Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 27, 1862, Image 3

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    aw, . ...
(( cTfraifirlb y cyt:Hiian.
Til ..-l'
il I,. fo'in lit" """V
V ii j'iii i i is
, Il i li."n 1 1 1 . r Cn V p
,. I. Urn N.K t.Ml.o l.tH Ol n n nippi..
t, .HIM" 1. f' "" "l ' ' r ll" ",''
ill had it.Mfli''1,1"' 1,1 l"y k'Hc.lhlertt-
cuing tu ouifl-tnk 1 11 - It i Known (hut
l.,y tMr.i)i-li H(.' 1 ii-) lctti fcoing on, but
,1 i, pesitml) slated thnliio Initio lias
li.Ki li J " All ncw.piipi r i'oiipsI'OIi-
(;(tils me t'xeitiiioii iioin Uio tines, i ii o
orccs tinder Me l li'llan, I'.urnmlo ntid
1'ni c liA'l i lli'ctfil a jtint-tioti on the lino of
ilia lUi'i'iiliunnock.
r routine it est ivcimicKy, i eimcs-snc)
Aim juss'iuri me- nspeii oi ii 1 1 ii i rii ih in.)
inuro promising. 1'urt lonelsoii him been
ulaiuioiiid, tin il is H(Z;tin in ,osiskinn of
lli 0 rebuts, nml ii heavy forco under Ilrngg
is mid to be uilvn:.i'iiig into 'I'l ii ill's buo
'torn Chattanooga.,
Tliu Iroofi umliT lli" recent luvien mo
lajiitlly aniviiigut Washington.
,ATK.ST.-'lhi' news liy hist night's
it:.. : . i ri.
rnuil ii no mine di'linilii thmi whul we ,
had tho nii;lit hcloio. That there hus
. . . - . I
I'teli beviie Iil'IiIii'l' oil Iho Kaiil'iilian-
toek we have no iJouht : Urijj'r. (ieeeral
Jluhk'ii f i'hiladehihiii and Colonel K.Whehist Min.i.'olu J.ej:iHlaliiie, arrived
'. Viilleruf SVeslnioreland, tw lejioi ted ,
iiiHonir the kilie1. The account!, insult ,
nositivelv tlmt His relict were lennlsed I
uj thfty f tteoiiited to loreo their
way n'Toss ilie river. Jiut we ee that the
jot.eis iijipetu-ixj in 6ctn;o lorct, on ino
I'il at Cutkitt'B tu,Uwi.. This is hut
Mine te;i l ineiv minH ironi iliTtiassas
Junction, nnd would lo-jk wil they were
executing tlicir .Bunk iiuovcuiGut ko much
liilked of.
I 1
Katai. .A(!i.iiyt..T. We reirrit kfcirn I
that Lew m Kn m, sen of
.l-'v-Shf-rif' H.-ail
vi us iBbtuntly lulled on lust Mominy morn'
:ug, while at work in u J,ocri:; on his
lathpr'n farm in LawjvHrje tow miii. As
reuteJ to us, he was drawing fona-log.-ground
ehuuUs) oil'tho clearinj with a
cpan of Lorw thnL thetMUi wns -ies-t ri
ding a hill, with the log-diaiii drapgingi
f.,ehiml, he walking short distance fiotii
ilipni that the hook at the end of the
chain fastened to a long j.olo that lay
airoi's the way, the hutt-cud of which was
fast, bringing the toji-eiul rounJ with tro
I ... !-..; . I.;.., r... nl '
men loui luict., ir. ..f, ......
UJB " ..., Ul i-r.... ..v.,.. , l ',
and caui-inu ifiKlant deal h. Ilowasan in-
duMtious protnibing youth of tome It) or
J7 summers.
Dci'iTV Mahsiiai.- -Wo learn tlmt
-I, 1
JIcUrii.c, lA.p.ofl.uiHveusville, has ..Ren
jippointcd Deputy U. S. Marshal for tbisj
iuntv. and is now a'.iendina ti his duty I
in preparing for the tl:nft thr.t is to com
inetuie on the 4ih id September next. In
this selectiou Maisbul Mphpock, has, we
think, Wet) ijuite foi lunale, for w f. el
insured that Mr. McHride will (lisclmtir
hit uuty fuul.'ssly and withoHt ehher fu
np nr muiLdiee i and if nnvthins to the
contrary thall result it will be Iho fault of j
hi ini.4riMii!. w.i not of any discretion
I toft I.. l'ilnst
Wfio the Coinniisiii'Mier tnd examining 1
Surgeon nre to be fur this rounty, we have :
not vet henttl. '
KnrriiRs Lookin'o t p. Thtit glo; ions fel- i
low, 1ii.l AirxtM.nn, of the ( hriou I)-:m
nnd that nllit'i' ,'(io,l fi'lltiw. .Inns- A '
r '
M am S, of the Jny Count'j lhitvcrat, are
both the iinaniiiious choice of the Lmnc
laif of their respective, eoiints fur the
Asueinhly. The aurcess ol the fortnw is
eltain, nnd we think tiie latter nearly 1-0
They nre both equally derviag, uud w ill
lo laitlilu! to every trust confided to
thf ni.
At LiDKirrr. The editors and proprie
tors of the lliinisbiirg Patriate l.'niun
were releafpd on Satnribiy last, itninedi
ately iipot: a heal ing before li.ti. Wadss
worth, the Military Governor of Washing
ton. liming their confinement their pa
per has been unusually spirited U lenit
so we have heard il remarked nnd w hich
character, a etnikt will In. retained.
itjrThe hnmerulic I.cad.r is the title of
n no'v Campaign paper iti-l Hlarted in ,
I'i,;i...l..i.,i i. .7., c1... 1 . -i.:..i. :J
. .1 11. .11 vt lit, till. II I M lilt 111 - J'l I'l n 11 till in ,
on our table. 1 1 is the size of our sheet,-
lo be pfiblished Fenii-w reklv. under the
immediate auspices of the IVmcoti.tie
State Central CommiUe.', al tho low puce
ofllfiels. Addieca A. 1. lioii.EAt, l'ub
Usher, 108 J South Third .St. Philadelphia.
Representative Convention
Tim tl'iTiies rmm I lv cm. ., I i.. f,f
ihe con.erees 110m 1110 touiiiies. o'
Cleaifield, Jetfttt'soii, Klk nnd McKtan,
met in convention tit St. Mary 'a, Klk eo.,
sjii Thursday, Augiift 121st, lsijl2.
Vn tuotion, Hon. Jae. L. tjillts waii cho
een l'resident, ar.d li. ''. Hastings, Hecro
tary ; alter ivl ich the following persona
presented their credent iulw :
( Yi',iiYi',7 Sumuel Clyde, A, 1J innpii-jf,
William l'orter.
McKcan-S. C. II) de, W. J. Davis, J. T,
JrJ'mnn Joel Sjiykcr, K. I.. UI00J, K.
T, Hustings.
Klk .Jaiuea L. Gillis, V. S. lirockway,
,1. S. Hyde.
on tnotin, Lr. C. it. Eaki v, of Elk eo.,
tvuh iioidi natik'l by ncclninatioii.
r. T. J. llnVKR, of Cleai liehlva, unani
inously nominated.
The following resolution 'viero ofl'ered
.nnd uuHniruQU.sJy adopted :
TJrxfilisd Thot t It ia pnn v An I i,-rt C.ll.. -
,nr.a ibn .ir.,.r.n,j;.,.r. r,f il... li ' .
" - -.-....- v ........ v.. ... .u .. v .-I. .
" Vfc:.v" ni IO
Slal Convmtion, held at Haniabtirp on
the 4th of July Inpl.
iVioW, That wo also endorse the call
of tlie ObairrudU of the State Central Com.
ru it tec, for the different oountie and cit
ies in tho Stata to hold Mas Meetings, on
the 17th 'lay of September nest, for the
purpose of celebrating tlu adoption of tho
t'onstiiution or" the United States.
llisihtd, That tho next Kejiresentalive
Loiifcrnneo will meet at Itidgway on the
tliird Thursday of Atiirnst. ISli.l.
tf.,l..j ti . .1 i- r ..
ZifMlW That tho proeeedlilgi of till,
'-onretition be signed by the office m, an I
I'liDlulied fh the dillerent Demoorutio lia.
pert throughout U,e dialriel I l.'rtlT.fJ '
' ' c ,8V J.L.OILLIS, .
secretary. I Tresjirlent.
Si t , An,'i,. '. ;, , ii I .
II, III It'll It till I 'll lll'lgl I) I "I Ii I IS,
i ill il 'til I, nil llm I t'vl"ii n; ml-' I, -'til. f- iprM iiil IhIi 'iI
In II." iipjji'i ni:'ii' i' ni l ii' lli'
-l I'll I , MX 11 ill ' 1 1 III I nl ' Hid '
.'i 'I 'V iii t tttttif autumn nig lli
ttuli Mr
i i' i
r mi!
LlcnU lit the lower Noil nL" ney, nlcl ill"
murder of nil tin' w IiiIim, except it lew,
I'h'1. Marsh set (Mil initnciliutelv w itli ! .r -ty
live iik n. At tlic f -1 iy, n'"iii( tli"
ngutiev, Ik' eneniitilcie'l it huge body of
wfo rion, w lin ipcncl lii" on llo'iii A li' t'
u few volley, ft large body ill' iiiniiu-licl
Indians in ilic rciir lirc.l up. n I hem, Kill
ing a number. Our men letiivd, and
were iillotnplilig to cross tin' I iter, nnl
wliiU in the water tho Indium killed a
c.ij'tain. three sergeants, four frtrpQials,
ami ivct:lccn
privates, turning
tli np;H ittxl glum .sun K were soon in an
directions, l'.scnped citizens r un" into
i, f,i during i lie night, giving aecoi.r ts
of horrors too terrible loi l lie imagination
io conceit o. Mother cne in rugs nnd
hrtic lorlcd, hose husbui (Is nnd ciiililicii
k r" xlaiilitcrpil Imloiv their ( ) : cJiil
drcn caini! who tvitnessed I he murder of
tlieii rHreiils or the huruinj- of them in
. . . i n
their own Iiousim. Iho roiuls in tlie .li-
lection ol ew Mai are lined with mm-
i i I I . I . : I I
ueren men, women ami eniiureii.
.1. ). rortiT, uf Msnkntn. n me mher (il
here last evening lor arms. IK? wm one
of the committee. Kent to New Ulm to
learn the truth ol the reported milliner.
He arrived at New l.'lni Tuesday morn
ing aiid found the )eole preparing to
Iciry live persons mimlcred, ami others
are lu'ing eonslnntly hrought in most hor
lihly mutilated. I snw lour persons
wounded in one room, cut with luitchets,
Ivi the head and arms ; a little girl cut
across the face, hreast ami bide, and a lit
tie liov dri'.idl'ullv out up : also, a middle
a - 'cd w oinan m an ikIioiiiiiii room. .uv
club! ltli its liea.l eul oil nml twenty
sit en others hadlv miitilnted
The iicoiile of New I'lm nro ilrillin
with what arms they can get fully awake
to thl' (hlH"cr, and are detei nimetl to lie- by Iinui ot Jlilen iiikI cast l,y l.iml nl Murifti,
food Uie town 10 the last. Mr. J'oi'tciV laining 15() acre--, and lmvinp nliout .ill it. res
left New rim on I ucsday .Horning and l'le?rJ'd "!,J ""J l'r 'ltvati..n. h a log house
' , , ' . r , , and lug ham ther""ii, AUo, it cvrtaia Iraet nl
was overtaken hy a mar who report. .! (,lt,uk, , ,iWl,i,ip, Cie,lild
that the ixlians attacked the town ,.uiv, bounded bv Inn la of A.-hall and o'.liers.
strong, at i I
M., and huriied several
buildings. Several citizens were teen t r ,
fall. The people had gathered together
and hHiricu.ied the sU'cels. Other lei tei
to(i..vernor Ilamcev hay that hundreds'
' , , ;
iio-.ui to t.e Killed, unit it is i.clievc.l
' ' "'-' v.
jiauiscy yenieiiiny er-
,,ml t(lC m;l,, i,L-Avilli horses to the scene
- , ,
!MARRIED-In 'he 14th inst, at l'hiiips
I ttiirg, by the K. v. .. J'. Clarke, Mr. W.
1 Uecoul to Miss I.ucinda luH lnmii, l oth
1 ,.c i.' . i. ...i,
Ul J' ) i I
H ; i.uii,,r,l,urg, bv L. I'l. g il,
j;M , jr. Augii.tu Wcitnian ol Ch nr-
field, to Miss Kliabeth Jviimm of Jelh i -
ton niuntv.
On th l'Jth", by Kev. .1. M. (iulloway Mr.
Merritt Sau"ler to Miss Kinily l'i'i:,
both of Clearfield county.
On the 121st, ut New Washington, by J. II.
J'.relh, t'stp, Mr. Alexander ThtitnpMin
tit Mf".s J I li 1 1 11 al 1 1'ultou, all ol Luiiisi'le
townsliip. i
On Iheviined.iv. bv .1. 1. Miller, 1,i . Mr. 1
Uivid McCrackon of rerguson tow n.-bii) I
Mi M ugarct l.locin cf l'ike to.v'p. j
Ul w
DIED - i'n llieTth itisiunt, of typhoid f,
vcr and dysentery, .Monrietta, daugliler
of Saninel' and Sibley (ieorie, of I'dnoni
ttiwiisliiit, aged : vcars 0 in.nif.'iit nnd 1.1
al p. A sweet little family I'OSO - jilt a j
bloom of out ll.
In thin place on Thursday last
Magg-v, in '
and Jliniiv
taut Hatlgllter ol Ale.. I.
, 1 1 c , 111a tract, Joseph .Smith, Nunc .McKcc and other.',
on Ihe s.imediy., inlanll ... ju..iB u,,.i,i ,,,,,1 i:i
ln thi pip
son of O.i'iir It. iV.i-1 Candis Merrell.
rlu Jbbdlisniirnls.
fE' E';u iici s.
thh j;x(t:i.siok wixd-jiii.l
NR of the very best WIND MILLS ever in
J vc
.nled, ii now ollercd to tho J aruicrs of
Cletirtield countv.
Tho until rsicned A;"il is now in litis place for '
tlni purport' of introducing then to tho notice of
lliopubJic. He nnlv r.-k.-a fair trial. Karmers
aro specially nulled to call and examine lliein
before pun liin-ing clscn here.
W. HANCOCK, A-eiit.
CleainelJ. Aug. 27, lSf.2.
ACrH.My wi'e Caroline, having left
J n.y bed and board without just causo or prov
iication.all persons aro uereny cauuoiic'i ngiiinsi
liarliorinir or trusting Iter on my account, as I
' " l'"' n,l.v ,1l'l!' eiiifat.s.l ly her.
Veil lp., Aagtist 10, 1SII2. St.
llTP.It'S XtlTKii-
Notice, is here
given that Iho following accounts have
been oxiiiiiine.l and pns.ed by 1110. ami remain UP ",c nn.niic ot inii.l creeK 010 loverui courses
tiled of record in this odicu for tho inspection .if thi'roof lcH to apost 111 tho middle of said
heir., legatees, creditors-.nnd all others in tinv crock, thence south f..S cast 5 perches to a liem
other wnv interested, and will bo presented to,1'"'11- nnri fl!' c'fi "s porches to a post, north
the nt'Xt'Orphnn's Court of Clearfield countv, to " perches to a post, north 50 east 11 perches to
be held nt li t. roi UT llOIISH. in Hit. borinich I""-, norKi 42 wost 113 perches to place of be-
.r Clearlicbl, comnici.cilig on Ihe llrd Monday
. ,' - . .. - 1
01 repicinocr, lo.ti, ittr citniiriiiaiion anu auow ;
1 ' '
Ti e Final account nf M.iry Ann Wriggles-
K.irtl. ti.lit.lniBtriitriT. nml lllislta Fenlon. ml.
miuistrator, of all and singular the goods nnd
ch.iltels, rights ami cretlits, w hich were of Jo
ecpli rigglesworih, Into of Pcnn townflnp,
Clearfield county, tleceasetl.
2, The linn 1 account of William Hoover, ailmin
istmlnr of Cn-sar Pelter, late of Ilradford town
ship, Clearfield county, deceased.
S. The Final account of J M. Smith, administra
tor of all and singular (ho goods nnd chnlt.Os,
rights and credit which were of Kvi Smith,
late of Heparin township, Clearfield county,
4. Tho iiflmiiiUtrullori account of Samuel Clyd
and William Porter, administrators of Jane
V. Stranf.ird, Into of Morris township, Clear
field county, deceased.
!. The administration account of John M. Mac
umber, administrator of Austin Drown, lale of
Huston township, Clearfield county, deceased.
(1. The partial account nf Cecelia trvin, adminis
tratrix, ami James lrvm, administrator, of all
. , . .. . . .
"n(1 -'I's-'niar tlie comls and chattels, nehtpaml
rreditH. whiel. ...r. nf llt.,1,1 I.I. nf
L'Hticrsliiirir. OI,.nrficl,l count v. ilaumscl .
7. The final account of John Iteiter, executor, and
Margaret White executrix, of James White,
late of Karlbaas township, dcecn.ed.
R. Tbe administration account or Lruc Dunlap,
John Dunlap anil James A. Read, administra
tors of William Dunlap, lale of Pike township,
deceased. JAMES W RIUI.KV, lteg'r
He jitter's office, Clearfield, Aug. 20, lsfl2.
EXKCUTOK S lOTItlf-Koiiee is W.
by Klreo that Letters Tesla menlarv n,. tl.a
estate 01 Jiiir.s 11
of Chest, deceased
n. -. ' -
iHoniwin late of the lownihin
j i j .11 " , . '"'-' 10 ine
undemigaed. All penons ind.hted to naid .atuto
V r,'ul,, ! mtV ''"""'hate payment, and
nave ttern granted to tli
""' ""i eiaimi a jurist the aame will pre nt
thrm duly a.theBticaH far Mt.l.m,nl
WM. EAT11.
BnmiiiHr , Aug. JJ (tt pd. Ex r.
Ml. III. I' S Mils
,.! Im ?n f I in I
n'i oil t ili' r t 1 1 i
ufii lit I 'iltil' . on I 1m Hi" 'I i
I !i
. ti 'M im I I : I'' s M I : ni r,
i ,,ti I " In ili ,i.i nh "( I Ifii' "' I, ! M '1
,v ll' '. M ''lit ill ki f'l' int er I'l-tl. nl I , t-l V,
, in , llio fi.lli ' I t .'! i I..- I II ttil I ill i
A riii n il "f Inn 1 niim'o in ," ti,il
t . n n lii p. ' Ii I, i ti' lil c ii nl v . V imt Ii !',i'. ' n
,p'l im 'I ,I h iil "'l n fi'llim ; I:,'IiiiiIhk ' 'l"in
ni'iir i l,"i'l ttliilp ('nk ftnrr nf litml" "I f.O'l
Ii'li'liml, tin tn- 1'H'I Intiil i, I W iilhmi k' l'luiil
i l I in 1 1 1, lion In lirmliK k, tlinn'c t i 111 1 y Inii I
if 1 1 in v y Moore 121 pirilidi i t"fi", Il "'
,( I I" rn lii'i In it "'.t, llii'iice fuutli III ' r
In " 1 ) hire il l i'niniiiii).', h lid cm tn 1 1 ' in j; IO"
arri'N mi, I illo nnro. Ai.mi, i n i Ii i tin, I "I
li-ii'l lii'inniiiK nl n fi'ft corrn'r of liui l n l ll for
uhl ,l' !i"lniit, tliiin'C wst lit IiiihI o riii'l 'I''
fi'ti'laiit III l-cri-lic" t"ii !"t. IIkih'" a Hit I'.v
Inicl in rume of W illiam tJrn.lit r T ' per' le s I"
i'-t. thence cnl l v 'liviilin lino ' I trurl in 1 . n i n '
nf Hufh ltd ftiui 111 lonlun lo n fust, ilinni'f
"Hill lli (j'TcIh'ii to I'l'itinning, ('"iitniiiiii:; '(
BCfPH tnori' or lrsi. Sii.o, mi l Inlo'ii inoM i ii
t ion ami I" Ii" "ll as llio proi(rty ol'.lolni I. ,..
A orrta in truct of luml mIiiiiIi in iVonilwunl
tow-n-liip. L'lciirlitiKl (iinty. lioiunl,"! en tlu' i'iHt
ti n 1 1 foiilli liy is of John M. I'liiui'. n tin' ''t
In- I.iiiiU'Ioii, llivnn A Co. . Mini m lli noitli )
X.'. Kline, eontni'-injj III) nrre ninie or l's,
with filmnt 5 acres i-leiiri ,, unit n ninull 1" Imiir-u
troileJ tliereun. Seicil anil tnlteii ia e., eiUion
! nuil to he sold nn the properly of Triro A. Kowlei.
Al so, it certain trset of luml xilunle in Woml
jmirJ loiviinhip, t'leurfie'il county, l'enn' luiniii,
holm, led nnil ile-erihed o follow), via: lo'i'in
;nin;ntu locust, thence hy luml wurmnti"! to
il'liilip l.oant, wertt ,'IL'II per. to ivhiio oiili, tlictue
' north 2.J per. to I oricit, theni'o enst .'t-0 per. to
heinloek s:iilinn, thenee south 210 percl'e to lio
Kiunini;, outlining 1 1 1 acr,'s mid lS:l per,
i f -1 1 r v w y e d on wnrnint to Henry Sliiillner. .Sened,
taken in cxei-u'.iiwi, nnd to be sold us tho propi r-
vrtv of leiuie liosi. all tlmt certain lot of ground .-ituate in
I'io villngo nf li leu Hope, lSecnirin town-hip,
ClenrliclJ colinlv, bounded n fo'lo: lii'in
iing nl comer ul lot No. (1, thence, we-t by i'me
ctrei't lili feet to tlie corner nf lot No. is, thenee
north by faid lot Itli feet to Spruce street, thenee.
enst by mid street (ili feet, thenee south by lot
No. o lo pluce of begiiininii, beinjylot No. 7 in Ihe
plan of snid village, with large fiamo dwclliiig
lniiijie Mid fruine barn thereon ereeted. AN ', a
certain tract ol land sitti.itc io r.' ccariit tunnliip,
t learlii'ld county, lit'iinded on the youth by t'leur
lield Creek, west bv land of Wliiteji.ics, iiorih
Coiitaiiiing '! ner"5, with .'10 acres cleared
log 1hum and log burn thereon erected. Hei.-.ed
ami l,iken in execution and to be sold as ti c
l'rI'"'y "f fin. K. Dickinson.
.!lnrlai'' rr''"''""
townsnip. t learlie!'! countv. beL'innuiL' at a u-
ur .rllr ,., .,.,, ,.,;,, f .". ln ,
t,I 1 1 tl M II II .1 1, 1 on llg II , l ll CIH'e Il V lUIHl HUIV 111
AbrulniMi Snyder east 121 and ouo-tenlh per. t
poft, tin -nee by re.'i'luo of Guslavus iti.hbugli
j oiith 1 III per. to o.-t, thenee ttill by caiuo we.-t
I 121 and ( lie-tenth per. to post tin tract line. tin nei'
by land of Ilex north 110 per. to sugar and begia
; ning, coiitn'ning IIM acre! ami'ii'g
! perl of tract in inline of (iustnvuri Kilibaugh. the
juiiid lDtt acres having it small log hull fe,liiirn ,n t h - ,
I er ou, -buildings ami nrchurd Ihereon, wilh about'1
Mj lUTCS cle.Lied thert'im. Seiiol nml tnlien ill
i.,v,,i,, ,.J t . ,.i I ... .1.. ..f ii
. ....... IUI14 i'l "V ."ii i ui uiu ni icii? 'k il'. t.
W. Curry.
Also, a certain tr.n t of land situate in Uriel
font township, Clvarlield county, liimnded and
desi'i ibeil as f iliows : lieginning at stmu piie
Curner of Samuel Sin.icl, thence south by Samuel
Smuel l.i2J per. C; a ptt corner of Lewis Siiioinl,
; thenee cast 221 i per. t i a pout, thence north I.V2
I per. to old line, 1 Ii ti ,- west by lien. S'eRunitlian
.V jasper .Muylin .'.'I per. to beginning, contu.n
iug acres more or lesa. Soiied and tnken in
1 w eul ion nnd tu bo sold as the nniDcrlv of Frc I-
lM :eu Cnkii,,.
certain tract of luml situatj ia
(hill Clcarlicld county, containing
uboiit ,'il I acres, surveyed on wnrrunt to (ieorge
Meek, adjoining land" of Jonathan Roynlon,
Sehooly Scott mid others, having about IM aeros
cleared thereon, with it small orchard, and hur
ling a log cabin house erected tlnreon. Seie-1
ami taken iii execution and to be sold as the prop.
crty ol in. il. 11. .,'arly.
Ai.fO, a icitniu tract of land siluiite in Vi . ni l
ward A KnoX towiehips, Clcanrl I county, I'.i ,
unnliiininf -J 00 ncr-.--', and bounded by the I'.-dsi-
and 20 acres cleared. Seied and taken in c-coition
and to bo sold as the property of f.-Hai; Wil
son. BV virtue of sundry writs of I.rrai ! yueiw, is
sued out nf the panic court, and to me dircf-
ml, there will bo exposed to public sale at tlie
,fino time and place tho following describe 1 pro
j perty, to wit :
( All those certain si tracts of land situate in the
county of Clciirliwld, bounded nnd dcsercd ns fol-
lows, viz: x he 0110 I'icrtior lotuato 111 llceeiiria
tiiniifhiii, in rni.l coantv. beinnin.' at a white
pine in a lino of S.-rnli Ilillinglon's land, thcneii
north 5 west 111!) perches to a tvhito oak, south
t'i cast Dili pcrihcs lo a hickory, thence down
Clca' field creek south 'JO nst US perches, thenee
south 23 cast 10 perches, south -12 cast 0!) per
ches, south 2!l east M perches to 11 post mi the
bunk of saitl crek, thence n inth 2.,i0 west 211 per
ches, south 25 oust 100 perches along line of
Philips A Co. lo a post, thenee itl mg Amnsu
Saiilh's lino north 42" wost 212 porcine to bei,in
niug, containing 'i IO acres uud J I perches, w ith
the usunl allowance for roads, Ac.
Another thereof situate in the snmo township.
! adjoining tho above ilescribcd tract, beginning at
a hickory in a lino between John R. Smith and
Amass J. Smith, thenco south 60 west li porches
l"" V1 ', 10 """ 01 t-iearntsiu crock, 111.11, 0
P '"ning, containing Mi acres and perches and
- ..wi.n.-n .,r r ..,.r 1 r..r r.,.,i
- -- ---.i-. ......... .
...... , 1 .- , :...-.....
Another thereof, btgiuning at a while pine in
14 h"" of William l'ueey'i luml, thence by other
lann ol tlie mortgagee herein south Slowest 120
perchea lo a poft, onth 3'J0 east 10 perches to n
maple, thenco by land of Sarah Rillinglon nn-th
.rtl cast 120 perches to a post formerly a whila
1'lne, thncoby huid of paid Puscy north li'JJ west
170 perches to the beginning, containing I'M
acres and IS perches mid allowiin, e.
Another thereof, all that piece nituato in Roc
curia township aforesaid, beginning nt stones,
thence (out 2iJ east 20 perches lo a post, south
.'iS west 111) perches to a post, thence south M2U
cast 20 perches lo a post, south is' west AU perch
is to a pout, thence sumo ceurso L'i perches to a
post, thence souih .10 perches to maple coiner,
thenco same course 2l! perches to a post, thenco
north i8 by tho mortgagee' other lands llti per
ches to tho beginning, containing tti acres and
H perches.
Another thereof, adjoining James McMurtric '
survey, lands of Joshua Comstock, Ryroii O'Ha
ra's survey, and others, containing SA acres nnd
IOJ pcrthis.
The other thereof, adjoining land, of William
Wright, other land of tho mortgagee herein, and
Clearfield creek, remaining l' perches being
the same six tract which John Coipernnd Mari
1111 bin wife, liy a deed of indenture boarinjf date
1 1th December, 1851, for Ihe consideration there
in mentioned, a pirt of which ii lieroby eccnred,
granted and conveyed unto tho suid Jcreuiiiili
Cooper, hia heirs and assigns forever excepting
und reserving certain town lots owned by f titer
per.miii, and excepted nid reserved in tho above
reciled deeds of indenture with about hO acres
cleared, a large two-slory house, barn, orchard,
s,ii t;n t,... 1 ...11 .1 1. ,..i
'-.'1.11, ,,,lu WVU.-,:, I...... UilDlllllj-lll,,,.,', HIM.
other .,ni),,li.,,.. ii,.ra..n r... 1 u,.. ...,1 1
tnken ia exeeutiun nml to be 10M as the nioi ertv
niKon ia execution nntl to bo
of tho faid Jeremiah Cooper, one full, euual and'
11a Jeremiali Cooner.
one full, etpiul and uudivitled moiety or
half part of and in tho following described iliree
sovcrul pieces, parcels or purls of tracts of land,
wiui tuo i.rist Mill, Saw Mill, and the other 1111-
pruvemonts thereon, and the water right, thereto
Iielnrrging. being siluato rerpeclively in tb town-
I I !' " '. ml r, I, 'I . I I ,
." "' ' ' ! "I 1 Il -I I, , I II i I 'I , , , , I
!"'!, H XI Ml- !(.. , "'I V'
' " ' 1 ' ' I ' I I ",- 11 I i 1 ' I, 1 ' '
"' ' ' I il'.- I La I
I ...:''l l' Villi ti 11. i t,,l ,, -,. f , ( ,1 .
I -. '"I'l i.M I I 111 i i, .. h-' r.i I ' I
,"i i
y ''.
ti. i'
I "Uf ' 1
1' il'p III
III ft M
. I "Il i.'.ti ml i II- I ,t
" f I l"ll i I II i-r. ,11. II st, : Ih
I'l, "lib l.i-K'iti I,, ni f. I t
fn (, t-l , t. HIi ni'ti Ln,. i r il, m, in. ii W i ... i
lib linn
Mill I'l I j in I' 1 1. in, I il,,,.,. ri, . ,(.,. p,
tin IT I . ' f I "f i, !-, stn l,r, bnr n ill, 'I nil i l
i oil. ml in if) tl-rr-i n t, el, d bi-inu the pi. m .
be, u fi-Ibe ll.f.iiiiti M,. pi, , ii v, nml b, ii,
limit, fully d. fl ibi d in ,l,i', ,1 1, in, i , l', i, r im I
wiin af d IV Hum-,', k ii ii , 1 nil,, to lltiih Anm
.!!"ii, r, em led in 1 1, i,, , K Ii, j ,H . .'. 4 . jn ,
t 1.,,-e lor n i-'.rding .,f ,1 U in and lor 1 . n r fi . ! 1
ciiijy. Si'uinl hi, I tnken in exeeuli 'ii ml ,, be
..Id ii. llie roperly t.f Hutl, A,inil Allen nml
I Int Inn All i li, her liti.htiml, uh nnliee l,i Wil
liam Levi- and Call, urine Sa in rinan. I , 1 1 1 leiinnts.
Al so, "lie lull, c'iiihi mid undivided innieiy, or
l,i,ll' pm I of and ,11 tho following dcm-libi ,1 t'lii.o
Nefi'1'..l pieces, parcels or pulls of trartu of bind,
witli l!ie liriht Mill, Saw Mill, nnd the nlir im
proVi'iii' iilK iheienii, nml the witter rights Ihereto
beb iiging. being hitu.ito rei-pectiviily in the town
. liipol lieeciria atnl county nf Cb-iu I'n Id : nuo
,.f 1 1 . i-ni lying on cieh ri.ln of Cleurllel 1 creulc,
eolitiiiii ing litf ueren and allowance, ami a Ism
i. lie moii'ly of nnd in nil tin. wnier right in and to
I'l, -iii-Scid creek, due other nf the said tracts nf
Im,,!, emit lining 'iU'.t ncre ; and the oilier ol tho
nid trai ls, containing l.'( acres. The said first
naiuud tun t sup -eyed mi wnrrant to Hubert Mor
ris, an 1 i, living 10 acres cleared tliereun, u iMenin
S;iiv .Mill III by SO feet, wit'i engine h"U-e III by
11 1 feel, with I n in-! i i ti-ry liurein, i .ti r (ii ist.
Mill HI by til feet, an i ll'iree stories high, ft lhvel
lin.: hoiiM-s, I riore bouse, fitab'e, barn, an I nthe r 1
I out Iniil'liii'.'s ihtTenii erected lioing the prein isos
known ii h lli o lieccuriii Mills property, and being !
more fully described in deed James V. l.iirt'r .V
; it il'e ami S. 1'. Huncoek A wife, to llulh Atimi Ai
: lcn, recti riled in Deed llonli (I, page 4'il. in the
olli.'O for rerording of it"e,l.s in and for ( 'learlie Id j
cuuiily. Mi-iieil and taken in execution .rid to be
fold as the property of Kutli Anna Allvn, audi
Clayton Allen, her husband, with notice to N il- I
' Ham l.eiis Calharino Snucritiiin, terre tenant,
i 1 0 1 ) W A K I ) I'KKKS, Sho'll.
Hlnsri.1V otfuo, Ciuartlvl'l, Au. 27, IC62. I
HIlllKAS. lion. SAMl'lll, I. INN, Ksri.
I'n si, lent .Iiivlge nf the Conrl of Coiiimon I
rieii.s o( tlie t 'eiitv -fifth Judicial District, com
posed of tint eouiilies of Clcarlicld, Centru and
;Clini, i and tli" llmi. J.S. lll.OOM and lion.'
'.I. D. 'ill'i.MrSON'.AsMii'iute Judgtis jf Clcarlicld
' e, 'Hilly ; liuve isMied their preeepl, to me direct
ed, for the holding of a Court of Common l'leas,
Orphan's Court. Cuurfof C'unrter 8i'Hsiona, Court '
nl Oyer nntl Terminer, and Court nf General J.ul
Delivery, nt Clearfield, ill and for III comity of
Clearfu'!,!, on th"
I D7i M , nil, ni 'l(h tlv;) (fS.-jlinlrnc.rit at
t.t.,- c0.,,-t ,;..?,.
, NOTICK IS, thererorc. hereby given, lo the
; Col oner, Justices of the Peace, nnd CotiMiihl c,
in anil for mid coui.ty of nrpour in
I their proper persons, with their Hulls, Record",
. Iinpiisitious, L.i.iini nations and ntlier Kcnicni-
branees, to do those things which to their ufl'.ccrf ,
and in their behalf, pertain In bo done.
! (ilVh'N under my blind at Clearfield, this 2I.U
day of Aug., in the year nf our Lord, uno til. ins.
and eight hundred and -i.vlv-two.
' ' EDWAKI) 1'KliKS, .sV-, ti.
'.' u 1
nl.1 VltlMl'l I-' IM.MI IVIMTI
r I I il llt'i) WIJU Jil44 J J ' 1 J k 1. I
)Y vi-tue of an order of tho Orphans Co .rt
ol l lcarlit'in county, 1110 uniiersinci win
t-Npoe to public sale, lit I li.arliebl, on the 2.M ol
Setpemher (hi.'iug '.lie Monday of Stplembc
rourll the foil inj described Real E-!ate, late
Ihe properly ol pamucl Harrier, deceased:
A certain tract nl Rand, ciiuuto i-; Ilradford
tout, ship, Clearfield county, bounded nnd des
cribed 1 s follows : Ri-jfinning nt a post, then,'.!
South Mi-' cast SO perch oj to a white 011 k (now
down) thence north 10 cast 1 1C and four tenth
p. 1 .-'.it" to a port, th'.'iH-c north s'll J we.-t s0 per
flies lo a n-f, thence south It)0 west 1 10 and
four tenth per"bes to placo of hegiuiiiii);, i-oulaiti-in
i(l ni res and linir tentli pui clies and 11!
oA iiii..', having 110011: 10 at-ris cltartd. with un
or, -hard, nnd having a frame hoi.sw and hg barn
ere, .lu-1 lliere m.
A l.Si 1, 11 c. rlaia tia 't of la.i.l situal-' in Rr id
f n.! ton.i-hip. Ilea: field eouii'y, boundeil .is f.d
lov, : lleiiiiiin at a while oak, tl.-'itce e:i -t
2SS ' pci, -bes to a white pine, tln'lico muth so"
w.s: 2 i .' pfi '-i,.'- to u while oak, thence north 10
cH.-t I'. I p, reins to ,1 maple, thiiiee we.-t '.Mi p, r
ehes to a led oak, thence South 1.10 perches to
l l i -ciif t.iyiiiHiug, eoiitaining IOO acr a anil
111 UTi' lies, ol which iiiniitTj acres nie . L ai e.!,
will. 1111 t.rcliiir-l. and haviag two lug Incises nnd
a bani orcclcd thereon.
Terms of Sale.
Oin'-'hird CAS II at continuation of tic sale,
ami the remainder in 11c and two years thircnf
tei, with interest, lo bo sccurod un the laud by
Ilnnd and Mortgage:.
Aiii;u.-t 20. 1M12. Tiustee.
rniiM i.iiAiti nii.i) ,.cnniv win
I he Hpi'iicl for thn popils (uiuL'S
ami feuinl.) on Monday, Au.'. ISth, li;2.
Ti-i'iu pi r '(sslou if l.leiia Weeks:
Orlh igraphy, Reading. Writing, Primary
Ati:l. luetic nml licography,
Higher Ariihini'l'e, Rnglish (iruminar,
licography and History,
Algebra, licoinctry, Natural Philosophy,
mi l Honk Keeping,
Latin and lirck Languages,
.1 00
1 on
6 00 1
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough j
Rnglish Kdiicution, and who wish to .lualfy.
Ibetti,el,. li,r Tcuehers. this Institution offers
desirable advantages.
No n
I for less thun half .1 session.
nnd no dediicliou
tnde except for protracted
Tuition to Le paid at the close of tho term.
C. !!. SANDI ORD, I'l-iurijuil,
Clcnrficlil, Aug. b, 1SI.2. ly.
fIIIM attention of persona do-inuspf ptireha--
1 ing desirable Timber Lands is invited to tho
following tracts of land situated in Keating town-
ship, Clinton county. Pennsylvania, known
the LORAIN LANDS, vn :
A certain tract, being No. SI (ill, Warranted in
the Mime of Thomas Willing, containing about
1 1(H) acres, situate on Ilin-b Llund Hun, at the
distance of miics from tho river, being well
limbered with Pino and O.ik.
Also, another smaller tract of Inn. I, fitunte at
the mouth of Ilirch L-liiut. Run, on the west side
tf llir river, containing t.'l arrea and allowance,
.nnl having a good rafting beach tlioreou,
'VH.. Fir It rms applv to '
(1. L. RLF.I), I ,. .
J AS. II. liRAHAM, j t x
f learfiel'l. July HO, IS02. j
wAXTiii) for tiii:Vallant
f Ahlc-tioilio'l, moriil, voiing ineii to join
JvfLF the Ar ny of the I'nion, fortho crush
ing out of the wirkt-d rebellion that is now dis
tracting our belove 1 cotintry.
Como and helpus save the purest anil best go.
verniiit'iit Hod ever gave to man.
Men will be enlisted for any Pennsylvania
Regiment now in tho field.
'i. bounty, anil ono months' pay in advance.
Clothing, food, and medical f.ttendanco gratis.
Ji-yRicruiting office in (iriiham's Row,
dipt. S 1th Heg'l Penna. Vols. 1
Recruiting Officer.
Clearfield, July .10, lSlli.- tf.
Administrator's Notice
AJOTICK is hereby given, Hint Letters of Ad-
ministration on tho estate of Mrs. KS-
J 1 1 r. Ii 1 I- -l -tl 1 . . late 01 Hellufonto, Centre
eonntv. Penn'n, deceased have been emi.t..,!
11 11 1 v . 1 run .., iiuvo oeen cratiteil
ne unurrsigucu. aii persons indeiitrd to sa il
fc the undersigned. Al1 I"' rsons indebted to said
estate are required lo make payment without do-
lay, and those having claims against Ilia mmo
will presort them duly auihculicut. d for n'tlle-
It. D. CFM.MIX03, AJm'r.
Hellifonfe, Aug. 20, I3C2.
"1 i I
il; i
l.).IHl iMllnl IHul dll'
.II'. Ill III 1:1 Im
II I'l I -"Mil j '
Willi i t'll' I', I'll 'il.
70 COO Uunli nl an Is fr- . .I 0
,t ',
IHttV n
1 J pii-t i'i.1
I" Ibe niin-lii-
in, tit ttniild It
linn ,,f li
nil' koiiI -Ii 1 1
til 'I'l bit I, iid in I tli,
i." . i t'.i- il .1 ; n 0,1 in,.
l"ii li nt lb" I "I,', I i-i'i
I r,-l.i n 1 " n. It 'I a ..i
I !ut loo. nf lot e b ,- i,l ,
nei. lo i beer 11" lip
in.-1 ii.. i
only tliaii l-iu-k lo
iiiiuiili ut tl.ii t- r
Nnl 111 lo "toil out
nil f.llov. I lltil 1
lb 1,1 ii.v
l i: A N K MlllU r
ndling llniiN .li
,'iirj.y nml i;ioi ili'-ntioii u. th,i
nf ibe ConltnliMi'ls t timing .Mb.ti.iiee," an I lo wt ttr nut
I i no Ihitii' the I . ' I le i I C" i,i -be
!ts-itti'i, find Ihltl i-, tin.!,
-tor fliori i-nlli' I M ( ' t- - i ,
slim s en ( ht-np in line t,lhi r
muii in the nullity 1 nnd if ,
juri gi e hi 111 11 sll 011 ei 'ii 1 1 11
llllle, II Is ' I fee for j-nursrlves.
nun. I the public Ihnt I. is shop
slre"t, in Shaw's. Row --whi'ro
boi't believe H,
I., oral any otht r
lie wuiilJ jutt r,'
is noit nil Mlllk-t
vol "ill lii4 him
jusi n' Shml as niuial if not a little tlni. in
- of
C.lsll lli 1111 be would like tu I.e.
All kindri f work on hand at,l tiiaJe to order
on short notice, and us wll math', nml 11- gnu, I til'
11s cull bo "skeercd" up heieor else'vhur.'.
i.Vi.. Don I forget the shop on Muiket i-lr.'.-1,
in .'-Iium's Row, ilirwelly uppnsitn Rev. 11, P,
Swoop..'.- ..niec. 1". " HUliT.
Cleintb ld, Juno 11, 1-1,2.
M.. . .!....
t t
At the Old Prices.
r V. K RAT 2 Kit har jri.-t r.tivc! :.r.i.t!:iT
f) a geiiiiiil 11 --oi Uniiit of Simiui'T
I. aw in Cloths Iiihhocs
l'tiplilis S.iimuits Howeia
SI. allies CllhaitiK'ltii llusii.iv
Ciishii.ercR 'J' Head. Netts
.tivelliis CotloiKidesi I ipcss ll mailings
lliieals lrilliiigs I.tiees
Silk-i J cutis Cellars
l'rinls Muslins l'inlti'sleeves
Valt'lieiiis riatiluls Mantillas
('hint. Linens 1 lusters
(.1 indiums 'I'lckiiigH Shawls.
Ladies IVcincnadc Jackets,
JiJonnets, Stiii-Uinlirclla
a r p e f , r I o or (J 1 l-U loth
JL'ils, Caps, lltiots, Niocs.
1. ,-,
.Sll A I)
"i d'THK
1 i:.v
J..i u.. W-
-I 't ,;J v"J
Jointed Hoop .Skirts, Shakers.
Violins, I-"ifi:si, Strings, Uridges, T.ows, Legs
I'receptor--, Music l'aper, liosin.
.yams st;iiiLi 1 ivus .
Tin-Wftte, Lilies-Ware, Itug, Tiun,s
I l.lind
', Ilrooms,
I iiiltrt-llis,
lo.-s, Cuile
Tubs. Churns, T11ll 1'uucr
Raskt'tM, School Hooks, Var
I Hair. Coacii i.iJJui inin..
I.i:i-e,-, Oil. ri.h-.iil. Coal-
s iiiiit 'I ii 1-1 1 1 in.-.
.'il,, ,C-.. In fi -t a Ii'lle .ifev.-iy!
al'v Let t in a cMintrv flora.
All of which will be sold or. Mi .' uost rca-onn-bb'tenas
for Cash, or approved country pro
duce. I'le.'irli.ld, May 2,lsii2.
To School lirectors-
Practical Tea. her, holding a class cer
tificate, itiihi 10 engage a Disiriet Scimil,
to .'i'iii at ns early a day as desirable, l or fur
ther information, address "THACHKU," Ittouh-
I lienn oili
e, Clcarlicld, I'n. Ju'v ::u.
H. V. SMITH &. CO':3 !
o.' TIIK--l.ati'sl
and Most Fashionable CimkIsII
ir.-i iuauiv ol l'rinls t; nr
,.',.f g..oJ
our lorni'
. tot 1
' I1'"
X r.n(lf c.,l"i.--l'or sale 1
ies, vii: 12 cin cry:ini.
Also A l irg- sPttlj of Pun,
tl'.t'lioi. raging in-.:..:::. fjr t
111,11 prnui, lenie ,1 res --'S. A 0
. riaicnt
of Liidics Dress 'J rim: :!--, 1 m:. -i
( "id skin 1. raids, li, rliii X - j 1 1 1- v.,,.-
Ian-1 1110:, i.iiiiiro; I, iy snks, etc., etc.
A!-o a choice .-t of Triu.i, line's for Zuiiavi . t.on
fisting nf liimp, tiik, White llugle, Steel
lluglc, .Veil Zoimvc, llluck .ou
ftve, Ac, Ac, Ac, .to.
w iih
es. Cords, Alnucas.
Print-. C ttonatles, lirilliiinles, '
Cutnhriis, Denims, Lawn roln s,
DehiinoSlnv'ls J'urn. Chit ks, il' n lkcrehicls
Stella tin. Hickory .stripe Irish Linen.
Chiiiiibray, Tweeds, tin, t5'?iipei inr
liitiglicuis, Cord Drill--, Neck kics,
Lawns. Hep Dc I.:,ii,es l!acl; silk
Meillurcs, Mnloriiit H'mlkeri h lefs,
K:n'y Jeans, Mor.uinbiipio-, II .op skirtc.
Fancy Ca.i'inre Lace Mim, Doylies,
1 o n ' t j . s 1 : t H k 1 ' i'( ) utV m t v :
To ocononiise (.0 to II W. S. A Co's.
w hrro you will receive a superior
mticlo at .n una!! ml.
viinee on cret !
,mi:n awaki;: :
1 'o.i't throw a'vay your
tnciins when by going to II.
W. S. ,t. Co's. yon can get a
good aiticie ol'n KIT I'k .ol I'm- f:',
Call anil Hi' nlsoour n;en's extiu Ik
i'lotigh Shoe.
As Times are Easing so Ere our Prices.
April a o,T,;.
Mlt.S Tlie County Supei iiilcndi nl will i n
(leavor lo moot Teneliors, Direct , is und Citizens,
at the places and dalo named, nt 9 o'clock A. M.
ll.ccaii.i ami (julich, September ?d A .'Id, lct'2
at J.mcsvilic.
Chest, Ferguson and Jordan, t tli A ith, at An
sonvillo. Kno., (lib, at New Millpott.
Rloom, Lumber City and Pcun, i-'tli A Dili, at
Rurnsido, Chest A Vt'ashingt
lav. a 11 1
liitll Hill at
.H'tt .. uMiingmn.
Ciii ivnn.vllleiin,! 1M1-. irk . I ili. ... f-..-
-. ,, ..... ... , ' .ll
n , 1 1 ,i i ,. , , , ,
B(Vt,Xi!i. I-"'""' ! lot' -'lforu, l,th A Piters Schoolhou-e
tiruhatu und Moni.s, IKth A I'llth, at K; le
Covington uud Kdrlhuu.-, 21ili & 2.4b, na-r
John Rciirr's.
Uirurd 2rtth. at Congress Hill
Rridy, 2ih ,- IllUh, nt Lathersburg
bnion, October 1st, at Welly s.
Husinn and Fox, ltd, at Hickory Kinglmu..
Roijgs. fab, at Alberts.
Decatur and Woodward, 7th A 6lh, at Centre.
Roil, ItHli, at Rower.
July 30, 156;. pd. Cuniy -' ipl.
I i M M u.
, HI ! II .Mil IN M.
' ml. 1
j I II. 1 ' I 1 1 ,1 I' '
i -
I ', i -t.
tb "
i ,t
t , i ti.
i, p n I I
ni I i '
1 1 1
an i
1 HM,
(1 1 1 1 n I t
I nn, N t
l'i- b'l. 1'.
1 b-llii,
' itiiie l.
' . 1 iti 'i t
t i.iii ji,
Wbi l, .
M UlllLS.
I "t
I ,1
I...1 .1
I -l.i-,
:-'i, t
i )fi:u! i:s.
P. CO,,Vi.
Tiu Ware. Uluii Warn. I i u ic , l.aiupt,
llllckt'tf. I'.lo, IIS, 'luli-l, CIlllI'Dr,
Wall-J'apcr. UliciU, I'mhr, 1U),
Siie litniher, Iron, Nii,.
Sle.,1, lilass, .to., .K'.
V lii pp l.v drill ntienliou to lutiuou and
Row Prieeii to re.'.'ivo a liberal pair 11 ngt. Let
all mime and ciaiiiino our stock aud ) ric..i.
Highest Mtuhft Price jtiid for all
kimls J. umber.
Mi-Mi ItliAV A 1RVIN.
Clfitrlirld. 1'u., Aug. 6, 1. bi.
"The I'uion now and Fovver."'
READ ! HEAD ! ! IE A D ! ! !
In tli' .Vi'i;t'i Jl mu, cppo'U: tii Banl
(,S7i.i,t OLlMami.)
iV-Ci'y Rri'uili of Rfieiisteiu Pro? No
Norlli 1 had strtet, I'hila 1 Inhia,
1111" niidcr.' ictied n speetlullv announeo lo th
inhiibiturts of Clem lieltl eo'jntv, and tho
1 public gt nernlly, that tlmv ha'.e iiptiio.l nt Ilia
'..l... ...I ,.ll .1... 11 1 tC'l' L'VTL'K'l ,i.. .....
. ,, r ,,,ui. i ',, .,: 1 1. r, I I. lV
ikt ski.i-.cj i:d stuck oc
llluV sAlAIM LLUlllLNli,
And (icntleii.en's I'm;
liii,..; (Diod, that ban er-
, -r been 1 xbihitoil in
- :l,ey will t .-ll
this b, rough, and which
I 25 per cent cheaper thau Clothing har..
1 ever been Hold ia this part of tho
I country.
j Our .-'...".-k ciiiliaei-s 11 full a'lj corn j.-lcte ii.j,urt
i le., nt of all llai iui n!s .'iKially w i n, made up of
. 2'.l, tif-l in the lie-t .-tylo arid Ho:k
I Ulllll-lli)'.
, (().) Art.,?.w?.
r ' i - .1 11 . e . i
1 r tiiTiisaiDg iiooos, iiais cv Viips,
j Travelling Unus, 'IViiumod Flail'
11c! and White Shirts.
I In idi r!, e.erythli.g y,-nern!'y f.un 1 in a Well as
1 tutted of t'ui" kind. Wo alio keep a line as-
! fort'.ileut of
Faucy tioods au;l Notious,.
! '"'uch as l'oclu.l Hooks, Poitruotiuis, Pocket kiiirai
1 C"inl .s ui.d Hrushes, XN'ntch Chains and (iimrdi..
' Violin and liiiitnr Strings, Pistols, Hro'rcrf
I Caps, Spectuel 's, unri 11 frcat many ntlier fnnay
' and useful nrli- 'cs too nu.ueroua lo menti m : nil
I of w inch we w ill sell as well as, the, Clot hi kg.
j AT Till: I.U'iVCTI' CASH l KlrhN.
! Vic invito eiry pir.-oti in need of CI. thing, ti
nt any . f the iib.ive iiiciiti.-iie 1 uiti. les, to tuvi.i
i us w i; h a call 11 11 1 view- 1 :,r 1 loo Is and Prices, atul
we are c n!i,le:it ilia' v.' cai. :vc s.iti-fio'tion s ,
bar every person .-hill '1 , 1 itvii'..-il to td! hi
fiicnds where jr. 1 ,, nnd cheap I " t li 11 tin ha- ;r:
We nro etiiistantlv rcceiviiiir"i. i to oil
Sloci. tinm our M.iiiiii'iictiirniir Ksli '
in Plrl.idclphi.i, and .-iiall iihvnya be 1
:i go 'd taricly of nil M tich s in . .
shall surpass in ety!e, t u!, r nd w- . .
chcapi.i.-s. of f.ny otlcrsi - '
incut in this pnit of the Slut ' :
honest dealings', we hope to' 1 "
of Public J u!rnuii.
UKlZlvNSI'HIN I',, -
Ci, arrield, Pa., April 0, 1M12.
.lild w ik..
, whic
1 . 1 she
-. CO.
.larln'l Mreel, ( Ifarfidii. ZV..
"tONSTANTLV cn lin d a 1,-r
etc. I stock nl
lord's a cjiemk;al.s,
Puints, Oil.-, Varnishes nnd Dye-MufTs,
Paint Urushoti, und Dru-heiof all kinds,
Perfumery nnl Fniiey Articles, ,
Toi-a' ot an l iScgars,
I -Diunrs fur MrdirlMnl I'm poses, neiu.iinr
Hrumly, whiskey, (iin. Port. Sherry nnd Madeiri
Wines, ,tc, ,te , t,t.
CLJ LT- rJlsl i!3 23 i 211 j
A large ; iK-!i cunstanily ..u hand, ,-f ;he tin,-1
ni' ror -1 111.1V for durability -ind 10 ,rt,
i r'. TI,f Doct-r w 11 I't'i-s na 1 i.eriiite:-
this ucpartuient of tint biisine.-.
Clcaifl, Id, Ma I. -Cm.
1 IColUi,
j. ,v..-, ,,-,1). ,f ()., :su.
V U I I. A I) ll L 1' il I 4 ! A
mill IXSTITUTIOX, which 1. est;,'
- 1 lisht-d in 1S, n ill ! umv cou c 1 t!v 1
the eighteenth year of its i-xirtenoc hiiiab .
unions its giaduiites. hundreds of the most s .
ecsslul lien li nils, und Rusiiu ss Men of .1.1 cor,
. try.
Tin; Oa.nn of iho Insiiiiition isfolely to afTo
,i tiling men fa. ilitit s for thorough prcf in u'inii I
I huslne.-s.
Tiik IIhimiii.s t.mumt i .', l;,,;,h ,
I nppli -able l. the vurioin dep.irtments of ir, 'e ,
1'i..sav-iii., both plain und; Co'
i 111:1:1 l.i 1. I,i, M Allien a lies, N.i 11. wio.N, I i .
j llNi.i-.i;i;ii:Mi, Diiawixi. lifiM..i:ii.ti-iir. and M. -
I KI1N LlUl,AOI'..s.
Till". Sv.-iri M nf IsTiioin i tion is pcculi ir; 1
Classes or s, t Ics.oiis are in.-nln use of, but ea
flu, b'l, t is tnughl in-lii so Hint hem
cotniueti: e ut any t 'mm, and ulMcl nt whatvi
! hours nre m ,.t . . 1 , 1 - r. i . nr.
, ks nr" is nc I iiiinunllv itficr ihe L'
f of Airil, coiidiining ni mes of the liiil..ris for I
' y(.-xp, ml lull pniticiihtrs of terms, Ac . and in
i oe (ii'iiiiueu ii t liny 1 1 ill o uy le. iri .s.nji
- ,,,..!
I 1 ' ' ,. . . ,
it Lxn.Nsivi: A. ...'OiofAiiovs. wide spn
, f rep,,.,,,!,.,,, nnd ti,,. Ii-ng.hy , xpeiien, , of -
I i ll lie i ; 'in, 1 1. 1 - in.-inmi' ii ";ii-1 - i.h i . r ii j t
J l' nny n(lir in th' riiiniry, f'i' ymin in on w i
I irjr t" prcpnr T r Ininiii". nn'l 0. -M.uii .il ; .
- I,,.... a . tlhich trill I. r.w...
mi,n,i;..i,.n f(.r !,' inm-w M. r.-.-u.i.u
J. C?Citi rTKMiKX'pS'Tit't ui TrjutiHui ou li.i
K k i I" I n cj, now nifire h iilfly ( ii culiUvil iluiti.
-llitT wi rl. mi tin- mi '".'(. fir" tjr ,uv u (!. .
f. II.'!. (,!.-! i It IT I'KVDKN".
All in.' v -at - Lav,
Pliibidilph a,.iii., 2J ln'2 ly. jf P::ct: i...
lif.ANKS frs4l;atflii3o!li
5 1
I '
I -
I s
V s