Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 03, 1862, Image 2
WIM.IVM l III IIDs 1.1 '1 I ''li (I I 1,111' 'I I I II I I." I' 'H !' .III I.I M i. 'I 1" I .' I ,i! lie 'I ' t I" i 'I ' I .1 I'l II' I . ' I . I I ' . II 1 I' I ' I I I I i li ill 1 1 a I i I i' 1 I l I , , Ii ''M I'll 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 I .1 '1 1 1 I , I . w , I o i , I l 'l ii! the I'l J III- S i ' I a i'i oi e a i e . i , I i . 1 1 he - . '' i 1 I I i'l. i "in I " i ' . - I'i 1 1 n ri p. i li r i o : I n v I. Ml I l"l III" I 111' I iilllli'lll. I I' d n -ii. I I..- Ill' ' i l l: tl'" (-'' I" V M i ll . . . .i i.i.. . i .... '.i... ..i .... . I.I "l I'; c 11 . In- f'.,-l.l:l.;: i'li k 1 1 I V . I .N . 1 1 , .".I I J I i j I l ill li'l l I'll Mill i I ' in I. ' I I V I i in. :ii r ix i in. U(n;i , III . I i lill'' I I" 1 I V 1. 1 i'l I . .lik I'll u" 11 '' "" " i .. ,i ,M. I i. n in 'ill n 1. ' ii 1 1 ; i" i e on i ne in u lot . . . . . . i ......... i . .. t i 1 1 ml il In a1 lei i i i- I ddi i 1 1 and !, situe l.illie ll.,.t.. ; .1 liMi- "" '-. I .. . , ... i-',,-,... .c;j i . i . I ' i " i i f 1 J.; ! il u T ' ' i I i ;' fi j ; r i t ! , i- ':iSi ;' j i ''. i i i i r , ! ; i 1. 1 . 1 1. v !im y V.Dvh.r. Scot 2. ll..M; l t I ! ' 1 l i. t I! I. i V 1. M 1 I ' ;; i.. I, I.-A AC Si.P.NK I'M .i I i i. ii ,n. I n!! sll ! 1 I'll 0 1 N 1.1. I . JAM !::-: p. ;. ,.ry.,- ., i.v ie District Ticket. I'i Hi i ''i:i:c--, WILLIAM l'ATTviN .,' i'.ii-.viiin'y 1 ' 'I! hi' A IK Ml 'I'd: Wm A. W'Al.l.Ai'l. d'Cicui-ri-'M nil; A' .i.Miti.v, lH. T. .li.I-'F. IWiYl-.i;. '!o;ii'fic!,l ". IW. ('. i;. I. ALLY, j:ii ivunly. IllfJI l A 1 1 1 (IHMV TICKKT. i ii: nirni.'dY.u;v, c, I). V. F.TZVKl!.i:i:, flTlcD-liel.!. Mil! COMMISSI, ,M '! THo;. IAV(;iii:i;TY. of 1Vi,,i r.i.cH'i i : it x itU'Miini-i: isaia;: hai;;i:i;,.i T.riiiifdd tp. 0!t Al'I'iT'U! H 1 1W M WOoDWAKIi'ilIuM"!! 1).. ion hi n v i:vc;;. iircxrv n, nc,wo( i-ccum u. iirxT snXtoji -vr. a. Wallace. Tim Senatorial 1 1 1 1 i- 1 1 1 iv ii'-.-emUcil ' at A'.'ciona on Ta-'.i'.iy la-:, in pur-uaiu e , of the adjournment, and nn tho ninth !"' , if i . V;i li:ici', iil' ! 'Ii :; lioid, Lavim: U" felted MX Vote, Wl. le...l"d t(i In; 1 1 . j ) V uolni.a'.od. lli l V'lii h r:t;c u ; I i l . ! ' . T'lr l!u' .-'I!'.!'' M ::at'.' ill til,- .L-iriol cn u ' !'' '! ' ' t!"' I'osil.i;.-, el' l'l;iir, ('ami ; :,i :u;i'l I'l-a, i'r! I ! Iiil:l.(li:it mi '..,. L. u -l: -UiiVUK i'.l 'i iIh- I -.n't li':" l.'Hiiiii.unill uas ii.a.ii' i: i , :i i j i ii ; us ; lh ini.iion i.f X'w U'ykc. r. I .uiil.i ia. 'I !i:i-. itfu"1 u lrtii. (I i'ir.lil..(.n . ai'.., t'lic l 'l'inuci ai-y r. (,'i n i !'.! 1 -; l.o:,. iic. i vit!i 'isnis'hii!'.' a c.urii-l'ito l ir tin- .'ir. ntf i'l' r.-iiiit-y!'. iiniu. TO till! I'lilljill' Of I 'l.'HI'lii'i 1 I- Mlll'.V, it i- not iifcisarr that we rl.iml.l say a Mm.'!. ivwnl iii til ...' r. V.'.m.i. ( i:. Kni-c.l in cur t::i.l t IV, im im:!;, rh'Mli,.!..!. ,n.i in active l.'i'incfs intc rcui -c v.-i t It our ciii-' ens 'V(-n from lioyhoi'i'l, n.) i..i:,m L liet tor, n ml wc venture tc n l.l. vo ov.o is inoro f'.ivoi lvlioivn. His t;.cnt hit f'f . Mij.crior onlcr, an.! .i--iss-inj! i.i: cin i'i:y, a j ; rM'vciniu c ami an i in dustry nnoxi.-.'!!.'tl, licii'is l i-i-n to c:ni nenrp in 1 1 1 'f-'i-iMi of the !.uv, an-1 in every rc-yt -i U calculated !" inahoonc nt Iheir.ii-t Viiliiallo i(il.'lic i-crvaiits. N.i num .&: ci-si-s a ni..:;. liion.uii knou My.f of I lie wmj's i.i' J expc!al i"n of liic 1-C'.!c. 'Wi Mm, tlm vvolfaro of the man who i finis his daily lircad lv tlic s'.vent of Ilia brow is of as much ini oi ianci; a- ofsiiy other iii"inln-r of the c .inni iiiitv. Njl does any mAii more jimpi'i-I :i j ij :. -ciute lh impoi lant, tlic n'iar. and the va-iod intoi i i-t'tlir iif;r.c! v ):- wel fare lie WOUld I."' fli'li-l llj'on t .i lee.lld : ar.d we ven t urr : .. . ay I1.-! lou.a'i naild lal'Or lucre -'ca! . i -1 v t" -lo ;'n -: i;-" to ai !j of ilicm In j'idit:, Mr. WVui v t lui- al.vavs 1 f-ell coi.MVtct:! and HI l'-i;' in hi- Mlj.i.'ft of 'cnioei at ic men mid i, .a-tiie-. J- 'i ni ly i in i i .-cd u ilii ilic iin.i i taiice ot re etivini: th( I'lii-m a it funied 1 i.m fitliel. ho ha-. I.een l," !i - earn.-; in j recent in the p-ccnt utiiia;..y .(niL'L'le to tin- acroini'iidiiiif nt ot i!,.tt d"'lc conMiinniat ion.f than lo- loo Inn in f..r ti'crypar to (. rev. -tit 'he Mm. ... o! thoi-e priiii !'!ivs -, !io-,' t ii ii in j It ;:a,. ;l pretext t.i had no -:i t.i diiii: iiiir i -luntrv into iM j-ro-eitt dej'lor.ihlo cuii'Iiti'in. Hi- recid i without sjiot rr hlen.i-h, and no inter upon the cont("-t i"ilh U'm.i.m t as our sUn.lnrd-hearer, tint only wit It licit satis faction which the certaiiitv of in-i-pim-, hut Ihn aviii-ii'.' tint when his election is secured, the intrr.-sts of the whole district will he i r-U careil for, and the liijrlt lcputat ion of our iiohlo c.Hintv ttiu.'iiph.intly Kii-tiitiod. afTlie (iriilld Jury of (,'ra-v U M il ch: ty have pioeiitcd tl o Cra ford ;';..,' us a nuisance. W' cannot at tlii. distance from the scene of action, exactly tell why a l'eino-t-r;rtic pa ev .-houid he coiisiderrd a mi:, sauet in ' -i.vloru countv, imit si 'he ,'. , i.holiti'Hi nevspapere puMi-hed in ihat couiiiy are s'.llii u lit tu cii'.ihtrn the poo. pic. Woaio. however, nwaio t !, at :' at tempt to ini-itiv the Chien ji. 1 !.-.; tt.i m. lias product d so.-.. e str ,-iiige rf: nits, and if tho Al'Olitionits of 'raw lord un'y can --..etii in prostilutinp their I'omt aiai Jury. 11 c only I'cti'ocriilic j-::pt-r ul lift ed ii. the countv IN iil he Sipli irliel. ill .ier I.) kf,i projH-r !"i.m th.. i eojle. l-')P'lhe Ni-'t Yoii; 7lh and l'.'tll rcj.i .."'tils, i.nd the i.'hode Island i'lli and li'ih i;lt u I'L'ht l9ttiry throuirh I'al- tiuioipon rhuisj.i; List on their v :i home. 1 hose troops uie a poi lion oTlhe threti njuntlis rorps railed iti'o ferric' in . i . -'I ! .- e!i , I -. .,' !l . I"-I'-lail' I.I 'I .' . f . i:'.' I ... I -. .-o .,' Her- . ' ' . ' i It!... ;t. del .. ii i! t! ,'.. 'A. kIii! -1 ' I, a Ii I ill. ' I Mi"! fid i .a i mil. I .i . : i.i I l'..'-.".i 1 1 nn i i ! . i'.k i',,1 !, ! i ""i V old I. Hi il:ia l::ile i'. a i il h I he t hole ill lit" III co. ul otd'l. II. i lias now heel) ioirctl hv til lieinl I'liiliUlin 1 1 0 1 ' -1 : 1 1 . i ' I ie i. A Me.vall- . . i ........ v , 1 1 . . Si.n.o.i. i. on the C"H'L'"l .,..i.,. i . i. . .. i.:. ' t... . l . II i I lilt lot M i i ... i ' .- i:i u .- - a'l'in, '.o 'ie i i mai n in nun iiiri niiu. ... ,,,, i ,,, i n, ,.., .1. June:.. -si. Tl,, .v,,i p,,,,,,.,! .!,.- ,i.-.,.i.y of-:-:; .;: ::: ;:' , ,,' !:,: i.! i I . !...! Ii t III! I I Ul 'l ' i' n 1 . I i I I I '. , ii "llll l llll't I III! dl en . A pal l V ot id olit I ii l ive ll'l-li Wi I ,1,1 ot llll- 1,1 I I, I'l i ii I Im 111 I." .I N ii on li-lup V. I t In V C'i:r:i;; Tocdhache niid Ndau! . . . i. . i ,. , I .. .1 I . ..... I !" 'la's' """ ' ' M ' I I u.iian.c .... . .,.,. .',.tt'Ht. Alter thesuci - of u oui. di -I, ulid the oilier- tiiide t loir o let. on im i, ..iii i. . . ii . i . - - ... 1 1 t!.i-il.,-ii,. , fill vitly umieiila raid.- ,.mlllV ,.V(.,V should he niinle t:i Im - '"I"'- lll,'v "", ''"" I'i, v . i. i' r. i. i' i V I.i 1 -Mi i'. ,i i ' i i I 1 '."tint, Il .1,1 I ill I r I'l - !!: .1 :!. v " . ..." th..i ''" 111 11 !l I"'. l II HI lil.'S 'eii .,.. ii i - y . . . . .,..... j : II I'i.U ... . i..i..,l ..I. Ki-i.l.... it .) ,.i., I... r.irtt.-ii.lmtf i.f mil lv.HH.1. I 1'.H onilE l.l.i. I.--I..V i i hi ii. wan ,. i'.'I'I ill tiio e.jilure of ii few pi isoliei U,.,L li.ei .- hut that " "liltJ'cl .-MiMi-i'S, and the pei.-onal cl- tiov. h'.iitisev ha.H culled t!ie l.e.:i--tl m IAT1T. - 1'iivalii dispiitches direct to ini-ct in St. lin! on the '.'tit of Scpte-.i fioui N a-liiiieoli ol to ilny , Hlale liini ner. p. I !:,- "MI'M ' ii.-:i-at Mi'. W.i!!.!. o. Will lin v ul ev th; inii ' i l".i c :iiii:-i.,d !hi old. .',t!"M v:'e Ala l.tioiiit : v. ho la-ui aii'ii a i : , at Ii i i l.oiH -t l'i'..'.:y tolhe 1 .'oii-t il u! ii. ii , ,' oil;' i i i:n 1 1 y '.' Tiu-y liev i.i u i'.l. I'-.i.'l !," Ileiiua-i: ,-y ( f 'h i laih ! pi, ia lit l s ol tun- 1 ope and hi-. MjIV, iiicllidm H l-iniiUliii mid Suiniier had arrived llll I 1- IdhM ICtlNI I'., his panels n ml some r:oeev. u iih heavy reiiiforceiiiciifc to 4 !. l'ope. A de-patch was ivc-ived ve-terdii; 'liii-uaa li.lhi'.vi'd on '1'iie. lav thotli mid that even thing was j.rogrwiine vol iii. iy. I'll ' : '" I 'i: . mi la- l.iveinor S.dunion, Htat inj: 1 hit he hnd I.- .: fltil'l ed several hundred thousand rounds I '. 'i'l 'I ! ' . i ai l llijicnilii ,.,, , j ' ! ' i'l, ' "' '. !l Iil'l , I, ,';,,, ' ii '!i 1 11' i'i-ll:,ili II : ' ' 'ir .f ,,. . i. ,.i"! ::, .,.,-,l..'. I ,y a iill.n-K ui.on u tiain ol cms l ' ,,( , i.i... s i,. I , ones, .i.-i in ansiv.-r H 1 ii i-K.w Stutimi, three miles from M ui THE INDIAN WAR in MINNESOTA, the rvihvA .l liovenmr K.inisi-y. . ' Miif I 'l V, - 1 r v.. i',. '1-1.1'. The train, however, escaped It - ... .,. TIIIKh h'liiilMKSTCdXIVii li.iM!'. ,. . -n, 1 iA.v, :l A.- (j,lveM1,. Hm.v ,.-,s t,-l, fiaph,.,! t,. ,., Murantl Kvl.imn- , t... i ... i ,.,,.,, ,.., m;,,,, i!,,. ii :..-ii -n f v -., ',: t.a- l'i . ;i i- lioI:i:nnlril I lie l' il i i v in ;.' 1 and ,i late: the War I 'epitrt mciit , auk in;; this" t "l 1,1. ul- -i::!,-,-'l ' "r."l Im,, (.'olli'lc- ih their H '. a live '!;.',! ii'i 1 t. . ,,.,, ! .1. Km;i ::,:!. .d. Ciui,;,-, .1. lie! ' ... .".d. .1 iili il Iti'l. .'aU!,.- 1'.. Nii'h.l.-oti. Tlic Aholitim-.i-ts of thv !'.. i'.d i". . I di tiict have lini'tiiiati'd cilitsi. A. litow, 1 1 I I esc ii t spr er of ihe ,'oili I ', li-Z!'i"-for I e-l-! -!i.'li. 1 I (I. r I p.'iii.' ill; i; I in i-.i 1 1. . vely t ;.;. n.u , 1'oj e i i, lie L' ppi Iiere 'i.i- ; li'-i.-dd.,.; in .) Ml n,:r .'I..S.-V. rceiini'i.'t rniehl h nt to Minnesota for -H'", J;- -nil':; 111 i . : ' - M ii j ,,';,, . ats I'lom the l.ont i.-r ol Mm- ,,. ,1, ion of tl.. frontier. Y.-tc dav M ' " ' . ' ''"' ',""n.J :m,;, that at, Indian ,v,,r has heen , ;OV(.n,fir rw,.ivcd n de-pM-h from w 1' 'it! I'lc-' N 1"!' I Vi ''i''i tr ' ' ' uhieh sinUs mto ...Mp, li.rr.,1 :,,!,.,.,,. statine U,.'li icpie,! - J .:- I,"lu" r i'i-t.'.-.u.t...d. Th,. n.,i,.,..n. ...ay I- ii z , ,1,:!1V d in tin. .-:.iiui-y lor .. is ,1(mu. liM -,.rk, u hl'I. it n-ill i ,,..., . Tr.vti,,.,,. P..,,-,''s',1r,'' I -;-as. . . , ... I ...ill. l.'iA I A'...,.' A! .".ii n-ns where ti.o rclieH ere (e.on in , , ' , ,, ( ,7i li'it n 'a .ler I, nee, iiii'l lliore cnplll.'eil n iiiinii'cf o ; .',,, , i- A' pli-o iii-is. sevei.'d 1'ioei". ol nil did v , am! 'Ihe account do -1 1 o ei 1 i vei ai tl aiia of c us, lore up lo-H'ta show i . n, a'.' .'ir.a'.e.i , , alloc a!, I :n iijk .,..,,1,. ... ..... . ....... i (.(., (iojiic tii'i tvcrU, when It nil I rlniiin uin ; . Try liii'tti. P-.i, I lie Moux luiians. wi,.. in'iiii nn ,,.r ,i u ri....,ani,.li ft, t to i!, n,:!H-r. Maii-I .... r,-,.i.t ,.f vr,i Kir- l lio'.V Hire ileilC'l, will ne .pi.lH'H li luA lv v. n n ..-'a ii t-iti)Iflc '.!,' I'M . T.W. ttKM ',,,., 1. 1 1 , i ,i-vi. i. Ilic li.tcst H.tellieoiicc t.s t.-'f" ' "' ".; '.. e,,li(a!iied in the l i'l. living di-ialcii. : . I ' . , . M , v i liK.n.l i. .'fl... !!. a ; :,' t I . I !, , ,. , , ,., ,,. . v,.... i ... ., ,. , t. ., ,. KTlpl io;i on (in e ol lie i-li line (-1 t'i'.Isi j; V -,iu ni.m,' i aeeiii-,' Vrrm ft. !iit I.v h: n hv I'i. ''. Aver A Co., to Dip ,-itv of ! ".. "' 1 ', ,J1,L' . , ii.'-l". -Ii 111: tot .'..-'. iri I 'ir., . - l,..-.r ... I'- V.i "i. Mason, of ihe T 1 - t i'l. i.i .ee.i-j ',V:i-hiii--t.'it. cd up. J.idl. S'luit favored phi'e miiv have lie 1 ,ir,il; ' ;.'t , ;' ;,':'- uj. I-, AiiaiiiiM. liouil.row iii; .tunc. In ,t,-.-s lM.ivi(,;t t,fv .,.,, mnninru(. t.' Cai ruit. - Ar if.. nro rfi-ntui9 ), .i,'. tin' ilitel.lji-uce liole 111 lite il.iy, lh: n ,,..,'.... , ' ., ., . -.i'i. i.i r it.lwrlisvlueiit.' to init, ui. .i . " sillies- ,.,.:.. (.iiMiewa chief, ha- issued a ..'rod it- n'',"r wJ'"'h x" ,llfl,Ie "V.'dahle hy tl)t.;.f ,..;.,,, ,(, , i,ir ,r,,.ir.,tiu,is. it is m e.- i iieu-.v c,a- r.l !:'.., d hv o!Te inalioti : lia' he ivtuld it .t h.t resit in si hie It is- . '!.) ry l'e"!"ral and (,'athat'tlc I'iils to i '' t in -is! ii.mi Itaving y.m cull for. mel and in the dim :i..i of V.'it.i '.e-:. ' ! Iiiid :,'-o i ei.ei a' i d t.;r : i ' lit.. I oven t Vienna, s.ili'.e .'. mil. IV, 'ive ialir lor -. i'i' " ii n ..-a a i-"iii'ii'ic s'.!,. I l'', A r.i. i. nKM . .'',. 'i nit- j rint .'n'cr,'' tT ' Kl'H'--1 m..lti 'J'ri'atisi- : n Ur-j- irvne.- Ti-.-lli - r the .'ood of all. h the in. , 1B..lii , i:n., ; n.eiit, v, ho cir. ioi. ic! t 'hi: ; to the lal'ol-, u;o, cloi: ;.-ed I y ictl. .-''.nr.-mail M n li c; ,w;:i ii: c a : ll.e la!!!,' n! r'.i.ij.t. 1 le ha. he 11 a peculiar 111 of 1 h n l-oi i 1 he h'te iov. of liiio, i.nd has for 'h i n a prominent opposer .. the Fue-'hc Slavu law in I Ii jl ' .ate. Tile-- i IV L'l i t.-t W fr.-i" '"''! clary Seiinid, in u laic letter t" the h: i'.i-!i '.'.ni-id ;it New Yoii., s'.atis tiiHt idiel s ;'!e not Mil j. -el t I military ill ty, i U li ill! ey iia - i lei ':.!."! t io-i ; : n I t !.. to , i.'iviiii' ; i i.-.i-1 ia o, t.; Stat. . nt down ii-tu A !":ii:l.ii:i, and op lionilor the conduct of the Imlitt.ts alter lues- all tkv not onlv in this ..oimtrv hut in';.., ' . ' "k - H r';1"' 1 . . .. i . . . .i - pi i a ir.M' a ', -.I, i'.Her'viiL,'i. ,11.1 it- ,,.tli. ti-,.- llio Moiv V.urU. SLilu f aio.i Ijaiii 'ii.1 art T. .1... ,..,.i,(... (.. ..., ii.i, ....... i-.i. ... .. . .... . -. .. - - :ilT"iito. ....., mi i .... ..... all e.uititnes whin-tn ilioitiott and com- tut, I -".r. a-n - ai' ia r ii i .i , , ' 'una ; i :.i"n- i.i'" "in". .. , ... , . , . . , : -.ul - I'll, in: I 1 c i "i-.s ilae' C n v .". i -i I he follMiims: d,.-p-,teho.s Iroiu '!,,l ,.,;,. ,,, (.' inner 'Hce lui.e 2,e. l,:ie we iimnur t It .!,,, J 'u .M-IC I'ope cxphtii,- the mounn'iits that hiiVc ' ),de and .1 'id-;e flooper to 01111; and make lihetality nt.d tistt" oftho-i- j.'etlemeli in; V-'M. '.'. !I ';' ;i ... CO. .'.,ai,. since liiken nl.tco. ia treaty. such a donation to II eir nat;v town, we -' '' ". 'Vuial l.-i-i.-.f. r. .... I The I'liiniiewn auent. alker. aaiii.-l ,.-o ,.,,.,:r,.j ,, , i.,,0 r ,i, i..i :.... ''-'"' ' ' " .1.1 11 1 1 I. I.l' II lli'l 1 'if..-.. Il'll., I , , . , 1 . . "ill niinu'. "... in.,, it ,'. .111. 1 ..,..- 1111; Ill, vm: irrsK;r-i;;,!:i!'.'' 1 : 1 : v : .il r '., x T . 1 1. . !..,, v ...!.. ..,.... ;,,...i ,..,,.. ri, a '. . ' i:vr v. . viti ! i.- i u t.-i; i ne 01 tin- ci.euiv utis ti::ii:iot our iii'iit .v , ener is little known, hnt n-k the nipi'i 1 i'I'.mi uur. iKul-lli. ,-1 I,',,.. I,.,,.., I.,,.,,. I.,. II,. :.!,N A-sasd; MMoN, Aup :.-.-!' iMi. 'ci.ippoaa-, it'i-repi'.rted, litis conunitted ' in,1'"'"('" 11 "dsover U. ' 1 in,, in Chief :-- ,-uicide, iii a fit ol in-muti . The Chi pi e wuole cotijira.Mty that henis tneiu. I hey .1... '.ii :.... . .a -. ... 1 ' . . . 1 i-ciH'ei a d thai a l o'L'e .i u 1 nieui y , 101 :o 111;; so eio-.-.y upon nre lew 11: t Ins ui 1) V , iin-l tl.eir lntlu. - 1 1:: uin ' our 1 1 'ht li- si"U.x rani cm -.:s 'i'e it al inn. I !. . .. .., . a .,...' ,.T I ,., -I . r.l'l .' l"il'. ;to'!..:i yianiis as, alii l,iiU li.e ,.; .-ioi. 1 ..,....... j.,., ............. ......... .r. ..... , . .. -.r . ... . . I, ,.;...... 1.,.. ,.,;i ,t...... ..1.1 . ,.1 r,.,rtr,rl.-. fim '"r. ' : . I. .1.1..' . Ill I ...'.'.I, ,, . '1,1. .. . . . ,,. ah., i.'iuaiu.aj. u.a w.-xuii- i..-e.,.i .o i.-ii' '..u i.e. ."., , . , v . i l ...'....,.....-,,. I I ...1 i,lil it,., ,l,i,i, T . 1 f '""- ' ' f" , i i.-n l in ,sno , ,1 i U'e -..!vl..'h.V.Ml,;,t tlt.-tv can 1- ''Col o had not a. rived there f.o... A,cM.; . .. pat.a e no,,, .. ... .... .... .. ... , w , r , f , ... :i k J. 5. .',. . . . . . .I.'il I... .... .-I. -,..l lit. St nil llll 1 lie I I I I .. .r. ........ 1 I .... 1, , -f ....... I ....'-. 1 . 1 - aiiiiiia I ii.: iiio, ; ; i'.'ii on no 1: ;i r.ivc.uni. -' t. .....i.. ........ . ..... ...... i..j. ,,i... ;:,. , 1 , :.i. :,, ,.;i.n-; ,t , al V.'i,:r.'i,t"ti .ii.l.ell.i.i and Wari.-.,:..... --d. and has heoil aetn ely ei-pi.'."! 111 at- ' ,)itl unmlU li!t t.K,.v Mvjr ,, tl.((,l I'va'-r.. t..l V.:M,-,..rl,. .VitV-t- 1 i ' ,.,..,1.1-,. 1 .... 1 . :,. .1 , ,.,,1 Ini'diii'' all l.os.ihlo all to tho heliMii'tered I , . . , . , ' , ,. in ft- w. 'l-l- .-r,' it I. ' 1.1 1. , ,, ,. , ... ....... ....... . . ..... . - 1 ,,,, in 1 . " i"v i. ,' k 1 n- 1, 1 .... 1 r - v - , i'i, u hi, i r.'.-i .1 (Viiii his home, in (iei:i: uiy, 'raiif , I'.ny;-! I.o eileoi l!a I le ! 'in;: a 11 I ,y 1 1 . ,;i 1 rr. men t.i In o I -nr'.y. lloiicj We a.e ! iuve our ei nun v our 11 1 i 1. :i '. . la 1 1 ii 1 : ;t" I'tit ly le. i l'l', v. !::'!. .- I V 0 .. I'ei.ia; I'M!,' 1'"'.'.. W'c; c ci.aill, V its 1 '!.-, hi'.; -, vale.-, nri'in 'life in !::! v flee .tu ! le li.r:,. lhei.ll-.o e. ' ate 1 1 -lin.'-ra' -. .'tie ,hiiil, iije.iiin! i.i's ni.",n v. i-i. : n e '.-f.r noil'' 1.100:1111: i ; I , , - p,i -i... and lo 'pi . and i-i.joi ':.; ; i.a! to 11 h:eii Uii-v i.i e 1 li lit I,- !, -. iv hi;.- iii.m's i.'.ivt niiueiil tor white n.eli. I'd;- thi.- rea--'i: w e arc ! Vtsjw ::'. 'W de- Il .' IO -ee lie- ti(.-;;i in '.hat .,v .-it am 10 -.' hieii tii'-v hull' Iicmi 'lo-'iiied h ?iati:i e 'Hid .'.".:e'fc i''.''. rahie. !.n.- i'l in 'es. 1 ,1 f 1 ,:t .- ,, . .. ..,,,1 1 .Major .' !., with lii'V lil'iiinled inen, childhood, hi- :; 1 i s c.i. ps and Keiio..' dn l-i-iii to ii. u eh :1 .". iaue.- at I ul t Knl"-iey. on I hood loved to hear 11 1 flu' .-oft nppro;o. h .: . o i.y 'ii,,.'iKiiion' and11'' of the pii-rioi.s day, mid return-! ,,V(.., j,,,, in , lad . '. .. .. -.. . . . ...I ... S . 1'. i.l I ,, o ... .... 1 ... 1 r ,: 'Naii'l':.! p.. lo'iio.-. aii'l or." ..;v.i- ; .,,,, W'o wish nr I'ene.otis U wn)lii.i v h'.f't n '.; 1 1 e;n t a I !::a ;i to 11; -it'eh on to I . reen- ..1:1.:.-. 1 di l: o a ,i,.t t. , 11. .a i,"l 1. 1 : an l !.'.. tie; l'l- .-' t" .,1 ''. .N'.'i- ,.i ail' :p, a-.d Hook I'oi- ! Li-i-li ;i rt: ia , ,Ii i, . si.-t ; Vi,h-t, . - r J I . -111 '. mi. .. I ... 1 : .- . ,- t iv , . ,. io in ilii. !'"!;.,.:i L!. 11-t K--. o r 1.1:1 v. ,r ; :. ':." fariiili'vii of 11 li ao" :,:iil t.,,.., t iiiv li"' i d to St. 1'eler's al three o'cloi k on the iiiornii).' ef tin' 'J'llh. hi iti'-ina 1 1 , hod e.- .,!' M'vernl wn.u"n 11 h i lul l I, fen kliletl. j ' "M' I." Lie-si a nan nx ars woiini cnit,:,- . :,i,,. wv. .,, ., :ue . ..ti,: ,: 1 I'i.i '.,.1. 1 liaklcio'.Mau'k to Man .os.- us . ' 11 " 111 1 " ''" l.v 111 ' 01 ' " 1 eier . lie re-, cr 11 del l, e. e too ;, not HCi'l tli is otic , . '""' '-'. -. 1 : 1110. n-fir.. ports thai tl,e,e-:r:-t;o;i .t proja-iy ,- ; ,. .,.,,u..i, ,n m.iko our clliidrii.i .,.. Ciu y. ihl; 1"' ,'il, , , ,. ,. , iv- . i-i o . I our-elves love ueaiir and htm 1 11; 1 let 1:01 s ,-u 1 ac..e, 1 .-. e .1 1. 1 , u on , , ' late in 1 h'"llf-','i Hie ) ..'"o no call fur Jioiiie. 41 heart! j .Main-. .11. nut. l ai.tior. a i::..i in,.- .-'c P. .u el 1 was onieu-'lt. 111 lerp l" (tto'!i the forces of the vnemv iiiiieii hud p.i -cd down l 1 .Mana-.-a. thro' CI' i'i:.! ' y . lifj.l'ir-. I'vaii'i.-on, 1 Si n' '., ;-'...'-:., ralh . !'i) i-:;' im.) iu ciTi- 11 ta.r.i... !'...,.: ... 1. i i ' i'i- Mo,-!, rii-i. ViH'i, . i' a-n Ai-..!- j.'h Tfiir. tin- evening, .loinm;: mis nci nearu .n u 1 ls'.ii . jnu. j 11. 1101 . j A iir.'...., r. 7J, -.., y,,rk l'. o. ffolil there since, lieneral " il.lev a-ked 'I'a,. 11 .1 m: -ia-i . i- - I 1 . '.. i for a full rod lo he at one- sent u p, 1 unieraiS lilinier ana ftlClps tO lie JLX li r s..'. li-,,. I.v J. ..i. i. ,i. i:vv .w. il .ncd and etpupped ile thinks that a ' C'Cmeii as Ft'loilS. j I ti L'cr loree will he needed hef ue thr- In. I i.simi ohm: rj--no. CO. 1 iMli-i :u-e -uii'lue.i, as i ney may linve lour : V. .it I n ai -mi -i'. Ai.;itit I .. or live t!i, hi sand u .irriors to meet jooner ,n , . ,,; ( i . s r r.t i.'s 1 i ! n r. I; u n vosi orhiti-i'. ' Aueii-t Ll, ' j Major Cran-i, of St. Cloud, writes to the1 he ea-, M ;j. ! I ii !:t I I Hunter. )-..-! 1 l.ii :-rni r that a committee of Huh., oil. ,..-nt!v in niae I of t!,e 1 1 no. 's f -i , , . ' ,,1 u, izen-. :.p ,0111 ten 10 1 1-11 ine m-ciio oi iih- , .. , ,.. ,, -.,,.1 ( ;., ,, .... '.rien, . : '.o'ioii r.ii'.d '" ''''' t liiui'.ers. hit'ljus, returncl. I hey ijh-r i. n.-ritl I'he! :. ic.i:i:a.' c.niniia.d K:..;n j ii:.::i,.',i, wen: r.s far a-- l'inevilh , .Mid found t hat ! ;,f t :;i. ....,,.. v j,, (!,( .Slate of i. .:: i.-ian. their caiufs and l-.v- i"-:i two liutt.lretl persons ha.l Itoen kill- ,a- ... -miK-d and atii. d i:-io slaves Im-: f.,, f , ,,;.. . o.-i of 1.1. us. ed iu the vicinily of Uial place md I'.'or- ,,iilil ai y sej 1 ice s-mit t heir ma-l ers, , it j X I t i ' f S k tfl'tifOif y 11. o , .,.,I::,and pi:-hed way Luke. . i-t,- oi t h is c-n lei n i-.u-v : j , M.i:..;. ' :n tioa. The I iovertior i- r. cci vin; pain (ul ju'ti- Al,d tl." p v.-r:t:itet,t of th. I ti.., .- ii"ii:'s lion- lor inn to 1 rote.'t llm lives am I pro. 'nivd .-:a!. -. !.a .d to m,v..-r ; '' 1 . ,1 ,.- I.-I ,' ir SI, ,r,,. I .... . U.,.. ... , , , . Ill a 1 vi nee. He re i.e., 1. 1 ov ii ,, o, '. en 1 . '.' ......... . . ... 1 ...... ... ...... njo .u. - 1 , u ia t l.i r i:-l e. j.. 0: ,' 1 ! 1 !-..,';.... - ... -. ' . .1.. M t ....,: ' ... . . ... . . I! -VI. 1,. all. I look l.,e luinpii-.e lou.-ir,!- ' '"J"? ('eisoi, nave oeeu 111 1- ! s 1 1 s aie-t i, 'I,, 11 1 id k thus .'!l t ' ' i !.0 MO.'O Ot 0'".r . Gi-ili lit .i ft' j.j, V, ai'leli'o.n- IP mil. lul'l iili-ll -1 miles ,-, .....m:: 111,11 ,:,.,. tile " ' V e 1' I , i 1 1 ' I . I la- 1 1 1 1 e I - wi s'. .! '. ntr.-ulie hv ' ien-. Mel ion ell '"'t I'itrtiallv harve.-ind. S1 ' ; ; ; , " " ' 1 ... ..... 1 . ... .1.;. r v i-' ,;,.. 1. nu .-.eel. , .... ....... .,. ...,1 . ... ..e, 1 mi 10, 'oj,,pi:, .u ,,: sii"h u k J.ale ', hi iilt.'l lioon a si'Vele Ii't.t took ""i. uu,u, m m imii h.i iii-i 0 0 1101 11- a SIU Vlll. ' pia. c, V hi. h h:i- hecn lertiunalod hy ihe oie lo recount . . ( tideied. That Major ,luk,e-s. I ho oneiiiy Ha-ihiven l..iek al , C.O . li A M L S l'Kt I'.LA.M A HON Mid I'.l i-adn-i ti. n.-iai l'l,.-!,s, I ,. d, the opponents of "'I J-.nits, mid tlnw tin. atl'.tir rests.- . Coverii'.r h'amsev. of Minnesota, h '.s is. ,-'1' 'u'hl and Ire."'-,! as p ihiie . :.. il-utole in favor of Ilcintadrnan's crps will riovu 011 Ii Ml slH-d t he followine'i iroclamat ion : the ( '.,i;le,lcrate S;at.-. lot :- the i"; ' Ca'.i. -ville l:i 1 his ,.,; Utdv, whiol. ad""l''y- The hht continued unti mo-, in ; don :i to Mai.a--s.-is ilii-oiiuh Tfi .r. .'"' -v,''"''-': N"i Inn- lu. .1-. I: 1 . 11 hit 1. iiiii I ii.. IM I.'.i. .:' 1 . I . .1 1. ill',-li !i l.t I" II 1 ' I- t a. eolllpli-li'-ii. I ., t ! In r.-u,;ii 1 iie . lo l.o: lie-; .id.-. ,'!;! Hi'- 'l ei e 1 --.-ill- i . ;i; ,.--e l.e :nt 1 lu'ii.y k. 1 ;u '':nr' to. i.i -li :','- . r-etitv '."ii A ". 1 p ," it hy the Wo !: 11 : v t :, t 1 '::. - I In-- i)..o ' 1 : '. 1 . 1 .' ciitiv, -;.: :- lo: ', " I 111 I'.il I ' -pi"'!-' !,i I ,. j,,;,, ,UII ,;!! : . 01. - eh-u ! i u-Jy 1 hat a. 1 idl' :'-, to Kite! fefe uitii lli-.i -uin: dn il ion v.i! 'is tinl' lin- in' "!p:!"u- rli .iii iv!.' '; i i",ni- pi I "f an a':, -t cii'lie-:- v.:: ;. '. - !.i::il 1'ie II-.''- !. 'o t ! '' the lllo-t li !,i', I '. ihu I hi- eail -e, A a a: e .' ' oe. ats. We I e!te'..' that our I'oln.tiy ', .., ;: preeipli.itvd fi oui I he hi.' he t a.iuoa,,! .., piospei-iiy and uiinc!- :i !! ii.,--- !,, h. lo'.vet '.ale of popular hi.',' aan .' ml tl' ll'oiih'.e, no. 1 ,-iy hue. in-, hall ei'.,.: pi'litieal pi.','., ,.,'pl, ..-. ;i,d ::;p;i loot hi;.;, iiod:. s tio-I 1 1 '. ie u-r 1 1 1 11 iiolilii an,- l.a.i' a:!.!v alt. 'iiit.ted lo tali,- o,.t ,,iie link aiai "l.iCi .liL-ksO.. a id .7.: v , ... illiM .'..IN'' ! N n. i:,r i'hi. 1: rl!',- ' le of iii!..:!..... ail tin loai'i"!! . i'a-, ed them'-. -'ve '- ! I"" '. If"" en, 'ili a .-d t '.e in- i'i- o! : 1: : . s than io- 'ii.- -Ill es ol I ! .i! ml i,,n ser i ,.' to pi even I I lo ir 1 , p. '. 1'. ., n."iri. 1. I. V S T :: A a i'.l :tup: . ,- :.t t. to' 1 .f I h .1. j." .'" a" i i . -r t ii i- ea-a-'j 1 :! may ' I'.oei"., . 1 I,.!, the 1'ni. 11. Wo know thev hni a.. la Il -l.t trf)-ii eauvvt.le. ninl I '!' ii"t , ....i ... i.ruin 1: ,11,' mivvvw. er- . ainl tin t in 1 1 e ev. nt i ii!-o kti'ir.- !h..n i: i ; 1:0 iici-'u d thi:.e ha' -n' h" ,i' h" is to "-ca, r w ii hoilt hea vy lo-s. ; " ' '' ' I her of them, or that of ,a:iv hvpoerii- to id theliwrv oflleaveii W e ha ve cap 1 11 1 cd a thousiuid prison. ' .' , i inis-ioiicd olli,,: en. I ; .-i'i ;n .. 1 .. . : . ... . .' ....:: 1 ... it . 11 -I " I 1st,'' 1 . ' , to serve the dev ll in. Albeit thevuere ei s. nuiny :irni-. ai.t one ! u-ce o; in iii.e.y. - - - - 1 jr.inir.ili - or I n-; I lie! 1 1, l' f 1 1 V ( s So-Ill ill ,Ull I''h, Mal.-tifll. ii - .-iuua 111UIU115 noon our ne.-'.eru ,,,, M.iuM. iiisr.virii iTi.ii t!K. i-ii'i:. 11 r ll,,(l AlirkllS, ri.:i. li 0 lillTI.K. I I '. I .l . I , 1, 1 ,.l I'llion Ue 11. s':!., th, -, ( .I'.u .1 ti stole tin.' I'moti. ho'.voicr !ioi.--st they mijtlit he in iheir int- titi'-i... I.ecf.ise they pull dltl'eri cut .lay., and !i e an'.aL'' i,i-t ien.odi's hr : 1 1 1 1 v ; : 1 ' at the "i and 1 e.-u It . I'iiisi-r.h ,.!i,- ,f 0 a v ' war. .I I' ir r..i- ! . " . p 1 "ai- .- 1 1 10 ,. 1 a- 1. a . a 1. v ions. I'!i Cnioiii-iu of some 5 orli' n 1 unit and equip theu.selve, t:i- all Ihe Stales: hut 11 '.;.,.....,:..:.. , 1 .. :. i- r .... .. ; 1 1 1 1 .. 1 ... 1 .... : .1 . ' . . . ill the lield. 1111 ""i" -'"''' a ien oa.i s ii.ii. icieiy i.j uiiii 11111,' in,-,: oUoia ,l,.,u!.l nil lltrir nuiiit' Hli'l :i.l'lr.'s ' (in.' 10, ;n . ,111 e 1 1" im 1 -e ca : aii'ii or in sou an s 111 1 :e .,, o,i mi , voiun 1 eel lot ' il I ear- . iu,v iuih-it nr I'l l vnt.i, or ..-:' , 1 111 a'.v a .a uiicli exhau-led to 1 !"' ''l'l-'' " comin lU'lin;: the f-xpeoi- or lite vai. and their (p:ota of vol 11 n e.-i -. rumtiy. tin vnej k 11.01 ! I . (' :i Ii 'i e ,' u I ". lion now If.OVll," ill, Ihe Jliiua.-i.tii la-el' tor Die drill ol hlllllll'll nn I 1 lo'- nine -nrrini; uii-iiteiit, will .ciii,:,. 11, i.y fi: ii'i.i," ic 1 1 111 t lie -" u a .'I .1, - 1 1 i 1 ne ,,iij:i!l'Mi;i rail' l ' 1 1 ill. ill a ; I 01 i.ui'.ni h lllllllil ,'!' l;. - -....ii as hit!-. t,ll;e scene o! ho-tihtus. Ihe dhior tnoi.ths. :it.d .-onie have he dull le 11110I,, ' . o. .: I . I I :. ' 1 . tu f'otii .Man- in". nf; ine r. j 1 u 1 1 ;ui: i;n- 1 ecu 1 eiioy i-i c 11 now- 11 is ueioneii e i.e.l er 1 111 mav oruer. I'v or,.. 1 . S- C'l ' 'l'lili, Ad't and li.'p. C, I, of.Niw i-ii. "Ian 1 1. 11, -t thai of the horder Slate-, nor of ll..- in.ijoiity in IYim-vlva-n ia. New Yai k. 1 Hi nois und I Iii io. ll.e C:.ioiii -111 o) the I Vaii'i-l at ie 1 -e v 1. ,1 .1 ... , ...,: 1 .... - 1 , .,, .I...-1 .. 1 1 ,,,,.,:..!,.- ,) .. 1. l.v ..:. .1. itorse., an .ai tie.' e. i'.-el V :' ,1 pi iluaples 1 oil .i:. i l.' :':.' ': ' . V -i . in the Consiit ul ion. and governed hy the v, hi- h im- i:... ultimate decree- o! the Supreme ('ourt of 1 'ul' ti' - ai ' the Coiled Shit.-s. I !:i thi- iid'Ollul Ifo I"1-'' I'l-itii : -. ! are 1 ..'inueiiiis. c uie of tin- t.i I.- ., ........... i..- 1... , .:.. 1 .John 1'., :!,!'- , Whl- i-Hv ii'o-u iS.-lU. i.o.vcr In- " I "i t 10 01 "i toe inr ill 1 tor inioiy reasons, no ueier .tiatlliiu' lor a -uee.'e. ed in'.etl!!' atnoii'lit ,,,'rat- The .-t,!.lV is still 011 our f.ont, hut ''X "-'""' ' ''at may arise. M ca-UI cs W ill shot t pet iod, t ill It is a-, elta ined 11 he! her , .1 1. ..:....' 1.1 L. Il,..v u,.. t -..ii. .1 10. . I,.,-.. I..-I .etlll'l in 'l'l Mil I 11' oeei-li'lis hi 1110 .-il- .'" ".'. ..... .v..-. ... . . . . . . Mi'Mi.-Cent '.vhen thev lui.e come in tnc:., killed ar.d wounded. ' """'..k must ,e suppi ami in l heir nroporli.u.s o 1 ho .1 ' 'O men 1 e - I'onlict iiiih u'tr parc'iu lien. ' he am! fi .111 the .'.ppcaianc-o! t!,e field th s H'h n.iiin-r as will loievcr H event its .iiit cd as volnntt ers, instead of half !' I'cmoeiiitieKiitv iiavin.' never ih lie this, ci.f.i.y lost at lea.-t two to our ore. '''"I"' ",K'n- tl''l' draft etl troops. Sevcial of tl,.: ii,;v- iherelore lie aic 1 .einierats. He Mood s ietly on Cue '.hd'eiir iw, and I oarntisl ly mCn upon the settlers of Ihe el'iio.'v have lor licit pill pose, already p". ihe J.emociu,-.- km. iv -. l"i North '10 'i erv ;.- anil w 1- "madi? Iv ourselves. frnn 1 ici that, while ink in all proper pre- 1'fued. To: instance, the (ha ei nor of Soiilh, no lhisi, 1,,', W,-t. hut t iie Con'-i , 'iir tumps holiav.d sph-ndidlv. caul ions for Ihe safety of their hunilies Maine has extended Ihe time to tl. 11 1 lit. ;..! and the law-, tor'lhev oohrare id! The hit lie mi- JouHit or, the" i.Ienlieal . h"mes they will not ehvo way to any ; ' St', the iie; nor of Indiana lo Ma-lions imd make, and ir oh-erved will La: tlo-fic'd ol I'-iill Kun, w h ieh ,'aet po oat- linnecccs-i.r alarm. An-imeiit of iii-; 1 '"' ljh- 1 '"' ' .lV0"""' l'.-nii.-y!v:inia continue, them one. K T. i imu s I'm-.! increased ihe eiuhusiasui ol our men. faulty, together with three hundred civ- ! lo 1 1,0 ,1'1' a"! 11 ' ""derstood t ho I iov- has no! ost its s i,.r.ifi..i ;,. a,., 1. 1,- I he lie lis tils t I caches us front I lie fron I ail V. have Deen ot ilei-fd to t heir eletiso pl ",,r '" 1 " ' lltotlu o r !'.', 11 : l ; a : ll '"'. ' -.eii-. I' 11 i'l c.m, 11 ' I. -tails III.' J I. 1": a- : ..'i!i,' V..r. !-. .1 A 11 Iot f " 1 V. . lie- il.,'-.-- "f a!' ' NT, a ."a :''!.' !!'.:!" I':. -...!. f ir v .-i'l. 11 :l'l 'l,;.'.i! A:, I It' : , I I ...II lo, lo t I. hoiitiel have risen III hll"" lio, lies, ul v,.,u ,,,,, i,,, ,).. , ., ., il the settlements, and at- i.iurde. in- i,llt h' Id iu i lo,,-' , ,.;' nm, ,'.1 tor , men, women mid chihlitn. 'Ihe rj-ii:" ,;,, , c.i .....1. ,; , . ,. I..,,l-..l.,., I,n,.' ( ;'.i..e-V'lll.. . : ,,.-......,..... ...I -...I .... I.l' I.-... . .. .. ' 1 inii. .11 jl. 1, ... u .... .., ...... . , . 1 1 , ,. 1 .- . win 11 nn, .lli'l I A ' 1 ll,. ll.'lll I ll. I ( J;e j 'i'.. ; , h iu;.'. .,0111, .) a. n. 1 : Ktpi.'v to ihe southern hounilai y (.1 I ho ,. .i.'-r .1. r..' 1 1, if .el: u .(..('. ,11 'Srtte. I ...lin fruiii raid, na-l :t :t-itn.t We fouitht a terrific halth) here ' vestet- . In ll.i-extremity I call upon the tnilii- Yet.lMKF.i Vu,i- t'.s-. ten ., - iu" : "'''"'"' "f I 'j'-! . dav with 'tlioeoiel.incd , trees of the one- ut ll.e valley of the Minnesota the goveriimtnt al Washington have :,pp... ', 1 ';'tur,l ul tliU ,.,,,,,.-,.( ,.1, iiai .01 in. ui .1 .nu n 1 ai "i nn, ii. ,,,,,.-. 1; ,;,.; . 1.,. ...,,, : 1. . . ...1 . 1, '. 1 ,,- , . . 1 ., i- . ,1 , , . -'''U ihri-ri U gs imii Im given I r 111 v. winch la-ted, witli contiin.ous tut c, . " " " J""""S ""-ii "w '". "..'. .-. 0.1 ""'.. hi m '.,;., .a,,,. s i, ! li" 'ia 1 M 1 v. !,!.. I' , ,-. i'l, '.'""., rr ,.. , ,, I I- , - 1 :r . 1 i -.", na.l nl! 1 r-.,io ,-r:; I K !:: I, !la .1 ! s many o, Die a'.e- n,v f 1(u. n,,rk, nn, ,,1. , ,,, .,.;, ,!, ,., S'-I'nlillt III' it. Ill, ill .'Hers-, 1'ii-ttiin't. r.i. ria l r.i!vw-iu A .tit- will In- I'liriii.-lii'il willi a :' a', . r'pli'.n I'r,. .-.i .-;ii. nn iif 1 liiailiiiti tu the l'ul.'i ;; --. ".'l. . 1 it" I "t r.,.'i -,'.'nll ijllt 1. ! r J' it 1 '1 i not send to the war, '"'.7 '""ft -1.7' 01 tki nj'j,f,'..,o. traitors who would ornet iea'llv rni-'i' iiis- tiint thf eiie'mv if r.-treatir.g towards the d with the volunlary troops now heing ! I'r''1'-. '''deed it is unpossihle lo ha .. .. j.1.r... ..1 roll l,ii Ihn V ( .1 f .. t i-, ......... 1 Ve 'I late and loree evptt one out nt the ir.nnv, tnoii r, tin ns. 1 go forward at once i'i-c 1 the fronliei .seitlemcnls will speed-j ro" ,or '' Slate pi pared sr.oner thai instead of 1 . i,der:ng n, ,., , us due, so We huvetii;u)e groat capture, hut 1 am ily he j'hiood heyond tlangei that fro::! tiie many, i.civ he hutoNK not ahln yet ti form an idea ot t! eir ex riei'ir. tent. jSignetll JXu. 1'OI'L, M.j.-fii-n i i 1 tv 1 '1 hen: i-, pithapn, no m-tituiloii in Ihecountii that hns heeit lN' 1A Y' LATEII. so in ,. -ii-i,i:tu.ii iiuinig the war as tin in n I 'nv ("ul lego, of this ei:y,nd cprlaiii' iVi.rx Mir.ri Kamskr . r.AKTOK Til K KKHKLLIOX. the middle of'ncxt month. X, , y(1 '"Ml-. n. 'Hli IIISTOKY iF AM F.l! K'A .'. MAN fl ACTrUKs, KKo.M 1805 To 1860 hy hr. J. hianuliT hidHip, 2 vols., Svn. Vol. I. tii.w, Vol. H. ni arly reinly. Tliis i iho lurgi'st ninlm,..,t 'inj.iirtiint wa tl nut in (I,... Au oi ir:iti pre.,. Woliiive iiImj j,St puLll-hid la w lili n) ( III.' lellililV -,.rl ftJ ..,.,,1l.r III' '. Nil. hUs loss MAN'S ioL'i.Ah Alv. 1 :'.r.U. U. S,i,,, 'j.,,., , . i aJii,-:iiii. ' a- in.-, iK-.'oriliiis t . I,i,v ' 1 : i." :'i ;'..-! nu I Latvt i... , 0 , 1 -,.. I'.i. i, f I. ol'i'UU I'VW i i lis J'.';, iM-i'-i'LY. ei h Thousand t I-,-,,., -L .,, ""..t-.. M -. H-'ti. tl. lid. ..' 1'. '...t.'V.-' ! V noil.,- 11.01 e d. M'l-K-dly so. I his ii iii 65,'f'I). A. Muhonev, editor of the I)eh- A. J. V 11 ti Vorlte writes n follows : : 110.110 Ileriihl, lately arrested and taken lo 1 . : til... . 1 , ' . r 1 !.-, I-1 I uf.'lif, I... 1....... ; , r 11 is ett mi. i n uiai ui.-sa'.i-iiiciion hns w .. ,,, .1001,11011 nn r,,i,i existed in Ihe various trihus for somo . -ingress hy the Pemocialie convoiiiieii " file (aviirahlo hope :n-pired hy tiie last weeks pnst, in ronspftuetiee of the dclav uf his district. Mr. M. is nn uhle c iiior. Uroiv'ii. .. ...... .,..1 ,..,, lispntch from ( ien. i'l'pe vmi dooiui'd to of I he government in nu.hing tho annili'i ,1'ih1 a man of fine ahility. In IT'M.ilath.. tV.- l.,,..Vs. Tl..y will ,-...y tl..- !, in, 'nt i.e.. 'i.i ;: which ha- so Into- taken ihe h :eM.. "im- the saddest disappointment. The fol'.Aiv- '.vmcnl ; hut no one dreamitd ofuwid! ew Lyon was elected lo ( 'ongi e..i in Ver ''"M' l:v"r-vI 1 rn,l .....ih : .... 11 . Inmnl ulnlu Ml till.,.t nl 'a . i-TiIH. pattii g 10 Nout'g men ,. tho,-,-: ugh nractis i,,g d,sat h dated on Sumh.v la-1 - , ' , ' , ..V ""'," nnngei '- r -'- "' "'P''i...r. nmler . ' ntll I .rfll u ,lll..!ll'll,LII'll,iiii 1. ,,,.1, I, ...... n.. I III.- .-tuition I.l. w 1 1 rk 11 111" n 1. 1 - , .11.1...., , , - - v ....:.. -a f-v- ; --, lm. ll,l" 11 IIIPM. itl,K. nri' l!i:t:it',t lll'l l'.l a hai, ','-'" ' ''a : My last " " " 1 ' 11 " I II 111 1 H 1. ,..1 . ... i' T . It I 1 . . . ' " ' A 1 ,,, -uhteil in ii toron ,.i ,.i,,., """" "nu in our iisi.iirg ami rr i.,.n Lnstil.; to cue h other. This Inei AUm than at I'lcetil. The perfection c f its Ult' "'''""'s''8 Monday morning, in eonriection with t ireum.tfineos whieh dull is trtiiv wonderful, us mav he see- in ivc 'l"i'-e a d;!ler..nt asj .'t to the con- have come to my knowledge tv. thin tho the woikma.i.hipof its graduate... wleh dit ion of tff.iir-from tl.-.t which w is an. 1 """t f, d."vs, eonvince mo tht it in n chalieiigs comp.iii.on with that ol :u,v . , ...t ... I I, ;t, i , . ,. t l,ftrt ' ,he f'" d ' preal lehellion. o'hoi similar iiiMitution ,n Ho- world- . 1 , " ,,'"n1"'1 t""""al M.-tjor fialhraith w rile, Iron, Fort H.dg- (', I ,!..,- 00. e.m I,.. ,,l,l-one,l on , t , . .1 ;. .0 , 1 1 il ispiitch ot S.. t u I day ),mi.M .s dit- l.i t o t he fiovcniof : to tiie prmcipnls. .tonkins A Smith. -.s. '"' !'1 'htir.e-vi le. lie ti,en spoke ol .r All ti e Sioux Indians rn np in amis, I V ,,e Pnemy with tt.eir F.nlield nil M .1- . ',-. f.o.-. f,?"The I'emocincv are never tiniid ite-1 I v the traitor Ahulitio.Ho ," .'i'-i-f " r"' i I it . t' price. We it.v ,nrti.-.i!.ii uti'iiti"" to mailing li nks, wi.ippi.if; ti.r'.i ia:r. lii:li , m.'l . WTlie Xlti,;tInt,lli0.'nr,-r ill nccoun. 1""'""' ,l,ul nl, ".:t--iid. nay i"" 'i ui.y wl,..r., ting for the failure of U,t. Hunter co ored "" r""''l'",r "' ' r'i'-'v '-' ' -ii. -"' 1 brigade, ..y,-.. "w hite soldiers hud to he -iationwl round '.ho negroes' c.i ii.i eve- HJKKDI.KY .V CO., .... ,,i .1.. . ... . .1 m : , . - SF .1. .. ...mi :o prevent them Iroin desertlin' iriBUne iJ'JlimitL'fl, AW xui PI tW...',.r,.ini whi ili tu ) . u ;. I'i.'ti." r.iit I" --- . . . ,----,,. . t i , ..... . .. P',n. nun w mil in nil . . i'i, suing Jnekson hut hv tho folloiving dis- ,n(ll'tl'1 imuiHtely murdering eveiv .Am f . the 4W'..'t..k'. say "ant. the no- f th. hsi utkrsilt bo .Ichth I m ilu'y r.n ..! t.'i'ch we fl.t.l hi,,, n. I . i i white person nnd tievgkt.-iting the pountrv 'ne! '" ave a huiol-oii tu.iu i.i tho i.ur...ue if limy el to l,ei:i- H-'h 1,1 "' ""r whl, l-ree ve hTP h,,, , ittl ,linut f,no hundred . n '' i .M l ,, tflp'. r ' , , , ' fn J-r. Cok .V C. I'liHii-h-r- .n,ti. u,id m -fm,ev,ll 0n tlie of fifty eflicent men, moalv -....drilled W ' cL ... IV ,s ""w v'mI,1 ,"vir-v i:""' Vork - . j i.iar eyening. , nv 2.i Fl-y. rh.l. 2 .t jnly 1. 1 1