly the nature of the task be.
fort us. Taking the rebel even rt tho
lowest estimate ol Col. Wilcox, and wo
nuts send to tho field of battle Jke millions This we might possibly do. But
it would tnke nil lcavinc not u single
man at home. The i.lew would stand in
J "I...I
tbe furrow, the workshop t.o clewed, ui.djCu1,1, 1,u'rlf':li'!cf"HibIr'),,r lalls
famine nnd deeolation surely cavor thin J5jrWo like the jtrcarhimj ofthoAltoo
lund; but if his higher figure of 0110 mil. : nn TnUnc very much. 011 the subject of
lion four hundred thousand men enn bej"no psrty" at this timc:Li very
jmised by Ihe rebels, an nrniy of seven mil' 1 much fear that its jnarfkc is of a very
lion will have to be raised by us, if we ex- : different character. The editors had a
eel tn put down tho rebellion by the most splendid opportunity of signalizing
sword. This is limply beyond our 1 'each. their professions of indifTurence to part'
It U not in the woot! ; nnd Col. Wilcox very recently, Lut utterly failed to cm
ought to huvo Leon arrested Tor "discomr- brnw it. The nomination of Mr. Wallace
aging elii'.menta !" Tor the State Senate afforded that oppor.
In tho face ofsueh evidence, what mutft 1 'unity. His opinions touching our pres
tho people think of such declarations osjent national struggle ure precisely those
that "Not until there has been a funeraM0"18111'01' ,IV Tribune. If the Tribune,
in every family will the government and j therefore, bid sincerely desired to keep
tho people muke up their minds to wage llown l""'1? Bl'iril' why did not in editors
this war ni it should be waned" that i. I ubo thoir ir.fluenceagainst tho nomination
we presume, emancipate the negroes ; or',
lillt"llin ivlm li.lki nf ri..l,ti.. l !
ootnproniise is a traitor,"
Such vieldinir '
,...,i . ..i'I.v
-via uamiBi, nuum ub uisgrace nnu .
In such a strait, what, in theiamo of
Leaven, are tho peoplo to do? Col. Wil-
oox ;irorti that it is certain ruin to go
ahead ; and the Jurual tellt us that it is :
- rum 10 siop I
Col L V IIa.T 'i'lio " Ronublican '
Jrntiri.,i (W.MnM -.I.5..1. a i.
......x., ........ ..... j
rlooq.a last week, nominated Hub centlo- i
inan for reelection to the State Senate. I
This result as fullv anticinaiod !
The contest is now fairly open. In -an, opposed to .'political
Wailacu, Mr. Hall will find a focinan .BS,lnt,on o long a Democrats will .up-
worthy of Lis Btcel in cverv refnect. and ; Port tlieir candidates but for thorn to
one who, while he seeks no mean adviin-
rfaKes, ill tee that none such are taken of .
Iiim; but that tho yeomanry of the disJ
4 i-uf ah nil I ij, n 1 1 1 ml .,,1r.,1., I
- ft.M. ft. j'v. ftft... wyftft ftuiunt, tK.JJHJ II1IU
-lolilitT.itely to make thoir choice be
tween them
Tho interests of this district are second
,o noae in the State, and an active, intel-
ijseiu anu innueniiai .Nenntor is indnpen-
able, In nil thoso respects it is no flats
tcry to Sir. Wallace to say Hint he is
a I. -v. I r T ii .
mo equal oi air. nan. mil we conceive
thnt nuito a lerge majority of tho neoul
of this district are decidedly hostile totho
tloctiinos of tLio Abolition Keiuiblican
purty.-that Mr. Hall, acting as ha has I'ome hounds can taKe ureat delight in
done, in strict fidelity to that pcrly, Luis characterizing every Democrat who voted
failed to reflect the wishes and feelings of ol' Breckinridge as a secessionist. Whea
hisoonstitucnts.and thetcforo ought to bewo seo tu'5 record of the death of the
dcreutvd, and give place to a successor chairman of the Republican Uommittee,in
wlro w ill so reflect their sentiments. defeni of tho rights of his country, we
No inuttwr how aibitrury or radical tho'c',M consider that party equal in patriotism
measure niny have been, so that it was
hatched in tho Abolition Republican nest,
il received Mr. Hall's cordiul endorse,
ment ; and never was lie kootvn to raise
his vi ice against a single one of them
We ask of Mr. Walluce no such blind sen
vility to pnrty drill. We expect him to
have a mind of his own, and upon party
quoirtions to be a conservator, and notobo
diently sanction whatever niny be pre
sented by others; but givowholciemeand
salutary ml vice- upon all quontieni touch
ing the public welfare, This is whnl we
expect of him, and this is what the
people nf this district will have in
thttir next Senator in thoperieo of Win
mam A, Wiiaci.
MMhoriKft JcMJ.n Faitd The JflNlu-R 10 Wight
rfco tumuli. ,, In i t. I II I' HM , li Wr h' l to Me a r. torsi ntlt t r f
. 1, .11.-1 it, ft Ml tm li with tlir'.U I.. .,.,,... .1 Or r..M ftlll.f '-
uti. ntl i. in nl 'IIi.l'hW, Mo , snml I, MP
Ml I I I - IctS I l IK
r rMii i,iili' l ly hi It.
ii 'in .1 Mi ., i, i.. I tlii lli, , i l.i ii nT Hie
I villi. Ill li" lit. Ii I ii'l, H
I lie li'i iis.i m i, iiiittvi' nf I'( ii'.:p
iMiitily, iilnl riitno In tlii- I'lm iil'nul l-'i1',
w l,pr lip ulii i iMii'ls nun il u .lauclil.'i
(i iln-l iiK W il I in m Men t il, 1' , ntnl
urimi' lout Miif. i,i irmnVPil Id l!n, Sl ilr
df Mii-'omi. Wli.-n tliu .ri'f.('iit tvur trokw
out, lit tictivi lv onlorc I ilio (.rviop in (I,1
fcimo tif ilu l'iii.iii,iiinl soul, iiiiJi1'! Hcotn
l imy of rnvaliy, if uliirh lift w.w '.hoC'ii
tnin at tho tiitio of li'm ili'iitli. Tlml In
wm one of tlionul tu'iivo rhil pUnmoiiI
ollict'r in lh mtvUv, und lUut lio (
t.-i'iiH'il by hin I'oiiij'nnions in iiinis to nn
rxtinonliiiiiry lUiee, is i-lt'tirly evinced
Ly Ihf fuel that iliosp i-imii'imions I mil his
mortal rviniiin (ihiceii in u metulio colli n
anil truiii-lnhttd lo tliis jilm'O - come six.
ti't'ti liumii'iHl iiiiltM in of tho
woitby CUjiIuin of the retiiiiifiit, Kcv.
I'r. Lanhi.-s, form. r!v i.f'liliia. Ji is
rejiiaiin were lollowcd to llie fravehy LneuUir I'nion or Democratic Oovernment,
of tho lat-t civic un.l military pioce,-
. . . . . . ...
sioni ever witness! in thi.pluco. 'Jhe
Jiev. Mr; (.iallowiiy, 1'astoi' of the 1'resby
terian Church here, ai-tifted Ly Dr. Inn
difc, conducted tJie service!,.
Our community wh taken completely j
. , ,. ol the dieter
bad reached us, (the tclegiaai which had !
been nent announciiiL' tho fact hud failed
, . , ,.
' '
lettets had been received hero from dpt.
lUird himself.
The facts of his death appear to have
beenthpno: Word was brought to the
tamp at Glasgow on Saturday morning ,
i ., . .... ... . ..
111,11 " Ul'rllu Ul,,a wui iiu King in llie
m-u.-h Somo t or 10 miles north of BiM.,cra uc Mir.y; . .n V
. with Tom le erson 111 the lead and at their
u'"1 -1''"' 1!l"ldl"'J " l'ort10'' llls;hed, they hurled them out of .ower and
oiiumaml were .leluilcJ, along wi:n some
Ol' the State Illiliti:!,
to proceed against
Having leached the place the ad-
vitnoe was f1 red into by the enemy, and
'..... 1, - i ..i...., 1 . ...... .
i'"!,u orucrou uli UH-' lu
.-u, .nr iruiijiai .uiiTy iiu nig utx-u seyer-
ed, nnd ho survived but a few luoments.
As ho cauk down, however, be discliarged
hii revolver twioe at the foe, who ;vere
now in siijit.and animated his men to the
charge. Tho guerillas were entirely cut
up and defeated, and tho who shot
.1... 1 , .... 1
of a in opusition to Mr. Wab
lace ? hat
'hut causes "agitation of political!
puesiions which is bo mucn umenicii
ihn Trilu,,,-. ltismiih.lvbvtbo ores
. ---- j -j ,--
eentation of candid ,tes reiresenting an-
tagonistic political principles. Therefore
all such ''agitation" would have been en-
tirely avoid id in this district, had the Ho-
publicans permitted Mr. Wallace to have ;
nau me race 10 nimseii ; nnu wo inneis sigel, isumner, 4c wrein wasiiington
would have been saved tho romark that 1 city yosterday, boasting of tho bravery
no "rtronirer nomination could have been!lbey oxhibitedon the field, with as much j
,,.,, ,, .,
lniwl than thul of Mr. llall
lsul tll,s0 ''Oputaicans are an tne s.uue,
n0 ,lllUk'1' ' w,lat l-lo you find them :
' ' m i. i . . : I i : .. .
rpr"111 10 8 Pltcllu" ol J'euiociui, in any
,Ji"lli;t "l"ro il ,s IWj1 for them 10
tk'feal hira' is next t0 treaM-
HiyGt.. Isaac I. Stivens.- Among tho
' cnllant snirits who ottered un their lives in
r . .... . . ... .
'1 ol the.r country s mswiuuonB, in
luu"l,"-u"" "'""
abeve appended. Who was Isaac I. Sto-
flats abeve appended. Who was Isaac I. Sto- and not lay around camp to guard utreet j night. John Morgan now occupies tho
iniiiin vens? He was a citizen of Oregon, a corners and city Hospitals. We have a Observer and Henortor oflico at Lexinc
' : ! member of Co.,gressa statesman and a ftel'?.bt.fuI PIac? here to be auro, but then, ton, Bg llis headquarters.
c lveU .... . our living in a beautilul cmnp don't do; Hon Joshua F Iiell wl-owns re.-pntlw
1eop,0! Democrat. What wu I.o . Stevens f , mucI roWIion. i. no UDeVdiiSX
1 I I . w f'J . . . .. .it. A A.... It-. ..A ...... . j I Mr. M. a ,1 .ft ....... I . . . 1 I ' I,. .. mm ' -
e Ka t-Amrnan of tu Atomic VrcciuMui'jc
('"""' And yet tho Abolition stay-at-
10 tho "l'-rockinridgers" of the North
Goon Nominations.. Tho Democracy of
I no ueuinoiu .senatorial District have
nominated Wm. A. Wam.ack, Eso hb their
candidate. He is an nble, honest and pa
triotic man, and would lo credit to the
Senate ss well as to his district and purty.
C. li. Kahlv hns leen unanimously
nominated for the Legislature by the Demi
ocrats of the Elk district. This, too, is an
excellen t nomination, and a well-deserved
compliment. Dr. E was one of tho best
Representatives in the last Legislature.
(.'linton Iftn.
t3uMtsTAKg- Pnbabty The Harrieburg
Patriot it- Union of Friday Inst arrived here
the same dav I", mail. Was this a mistake
I of tho r. il., of UarrisLdrg ?
I i 1 1 1 1 1 r h 1 M ( I fi i? Irttiiclit, T't It
i I Iml i i rht h I lie is nl ti nd in the lull' I,
mp k a li i um nf 1 1 r. fullnn i . tt i lit P
r i,ltn-l,itl.Mrtirfr..mftfiipn.l tn a iIMm.I ttt.
' '
i iitj i "iiii i i .
- Spj.I. f, I
. nr .V,r : W p , t i .1 n In, gn I .eiiiili'rnt
ie MiM ini! in 'I phi fi 'll dm n on I li I'll'
rvpiy Pi-imiiTrti ininet-Minty ....... a ut
tllMC. Itli'l tltlliillL' tllii, .U niftV t' t
vuur Ltinilili) fripinl V Imvo lio lti'
niir lipn tlinli nlli:il. i n in llie lutt l.'t. -l'LBIK!V.
Ills (.'flnt.Tlllly ll'lil'VC'l lnt
Iht't the North Inn bticn bully li. kpit, m.d
(h:it Iho Kill.'il und wuuii.lpii nuii'li
lurper tlnin wc huve llie ncoouiit. The nr
ittiiil cull forniiriiCi, urcrona, iVc. would
pfir. lo indicate thnt the Uuliter hui
I i :l I. i n. I . l...
'0M (if r
ii i v
nml Hiifh a ycm among onraclvc- 0
Mop or nlloviation to it eepini to bti enter
liiineil by I lie mlministiation. I feur tbo
.onntry in goin mildly to ilostmctii by
inoir bail ( icy. icon sco noun leior u, . . t . , ,..:,, i.
' . . .... i, ... nt'oesMirv to their citu'oi t tin 1 which
onlv in the orxmuzatior ol the Democrat. "t.t-"'j
ic party, Which embrace ull conervntivo were .robubly kejit there tor tiie exprevs
men of the couutry. What a conirastthe j)ur)ose the- palled up utakeii anil star
history of our country exhibits when the eij f()r tllfl a, ,f t1(,v uro g.ii to
' ii.-nirtRrMU nnu me iwimis lion kuvi-i k.
H.lmiiii.lered by Do.nocrnt., Imft been
... i . t i .. I i. l . 1 . . '
. 1 ,r,,:im,uu."
...i.:i:.. i.:. un...L tl. ,.i.n-.f
how is it when the Opposition cover., ?-'
I This opposition, goctional party in power,
1,1 l!,olr "n-iicuvene anu man u-uuuns.
tration and the ravings ot their crazy sup-
po,er(lf ronlil)ds m of U)H uRJ loi
Terror" under the administration of the
d'ler Adams. Then ai now, the I3mo "
.!!.. 1.1 lt ... 1... It....
'crats were represented M tie enemie of
tlti. finnnlrv I nil kin I Ot nump4
of the press and the right olpeeeli denied
them. Their tvrannv our reoublican and
,mtriotic fathers d:d not long put -p with.
. . . ., i.
1 1117 organizoa onu i.ruiea uie i-smo-
... ..ww .... j - , vt- jtut 1110 nexi iijiiig i c neur 01 vuis
di-,giistingf,iiddisiei)Utublo; thoir persons . .. ,. ..
i.uulted. abused and impri.oned for tho rmy ol inva.ion ulter reaching JIage.s
expression of their opinion. The liberty tow u from J'rederik, instea 1 of Louring
,,.ove ,ilom to their holes, where they have;'":
remained to this day. At then, sn now, j l tial lUey wore i.y no means n!Mnn)S ,vx.aii s..t. f; -( iovcrnor Todd
the country has tho remedy in the organ-, 11s reported, must U evident; and il i-Oi j)1M ideied homo the iniliti.isent hero for
i..ition of tho Democratic party. I.ct u they liavo made ft most fortunate escape, the de.onco of tbw border. Tho Cincuinv
only elect deniocr.ts to ollice. and hurl' , 1It.n,.llun onl y u kw mik.s in , ,i troops rot ..mod to tbe city this after
the opposition parly out ol pow-, . ' noon, their .iirvices being n.) longer ro-
er, and tho evils will be cured, the Union rear when U.ey evacuated 1 rodern Kl.nlut.u..f r Tegular
sav cd, and a violated Constitution res to-. iok. foopj ihrre Iming sullieient lor any eniwr-
red. Yours in haste, J. (i. What the real purpose of this raid inte gency. The btrocLi are ihronged t, ith the
Dik Hr.e1111.1ciN :
It h.'u been sonic time
since have had the pleasure of perusing ,
your welcome columns, so I thought I .
would embrace this opportunity of giving
you an idea of my militarv cxpcriencti.iind 1
J 1 1, 1 ', i 1 . rl
my liumoie opinion auoui tno conuue. 01 ,
he war. I , , we have a most dehght-,
ful and healthrul place here. S e are en-1
camped on the north side of Washington,
at Camp Wadsworth, on Meridiun 1 1 ill.
I think this is tho most salubrious clime I
ft.'..r. cnxmr . ll,r.vftft m n., nl,1, nilinn rf Ir.llt. I
liero seems so refreshing and healthy, in-:
..,.,.,1. it, t.l .....ipl,, uuahl' uft.lii.ft rtP ll.A'
'. V . , '
s ckness contracted in that m uerable hoU,
called Camp Curtin, has passe away. The
countemincVs ofo-r soldiers are beginning
to brighten im, and they uo longer lr ,
the niVaranee of inmates of a liospilul.-
I believe il we stuye'I at t.ani (. urlin I
two weeks longer we would all have been
on tho sick list, lint now we have our
quarters scrapod un 1 fwppt as clean
nlft . .1,11 .lim.1 vr.ll .,i..r ft.nll- I!,.,
ahile we were engaged in that business
w. r..r.f .I, viu. . . , .
t.assinc otir tent all the time: and tho uinlll0ir cuainmsary store.
tho cannon was continually roaring in the laliurnoon they wero moving to tho right
diicction of Bull liun. I thought tlmt in heavy masses, to pass about two miles
war was a funny trade, while tome wore; from Tort Mitchell.
meeting death at tho caunon's mouth ; j
but a few miles ofl o'hers were engaged in ,
."""r" -"ryt, r .v.. .,-.. v,D..
nlul,ls 'i, precs.oi. a, u.uug.i , .ey
were intending to stay there for a twelve-I
month. But we are becoming aecuttoined j
to such things, for yesterday the cannons j
were booming up at Kdward's Ferry, nnd
wo thought that Tope was giving Jnckson
; '.)0 ,,,,,. nnnour."c that Gens Poiie
hell, (as tho solilierssay). Hut this morn
gusto as though the rebels were annihilate,
! ed. When wo got the news this niorninii'
tlmt the rebels wero crossing tho river ut (
Leesburg, wo RucktaiUj Ixigan to open our
eye, - our c .ne. o, ge tting
,vhnl enournf!0ment has a soldier to go
intobattlo when the otlicers are idling
ii. .r . i . i. .i 1 . I - r . i -. !
nieir time away in uiai noisoeti oi pouu-
fa ,cor''"i'"n. H nsiitngton o.iy r w Here i
is the necessity of enlisting such working1
men as wo are into the service, atid then j
emtilnv iiq tn Bu-noninn tlin fitrpnl rtf'rtur
q,,,irter, Rnj waihingCdislies in the cani-
tol. ns we were enenired a dav or two ui?o.
;.,.i,.,i -i:ii: ..-i: it.. .
'"'p : f"l 1 Jl;"i ?
jP riga,le, ,
iiiinKing to oe engngea in fteuve sei vice,
and not lay around camp to guard utreet;
'remedy. e must conquer this inipa.,(;Hit House to-day
lient spirit nnd submit everything lo our
superiors, tie tlipy honest men, or drunk
en sots : This is military tactics, snd us ,
Clearfiold liucktnils must sncrilico our
honest patriotism for military slavery.
i, e are noi learning loan.i any, lor our j
company is nearly all detailed asstiardsi
in different jmrta of Washington and
Georgetown, where limy uro of no more
use to tho country than the fifth leg
oulJ 1 to n dog.
I will wnto no more at present, for least
said is often easiest remedied.
With the most prolound respoct I sub-
scribe myself W. C.
, mT , z , - . " . .
The Number of Killed and Wounded
in trip Tate Ttnttlpa
The Wft.shim.ton corrcsiiondont nf tho
New York Herald writes:
Dr.Coolidgo, having concluded his nr-
duoua labors of the bloody field of Manas-
number of killed on the Union bide is
about seventeen hundred, ln tin series
of battles tbe entire number wounded he
fSl.i.IlatefVal boul ''.x Ulosn'l. At Uo
battle of Groveton alone lie thinks there
: ere four thousand woundod. He state
that the ivounded paroled prisoners am't
to two thoitaud, aside (join which tbure
nlM U ft ftl Iftlftftl Tl- .ft... a KftWftft
ll , ll-Ht IK' (''III If "'I Hli'l t l'iU "
, ,1,1,,,,,.., hi.,.. . Void flllMi.1iMlVnKM I
-,, i ,,i,r,t. ti,"'"i 1 1 t -1 1 1 ?
I' "'I' ' ! "I pl :l1 '"""'''I
- '
tiliiil. ., nml Hip
....(.. t.l In I III I,)! I II I I' I.
I (lie
,, nll, i t -n lutt t mm . ban 1 1 Of.'
in I lip r 1 1 phip. 1 1 o I li ink . t lint t he
1 1 f
l )'''(! """""" "'" "' , 'f
. - . .. ... I ii ......... I na Mil III. I
. . . i ... . i
nil hi. hi hi lit n - i"ii'i' 3
. :. I
fori v-niiil t ln'itt" i f ihf Uilll.'. I.hi.I
t ittiii'il to Ilio InM in ipinnlili. nlli' it iil
to nil. Hip ?ipnt pxl. nl nf jm-oiih.I
mi l , hii li lh.1 vmhiihI.'.I (k ip i itl. t.'il
rvl)(ltH, it iui1(Mll,, t ,,,,,,,1, ,. .
' , . 1 . , i i . .1 . : '.
fl'llT. i frtKt tl fllll'l t'f ll'il til'
inco our hi-t iue the robt N hvc twcii
.,,..'(',. r... in. r mi exlruorilinnrv cxuloil.
i... i,.i.,,,. ; fnrc.. vu
i'1 r '
, .. . i . r - 1:1. . .1
rioun v extimntud at from I teen to three
rluu:,lJr '" uv
liundiad tliou.and, they oci;uicd l redcf.
;, k City helpiiij; thenibplTo, tu inch urti
clc( w ljpol alJ(. an,i other thiiiK
.. . . ... , , , , . :
l"1)- "urriiuurg una i u laneipin u yi.u,
by way onhe lumuci lanu valley. ,i
: . 4 .....! ..... 1
coursu urc.,. eicuuu.m.t u i.,r.....
iiov. Lunin istueuiAO irociuniuionii in
u ra,,,y yo.-lhe one mUng upon those
nubjcct to military U.ity to orgauuo ami
,x,oia uieuiecivcH in remimr.-s to iwarci, in
... i,nlir's not in, un.l the oilier rnllini? lor
' our uU.i.rcnlliob lor
llll' tUiand volunteers lor immediate
'-inPUIf'A IH P le IM III. V lfllIllll;L II.llkK
K(!r ofinviwion by the enemie.of the eoun-
. .. .. ... . . .1 . . r .1
x? .. .. , .. .1 o ., 1 , r, k-hanibomburg. Oen. Uevnold-t, who coin
North, it turned to the Sjuth mid left, ! .
, ., ,, . . 1 inanded 11 portion Df the l ennsylvania Lo
and were re-crossinir tuc lo'.omac at1 1 . ' .
....... , , , ,, serves Leloro l.ichiaoud is chief 111 com
i .
1 ii nimmmri. I, t,.An t uiiiH.-i.tii B rone. Willi
-"'"- '" ' ' .
J'"ro "ime.y. ou, ...
tin. list aiwinnl nf tlin reb.U wdll.iVOlit
, ' Ust uccou"t ol tl"' r'M w0 ,,'M0''1
Maryland wai, can only bo conjectured
. .r .. r - . . 1 m
At ni'Admil. If it. IVMftl 11 fiimf. toiltl.w
ii'in'ft r,,r, im.n W,.Klii,.,iiii. m to
"- c .-
our -'. " - "1"
to have been auflioieutly tuocesful,as
no ut'.ack hud been tuaue at hist dutos. If
r,,.. it,. ,.. nf,., V,,,,, nn nnri.
' ' (..i.ftSing an upris.
. n Marvl,11( u ,ort 0, recluitiMa un,l
; . . , , mUM expeiiition, 11 was onij .mix srui
.1. 1 .r . t :.!..........
in part.
.0 uprising I.liioocurrci 111 111-
ryUnd; but w.presume thy picked up
. ., , . , ,
nnny io'.i inn, n.i noitTiaiiy i-i'i,eniBUoa
iiut if it muaiit a
threatening of Pennsylvania, tken was
1 , r .
u iii.rM, inieeiauiu luuurc.
.... f ,, , . ,, , , , ,
1 1,0 fulluw'"B ,s thu ns from
i incinnati, cpt. J L. Miirmislun 1ms
bcn giing on all the ulleruoon. The ad
vance guard of the enemy, about three'
thousand inlaiitry ami one thousaml cuv-
,il',' I.mU., I..,.,,, i,i iiinnn 11 n'ln,.!-
about 4 miles from Covington. Late in the
('i.ivki.ami, Sept. 1 1. The advises from
Cincinnati state that the most vigorous
............. ...v nnwu.
. ge iiu.u. e.s u. .i.e.. cave gone .10.11
this oily lo Cincinnati toiday. Ii is repors
led that the rebels drove in our pickets in
that vicinity to-day.
The rebels are about two miles from our
lino and gradually feeling our position.
No reverse is HppteJiei.ded, us a corps of
veteran soldiers urrived in Cincinnati to
Cincinnati, Sept. 11. So far the ex-poo.
ted light has not come off-only
ing. 1 ho retiels are reported in force at
I.atonia Springs, beven miles from Covim.'-
1 he c;ty is now consiueicu entirely j
1 .. ... I." L?..i I tn r -
Ul WMI. 1LI.IS, Jy ., Ol'HV(Il((.T. 1"- UH
y y - . . ...
jor Krnneuy, ol tho tvjuui Kentuckv
Cavalry, had n skirmish to day. near Al
lonsvilJo, wi lb Woodward's gue.
ffiuii'illa. i Imp
tr0opi lelt one killed und four prisoners,
Loi isville, September K-IIon. Kid.
aid Anderson from Mount Sterling, re
ports that Humphrey Marsliull is there
with 4.0(H) troops, inc. tiding cavalry and
' . i,ft....j .....
l?r3 ""esting citizens, searching l.ou-
ttVeported that a force ofrehel cav.
ftiry to0; possession of Eminence K. last
nigbt. John MDritan now oceunie. tho
It is rumored tluit. for r,f i ilml m.
l.c.1s left I
pobsession of the town of Lebanon to-day.
LATER. Hy Monday ovening's mail
, ,h , , 1lUslm Jv . of
, . . illlnl,ulb
, llial morning, that heavy artillery firing
hail been heard on Saturday morning al
Chamber-burg and (Jrecn Cabtlo, iu the
; uirectioIl of Harper1! Ferrv and Williams
, 1
t101"'- A Haltimore dispatch dated the
14th, Bays heavy cannonndinz had been
, heard all day at Harper's Ferry, which
ceased at 4 p. in., but with what result
. , ... .... . . , , f ,,
was not known. 1 his dispatch further
ltt" thl,t -irnside passed through Fred.
J crick on Saiurdny morning, nnd the whole
army pushed on after tho enomy by evorv
rofltL The wc,con)0 given by the people
of Frederick to the Union nrmy, and es.
pecially to Gen. McClellan was 6aid to
have been tnost cortiial nnl enthusiastic.
The advance guard enteicd Frederick on
... , ,c ... , . .,
ivly veii,ng, and bad a akirniub on
tte streets with Stewart's cavalry. Sev.
eral wero killed and wo'i-d-d ii),
.' '. ft HW .,.-.. nftllftWft ftj .
l . Mid 1 '"I Mr."n M tlii nl jiK,, I
I, m, -ilt , mi i n fit. I I , ll,.. ti t.i 1 I nl ,
nf liiwnr.l. tin unl A ii 1 1 1 limn ..(
i... .. ... i .. i . . .
iI'D't'tii"""" ""'I 'i"M.i. ,... n'M,i, .
i',. it ii n l I v I l null I hi, "ti I "nl I .0 in.
otl'.u li vl I" if -' , I I" I i.' Ii iii k.
I I,,- l Mil t III tl'lil . ml nl Iho n l,, 1 j,
Vi ty .lilVirull to tl" line, ' i "till ti'ln lui y
die the . "ll. Iln ii liiniii l'i dy b li.
l h on ii.-ib.y the !'ih -ii..,. ""U im.
rtiudiy .i.Um,ii i statid to'UNE TILTH A A SVJET HI.EAIH,
It ii o lut in' I to tbe I'll at I Uci'iM.m h to -1
wind. Willii.ii, -pi'il, nd thin to hive1
crossed ihn I'lil'iinnc with l.'i.lHiO iiiph iilid
T.'i, of in tillet v. 't he hlib-eiiticnt li-,
1 .. I It..- '. !.'.,.. I. uiilft l. 1 1,
llll Ill'ilU V lllilJH, n . .... . .ft..... ...v
.... . ,
iinprecsion that this nioveinenl wiim made
f,)ril,e.uroM. ,,r nltucking tie latter;
place, under the command of Col. Mile, j
Another account cnys that's
division i- at llfcM,M,.wn, 2t to W,uw
.,,,11, , i ihi'L .'Ih liiul In', .it i
.1. ...... nr.. rtu lit.. 1,1,., II. lit ri,nnvll'A.llfl
iiii.ti, aim i.iu .." j
I , I ll.... In,. iu 1,1
.lliuilltl I r jmji ft of. j n ..(. ..v.,. ft ft. 1
Ilacerstown that tho rubols claim u force.
of r.lU.lMW in M.nyhui'l, and 2J;i,0(K) in
Virginia. This ia inamloitly an cxascru-
lt w:w clearly '.ho i!Piicinl opinion that
the rebel force, whatever it aas, hud ro
crossed the Totoinnc into Virginia the hit. I
tor put t of last week, und hence all idea of
I .... ,
011 invasion of IVnn'dvania vanished and
a report prevailed that no more troops
wero needed at I larrir.burg. Hut this was
ntliciully contriidieted, b tho State au
llioritius on Sunday last, and the forward
ing of Ooops urgently dunianded. They
were Udng forwarded up the Cumberland
valley as fast 113 they armed. A very
large force had been sent up, extending to
mand, and tho utmost confidence is felt
L kl1( the rebels at.tempt an inva
.... , ,
,s,on of the Stale, their destruction is cer
people to Wuleomc them home
Tho robvU are reported 111 N ul ton, twen-
ty mles south.
L is rel.orieu wniui mm uiii icaiun
a.. - '"""' " 7 "ur
troops, who are lalhng bank towards the
: v " ..".".. i.T,". 1,1 , !;..,
Clin ISominli;. AciKiing to it'ourn-
mont t)0 Democratic Conference, of this
Senatorial dioiriet, rc-aMenibled in Altoo-
. ' . . I . . I 1 J l...
. i.-.,,,,,, .. , i.,. .t..,,.i
IIH , 1IIIU ' III I r l n.l'l.l I'llllWir, ,w, ,
T ..,,;,,' i- , ',! ,'i;:J,L 1,
- -n 7 ..
nerai, anu 111s rentai inn is 111 u ura Iir.l
r:1,ff lawyer, a soumi reasoncr, an elmpient
;, aim sunsive speiiKer anu wiltiul a im n ol
. : 1 .. :.. - i ; . .,
t.riiie n ,w of lift, I biiunernl i, fuiil, VT..
prinupus 01 in .oi,pcri,iic laitli. He
are wel,, the eimLJute ; but
ourprefereiueR were lor a ( county
I m;" a"' w. ""k,''.v . Impe.1 and eagerly
ex,,eeted the nomination ot li L. John.
: , , . , . ,..".,
raiise we believe Cambria was entitled 10
the choice. We shall, howover, abide Ly
,the result and forgetting eur preferences
: H 1 1 1 C IIUI II e I UU HO.ll I nn, ion HUH lailOT
Zt'H!0""1' f'' tlie election ol Mr. Wallace)
and the entire tickot, believing that Ike
interests ef iho party are paramount erer
our peisoual wishes. Ih n, d'-.Si n'.
Soptumber 3J. 1SI12 tf.
Reapeitfully moounco to tbo public that they
havo eomplolsd and are now occupying tlieir Dew
liirmlure ware-rooms, .routing on tbo .Market
Lot and nvurly opposite tho Court House.
Culiinet making will be carried on in the up
pur story of the .time builliii in all its
l)IrHHKKT 11 b A X V II E s.
All kinds of furnitBre will bo kept constantly
on hnuds and void cheap fw ca'h or exchange
for country rrodueo, or Lumber to suit tde bufi -
CARP. uiKxa,
I A li L E S.
MEXai POSTS, kc.
Hair, Ilnir top, Cotton Ion,
and Horn flusk. of the belt material.
LOOKISO-QLASSnS of all lorti and sitei.
Aki), 01asee for old rramei.
Also, Ten-poyi, Wkat-noli, 'Wash-itanili,
work-sunili, Hat-rncki, f-e,
Mad to erdor on ihort notice, and
bean furniihed.
Poplar. Cherry, and Linwood Lombr, uvn
In vhane fw work.
integrity and urikwerving devotion to :hpj'"r h"rt'
i-i-g,ld. Oelober . ly.
. li
nn. i in 'i in; nni,i(
I Mi
Curin Tootlmflhi! and Nrtiralgin.
i -. .. .
, .. ...
r i, . " "' 1 1 I li ti i .1 nli km! nri, nd
r-r l'lnriv vt,i ,j hu,.j u k'Hi i
VoVn M'ilni'i ."' ,N,UVA,''-
.rl.l, lknli, or i'.ijirlV.', J'Vr?'
" """" l""r 1 " ". m '
r w .i.M? U I. iW- .m,&;W,,P T"u,h
t'u J ou Ki.-li In lit vrrtiin that ., n.- .i
, .,... Ittll
1 . . ' . . . . ' H ,,U "r
Hivrr nr INI-IHl." 7 lei" IM). JItltlJ'Jj
111'. 'l' I'll Mlll'TII ,,'KII I,.:..
CKI. li
.-.v. ft.. ...-..-j.. j hit, cciits
''''n'"'1l'l,',r i, i i ., .
in tho wnrl.l lur t'.xkKii, Vu IlitK.iTa, lit kei,
y'Mirv., Simik Murrn, etc. It l.. cu'roj uu;
1'" Ti n, or your eliililicn tmlTrr frmn T0OTII-
ACH K ? Uct UK. Ill'ltDS MAHIC TOOTu".
An .,m ,,,.,,, Hjh iNcllrill,;ittr, ,,,,'dr
W. 11. llfUU'.S IVKl'ltAbUIA I'LASTKKS -I
T1.,-V""'! vr'tir nnd Mf "-'"'ly k,,.,;n.
llifv , u not ndlicr. iwr . inli-r l,..i ,...,i. .
. .. . -.r...,, ami
liiirm .iiin nniiy. Try Ihctn . l'rico, lb nnd 37
eenij. .Mailie on r.M'eipt of p iec.
1'i'Yoii wist, 11 euiiiplcte iet( 1F.."TAL R K.M-
Kl. I KS nii.l 11 Tri'ntise on l'ri'nervinK Teeth'
(let l . W. It. HurdV Dental Tren.ury, tho
iri-ntesl un,l most viiluulilo iriptit t tint 0110 fricnil
ran nniko to annllier, 1'rieu Jl. Sent by Kx.
(ni'-ii mi receipt of price.
Tor 'ile it ull tlio bcft (tores IhruugLout tliu
n nn try.
Cai mis. As tbrre are .lr)eri wlio tnke 1
v.intiigo ul' our MiUerliseiuenlit lo iuiHiso upon
thoir i',i'tuiiiT4 infrrior ri'iurulioi. it if iiecp
rary lo tii.-i.-t npmi bnrin; what you cull for, atij
ymi ni l . it tiik ursT, iliiiruiiKlily lc:cil, nnd
prrpurtibr an i-.,n'riiiiT(l antl ieulifn llon
ti.t, Treiire r of Ihv New Yiwh Sttii lienlist'
Ai-Mi.'iiitii'ii.ninl Vi: 1'rcniilent of tli Ni' 'mk
l'eiitn! Soriiiv. AiHre
W.M.' J'.. II li It I) CO. Yoik.
?iI)r. Jiunl's Ieiitiil It tu.eilie.' nm feTit
in'tlus plnco ly J. H. llAR-r.SVIt;i;.
Ni;v 1-uiiNiTuiiK roLisir.
PiYpirnl from nn iuipnivo.l rcripe l.y tlic pr0.
JTU-t..r l,f tll "l;H0Tlfi:II JcAATU.W! Polish," j
ccrtiOviI hy ail t J.t- lanilii.- Xiw Vorli I'urnilaro
llcalira nml Piano Forte .Makers to lo tliu l,fi".
in tlic iviiiM for retuovid Simtolics, Murks, iinii
llirt.nnJ rL'.-torin a hiirli uli-l la-tin;' j,'li)!.s t a;
UlllIlM 01 1 llTlllr Ul'll wor k.lriilil F urn i I nr.. 1,. I I. .
t.r. j, u d,.,,,,,, MI, Wn,, ibu V w" I,
( j,,,,,,.,,;,,,,,,,., ',, u Mlliil) m,hll'p
jof Cmiti u 1'Uiniel uml bonio or two of this
)''"'", .urll1mir.1' HnneKu.HT mi work
mnlc m tie laruiiurc ul u hon-o mnl ko.'h it
.....kin like ,,. X,m tliu tiiue t ',I,'h. u1
.v-'r T..I.I,,, flairs, Dcrk. l',a,,oS vuJ
nn-i. fnrri.,.. etv . and mak.-n,,.... i..i- .1.
' - ; "
per i-e:il better. Ibie is iriueei.nomy. Por ink
u",,tnT . . ' "' s,"ri ''''''I' Kcuenilly .
.-ruo J.i ami in. eeiit." n h.,ii.
tiet-nt No. I
t-iirme Street. New York.
Krufin. A 1,' r its
I w ixisn. Adiire, itux 1 iij 2. .Now ork '. (J
1110 ""' shkkki-biis .mw ri kiih iik I'm i.-n i
J. 0. 11 A Iff: WICK.
V, i: KA 7 J! 'J O KS IX Ji S
Of Til K
Great Hebe i lion ;
The Hroism of our Soldiers and Sailon,
1 I. L U S T H A T r: D.
l .-.., ,'. -2n,. iice,
Tlie critU w mill the piillie are rij;lit in predict
I inH that t't'-s will surpass, in graphic narrative,
I cxciliii intcrost, mid cxtensivo popularity, nil
! other histories of the War fur the Union. Its
I theme will be the heroic iluritii;, patient siilferinK,
1 and bnir-breiidtli osenpes ot our soldiers unil sail
' or., iisil its incidents will form tho tlieine of con
versation at innumerable tire.iilui fur ye:ira to
conic. It will eon'iiin, in ml lition to its slirrfc;
(lctiiilii, the plilonoilicnl Analysis of the Puufos
ol the War. Iiv .loiix LoTiiuoe )..
I Author of "The Uise of tho Dutch Kepullie," etc.,
' the dsles of ul'. the important ovonti from the
i Jin Urown rani, nd nn ncciirnto ami revised
aecouul of tli principal buttle, with cnriiYinc.
One-third of tho proceeds of all siilnrriptiuiii
ient direct to us will lo pi veil for tho Kelief of
Disabled hold.ers, nnd all mtsoiih who ia a
eotiv of tho nurk, and also to leuetit the soliliori,
should send their umiio nnd aililresi at once. Al.xi,
! officer or private, or person in nny section of
the conntiy, having knowledge of a heroic act or
stirrinii liicldeut, will oblige us by lending us au
account of it.
liooknotlers, roJtiuaitom, and Canvnsjinf! A
gents will be furnished will a Subscription l'ro
ypectus, on nppliention to tbe l'ullisbers.
A tibt rul coinminHt'iiH yirrn lo eo.iVri. (r'r
rih'j to net at Ajtrtt in tnl-iwj mtmrriptiun.
I UFACft'RES, FROM 1808 TO I860.
Hy lir. J. Leiindor UisUop, 2 vols., 8vo. Vol
1 1, now ready. Vol. II. nearly rondy.
I lus u )iohalily the largest and most linportani
wcrk now iu Ho American proBS.
V to vo almt )ut uullished now editions of
the following unotul and popular looks:
I VISEB ;or,How to Save Money, by Conducting
business aeootdinjto Law,'ase.vpoiinilnl by tho
i llest and I.a,'.iu Aujliorities. Jimpr-, 'hcrp.
! l'tice, .
! a Thousand Chances to Make Money.
I Until, $1. This aui luen lepublished u
I Kuglaud.
! livery lufinen uinn and clerk ahouU hnrj
tie-o books. Thoy will pay the buyer alinndw
fold. Kvery parent shoiilH got them for their
' loos.
All these kooks are ninilcd, postpaid, on tr
ceipt of price, We pay pariieular attcntmii
mailing liooks, wrapping tboru eiuefully, and
proeere ndicnd, postpaiil. auy i.'K "y"""
on r0CC1l,t 01 PU"'"1""" -r"
f KLhlMif-l W.,
, Tribune Buildiapi, Hew TtrK'
PI ASOS. rcr-on who wisli lo bu riM
of tbe host maken wil b ihown bow they can
nve a handsome Bum m the parcbaie if they ea
drese I'uno. ear Jor, , Coe 4 Co., i"uDiiio
, Agw'i W 1 t . ;
B0V-.J- bl-ly. ebi. ju!y 61.