Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 27, 1862, Image 4

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    i f
I t i
t ?
i m im At. rnu.sis
I 1 t -I I
,,. ! . ' ! im I
I ll I N ( I'
I t..
I i i osli lid
n i oil- I i I ill Ii' '
I Ml. ll Ii l'l lot I liP 'l " lit
I'll III lit III" I 'II III 'I I 1
, 'll ill , HI I It III Mil t't'l I -
lilt I ll'' SI III" n'Ml I I
il II I. rlil. I. In k ll nil I Mill ,!' Ml 'I
iri.l (he CliM-i mil woild I Im '"l In il
, ' 1 1 i imti It'll into the tiiintli "I tul'ilts
,l chililliti t'-pri in ly, limn 1 1 1 ill I
nvo .io liii'i"l a n-volution in public sen
nu l l w hii h lil H iiil'cd ill H c!nh i.f
in, a broken I'ii. on, mh1 a ruined pec
'o. Men dollied in cli i ical inl.i i, Ihivii
itn neck lc oi k poliicd tin' pui-ntHim
1 ol' N-nii 'inil inn into I lie luiii'li ot 1 1 n i r
fillets, llll til lll'7 IlllVII UIt'llod lh
riet and ni'i-t vindiitivo possums, iiP'l
il red Id 'im ii iti I Im land i hisc elit es
llllMll-d t,l lilj.-nU V llll'l 'I'CUutl lll'lll
ui'V tent ini'ii iii tiii ilov .1 of i III did
hoy mo foil my; lii in 'oiiif, about Mtk-.i-
u hum (hey niuv d.-voui, Wo sir il
in' jn M pined by tin- pro in
linpin about tin; i mn Im h has Lei illeii
iir beloved country, could he draw n tt'.iiy
nd faithfully, il it on lii sti rile (hn.ii pro.
.tin 1 !K of (toil's snored desk, ami cr.;-o
,ietu ( shrink back
ill lui lio r lit tb
ork nl Hii irown hnntlr. I hi'v Imvo lui
."tten the hclv (iil'in to whnh thev iia
iif. Insti'ini ui'pi-i-d, hiiiciiiisi itii.iiiiiu
i iicil ' U. lis (hey in o insti iK'teU In iln bv
iinr Itivuifi IMn-ttl', tlicy in n ciilHinuuilv
ulil'liiig in (Im c!i:ty jiolnii'iil pool, until
ify Imve brouphi n'j'i oiu'Ii iiikji) ri'liyioii
:hI 'Ji-jitrurtioii uj'on the iviuntry. Many
T tlnTii Imvo nt doubt ciittiiki'ii lannii
ui lor roii viol ion cf liHy, while oiIhub
iiivc bt'on uioinitoil by hinislcr ino'.ivo.i.
mi. rJ, ho far Im thin evil jiniviM-rl ami
o It .H' fill are i(a ivsulls uimn die iOnihir
nin l, in sumo portions of lh cnuntiy, it ii( almost iluii'iiroiM fur a iiiinis'.tT
.film Uospol to pui-fiuo his loitiiuate
alii'i', confiriiiif; himself Mrietly tlieit'to.
Hie populuoo demand that lit ahull inako
,ii"vvn liin political Ri'iUimunlK ; his con
n ;i.tion requiivs tiial he should eiuinoi
. t hoso seiiliment? from the Huered di'sk.
!f his oj'inions coincide with thwiri, uml
ii" expired theui fieely, they uro eon
iot. If, on tho other lianil, he tliigree
i;h lli'jin. they (linmiKa him without cer
iiiony , or refuse to hear him preach. If
ii ronvietionu of duly tench him to be
iletit, lTunliiiy his poliiicul opinions ns
.iin own privnto property, to ninko a dis
day of which would mili'nte -tith bin nii-
'.ion, ho in suspected cf disloyally, imj a
demand U made for a confession or u res
gnuiion. If he proclaim! tint hi calling i to
.reach the Gotipel and to nUtnin from all
-eeular riflairn, in imiletion of Him. who
leclared His mission was not of this' world,
lie is branded ns a traitor or something
worse by fanatics. While these remarks
ire applicable to ministers of many ot the
hurehes, we do but justice when we Fay
hereure other churches coiupuriilively
ice fron this groat and falal eiror. Thero
iro also gr.od and pious men, occupying
oulpits of churches inost afllicted 'itli
. his plague who have not forgotten their
liny, mm mi., inittj Bieniiiasiiv ma meir
and who nave
laces against it. MarisnlieCd.) Rvvrcv,
, , . .
IDE COLORED KEgiments. 1 ho l'rOVi
lenco Journal speaking of tho regiment,"
ii coioreu soiuieu propose u ta tie raise a
id rode island, says:
lwenty-nve names were entered at the'
fiint!ZwTdJ2 fulh M"inr'
irn ih yi, ? S'rUS f
enrolling loernseives lor service) in the at-j
my of the United States. Individuals
lui'.. i..jn lii.ra I r,,n. IV... . ny.,.n... .. .1
. . .
. v . u ...'ii. I'liL-vviu rim
other New Knitland .States to learn as to
the probabilities of tho regiment being lt"lt m" pver? '"ction of tho country ahoundt,
raiscl, that they might recruit for the 'tlP"" puhliely known, who have boon res
,u . ii, ,:.. i i... ..; tored bv lis lire. Here i one raf of an
'ante in their respective localities. Ifj ASTONISHING CURE!
there wera no doubts on the subject, we,' Tan hat Ckrtipt. That mv son l.'y .ick for
think a regiment could be recruited in a twelve months, under the L'octor's car, with tho
very short time. I disease of the l.uug. and uvcry remedy presenk.
A Michigan officer, who was recently at rd b? t6 Doctor failed to giro relief, I save up
Port Roval, S. C nnd saw 'jt-neral Hun-. 1,11 '"'f' "W'T " ltJ the physician
ter'a late black reirim.-nt wriiea ' At tl"8 1 f're v'a'1'"' UP" b"n t0 try
I .. . j , i - i -ii . of LOUDON A CO S. INDIAN KXI'ECTOKANT.
I witnessed their drill exerc so a short MlJ the rult most happv, B, tho .mo of
tuuo before leaving Port Koyal, nnd il was three bottles effected a permanent cure, und be is
iruiy amusing. During tne exerc. ses tl.ey
piariiced them in the manual ol arms and
loading imd tiring blank cartridge, and :
tvhen the conitnand -fire" was given
icrly one. half of I ho line aquaMed and
iro.ped down, Inghlened at the nntso oil
llie guns in their own hands. I also cm !
fersed with several of them, 't hey told
mo they never expected it of the Yankeer
to make then fighl ; that they could not
light: "Me drnp right down gone dead, 1
;ct so scart !
Tui Foot' that e Kit. ll is told by a
.piuint old svriter, that the Curil.s, thiise
caniiiba'.s of early Wca'. Iiidi.i hwlory.
used to declare 'tl.ey could distinguish tin
Englishman when cooked, from any oilier,
ho wus ho rich and succulent.' There can
tie no doubt that the diet has a good deal
lo do in producing plumpness and mus
cular strength also. The greater weight
and vigor of the Hriiiah. liava ivou for
them many a battle field, fro.ti Ciey ami
Angincourt, down to Waterloo and Ink
erinan j and tho l(ritih, cuiifeFSfdly, ate
the best led people in Kuropo. In our
own country, the men of the mountains,
luey nve to muen in tiio open air, Uutilso
because their food is so nutrition". Is it
not worth our while tu inquire what soi l
(A diet it is that produces these results?
Why is the Englishman Monger than iht.
Frenchman T The solution is, that a ju
i.ciously mixed diet is mote farnrahlo to
. Igr.r and long lil'.j than one purely ani
mal or vcgntai.le ; nnd that tlight!y oleag
incus fi'oj is betlor tilled ttigive weight to
the , and beauty to the form than
one of a ditierent character I'hiLtie'pMt
A iSick Commi'mtv. The talk about
drafting soldiers has hail a very bad effect
in Massachusetts. The Newbutyriort Her'
all .iays :
We don't know that xo ever knew it so
s.ckiy in iNewburyport as at pieM-ut, A
dieaHP has suddenly fallen on tho male
i opulntion, between tho ages ol If and 45
that dTects tliu head and the heart, the:
trutik and the limbs. Il is ditrsing to
witi.e-s otne tf the cases. Several hare1
t cutted where men havo neiuly Ion their1
i- i;lit ; (hey sav that as bad
as they hate;
ti.e rebelk, they could not see across the
-licet ; and stiectacles uro in great demand.
Mime are Lnlv ruptured, but they wete
over troubled by it until ln-t week ; and
'bora are lnrir. This disease nfJiets the
:a ns ivc;i n tne oonv, j nrv aee war
u iliflerent light thnn formerlv ; anil
me rf the foremost emr.neipstionists be
in to t'jink thai they would b wiH ng to
oandon the negri, if th war could Se
closed Uoiic. 1'hn it terrible diaeaae
aad widvy nrJ.
m ft
tl ML I '
t lr tin- - 'to bis pen 1 1 1 n a 'V I
mi I ii m iM in hm eiiwii
Til il ' ll''- '!"' ll li I'SV ll'l fcil I
I 1 1 i !i' must i , t wn
Mr ! HIM f..l a "rtl'." It l l if J "H M' I
Vt ill I lk., i fl '.iiii Imir In I n f-r a
I, Mil,,!,
nil ii.
So com situ.. iiil l" li. k.
I'm I'lfinttti In lh mull (" itu 1 1 I ln iii ml ' i k.
1 Ii r rut.. mi j ti'mlily I'" it.' l
( h Ii;? i u?!-'m ' ft Iiii;"
Us, nil up' i'I'tii -In" riw"t' nil nf kn,
An I ji.u'll iiUiii dud linn '',n. .lii in - fUi (.
,t ti rirmiiii(' nil I J mi II In
I.:k Miol.i (,'.Cfti if ul.l'
I'!' im H h I tli'liK'it I. mi I I'Xt'Uiiu
I ho linl: lull Hi't l"'f ii I 'M.
Vi- l' .'i't f'trt t tlif .l.i''" -in ()rnt.iun' Huw ,
nh'iif 11. f1 1 ii in ti iti'ir ln'i.
SAMI'LI. l'l.rA.J AN l'.
r:, :irlii !.(. .Inn I". 1 -flJ. - -1 1".
(ioods! (ioods!!
iii;i.n, w i:vku a- o.
I', I' iufl ii. iw iii'.'iiinv' ii T' i I 'fS" 'V'?"
lil iiisi.rCnindf Si:.Sll.Al!I.R OOltS
mil tliry i Ilur nl e x c o I i n s I V lw Jtiulh
Kir.( etuiif first m'rve.l, Miy l'-.
Steam Eninneiuul l'ane Saw-.Mill
all complete, t'nr ulc.
TKAM KXiJINK, f. ll..inj? tlitin iis'n.n-
I'vlin liT IU inrlii' in ili:imi'tir o( Imtl', with
1' 4 ("ft i i.k ii ; ttliil vnlvm niili i'ii-t iruii ln'tl-
platfc, or shear, liith li ric piin.('. Ii.n'riitr uml
II y lvhutl, ti t'., ('iiiiifilt'tti ; willi uii.i r uml oilier
I'i'r( TWO IliilLKItS 3( inilif in ti in ii i-1 1-r,
J'iuIjIo llui'il, III f('i-t luiur. i'f pnoil inntoriiil .In
ninlu Irtin.) fly wlu'til Ii' ffft in d;nui"lfr, nliout
I'. OH rf, wt'ijjbi, wiih oil i;lnl)i'n, iin.1 nil iii'.'t'.-'nry
cmLn uuJ u leiii'lii'.. : nilli extra Hhut't t nli.n:li
lo lirint-Jlill Tho Kn'in" Iihh ttivn n-o.l
runuint; bolb (irint nnci Haw-mill stu'ee i'ulJ v.
P AUK'S 1! K S T 1' ATKNT cnr.p!( wiib
Katchi't llonil-liliifkn, Twn Circular Shwi, Sliup.
and nil noci's.-ary muoliini'-y fur mwiux Luiubur.
The uIjovb I'iuint nn.l S.nv.miil cnu le neuu lit
Oialiniiiiini, CicnrGuld county.
jZVtFot pnrtitMiliim, pliiiKK unply to tbu pro
priotur, u( rlinrfielil, Pa.
JA3. B. OIlAflAM.
Junt 25, 1662.
Administrator's Notice-
"VfOTICK is breu v given, tbt Ulten nf Ad-
Xl uiiiiittration on thu etati'of Hon. Dtajamin
iioDnall, lit lc of llrudy township, Clraifield conn-
It, tlert'iitte.J, have been granted to tbn and. rsin- " rcauy viiiuiioiu improveuieiii i mo ihk"
'd. All iirmoni indelited to itaid e-tnle are r er prieed luai-hiDes." PennrJ ill imia ll.
qnend to inftke immedinto payment, uti'l tliuse
having Mniuif ngninst the iniiiti will present tbein
dulv Autber.tirateJ fur e(tliiient.
I.EVEK KM'.UAL, Adm'r.
tir.idy towanhip, July 23, 1Si52. Ot. pd.
rIllK under-ii-ne ', livii'i; taken eliii' go of tho
J. well known Morrifdale House, at Morrisdale,
Cloiirflel.l enmity, repeetfully "olieitu a sharo of
pul.Iio pstronuce. Xo pains or rxpentii will bo
fpared t" render gufstt eeuifuriaMe. Chuios
tu (uit the time.
April, 9, Hi'.L'.-y. 0K0. RICH All US.
HOI'.ERl' M At.'KLE.M. ritopRUMK.
Kesnrctluiir anaounees (it tho travellinir pni'iie
ti nt e Ims iww taken cliarjrn of this lare and
iwellkoiwn konee, aud will conduet it iu s-icli a
manner Oi will render excellent coirfort and sat-
if'actien to all who may favor bim with a call.
Important Information !
1 I 1 r I
Louden's Indian G e c t o r a n-j lu
fr,IIS BSMEDYi. offered I the cumumnit' I ''
with tho eonfidenc no feel in an article 1,1
- " --
tl rMitliT.. tin, !i.,ni,i..,t mm.... I .
,1. -. .. I . 1..:--. I c?. ! 1 . t . .1 u r .
.u.n.M itiout-.-iico. .?o tti'in 19 lliu neiti til 1 i
n'cfn'ness, sad so numerous the eases of its cures,
now a hearty boy. JAMES I.AYTOX.
Derry Ttmu.'uip, Indiana Co., Pa.
0 '"'"".v tbtmld be withmitit: and those
'7 mi v m vV,?.'-vrfr'
h " L
A. ii. mux, Shaw.-ville.
i-j.Furni!e I t other Mrr-Lants in Clearfield
eounty. April 2, '6.'. Cm.
- - -
Thankful for a-t fa v.. rs and solieitions of u-
lure patr'Hiaj!'. 1 would i .-spiel In Ily aniit-uiice
I that 1 have on hand a'itin, and will con-tanlly
! keep at I lie Pott, iy iu this i.oiouh, on the cor-1
nor a short dii-tan.'C cast of the Mctiiodi.-l ( liur.-h, t
a l.-ir-o nto.-k ol Crock..
uch as Cream crocks,
milk puns, Churn.-, Jus, Jars, Stove pipe casiuj:
le. tie.; and al.-o an extensile n'orlintiil of
different aiies mid pattcitis of brackets and
rosettes for c.iruicv uu houses, ami other uiuul-
Any mournings not on hand will l.e ir.ade to i
oiler on short notice. Alto firo brirk made!
and kept for siile.
t'A liberal reduction on prices mvle tt '
"l.olesal.) dealers. F. LEITZlXdER. I
I liar fi e 1 1 1 , may 2J, l.'iil. ly.
A. C. K1SM;V
anb (foliation
c 1. 1; A K I J. 1,
JIIII.I.S nt. KXCil IMil-, I'OTK s ANO nr A f'TS lilSfot VTK
o rosns ki:ci:ivi:i,
Col, "'f ''io; iitatk ivl pro;-t,!t promptly Knitted
l-riane on f lie C ities coimtaiilly
mi liainl. ,
y?-eT-Olfico on Second St., nearlv opposite the
l.iqvons OF ALL KIXDS.
CtajrFor rale very cheap for Cami. bv
In basement of Merrell i Jligler's Store,
Cleailield, I'a. fob-27.
o i i rii-pv- r rf
r.P lAJ- IM X
Uilill!L.ia':XTIiF r rF:xX'
C tUl PhJ' 1IN A N I ) S 1 1 U. ET-I HO N
All onlera for work attended to with tha utmo.t
promptness, and all sales warranted lo rentier en.
ir snti-f.iction. jan-15-ll!2 tfj
, . .... .,,,... "
111. Al IHI.. The subscriber having
It loratfn in ta norougn ot number eity, m
in snop lorineriy oocuniea oy .nr. crossly, rei
p"tfully requests bis oii-customers to git' him a
r"- Promptness and slefll will bo executed in
lion to business, by wbsch be bopes to reeeivs a
full I bar of public patronage.
LutnVift cdisr, .fat I.'..
riiri' with Urniincr iiii.l 1'1IM'
Stitching. Ilcmiuinj;. and Fcllinj; with
a Single Thread.
Tt fprii.i ii (Lit, fvi-ii, nn.l .:l.iMir t'nni, w !iit I.
if V A Mil A N TKll mil In rip in wrur. i .mi i! I hi
Hi'itin in rut nt lrt" inl.'rvnl.'. nn;l iin lo t
ull eiri'unntniiri' "tij 1 1 i:vn i. tiik vii 1 1 n ''
A I'ntniilt'.l tli-v iff nl fru'iil 'iiuiiy tn Idiri.i"--.
ri.iv e Ti t llin 't-.-ililily "I tho tun -)iine l.i'i''
run in fit' wr mi; ilii.tticn, ui tliu Imi'iiiii-c nlo'i-l
wi'iniiij; :i lu'l.v V dr. ,
Ainilbi-r lualnro wliiuli iIi-htti- pa. liiiiinr at
ti'ti linn iii '
i ft'J'iii: Wimvx J'AfKSt Nr.i ni.r i.iii' i io
m:t ivliiivt;. .
T'i tliuiiiiaii.l jtiU'liei, or to j'lirl.i i'i mi.-k, ,
i'jii lai lioim iu olio uiinuto illiunt ilmppin,; a
i-tiifli. . i
Thr.-e mm -hiiies, i-u Minplt.' mi J n-i-nnit in
thfir tnri.-liiioliiii,tiiipcrii"li' tho Uin .'I tin' fhui :
tlo ; ami with unit llin atl prntlnoo nil tl. e
iil results of lliu tnu thrend iniifliines J nntl ;
ini'rf, fur llio-j full witlituil li.i-liii.ninl liCiu ll'
tiiii'i-t rninlin iiitliinit .iH-ki'niir'. .
; AIiIiiiiikIi at iiln.iit half thu pi ii't' of t!iO t.tin r
lir-t t lii-ii inai'liiiii'i. they will iu't' ;i'i ll 1 - u t -
. U' ihi' M'ui'i in .-. ,;ivi-ii ( i mo i
I "ll is t-nip lull i i i i!y th '!, !..iv pi !,'cl !',. in
I ily (MU'inn M.ii-liino thnt the pnliliti liuvc Inn,-;
beer. ivaitli:( fur." Uii.-tnn irau-i'i ipt.
"It iii iiMcn'l a v.'iiiulerlul pr'nlneiMii, an.' fur ,
family line ospminlly, no oilier nil1 any
I pinupiirinuD i'.U it." l' i la Ji-.-iniiij;
ihanical woud" .Semutifio Aineii-
' can.
i "Anion,; tiic ln'-l and nioft neri ieenhle Sewing .
! M,.i,in... l ;i,i I !.. .,,. t . .... i 1 ...!
jn simple ia in ciuiftruelit.ii that it nviii'j a1-,
m"',le for it to g"t out of repair." -.
Hntburg tlironiele. .
""i" n'lubinod with in cwn peculiar merits
Thin mneliino. in tho oiiiintin ot (lie eumiait-
lee, fills more nei tly the reiiuirviariits of a u r
lect family iniuliuie llian nny on exliihition."
franklin lniiinto K'xliibit'un lli-purt of 1 is.'iS.
"Taking into consideration tiin.lieiiy, ehcap
nvrs, iloralnlity, and doing all work, the uoiuniit
tee were unanimously in tavor of Iho Wih-oi f
(iiblmnsa rinlo thread itiai-hine." Penti si ha
nia State Agrieultaral Society's lUport.
"W'o mu.-t, in jusl iro, e-vpres. our eoiifi'l.Miep
in the merits oftlie Wikux A l.iil'hs Seninj; Ma
chine. We consider that a great ilesideraimu
has been supplied by it, in proving, I ey nni
iloulit, that two threai's are inn, mm tw p i
fed neeesfary ton f? in!ru i oiit." thri-'.ian
A lvocitte and ..iunii.1, June '.'I, 1st'"'.
"IVe iinve one of these Diiielnnes in u.-e, and
think more hi-'lilv of it than nl any of the mini-
i,r u i,., .. , r....i t. ;, i. .1 u i,;
The underi"iR.l. Mii.. nary to Cmmtanii,, ,
,,ie, l,s examined more than" twenty duler tii
kind, f Sewim- Mi.hine uml a tier iiin..i...t
-,,i, . .,r,i.t-l,.i,, e trio, m ii....- . iiii.l,.' p...i ...
he has paichan.'d one of them, as the l est uleast '
iicyiuineiam; ni 111- mini.', lo:'i lis lie l-r.l
j liable to require repair. Ul.I i.R CKANU.
I IKnton, July :t,
The initleriignt I, d::rinir ii;htf.'n iiinnlh? has
had in almtut cjnstant use, in his fionilvWil-
ox i tjihlt Sewiei; Machine, upon whit-h ha
liet-n 1 1, rOntl,.... ..r l..r..M r 11.. t-.
- ....... ... . .
u m I ,, ,l 1 111.- tli 1 11 IO I' ..I .in
r - "n ""
'jui.'ttl lor his several l.oyi ; and in u.t ea-o have
the seaius failed, althi.ujh in hard service. The
machine now in use in his fa:ni!y has re.j'iir? 1
nti repair, nnd is in all respects, ell appointed,
elEeieut and durable.
'""Send fur a 'iri-u In r. -i
J AMI'.M li t OX. Jlanulai liii-cr.
No. ftUH Hrtir.ilway, New York,
pOpOiile St. Nicholiut Hotel.
October 2.1, lsr.l. tf.
0 ) '
$35 00
I)Y.S th entire rest for HTl'IoX in the
a-.'-) poj and saeee.-t-rul COM M K'tCl A 1.
SCH'JUh in the rtmiitrv. t'p'.vardi of Thu.vk
'Hi :iiti.;i ' uiiii, from Twrsir-ciuHT diller
jent S...., ,;ii;.ie '.eet. clucoel for,-s here
1 itl-in t'ne pn-t thr.-e y .-..r-, -.ine of w l:'!i: 'nave
1 boon employed as IJOnlC-K l-lKl'KK.s al sannic
$2000 00
im media telv I p..n L-iudiuil iiiL'. w ho l;iu w unthin j
ol accounts w hen they entered the College.
jr-i-.Mini.-ter'.- son." half p
Studeir.s enter at any time, and review when
they please, without extra cb a .:.
For Calnloues, Speeiincns of Penman.'!, ip. and
View of tho COLLKliE, onelo-e fue letter .-taini --'
.May 1 S, fl . Iy.
I'iilsburgli, I'a.
Spring & Summer Goods
I I an iuit reci'iviuir and oiii-niti" n earefullv
selected slock of Spring and Summer goo i.-
ol almost every description,
A bnuunlul u.-soriinent of prints and Pre;
poods, of tho newest and laie-t styles. Al.-o
reut variety of useful notion..
Ponuts, Sliawls,
Hats and Caps,
Pools and Shoos, a large quantity,
llurdwnr, (ii een are,
1'rups aud .Medicines,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Fisb, lacon and Flour.
Mackerel in 4 i and i barrels,
of the best quality, all of which will be mid at
'.1. .1 . .. c I .. .. .
the lowest rash or ready pbt prices.
My old friends and the fublic generally, are
respectfully invited t call.
.Z-X. It. All kinds of HtA IX and approved
COL SMI V I'liulli VK taken in exchange of
Clearfield, Jane 26 ISM. WM, F. IP.1VIX.
U'-LClCii A iXjaDLQ,
k j .
rPHE subscriber resnectfuIlT informs the Farm-
srs of Clearf.eli eouuly and all oilier per-
sons Utertxted. that he is now manufacturing
tiPEy LIVE of a superior quality, which be
will sell on th most reasonable terms for Cash,
r exchanged fur anr k'nd of Conntrr Produce.
Lawrene) township, May 21, 1862.
IADY'S DRESS GOODS, selected with much
J ear, just receded and now opening, and are
oDerad for eade at small profit, by
u u . . P' r- BTZWtlLEB.
Mrb 1s:.
S I 'y J ...
7 A. .
SI ()()(). ritn-H M. 81000.
w .11 .....i... Hull- l.t liniiv i. n llil. I lliinl-: .ll
p., -i .... iii, . ,,i i.i.iio. i Hi. ; i- i.. j'.
; , 1 . i'i i IM I !i i. AM' ' ' 'I! ;
, i I il,,' II nr l-tii.i I I ! i ii I'M. nii'l pit.
N, ! Ili'iilll. v tin. Hi ill : e.'t'-l
ei.i.i. i'.'- 1 1 iinl'ii . "ill prevrnl im. I
em. N.-ri'tnih lleiiiliiflii' ' will ,'ive
It. tin- Mail a t h-iin, (llocr-y Ap't'. im t ii :i Cerlain
( iin' I'.r nil in'ii
ii I I h e il e a 'I.
','i,-.. i;t- : lliri'f I i. ii lies for J.. 1
,.; it.frr.vicics hi; fa
. "i ).':, .1. s:., chwjilK ''-
Ir i n pi-rti'i-t n.'i.l I't-iii I .Ii-1 o ilri'Mini; lor tlic
Hair, llt'inl the f. .lli ii i ii lc."tiiiiniiiii!.
I . S. M Ml-ii w.'i hi fur,
New N"V. C, ISf I.
IV M. (iHAV, l.x. lieiir Sir--Two iih ii'1i.h ano
iny lii'inl mm iilmnul cntiri'lr I'f l th" litt'o
Imir I hii'l im nil 'i'" an'1 titllini? nut Tcrv t:i -t
until I ffiiretl I ill. .iihl lf-e nil. I fomiiii'iiieil
ii.tiii' j in i r Hnir on'oiviofc rml it iniinr.'-liati'lv
stnpp'-il the Imir filling nd', mid i"i.i r.-trnl tl.e
I'lilor. ii nd ii (I or iiin'j Iwn linttles my licit i inciuii
j ' t ! v i'i. i cr.'tl ilh a h.'iillhy fmnlli of liair,
u il t. I'.e n.ian !')i- i' mis in cat It iikiii li'.'.il
I t:i l.i r'i'.'it l'l' n.-iiir in r.'ciiiiiinen.liiiLr I'lin-rt-
1 ii v
.it .'(' A'.- iiiV. -i.i'.l y."i ti.ay it';
ii. ui tire; pcr.-nii to in .
Ili.'lll-.l,".'" .MCKUAV. I . S. Mur-li.
Su.'llll 111 Di- U iel. New Vn
1'i.r f.on 1 v tlu! eii.-'ii'-t'T. (Win. III";. )
1. 1
l'o it. native bepol,
:il'l I'l-iiailway. .'.'.'' V'il!;.
Aim. t'nr Mile l.y .li l. n S. I'i' r-'1. i-nial Air.-nt
lW.i :m..iwiiv'. N. V., and by (.11 l)r.n? ;m!s.
.H "It N V. r!Ki:i '!;.'(i. i:,.i!ii A'ent,
No. (iv "t I iron. I way , N . Y
X. II. Drnpuisiii er o'liers .-i-ii'iin;; i-ai; "r.! ',r. the Itesloratii'e, will be .-uiplied with eiri'n
lin." intitninilis eertil'it'iit.'S fioia penplu of (lie
hilu.-t re.-.petiulility, fjoai nil pnrts .if tho 0'iuii
try. Man-li I'.l, l.-n:'. 1 V.
oi.ur;;'s ii.vM1
l X cor
TliiJ preparation, made fr-nn l'ie he.-l Java Cnf
j fee, is re.. ni. 'ii. n. led hv i.hv.-'.'iaim - fn nj ..i..r
M'TiilTHU's i ; i : i ; vt';r. for t. -nei .1 ii.i.iii-
i ly. Dyp''pia nnd all l.illious dimrdt r". Thti'iJ
itinls who have lieeneomi.'!ie 1 t-j alvirid'a ihe
n.-e of eofl'fi? i :!l use thif it'i"'it injuriuiK efieets
' One can eontitius lh" stt"i."l. t.f twn p I'lads ul
nrdinarv rune
i'ii i1
fo tl ts
Th.' j.ure
.r making
tai.d I --t ISA K I.N i; I'tiWHK!'. kno'in
li'ht v et .'Hid niuriii-iu.s llread and
l'liH K 1. CHI--.
M INI't'A' l I ion II V
. KOLIAX'K, ( H -'.)'
. ,.j iim-ula- 'Ifitiiut .Vt i 's, 'niV.of Vr.
a.:i sol. ii n v a i.i. I'lirniii.-i s am nioci:i:s.
Sdl.D A I' K. .Mi NSOl'-.s.
l eb. 2ii 1st'.'-'. I yr .
Cabinet. Chair Itlakiut,
jCSf II 1.1 is't li
I UII.S (il LH ll.ol tlie Iiiil'in-ll it ( Icnrtl.'.ii.
tl Pa., will he prepared at all tunes to attend t"
to Rny hu-dness iu the ahove lil:" on stii.rt
notice, nndiu a workmanlike manner. Ili. plat e
of business is at lliv eld slioj on tha t.orlli sideof
Market streel, ltd door en-t of Third St., nearly
opposite tin nhl Jew n..ri ; wiiyre hn will k"p
et'iistanlly on hand a a. .rtmeiil ..f .M.i
hot.ny and funo I'.ottteti Cli.iir-t, and Cabinet
Ware t.f every ib'-n-ripl i"ii. wliicli he will dispose
oft. a as reason, i hie t."-in-- im th-i Mini..' aiti.-li-s
can be had el. en here i i the e-einty.
His ;.;k of "is hi in t War-' now on hand, consist.-
in part of Iiresii'i:' and Cumiiio n ll'trtaus.
'.Sofas, Sewinc and W,n-hiii Stands, llesks, ami
Hook Cises, Trench ami 1' iel. 1 Post I'e.l.-tead s.
'Dirni.p, Centre, Card uml Pier Ta
l l 'S, Ac. C.tlitis nrinuf.if tared nnd delivered al
any .lac.. d-.-lred.
Felirunry y, 1 s.',('. , vol. iv.
MUM" st p. !:!::. n iiwkn - n.i.i;, pa.,
Wil. A. MASON. Fropiictor.
rilll I.s l..i,' esiahli.-h-.d and wed known 110
L TEL. situated ill l!i) we.-t end of the town,
has been reujod. lied, ciilar; etl and improved, and
the pr- priftor resperifully nnnomu'.'s to hi tin
nier. ms friend-, and to the travidlin j i i . that
hu ia i. .oi- prepare 1 1 i at coaiiiiodal.' all nho may
lav. r h i i.i m ah a e.ill
A a.;. ', .- ife ail., .-nail.. ; tl
la. I.i-d t.. rrlu'iM", l'.:d t:
uili a!t at s t-.. on iian 1. Cli.-rj.--I'..t
a- r..'
u;vi:k ri,i:(; i
Justice of the peace
.or;. ( i."1 1
a'l i e-
ild C)
, will
.. l.i,
attend n
M)KI.IO t OKI' I'.C. A fresh and
larcje supply of this c !-ln nt-d CoPceju-l
recei'. ed and f..r sale lv
1'. 1". nZWKILKK.
Mnrsb I'll, si". 2.
nilE snbseribers have a ii.ediniii sie.1 V'lliE
PROOF SA1-'K, nciirlv new, which they will
dispose if very cheap.
( Icarfield, Juno 1 sIl'.
TIAIIE undei signed respectfully
.1 inforin.- his cii.-toiiiers ami the
puiilie generally, that lie bnsjust
received from the Kn.t. and m en.
id at his establishment in VUAHAM'S HOW
Clearfield, Pa., u line assortment of Clucks,
Watciiks. and Jkwki.iiy of ditlerent qualities,
from a finale piece to a full sett, which ho will
sell ut the most reasonable prices for cash, or in
cxchanire for old gold and silver,
CLOCKS of every variety on band, at the melt
reasonable prices.
A LL kinds of Clocks, Watolics and Jew elry,
carefully repaired and If.irrnufci.
( rnntTniiitnA i.rt.lri.i.yffa I. ...
A enntinuance of patronage is solicited,
Sept. 10, ISiiO. H. y. NACcLE.
AltDM Al(l' such as STOVES. Cook
Coal and Wood Sioyes of various patterns
rfc, Ac, can be pureba-ed of the uhaf riher on
lb most reasonable lertns.
JD.lS,'f.2. .11 EUR ELL A UltiLKR
Sliavinp and Halr-UmsiD.
JEREMIAH XOP.niS respectfully nnrouncee
to bis friends of Clearfield and vicinity that
In bis returned to his old stand, and is well pre
pared to render ll; most perfect saiisfaction to all
w ho may dosire his professional services.
Clearfield, April 9, '62.
KTifisig nils.
VLAGB LOT of tboe justly celebrats
XAILfor sal cheap for c'h by
Msrrb IS. I2.
i i in i I ti hi I l( i i"l'
I - . ( in vlt n ' f n 1 1 ti 1 1. 1 1 . i. .
j :, i I it! l t in f il' in I1' ' ''' i
t i rv I ntit ' i'i" 1 ip'l'i''- n "I tin- V '' ' ''
Item el rtMiitiif.
..til-rtM'tiii a- i-i'ttl-l InCif Cxp.!.!,, ,i.
M th ,, imo :
I . 1 1, n. ; v . 3 .1 '.
., .,,,.,().' . ' '
Tin im' - I ii n" ' . 1 1 i'"" 1 ' " .;.
1 ;' , I. r. l' Inn
n w t? '! I !" '' '"'
On. S,,ii. , ,
I"""'""'"'. . . '. '. ;, ., S mi IJ en
Ihr (;'.. .'.; , linn
?Br:;.-: hp. w:: h;:;:
0,.,. .'iil.oi.n, iitiH OH ' '
liver ( Mio lniin lli'iithnn (l.r- '"!'"
,,i.N itr -'':u'" I' ' "H'1' '. i-iTl'n.r .
l-., r.:t- tt-o.l'r -:;.:.' m-
d I .r f '.' f yi " .
A-lvrr". nt.' t-irf" I it!ilr. nieni -r .
r...' :in iim.-.-in- l. rr-:;i h'r w,iiu.t ui.til -'' 1
r,.l I'liaru't'd iier.'r.lir..,' ' . t -.- witti".
An extensive si n k .f Ji'M.iii'! ir.iitfi-ia
t u !l..w the I'lilili.-hcr of tlie ';...(' "i
lc, ;,n limn .'0 l.t t!.:-1 nUlv tl't '"" 1"'1M
led I il AiiuU of
Po-iv riS'Jl.", pROHtAMlli;-.
Hi., r.-iR Eon-:, CiK:n..H:s,
,,iir.,.s, fc a 1. 1. Tics I'.s, -wmiii.i.',
ar.-ieveiv itir.d cf j.-'iiitioj? u.tiiN'ly loiie
j in n roiin'.'. v o'o olVue.
Ail rutif-rs wii! In; exc-utfi witliiie-it-
ni'iis tool (lespn'eb.
ll. 1J. 0OrH), AN DLIt .f- K).
, Time of Holding Court.
I S o- n l Molnlay of innaiy.
Third Monday ."f March,
' Ti.ii 1 M- i.da'y ..(' -I un-'.
!'., ml, Mmi'le," o' r'ep'enilior,
l- i ai'ii veal, .i'i'' cotiOi" I 0 iccii., n !
: civa ry.
i County (Mliiei -t.
Pres'i Juth;,.,l! in. Samuel I. inn. llellefonte.
A.-.'te J;i'le, Hon ,1 . 1). '! in.n.p-on, Cnr-M'ii'viUe.
11 .ii. Jam. - I'.l'.om. l'..i-e-t.
.-!i iT.fT, Piliv.ird Perk-, Clearfield
; I'ro th i'ii t ii ry . .1 .h n L. Cuttle, ''
; lie'. "' Roe. Jnines VVi ijjlvy, "
i Disivi' t Att'y r-rnel Ttst.
; Treiiiiircr, Joseph Shaw, "
i Surveyor, II. 1!, Wrigli', lilrn H-ho
Coin laiss'n'r-., Win. Merri ll, (Trarficld
S. C, T'lioinpsun, M irrisdalo
Jacob Ktml I.nth
u.llfur. D. C. Howinan, Philipsl.tit-;'
J. '.. Shaw. Clearfield
('. S. Vorre;i. X. "W nL iii-'fn'-
Coroner, .1. W I'ltter, J.econie.i .Mills
Co. So'.il. Josso Jiroaial, CuJivtuoviilo.
List of roul Olliccs.
! ''.ii. '.,.. .V.ieoi oft'. V. .W- r.ff. ,1
'll-viria, Glen Hope, M'. Cnlwell
! i i 1 lli.wer, W. .'.Ii'Cn.i k.-.i
I' ' (not, T. A. .M-Hho,
o Ciifli, J- V. . I on.r.; . 1
O.-t I, H I- ".-in!
I lio,.-. Cloiirtiel I P.riit", 1. P. M:!l-r
I": a ilo r.J , Williams' (irove, ). L V'it.-ou.
Hia-ly, I.iith'jtsliiirz, P. tl.
i " Truilvii:.-, C- J. Sloppy,
1 " Jencrson Linj, John iiuncriu.g
I lilnuin, l'ore.-T, Ji'i- lo'.o.u
I EcMisitl, New Wii.-h-n ,;tcn Wiu. l-'eath.
I ' Purimi'le. Jus M-.Muir.iy
Pat.-liiiiii'.le, J. Pal-bin
'; Che o , ll-rd. 0. S. To'. r
I ('leu-field, Clearfieltl. M. . . l'rani:.
' Cuviiiiftoii, I-rciM-hvili , P. A. Oa'ilin.
! liartliaus, i'. W. cl,iiLr;
' Cmi h : n: ville, v in n ens . i'.lc, T. II. 1 -leinin .'
'. Heeater, ' Ptiili,i-lj si ry, CVi.Ke county
! V.'vst D.-atur. Had. bach
: Perii-on, Marrnn, I'din. M'illiaitis
i I : t . Helen Post Olliee, E k;y, Pa.
liirard, Lecoiinle's .Mills, C. Mnjiiot
" Paid Hiilf, Wiliiam (..i:r
. iiosben, Sbaivsville, A. P. ."-liaw
; Ural, ni, (Irabit int. -n, T. H. l""i i-ec .
! liniieh S'lintl... .Mills, A. (1. l-'ox.
j M.i.Ie:ra, C. J. P'i-.-y.
il.i-t ., Tyler, David Ty!-r
i Pcni.f.ol.l, 11. Woodwai I
(Jordan, An-oi.-ille, Elia lnn-e
i Kartirms, Sail Lick, O. Jleekailuru
Kartliaiid. K in'u uh, J. K. W. S.-lin nr.-
Kiiol, New Millport, M. O. S'irk.
LsrtieiH'e, Prc.'keniid-e, J. W. Thoinps'ii
Morris, Kylot ton n, Jas. Tlioinp.-ou
" M irri-d lie, .' C I ' :-1 1 1 1 i , r,
l'oiii, I.'iail er Cit.v.t II. W. Sc. n.-r,
I " lirampi in llil'.s, A. C- M... re,
1 Pike, '.u w.-ii.-- T. W. I'leini'i;:.
Uloomini iile, P.. i . D.iln
Union, Hockton, r.
Woodward, Jeffrie.--, .1 l.o.:l.. It.
? ThN post Otl'ico will tin for Chc-t tnwtishi
I Will an-w r ..r
erj;i!-..ii to'ft:
Lhjhf ! Lithf !
Ml i ! I. '. !ii(.(.l It
i.f liai.'i l '..' oi -. ;
(ii !, I VMI'S
ili'cli il .-t m '.', ii.- iln.iji a- can In' p .1 -h t ed
el.-.-tt in-; i:. :!.- t . ri.' . J'- i -t-ns j i.i-. l.aMiV' o:
l.e'uivi'l h.'VO i'h- ir'oi.:.:.te of li'.Min' ti.eir repiir': 1 willio; i ' ' ' V, a- il.Ctr sales ::e
-.V : ri'.IIilr 1.
Jan. l.'i.'f. II.
T V. MTC l.l.Ol'till. At foin-Kv '.f
: M , La . Cleat lioid, in. OiVoo with). J.
I Craiis, E.-'i., on Second ttr'-el.
March 11 il, 1 -i'. tl.
ILi i 2. si. it h
1 1 T !l i: It SHIR (.,
IJKiiY K VAN'S, Pru),ri,tof.
M.inli 1.. 1SC.2 Iv.
V.I. lATi'l-:itMIN, Attorney nt Law. ( ur
, wt-nst'ille, Pa., w ill allcad to all business j
eiiirusie.l to bis care. (Jlliee o ptisil.' tho N-w
,1lethotli-l 1 li'ireh. l-'ob. Y.J.
, I'hysvieiail anil !ur(;eoli, has piraiam i !'y I
localid at Fri'iiehvilb', Covington t. vvi, hip, -o' ,
crs his professional services to the stirMur.'l a
cuuimuiiity. May S, 1-f.l. j
,i. v. k u atz i: i;,
l I "It M V I . and dealer in Hoards and
Shingles; (irain and Produce. FItOXT Street, I
vbovo the Aendeniy Clearfi'.ld Pa.,
Pec. 1, I Sli I .
. . .t
. a..,..T i.,,,TI-t.l'TS
i ii.tMbb (.an u'j,.-,
JliSTICLJ of the peace
Lutberoburg, Clcarliuld Co, Pa.,
will attend promptly to all busineaa entrusted
to re. v.0 sn) March 2S, ISfiil. y. pd.
Justice k tiik I'kace.
For Pki'Ati a Towuship,
will promptly allend to all business'1 to
his can.'. P. O. Address, Philipsburg Pa.
Auir. 21st IStil
ii. w.MTmcT7ia
Mi:ittlIMS, ami dealers Iu Dry
(scuds, Groceries, Hardware, ya-eiisware, and
every Ihing usually kcyt by (bo trade. Store on
PECOXD Street, beltiw Judge Leonard's, oppo
site the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa.
Dec. 4, 1861.
I, 0. IllHH. T. 1. x'cCLLoniil.
! Collection Office,
(Jl.EAftriEID, Ta.
Itlin Graham's Niw Blii.mso.
Feb. '62.
inn th nun- m i
tOltU, ClMllttM.
p. Vil ! tl, 1 .
t'H ,' I A f . n : I .1 HI"! I . It.o. I .
l(m I.. l i n.-.'T I In" '. i f m I f 'l
jl'tlflii II.m. -tin, Inill -m i n 1 Hi
; f ..riiitl1 ml Vilt t' l-l, 'ifi'M
ll'i.litltl I". v 'l'l Im ' t ll In
I ntv -ii. '' snil nt f n ti . 1 1 v I r ih ImM
i l.!i Tnm liw li..wn ll It. --ii. ni't.
r. I ill l i- 1 lli Ii !.- ' I lli.
9 ni ' iUil I HI 'N KMi.llT, M II.
A H MilKTLVr. KN."t rvr, Ii. T..rrlt,. thM.
j.-m. "... j tiiiini vr l.nt
jr .11 liiimilnl It, mi l I-1im 11 II .m miHttcna f., It.
.... urn. . t.i .i.i i : "
l.ikr nn other " ,
Croup, Vhooplr Coneli, Infiuontii,
i III e. Mil... Cm.
.1 !.,
lift Turn Air.n : I wt.l t Mo i 1 .il I j- c.-iitiy
'""r lMroi
Is Hit. Ot i t rem.-ily " ,..e lor Uh out. ,. ,
t- mli. --1-...I1'. ail'l 'lie . le-.i .li.,a-l' el .1,,! ,. '
yrtir r-afei -ittv la tl: huuia ;.. r.-ei. o .'ear skill, and
AMOM I.hK. r.tq , ' Ii.. writ., , , , 1(j40.
"1 bid a tedious InlUKiira which t 'lillii.'.l m ia d,Wi
si! weeks; l..k ninny s iMIhout I . -t' ; toslly
tried Tour Vef.mtM.y I Ii -lv.- .,f ni r i-l-t evmiitj. Th
first tl'.s i-rli-vd the ..ivties In mv tlirotit tnrt lungs .
lusti tliuil one leilf Ihe I', tl'e mini Iile t.otti., We-
Year iiii'.Irin. m ate tlie cli'-ip i as well as th.. rt mo
an 1'iiy, aud wh esteem von, Iioctor, and your remellM,
as the Ktor man's friend."
Asthnin or Phtbiie, nnd Ilronchitla. ! i.siliiill tK, I'a., Kt.b. 4, 1S50.
Sir: Ynnr Cirrry ii porturniitij; niiirrallo'nt
fiires In this toetloii. It I, in reli -vej lev, -ml floni alarm
Ine symptom" "t eonsii-.a' mid Is now Cluing man
who bus Itiliored under nn nlte.-ll ni of ll ,m., for xiut
last forty yars llEMHY L. I'AllKS, Merchant.
A. A. RAMSFV, M. I)., Anno. Monni Co., Iowa,
writes, Sept. 0, lh.Mi: " Inn ina my .is -liieot nmny ymrs
I have found nothing ontial to your Vhrrry I'.clmil tt
giving ease anil mtief to coiiiuniilv patit'iits, or enrlnp
sticli as aro cuinl le."
W a Diit'ht ati.l TolumM of ovf lance, but tlie most eon
lia' iioi proof of tho virtues of this remedy ll found to lit
vliects upon trial.
j CoiiNumptmil.
, I'rohaljiy no ouo reuicly has ever hern known whlrli
' cured so ninny and such .'itnea'i jiu esses si this. Boms
i no bumnn nt,: can runh; t ut even to thine tho CJicrry
! ldoral aflnrds luliof and coairi'1'-
Astoh ll.trsr. Nrw Vort CtT,". MUT,J 185.
Por-ros Arm. Lowsut I li-el It a duty an., I'ljaanrt
to iiiforn; you itluit your C'.errv H-tm-al hn dun tuf
wife. She had t"cn liv months lahorinB; nntli-r tha dafl.
Kerens uyinptouii of Con-ttiniptieu, from which no aid w
could procure (rave berninch r-ltef. She was steadily fall
in r. until Dr. Slroiiir, of tltii city, where we lisvoeoin for
atlvire, rt a trial of yiur metlicini'. We blsa
fill kinilnestt, tut wo tltt your skill ; for she has ret-ovsrsd
frooi Dial tiny, sshe is not yet as sfronir as she ussd to
te, but is free frun her cntn;h, and calls bertclf well.
Vouia with irrntltuile mat n-ciinl,
OllUNlX) lli:uiy,or Hiruirroil.
0ui tlity, do not drsriir till you have tried Aria's
( niiiev I'tcioiiAi.. 1 1 w mn.le l, one ol the best medical
ihenithts in the worl.l, ami in eurt'-i nil ninuri ns bespeak
the Inirh merits of Its virtues. ntiiadttpttui Ledytr.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
riMIK sci-liees
of Chemistry nnd Jltdlclne bare bats
tux- l their iitni.-si ttt produce Ibis best, must peifret
inntntivo which Is known tu man. luniiuiernble prook
are shown that Hies I'ltK he virtneB which (arpaas la
exfl.. n. e iho ei-litmry nit-tJi. in' t. and thnt they win on.
piTct..l,i,UMlly upon tlie peteem i f all nieu. Tbey arosala
and I'lcnvnit te tik, but poaerful tt. cure. Their pens
trittini: nropei tl,-s stimulate the utal activities of tit) body,
remove t'.e ol-tr irti nis of Its crguns, j-uiily the blood,
and ii-l discus.-. Tb--ypure(.ut thifi ii! humors which
breed nnd ciow iliiteniper. stiuiubit.' bit yitli or dlsot
ilt.i-k'lotp,'iui3li;to ilii-ii tihturiil -tii.n,nod impart healtbj
tunc with str. iic'h to tb while system. Not only do
they euro the cvry-dsy enmtl'iiiita of every body, hot
also forinblithle ui d il.inj,roui distaies that hurt bsDUd
liit Inst of huii an skill. While they prcdure werfnl
edicts, tbi-y iii-ear the same time, In diminished d.ta, tht
sal'tiHt nn-l best physi- that can Is' einpl-iytid tar ctiMren.
Rein.' niur-coa'-.-.l. they arc peasant to luke ; and being
purely v.-t tiil.lf-, aro free fu-m un risl; cf hami. Cures
have been mmlo w hich surpass Leikf vt-re they not sab-stautiut.-tl
by tin n -f mi. h cxnll.-d position ii,J liaucfar
u to f i t id th to it Ii ii of untruth. .V.iiiy enuuenl
clergymen nu.t phy it Inns bav lint their names to ctritifay
to tl-j pu' li-i Hi- leliuhiliiy 1 1 ii, , remedies. !.il otbiM
have st-nt mo the uss ut fiot-e t f ibeir canvi-tin that my
l'repnrnttens r-r..ilbuto in.uiiniely to the relief of iny
iirthcted. satl-.-iiio: IcPaw
The At -i.t ...i..w nar.ii.l i i .e od to furnisli irrntli my
Ameriraii Aim i .-a ..i-iiitaiiui tbt i.'ta.ns far tin ir use and
i-ertili. at. s i.f tl.. ir en res, cf the f llennii; irimi iHiuli:
f osflt-eij. ... hdiriis C..ii:i-.',a.titB, Jilieiims tism, brnysy,
Ili.ti a. Ittad-e.iii' itilsij. bom a tool sl'tiiaiti. Naa
sca. litdi M'.rl.itl Ir.i tl ni of the Hun t nn.l I'sln
kreltic iin' i 'io. a. l' tsrv, l.cs of Appeiite, all Ulcei
ci:; mil fir .'if. u V.-.I -a e win b leiili e sn C'.s-iisct
nicdicine. Sii'oii In or hint: t.iil. 'J bey also, by purify.
11V the 1 i.i..,l me) sli uui tlie ijtblil. i'i..u laatiy
conipi..-.nts w I.i. b It wii. Itl iii.t l.e snnpi s- ti liiey could
reach, r h a:. I)..rn,.,. t',i,: : biui.ltiess, Neuralgia and
Nervous In i. a' iii'y l) :w till of lie- l.irtir an.l Kid
neis. ll.-tit nun oil . I, hi. Ii.-1 i-t nipiaints sti-arK l.nm a
1 .w ft.ite i . lb i '.. .') i . .'ill. i. -I it" t'ltK-ticas.
fie not be put oT Ly i-.'ii-ilnoiptrd dc--.i ..s with icBit
other pill ill, y muk - Bi.ts profit on. A ll for Arts'!
l'l us. nnd t.iiti noti.laiJ t! c. No other tlify fin girl
j"ii corapaivs with this in It- intrinsic value or t.un.'.:ve
p-tccM. Th.. sick wnri' lb- li-st siJ 'hero is far tbsUi.
and they shoi-.l.t bave il.
Preparod by Dr. J. C. AYEll,
Practical and Analytical Cliemist, Lowell, Msi
l'kKi Hi CIS. laa Hox. Vn Uisu lull $1.
1)1,1) HV
'- :" o '' ''. -V . I '. I .'. A.
1 'f-'i. .'". -it ;i - i 1 : !'. ' f .; :. ' :- .n :
in. : ., . c. ;.i ., .-.' ,, .1. 1 . Pienu-'t,
M.:r.;,.i.i:,. ; c. p. i );,i;, ,,.r.,., .... i l.',i...s
1 ha-e, An -om ; i.o.l I . .i.-aler .in tib-i-i.
.Mil- .; :'.'.l :l '.
FT 15 MTU )l j: ROOMS!
, i ; - s t , f . i ! . i . ! . moi Hlleo to till) pill. I;.- tl.tit
! have cni; lei-d m l u e iu.h oi ciipv i i ih, :
r lie w
, luriiitnre wiire-rofiis, lroiiti.i on the .11
: Lot ami nearly op -:ta t!.. Court H'.ii.-e.
I iil inet -.o-ihii'. .;)! In .-irricl ..i. in tb.
I per Hi rv ot the sa ic 1 uiloiti ii. all it'
HI 1' Y E II . X T 1! I rt X ( 11 IS.
All kinds nf fitrn in rt iv i i ! . j kooi t...i.-i
mi ha:, is and so.ii , 1 -ap f. r ca-li ..r ejieh
' for country I'mdui ... or I -nil th.;
I ness !
n nj;o
bull -
UOTi'O.MS, ic.,
Li LnaUli ?i -
'.i n.ot; vy-.i, i i:.iii..
i .i :u. ii;ixo,
I a : l i: s.
S 0 FA S-
OF All. KIM'S.
J7:.V. V -.V),
nrrirrnsr ro r T '".
HxF.W'ff J'oxtv. o-.
Hair, Flair tip, Cotton top,
and Corn Husk, of th bc-i material.
LOOKIXC-ULASSLS of all sorts and iiiei.
Also, i la-st. s for old Frame.
Also, lea-poys, IVhal nots, Wash ftandr,
IVork -Manil , li t- taieks, .1 .-,
Mado to ordes on short notice, and
hearse furnished.
Poplar, Cherry, and Linwood Lumber, t"kn
in exchange for work.
ClewSeld, October 2-, 181. Iy